St Spyridon News 113 13a 2013

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VOLUME XXX No 13 6th September, 2013


FROM THE HEAD OF COLLEGE SEPTEMBER Year 11 Preliminary Course Final Assessments begin ISA Athletics Carnival

9th 10th

Year 12 Farewell Assembly CIS Athletics


K-12 Doxology


Year 12 Formal Dinner


Sports Presentation Evening


Term ends for students OPEN Day JS


Staff Development Day


Invites you to the


OCTOBER Staff and Students return


HSC Begins Year 4 visit


Yearly Exam Week JS


to honour our students for their sporting achievements

OHI Day Celebrations Church Years 7-9 P & F Spring Fair


On Wednesday 18th September 2013

NOVEMBER Years 4 – 6 Camp


Years 3 – 6 Camp

7th – 8th

Year 5 visit


Parent Forum Year 7 2014


Junior School Musical Showcase


P & T Interviews K-4 & 6


P &T Interviews K-4 & 5


Venue Sports & Performing Arts Centre St Spyridon College Senior School Campus 1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra Time 6.45pm for 7.00 pm








UNIFORM SHOP TIMES: 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

UNIFORM SHOP – Volunteers needed from Term 4. Help is needed every Wednesday morning between 8.30 am and 10.00 am. If you are interested in helping please call Helen on 9313-6899.

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT SAINT PHANOURIOS Each year on the 27th August, students from Year One commemorate the feast of Saint Phanourios. Students attend Church on this day taking a phanouropita that is prepared at home the previous day. They light a candle, attend the Church service and have Holy Communion. By participating in this feast they learn about our Christian tradition. We don’t know much about this Saint except that shown in his icon which was discovered in the year 1500 among the ruins of an ancient Church in Rhodes. This is why he is called “the Newly Revealed”. We pray to St Phanourios to help us find things that have been lost and because he often answers our prayers, the custom has been to bake a Phanouropita to thank him. This is then shared with others.


PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE All entries have now been submitted to the Premier’s Department. Certificates should be received by the end of Term 4. Children may start reading for 2014 Reading Challenge, although we cannot register our school until February next year.


Ms Liakatos, our KC teacher has commenced Maternity Leave. We thank her for the exceptional job she has done with Kindergarten this year and wish her and her husband Peter all the best as they await the arrival of their first child. Καλή λευτεριά!

The Primary School will be hosting a Book Fair in the Library for Open Day from 10am to 2pm. Please take the time to come and view the books on display. You may like to donate books to the Library as well as buying books to take home. There will be a price range to suit everyone. Cash and cheques accepted, however, there will be no eftpos or credit card facilities available.



The Junior School will be hosting its annual Open Day on Thursday, 19th September. It is an opportunity for parents to visit classrooms, see your children at work and share lunch with them. Please put this date in your diary. More information will follow.

Please note co curricular activities have concluded for this year.


CHILDREN’S BOOK WEEK Children’s Book Week, with the theme “Read Across the Universe”, was held all over Australia in August this year. At St Spyridon the children were kept busy during their Library lessons with a Literary Quiz, voting for their favourite book, as well as making and decorating the Library with posters and many, many elephants! The elephants were a result of the popular book “Too Many Elephants in This House” written by Ursula Dubosarsky. Unfortunately the book did not win the title of Early Childhood Book of the Year, but did win the children’s vote.

SPECIALTY PHOTOS Specialty photo orders can now be placed at the Junior School. Please collect order form from the office and return with your order and correct money or cheque no later than 16th September. Cheques to made payable to Advancedlife.

CANTEEN LUNCH ORDERS Lunch may be ordered from the Menu every day.

I would like to thank everyone involved in making Book Week so successful. We ended on a high note with our production in the Church Hall which was enjoyed by all the students.

Parents need to enclose the correct money and: 1. Write on a paper bag the students name, class and lunch order. 2. If ordering more than three items please enclose a second bag. 3. Place the lunch order in your own class bucket in the classroom in the morning. 4. Siblings orders NOT to be combined. 5. Please do not use envelopes. ONLY FOR INFANTS Milk is only available for infants at Recess. Place orders in a separate bag clearly labelled, Recess, Milk Order, child’s name and class. No one should be approaching the canteen in the morning.

Mrs C. Bartlett Librarian Junior School

Orders must be in by 8.30am.


