News 115 15a 2013

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VOLUME XXX No 15 18th October, 2013




OHI Day Celebrations

SPRING FAIR Unveiling of Mary Hamer Lane

Church Years K-9 P & F Spring Fair


NOVEMBER Parent Forum Year 12, 2014


Years 4 – 6 Camp


Years 3 – 6 Camp

7th – 8th

Year 5 visit


Parent Forum Year 7 2014


Junior School Musical Showcase


P & T Interviews K-4 & 6


P &T Interviews K-4 & 5


Divine Liturgy K-12


DECEMBER Year 6 Graduation


Christmas Carols Afternoon JS


Term ends for students K-12 PRIZE GIVING K – 12 11.30am, SPACe


Staff Development Day


St Spyridon Vespers


St Spyridon Day


We are pleased to announce that at 12.00p.m., the Mayor of Randwick Council, Councillor Scott Nash, will unveil a plaque for the renaming of Day Lane to the “Mary Hamer Lane”. This is a very moving initiative, for which we thank the Deputy Mayor of Randwick Councillor Anthony Andrews and Councillor Harry Stavrinos. What a wonderful way to open our Spring Fair! Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag


P & F NEWS SPRING FAIR FEVER IS IN THE AIR! SUNDAY 27 OCTOBER starting 11am @ Junior School With a few days to go, we count down to the arrival of a mammoth fun-filled fundraiser for all families and friends of St Spyridon Parish and College community and beyond. We bring you the traditional favourites such as BBQ lamb souvlakia and sizzling sausages (kindly supplied by our long term loyal supporter Southside Gourmet Meats (Nick & Daisy Diasinos)) served with pita bread kindly donated by Golden Top bakery plus BBQ haloumi, fun fairy floss plus the ever-so-popular homemade Greek sweets kindly made and donated by our long term supporter Mrs M. Samios and Frutex, Great gelato flavours kindly served by Julia Nikas followed by impressive artworks for sale by our creative Junior School students as well as the live entertainment, we, proud parents await of our children Greek dancing to create the Kefi that makes St Spyridon’s Spring Fair so special and unique. The stalls to satisfy all are endless with Tracy’s toys, Toptoys2U (a faithful stallholder) bringing you Meet & Greet Peppa Pig, Step Into Life personal training, Byzantino Jewellery, Artbye artworks, Dusica’s jewellery, Mary Athena – our favourite festive florist, plants kindly donated by Randwick council - an annual sponsor, Year 6 Toys, P&F show bags and balloons & giftware, Parklane Financial services with Yellowbrick Road Wealth Management, Bag attitude, Pantanassa Monastery, Yummy Mummy cupcakes, Kat’s clothing, Envy jewelry as Bubbles, Bling & That crazy Wrap Thing by It Works Global and more. We welcome new stalls and new quality products such as Chocolate dipped strawberries by Maria Lynch, Popcorn, Homemade Cypriot koubes, Trireme Alfa Mediterranean pites, delicious homemade jams kindly donated by our loyal supporter Mrs L Micos, KB Chickens for kindly donating chicken souvlakia and chicken sausages, sensational cinnamon scrolls kindly offered by Oregano bakery with a good strong café by Café to U to revive some and relax others. For fun - Facepainting, Funtatz, Laughing clowns, pluck-a-duck and our famous, fast, fiery rides including Dodgem cars, Aero jump, Water balls, Inflatable jumping castle and more! Music and DJ services kindly arranged and operated by Mike Stavridis. ONLY 2 MORE STALLS AVAILABLE FOR HIRE Contact Joanna Coutts 0419992027 or Angela Kasmas 0407061940 or Maria Pascalis 0414244695 for details. THIS EVENT HAS SO MUCH TO OFFER – IT’S TOO GOOD TO MISS! SEE FULL PAGE PHOTO FLYER WITH DETAILS IN THIS NEWSLETTER. Mrs M. Pascalis P&F Assistant Secretary


YEAR 12 FAREWELL SPEECHES Mathew Kambos, School Captain 2013 Farewell Dinner Speech I would like to welcome everyone, to this very special dinner. An occasion that has traditionally been, and always will be, a bitter-sweet one, as it is both exciting and very sad to be saying goodbye. We have waited for this moment all our lives, the moment when we leave our childhood behind and step into the world to forge our own paths in life. We have counted down the years, the months, the hours, minutes and seconds, and finally, that moment has arrived. However, I cannot help but find myself more than a little sad, for we will be leaving behind people that have shaped our lives and a school that is as much a part of our identity as the names we bear. Our Senior School years seem to have passed in a flurry of activities. Six years of lessons attended, marks attained, extra-curricular activities, social and sporting events and many lessons learned. It is hard to believe that in the next few months to come, we, the Graduating Class of 2013 will be facing new horizons and challenges so foreign to the schooling routine which we have become so accustomed to. For many of us, this journey all began back in 2001, when we entered Kindergarten. At this crucial time in our lives where we began our formal schooling, some of us were fortunate enough to be together as a group from the beginning, at the St Spyridon College Junior School. On our first day of school we created many of these friendships that have lasted our entire school life. For many of our parents though, I can imagine the first day of school being similar to today, it was a time when you let go of your little ones into a different world. In Kindergarten we went from your arms to those of the schools, and now we have gone from your arms to become adults and becoming independent, however, that last statement might not be entirely true as I think most of us all now that being in a Greek family, we won’t be leaving the house for at least another few years. Some of my fondest memories though, come from our days at the infants and primary school with many of you. From the hundreds of assemblies, the Greek dancing performances, our Kindergarten Rainbow Fish play and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat play of Year 6 which many parents would remember and even the Easter hat parades, I don’t think we can forget just how important those memories from the primary and junior school were in shaping who we are today. Along with this, how can one forget the infants and primary teachers who were a huge part of our childhood. There will be one lady who remains in our hearts as a true inspiration, and a lady held in the highest regard by all students who passed under her guidance, the beloved Mrs Hamer. I don’t believe any of us could claim our childhood would have been the same without the loving care displayed by Mrs Hamer. Thus, we must commemorate her huge impact upon us in becoming the individuals we are today. For many Year 12 students though, you weren’t exposed to our wild year-group till Senior School, and all I can say, is that you have fitted in perfectly! Many of you just slotted in as if you had been a part of this year group since day one. Since coming to Senior School, our experiences together have been even funnier and ever crazier. From the camps, to the Orthodox Schools event trips, to ISA Saturday sport where our parents showed complete dedication to rush us to the Church or Brighton, or even to home games, the long bus rides which we can never forget as we sang and chanted after a big win, the parents coming to watch the futsal tournaments which were never close by, and a Senior School highlight for all those who attended, last year’s Greece trip. Our Senior School life has been full of adventures. Obviously school days are memorable days for everyone and firstly, we must be thankful to our parents and guardians who enrolled us in such a great school where we have had the best mentors and met an amazing group of friends. As parents and guardians, you have remained committed to our education, but more importantly, you have remained committed to us. You have stood by our sides, even when things may have seemed a bit rocky in our quest for independence. Especially this year, being our toughest exam year, many parents would have felt almost as stressed as their children as well as having to put up with the unpredictable mood swings that come hand in hand with growing up. Therefore, Year 12, all of what we have achieved has only been made possible through the dedication and blood and sweat of our parents, and for that, parents and guardians here tonight, we thank you. Our thanks must also extend to all the teachers and staff who have assisted us along the way. Thank you teachers, for all that you have taught us - lessons that extended well beyond the four walls of a classroom, for providing us with a multitude of opportunities for all round development and values in life. Merely saying


