St Spyridon News 116 16a 2013

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VOLUME XXX No 16 1st November, 2013


NOVEMBER Parent Forum Year 12, 2014 7.00pm


Years 4 – 6 Camp K2014 Orientation Morning Years 3 – 6 Camp

6th 7th – 8th

Year 5 visit to Senior School


Parent Forum Year 7 2014


K2014 Orientation Morning


Junior School Musical Showcase, SPACe


Orientation Day Year 7 2014


P & T Interviews K-4 & 6


P &T Interviews K-4 & 5


Divine Liturgy K-12, Senior School Showcase


DECEMBER Year 6 Graduation evening Church Hall


6.30pm Christmas Carols Afternoon JS


Term ends for students K-12 PRIZE GIVING K – 12 11.30am, SPACe


Staff Development Day


St Spyridon Vespers


St Spyridon Day


Christmas Day


Boxing Day


JANUARY Staff Development Days


Years 1 to 7, 11 and 12 commence


Kindergarten and Years 8-10 commence



SPRING FAIR PHOTO GALLERY On Sunday 27th October, following a solemn Church Service conducted by Father Steven and Father Sotori, commemorating “OXI DAY” students, parent and members of Mary Hamer’s family gathered in the Mary Hamer Quadrangle, where the Mayor of Randwick City Council, Councillor Scott Nash unveiled the sign for the “Mary Hamer Lane”. This was a very moving expression of the regard in which this lady is held. Following the unveiling, our Parish President Mrs Sue Mayson, together with VIPs, Councillor Anthony Andrews, Deputy Mayor, Councillor Harry Stavrinos and the Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Member for Kingsford Smith, mingled with a merry crowd enjoying the 2013 P & F Spring Fair, which was a resounding success. Thank you P & F Committee – every good wish for 2014.


L-R: Father S. Drapaniotis, Ms Lydia Hamer, Cr. Anthony Andrews, Cr. Scott Nash, Cr. Harry Stavrinos, Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite,Mr. Elia Economou, Mrs Sue Mayson, Mr Peter Hamer, Mr Con Livissianis, Mrs. E. Stefanou-Haag, Mrs Christina Tsaconas, Father Steven Scoutas


P & F NEWS SPRING FAIR Every year, we look forward to and proudly commemorate our Greek National OXI Day with a special Church service followed by the celebration of our College Spring Fair. However this year, it was extra special and so momentous with the renaming of Day Lane with the acknowledgement of our beloved founding principal Mrs Mary Hamer and her phenomenal 30 years of service to education in the local area. It is so fitting that this lane which lies between the Infants and Upper Primary campus, be named after her, as she has spent countless periods of time on the grounds of this specific location to serve and build the school community with such dedication and long term commitment. We are highly grateful to the Hamer family and to Mrs Hamer’s mother, Eleni Rayias, for their tireless support which has enabled Mrs Hamer to offer impressively so much to our school community. It was an extremely emotional moment with the unveiling of the sign but we were comforted by the final words of Mr Hamer who reassured us of Mrs Hamer’s everlasting presence in the St Spyridon College community by quoting her famous line which she regularly expressed to the students -“ Where ever I stand, I am watching you!’’ Our Patron Saint would have been proud as St Spyridon shone with the kefi and great spirit created by our generous new P&F member/ DJ Kindy parent, Mike Stavridis and his partner Tony who operated the sound system, music and entertainment together with our tireless Greek Dance teacher Mrs Haskas for the impressive Greek Dancing displayed in our talented children. The Fair offered us so much to indulge in and enjoy from lamb/chicken souvlakia with pita and tzatziki to spanakopita to loukoumades to chocolate strawberries, to champagne to cupcakes to cinnamon scrolls to Cypriot koubes and so much more. Stalls and businesses of all kinds coloured the day with their goods and services on offer ranging including jewellery from parent businesses. On a final note, came the highlight of a Happy Birthday of our President, Mrs Anna Stamoulis, who was showered with a sing-song, a strawberry chocolate O’Reilly cake, Pamper Hamper and champagne. A mammoth fundraiser of this nature and scale is only possible through the hard working efforts of countless people starting from our P&F Committee, Staff of the College and Parish, parents, family, friends, students and beyond. We express our sincere thanks to our Parish Executive Officer, Mrs Tsaconas, our backbone for advice and maintenance always problem solving every P&F request at the last minute. Another expression of special thanks to our highly supportive Head of College, Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Kringas and office staff who designed, promoted and funded our advertising for the Fair always creating a very stylish contemporary flyer. We are extremely grateful to Mrs Synesios and the unlimited support and praise she has ready for us always and also to the highly dedicated and diligent office ladies, Mrs Kerameas, Miss Giannakopoulos, Mrs Doyle and Mrs Simicos for efficiently fulfilling the endless P&F prep demands, always with a smile. We sincerely thank the General Assistants John and Steve for their handy and reliable work which contributes greatly to a successful Fair. Furthermore, we are thankful to our precious teaching staff who give up their leisurely Sunday to man a stall to help fund raise and benefit our children. We are ever so grateful to all our donors and especially those who are so committed to offering so much year after year. We look forward to acknowledging them personally in the near future. A huge thank you to all parents who contributed their efforts to all aspects of the Fair especially those who took the time to fill out the Parent Help Pink forms and follow through with manning a stall and for some who did it hours on end and made a sacrifice in order to offer fun and enjoyment to others. We must also remember the patient family members of our P&F Committee who go without their loved ones so that members of the committee can fulfill P&F promises and fundraise successfully. Finally, a big thank you to all of you – the parents, the students, their extended families and friends who bring buzz, character, activity, fun, great energy and make an impressive clear profit of $17,500 achievable all through your presence, efforts and generosity. However, it is not just about the money but about raising our children’s cultural and spiritual awareness which will lead to better learning and sharing with family and friends in order to create something fun, fulfilling and finally, a great memory, forever! Mrs M. Pascalis- P&F Committee


