Careersnews 2a 2017

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NEWSLETTER VOLUME XXXIV No 9 CRN 2 8th June, 2017 There is news from UAC as well as many upcoming events, including informa on evenings, Open Days at TAFE and Private Colleges, holiday workshops, University experience days and revision lectures. University Open Days will be held in late August and early September, dates will be adver sed as they approach. Students are reminded to see me for any further informa on or to make an appointment for help with subject choices, course enquiries, applica ons and career development. UAC NEWS: IMPORTANT CHANGES FOR 2017–18 FOR YEAR 12 STUDENTS There are some important changes to next year’s University admissions. These changes will affect students applying from August 2017. (Students have been provided with this informa on from UAC): The maximum number of preferences will now be five (not nine as currently). There will be an offer round a er ATAR release and before Christmas. There will be an offer round in mid‐January but no ‘Main Round’. Cut‐offs will be published for the pre‐Christmas round and the mid‐January round. KEY DATES FOR YEAR 12 STUDENTS 2nd August: University applica ons open (St Spyridon students will be led through the online process by me in mid –August, a er their HSC trial examina ons) 29th September: on‐ me closing date for applica ons 16th November: SRS November round offers released 7th December: some early offers released 14th December: HSC results released 15th December: ATARs released 17th December: change of preferences closing date for December offer round 21st December: December offers released 3rd January: change of preferences closing date for January Round 1 12th January: January Round 1 offers released

Changes to PINs and ATAR Advice No ces This year, NSW and ACT Year 12 students will receive their UAC PIN number by email instead of in paper form through the post. UAC will use the email addresses listed with the NSW Educa on Standards Authority (NESA)) to send students their PIN, so it’s important that students have provided a current email address to the relevant authority, and that they have allowed emails from the domain in their spam filter se ngs. Students will also receive their ATAR Advice No ce by email this year.

Informa on about these changes will be available in the UAC Guide 2017–18. Students can also follow UAC on Facebook and Twi er to keep up‐to‐date with informa on about receiving their PIN and ATAR Advice No ce. Up‐to‐date personal details To facilitate a smooth transi on to University, students should ensure they have provided their current personal details, including their legal name, to their school and NESA. EARLY OFFERS TO UNIVERSITY Three Universi es now have applica ons open for early offer entry. Students can access informa on about these on the University websites and begin applying. They are also advised to see me for further informa on and assistance. Programs included are: ACU Early Achievers Program – for community service, leadership h p:// pathways_And_entry_schemes/year_12_student_entry/early_entry Notre Dame Early Offers for academic excellence or community, leadership service h p:// sydney/early‐offer.php Macquarie University’s Global Leadership Entry Program ‐ Applica ons Open h p://‐ a‐course/undergraduate/macquarie‐entry/global‐leadership‐entry‐program If you are driven, well‐rounded, service orientated leaders who are achieving good results at school, the Global Leadership Entry Program is the perfect entry pathway to Macquarie and the GLP. Macquarie Uni are hos ng a Make your GLEP App Shine webinar on 13 July. Find out more and apply at Ques ons? Email or call 9850 1890. OTHER UNIVERSITY EARLY OFFER SCHEMES In August, early offer applica ons for several Universi es can be made through the Schools Recommenda on Scheme (SRS), which is accessible through the UAC website. Students will be advised about this a er their HSC trial examina ons. The list of Universi es involved can be seen using this link: h ps:// search?q=srs+ins tu ns&oq=srs+ins tu ns&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.12008j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF‐8 Wollongong University also has an early offer scheme, however applica ons for this open in August also. h ps:// early‐ SYDNEY UNIVERSITY SCHOLARS AWARDS 2018 There are scholarships ranging from $6,000 (for Domes c and Interna onal students) up to $10,000 (Domes c students only) in value and awarded in dura on from one year, up to the dura on of the undergraduate degree, including double degrees. The scholarships will be offered to students who achieve a minimum ATAR of 95 or equivalent in conjunc on with a personal statement. Applica ons open in September 2017. h p:// 20Awards%202018.pdf Future Teachers Scholarships Open Teacher Educa on Scholarships – 220 places available Great Teaching, Inspired Learning Cadetships – 30 places available Applica ons close on Friday 15 September 2017. h ps://

