News 128 10a 2014

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VOLUME XXXI No 10 24th July, 2014


JULY VACCINATIONS SS Futsal State Championships SS


HSC Trials begin


AUGUST Athletics Carnival JS Jeans for Genes Day SS K2015 Interviews

1st 4th – 7th

Divine Liturgy


Specialty Photos JS


K2015 Interviews ICAS Maths JS

11th – 13th 12th

The Dormition of the Theotokos School closed


K2015 Interviews

18th –20th

K2015 Interviews

25th – 27th

ASISSA Athletics Carnival JS


SEPTEMBER HSC Success Program begins K2015 Interviews


Cybersafety Parents Years 7 & 8 Cybersaftey Incursion Yrs 4-6


Maths Cup JS


Father’s Day


Greek Orthodox Athletics Carnival JS


ISA Athletics SS


CIS Athletics JS


Year 12 Farewell Assembly


K-12 Doxology Debating Gala Day JS


Year 12 Formal Dinner


Sports Presentation Evening


Term ends for students OPEN DAY JS





SENATOR’S LEADERSHIP AWARDS ASSEMBLY On the 23rd July, the Hon. Senator Matt Thistlethwaite, Member for Kingsford Smith, presented Certificates to Junior School and College leaders in the St Spyridon Church Hall. The Senator believes that education and leadership are critical to our nation’s future. In his presentation, he encouraged every student to exercise leadership in their daily lives. The vote of thanks below, was given by the Vice Captain of the College Yianna Criticos.

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag Vote of Thanks

As Vice Captain of the College it is my pleasure and privilege to give the vote of thanks at the closing of this wonderful Ceremony. Mr. Thistlesthwaite, St Spyridon College as you well know is a centre of excellence. Here young people develop leadership skills to grow into dynamic leaders. For us leadership means taking responsibility for others and serving those in greater need than ourselves through our actions. Here at St Spyridon College we develop character and conscience, and citizens who develop confidence to speak and act for the good of the nation. As leaders and prefects we consider it an honour to model by our example those skills and qualities that young students need. And we all need the same things - to do the best we can do and be the best we can be. As student leaders we inspire others to raise funds for charity, serve the wider community, take responsibility for the environment and make global connections. Our faith is of critical importance in all our learning and all our actions. Therefore, every student in our school has the privilege and responsibility to lead. On behalf of Mrs. Stefanou Head of College and whole school community I extend our warmest thanks to you Senator for honouring us with a presentation of awards this morning. We extend to you and your family every good wish for your future prosperity and happiness. Please accept this small gift as a mark of our respect and appreciation. Yianna Criticos

‘Always a pleasure to visit the K-12 school community at St Spyridon College. Congratulations to all those recognised today for their leadership.’ Hon. Senator Matt Thistlewaite







…to Ms Anita Hafner who was married in the July holidays to Mr Wayne Petzler.

CONGRATULATIONS It is with great pleasure we announce the birth of Spyridon Karpouzos, son of Mr & Mrs Karpouzos and brother to Lewis. We wish them good health and a lifetime of happiness.

May God shower His Blessings on them. Ms Hafner will now be called Mrs Petzler.

Our congratulations are also extended to Miss Galanis and her fiancé James Zaharopoulos on their engagement in the holidays. Η ώρα η καλή!


Congratulations to Miss Sotiras and her husband Angelo on their marriage in the holidays. We wish them love, health and happiness always.

Please note that Term 3 fees were due on the 17th July 2014. A $50 admin fee will be added to every account on Wednesday, 23rd July 2014. Please aim to pay all fees by the due date. Thank you St Spyridon Accounts Department

UNIFORM SHOP The Uniform Shop will be stocking Reversible Raincoats as from October. Size 4-14, cost $39.00.



We express our deepest sympathy to Mr Frank Kaldis on the recent loss of his mother. May God rest her soul and grant strength to Mr Kaldis and his family.

The Kingsford June/July Vacation Care period was a whole lot of fun, jam packed into 3 weeks! In week 1 we had Laser Skirmish at the centre, we went loom band mad on loom band day and we visited Sky Zone Trampoline Park.

Condolences also go to Mr Richardson, for the loss of his wife and Luke (Year 8) and Joel (Year 9) on the loss of their mother. May God look after them and keep them in his care.


The Red team ready to battle

The Green Team – taking no prisoners

2 Labrador Retrievers, Matilda and Aussie joined us too

In week 2 we had a visit from an Animal Farm, participated in a really fun treasure hunt, brought in our bikes and scooters on wheels day and went to see ‘How to Train Your Dragon 2’ in 3D at the IMAX Darling Harbour.

