St Spyridon News 110 10a 2013

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VOLUME XXX No 10 26th July, 2013

EULOGY – MRS MARY HAMER Mary Hamer (Rayias) was born in the Village Ashia, Cyprus on the 30th August 1951. When she was 3 months old her father left for Australia to prepare a new life for his family leaving behind his wife and two young children. He worked hard to save a passage for his family and in 1955 they were again reunited and in the following year and soon after Mary’s younger brother Michael was born. As with most migrant families of that period times were not easy, Mary’s father worked hard and long shifts at the Steelworks in Port Kembla to provide for his family. After a few years they were able to purchase their first house at Fairy Meadow.

He sustained a number of serious injuries working at the blast furnaces but in the end suffered from leukaemia and passed away at the age of 48 leaving behind a young family when Mary was only 15 years old. Mary’s mother struggled to raise the family with limited English and resources. But she always ensures that the children’s and education and welfare came first. Mary attended Fairy Meadow Demonstration Primary School and then Smiths Hill girl’s school. Being a large multi-stream school the principal was surprised that a young Greek girl topped English for the whole grade. Mary’s ambition had always been to become a teacher and work with children, to this end she graduated from Wollongong Teachers College with excellent grades. In those days teachers were bonded to pay for their College education. After completing her studies she was sent out to Mount Druitt as her first bonded school. Even at that time this was a difficult assignment. After a number of teaching positions she accepted a teaching position at the Catholic school of St Charles in Ryde and then moved across the road to Holy Cross College. She taught senior classes and worked as an English co-ordinator and then ran the school “English as a Second language” program. Mary was instrumental in writing the State Multicultural program and school syllabus and to this day a young Mary Hamer can be seen helping migrant children on a number of the teaching program pages. In 1981 at Holy Cross College, Mary met a difficult graduate colleague, refusing to ever follow her instructions and at that time much to her dislike. This was the start of a new beginning with her Husband to be Peter Hamer. Peter continued to put a smile on her face with his humility and humour being mentored under her authority which continues to this day. Together they worked alongside each other to make a difference in many student’s lives.


As a senior teacher she completed the extensive “St John of God” Counselling Course. Her studies - she continued to complete the School Leadership Graduate Diploma which was in its first year at the Catholic University. This course being in its inaugural year was not only very demanding but required a lot of extra work in order to be established and an ongoing unit of study. When Mary saw an advertisement for the position of principal to establish a New Greek Orthodox school she was very excited having great respect for her faith and heritage but was well aware that this would be a very difficult and demanding task not having a system or department to back her up and provide support. The interview process was gruelling and consisted of a number of interviews. The new St Spyridon Education Board was very keen to get the right person for the position as they were well aware of the hard work ahead for all concerned. Mary considered a great honour to be selected, being one of the youngest Principals in the State and right away in co-operation with the Parish started preparation for the year ahead. In those early years she collected and borrowed resources from other school and even used to own furniture for the good of the school. Right from the beginning she established a close working relationship with the Parish Priest Father Steven Scoutas as this school had always been his driving passion and ambition. In 1983 the School bell rang for the first time calling to assembly the first three grades and the wonderful parents who had invested their children’s future in this new school. In these early years the school operated very much like a family with close relationships and all working together set the tone of the school for the future. Many friendships established in those early years of the College form the basis of their families friendship groups today. At times these early years were difficult with a Parish Board wanting to be involved in every decision and demanding to know why every move was made. Although their intentions were good, they lacked the experience of what was needed to run a good school. Mary, from the beginning stood her ground demanding what was best for the student’s development and the well-being of her staff, this ethos continued till her very last days at the school. Being firm in her expectation, in discipline of students and teachers alike this at all times combined with a loving and forgiving care that did not carry grudges. What was a reprimand one day was a loving support the next. Her unique approach of firmness for the school rules and policies blended with a genuine love resulted in gaining respect and the love of those who passed through the College over the past 30 years. Reports from past student state that the guidance and support they received has ruled their lives and their academic and life pursuits. Past student who were able to master getting over the term of “Mrs Hamer” moved on to the more personal title of “Thea” and indication of love and respect. Mary and Peter’s engagement took place at the Old St Spyridon Parish Centre and their marriage was here at St Spyridon Church celebrated with Father Steven starting a long journey of mutual respect and trust with him and the Parish. Mary Hamer was not only a principal to many children, but she took on the motherly role of dedicating her kind, caring and nurturing nature to every student that entered St Spyridon College. Her first child Anthony attended this school at only one week old in his pram as his mother had to prepare for the school’s first inspection. Despite her true dedication to the College and every child, Mary's heart was fulfilled through her love for her three children: Anthony, Christopher and Lydia. Together Peter and Mary spent their school holidays dedicated to spending quality family time with their three children, who stuck by her with strength and courage through her 10 year battle with cancer. Her love for her husband and children gave her the strength, optimism and motivation to fight for her legacy.


Mary loved seeing her children develop into adulthood as they grew within their individual careers, making her proud of their achievements. Mary inspired both her sons Anthony and Christopher to put their heart and passion into their daily lives - being able to recognise the good in people and learn the value of family and friendship. Her daughter Lydia idolised her mother’s devotion to education and aspired to follow in her footsteps as she has recently graduated as a teacher. Lydia believes that her mother’s legacy will live on through the inspiration and strength she has given to not only herself, but also to all her teaching staff throughout the years. Lydia following her parent’s care for others was involved in Rotary, the Dutch Community and had recently returned for Kenya in Africa supporting a Slum Children’s Education project. Together we can all be full of the love that she shared with each and every person that came into her life. The family would like to thank you all for sharing this final respect to her and to please remember her in your prayers. She is with the Lord Jesus our Saviour at this time looking down on us in the hope that she will live on in your heart and in the life choices you make. The Hamer Family MEMORIES OF MRS HAMER FROM JUNIOR SCHOOL STUDENTS MESSAGES FROM 3A Mrs Hamer and the Missing Coffee Cup! On a very sunny Friday afternoon, Mrs Hamer went to make a cup of coffee in her favourite coffee cup. When she went to look for her favourite cup it was not there! Mrs Hamer carefully checked everywhere. She looked in the sink, where the dishes were drying but it wasn’t there. Mrs Hamer was so sad that her coffee cup was gone. At 7:30pm Mr Hamer came to pick Mrs Hamer up to take her home. He noticed something was wrong. He asked her “What’s wrong?” Mrs Hamer said “I have lost my most favourite coffee cup”. When Mr Hamer sat down to cheer Mrs Hamer up he saw something red underneath her desk and there it was! It was the missing coffee cup! She was able to now sit down and relax with a hot cup of coffee! Natalia Fountoulis The Missing Earring It was a sunny Monday morning when Mrs Hamer opened her draw to get her earrings. However one of the earrings wasn't there. She screamed ever so loudly! The secretaries ran to see what happened and Mrs Hamer said "I've lost my earring!" She quickly called her husband Mr Hamer and he came to school as quick as he could. He helped her look everywhere especially in her office but it wasn't there at all! Mrs Hamer turned her office upside down and looked everywhere. She looked in the canteen, in 3A and even all over the playground. She was so upset that she couldn't find her earring. She began to cry because it was her absolute favourite. So Mr Hamer went up to her and said "It's alright." As he was walking away Mr Hamer said "ouch" Mrs Hamer asked "what's wrong?" Mr Hamer said "There is something sharp in my shoe." He bent down to take a closer look and there it was, the missing earring stuck under his shoe! Mr Hamer definitely made Mrs Hamer’s Day! Nicholas Papas