LAW AND BUSINESS INFORMATION EVENING ‐ JUNE 22 UNSW Law and Business invite High School Students in Years 11 and 12 along with their parents, to a end the combined Informa on Evening. There will be two separate Faculty presenta ons on the night. A er the presenta ons, students will have the opportunity to speak first‐hand to current students and staff, who will provide detailed informa on on degrees offered, opportuni es available and what life’s like on campus at UNSW. Presenta on schedule for the night: 6:30pm ‐ 6:50pm Presenta on by UNSW Law 7:00pm ‐ 7:30pm Presenta on by UNSW Business School Students can register via UNSW Art & Design Student Parent Informa on Evening ‐ June 22 The Art & Design Student Parent Informa on Evening is a chance for students and parents to hear about what it means to be a prac cing contemporary ar st, designer, digital crea ve, animator, filmmaker or curator. Their staff, industry graduates and current students will provide insight into the experience of being a UNSW Art & Design student, share informa on about high school subject selec on, the admissions process and por olio entry. UNSW Year 10 Subject Selec on & Info Evening Roundup UNSW held four Year 10 Subject Selec on & Informa on Evenings during the month of May. For those who were unable to a end, a bite‐sized version and the full version are available online: h ps:// v=‐JEeRxzHaa0& UNSW BUILT ENVIRONMENT HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS UNSW Built Environment invites you to join their free High School Workshops. These interac ve workshops will give you a taste for the undergraduate degrees on offer, what it’s like to be a student at UNSW and provide insight into careers you might be considering. This series is open to Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students. Please note ‐ these workshops will replicate the same structure as the April series. Tuesday, 4 July 2017 ‐ 9:30am to Wednesday, 12 July 2017 ‐ 3:00pm Workshops on offer: Alterna ve Admission Por olio Workshop Architecture City Planning Computa onal Design Industrial Design Interior Architecture Landscape Architecture Places are limited! Register now at h ps://‐high‐school‐workshops If you have any ques ons please contact Macquarie University Chemistry HSC Enrichment Day 12 July A one day study program by Macquarie University academics on core and elec ve HSC Chemistry topics. $70 Register online: h p://‐enrichment‐day/ HSC Economics and Business Studies workshop at UTS 9am – 1pm, 22 July @ UTS Business School h p://‐business‐school/what‐we‐do/upcoming‐events‐and‐info‐sessions/ undergraduate‐info‐sessions‐7

