St Spyridon News #105

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VOLUME XXX No 45 5th April, 2013



APRIL Year 12 Half Yearly Exams begin Yr 5/6 Peer Support Training at Senior

8th 9





Term 1 ends for Students & Staff


Term 2 begins for Students & Staff Holy Monday




CONGRATULATIONS… …to Nicholas Frazis of Year 7 who made the ISA squad in the boys U13 50m Backstroke. Nicholas performed exceptionally well at the ISA meet and this result is due reward for a wonderfully talented athlete. Congratulations!

MAY Easter Focus Assembly JS


Holy Thursday School closed


Good Friday School closed




Easter Monday School closed National Schools Event

6th 8th – 10th

Melbourne Mother’s Day NAPLAN Years 3 & 5 and 7 & 9

12th 14th – 16th

Parent Teacher Conferences Year 12


Class Photos JS


School Photographs SS


Half Yearly Examinations Year 11 begin


K-6 Photos


Open Morning and Tour JS




This year was particularly special and memorable, best remembered for winning the overall trophy for the Junior Boys, finishing second in the senior boys and 3rd overall in the boys.

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia

ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE PARENTS & FRIENDS ASSOCIATION invites you, your family & friends to join us for

Palm Sunday Lunch

Sunday 28 April 2013 St Spyridon Church Hall 11:30am Adult (16yrs+) - $40.00 donation Child (4-15yrs) - $15.00 donation

Our traditional Palm Sunday menu will include:  A variety of mezethes on the table consisting of: Skordalia & Taramosalata, Calamari, Salad and Bread and  a main meal of -Snapper or Calamari with baked vegetables (adults) -Fish cocktails or Calamari with baked vegetables (children) and  a variety of Lenten desserts and jelly (children) Soft drinks & alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase on the day. For further details & bookings please phone Erenie Bourdaniotis 0410318053 Rita Georges 0414639947 2

PARENTS and FRIENDS REPORT A SENSE OF COMMUNITY We love the sense of community we have at our school and this was evident to the P and F Committee over the past two weeks. Firstly on the 24th March, a special thank you goes to the parents outside the P and F committee who assisted with distributing the snacks and water to all our children. Lots of hands did make light work and ensured the kids were happy very quickly after a hot morning. We were so proud of our teachers and students turning up and looking so smart and beautiful and celebrating a significant day in our history.

Secondly we have had overwhelming support from ladies outside the P and F in the decorating of our lambathes this year. It is much harder than it seems to decorate candles to a professional standard. It takes a lot of time, love and a special knack (speaking from experience, having tried myself last year and admittedly not being very good at it). We have our P and F decorating champions who do a tireless and amazing job each year, but this year our team has had assistance from other families and the candles are ready and look amazing. Please support their effort and purchase your Easter candles from our stalls. This year we also have other items on sale, so drop on by and have a look. Located in the Junior School grounds, Easter stalls start next Monday 8/4/2013 and will continue through to the Wednesday Junior School Easter Assembly on the 1/5/2013. Further to this week’s theme, we have had a lovely donation from Mr Hamer of a HUGE Easter Egg Hamper to raffle off at the Junior School Easter Assembly on 1/5/2013 – look out for the tickets which will be sent home with the Junior School children. Be in it to win it! Join us for Palm Sunday Lunch in the Church Hall for our first major Fundraising event of the year, where the P and F will do all the cooking to provide a bountiful seafood meal. Our next P and F meeting is on Wednesday 10th April at 7pm in the Church Hall – All are welcome. KEEP THE DATE: Thursday 16th May 2013, from 7pm Mothers Day themed Dinner – if you heard about last year’s one you know you are in for a fun night. More information next Newsletter.


P&F Lambatha Stalls Term 1: Monday 8 April to Friday 12 April &

Term 2: Monday 29 April to Tuesday 30 April From 2:30pm Infants & Junior grounds &

Wednesday 1 May at Easter assembly in Hall A selection of unique handmade Lambathes and other Easter gift items available. Customised Lambatha – personalise yours with adding a name, colour choice etc. See over for order form. All takings from the stalls and custom sales will contribute to the funding of important resources for the school. NEW OFFER:

HOMEMADE TRADITIONAL EASTER TSOUREKIA FOR SALE The P & F sincerely thanks you for your support!

Kaλό Πάσχα! 4






Our warmest thanks are extended to Mrs Gambierakis for the exceptional job in leading the Combined Schools Choir. Well done to the Choir students who did a fabulous job at the Domain.

TERM TWO Term Two will begin for all students K-12 on Monday, 29th April, 2013.



Thank you to all the students and parents who joined us on this most important day.


All students are to come dressed in Winter School Uniform on Tuesday, 7th May. The Uniform Shop will be open on Wednesday, 1st May from 8.30am to 10.00am only. Please note that the Uniform Shop is closed during school holidays. Blazers are compulsory for winter.

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES: 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term. Uniform Shop will open on Wednesday, 10th April as usual not Tuesday, 9th April.

COMMUNITY NEWS – PANTANASSA MONASTERY The Pantanassa stall will be at Pacific Square, Maroubra from Monday 15th April – Sunday, 21st April. The stall will have a variety of religious items for sale such as icons and religious Books, as well as Easter Lambathes made from pure bee’s wax. Pantanassa online shop




JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT 25th MARCH CELEBRATIONS The students of our College represented their school with pride once more at the 25th March Celebrations. This was evident by their good behavior, impeccable uniform and the number of students in attendance. Congratulations to Bill Avdalis and Desi Kapodistrias from Year 6 for reciting with conviction their poem in the church and to Junior School Leadership Team for leading the Junior School down to the Domain.

