St Spyridon News No 104

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VOLUME XXX No 3 8th March, 2013






Independent Schools’ Expo University of Sydney


9th & 10th

Meatfare Sunday


ASISSA Swimming Carnival


Vaccinations Years 7 & 9

13th 16th &

Greek Festival of Sydney


Cheesefare Sunday


Lent Begins


25th March celebrations


Annunciation of the Theotokos School closed


Greek Orthodox Swimming Carnival JS


ISA Swimming Carnival


Western Good Friday Public Holiday


APRIL Public Holiday – Western Easter Monday


Twilight Tours SS


Year 12 Half Yearly Exams begin


Yr 5/6 Peer Support Training at Senior School

9th & 10th

Term 1 ends for Students & Staff


Term 2 begins for Students & Staff Holy Monday


Champions of Champions Keira Kipriotis (Year 9) and Theodore Kipriotis (Year 12)

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag




• Currently, Chairman of the South Sydney District Rugby League Football Club over an eight year period since 2003;


• Chairman of the South Sydney Members Rugby League Football Club; • Chairman of Souths Cares, the community development arm of the Rabbitohs; • Secretary of the Archdiocesan Council and Trustee of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Consolidated Trust; and • Member of the Board of Governors, Steve Waugh Foundation – Australia. • Director for ten years with the Castellorizian Club and President from 2000 to 2002; Mr Pappas has also produced the following publications:

We congratulate Mr Nicholas Pappas AM, for his appointment to the “Member (AM) in the General Divisions of the Order of Australia”.

• Castellorizo: An Illustrated History of the Island and Its Conquerors, Halstead Press, 1994;

Mr Pappas was inducted as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for his long and significant services to Rugby League, the Arts and the wider Greek Australian Community.

• Embers of the Sea: The Empire Patrol Disaster – 1945, Halstead Press, 1995; • Near Eastern Dreams: The French Occupation of Castellorizo – 1915-1921, Halstead Press, 2002;

Nicholas George Pappas AM was born on 1 March 1961, in Sydney, NSW and of parents George Nicholas Pappas AM,MBE and Marina (nee Georgouras).

• An Island in Time: Castellorizo in Photographs – 1890-1948, Halstead press, 2010;

Mr Pappas obtained his Law degree at the University of NSW, and later obtained a PhD in economic history from Sydney University. Since 1984, has practised as a Lawyer and, in 1996, he established his own firm Nicholas G. Pappas and Company, specialising in commercial litigation in the superior courts.

• Various other articles in academic journals and other publications on European History, the Law and Rebetika. Nicholas is married to Helene, also a lawyer, and is the proud father of twins George and Marina. We are proud to have such an esteemed and dynamic Australian as part of our St Spyridon Community.

Mr Pappas has also served as a Director on a number of Public and Private Boards, including: • Director of Laiki Bank (Australia) Ltd (now Beirut Hellenic Bank) since 2001 and Chairman since 2006; • Trustee of The Powerhouse Museum between 1999-2010 and President of the Board of Trustees between 2003-10;



Students are to remain seated in their grade groups in the care of their teachers until the conclusion of the formalities. At the conclusion parents are to collect their child from their Roll Teacher. Please inform the teacher so that your child can be crossed off the roll.

All students of St Spyridon College are expected to attend Church with their teachers on Sunday 24th March and Martin Place. This is a compulsory event for all students Year 1 to Year 12. The march is optional for Kindergarten. All students are expected to be present until the conclusion of the program.

Staff supervision will conclude at approximately 4pm.

The program for the day is as follows:

Students are to wear their summer uniform with blazer to St Spyridon Church in the morning and the Cenotaph, Martin Place in the afternoon.

Uniform Check

10.00am: Junior School children to gather in class groups with their teacher in the Primary Playground. Senior School students to gather in the Infants playground.

Parents are to ensure that students’ shoes are polished, that buttons on blazers, shirts and dress are replaced and that hems are sewn. A reminder that hems of dresses should be knee length. Girls’ socks should turn over at the ankle. Anklet socks are not permitted.

Then children and staff enter the Church and proceed to the front. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Father Steven will speak on the significance of the day. Poems will be recited by students from St Spyridon College and Afternoon School.

The combined Choir of students from the three Greek Orthodox Day schools will be performing at the 25th March celebrations.


At the conclusion: Children are dismissed to go home and have lunch and freshen up.

8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

1.15pm: Staff and students are to assemble behind our school banner in the assigned area at Martin Place. They are to first go to their roll class teacher to be marked present. Teachers will organise the students in their positions ready for the march. Parents are asked to move away from the line up area allowing teachers the space to assemble the students appropriately. Staff will walk on either side of their Year group.

The uniform shop will not be open Wednesday, 10th April - the shop will be open Tuesday, 9th April instead for that week only. Refund/Return Policy – St Spyridon College Uniform Shop If a garment and/or has been worn and it is not a manufacturing issue, unfortunately you will not be entitled to a new uniform.

We ask that parents please stay at a distance from the children and leave them in the care of their teachers while marching. Marching will then proceed from Martin Place, along Pitt Street, onto King Street and gather at The Domain for the afternoon celebrations.

