St Spyridon News N0 106

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VOLUME XXX No 6 10th May, 2013



MAY Mother’s Day NAPLAN Years 3 & 5 and 7 & 9

12th 14 – 16 th


P & F Mothers’ Night Out


Parent Teacher Conferences Year 12


Class Photos JS


School Photographs SS


Half Yearly Examinations Year 11 begin


K-6 Photos


Open Morning and Tour JS




Careers Expo


JUNE Half Yearly Exam Week JS


Vaccinations SS


Divine Liturgy


Queens’ Birthday Public Holiday School closed


Year 11 Drama Performance Evening


Term ends for staff and students




ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ We welcome all students, teachers and parents to Term 2, 2013. A special welcome to the new students joining the St Spyridon family this Term who are already at home in their new school, with the help of their teachers and fellow students. All students and their teachers K-12 embraced the Easter Focus of our College, which commenced with the fasting foods in our canteen during Great Lent. At the Junior School Easter Focus Assembly, parents had the opportunity to share in the learning journey of their children, in making “koulouria” and “flaounes”, creating artworks, decorating eggs, learning the hymns and putting on performances. The Infants School girls, dressed in white, who placed flower petals on the Epitaphios were a highlight. The Upper School Lamentations Choir chanted the Engomia in our Parish Church and our Year 11 boys were entrusted with the solemn task of carrying the Epitaphios in the procession. Visits were made by Senior students to Homes for Aged and a huge collection was made for the Greek Welfare Easter Tin Can Appeal. We thank all the teachers who assisted in preparing our students for these daunting but edifying tasks.

We thank the Parents and Friends Committee, for the Palm Sunday Lunch, and for the exquisitely decorated paschal candles. Together these endeavours create for our young people a personal and shared journey into our faith and traditions. We invite our parents and friends to support, the many upcoming functions, beginning with the Mothers’ Day Dinner to be held on 16th May at the South Sydney Graphics Club. We wish all our students and teachers all strength for an exciting and rewarding Term 2. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag


PARENTS and FRIENDS REPORT EASTER ACTIVITIES WRAP UP Χριστός Ανέστη to all. The P and F love our traditional Easter activities because they bring together people in our community and promote our school’s unique cultural and religious heritage. Thank you to everyone in the St Spyridon community who purchased their lambatha, Easter gift and tsourekia from our stalls and who attended our community lunch on Palm Sunday. Being the first fundraisers of the year, these events also kick-start our contribution to the high standard of Technology and facilities that our children enjoy.

LAMBATHA STALLS Our Lambatha stalls almost exactly matched our fundraising record for this activity, with a total profit of $3547. Furthermore with our lovely donated Chocolate Easter basket we were able to raise $500 in raffle ticket purchases before and during the Junior School Easter Focus Assembly. This is a great result considering the school holidays were in the middle of our stall dates.

PALM SUNDAY LUNCH Our Palm Sunday lunch was the most well organised community event we have ever run. While our numbers were lower than previous years, 160 community members very graciously gathered to enjoy and share a variety of Lenten mezethes and a main meal of BBQed whole snapper or fried calamari with roasted potatoes, village bread with tarama and/or skordalia and ending with a traditional Lenten desserts. A huge thank you is extended to all those members, parents and friends who assisted with the preparations and management of the meals on the day. We are happy to announce a profit of $3478 for this event. This means we have achieved a total of $7525 in funds raised for our school thus far and we are just beginning, we have many more events/ activities planned till March 2014.

MOTHER’S DAY EVENTS Thank you for supporting our Mother’s Day Stalls this week. We wish all the mothers of our school a very relaxed and spoilt Mother’s Day. Being so close to Easter this year we have organised a post Mother’s Day event for all of you to enjoy after the hustle and bustle of the last month. We would like to thank Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Synesios, the office staff of the junior school and Mrs Tsaconas, the Parish Executive Officer and her staff for fulfilling all our last minute requests in the past weeks. Mother’s Night Out School Fundraiser – Thursday evening 16th May 2013 Mothers and friends you will not want to miss out on this event. We have pamper treatments, amazing raffle prizes and very yummy and practical goodie bags to give away. This will be a special night for all attending. Please ensure you RSVP before Monday 13th May as there are limited spots. RSVP via email to or contact Erenie 0410 318 053 or Kim 0402 047 207






SCHOLARSHIPS ACER Scholarships Winners Years 11 and 12 2014 - 2015

EASTER HYMN Χριστός ανέστη εκ νεκρών, θανάτω θάνατον πατήσας και τοις εν τοις μνήμασι ζωήν χαρισάμενος.

Congratulations to Juliet Manolias and Sophia Rizzo who have each been granted a two year Scholarship for continued study in Years 11 and 12 on the basis of the ACER Examinations.

Christ is risen from the dead, by death trampling on death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life.

PASCHAL HOMILY 2013 Christ revealed the living God, the Father, to the world; He revealed the heavens, the living realm of angelic hosts; He revealed life after death and the eternal heavenly kingdom. Would, then, the Restorer of life remain in the darkness of the grave and the embrace of death? Christ raised Jairus’ daughter and the son of the widow of Nain and St. Lazarus of Bethany. Would He, Who raised others not raise up Himself? Truly He arose: He could not do otherwise by virtue of His essence, His power, and His greatness. Weak is the force of death that aspired to hold down the Giver of Life in its abyss. Only in the light of the Resurrection can one comprehend Christ’s deeds on earth, His love for humankind and His divinity. The resurrection of Christ is still powerfully felt, throughout the entire world. Gazing with the eyes of the spirit at the resurrected Lord, the weak are strengthened, the sorrowful are comforted, the sad rejoice, sinners repent, the impure are cleansed, the persecuted are encouraged, sufferers pray, and those on their deathbeds no longer fear death. The resurrection of Christ therefore presupposes that we all imitate Christ and His Apostles, according to ones’ strength and God-given talents. The resurrection of Christ is an invitation to be humble, modest, compassionate, merciful, just, peace loving and persistent in every virtue. One is called to pray to God, to repent of our sins, to constantly correct ourselves; to read and listen to the Joyous News that is the Gospel of Christ. Finally we are called to believe all that Christ had said, confessed or promised. We cannot but have hope that we will rise up in this life from spiritual death, and in the life to come - from eternal death. For the resurrected Lord promised us:

Juliet Manolias

Sophia Rizzo

ACER Scholarship Winner Year 7, 2014 – Year 10 2017 Congratulations to Nikyle Konstatin of Woollahra Public School, who has been granted the 2014 four year scholarship to St Spyridon College.

