Careersnews 1 1a 2017

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HSC AND CAREERS EXPO—MOORE PARK On Friday, 2nd June, students in Years 11 and 12 will be a ending the HSC and Careers Expo at Moore Park for the a ernoon session. This is a great opportunity for the students to explore all the post‐school op ons available to them, as there will be representa ves from ter ary ins tu ons (universi es, TAFE, private colleges) as well as from the Defence Forces, paramedics and avia on industries. Staff from UAC and NESA (formerly Board of Studies) will also be available to help students with their enquiries. In addi on, some free seminars will be held on different topics. Permission notes for this excursion were distributed to students in Years 11 and 12 last Friday and these need to be returned promptly to the school.

GUEST SPEAKERS FROM UNIVERSITIES Guest speakers from several universi es have been organised to address the senior students during lunch me this term. So far, we have had talks from representa ves of Sydney University and ACU, which proved to be very informa ve and helpful to those who a ended. Students in years 10, 11 and 12 are encouraged to take up these opportuni es to hear about the various courses, entry pathways and facili es available, and to ask ques ons about the different universi es and degrees.

SYDNEY UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND IT INFORMATION EVENING The Faculty of Engineering and Informa on Technologies’ Year 11 and 12 Informa on Evening on Tuesday 30 May is a great opportunity to find out everything you need to know about studying engineering, compu ng, technology or project management at Sydney University. The Dean, key academic staff, current students and an industry representa ve will be on‐hand to answer your ques ons about the degrees. You will also find out important informa on about scholarship opportuni es and get some ps on how to prepare a standout scholarship applica on from the Deputy Dean (Educa on). This event is suitable for parents, students and teachers. Event details: Tuesday 30 May 6:00pm: Arrival & Registra on Where: Sydney Nanoscience Hub, The University of Sydney You will be able to have your ques ons answered during a Q&A panel with the Heads of School and a current student and scholarship recipient. Register at: h ps://‐and‐informa on‐technologies‐year‐11‐12‐informa on‐evening‐ ckets‐34059278218# ckets

SYDNEY UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS INFORMATION EVENING Sydney University scholarships provide recogni on for students who achieve an excellent Year 12 result and have the skills, a ributes and passion to succeed. A endees will hear from current students and staff about a range of scholarships including Sydney Scholars Program, Residen al College scholarships and the Elite Athletes Program. Those a ending will also hear ps on how to write a compe ve applica on and about the internship, networking and leadership opportuni es available to recipients. Date: Tuesday 20 June Time: 6 ‐ 8pm Loca on: Darlington Campus Registra on:‐info‐evening University of Sydney Medicine See 5 short videos and study pathways: h p:// 5 Reasons to Study Pharmacy at the University of Sydney h p://

CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY EXPANDS SYDNEY CENTRE Two new floors were opened including a health precinct to accommodate CDU’s growing health student cohort and further deliver the latest in learning and teaching spaces for business and finance students. Courses on offer to interna onal and domes c students through CDU Sydney include Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Accoun ng and Master of Business Administra on. CDU Sydney is located on Levels 9, 10 and 11, 815 George Street. h p://‐centres/sydney h p:// onal/sydney

UNSW BUSINESS SCHOOL AND FINITY ACTUARIAL WORKSHOP Thursday, 8 June 2017, 9:30am to 12:30pm @ The Rocks, NSW. Year 11 and Year 12 students are invited to a morning workshop where you can find out about the pathway to become an Actuary and learn what an Actuary actually does on a day to day basis. h ps://‐workshop‐finity‐unsw‐business‐school

UNSW LAW AND BUSINESS INFO EVENING Thursday, 22 June 2017, 6:00pm to 8:30pm@UNSW Law, Union Road, UNSW Kensington Campus. High School Students in Years 11 and 12 along with their parents, are invited to a end the combined Informa on Evening. Register online: h ps://‐business‐informa on‐evening

