Enrolment Form

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Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Parish of South-East Sydney ABN 84 480 080 247 This is an application form. Completion of this form does not guarantee enrolment.

Application for Enrolment Application Checklist The following documents have been read: Enrolment Form and Conditions of Entry Prospectus Student Principles and College Code of Conduct Privacy Policy

Copies of the following documents are inserted: Enrolment Form completed and signed Birth Certificate Baptismal Certificate (where relevant) Latest school report or profile from school, pre-school or Child Care Centre (as relevant) Reference from Parish Priest (where relevant) Return the completed Application for Enrolment form to the appropriate Enrolment Officer.

Junior School K-6

Senior School 7-12

Attention: Enrolment Officer

Attention: Enrolment Officer

By post: PO Box 149 Kingsford NSW 2032

By post: PO Box 462 Maroubra 2035

Hand delivery: 80 Gardeners Road Kingsford NSW 2032

Hand delivery: 1130 Anzac Parade Maroubra NSW 2035

Commencement Year 20 Commencement Class (Kindergarten to Year 12)

Student Information Surname: (English)

(Greek if applicable)

Given Name(s): (English)


(Greek if applicable)

Student's Preferred Given Name: Residential Address:

Student's place in Family (e.g. second of three children): Date of Birth:

Citizenship Status:

Country of Birth:

Is the student of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? (For persons of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin, Mark both ‘Yes’ boxes.)


Yes, Aboriginal

Yes, Torres Strait Islander

Language(s) spoken at home by Student: Religion:

Date of Baptism:

Present School and Class: Names and class of siblings currently attending St. Spyridon College:

Relationship to any past students: (Please Specify) Special Needs: Does your child have any special medical or learning needs? (e.g. learning disabilities, physical disabilities, remedial, gifted, talented, etc.)



If 'Yes', please specify and attach any relevant documentation.

Special Accomplishments: Please indicate any special interests/aptitudes or talents.

Parent/Guardian Information: Father/Other - please specify



Given Name(s): Occupation: Job Title: Country of Birth:

Employer: Citizenship Status:

Marital Status:

Father's Residential Address:

Telephone: Home:



Email: Home: Email: Business: Religion:

Language(s) spoken at home by Father:

Mother/Other - please specify



Given Name(s): Occupation: Job Title: Country of Birth:

Employer: Citizenship Status:

Marital Status:

Mother's Residential Address:

Telephone: Home:



Email: Home: Email: Business: Religion:

Language(s) spoken at home by Mother:

Continued overleaf...

Why are you choosing St. Spyridon College for your child's education?

Other relevant family information (e.g. family situation, legal issues, child custody, etc):

Signature of both custodial parents (or legal guardian): Signature of Custodial Parent 1: Please print name:

Relationship to student:

Signature of Custodial Parent 2: Please print name: Date:


Relationship to student:


This application requires the signature of BOTH the custodial parents. If both signatures are not entered, please indicate the circumstances:

Conditions of Enrolment: A student's continued enrolment at St. Spyridon College is dependent on the following conditions:

It is the duty of the parents or guardian(s) to notify the College of any changes in address. Fees

1. All offers of enrolment are made at the discretion of the Head of College or delegate. 2. Students commencing Kindergarten must be five years of age or turn five by the end of following May. 3. When an enrolment is accepted, it is on the understanding that the student intends to complete their education at St. Spyridon College. 4. A preliminary interview with the parents and student will be required before enrolment. 5. A student and his/her parent/guardian will observe the rules and regulations of the College. 6. Parents wishing to change the date of entry of a student to the College must give notice in writing to the Head of College or delegate at least ten weeks prior to the originally accepted date, otherwise the enrolment will be cancelled. 7. The College reserves the right to terminate the attendance and enrolment of any student whose conduct brings the College into disrepute or constitutes a serious breach of the College Code of Conduct. 8. Similar measures may be taken when the presence of a student becomes prejudicial to the health or moral welfare of other students or when a student becomes a danger to him/herself or to others. 9. A student whose parents do not comply with the conditions set by the College may be excluded from enrolment. 10. The Board of Governors retains the right to refuse enrolment without disclosing reasons for so doing.

1. All fees must be paid according to the rules relating to fees. Failure to do so may jeopardise enrolment. 2. Each term's fees are payable at least one term in advance before the commencement of that term. 3. In addition to tuition fees, the College requires special fees for such services as sport and extra curricular activities. 4. After an application for enrolment is accepted and a position is offered, a non-refundable Administration fee in the sum of $100.00 and a Registration fee of $350.00 is to be paid to the College. 5. Upon acceptance of the offer an Enrolment fee of $850.00 will be payable which is refundable only upon completion by your child of Years 10, 11 or 12, whichever is the latest. 6. Permission to commence a new term may be refused until full fees for the previous term have been paid. Interest will be charged for late payments. 7. No reduction in fees will be made in respect of a student's absence from school for either the whole or part of a term. 8. Students withdrawing from the College will be refunded fees paid in advance provided that at least ten weeks' notice is given in writing to the Head of College or delegate. 9. First term fees for new students commencing at the beginning of the year must be paid by the end of November of the previous year. 10. For new students commencing during the course of the year, the relevant term fees must be paid upon enrolment approval. 11. The signatory parents/guardians are jointly and severally responsible for the payment of school fees. Where there is only one signatory parent/guardian, he/she must satisfy the College that he/she is the sole parent/guardian and is solely responsible for the payment of all fees and charges. 12. College fees are subject to variation without notice.

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