The Missing Microphone It was a stormy day at school and suddenly a robber came into the secretary's office and stole the school’s microphone, when the secretaries were in the bathroom. They noticed something strange and told Mrs Hamer straight away! She immediately called the police so they could solve the crime. However, before she did that she looked everywhere. Like looking in the canteen, the secretaries’ office, and all the classrooms and even turned her office upside down. She finally gave up and decided to call the police to catch the robber. They came instantly. Firstly, they looked for finger prints but soon realised the robber was wearing gloves. Then, they looked for clues and they found a piece of clothing and one glove. Then, they took the glove and clothing to the station to show the inspector. They found out that the person this person had a record. They found out it was a boy named Nixon! They then decided to hide out with the FBI and the CSI squads. They waited several hours and caught him in the early hours of a chilly Sunday morning. “It was a mission complete!" They said with relief. Nixon was sent to jail for several years. The microphone was returned to Mrs Hamer and she was very happy because she will be able to say "Hello" to the students once again and say all the important announcements. Michael Antoniou MESSAGES FROM YEAR 1T Harrison Andrews Mrs Hamer is good to us and she helps the school. Peter Bebonis Mrs Hamer is a beautiful principal. Alexandra Bizannes Mrs Hamer is the best principal and she looks after the whole school. Sarah Constantinidis Mrs Hamer helps the teachers. Anastasia Csergo Mrs Hamer she is a great principal. Andrew Dalessis Mrs. Hamer is a very special principal. Sotiri Demetriou Mrs Hamer visited our class to see if we are doing our work. Ciana Foti Mrs Hamer wears beautiful dresses and high heels. Andrew Georgiou Mrs Hamer is a very nice principal. Gabriella Gouveros Mrs Hamer looks at our Art work and says it is beautiful.


Jordan Haramis Mrs Hamer sends messages on the speaker. Harry Hatzi Mrs Hamer is special to me. Maria Kappatos Mrs Hamer is the principal of our school. Jasmine Karagiannis Mrs Hamer is the best and I like her. James Kefalouros Mrs Hamer is the best principal in the world. Ari Kougias Mrs Hamer is a good principal to us. Gabriel Leondaris Mrs Hamer helps the whole school. Georgia Miller I love Mrs Hamer so much. Paris Patsalis Mrs Hamer has nice manners. Cleo Petrelis Mrs Hamer is lovely, she is the best principal. Victoria Stathos Mrs Hamer looks beautiful. Fotini Tsakirios Mrs. Hamer’s voice sounds nice. Ellie Tsoukalas Mrs Hamer is so kind. Tara Zinopoulos Mrs Hamer has meetings on the Primary side. MEMORIES OF MRS HAMER BY 4C I remember when Mrs Hamer got her name engraved on a gold plaque in the school courtyard. I am really going to miss you Mrs Hamer. So is the whole school. I still look at the gold plaque every day. John Leondios I remember when Mrs Hamer got me into trouble when she was speaking to my friends during assembly. She took me and another boy in front of her office. I thought to myself, I’ll do my detention and say sorry. P.S. We all miss you. Greg Hatzon I remember when Mrs Hamer saw me picking up rubbish and she congratulated me and gave me whacky doos. I felt so proud! I thought I should pick up rubbish more often! We miss you Mrs Hamer! Christopher Vougioukas


I remember when Mrs Hamer told me to get her lunch and give it to her in the office where all the teachers were talking (loudly). She was happy and smiled at me. She always did. I felt happy and proud of myself. We miss you Mrs Hamer. Christos Keramitzis I remember when I did beautiful work in Kindy and I went to Mrs Hamer to show her. I felt really happy and I think Mrs Hamer was proud of me. I also remember when it was assembly and I got a lot of swimming awards. I went to give them to my parents and Mrs Hamer said “Can I please have a photo with Eleni?” I think she was very proud of me. You were the greatest principal Mrs Hamer and I miss you. Eleni Haralambides I remember when Mrs Hamer loved my narrative on the topic of ‘Rescuing’ in Year 2. She gave me a certificate. I was happy that she gave me a reward. Mrs Hamer was a wonderful principal. She had a wonderful smile and I love how she came to my class. She always helped me solve any problems I had with my friends. Christina Borean I remember when Mrs Hamer was checking the school grounds, and Anastan and I picked up rubbish from the ground during lunch. We showed Mrs Hamer how much we picked up, and she gave us two maples. She felt proud of us and we were happy as well. Michael Vlahos I remember when Mrs Hamer let us have Mufti Day because in Year 2 we wrote an exposition on why we should wear Mufti. God rest your soul Mrs Hamer. Sofia Mavrolefterou I remember when I was sad and she was helping me with my work too. She was a very kind principal. We miss you Mrs Hamer. James Bletsas I remember when Mrs Hamer received the 30 years gold plaque from the school. Everyone was amazed! She was crying! We miss you. Costa Hadjiparaskeva I remember when Mrs Hamer got rewarded for being a principal for nearly 30 years. I also remember when I got the microphone to give it to my teacher, and Mrs Hamer said to me that she was proud because I spoke so politely. Demi Micos I remember when Mrs Hamer asked me to go to the staffroom and get her a biscuit. I also asked the teachers to make her a cup of coffee. Mrs Hamer was very happy with me, and very happy to have her coffee and biscuit. Dimitra Katsidis I remember when Mrs Hamer had called me to her office when I got in trouble for fighting with my friend. She was very organised and with great dedication she wanted to solve the problem we had with each other. I learnt to never fight again through that experience! We miss you very much. Juval Mikhail I remember when Mrs Hamer called me over the microphone and I had to go in her office so that I could give her a Christmas present. She was very happy. We miss you. Valentina Spyridopoulos I remember when Mrs Hamer called Juval, Nio, Antonio and I to her office. Juval and I had a fight with Nio and Antonio. She told us we should all forget about it, so then we made friends and I learnt to never have a fight again. I miss you Mrs Hamer. Jordan Kougias