ACU PASSION FOR BUSINESS EARLY ENTRY PROGRAM Applica ons close Friday 15 September 2017 If you are a domes c or interna onal student currently studying Year 12 in Australia and have completed, or are comple ng, a business related subject in Year 11 and/or Year 12, you are eligible to apply for entry to ACU through the P4B Program. h p:// es,_ins tutes_and_centres/law_and_business/school_of_business/ passion_for_business/eligibility_and_applica on

ACU PASSION FOR LAW EARLY ENTRY PROGRAM Applica ons close Friday 15th September 2017 If you are a current Year 12 student studying in Australia, you are eligible to apply for the Passion for Law program at ACU. Applicants require a minimum ATAR of 78 and must complete the Passion For Law Online Applica on Form: h p:// es,_ins tutes_and_centres/law_and_business/school_of_law/ passion_for_law_early_entry_program/eligibility_and_applica on

ACU EARLY ACHIEVERS' PROGRAM If you regularly volunteer in your community – through your school, community organisa on, or cultural or religious group – you could be eligible for the Early Achievers’ Program entry into an undergraduate degree. If successful, you will receive an offer as early as August to study, and benefit from opportuni es to enhance your leadership and volunteering skills while at ACU. Applica ons Close: Midnight Monday 17 July 2017 h ps://

UTS FUTURE TECH CAREERS 6 – 8pm, 5 July @ UTS, City – Broadway. For Year 10 ‐ 12, parents, teachers and career advisors. Hear from industry experts, students and leading academics about the exci ng new tech careers which lie ahead. From robo cs to cyber security to ar ficial intelligence and the internet of things, hear about the unique career opportuni es for emerging graduates and the programs we have at UTS to help you prepare. h p://‐engineering‐and‐informa on‐technology/events/future‐tech‐careers

UTS BACHELOR OF IT CO‐OP SCHOLARSHIP INFO EVENING 6 – 8pm, 2 August @ City ‐ Broadway›CB11 Faculty of Engineering and IT Building, Building 11 The Bachelor of IT Co‐Op Scholarship, valued at approx. $49,500, is a flagship IT program for UTS. The BIT a racts high calibre students who are passionate about technology and mo vated by the exci ng opportuni es which are emerging. It's equally a rac ve to our 50+ industry sponsors who want to work with this niche group of students who are the innovators of the future. h p://‐engineering‐and‐informa on‐technology/events/bachelor‐it‐co‐op‐ scholarship

UTS GOING GLOBAL WORKSHOP 9am – 3pm, 4 July 2017 @ UTS Ul mo Explore your global career op ons with UTS Global Studies on Tuesday 4 July, during the July school holidays. Open to Year 11 and 12 students, this hands‐on day will get you exploring globalisa on in ac on in Sydney. Organised by UTS Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Registra on essen al. Email your interest: fass.marke

UNSW ART & DESIGN'S 2018 UNDERGRADUATE GUIDE h ps:// uide.pdf Teaching scholarships and cadetships Students intending to undertake teaching degrees in 2018 can apply for scholarships and cadetship opportuni es with the Department of Educa on. See this link for more informa on: h ps:// getpaidtostudy

ACU CAMPUS TOURS ACU offers personalised campus tours of any of our six campuses. Campus tours give you the opportunity to come on campus and check out our facili es and discuss your future study op ons. If you are thinking about studying at ACU, our team can provide a more personalised experience. If you would like to individually visit an ACU campus or speak to ACU staff about our course offerings personalised tours are available Monday to Friday, from 9am un l 4pm. Approximate dura on is 30 minutes. h p://