YEAR 12 FAREWELL SPEECHES Leonidas Andrew, Vice-Captain - 2013 Farewell Dinner Speech Τα λόγια είναι φτωχά όταν προσπαθείς μ’ αυτά να αναπαραστήσεις μέσα σε λίγα λεπτά τις εμπειρίες δεκατριών χρόνων, τις χαρές και τις λύπες, τους αγώνες, τις ήττες αλλά και τις νίκες που μοιραστήκαμε όλα αυτά τα χρόνια. ΄ Γι’ αυτό εκ των προτέρων σας ζητώ να με συγχωρέσετε. Ορισμένοι από μας είμαστε εδώ όλα αυτά τα δεκατρία χρόνια, αλλά και αυτοί που ήρθανε αργότερα δεν λογίζονται λιγότερο συνταξιδιώτες και αδέλφια μας. Με το πέρασμα του χρόνου «λιώσαμε» πολλά παπούτσια και στολές, γραβάτες και πουκάμισα. Καθώς έλιωναν μας διαμόρφωναν ως χαρακτήρες, ως προσωπικότητες. Θέλουμε να γνωρίζετε πως αν και σε λίγες μέρες δεν θα είμαστε πλέον μαθητές του κολλεγίου, το ΑΙΕΝ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΕΙΝ θα είναι βαθιά χαραγμένο στις καρδιές μας και στις ψυχές μας, οι οποίες είναι γεμάτες από όμορφες αναμνήσεις. Είμαι επίσης βέβαιος ότι οι φιλίες που μας έδεσαν όλα αυτά τα χρόνια, θα συνεχιστούν ως τα βαθιά μας γεράματα. ΄Ολα γίνονται με την χάρη του Θεού. Γι’ αυτό δεν είναι τυχαίο ότι το πρώτο καλωσόρισμα ήταν της αείμνηστης Μαίρης Χέημερ, η οποία είχε γεννηθεί στο ίδιο χωριό με τον ΄Αγιο Σπυρίδωνα. Μας καλωσόρισε σε τούτο τον μικρό παράδεισο και κάποια μέρα φαντάζομαι πως θα μας καλωσορίσει σε ένα μεγαλύτερο παράδεισο. ΄Ολα αυτά τα χρόνια γαλουχηθήκαμε από γονείς , δασκάλους και ιερείς που μεταφορικά, μπορούμε να πούμε πως μας φύτεψαν, μας πότισαν και μας κλάδεψαν ώστε ο καλός σπόρος που έσπειραν σε μας να γίνει δένδρα. Δέντρα ψηλά, ίσια και όμορφα. Αλλά ταυτόχρονα πρέπει να θυμόμαστε ότι κανένα δένδρο δεν μεγαλώνει για να δώσει ίσκιο στον εαυτό του αλλά σε αυτούς που είναι τριγύρω αγγίζοντας Τον Θεό. Σε μας δόθηκαν πλούσια όλα αυτά που εκατομμύρια άλλα παιδιά δεν έχουν ούτε γευτεί, και πολλές φορές ούτε καν φανταστεί ότι υπάρχουν. Εκ μέρους όλων μας, θέλω να ευχαριστήσω τις καθηγήτριές μας, κυρίες: Φαλέτα, Μίο, Γαμβρέλη, Πρίνγκλ, Γρυλάκη, Κουτσούκη, Σάββα, Κεφαλούρου, Κλαδάκη, Δόκτορα Χίκη, Κέιτζα, Καλλίθρακα, Χάφνερ, Μπελάτζικ και Γκονζάλες...... Επίσης τους καθηγητές μας τους κυρίους Ζαφειρόπουλο, Γιωργουλόπουλο και Κροφτ........ Με ξεχωριστή ευγνωμοσύνη θέλω να ευχαριστήσω τους πατέρες Στυλιανό και Σωτήριο, οι οποίοι συνεχώς μας υπενθύμιζαν ότι δεν υπάρχει ομορφότερο πράγμα, από το να περπατάμε στον δρόμο του Θεού και να αρνιόμαστε τα πάθη μας. ΄Οποτε δεν ήταν δυνατόν να μας κάνουν μάθημα εκείνοι, είχαμε την καλή τύχη να έχουμε τον κύριο Πικάρδη, ο οποίος όχι μόνο είχε την ευθύνη να σημειώνει τις απουσίες μας, αλλά ταυτόχρονα να μας υπενθυμίζει τον στόχο του κάθε Ορθόδοξου Χριστιανού. Στις κυρίες Στεφάνου και Κατσογιάννη τι να πρωτοπώ; Η μια στην πλώρη και η άλλη στην πρύμνη του καραβιού μας. Αυτές μας καθοδηγούσαν και μας ενθάρρυναν να ανοίξουμε τα πανιά μας και να ταξιδέψουμε ως την άκρη του ορίζοντα κι ακόμη πιο πέρα. ΄Οσες φορές πέρασα από το γραφείο της κυρίας Κατσογιάννη, ουδέποτε βρήκα την πόρτα της κλειστή. Πάντα εύρισκε τον χρόνο να μας ακούσει, και πάντα πάσχιζε να βρει απαντήσεις στις ερωτήσεις μας και λύσεις σε αυτά που μας απασχολούσαν ή μας φαίνονταν δύσκολα. Εσείς κυρία Στεφάνου ήσασταν μια αστείρευτη πηγή αγάπης για τον καθένα από μας. Η καρδιά σας μας είχε όλους στην πρώτη θέση! Αναρωτιέμαι ειλικρινά αν υπάρχει δεύτερη και τρίτη θέση για κάποιον από μας στη μεγάλη σας καρδιά.


