St Spyridon News N0 105

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VOLUME XXX No 4 22nd March, 2013



MARCH 25th March celebrations


Annunciation of the Theotokos School closed


Greek Orthodox Swimming Carnival JS


ISA Swimming Carnival




Western Good Friday Public Holiday


APRIL Public Holiday – Western Easter Monday


Twilight Tours SS


Year 12 Half Yearly Exams begin


Yr 5/6 Peer Support Training at Senior School

9th & 10th

Term 1 ends for Students & Staff


Term 2 begins for Students & Staff Holy Monday


MAY Easter Focus Assembly JS


Holy Thursday School closed


Good Friday School closed




Easter Monday School closed National Schools Event

6th 8th – 10th


Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag


HSC Class 2012 Highlights In 2012, 38 students sat for the Higher School Certificate Examinations (HSC) across 28 courses. There were also 11 accelerant students from Year 11. They studied Modern Greek Continuers, Modern Greek Extension 1. We congratulate our students on their achievements and wish them well in their tertiary studies and future life choices. Highlights include:  97% of students have now begun Tertiary studies. Only one student not studying, working in family business.  86% of students now studying Undergraduate courses.  Out of 38 students, 51% results 80% and above in a given course.  Top 130 in the 2012 HSC Top Schools media lists.  Kathy Thimakis ATAR 97.05, UNSW AAA Scholarship, Professor Manuel Aroney Award, and University Scholarship recipient. Currently studying for Bachelor of Medical Science UNSW.  Stephanie Retsas recipient of 2012 UTS Science Scholarship. Currently studying Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in International Studies UTS.


Undergraduate Degree Destinations of HSC Class of 2012

Destination by Course name:

Destination by Course Type

Bachelor of Medical Science UNSW Bachelor Computer Science and Technology USYD Bachelor Applied Science (Speech Pathology) USYD Bachelor of Science/Arts International Studies UTS Bachelor of Science UTS Bachelor of Psychological Science ACU Bachelor of Commerce/Science UNSW

Com merce/ Business

Bachelor of Commerce UNSW Bachelor of Commerce UMAC Bachelor of Economics UNSW

Arts/ Education

Bachelor of Education/Arts USD Bachelor International Studies UNSW Bachelor of Interior Architecture UNSW


Bachelor of Media (PR and Advertising) UNSW Bachelor of Business UTS Bachelor of Education Primary UTS Bachelor of Business and Commerce UWS Bachelor of Arts UNSW Bachelor of Arts ACU

Science/Engineer ing

Bachelor of Arts Psychology ACU Bachelor of Arts UWS Bachelor of Arts Film and Screen production UND Bachelor of Engineering UNSW Bachelor of Engineering Civil UWOLL Bachelor of Engineering ICT UTS Bachelor of ICT UWS





The P&F will provide water and a snack to the students on their arrival at the Domain. Students are to remain seated in their grade groups in the care of their teachers until the conclusion of the formalities. At the conclusion parents are to collect their child from their Roll Teacher. Please inform the teacher so that your child can be crossed off the roll.

25th MARCH GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY - REMINDER All students of St Spyridon College are expected to attend Church with their teachers on Sunday 24th March and Martin Place. This is a compulsory event for all students Year 1 to Year 12. The march is optional for Kindergarten. All students are expected to be present until the conclusion of the program.

Staff supervision will conclude at approximately 4pm.

The program for the day is as follows:

Students are to wear their summer uniform with blazer to St Spyridon Church in the morning and the Cenotaph, Martin Place in the afternoon.

Uniform Check

10.00am: Junior School children to gather in class groups with their teacher in the Primary Playground. Senior School students to gather in the Infants playground.

Parents are to ensure that students’ shoes are polished, that buttons on blazers, shirts and dress are replaced and that hems are sewn. A reminder that hems of dresses should be knee length. Girls’ socks should turn over at the ankle. Anklet socks are not permitted.

Then children and staff enter the Church and proceed to the front. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Father Steven will speak on the significance of the day. Poems will be recited by students from St Spyridon College and Afternoon School.

The combined Choir of students from the three Greek Orthodox Day schools will be performing at the 25th March celebrations.

At the conclusion: Children are dismissed to go home and have lunch and freshen up.

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES: 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

1.15pm: Staff and students are to assemble behind our school banner in the assigned area at Martin Place. They are to first go to their roll class teacher to be marked present. Teachers will organise the students in their positions ready for the march. Parents are asked to move away from the line up area allowing teachers the space to assemble the students appropriately. Staff will walk on either side of their Year group.

The uniform shop will not be open Wednesday, 10th April - the shop will be open Tuesday, 9th April instead for that week only. Refund/Return Policy – St Spyridon College Uniform Shop

We ask that parents please stay at a distance from the children and leave them in the care of their teachers while marching. Marching will then proceed from Martin Place, along Pitt Street, onto King Street and gather at The Domain for the afternoon celebrations.

If a garment and/or has been worn and it is not a manufacturing issue, unfortunately you will not be entitled to a new uniform.

The day is a special occasion for all and in particular for our Orthodox Colleges as we are very much in the public eye for most of the day. We ask parents to reinforce what we are saying at school regarding appearance, behaviour and courtesy, so that we as a school community can be proud of our students.


The uniform shop will gladly refund if a garment has not been worn.

Term 2 fees are due on Friday, 22nd March 2013. If fees are not paid by the due date, a $50 admin fee will be applied.



April Lambatha Workshops: Each year the P and F decorate Easter Lambathes for sale.

Our 2013 Committee:

April P and F Lambatha and Easter Stalls Fundraiser at the Junior School.

New School year, new P and F team will aim to raise money for our school and help build upon and sustain the high standard of programs and facilities we provide for all our children. In 2012, the P and F funds went towards improving the Primary playground in the Junior school and purchasing 26 Lenovo tablets for our Junior School children to use in their classrooms!

April Palm Sunday Lunch Fundraiser P and F cater in the Church Hall. May Kindy 2014 Orientation, P and F provide morning tea. May Mother’s Day P and F Stalls Fundraiser for Junior school children.

In 2013 we are continuing to aim high. We have a great team on board this year with ‘newbies’ and St Spyridon P and F veterans. The 2013 team represents all parents from across K-12. Our team is excited and committed. Even so, raising the amounts we do each year is not just about the committee, it’s about the contribution and participation of our St Spyridon community. We welcome all parents, grandparents, godparents, relatives and friends to attend meetings or to assist where they can. Contributing time is just as important as the actual money we raise.

May P and F Mother’s Day themed Dinner Fundraiser. May School Information Open Day, P and F provide morning tea. Please assist with distributing 700 snacks and water bottles to our children on Sunday at the Domain. NEXT P and F meeting: All welcome, Wednesday 27th March, 2013 7pm, Church Hall.