 Look for solutions to troublesome behaviours- Discuss friendly and positive conflict resolution strategies. Negotiation and compromise is preferable advice to aggression or threats.  Remember parents do not have all the answers to their children’s problems. You can best support your child by teaching them to think through a problem for themselves by talking with them and guiding them with appropriate questioning.  If you feel that the issue is one that despite best intentions cannot be resolved alone with your support, always consult the class teacher for advice.

TOYS WANTED!! Year 6 Fundraiser Stall at Spring Fair 2013 Year 6 students are collecting quality used toys to sell at their toy stall at Spring Fair this year. These donations are being collected by Junior School staff from now until the Spring Fair event. Suitable donated toys include:  Books  Educational toys  Toddler toys  Board and card games  Console games  Toys children have out grown

Remember whilst your children are learning social skills they will learn through their relationship with you and how you relate to other people, so always be above reproach when considering other people’s children.

Year 6 thank you for your generous donations.


References Baker, F. (2013, May 19). Foster their friend skills. Sunday Telegraph, p. 19.

Dr Lyn O’Grady, national project manager for Kids Matter Primary at the Australian Psychological Society informs us that whilst developing friendships aren’t always easy, they are an essential part of life. Almost every child will have some friendship issues as they progress through primary school and parents can help them learn social skills by demonstrating how to negotiate relationships and resolve conflict in an acceptable manner. These skills will then equate to vital life skills as they enter adulthood.

Mrs M Kipriotis Infants’ Coordinator ICAS Computer Competition 2013 Students from Years 3-6 participated in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Computer Skills on May 21st. Students from St Spyridon College, received some outstanding results, with 11 Distinction and 54 Credit certificates being awarded to our students.

So how can parents help? Kids Matter, an Australian mental health initiative for children has the following advice for parents.

The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Computer Skills assesses skills and knowledge in the areas of:  Databases  Graphics and multimedia  Internet use and email programs Networks and other communications systems  Operating systems and computer hardware  Spreadsheets  Word processing

 Make time to play with your childrenThis gives your child the opportunity to practise skills for negotiation and cooperation.  Let them try different activities- Children who participate in a wide range of activities are more likely to have something in common with others and as a result find it easier to make friends based on a shared interest or experience.  Invite children for play dates- This not only serves as an opportunity for children to practise their social skills but rather provides important on the spot coaching for those who are still developing their social skills.  Talk to children about the state of their friendships- Find times to share what’s happening in your child’s friendships group and let them know that you are interested in their wellbeing.

Parents wishing to find out more about the computer skills assessed, can download a PDF copy of the ICAS Computer Skills assessment framework using the URL below: ts/computer-skills-framework.pdf


Vicki Synesios Gregory Tsoukalas James Valmas Christopher Vougioukas

The following students received a Distinction (awarded to approximately the top 10% of participants): Year 3 Jorge Cooney Patricia Hardas Adriana Drakoulis Nicolas Kalligiannis Anastasia Lambrou Sia Manos

Year 5 Nicola Skouteris Katherine Tsingos Peter Ganis Nicholas Drakoulis Jordan Frazis James Hristeff Efthimia Kollias Anna Papas Roza Papas Georgia Varvaritis James Zouroudis

Year 4 Teoni Antonopoulos Mihalis Dovellos Year 5 George Stavrou Year 6 Peter Nikas Desi Kapodistrias

Year 6 Bill Avdalis William Georgas Connor Giavis Eleni Preketes Georgia Bull Reece Kalergis George Leondios Sonya Paradisis Tiffany Tsoukalas Georgia Veryinis

The following students received a Credit (awarded to approximately the next 25% of participants): Year 3 Gabriela Skettos Jamyson Gouveros Tiana Natsikas Eleni Nicholas Natasha Bebonis Sophia Economou Natalia Fountoulis Vasili Giaris Kosta Kalatzis Fotios Konitsas Stephen Koutoulogenis Nick Nicholas Alexander Nikitopolos Evangeline O’Reilly Paola Papadakis Leanna Papaleonidas Nicholas Papas

Congratulations to all our certificate recipients and all who participated. Mr P. Arnott K-6 ICT Teacher Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal

Year 4 Billy Bourdaniotis Mary Diamond Eleni Haralambides Anthony Hatzigiakoumis Carolyn Makridopolus Danae Margaronis Lopez Sofia Mavrolefterou Juval Mikhail Maria-Angela Patsalis Peter Petrides Anastasi Poulos Frankiln Pyliotis



be presented to these students at a forthcoming School assembly. Please note that individual performance reports will be given to every student that took part. Well done to the students listed here. Congratulations for taking on the challenge.