The uniform shop will gladly refund if a garment has not been worn.


The day is a special occasion for all and in particular for our Orthodox Colleges as we are very much in the public eye for most of the day. We ask parents to reinforce what we are saying at school regarding appearance, behaviour and courtesy, so that we as a school community can be proud of our students.

SPALDING PARENT COURSE After surveying the parent body, it has been decided that the Spalding Parent Course will run on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 – 9:30pm. It will run over five weeks from Tuesday the 7th May till Tuesday 11th June. Please note that there will be

The P&F will provide water and a snack to the students on their arrival at the Domain.


no lesson on Tuesday 4th June. The course will be held in the Year Six classrooms and entry will be via Gardeners Rd only.

Friday (1.15pm-1.45pm) Chess Club Choir

Dr Carol Margeson, the leading expert of The Spalding Method in Australia, will run the course. It will be fun and practical, giving you an understanding of the phonograms, spelling rules, word building, sentence making, text writing and reading comprehension. Each participant will receive a pack of resources for use during the course.

THE NEW THREE Rs A lot is written about achievement, but when it comes to the personal qualities that can help our kids to succeed at school, the three non-academic Rs figure prominently. According to education Dr John Irvine and John Stewart, co-authors of thriving at School, Respect, Responsibilities and Relationships are the new 3Rs that help to promote personal growth and develop good and happy learners.

If you are interested in attending, could you kindly leave your details at the Junior School office along with payment of $160 for the course and materials by Tuesday 2nd April.

When we consider that 15 per cent of a child’s time is spent in school; 30 per cent in sleep; and 55 per cent with a parent or adult outside of school, we begin to understand the importance of learning that stretches far beyond school.

BEFORE SCHOOL CARE We would like to gauge interest in Before School Care from 7:45am to 8:15am. If you are interested, could you leave your name at the Junior School Office by Wednesday 13th March.

So what do these new 3Rs encompass? Respect comes from appreciating something for what it is, not what it can do for us. It means teaching children to have regard for others, accept differences, and have respect for themselves, so that they can resist pressure from peers.

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Co-curricular activities commenced Monday 4th March. Please note if any child is not picked up at the end of the activity, 4.30pm, they will be taken to After School Care and parents will need to pay accordingly.

Responsibilities means taking responsibility for actions, learning, possessions, following rules, and for being kind.

Below is an outline of the activities to be held with days and times: Monday (3.30pm – 4.30pm) Logic Club Afternoon Spalding Basketball Cooking Year 3 and Year 4 Dance Debating

Relationships follow on once respect and responsibilities are understood. The most important relationship for children is to strengthen the one with themselves. How a child relates to him or herself is fundamental for social and emotional wellbeing. For more information please go to website below: Strategies for successful school years. Making the most of informal learning. (go to vol 1, 2013)

Monday (mornings at Senior School) Futsal Boys – 7am-8.20am Tuesday (mornings at Senior School) Futsal Girls – 7am-8.20am


Wednesday (3.30pm – 4.30pm) Cooking Year 5 and 6 Artists in the making Drama



Every child should learn to swim in order to equip them with vital survival skills that will stay with them for life. A recent study from Griffith University NSW has revealed that there may be advantages to starting this process early.

Thursday (3.30pm – 4.30pm) AFL


In 2013 recent findings from the Gonski report have prompted Prime Minister Julia Gillard to call for funding to be made available to State schools to implement MultiLit as part of an early intervention strategy to assist students struggling with Reading.

The study suggests that children under five who have swimming lessons develop better language, literacy and numeracy skills, and are likely to be better prepared for school. The four year study surveyed almost 7000 parents and students from Australia, New Zealand, and the US and involved an independent assessment of 177 children aged between 3-5 years. Professor Robyn Jorgensen lead author, said that children who had swimming lessons prior to commencement of school, were found to have performed better in tests of some physical skills although not ball handling, and scored significantly better in literacy, mathematics, visual motor skills and oral expression.

St Spyridon College Junior School recognised the implications of such an important program and trialled the MiniLit program in 2012 upon its release. Results from this trial have indicated significant progress for those students who attended the Infants’ support program. It is pleasing to report that many students who participated in the program have now reached age and stage appropriate outcomes for reading and were able to exit the program.

It’s never too early or too late to encourage consistent participation in swimming lessons, especially when the program is organised during school hours for our primary students.

We are proud to be associated with innovative educational advancements and will continue to support programs that benefit the learning outcomes of students.

The above mentioned report can be found at

More information about the program can be found at

Other useful websites include:

Mrs Kipriotis Infants’ Coordinator


Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School JUNIOR


MultiLit (“Making Up Lost Time in Literacy”) is a research initiative of Macquarie University led by Professor Kevin Wheldall. MultiLit offers proven programs to improve reading accuracy, fluency, comprehension and spelling.

GREAT LENT Great Lent begins on Monday 18th March. During Lent Senior School students will be reciting the following prayer as part of our preparation and efforts for Lent.