Ακόμα και η παρουσία σας στους ποδοσφαιρικούς μας και άλλους αγώνες, μας εμψύχωνε, και για όλα αυτά σας ευχαριστούμε θερμά. Στους γονείς, τους παππούδες και γιαγιάδες τι λόγια να πούμε; Σας γκριζάραμε τα μαλλιά, τα ασπρίσαμε, τα κάναμε ακόμα και να πέσουν! Σας αδειάσαμε τις τσέπες, σας κάναμε να ξενυχτάτε, να φωνάζετε, να μας ορμηνεύετε ώρες ατελείωτες και να προσεύχεστε για το καλό μας. Μεγάλες οι θυσίες σας, αλλά πιστεύω πως πετύχατε. Το χρέος μας θα μείνει απλήρωτο ώσπου να προσφέρουμε και εμείς τα ίδια στα παιδιά μας και στα εγγόνια μας. Για τώρα όμωςδεχθείτε ένα αναδρομικό ευχαριστώ και την αγάπη μας! Τελικά στρέφω τα λόγια μου στον κύριο Καλδή. Ο κύριος Καλδής ήταν ικανός να σταματήσει το κόσμο όλο για να βοηθήσει οποιονδήποτε από μας που αντιμετώπιζε κάποιο πρόβλημα. Το πρόβλημά μας κύριε Καλδή, γινόταν πρόβλημά σας και το μεράκι της καρδιάς σας, η ταπεινοφροσύνη σας και η αγάπη σας δεν είχαν τέλος. Και αν κάπου κάπου μας μαλώνατε ξέραμε καλά ότι και αυτό το μάλωμα ήταν ένδειξη αγάπης. Είμαι σίγουρος πως όλοι μας κάποια μέρα θα θέλαμε να ήμασταν σαν και σας. Και αυτό πιστεύω πως τα λέει όλα. Ο χρόνος κυλάει γρήγορα σαν το νερό και οι αναμνήσεις, όπως λέει το τραγούδι, θα περάσουν με τον χρόνο από την μνήμη στην καρδιά. Και εφόσον λέγομαι Λεωνίδας σας υπόσχομαι εκ μέρους όλων μας ότι τις Θερμοπύλες που φυλάξατε θα τις φυλάξουμε και εμείς με την σειρά μας στο κάλεσμα και την σειρά του χρόνου. Σεβαστοί πατέρες, κυρίες και κύριοι, σας ευχαριστώ που με ακούσατε και ευχαριστώ τον ΄Αγιο Σπυρίδωνα και την Παναγία που συνεχώς μεσιτεύουν για μας.





