Careers News 3a 2017

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GUEST SPEAKERS Last Wednesday at lunch me, a representa ve from Notre Dame University spoke to students from Years 10, 11 and 12, informing them about the different courses available, early offer applica ons and the unique quali es of this university. Students were given the 2018 Undergraduate handbook and they heard about the applica on process as well as the high rankings achieved by the university in graduate employment rates and student surveys, as seen on the QILT website. Some of the senior students with the Notre Dame representa ve at the lunch me talk.

UPCOMING HOLIDAY EVENTS There are many workshops, informa on evenings and experience days at universi es, scheduled for the upcoming July school holidays. Students are encouraged to register for, and a end any events of interest.

NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY EVENTS Early Offer & Parent Informa on Evening ‐ Tuesday 27 June This session will provide informa on for all students interested in star ng their uni study in 2018, and as the Early Offer applica ons close on 21 July, this session will also provide informa on on the Early Offer Program, ps and advice on pu ng together a comprehensive applica on. The session will also provide informa on for Year 12 students and parents who want to find out about transi oning from school to uni, student life on campus, fees, HECS and FEE‐HELP and more. Register below and choose one of the sessions available. h p://‐offer

A Day in the Life of a Nursing Student ‐ Wednesday 5 July – Darlinghurst Campus Thinking of a career in Nursing? A end a ‘Day in the Life of a Nursing Student’ and find out about a career in the Nursing profession. Students a ending the day will have the opportunity to find out about the Notre Dame Nursing program, meet academic staff, engage in clinical ac vi es, experience a Nursing lecture and tour the campus. Lunch is provided. Reserve your place through this link: h p://‐day‐in‐the‐life‐of‐a‐nursing‐student Notre Dame Young Achievers Early Offer Program ‐ Applica ons close on Friday 21 July 2017 Exams aren’t the only measure of success. Notre Dame’s Young Achievers Early Offer Program gives Year 12 students a chance to join Sydney’s top‐ranked university for graduate employment even before the commencement of their final exams. More informa on and applica ons are available through their website: h p://‐ offer.php or see Ms Hakos for assistance MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY (IT AND ENGINEERING) DAY On Wednesday 5 July, we’re opening our doors to Year 11 and 12 students for our Technology Taster Day. The day is all about students ge ng a taste of what it’s like to study in the field of engineering and informa on technology at Macquarie. They will be able to: ‐ par cipate in hands‐on ac vi es ‐ learn how to solve real‐world problems using engineering and IT ‐ plan which ac vi es they would like to a end ‐ ask lecturers and students all their burning ques ons about uni life at Macquarie. Lectures, prac cals and tutorials will be run in the following exci ng areas: •Mechanical Engineering • Mechatronic Engineering • Electrical Engineering • Informa on Technology • Games Design • Data Science Of course, lunch and some freebies are included. Register at: h p://‐taster‐day/event‐summary‐ c6499cf8391e4994b06f6275aac0e10f.aspx If you have any ques ons, you can email or call (02) 9850 7250

UTS EVENTS—UTS LAW INFORMATION EVENING 21st June, 6 ‐8pm. This event is open to Year 11 and 12 students and their parents. Program 5:30PM: Registra ons 6:00PM: Presenta ons 7:15PM: Refreshments and one‐on‐one consulta ons with staff, students & graduates 8:00PM: End Find out about: Stand‐alone Bachelor of Laws (LLB) as well as Combined Law Degrees Prac ce‐oriented learning Law scholarships Interna onal experiences Opportuni es beyond the classroom, including the Brennan Jus ce and Leadership Program Entry pathways Student life and support services from current Law students Career opportuni es from Law graduates Register through this link: h ps://‐undergraduate‐info‐evening‐registra on‐form

UTS FUTURE TECH CAREERS INFORMATION EVENING 5 July 2017 6:00 pm ‐ 8:00 pm Futurists predict that 50% of jobs in 2030 don’t exist yet! Hear from industry experts, students and leading academics about the exci ng new tech careers which lie ahead. From robo cs to cyber security to ar ficial intelligence and the internet of things, hear about the unique career opportuni es for emerging graduates and the programs at UTS to help you prepare. Audience Year 10 – 12 and parents Where City ‐ UTS, Broadway RSVP Register for our high school outreach ac vi es using this link: h ps:// Contact UTS Engineering & IT Outreach +61 2 9514 2666

UTS ‘EXPERIENCE UNIVERSITY AT UTS’ DAY 6th July. This is a great opportunity to experience what it is like to be a student at UTS. Follow this link for further informa on and to register for the day : h ps:// utm_source=MailingList&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Careers%20Adviser%20In%20Brief%20June% 202017