In week 3 we became scientists and explored the density of different liquids – we made our own lava lamps too! We went to the Powerhouse Museum and had so much fun at the Games Masters exhibit, made yummy muffins and had a ball on our pyjama and pizza party.

Eva, Bianca and Athina hanging out with the hens

Andreas and his furry friend


For those parents who use the after care service regularly, however are not sure which days you require care each week, I ask that you please call, text or email me on the day you are planning on sending your child to after care - the more notice the better - that way I am able to ensure they are collected from the playground as well as allowing me to prepare enough afternoon tea for the day. Please note that After School Care is now $20 per afternoon. Ms P. Doyle Children’s Services Coordinator 0410 505 524 or 9516 2188

Ross and Nicholas showing off their lava lamps





Welcome to Term 3, and to all the students, teachers and parents back from the Pilgrimage to Greece. Trivia Night: 23rd August 2014 We invite you to start organising your tables of 10. There will be music, dancing, prizes! BYO food! Alcohol and beverages will be available for purchase on the night. Watch out for our Flyer, coming out to you, in the coming weeks.

Katherine and Marie busting a move at Games Masters

Walk-A-Thon : 16th September 2014 A date has been set for our Walk-A-Thon in September. More details to follow in our next Newsletter. Mrs Angela Vergotis (P&F, Assistant Secretary)

Mary and Chloe in deep concentration playing video games


After School Care

A warm Welcome Back is extended to all our parents and children but especially to the new students and their families who have joined us this term: Petar Jovanovic 3S, Andreja Jovanovic 5A and Ethan Prayster 5I. We look forward sharing your educational journey with you and welcome you to the St Spyridon family!

I hope the first week of Term has gone well for all. After School Care this Term began on Tuesday 15th July. We have our government funded Active After School Sports program starting next week for a 7 week program. On Tuesdays we will run a golf session and on Thursdays it will be basketball. If you would like your children to attend on these days please let me know on 0410 505 524. We like to encourage all children at after care to participate.


What we are asking from you, is if you have any running shoes or soccer boots that you don’t use anymore please bring them to school by Wednesday 30th July. Year 6 will give them to this Charity. Please have the shoes as clean as possible, with no holes and tie them together in matching pairs. Please do support this great cause!

CLASS LITURGIES Years 3 – 6 have been learning to chant the hymns of the Divine Liturgy under the instruction of Mr Harry Mavrolefteros. This term, our Reverend Fathers will be conducting class liturgies where the students can participate more intimately in the service. The Fathers will be conducting the liturgy on the solea and will be demonstrating and explaining to the students the significance of the different parts of the service. It is a moving experience and I invite you to join us. The service will commence at 8:50am and conclude at approximately 10:00am.

DR ALAN DUFFY- ASTROPHYSICIST, RESEARCH FELLOW SWINBOURNE UNIVERSITY Last week we were privileged to have Dr Duffy visit our school and inspire the scientists among us. What was equally pleasing was that Dr Duffy was impressed with how much scientific knowledge our children had. The children were not only able to answer most of his questions but they were able to pose interesting questions to our expert. We would like to thank Mr & Mrs Borrett (Dean 2C) for arranging this once in a life opportunity for us and thank Dr Duffy for giving so freely of his time to share his passion with our children.

Dates are as follows: 31/7– Yr 5, 21/8 – Yr 4, 28/8 – Yr 3 and 9/10 – Yr 6.

SPECIALTY PHOTOS On the 8th of August, photos of the sporting teams, musical ensembles and groups will be taken. This includes Yr 6 grade photo. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their Full School Winter uniform. Any sibling photos that have been missed will also be taken on this day.

We share the following reports with you. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School

ATHLETICS CARNIVAL St Spyridon College –Junior School Annual Athletics Carnival will be held on Friday 1st August 2014 at E.S. MARKS ATHLETICS FIELD. Entry is gained via the main gate in Boronia Street, off Anzac Parade Kensington. All children Kindergarten to Year 6 are to be taken directly to E.S. Marks Athletics Field and must be there by 8.30am for Roll Call. The carnival will commence at 8.45am sharp and will conclude at 2.30pm. All children are to be picked up from the oval by 3.00pm.

Year 4 students were very excited about Dr Duffy’s visit on Friday the 18th of July, 2014. Many Year 4 students had spent time the night before researching him and visiting his website. Students were aware that his strength and focus was Astronomy and Space. Students had studied “The Solar System” in Year 3, so the students had a solid foundation in preparation for Dr Duffy’s presentation. In addition to this, it gave them the confidence to participate when he posed questions.


Our topic this term in Science is “Smooth Moves”. This topic relates to forces, friction, how things move, why things move and why things accelerate. Dr Duffy’s presentation integrated beautifully with our Science topic this term when he spoke about the force of Gravity and its role in Space. The way Dr Duffy used visuals and props throughout his presentation helped enrich the understanding of the students and teachers alike.