MiniLit stands for 'Meeting Initial Needs In Literacy' and is an Early Literacy Intervention, component of the MultiLit initiative. It is evidence based, best practice small group instruction for Year 1 students and is also recommended for some Year 2 students needing further reinforcement of Literacy skills. It is a holistic program of systematic and explicit instruction and contains 80 structured lessons in an easy to hard sequence. The MultiLit Reading Centre at Macquarie University runs intensive group programs where individual attendance is required 2 to 4 times per week at a cost of approx. $3,400 per term.

Prayer of St Ephraim Lord and Master of my life, give me not a spirit of idleness, meddling, love of power and idle talk. But grant me, Your servant, A spirit of soberness, humility, patience and love. Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults, and not condemn my brother; For blessed are you, to the ages of ages. Amen



YEAR 10 AND YEAR 11 ASSESSMENT This week during Pastoral Care students in Years 10 and 11 will receive their Assessment Handbooks.


‘Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders’. Tom Peters

It is important that all students are clear about the Assessment process and their responsibilities.



The above quote could not be demonstrated any more clearly if last week’s SRC speeches are anything to go by. Students across Years 7-11 gave presentations aimed winning over their peers votes on why they should be elected as their class SRC. It was obvious that great thought and enthusiasm was given over to this task, especially across the Middle School where students not only prepared palm cards, but also constructed power point presentations. One student even created a mini ‘campaign commercial’ advertising her leadership qualities and ideas. So impressive were these presentations that the unprecedented decision to have three SRC’s represent each class, (instead of two) has been made. To get a sense of the high calibre of speeches given, read the student voices section of this Newsletter.

On Thursday, 7th March, we farewelled Mrs Skerman, Careers Adviser. Mrs Skerman has decided to retire after serving the St Spyridon College community for almost eight years. We thank Mrs Skerman for all the professional guidance she has given our students and wish her a healthy retirement with her husband, children and grandchildren.

CONGRATULATIONS… ….to Mrs A. Skerman on the arrival of her granddaughter, Sienna Chloe Skerman. May God shower them with His Blessings.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School


before bed time, carrying out the ritual of packing their bag according to the next days’ timetable, and making sure all aspects of uniform are attended to. Being prepared for what is to come is one of the best ways of beginning the day on a positive footing. Getting the basics correct now, will help prepare for the more difficult challenges ahead.

COMMENTS FROM YEAR 7 … about THE SENIOR SCHOOL In Pastoral Care, Year 7 recently reflected upon their experiences at the Senior School so far….here are some of their thoughts: The positives:  It’s been really fun,…have made lots of new friends.  There is more freedom and that makes me happy.  We are expected to show more maturity and responsibility. This makes sure we are always on task.  ..absolutely LOVE Senior School, it’s way better than I expected, especially as I thought I wouldn’t make friends as easily as I have.  It makes me look forward to my future school years here   Playing on the courts and all the sports.  Lots of nice teachers.  Teachers are all excellent.  All my teachers are fun and they challenge me with lots of homework , but I still love them.  We have many new subjects and this makes everything more interesting.  I came here with no friends and now I have heaps.  It’s bigger and better, plus we have more equipment here.  I feel good because I have done everything good so far.  Love the way everything works around here.  Camp was awesome.  So far …its faultless !  I like walking around from class to class by myself.  My classmates are great.  I love having music lessons in the SPACe…the sound proof rooms are amazing.  The canteen is bigger and there is more variety.  Having camp straight up was great.

Congratulations to the following students who were elected as the 2013 Student Representative Council:7K : Alexander Gousetis, Anastasia Hatzidis, Joanna Skouteris 7I : Christopher Kumar, Bianca Frazis, Nathan Adam 7D : Felicity Ginis, George Andrianakos, Luke Richardson 8D : Sophie Andreou, Leon Kouzoukas, Stanley Condous 8K : Larissa Andrianakos, Tristan Hollink, Joel Richardson 8G : Kerryanne Syros, George Dimas, Dimi Frougas 9H: Chrystal Christie, Archie Lambrinos, Manuel Margelis 9S : Keira Kipriotis, Michael Tsintominas, Isidora Stevanovic 9Z : Lia Albanakis, Georgia Koukounaris, Nicole Adam 10G: Matthew Chiam, Peter Contominas 10K : Kalioppe Kefalas, Anastasia Maloukis 11B : Pamela Prineas, Stephanie Mio 11G : Jonah Robertshawe, Rena Lambos YR 12 : Mathew Kambos (College Captain), Leo Andrew (Vice-Captain), Maria Mio (Senior Prefect)

HALF-WAY THROUGH THE TERM… Week 6 represents the half-way point of this Term. Feelings of excitement, nervousness and even confusion have begun to settle and be replaced with animated activity as routines are established and goals are set. All Middle School students, especially Year 7, should by now be allocating 1.5 hours a night to home study, reading their PRC books for at least half an hour


 We can sit anywhere we want, and I can see my sister every day.

CLEAN UP OUR SCHOOL DAY As part of the ‘Clean Up Australia Day’ campaign that occurs every year across our nation, students here at the Senior school rolled up their sleeves, donned pink white and yellow gloves, and set to work. Every year group had a designated area to focus on and they did a brilliant job all round. This has now inspired us to allocate the last Friday of each month to a single Year group taking a turn in helping maintain our pristine school environment. This will be made all the more easier by everyone doing the right thing…. putting all litter in the bins.