“DARING TO DREAM” Congratulations to all students who were involved in the cast or crew in our recent musical. They sang, acted, tapped, pirouetted, danced en mass, and played an array of musical instruments to beautifully showcase their talents. Their faces and the passion they put into their performances also demonstrated how much they enjoyed their experience, making it even more magical for all of us who were lucky enough to be in the audience. Well done everyone, and especially Miss Davis (Director), Miss Savva (Musical Director), Mr Zafiropoulos (SPACe Manager) and the team of staff members who assisted backstage.

TRANSITION INTERVIEWS YEAR 7 CLASS, 2014 Interviews with parents and students from our Junior School together with external applicants for Year 7, 2014 commenced this week. All concerned should have received a letter of invitation asking that appointments be made for some time before the end of this term or during set dates in the upcoming school holidays. All who attend are reminded to fill and bring with them their “Passport To Senior School”. Should any family not have received this recent correspondence, please contact the Senior School Enrolment Officer, Mrs Angela Kringas.

THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICS COMPETITION 2013 Hundreds of thousands of students from all over the world enter this prestigious mathematics competition, also known as the AMC. The AMC has three aims:  To highlight the importance of mathematics as a curriculum subject.  To give students an opportunity to discover talent in mathematics.  To provide resources for the classroom and general discussion.

In Year 7 Stephen Bletsas Florence Georges Dean Albanakis Jennifer-Eve Contominas Ben Dean John Margelis Joanna Skouteris Nathan Adam Nikki Cardamis Felicity Ginis Anastasia Hatzidis Christopher Kumar Rhea Tsimboukis

Distinction Distinction Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency

In Year 8 Tristan Hollink Tommy Zhou George Contominas Joel Dean Mersina Hristeff Constantinos Kollias Jordan Stojkovic Kerryanne Syros Tina Ventoura Constantinos Gouskos Jordan Makridopolus George Raptis Joel Richardson Dimitri Stamios

Distinction Distinction Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency

In Year 10 Christos Kollias Emanuel Kapodistrias Sophia Rizzo Theoni Thimakis Vicky Papadopoulos

Distinction Credit Credit Credit Proficiency

In Year 11 Panayioti Kapodistrias George Karapanayiotidis

Credit Credit

Mr A. Kollias Curriculum Leader - Mathematics Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

It is with pleasure that I list below, in alphabetical order within their Year and by achievement, the students at St Spyridon College that received an award of Distinction, Credit or Proficiency, in this year’s AMC. Certificates will



the upcoming week) must be written; when homework is given students are expected to record it accurately; if no formal homework has been assigned students write “No homework, do home study”. The point of the latter is to ensure that assignments are being consistently worked on and the day’s lessons are reviewed through the development of ongoing study notes. These simple measures serve as constant reminders of what needs to be done each day and a framework that can assist students in doing their best.


“A room without books is like a body without a soul” GK Chesterton Books exist to educate, inspire, inform and entertain. They are able to take us on magical journeys and enliven our imagination. They provide insight into different cultures, lifestyles, beliefs, events and people – past and present. As such, the written word is powerful and is there for us to read, all we have to do is reach out.

LEGACY 2013 Yesterday 6 volunteers from Year 10 went to Pacific Square Shopping Centre, Maroubra, to sell merchandise for LEGACY as part of our Pastoral Care Programs Community Service focus. Thank you to Kalioppe Kefalas, Ann Marie Xenos, Erin Magoulias, Juliet Manolias, Stephanie Hatzis and Suzanna Gavrilova for the leadership you have shown by your efforts.

PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE In the Middle School students are encouraged to develop their reading, build an appreciation of the value of books, thereby also improving their literacy. Time is set aside in each Pastoral Care lesson for silent reading. In addition to this, students are encouraged to take part in activities such the Premier’s Reading Challenge. To fully benefit students must read consistently and record the books they have read. This year’s Challenge has now ended and students who read at least 20 books (15 from the PRC list and 5 of their own choice) have had these validated and will receive a certificate later this year. Congratulations and well done to everyone for your efforts.

This organization, LEGACY, is dedicated to looking after the children & wives/husbands of defence force personnel killed in war and other hazardous service, in peacekeeping operations, or in accidents while training for war. Today, throughout Australia Legacy assists more than 120,000 widows, 1,800 children and dependents with a disability. The help given from money raised through the sale of merchandise provides the families left behind with pensions, dental care, financial & social support to ensure they are not disadvantaged.