University Of Wollongong Years 10 –12 Informa on Evening, Kogarah 6.30pm, Wednesday 21 June @ St George Leagues Club h p:// See all of the Info Sessions: h p:// EXPERIENCE UNI BEFORE YOU START AT ACU'S UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE DAY Registra ons are now open for ACU’s University Experience Day. University Experience Day is a free event held at the campuses for students to meet academic staff and current students, par cipate in prac cal workshops, explore facili es, and enjoy the entertainment and campus atmosphere. Details and register at h p://‐experience Bachelor of Science (Chiroprac c) at CQ University, Sydney CQUniversity Sydney is home to the newest 3 year chiroprac c degree. There is great demand for qualified and registered chiropractors globally. This career delivers work‐life balance, travel and self employment opportuni es. Students at the CBD campus learn from an award winning faculty using the best available facili es. Get in touch for a campus tour at h ps:// TAFE & APPRENTICESHIPS TAFE NSW Open Week Explore your op ons at TAFE NSW Open Week, from 19th to 24th June across NSW TAFE campuses. Far too many Informa on Sessions to list. See them all here: h ps://‐week/ Ul mo College Accoun ng Info Session 6 – 7pm, 20 June @ Ul mo Campus Building G Level 1, Room G1.16 cnr Harris St & Thomas St Ul mo h p:// ng‐informa on‐session St George TAFE Open Day Discover the World of Art & Design 11am – 6pm, 20 June @ St George Campus Ground Floor, Room MG44 19 Montgomery Street, Kogarah, NSW 2217 ‐ Discover incredible courses ‐ Meet our experienced teachers ‐ Get inspiring career advice ‐ Equip yourself with essen al knowledge in a range of media for drawing markmaking & pain ng ‐ Experiment with a diverse range of materials in our hands on ‘Studio Essen als ar st / designer’ workshop. ‐ All materials provided FREE 11am ‐12.30pm: Informa on sessions for Graphic Design, Fine Art & Art Administra on ‐ Community Arts & Cultural Development 12.30pm ‐ 1pm: Try Me ‐ Art and Design Materials 1pm ‐ 3pm: Workshop ‐ Studio Essen als ar st / designer workshop 4.30pm ‐ 6pm: Informa on sessions for Graphic Design, Fine Art & Arts Email:, Ph: 02 9598 6200 h p://‐world‐art‐design PRIVATE COLLEGES ACAP: Bachelor Explore The Australian College of Applied Psychology has launched a free webinar series of 50 short videos to help showcase what life is like for an undergraduate student and the pathway from a diploma to a degree. h ps://‐container/acap‐bachelor‐explorer‐demys fies‐degree‐study‐for‐diploma‐ students/ Experience the Hotel School at the INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL in the Holidays The Hotel School is delighted to share a fantas c opportunity for students ‐ InterCon nental Insights. Together with the InterCon nental Hotel Sydney, The Hotel School is offering a unique experience for Year 11 & 12 students who are passionate about the hotel industry to a end a 1 day program to go behind the scenes of a leading 5‐star luxury hotel.

When & Where 9:30 am ‐ 3:30 pm, Saturday 1st July Treasury Room, InterCon nental Sydney 117 Macquarie Street, Sydney Registra on is $25 per par cipa ng student, with a maximum of 60 students. Click here for further details on the event or contact View the video here. h ps:// nental‐insights‐experience‐the‐opportunity‐with‐the‐hotel‐school‐ sydney‐ ckets‐ ST PATRICK’S INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION St Patrick’s Ins tute will be holding their first Informa on Session for 2018 courses. It is being held at 11 am, on Sunday, 18 June at the Sydney CBD campus at 65 York Street, Sydney. The Cer ficate III in Events will be offered in 2018. This will be completed in Term 1, and the students will move into the Diploma of Business for the remaining 3 terms. They will then choose their elec ve units from the Diploma of Event Management. Other courses available are: Diploma Of Business Administra on, Diploma Of Business, Diploma Of Marke ng & Communica on, Diploma Of Leadership & Management Level 1, 65 York St, Sydney Phone: 0407 278 164 COLLEGE OF EVENT MANAGEMENT INFO SESSION Sat 17th June, 1:30pm – 3pm @ Level 9/28 Foveaux St, Surry Hills h ps://‐session/ HSC AND CAREERS EXPO Last Friday, students in Years 11 and 12 a ended the HSC and Careers Expo at Moore Park, where they had the opportunity to explore the many op ons for post‐ HSC courses and careers. Students were able to ask ques ons of representa ves, par cipate in ac vi es and collect handbooks and contact details from the various ins tu ons on display. It was wonderful to encounter Alexander Cardamis, an ex‐student from the HSC class of 2016, who was awarded a hospitality scholarship from William Blue College/Torrens University and who was represen ng them in a most professional manner at the expo.

Dean Albanakis and Nicholas Kollias at the Expo Scholarship winner, ex‐student Alexander Cardamis at the Expo PwC Higher Appren ceship Program For Recent Year 12 School Leavers This program is for recent Year 12 school leavers who would like a career in the business world. If you know of any ex‐students who would be interested, please pass on this informa on from PwC below: Tradi onally, there has only been one route to a career in professional services. University. Degree. Career. But things have changed. The world of business is changing, and there are now opportuni es available straight out of school.

