Careersnews 4a 2017

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NEWSLETTER VOLUME XXXIV No 12 CRN 4 3rd August, 2017 SYDNEY UNIVERSITY NEWS Commencing in 2018, the University of Sydney Dalyell Scholars program will challenge talented students to excel by drawing on the University’s rich interdisciplinary depth and breadth through academic, leadership and mentoring opportuni es. The program is available to students who achieve an ATAR (or equivalent) of 98+. Entry is by invita on or UAC preference, depending on the course chosen. Dalyell Scholars will undertake development programs in leadership, research and entrepreneurship alongside industry‐based project learning and mentoring. They will also have the opportunity to cul vate global perspec ves and cross‐cultural competencies through access to interna onal study and internship experiences, including a global mobility scholarship. With more than nine disciplines on offer, the program will enable students to excel in the area they’re most passionate about. For example, arts and social science students can contribute to industry‐based projects with organisa ons such as the NSW Parliament, European Australian Business Council and Telstra. Similarly, science students will be able to take part in the Dalyell Scholars Showcase, developing team building and communica on skills, and accessing tailored research opportuni es from their first year. With the first cohort of Dalyell Scholars commencing in 2018, the program will provide an exci ng opportunity for high‐achieving students to challenge themselves as they cul vate the professional exper se and leadership quali es to join the ranks of our most dis nguished alumni. To find out more about the Dalyell Scholars program, go to: −‐scholars Sydney Scholars Award Applica ons open soon for our Sydney Scholars Award, the University’s major scholarship program. Covering all facul es, the program rewards Year 12 applicants for their hard work during their senior years at high school. Applicants are recognised not just for their academic achievements but also their leadership and extracurricular involvement, revealed through answers to six key ques ons in a personal statement. If successful, each student will receive between $6000 and $50,000, as well as access to mentoring, leadership and networking opportuni es. Applica ons open: 1 August 2017 Applica ons close: 2 October 2017, 11.50pm. For more informa on, go to: h p://‐scholars‐ award.shtml

PROPEL: A PASSPORT TO A CAREER IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS (STEM) Our Propel program allows students to get hands‐on and learn about programming, robo cs, project management, technology and engineering. By simply par cipa ng in four Propel ac vi es while s ll in high school, students will be eligible for a $2000 scholarship to study abroad once they begin their engineering, compu ng or project management degree with us. See:

FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP For students thinking about undertaking a degree in engineering, compu ng or project management, our Leadership Scholarship program offers the key skills and industry networks necessary to build a successful career. Benefits include: − $18,000 per year for the normal period of a degree − access to a range of disciplines − a professional industry placement of up to 20 weeks with leading companies − par cipa on in an academic leadership development program − mentorship from academic staff and an industry mentor to hone professional experience − networking opportuni es with key alumni, government and industry leaders. Applica ons open: 1 August 2017 Applica ons close: 9 October 2017, 11.59pm Go to:

UNSW SCHOLARSHIPS Applica ons for scholarships for UNSW are now open to current Year 12 students who intend studying there in 2018. The Sir Arthur and Lady Renee George Scholarship, worth $8000, is exclusively for students of St Spyridon College. See h ps:// Go to h ps:// and click on “search and apply” to view all the scholarships available. Veris Women in Engineering Scholarship UNSW The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage a female high school leaver to undertake a degree in Surveying and/or Geospa al Engineering by offering assistance of $10,000 p.a. for 4 years. The scholarship commences on January 1, 2018 and concludes 31 December 2021. h p://‐we‐are/community/veris‐women‐in‐engineering‐scholarship/

UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA NURSING AND PARAMEDIC COURSES TASTER DAYS IN SYDNEY The University of Tasmania are opening the doors to their Sydney campuses in Rozelle and Darlinghurst with a series of hands‐ on workshops so you can experience what it will be like to study Nursing or Paramedic Prac ce at the University of Tasmania in Sydney. They will also have informa on sessions and expert advice available so you can learn more about a career in health. Nursing Workshops – Rozelle Friday 25 August 3‐7pm and Darlinghurst Saturday 26 August 12‐4pm Paramedic Prac ce Workshops – Rozelle Friday 25 August 3‐7pm Register to a end at: h p://‐workshop

MEDICAL ENGINEERING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE LAUNCH 22 August. 5.30pm UON has a brand‐new Bachelor of Medical Engineering degree from 2018.Medical engineers are at the forefront of providing innova ve solu ons to healthcare problems. They bring their crea vity, cri cal thinking, and complex problem solving skills to developing and improving technology and human systems in medical se ngs. You’ll also get to hear from some of our experts in the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment on the amazing medical engineering projects they are working on. In this four‐year Honours degree, students will get to choose from 4 majors: Medical devices Medical biomechanics Medical signal analysis Medical compu ng h p://‐of‐engineering‐and‐built‐environment/medical‐engineering‐degree‐launch THE HOTEL SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS The Hotel School recognises talent and invests in the development of high‐poten al students interested in a degree in Hotel Management. The Hotel School annually selects 8 recipients who demonstrate poten al to become future leaders in the industry. Applica ons Close 22 September. See: h ps://