SCHOLARSHIPS Year 7 and Year 11, 2015 Applications are now invited from new and continuing students to sit for the following ACER Examination Scholarships: Year 6 (Year 7, 2015) A Year 6 Scholarship for the top Year 6 student applying for St Spyridon College will receive their tuition fees paid for four years, from Year 7 to Year 10.

Movies - Turbo On Thursday 26th September we went to the Entertainment Quarter to see a movie called Turbo. Upon our arrival we were given a bottle of water and popcorn each. We won’t spoil the movie for you but we will tell you this, it was a fantastic movie and was inspiring.

Year 10 (Year 11, 2015) Two scholarships for the two top Year 10 students will receive their tuition fees paid for two years. Closing date for applications is Monday, 11th February, 2014, ACER scholarship examinations will be held on Saturday, 1st March, 2014.

Market Day

You may register now online: follow the links Scholarships and Awards, then Online Scholarships.

On market day we brought some things from home to trade. Early in the morning some of the girls put together some stalls and it was very difficult but they got it in the end. We went outside and set up the stalls. People who didn’t bring things had to give back what they bought (with fake money) at the end of the day.

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES: 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

VACATION CARE Laser Tag On Tuesday 24th September Aim 4 Fun came along and brought phasers and inflatable bunkers and created the perfect battle zone for our very own laser skirmish! We had so much fun running around tagging everyone.


off/casual day it is very important you let us know on the day so we can ensure they arrive safely.

Rock climbing

On Tuesday 1st October the Vacation Care program had decided to go Rock climbing. We all arrived there excited and full of energy. Because we knew it was going to be fun but challenging. We travelled by private bus to St Leonards. As we arrived we were greeted by two instructors. First we put harnesses on and were explained the safety issues. We began on the easiest rocks and then moved on to the harder ones. Everyone thought it was challenging but very fun. It was one of the best days of the Vacation care program. Written By; Mary Diamond, Teoni Antonopoulos and Danae Margaronis – Lopez

It is important that you do not assume the school office will pass messages on to After School Care staff as it is not always possible for them to do so. Feel free to call me at the office at any time as I am happy to pass messages on to the after school care staff if that is easier for you. You can reach me on 9687 8955 Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and on 9516 2188 on Wednesdays and Fridays. I hope everyone has enjoyed the holidays, and if your children have attended vacation care I hope they've enjoyed our program. If you have any ideas for excursions or activities, please let me know, I would love to hear your feedback. Happy Term 4 everyone!!



I would like to remind you all that After School Care is managed by the Greek Welfare Centre and operates separately from St Spyridon College. We ask that you communicate with our staff (Tania and Lydia) directly to inform them when your children will and will not be attending after care.