PLANNER USE All students at the Senior School are issued with planners at the start of the year that serve a number of purposes. They assist students in developing stronger organizational skills and provide a record of daily study activities. Furthermore, they provide valuable feedback to parents and Year Advisers about how students are progressing, by way of teacher comments. Middle School Home Room Teachers check planners once a week during Pastoral Care and keep an updated record for each student. Parents are expected to support their children’s learning by checking and signing the planner every week. Keeping a close eye on the planner enables both parents and school staff to act quickly in identifying any emerging learning, behavioural or organizational issues.

LEADERSHIP St Spyridon students are very busy not only at school but also as a result of their eagerness to get involved in their community. This has been clearly demonstrated on many occasions in the past and also most recently when a letter was received from the Department of Planning and Infrastructure, inviting 2 of our students to represent the school at a community forum. This forum was aimed at giving feedback about investigations undertaken in relation to planning options and visions for the future development of our local area (Anzac Parade South precinct).

Students are also encouraged to record the homework for each day in a set manner:- each weekend the subjects to be covered each day (for

The students who took up the challenge - Dylan Kontos and Katerina Arvanitakis of Year 11



attended 3 forums in their own time over the past month, and gained valuable insights into government plans and community opinions concerning the future development of our local area. We look forward to reading their report in the next newsletter.


Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με τις εργασίες δυο μαθητριών της Α΄ τάξης του Λυκείου. Οι εργασίες αυτές σχετίζονται με τα θέματα με τα οποία είμαστε υποχρεωμένοι να εργαστούμε από το ενιαίο αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα. Το ένα θέμα έχει να κάνει με την παιδεία και οι μαθητές είχαν την ευκαιρία να συγκρίνουν το εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα Ελλάδας – Νέας Νότιας Ουαλίας και το άλλο είναι σχετικό με τα ταξίδια και τον τουρισμό.

2014 PREFECT APPLICATION PROCESS BEGINS We have once again come to that time of year when one Leadership group prepares to leave us while another prepares to take up the reigns. Last week I spoke to Year 11 about various aspects of leadership, the responsibilities of being a prefect and the process involved in selection. All those who are interested are reminded that application letters are due this week. Following their receipt, the first round of voting by Year 11 and teachers will take place. Other important dates for applicants to keep in mind:-

Καλή ανάγνωση! Κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

Θέμα: Γράφεις ένα γράμμα σε φίλο με τον οποίο αλληλογραφείς και ο οποίος ζει στην Ελλάδα και του περιγράφεις το σχολείο σου. Μαρία, γεια σου! Τι κάνεις; Εύχομαι να είσαι καλά. Τώρα που πλησιάζουμε στο τέλος της σχολικής μας χρονιάς, θα ήθελα να σου μιλήσω για το σχολείο μου και τις εμπειρίες μου σ’ αυτό.

Week 9  Round 1 short listed students are finalised and informed at the end of the examination period. These students will need to begin preparations for presentation of speeches in Term 4 & begin to organise their ‘Portfolio of Achievement’.

Πρώτ’ απ’ όλα, εμείς εδώ φοράμε στολή που είναι η ίδια για όλους τους μαθητές του σχολείου μου. Φοράμε μια μπλε φούστα, άσπρο πουκάμισο και μπλε σακάκι. Η στολή μας είναι διαφορετική απ’ τα άλλα σχολεία και γι’ αυτό μας κάνει να ξεχωρίζουμε ως σχολείο.

Friday 11th October, Week 1 Term 4  RISING GENERATIONS – LEADERSHIP DAY (all day in SPACe- all Year 11 attend).

Στο σχολείο μας έχουμε τέσσερις περιόδους μαθημάτων, που διαρκούν περίπου δέκα εβδομάδες η καθεμιά. Κάθε δεύτερη και τέταρτη περίοδο, δηλαδή στο τέλος κάθε εξαμήνου, παίρνουμε βαθμούς. Πρέπει να σου πω ότι εμείς εδώ δεν μένουμε στην ίδια τάξη λόγω απουσιών ή άσχημων βαθμών. Έτσι έχουμε μεγαλύτερη ελευθερία να κάνουμε κι άλλες δραστηριότητες και ασφαλώς όλα χωρίς άγχος!

Friday 18th October P4, Week 2, Term 4  Short listed students prepare and present a short 2 minute speech. Presentations will take place in the Lecture Theatre in front of our Principal, the Dean of Middle School, the Year 11 Adviser, Home Room Teachers, & Year 11 students.

Μερικά από τα μαθήματα που κάνουμε είναι: Αγγλικά, Ιστορία, Μαθηματικά, Επιστήμες, Καλλιτεχνικά, Γεωγραφία, Ελληνικά, Πληροφορική και Σχέδιο και Τεχνολογία.