thank you to the teachers is not enough to express our gratitude. We promise that we will strive to be successful citizens, so that all our teachers can proudly say, that we were the product of St Spyridon College. We would like to personally thank our teachers for Year 12; Mr Kaldis for PD, Mr Kollias, Mr Condous and Ms Kalithrakis for Maths, Mrs Koutsoukis, Mrs Kefalouros, Ms Davis and Ms Keijda for English, Mrs Mio for Business Studies, Mr Croft for Biology, Ms Kladakis for Legal Studies, Mr Giles for Chemisty, Ms Hafner for Physics, Mr Georgolopulos for IPT and IT VET, Kuria Faleta who taught several of us for Greek last year, Ms Gambriell for Modern History, Ms Pringle for Visual Arts, Dr Hickie for Ancient History, English Extension and History Extension, Ms Gonzales for Economics, Ms Grillakis for Food Tech and Hospitality, Ms Savva for Music, Mrs Belajcic for Serbian and last but not least Mr Zafiropoulos for Geography. Due to these teachers guidance, we have been offered an outstanding education that will allow us to make a relatively smooth transition into life beyond school. I am certain that the fine education that we have received will stand us in good stead, time and time again. Throughout our Senior School life there have been a number of people who have also cared for us. This year, Mr Picardi who is our Home Room teacher has been a major help for Mr Kaldis in looking after us and for this we thank him. And most importantly, we will attempt to thank a man, who tends to shy away from being thanked for his selfless actions, our Year Advisor Mr Kaldis. A man who has continuously looked after us, stood by us and has always tried his best for our Year Group. We certainly do not show enough gratitude and appreciation for his commitment, but I think a well-deserved thank you is in order at this moment. He created such a unique environment, something I can only compare to a homely environment, as despite the shouting; we knew we were being cared for and that in his rantings laid our true benefit. Thank you Mr Kaldis for everything you have done for us and from the bottom of our hearts, we are deeply grateful for the time and effort you have put into this Year Group. Furthermore, I would also like to thank Ms Kokinelis, the Dean of Middle School and Mr Meintanis, Dean of Senior Programs respectively, for their dedication to the students of this school. In addition, thanks must be afforded to Mrs Katsogiannis who has been a major part of our Senior School lives as our Principal. She has always shown outstanding commitment to us and to every child in this school and has been paramount in creating such a cherished school atmosphere. Along with Mrs Stefanou, our Head of College, and her brilliant guidance, they have worked together to create a school experience which we will certainly treasure for the rest of our lives. My final thanks will go to those who have been closest to me and who I couldn’t imagine my schooling life without. I want to afford an inexpressible thank you to all my classmates, for the fantastic years - for all the fun, the hysterical laughter and the valuable lessons we have learned together. Although we may be separated by time and distance in the interim, nothing will diminish the important role of these experiences that we have shared in this amazing school. We should take a moment to reflect on everything that we have achieved in only 18 years of life and how much more we can achieve. Take a moment to look back and to appreciate just how far we have all come. Today is our opportunity to acknowledge our accomplishments. Thus, with these thoughts Year 12, the fitting moment has now arrived where we can close another chapter of our lives, to finally cross the line, to pursue our aspirations and sadly, to bid school life a final farewell.





Research demonstrates that students develop at different rates and that in some years they will be stronger than others. Let’s work to build their confidence and self-belief.

SCHOLARSHIPS Year 7 and Year 11, 2015

Good Luck to all the students!

Applications are now invited from new and continuing students to sit for the following ACER Examination Scholarships:

OXI DAY On the 27th October we will commemorate OXI day as well as celebrate our annual Spring Fair. These are compulsory school events.

Year 6 (Year 7, 2015) A Year 6 Scholarship for the top Year 6 student applying for St Spyridon College will receive their tuition fees paid for four years, from Year 7 to Year 10.

K – 2 and Yr6 prefects will be required to attend Church in the morning.

Year 10 (Year 11, 2015) Two scholarships for the two top Year 10 students will receive their tuition fees paid for two years.

The Mayor of Randwick, Scott Nash will at 12pm, name the section of Day Lane that lies between Doran St and Gardeners Rd, Mary Hamer Lane. All children K - 6 will assemble with their teachers for this event.

Closing date for applications is Monday, 11th February, 2014, ACER scholarship examinations will be held on Saturday, 1st March, 2014.

At 12:30pm K - 6 students are requested to meet their teachers in preparation for their Greek Dancing performance. Casual clothing and sensible shoes to be worn.

You may register now online: follow the links Scholarships and Awards, then Online Scholarships.

More specific information will be provided via a bulletin.



8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

Parents will have noticed that there has been a slight change to the dismissal routine.


K – 2 are to be picked up from their classrooms. We respectfully ask that if you only have Infants children, that you leave the school grounds swiftly so that parking can be made available for the primary parents arriving at 3:15pm.