So let’s introduce everyone to our volunteer 2013 St Spyridon Parents and Friends Committee: President: Anna Stamoulis, Vice President: Jim Sialepis, Treasurer: Erenie Bourdaniotis, Assistant Treasurer: Angela Kasmas, Secretary: Desma Spyridopoulos, Assistant Secretary: Kim Georgas, Committee Members: Joanna Coutts, Poppy Kostantakis, Diana Valmas, Rod Amezquita, Angela Giaras, Maria Frazis, Kathy Mastroperos, Georgina Panselines, Paul Baroutis, Maria Baroutis, Ana Winnel, Lucy Karagiorpou, Mike Stavridis, Maria Pascalis, Angela Vergotis, Rita Georgas, Christine O'Reilly

Palm Sunday Lunch – All Welcome, Church Hall, Palm Sunday 28th April 2013 after Church Service. Mrs D. Spyridopoulos Secretary

“Its All About Building Young Lives”

Our Term 1 and 2 Events: 2013 starts off with a menagerie of community and fundraising events in April and May. Amid public holidays, school holiday, Easter and Mother’s Day, we have everything rolled into a couple of fortnights. Here is a sneak peak of what we are working on: This Sunday’s march from Martin Place to the Domain. P and F provide 700 drinks and snacks to all marching children from St Spyridon Junior School, Senior School, Sunday School and After School Greek.



Thursday Monday Wednesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday

SUNDAY 24th MARCH On this day we will commemorate Greek Independence day as well as The Annunciation of the Theotokos.

16th May 20th May 22nd May 23rd May 27th May 29th May 12th June 13th June

Junior School students are to meet their teachers in the Primary Playground at 10am. They will be taken into Church by their teachers. Parents are to collect their children at the end of the service from the Primary playground.

If date is not listed above, the activities will not be on that date due to other events. Please make sure you make note of these dates and be punctual when picking up your child/children from the activities.

At 1:15pm, students are to be assembled behind the school banner at Martin Place Cenotaph. After the Doxology service, they will march down with the school to the Domain for the festivities. We ask all parents to leave the students in the care of their teachers. Parents are to collect their children NO LATER THAN 4pm.

HOLY WEDNESDAY 1st May EASTER ASSEMBLY The Junior School will hold its annual Easter Focus Assembly on Wednesday 1st May in the Hall commencing at 11am. The students will present their understanding of Easter through poems, songs, prayers, hymns and stories in both Greek and English. The students will also showcase their understanding of some of our traditional customs through displays of art and craft. Parents and friends of the school are welcome to attend this very special assembly.

Students need to be dressed in full school uniform. This includes blazers. Shoes polished and hair neatly groomed. Students need to have their school hats with them.

SPALDING PARENT COURSE The Spalding Parent Course will run on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 – 9:30pm. It will run over five weeks from Tuesday the 7th May till Tuesday 11th June. Please note that there will be no lesson on Tuesday 4th June. The course will be held in the Year Six classrooms and entry will be via Gardeners Rd only.

Dismissal will be at 1pm. The private bus company has been notified and all private bus children will be picked up at 1pm. Please note that all parents must pick up their children, as there will be no supervision after this time. The canteen will not be serving lunch on this day.

There are limited spaces available. Kindly leave your details at the Junior School office along with payment of $160 for the course and materials by Thursday 28th March.

Please also note that there will be no After School Care available on this day. The school will be closed from Wednesday 1st May at 1pm and students will resume normal school lessons on Tuesday 7th May. After School Care will also resume on Tuesday 7th May.

CO CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Please note: Co curricular Activities will be on for the remaining of Term 1 and Term 2 only on the dates itemised below. Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Monday Thursday Monday Wednesday



27 March 28th March 3rd April 4th April 8th April 11th April 13th May 15th May

Congratulations to the following three children who have all completed the Reading Challenge for 2013 in record time. Marissa Diakoumis, Evangeline O’Reilly.




All completed forms to be returned to Mrs Bartlett.


Nutritious snacks Busy, growing bodies do need good quality energy, and many processed snack and muesli bars do not contain much nutrition for their kilojoules. Wholegrain and dairy snack bars are more nutritious options.

WHAT TO PACK FOR LUNCH? The start of another school year means preparing tasty, nutritious school lunches, five days a week. A simple lunch box solution can achieve that fine balance between great food that children will want to eat and providing the key nutrients children need to grow.

Fluids Water should always be the drink of choice for children. Fruit juice, soft drinks, sports drinks and cordials are high in sugar and are not appropriate every day.

Milena Katz from the Dieticians Association of Australia advises that a balanced lunchbox can be divided into four sections: low GI carbohydrates for energy, proteins for nutrition and satiety, fruit for fibre and vitamins, and a snack food that has some nutritional benefit. Most importantly, busy children need plenty of water for optimal hydration, particularly in the warmer months. She also suggests encouraging children to help choose and prepare their own lunch or get them to make a list of the foods they enjoy. This way, they'll be more likely to eat their lunch.

Want some more ideas?  Ham and cheese wrap on Mountain Bread  Tub of frozen grapes  Pauls chocolate milk  Packet of popcorn  Bottle of water  8 Vita-Wheats with Vegemite  Cheese Stringer  2 small nectarines  Tasti Milkie Bar  Egg, lettuce and mayonnaise on dinner roll  Apple  Munchables Light Cheese and Cracker Snack Pack  Packet of Paradise VIVE Cookies  Chicken sandwich on multigrain bread  Tub of Goulburn Valley Fruit  Dairy Pops Bites  2 homemade low-fat mini muffins  Low-GI sandwich with turkey  Banana  100g Ski D'Lite yoghurt  Uncle Toby's Low-GI Muesli Bar

Carbohydrate Carbohydrates provide a steady supply of energy to the brain and body throughout the day, and as sandwiches are still the No.1 item chosen for the lunchbox. Nutritionists suggest choosing from grainy or wholegrain bread and crackers or other wholemeal grains. Fruit and Vegetables Fresh fruit and vegetables are vital to healthy immune function and always preferable to dried, fruit sticks or juice as it contains fewer kilojoules, more fibre and teaches children the importance of eating fresh food.

References: Dieticians Association of Australia (DAA)>Parenting>Kids’healt h

Salad and vegetables can be added to sandwiches or wraps. Try packing sticks (carrot, celery, cucumber, capsicum) with small tubs of dip for a bit of variety.

Mrs M. Kipriotis Infants’ Coordinator

Protein Protein is essential for growth, development, and for repairing the body. It also helps stabilise blood-sugar levels. Great protein-rich lunchbox fillers recommended by nutritionist Lisa Guy include tinned fish, chicken, turkey, lean meat, boiled egg or low-fat cheese; hummus or low-fat cottage cheese with rice crackers or veggie sticks; chickpeas or other legumes mixed through a salad or in veggie patties; and tahini spread on sandwiches. These foods are also low-GI, which helps to keep kids fuller for longer.

WORLD MATHS DAY - 2013 All students from K-6 were registered to participate in World Maths Day 2013. Where possible, students were given the opportunity at school to go online and test their skills against peers from across the world. Our students correctly answered a total of 52031 questions within the time frame permitted. With


an expected upgrade to our computer resources we are confident in setting ourselves the goal of doubling that score in 2014. Below we have the TOP 10 point scorers at our school. 1 Desi Kapodistrias 6P 2122 2 Connor Giavis 6M 1898 3 Paul Giavis 3S 1605 4 James Hristeff 5A 1528 5 Nicholas Papas 3A 1433 6 Billy Bourdaniotis 4T 1380 7 Charlie Georgas 2C 1315 8 William Georgas 6M 1308 9 Gianni Keramitzis 4T 1274 10 Rianna Papas 6P 1151 Desi Kapodistrias also managed to be placed 20th in the World in her age group. She must be congratulated on this effort. 8-10 Age Group 1st Paul Giavis 3S 2nd James Hristeff 5A 3rd Nicholas Papas 3A 4th Billy Bourdaniotis 4T 5th Juval Mikhail 4C 6th Nicholas Drakoulis 5I 7th James Zouroudis 5I 8th Katherine Tsingos 5A 9th Christian Jenkins 6M 10th Panagiota Kappatos 5I

1,605 1,528 1,433 1,380 1,102 1,097 1,049 1,021 864 828

Mr A. Dookie Maths/Science & Tech Coordinator

SATURDAY OF SOULS (Ψυχοσάββατο) This year as in previous years, Ka Ieroklis shared with Year Six this most sacred tradition.

