Careersnews 11a 2017

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NEWSLETTER VOLUME XXXIV No 19 CRN 11 30th November, 2017 HSC RESULTS The 2017 Year 12 students will receive their HSC results on Thursday 14th December. The ATARs will be released the following day, Friday 15th December. If students or parents wish to speak with me at this me, I will be available at school in the mornings of both days and can also be contacted by email UNIVERSITY NEWS REMINDER‐ UNIVERSITY INFORMATION DAYS Following release of the HSC and ATAR results, the following universi es will be holding Informa on Days for students to come in and ask ques ons: Friday 15th December: ACU - both North Sydney and Strathfield campuses Saturday 16th December: UNSW, USYD, UTS, Macquarie University UAC: ACCEPTING MULTIPLE OFFERS HSC 2017 students may receive several offers from universi es and private colleges. It is important to ACCEPT ALL OFFERS as you receive them, then finally decide on the one you wish to enrol in, a er all offer rounds, in 2018.The link below has informa on about the process from UAC.h p:// mul ple-offers-flowchart.pdf GET AN EARLY OFFER FROM MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY Macquarie University is offering an addi onal opportunity for students to receive an offer to study their dream course at Macquarie University before they receive their ATAR. Students need to make sure their preferred course is listed as their highest eligible UAC preference by 11pm Monday night, 11 December 2017. They can list up to 5 Macquarie course preferences and then, if they’re eligible, Macquarie University make them a direct offer for their highest eligible preference on Thursday 14 Decem‐ ber. This is a direct offer from the university and is made outside of the standard UAC rounds. They can s ll be considered for offers in other UAC rounds. Offers in this round will be made to students studying the HSC in NSW, on the basis of their Academic Entry Program, which considers performance in HSC subjects relevant to chosen degrees. Check the criteria on the Macquarie University website. h ps:// For more informa on, visit the direct offer page h ps:// cles/direct-offers? mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWVRJd1pqTmxabVl5TVdReCIsInQiOiJISkZOOEYzUzE3Z1BBSmJSV3hXNTRlMDlOdElLellST1Y0Wmt2 XC80TXdMMjR6RkRtUXUrOU04ZHpyMXdTSTNoWGVkXC9Ic3BTemRZMG4rT1RzRWVMXC9RZz09In0%3D

Macquarie University Women in Engineering Day Wednesday 24 January 2018 You’re invited to a day of ac vi es and workshops to learn more about how engineering can shape our future and tackle global challenges. If you’re a female student in Year 9 or 10 in 2018 and are interested in science and mathema cs, register now to be part of this exci ng event. This is a free event. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Bookings are essen al - h ps:// TSFX HSC Summer Head Start Lectures Get a huge head start to the HSC by working through Year 11 & 12 course materials in advance of school, in a simple, me-effec ve, step-by-step manner. Free A+ notes & bonus lectures included. Lectures are held throughout the holidays at the University of Sydney Year 11 info - h p:// Year 12 info - h p:// Australian Defence Force Academy Applica ons Open Now Applying for ADFA is a compe ve, dual applica on process that can take up to 12 months. It's preferable you apply in Year 11, but you can s ll apply in Year 12. Applica ons for 2018 Year 12 Students (for 2019 entry) close at the end of February 2018. h ps:// on/australian-defence-force-academy/how-to-apply PRIVATE COLLEGES Interna onal College of Management Parent Informa on Evening 30 November. 6.30pm 151 Darley Road, Manly The evening takes the format of a facilitated Q&A session with representa ves from across ICMS including senior academic staff, college management, Industry Training and current students. Topics covered will include admission requirements, cut offs, industry job ready placement training, fee help, student life and support and course details. Register at: h ps:// on-evening-2017 Billy Blue Op ons Day Friday 15th December, 9am - 5pm (drop in any me) @ Ul mo Campus Our diploma and bachelor degrees have different entry requirements. Your ATAR could see you enrolling into a diploma course, that on comple on will offer you a pathway into a bachelor degree. Billy Blue College of Design at Torrens University, offer bachelor and diploma courses in a variety of design disciplines; Interior Design, Graphic Design, Photography, Digital Media and Fashion. If you didn't get the result you were looking for, there are other great op ons for you. Register - h p:// ons-day-sydney-dec-2017 William Blue and Billy Blue Open Days Billy Blue - Saturday 20th January 2018, @ Ul mo Campus William Blue - Saturday 20th January 2018, @ Sydney Campus We know choosing the right course for you is top priority and a BIG decision, that's why we make sure everyone is on deck to answer your ques ons; lecturers, students, graduates, campus support staff and our Course & Careers Advisors. Find out more - h p:// h p://