Welcome back to the busiest term of the year, Term Four. The students in Years 3 – 6 have received their study guides and should be spending some time each evening revising for their exams. May I take this opportunity to remind parents that it is about the journey and not the destination.

Students from Yrs 3 – 6 will sit on the steps outside the canteen. Parents are to collect the students from here. We ask that all parents follow the school procedures and not to contradict this. Please do not ask your child to wait for you in another area e.g. near the gate or in the lane, as they will be disobeying instructions. I remind parents that you approach the Primary School via Doncaster Avenue and Doran St and you leave via Day Lane. Please consult The Study Planner for more information. I also plead with you not to double park, stop in the middle of the road or

Our aim as parents and educators is about empowering the students to be the best that they can be. As long as they have applied themselves and they are making gains, we should be happy. This is critical as it goes to the heart of the child and has a lasting effect on their commitment to learning.


park on median strip or in front of our neighbour’s driveways. I also remind you that 40 is the speed limit around school zones.

Four Distinctions (top 15% of participants) Year 3 Paul Giavis Adriana Drakoulis

The welfare and safety of our students is our greatest priority.

Year 4 Emmanuel Aroney

JUNIOR SCHOOL PREFECTS 2014 Year 6 Connor Giavis

Year Five have submitted their applications for nomination to the Student Leadership Team for 2014. They will prepare a short speech that they will deliver to the Year 3 – 6 community. All students in Yrs 3 – 6 will then vote. The second round of voting will be that of the K – 6 teachers. The prefect body will be selected at the conclusion of this process. The leaderships roles of captains and vice captains will come from this group and will be decided by the Management team.

Twenty seven Credits (top 50% of participants) Year 3 Alex Stamoulis Sia Manos William Iliopoulos Jorge Cooney Nicolas Kalligiannis Jamyson Gouveros Damascus Economou Marlon Rallis Vasili Giaras Stephen Koutoulogenis George Grillakis

The House Captains will be selected by their House after the prefect body has been selected. The members of the Prefect body need to embody the qualities of a St Spyridon College Student.

Year 4 Anastasi Poulos Teoni Antonopoulos Gianni Keramitzis Juval Mikhail

Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal


Year 5 Nicholas Drakoulis James Hristeff Katherine Tsingos Jordan Frazis Anna Papas James Pavlogiannis

The Australian Mathematics Competition is an international event, with countries throughout the Pacific and South East Asia and some from even further afield taking part. The questions in this competition use Mathematics from within the school syllabus and the questions range from broadly accessible to challenging, requiring problem solving skills. The problems get progressively more difficult until the end when they are challenging to the most gifted student. This year, 65 students from Years 3 to 6 were invited to experience this competition and we are proud of them for taking up the challenge.

Year 6 Peter Nikas Desi Kapodistrias Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis Georgia Veryinis Tiffany Tsoukalas Georgia Bull

We were able to achieve:


One High Distinction (top 2% of participants) Year 3 Nicholas Papas

The Deafness Foundation designs and sells Butterfly Badges to raise public awareness and


funds to support the Deaf and hearing impaired community.


This year, St Spyridon College supported the Deafness Foundation by selling butterfly badges for the second year running. We are proud to say that we sold 623 butterfly badges, raising $1246! Well done to the Year 4 students who volunteered their lunch time to sell the badges, and thank you to everyone who bought and proudly wore one. Miss Bletsogiannis Stage 2 Coordinator

Butterflies are Deaf and very Beautiful

On Wednesday 23rd October, Year 10 will be attending the Divine Liturgy of St James the Brother of Our Lord held once annually on the feast of St James at the Parish of St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Marrickville. This Liturgy is the most ancient form of the liturgy and was written by Saint James the Brother of Our Lord and first Bishop of Jerusalem during the first century A.D.

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT PARENT FORUM YEAR 12, 2014 On Tuesday, 5th November, 2013, at 7.00 p.m., a meeting will be held for all students of Year 11 and their parents. A Board of Studies Liaison Officer (BOSLO) will be present to talk about the Higher School Certificate. The School HSC Assessment Booklet will be distributed on the night. It is expected that all students of Year 11 will attend with their parents. Students are to wear their full school uniform as they will be presented with their Year 12 badges.

After the Resurrection of Christ, St James became the first Bishop of Jerusalem, and wrote in Hebrew certain prayers and entreaties to God to be said by the Priests when they would celebrate the Divine Liturgy. Those prayers and the service of the Divine Liturgy were eventually translated into Greek, as they are found today. St Clement, the disciple of the Holy Apostle Peter who was appointed Bishop of Rome, advised all Christians to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in this manner. For practical reasons, and due to its length, it is celebrated only once a year and has now been replaced with the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom.

“OXI” DAY On Sunday, 27th October, 2013 we will be commemorating OXI Day. Years 7-9 are expected to attend St Spyridon Church. Students are to wear summer uniform including blazer and assemble at the Infants playground at 10.00 a.m.

This is a very unique service and is celebrated by a Bishop and twelve Priests: representing Jesus Christ and His twelve disciples. This year, the Liturgy will be celebrated by His Grace Bishop Seraphim of Apollonias. During this liturgy, our students will have the opportunity to receive the elements of Holy



Communion (Jesus’ Body and Blood) separately, as the disciples did at the Last Supper. The faithful are given the Body of Christ by the Bishop and then drink the Blood of our Saviour from the Holy Chalice offered by the concelebrating priests. In addition, the Liturgy is performed outside of the altar before the congregation. This liturgy is not to be missed and those students attending are encouraged to prepare for Holy Communion.


The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.









The 11th October is the day set aside by the United Nations General Assembly to celebrate, promote awareness and recognition of girl’s rights and the unique challenges they face, especially in disadvantaged, developing and third world countries. Here in Australia we are sometimes unaware of the inequalities that exist in lands beyond our borders, hence schools by their very nature become great vehicles for communicating important issues to their students and related community members.