Anastasi Poulos 43 games Total 718

On Saturday of Souls, Ka Ieroklis explained, we remember those members of our family who now live in the Kingdom of Heaven. The lesson commenced with prayer, the lighting of the Oil Lamp and the Censor. Ka Ieroklis explained how to write a ψυχοχάρτι. She then explained the significance of Κόλυβα and made some with the children during their Orthodox Studies lesson. She remembered in her preparation the children of our College who now reside in the Kingdom of Heaven, and told the students that they now have the responsibility to pass on this tradition to future generations. Ka Ieroklis is a living treasure and we cannot ever thank her enough for the love she shows our children and the Church.


SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT HOMILY ON THE OCCASION OF HOLY AND GREAT LENT 2013 . Mrs Stefanou-Haag, Mrs Katsogiannis, fellow staff and beloved children, Today, we officially enter the period of Holy and Great Lent. In the Lenten vespers of Forgiveness chanted Sunday night we heard the sacred hymnographer urging us to “begin the time of fasting with joy, submitting ourselves to spiritual struggle” in preparing to welcome the great Passion and joyful Resurrection of our divinehuman Lord. The Holy Church for a long time begins to prepare the faithful for Great Lent as a redemptive time for an all general spiritual cleansing and sanctification. This cleansing and sanctification are possible only under the complete change of a life view in ideas, feelings and actions, the complete renewal and spiritual revival. However, such a revival requires the sustained, serious, painful and even tenacious spiritual struggle – for even Christ teaches us that: “small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life” (Matthew 7: 14). It is for this reason that many of the Fathers of the Church, and amongst them, St Basil the Great, teaches us that fasting is not merely about abstaining from food alone: it is, first of all, abstaining from sin - the complete change of a life view in ideas, feelings and actions, the complete renewal and spiritual revival. The determination for such a spiritual struggle and its persistence depends on us, but it depends more on the mercy of God, who revives it in the heart and is accomplished by His all-acting grace. Let us all use this Lent to grow in the one characteristic that will enable us to overcome all the temptations of evil: humility. Fasting, almsgiving, prayer, forgiveness, and all the other spiritual disciplines are of no use at all without it. Yet with true humility, they shine brightly with the light and holiness of the Kingdom of Heaven. I wish you all a safe and blessed Holy and Great Lent 2013!

Mrs A. Synesios Deputy Principal

Mr A. Picardi Orthodox Studies

Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School




This week during Pastoral Care students received their Year 10 Assessment Handbook. They were given information about the Board of Studies and the Progression Policy.

All students are expected to catch up on all work missed when absent, so that they do not fall behind and are able to perform at their peak at all times. The process for this may include calling a peer to find out what was missed from each class, and consulting the teachers during break times on the first day of return to get any handouts and notes. If absence is prolonged, parents may ring the school and ask the Year Adviser to collect and forward missed work.

The Expression of Interest forms to progress to Years 11 and 12 at St Spyridon College are due to me at the end of Term 1. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




“Leadership is practised not so much in words as in attitudes and actions” Harold Geneen I will if you will

STEP UP… TAKE THE INITIATIVE Dare the world to save the planet

Becoming a Senior School student can be quite daunting, especially when it involves making the transition from Year 6 to Year 7. Everything is new, including expectations of how to organize oneself; how to behave in and out of class; how to complete set task well; how to keep up to date, and how to STEP UP by being pro-active learners who show initiative and resourcefulness. While many students have made positive inroads, there are some who are still finding all this to be a bit challenging. The important thing to remember is to keep trying and never give up. The best leaders are the ones who are able to steer themselves in the right direction…most of the time.

Between 8:30pm – 9.30pm on Saturday 23rd March 2013, lights will switch off around the globe for Earth Hour and people will commit to actions that go beyond the hour. Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change. Only one year later, Earth Hour became a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. For the first time global landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum to name only a few, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope.

In order to assist students become more selfdirected, in recent weeks in Pastoral Care the Middle School have focussed on the importance of creating a study timetable, setting goals for the year, creating a good study environment, and following a solid 1.5-2hr HOME STUDY routine each night. Parents can assist their children by reinforcing the importance of these practises, having regular conversations about the school day and what is being learnt, being aware of when assignments are given and due for submission, as well as checking all home study is being completed. Regular review of the student planner will assist with monitoring.



lights as a show of unity we are also pledging to switch on to renewable energy. The reason – our planet is in serious need of our help. As energy demands and carbon emissions continue to rise, and the negative impacts of climate change increase, we must stop burning fossil fuels to meet our energy needs. With electricity prices skyrocketing, there has never been a better time to switch to clean, renewable energy


Why get involved? Put simply, because our future depends on it!

Earth Hour has done a lot to raise awareness of sustainability issues. But there’s more to it than switching off lights for one hour once a year. It’s all about giving people a voice and working together to create a better future for our planet.


2009- Hundreds of millions of people took part in the third Earth Hour. Over 4000 cities in 88 countries officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the world’s largest global climate change initiative. 2010 - 128 countries joined the global display of climate action and even more iconic buildings and landmarks from Asia Pacific to Europe, and Africa to the Americas switched off. People from all walks of life turned off their lights and came together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common – our planet. 2011- Earth Hour became the first Earth Hour to go beyond the hour, by asking supporters to think about what else they can do to make a difference. 2012- More than 6950 cities and towns across 152 countries took part. The campaign experienced the largest growth since 2009, and continued its effort to go beyond the hour by launching the “I Will If You Will” campaign, with more than 200,000 individuals accepting a challenge. Earth Hour 2012 even went to extremes to protect the planet, with astronaut André Kuipers observing the lights off event from the International Space Station while two teenagers in Tripoli organized the very first Earth Hour in Libya just months after the end of the Libyan uprising. 2013- Australians are leading the world again. This Earth Hour, we aren’t just switching off our

What the Senior School is Doing… St Spyridon students dedicate Period 4 of each day to Earth Hour. Signs went up this week in all rooms, the library corridor has been decorated with lanterns, some of which were made by our Year 7’s, to remind everyone about conserving our resources and switching off non-essential lighting across the school, especially during period 4. One of the jobs of each class Student Council Representative is to assist their peers and teachers with remembering that Period 4 each day is St Spyridon’s Earth Hour.


