St Spyridon News 109 9a 2013

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VOLUME XXX No 9 21st June, 2013


JUNE Term ends for staff and students Reports to Parents JS

In Term 2 three students from St Spyridon College competed in the NSW Schools Titration Competition which was held at the University of NSW and is run by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.

JULY Staff and students return 15th

P & T Interviews K – 4 & 6


Parent Teacher Conferences Years 7-9


P & T Interviews K – 4 & 5


Parent Teacher Conferences Years 10 & 11


Athletics Carnival SS


The NSW Schools Titration Competition is a quantitative analytical competition open to NSW students currently enrolled in Senior Chemistry studying towards the Higher School Certificate. Students compete in teams of three and, in ninety minutes, must complete a set of acid-base titrations to determine the unknown concentration of a weak acid.

Athletics Carnival JS State Futsal Opens




Year 6 visit


The boys won first place in the competition by achieving the most accurate team score, though they encountered some tough competition from schools such as Sydney Girls High School and Scots College. The boys will now compete in the National Competition later in the year.

AUGUST State Futsal Championships JS

5th & 6th

Divine Liturgy K-12 State Futsal SS

Congratulations to Year 11 students: Panayioti Kapodistrias, Luka Kasalovic and Dylan Kontos for winning this competition and their dedicated Chemistry teacher Mr Giles.


The Dormition of the Theotokos School closed


ISA Semi Finals


Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

Appreciating Culture Lecture and Art Exhibition




VET Work Placement



Students with Dr Nicholas Kenneth Roberts



You are invited

to hire a stall Promote your business! Help build educational resources! Enhance the learning of our students! Interact with our rich community! Have fun!

For details contact P&F members: Angela Kasmas Joanna Coutts Maria Pascalis

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P & F NEWS The P & F Committee is happy to announce that as a result of its successful fundraising in 2012/2013 Junior School students will have access to 26 new range HP UltraBooks as from the beginning of Term 3. These will be used for digital interactive learning. The P & F has donated $30,000 towards the purchase and installation of these computers. We thank the parents, teachers and students for their ongoing support of all our events and functions. We invite all parents to support the Term 3 upcoming events: Fathers Day stalls & Open Day lunch - catering by P&F. Details & dates to come. Junior School Athletics Carnival - P&F catering available on the day - Friday 26 July. Appreciating Culture Lecture – 20th August. P & F Cocktails. It’s winter! It’s cold! We’re hungrier than ever and thirsty for hot drinks! P&F WILL OFFER FOOD SNACKS - BOTH SAVOURY & SWEET, HOMEMADE & READY MADE Plus HOT/COLD DRINKS… Plus more ... at small kiosk in the Grandstand (as in previous years) to satisfy our fierce athletic competitors’ appetites as well as our supportive spectators, our hardworking staff and super-parents. A flyer will go home to families with details early Term 3. Also in Term 3 we begin our count-down to the Spring Fair to be held on Sunday, 27th October and we invite parents to use their contacts for the hiring of stalls and the provision of sponsorships. All P&F members wish families of the College a safe and relaxing holiday break! Mrs M. Pascalis P&F Committee

Kindy Orientation

Ladies Auxiliary High Tea

Mothers Night Out

Hellenic Womens’ Dinner








With the Term drawing to a close, I reflect on how much has been achieved by our children. We have had NAPLAN, ICAS, half yearly exams, Futsal, Cross Country, Debating and many excursions.


On the 13 of May, the Burwood Club of Rotary held its annual Pride of Workmanship Award Evening. Each year Rotary seeks to recognise the efforts of those workers who give their best every day expecting nothing in return. “Going the extra mile with a smile”.

Not only have they grown in height but also in knowledge but most importantly as people. Once shy and reserved children are now more confident, and the more exuberant ones are better able to direct their energies. This is thanks to the wonderful Pastoral Care and Peer Support Programs where children learn from each other.

This year Κα. Ιεροκλή and Mrs Christina Tsaconas, our Bursar and Parish Executive Officer, were recognised and awarded with The Pride of Workmanship. Interestingly, both these ladies began as volunteers in the Parish and both have worked tirelessly for the good of the College and St Spyridon Church for over 30years. Never too tired or too busy.

