Code of conduct 2014

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CODE OF CONDUCT The College insists on a high standard of discipline. Students are expected to focus on their learning, behave courteously at all times to both peers and adults and to treat school and personal property with respect. It is the responsibility of every student to control their own behaviour. The College has programs in place to assist students to develop appropriate behaviours. There are also consequences for students who choose to behave inappropriately. College Code of Conduct will be disciplined accordingly.

Students who infringe the

Parents are expected to support the

College in enforcing rules and discipline. St Spyridon College students are expected to abide by the Student Principles and follow the School’s Code of Conduct as given below. 1. Conduct at the College a. Learning and Obedience i

Students are to engage with their learning in a purposeful and focussed manner in order to maximise their own learning.


Students are not to interfere with the learning of others.

iii Students are to obey promptly the directions of all teachers and staff. b. Respect for Self and Others i

Students are to conduct themselves in a manner that models friendship, compassion and decency.


Students are to be courteous in their dealing with others; they are to respectfully greet their teachers and other members of the College community.

iii Students are to greet the Reverend Fathers in a respectful and appropriate manner. iv

Students are to stand when they are greeted by an adult and when an adult enters the room.


Students are to stand aside politely and allow adults to enter first when entering any room.


Students’ language, both verbal and non-verbal, must be beyond reproach at all times.

vii Students are expected to uphold the dignity and self worth of others by ensuring that their conduct and language both verbal and nonverbal, are beyond reproach at all times. viii Demeaning or intimidating behaviour towards others, which constitutes bullying and harassment whether verbal or physical or electronic, (otherwise described as cyber bullying) is most unacceptable in the context of a Greek Orthodox College (see Policy on Bullying and Harassment page 52).



Students are not to use mobile phones to take photographs or to audio record any person or persons without their express permission.


Students are to respect the property of others; great care is to be taken of all College buildings, furniture and equipment.


Smoking and alcohol is not permitted when wearing the College uniform or during any College activity.

xii Illegal substances and material are a Police matter and will be treated as such. c. Orderly Behaviours i

Students are to arrive for school and lessons punctually and be well organised.


Students are not to run in corridors or on stairs.

iii Students are not to eat in corridors or on stairs. iv

Ball games are not to be played near windows.


Chewing gum is not permitted to be brought to or used at the College.

2. Conduct away from the College i

At all times students are expected to wear the school uniform with pride and with respect to the good name of the College.


On public transport students are to keep their voices down. Students are to remain seated in one place, but are to offer their seats to adults. Jostling and leaning out of windows or doors is unacceptable.

iii On leaving the College, students are to go straight home unless accompanied by parents or there is a specific purpose.

Loitering, especially at bus stops, railway stations,

shopping centres or the City is not permitted. iv

Students whilst on camps and excursions are to follow teachers’ instructions and adhere to rules and guidelines as explained by teachers prior to excursions and camps.

3. Appearance and Grooming i

Pride in personal appearance and regard for the good name of the College should lead to care by parents and students that the uniform is clean, pressed and tidy. The full and proper uniform is to be worn at all times, i.e: 

When students are travelling to and from College.

At College functions except when otherwise stated.

At ISA games and other Sports events.

After sports training, students are permitted to wear the official College tracksuit in place of the uniform to go home.


Lengths of Girls Uniform should be to the knee or below.

iii Girls – socks must fully cover the ankle – this includes sports socks. iv

Boys must be clean-shaven at all times.


The only badges to be worn are approved College badges.


Hairstyles are to be kept neat and well-groomed according to the College standards set down from time to time, i.e: 

Boys’ hair must be kept reasonably short. NO extreme styles are acceptable.

Girls’ hair, if long, must be tied back away from their faces with blue ribbon.

No coloured nails or extreme length.


Extreme hair colouration is not permitted.

vii The only acceptable adornments for boys are a watch and a cross which is worn inside the shirt. viii The only acceptable adornments for girls are a watch, a cross which is worn inside the shirt or dress and stud or sleeper earrings, one in each earlobe. ix

No coloured nails or extreme length.

4. Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs i

Smoking – smoking is forbidden at the College and on the way to and from School. Any student who is found on the school property or at school functions with cigarettes can expect a suspension. A repeat of this offence certainly will entail the review of the student’s enrolment and may result in their removal from the school.


Alcohol – alcohol is forbidden at the College. Any student who is found on the school property or at a school activity or function with alcohol in his or her possession, or who has consumed alcohol, can expect to be suspended forthwith pending further action. This offence will entail the review of the student’s enrolment and may result in their removal from the school.

iii Illegal Drugs – any involvement with illegal drugs will render a student liable to immediate dismissal from the school. Such involvement may include: 



Buying or selling

Acting as a go between

Being under the influence

of illegal drugs, as well as attempting or agreeing to do any of the above, whilst at school or at a school approved or school supervised activity or on the way to and from. 5. Damage to Property Damage to school and others’ property is unacceptable in the context of a College that promotes respect.

The costs of repair or replacement will be charged to the student responsible and added

to his/her fees. Repeat offenders will have their enrolment reviewed, and may result in their removal from the school. 6. Theft All personal property must be clearly labelled.

Money and other valuables must not be left

unattended in clothing, bags or lockers. Large amounts of money and valuable items should not be brought or worn to school. If there is a need to do so, the item should be handed into the office for safekeeping. No responsibility will be accepted for any such item brought to the school and lost or broken. Theft is a serious matter and any student found stealing will have his or her place at the College reviewed. The College will cooperate fully with the police on these or any other matter that involves breaking the law.


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