2nd & 3rd Prizes Large Easter Hampers – Drawn Week 1, Term 2 during the special Easter Assembly

DONATE A TIN CAN & OTHER NON PERISHABLE FOODS All students are encouraged once again to support the annual Easter Appeal organized by the Greek Welfare Centre by bringing at least one nonperishable food item to school over the next few weeks. This includes rice, various tinned foods like baked beans, tomatoes, tuna, soups, vegetables, fruits PLUS foods that come in jars…… like honey, vegemite, coffee and nutella. Also, dry goods such as sugar, pasta, rice and so on can also be brought in.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Καλή Σαρακοστή! Στο τεύχος αυτό θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με μία ακόμη εργασία, η οποία παρουσιάστηκε ως ομιλία πέρυσι, στο τέλος του έτους κι έχει σχέση με την γειτονιά, που είναι μία από τις υποχρεωτικές ενότητες που πρέπει να καλύψουμε στο Λύκειο. Επίσης με μια φετινή εργασία της Γ Λυκείου η οποία ανήκει στις εξετάσεις αυτού του τριμήνου.

Over the years the amount of food donated by our students and staff has been impressive in its volume, this year we would like to break all previous records! Please be generous, the more we give the more we help.

Καλή ανάγνωση. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Έλα, Ελένη μου! Απ’ το σπίτι σε παίρνω, τακτοποιηθήκαμε, επιτέλους! Δεν ξέρω αν θυμάσαι εκείνη τη θεία που σου έλεγα, ε, τελικά μας άφησε να μείνουμε στο διαμέρισμα που νοίκιαζαν, μέχρι να μπορέσουμε να πάρουμε δικό μας σπίτι ή να νοικιάσουμε κάτι. Είναι πολύ ωραίο το σπιτάκι μας, ευρύχωρο, άνετο, με τρεις κρεβατοκάμαρες, χωριστό σαλόνι και τραπεζαρία με θέα την θάλασσα! Όταν ζεστάνει λίγο ο καιρός και θέλουμε να κάνουμε καμία βουτίτσα, έχουμε να περπατήσουμε μόνο δέκα λεπτά. Βέβαια έχει και τα «κατά» του το σπίτι όπως το ότι είναι παλιό και η σίτα της μπροστινής πόρτας δεν κλείνει καλά, τα παράθυρα τρίζουν όταν φυσάει και ξέρεις πώς φυσάει εδώ!!!! Επίσης τα δέντρα έξω από το παράθυρο της Μαρίας είναι γεμάτα παπαγάλους. Έξι η ώρα ακριβώς αρχίζουν κάτι τσιρίδες, απίστευτο πράγμα! Η γειτονιά μας είναι πολύ καλή, δεν μπορώ να πω. Αν και έχουμε γείτονες από την Κίνα, την Ινδία, την Παλαιστίνη και πολλές άλλες χώρες, δεν υπάρχουν καβγάδες και φασαρίες. Το μόνο πρόβλημα είναι τα «άγρια» σκυλάκια του απέναντι, που μια φορά ξέχασε να κλειδώσει την πόρτα της αυλής του κι αυτά κατάφεραν να την ανοίξουν και να κυνηγούν όποιον τολμούσε να περάσει μέχρι τη λεωφόρο! Τα καημένα τα παιδάκια του κυρίου Κα παραλίγο να πάθουν έμφραγμα!

EASTER RAFFLE Since 2007 students in Year 9 have been given the opportunity through Pastoral Care, to assist in serving lunch to less fortunate individuals at the Soup Kitchen run by St Constantine & Helen’s Church which is located in Newtown. This being part of their Community Service experience. Year 9, 2013 will start their service duty from Term 2. Each year they also hold an Easter Raffle aimed at raising fund for the Soup Kitchen. These are used to purchase some much needed non-perishable foods, equipment and resources needed there. Last year, the students of our College made a significant monetary donation which was put towards the purchase of new chairs. Each student at the Senior School has been given a $5 raffle ticket book to sell to family and friends. We ask all students and their families to support this event. 1st Prize :- Family Pass to Royal Easter Show. This includes entry for 2 adults & 2 children, show link travel tickets, 4 meal vouchers, 4 reserved seats in the Commonwealth Arena, and 50 ride coupons. Drawn Friday 22 March

Τέλος πάντων, ας μη μιλάμε γι’ αυτά τα πράγματα. Το ήξερες ότι εδώ δεν έχει ούτε ένα αδέσποτο; Μου φαίνεται πολύ παράξενο να


αγκαλιές των φίλων μου τα πρωινά, ακόμα και τα αυστηρά πρόσωπα των καθηγητών μου! Στην διάρκεια της σχολικής μου ζωής, εκτός από γνώσεις, διαμόρφωσα ήθος και καλλιέργησα την εντιμότητα και αξιοπρέπεια διαπλάθοντας έτσι τον χαρακτήρα μου. Για τα μόνα που δεν λυπάμαι και δεν θα μου λείψουν είναι τα υποχρεωτικά σπορ που αναγκαστικά έπρεπε να λαμβάνω μέρος και ποτέ δεν μου άρεσαν καθώς επίσης και ο συναγωνισμός μεταξύ των συμμαθητών μου για το ποιος θα πάρει τους καλύτερους βαθμούς στα διαγωνίσματα. Αυτό με άγχωνε πάρα πολύ! Αισθάνομαι πολύ μεγάλη αβεβαιότητα για το μέλλον μου καθώς η σχολική μου ζωή πορεύεται προς το τέλος της κι αυτό γιατί ακόμη δεν έχω ξεκάθαρη γνώμη για το τι επάγγελμα θα ακολουθήσω. Ελπίζω να αποφασίσω σύντομα, αν και αυτό εξαρτάται απ’ τους τελικούς μου βαθμούς. Βλέπω το σχολείο σαν τη φωλίτσα μου όπου νοιώθω ασφάλεια στο χώρο του, αλλά νομίζω ότι τώρα είμαι έτοιμη να πετάξω με τα φτερά της γνώσης που απεκόμισα με τις προσπάθειες και τις υποδείξεις των καθηγητών μου και γι’ αυτό τους είμαι ευγνώμων. Ξέρω, ακούγεται παράξενο, αλλά έχω κιόλας αποθυμήσει την ξέγνοιαστη σχολική μου ζωή! Θα σου γράψω πάλι αύριο με το καλό!