William Blue College (Hospitality and Management) Open House Wednesday 6 December, 11am – 12pm & 5pm – 6pm Open House is designed to give you one-on-one me with our Course and Careers Advisors and Academics. In your session, you will be given the opportunity to talk about our real-world internships, industry connec ons and the course curriculum. Find out more - h p:// Sydney Design School Info Sessions Wednesday 6 December 2017, 6pm Friday 15 December 2017, 1pm A presenta on from our Director, Amanda Grace will give you a clear idea about what it’s like to study at the School and informa on about career opportuni es in the interior design and decora on industry a er you graduate. Our informa on sessions take approximately 40 minutes and are run during the day and evening. Find out more - h ps:// on-sessions/ Macleay College Career Taster Day 13 December from 11am – 3pm 10 January from 11am – 3pm The aim of this event is to help you make the right decision next year, whether that be to take a gap year, enrol to study or to start working. We will help you to help you learn more about your op ons, the courses we offer, pathways and the Macleay difference. The Career Taster Day will give an experien al snapshot of the career you are considering pursuing, whether that be as a content creator, digital designer, sports publicist, digital journalist or an entrepreneur. Register December - h ps:// on-december Register January - h ps:// EDUCATION USA: USA COLLEGES INFORMATION SESSIONS Educa onUSA will be re-star ng the ‘School Holiday Informa on Sessions’ this January. The sessions will cover general informa on on US ter ary educa on, the applica on system and student athlete requirements. Friday 19 and Wednesday 24 January 2.00pm at the US Consulate Educa on USA are holding two informa on sessions on the applica on process of applying to US colleges and universi es . There is also informa on on spor ng scholarships in the US. Register on the link below. Students can also use the link to book individual appointments if they prefer. www.educa Camp America Job Fair 2018 14 January 10am @ Rydges World Square Get hired on the spot at the 2018 Camp America Job Fairs. Camp Directors from camps all across the USA will be heading to Sydney to hire school leavers and university students. Ask Camp Directors directly about their camps, speak with Student Flights about your a er-camp travel or simply hear more about the Camp America program. Register here - h ps:// Camp America Online Info Session 29 November 6pm h ps:// 6 December 6.30pm Sydney Info session h ps://

SOME USEFUL WEBSITES See What a Young Fashion Designer Does Steph owns her own label and shares how she got into fashion design, explains what a typical day looks like and provides advice for someone who is looking at entering the fashion industry. h ps:// 1300appren ce Job Search Another great resource for finding appren ceships and traineeships h p://1300appren Find out which occupa ons have skills shortages Choosing a job in an industry where they need more workers is usually a smart decision. Right now, most professions are adequately supplied with large numbers of qualified candidates compe ng for vacancies. There are shortages for architects, surveyors, sonographers, audiologists and veterinarians, and many trades need more qualified people. Find out where more people are needed here - h ps:// onal-skill-shortagesinforma on My Health Career videos These videos from My Health Career provide insights into studying and working in a variety of health professions. Check them out – h ps:// Social media and jobs This ar cle from Deakin’s blog gives some insight into how much recruiters take your social media presence into considera on. Check it out – h p:// What it’s like to be a business analyst Read the ar cle – h p:// Your rights at work This page from the Fair Work Ombudsman has informa on about your rights at work as a young person or student. Go to: h ps:// Step into the Shoes of a Chartered Accountant Chartered Accountants display excep onal thinking and a superior grasp of business that truly marks them as unique in the marketplace. They work at some of the highest levels in business as chief financial officers, CEO’s, senior managers and partners of some of the world’s largest organisa ons. h ps:// STEM Fun Engineering Projects Considering engineering? Here are some fun things you can do to get you started from a list of engineering projects. Go to Mars with a rover simulator, or try a building app that tests the strength of your structures against all weather condi ons. h ps:// Tips to increase your confidence before going to uni Read the ar cle – h ps:// Care careers quiz If you’re interested in working in the care sector but don’t know what you want to do, take this quiz to narrow down your op ons. h ps:// Ge ng a job with no experience This ar cle gives great ps on how you can apply for jobs when you don’t have any experience. Read the ar cle – h ps:// Ms G. Hakos—Careers Adviser

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