CONGRATULATIONS On the 26th March, the Greek Orthodox Colleges Swimming Carnival was held. We were pleased be able to meet our sister schools, St Euphemia


younger students. As a leader, students become the role models for younger students in the school. As a student themselves, they will develop life skills and strategies to make healthy life choices.

and All Saints in friendly competition and are happy to report that St Spyridon College Junior School were the champions on the day. Thank you to Mrs Diavadiotis for all her work in preparing for this carnival and to Mr Arnott for accompanying the students.

Training Dates: Tuesday 9th April and Wednesday 10th April. Time: 8:30am-2.45pm Dress: Sports Uniform must be worn on both days with sports shoes.

Well done St Spryidon Swim Team we are very proud of you!

Location: SPACe – Year 5 and Year 6 students will be required to be dropped off at the Senior School Campus where they will be met by their roll call teacher by 8:30am. They will also need to be collected from the Senior School by 2.45pm on both days.

SPALDING PARENT COURSE The Spalding Parent Course will run on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 – 9:30pm. It will run over five weeks from Tuesday 7th May till Tuesday 11th June. Please note that there will be no lesson on Tuesday 4th June. The course will be held in the Year Six classrooms and entry will be via Gardeners Rd only.

CO CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Please note: Co curricular Activities will be on for the remaining of Term 1 and Term 2 only on the dates itemised below.

PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE Congratulations to the following children who have all completed the Reading Challenge for 2013 in record time. Apologies to those children who had their names omitted from the last newsletter.

Monday Thursday Monday Wednesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday

Talia Diamond, Dimitra Kasmas, Taylysse Knight, Evangeline O’Reilly, Myles O’Reilly and Marissa Diakoumis. All completed forms to be returned to Mrs Bartlett or the school office.


8th April 11th April 13th May 15th May 16th May 20th May 22nd May 23rd May 27th May 29th May 12th June 13th June

If date is not listed above, the activities will not be on that date due to other events. Please make sure you make note of these dates and be punctual when picking up your child/children from the activities.

Once again the Junior School staff will implement the Peer Support Program for all students K – 6. The Peer Support Program provides opportunities and an environment for students to develop skills for building positive relationships within the school community. Year 5 and 6 students will be trained as Deputy and Peer Support Leaders to lead these groups. Shortly after the two training days, students will be assigned their group of younger peers.

HOLY WEDNESDAY 1st May EASTER ASSEMBLY The Junior School will hold its annual Easter Focus Assembly on Wednesday 1st May in the Hall commencing at 11am. The students will present their understanding of Easter through poems, songs, prayers, hymns and stories in both Greek and English. The students will also showcase their understanding of some of our traditional customs through displays of art and craft. Parents and friends of the school are welcome to attend this very special assembly.

The training for Year 5 and 6 to be leaders is a 2day requirement. At the various workshops, Year 5 and 6 will collaborate in small groups and complete set activities with an adult facilitator. The students will learn required leadership skills and gain confidence in leading a small group of


EARLY DISMISSAL REMINDER HOLY WEDNESDAY 1st May 2013 All students will be dismissed at 1pm on Holy Wednesday 1st May. The private bus company has been notified and all private bus children will be picked up at 1pm. All parents must pick up their children from school at 1pm, as there will be no supervision after this time. Year 6 shared fiction stories from many different cultures with K-5. They also shared their own personal stories.

Please also note that no lunch will be served on Wednesday 1st May by the canteen as the school will close at 1pm.

BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE There will be no After School Care on Wednesday 1st May. After School Care will resume on Tuesday 7th May.

END OF TERM With Term One drawing to an end, I would like to thank you all for a rewarding and productive term. Wishing you all an enjoyable break. Καλό Πάσχα!

Mrs A. Synesios A/Principal Students enjoying cooperative activities!

HARMONY DAY @ JUNIOR SCHOOL: MARCH 22, 2013 Many Stories: One Australia was the shared national theme for Harmony Day 2013. Year 6 leadership students planned a fun day focussing on all Junior School students and their teachers sharing stories and respecting culture. Australia is a country of harmony, tolerance, acceptance and equality. We live in a multicultural society. To celebrate who we are, K-6 students and teachers dressed in orange (for Harmony) and blue (for Greek Independence). During the day, students shared messages on a special ‘Harmony Day Graffiti Wall’, listened to the stories of others and participated in other fun ‘harmony’ focused

activities. Well done to the Year 6 group for being prepared on the day. A huge thank you to the Prefects in particular who ensured whole school inclusiveness. Thank you to all who got involved!

8 Ms McCarthy Stage 3 Coordinator


Results: World Maths Day (14 – 18) Age Division

25th MARCH CELEBRATIONS Congratulations and thank you to all staff and students who attended this year’s celebrations.

6th in the World 2nd in Australia 1st in NSW

Congratulations to Constantinos Kollias, Year 8, for reciting his poem with such confidence in St Spyridon Church on Sunday 24th March, 2013.

World Literacy Day (14 – 18) Age Division 45th in the World 3rd in Australia 2nd in NSW

CONDOLENCES Our sincere condolences to Mrs V. Grillakis and Mrs D. Kefalouros and their families on the recent death of their Grandfather. May God rest his soul. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



"Everything that is done in the world is done by hope."