CAPITAL W ‐ WOMEN IN BUSINESS WORKSHOP Friday, 25 August 2017, 9:00am to 2:00pm @ 1 O'Connell Street, Sydney NSW 2000 For Year 11 or 12 female high school students planning a career in business. You will have the chance to chat in person with some of Capital W's esteemed sponsors, which include: Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Ci , Commonwealth Bank, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, EY, Goldman Sachs, Macquarie Group, Morgan Stanley, UBS, Westpac Ins tu onal Bank and Woolworths Limited. The workshop will also explore the different career opportuni es available a er comple ng a business degree at UNSW Business School. h ps://‐w‐women‐business‐workshop UNIVERSITY OF CANBERRA HEALTH OPEN DAY Saturday 3rd June 2017 10:00am – 1:00pm Tour state‐of‐the‐art laboratories and teaching facili es. A end informa on sessions to learn more about courses in nutri on, physiotherapy, radia on, exercise and sport science, psychology, speech pathology, occupa onal therapy, counselling. Join hands‐on workshops, ac vi es and demonstra ons, & Book a one‐on‐one session with a health or sport academic to plan your future career. MIX106.3 will broadcast the event live from UC, with giveaways, a sausage sizzle and more! Opportuni es will be available for visitors to ask ques ons rela ng to course structure, learning outcomes, admission requirements, and career prospects. There will be discussions regarding the Internship program, as well as informa on on placement studies in prac cal courses. For more informa on contact Phone: (02) 6206 8404

WILLIAM BLUE HOSPITALITY OPEN DAY SYDNEY 10am ‐ 2pm, Saturday 12 August @ Sydney Campus, 1 Hickson Road, The Rocks Sydney. See what it is like to study Hospitality Management, Events, Tourism or Culinary Management. h p://‐and‐workshops#

LAING+SIMMONS REAL ESTATE CAREERS NIGHT 6.30pm – 8.30pm, Tuesday 30 May @ The Grace Hotel, 77 York St Sydney, Level 2, Wilarra Room 1 Register online: h ps:// d=246923&

REMINDER: HSC IN THE HOLIDAYS Preliminary Subject and HSC Subject Lectures in the July holidays, and focused HSC Lectures in September. h ps://‐program/

CAREERS WITH STEM This website is a great resource for anyone interested in pursuing a career in a STEM field. Find out where maths, science, engineering, code, health and more could take you, and learn about possibili es you didn’t know existed. h ps://

TSFX SUCCEEDING IN THE EXAMS Saturday 27 May and Sunday 4 June 2017@University of Sydney. Provides students with valuable study skills advice, teaches them how to avoid the costly mistakes made by past HSC students and discover the most powerful, effec ve and me‐saving learning techniques that will not only greatly improve marks – but also boost confidence, reduce procras na on and mo vate students to excel in the HSC.FREE OF CHARGE. We do, however, require that students par cipa ng in this program make a *minimum $10dona on to The Fred Hollows Founda on representa ves that will be in a endance on the day. h p://‐program=mastering‐the‐hsc

KICKSTART IN THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS AT SYDNEY UNIVERSITY 3 July Physics, 4 July Biology, 5 July Chemistry Kickstart Biology, Chemistry and Physics are running in the July School Holidays at the University of Sydney (Camperdown campus). Students can register individually to a end these sessions. h p://‐school/kickstart/school‐holidays.shtml

DEFENCE FORCES JOBS For informa on on all the roles on offer visit h p:// or call 13 19 01

NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY EARLY OFFERS Notre Dame's Early Offer Program gives high‐achieving students a chance to secure their place at university before they sit their final exams. Applica ons are now open. Students can find the applica on form and instruc ons on how to apply at‐offer. Why students apply for the Young Achievers Early Offer Program

 Early Offer takes the pressure off Year 12 students by allowing them to secure their university spot before final exams

 Notre Dame is the #1 university in New South Wales for skills development, graduate employment rate, student support and overall quality of educa onal experience (

 Students are recognised for their dedica on and passion to a broad range of ac vi es, including volunteer work, leadership, sport, the arts and academic achievement Young Achievers get access to Notre Dame’s Leadership Program, including workshops, guest presenta ons and volunteering opportuni es You can find more informa on about the University of Notre Dame at or contact them on 02 8204 4404 or at Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser

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