I take this opportunity to wish you all a well deserved rest and look forward to an enjoyable and rewarding Term Three.

You can view the citations and the awards ceremony on

PROCEDURES Parents are to drop off their child no earlier than 8:15am when duty commences. You are requested to leave when the first bell rings so that children can join their lines. Parents are welcome to stay for assembly only on Wednesday mornings. It would also assist with the flow of traffic in the afternoons, if you collect your child and leave the school groups immediately.

We congratulate Kα. Ιεροκλή and Mrs Tsaconas for all that they do for us in the College. Our experiences and those of the children are made richer because of their tireless efforts.

COCURRICULAR Co curricular will recommence on Monday 22nd July. The dates for Term Three are:  Monday 22nd July  Wednesday 24th July  Thursday 25th July  Monday 29th July  Wednesday 31st July  Thursday 1st August

CONDOLENCES Our prayers and sympathy is extended to Christina & Anna–Maria Borean and Nicholas, Alexander, Natalie and Dean Michos and families on the passing of their grandmother last week. May Christ grant them strength at this difficult time.

 Monday 12th August  Wednesday 14th August  Monday 26th August – except Logic Club  Wednesday 28th August


 Monday 2nd September  Wednesday 4th September  Thursday 5th September

8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.


The students have had to grapple controversial topics such as ‘That mobile phones be allowed in schools’ and ‘There be more young people in parliament’. These debaters independently research the topic and come together with their teams to form vivid and persuasive arguments.

Please note that any child not collected by 4:30pm will be taken to After School Care and parents will be billed accordingly.


Our team will be competing against schools such as Emmanuel School, Kambala, St Catherine’s and Ascham to name a few. We are so proud of our team – some of whom are first time debaters!

Schools are legally responsible for keeping accurate records of student attendance and for deciding if the reason given for an absence is justified. If your child is absent from school, a note must be sent explaining their absence upon their return.

A big thank you has to go out to our amazing and supportive parents, who not only help their children by rehearsing and helping with the preparation at home, but who also double as our chauffers when having to compete at other schools.

If you intend to take leave for an extended period of time, you must apply for this leave in writing to the Principal in advance.


The teams have completed three rounds of debating to date and have done very well.

Congratulations to Jordan Frazis, Gianni and Christos Keramitzis of our Intermediate Chess Team for winning their games against St. Therese last Friday. Well done.

Versus Kambala


Emmanuel School

Parent Teacher interviews will be held on: Tuesday 16th July and Thursday 18th July Kindergarten - Year 4.

St Catherine’s

Middle School interviews will be held on: Tuesday 16th July - Year 6 Thursday 18th July - Year 5

Topic That mobile phones should be banned in schools. That there should be more young people in Parliament. That single gender schools are better for students.

Outcome One win, one loss. One win, one loss. One win, one loss.

Congratulations to all our Junior School debating teams for all future debates!

Class teachers K-4 will be conducting interviews in their classrooms. Middle School teachers (Yr 5/6) and Greek teachers will be conducting their interviews in the Library. Please note: No co-curricular activities will be held during this week. Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal

JUNIOR SCHOOL DEBATING NEWS For the second year, St. Spyridon College Junior School have participated in the IPSHA Debating competition. Throughout the year Miss Galanis and Mrs Economou will be coaching their team of 17 Year 4, 5 and 6 students in 9 rounds of debating.


Session Five This Peer Support session focuses on positive self-talk. Children need to practise talking positively to themselves. Your child will also learn to persevere, which will encourage them to keep trying in challenging situations. During the week encourage your child to use positive selftalk. Session Six – In this Peer Support session the children will learn how important it is to take small steps towards achieving a goal. The children will develop a range of strategies and different ways to think to help them stay optimistic. Ask your child to share their goal and discuss ways you can provide encouragement.