UNSW BUILT ENVIRONMENT HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS UNSW Built Environment invites you to join their free High School Workshops. These interac ve workshops will give you a taste for the undergraduate degrees on offer, what it’s like to be a student at UNSW and provide insight into careers you might be considering. This series is open to Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students. Please note ‐ these workshops will replicate the same structure as the April series. Tuesday, 4 July 2017 ‐ 9:30am to Wednesday, 12 July 2017 ‐ 3:00pm Workshops on offer: Alterna ve Admission Por olio Workshop Architecture City Planning Computa onal Design Industrial Design Interior Architecture Landscape Architecture Places are limited, (some workshops have already booked out), so Register now at h ps://‐high‐school‐workshops If you have any ques ons please contact

ACU EVENTS University Experience Days North Sydney ‐ Thursday, 4 July Strathfield ‐ Thursday, 6 July Register now through this link:‐experience

Early Achievers' Program – for an early offer to ACU Open: Now Closing Date: Monday, 17 July Go to: h p:// _cldee=Z2hha29zQHN0c3B5cmlkb24ubnN3LmVkdS5hdQ%3d%3d&recipien d=contact‐ 87b85bc85a40e311b6b41cc1de6e6bae‐422653216d324e95ae3555fa853c2ab1&esid=791df417‐5255‐e711‐8105‐ 3863bb367d20

UNSW Women In Engineering Camp Are you a young woman currently in Year 10 or 11 and want a career where you can be at the forefront of posi ve change for society? Do you enjoy using lateral thinking, crea vity and design? Or do you love problem solving, working in teams or have an ap tude for maths and science? Join us for a four day 'camp' and find out about the exci ng careers available to professional engineers. Applica ons close on 17 September 2017 Monday 15 to Friday 19 January, 2018 h ps://‐us/ini a ves/women‐in‐engineering/outreach/women‐in‐ engineering‐camp

UNSW Co‐op Program Australia’s leading companies take part in the training and professional development of some of the na on’s best and brightest students with a view to recrui ng high‐poten al young professionals. Minimum ATAR of 96 (or equivalent) is required, and aside from training and mentorship throughout university, you’ll increase your chances of being offered a graduate posi on at a par cipa ng company. h p://‐students

UNSW HSC Enrichment Days Chemistry, Physics & Biology 4th, 5th & 6th July, UNSW Kensington Campus UNSW Science is offering 1 day face‐to‐face study programs in Physics, Chemistry and Biology to assist Year 12 students in preparing their HSC exams. Students will also be provided with online study resources which they can study at their own me. Students will undertake a deep analysis of 6 HSC ques ons (2 from each core module) from the view point of a HSC marker. They will relate each ques on to the syllabus and learn how the marking guidelines differen ate student responses. They will act as HSC markers using the marking guidelines to score scripts and to reflect upon their own responses to ques ons. In this way, students will have be er: • Understanding of what cons tutes a sa sfactory response, • Understanding as the “marker” as audience • Idea of what they know and what they don’t know. • Skills in using the ample assessment resources provided by NESA Cost: $95 for each day course. Please register via these links: Chemistry: h ps://‐hsc‐enrichment‐day‐chemistry‐ ckets‐33421387269?aff=es2 Physics: h ps://‐hsc‐enrichment‐day‐physics‐ ckets‐33569178316?aff=es2 Biology: h ps://‐hsc‐enrichment‐day‐biology‐ ckets‐33570905482 If you have any ques ons, contact UNSW Science at

HSC TRIAL PREPARATION LECTURES JULY HOLIDAYS MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY, UTS AND UOW Macquarie University, UTS and UOW are hos ng a series of two hour subject‐specific lectures for Year 12 students in the upcoming July holidays. Presented by expert HSC Teacher/Markers, the top subjects will be covered. Prices start at $20 per lecture and includes detailed lecture notes. Places are limited so registra on is essen al. RSVP h ps:// or call 1300 677 33

TORRENS UNIVERSITY / WILLIAM BLUE, BILLY BLUE – A DAY IN THE LIFE A Day in the Life of Business, Designer, or Hospitality in the school holidays. Saturday 8 July, 9.30am – 3.30pm. Business and Hospitality @ 1‐5 Hickson Road, The Rocks Designer @ 46‐52 Mountain Street, Ul mo h p://‐and‐workshops#Sydney