I remember when Mrs Hamer let the whole Year 2 wear Mufti. This is how it happened. Year 2 made up an exposition about why we should wear Mufti every day. She said only Year 2 could wear Mufti for one day. We were all super excited. We all love you and miss you. Peter Petrides I remember when the courtyard was named after Mrs Hamer last year. Everybody was very proud of her, and it was a great honour for her when the Archbishop greeted her. Emmanuel Aroney I remember when Mrs Hamer came into our class to see what we were doing and she said that all our books were neat. I miss you Mrs Hamer. Danae Margaronis-Lopez I remember when Mrs Hamer let us have Mufti Day in Year 2 because we wrote an exposition to have a Mufti Day. She said we could because we wrote a good exposition. Anastasia Dougenis I remember when Mrs Hamer always said hello to me and “How are you Athena?” I also remember when she came into my mum’s shop. We all miss you very much, and wish you were here with us today. You were a very beautiful person. Athena Demetriou I remember when Mrs Hamer let us have a Mufti Day in Year 2 because we wrote her a letter about having Mufti day and she allowed us. Also, she was the best principal ever. I also really miss her. Maria Grivas I remember when Mrs Hamer said hello in the playground to me. I always said hello to her when I saw her. She was a very nice lady, and kind. Whenever she spoke, she had beautiful manners. She did a lot of things for the school. She helped a lot of people. I will miss her. Kosta Ioannou YEAR 4T TRIBUTE TO MRS HAMER Dear Mrs Hamer, My name is Anneta Maroulis and I am new to St Spyridon College. I came about four weeks ago and I am 10 years old. I have heard so many wonderful things about you from my teacher and classmates! Thank you so much for providing a fabulous school for my education. Anneta Maroulis Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember in 2011 when I was in Year 2, we wrote an Exposition called “Why Children Should Wear Casual Clothes Everyday”. You walked into our class to read our expositions and then you decided to allow us to wear casual clothes on the following Friday. That day was a superb day for Year 2. Thank you for this tremendous school because you have let us do fun and creative activities. Thank you for all the things that you have done for us and our school. Billy Bourdaniotis Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember in 2011 when you let us go on an excursion to the optometrist. I learnt many things and had lots of fun that day. Thank you Mrs Hamer, for giving us an extraordinary school that we can learn in and for approving brilliant excursions for us to go on. Mihali Dovellos Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember going to camp in 2011 and I had a brilliant time. Thank you for letting us have camps and letting our teachers come with us. You have made this school one of the best and I will never forget you or this school. Katherine Fragias


Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember when I was in Kindergarten in 2009 and you said to me “it is going to be okay, you will see your mother in the afternoon”. Thank you for comforting me and making me feel terrific! Anthony Hatzigiakoumis Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember in 2012 when I was in Year 3, you told me that I needed to wear my hat every single day. Thank you for saying that because now I know that it is so important and that you were worried about my skin. Thank you for being our school principal and giving us permission to go on marvellous excursions and trying your best for our school Teoni Antonopoulos Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember during in 2009 when I first came to this school. I didn’t know the English language and couldn’t understand what the other children were saying. You walked up to me and spoke to me in Greek to make sure I felt comfortable. Thank you Mrs Hamer. Gianni Keramitzis Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember earlier this year when you told us the story about the first time you rang the bell at St Spyridon College. You showed us the exact same bell you used! I will never forget that story. Thank you, for sharing your memories with us. Isabella De Pasquale Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember when you came outside of the office one day holding a very special bell. This bell represented the day St Spyridon College first opened. This day was a very special day which brings a smile to my face! Thank you Mrs Hamer for building our school and for giving me that memory. Carolyn Makridopolus Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember my first day of school in 2011. I was in Year 2 and you were very polite and delightful to me and my family. Thank you. I hope you get well soon. Jonathon Mournehis Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember when I was in Kindergarten back in 2009. My cousin Nio Tsakirios and I forgot our bags in the courtyard. You walked all the way and brought our bags to the classroom. Thank you for caring and everything you have done for our school. Antonio Pateras Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember in 2009 when I started school. I was very scared to leave my mother, but you helped me go to my class and stopped me from crying. I will never forget that. Thank you. Nio Tsakirios Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember when you approved a pyjama day back when I was in Year 1. We all came to school with our pyjamas on and a toy! I will never forget that day! Thank you so much for that memory. You were a marvellous principal and the best a school could ever ask for. Vicki Synesios Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember when you approved an excursion my class went to. It was an excursion to the city which helped us improve our knowledge. Thank you for making this school such a nice place to learn and for being a perfect principal. Anastasi Poulos


Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember in when I was in Kindy back in 2009. You gave me a principal sticker when I had to sing a song in front of you. I'm sure I still have the sticker at home. I will never forget this day and thank you for everything that has happened in this school for example, all of the wonderful activities we are able to do. This school wouldn’t have been the same without your help! Mary Diamond Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember when I was crying on my first day at school. You came up to me and walked me up the ramp for my first time at St Spyridon College. Thank you Mrs Hamer I will never forget that day. Theresa Sevastopoulos Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember in 2011 when I was in Year 2. It was your 60th birthday and after recess the whole school was singing “Happy Birthday” to you. Thank you for giving me a brilliant school to learn in. Franklin Pyliotis Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember when you comforted me earlier this year when I started at the school. I was excited to join my class and meet Miss Nicolaou. Thank you for making me feel welcome. James Valmas Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember when you received your 30th anniversary award at the school. You stood in front of the school and said thank you to us for being lovely students. Thank you for being the best principal and for caring for this school. If you hadn’t I wouldn’t have a fantastic education. Anaston Baltazis Dear Mrs Hamer, I remember when you let us go to the Sydney Aquarium. I had a fantastic time with my class. I appreciate what you have done for our school over the years. Thank you. Valandi Michael

Miss Rayias looks on with pride and joy at the first concert in 1983



You are invited

to hire a stall Promote your business! Help build educational resources! Enhance the learning of our students! Interact with our rich community! Have fun!

For details contact P & F members: Angela Kasmas Joanna Coutts Maria Pascalis

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8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

Athletics Carnival JS State Futsal Opens




Year 6 visit


PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately, the uniform shop will not be accepting cheques in the future.