On behalf of Father Angelo Alifierakis and the ESTIA Fundraising Committee, I would like to thank you for sending us students from your School to support us at our recent Fundraising Dinner. The students you sent were truly amazing – dressed proudly in their uniforms and they performed their duties with minimum fuss and great responsibility. They should be publicly congratulated and thanked as they gave up personal time (in their holidays) and worked hard for a very good cause. These values that they demonstrated on the night are obviously the values that underpin the Christian education of your School – so congratulations to you for that! The ESTIA Foundation Office will be sending you 'Certificates of Appreciation' to present to each of the students you sent for that night.

Girls Education Around the world, girls face barriers to education that boys do not. Educating girls can break cycles of poverty in just one generation. The statistics below offer insights on those barriers and also illustrate the lasting impact education has on girls, families, communities and nations around the world.

As educators, we strive to provide an education for the purpose of developing our young who will contribute positively to society – these young ambassadors of your School are well on their way to making those positive contributions that our uncertain world needs. We are all very proud of them.

Some facts 1. There are 33 million fewer girls than boys in primary school. Education First: An Initiative of the United Nations Secretary General 2012. 2. 66 million girls are out of school globally. 2012 EFA Global Monitoring Report. 3. If India enrolled 1% more girls in secondary school, its GDP would rise by $5.5 billion. CIA World Factbook, Global Campaign for Education, and RESULTS Education Fund. 4. A girl with an extra year of education can earn 20% more as an adult. The World Bank, August 2011.

Once again, thank you. Warmest regards, Colleen Scalone Head of Year 7 / Science Dept Newington College Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School


5. Girls with 8 years of education are 4 times less likely to be married as children. National Academies Press, 2005. 6. 14 million girls under 18 will be married this year. That’s 38 thousand today - or 13 girls in the last 30 seconds. UNFPA, 2012. 7. In a single year, an estimated 150 million girls are victims of sexual violence. UNIFEM, 2011. 50% of sexual assaults in the world victimize girls under the age of 15. UNFPA, 2005. 8. The #1 cause of death for girls 15-19 is childbirth. World Health Organization, 2012. 9. A child born to a literate mother is 50% more likely to survive past the age of 5. UNESCO, 2011. 10. Educated mothers are more than twice as likely to send their children to school. UNICEF, 2010.

UPCOMING YEARLY EXAMINATIONS STUDY PREPARATIONS and YEARLY EXAMS All students and parents are once again reminded that in week 5 all Middle School students and Year 10 will be sitting examinations in most subject areas. The Term ahead will be full of new and old challenges for everyone. It is important to make some plans, set goals, think positively and prepare as best as possible. Some Middle School students, especially those in Year 7, may be starting to feel a little overwhelmed with the prospect of preparing and sitting for long tests that are worth between 25%-40% of the overall year result in most subjects. The best way to tackle situations that are unfamiliar and or fill you with panic, is to stand up and face them. Ignoring, and finding excuses to avoid study will not help. In fact quite the opposite will occur. Stress levels will increase the longer you bury your head in the sand and it will prevent optimum results from being achieved. It is therefore important to begin preparations now.

GIRL RISING Girl Rising is both a feature film and a global campaign for girls’ education that confirms that powerful storytelling can drive change. The film spotlights the remarkable stories of nine girls from around the world, striving beyond circumstance and overcoming nearly insurmountable odds to achieve their dreams. Furthermore, it clearly shows that when you educate a girl, you educate the entire family, and can transform society by breaking the cycle of poverty in just one generation

Students will soon begin to receive Exam Notifications from each of their teachers outlining what will be tested and the Term 4 Assessment Schedule, indicating all tasks for this Term. Students need to develop a study timetable, setting aside quality time (around TWO hours each day, including weekends) for the specific purpose of preparing effectively. Parents are encouraged to closely monitor their children’s adherence to the guides provided on organizing papers, using exam notifications to work out what to study, making summary notes, revising and learning by using memory tricks, and taking on board the tips given by teachers on how to work effectively in the exams.

We are planning to screen the film here at school during Pastoral Care in future weeks to selected groups. By doing so as a school we are embracing and supporting the three main goals of the Girl Rising campaign. 1) Share her story 2) Invest in her –by donating (all money raised is channeled to organizations that help girls all around the world) 3) Stand with her – by joining the movement

The Term ahead will be full of new and old challenges for everyone. It is important to make some plans NOW, set goals NOW, think positively and prepare as best as possible!






OXI DAY & SPRING FAIR On Sunday 27th October all Middle School students from Years 7-9 are expected to attend the Church Service at St Spyridon, which also includes the commemoration of “OXI” Day. There are only two Sundays each year we ask that parents set aside in support of school and community events, and this is one of those.

This week students from Years 4 visited the Senior School as part of the transition program. Judging from the excited faces and the positive evaluations given, a great time was experienced by all. From these visits students gain a sense of what Senior School is like, through ‘Taster’ lessons in Geography, Visual Arts, Physical Education, to name just a few subject areas. They are also introduced to some of our routines, specialist learning areas, and get to meet senior school staff and older students who act as their Peer Support Leaders during the visits.

Students will need assemble in the infants playground by Following the service, students and parents are encouraged to attend the annual Spring Fair to be held in the grounds of our Junior School, which is next door.

STUDENT LEADERSHIP Leadership The Leadership Development program aims to challenge and encourage our students and specific junctures in their schooling, to be leaders who are able to realise their own potential and use their gifts and energies to serve others and make a difference in their school, family and community. Speechcraft Communicators Forum On Wednesday 9th October, a small group of 8 selected students from Years 7 -10 represented the school at the “Speechcraft Communicators Forum” held at Macarthur Anglian School, Cobbity. The purpose of this forum was to assist students in developing excellence in spoken communication. At this event our students first listened to tips given by guest presenters who are experts in their fields, before moving on to participate in workshops with students from an array of schools. There they collaborated on producing a speech which was to be presented by a representative from each workshop group. Two of our students had the honor of being selected by their teams to present their groups speech before the entire forum gathering. The attending students were accompanied by Mrs Kefalouros (English/History Teacher). Year 11 Two important Leadership Development activities have been organised for Year 11 as they prepare to step up and into their roles as school leaders and mentors of their younger


School. Congratulations to all candidates for the care taken in preparing and presenting your speeches, they were enlightening and comprehensive. The next step now will be a second vote by Year 11 students and teachers. The result of this vote will determine if further eliminations will occur prior to a portfolio of each students achievements being presented at an interview before a panel made up of Mrs Katsogiannis (Principal), Ms Kokinelis (Dean of Middle School) and Ms O’Shea (Year 11 Adviser).

peers now that they are the oldest members of the student body. The first event occurred last week. This was a Leadership Day delivered here at school by the ‘Rising Generations Group’. This all day program aimed to encourage students to:- 1) Think WE not I 2) Badge or no Badge, we are all Leaders 3) Be INTENTIONAL 4) COUNT YOURSELF IN 5) Understand our WORDS, and ACTIONS determine our worlds

The Prefect Body for 2014 will be formally announced at the Speech Giving Ceremony to be held at the conclusion of Term 4. We wish all students success.

