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116 Oak Avenue 75482 903-885-0646

• Financial Peace University This is a life-changing program that teaches you how to make the right decisions with your money and empowers you with the practical skills and confidence needed to achieve your financial goals and experience true financial peace! Over 650,000 families have already benefited from this life-changing program that: • Teaches financial responsibility with easy Baby Steps. • Helps eliminate debt using the Debt Snowball. • Offers accountability and continued support with lifetime membership. • Trains participants to spend every dollar on paper with the zero-based budget planner. • Empowers people struggling with financial hardships by establishinga plan to take control of their money.

Led by Karen Burney

Sundays, 5:30 pm Room 108 9 Fall Sessions, $100.00

We are glad you are interested in New Life Journey, the discipleship ministry of First Baptist Church. Discipleship training is an essential part of any growing Christian’s life. There are many facets of discipleship training including assimilating new members into the church, promoting spiritual growth, strengthening family relationships, and equipping members for leadership and ministry. It is the goal of New Life Journey to offer classes that promote these four objectives in a systematic progressive manner. Take a prayerful look through this brochure and decide which course is right for you. You don’t need to sign up for a course ahead of time. Just show up on the first night the course is offered. You may purchase a book in the classroom during the first session. Most books and course materials cost $10.00. We are confident God will bless you as you seek a deeper walk with Him.

• Made to Crave

• Power of a Praying Parent

Made to Crave is the missing link between a woman's desire to be healthy and the spiritual empowerment necessary to make that happen. The reality is we were made to crave. Craving isn't a bad thing. But we must realize God created us to crave more of him. Many of us have misplaced that craving by overindulging in physical pleasures instead of lasting spiritual satisfaction. If you are struggling with unhealthy eating habits, you can break the 'I'll start again Monday' cycle, and start feeling good about yourself today. Learn to stop beating yourself up over the numbers on the scale. Discover that your weight loss struggle isn't a curse but rather a blessing in the making, and replace justifications that lead to diet failure with empowering go-to scripts that lead to victory.

Led by Janie Litzler

Wednesdays 6:00 pm Room 204 6 sessions - $10.00

Learn how to turn to the Father and place every detail of your child’s ife in His loving and capable hands: • • • • • • • • •

safety character development peer pressure school marriage friends realtionship with God career choices adolescence

Whether your child is three or thirty-three, it’s never too late to discover the joy that comes from being a part of God’s work in your child’s life. Led by Karla Johnson

Wednesdays 6:00 pm Room 203A 7 Fall Sessions, 7 Spring Sessions - $10.00

• The Truth Project

• Men are Like Waffles, Women are Like Spaghetti

In a recent study, the Barna Research Group revealed a stunning statistic that continues to reverberate throughout the evangelical world. Only 9 percent of professing Christians have a biblical world view. Because of this, today's believers live very similarly to nonbelievers. A personal sense of significance is rarely experienced, we spend our money and time on things that fail to satisfy, and we begin to wonder what life's ultimate purpose really is. We are, in short, losing our bearings as a people and a nation.

In this innovative and fun approach to the differences between men and women, relationship experts Bill and Pam Farrel provide humorous stories, easy to understand examples, and clear directions to help you achieve harmony in your marriage. Learn how to really connect when communicating with each other, experience greater closeness in your day-to-day lives, turn irritations and conflict into positive responses and be supportive of each other.

The Truth Project is a DVD-based small group curriculum comprised of 12 one-hour lessons taught by Dr. Del Tackett. This study is the starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective.

Led by Mark & Carol Miller

Led by Neal and Donna Terwilliger

Sundays 5:30 pm Room 107

Mondays, 7:00 pm 501 Gail Drive 7 sessions - $10.00

Led by Carole Stanley

Wednesdays 6:00 pm Room 203B 6 Fall sessions, 7 Spring Sessions - No cost

• Aging Is Not For Sissies!

• Read the Bible for Life

God determines the quantity of age, but an individual determines the quality of a person’s aging. The decisions that we make each day with the way we live, eat, exercise, sleep and deal with stress determines the quality of aging.

This study helps you to better understand the Bible by introducing you to its history, genres, interpretation, and proper application to transform your life through reading and studying God’s Word.

This course will deal with exercise, eating right, legal documents in aging, learning to leave a legacy and looking at physical death.

Read the Bible for Life teaches you how to read the various types of biblical literature in a way that unlocks God’s intended meaning, enabling you to accurately interpret the Bible and appropriately apply its teachings to your life. Read the Bible for Life provides tools and a process for ongoing, life-changing training that equips you to understand this grand story and how its various parts fit together.

Led by Fred Lewis

Sundays 5:30 pm Room 106 6 sessions - No Cost

God inspired the biblical writers to use a variety of literary types, including stories, poetry, proverbs, parables, and others.

Once you understand the story of Scripture, you can better understand how you fit into that story.

Led by Doug Evans

Wednesdays 6:00 pm Room 202B 9 sessions - $10.00

• 40 Days in the Word

•The Story

No other habit can do more to transform your life and make you more like Jesus than to study and act upon God’s Word. To be a healthy disciple of Jesus, feeding on God’s Word must be your first priority. Jesus called it “abiding”. He said, “If you abide in my word, then you are truly disciples of mine.” (John 8:31 NASB) By the end of our 40 Days together you will: · · ·

Love the Word of God like you’ve never loved it before… Learn the Word of God like you’ve never learned it before… Live the Word of God like you’ve never lived it before…

Join Pastor Rick Warren as together we spend 40 Days in The Word.

What is the Gospel?

There is perhaps no more crucial question facing the Church in the 21st century. As postmodern thought continues to spread and many are questioning whether there is such a thing as truth, the Bible stands as an unchanging and infallible source of all things pertaining to life and godliness. The Bible is true truth! And the Bible not only contains the Gospel, but at its very foundation is the redemptive message of God—which is the best news ever communicated. While many have been guilty of reducing the Gospel message, the team at Spread Truth is committed to putting forth the Gospel message with an unyielding submission to the inerrancy, infallibility, and sufficiency of the Bible.

Led by Bruce Welch

Led by Pastor Mark Bryant

Sundays 5:30 pm Room 101 6 sessions - $10.00

Tuesdays 6:00 pm Conference Room Ongoing -$10.00

• Celebrate the Feasts of the Lord

• Men Leading the Charge

Christians too often ignore their own history. We have failed to recognize that the Old Testament was the Scripture of our Lord and the earliest Christians, and that the land of Israel was not only the place of the birth of Jesus but the place of his life and ministry, his death and resurrection. The Hebraic culture was the one in which our Lord was immersed, and the earliest Christians were Jewish. The Jews have observed the Sabbath and the festivals since biblical times. They invest their lives with spirituality and godliness. The challenge for Christians is to find meaning in biblical rituals that seem consigned to a bygone era and a foreign culture.

Led by Judy Brown

Sundays 5:30 pm Room 104 8 sessions - $10.00

This study will help men understand the kind of husbands and fathers God wants them to be. More specifically, it challenges them to become spiritual leaders in their homes, churches, and communities Men, this is your opportunity to begin a new day; to turn the corner in spiritual growth and start leading the charge! “The enemy watches your game films. He knows your habits, your weaknesses, and your tendencies. This study will give you a game plan to counter his attack and make you an even more effective leader for your family. “ ~ Steve Farrar

Led by Matt Johnson

Wednesdays 6:00 pm Room 205A 6 Sessions -$10.00

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