Volume 4 Issue 9 September 2013
First News What is church? Upcoming Sermon Series
Pastor Mark Bryant
Ministerial Staff Senior Pastor
Mark Bryant [markbryant@ssfbc.org]
Associate Pastor
Fred Lewis [fredlewis@ssfbc.org]
Worship Pastor
Neal Terwilliger [nealterwilliger@ssfbc.org)
Associate Worship Pastor
Darren Gray [darrengray@ssfbc.org]
Minister of Education
Bruce Welch [brucewelch@ssfbc.org]
Minister of Recreation & Outreach
Mike Armstrong [mikearmstrong@ssfbc.org]
High School Student Pastor
Heath Anderson [heathanderson@ssfbc.org]
Middle School Student Pastor
Michael Tollison [michaeltollison@ssfbc.org]
Minister to Children
Brit Fisher [britfisher@ssfbc.org]
Director of Preschool & Kindergarten Tracey Cody [traceycody@ssfbc.org]
Business Administrator
Tommy Johnston [tommyjohnston@ssfbc.org]
Director of Technology Scott Singleton [scottsingleton@ssfbc.org] La Primera iglesia Mission Pastor Amadeo Miranda
FirstNews is a monthy publication of
First Baptist Church 116 Oak Avenue Sulphur Springs,Texas 75482 (903) 885-0646 www.ssfbc.org
Just the other day I had a dream. We as a church were hosting an event at our church and Dr. Billy Graham was to be the keynote speaker. I guess if you are going to dream you might as well dream big, right! Well the strange thing is that we are actually hosting an event in the Fall and Dr. Billy Graham is actually going to be the keynote speaker. As I mentioned in the last newsletter article, we will be joining churches across the U.S. in a nationally televised campaign, “My Hope America�. The date that I am asking you to set aside is November 7th. That evening, in homes all across this nation, there will be believers, just like you who will invite friends and neighbors to come and hear the gospel in a very clear and concise message. Dr. Graham, along with the testimonies of others who have come to faith in Jesus Christ, will walk people through the message of the gospel and our primary role will be to serve as a host to those who need to hear the gospel. Let me encourage you to take a piece of paper, or make a list on your telephone or computer of people that the Lord puts on your heart to invite. Please do not put this off because we want to be faithful in our praying. As these names come to you, write them down and begin to pray. Before you ever invite them to your home, I encourage you to intercede on their behalf before the Lord. Pray that the Spirit of God will make them receptive to your invitation to come to your house. Pray that they will be hoping that you will invite them, even though they will not know why. Pray that they would not even think of saying no. Pray that they will receive the message of salvation in Jesus Christ and be radically born again. If you have not picked up on this yet, we need to know that this is not a time to put together a nice church social and invite all our Christian friends. Fellowship is a necessary part of our walk with the Lord but the goal for November 7th is to go out to the highways and by-ways and invite those who will spend eternity separated from the Lord to have an opportunity to hear the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. We will talk more about ways to invite people to your home and provide you with the tools that you will need but for now I want to ask you to begin to pray for them by name, asking the Holy Spirit to begin working and drawing them to Jesus. One last word of encouragement, September is a wonderful time for the body of Christ to reengage. I know that the summer months prove to be very busy with vacations and family outings. I am praying that this will be a month that brings us all back to worship, fellowship and to encourage one another as we press on in our walk with Jesus Christ. I look forward to seeing you in the weeks ahead. Pray without ceasing. The day of His appearing is near. Keep the Son in your eyes, Pastor Mark
3rd Floor 5:00 pm on September 15th, 29th, October 13th, November 3rd, 17th and December 1st
High School Girls Ministry 6:30 pm Monday nights @ the Youth Building
Youth on Mission
High School Guys Ministry 6:30 pm Monday nights @ Heath’s house
Sunday nights at 5:00 pm
Middle School meets on the 3rd floor on September 22nd, October 6th & 27th, November 10th & 24th and December 8th. High School meets in the the youth building on September 15th & 29th, October 13th, November 3rd & 17th and December 1st.
High School Students... Sunday School 9:45 am at the ROC
See what is
Wednesday Nights doors open at 5:30 pm... come hang out before Worship starts at 7:00...in the youth building.
Save the Date! Middle School & High School
8:00 pm at the Anderson home
Preschool Wednesday Nights
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Wacky Wednesdays 7:00 -8:00 pm Grades 1-3 Kid Zone Grades 4 & 5 Zone 45
Wednesday Night October 9th 6:00 -8:00 pm @ Prim Drop off and pick up there!
f 2nd Tuesday of the month In the Chapel 10:30 -11:30 am All ages welcome! Come sing your favorite hymns. Light refreshments served.
Looking ahead to Summer 2014-
ROC Loan Balance
Original amt $2,250,000.00 Total paid $677,077.54 Total Int paid $119,521.39 Total Principal paid $557,998.04 Loan Balance $1,692,001.96
June 1 Senior Sunday June 8-14 Endeavor Mission Trip to Chicago. June 16-20 VBS 2014 June 22-28 Austin Mission Trip & Rio Grande Mission Trip July 6-11 Middle School Camp & July 6-12 Rise Youth Choir Trip, July 8-11 Grades 4 & 5 Student Life Camp July 16-19 High School Senior Trip July 19 Endeavor at the Lake July 21-25 High School Camp in Denton, TX July 27 - Aug 2 Milwaukee Mission Trip Aug 7-9 Kid's Camp at Lakeview Baptist Assembly
Saturday, September 28 Fellowship Hall @ 8:00 am
Starts September 11th
Young Men’s Bible Study Wednesdays at 7:30 pm Conference Room
All ages invited
Cost: $3.00
Saturday, October 12th 8:00 am Lake Fork Golf Course
for 18 years of faithful service!
Sign up with Neal in the church office.
Enjoy your retirement years! Watch the calendar for meeting dates. Diane Randolph Average age 60 + Up Time and date TBA Contact Karen Bailey @ 803-885-3555. Bruce & Sherri Burk Average age 40-60 Meets 2nd Tuesday each month at 6:30 p.m. in different homes. Contact Jan Vaughn @903-945-2190. Joy Fenner Average age 60 + up Meets 2nd Thursday each month at 10:00 a.m. in room 108 at the church. Contact Jo Ledbetter @903-885-2906.
Diamond Set Tuesday, September 24
10:00 am Games & Blood pressure checks 11:00 am Lunch-Bring a vegetable or salad. Church will provide meat, drink & dessert. 12:15 pm Music ProgramFred Randles
Rebekah Naylor Average age 30-50 Meets 4th Monday each month at 6:30 p.m. in different homes. Contact Cathy Glenn @903-885-2628. Laing Turner Average age 20-35 Meets 3rd Tuesday each month at 6:30 p.m. in different homes. Contact Debbie Nix @903-885-5302. Joyce Perimon Average age 45-57 Meets 3rd Tuesday each month at noon in the Conference Room. Contact Lindy Sarine @903-885-9599
Christmas Village Ministry is now accepting toys for the shopping day on SAturday, December 14th Drop off location is at The ROC.
116 Oak Avenue Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482
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