The not so great:  We get way more homework than Primary.  The work we do is more challenging than before.  Our school bag is really heavy, and we are getting lots of assignments.  We were the big kids, now we are the little kids.  It’s a bit like starting kindy again, everything is so different to what we have been use to and there is so much to remember and learn.  I miss my Primary school friends, but its still cool.  I dislike taking my bag with me all the time.  I get really tired by the end of the day.

YEAR 7’s ADVICE TO THOSE IN YEAR 6  Get ready for lots of work and try to make friends with everyone in your year.  Always be organized and don’t leave work to the last minute.  Always write your homework in the planner.  Don’t be scared, try your best.  Do your homework the same day as you get it.  Write work correctly.  Stand strong, be on top of your work.  Concentrate on what you have to do.  You have to have time management!  Join sports groups and any other extra groups. You will have even more fun that way.  Get yourself a locker.  Listen to your teachers.  Arrive to class on time.  Support new students.  Always be on your best behaviour.  There are higher expectations.  Be prepared to try something new.  Make good choices.  Never be rude to anyone.  Get a head start, do more work now.  Pack your bag the night before and make sure you don’t forget anything.

LEADERSHIP SRC LEADERS In preparation for their new leadership role, all SRC’s from Year 7 to Year 12 participated in an all-day Student Representative Council Leadership Workshop here at school delivered by the vibrant ‘Rising Generations Group’. The first session was aimed at building a strong and positive team dynamic within the new SRC and


assist students to explore what the SRC is, and what function it can play within the school community. The second part of the workshop focused on equipping the students with improved leadership skills and a greater understanding of the characteristics of a leader. Session 3 brought together the key concepts and ideas from all previous sessions and provides the students with a framework for turning their ideas into actions. SRC’s will be required to attend a fortnightly meeting each Wednesday Week B, at lunch time. Here they will bring issues and concerns raised by their peers and plan to carry out set goals. They will also have the responsibility of:-relaying SRC discussion topics & decisions back to their class peers through Pastoral Care and/or morning Home Room; planning fundraisers; assisting at official school functions if called upon; representing the school at external leadership conferences and other events.

social, political, and personal issues that affect women in leadership roles; and to provide the opportunity for the participants to meet a variety of role models of women leaders. We look forward to reading their report in the next Newsletter.

2013 SCHOOL IMMUNIZATIONS Each year NSW Public Health Units offer the vaccines recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council for adolescents as part of the school-based program. In 2013 the following vaccines will be offered: Year 7 Hepatitis B will be offered in a catch –up program for all Year 7 students who have not already been vaccinated with 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine when they were a baby/younger child. Varicella (chickenpox) vaccines will be offered in a catch-up program for all Year 7 students who have not already been vaccinated or had chickenpox disease. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will be offered to all Year 7 as a 3-dose course Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (Whooping Cough) will be offered to all Year 7. This is a routine adolescent booster Year 8 Students who missed HPV doses last year when they were in Year 7 through absence/illness on vaccination days, will be offered ‘catch ups’. The nurses have the consent forms filled in last year and will bring them on the day of vaccinations Year 9 (MALES ONLY) Girls in this Year group received the HPV vaccine when they were in Year 7. Now it is the turn of Boys to have this series of vaccinations Parent information Kits have been sent home to parents. To consent to the vaccination of your child, parents are advised to read all the information provided, complete the consent form, and return it to school as soon as possible.


Parents who wish to withdraw their consent for any reason may do so in writing to the school Principal. Please note that for HPV only, parents must record their Medicare Number (including the 10 digits) on the consent form.

Today two of our female Year 11 students Pamela Prineas and Sandra Milisavljevic represented the Senior School at this annual leadership event. The aim of this seminar was to discuss the many

A Record of Vaccination will be provided to each student once vaccinations have been conducted. Parents should ensure that this record is kept for


evening is the same. There is no need to attend multiple evenings. Parking permits are only available for the UNSW Kensington Campus. Space at these evenings is always limited. Please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. May 7, 23, 29 – UNSW Kensington Campus, Scientia Building (G19) May 20 – Auditorium, The King’s School, 87129 Pennant Hills Rd North Parramatta May 28 – Wenona School, North Sydney 255 Miller St North Sydney

future reference and should not assume that their child has been vaccinated if they do not receive this Record of Vaccination. It is also recommended that your GP be informed so that they can update your child’s record. If your child misses a dose of the vaccine at school, provided a consent form has been returned, they will be able to catch up at the next scheduled vaccination clinic at school. The first round of vaccination will be held at school on Wednesday 13th March, 2013.

Go the Network Schools site to register. Enter the school name and do a search for Term 2 activities. Look for the “Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evening” to register. Registration at each venue opens at 6pm with all Faculties available to answer your questions until the program begins at 6:30pm. Following the program, all Faculties are once again available to answer any of your questions.

MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSESSMENT DATES FOR TERM ONE All Middle School parents need to be aware that the assessment schedule, showing when assignments, tests etc. are due for Term 1, has now been given to all students. Students should place the schedule in a centralized location such as the front of a display folder which is kept at home. This folder should be specifically dedicated to the filing of to all assessment notifications. This simple organizational tip will help minimize the loss of notifications, and aid students in their planning and completion of set task. Both students and parents also please be aware that marks are deducted for each day an assessment is late.

UNSW GLOBAL BUSINESS LEADERS CHALLENGE – Australian School of Business (ASB) The ASB Student Challenge offers an outstanding academic and personal development opportunity that'll help give you an intellectual and social edge in your final years of school. You will have an ASB experience and be inspired and challenged by leading academics, alumni and current students. A stimulating day of business simulations will test and develop your ability to work in a team to create and present a global business pitch to a panel of experts. You will have the opportunity to:

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evenings UNSW offers popular Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings designed specifically for current Year 10 students and their parents. The evening provides excellent information for students who are considering University study in the future. Information on UNSW's admission processes, bonus points and degree specific assumed knowledge is presented along with comprehensive HSC subject selection information provided by a Board of Studies NSW Liaison Officer. Additionally, representatives from all UNSW faculties, as well as staff from the Student Recruitment Office, Admissions, Scholarships and other student support services are available to answer your questions on degree options and student life at UNSW. A number of Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings occur during the month of May. Select the date and location that best suits you. The program for each

   

 

Develop your creative, leadership, critical and strategic thinking skills. Learn in a positive and exciting environment. Enrich and apply your business knowledge and skills. Engage in stimulating workshops, discussions and simulations drawing on the social, cultural and economic roles of business in a global context. Meet leading ASB academics, alumni and current students. Establish friendships with students from other UNSW Network Schools.

There are 2 opportunities to attend this event during the school holidays. Friday 19 April and Thursday 4 July. Go the Network Schools site to


register. Enter the school name and do a search for Term 2 activities. Look for the “Global Business Leaders Challenge” to register.

See information about the School.



FAREWELL I have made a very difficult decision to leave St Spyridon College and retire. I have really enjoyed my time here with both the students and staff and I will miss everybody. My husband and I look forward to the next stage in our lives – travelling, volunteering with Blaze Aid by erecting fences for the farmers affected by the recent floods and fires and seeing more of our friends and family especially our four grandchildren. All the best for 2013 and in the future.

UNSW Information Systems - It's a whole lot cooler than you think. The Australian School of Business (ASB) invites you to visit one of Australia's leading banks - Westpac. Find out how Westpac interacts with their customers, keeps up with the technology trends and stays ahead of the game in a very competitive FINANCE industry. You are invited to join the Westpac team to see and hear firsthand how this successful organization uses INFORMATION SYSTEMS and TECHNOLOGY to "glue" the different sectors of their business together - ensuring they stay at the top. Friday 3 May from 9am to 12.30pm. *Please note that business attire or school uniform is appropriate for this event. Go the Network Schools site to register. Enter the school name and do a search for Term 2 activities. Look for “Information Systems” to register.

Alison Skerman Careers Adviser




MY SRC SPEECH My name is Joanna Skouteris and I would be honoured to represent the students of 7K as their SRC member.

WOMEN IN ENGINEERING AND IT at the UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY will hold a Hands On Engineering Day on Friday 5 April from 8.30am to 3.15pm for female senior students. This is an opportunity for female students to gain an insight into studying and working in the engineering and IT industries. Please contact the careers adviser if you are interested in attending.

I believe I have the necessary qualities to be your SRC candidate and I will represent 7K to the best of my abilities. I am a responsible and hardworking student and I try my best in everything I do. I believe that every student is important, and that every student has the right to share their opinions and ideas to help make our school a better place to learn.

BOND UNIVERSITY Experience Day for Year 12 students will take place on Wednesday 17th April on the Gold Coast – during the school holidays. This tour will depart from Sydney around 7am, fly to the Gold Coast and return around 7pm in the evening. The cost is $90 per person. The day tour includes return airfare, transfers to and from the campus, 6 hours on campus which includes a campus tour, briefings from each of the 5 faculties, morning tea and lunch and an information pack. Experience Days always book out quickly as they only take 30 students.

I have represented St Spyridon in a number of activities, both academic and athletic. I was privileged to be elected Vice Captain of the St Spyridon Primary School in Year Six. I have been a member of the swimming team at the ASSISA Swimming Carnival and a member of the Combined Greek Orthodox Schools’ Choir. I participated as a member of the St Spyridon Choir at the IPSHA Arts Festival and was a member of the St Spyridon Greek Dancing group. I am a friendly and caring person, who likes to help others. As Vice-Captain of the Prefect body in the Primary School, I learned the value of being responsible, of representing my classmates and also to speak comfortably in front of a large audience. One of my proudest moments was taking part in a Toy Charity collection for the

THE HOTEL SCHOOL SYDNEY will hold an Information Evening on Thursday 21 March from 6 to 9 pm at 60 Phillip Street Sydney. Students can talk with industry experts, current students and graduates. Register your attendance now via email 11

fundraisers. I believe its more than that. I see it as going the extra mile for your class and making sure that what your peers want is being listened to!