πηγαίνω βόλτα στην πλατεία και να μην βλέπω ούτε ένα σκυλί να αράζει στον ήλιο. Εδώ, σε αντίθεση με τον σκουπιδότοπο που λέγεται Αθήνα, είναι όλα πολύ καθαρά. Στην παραλία απέναντι απ’ την λεωφόρο περνά ένα αυτοκινητάκι κάθε μισάωρο και μαζεύει ό,τι σκουπιδάκι υπάρχει. Είναι πραγματικά καταπληκτικό! Στην γειτονιά μας μπορεί να μην έχουμε τον κύριο Παύλο να μαστορεύει όλη μέρα, αλλά έχουμε τον καταπληκτικό Keith. Ο Keith είναι απ’ αυτούς τους ανθρώπους που δεν καταδέχονται να ζητήσουν βοήθεια απ’ τους άλλους ακόμη κι αν τη χρειάζονται, με αποτέλεσμα να προσπαθεί να κάνει όλες τις δουλειές και επισκευές μόνος του. Τη μια κουρεύει το γκαζόν, την άλλη φτιάχνει την ταράτσα, βάφει τον φράχτη με τη μουσική του για παρέα φυσικά, αλλά εννοείται ότι σέβεται απόλυτα τις ώρες κοινής ησυχίας. Πλάκα έχει! Εμάς δεν μας ενοχλεί καθόλου, ίσα – ίσα που σπάει λίγο τη μονοτονία μας. Βλέπεις εμείς οι Αθηναίοι έχουμε συνηθίσει στις φασαρίες και στα γλέντια και η ησυχία μας κακοφαίνεται! Αυτά που λες... Καλά, δεν έχεις πει τίποτα τόση ώρα! Εσύ, τι νέα; Tiffany Kapsabellis Year 12 (Accelerated student) Αγαπημένο μου ημερολόγιο, Δεν πιστεύω ότι σε μια βδομάδα θα γράψω τις τελευταίες εξετάσεις μου και θα τελειώσω το Λύκειο. Φαίνεται σαν να ήταν χθες που κρατώντας τους γονείς μου από το χέρι, γεμάτη φόβο, αδημονία και περιέργεια, πέρασα για πρώτη φορά την πόρτα του σχολείου, αρχίζοντας την σχολική μου ζωή για τα επόμενα δεκατρία χρόνια. Δεκατρία χρόνια! Αλήθεια τόσα λίγα για τόσα πολλά που έμαθα και που έζησα στο πέρασμά τους. Αναπολώντας αυτά τα χρόνια ένα σωρό συναισθήματα κατακλύζουν την καρδιά μου. Ευχάριστες αναμνήσεις, μοναδικές εμπειρίες, αντικρουόμενα συναισθήματα με πλημμυρίζουν καθώς το ρολόι του χρόνου γυρίζει πίσω στα 13 αυτά χρόνια. Τι να θυμηθεί κανείς! Τις θεατρικές παραστάσεις και συναυλίες όπου συμμετείχα, τις κατασκηνώσεις, τις εκδρομές! Πόσα πράγματα απόλαυσα σε αυτές μέσα σ’ ένα κλίμα ευφορίας αλλά και παρατηρήσεων όταν ο παιδιάστικος ενθουσιασμός μου εκδηλωνόταν τόσο ζωηρά! Εκείνο όμως που δεν θα σβήσει από τη μνήμη μου είναι η περηφάνεια από την οποία παλλόταν η καρδιά μου όταν διέσχιζα τους δρόμους του Σύδνεϋ παρελαύνοντας την 25η Μαρτίου! Τελειώνοντας τώρα θα μου λείψει η καθημερινή ρουτίνα του σχολείου, τα χαμόγελα και οι

Katerina Arvanitakis Year 12 (Accelerated student)

JUNIOR SCHOOL GREEK COLUMN Ο εορτασμός της 25ης Μαρτίου Έφτασε και φέτος η ημέρα της μεγάλης διπλής γιορτής της Ελληνορθόδοξης παράδοσης μας: Η 25η Μαρτίου. Τα παιδιά στο σχολείο μας και ιδιαίτερα η έκτη τάξη (Year 6) ετοιμάζονται να γιορτάσουν με εθνική υπερηφάνεια και χαρά. Από καιρό κάνουν πρόβες τα τραγούδια, τους ύμνους και τα λόγια τους για τον Εορτασμό (Assembly) που θα γίνει την Τετάρτη 27 Μαρτίου στο σχολείο μας. Περιμένουν με αγωνία να τραγουδήσουν στον λαμπρό εορτασμό μαζί με τα υπόλοιπα παιδιά της χορωδίας στο κέντρο του Σύδνεϋ την Κυριακή στις 24 Μαρτίου. Θέλουν να μας δείξουν τι έμαθαν για τον Ευαγγελισμό της Θεοτόκου και την Επανάσταση του 1821 . Θέλουν να μας πάνε πίσω στο χρόνο και να μας θυμίσουν τα καλά νέα που έλαβε η


provided by a Board of Studies NSW Liaison Officer. Additionally, representatives from all UNSW faculties, as well as staff from the Student Recruitment Office, Admissions, Scholarships and other student support services are available to answer your questions on degree options and student life at UNSW. A number of Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings occur during the month of May. Select the date and location that best suits you. The program for each evening is the same. There is no need to attend multiple evenings. Parking permits are only available for the UNSW Kensington Campus. Space at these evenings is always limited. Please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. May 7, 23, 29 – UNSW Kensington Campus, Scientia Building (G19) May 20 – Auditorium, The King’s School, 87129 Pennant Hills Rd North Parramatta May 28 – Wenona School, North Sydney 255 Miller St North Sydney

Παναγία και να μας πουν πως οι Έλληνες πολέμησαν για την ελευθερία τους έπειτα από 400 χρόνια σκλαβιάς. Δύο παιδιά της έκτης τάξης μάς παρουσιάζουν τις σκέψεις τους για την διπλή γιορτή της 25ης Μαρτίου. Ευχόμαστε σε όλους Χρόνια Πολλά και Καλή Σαρακοστή. Και του χρόνου να είμαστε όλοι καλά να ξαναγιορτάσουμε την ημέρα Ανεξαρτησίας της Ελλάδας μας και τον Ευαγγελισμό της Θεοτόκου. Η Δασκάλα Ελληνικών Άννα Γαμπιεράκη Σκέφτομαι και Γράφω:Η 25η Μαρτίου Δέσποινα Καποδίστρια Στις 25 Μαρτίου γιορτάζουμε τον Ευαγγελισμό της Θεοτόκου.Αυτή την ημέρα η Παναγία έμαθε απο τον Αρχάγγελο Γαβριήλ πως θα γεννήσει τον Χριστό. Γιορτάζουμε και τη μεγάλη μας εθνική γιορτή, την Επαναστάση του 1821.Οι Έλληνες πέρασαν 400 χρόνια σκλαβιά,πείνα,φόβο και σκοτωμούς.Το 1821 οι Έλληνες είπανε «Φτάνει πια ! Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος !» και πολέμησαν τους Τούρκους για την ελεύθερια τους.

Go the Network Schools site to register. Enter the school name and do a search for Term 2 activities. Look for the “Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evening” to register. Registration at each venue opens at 6pm with all Faculties available to answer your questions until the program begins at 6:30pm. Following the program, all Faculties are once again available to answer any of your questions.

Σκέφτομαι και γράφω: Η 25η Μαρτίου Ελένης Πρεκετέ Την 25η Μαρτίου γιορτάζουμε τον Ευαγγελισμό της Θεοτόκου και την Επανάσταση του 1821.


Γιορτάζουμε τον Ευαγγελισμό όπου ο Άγγελος Γαβριήλ έδωσε τον άσπρο κρίνο στην Παναγιά και της είπε οτι θα γεννήσει το γιο του Θεού. Η Επανάσταση του 1821 είναι που ελευθερώθηκε η Ελλάδα από τους Τούρκους. «Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος»

(ASB) The ASB Student Challenge offers an outstanding academic and personal development opportunity that'll help give you an intellectual and social edge in your final years of school. You will have an ASB experience and be inspired and challenged by leading academics, alumni and current students. A stimulating day of business simulations will test and develop your ability to work in a team to create and present a global business pitch to a panel of experts. You will have the opportunity to:  Develop your creative, leadership, critical and strategic thinking skills.  Learn in a positive and exciting environment.  Enrich and apply your business knowledge and skills.  Engage in stimulating workshops, discussions and simulations drawing on the social, cultural and economic roles of business in a global context.




UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evenings UNSW offers popular Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings designed specifically for current Year 10 students and their parents. The evening provides excellent information for students who are considering University study in the future. Information on UNSW's admission processes, bonus points and degree specific assumed knowledge is presented along with comprehensive HSC subject selection information


 Meet leading ASB academics, alumni and current students.  Establish friendships with students from other UNSW Network Schools.