Friday 25th October & Monday 28th October  Second voting round by Year 11 and Teacher’s Monday 4th November, Week 5  All students who have succeeded in proceeding to the panel interview will be informed and need to finalize their Portfolio of Achievement.  Interviews will occur at a date TBA later in Term 4

Στα γράφω όλ’ αυτά για να σε πείσω να έρθεις εδώ να τελειώσεις το σχολείο. Θα είναι μια καλή ευκαιρία για εσένα τώρα που η Ελλάδα περνάει αυτή τη μεγάλη οικονομική κρίση. Πρέπει επίσης να σου τονίσω ότι εδώ, μόνο τα Αγγλικά είναι υποχρεωτικό μάθημα για τους τελικούς διαγωνισμούς. Όλα τα άλλα είναι προαιρετικά και μπορείς να επιλέξεις ό,τι σου αρέσει και ό,τι νομίζεις ότι θα πας καλύτερα σ’ αυτό.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Εδώ σ’ αφήνω και περιμένω την απάντησή σου. Φιλικά Αντριάνα Andriane Efstratiou 11GK


As Year 12 students enter their final school weeks, they are busy with applications for University and TAFE colleges. Additionally, several students are applying for scholarships and other alternate entry schemes.

Θέμα: Τηλεφωνάς σ’ ένα ξενοδοχείο για να κλείσεις δωμάτιο.

IMPORTANT DATES 6th September : Online applications for The University of Sydney Early Offer scheme (E12) close at 5pm. 7th September : Open days at UNSW and Australian Catholic University (Strathfield and North Sydney) 8th September: Australian Film Television and Radio School Open day 10th September: Sutherland Shire HSC lecture series : ‘month before HSC’ 14th September: Macquarie University open day; Sydney Film School open day. 17th September: Information evening about Projects Abroad volunteer programs. See if interested. 21st September: International Film School Sydney open day 23rd September: Bond University Medicine Information evening at Swissotel, Sydney. 27th September: On-time applications for UAC (university courses) and Notre Dame close. 30th September: Applications for many scholarships (e.g. UNSW Co-op) close. 4th October: applications for Teacher Education Scholarships close. See 21st October: applications for ACU Early Achievers Program close.

Ρεσεψιονίστ: Παρακαλώ, ξενοδοχείο «Αστέρι»! Πώς μπορώ να σας βοηθήσω; Ιουλιέτα: Γεια σας! Θα ήθελα να κάνω μια κράτηση δωματίου από τις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου έως την 1η Οκτωβρίου. Έχετε ένα μονόκλινο δωμάτιο που να διατίθεται σε αυτό το διάστημα; Ρεσεψιονίστ: Μάλιστα, και είστε τυχερή! Υπάρχει μόνο ένα. Μπορώ να έχω το όνομά σας; Ιουλιέτα: Ονομάζομαι Ιουλιέτα Μανολιά και θέλω να σας κάνω μερικές ερωτήσεις πριν τελειώσουμε την τηλεφωνική μας συνομιλία. Τι γεύματα συμπεριλαμβάνονται στην τιμή και τι ώρα σερβίρετε αυτά τα γεύματα; Ρεσεψιονίστ: Λοιπόν, συνήθως προσφέρουμε πρωινό και βραδινό. Το πρωινό σερβίρεται από τις επτά μέχρι τις δέκα. Το βραδινό ξεκινά από τις επτά μέχρι τις εννέα. Υπάρχει κάτι άλλο που θέλετε να με ρωτήσετε; Ιουλιέτα: Μάλιστα. Τι ώρα συνήθως μπορώ να κάνω check in και check out; Επίσης το δωμάτιο που κλείνουμε έχει θέα ή όχι; Ρεσεψιονίστ: Θα πρέπει να φτάσετε εδώ μετά από τις δώδεκα το μεσημέρι και οπωσδήποτε να ελευθερώσετε το δωμάτιό σας μέχρι τις 11πμ την ημέρα της αναχώρησής σας. Από το μπαλκόνι σας έχετε μια πανέμορφη θέα! Έχετε την γραφική κάτω πόλη να απλώνεται μπροστά σας και στο βάθος τη θάλασσα. Ιουλιέται: Σας ευχαριστώ για τις πληροφορίες. Με κάνατε να ενθουσιαστώ! Και πριν κλείσουμε, το τηλέφωνό μου είναι: 210 7650290. Ρεσεψιονίστ: Εντάξει. Σας ευχαριστούμε για την επιλογή σας να κλείσετε δωμάτιο στο ξενοδοχείο μας. Θα περάσετε πολύ ωραία! Γεια σας!