The second event planned will occur on Friday 29th November. On this day all Year 11 students will attend the annual National Young Leaders Day Conference, held at the Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour.

Peer Support Leaders Recently, the role, process, and duties of a Peer Support Leader were explained to Year 9, and those interested in taking on this leadership position were provided with a guide for writing their letter of application. This letter is due for hand up next week (week 3) during Pastoral Care. To prepare students for their roles as future leaders, all Year 9 participated in a Peer Support Leadership Development Day at school on Thursday 10th October, presented by the ‘Rising Generations’ Group. The skills focused upon on this day will assist all Year 9 to step up as members of the Upper School in 2014, where they will assume greater responsibility of themselves and their learning, and as mentors of younger students. Next Wednesday all Year 9 will participate in Leadership and Peer Support Training Day. This will give all students the opportunity to demonstrate their aptitude and enthusiasm for their varied future leadership roles. Peer Support Leaders of the incoming Year 7 2014 group will be finalized later in the Term, and formally acknowledged at a special Assembly to be held at the start of next year.

Prefect Selections This week in Pastoral Care, Year 11 students who were successful in moving through to the next round of the Prefect selection process prepared speeches outlining their leadership qualities and experiences. These were presented during Pastoral Care before their Peers, Home Room Teachers, Year Adviser, Ms O’Shea and Ms Kokinelis, Dean of Middle




Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μαθητή της Β΄Λυκείου. Πρόκειται για μια εργασία που γράφηκε στα πλαίσια των διαγωνισμών του Β΄εξαμήνου. Επίσης θέλουμε να σας κάνουμε γνωστό ότι σύντομα, ο ελληνικός ραδιοσταθμός 2ΜΜ θα αρχίσει να μεταδίδει πρόγραμμα με εργασίες μαθητών μας στα Ελληνικά και στα Αγγλικά. Καλή ανάγνωση. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Topic: You have just come back after spending three days in the country and in fact, in a house without electricity and phone. Write a diary entry reflecting on your experiences, things you did and how you managed to overcome any difficulties. 13 Ιουνίου 2013


Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο,

Year 7 Study Skills Kick Start This week Year 7 began their exam preparations with a Seminar focussed on Memory and Mnemonics. Here, simple to use techniques (e.g. revision, rote learning, chunking, recital etc.) were the focus and strategies to assist students with their memorization and recall of information (e.g. mnemonics) were given. Students also reviewed their study environment, and were made aware of what an ineffective study environment can do to their memory.

Σήμερα ήρθα από την κατασκήνωση στην εξοχή που πήγα με τους φίλους μου, Γιάννη, Ελένη και Κική για τρεις μέρες. Περάσαμε τέλεια, αν εξαιρέσεις το ότι δεν υπήρχε ούτε ηλεκτρισμός αλλά ούτε και σταθερό τηλέφωνο στην καλύβα στην οποία μείναμε. Η περιοχή ήταν καταπληκτική, αλλά τα κουνούπια, μας φάγανε, κυριολεκτικά , επειδή υπήρχε μια μικρή λιμνούλα εκεί κοντά. Ο τόπος ήταν καταπράσινος, γεμάτος με πεύκα, κυπαρίσια αλλά και με πολύχρωμα αγριολούλουδα. Είχα την ευκαιρία να μαζέψω και ρίγανη την οποία έφερα μαζί μου για να χρησιμοποιώ στο μαγείρεμα.

Year 9 and the Elevate Challenge Over the past Term, as part of the academic skills development program, all Year 9 have participated in three seminars aimed at refining their research, writing and presentation skills. Students have used the skills learnt to work collaboratively in groups on contemporary topics of interest, which they will present later in the Term. We look forward with great interest to hearing these.

Για να μαγειρεύουμε εκεί, έπρεπε να ανάβουμε φωτιά χρησιμοποιώντας ξερά κλαδιά για προσάναμμα και μετά τη διατηρoύσαμε με χοντρά κούτσουρα που ρίχναμε κάθε τόσο. Έτσι είχαμε και ζεστασιά και φως όλη τη νύχτα.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School


interesting opportunities which are available in the near future: University of Technology Sydney: Summer School Program The Summer School Program run every January school holidays offers Year 11 students from U @ Uni partner schools the chance to attend intensive two-week summer schools. These summer schools cover subject areas like short filmmaking, engineering and information technology, design, nursing and midwifery, and science. Contact: Lisa Aitken on or 9514 1084.

Μαζί μου είχα πάρει και την ψηφιακή μου κάμερα και τράβηξα πολλές φωτογραφίες από τις ομορφιές του δάσους, τα διάφορα φυτά του και τα ζώα του, όσο ακόμη κρατούσε η μπαταρία της μηχανής γιατί μετά «πέθανε» κι αυτή. Τρεις μέρες πέρασαν κοντά στη φύση, με δραστηριότητες όπως περπάτημα, ψάρεμα στη λίμνη, εξερεύνηση του δάσους, διάβασμα, και παρέα το βράδυ, γύρω από τη φωτιά! Αυτή η κατασκήνωση μας έφερε πιο κοντά, μας έδεσε περισσότερο ως φίλους! Στην αρχή νόμιζα ότι θα ήταν η πιο βαρετή κατασκήνωση στην οποία έχω πάρει μέρος, αλλά, όσο και να ακούγεται ή να φαίνεται παράξενο, μου άρεσε πολύ και θα ήθελα να ξανακάνω το ίδιο «πείραμα». Αυτό, όπως έμαθα, ισχύει και για την υπόλοιπη παρέα. Εδώ σ’ αφήνω! Θα τα ξαναπούμε σύντομα.