There are 2 opportunities to attend this event during the school holidays. Friday 19 April and Thursday 4 July. Go the Network Schools site to register. Enter the school name and do a search for Term 2 activities. Look for the “Global Business Leaders Challenge” to register.

On 6th March was World Maths Day. I participated in this annual event. I enjoyed competing as it was exciting trying to answer as many questions possible in 60 seconds, attempting to beat my record. I achieved my highest score on Level 3. I answered 58 questions. World Education Games rewards participants who do well in this competition.




UNSW Information Systems - It's a whole lot cooler than you think. The Australian

The students of St. Spyridon are fortunate enough to be able to compete in this much publicised event and I hope that more students from our school take advantage of this opportunity.

School of Business (ASB) invites you to visit one of Australia's leading banks - Westpac. Find out how Westpac interacts with their customers, keeps up with the technology trends and stays ahead of the game in a very competitive FINANCE industry. You are invited to join the Westpac team to see and hear firsthand how this successful organization uses INFORMATION SYSTEMS and TECHNOLOGY to "glue" the different sectors of their business together - ensuring they stay at the top. Friday 3 May from 9am to 12.30pm. *Please note that business attire or school uniform is appropriate for this event. Go the Network Schools site to register. Enter the school name and do a search for Term 2 activities. Look for “Information Systems” to register.

Connor Giavis 6M

WORLD MATHS DAY 2013 On Wednesday 6th March, it was time for World Maths Day again. Our computer labs at school were buzzing with excitement as our fingers were busily typing and racing against the clock to answer numerous maths questions. It was especially exciting if you happened to compete against someone in your class or school in one of your games. Other classmates would rally around your computer and urge you on! It was definitely a fun and enjoyable atmosphere to compete in.

WOMEN IN ENGINEERING AND IT at the UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY will hold a Hands On Engineering Day on Friday 5 April from 8.30am to 3.15pm for female senior students. This is an opportunity for female students to gain an insight into studying and working in the engineering and IT industries. Please contact the careers adviser if you are interested in attending.

Every year I look forward to competing in World Maths Day and this year was no different. In fact, I was even more motivated and determined to beat my previous year’s score (10th in Australia) and work my way up the leader board and I did just that. This year I placed 6th in Australia in the 8 – 10 years age group and am looking forward to receiving another medal. It was very exciting to see my name on the Hall of Fame and was even more surprised that I also came 20th in the World.

BOND UNIVERSITY Experience Day for Year 12 students will take place on Wednesday 17th April on the Gold Coast – during the school holidays. This tour will depart from Sydney around 7am, fly to the Gold Coast and return around 7pm in the evening. The cost is $90 per person. The day tour includes return airfare, transfers to and from the campus, 6 hours on campus which includes a campus tour, briefings from each of the 5 faculties, morning tea and lunch and an information pack. Experience Days always book out quickly as they only take 30 students.

This year’s competition including World Literacy and Science Days had a total of close to 6 million students from around the world taking part. We had to answer as many questions correctly as we could in 60 seconds against students from all over the world. There were a total of 50 games over 5 levels that we needed to complete. The more you answered correctly, the more points you received. You had to be careful not to get more than 3 wrong answers in one game or you were locked


out until the next one! Each level had harder questions to solve. This year I managed to gain 3054 points. It was very exciting and rewarding competing online against students from other countries and watching my name slowly creep up the leader board. I can’t wait until World Maths Day comes around again next year.

will learn something every day if you pay attention.

I am very proud in what I have achieved for myself and our school. I strongly believe that if you believe in yourself you can achieve many things. We should always challenge ourselves and become the best we can in whatever we choose to do. That’s why I plan to compete again next year, and even though I’ll be in a higher age division, that doesn’t scare me, and I will try my hardest to get a personal best score. I hope you all can join me too.

I strongly believe that children should use manners at school because it is the right thing to do.

In conclusion, these are the reasons I believe children should use manners at school. Anika Vlahakis

Firstly, children should use manners at school because you are being kind to other people. This is important because you don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings at school or in the playground. Secondly, when you use manners at school, you cheer other people up. If you don’t use manners at school it will be hard to make friends with other people.

Desi Kapodistrias 6P

Thirdly, it is good to have manners at school because you don’t get in trouble or get put on detention. Manners show you are respectful to others.

YEAR THREE 3S believes in manners! Year 3S have been focusing on writing Expositions in class. One topic we felt was relevant in our school community this term was manners. This being the case, “Should children use manners at school?” was introduced and these are some of our expositions on the topic!

Overall, we should use manners at school because it is respectful and nice to do so. It also helps you make new friends. Penny Kezalas I strongly believe that children should use manners at school because it is respectful to everyone at school and it is a good way to be nice to one another.

I definitely believe that children should use manners at school because you will get in trouble by the teacher if you don’t use them. Also, children should use manners at school because you will be more respectful.

Firstly, children should use manners at school because you are being kind to other people. This is important because you don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings at school or in the playground.

Firstly, children should use manners at school because you are being kind to other people. This is important because you don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings at school or in the playground. Secondly, when you use manners, you to become more polite. You must manners because if you don’t, you complete your work because you will should I listen to that lady”.

Secondly, manners help cheer people up. For example, if someone is upset about something being kind and polite to them will help them feel better and they might forget about the argument.

will learn use your will not say “why

Thirdly, if you don’t have manners anywhere, it would be hard to make new friends and you could be left alone while others make new friends.

Thirdly, you should most certainly use manners because you will never get in trouble from the teachers because you will always be polite.

Finally, manners help you make friends at school so if you don’t have that many friends, manners will help you change that.

Finally learning manners are good because manners will convince you to keep learning. You


In conclusion, manners should always be used at school because they are very important and they make you feel better even if you are upset.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Recently Sandra Milisavljevic and I visited NSW Parliament House on International Women’s Day (Friday 8th March). There we discussed female rights and what it takes to be a successful leader. We represented our school throughout the day and thoroughly enjoyed this rare experience. We met many accomplished women such as The Chief Scientist for Australia from 2008-2011, Professor Penny Sackett. They shared their stories, and life experience to demonstrate how they have contributed towards the recognition of equality for women. During Ms Quentin’s talk about what it takes to be a leader she shared these words of wisdom: “Don’t try to be superwoman, don’t try to be perfect”. In other words, try your best and strive to achieve your dreams and goals, but don’t try to be perfect; no one is perfect. Another inspirational speaker named April stated that there are still many limitations today because of being born a woman. She advised us to “take these limitations as opportunities and try and move forward … see these negatives as positives of being a woman”.

Leanna Papaleonidas

YEAR FOUR MY PLACE IN SPACE My name is Danae and I am student at St. Spyridon College. I am in Year 4 and my teacher is Miss Bletsogiannis. My school is located at 80 Gardeners Rd, Kingsford. Kingsford is in Randwick City Council. In Kingsford there are houses, parks, hotels, shops and other buildings. Did you know that there are 14 Suburbs in Randwick City Council? Surrounding it is Botany City Council, Waverley Council, City Sydney Council and also the Pacific Ocean. These are 3 councils and one ocean. Randwick City is located in Sydney. In Sydney there are famous sites like the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. There is also an International Airport called Kingsford Smith Airport.