Parent Forum Year 8 (Year 9 2014) SPACe 7.00pm




With the passing of our beloved Principal Mrs Hamer last week, it is only fitting that we dedicate this issue of the newsletter to her. Thank you to all, who honoured her by attending her funeral.

AUGUST State Futsal Championships JS

5th & 6th

Divine Liturgy K-12 State Futsal SS

For those of us who have had the pleasure to work closely with her over a number of years, we cannot begin to describe the loss that we feel at this time.


The Dormition of the Theotokos School closed


ISA Semi Finals


When Mrs Hamer began her teaching career, teaching was not a highly regarded profession and remuneration was poor. Like those of her generation, she had a noble calling. She chose this vocation as she wanted to make a real and lasting difference to the lives of young people. She lived a life of service and sacrifice for the benefit of the students so the College could be the beacon it has become for educational excellence.

Appreciating Culture Lecture and Art Exhibition


ISA Finals SS


Musical SS


Musical SS Year 2 Father’s Day Assembly




Sports Presentation Evening


Greek Orthodox Athletics Carnival JS


Taverna Night P & F


ISA Athletics Carnival


Uncompromising in her mission, Mrs Hamer understood what education was about. She herself ensured that she kept abreast of new pedagogy, introducing new programs into the College which would engage learners and assist them to achieve even greater learning outcomes. At the forefront was always Orthodox Education and Greek Language instruction.

Year 12 Farewell Assembly CIS Athletics


K-12 Doxology


Year 12 Formal Dinner


Mrs Hamer was a strong, dynamic and passionate educator who truly put the wellbeing of the child before anything else. She took a genuine interest in each and every child. She knew their parents and grandparents and also took much pleasure in welcoming past students back into the College as parents and teachers. She was highly respected amongst her peers at IPSHA and HICES beginning as one of the youngest principals and becoming one of the eldest…. a role she thoroughly embraced by mentoring younger principals.


To the staff at the College she was not only the leader but a friend, identifying the strength in each person and encouraging them through these strengths.


Her integrity, commitment, courage and resilience will live on.

PARENT FORUM Year 8 Transition to Year 9, 2014

To her family, Peter, Anthony, Christopher and Lydia; her mother Eleni; her brothers Paul, Michael and family, we extend our deepest condolences. May her memory be eternal.

On Wednesday, 31st July, 2013, a meeting will be held for all students of Year 8 and their parents.

May Mrs Hamer’s memory be eternal.

The meeting will commence promptly at 7.00pm with a Cybersafety presentation by our School Liaison Police Officer. We will then discuss elective choices and progression through to Years 10-12.

Comfort can only be given by the children she loved and who loved her in return. Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal


It is expected that Year 8 students attend with their parents. Students are to be dressed in appropriate casual clothes. The Parent Forum will take place in the Sports and Performing Arts Centre (SPACe).

Co curricular will recommence on Monday 22nd July.

YEAR 12 TRIAL HSC The Trial HSC examination period begins on Monday, 29th July, 2013 and ends on Monday, 12th August, 2013. It is a very strong indicator of student progress and assists in diagnosing what is required of individuals to improve their results in the HSC.

The dates for Term Three are:  Monday 22nd July  Wednesday 24th July  Thursday 25th July

We wish Year 12 well in these exams.

 Monday 29th July  Wednesday 31st July  Thursday 1st August

CYPRUS INVASION MEMORIAL DAY On Sunday 21st July, a special service commemorating the 1974 Turkish military invasion of Cyprus and the memory of the fallen and missing persons took place at the Cenotaph in Martin Place. Eighteen students of Cypriot background and SRC members from across the year groups attended this event. They respectfully participated in the wreath laying ceremony and marched with the procession from the Cenotaph to the Town Hall. Well done:Year 7 - Christopher Kumar, Anastasia Hatzidis, Joanna Skouteris, John Margelis. Year 8 - Stanley Condous, Stavroulla. Mavrolefterou, Gabriel Cassimatis, Rothopi Nicolaou. Year 9 - Jacob Mavrolefterou, Manuel Margelis, Isaac Mavrolefterou. Year 10 - Anastasia Maloukis, Kalioppe Kefalas, AnneMarie Xenos, Christos Toras, Matthew Chiam. Year 11 - Christina Andrew, Anthony Vasili.


 Monday 12 August  Wednesday 14th August  Monday 26th August – except Logic Club  Wednesday 28th August  Monday 2nd September  Wednesday 4th September  Thursday 5th September Please note that any child not collected by 4:30pm will be taken to After School Care and parents will be billed accordingly.




“Before you are a leader, success is about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is about growing others”. Jack Welch

MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Our Term 2 Middle School Assembly was held last week to celebrate and acknowledge the good work being done across the school both in and out of classroom: * Maple Certificates were awarded to those students who accumulated a set number of maple stamps as evidence of their positive achievements; * we acknowledged those who had perfect attendance throughout Term 2; * students who received no negative comments in their planners received prizes from their Year Advisers; * students who distinguished themes were identified through Year Adviser Pat on the Back Awards; - and 10 movie tickets as incentives were given out for good work (recipients were: Michaela Mournehis 7K, Thomas Kourtis 7I, Georgina Mandadakis 7D, Demetrios Avdalis 8K, Helena Mandilis 8D, Anastasia Vorgias 9S, Danae Kyriakaki 9Z, Aaron-Paul Konstantakis 9H & Chrystal Christie 9H) Well done to Sebastian Zois (Yr 9) for his piano recital of Cold Plays “Viva-la-Vida”, and the following Year 9 students for their performance of “Hallelujah”, which they dedicated in memory of Mrs Hamer: Manuel Margelis and Yiani Baratsas (on guitar), Elias Hatzon (vocals & piano), and Alexia Rizzo (vocals).

Thank you Ms Kokinelis for coordinating this event and attending with the students. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School


VIDOVDAN 2013 On the 23rd June, St Spyridon students of Serbian background, participated in the NSW All Serbian School’s recital dedicated to St Vitus (Vidovdan) and the day marking the historical battle of Kosovo which was fought against the Turks on 28th June 1389. The following students were awarded merit certificates for their participation in this recital by the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand:Natalia Srnic, Anja Djukic, Andrej Perjanica, Luka Stevanovic, Julijana Nikolis, and Isidora Stevanovic.

VACATION CARE VOLUNTEERS During the recent holiday break four of our students, Kalioppe Kefalas, Anastasia Maloukis, AnnMarie Xenos & and Erin Magoulias (all of whom completed the volunteers certificate at the end of last term), showed wonderful leadership by volunteering at the Greek Welfare Centre’s Vacation Care facility held at our Junior School. Congratulations to all of you for showing initiative and carrying your assigned duties with enthusiasm. Both the staff and students from vacation care were impressed with your efforts.