By the end of Term 1 all students Years 7-11 will receive an Interim Report on their progress so far.

Martin Luther

In this report we share what is going well and in particular highlight issues of concern.

Hope is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. It can overcome failure, disappointment, rejection and difficulty. It is a strength that gives fortitude during illness, pain, and testing times. Hope also gives life to vision. It expects that the sun will keep shining, the dawn will rise again and that we will not be presented with a difficultly we do not have the power to overcome. Maintaining hope is what allows us to hold onto our dreams and move closer towards reaching our objectives, whatever they may be.

Parents will be able to make time to discuss their child’s progress at the future Parent Teacher Conferences.

PROGRESSION A reminder to Year 10 students that the Expression of Interest forms to progress to Years 11 and 12 at St Spyridon College are due to me at the end of this Term.


WORLD MATHS DAY We are pleased to announce that Panayioti Kapodistrias once again is a medalist this year in both World Maths Day & World Literacy Day (spelling competition).

On Tuesday at a special assembly, our Year 10 Peer Support Leaders and the thirty eight members of the recently elected Student Representative Council were presented with their


Badges. Wearing a leadership badge is an honour that carries with it responsibility. Students are expected to not only wear their badge with pride as they carry out their duties, but also to remember the significance of the school emblem and motto which is found on it. The CROSS at the top of the emblem signifies our School's commitment to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and to His Orthodox Church. The FLAME at the centre symbolises our readiness to share in the Light of Christ and to achieve distinction in all contests - academic, physical and spiritual. The CREST around the flame reminds us that a just reward awaits those who strive to the best of their ability. The MOTTO of our school is "ΑΙΕΝ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΕΙΝ", an ancient Greek expression meaning "always excelling". Congratulations on the leadership you have and will continue to demonstrate in the times ahead.

TWILIGHT TOURS Congratulations to all the Student Leaders and volunteers who were able to assist with Twilight tours this week. An overwhelming number of visitors attended this year, which is testament to the positive impression and interest our College is generating in the community. Students warmly welcomed visitors and enthusiastically conducted tours of the school campus, impressing all with their honest and positive commentaries.

YEAR 7 EXCURSION On Wednesday Year 7 travelled to the Australian Museum to visit the Alexander the Great Exhibition, then down to Darling Harbour’s IMAX Cinema to view ‘TITANS OF THE ICE AGE 3D’. I am pleased to report that all students from the Senior School have now visited this exhibition which provides all of us with an important glimpse into our Hellenic heritage and history. The items on display were originally part of the Russian Queen, Catherine the Great’s personal collection and have made a once in a life time journey out of the Hermitage Museum based in St Petersburg, Russia, to our shores. It is highly recommended to anyone in our community who has yet to visit, to do so quickly as the exhibition closes on the 28th of April. In spite of the miserable weather, everyone had a wonderful time. Students were enthralled by the mystery and majesty of Alexander the Great. They admired all the exhibits but were particularly impressed by the intricate work seen in the gold jewellery on display, interactive displays and the beautiful armour and weaponry.




Without the generosity of St Spyridon students and staff, the annual donation of hundreds of nonperishable food items for the Greek Welfare Centres’ Easter Appeal would not be possible. Our collection over the past two weeks has grown significantly. Anyone who has yet to make a donation is still welcome to do so. Boxes will be packed next week and sent to the community collection centre at Marrickville Town Hall. There, they will be unpacked by volunteers, sorted, and re-assembled as care packages ready to be delivered to members of the community who struggle to make ends meet. We are very proud to be involved in this wonderful community service.

Representatives from the Melanoma Institute recently visited the school and presented awareness raising talks to the Middle School. Students listened carefully, asked many questions, and hopefully took away important messages that will be put into practice. Students were also given bookmarks containing the ‘A,B, C,D,E melanoma detection guidelines’ and tips on how to remain sun safe. One of the most important and interesting facts mentioned during the presentations, which explains why melanomas can appear in obscure places like under toes and on the head, lies in the fact that the skin is an organ that covers the entire body and as such, melanomas can manifest anywhere, not just in obvious exposed areas.

MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Next week Middle School students will celebrate their achievements at the end of term Middle School Assembly. For those who are new to the College and may not be familiar with our routines, at this event everyone will be entertained with musical items performed by Middle School students, SRCs, will not only be our hosts but will also prepare and present Term in Review Reports on behalf of their Year Groups, Maple Certificates, Year Adviser Pat on the Back Awards, and Perfect Attendance Certificates will also be handed out. Our Middle School Assemblies always end with the much anticipated movie draw in which ten movie tickets are given away.

EASTER RAFFLE Last week the first prize in the Easter Raffle was drawn. Congratulations to Alexander Alsop from Year 7. We hope you and your family enjoyed your Easter Show treats! At the beginning of Term 2 during our Orthodox Easter week, the remainder of the Easter Raffle prizes , an array of Easter hampers and baskets (donated by our Year 9’s), will be drawn. It is hoped that students will have returned all sold and unsold tickets to their SRC’s by the end of this week. Everyone who has purchased tickets will go into the second part of this raffle. Good luck to all!

