Careersnews 9a 2017

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NEWSLETTER VOLUME XXXIV No 17 CRN 9 2nd November, 2017 Once again, there are many upcoming events for students over the coming weeks, as well as some workshops and ac vi es during the school holidays. Also, there is informa on about the University Informa on Days being held for the current HSC students a er the ATARs are released in December: UTS Nursing Discovery Session Wednesday 15 November Come along to one of our interac ve workshops on campus. Parents, partners and friends are more than welcome to join you. Watch the video ‐ h ps:// Register now ‐ h ps://‐students/health/why‐health‐uts/events‐and‐brochures/discover‐ sessions NOTRE DAME Ge ng to Know Nursing ‐ Tuesday 14 November 2017 The next session in the popular Geƫng to Know Nursing events will be held on Tuesday 14 November from 5.30pm to 7.00pm at the School of Nursing, 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst (opposite St Vincent's Hospital). A endees will hear from the Dean of Nursing about: ‐ Nursing as a Profession The structure of Notre Dame's three year Nursing program ‐ How the School of Nursing produces graduates who are highly regarded for their skills and knowledge and employed promptly in the health sector, and ‐ The key me frames for star ng the Nursing degree in 2018. Students can ask ques ons about any aspect of the Nursing program, receive applica on assistance and submit an applica on for Nursing at the event. Students can register at: h p:// ng‐to‐ know‐nursing2 UNIVERSITY INFORMATION DAYS FOR YEAR 12 SCHOOL LEAVERS The different universi es are holding Informa on Days a er the HSC results (14th December) and ATAR results (16th December) are released. HSC students can a end these days for informa on before making their final course preference changes by midnight on 17th December, in me for the main December round of offers. ACU (Strathfield and North Sydney) have their Informa on Day on 15th December. Sydney University, UNSW, UTS and Macquarie University have their Informa on Days on Saturday 16th December. In addi on, Notre Dame University is holding two different days , as outlined on the next page:

Notre Dame University Course Op ons Day ‐ Saturday 16 December 2017 The Admissions and Prospec ve Students Office will be open from 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday 16 December 2017 a er students receive their final Year 12 results, and before Change of Preferences day on 17 December. Course Op ons Day is a great chance to have a one‐on‐one chat with staff and submit an applica on ahead of Course Info Day on January 4 (see below). On Course Op ons Day students can: Get course informa on Speak with academic staff and current students about courses of interest Apply for the course they're interested in studying in 2018 Loca on: Admissions and Prospec ve Students Office, Pioneer House, 140 Broadway, Chippendale. Notre Dame University Course Info Day ‐ Thursday 4 January 2018 On Course Info Day students can ask their last‐minute ques ons and explore uni op ons for 2018. Students who visit the Broadway campus between 9.00am and 3.00pm on Thursday 4 January can a end sessions on courses they're interested in studying, speak with academic staff and current students and apply for study in 2018. Eligible applicants can also: ‐ Interview with an academic staff member in the course they're interested in studying ‐ Receive an offer ‐ Enrol and choose their first year units Loca on: St Benedict's Hall and courtyard, 104 Broadway, Chippendale SCHOLARSHIPS INFORMATION UTS SCHOLARSHIPS Empowering the bright minds of the future, UTS offers 1000+ scholarships every year. That equates to roughly one scholarship for every 40 students. Students can find a scholarship that best suits them; based on academic merit, disadvantage, elite athlete status and Indigenous Australian. Scholarships for 2018 are now open. Go to: h ps://‐students/undergraduate/essen al‐informa on/undergraduate ‐scholarships/find‐your? utm_source=MailingList&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Careers+Adviser+In+Brief+October+2017 UTS Engineering and IT Women in Engineering Scholarship 20 scholarships worth $10,000 each for young women to undertake study in engineering or IT. Applica ons close 31 October h ps://‐students/engineering/essen al‐informa on/scholarships‐and‐prizes/faculty‐ engineering‐and Women in Engineering and IT Coopera ve Scholarship This scholarship is proudly sponsored by Industry to increase the par cipa on and reten on of young women in engineering or informa on technology. $66,000 over 4 years, plus industry placements and mentoring. Applica ons close 31 October h ps://‐students/engineering/essen al‐informa on/scholarships‐and‐prizes/women‐ engineering‐and‐it Torrens University Scholarships Scholarships are available for study in 2018 across a range of areas including business, design, educa on, health, and hospitality. Hospitality Scholarships – applica ons close 6 November Business Scholarships – applica ons close 24 November Educa ons Scholarships – applica ons close 24 November Design Scholarships – applica ons close 21 January 2018 Health Scholarships – applica ons close 31 December