Year 12 students are reminded to see me for an interview if they have not already done so; those applying for scholarships are encouraged to complete their applications before finishing school this term, and to see me if they need any assistance or have any queries. I would like to take this opportunity to send my best wishes to all of the Year 12 students for their HSC examinations and for the future. I will be available at school on 18th and 19th December when the HSC results and ATAR scores are released, as well as in mid-January when the university offers are made.

Juliet Manolias 11GK



YEAR 10 AND 11 STUDENTS There are various events of interest coming up in the near future, including the school holidays:




Filmmaking courses at Australian Film Television and Radio school (23 September – 4 October), see for details.

During Orthodox Studies, we learned that each child is loved because he or she is a special gift from God.

ABC Careers Day at ABC studios, Ultimo on Friday 25th October - for those interested in careers in the media. Contact if interested. JMC Academy: school holiday workshops, 27th and 30th September, in music, audio and entertainment, animation and game design, TV and film production. See for details

The 4C students wrote poems about the good qualities children have that make them gifts from God.

CRANE FLYING HIGH Once upon a time God sent a crane up to the sky. The crane was carrying a child. The crane flies and drops a message from the sky Inside the message is a child The baby smiles It was a gift from God.

Student Edge Career Profiles Ever wanted to know what it’s really like to be a police officer? Engineer? Hairdresser? Check out a day in the life of a whole range of careers at Student Edge. These are real people with real stories.

Costantino Hadjiparaskeva 4C


1300apprentice Annual Recruitment Drive Mon 23rd September to Fri 4th October 1300apprentice will be holding its annual recruitment drive in September, with over 150 interview spots available for people looking for an apprenticeship or traineeship throughout New South Wales.

Did you know that children are gifts from God? God and parents work together to create a new life for the children. Children take after their parents and have qualities that come from both of them. How a child comes into a family is not important. What matters is that the child is a part of the family and part of God’s family.

To book an interview, contact and submit a copy of your resume.

Athena Demetriou 4C


PART-TIME WORK: Pharmacy Nutrition Warehouse (PNW) in Rosebery have positions available for students after school and on weekends. See me for an application form if interested.

God gave us life God gave us parents God is our Father He cares for us all He gives us wonderful gifts We should all love God

Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser

Madelyn Perdikakis 4C




Congratulations to those students and good luck at the CIS trials.


UPCOMING EVENTS:  6th September: Greek Orthodox Athletics Carnival. ES Marks (Host: St Spyridon)  11th September: CIS Athletics Carnival, Homebush Olympic Park Stadium  12th September: Interschool Sport Oz Tag Gala Day- Year 6, Redeemer Baptist School  13th September: NRL Gala Day, Yr 6 Clinics, Kensington Oval

ASISSA ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Thursday 29th August we had the ASISSA Athletics Carnival. The following students were represented St Spyridon College at this event: Hudson Rallis, Jameson Darras-Samaras, Jamyson Gouveros, Stavros Haralambides, Sia Manos, Nicole Frangoulis, Natalia Constantinidis, Sophia Economou, Angus Chellos, Paul Giavis, Stefan Gemisis, Neofytos Tsakirios, Athena Demetriou, Eleni Haralambides, Adriana Drakoulis, Demi Micos, Juval Mikhail, Peter Petrides, Franklin Pyliotis, Jordan Kougias, Katherine Tsingos, Efthimia Kollias, Vicki Synesios, Valentina Spyridopoulos, Andrew Papandrew, Jordan Frazis, Chris Vlachos, Kosta Ioannou, Stephanie Augoustis, Melanie Bounatsos, Katherine Raptis, Danae Maragonis-Lopez, Connor Giavis, Steven Stamoulis, Jordan Roumbas, Reece Kalergis, Christina Vlahos, Sonya Paradisis, Deahna Simos, Yana Vergiotis, Dominique Koukos, Vivika Lynch, Desi Kapodistrias, Peter Trovas, Nicoletta Tsimboukis, Victor Kezalas, Roza Papas, Christopher Matsoukas, Jorge Cooney, Georgia Bull, Michael Vlahos, Spiros Zafiropoulos, Johnny Dalakiaris, Panagiota Kappatos, Christopher Vougioukas, Jonathon Lynch, Kristina Poulos, Lisa Stamoulis, Georgia Athanasopoulos, Vivienne, Hatzigiakoumis and Manny Giokas.

Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sports Convenor

OLYMPIC EAGLES UNDER 12’s The Olympic Eagles Under 12’s Soccer team became Grand Final winners for 2013. The team’s soccer skills improved immensely this year and they made it to the semi-finals. They defeated Maroubra United in an intense game in the semifinals to make the grand final. The team was up against Maccabee in the grand final. The score at full time and then with extra time was still level. The decider was a penalty shoot-out, with Spiro Zafiropoulos scoring the winning goal to clench a nail biting victory for the Eagles. All the boys have played exceptionally well throughout the season and were rewarded with their Grand Final win. The majority of the players are in Year 6 at St Spyridon College and have been together with the club since they started playing soccer from Kindergarten. The team this year was coached by Jim Dalakiaris whose professionalism and expertise was able to build the character and confidence of each player, thus propelling the team to the Grand Final.

The top 3 students in each event and top 2 in the 800m events make it through to the next level. The following students will be representing the ASISSA team at the CIS Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 11th September at the Olympic Park Stadium in Hombush: Sia Manos: 8yrs girls 100m Katherine Tsingos: 10yrs girls 100m Stephanie Augoustis: 11yrs girls 100m, 200m, High jump, Long jump and shot put. Christina Vlahos: 12yrs girls 100m, 200m and Long jump. Sonya Paradisis: 12-13yrs girls High Jump. Vivika Lynch: 8-10yrs girls Discus. Michael Vlahos: 8-10yrs boys Shot Put and Discus. Spiros Zafiropoulos: 11yrs boys Shot Put John Dalakiaris: 11 yrs boys Shot Put Connor Giavis: 12-13yrs boys Discus Jonathon Lynch: 12-13yrs boys Discus

I would like to thank Vargo Zafiropoulos and Theo Vasilakis who assisted Jim at training. Also I would like to thank the team sponsors: Rosebery Steering and O’Mullanes Pharmacy for their generosity, the parents, committee and friends for their support.


Our day started with our U13 boys who started the game well but were unable to find the back of the net. The boys created good opportunities and found themselves in the contest. Late in the first half the boys conceded a goal and found themselves chasing the game in the second half. With Redfield College resilient in defence the boys pushed forward in search of the goal and found themselves two behind moments later. The game finished 3-0. Whilst our boys were disappointed there were some valuable lessons learnt and they were certainly in the contest for the majority of the game, this experience will invariably help them in their goal of repeating the same level of success for season 2014.

Theo Leondios Team Manager


Our U14 boys were a highlight, playing beautiful football. The exchange of passing in the midfield the strong backline, and presence in the front caused Oxley College problems all around the pitch. The game for these boys was more about themselves than their opponents, it was about exceeding themselves. The boys won the game comfortably 3-0, all the boys played well and their belief in each other and themselves helped the team win their second ISA title in consecutive years. With the schools success this year there is a real possibility that next year the boys will be playing Div 1 football and will need to step up even more and meet the challenge.

ISA FOOTBALL 2013 Finals St Spyridon College boys’ football teams have this year had one of their most successful seasons for some time. This year the enthusiasm and commitment from all the boys’ teams gave our school the opportunity to contest the overall championship shield. A significant achievement for any school. One that highlights strong cohesion and a willingness to work cooperatively collectively to achieve a long term goal. Our school was successful in this endeavour and all boys’ teams should be proud of their achievements. Too often we are content with individual team success and forget that the school effort has the greatest impact. Together all the boys can achieve success when there is self belief, confidence and most importantly love for their College. Whilst it is encouraging to watch and celebrate success with the boys we all must look to strengthen our resolve when the difficult moments in sport arise. There were four boys teams representing our College at the ISA Finals held at Oakhill College. That is 4 out of the 5 Grand Final games being contested.

Our U15 boys played perhaps the most exciting game of football, with end to end soccer both our boys and Central Coast Grammar had opportunities. The difference in this game came


down to determination and which team wanted to win more. Our U15 boys had something to prove two weeks before the final the boys lost to CCGS 6-2; on this day our boys took the lessons learnt and grew to make real change to their game plan and they won the game 1-0. All the boys played well and the celebrations at the end of the game were filled with emotion and sense of accomplishment; a real indication of what the boys achieved.

The Open boys were the final game of the day. Our boys with a strong Year 12 contingent had to take on Blue Mountains Grammar who were on a high after their impressive semi final win against Redfield College.

INVITATIONAL ATHLETICS 2013 Saturday, 31st August our Athletics Squad entered an invitational Athletics Carnival at ES Marks hosted by Cranebrook College. This was a dress rehearsal for the ISA Carnival to be held on the 10th September at Homebush.

