Firstnews november 2013 proof

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Volume 4 Issue 11 October 2013

Pastor Mark Bryant When we arrived on the field in 2009, we were amazed at the amount of Kingdom work that this church participates in throughout the Summer. We have Mission Trips, Vacation Bible School, Camps and Retreats for all ages. It seemed like we accomplished in 12 weeks what some would do in a year.

Senior Pastor

Mark Bryant []

Associate Pastor

Fred Lewis []

Worship Pastor

Neal Terwilliger [

Associate Worship Pastor

Darren Gray []

Minister of Education

Bruce Welch []

Minister of Recreation & Outreach

Mike Armstrong []

High School Student Pastor

Heath Anderson []

Middle School Student Pastor

Michael Tollison []

Minister to Children

Brit Fisher []

Director of Preschool & Kindergarten Tracey Cody []

Business Administrator

Tommy Johnston []

Director of Technology Scott Singleton [] La Primera iglesia Mission Pastor Amadeo Miranda

FirstNews is a monthy publication of

First Baptist Church 116 Oak Avenue Sulphur Springs,Texas 75482 (903) 885-0646

Along with the Harvest Day offering, we have two church wide events for the month of November. The first opportunity for ministry will take place on November 7th. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association will be televising “MY HOPE AMERICA” on the evening of the 7th. The goal is to enable us to evangelize our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers by simply inviting them into our homes to hear Dr. Billy Graham and others tell the story of Jesus and His love for us. We all have people in our lives that need to hear the gospel. MY HOPE AMERICA is an amazing tool to help us lead our community to Christ. The second opportunity is November 10th and we call this “The Gathering”. We are encouraging the body of Christ to reach out to the community and bring them to worship. When I consider the potential wrapped up in these three significant opportunities for Kingdom growth, I find myself in the same frame of mind as the apostle Paul in Romans 12, literally begging you to take advantage of these opportunities. In John 4:35 Jesus said, “Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes harvest’? Look, I tell you, and lift your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest”. Living For His Glory! Pastor Mark


Ministerial Staff

It was easy to miss the fact that everything that takes place in the summer is linked to a great deal of planning through the year and the generous offerings we bring in the Fall. Harvest Day is the catalyst for this body of believers to declare the gospel to some who have never heard, to love those who have never experienced the love of Jesus and to encourage believers who are struggling in the midst of difficult circumstances to be salt and light in their part of the world. Harvest Day makes it possible for our students to get away and focus on Jesus, learning what it means to trust Him and to walk with Him. I realize you have already received a letter concerning Harvest Day but I want to encourage you, even if you are just beginning to prepare, to seek the Lord and His direction in giving and to let you know that you can bring these offerings through the month of November and simply designate them as Harvest Day Offering.


theGA HERing High Attendance Sunday November 10th

YOM Shoe Drive through November 3rd. Please bring a new pair of shoes to the container in the Welcome Center to help Youth on Missions complete their goal of 500 pairs of shoes!

p Christmas Village Ministry

TOY DRIVE starts NOVEMBER 10thPlease bring new or almost new toys to the Welcome Center.

This is Christmas

Saturday & Sunday December 14th & 15th 6:00 pm

Rehoboth Baptist Association Annual Meeting 6:15 pm at FBC Mt. Vernon Sunday evening, November 3rd

Bible Skills and Thrills begins

Sunday Nov. 10th at 5:00 pm grades 1-3

led by Lindsey Holt, Karen Potter

grades 4-5

led by Kristi Shultz, Shannon Sherman, & Angie Hargrove.

Middle School

Offering @ NEXT...11/6

8:00 pm at the Anderson home

rise youth choir meets November 10 & 24 in the Music Suite

High School Guys Ministry 6:30 pm Monday nights @ Heath’s house

Every Monday night in November!

High School Monday Nights!

High School

7th - 12th Grade DNOW January 24th-26th


Diamond Set Tuesday, November 12th 10:00 am Games 11:00 am Thanksgiving Lunch $4.00 Lunch will be cooked by Lawana Powell. 12:15 pm Music Program Original amt Total paid Principal paid Interest paid Current Balance

Tuesday, November 5th In the Chapel 10:30 -11:30 am All ages welcome! Come sing your favorite hymns. Light refreshments served in Fellowship Hall.

S a m a r i ta n ’ S P u r S e ®

Good News. Great Joy.

$2,250,000.00 749,577.00 619,829.50 130,189.93 $1,630,170.50

December “Save the Dates” “This is Christmas” Musical Saturday & Sunday, December 14 -15 Christmas Toy Village Saturday, December 14th At the ROC Every shoebox gift you pack enables us to reach children worldwide with the good news of God’s love and the true meaning of Christmas.

Adults 55+ Diamond Set Christmas Luncheon Tuesday, December 17th Lord’s Supper Candlelight Service December 24th 5:00 & 6:30 pm

(Childcare will be available during the 5 pm service)


Operation Christmas Child Needs:

RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100

(Remember the items have to fit in a shoebox!)

RED: C:0 M:100 Y:100 K:0

Toothbrushes, toothpaste, toy jewelry, youth t-shirts, writing pads, coloring books, small picture books, hot wheel cars, ball caps, hair clips, any small toys from fast food restaurants. (No toy weapons or military figures please!) Please bring items to one of the containers located give online to around the church through November 3rd. follow your box GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0

urk WOM B ri er h S & ce ru B Auction Annual Christmas 6:00 pm

19th er b em v o N , y a d es u T

LOCaL I n fOR matIOn H e R e

around the world

Scan the QR code to donate online at You will receive an email informing you of the destination country of your box.


at the ROC d! All ladies are invite

What is the Lottie Moon Christmas offering? Southern Baptist churches collect the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for the sole purpose of supporting international missions. Every penny of the offering goes to the International Mission Board’s overseas budget, thus supporting our missionaries and their work.


Operation Christmas Child is a project of ® Samaritan’s Purse, Franklin Graham, President. 1-800-353-5949 |



PRAY For spirituAl AwAkEninG in our nAtion.

a NatioNwide outreach


NoVember 2013


“ N o t b y m i g h t, N o r b y p o w e r , b u t b y m y S p i r i t, S a y S t h e L o r d o f h o S t S . ”

—Zechariah 4:6, eSV

©2013 BGEA

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4/24/13 2:01 PM

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