The Hotel School Scholarship Info Day 22 November,11.30am to 4.30pm The Hotel School recognises talent and invests in the development of high‐poten al students interested in a business degree in Hotel Management. Through its marquee scholarships program, The Hotel School annually selects a number of recipients who demonstrate poten al to become future leaders in the industry. RSVP now : h ps://‐day‐sydney‐2017/ Find out more ‐ h p://‐online/scholarships JMC Academy Scholarship Informa on Evening 12 November. 6.00pm Anima on, Games Design, Sound, Film, Songwri ng and Music, Digital Design and Entertainment. JMC Academy Sydney offers up to 8 Academic Undergraduate Scholarships per year, with the poten al to cover tui on fees for any of JMCs Bachelor Degrees. To register for the session or for more informa on visit: h p:// OTHER NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS University of Wollongong – Global Leaders Development Program The first of its kind in Australia, our GOLEaD Program offers the country’s best and brightest students the opportunity to gain a truly global experience. Students will undertake a global degree and study, live, work and travel in some of the world’s most vibrant ci es – gaining skills and experience that will uniquely posi on them to be among the most sought a er graduates in the world. You can study commerce or computer science. Register your interest here ‐ h ps:// Mastering the HSC with TSFX Sunday 12 November – University of Sydney Saturday 18 November – University of NSW “Mastering the HSC” is a fundraising event designed to provide students with the skills and informa on they need to maximise HSC marks, while also raising much needed funds for The Fred Hollows Founda on. In just one day, you will learn how average students achieve 90+ ATAR scores, and how you can use the same strategies to reach your full poten al in Year 11 and 12. h p://‐program=mastering‐the‐hsc‐2 St Patrick’s Ins tute of Educa on Informa on Session for 2018 courses Sunday, 12 November at 11 am at Level 1, 65 York Street Sydney. Their courses ( Diploma of Business or Diploma of Business Admin) are open to Year 10, 11 and 12 leavers. St Patrick’s ‘Pathway to Success’ can definitely be an op on for them. One of the highlights of the year for the students is the Job Placement Program which commences in Term 3. Already 50% of St Pat’s students have obtained full‐ me posi ons for 2018. Some of these employment firms are: King & Wood Mallesons, Ashurst, Allens Linklaters, Ernst & Young, Baker & McKenzie, MacPherson Kelley Contact 0407 278 164 or for further informa on JMC Academy Enrolling for February 2018 Crea ve thinkers can now secure their place to study with Australia's leading crea ve industries ins tu on before they even receive their HSC Results and ATAR. JMC Academy's early applica on program allows passionate prospec ve students to a end an interview and receive an offer to study on the basis of their school reports. To apply or for more informa on, visit h p://

Defence Informa on Sessions 30 October, 6pm ‐ Parrama a: ADF Opportuni es for School leavers 31 October, 6.30pm ‐ Parrama a: Pilot Careers Informa on Session Find out more and reserve your spot ‐ h ps:// Sydney Design School Info Sessions & Open Day Open Day – Saturday 4 November, 10am Wednesday 15 November 2017, 6pm Friday 24 November 2017, 1pm Find out more ‐ h p://‐sessions/ Coco Republic Design School Drawing and Illustra on Masterclass Saturday 11 November A collabora on between Coco Republic and the Design Centre Enmore, this one day workshop will introduce students to the drawing techniques used by designers to express design ideas. Find out more – h p://‐illustra on‐master‐class‐november The Good Universi es Guide 2018 now available, including new field‐of‐study breakdown The Good Universi es Guide now includes analysis of student feedback and graduate outcomes at a field of study level, designed to support students making educa on and career decisions. The Guide is available as a print guide, free e‐book and a course and career comparison website. Free industry‐specific magazines are also available to download. Please visit: h ps://www.gooduniversi NIDA Young Actors Studio Program – Audi ons Collaborate with other young ar sts in an ensemble to develop skills for stage and screen. Work with the support and direc on from core tutors and gain inspira on from industry professionals. There is a 6‐hour workshop each Sunday during term me for 2018. Audi ons: Sydney Sun 10 Dec, 2017 10am Sun 14 Jan, 2018 10am OR 2pm You need to enrol for the audi ons at: h ps:// VET, APPRENTICESHIPS & TRAINEESHIPS Fit in a TAFE Short Course a er you finish the HSC Consider boos ng your employability with a TAFE short course a er you finish your exams. TAFE NSW offer a huge range of short courses, and many of them are available online, and you can study everything from leadership skills to social media marke ng or even hairdressing. For example, the Statement of A ainment in Intro to Digital Marke ng Communica ons is a 5‐day intensive offered at the start of December, that will give you skills to stand out from the crowd of jobseekers entering the market post‐HSC. Find out more – h ps://‐courses HIA Trades Careers Evening Wednesday 1st November The HIA Trades Career Event is for people who are interested in careers in the building industry and is supported by the NSW Department of Industry and Department of Educa on. Industry professionals will be talking to students about Voca onal Educa on and Training, career pathways and trade and skilled careers. Book now ‐ h ps:// Landscape NSW/ACT Appren ce Meet n’ Greet Monday 6 November, 6.30pm @ Ryde TAFE At the informa on evening you have the opportunity to learn about requirements for Appren ceships, study requirements, and employment opportuni es (meet Landscape Contractors who are looking for 1st year appren ces for 2018). Register to a end ‐ h ps://