Last term, Year 6 held a fundraiser for a great cause, Shoes for Planet Earth. This is a charity working together with local & international communities to provide recycled running shoes to those in need around the world. These include homeless shelters, youth and female crisis centres, indigenous community sporting groups, orphanages, churches, flood and other disaster victims, African communities and many, many more.

With the ever increasing influence that technology has on how we live and learn, it heightened for me as an educator, the important role I have to prepare the students in my care and empower


them, arming them with the skills to be able to access and use information and, to work collaboratively and creatively as a member of the global community.

astonishing facts. He has definitely left his mark and intrigued all of us to learn more about the fascinating black sky that sits above us every night.

Miss Nicolaou Year 4 Turquoise Class Teacher

Year 2 felt very privileged to have had such an extraordinary opportunity to speak with such a credible personality. This experience has broadened their scope and introduced them to a new found hunger to learn more about what is really happening up there in what looks like an everlasting darkness to the naked eye. What a great start to the Term! Thank you Dr Alan Duffy, Year 2 are truly grateful and enjoyed engaging with the exciting knowledge that you brought to us. Miss K. Galanis Year 2 Crimson Class Teacher

WHAT I LEARNED WITH DR DUFFY Mr Galileo Galilei invented the first telescope. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. Kangaroos use ultra violet to see. The Australian Aboriginal Astronomers thought that the Milky Way formed an emu. The red spots in the string that look like spider webs are actually lots of universes put together. Dark matter is all around us. You can’t see it or catch it, but it works to keep things in place in the universe. Alexander Kumar 3S

On Friday 18th July, Year 2 was fortunate enough to have Dr Alan Duffy, a highly respected Astrophysicist visit Saint Spyridon College. Dr Duffy presented a talk on Astronomy and helped us to better understand The Universe based on current research and newly found evidence. He referred to new projects being launched in Australia, which will see some of the most advanced satellites to be built. Dr Duffy managed to capture our interest in outer space and its


He also told us that an Italian astronomer was the first person to build a telescope. His name was Galileo Galilei. At the end of his presentation, two students from Year 6 gave Dr Duffy a gift to say thank you for teaching us about our Solar System and Dark Matter. We loved Dr Duffy’s talk! We hope he visits again when he has proven his theory on the existence of Dark Matter. Georgia Athanasopoulos and Alyssa Alas 6M

AN ASTRONOMY LESSON WITH DR DUFFY On the 21st of July we were visited by an Astrophysicist; Dr Alan Duffy. He came and spoke to us about our Solar System and Dark Matter. Dr Duffy first spoke to us about the Milky Way Galaxy along with other clusters of galaxies. He showed us a picture of a galaxy and how it looked like a stretched Emu- an ancient Indigenous belief. He showed us Jupiter and explained why it has a red spot. We found out that inside that Red spot is a 400 year old hurricane that no human being would be able to withstand. He then showed us what Dark Matter was all about. He told us to make a circle with our hands and to block one side and then hold it up to the sun. He explained that even though Dark Matter is invisible, tiny millions of pieces of it had just flown through us right now. He also said that every time Dark Matter comes around, it knocks an atom off you. Next Dr Duffy conducted a second experiment to explain a concept about our solar system. He grabbed a ‘Space Bear’ with a string attached. He asked for a volunteer, Michael, to slowly spin the space bear around and then asked Michael to start spinning the space bear faster and to give it longer string. With Dr Duffy’s help, Michel explained how it was getting harder to spin the bear because of all the energy pushing towards it. Dr Duffy then showed us a picture of the Milky Way Galaxy and said that Orion Arms exist because gravity is pulling towards the centre. Interestingly, Dr Duffy showed us how to catch a’ ghost’. He even showed us a picture of the machinery that he uses to catch ghosts. Astrophysicists use a special UV light filter to see the ghostly Dark Matter. The last thing he showed us was a picture of the Parkes Satellite Dish which astronomers use, like Dr Duffy had the chance to climb, for research.