Sydney Children’s Hospital, where I learned the value of working as part of a team to help others. As your SRC representative, I will enthusiastically promote your ideas. Together, we can fundraise for the school and have fun doing it. Maybe we can have a Pyjama Day to raise money for the homeless and have a giant picnic for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea to raise money for cancer research. Maybe we can start a School Band or even a School Radio Club that broadcasts the latest songs at lunchtime. These are just a few ideas, and I am sure you have some great ideas for the school that we can work on. We may be the smallest and youngest in the school, but I am sure we have the newest and freshest ideas.

The whole point of a student representative council is to take the opinions and views of young people and share them with those that are capable of making things happen. By voting for 1 person to represent us, we all have the opportunity to get our ideas across to the teachers and make St Spyridon the place we want it to be. I would really appreciate and live up to the role if I was elected as an SRC representative. I have enjoyed being a leader in the past and voting for me would give me the chance to have that opportunity again.

We can have a lot of fun and we can do a lot of things by working together. If you elect me, I will work hard to fulfil the duties of being your SRC member and would be honoured to represent the students of 7K.

Dayna Kostantakis 7K

So please vote for me, Joanna Skouteris, as your Student Representative Council member. Thank you.

AUSSIE CULTURE Culture has a meaning, Which we’ve gathered from reading, That all Aussies love eating; Meat, vegemite, lamingtons and whiting (that’s fish).

Joanna Skouteris 7K

SRC SPEECH Having started at St Spyridon only 5 weeks ago not many of you know much about me. Rather than telling you my whole life story, I’ll just tell you a little bit about why I would make a good SRC member.

From the beaches’ swelling ways, To its calm ‘beach cricket’ days, The surfers riding on the tossing waves, While all the boys have babes! Our land is hot and dry, We feel as if we’ll fry, The kangaroos chew grasses nearby, While the tourists aren’t camera shy.

Throughout primary school I have had quite a bit of leadership experience. I was part of the Student Representative Council for two years and I was chosen to be the Captain for my school in Year 6.

Our proud national flag, For which we love to brag, Helps us unite And belong to our country, As one big Australian family, Our culture: multicultural Our pride: sensational And that’s the Aussie way!

I believe that I have the qualities that a member of the SRC should have. I consider myself to be confident, empathetic and although I haven’t been here long, I love my school. If elected to represent my class, I don’t promise to turn the canteen into a MacDonald’s or the science labs into Luna Park but I can give my class a voice. Although that sounds cheesy, 1 person in this room will have to do exactly that and I believe I would do a good job at it.

6M Class Poem

In my eyes, being an SRC member doesn’t mean just going to meeting and helping to organizing




Family outings and having fun, Ice-creams melting on Bondi Beach, Beers, barbecues and baking in the sun, Meat pies are good enough for us to eat.

The last competition round of Boys Basketball for the year included games at the Sports Performing Arts centre and All Sorts Indoor Sports centre. With the Semi Finals looming the boys needed to perform well to either secure a spot in the Semi Finals or be in contention to play. The u13 boys red team were unfortunately defeated although their good form in Term 4 of last year helped them place in 4th position. Our 13 white team managed a close win but were unfortunately unable to place in the top 4; this was the same for the other 13 green team. All the 13 years boys’ teams tried their best and deserve to be commended for their approach to the Sports programme in their first season in Basketball for the school.

From equestrian to the Melbourne Cup, We Aussies love our sports- without a doubt, Bathurst folk are like, “what’s up?” While football and league are all about. Captain Cook thought he’d found a new colony, He encountered the natives then named the place Botany, Then the Chinese rush for Gold made us guarded, Federation allowed our generation to be restarted. Australians celebrate as a nation, Australia’s National Day, Surfing the day away, Harmony and Anzac Days, Remembering the fallen. All cultures are united, Sing- We Are Australian.

The 14 boys started positively and performed their best, despite remaining winless in season 2013, the boys displayed excellent sportsmanship throughout the season. As for the 15 boys they suffered defeat against St Patricks College in the last game, despite this they still managed to make the Semi Finals finishing in third position.

6P Class Poem



Our Open boys were clear victors in their last game defeating St Patricks College and cemented their spot in the top four for next week’s Semi Finals.


Semi Finalists U 13 Red team 4th position U 15 3rd position Open Boys 3rd position

On Monday the 18th of February the ISA held their boys selection trials for basketball. Luka Kasalovic of Year 11 must be commended on making the seconds. After making the squad as a shadow player last season, this year Luka managed to make the squad and in doing so is one of few students to ever represent our College in a boys ISA basketball team. Luka will now go on to compete against CAS and GPS with fixtures planned over the next few weeks.

Congratulations to all our teams their respective coaches and parents for all their support for the Basketball season 2012- 2013.