Australian Training Company Appren ceships Search the list of available appren ceships and traineeships here ‐ h p://‐vacancies/ Na onal Skills Week Videos Shining the spotlight on Australia's Voca onal Educa on. h p://‐gallery/ SCHOOL HOLIDAY EVENTS STEM Girls at Sydney Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 January 2018 STEM Girls at Sydney is a two‐day workshop for female high school students who will be in Year 9 to 11 in 2018, hosted by the Faculty of Engineering and Informa on Technologies at the University of Sydney. Register now ‐ h ps://‐girls‐at‐sydney‐ ckets‐38216535687 Sydney Science Experience 10‐12 January 2018 You will employ real science – through hands‐on laboratory sessions and interac ve lectures. This is suitable for students about to start Year 10 or 11 in 2018. h p://‐school/experience/ Honeywell Engineering Summer School Sunday 10 ‐ Friday 15 December in Sydney Run by the Ins tu on of Engineers Australia. Honeywell Engineering Summer School (HESS) aims to give NSW and ACT high school students a be er understanding of what engineering is and how it works in everyday life. Over the week, students will a end lectures and demonstra ons at five pres gious NSW universi es. They will also have the opportunity to meet and interact with professional engineers employed by government, private companies, researchers and academics in a wide range of engineering disciplines. Visits with industry provide a valuable opportunity to gain first‐hand experience in the role of professional engineers in a wide range of ac vi es including the management of major projects. Applicants must be entering Year 12 in a government or non‐government high school in 2018. They must be studying two or more units of mathema cs and a form of science, and will need to make their own travel arrangements to and from Sydney. Registra on Closes 3 December at 9am. Find out more and apply ‐ h ps://‐engineering‐summer‐ school Whitehouse Ins tute of Design Summer Workshops January 2018 These short workshops will give you introductory skills in fashion, interior design or photography. Find out more and book ‐ h p:// h p://www.whitehouse‐‐holiday‐workshops SOME USEFUL WEBSITES Beyond school study guide This guide, produced by the Department of Educa on and Training, provides students with informa on about their op ons a er school, including the financial assistance that is available for all types of study. Get the guide here – h p:// 20school%20study%20guide Find a Job with Work For Teens aims to create a common pla orm where teenagers and young adults alike can search the website for hundreds and thousands of part‐ me and full me jobs which cater for both inexperienced as well as experienced teenagers and provides them with a suitable form of income and work experience. h p://

Careers in biomedical science Find out your op ons – h p://‐careers‐in‐biomedical‐science Exam ps from past Year 11 and 12 students Get the ps here – h p://‐hacks‐16‐things‐you‐dont‐want‐to‐do‐come ‐exam‐ me/ Three things first year uni students need to know Get the ps here – h p://‐things‐first‐year‐uni‐students‐need‐to‐know What’s it really like to be an architect? Hear from an architect – h p://‐it‐really‐like‐to‐be‐an‐architect 7 appren ceships and traineeships you may not have heard of Check them out – h ps://‐appren ceships‐traineeships‐may‐not‐heard/ Tech Girls Movement The Tech Girls Movement aims to get more women and girls interested in technology and involved in STEM careers. Find out about the movement on the website. Visit their inspiring videos page – h p://‐videos/ What do vets do? h p://‐as‐a‐veterinarian/ What to do if you don’t get into your first preference You might be a bit worried about ge ng a lower ATAR than you hoped. It certainly won’t be the end of the world – read these two ar cles for some ps of what to do next. h ps://www.gooduniversi on‐blogs/ter ary‐study/what‐to‐do‐if‐you‐didn‐t‐get‐into‐ your‐first‐preference h ps://theconversa‐you‐didnt‐get‐a‐great‐atar‐its‐not‐the‐end‐of‐the‐world‐35361 Australian Training Company Recruitment Day for School Leavers Traineeships and appren ceships are a good alterna ve to university as they give school leavers the opportunity to transi on from school to work, be paid and gain a qualifica on. This does not exclude them from a ending University at a future me. The Australian Training Company is hos ng a Recruitment Day on Thursday 9th November 2017 from 9.30am – 12.30pm at 30‐32 Pomeroy Street Homebush. Year 12 school leavers who are a passionate about industries such as Electro‐technology, Informa on Technology, Sport and Recrea on, Engineering, Business, Hor culture, Construc on, Telecommunica ons, Commercial Cookery and Landscaping would find this a very useful day. Parents and interested school leavers are welcome to a end. The session will cover how Traineeships and Appren ceships work, resume wri ng ps, how to interview and students will also be offered the opportunity to interview for current job vacancies. Students interested in a ending should contact ATC on 02 9704 1500 or in order to register. Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser

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