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί αναγνώστες, Πρώτ’ απ’ όλα, θα ήθελα από τη στήλη αυτή, να συγχαρώ τον μαθητή της Β΄ Γυμνασίου, Κωνσταντίνο Κόλλια, για την εξαιρετική του απαγγελία με το ποίημα «Ευαγγελισμός» για την εθνική και θρησκευτική ης γιορτή της 25 Μαρτίου. Επίσης να αναφέρω ότι πρόσφατα οι μαθητές μας παρέδωσαν τις εργασίες τους σχετικά με την ανάγνωση και την αξιολόγηση ενός ελληνικού βιβλίου και παρακάτω παραθέτουμε μερικές από αυτές.

As mentioned in the previous Newsletter, raffle proceeds will be donated to the Soup Kitchen. Father Nectarios of St Constantine and Helen’s Church at Newtown, and his team of volunteers who work tirelessly to keep the Soup Kitchen operating. They cook and serve hot lunches five days a week throughout the year to anyone who chooses to walk in off the street. The proceeds from our raffle will be very much appreciated by all those who rely on the soup kitchen. Thank you to all for your generosity and support.

Καλή σας ανάγνωση. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα


τους κάνει να συμμορφωθουν συμπεριφέρονται με σεβασμό.

Ο ΜΙΚΡΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΣ Πρόλογος: Το βιβλίο με το οποίο ασχολήθηκα, ονομάζεται «ο Μικρός Αδελφός» και είναι δημιούργημα των Ρενέ Γκοσονί και Ζαν Ζακ Σανπέ. Πρόκειται για τη ζωή ενός αγοριού που είναι ο καπετάν φασαρίας στην τάξη του και συνέχεια κάνει αταξίες αλλά παράλληλα είναι ένα μικρό, αθώο και χαριτωμένο αγοράκι που κάνει όνειρα για ένα επιτυχημένο μέλλον έτσι ώστε να κάνει τους γονείς του περήφανους όταν θα καταφέρει να πραγματοποιήσει αυτό το όνειρο.



Χαρακτήρες/κεντρικός ήρωας: Ο βασικός ήρωας αυτού του βιβλίου είναι «ο μικρός Νικόλας», ένα χαριτωμένο, μικρό, αθώο και σκανταλιάρικο αγοράκι που ζει την παιδική του ηλικία όπως κάθε φυσιολογικό παιδάκι, ου στην Γαλλία του 19 αιώνα και πάει σε σχολείο αρρένων. Όμως όταν τον μαλώνουν οι γονείς του κλαίει και σκέφτεται συνέχεια να φύγει από το σπίτι του και να ξαναγυρίσει όταν οι γονείς του θα έχουν γεράσει και εκείνος θα είναι πλούσιος και θα έχει πετύχει στη ζωή του ώστε να τους κάνει περήφανους.

Περίληψη: Ο μικρός Νικόλας, παρόλο που είναι σκανταλιάρης και όχι από τους καλύτερους μαθητές στην τάξη του, είναι ένα μικρό αθώο και χαριτωμένο παιδί που κάνει πολλά όνειρα για ένα επιτυχημένο μέλλον ενώ παράλληλα ζει την παιδική και σχολική του ηλικία μαζί με τους γονείς του στην Γαλλία. Πηγαίνει σε σχολείο αρρένων όπου μαζί με τους φίλους του, Αλσέστ, Ζοφρουά, Εντ και Ρούφους, είναι οι πιο άτακτοι στην τάξη τους. Παρόλα αυτά, ακούνε πάντα τη δασκάλα τους γιατί την αγαπούν και δεν θέλουν ούτε να την στενοχωρούν μα ούτε και να την κάνουν ρεζίλι αν και πάντα καταφέρνουν να κάνουν αταξίες και να παίρνουν πολλές τιμωρίες από όλους.

Οι δεύτεροι βασικοί χαρακτήρες στη ζωή του μικρού Νικόλα είναι οι γονείς του. Ο πατέρας του δουλεύει σκληρά για να παρέχει τα πάντα στον γιο του και είναι ένας καλός και στοργικός πατέρας που διασκεδάζει πολύ με το να απασχολείται με τον γιο του. Η μητέρα του από την άλλη, είναι λίγο αυστηρή σε σχέση με τον άνδρα της. Μαλώνει συχνά τον μικρό Νικόλα για τις αταξίες του και τα κατορθώματά του στο σχολείο, τα οποία δεν είναι πάντα ευχάριστα και του βάζει και τη συνηθισμένη τιμωρία, όπως και όλοι οι άλλοι γονείς βάζουν στα παιδιά τους, δηλαδή ότι δεν θα φάει επιδόρπιο μετά το φαγητό. Παρόλα αυτά, είναι μια καλή και στοργική μητέρα, που λατρεύει το παιδί της όπως όλες οι μαμάδες εξάλλου.

Όπως σε κάθε τάξη, έτσι και σε αυτήν, υπάρχει το «σπασικλάκι» με τα γυαλιά, ο οποίος σε αυτή την περίπτωση, είναι ο Ανιάν, ένα ευαίσθητο αγοράκι που λατρεύει να διαβάζει συνέχεια. Είναι ο πρώτος μαθητής της τάξης, το χαϊδεμένο παιδί της δασκάλας, που πάντα την υποστηρίζει ακόμα και σε θέματα που τα υπόλοιπα παιδιά δεν συμφωνούν. Αυτό εκνευρίζει τους συμμαθητές του, που επιθυμούν πολύ να τον χτυπήσουν αλλά δεν μπορούν διότι φοράει γυαλιά και αυτό τους εκνευρίζει ακόμα περισσότερο.