On Friday 2nd August, the annual JEANS 4 GENES MUFTI DAY FUNDRAISER will be held in support of the Children’s Medical Research Institute. This organisation uses the funds raised by contributors to investigate diseases that cause things like birth defects, cancer, and epilepsy. On this day all students are encouraged to make a $2 gold coin donation and wear lots of DENIM clothing, instead of their school uniform. We also ask that the following NOT be worn on this day : shorts, leggings, UGG boots, OR open toed shoes.

HALF-YEARLY REPORTS & PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE All students and parents would have received the half yearly reports and had time to reflect upon overall strengths, as well as identify areas for improvement. “Meet challenges head on, don't sit in the darkness, light a candle and find your way out.”

Year 10 volunteers will also be at the Pacific Square Shopping Centre, Maroubra selling Jeans 4 Genes merchandise on the 2nd August.

Last week parents had the opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss their child’s progress and listen to any concerns. If for any reason interviews were missed and you would still like to speak with your child’s teachers, please contact the school office.

DRUM BEATS VISITS ST SPYRIDON … To help motivate & inspire,…. To team- build and help you de- stress …… To get you energised for the term ahead AND To make sure everyone has a lot of FUN..

YEAR 6 VISIT THE SENIOR SCHOOL Next week we will have the pleasure of hosting a visit from Year 6 as part of our transition program. Over the previous two years, these students have engaged in similar visits when they were in Year 4 and 5. On those occasions taster lessons covering all curriculum areas were conducted. These visits serve a number of purposes including:- extending the educational experience, meeting and interacting with older students who act as guides and mentors, meeting new teachers in specialist learning areas, and becoming more familiar with the Senior School Campus as a whole.

WHEN: FOR MIDDLE school FRIDAY 26 July (Week 2) , for Upper School 3rd August (end of week 3) during Pastoral Care WHERE: At school in “The SPACe” 12.25 – 1.25pm

This week Year 6 were provided with a letter of invitation to bring home. This details what will occur on the day. Parents please read it carefully to insure your children comes appropriately prepared.

Payments for Middle School were due to the office by Wednesday 24th July. If payments have not been made, please do so as soon as


When you move your mouse over any post on someone else's profile, you will see on option to like the post and also a drop down arrow which allows you to report the post for one of four reasons: • Sporn or Scam; • Hate Speech; • Violence; • Pornographic Content. It is also possible to block other users, by scrolling to the bottom of their profile page and clicking on (\)Block, but users need to be logged in to do this. Users can also remove any questions from their own profile by clicking on the cross in the top right hand comer of every question and answer.

possible. For Upper School due date is Tuesday 30th July.

CYBERSAFETY…SOCIAL NETWORKING ALERT Local Liaison Police recently advised all schools in the Sydney area to post the following alert in school newsletters. is a social networking service which is based around users asking each other questions. The site is located in Latvia but is growing in popularity in many other countries and there are currently around 56 million registered users. The site can be accessed by simply visiting and is currently available in 3l languages. Users are able to ask questions anonymously which has led to problems with cyberbullying and offensive content.


The site is clear that asking a question anonymously means that your name is hidden from other users but makes the point that identifying information can be shared with law enforcement if necessary. The site actually provides good information about safety and privacy but there is no requirement to read any of this when signing up. There's an official app for both Android and Apple devices.

The Positive Partnerships initiatives group provide 1 or 2 day workshops developed and delivered by Partnerships between Education and the Autism Community (PEAC) and funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations through their “Helping Children with Autism” package. What will PARENTS/CARERS LEARN?  A greater understanding of the impact of autism both at school and at home.  Knowledge about how to develop effective parent, school and teacher partnerships.  Information about local school system’s processes.  Opportunities to network and share strategies with other parents/carers and key community members.  Opportunities for discussion around a range of topics relevant to students with an ASD and their families.

How to turn off anonymous posts It is important to know that all content posted onto is public and can be seen by anyone who visits the site- they do not need to be a member of the network. It is possible to prevent being asked questions anonymously and users should enable this feature as others are less likely to post offensive content if they can be identified. Click on Settings, and then on Privacy, Click on “Do not allow anonymous questions”. Clicking on Do not show my answers on "Stream" will prevent posts from appearing on the stream which updates in real time showing the latest posts.

Some key community representatives that support families living with autism will be identified and invited to participate in the workshop with a view to supporting a community focus beyond the workshop.

How to report a problem Despite press reports to the contrary, it is possible to report inappropriate content on and you do not need to be logged into the site (i.e. a user) to do this.

To see if there is a Workshop location near our school visit the website If you are not able to attend a workshop the website has FREE


resources, interactive modules and information about autism.

δουλειά, αλλα μπορούσε να μένει με τα παιδιά της και να τα κοιτάει στο σπίτι. Πήρα το όνομά μου από την γιαγιά μου. Ο παππούς Κώστας είναι ο πατέρας της μητέρας μου. Δούλευε στα γαλακτοπωλεία από δεκατριών χρονών. Όταν μεγάλωσε, απόκτησε το δικό του γαλακτοπωλείο. Η γυναίκα του , η γιαγιά Χάιδω δούλευε μαζί του. Όταν η μαμά μου ήταν μικρή, βοηθούσε και αυτή στο μαγαζί.

Positive Partnerships Workshop Information Line number: 1300 881 971 Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Νιώθω τυχερή που έχω καλούς γονείς και ζω σε μία ευτυχισμένη οικογένεια. Όταν μεγαλώσω θέλω να γίνω δασκάλα για τα μικρά παιδάκια. Αγαπάω πολύ τα μικρά παιδάκια.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Μέσα από τη στήλη αυτή, πρώτα – πρώτα θέλω να εκφράσω τα θερμά μας συλληπητήρια στην οικογένεια της αείμνηστης Διευθύντριας του Δημοτικού μας, Μαίρης Χέημερ και να ευχηθώ ζωή στα παιδιά της, στο σύζυγό της, στη μητέρα της και σε όλους! Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με τις εργασίαες τριών μαθητριών της Α΄ τάξης του Γυμνασίου. Οι εργασίες αυτές αποτελούν μέρος των γραπτών διαγωνισμών του Α΄εξαμήνου και ανήκουν σε μαθήτριες της Α΄Γυμνασίου. Το θέμα τους είναι σχετικό με τις δύο ενότητες του εξαμήνου αυτού, που ήταν « ο εαυτός μου» και «το χόμπυ μου». Καλή ανάγνωση! Κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