Mrs Economou

PRIMARY PEER SUPPORT NEWS “Leaders instil in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals.” -Unknown Below is an overview of the Peer Support sessions that took place the first few weeks of Term Two. Session Three In Peer Support the children will identify their strengths. Children will explore the following important strengths - curiosity, kindness and teamwork. Through the activities, children will be able to recognise which strengths they possess. They will realise how important it is to use their strengths in different situations. During the week encourage your child to share their strengths with you. Session Four In Peer Support the children will practise developing their strengths. This will help your child become more resilient and optimistic. Ask your child to share the strengths they identified during this week’s session. Mrs Economou


SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT REMINDER HALF YEARLY REPORTS Years 7-11 Years 7-11 Half Yearly Reports will be posted during the school holidays.

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Years 7 - 9 Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, 17th July, 2013 for students in Years 7 to 9.

Πρόσφορο LITURGY

Years 10 and 11 Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, 22nd July, 2013 for students in Years 10 and 11.




In preparation for our whole school Divine Liturgy services, our Food Technology students are given the opportunity to make the πρόσφορο, which we present as an offering to our Church. The students look forward to this moment as they enjoy the solemn process of giving. As part of the preparation of the πρόσφορο, students begin the lighting of the καντήλι and prayer. During the kneading process, students remain silent as they pray for those in need, until completion of each bread with the stamp of the σφραγίδα. Thank you to Mrs Lambi for her guidance and preparation to make this possible for our students.

Appointments are to be made directly with Teachers by the students. Parents are asked to attend the Parent Teacher Conference with their child.

VOLUNTEERS CERTIFICATE COURSE This week thirty three Year 10 students completed a Volunteers Certificate Course run at our Senior School Campus. This Course will provide participants with the knowledge needed to be able to do volunteer work in the community, whether it be organised by the school or on their own. Students have the option after completing their training to choose to be active members now or defer until a time when they feel able and or ready. We are very excited with the response from our students and thank the Greek Welfare Centre for providing this opportunity to our students, in particular Mr Steve Magdas, Director of the Greek Welfare Centre and Mrs Maria Petrohilos, Psychologist for delivering the course. Thank you to Ms Kokinelis for coordinating such programs.

“The experience for me was calming and fulfilling as it gave me the opportunity to pray for all my loved ones” Nicola Demetri Year 11 “It gave me time to reflect on life and know how lucky I am” Chloe Kourtesis Year 11


THE 'THANK YOU' DIFFERENCE The phrase ‘thank you’, in all its forms, is a simple statement that carries a lot of weight. For aspiring leaders, it can be a key difference; for some, it may be the difference between winning and losing a leadership contest. More importantly, it can be the difference between respectfully serving the needs of others, or not. Imagine a situation where students are asked to consider volunteering for an activity in the community: Student A volunteers to help, but fails to say ‘thank you’ when others assist, or says ‘thank you’ without sincerity. Student B also volunteers, and always says ‘thank you’ sincerely for help given. At times, Student B may also remind others to say ‘thank you’—it would be the behaviour of a natural leader! The very notable difference between these two students is not small. Teachers, peers, parents and members of the community can see and hear the difference. Students who watch the world’s leaders on television may wonder if they ever say ‘thank you’. The short snippets show the conflicts between politicians, and the demands and claims of activists, but do not show the kindness and (hopefully) respect displayed by politicians and activists on either side. This is something important to remember when watching leaders on television: television programmers do not show the whole story, just the headline. It will be clearly obvious when a leader uses this phrase sincerely and regularly, compared to someone else who does not. As you go about your daily business, and in the hustle and bustle of being a school student, you may forget to regularly say ‘thank you’.

Mrs V. Grillakis Food Technology Teacher Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



All of us can remember this. Real leaders say ‘thank you’. Always.

‘No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks’. James Allen

THE CANCER COUNCIL’S BIGGEST MORNING TEA EVENTS Last week was very social and busy as a result of the fundraising events organised by our SRC. On Tuesday was the TEACHERS TASTY TREATS COMPETITION, and on Thursday there was an SRC CAKE STALL. Both events were successful and proved students and staff can “GET THEIR SPIRIT ON”, through their patronage and willingness to participate in such activities. In addition to these calorific extravaganzas, teachers held their own successful morning tea event on Wednesday. Well done to all for your great efforts and team work. Over


$1300 was raised for the Cancer Council from everyone’s combined efforts.

PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS All Middle School students have been given forms on which to record parent interview times with teachers. Parents please be aware that while we try to keep to our appointment times, this sometimes is not possible and delays result. We appreciate your patience and understanding. If any parent cannot attend interviews on Wednesday 17th July, please call administration to arrange an alternative in person or phone interview at a later date.

WOOLWORTHS EARN AND LEARN As you know, our school has been participating in the Woolworths Earn & Learn program. The program has now finished for this year, so a big thanks to everyone who supported our school. We’re now at the important stage of the program where Points Sheets are collected and lodged as our Earn & Learn claim. We will then be able to get new educational equipment for our school. The more we collect, the more we can redeem. So this week please send in your Woolworths Earn & Learn Points Sheets and any loose Earn & Learn Points Stickers you may have. Remember to check your handbag, the car glove box or they maybe stuck on the fridge. Every little bit helps. Thanks again for all your support.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School 10



μέρες δεν είστε καλύτερα, θα πρέπει να σας ξαναδώ. Νικολέττα: Ευχαριστώ πολύ, γιατρέ! Θα είμαστε σε επικοινωνία. Μήπως μπορείτε, σας παρακαλώ, να μου γράψετε ένα γράμμα για τη δουλειά μου; Γιατρός: Βεβαίως, δεν υπάρχει κανένα πρόβλημα, μισό λεπτό, ορίστε και το γράμμα σας. Νικολέττα: Ευχαριστώ, γιατρέ και καλή σας μέρα! Γιατρός: Ευχαριστώ κι εγώ. Γεια σας και περαστικά.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με την εργασία δύο μαθητριών της Γ΄ τάξης του Γυμνασίου. Η εργασία παρουσιάστηκε ως συζήτηση μεταξύ γιατρού και ασθενή μια και η ενότητα με την οποία ασχολήθηκαν το Β΄τρίμηνο οι μαθητές της τάξης αυτής είχε να κάνει με την υγιεινή ζωή. Καλή ανάγνωση και καλές διακοπές! Κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Στο γιατρό

Christina Balayannis & Nicole Adam Year 9GKA

Η Νικολέττα είναι εικοσιδύο χρονών. Δουλεύει στο κατάστημα Myers. Θέλει πολύ να της περάσει η αρρώστια της και να γίνει καλά επειδή δεν μπορεί να χάσει μέρες απ’ την δουλειά της. Προσπαθεί να πάρει προαγωγή στη θέση της διευθύντριας και δεν έχει χρόνο για χάσιμο. Επισκέπτεται τον γιατρό της. Γιατρός: Καλημέρα σας, δεσποινίς Νικολέττα. Νικολέττα: Καλημέρα σας γιατρέ. Γιατρός: Τι έχουμε εδώ σήμερα; Πώς αισθάνεστε; Νικολέττα: Δεν αισθάνομαι καθόλου καλά. Έχω πονοκέφαλο, βήχω πολύ, φτερνίζομαι συνέχεια και πονάει ο λαιμός μου. Γιατρός: Τίποτε άλλα συμπτώματα έχετε; Μην ανησυχείτε, μπορεί να είναι μια ίωση που κυκλοφορεί αυτή την εποχή. Νικολέττα: Δεν κοιμάμαι καλά και κάνω υψηλό πυρετό. Τώρα που το λέτε, ναι, η φιλενάδα μου είχε μια ίωση τώρα τελευταία. Γιατρός: Εντάξει, μισό λεπτό, να βάλουμε το θερμόμετρο και να δούμε τον πυρετό σας... Έχετε 39! Για ανοίξτε το στόμα σας για να δω το λαιμό σας. Κάντε αααα! Νικολέττα: Ααα. Άου, πονάει! Γιατρός: Ο λαιμός σας είναι κόκκινος, πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι είναι ερεθισμένος. Νικολέττα: Τι ακριβώς πρέπει να κάνω για να γίνω καλά; Γιατρός: Να μείνετε σπίτι για τρεις μέρες, να πίνετε πολλά υγρά και να τρώτε ελαφριές σουπίτσες και φρυγανιές. Νικολέττα: Εντάξει. Θα μου δώσετε και συνταγή για αντιβιοτικά; Γιατρός: Ναι, θα σας δώσω ένα σιρόπι που θα σας ανακουφίσει από το βήχα και τον πονοκέφαλο και έτσι θα μπορείτε να ηρεμήσετε και να κοιμηθείτε. Να παίρνετε αντιπυρετικά για τον πυρετό κάθε τέσσερις ώρες και να παρακολουθείτε τον πυρετό σας. Αν σε τρεις