Following the talks we were given a tour of some of the rooms in Parliament House such as the Legislative Assembly Room where we were fortunate enough to be able to sit in Madam Speaker’s chair (as shown in the pictures below). In these rooms we were told that it was in these rooms that the laws relating to women’s status were changed over time, and from where future successes will originate. Overall, the day was a very inspiring experience and both Sandra and I were very appreciative for being able to attend this event.

The Capital City of NSW is Sydney and NSW is a state. It is surrounded by Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and the South Pacific Ocean. Did you know that Australia is an island and also a continent? It has six states and two territories. This country is located in Earth’s Southern Hemisphere. The Planet Earth is known as the only planet containing life. It is the fifth largest planet and is the third planet from the sun.

In the Solar System there are nine planets. Also the Solar System is located in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way.

The Milky Way Galaxy is part of the Local Group of Galaxies and Earth is in the Milky Way.

The Universe is full of Galaxies. As we have discovered there is the Andromeda Galaxy, the Triangulum Galaxy and, of course, the Milky Way Galaxy. But we have to wait for people to discover more!

Danae Margaronis – Lopez 4C


COLUMN Pamela Prineas Year 11

Girls 8 Years 50m Freestyle: 56.41 Well done Sia Manos!

JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTS REPORT SWIMMING CARNIVAL 21st February The forecast did say that it would be raining all week but luckily it turned out to be a gorgeous hot day for our Swimming carnival. This year we automated and streamlined the running of the carnival with some fantastic software, which works out the results for us and assists our recorders with all the entries. A few weeks before the carnival, all our Year 3-6 students were entered and given a number. On the day of the carnival each student had their number written on their right arm and on their left arm we wrote their age to ensure each student swims in the correct age group. 8 timekeepers were used to record times in each heat. Ribbons were awarded to winners in each event who had the four fastest times. Points System for our SSC carnivals: Students who come 1st in their event receive 3 points for their house, those who come 2nd receive 2 points and those who come 3rd receive 1 point. Participation points are also awarded to each swimmer. It is very important that all students attend the carnivals so they are not letting down their team! The swimming carnival is a compulsory school event and all students 3-6 are expected to attend. All students should be able to swim 50m by Year 3. This is a school requirement and parents are encouraged to send their children to swimming lessons in their infant years to ensure this requirement is met. Overall, it was a great day and I would like to thank all the parents, teachers and senior school students who assisted on the day. Congratulations to the Corinthians who won the carnival! And well done to the Olympians in 2nd place, the Delphians in 3rd place and Nemeans in 4th place.



On Thursday 7th March a group of students went to Queens Park to try out for the ASISSA Soccer team. Congratulations to Connor Giavis from Year 6 who was selected to represent ASISSA at the CIS Soccer Gala Day on the 8th April. Students will be selected for the CIS team on this day. Good luck Connor!

8 Yrs James Cardamis 8 Yrs Sia Manos 9 Yrs Marlon Rallis 9 Yrs Eleni Haralambides 10 Yrs Anthony Hatzigiakoumis 10 Yrs Nicola Skouteris 11 Yrs Jordan Frazis 11 Yrs Stephanie Augoustis and Desi Kapodistrias 12 Yrs Jonathon Lynch 12 Yrs Christina Vlahos New Record:

ASISSA NETBALL TRIALS On Thursday 7th March we also had a group of girls attend the Netball trials at Heffron. Congratulations to Stephanie Augoustis who made the team!


Jonathon Lynch Manny Giokas George Stavrou Kosta Ioannou Nicholas Tsintominas Connor Giavis Steven Stamoulis

Stephanie had not played netball before but she practiced at home, learnt the rules a week before the trials and was selected! She is natural allrounder! Well done Stephanie! The CIS trials will take place on the 2nd May.


Katerina Darras Samaras Anna Papas Roza Papas Christine Frangoulis Christina Vlahos Georgia Athanasopoulos Sonya Paradisis

Our Regional Futsal Competition will take place on the 22nd May and we are entering the Marrickville Region. (Debbie and Abbey Borgia Community Recreation Centre, Marrickville).

The following students were selected to attend the ASISSA Swimming trials on Monday 11th March: Deahna Simos, Stephanie Augoustis, Johnny Dalakiaris, Christina Vlahos, Steven Stamoulis, Desi Kapodistrias, Vivika Lynch, Frances Lee Pascalis, Nicola Skouteris, Jordan Frazis, Emmanuel Constantopedos, Eleni Haralambides, Michael Vlahos, Anthony Hatziakoumis, Jonathon Lynch, Katherine Tsingos, Nicoletta Tsimboukis, Adriana Drakoulis, Marlon Rallis, Paul Giavis, Sia Manos, Sophia Economou, Evangeline O’Reilly, James Cardamis, Jamyson Gouveros, Petros Lisgaris, Anastasia Lambrou, Stefan Gemisis, Juval Mikhail, Spiros Zafiropoulos, Kristina Poulos, Jordan Roumbas, Rianna Papas, Connor Giavis, Dominique Koukos, Jordan Kougias, Christian Jenkins, Peter Synesios, Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis. Congratulations to those students. They all did very well. I’d like to thank Mrs Synesios and Mrs Bartlett who assisted on the day.



The Sportsman and Sportswoman of the year awards are given to the two students in Year 6, a male and a female. They are the two children who achieve the most points overall from their sporting events throughout the year. This year we will be using the system used by many schools affiliated with ASISSA. Students receive 3 points for 1st place, 2 points for 2nd place and 1 point for 3rd place in each swimming and athletics events they compete in, in their age group. (There are 11 and 12 Yr olds in Year 6). Those points are added together. The student who was the Age Champion in Swimming for example will receive 3 points; the student who came 2nd overall will get 2 points and 3rd 1 point. The same applies for Athletics. At our Cross Country Carnival which is a 3km run, students who come 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their age group will receive points. We then give 2 points to students who attend ASISSA trials of any sport and are selected for the ASISSA team. An additional 2 points are awarded to students who attend the CIS trials and are selected to represent CIS at the PSSA carnivals. Any questions please see Mrs Diavatiotis. Good luck to all our Year 6 athletes!

CIS SWIMMING Two students from our school will be representing ASISSA at the CIS Swimming Carnival on the 20th March. Congratulations to Jordan Frazis in Year 5 and Sia Manos in Year 3. Jordan came 1st or 2nd in all his events at the ASISSA Carnival!! At the CIS trials he will be swimming in the 11yrs 50m Freestyle, 50m Backstroke, 50m Breaststroke and the 50m Butterfly. Sia Manos will be swimming in the 8yrs 50m Freestyle. Good luck!

FUTSAL TEAMS 2013 Our futsal trials were held and the following students were selected for this year. U10 BOYS: U10 GIRLS: Jameson Darras Efthimia Kollias Samaras Paul Giavis Lisa Stamoulis Lucas Leondaris Angelique Giokas Damascus Economou Taylyse Knight Angus Chellos Dominique Koukos George Grillakis Vivika Lynch Stefan Gemisis Nicola Skouteris Nicholas Michos Nicoletta Tsimboukis James Hristeff U12 BOYS U12 GIRLS: Spiros Zafiropoulos Stephanie Augoustis

EATING HEALTHY Students are expected to bring healthy nutritional food to school for recess and lunch. On days where students take part in sport, it is even more important that they are consuming healthy foods that will give them energy. The canteen at carnivals is not permitted. Hot chips, ice-creams and foods high in fats and sugars are strictly prohibited. Student lunches should consist of sandwiches, fruit and water. Parents can buy food for their child from the


canteens after the carnival has finished and their child has been dismissed.

season and hopefully will be able to play together next year and perhaps win!