"I am the Resurrection and the Life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." (John 1 1:25-26)

The scholarships are based on the results of ACER Scholarship exams held on 23rd February, 2013. There was a strong field of candidates from other primary school, our Year 6 and Year 10 students.


We commend all students who attempted this challenging exam.


PARISH GOLF DAY Every year since 1997 St Spyridon Parish has held a Golf Day to raise funds for the Sydney Children’s Hospital. On the 17th April 2013 the Parish presented the Hospital with a cheque for $25,000. A donation is given annually. Since 1995 the Parish of St Spyridon has donated $330,000 to the Sydney Children’s Hospital. Mrs Mayson wishes to thank all golfers for making Golf day 2012 such a success and seek your support for our next Golf Day which is going to be held on the 16th September, 2013.

NAPLAN TESTS The National Assessment Program – Literary and Numeracy (NAPLAN)” is an annual assessment for students in Years 3,5,7 and 9. It has been an annual event for schools since 2008. On Tuesday 14th, Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th May, students will take the 2013 NAPLAN tests. Refer photograph below (L to R)

NAPLAN assesses skills in literacy and numeracy that are developed over time through the school curriculum. NAPLAN is not a pass or fail type test, but rather shows how students are progressing in numeracy and literacy skills against national standards for all Australian children. It also provides valuable information that allows schools and governments to better target effort and support to help all students achieve their potential and acquire the basic skills to help them build successful and happy lives.

Dr Lisa Amato, Paediatric Endocrine Fellow, Lola Bariamis, golf day committee member, John Stanly, golf day committee secretary, Dennis Kourtis, golf day committee president, Father Steven Scoutas, St Spyridon Parish Priest, Mrs Sue Mayson, St Spyridon Parish President, Christina Tsaconas, Parish Executive Officer, Rebecca Havas, Sydney Childrens Hospital Foundation and Father Sotiris Drapaniotis, St Spyridon Parish Priest.

25TH MARCH CELEBRATIONS Congratulations to students of our College who danced at the 25th March celebrations. Congratulations and thank you to Mrs Haskas who for so many years inspires our students to dance.

All students are expected to participate in the tests. Students with a disability may qualify for reasonable adjustments that reflect the support normally provided to them in the classroom. Some students with very specific circumstances may be exempted from participating in the tests. For information about participation in NAPLAN, you can go to: NAPLAN tests fundamental skills rather than specific content, and as such is not a test for which students can study or drill. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to let them know that NAPLAN is just one part of their school program, and to urge them to simply


children and for finding new and interesting items to present.

do the best they can on the day. The use of services by coaching provides is not recommended.

Our thanks are also extended to the wonderful P & F for preparing Lambathes and Tsourekia for sale. All money raised goes towards funding new resources for the students which we are most grateful for.

An individual student NAPLAN report will be issued by the school later this year. Parents can use this information to monitor how their child is progressing and to identify any areas of concern. Parents may also wish to use their child’s results to discuss progress with teachers. More information is available at

Thank you to Mr Hamer for donating the Easter Basket that was raffled and congratulations to Mrs Cooney on being the lucky winner.

ACARA (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority)

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES: 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ! May the Risen Lord bring to your homes peace, love and good health. I wish to congratulate all the students K – 12 who participated in the services and assisted with the preparations during Holy Week and Easter. Students from our College assisted with the making of the palm crosses and preparing the flowers for the Epitaphio. Others served as altar boys, bearers of the Epitaphio and flower girls for the Epitaphio. The students themselves asked to be included. What it proves for me is that students of St Spyridon College fully embrace and put into practice what they are taught in Orthodox Studies. Well done students!

EASTER FOCUS WEEK As has been tradition at our College, we dedicate Holy Week to our Easter Focus and this culminates with our Easter Focus Assembly on Holy Wednesday. Children prepared in class both traditional and modern items. At the Easter Focus Assembly we were once again moved by the honesty of the children as they recounted and dramatically represented the events of Holy Week, shared their reflections on Easter and amazed us with the wonderful craft made by such young children. Thank you to all the staff for preparing the


WELCOME We warmly welcome Anneta Maroulis to 4T and our school community.

HEAD LICE Please check your child’s hair regularly as we have had some reports of head lice at school.

SCHOOL PHOTOS Class and individual photos will be taken on Tuesday 21st May. Please ensure that your child has the correct uniform. Blazers are required. Shoes must be polished and hair to be neatly groomed.

WOOLWORTHS EARN & LEARN The Woolworths Earn & Learn Program is on again this year. From 8th April to 9th June, when you shop at Woolworths you can collect stickers from the checkout operator and place them on the Woolworths sticker cards. You will receive 1 sticker for every $10 spent. Once you have placed the stickers on the Woolworths card, you can place your sticker cards in the collection box at our school. Please collect sticker cards from the office.

PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE Congratulations to the following children who have completed their first Reading Challenge: Julia Kamaras Year 1 Alexandros Pambris Year 1 Christie Kalis Year 2 Mrs C. Bartlett Librarian


What to teach children about Strangers 

A recent abduction attempt of a boy, 6, from Centennial Park on Western Easter Monday, serves as a timely reminder that parents and concerned community members alike can never take the topic of Stranger Danger lightly.

needing help with a sick child or needing directions Let your child know that strangers often like to offer gifts or sweets for helping

Finally, keep 'danger' in balance. While being alert and pro-active with protective behaviours, remember that a child's world is full of safe, wonderful and positive events and these should not be tainted by fear.

A stranger can be defined as anyone that your family does not know well. It is common for young children to think that “bad strangers” look like villains found in a cartoon, making the job of protecting children even harder. Parents can protect their children from dangerous strangers by teaching them about suspicious behaviours, and which strangers are okay to trust. Teaching protective behaviours or 'stranger danger' is a delicate balance of raising awareness, without unnecessarily alarming children, or paralysing them with fear.

Reference: The Daily Telegraph April 03, 2013 Mrs M. Kipriotis Infants Coordinator

Mrs A. Synesios A/Principal


Safe strangers are people children can ask for help when they need it. Police officers, firefighters are two examples of recognisable safe strangers, and children need to know that they should go to a public place to ask for help. You can do this by helping your child recognise safe strangers by pointing them out when you’re out and about. Also show your children places they can go to for help such as local shops, restaurants and homes of family and friends in your neighbourhood.