Στη ζωή του μικρού Νικόλα φυσικά υπάρχουν και οι φίλοι του και συμμαθητές του: ο Ζοφρουά, ο Αλσεστ, ο Εντ και ο Ρούφους, που μαζί με τον Νικόλα είναι η σκανταλιάρικη παρέα του σχολείου, που όλο δημιουργεί προβλήματα. Ο Ζοφρουά είναι ένα ζωηρό αγοράκι, που έχει έναν πλούσιο πατέρα που του παρέχει τα πάντα. Ο Άλσεστ από την άλλη, είναι ένα παχουλό αγοράκι, που του αρέσει να τρώει συνέχεια και δεν μπλέκεται πάντα σε καβγάδες διότι είναι πάντα απασχολημένος με το να τρώει. Ο Εντ είναι ένα ζόρικο αγόρι που του αρέσει συνέχεια να δέρνει τους άλλους και να δημιουργεί καβγάδες. Ο Ρούφους είναι κι αυτός ζωηρός και όταν τον πειράζουν του αρέσει να απειλεί αυτόν που τον πείραξε ότι θα τον καταγγείλει στην αστυνομία διότι ο πατέρας του είναι αστυνομικός. Ανάμεσα σε όλους αυτούς υπάρχει και ο Ανιάν ο πρώτος μαθητής και φυσικά το καλό παιδί της δασκάλας. Είναι ένας υπερευαίσθητος

Η παρέα του μικρού Νικόλα είναι πάντα βίαιη, Τους αρέσει να προκαλούν καβγάδες ειδικά όταν παίζουν παιχνίδια όπου διαφωνούν όλοι μαζί και καταλήγουν να τσακώνονται. Ο Νικόλας, παρόλο που κάνει πολλές σκανταλιές, πάντα σκέφτεται αθώα πριν κάνει οτιδήποτε. Όλοι οι ενήλικες, είτε μέσα είτε έξω από το σχολείο κάνουν τα πάντα για να τους συμμορφώσουν και κάθε μέρα παίρνουν πολλές τιμωρίες από γονείς και δασκάλους. Ο διευθυντής είναι αγανακτισμένος με αυτή την τάξη και προσπαθεί με κάθε μέσο να


στο συμπέρασμα ότι όλα τα παιδιά στον κόσμο είναι τα ίδια, κάνουν τις ίδιες σκανταλιές και αντιμετωπίζονται από τους ενήλικες με τον ίδιο τρόπο.

χαρακτήρας που δεν έχει φίλους και αυτό τον κάνει δυστυχισμένο. Οι υπόλοιποι χαρακτήρες που εμπλέκονται στην καθημερινή ζωή του μικρού Νικόλα είναι η δασκάλα του, που όλα τα παιδιά την αγαπάνε και την ακούνε ό,τι και να τους πει, ο διευθυντής του σχολείου, που δεν είναι καθόλου ευχαριστημένος με την παρέα του μικρού Νικόλα και τους τιμωρεί συνέχεια, ένας δάσκαλος, ο κύριος Μορντενάβ, που δεν αγαπάει τον ήλιο και λατρεύει τις βροχερές μέρες, ο επιστάτης του σχολείου, που όλοι τον φωνάζουν «σουπιά» και κανένας δεν τον συμπαθεί, ούτε καν οι καθηγητές και ο γείτονας του μικρού Νικόλα, ο κύριος Μπλέντορ, που συνέχεια τσακώνεται με τον πατέρα του μικρού Νικόλα

Danae Kyriakaki Year 9GKA



UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evenings UNSW offers popular Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings designed specifically for current Year 10 students and their parents. The evening provides excellent information for students who are considering University study in the future. Information on UNSW's admission processes, bonus points and degree specific assumed knowledge is presented along with comprehensive HSC subject selection information provided by a Board of Studies NSW Liaison Officer. Additionally, representatives from all UNSW faculties, as well as staff from the Student Recruitment Office, Admissions, Scholarships and other student support services are available to answer your questions on degree options and student life at UNSW. A number of Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings occur during the month of May. Select the date and location that best suits you. The program for each evening is the same. There is no need to attend multiple evenings. Parking permits are only available for the UNSW Kensington Campus. Space at these evenings is always limited. Please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. May 7, 23, 29 – UNSW Kensington Campus, Scientia Building (G19)

Μήνυμα/κεντρική ιδέα: Το μήνυμα που θέλουν να μας δώσουν οι δυο συγγραφείς του «Μικρού Νικόλα» είναι ότι κάθε άνθρωπος, είτε μικρός είτε μεγάλος, κρύβει ένα «μικρό Νικόλα» μέσα του, δηλαδή, ένα αθώο, χαριτωμένο και σκανταλιάρικο παιδί, που κάνει όνειρα για το μέλλον του ενώ εκνευρίζεται κάθε φορά που τον μαλώνουν γιατί παράκουσε τους μεγαλύτερούς του. Διαβάζοντας αυτό το βιβλίο, κάθε παιδί ή ενήλικας, θα παρατηρήσει ομοιότητες με τον μικρό Νικόλα, αλλά και με τα άλλα παιδιά, σε διάφορους τομείς. Ένα παιδί σε μικρή ηλικία έχει την ομοιότητα της τεμπελιάς στο θέμα του διαβάσματος και της σκανταλιάς. Ένας έφηβος μέσα από αυτό το βιβλίο ταξιδεύει στο κοντινό παρελθόν του και βρίσκει ομοιότητες είτε στην τεμπελιά είτε στην αταξία. Μπορεί όμως να βρει και πολλά κοινά σημεία με την εφηβική σχολική ζωή του, αφού πάντα υπάρχουν οι χαρακτήρες στην τάξη που ταυτίζονται με τον μικρό Νικόλα, αλλά και την παρέα του, στο ότι πάντα βαριούνται και διακόπτουν το μάθημα με διάφορους χαζούς και χιουμοριστικούς τρόπους.