Just like our graduates, you’ll work on our varied and challenging client projects. Our program is designed to help you develop your business skills and complete your qualifica on, while contribu ng to real client work. You’ll enjoy on‐the‐job training and coaching, alongside me out to study for your exams. When you complete your appren ceship, you’ll have access to the same opportuni es for career progression as a new graduate. Timeline Monday, 8 May: Applica ons open Wednesday, 14 June: Applica ons close Week beginning 26 June: Assessment centres Monday, 31 July: Appren ces commence at PwC Program & Qualifica ons • Appren ces will complete a Diploma of Business, a na onally recognised qualifica on. • Study will include; managing mee ngs, project work (risks, scope, budgets), governance, market trends, managing stakeholders, business requirements, and emo onal intelligence. • The Diploma will be integrated into work prac ces and focus on developing and suppor ng a career in professional services. For more informa on or to apply today, please visit the website : h p://‐careers/higher ‐appren ceship‐program.html NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DRAMATIC ART (NIDA) NIDA offers a range of courses and experiences for Young People across a variety of disciplines from introductory courses in Drama, Ac ng on Screen, Music Theatre and Public Speaking to the Young Actors Studio or Residencies for Young People aged 15‐18 years. Courses run in conjunc on with the school term and holidays in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne and in other major capital ci es and regional centres at selected mes throughout the year. h ps://‐people‐courses NIDA's Informa on Night: Wednesday 16 August 2017, 6–9pm @ 215 Anzac Parade, Kensington NSW h ps://‐day LATTITUDE GLOBAL VOLUNTEERING La tude Global Volunteering will be hos ng a Sydney Informa on Night for the general public as an opportunity for those interested to find out more about the organisa on and the programs on offer for 2017. The informa on session will take place on the 7th of June at the Embassy Conference Centre, 824‐826 George St Chippendale from 6pm‐7pm. Students interested in these programs and their parents are welcome to a end. A link to a flyer for this event is available here: h ps:// 20Night.pdf?dl=0 DEFENCE CAREERS EVENTS June 12 – Parrama a: Engineering Careers June 13 – Canberra: Careers for Indigenous Australians June 13 – Parrama a: Army Reserve June 14 – Parrama a: Trade Careers June 19 – Parrama a: Defence Careers Informa on Session June 21 – Parrama a: Women in Defence June 27 – Parrama a: ADFA June 28 – Parrama a: Royal Military College June 29 – Parrama a: Health Careers h ps://

IN‐DEMAND JOBS OF THE FUTURE This is an informa ve ar cle about future career trends. h p://‐and‐views/future‐jobs? utm_source=Educa on+partners&utm_campaign=222b992998‐ Newsle er_102_May+2017_Educa on+List_05_30_17&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_915df9ae5a‐ 222b992998‐45539097&mc_cid=222b992998&mc_eid=17ebdbcfa9 OTHER USEFUL SITES Automa on and the importance of so skills h p:// on‐technopanic‐and‐the‐future‐of‐work Year 13 Year 13 is an online resource which provides advice and informa on on life a er high school. The website provides informa on on a number of topics including appren ceships, gap year programs, job vacancies, studying, and internships. h ps:// What’s it really like to be a midwife? h p://‐it‐really‐like‐to‐be‐a‐midwife 10 Majors you might not have considered for your arts degree h p://‐and‐views/10‐majors‐you‐might‐not‐have‐considered‐for‐your‐arts‐ degree What’s it really like to be a construc on manager? h p://‐it‐really‐like‐to‐be‐a‐construc on‐manager Automa on and the importance of so skills h p:// on‐technopanic‐and‐the‐future‐of‐work Plumbing Careers This website is for students interested in a career in plumbing. Find out about what you can expect from your career and where to find an appren ceship. h ps://

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