Bianca Frazis Year 7GK Honours Ο εαυτός μου και η οικογένειά μου Χαίρετε! Με λένε Ζαφειρία Τσιμπούκη και είμαι δώδεκα χρονών. Κατοικώ στο Μαρούμπρα που είναι ένα προάστιο του Σίδνεϋ. Εκεί στο Μαρούμπρα είναι και το σχολείο μου. Από εμφάνιση θα έλεγα ότι είμαι ψηλή για την ηλικία μου και λεπτή. Έχω μακριά καστανά μαλλιά και καστανά μάτια. Σαν χαρακτήρας, νομίζω ότι είμαι φιλική, κοινωνική και μου αρέσει να λέω αστεία και να κάνω τους φίλους μου να γελάνε όταν είναι στενοχωρημένοι. Πηγαίνω στο κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα και είμαι μαθήτρια της πρώτης τάξης του Γυμνασίου. Τα αγαπημένα μου μαθήματα είναι τα Ελληνικά και τα Μαθηματικά. Μου αρέσει το σχολείο μου γιατί έχω πολλές φιλενάδες και καλούς καθηγητές. Αγαπώ τους καθηγητές μου γιατί μου μαθαίνουν χρήσιμα πράγματα για τη ζωή. Επίσης, μου αρέσει πολύ το σχολείο μου γιατί έχει ωραίους αθλητικούς χώρους. Έχει γήπεδα ποδοσφαίρου και μπάσκετ, γυμναστήριο και αίθουσα χορού.

Ο εαυτός μου και η οικογένειά μου Με λένε Τσαμπίκα και είμαι 12 χρονών. Μένω στο Σίδνεϋ Της Αυστραλίας. Έχω δύο αδέλφια, έναν αδελφό που τον λένε Αθανάσιο και μία δίδυμη αδελφή τη Χάιδω. Πηγαίνω στο κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα και είμαι στην πρώτη τάξη του Γυμνασίου. Το αγαπημένο μου μάθημα στο σχολείο είναι η δραματουργία που κάνω στα Αγγλικά. Μου αρέσει και η τεχνολογία. Το χόμπυ μου είναι ο χορός. Άρχισα το χορό όταν ήμουνα τεσσάρων χρονών. Επίσης, μου αρέσει και να τραγουδάω.

Το αγαπημένο μου χόμπυ είναι το ποδόσφαιρο. Μου αρέσει επίσης το μπάσκετ, ο χορός, το κολύμπι και η μουσική. Όταν μεγαλώσω, θέλω να γίνω δικηγόρος επειδή μ’αρέσει να βοηθάω τους ανθρώπους να βρίσκουν το δίκιο τους.

Ο πατέρας μου, ο Χριστόδουλος είναι δικηγόρος. Έχει την δική του εταιρεία και του αρέσει πολύ η δουλειά του. Η μητέρα μου η Φλώρα, είναι λογίστρια. Δουλεύει σε γηροκομείο που λέγεται St Basils. Έχει υπεύθυνη θέση για τα οικονομικά θέματα του γηροκομείου.

Η οικογένειά μου δεν είναι ούτε μικρή ούτε μεγάλη. Έχει τέσσερα μέλη, τον πατέρα, την μητέρα, την αδελφή μου και εμένα. Έχω και δύο γιαγιάδες και έναν παππού αλλά δεν μένουν μαζί μας. Είμαστε πολύ αγαπημένη οικογένεια. Βοηθάμε όλοι στις δουλιές του σπιτιού επειδή οι γονείς μου δουλεύουν. Η μητέρα μου είναι δασκάλα και διδάσκει στην πρώτη τάξη. Ο πατέρας μου είναι οικονομολόγος.

Ο παππούς Θανάσης είναι ο πατέρας του πατέρα μου. Ήταν μάγειρας αλλά δεν του άρεσε αυτή η δουλειά. Η γυναίκα του, η γιαγιά Τσαμπίκα, έραβε ρούχα στο σπίτι της. Ήταν πολύ δύσκολη


Για αυτούς τους λόγους το ψάρεμα είναι το πιο αγαπημένο μου χόμπυ. Deanna Tzivakis Year 7GK Honours

Αγαπώ πολύ την αδελφή μου τη Νικολέττα γιατί με βοηθάει όταν έχω προβλήματα και με κάνει να γελάω όταν είμαι στενοχωρημένη. Δεν τσακώνομαι ποτέ με την αδελφή μου. Τα Σαββατοκύριακα όταν έχει καλό καιρό, πηγαίνω με την αδελφή μου στο πάρκο και παίζουμε ποδόσφαιρο. Πιστεύω να σας βοήθησα να με γνωρίσετε καλύτερα.



Term three is off to a busy start, with ParentTeacher Conferences for years 10 and 11, as well as the upcoming HSC Trial examinations for year 12 students. After the Trials, year 12 will be deciding on their post- HSC pathways. Many of them will be applying through UAC for entry into university courses, whilst others will apply to do courses at TAFE or private tertiary colleges, or perhaps join the workforce.

Rhea Tsimboukis Year 7GK Honours Το χόμπυ μου είναι το ψάρεμα Με λένε Δήμητρα. Είμαι δώδεκα χρονών και το αγαπημένο μου χόμπυ είναι το ψάρεμα. Υπάρχουν πολλοί τρόποι ψαρέματος. Τους περισσότερους τους ξέρω γιατί κάθε φορά που φεύγει ο πατέρας μου για ψάρεμα με παίρνει μαζί του.

Year 12 have recently attended a session explaining the process of applying through UAC and providing information about scholarships, university open days, bonus points and ATAR scores. When the UAC 2014 booklets arrive, they will be distributed to students and further information sessions will be held, as applications open on 7th August and close on 27th September. All year 12 students have been encouraged to make an interview time with me to discuss their choices. Year 11 are busy completing their Preliminary courses this term. They need to consider their future studies post- HSC, before deciding on which subjects to drop or add for the HSC next year, as many university courses have assumed knowledge or pre-requisite subjects which must be studied. I strongly advise them to make an interview time with me to explore their options. Year 10 students have chosen their subjects for Year 11 and are participating in further sessions, researching different careers, to enable them to make informed decisions in the coming years. Several students have already had an interview with me to discuss their futures and I encourage all Year 10 students to make an appointment with me.