Go to the Network Schools site to register. Enter the school name and do a search for Term 2 activities. Look for the “Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evening” to register. Registration at each venue opens at 6pm with all Faculties available to answer your questions until the program begins at 6:30pm. Following the program, all Faculties are once again available to answer any of your questions.

Τέλος, ένας ενήλικας θα θυμηθεί τα παιδικά του χρόνια και μέσα από τις ιστορίες, θα γελάσει, θα νοσταλγήσει και ίσως και να μελαγχολήσει λίγο. Την ίδια όμως στιγμή θα δει ομοιότητες με το πώς συμπεριφέρονται τα δικά του παιδιά. Όλοι οι χαρακτήρες μέσα στις ιστορίες του «Μικρού Νικόλα», συνθέτουν ένα κωμικό και ευχάριστο κολάζ ανθρώπων και καταστάσεων, μέσα από όπου μπορούμε να δούμε τη ζωή στη ου Γαλλία του 19 αιώνα, να καταλάβουμε τον τρόπο που οι Γάλλοι μεγάλωναν τα παιδιά τους εκείνη την εποχή και φυσικά να καταλήξουμε

UNSW GLOBAL BUSINESS LEADERS CHALLENGE – Australian School of Business (ASB) The ASB Student Challenge offers an outstanding academic and personal development opportunity



that'll help give you an intellectual and social edge in your final years of school. You will have an ASB experience and be inspired and challenged by leading academics, alumni and current students. A stimulating day of business simulations will test and develop your ability to work in a team to create and present a global business pitch to a panel of experts. You will have the opportunity to:  Develop your creative, leadership, critical and strategic thinking skills.  Learn in a positive and exciting environment.  Enrich and apply your business knowledge and skills.  Engage in stimulating workshops, discussions and simulations drawing on the social, cultural and economic roles of business in a global context.  Meet leading ASB academics, alumni and current students.  Establish friendships with students from other UNSW Network Schools.



AFL - PAUL KELLY CUP On Wednesday 20th March, St Spyridon participated in the AFL Paul Kelly Cup at David Phillips Field in Daceyville. It was a regional competition with local schools all around Eastern Suburbs competing. Some teams were competing at a competitive level and some teams were playing for fun. In the competitive division, there were 12 teams including our school. We played a total of three games. Every game had two halves lasting between 10 and 15 minutes. There were 2 pools consisting of 4 teams each. The school with teams in our pool was Christian Brothers, Lewisham. They had 3 separate teams. In our opposition game, we were defeated 27- 1. The opposing team were very good, with very good attacking players. This was our first game as a team so it was a good learning experience for us to use in the other games.

There are 2 opportunities to attend this event during the school holidays. Friday 19 April and Thursday 4 July. Go the Network Schools site to register. Enter the school name and do a search for Term 2 activities. Look for the “Global Business Leaders Challenge” to register.

In our second game, we won 21- 14, we played very well, passing the ball a lot and were working as a team. We then had to win our third game to have a chance of making it to the finals.

UNSW Information Systems - It's a whole lot cooler than you think. The Australian

We unfortunately lost our third game. We played well in the first half but were blown away in the second half.

School of Business (ASB) invites you to visit one of Australia's leading banks - Westpac. Find out how Westpac interacts with their customers, keeps up with the technology trends and stays ahead of the game in a very competitive FINANCE industry. You are invited to join the Westpac team to see and hear firsthand how this successful organization uses INFORMATION SYSTEMS and TECHNOLOGY to "glue" the different sectors of their business together - ensuring they stay at the top. Friday 3 May from 9am to 12.30pm. *Please note that business attire or school uniform is appropriate for this event. Go the Network Schools site to register. Enter the school name and do a search for Term 2 activities. Look for “Information Systems” to register.

We came 3rd in our pool and didn’t make it to the finals but we played extremely well for our first go. At the start, three quarters of us didn’t even know how to play AFL!! Our school placed 4th overall. On behalf of the team, we would like to thank Miss McCarthy for teaching us to play this wonderful sport and encouraging our school to enter a team into the state wide competition. Everyone in this year’s team loved learning AFL for sport and playing with their friends at the same time. We highly recommend continuing competing in this fun and friendly competition for the years to come and one day win the Paul Kelly Trophy!


Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sports Convenor K -6

William Georgas and Bill Avdalis (6M)







On Saturday 23rd March, St Spyridon College students travelled to Chevalier College for the annual ISA cross country carnival. This year students participated in a cross country run through their PE lessons and were given an option to attend the day based on results and their expression of interest. Thirty eight students attended the day, one of the biggest squads we have had in recent times.