BOYS BASKETBALL SEMI FINALS 2013 Saturday 2/3/2013 Penrith Sports Stadium was the venue for the Boys basketball Semi Finals. The u13 red team, u15’s and Opens represented our College. Our u13 team played against a very well organised St Patricks College and despite their best efforts were unable to win the game. The boys showed determination and passion for their school and despite the score, the boys were worthy opponents. To all the boys, and their coaches, Ms Savva and Dara Noone congratulations on a wonderful season.


credit did not throw in the towel instead they applied themselves continually to the game. Sport has the ability to bring out the best in athletes and our boys performed incredibly well considering the circumstances. This day was not as much about winning as it was about character for the boys, they clearly won that battle and it was inspiring to watch our Year 12 students play their final game (Sotiri Kastanas, Alexander Coplin, Niko Fotopoulos, Leonidas Andrew). Love for sport and for the College was there for all to witness, we were beaten but Luka played on for his team despite the injury and Nicholas Baratsas was the epitome of the schools motto ‘always excelling’. Nicholas showed a passion and desire to win that only served as motivation for the other boys.

The u15 boys were prepared for a show down with St Gregory’s College, the boys started the game with excellent shooting from Emmanuel Kapodistrias scoring 5 baskets from 5 attempts. The lead changed several times in the game and with 7 minutes remaining it seemed that baskets scored by Stephen Ioannides may have given the St Spyridon boys the edge, however, the St Gregory’s boys rallied and they found themselves ahead with 2 minutes to play at which point our individual and team fouls got the better of the team. I would like to commend all the boys and Mr Giles for their efforts in season 2012-2013, our College can look forward to the selection of a great first V for season 2014. I also commend and thank all parents and relatives of the students who came to watch a wonderful game of basketball.

As the Boys’ Coordinator of sport for 2013, I commend and congratulate the boys for all their efforts and I am deeply satisfied and gratified having experienced and felt the wonderful energy that our boys have. I also must thank all the parents and the coach Dara Noone for their support at the Semi Finals. I look forward to watching the boys perform again at the National Orthodox Sports Week, where our boys will be trying to win back to back titles.

Other Basketball News The Open Boys As an integral part of teacher professional development, Mr Giles, Mr Georgoulopoulos and Mr Sobolevski recently completed their Level 1 accredited coaching certificate in Basketball. The knowledge and resources acquired from this course will help our school improve our basketball program for season 2014.

Our Open boys basketball team were poised to make the final this year especially considering their wonderful form leading into the Semi Finals. The boys were 4 from 4 this year. Unfortunately the boys suffered a blow early in the week with injury to Luka Kasalovic and it was always going to be a difficult task to beat a motivated and determined St Gregory’s outfit. Our boys to their

All students and parents are reminded that Best and Fairest awards for the Basketball season will


be announced and presented to students at the Sports Presentation evening in September.

Intermediate B’s consisting of Year 10 students with their coach Ms Kalithrakas played in the Semi Finals and defeated St Pauls Grammar School convincingly to secure a position in the Final against St Andrews Cathedral school. The girls improvement has been outstanding they have developed into a skilful team. Both matches against St Andrews have been very close and we have been unable to defeat them hopefully this will be different come Saturday. Please come to support the girls:

GIRLS ISA BASKETBALL Well done to all teams for a competitive season with two of 6 teams qualifying for the Semi Finals. Final Placing were as follows: Open A- 6th Place Inter A- 6th Place Junior B- 5th Place Junior C- finished equal 3rd with two other schools and sadly missed out on a Semi Finals position through for and against.

Penrith Basketball Stadium Cambridge Park 9.30am





Throughout the season it has been rewarding to watch both the teams and individuals develop their skills in Basketball. The students have gained many benefits through their involvement in sport such as a sense of belonging, the importance of teamwork and the necessary physical skills i.e dribbling, shooting. Despite the result all girls displayed the upmost sportsmanship and are to be commended for their effort on court. Thank you to all staff involved in the Summer Season and to the parents for your continual support of school sport. Junior A girls and their coach Mr Meintanis played in the Semi Finals verse 1st place position Central Coast Grammar a team that has a number of ISA representatives. The girls seemed a little intimidated early in the match. Second half, the girls played much better but were defeated. The girls are to be commended for their achievement. Many of the girls despite being very athletic, basketball is not their chosen sport, however, they recognise the importance of contributing to all areas of sport in such a small school. Each player had their own strengths to contribute which were truly appreciated.

Each Thursday ISA lesson will now be trials for Netball and Girls Football. The trials will last for three weeks and the teams will be selected by a panel of three staff members. Each Netball team will have maximum of 10 players. Girls Football will be a combination of Year 7-10 students to form 1 team of 16 players.

BOYS SOCCER With the Basketball season coming to a close all the boys have been trialing and nominating to play for the school in Soccer. It is a highly anticipated season and all boys are reminded that if selected or if they qualify to make the respective squads they must purchase the school Soccer uniform from the uniform shop. All the teams will be posted on the school notice board by next week, and parents will be receiving registration forms from the students. Parents are asked to read the document carefully and return the forms promptly to Mr Kaldis. Once the draw is out and the fixtures for the season have been confirmed, parents will receive a notification where they must provide an email address. They will also receive regular correspondents regarding game times, bus times and any other news regarding Soccer.