WELCOME A warm welcome is extended to Ms G. Hakos, our new Careers Adviser. Her first report may be found in the Careers section.

CONDOLENCES Our deepest sympathy is expressed to Ms Pringle and her family at the recent loss of her brother and then her nephew (both in Queensland).

An important skill is to teach your children is to recognize the signs of suspicious behavior such as when an adult asks them to do something without their parents’ permission, keep secrets or when an adult asks a child for help. Then teach your child how to react in a dangerous situation. In dangerous situations children should be taught to say no, run away, yell as loud as they can (predators hate noise and attention), and then tell a trusted adult what happened right away.

May God rest their souls.

GOOD FRIDAY Congratulations to the students of Year 10 who chanted the Engomia at St Spyridon Church on Good Friday evening. Thank you to Mr Picardi for preparing and Ms Kalithrakas and Ms Kokinelis for supporting the students.

What Else Parents Can Do  Make it your business to know where your children are at all times  Point out safe places when out and about in the community  Teach children to trust their instincts  Teach your child to be assertive  Encourage your child to play with others (there’s safety in numbers)  Let your child know that you would never send a stranger to collect them  Tell your child that strangers often make up sad stories, like looking for a lost pet,

Congratulations to the Year 11 boys (supported by a few Year 10 boys) for carrying the Epitaphios. A wonderful moving experience and blessing for all: Elia Andreou, Nikolas Baratsas, Dylan Kontos, Anthony Theofanidis, Anthony Vasili, Michael Vlachos, George Karapanyiotidis, Simeon Kerameas, Christos Kollias, Adonis Tsoustas and Christos Raptis.


WINTER UNIFORM A reminder that blazers are compulsory and must be worn to and from School. On days students are allowed to come wearing sports uniform e.g. Thursday ISA training, students must wear their full tracksuit.

NURSING HOME VISITS On Wednesday, 1st May (Holy Wednesday) Year 9, with their Year Adviser Miss Gambriell, Mrs Mio, Mrs Faletas and Mr Georgoulopoulos went to St Basil’s Nursing Home to visit and give Easter cards which Year 7 prepared. It was an eye opener for all students. They gave joy to all the seniors they saw and gained so much in return. A very emotional and rewarding experience. .


During World War One, 330 000 Australians fought overseas. Australia’s casualties were amongst the highest of any nation that fought in World War One: 60 000 Australians died and 170 000 were wounded. Such was the enormity of Australian casualties, it was important that those who had offered themselves be honoured and the war not be forgotten. Students honoured the sacrifices made by the Australian servicemen and women by laying a wreath at the top of the ANZAC Memorial steps in Hyde Park. There were representatives from both Public and Independent schools at this event. It was very moving to witness the respect and honour shown for the fallen soldiers. Furthermore, it was a great honour for St Spyridon College to have been selected by the AIS to act as Wreath Presenters. Spiro Zafiropoulos and Katherine Raptis attended the service and presented the wreaths to VIPs such as the Minister of Education and other Ministers and representatives from the Armed Services.

On the same day our Serbian students, with Mrs Belajcic, visited St Simeon’s Village. An equally moving experience.


COMMEMORATION At St Spyridon Church on Saturday, 20th April, 2013 student leaders gathered with our wider community to attend the moving Anzac Day Service at St Spyridon Church.

At Hyde Park, on Wednesday 10th April, Miss Gambriell, Year 11 Modern History students and the two captains of the Junior School attended the RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration Service at the ANZAC Memorial in Hyde Park.


held in Martin Place. The pace does not ease off from week 4 either. In that week we will have Year 9 commence Soup Kitchen Duty, School Photos and the first of three Academic Skills development seminars for Year 7 being presented. As you can see from this little taste of what lays ahead, how important it is for everyone to:- be responsible and alert towards what is being planned, do your best to be organized and ready to learn, PLUS, engage in all tasks with enthusiasm.

GETTING ORGANIZED All students need to be clear on what they wish to achieve and how they plan to realise their goals. Work done this term will provide teachers, students and parents with a clearer picture of the efforts being made in the first semester. The Half Yearly reports issued at the end of Term 2 will show strengths and weaknesses, areas for improvement, an assessment mark (summary of all work done), year group average and a place in the year. A reminder again needs to be given here. For students to perform at their best, regular time needs to be set aside for Home Study each night. This time should be made up of the following: completing homework set by teachers that day, working consistently on assessment tasks, reading and highlighting keys points covered that day for each subject, and if time permits, creating summary notes of these. There has always been debate over the value of Home Study. Those against will often argue, that after students have been at school all day they deserve to rest. While this may be true to an extent, when the 7 or 8 hours gap between the end of school and bedtime are considered, it can also be said that doing school work during some of this time is not an unreasonable expectation. The supporters of Home Study as well as those who research its value, have proven that students who do regular Home Study develop valuable skills in the areas of time management and planning, while also practising how to prioritise. Additionally, students’ learning is deepened, recall is heightened, gaps are identified, and challenges met through extension activities.

Mrs Sue Mayson, Parish President, with student Leaders at ANZAC Day Service Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



A BUSY TERM Welcome back to Term 2, I hope everyone is well rested. The lives of St Spyridon students and their teachers are generally very full and busy, however, this short term is going to be jam packed. Already the first two weeks have whizzed by at what feels like a cyclonic pace firstly with Easter focus preparations and activities, followed in week 2 by numerous students accompanied by PDHPE staff flying off to Melbourne for the annual Orthodox Schools National Sporting Competition. Next week Year 7 & 9 will sit for the National Assessment Program, Literacy and Numeracy tests (NAPLAN), Year 11 will attend their second Academic Skills development talk by the Elevate Group while Year 12 Senior Prefects will represent the Senior School on Saturday 18th May at The Battle of Crete Commemoration to be

Parents are encouraged to have regular dialogue with their children about Home Study, be aware of what work has been set and completed through a weekly check of the student planner, and have awareness of the assessment calendar. The Assessment Calendar for Term 2 will be given out


this week to assist with management and planning. Please ask your child about this and perhaps even make a copy for your easy reference.

MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY The first Middle School Assembly for the year was held in the last week of term. It was very pleasing to see so many students being rewarded with certificates and to hear of all the exciting work undertaken by each year group through the Term in Review Reports, presented by Year 7, 8 & 9 SRC’s. Congratulations to all award recipients for doing your best and to all the students who entertained us with a drama presentation and violin and piano recital! Well done to the Term 1 Year Adviser PAT ON THE BACK AWARD recipients Year 7: Christopher Kumer, Bianca Frazis, Carrisa Frazis, Rhea Tsimboukis. Year 8: Christiana Killias, Spiro Aravanis, Rothopi Nicolaou. Year 9: Georgia Koukounaris, George Mandilis, Jorge Lialiaris.

2012 PYRAMID GAMES SHOW PRIZES Last year our Year 7 students participated in the game show ‘Pyramid’. Many of those selected to compete won a fabulous selection of prizes, however, according to ‘television world’ regulations, the recipients could not receive these until after their episodes had aired. This finally has occurred and as a result I am happy to report that we received a wonderful array of games, and toys last week which made Easter that little bit more special for the lucky students. Below are some photos of students with their prizes.

NAPLAN PREPARATIONS List of what to bring to Naplan Tests.     

Clear pencil case 2B pencils only Eraser Sharpener Calculator for Calculator Numeracy Test only to be bought in on Thursday.

What not to bring No coloured pens or pencils No rulers No felt tips or highlighters No correction fluid or tape No glue No mobile phones No calculators (other than Numeracy Tests.




ΜΠΡΑΒΟ, λοιπόν, σε όλα εκείνα τα παιδιά που συμμετείχαν!

WOOLWORTHS EARN AND LEARN The Senior School is once again collecting tokens from Woolworths as part of their Earn and Learn Promotion. We encourage all parents and students to collect these, then attach them to the special sheet which is available from Woolworths or the school. Once filled, the sheets can be brought to school and placed in the specially marked green box found in the main school corridor. One Earn and Learn token is given by Woolworths for every $10 spent. As cards are filled points are accumulated which can then be redeemed for school resources. All Middle school students will receive 2 maples for each card filled at the end of term.

Δεύτερον, θα ήθελα να συγχαρώ όλους τους μαθητές της Γ Γυμνασίου, που με την ακούραστη Υπεύθυνη Χρονιάς, Miss E. Gabriell, αλλά και με τη δική μου συμμετοχή, αποφάσισαν να «υιοθετήσουν» ένα παιδί από την Ελλάδα, δηλαδή, να το ενισχύουν οικονομικά όσο μπορούν κάθε τρίμηνο. Το παιδί βρέθηκε σε σχολείο των δυτικών προαστείων Αττικής και υπήρξε συγκινητική απευθείας επικοινωνία. Τα παιδιά μόνα τους κατάφεραν να συγκεντρώσουν $300, αλλά το ποσό που έφυγε με την πρώτη επιταγή είναι ακριβώς το διπλάσιο. Ο μαθητής, Γιάννης το μικρό του όνομα, μας έστειλε τη φωτογραφία του και ευχαρίστησε θερμά τους μαθητές μας, που είχαν τη διάθεση να βοηθήσουν ένα Ελληνόπουλο που ζει έντονα την οικονομική κρίση. Μπράβο και πάλι στα παιδιά μας, στην Υπεύθυνή τους και στους γονείς που είχαν την ευγενή καλωσύνη να βάλουν για μια φορά ακόμη το χέρι στην τσέπη και να βοηθήσουν τόσο το Γιάννη με τον οβολό τους όσο και τα παιδιά τους με το παράδειγμά τους. Στ’ αλήθεια, γράφω τις λέξεις αυτές και σκέπτομαι ότι είμαστε μια μεγάλη ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΕΙΑ! Και πάλι Χριστός Ανέστη!

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Χριστός Ανέστη! Στην πασχαλινή τούτη έκδοση θα ήθελα να συγχαρώ τους μαθητές της Γ Γυμνασίου (Advanced group) για δύο λόγους: Πρώτον, για τη συμμετοχή και τις αξιέπαινες προσπάθειές τους στη σύνδεσή μας μέσω Skype με σχολείο της Λήμνου και συγκεκριμένα με το Γυμνάσιο Λιβαδοχωρίου. Η σύνδεση αυτή έγινε μετά τις ώρες λειτουργίας του σχολείου, εξαιτίας της μεγάλης διαφοράς στην ώρα μεταξύ Ελλάδας και Αυστραλίας, και γι’ αυτό θα ήθελα να απευθύνω και ένα μεγάλο ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ και στους γονείς, που αναγκάστηκαν να πηγαινοφέρνουν τα παιδιά τους δύο φορές την ίδια μέρα.

Κ. Μαίρη Φαλέτα Αγαπητή κ. Φαλέτα, Ονομάζομαι Γιάννης και είμαι μαθητής της Β' τάξης του Γυμνασίου στα ιδιωτικά Εκπαιδευτήρια Παπαχαραλάμπους. Χάρηκα πολύ και συγκινήθηκα όταν με ενημέρωσε ο καθηγητής μου κ. Θοδωρής Αλεξανδρόπουλος (φυσικός) και ο Διευθυντής του σχολείου κ. Σπύρος Παπαχαραλάμπους ότι κάποιοι συνομήλικοί μου έδειξαν ενδιαφέρον και είχαν τη θέληση να βοηθήσουν παιδιά που ζουν στην Ελλάδα η οποία μαστίζεται από την οικονομική κρίση. Θα ήθελα εκ μέρους της οικογένειάς μου αλλά και εγώ προσωπικά να σας ευχαριστήσω πάρα πολύ για την κίνησή σας να προσφέρεται βοήθεια. Λόγω της οικονομικής κρίσης πολλές οικογένειες όπως και η δική μου αντιμετωπίζουμε δυσκολίες στην καθημερινότητά μας και όσον αφορά το σχολείο η οικογένειά μου δυσκολεύεται να καλύψει τις σχολικές μου ανάγκες και έξοδα (δίδακτρα, βιβλία κλπ).