Over the past few weeks, Year 10 students have participated in sessions looking at the UAC booklet and other information regarding future studies and I am pleased to say that several students have already had interviews with me to discuss subjects and tertiary courses. Year 11 students are advised to see me to explore courses for their tertiary studies and required subjects, before they decide whether to drop subjects or pick up extension courses for Year 12 later this year. I will be available for interviews during the Year 10 and 11 Parent Teacher conferences on Monday 22nd July should parents and students wish to make an interview time with me. Year 12 students are encouraged to see me during a study period or lunch time to discuss courses, scholarship applications and other queries. The UAC guides for 2014 will be arriving in late July and will be distributed to them along with information on the university application process. Year 10, 11 and 12 students and their parents are reminded about information sessions and open days at the universities and other institutions which are coming up in the near future ( please note that some are in the school holidays):

SYDNEY UNIVERSITY Scholarships evening Wednesday 26th June 6pm


Register on website: go to future students, undergraduate, scholarships and register.


Meet the Business Leader Event, for Υear 10 and 11 students as well as Υear 12 students. Tuesday 30th July, from 4.30 pm. Register: www. Best wishes for the holidays,

UTS Human Movement + Sport Exercise Information Evening 4th July Experience UTS Day 3rd July IT and Engineering: information evening 25th June and scholarships evening 2nd July Register:


Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser


AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF NURSING Nursing and Health Expo Sunday 23rd June at Sydney Town Hall




TAFE “Give It a Go” Day, Tuesday 25th June at South Sydney High School (9 -10 am). Students wishing to attend must wear school uniform and notify organiser Lesley Berenstein on arrival.

NOTRE DAME UNI ‘A day in the life of a nursing student’ 3rd July. To register, email their website:

or see


Wonderland is a fantasy place created by Lewis Caroll in his book Alice in Wonderland. Wonderland consists of many features and pathways leading to various areas of this dreamscape. Wonderland contains a door leading out of Wonderland and back into Wonderland. Leaving Wonderland will take you to a hallway with a glass table and some curtains.

Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 interested in Medicine, Dentistry, Physiotherapy or Optometry will need to sit the compulsory UMAT (examination) when applying for one of the above career choices. NIE will be conducting UMAT preparation workshop on Saturday 20th July. Places for this event are strictly limited and registration is required. All details are available via

Wonderland’s features include a tea party under a tree with the Mad Hatter and a March Hare. This will make you feel mad yourself considering the docile conversations that you hear at this tea party. Under this tree is shade so you are not in the sun. From this tea party you will come along a pathway containing a mushroom.

Date: 20th July 2013 Saturday, 8.30am – 5.00pm Where: University of New South Wales, Kensington Campus Cost: $199


This mushroom contains a caterpillar with a hookah in its mouth and he is hardly talkative. He smokes all day and hardly leaves his mushroom. On encounters with Alice, he helps her but in an obnoxious way and puzzles her with his conversations. From this mushroom it is almost impossible not to see the Queen and King’s castle. If you are lucky on your way you may catch a glimpse of the Cheshire Cat.

Campus Open Day Fri 21st & Sat 22nd June, 10am to 3pm 2 Short Street, Surry Hills


The Ocean at Night The trees are whistling The water glistens at night The people swimming.

The Queen and King’s castle contains many features containing hearts because they are the King and Queen of Hearts. The guards of this castle are paper cards. They carry a staff with the top being a heart. This castle includes a croquet ground for the Queen and a throne room. I should warn you, the Queen may say to you OFF WITH YOUR HEAD so try not to make the Queen angry.

Gregory Tsoukalas 4C




Peter Synesios 6P

Years 7-12 Date: Thursday 25th July 2013 Time: 8.30am—3.00pm Venue: Hensley Athletics Field corner of Wentworth Avenue and Denison Street.