SWIMMING CARNIVAL 2013 The annual St Spyridon College Swimming Carnival was held on Thursday 28th February at Des Renford Aquatic Centre. House Spirit and

Junior A’s


Congratulations to the Champion of Champions Theodore Kipriotis( Year 12) and Keira Kipriotis (Year 9). Also to the students who broke many school records:

participation were the focus areas this year and both succeeded beyond expectations. Students of the Senior School competed in a packed programme including 25m, 50m events in all competitive strokes and 100m freestyle and 100m IM events. This year the number of participants increased, and all students enjoyed the house atmosphere created by all the students and staff.

Nicholas Frazis  13 years 100m Freestyle 108.35  13 years 100m Medley 118.90 Niko Fotopoulos:  Opens 50m Freestyle: 26.19 Theodore Kipriotis:  Opens Boys 50m Butterfly: 28.06

The enthusiasm of students to cheer on their team was outstanding. House Spirit was evident more than ever before which was successfully lead by the Year 11 House Captains:

It is also fitting to congratulate the Year 12 Prefects for their support in assisting staff as well as commending and saying farewell our Year 12 swimmers who have contributed to the development of the sport and have represented the school on many occasions at the ISA swimming Carnival these people include Niko Fotopoulos, Maria Mio and Theodore Kipriotis.

Nemeans: Elias Andreou & Yianna Criticos Corinthians: Luka Kasalovic & Sandra Milisavljevic Olmpians: Dylan Kontos & Nansia Koukounaris Delphians: Nikolas Baratsas & Pamela Prineas The carnival provides an avenue for our students to represent their College at the ISA Swimming Carnival. It was also encouraging to see so many parents/ guardians attend the carnival this year, your support and encouragement is always needed. We certainly look forward to your continued support at the ISA carnival and in future School Carnivals. Congratulations to Nemeans the Champion House who not only achieved brilliant results but also outstanding participation. Middle School 1st Place Nemeans 1822 2nd Place Olympians 1442 3rd Place Delphians 1073 4th Place Corinthians 881 Upper School 1st Place Nemeans 617 2nd Place Olympians 410 3rd Place Delphians 314 4th Place Corinthians 255 We have endeavoured to balance all teams with similar numbers with the largest discrepancy between Nemeans and Olympians of 8 students. Nemeans have had a long winning streak in the pool which is largely due to the number of competitors in the pool. Regardless of their ability most races consisted of Nemean students as they were determined to gain House points for their team.


SWIMMING SQUAD 2013 Congratulations to the following students who have qualified to represent St Spyridon College at the ISA Swimming Carnival to be held Wednesday 27th March 2013 at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre from 11.30am- 6.30pm. Alexander Cardamis, Alexander Vij, Anastasia Hatzidis, Briannon Walker, Carissa Frazis, Cassie Georgiou, Christos Kollias, Chrystal Christie, Elias Hatzon, Gabriel Cassimatis, George Contominas, George Karapanayiotidis, George Malomitis, Jennifer Contominas, Joanna Skouteris, John Trovas, Keira Kipriotis, Larissa Andrianakos, Lena Nesterenko, Lia Albanakis, Maria Bletsas, Maria Mio, Michael Constantopedos, Natalia Amezquita, Natalie Micos, Nathan Adam, Nicholas Frazis, Nicholas Kollias, Nicole Adam, Niko Fotopoulos, Panos Bounos, Peter Contominas, Phoebe Dalakiaris, Sandra Milisavjevic, Sebastian Zois, Stephanie Mio, Theodore Kipriotis, Yianna Criticos.Â

ISA CROSS COUNTRY Teams are currently finalised and will be published on the Sports Notice board on Monday. Trials have been conducted during PE lessons and students were given the option to attend based on their final positions. Details are as follows: ISA Cross Country Saturday 23rd March 2013 at Chevalier College Bowral Buses will be provided to transport students. Further information will be provided to relevant students. Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)



Name: Constance Synesios Age: 17 Year: 12 Favourite Colour: Red, Green, Orange, Blue Number of Years at St Spyridon College: 13years Subjects Currently Studying: Business Studies, English Advanced, General Maths, Hospitality Hobbies: Ballroom Dancing Favourite Sports Teams: Bulldogs, Liverpool, AEK Favourite Quote: “If you’re absent during my struggle don’t expect to be present during my success” –Will Smith Achievements: Finished Modern Greek HSC in Year 11 Role Models: Jesus Christ, My Dad, Mum, Grandmother and Uncle.

Name: Estelle Krassas Age: 17 Year: 12 Favourite colour: Purple and Aqua Blue Number of Years at St Spyridon College: almost 13 years Subjects currently Studying: Biology, Business Studies, Economics, Mathematics ext 1, English Advanced Hobbies: Watching movies, listening to music, being with friends and shopping Favourite Sports Teams: The Sydney Roosters Favourite Quote: “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase” Martin Luther King Achievements: Becoming Prefect for 2013, receiving the ACER scholarship for 2012-2013, receiving the best and fairest award for Girl’s Basketball in 2012 Role Models: My mother, my godmother and my grandmothers.




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