Firstnews march 2014 web

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March 2014


Sunday, March 30th 5:00 -7:00 pm We will once again meet in homes for fellowship and encouragement. After you share a meal your group will decide what they want to do to Offer Hope to the Community. Some possibilities are mowing grass or cleaning gutters for a senior adult; making and delivering a gift basket for first responders or paying for washing clothes at a laundromat. There are endless possibilities.

Let me begin by thanking you for the incredible response we have had as we embark on Offering HOPE. This is a journey that will lead to numerous opportunities to “be Jesus” to people in our community. The idea of Offering HOPE is not new. In truth, it did not originate in the minds of men; it came from the heart of God. HOPE is ours because Jesus has saved us and Offering HOPE is the natural expression of our salvation.

Pastor Mark Bryant

Ministerial Staff Senior Pastor

Mark Bryant []

Associate Pastor

Fred Lewis []

Worship Pastor

Neal Terwilliger [

Associate Worship Pastor

Darren Gray []

Minister of Education

Bruce Welch []

Minister of Recreation & Outreach

Mike Armstrong []

High School Student Pastor

Heath Anderson []

Middle School Student Pastor

Michael Tollison []

Minister to Children

Brit Fisher []

Director of Preschool & Kindergarten Tracey Cody []

The purpose of HOPE is twofold: to bring glory to God and to introduce others to Jesus. Every time we have the chance to pull a weed from HOPE’S Garden, to give a jacket from HOPE’S Closet, service a car through HOPE’S Car Care, serve a meal with HOPE’S Kitchen, visit a nursing home or hospital, we offer HOPE. Through the ministries of HOPE we minister to real needs, but we also understand there are needs that go deeper than physical hunger. The HOPE others need to encounter can only be experienced in Jesus, so we seek, by the power of the Spirit, to be the visible expression of God’s love in a broken world. Every meal that fills an empty stomach opens the door to speak to an empty heart. Every coat that is given to protect someone from the cold provides the opportunity to introduce him or her to a Savior who will protect and keep their soul. Every prisoner living behind bars can be introduced to the King who holds the keys to REAL freedom. My prayer for the church (for you and for me) is that the Spirit will help us understand that HOPE is not just another banner that we hang on the wall for a season. HOPE is a way of life. We have the privilege of walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, as those who are seated with Christ in the heavenly places, and declaring through our grace filled lives that in Jesus there is HOPE. There is HOPE for broken hearts. There is HOPE for wounded spirits. There is HOPE for those who have no HOPE. As we move forward, I believe the Lord will continue to use us to touch our community, our country, and even our world as we take the HOPE that is in us and share it with those around us. As we talked about before, for the followers of Christ, HOPE is here. Seeing that we have experienced HOPE in Jesus, I pray that the natural outflow will result in the expression of HOPE in tangible ways. What an awesome privilege we have as the people of God to show the lost, the disenfranchised, the marginalized, and the forgotten people in this world, HOPE is on the way. Pastor Mark

Business Administrator

Tommy Johnston []

Director of Technology Scott Singleton []

FirstNews is a monthy publication of

First Baptist Church 116 Oak Avenue Sulphur Springs,Texas 75482 (903) 885-0646

ROC Note

Original loan Total paid Principal pd Int pd Balance

$ 2,250,000.00 $ 974,084.62 $ 824,763.12 $ 149,763.12 $ 1,425,236.07

all ages welcome!

La Primera iglesia Mission Pastor Amadeo Miranda []

Saturday, March 29th 8:00 AM Cost: $3

SIGN UP FOR CAMP ONLINE OR IN THE CHURCH OFFICE Early Bird Camp Sign up going on now through March 31st Pay $75 non-refundable deposit to hold your spot

ADULTS 55+DIAMOND SET Tuesday, March 25th Fellowship hall 10:30 -11:30 am Games, dominoes & blood pressure checks 11:30 am Meal (Bring a vegetable or a salad) 12:00 pm Special Music Program

SAVE THE DATES... Fundraiser Meal APRIL 2 Nicaragua 5:00 pm 55+ Purley Gates Evening of Music

Bus leaves at 4:30 pm


Singing Men of Texas Concert Civic Center 7:00 pm


Lord’s Supper at the ROC 6:30 pm

18 30

Secret Church 5:30 - Midnight


National Day of Prayer 6:30 pm

March 9th





September 19 & 20 at American Airlines Center 7:00 - 10:00 pm Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday

Remember to set your clock forward.

Sunday, March 16 Middle School & High School meet together in the Youth Building. 5:00 pm

Premium seating in section 105. Tickets are $103.00 ( Hotel not included) Contact Shirley Bland in the church office.


March 23 & APRIL 26


Tuesday,March 11th at 11:00 am g n i S n m y H

Meet in Fellowship Hall at 10:30 for light refrehments. Sing your favorite hymns at 11:00 in FBC Chapel.


Fundraiser Meal Wednesday,April 2nd 5:00 - 6:00 pm Fellowship Hall

High School Monday Nights....don’t miss out! HS Girls meet @ 6pm in the Youth Building, HS Guys meet at 6pm @The Andersons. Everybody meets up at The Andersons @ 8:00 for Monday Night fun & fellowship!

Adults 55+ Trip to Ennis

Tuesday, April 15 Bus leaves at 8:30 am Cost: $10 Sign up and pay in the church office. Limit of 28 people

Does your vehicle need an oil change or minor maintenance? Hope's Car Care behind the Youth Buiilding Saturday, March 29 9:00 am - noon

No Wednesday Night activities on March 12th due to Spring Break. (Mid Week Bible Study, Choir & Praise Band rehearsal WILL meet at regular time)

All activities will resume on March 19th.

116 Oak Avenue Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482

Non-Profit Organization U.S Postage Paid Permit No. 174 Sulphur Springs, Texas

Address service requested

Featuring the Sanctuary choir, soloists, and orchestra of FBC

Sunday, April 13, 2014 6:00pm in the FBC Worship Center

Spring Musical

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