Nicolas Tiana Paola Leanna Jorge Stephen Jamyson Sia Alexander Nicholas Christopher Mihalis Maria-Angela Juval Vicki Alexander Costa Eleni Demi Teoni Gianni Theresa Panagiota Roza Nicholas George Andrew Michael Thomas

Students from Years 3 to 6 were invited to participate in International Competitions and Assessments for Schools. Students whose achievements were outstanding were rewarded with Certificates of, Credit, Distinction and High Distinction. We are proud to announce that of the 197 participants, 48 Credit 12 Distinctions and 1 High Distinction recipients. HIGH DISTINCTION Evan Hatgis

Year 5

DISTINCTION Alexander Alexander Zachary Jennifer Katerina Sophia Adriana Paul Fotios Mary Peter Anna

Kumar Marinos Marinos Pyliotis Alexandratos Karatasos Drakoulis Giavis Konitsas Diamond Petrides Papas

Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 4 Year 4 Year 4 Year 5 Year 5 Year 6

CREDIT Christie Nektarios Thomas Mia Amelia Natalia Stavros Anna Christian Theoni Crystal Evana Nicoletta Adam Sienna Annemarie Nicholas Nicholas Lucia

Kalis Kollias Pambris Paras Raptis Constantinidis Haralambides Kakakios Lynch Asproukos Coulits Haramis Koufou Stamos Tsoukalas Aroney Giallafos Notaras Zois

Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 4

Mr A. Dookie Deputy Principal Junior School


Kalligiannis Natsikas Papadakis Papaleonidas Cooney Koutoulogenis Gouveros Manos Nikitopoulos Papas Vougioukas Dovellos Patsalis Mikhail Synesios Papaioannou Hadjipareskeva Haralambides Micos Antonopoulos Keramitzis Sevastopoulos Kappatos Papas Drakoulis Stavrou Karaniki Konitsas Mouratidis

Year 4 Year 4 Year 4 Year 4 Year 4 Year 4 Year 4 Year 4 Year 4 Year 4 Year 5 Year 5 Year 5 Year 5 Year 5 Year 5 Year 5 Year 5 Year 5 Year 5 Year 5 Year 5 Year 6 Year 6 Year 6 Year 6 Year 6 Year 6 Year 6

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT FROM THE ART ROOM Last Semester Year 10 worked on making a wearable artwork. In critical and theoretical studies, students became familiar with the works of Yinka Shonibare MBE, Angela Ellsworth, Anna Eggert, Fiona Hall and Timothy Horn. The design brief after research was to create a wearable item for a character from a fractured fairy tale. Many of the students went beyond a simple item and made entire outfits. This included making the patterns and printing the fabric. We are grateful to Demi and Erin for modelling these pieces.

Ms M. Pringle Visual Arts Teacher

SCOLIOSIS INFORMATION Please note that a brochure has been given out to girls in Years 7 and 9 concerning Scoliosis. For more information please go to Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




held in support of the Children’s Medical Research Institute. This organisation uses the funds raised by contributors to investigate diseases that cause things like birth defects, cancer, and epilepsy. On this day all students are encouraged to make a $2 gold coin donation and wear lots of DENIM clothing, instead of their school uniform. We ask that shorts, leggings, and UGG boots, NOT be worn.

Welcome back everyone to Term 3, especially those who took advantage of the strong Australian dollar and this years’ Parish Trip to Greece, to travel overseas with their families. I hope everyone is well rested and ready to meet the demands of the busy term ahead by being well prepared and organised. For those who travelled, a number of school days may have been missed and along with these, some important work. Students must take whatever steps are needed to quickly get themselves up to speed with all their work. We appeal to parents to assist their children by checking that all catch up work has been completed within the first two weeks of the students’ return to school.

Year 10 volunteers will also be at the Pacific Square Shopping Centre, Maroubra, selling Jeans 4 Genes merchandise throughout the day on the 1st of August.

TRANSITION INTERVIEWS FOR YEAR 7 2015 Shortly, Year 6 parents with children who will be joining us in 2015 will receive a letter of invitation asking that an appointment be made with our Principal, Mrs Katsogiannis and or myself as Dean of Middle School. It is hoped that transition interviews with incoming students and parents will begin sometime in August. At this interview all students must bring the documentation listed in the invitation letter, along with the page titled “Passport to Senior School” (which will also be sent home). This page is a double sided form that will need to be filled neatly prior to the interview by each student and a recent passport – like photo attached.

HALF-YEARLY REPORTS & Parent Teacher Conferences Last week and this week parents had the opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss their child’s progress and listen to any concerns. If for any reason interviews were missed and you would still like to speak with your child’s teachers, please contact the school office.

CYPRUS INVASION MEMORIAL DAY On Sunday 27th July, a special service commemorating the 40 year anniversary of the 1974 Turkish military invasion of Cyprus and the memory of the fallen and missing persons, will take place at the Cenotaph in Martin Place. Students of Cypriot background and SRC members from across the year groups have been invited to attend. After a wreath is laid by our students on behalf of the College, all who have gathered will march in procession from the Cenotaph to the Town Hall.


LEARNING SUPPORT Targeted students in Years 7, 8, and 9 who teachers feel will benefit from after school Literacy and/or Organization and Time Management Support in Term 3 will be bringing home an information letter. Classes will be held in the school library with Ms Barbouttis (3.054.30pm). Each Monday will be with Year 7, Tuesday with Year 8 and Thursday with Year 9.