Οι μαθητές της τάξης αυτής παρουσίασαν στα Ελληνικά την πολιτεία της Νέας Νότιας Ουαλίας, για παράδειγμα τις Τρεις Αδερφές στα Γαλάζια Όρη, τις παραλίες μας όπως το περίφημο Μποντάι, τη Γέφυρα και την Όπερά μας,το Λούνα Παρκ και τον Ζωολογικό μας κήπο, την περιοχή με τα κρασιά και γενικά τις ομορφιές και τα αξιοθέατά μας. Οι μαθητές του Λιβαδοχωρίου, παρουσίασαν επίσης το νησί τους σε μας, τους αρχαιολογικούς του θησαυρούς, τις ομορφιές και τα προϊόντα του. Την βραδιά μάλιστα παρακολούθησαν σταδιακά και πολλοί γονείς που επισκέπτηκαν εκείνο το απόγευμα το σχολείο μας στα πλαίσια των λεγόμενων Twilight Tours. Ένα μεγάλο


I am sending you a photo of myself and I would be very happy to receive photos of the Year 9 students of your school that showed such a great interest for the children in Greece. I would like, if it is possible that my email is read to them.

Η Διεύθυνση του σχολείου όμως με έχει βοηθήσει, υποστηρίξει και ενθαρρύνει να συνεχίσω, να μην σταματήσω το ταξίδι της γνώσης μου διευκολύνοντας την οικογένεια μου όσο μπορεί απέναντι στις οικονομικές μου υποχρεώσεις αλλά και παράλληλα με ενισχύει ψυχολογικά να αντιμετωπίζω με δύναμη και υπομονή κάθε δυσκολία της καθημερινότητάς μου.

Hello my friends, I am a child like you who is trying to be educated and to become a good and useful person in the society. We, here in Greece, are going through difficult times but we keep our heads held high and fight against all odds, like our ancestors, with bravery and pride. I thank you for your action to offer practical help to me and perhaps one day we’ll meet in Greece. There, overseas, where you live, please pass this message on to your friends. We, in Greece, are living in a difficult situation but we do not stop working through it and we continue believing in our country and in God.

Σας στέλνω μία φωτογραφία μου και θα χαρώ να λάβω φωτογραφίες από κάποια παιδιά που είναι μαθητές στο σχολείο σας και έδειξαν τόσο μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον για τα παιδιά της Ελλάδας. Θα ήθελα αν είναι δυνατόν να τους διαβάσετε το e-mail μου και να τους μεταφέρετε τα παρακάτω λόγια: "Γεια σας φίλοι μου, είμαι ένα παιδί που παλεύει όπως εσείς να μάθει γράμματα και να γίνει ένας καλός και χρήσιμος άνθρωπος στην κοινωνία. Εμείς εδώ στην Ελλάδα περνάμε δύσκολες στιγμές αλλά έχουμε ψηλά το κεφάλι και αγωνιζόμαστε όπως οι πρόγονοί μας με λεβεντιά και φιλότιμο. Σας ευχαριστώ για την κίνησή σας να προσφέρετε εμπράκτως τη βοήθειά σας και ίσως κάποια στιγμή συναντηθούμε και από κοντά στην Ελλάδα. Εκεί στο εξωτερικό που ζείτε να μεταφέρετε σε όλους τους φίλους σας ότι εμείς στην Ελλάδα αν και ζούμε δύσκολες καταστάσεις δεν σταματάμε να αγωνιζόμαστε και να ελπίζουμε στην πατρίδα και στο Θεό."

Thank you very much. John



Σας ευχαριστώ, πολλά φιλιά!!!! Γιάννης

Mr James Phillips at UTS

Dear Mrs Faletas,

Greetings! I am the new Careers Adviser at St Spyridon College and I look forward to meeting as many students as possible (particularly those in Years 10,11 and 12)in the coming weeks to discuss and help with career choices, subject selection and any other related queries.

My name is John and I am a Year 8 student in the Papaharalambous school. I was very happy and moved when my teacher, Mr. Alexandropoulos and my Principal Mr Papaharalambous informed me that some students almost the same age as me, showed interest in helping kids in Greece who are suffering from the economic crisis. My family and I would like to thank you so much for your help. Due to the economic crisis, a lot of families, such as mine, face many problems in our everyday life and families like mine face difficulties in paying school fees and buying things such as books. The Principal and the teachers of my school have helped me, supported and encouraged me to continue, to not stop the journey of learning. They assisted my family as much as they could with the school fees but also supported me psychologically to face with strength and patience every difficulty in my everyday life.

Listed below are a number of information evenings coming up in the near future which should be of interest to YEAR 12 students and their parents. Of course, those in Years 10 and 11 are also welcome to attend: UNSW Law School is holding its annual Parent & Student Information Evening on Thursday 16 May. This is a great opportunity to find out more about studying Law at UNSW. There will be presentations given by the Dean, alumni, current students, other faculty representatives and a panel discussion specifically for parents. UNSW Law


info, visit, email or call 9555 1666.

will again be inviting students from out of Sydney to attend the evening with specialised events held just for rural students. For more information see: Information evening for students and parents – Sydney University. On at Revesby Workers’ Club to help your students find their path to Sydney Uni. Students will have questions answered and hear from current students, including Corey Payne NSW Young Australian of the Year 2013, Churchill Fellow and ex Canterbury Bulldogs player, about why he chose to study at Sydney. Wednesday 22 May, 6 – 8.30pm at Revesby Workers’ Club. Free event, places are limited, so book your seats by registering online at

UNSW Science Parent and Student Information Night - UNSW Science will host an information night for Students and their Parents on Thursday May 30, 6.30pm – 8.30pm in Leighton Hall, John Niland Scientia Building UNSW Kensington Campus. For more information and to register visit The Institute of Chartered Accountants – Cadetship Evening on 15 May, 2013 at the Sydney Convention Centre. A cadetship offers students the chance to work while they study a business or commerce degree at university. The Cadetship Evening offers Year 12 students the chance to meet and network with a wide range of employers. There will be information sessions where students will hear what to expect as a cadet from currents cadets. The diverse opportunities available as a Chartered Accountant; presentations from Coca Cola Amatil and Vodafone and how to be successful in the recruitment process by two leading HR Managers. Wednesday, 15 May from 4.30pm Sydney Convention Centre, Bayside Foyer, Level 1. For Year 12 students – (Year 10 and 11 welcome too – cadet programme applications only available to Year 12) Cost: Free. Register:

The Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Information Service has scheduled an ‘Introduction to VET’ session and a ‘Website Workshop’ session in Sydney on Thursday 9th May. The sessions will include information about both the and the websites and the many resources available. Sessions are free of charge and are of value to Career Advisers and organisations that support and implement Australian Apprenticeships. For further information and to book, visit, call 1800338022 or contact us through Twitter Projects Abroad – Overseas Volunteer and Work Experience – Information Evening Tuesday 14th May, Sydney Central YHA, 11 Rawson Place, Sydney 2000. 6.30 – 7.30. This information evening will give Senior School students and their parents the chance to meet with staff and volunteers to discuss programmes and join in discussions on the practicalities of overseas volunteer work. Programmes are available for school leavers and for Year 10 & 11 students during their summer break. Registrations are requested, or 1300 132 831.