Πότε κρατάμε κι οι δύο ένα καλάμι με την άκρη του ψηλά επάνω από την επιφάνεια της θάλασσας, πότε ρίχνουμε τις πετονιές πολύ μακριά από εκεί που βρισκόμαστε. Η χαρά μου όμως είναι πιο μεγάλη όταν ανοιγόμαστε με την βάρκα. Ο πατέρας μου τραβά κουπί και εγώ ετοιμάζω το δόλωμα. Τυρί με λάδι και ψωμί ή κοτόπουλο ή γαρίδα κομμένη. Άλλοτε δένουμε στην άκρη της πετονιάς κάτι ψεύτικα ψαράκια που στο κάτω μέρος κρύβουν ένα-δυο αγκίστρια. Συνήθως πηγαίνουμε ψάρεμα τα χαράματα. Εκείνη την ώρα είναι όλα πολύ ήρεμα. Η θάλασσα με το καταγάλανο χρώμα της με ξεκουράζει. Με τι χαρά γυρίζω σπίτι όταν έχω πιάσει μερικά ψάρια ! Μου αρέσει το ψάρεμα γιατί κάθομαι με τις ώρες με τον πατέρα μου και μιλάμε για τα διάφορα είδη ψαριών, για το σχολείο, τα μαθήματά μου και διάφορα άλλα. Όταν πιάνουμε κανένα ψάρι, το πηγαίνουμε στην γιαγιά μου για να μας το μαγειρέψει. Πότε τα τηγανίζει , πότε τα ψήνει στο φούρνο με ντομάτα και λίγο μαϊντανό.

Listed below is some information which may be of interest to parents and students in years 10, 11 and 12:


Μιά φορά πιάσαμε και καλαμάρια. Η γιαγιά μου έκανε τόση χαρά, γιατί συνήθως δεν πιάνουμε καλαμάρια που δεν ήξερε πώς να τα μαγειρέψει! Τότε ο πατέρας μου την καθησύχασε και της είπε πώς να τα τηγανίσει με αλατοπίπερο!



See University websites for scholarship application details and closing dates.( Note: Bond University (Qld) scholarship applications close on 31st July.)


Open Day dates - most open days are in late August or early September. Southern Cross University STAR Entry Scheme Applications close Fri 13th September. This scheme lets Year 12 students gain an early offer to study at Southern Cross University in 2014 based on their school principal’s recommendation. Contact: or 1800 626 481. 9/

?p_schedule_id=1542&p_scholarship_specific_id =607 CQ University Sydney Open Day Thu 8th August, 3pm to 7pm 400 Kent Street, Sydney SAE Institute Open Days Sydney: Sat 3rd August, 11am to 3pm – 55-57 Wentworth Avenue, Sydney Byron Bay: Sat 10th August, 11am to 3pm – 373391 Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay

Optus Engineering Cadet Program August. Applications close Sat 31st This cadet program offers cadets a combination of on-the-job learning and TAFE studies for a threeyear period. Upon completion cadets will have earned a Graduate Diploma of Telecommunications Engineering and can being a career in an Optus engineering position. s/Careers/Engineering+Cadet+Program

JMC Academy Open Day Sat 17th August, 10:30am 561 Harris Street, Ultimo Contact: (02) 8241 8899 University of Western Sydney Parent Information Day: Parramatta Saturday 27th July.

University of Wollongong Information Evenings for Year 12 Students and Parents Randwick – Thu 8th August, 6:30pm to 8:30pm Kogarah – Mon 19th August, 6:30pm to 8:30pm 7.html

Aim for the Stars Foundation 2014 Grants Applications close Fri 15th November.Females aged 12 to 26 years who need funding to achieve goals in their sporting, academic, community, business, environmental or cultural pursuits are invited to apply for this grant.Contact: 0422 600 733 or ns-for-2014-grants-are-open-now/

Charles Sturt University New Teacher Education Program Charles Sturt University has launched a new teacher education program that is designed to give graduates an edge by preparing them for work in both early childhood and primary training, or primary and secondary training. The Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood in Primary) will be offered at Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo and Wagga Wagga, and the Bachelor of Education (K-12) will be offered at Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst and Wagga Wagga. mID=CB4D6D7A91CEFD8121EE1F6304C5C8E A UNSW Australian Robertson Scholars Program 2014 Each year one Australian student is selected to complete a four year undergraduate degree in the United States at either Duke University or the University of North Carolina. The scholarship is valued at $200,000 and pays for full tuition, room and board and living. Entries close Fri 6th December 2013. p/sc_al_search_detail.display_scholarship_details

Sutherland Shire HSC Lecture Series Sutherland Library, 30-36 Belmont Street, Sutherland. Take advantage of expert advice and exam tips from experienced speakers about the HSC. Contact: or 9710 0351. formation_For/HSC_Students Camp America 2014 Information Session Tue 6th August, 6:30pm to 8:30pm Y Hotel Hyde Park, 5-11 Wentworth Avenue, Sydney Find out more about Camp America’s 2014 programs from the Camp America team and former Camp America participants. 013/ Projects Abroad Online Broadcast Projects Abroad’s previous online information


broadcasts are available on their website for anyone interested in participating in one of their Alternative Schoolies Projects or High School projects.

ISA FOOTBALL Round 7 The girls travelled to Central Coast Grammar School missing a number of girls overseas in particular the Goal Keeper however congratulations to Ann Marie Xenos who played keeper and performed well. Chrystal Christie again a stand out scoring 3 of the 4 goals. Final Score was 4-2. However, not only should these girls be commended for their performance on the field but also for their sportsmanship. Ms Gambriell reported that these girls formed friendships with the opposition, exchanging contacts demonstrating the many benefits of sport.

Defence Jobs Australia: Army Supportive Roles Facebook Chat July, 6.30pm – 8.00pm Wed 17th 554/ MyUniversity MyUniversity provides students with a broad range of information about Australian universities and other higher education providers. Also, don’t forget to access the Careers section of the school website for further information and links to providers.

ISA REPRESENTATIVE NEWS Cassandra Georgiou will be competing for ISA at the NSWCIS Netball Championships this Thursday 25th July. Good Luck for the next stage of selection.

Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser



ISA NETBALL Round 7 Open Girls had an early match against St Andrews Cathedral after a 4 week rest from Netball. Despite starting off slowly they began to build their performance defeating St Andrews 4825. Both Yianna Criticos and Nicola Demetri showed brilliance in their shooting contributing to the teams’ success. The girls need to continue their success to secure a favourable final position.