If your child is selected and you would like them to participate, please sign and return the permission slip promptly. Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

On Friday 1st August, the annual JEANS 4 GENES MUFTI DAY FUNDRAISER will be




σεβασμό τόσο προς τους συνανθρώπους μας, που απαρτίζουν αυτή την κοινωνία, αλλά και φυσικά προς την κουλτούρα τους. Και όχι μόνο αυτό! Η συμβίωση σε μια πολυπολιτισμική κοινωνία μας επιτρέπει επίσης να μαθαίνουμε για τις διάφορες κουλτούρες, παραδόσεις, αξίες, αρχές, γλώσσες και γνώμες που υπάρχουν γύρω μας κι αυτό μας βοηθάει να εμπλουτίσουμε τις γνώσεις μας. Παράλληλα, διατηρώντας τα δικά μας ήθη κι έθιμα δείχνουμε την εκτίμησή μας για όσα μάθαμε από τους γονείς μας, κάνοντάς τους έτσι περήφανους αντί να ντρεπόμαστε για την κουλτούρα μας.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό, θα ήθελα πρώτα απ’όλα να ευχαριστήσω τους μαθητές της Α΄ Γυμνασίου, που τη δεύτερη εβδομάδα των διακοπών συμμετείχαν σε μια Υποδειγματική διδασκαλία μου στην αίθουσα της Ιεράς μας Αρχιεπισκοπής με σκοπό την επαγγελματική μετεκπαίδευση των δασκάλων των απογευματινών σχολείων της Ι. Αρχιεπισκοπής. Οι μαθητές αυτοί ήταν: Ευφημία Δαμιανού, Δέσποινα Καποδίστρια, Μάρκος Γρυλλάκης, Βασίλης Αβδάλης, Παναγιώτης Συνέσιος, Αυγουστής Παπαδόπουλος, Κωνσταντινος Γιαβής και Σοφία Κατερίνη, τους οποίους ευχαριστώ θερμά για τη συμμετοχή. Επίσης δημοσιεύω εργασία μαθητρίας της Γ΄Λυκείου με τίτλο «Είμαστε τυχεροί που ζούμε σε μια πολυπολιτισμική κοινωνία». Καλό τρίμηνο και καλή ανάγνωση.

Από την άλλη, οι γονείς μας ξεκινώντας από πολύ νωρίς, μας μαθαίνουν κάποιες αξίες και συμπεριφορές που θεωρούν απαραίτητες για την ζωή μας. Τέτοιες αξίες μπορεί να είναι ο σεβασμός προς τον συνάνθρωπο, να είμαστε ειλικρινείς και υπάκουοι στους νόμους, να αγαπάμε ο ένας τον άλλο και να αποδεχόμαστε τον διπλανό μας ανεξάρτητα από το χρώμα, την γλώσσα ή την κουλτούρα του. Έτσι θεωρώ πως είμαστε τυχεροί που ζούμε σε μια πολυπολιτισμική κοινωνία γιατί έτσι όχι μόνο εφαρμόζουμε τις νουθεσίες των γονιών μας αλλά παράλληλα γινόμαστε πιο ώριμοι και ευγενικότεροι άνθρωποι.

Μ. Φαλέτα

Επίσης είμαστε πάρα πολύ τυχεροί που ζούμε σε μια πολυπολιτισμική κοινωνία επειδή μπορούμε να απολαύσουμε την ομορφιά που μας προσφέρουν όλες οι κουλτούρες που βρίσκονται γύρω μας. Για παράδειγμα, αν περπατάς σε ένα δάσος και βλέπεις τριγύρω μόνο ένα είδος δέντρου που έχει το ίδιο πράσινο χρώμα στα φύλλα σύντομα θα βαρεθείς να το ατενίζεις… Όταν όμως διασχίζεις ένα δάσος με ποικιλία δέντρων τότε δεν χορταίνεις την ομορφιά της διαφορετικότητας! Το ίδιο συμβαίνει και με την πολυπολιτισμική κοινωνία. Είναι σημαντικό να ζούμε σε μια τέτοια κοινωνία, επειδή όχι μόνο την ομορφαίνει αυτή η ποικιλία αλλά επειδή επιτρέπει και στον κάθε άνθρωπο να βρει και να εκφράσει την ταυτότητά του. Επιτρέπει στον κάθε άνθρωπο να νιώθει άνετα με την εμφάνισή του και να αποδέχεται τον συνάνθρωπό του με τις διαφορές του. Αποδεχόμενοι ότι όλοι είμαστε διαφορετικοί αλλά ταυτόχρονα και ίσοι τότε και μόνο μπορούμε όλοι να συμβιώσουμε σε ένα ειρηνικό, ευχάριστο και αρμονικό περιβάλλον.