Antipodeans Abroad GapBreak Information Night. An informal evening to find out about volunteering and taking a gap year, meet staff and returned volunteers, and ask questions to get to know Antipodeans better. Placements are available throughout Asia, Africa, North and South America, and Europe. Sydney: Tuesday 28th May 6:30-7:30PM, , 303A, 282 Victoria Ave, Chatswood. Register online at or call 02 9413 1522. OTHER NEWS: UMAT EXAMINATIONS: for those interested in applying for medicine, optometry, dental science, will be held on Wednesday, 31st July, 2013. Register by 5 pm Friday 7th June, 2013. Contact UMAT office at ACER for information :, or phone 03 85087643 or register online at

AICM OPEN DAY – LAUNCH PAD TO YOUR FUTURE: Get a taste of student life at the Australian International Conservatorium of Music (AICM) Open Day Saturday, May 18: 11am – 2pm. Come along to AICM’s Rozelle campus and check-out facilities, meet with students and teachers, find out about courses, and enjoy live performances. Prospective students will also have the opportunity to participate in workshops and master-classes across various topics. For more

CAREERS EXPO: All Year 12 students will be attending the SMH Careers Expo at Moore Park


on Friday 31st May, accompanied by Mr Kaldis and myself. This is an invaluable opportunity to obtain information about tertiary education and careers from a variety of providers. I will be discussing this with Year 12 in the coming weeks and permission notes will be distributed. These will need to be returned promptly to the front office.


Engineering & Technology Cadetships Applications are now open for the 2013 Engineering & Technology Cadetships (ETCAD) Program run by Professional Cadetships Australia (PCA). Students apply online at Under this Program, Engineering Cadets will combine work within the Naval Marine business of Rolls-Royce Australia with university study in Sydney in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or naval architecture. Alternatively, cadets may choose a flexible entry engineering degree. Technology Cadets will combine work at the Westpac Group in Sydney city with university study in computer science, information technology or information systems. Alternatively, cadets may undertake a commerce or arts degree and select information systems as one of their majors. Technology Cadets will be well-placed to pursue a career in ICT and/or business. Applications for the ETCAD Program close on 21 June.

A big part of our focus this term in Pastoral Care has been Community Service. We were reminded that we should be appreciative of what we have and that we should help others in need especially as Easter is approaching us.



Year 7 students have already told you about some of the activities that Year 9 have been involved in but there is an additional activity that Year 9 would like to share with you.

Many of us were aware of the economic crisis that is affecting Greece at the moment. So, Year 9 came up with the idea to help a child who has been disadvantaged by this crisis. With the help of our teachers, we initiated contact with a school in Western Athens and we asked the Principal to identify a student who has been affected the most by this crisis. He responded and was quite moved by our initiative and he gave us the details of a Year 8 boy. This Year 8 boy is called Gianni and he and his family have been greatly affected by the crisis, with both parents unemployed and unable to support their family. At the end of Term 1, Year 9 began bringing in donations and we were able to raise 456 euros to send to Gianni to assist him with his learning journey.

UNIVERSITIES: A number of Undergraduate guides for 2014 from several Universities have arrived. Also, I have information about early admission to the University of Wollongong. UAC guides for 2014 are due to arrive in July and these will be distributed to all Year 12 students.

Our aim is to raise funds each term to send to this child to assist him with the basic needs that are needed for an education. In addition to this, Year 9 students are going to bring in donations of clothes and we are hoping to send parcels to other children who have also been affected by this crisis.

YEAR 10 SUBJECT SELECTION AND INFORMATION EVENINGS: A reminder that these are being held at UNSW on May 7, 23 and 29. Go to the Network Schools site to register,

ST BASIL’S VISIT Year 9 had an awesome and inspiring opportunity to visit St Basil’s Nursing Home in Lakemba.

CAREERS WEBSITE: Don’t forget to explore the Careers section on the College website for more information: Go to “Careers and Elevate” in the top banner of the site. There are about 350 external links and great information at your fingertips.

We were initially nervous as we did not know what would confront us. Once there the joy, hope and love of the residents in seeing us was palpable. Truly the essence of Holy Week became evident. We were blessed to be able to give something back to people who have done so much for the world we live in. A moment that will remain forever in our memories are the tears and joy expressed by the residents when we chanted the tropario of St Spyridon.

Finally, I am available to help with any careersrelated queries and look forward to meeting you all soon. Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser


Alexander P. Cardamis Year 9 Sandra Milisavljevic Year 11



Through this excursion to the Serbian nursing home we all experienced a different adventure. We heard stories, connected with the Serbian elderly and learnt the value of life and the gift of being young. We heard many life stories through which the elderly had experienced and shared with us, they told us their struggles to finding a better life for their families and we learnt that many people had in fact migrated from Serbia to countries such as Germany and Italy and then to Australia. Many women there were from other Baltic backgrounds and had married Serbian men and learned the language regardless of their original background as well as embracing the Serbian culture and the Serbian people as much as their own, which was inspiring to witness. This was an amazing experience for the Serbian students as we were able to gain a certain understanding of our culture through the interaction with the elderly, with no language barriers.

As Year 7 SRC’s Dean Albanakis and myself Chris Kumar have been asked to speak about all the great work that’s been happening and the contributions made by students across years groups, which show how we have prepared for this special time of year - Orthodox Easter Holy Week. For some of you who may not realize, Easter focus activities began in week 7 of term 1, with Year 9’s launch of the Tin Can Appeal and the selling of Easter Raffle tickets. At assembly they reminded us about taking time out to consider how privileged we all are to have families who love us, who are able to provide for all our needs and most of our wants as well. Additionally, they pointed out that as the lucky, we also carry with us a special responsibility, and that is to do what we can to help those who are not so lucky. Through Year 9’s teamwork and the support of many others across the school 27 large boxes full of non-perishable foods were donated to the Greek Welfare Centres Easter Drive, and nearly $1000 was raised for the Newtown Soup Kitchen from the raffle. Many people from all walks of life who have found themselves in difficult circumstances will now benefit from our efforts.