On Tuesday 26th March the Combined Greek Orthodox Swimming carnival took place at Birrong Pools and this year St Euphemia were the host. The following students were involved: Deahna Simos, Stephanie Augoustis, Johnny Dalakiaris, Christina Vlahos, Steven Stamoulis, Desi Kapodistrias, Vivika Lynch, Frances Lee Pascalis, Nicola Skouteris, Jordan Frazis, Emmanuel Constantopedos, Eleni Haralambides, Michael Vlahos, Anthony Hatziakoumis, Dominique Koukos, Jordan Kougias, Marissa Diakoumis, Jonathan Lynch, Connor Giavis, Katherine Tsingos, Nicoletta Tsimboukis, Adriana Drakoulis, Marlon Rallis, Jorge Cooney, Jameson Gouveros, Paul Giavis, Sia Manos, Sophia Economou, James Cardamis, Anastasia Lambrou, Stefan Gemisis, Juval Mikhail, Spiros Zafiropoulos, Jordan Roumbas, Christian Jenkins, Peter Synesios, Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis and Christina Mazis. RESULTS: Broken Record: EVENT NAME 11 Yrs Boys Jordan Frazis 50m Butterfly OVERALL RESULTS: 1st Place St Spyridon College nd 2 Place All Saints Grammar rd 3 Place St Euphemia College

Success at this carnival was not a measure of trophies won, nor how many students could progress to the CIS carnival, rather the goal for our young squad was to develop the belief in the possibility that we could match it with other students from the ISA member schools, and that we did. Our goal as a squad was to finish our races and achieve our personal best - our students certainly did that and must be content on a wonderful meet. As a young squad we look forward to developing a sound training program to prepare these students for next years’ event to be held at the same venue. Our goals and attitude for next years’ meet will certainly be different considering the good results of 2013.

NEW TIME 38.97

It was a memorable day because of the family atmosphere created by our students. We erected the St Spyridon marque and provided students with a packed lunch thanks to Mrs Paraskevas from the canteen and the funds that have been raised through Saturday sport and the canteen which has been run by our Prefects and Mr Zafiropoulos.

322 points 297 points 234 points


always aspire to achieve their best for their College. This year it was no different, what characterised this year was the elaborate training sessions conducted prior to the carnival, the first time we have done this for some time. While under no illusions, the value of preparation albeit only short proved to have a positive affect on our students. We must thank Angelina Flokis who assumed the role of swimming coach for our students. Angelina is a former student of the College and a previous member of the winning girls intermediate and senior championship team for our girls. Her presence is testament of the passion and love our students have for their College even after they are gone.

Excellent results included Rhea Tsimboukis of Year 7 finishing 13th in the 12 years girls 3km run and John Trovas finishing 17th, other results included Simeon Kerameas 31st, Anastasia Vorgias 33rd, Chrystal Christie 25th, George Contominas 23rd, Nicole Adam 21st, Nicholas Frazis 32nd, Rothopi Nicolaou 35th . We are very proud of our students and their strong commitment and willingness to try their best. We look forward in trying to match their enthusiasm and passion with a deliberate training program to enhance the students’ preparation for such an event in future years. Thank you to all parents who attended on the day, we value your ongoing support of the sports programme.

Despite being a smaller school, where other larger schools made noise in the stand, our students created all the noise in the pool and we did not go unnoticed. Our students were excellent with very strong performances particularly in the boy’s events. This year we managed to fill all the events for the boys and the strong collegial feel in the stand was evident as a result of the strong leadership by our senior students who were subsequently swimming for the last time for their school. Theodore Kipriotis, Nicholas Fotopoulos and Maria Mio accompanied by Leonidas Andrew were amazing. This accolade for our school is the first for the boys since 2004 when our boys collected first place for the senior boys. The overall result is the best we have had in our schools involvement with the ISA. These strong results were a reflection of some excellent individual performances which also led to 3 school records being broken on the afternoon. Records Broken Nicholas Frazis 100m Freestyle 1.06.78 Theodore Kipriotis 50m Freestyle 26.52 50m Butterfly 28.27 Some of the highlights included: Nicholas Frazis – 1st 50m Freestyle, 1st 50m Breaststroke, 1st 100m Freestyle, 1st 50m Backstroke, 1st 50m Butterfly Michael Constantopedos – 1st 50m Freestyle, 3rd 50m Breaststroke, Nicholas Kollias – 1st 50m Breaststroke, 2nd 50m Backstroke Nathan Adam - 1st 50m Breaststroke John Trovas 3rd 50 m Freestyle

ISA SWIMMING CARNIVAL 2013 St Spyridon College has over the years achieved outstanding results at the ISA swimming carnival. Of late we have not featured in the team trophies in the boys but have in the girls, but as always our students deliver on being the best they can and


Theodore Kipriotis – 1st 50m Freestyle, 2nd 50m Breaststroke, 1st 100m Freestyle, 3rd 50m Backstroke, 1st 50m Butterfly Nicholas Fotopoulos -2nd 50m Freestyle, 1st 50m Breaststroke, 2nd 100m Freestyle, 2nd 50m Butterfly Leonidas Andrew – 2nd 50m Freestyle, Alexander Vij – 3rd 50m Backstroke Carissa Frazis- 3rd 50m Freestyle Chrystal Christie- 3rd 50m Freestyle Jennifer Contominas- 1st 50m Breaststroke, 3rd 50m Butterfly Lia Albanakis- 3rd 50m Butterfly Natalia Amezquita- 3rd 100m Freestyle

other and to represent their school with pride. This was no more evident than in the relays where our boys matched the other schools and the senior boys finished the carnival with a 1st place in the freestyle relay a fitting finale for our outgoing senior boys.