My thanks are extended to Ms Stamoulis, the P & F committee and the many parents and friends of the College who assisted with the preparations for the Spring Fair, manned the stalls on the day and cleaned up afterwards. The success of the day is due to your hard work and love for our College.

1. For families with regular days, please call or text the girls on 0410 505 524 by the end of week 1 to confirm your weekly booking as we need to update our records for the term.

As a school community we recognise the many days and hours that went into the preparation. I saw you tireless working the day before and you were still here well into Sunday evening cleaning up. Not only are you the best ambassadors a school can have but you are fabulous role models for the future generations.

2. If your children are absent from school or will be picked up early that day by yourself or a family member it is important you let us know ahead of time or call/text us on the day. If your child is booked in and does not arrive, staff will need to call you to ensure your children have been picked up safely. We ask that you inform us to make things less stressful for all concerned.



I thank the parents who supported the efforts of the P& F by attending and sharing all that was on offer. Wishing you all a well-deserved rest. We look forward to 2014.

3. If you are sending your children as a one


OXI DAY Congratulations to Stella Ktenas, Johnny Dalakiaris and Austin Papadopoulos from Year Six, for reciting with such pride their poem OXI in Church and at the Archdiocese on Sunday.

Well done also to Year Six, Ka. Anna, Mr Volas and Mr Amditis on a moving assembly about OXI Day. Thank you for explaining to us that we too need to say OXI to the everyday ‘wars’ of prejudice, anger, racism and bullying.

GREEK WELFARE CENTRE Students from the Junior School presented mythological stories and segments from Aesop’s fables to our Senior Citizens in the hall as part of Senior’s Month. It is our honour and pleasure to give back to our seniors who have done so much for us. We particularly thank Mrs Elsie Tsangaris, president of St Spyridon Ladies Auxiliary and her tireless committee for the lovely lunch and company they provide each week. We also thank Mrs Dimitra Micos from the Greek Welfare Centre for running the social events and for inviting us.


CAMP NEXT WEEK Yr 3-6 Year 3 Depart for Deer Park on Thursday 7th November at 8.15am and return Friday 8th November by 3pm. Year 4 Depart for Deer Park on Wednesday 6th November at 8.15am and return on Friday 8th November by 3pm. Year 5 Depart for Bathurst on Wednesday 6th November at 6.45am and return on Friday 8th November by 5pm. Year 6 Depart for Canberra on Wednesday 6th November at 6.15am and return on Friday 8th November by 6pm.

YEAR FIVE VISIT SENIOR SCHOOL On Monday 11th November Year 5 students will be at the Senior School all day.


CRAFT REMINDER A reminder to all those parents who did not have an opportunity to purchase their child’s craft item please do so as soon as possible, they are being held by their class teachers.


On Wednesday 30 October we were pleased to have the Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP at our morning assembly. We were honoured and humbled when he presented us with an Australian flag to fly proudly at our school. This flag has previously been flown in the House of Representatives in Canberra.

KINDERGARTEN ORIENTATION MORNINGS 2014 Kindergarten children will attend orientation morning sessions at the Junior School on Wednesday 6th and Wednesday 13th November 2013. We look forward to welcoming our future students on these days.

MUSICAL SHOWCASE Kindergarten – Year 6 will be sharing their musical talents on Wednesday 20th November at the Sports and Performing Arts Centre (SPACe) at the Senior School Campus. The performance will be commencing at approximately 12.30pm and will feature the greatest music of all time. A bulletin will be sent out next week with details regarding rehearsals and the purchasing of tickets.



This is the letter that students wrote…

Ka. Haska and Ka. Ieroklis proudly announced the birth of their grandchildren Marlowe Emmanuel and Angeline. We wish both families every blessing for their latest additions.

Dear Mr Done,


We are in KC at St Spyridon College. Our topic is Out and About. We have been learning about you in Art and looking at your beautiful artworks.

We also congratulate Miss Sotiras and her fiancé Mr Angelo Mantsis on their recent engagement and Ms Orfanos on the birth of her son Monty. We wish them every happiness.

We love the artworks that you have painted of the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. We love how you use bright colours in your paintings. We have looked at many of your paintings. The one we liked the best is called Sydney Night 1984 because it was extremely colourful.