YEAR 4 HAIKU POEMS "Haiku" is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme.

The school carnival is used to select a squad to represent the school at the ISA. Students competing need to accept that their involvement may result in inclusion in the squad.

Because Haikus are such short poems, they are usually written about things that are recognisable to the reader such as animals and seasons.

All students are to be dressed in their house colour shirt and full school tracksuit.

Miss Bletsogiannis

Roll call will be taken on three occasions throughout the day and no student can leave without permission granted from Mr Kaldis or Ms O’ Shea.

Jungle Breeze Feel it on your face Let it flow through the jungle Hear it near your ears.

Students will be in the Grandstand, unless participating in an event.

John Leondios 4C

The age an athlete competes in is determined by the age the athlete turns during the 2013 year.

Goldie The Wind Horse Shiny, yellow horse Running fast into the wind Faster than the wind.

Ribbons will be distributed for First, Second and Third places at the end of each event.

Dimitra Katsidis 4C

Students are encouraged to pack their own lunch, although canteen facilities will be available.

Blazing Dragon Blazing fire pet Hunting for its fire light Dragon light and breeze.

Private buses will be dropping off and picking up students from the venue. All other students to make their own way to and from the venue.

Valentina Spyridopoulos 4C The World is in Peace The world is in peace Peace as calm as anything Animals do love. Michael Vlahos 4C


Junior C White (Υr8): Equal 4th position Junior C Blue ( Υr7): 5th position

GIRLS ISA SPORT ROUND 6 The Open Girls Football team unfortunately experienced their first defeat for the season against first position Barker 2. It was a difficult task playing at Barker home grounds but still a positive performance particularly from Tiana Milisavljevic in goals saving some exceptional goals. Losing 3-1 places us in second position as we break for the holidays. Most pleasing is the girls desire to improve each week and wishing to train more in order to build team dynamics.

Once again thank you to the Staff and coaches who support and organise the students each week as without their assistance the success in ISA would not be possible.

ISA ROUND 6 BOYS FOOTBALL This was the last game of the Term and an important game for all the boy’s teams as away games are always challenging.

Open Girls Netball continued their break with a BYE round they finish the Τerm in equal third place and will need to work hard to secure a strong semi-finals position.

This week all boys’ teams were victorious winning all grades at Bowral. The U13 boys started superbly with a very promising display of team Football winning the game 8-0. The boys followed through with their second consecutive win. It was most pleasing to watch this game as it was evident there was an improvement in the boys’ skill level. The boys will need to be on their game in Round 7 when they face the in form Redfield College.

Intermediate and Junior Netball teams travelled to the icy cold conditions of Bowral to play Chevalier where the Intermediate girls remain undefeated with a narrow 4 point win. The Junior teams were unfortunately defeated but with a much improved score line from their previous match against Chevalier.

The 14 white team coached by Mr Picardi had a great win; winning 8-1 against a determined Oxley College. Our boys played a solid game of football and were glad to be back on the field after two consecutive wash outs. Although a great performance, the boys agree that there is room for improvement particularly in maintaining shape. The 14 blue team coached by Mr Condous continued their unbeaten streak winning 2-1 against Oakhill College at Castle Hill. The team’s courage and winning mentality helped to ensure that their unbeaten record remained intact.

Final Placing heading into the holiday break: Intermediate: 1st position


player of the game holding the midfield, creating space for our strikers and executing powerful strikes on goal helping him score a hat trick. Christopher Kolistasis was exceptional in attack giving the team confidence when moving forward. Christopher scored a most amazing 30m goal that would rate as one of the best of the year. What was most inspiring about this performance was that we were missing a number of the regular starting boys and still managed to reach deep to secure a very important victory for St Spyridon College. All of the boys should be proud of their performances, with 4 rounds remaining in the competition. Next Term the boys will need to start well particularly considering 3 of the 4 games are away, starting with the strong college of Redfield College.

Our 17 boys were also emphatic victors defeating Oxley College 6-0 and in the process ensuring they remain close to the top of the table. Anthony Vasili dominated the midfield and Anthony Theofanides secured his hat trick of goals this season.