All year the boys agreed that our goal was to try and win the ISA title, every other tournament was secondary. On this day our boys were not to be denied, they played a very tidy and attacking game of football taking the lead early and consolidating on their great start to go to the break 4-0. The boys ended the game as champions 5-1 on the back of strong performances from all the boys but in particular Alexander Coplin and James Andrew. This game was the final game for our Year 12 boys and it was particularly pleasing to watch the boys perform with a real determination and passion for their College.

There were two outstanding results recorded on the day: James Andrew placed overall 3rd in the 100m sprint and Nicholas Baratsas placed 2nd in the long jump. We wish all the squad members the best of luck in the Carnival. Thank you to the following staff who volunteered their time on a Saturday to help with our commitment (Ms Hafner, Ms Gonzalez and Mr Zafiropoulos).


I want to congratulate all the boys on this wonderful achievement. Our Year 12 boys have been exceptional leaders this season. I commend them for their contribution to school sport and congratulate all the Year 12 boys on their wonderful achievements over the years.

This year’s Sports Presentation Evening will be held on the 18th September in the SPACe at the Senior School. Students and teams who are award recipients will be posted on the notice board at the school and further information will be provided.

ISA BASKETBALL TRIALS Basketball trials for the school teams are underway and will continue in the weeks to come. Successful students will need to purchase a uniform from the uniform shop and must submit


Unfortunately an amazing goal from the corner of field from Barker was near impossible to stop securing the win for Barker.

the registration form. The team lists will be displayed on the notice board at the high school.


This year I had the opportunity to watch majority of the Girls Soccer games and the development over the years has been positive. Winning the Junior division in 2012; being promoted to Opens division for 2013; having more than 35 students from Years 7-10 trying out for the team in 2013 the highest representation of any school in the ISA Girls Football Opens Squad and making the Grandfinal in 2013. This demonstrates the successful development since the sports inception into the ISA competition. Hopefully next year we can field both a Junior and Opens team and continue to develop Girls Football further.

Saturday 24th August the Netball ISA Finals were held at Penrith Sports Stadium; we had one team qualify - the Intermediate C’s, which consist of a combination of Year 9 and Year 10 students. The girls were Premiers last year and had an outstanding season this year remaining undefeated all season. All matches against Chevalier throughout the season were competitive and the Final was no exception with the girls tied or slightly behind during the first three quarters. However, the girls showed incredible determination and secured a comfortable lead during the last quarter to win the premiership 45-35. Many thanks must go to their coach Angelina Flokis who displayed incredible patience with this team and has successfully developed their netball skills over the years. Her invaluable contribution to the sports program is greatly appreciated. Finally, thank you to Ms Gonzalez and Mr Meintanis for their support to this team and all Netball teams this season.

Finally, many thanks to all the coaching staff, managers and parents who have contributed their time and continually support the sport program at St Spyridon College, as without you these opportunities in sport would not be possible.

HOUSE GALA DAY The annual House Gala Day will be held on the last day of Term 3, Thursday, 19th September. The aim of the Gala day is to promote a friendly tournament where students can compete with each other and unwind from their daily routines during the term. The sports being participated in are Indoor Soccer and Basketball students must participate in both sports. Remember teams can only consist of people in the same Year and Gender. Students are to wear full sports uniform and team colours are optional. You will be allowed to change into your colours after Home Room.

We also had the Open Girls Soccer team play in the final at Blacktown International Sports Centre against Barker 2. As mentioned in previous weeks, this team consists of players from Year 7 – 10, whereas the opposition predominately were students of Year 11 and 12, so to qualify for the Grandfinal was an exceptional feat in itself and acknowledged in the ISA convenors end of game speech. The vast difference in age was evident on the field, not due to skill level but definitely obvious in size and experience which left the girls feeling a little intimidated early in the match conceding 2 goals in the first 7 minutes. This did not deter the girls, they persisted and became hungry to win fighting back scoring 2 goals making the score 2-2 at the final whistle. Yet again they would play extra time of 10 minutes leaving their coach Ms Gambriell very nervous.

At the end of the day there will be a finals series, where Junior and Senior Champions will be decided. There will also be a basketball All-Stars team vs. Teachers match. Entry Sheets have been circulated and are due now. There will be a $2 coin entry fee per student and this will be collected prior to the event during Pastoral Care. There will also be a barbeque on the day $2.50 Can of Drink $3 sausage on a roll $5 Combo Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)



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