«Είμαστε πολύ τυχεροί που ζούμε σε μια πολυπολιτισμική κοινωνία». Σήμερα, αγαπητοί μου συμμαθητές, θέλω να σας ανοίξω τα μάτια, όπως λέμε, σχετικά με το θέμα «Είμαστε πολύ τυχεροί που ζούμε σε μια πολυπολιτισμική κοινωνία». Προσωπικά, συμφωνώ με αυτά τα λόγια και θα προσπαθήσω να σας εξηγήσω γιατί. Όλοι μας είμαστε παιδιά του ίδιου Θεού όπως κι αν τον αποκαλούμε, αν και κάποιοι δυστυχώς δεν πιστεύουν στο Θεό, όμως αυτό δεν αλλάζει την πραγματικότητα. Πέρα από αυτό βέβαια, υπάρχουν και οι νόμοι που λένε ότι όλοι είμαστε ίσοι. Έτσι το να ζούμε σε μια πολυπολιτισμική κοινωνία είναι ένα πολύ καλό και σημαντικό πράγμα. Έχουμε την ευκαιρία να αποδεχόμαστε ο ένας τον άλλο και να δείχνουμε ανεκτικότητα και

Γι’αυτὀ πιστεύω πως εἰμαστε πολύ τυχεροί που ζούμε σε μια πολυπολιτισμική κοινωνία. Απολαμβάνουμε την ποικιλία της κάθε κουζίνας, της μουσικής, του χορού, του θεάτρου και γενικά των τεχνών κάθε άλλης κουλτούρας γύρω μας.


Γινόμαστε πιο κοινωνικοί και συνεργάσιμοι με τους γύρω μας προωθώντας πάντα την ειρήνη μεταξύ μας. Έτσι είμαστε κι εμείς τυχεροί που μπορούμε να εκφράζουμε την κουλτούρα μας, την ταυτότητά μας και να είμαστε περήφανοι χωρίς τον φόβο της απομόνωσης. Kalioppe Kefalas Year 11 (Accelerated Year 12 – Extension course)


Here is his report: From 23rd until 27th June, I was lucky enough to undertake a Civil and Environmental Engineering Program, hosted by UNSW. There were 60 Year 10 students from around NSW who had the opportunity to participate in this program, which was extremely educational and gave us a sense of a day in the life of a civil engineer. We were informed about the many different paths that civil engineering may take us, including structural, geophysical and hydraulic engineering. We were also taken to visit many structures, such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Anzac Bridge and the Opera House. Although by far the best experience was on the last day, when we were able to input everything we had learnt to attempt to build our own bridge using resources such as plastic straws, sticky tape and string. Overall the experience that I gained was phenomenal and this program definitely helped me with choosing a future career path.


Term 3 promises to be very busy for Year 12 students, with HSC Trial examinations, Open Days at Tertiary Institutions and applications for University courses, scholarships and early offers to be completed. The UAC guides for 2015 University courses have arrived and will be distributed to Year 12 students this week. Online applications open in early August, so the process for this will be explained in the coming weeks. Year 11 students should be considering their subjects for the HSC as they prepare for their final examinations this Term. They are reminded to consult me if they are considering dropping a subject and/or picking up extension courses for Year 12, as this may impact on University course requirements. Year 10 students will be completing the subject selection process for Year 11 this Term. I encourage all students to make an appointment with me to discuss any issues or to explore future courses and careers. Several sessions with Year 10 are planned for this Term, to assist them in this important process.

Paul Mandadakis Year 10 Upcoming events of interest:

AFTRS September School Holiday Courses

The Real Filming Workshop: Mon 22nd September, age 13 – 17 years Intro to Game App Design: Mon 22nd September, age 13 – 17 years Your Skitting Me – Sketch Comedy: Mon 22nd September, age 12 – 15 years Kids Digi Animation: Mon 22nd September, age 9 – 12 years Make Me a Stop Motion Movie: Wed 24th September, age 9 – 12 years AFTRS Film Club – Light, Camera, Action: Mon 29th September, age 9 – 12 years Teens Digi Animation: Mon 29th September, age 13 – 17 years Screen Acting: Tue 30th September, Thu 2nd October, age 13 – 17 years Writing a Short Film: Tue 30th September, age 15 – 17 years

During the recent school holidays, Paul Mandadakis of Year 10 attended the UNSW Engineering Work Experience week.


through volunteering and participating in leadership activities in Australian and overseas. As part of the program students will gain early entry into a limited number of Macquarie degrees and will also receive invitations to special events and pre-study programs. The program is open to Year 12 students who are not only doing academically well but are also leaders in their community. Contact: (02) 9850 6410 w_to_apply/global_leadership_and_entry_progra m

Top Motion Movie Making – The next Step: Wed 1st October, age 10 – 13years A 10% early bird discount will be available to bookings made 28 days in advance of the AFTRS school holidays courses.