Australian Film Television and Radio School: New Online Animation Course Tuesdays between Tue 15th Oct & Tue 17th Dec, 7pm to 8pm This new online course will teach students the basics of animation via a series of online webcasts. Museum of Contemporary Art Events for Young Creatives The Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) in Sydney is holding a series of events for young creatives over the coming months. These events include drawing workshops and other art-making exercises.

Μιχάλης Michael Karanikolas Year 10



While the Year 12 students begin their HSC examinations this week, those in Year 11 are now just commencing their HSC studies. It is a busy but exciting time. Year 10 students have been presenting their Career research to their peers and will be continuing their journey of exploring and planning their future career pathways as they prepare for Year 11.

Australian Institute of Architects NSW The Australian Institute of Architects NSW Chapter provides a range of resources for students interested in the industry. Information about events, studying architecture at university and more can be found at the website.

From the NSW Board of Studies: Students Online Accounts Now Available for 2013 Year 10-12 Students The Board of Studies NSW has launched Students Online, a website designed specifically for senior students as their source of information from Year 10 to the HSC. Contact: or 1300 13 83 23 m/2013/9/6/Students-Online-accounts-nowavailable-for-2013-Year-10-12-students

NSW Youth Advisory Council 2014 Applications Now Open Applications close Mon 4th November, 5pm The NSW Youth Advisory Council is looking for people aged under 25 years from across NSW. The council plays a guiding role for NSW Government youth affairs and advocates for young people throughout the state. Contact:

I have received information about some


FOR YEAR 12: The School for Excellence: Exam/Study Tips 26, 27 & 28 These tips include exclusive advice from HSC exam markers & senior HSC teachers on Business Studies, General Maths and Modern History.

Skills One TV Skills One TV is a video platform with over 1500 short video stories about getting a trade or skill. Videos are intended for career counsellors, parents and students. Check it out by visiting the website:

The School for Excellence: Exam/Study Tip 29 – Managing Panic Attacks & Mind Blanks in Exams This article provides students with a variety of techniques that can be used by students to overcome panic associated obstacles in their exams.

Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Information Service Career Resources This website includes a range of career resources for people interested in a variety of industries. Included are charts which can give students an indication of pathways they can take in a range of industries, practice aptitude quizzes for a range of jobs, occupational videos, and much more.


Event Name : WEP Student Exchange Info Night Date : 23rd Oct 2013, : 6th Nov 2013 Time: 7:30 - 9pm Venue : Bowlers Club of NSW / 95-99 York Street / Sydney Cost : FREE Contact : Judith Ortmann : / 03 9598 4733

Bond University Scholarships Bond University has 100 scholarships to offer year 12 school leavers. Applications close on 15th November, 2013. Apply directly to Bond University for university courses and scholarships. Further information available from : or see Ms Hakos.

Event Name : Sydney College Event Mgmt Info Session Date : 25th Oct 2013 Time : 6.30pm Venue : Surry Hills Cost : FREE Contact : Annie Shillington : 1300 725 846 Event Description A Diploma of Events from Sydney College of Event Management is the qualification to best equip students for entry into the event management industry. Call 1300 725 846 or email to register interest.

Event Name : UTS Bachelor of Accounting Scholarship Program Rd 2 Date : 25th Oct 2013 Time : 12 pm Venue : Applications: Cost : FREE Contact : Carin Alberts : Event Description : UTS Bachelor of Accounting Scholarship program – Round 2 Applications now open. All students in the course receive a tax free scholarship worth over $46,500. Application forms available at:

Careers with Woolworths Woolworths Limited (Woolworths, Big W, BWS, etc) has a range of job options available, from apprenticeships & trade roles to casual, part time or full time positions.

teach.Rural Scholarships Applications close Fri 15th November. This scholarship offers students a $6,000 annual training allowance, as well as


guaranteed permanent employment and a further $5,000 upon completing their degree. This scholarship is open to students completing their HSC in 2013, who wish to enter an initial teacher education program in 2014 and are willing to become a full time teacher in a rural or remote NSW public school for three years. Contact: 1300 301 435 or

C.A.S. Hawker Scholarships : Applications open on 9th December and close on 3rd January, 2014. (Valued at up to $45000 over 3 years) Information available from:

Great Teaching, Inspired Learning Cadetship Applications close Fri 15th November. High achieving students completing their HSC in 2013 and who are enrolling in an initial teacher education program in 2014 are invited to apply for this cadetship. Successful applicants will undertake paid work experience at a NSW public school and will be guaranteed a permanent teaching position on completion of their teacher education program. Contact: 1300 301 435 or

A reminder that I am available in the Careers office from Tuesday to Friday. Alternatively, my email address is : Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there are any queries or concerns regarding courses and careers. With best wishes to all, especially the year 12 students and their parents!

The University of Notre Dame Australia: Academic Merit Scholarships for Commencing Students Applications close Tue 31st December. This scholarship offers students a fully fee paid year of full-time tuition towards a single degree program at The University of Notre Dame Australia. Successful applicants will have a high academic ability demonstrated by their ATAR, IB result, a pre-tertiary qualification of Cert IV level or higher, or a combination of the above.

On Wednesday 9th October, we were lucky enough to attend the speech craft forum, with Stephen Bletsas, Dayna Kostantakis, Joanna Skouteris, Rhea Tsimboukis, Constantinos Kollias and George Raptis and Mrs Kefalouros. This event was hosted by Macarthur Anglican School. There we listened to presentations by a guest speaker Ms Cathryn Taylor, who highlighted many interesting things including the importance of being able to communicate effectively.

Event Name : UWS Day UWS Day is designed for senior high school students who are considering university study. Date : 7th Nov 2013 Venue : Parramatta Campus Cost : FREE Contact







Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser





The event was aimed at developing student excellence in spoken communication, understanding the reasons for public speaking and what to include in an effective speech. As the day progressed, we were split into groups, Years 7-9 and Years 10-11. Then we were further divided into groups of students from various schools. Here we were given the opportunity to meet students from different parts of the state and work together to create a speech which we had to present in front of a room full of strangers.