REMINDER : OPEN DAYS AT UNIVERSITIES, TAFE AND COLLEGES‐ SAVE THE DATE Open days will be held a er the HSC Trial examina ons have finished, with most being on either Saturday 19th or 26th August or 2nd September. The dates for each ins tu on’s open day can be found through the following site: h p:// undergraduate/ins tu ons/

AIE OPEN DAY | Sunday 13th August Discover the courses designed to get you started in game development, 3D anima on and visual effects at the AIE Open Day on Sunday 13th August 2017. Sydney, Melbourne Canberra and Adelaide campuses will be opening their doors to visitors eager to find out about full‐ me and part‐ me courses star ng in 2017 and 2018. h p:// 1300 709 019. SAE SYDNEY OPEN DAY ‐ AUG 05 2017 | 11:00AM ‐ 3:00PM If you're considering studying crea ve media, speak to the SAE experienced team about how to pursue your passion in this dynamic and expanding industry. Register here to a end: h p:// Where: SAE Ins tute Sydney 39 Regent Street, Chippendale, NSW Phone: 02 8241 5200 Email: CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY SYDNEY INFO DAY Charles Sturt University's (CSU) Sydney Info Day will be at the Powerhouse Museum, 500 Harris St Ul mo on Saturday 26th August from 10am ‐ 3pm. Come along to find informa on on CSU courses and living and learning at CSU. Students can register online at NIDA INVITES CURIOSITY WITH 2017 INFO NIGHT The Na onal Ins tute of Drama c Art will open its doors for a night of insight into its impressive array of higher educa on courses, on Wednesday 16 August, 6–9pm. Info Night is free, register in advance as places are limited: h ps://‐info‐night‐2017‐registra on‐of‐interest. NIDA ‐ 215 Anzac Parade, Kensington, NSW 2033 Any ques ons: AUSTRALIAN TRAINING COMPANY INFORMATION SESSION The Australian Training Company is holding an Informa on Session for 2017 gradua ng students to explore their op ons post Year 12. It will be held on Wednesday 27th September at 9.30am at 30‐32 Pomeroy St, Homebush. This is an opportunity for students to explore careers in Business, Telecommunica ons, Hor culture, Automo ve, Carpentry, Engineering, Electro‐ technology, Informa on Technology, Commercial Cookery and more. No ATAR is required. Students are encouraged to a end this Informa on Session on voca onal educa on in order to expand their knowledge on the pathways available to them. For more informa on, contact or phone 9704 1500.

SYDNEY TRAINS APPRENTICESHIPS 2018 Closes 6 August Sydney Trains is currently accep ng applica ons to work within Hamilton, to Lawson to Wollongong into its 2018 Appren ceship Program for the following disciplines: Telecommunica ons, Signal Fi ng, Signal Electrical, Substa ons, Rail Trac on, Plant Mechanics, HV Cables, Rail Maintainer Fi er, Rail Maintainer Electrical. Our Appren ceship Program is a four year program (three for Telecommunica ons) that combines paid work and structured training, allowing you to learn a trade and receive a na onally accredited qualifica on. The appren ceship program is a combina on of on the job training and TAFE delivered training. Pay rate star ng at $555.95 per week. h ps://‐trains‐appren ceship‐2018‐77977

HOTEL /HOSPITALITY WORK EXPERIENCE –SEPTEMBER HOLIDAYS Registra on is open for the 2017 Hotel Live Experience being held from 25‐29 September 2017. There are some truly once‐in‐a‐ life me events available across par cipa ng hotels with over 80 immersive experiences and places available for over 500 ambi ous people across many different career choices ‐ plenty of op ons for school students. Find more informa on at: h p://‐live‐experience YEAR 12 APPLICATIONS TO UNIVERSITY Last Friday during Pastoral Care, the 2017‐2018 UAC Guides were distributed to the Year 12 students and they were informed of the upcoming dates for applica ons for university, EAS, SRS and scholarships. Students were advised to wait un l a er the HSC trials have finished to apply. We will have some sessions then to explain the process fully and I will be available to help them with these and any other queries.

GUEST SPEAKERS A student ambassador from Western Sydney University also spoke to the Year 12 students last Friday. During the presenta on, students heard about the new campus loca ons, including in Sydney CBD, and the generous bonus points awarded to HSC students for entry into their courses. The students were also interested to hear about the many scholarship opportuni es available and the op ons for overseas study during their courses.

ST PATRICK’S INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POP‐UP STALL St Patrick’s Ins tute of Educa on (located in the city since 1923) has a fine history of educa ng young people for the business world. They have a very high graduate employment rate and offer diploma courses as well as cer ficate courses. On Friday, 18th August, they will be holding a pop‐up stall in our school canteen area so that any interested students in Years 10, 11 and 12 can ask ques ons and find out about this ins tu on and its various study op ons . See their website for more informa on: h p:// Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser

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