Junior Boys relay team came 3rd in the freestyle relay and 3rd in the Medley relay. Members of the team included: Nicholas Frazis, Michael Constantopedos, George Contominas, Panayiotis Bounos.

While we are proud of our boys for their achievements we are also very proud of our girls who performed with resilience and persevered in all events. Our girls have had recent success in the pool as a team, and were again very positive always striving to achieve their best in all their respective races.

Senior Boys relay team came 3rd in the Medley relay and 1st in the freestyle relay. Members of the team included: Nicholas Fotopoulos, Alexander Vij, Theodore Kipriotis, George Karapanayiotidis. Members of the winning junior team included: Nicholas Frazis, Nathan Adam, Michael Constantopedos, George Contominas, John Trovas, Panayiotis Bounos, Nicholas Kollias, Gabriel Cassimatis.

Thank you to the staff who attended on the day and supported our students including our swimming coach Angelina Flokis and of course our parents who offered their support for not only their children but also for all our students. We look forward to 2014 and developing our swim programme further, with continued swimming lessons for Year 7 in 2014 and increased training sessions for our swimming squad.

Although individual performances were paramount to success, the boys are this year starting to develop the culture of performing for each other and for their school. At school we have constantly asked our kids to work hard for each

This years’ achievements for our boys is not


coach the Year 8 girls who were fortunate enough to have her as a coach last year as well. New to the coaching team are Erin Criticos (2012 Sports Captain and Opens Netball Captain) and Demi Flokis (2012 Vice Captain) they will have the Year 7 Netball team.

measured through individual success rather the collective effort of few, who chose to band together to make a lot of noise. We are often reminded and we remind our students that your size does not dictate your success. Our St Spyridon Swimming squad was exactly that a small group of students who banded together and realised that together the few can achieve great things.

FOOTBALL SEASON Welcome to all parents to the 2013 Football season. Our season begins this week with a trial games scheduled against the championship shield winners of Division 2 Football in season 2012 Redfield College. Boys Football teams will be travelling to Redfield College for their Trial match on Saturday 6th of April. All students will be provided with an information sheet which will also be emailed to parents. All parents are reminded to ensure that their children have purchased the uniform from the uniform shop and have shin guards and soccer boots in preparation for the game. Students must also attend all soccer fixtures with the full School sports tracksuit and bring the school sports bag. It is also advised that students bring a packed lunch and water as there will be no canteen facilities on the day.

Congratulations to the winning Junior boys team of 2013 and thank you to our Senior students for their contribution to all our swimming squads over the years.

These trial games will certainly give our students and coaches a guide as to what our expectations for season 2014 should be.

WELCOME – ALUMNI COACHES We welcome our former students who will be helping with our sporting programme for the upcoming winter seasons.

NETBALL SEASON Girls Open Netball team will be competing in a Pre-Season tournament on Saturday April 6th to be held at Noel Martin Recreation Centre Sydney University, there they will play a number of teams Firsts which will prepare them for the upcoming ISA season and Greek Orthodox Colleges competition. In regards to Junior Netball and Girls Football teams, they are to be finalized and announced in Week 11 where selected students will receive a student contract which will need to be returned asap.

In boys football Ben Papadopoulos, (HSC Class 2011) who is currently studying at ACPE, with the ambition of being a PE teacher, will be coaching the boys u/13 team. Kosta Baratsas (School Captain 2012, and Sports Captain 2012) who is also studying at University is helping in coaching boys’ basketball in the off season in preparation for the 2013-2014 basketball season. In preparation for the National Greek Orthodox Schools event, Kosta will also be preparing our Open Boys basketball team for the tournament.

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)

In Netball Angelina Flokis, (HSC Class 2010) continues to coach the intermediate team who were premiers last year. Angelina has contributed significantly to the development of Netball programme especially with the Juniors. Deanne Constantinou (HSC Class 2011) also returns to



Name: Louis Alexandrou Age: 18 Year: 12 No of years at St Spyridon College: 3 years Subjects currently studying: Standard English, Maths Advanced, Ext 1. Maths, Biology, Physics and P.D.H.P.E. Hobbies: Gaming, eating, watching t.v. and lego. Favourite sports teams: Tottenham Hotspurs and Parramatta Eels. Favourite quote: ‘Sometimes the questions are complicated but the answers are simple’ Dr. Seuss. Achievements: Becoming prefect, representing the school in various sporting and academic events, getting a part time job, becoming more independent and mature. Role models:My family, teachers, Dr. Seuss, Gareth Bale and Martin Luther King Jr.

Name: Andreas Nicholson Age: 17 Year: 12 Number of years at St Spyridon: 13 years Subjects currently studying: English Advanced, English Extension, Ancient History, Modern History, History Extension, Modern Greek Continuers, Modern Greek Extension (studied last year) Hobbies: Reading, swimming, body boarding, TV watching, drawing Favourite sports teams: Arsenal, Cronulla Sharks Favourite quote: ‘ I do not agree with what you say but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.’ Volatire Achievements: Prefect 2013 and academic achievements Role Models: Family, Winston Churchill , Mahatma Gandhi , John Howard , Eleftherios Venizelos.





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