Commonwealth Scholarships There are a number of University Scholarships offered by the Commonwealth government. These include ABSTUDY, Austudy, Youth Allowance, Fares Allowance, Education Entry Payments and more. For more information and to find out if you’re eligible visit the Centreline Website:


We all amazed ourselves at the confidence we found within ourselves in presenting. This confidence resulted with two groups of students from our College succeeding to the finals, but unfortunately they did not to win. It was a tremendous achievement though and reflected everything that was learnt throughout the course of the day. For us, the main message that was taught, was to be ORIGINAL and that is something that every student can learn from and practice in their day to day lives.


Kalioppe Kefalas and Ann Marie Xenos Year 10

St Spyridon All Saints St Euphemia


JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORT NEWS GREEK ORTHODOX ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On the 6th September the Greek Orthodox Athletics Carnival took place at ES Marks. St Spyridon were hosting this year.



1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place



On Thursday the 5 of September, 9 students were selected by Mr Dookie to attend the Maths Cup at Amity College, Preston. When the 9 of us arrived we were divided into 3 teams of 3. Then we had a briefing on how the day was going to be run. In the morning we had 2 sessions, in the middle of the day we had 1 session and in the afternoon we also had 1 session (but only the top 6 teams could go into this session.) In the first session we had to do an exam. The exam was multiple choice. In the second session we had to do an activity called mat operator, in this you had numbers and with them you had to get to the target. If you got to the target you would get 20 points if you were one number off you get 19 points and so on. The third activity was called mat race. You had a whole lot of puzzles which you have to figure out in a limited amount of time. We didn’t make it to the finals, but there were still audience questions which we could answer. We all had an unforgettable and fantastic day.

Stephanie Augoustis  Senior Girls High Jump 1.25m  11yrs Girls Long Jump 4.18m  Senior Girls Shot put 8.98m Christina Vlahos  12-13yrs Girls Long Jump 4.25m Spiros Zafiropoulos  Senior Boys Shot Put 9.25m Congratulations to those who took part and a big thank you to all the staff and parents who assisted on the day.

TERM 3 SPORTS: TENNIS - YEAR 3 Tennis was added to the Sports Curriculum this year for Year 3. Coaches from Eastcourts Tennis club have been leading this program with our three Year 3 classes and it has been a huge success. The students have enjoyed the program and we will definitely continue with it next year.

Tiffany Tsoukalas 6P


movements, repetition and co-ordination. Students are encouraged to build their confidence as the focus is on the movement as a whole rather than technique.

FOOTSTEPS – KINDY, YEAR 1 & YEAR 4 Footsteps Dance Company specialises in curriculum based school dance programs. They use dance as a vehicle to develop students inter/ intra personal skills and fitness levels. Students start to learn and perform simple dance sequences both individually and with a partner. Each routine promotes basic movement skills that explore rhymthical patterns, locomotor and non-locomotor


NETBALL- YEAR 5 Mr Meintanis brought a group of his Year 10 and Year 11 netballers to coach our Year 5 students for sport this term. They were well-structured and well run skill based sessions. The students responded very well to them and looked forward to them every week. We will continue to involve our fantastic senior school leaders in the future and continue to build closer relationships with the senior school across all the sports. A big thank you to Mr Meintanis for organising this.

NRL CLINICS- YEAR 6 The National Rugby League clinics involved all Year 6 students during term 3. The clinics taught Year 6 about the rules and game of Touch Football. Blake was our NRL development officer. The NRL sessions were non- contact, skill based and a lot of fun. The main focus was to develop motor skills and movement. We learned to negotiate rules and design our own game of Rugby League or League Touch. The last session was a Gala Day at Kensington Oval between 8 teams of Year 6 students. This was led by Blake and assisted by Mrs Diavatiotis, Ms McCarthy, Mr Volas and Miss Robinson. The competition was fierce but lots of fun! At the end of the day, Blake rewarded each player with a free football to take home. The NRL Clinics were enjoyed by all students and certainly worthwhile because most of us love NRL and the clinics gave us the opportunity to play football. Our school


Apart from representing the school in the winning Boys U14 Football team in the ISA, being part of the winning Junior Boys Swimming squad, Nicholas excelled in Athletics this season achieving beyond all our other students in his chosen event - High Jump. At the School Carnival Nicholas achieved first placing in the boys 12 Years High Jump and followed up with a second place in the boy’s high jump in the ISA Carnival. As a result, Nicholas qualified for the Combined Independent Schools carnival together with 3 other Senior School students (Chrystal Christie in the Triple Jump, James Andrew in the 100m dash, Cassandra Georgiou in the Discuss). Nicholas jumped 1.40m to place 3rd and received a Bronze medal for his achievements. Nicholas was named on the CIS Athletics Merit Team 2013.

should definitely continue to do the NRL clinics in the future. Yana Vergiotis- 6P and Dyana Chakos 6M

On the back of his success at the CIS carnival Nicholas attended the NSW All Schools Track & Field Championships held at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre on the 10th October. This is a competition for secondary school aged track and field athletes within NSW. It allows students from all sectors of the NSW Education System to compete against each other and progress to the National All Schools Championships. At this event Nicholas placed 3rd jumping a personal best 1.55m and at the same time breaking a long standing school record from 1992. Nicholas has this year excelled in his involvement in team sports and his individual performance in Athletics is commendable. Congratulations! Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sports Convenor

SENIOR SCHOOL SPORT NEWS Student Profile: Nicholas Kollias – Year 7 The athletics season for the Senior School produced some wonderful results with several long standing records being broken and acknowledged in the School Sports Presentation Evening, but perhaps the highlight this year has been the excellent results achieved by Nicholas Kollias of Year 7.


3.6 Coaching by spectators from the sideline is to be actively discouraged by the school official with whom the spectators are associated. Spectators shall not interfere with the progress and/or conduct of a game, including encroaching on the field. 3.7 Adults must remember that games at school level are organized for the benefit of the students concerned and not for adults. 3.8 Visitors to the grounds should co-operate fully with any regulations or requests made by the home school, such as car parking, seating, dressing rooms and the placing of spectators. At all times visitors should leave the area tidy and free of rubbish when they leave. 3.9 Adults, parents, students and others are expected to set an example by their selfcontrol and deportment at matches. 3.10 Normally alcohol should not be consumed at ISA fixtures.