UNSW Women in Engineering Camp Applications open on 5 August 2014. The camp will run 12-16 January 2015. Girls who will be in Year 11 or Year 12 in 2015 and who excel in Science and Maths are encouraged to attend. For more information see or contact the UNSW Women in Engineering Manager, Alex Bannigan on (02) 9385 7458 or School visits, talks, materials and activities relating to women in engineering can also be provided.

University of Wollongong Early Admission Program UOW Early Admission is how your high marks in Years 11 and 12 can earn you a place in a UOW degree before you get your ATAR. Once you know what you want, applying is easy. All you need to get started are your exam marks from Years 11 and 12. You’ll also have the chance to include a School Statement of Support (SSS), which is a teacher’s reference in support of your application. Applications will open Friday 1 August at 9am and close Friday 29 August 2014 at 5pm. See: web/@unia/documents/doc/uow152478.pdf

The Good Universities Guide Free 2014 Digital Edition The Good University Guide provides an objective evaluation of the quality of education at every Australian University. The Good Universities Guide can be viewed free of charge on any desktop, laptop or tablet by accessing the following link. n-Careers-Service/Good-Universities-GuideFREE-digital-edition#.U8XRIJSSy8A

Australian Catholic Achievers program



ACU looks for students who understand the importance of working toward the common good and have a willingness to make a contribution to their communities. We believe these students should be recognised for their contribution and leadership potential, and this is why we grant them status as Early Achievers. One of the biggest benefits of the program is that successful applicants receive an offer well ahead of the usual tertiary admissions announcements.

EARLY OFFERS TO UNIVERSITY University of Notre Dame Early Offer Program Applications are currently being received and close September 1st The University of Notre Dame Early Offer Program aims to acknowledge and reward the achievements of outstanding Year 12 students by simplifying their access to courses at University. The Early Offer Program allows recipients to face their final HSC examinations with reduced stress and added confidence knowing that they are guaranteed a place at the University of Notre Dame in 2015. Contact: 02 8204 4404 or cher/earlyofferprogram.shtml

Cambridge University (England) Professor Murray Milgate will be visiting Sydney, at Cranbrook College, on Monday, 8 September, 4pm register for a 4.30pm start. His talk should not take longer than half an hour and then he will take questions. He will talk about the secrets of applying to Oxbridge – Cambridge specifically – and what is needed from a candidate. Email:

Macquarie University Global Leadership Entry Program for Year 12 Students The Global Leadership program provides students with the opportunity to gain practical skills


UNSW Alternative Admission – College of Fine Arts and Built Environment Portfolios

APPRENTICESHIPS Apprenticeships for 2015

UNSW now accepts portfolios in conjunction with ATARs for students who are expecting an ATAR within 10 points of the expected cut-off for some College of Fine Arts and Interior Architecture degrees.

Students that are interested in undertaking an apprenticeship in 2015 are encouraged to start looking now. A number of local and national organisations will begin to advertise positions over the coming months. For more general information on Apprenticeships visit:


Australian Apprenticeships Practice Aptitude Quizzes

Websites of all Universities and Colleges contain information about scholarships they are offering. Most have online applications. See individual websites for more information and make an appointment with me for any assistance you may need.


These quizzes show the expected level of literacy, numeracy and comprehension that people attempting an apprenticeship in a particular field should have.

Teach.NSW Video Conferences Connecting directly with students via video conference allows students to receive firsthand information about the Teacher Education Scholarships, teach.Rural Scholarships and Cadetships that are available to high achieving HSC students.

Telstra Traineeships Telstra, in partnership with Skilled Group, offers a number of traineeships across Australia. spx

Australian Apprenticeships Pathways Job Pathways Charts

To organise a video conference phone 02 9836 9892 or email or

View the potential career pathways within an industry that begin with an apprenticeship.

CADETSHIPS BlueScope Steel Cadetships

ABE Education School Online White Card Course

In 2015 BlueScope Steel are offering cadetships in Engineering, Chemistry, IT and more. These cadetships are based in the Illawarra region.

ABE Education offers an online white card course allowing participants to stop and start at any time. l

Registrations of interest are now being accepted and applications will open on the 1st of July. id=6217C78E-92C5-ADFC-BBA3372576650524

Private Colleges Australian National College of Beauty Career Discovery Day and Beauty Workshop

Working at the ABC

Career Discovery Day Sat 16th August, 10.00am – 2.00pm, 235 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont Spend a day at their campus in Sydney, attend information sessions, take part in workshops, learn about courses and career options. A Day of Beauty Workshop Sat 26th July A one-day session providing practical skills and valuable insights into what life is like running a busy salon.