BOYS ISA FOOTBALL Boys Saturday sport resumed this week with our boys results as follows: U13 defeated Redfield College 2-1 U14 Whites defeated Redfield College 7-0 U 14 Blues lost to Trinity Grammar 2-1 U15 defeated Redfield 4-0 U 17 lost to Redfield 1-0 First XI defeated Redfield 3-2

Intermediate C’s continue their undefeated run defeating St Pauls 47-13. This game allowed the girls to become familiar with different positions and practise different combinations in preparation for the upcoming Semi Finals. Junior C’s White defeated St Andrews Cathedral 38-11 an outstanding performance. This team has improved significantly over the season and they are beginning to achieve the success they deserve. Junior C’s Blue were narrowly defeated by 2 points despite leading by 4 in the first half. This team possesses the fundamental skills needed in Netball but are still grasping the rules of Netball, Demi Flokis and Erin Criticos their coaches are doing a great job with these girls and are admired by their little team.

This week all teams with the exception of the 14 whites played their round 7 ISA competition game against Redfield College at Dural. The boys represented themselves with great enthusiasm and determination especially considering this was their first Game back from the holidays. The U 13 boys had something to prove with their previous two encounters against Redfield


resulting in defeat the boys needed to step up and that is what they did. Redfield are undefeated in the 13’s and despite conceding in the first half the boys put it all together in the second half and won the game 2-1 on the back of outstanding performances from all the boys but our goalkeeper Alexander Alsop was undoubtedly one of the candidates for the best and fairest of the game. Congratulations to the boys and their coach Ms Hafner and ex-student coaches Phillip Fotiou and Ben Papadopoulos.

winning attitude an attitude that nothing is impossible. The boys now sit comfortably at the top of the table and look to be closer now than ever to secure a home semi-final.

The 14 whites continued their dominant performance in this competition using this game as an opportunity to try playing in different positions and working on improving their decision making and individual skills.

Alexander Cardamis recently attended the Maroubra Surf Club Annual Award Night where he was presented with his Surf Rescue Certificate.

Student Profile Our students’ achievements in sport and recreational pursuits are often unknown in this edition of the Newsletter we acknowledge Alexander Cardamis of Year 9 and his pursuits in Surf Life Saving.

He obtained this last summer he successfully completed the following assessment tasks;

Congratulations to all players in the 14 blue team for their effort and commitment every week whether it is an away or home game. The boys lost narrowly 2-1 against Trinity Grammar. Demitrios Avdalis was man of the match with Stanley Condous scoring the only goal for St Spyridon . Well done to all the players.


1. Signals Activity - Knowledge of all required communication signals on the beach. 2. First Aid - Knowledge to treat various injuries such as; burns, bleeding, broken bones, marine stings, sprains, heat stroke etc. 3. CPR - Ability to perform CPR on an unconscious patient after following the basic steps of DRSABCD. 4. Run/Swim/Run - Ability to run 100m on sand, swim 100m out to sea, and run a further 100m on sand all within 5 minutes. 5. Rescues - Ability to perform the rescue of patient 50m from shore firstly with a board and then again with a tube.

The 15s needed to get a result to stay in touch with the leaders in the competition. Strong performances in the second half particularly by Christos Kollias and Alexander Michos helped the boys to the 3 competition points. The 17s although defeated by Redfield could have felt hard done by because of a weak penalty awarded against them in the first half. Nevertheless the boys tried hard to get the goal back but were not able to get themselves level. Despite this the boys must be credited with their discipline and positive approach. The team now must try to get a positive result against next week’s opponents Blue Mountains Grammar.

Below is a photo of Alexander and Peter Koureas (HSC 2009) who is now a Patrol Captain and a Senior Equipment Trainer at Maroubra Surf Club.

The Opens were coming off a really spirited performance on Thursday in the Cup and having to play two days later against second placed Redfield College was going to be a tough task. The boys conceded early and just before the half time break lost goalkeeper Leonidas Andrew to injury. With Redfield playing nice football our boys looked out of the game and it seemed that Thursdays emotional win may have had a its toll on our boys. Not to be outdone, our boys clawed their way back levelling the game and taking the lead 2-1 before walking off with a final 3-2 win. The Year 12 boys were incredible, standing tall when it counted most and they made the second half their own. This opens team has developed a

When you're down at Maroubra Beach next summer, keep a look out for Alexander and Peter. They could save your life!


midfield as did Alexander Coplin who provided stability and inspired his younger teammate Kristian Kontakos. With 8 minutes remaining Christopher Kolistasis scored a cracking goal after he took a free kick outside the 18 yard box striking the ball with intent and poise. The boys then defended their lead as they have done successfully in the tournament. Despite being bombarded by Trinity’s attacking raids the boys held on and won a memorable 1 – nil win.

CIS BOYS FOOTBALL CUP ROUND 3 Persistence is everything in trying to achieve sporting success and dreams help to ignite that belief. Our Open Boys St Spyridon Football team are testament that persistence and belief can drive success. The first XI Boys Football team played their 3rd Round cup game against Trinity Grammar on Thursday 18th July at David Phillips Fields. The winner would go on to play in the Quarter Finals of the cup and secure a spot in the final 8 Independent Schools contesting in the prestigious Cup in this year’s tournament.

The boys deserve to be commended on a fantastic game of football on a day that has helped to strengthen the students resolve, passion and commitment to their College. As the boys coordinator of sport I want to congratulate all the boys and their coach Mr Zafiropoulos on reaching the Quarter finals and wish them the best of luck in their games to come.

In front of many parents from both schools as well as 30 St Spyridon students the boys started the game slowly and Trinity had the early ascendancy with our Goal keeper Leonidas Andrew saving several shots from the Trinity attack. Despite this, the boys eventually found their feet and put together what were arguably the best chances in front of goal. James Andrew (striker) had a real positive impact in our attacking half and was unfortunate not to secure the lead for the St Spyridon. In the second half the boys started and played the stronger half. Christopher Kolistasis injected himself more into the front line and the

The boys’ next opponents will be Knox Grammar in the Quarter Finals.

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)




TERM 1 Monday 27th January 2014

2014 DATES

Australia Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 28th January 2014 Wednesday 29th January 2014 Thursday 30th January 2014 Friday 31st January 2014

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Tuesday 25th March 2014

Annunciation. School Closed

Friday 11th April 2014

Term ends

Friday 18th April 2014 Sunday 20th April 2014

Good Friday Easter Sunday


Monday 28th April 2014 Tuesday 29th April 2014

Staff Development Day Students return

Monday 9th June 2014

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 20th June 2014

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 14th July 2014 Tuesday 15th July 2014

Staff Development Day Students return

Friday 15th August 2014

Dormition of the Theotokos - school closed

Friday 19th September 2014

Term ends for Staff and students

TERM 4 Monday 6th October 2014

Public Holiday

Tuesday 7 October 2014 Wednesday 8th October 2014

Staff Development day Students return

Thursday 4th December 2014 Friday 5th December 2014

Term ends for students Staff Development day



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