BOYS AND GIRLS BASKETBALL The basketball season for 2013-2014 will commence Saturday the 19th October. Congratulations to all students who are representing the school. Season draws will be conveyed to parent/guardians and students through emails that will be circulated to families that have provided details throughout the registration process. Weekly updates of games will also be emailed and a hard copy provided to students during Thursday training. This year we will have 7 boys teams and 6 girls Basketball teams with all home games played a the SPACE. For away games as per the registration form there will be one pick up and drop off point that being St Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church in Kingsford.

Student Profile: Chrystal Christie – Year 9

Students who are representing the school are asked to purchase the required uniform from the Uniform shop which is open on Wednesday.

Chrystal Christie of Year 9 has achieved tremendous success in Girls Football both in school and her representative pathways outside of the school. Chrystal is an integral member of our Opens Girls Football team where she showed exceptional leadership and her ability to score goals - no doubt contributed to a Grandfinal position. She was also selected for the ISA Girls Open Football team to compete in the NSWCIS Championships and an IGSSA Tri State Series. In recognition of her success at the school level Chrystal received best and fairest for Girls Football at this year’s Sports Presentation Evening.

Below are the ISA guidelines for Spectators. GUIDELINES FOR SPECTATORS 3.1 Control of spectators is the responsibility of the school official with whom the spectators are associated. Spectators are not to approach or address game officials or any of the opposing players, spectators or officials. Genuine concerns should be addressed to their own school official who will determine any action to be taken. 3.2 Barracking should be enthusiastic and positive, but not designed to heckle, denigrate or unsettle opponents. For example, barracking during a free throw or a kick at goal and so forth is always bad sportsmanship. Similarly, sledging is totally unacceptable. Barracking should be for the School only. Negative comments are totally unacceptable. Positive comments are motivational. 3.3 Good play by either team should be recognized by applause. 3.4 It is never right to express disapproval of a referee or umpire’s decision, irrespective of his/her age. 3.5 Vocal support for any team should never encourage violence or rough or illegal play.

Additionally, Chrystal has achieved similar success out of school. Back in June Chrystal successfully trialled for the Metro East U16 Girls soccer team and competed in the NSW State Titles in Shoalhaven in the first week of the holidays. Even though the team was unsuccessful at placing either first or second place they had a fabulous week of soccer and Chrystal managed to score an amazing goal against the winning team. During the State Titles competition there were also scouts from Football NSW looking for new girls to invite to trial for the Institute, Chrystal was fortunate enough to receive an invitation. She is very happy and honoured to


day and for helping out by being officials. In particular, thanks to: Nansia Koukounaris, Nikolas Baratsas, Dane Ivanovic and Panayioti Kapodistrias.

have been recognised amongst hundreds of amazing footballers. Congratulations for such exceptional achievements and for your continued support in the growth of girls’ football.

Thank you also to all the teachers that helped out on the day. The day ended up being a success. Its focus was to encourage participation from the students and for them to have fun and unwind from the school term.

PASS GALA DAY WRAP UP On the last day of Term 3 (19th September) the Year 10 PASS class hosted the annual house gala day as part of our event management assessment task. Overall, the event was successful with over 25 teams from Years 710, competing in both futsal and basketball. Congratulations to the following teams for being the winners of their event:    

Year 7&8 Girls Basketball: Years 7&8 Girls Futsal: Years 7&8 Boys Basketball: Years 7&8 Boys Futsal:

Years 9&10 Girls Basketball: Almost Angels Years 9&10 Girls Futsal: Swaggie Years 9&10 Boys Basketball: #mint Years 9&10 Boys Futsal: Cardiff City

  

Slugs Slugs Trolls Trolls

Year 10 PASS

Congratulations also to Year 11 for raising $830 on the barbeque that was available on the day. On behalf of Year 10, we would like to thank Year 11 for donating the drinks on the

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)


Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Following the annual anticipation of this continuing series of talks on Orthodoxy since 1989 ‘St Spyridon’ Parish of South-East Sydney In collaboration with St Andrew’s Theological College Is again organising

‘A SHORT COURSE IN ORTHODOX STUDIES’ Each TUESDAY evening in ENGLISH as always from October 22nd till November 26th, 2013, 7.30 (sharp) – 8.45p.m. At St Spyridon Parish Hall, 72-76 Gardeners Road, Kingsford, Sydney Tuesday 22nd October THE AMAZING POWER OF PRAYER By Father Dr. Dimitri Kokkinos, MBBS, FRACP Parish Priest at ‘St John’s Church, Parramatta, visiting Medical Officer in Neurology at Bankstown Hosptial, And Conjoint Lecturer in Neurology at the University of NSW. Tuesday 29th October APPROACHING ST MAXIMUM THE CONFESSOR’S ANTHROPOLOGY OF HOLINESS By Father Dr. Doru Costache, BTh (Buch), ThD(Buch) Presbyter within the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, Senior Lecture in Patristic Studies at St Andrew’s Theology College. Tuesday 5th November THE SPIRITUALITY OF HOLY ICONS IN ORTHODOX CHURCH TEACHING By Professor Nicholas Manolios, MBBS, MD, PhD, FRACP, FRCPA Director of Rheumatology – Westmead Hospital, Professor of Rheumatology – University of Sydney, and Member of St Spyridon Fellowship. Tuesday 12th November A WORLD OF SYMBOLS: REFLECTIONS ON ECCLESIAL ART AND ARCHITECTURE By Mr Mario Baghos, BTh (Hons), PhD(Cand) Graduate of St Andrew’s Theological College, Associate Lecturer in Patristic Studies and Church History At St Andrew’s Theological College. Tuesday 19th November FIVE (FORGOTTEN) STEPS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE By Dimitri Kepreotes, BA, BTh, MTh, PhD (Cand) Director of St Andrew’s Orthodos Press and Sessional Lecturer in Modern Greek and Christian Education at St Andrew’s Theological College. Tuesday 26th November THE IMPORTANCE OF WORDS IN OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST By Presvitera Dr Thekla Kokkinos, MB, BS Career Medical Officer at St John of God Hospital, Burwood





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