A host of opportunities are available for students interested in gaining work experience within the media broadcasting sector through the ABC. Cadetships, Scholarships and Work Experience places are on offer and all applications can be made online. experience/


TSFX has added more material to their list of exam and study tips. Themes covered in the new material include effective strategies for working through past exam papers and powerful approaches to developing exam study timetables.

Girls’ Programming Network st

Term 2: Sun 1 June, The School of IT, University of Sydney Term 3: Sat 9th August, The School of IT, University of Sydney Term 4: Sun 2nd November, The School of IT, University of Sydney


The Girls programming Network is a program run by female IT students targeted at high school girls interested in IT. One day each term Girls Programming Network hosts a workshop where you can learn about an exciting topic in computer science. work/about

These will be held over the next two months. I will provide a list of dates in the next newsletter. In the meantime, details can be found on the website of each tertiary institution. Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser

Discover Your Career


Online information for anyone interested in the Tourism & Hospitality industry.



GAP YEAR / OVERSEAS VOLUNTEERING Projects Abroad Online Broadcasts

On the 16th of June, Year 6 had an incursion where Mr Pascalis came in and showed us his combat helmets. He showed us a range of helmets from different wars including WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War and Afghanistan.

Projects Abroad’s previous online information broadcasts are available on their website for anyone interested in participating in one of their Alternative Schoolies Projects or High School projects.

IEP Working Adventures Information Sessions


Some of the helmets included the German and Korean metal helmets. All these helmets are very valuable and are worth thousands of dollars. Mr Pascalis has a special licence to have these helmets and, if he didn’t, they would be illegal; particularly the Afghani helmet. Few of his helmets are relatively old and some versions are still in use now. His most modern helmet has a pair of headphones included in the design which are used for communicating with the base. Thank you to Mr Pascalis for the interesting session.


Sydney Information Sessions Thu 7th August, STA Travel Shop, 841 George Street, Sydney Work USA Information Session: 6.00pm – 6.30pm Work Canada and Work Canada Job Fair Information Session: 6.30pm – 7.00pm Work Britain and Work Britain Visa Kick Start Info Session: 7.00pm – 7.30pm Online Information Sessions Work Britain and Work Britain Online Visa Kick Start: Mon 11th August, 7.15pm – 7.45pm AEST Work USA: Mon 11th August, 6.00pm – 6.30pm AEST Work Canada Job Fair and Work Canada: Mon 11th, 6.30pm – 7.15pm AEST Summer Camp USA: Wed 11th August, 7.45pm – 8.30pm AEST

Michael Vlahakis, George Stavrou and Marcos Hanna 6M

TSFX Study Tips




ISA SPORT Round 8 for ISA Winter Sport will take place this Saturday 26th July for both Boys and Girls Football and Netball. Good luck to all teams for the remaining rounds as we head into the Semi Finals. Semi Finals will take place on Saturday 16th August and Finals 23rd August.

STATE FUTSAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Both our girls and boys opens futsal teams will compete at the State Futsal Championships at Penrith Sports Stadium this Friday 25th July. We wish them the best of luck as they compete against the best futsal teams in NSW.

ISA REPRESENTATIVE NEWS Congratulations to Cassandra Georgiou whose selection was confirmed for the ISA Opens Netball team and she will compete at the NSWCIS Championships. Cassandra has been a member of the ISA Netball team from Year 7 which is an outstanding achievement. We wish her good luck as she trials for the NSWCIS team.

Ms K. O’Shea Mr F. Kaldis


Parish Trip to Greece Photo Gallery




2015 DATES

TERM 1 Monday 26th January 2015

Australia Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 27 January 2015 Wednesday 28th January 2015 Thursday 29th January 2015 Friday 30th January 2015

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Wednesday 25th March 2015

Annunciation. School Closed

Thursday 2nd April 2015

Term ends



Friday 3 April 2015 Monday 6th April 2015

Western Good Friday - Public Holiday Western Easter - Public Holiday

Friday 10th April 2015 Sunday 12th April 2015

Orthodox Good Friday Orthodox Easter


Monday 20th April 2015 Tuesday 21st April 2015

Staff Development Day Students return

Monday 8th June 2015

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 19th June 2015

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 13th July 2015 Tuesday 14th July 2015

Staff Development Day Students return

Friday 18th September 2015

Term ends for Staff and students

TERM 4 Monday 5th October 2015

Public Holiday

Tuesday 6 October 2015 Wednesday 7th October 2015

Staff Development day Students return

Thursday 3rd December 2015 Friday 4th December 2015

Term ends for students Staff Development day



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