A REMINDER, INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL SCHOOL INSIGHTS IS FILLING UP FAST! If you're interested in Hotel Management or Tourism, this unique experience is not to be missed. InterCon nental Insights is a 1 day program for Year 11 & 12 students who are passionate about the hotel industry to go behind the scenes of the luxury 5‐star InterCon nental Sydney. When & Where 9:00 am ‐ 3:30 pm, Saturday 1st July Treasury Room, InterCon nental Sydney 117 Macquarie Street, Sydney Registra on is $25 per par cipa ng student. We encourage you to bring your parents along on the day. There will be an informa on session and a tour of the InterCon nental designed especially for them. h p:// utm_source=newsle er&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EDM_Insights_Invite&utm_content=email_body& mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTTJZMk9HTTRPR00yTWpobSIsInQiOiJ4alVJVU5HXC84dFBkZWlDRmN5VDhhNklNa2dlN09kbk5yUk ZhNjZWVXR1dE9YYXZQM0 N0luOVZGcDVqdjZHUVhyS1FpZUNZNGhVWjJzWGU4OVhQRDhBbnBqMTFnY3FWWkJC Q3ZHTFMrYWZvaEYzUTBpNHpJT1oxU0RxSW1mN3oifQ%3D%3D or contact

CSIRO SCIENCE BOOTCAMP 5th and 6th July CSIRO North Ryde, Science Educa on Centre Science bootcamp is an immersive CSIRO science experience for secondary school students. CSIRO Educa on and Outreach host science bootcamp in various capital ci es throughout the year. The two‐day program exposes secondary school‐aged students to authen c scien fic research in contemporary research facili es and gives the students the chance to meet and talk with CSIRO researchers. Students visit working laboratories and see the research currently being performed by scien sts, researchers and technicians. Cost is $250. h ps:// on/Community‐engagement/Bootcamp

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY ENTRY NAVIGATOR Through our Macquarie Entry programs we treat you as an individual and recognise all of the things that make you unique. These range from academic results in relevant HSC subjects to your engagement in your local community, previous study or work experience – and everything in between. Because whatever your personal circumstances are, we believe in credit where credit’s due so we take everything into account. The entry program navigator enables you to compare all of our entry programs and work out which ones suit you best and you’ll quickly discover you have more op ons open to you than you first thought. h p://‐entry‐navigator

UNIVERSITY COURSE UPDATES Ins tu ons may change, add or cancel courses throughout the admissions period, so always check the course search again before applying or changing your preferences. h p://‐search/ University of Sydney Architecture Por olio Day Students may submit a por olio to support their applica on for B Design in Architecture, B Design in Architecture/ Master of Architecture and B Architecture and Environment. The por olio will be considered as part of a student’s applica on if their ATAR is close to, but does not meet, the cut‐off for their desired course. To assist students in developing their por olio, a Por olio Informa on Session and Drop‐in Centre will be held during Open Day, Saturday 26 August 2017 9.30am–4pm. Academic staff will be on hand to provide advice on how to prepare a por olio that highlights students’ crea ve skills. Por olios must be submi ed by 5pm on Friday 27 October. h p:// Appren ceships for 2018

Many large organisa ons are recrui ng now for appren ceships star ng in 2018. Check out the Job Search sites (h p://‐search.html) or Google 2018 appren ceships. Jetstar Appren ceship Program Jetstar an cipate accep ng applica ons for their 2018 intake in mid‐to‐end of 2017. Sign up online to be kept informed of job openings. h ps:// ceship

SYDNEY TAFE INFORMATION SESSIONS At various Tafe colleges h p:// Good Universi es Guide Glossary If you’re feeling a bit confused about all the acronyms and terminology involved in finishing school and and applying to uni, check out this glossary of terms: h ps://www.gooduniversi AIE Online Experience Day Sat 8th July. If you’re interested in studying 3D anima on, game design or VFX at AIE but can’t get to an event in person, check out their Online Experience Day. h p:// JMC Academy ‐ Scholarship Applica ons For 2018 Are Now Open To ensure passionate prospec ve students have every opportunity to enhance their technical ability and pursue their talent to the highest possible level, JMC Academy offers up to 8 Academic Undergraduate Scholarships in each campus, covering one year of tui on fees for any of JMC Academy's eight bachelor degrees. Contact JMC Academy directly for an applica on pack and follow the applica on process details. Alterna vely, a stand‐alone applica on can be submi ed. Scholarship applica ons close on Friday 15 December 2017 at 5:00pm. h p:// c‐students/scholarships NIDA School Holiday Programs NIDA is running school holiday classes over the Winter break, with op ons for young people from Years 7 to 12. If courses are booked earlier than 4 weeks before the start of classes, then an early bird discount of 10% applies. h ps://‐classes New York Film Academy Open Days Saturday 24 June 2017, 10am to 12pm h ps://‐events/ Interna onal College of Hotel Management Career Weeks (in Holidays) 10th July – 14th July 25th September – 29th September These weeks are intended for people who are interested in studying hospitality business and who want to find out if a career in hotel management is for them. Apply early, as places fill up fast. h ps://‐weeks

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