Our Open boys played some of the best football of the season on the back of a great performance against St Ignatius College in the CIS Cup. The boys were inspiring, winning 50/50 balls, starving their opponents of the ball and attacking with purpose and intent. Alexander Coplin was the



CIS CUP ROUND 2 CONGRATULTIONS On a personal note, I want to commend all the boys for this week’s memorable games. Over the years I have seen some great football games and this game rates as one of the best. Now our boys prepare for the third round clash against Trinity Grammar to be played at David Phillips Fields on the 18th July. I wish all the boys and their coach Mr Zafiropoulos the best of luck.

Strong discipline, carefully laid out plans and strategies often help teams win games. Sometimes though even when these are well executed teams lose. Often the defining difference between two teams is BELIEF and PASSION. This is what the St Spyridon Open Boys Football team had when they defeated St Ignatius College 2-1 in a most remarkable game of Football.


Our boys, while camped in our own half, had the presence of mind and toughness to repel the Riverview attack, breaking to score a counter goal to take the lead. While our chances were limited, James Andrew was breathtaking. Every time he had the ball a swarm of players reacted to defend and somehow he found the opportunities that helped make a difference. True to the boys BELIEF they defended with purpose, winning all the close contests and even when Riverview equalised late in the half, they maintained their shape and discipline.

If there are any parents who would like to volunteer their time to either coach or manage boys/girls basketball teams for season 20132014, can you please contact us on 9311 3340. This commitment will involve the following:  10 -12 weeks of Basketball games during the school Term 4 2013 and Term 1 of 2014 on Saturdays.  Training at school on Thursday if possible.  Possibly travelling with team on bus for away games.

In the second half the boys, led by Nicholas Fotopoulos and Christopher Kolistasis, defended well and while it seemed inevitable that the boys could not and would not hold out, their PASSION showed with Christopher playing a beautiful through ball to James splitting the defence whilst James did the rest, chipping the keeper and securing our second goal. With 15 minutes remaining the boys retreated again and Riverview attacked furiously until with 5 mins to play they were awarded a penalty. Leonidas saved the penalty and proved that PASSION and BELIEF were the defining difference between the two squads.

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)


YEAR 11 DRAMA PRODUCTION On Wednesday, 19th June, Year 11 Drama students performed ‘Romeo and Juliet’ for their HSC Preliminary Assessment. We congratulate the students and their teacher Ms L. Davis. CAST Narrator: Juliet: Nurse: Lady Capulet: Lord Capulet: Tybalt: Friar: Romeo: Benvolia: Mercutio:

PRODUCTION TEAMS Set Design: Luka Kasalovic Eleni Mavrolefteros Stephanie Mio Costume Design: Nicolette Gregory Nansia Koukounaris Lighting and Sound Design: Timothy Dokos Michael Vlachos Alexander Vij

Nicolette Gregory Eleni Mavrolefteros Rena Lambos Stephanie Mio Alexander Vij Michael Vlachos Chloe Kourtesis Luka Kasalovic Nansia Koukounaris Timothy Dokos

PUBLICITY DESIGN Chloe Kourtesis Rena Lambos

STAGE CREW Jessica Antoniou Yvette Stemitsiotis Aphroditi Zafiropoulos










Monday 27th January 2014

2014 DATES

Australia Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 28th January 2014 Wednesday 29th January 2014 Thursday 30th January 2014 Friday 31st January 2014

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Tuesday 25th March 2014

Annunciation. School Closed

Friday 11th April 2014

Term ends

Friday 18th April 2014 Sunday 20th April 2014

Good Friday Easter Sunday


Monday 28th April 2014 Tuesday 29th April 2014

Staff Development Day Students return

Monday 9th June 2014

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 20th June 2014

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 14th July 2014 Tuesday 15th July 2014

Staff Development Day Students return

Friday 15th August 2014

Dormition of the Theotokos - school closed

Friday 19th September 2014

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 6th October 2014

Tuesday 7th October 2014 Wednesday 8th October 2014 Thursday 4th December 2014 Friday 5th December 2014

Public Holiday

Staff Development day Students return Term ends for students Staff Development day


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