However, as most of us are able to speak the Serbian and Russian languages we communicated with them greatly and made their day brighter, in fact many of us didn’t want to leave, because as much as they gained from us being there at the end of the day we walked away gaining the most from them. It was truly an inspiring, heartfelt and memorable experience and we wish to visit them again for Christmas.

Well done everyone. Year 9 also need to be acknowledged for the enthusiasm they showed when asked to bring in


chocolate eggs and bunnies for the Easter Hampers which will be drawn today. Initially it was advertised that 3 hampers would be raffled off, but because of their generosity, there are now 6. We are sure everyone who bought tickets is very happy with the extra bonus prizes.

solemn procession, the Epitaphios, which represents the tomb of Christ, as it is carried around the streets surrounding the Church by our Year 11 boys. We look forward to also being given this important responsibility in future.

Now, getting back to what others have been doing as part of their Easter focus activities. From week 8 until even today, during Pastoral Care, Orthodox Studies, and Greek lessons, Year 10 learnt & practised the Engomia hymns they will chant at St Spyridon Church during the Holy Friday commemoration of the death and burial of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In week 10 we Year 7’s made Easter cards, while yesterday Food Tech students made Easter Koulourakia for the elderly residents of St Simeon & and St Basils Nursing homes. They were delivered by Year 9’s and Serbian language students today.

Overall as you have just heard, there has been lots of things happening as we prepared for Easter. Everyone should feel very proud of their efforts as individuals and as a school preparing for this special time of year, a time where we show gratitude, and responsibility while also remembering the sacrifices our lord Jesus Christ made for all of us, by giving his life, and the message of hope his resurrection provides, as we now prepare ourselves to say CHRISTOS ANESTI and ALITHOS ANESTI !





On Thursday 11th April, Year One went on an excursion to the Vision Centre at New South Wales University.

Year 7 & 8 decorated Pascal Candles which symbolize Christ as the light of the world and his presence in the midst of his people. We will be lighting these on Friday night as we follow in


First we went on the bus with 1T. When we got to the Vision Centre we got our eyes checked. They used an instrument with six circles. After that they put us on a very high chair and tested us on our letters. I could see all the letters. Next we went out of the testing room, had recess and watched a movie. After the movie we were told about the eye and how the black hole helps you see, but everything actually is upside down and your brain makes everything the right way up. Finally it was time to leave and we went back to school. Overall it was the best day ever. Julia Kamaras 1V On Thursday 11th April Year One went to the Vision Centre. First we were all dressed in our sports uniform and then we got our lunch box out of our excursion bag. We put our lunch box on our desk and only took recess with us. Next 1V and 1T got on the bus, Isabella and I sat together. When we got to the UNSW it was huge! Then we watched a movie while all the children got their eyes checked. Finally we played with some things like the magic box, the zombie and bee glasses. Overall I had a great time at the Vision Centre. Chrysa Kirkis 1V First we went on the bus. Next we went upstairs to do some activities. Later we went downstairs and watched a movie. After that we got our eyes tested. When I was getting my eyes tested I had to sit on a chair raised up high. Finally we went to school and had lunch. I had fun. Andrew Dalessis First we waited for the bus to arrive. Next we went on the bus. Later we went upstairs and we learned about eyes and we played activities. After we went up the stairs and I got my eyes tested. The man who was testing me was called Anthony. Finally we watched a movie and we went on the bus. I had a good time at the University of New South Wales. Jasmine Karagiannis




SENIOR SCHOOL SPORTS REPORT FOOTBALL TRIAL TERM 1 2013 Saturday 6th April, Redfield College hosted football trial in Dural. Our teams used opportunity to develop good combinations certainly helped in acknowledging where strengths and weaknesses were.

our the and our

The boys performed well with some very promising and delightful Football. Our U13 boys played well to be defeated 3-1, the Year 7 boys team created many opportunities and the season looks promising. The 14 (white) boys ISA Champions of last year, defeated their opponents 10-0 and were flawless in their execution in front of goal. This year the boys will be trying to win back to back titles. After that performance the boys look to be up to the challenge. The other 14 boys(Blue) team were defeated 6-0, but showed a great deal of promise creating chances and working extremely hard for each other particularly in defence. The 15 boys team and our 16’s were both winners both winning 3-1: we welcome back the Year 11 boys in particular who have not played football for the school since Year 7. The most intriguing game was the First XI game, our boys were playing against the defending premiers and it proved to be a worthwhile encounter for both teams. The eventual score was 1-1, the boys showed real character and determination after going down 1-0, to claw their way back to secure the draw. More of the same attitude and determination will be required if our Open boys are to achieve their potential.

ISA ROUND 1 SATURDAY 4TH MAY Saturday the 4th May, St Spyridon hosted Oxley College, Redfield College and Redlands, this was the first round of the competition and despite the lack of preparation because of Greek Orthodox Holy Week, the boys were exceptional. All the teams managed to win their games. Results included: 13s defeated Oxley 3-1 14;s White defeated Oxley 7-1 14 Blue defeated Redlands 3-0 15’s defeated Redfield 1-0 16/17’s defeated Oxley 5-0 First XI defeated Oxley 12-0


Some of the highlights of the day included the strong performance of the Open boys, with excellent goals from the School Sports Captain James Andrew who returning from injury was exceptional. Nikolas Makridopolus and Nicholas Fotopoulos were flawless in defence and the contribution of Chris Kolistasis was also noted in the midfield. The boys now have the Greek Orthodox Colleges tournament to look forward to and next week’s difficult encounter with Redfield on the back of a short rest after the trip to Melbourne to think about. The boys will be playing 5 games in Melbourne returning Friday evening to play on Saturday and again on Tuesday in the CIS Cup game against St Andrews College at Wentworth Park. We wish the boys and their Coach Mr Zafiropoulos all the best.