Kalioppe Kefalas

Students who represent the school at ASISSA or Greek Orthodox Carnivals must purchase a white St Spyridon Cap for Swimming and an Athletics singlet which is used for Athletics, Cross Country, Netball, Basketball and AFL.

ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE SWIMMING TRAINING Students who competed and made the St Spyridon Swimming team began their swimming training program in preparation for the 23rd Annual ISA swimming carnival. This year we have added three training sessions to prepare the students for the upcoming meet, all of which are held at All Sorts Aquatic Centre. We look forward to our students working closely with our swimming instructor Angelina Flokis in the upcoming training sessions, starting at 7am and concluding at approx.

TENNIS Tennis is a sport that we are introducing to our curriculum this year. Year 3 will take part in Term 3. We would like to thank Mr Giavis for organising sponsorship for this program. Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sports Convenor

The training program adds value to our sports program and we look forward to building on this first important step in promoting sport and preparing our students for healthy competition.


The ISA carnival will be held on the 27th of March at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre at 11:30am and conclude at 6:30pm. A bus will be provided for the students and depart from the school and return students to the school.

Intermediate B’s had a very exciting and nerveracking game on Saturday 9th March against an undefeated St Andrews Cathedral School. The game started with great tension and continued with low scores and many fouls. By half time we were loosing 13-6. Even though we persevered and as the game progressed St Andrews did not seem to want to give up either with the score 2116. In the last minute Anja Djukic scored the only 3 pointer of the game increasing our score to 1921. Even in the last 35 seconds we didn’t give up as Aphroditi Zafiropoulos scored 2 points creating a draw. Then in literally the last second St Andrews scored winning the goal.

YEAR 7 SWIMMING PROGRAM Year 7 students each Thursday have been participating in a Swimming program held at All Sorts Swimming during their ISA and PE lessons. Not only is this a mandatory requirement of the NSW Physical Education Syllabus but it is also an essential skill in life give our closeness to many beaches. With many varied abilities the program has been beneficial to all students from learning stroke correction or the essential skills to become confident in the water.

Congratulations Sophia Rizzo, Anja Djukic, Aphroditi Zafiropoulos, Suzanna Gavrilova, Anastasia Maloukis, Vicky Papadopoulos, Yvette Stemitsiotis, Arina Sheptitskaya and Theoni Thimakis for an amazing game and season.


We would like to thank Anne Marie Xenos, Alyssa Stemitsiotis and the parents and family who came to support us along with Ms Kalithrakas who has been our brilliant coach throughout the season. Thanks to Mr Meintanis, Mr Zafiropoulos and Ms O’Shea for their advice and support throughout the game.

St Spyridon boys ISA Football teams have been selected and training for all boys is underway. The students have been training during timetabled lessons at school on a Thursday. A possible trial match has been scheduled against Redfield College in Dural on the 6th April. Our Open boys in particular have been training intensely with the intent of preparing for the National Greek

Even though we came so close to winning, we have all shown improvement throughout this


Orthodox School Event to be held in early Term 2.

Opens Christopher Kolistasis, James Andrew, Niko Fotopoulos, Louis Alexandrou, Leonidas Andrew, Alexander Coplin, Nicholas Makridopolus, Nicholas Stasos, Mathew Kambos.

In Futsal news the boy’s u/14, u/16 and Open teams have been training either early Wednesday morning or during lunches. The teams will be competing at Bankstown in the last week of Term. All students will be provided with details in the coming weeks regarding the competition. Congratulations to the following boys who made the respective squads. U14’s Nicholas Kollias, Harris Fotopoulos, Christopher Kumar, Panayiotis Bounos, Harris Papas, Lewis Athanasopoulos, George Dimas, Constantinos Kollias, Nathan Adams, Jordan Makridopolus.

ISA CROSS COUNTRY The following students will participate at the upcoming Cross Country Carnival this Saturday 23rd March at Chevalier College. The bus will be leaving Brighton RSL at 7.15am and St Spyridon Church at 7.30am. Nicole Adam, Lia Albanakis, Nikolay Balashov, Christina Balayannis, Anastasia Barton, Eve Barton, Chrystal Christie, Stanley Condous, George Contominas, Peter Contominas, Harris Fotopoulos, Nicholas Frazis, Giorge Gemisis, Nicholas Georgou, Anastasia Gousetis, Constantinos Gouskos, Nicholas Hatzakos, Elias Hatzon, Tristan Hollink, Stephen Ioannidis, Simeon Kerameas, Keira Kipriotis, Kyriakos Kladakis, Constantinos Kollias, Aaron-Paul Konstantakis, Kristian Kontakos, Georgia Koukounaris, Archie Lambrinos, Jake Langlands, Patrick Langlands, Paul Langlands, George Makris, Sarantos Makris, Stavroulla Mavrolefterou, Alexander Michos, Kristen Mournehis, Rothopi Nicolaou, Harilaos Papas, Zac Prineas, Shaye Ramdutt, Christos Raptis, Billy Retsas, Jack Rodrigues, James Stathis, Mariah Stavrou, Isidora Stevanovic, John Trovas, Anita Vergotis, Anastasia Vorgias, Nicholas Xeras.

U16’s Nicholas Makridopolus, Dane Ivanovic, Adonis Tsoustas, Kristian Kontakos, Alexander Cardamis, Simeon Kerameas, Christos Raptis, Michael Savic, Dion Alexander, Stephen Ioannidis.

Good Luck to all students competing. Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Spo


PREFECTS’ PAGE Name: Maria Mio (Senior Prefect) Age: 18 Year: 12 Favourite Colour: Green and Purple Number of years at St Spyridon College: 13 years Subjects currently studying: English advanced, English Extension 1, Modern History, History Extension 1, Chemistry, Biology and Food Technology Hobbies: Swimming, reading Favourite sports teams: Sydney Roosters Favourite Quote: “Let all that you do be done with love” – 1 Corinthians 16:14 “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Martin Luther King Jr. Achievements: Academic awards from Years 7 to Year 11. Sporting awards like Senior Swimmer of the Year in 2012. Trained as a netball umpire in 2012 Role Models: Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Name: Nicholas Stasos Age: 17 Favourite Colour: Electric Lime No of years at St Spyridon College: 13 years Subjects currently studying: English Extension 2, English Extension 1, English Advanced, Mathematics Advanced, Economics, Legal Studies, PDHPE Hobbies: Cooking, Ultimate team Favourite team sports: Soccer, cricket Favourite Quotes: “The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent.” Fundamentals of Chess 1883 "I believe in God, like I believe the sun has risen. Not because I see it, but by through it I see all things" C.S Lewis Role Models: My brother, mum and dad

PREFECTS LUNCH Last Wednesday, 13th March, our Head of College and Principal Prefects’ Lunch was held in the Sports and Performing Arts Centre. Prefects had the opportunity to share their progress in their studies and views on School leadership. We would like to thank Mrs Lambi for her support and expertise for all such occasions.







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