REGIONAL FUTSAL TITLES 2013 This year our boys entered the NSW Futsal school titles at Bankstown Stadium in the last week of Term 1. The school entered one U14 team, U16 team and an Opens team. For all teams the tournament was very competitive and although we have had extraordinary success in the past with two State Championship titles, the boys were under no illusion that they had to perform at their best in order to be successful. Considering the injury woes of the team, the U 14 boys performed extremely well. The boys had to finish top of their group in order to qualify for the semi-finals, unfortunately they fell short. Their first game together was against a very good All Saints Catholic College team; while the boys had their chances in the first half it was the second that led to their downfall with 4 goals scored against them. Despite this the boys bounced back to beat their next two opponents Birrong Boys 8-0 and Green Valley Islamic School 3-1. While the boys did not progress the experience and the time they spent together will invariably help them in the years to come.

Other impressive performances included Panos Bounos and Peter Giokas who played a most impressive second half for the 14 boys helping to secure victory and an excellent long range effort from James Stathis proved to be the goal of the day and the winning one for the 15 boys’ team. In the 16/17 team strong performances from George Karapanayiotidis and the inspiring Nicholas Baratsas helped the boys to a comfortable win. In the 14 blue team Stanley Condous was outstanding and deserved the best and fairest of the game.

UNDER 16S BOYS FUTSAL I would like to commend the effort of these boys who played and won 5 games in a row to make the final only to lose 2-1 to All Saints Grammar.

It has been some time since we had victories in all grades and today was certainly memorable. The boys will now need to bounce back and return to face a tough task against very well drilled and organised teams in Redfield College. While the good start to the season is pleasing, the boys know that next week will be a very difficult test and one that all St Spyridon boys will live up to.

The boys only came together a few weeks ago and proved determination, courage and stamina were the key to their success. We now find ourselves playing at the next level which is the State Competition. I know it will be a privilege to coach and follow the success of this team whatever the outcome will be.

On a personal note a big thank you to Mr Zafiropoulos for his ongoing support, commitment and passion to boys sport, his help and support on Saturday helped to make the day a success.

I would also like to thank the Girls Futsal team for supporting the boys on this day and especially to Mr Meintanis for his experience and support.


Mr V. Zafiropoulos Coach

Good luck to the four boys representing our College at the ISA Football trials at St Pius College on Tuesday the 7th of May. The boys include: Christopher Kolistasis of Year 12 James Andrew of Year 12 Nicholas Fotopoulos of Year 12 and Nikolas Makridopolus of Year10

The Open boys were eager to get back playing Futsal after missing out last year. The boys were missing James Andrew to injury and suffered a blow losing Alexander Coplin early in the tournament. Despite this the State Champions in the U16 of 2011, were not to be denied making it to the Final. To get there, the boys defeated


Belmore Boys 3-1, Sefton 5-0, Wollemi 4-0 and they had a draw to Homebush Boys Blue team. In the semi-finals the boys had to play against the Homebush Boys team they had a draw against, this time the boys were clinical and determined to get to the final winning 2-0.

Opens 42 defeated by Barker 50 Intermediate girls 50 defeated Barker 17 Junior White (8)17 defeated by Oxley30 Junior Blue 12 defeated by Oxley 50 Girls Open Football St Spyridon 5 Barker(3) 0 Some of the highlights of the day included the strong performance from the Intermediate Girls and the first matched played by the Year 7 girls. Most pleasing was their fundamental skills and with further practice in game situations their results will most certainly improve.

Unfortunately the boys fell short at the last hurdle losing 1-0 to the red Homebush Boys team, despite having a flurry of opportunities in the final minutes the boys were unable to capitalise and take the game to extra time. On a personal note as the coach of the boys over the years this tournament was very rewarding seeing the Year 12 boys play in their last tournament and clinging on to the hope that it would not end, and by making the final the boys now get the opportunity to compete at the State Titles in July. The highlights on the day included great performances by Louis Alexandrou, Leonidas Andrew and Christopher Kolistasis as well as Nicholas Fotopoulos. The boys also have the opportunity to win back to back titles in Futsal at the National Greek Orthodox Colleges Event to be held in Melbourne this year. I wait with anticipation, to watch a wonderfully talented and determined boys team take to the court in the upcoming futsal tournaments.

Girls Football results was exceptional as they followed in the previous success displayed by all boys teams earlier in the day. Outstanding performances included Chrystal Christie and Vicky Papadopoulos scoring great goals and Eve Barton was very strong in the line of defence. Thank you to Mr Zafiropoulos and Mr Kaldis for assisting with the girls football matches and to Ms Gonzalez for her overwhelming dedication and enthusiasm towards girls netball.

ISA FOOTBALL REP TRIALS Good luck to the six girls representing our College at the ISA Football trials at St Pius College on Tuesday 7th May. The girls include:


Natalie Michos Anja Djukic Vicky Papadopoulos Nicole Adam Tiana Milisavljevic Chrystal Christie

Saturday 6th April St Andrews Cathedral School hosted a pre-season competition where the Open Netball team had the opportunity to play St Andrews and Barker College. The girls were successful in both games which gave them the much needed confidence to start the ISA Winter season well.

Year 11 Year 10 Year 10 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)

ISA Round 1 Saturday 4th May Saturday 4th of May, St Spyridon hosted Oxley College and Barker College. Results included:



Name: Mathew Kambos Year: 12 Number of Years at Spyridon College: 13 Subjects Currently Studying: English Adv, Mathematics, Modern History, Economics, Legal Studies, English Extension 1, History Extension Hobbies: Soccer, debating and chess Favourite Sports Teams: Aresenal, South Sydney Rabbitohs Favourite Quote: “Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great.” Orison Swett Marden Achievements: School Captain, Scholarship recipient, Representing the school in ISA soccer, Winning soccer at Orthodox Colleges in Adelaide Role Models: Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela.

Name: Leonidas Andrew Age: 18 No of years at St Spyridon College: 13 years Subjects Currently Studying: Modern History, Business Studies, Economics, English Advanced, Mathematics Extension 1, and Mathematics Extension 2 Hobbies : Mathematics, Video Games and Soccer Favourite Sports Teams: Manchester United, Barcelona and Bulldogs Favourite Quote: “Hard-work beats talent when talent fails to work-hard.” Kevin Durant Achievements: Represented NSW in New Zealand for Futsal, First overall academically in Year 7 and 10. Role Model: Jesus Christ, Nelson Mandela, Saint Leonidas.


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