LIBRARY BOOKS Could all library books be returned to the library no later than 15th November 2013.

We made a mural of Sydney Harbour at the back of our classroom. We think it looks like one of your artworks. We took a photo of it for you to see. We hope that you like it!

BUS PASSES FOR 2014 All Year 3 and Year 7 students for 2014; that is all students currently in Year 2 and Year 6 this year will need to apply for new bus passes and change of address.

From Kindergarten Cerise St Spyridon College Junior School Recently, KC were very excited to receive a package in the mail. Students were thrilled when they opened the package and saw a large poster size copy of Sydney Night (their favourite Ken Done artwork) and that it had been signed by Ken Done!!! We also received a note saying that Mr Done was happy to have received a letter from KC and that he enjoyed looking at the photos we sent him of the mural and other Ken Done inspired artworks that students made. The signed Sydney Night artwork will be framed and displayed in the school.

Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal

KINDERGARTEN OUT AND ABOUT As part of our Term 3 topic “Out and About,” Kindergarten students enjoyed learning about Ken Done and viewed many of his artworks in Art lessons. In particular we looked at his artworks depicting Sydney Harbour. Kindergarten particularly loved the bright colours that Ken Done uses in his artworks.

A very excited KC holding the artwork that they received in the mail from Ken Done.

Students were so inspired by him that KC decided to make a Ken Done inspired mural at the back of their classroom. Students thoroughly enjoyed painting the mural and all students in the class contributed to the amazing mural! At the very end of Term 3 Kindergarten Cerise wrote a letter to Ken Done and sent it to him.

Mrs Karpouzos Kindergarten Cerise




PARENT FORUM YEAR 12, 2014 On Tuesday, 5th November, 2013, at 7.00 p.m., a meeting will be held for all students of Year 11 and their parents. A Board of Studies Liaison Officer (BOSLO) will be present to talk about the Higher School Certificate. The School HSC Assessment Booklet will be distributed on the night. It is expected that all students of Year 11 will attend with their parents. Students are to wear their full school uniform as they will be presented with their Year 12 badges. -

HSC 2013 The HSC written exams will end on Wednesday, 6th November. HSC final Assessment ranks will be available after this date via Students Online. The HSC results will be released on Wednesday, 18th December, 2013 and the ATAR’s, Thursday 19th December. We wish all the students of the Year 12 Class of 2013 a well-deserved break, and every success in the future.

Students in Year 7-9 attended St Spyridon Church with their Year Advisers and other Teachers. Joanna Scouteris and Rhea Tsimboukis, Year 7, recited their poem.

On Monday, 28th October a) A special Assembly was held in the SPACe for students in Years 7-9 and their Teachers. Calioppe Kefalas, Michael Karanikolas and Christos Kollias, Year 10, introduced the program. The guest of honour was the Consul General of Greece Mr Stavros Kyrimis (read report in Greek Column of this Newsletter).

OXI DAY COMMEMORATIONS How we celebrated the 28th October - On Sunday 27th October a) Mrs Faletas attended the official celebrations at the Archdiocese with Constantinos Kollias and Harry Gavalas Year 8, who recited a poem. Year 11 representing were flag bearers. The wreath was laid by Mr James Phillips, Vice President of our Parish.


Mrs Faletas and students attended the celebrations organized by the Greek Welfare Centre, at St Constantine and St Helens Church.

Congratulations to everyone involved in all of these events.


OXI Day Celebrations

Consul General of Greece Dr Stavros Kyrimis


Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



PINK RIBBON DAY The annual Cancer Council Pink Ribbon Day fundraiser was held yesterday. This event was led by our Year 10 students. Those who study Food Technology made the delicious Pink Cup Cakes sold at recess, while at lunch the entire school bought hot dogs and pink lemonade spiders that were once again prepared by Year 10. We thank the efforts of Ms Kalithrakas (Year 10 Adviser), and all the staff and students from Year 10 for your contributions in making this day the success that it was.

"When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure." Peter Marshall There is no greater transforming power than pressure. It turns rocks into diamonds, men into mountains and women into pillars of strength.


Champions thrive under pressure. They recognise that conflict will end and through the journey a greater level of inner strength will develop…RESILIENCE !!. Pressure is not all bad. In fact it can be extremely useful in leading us towards further developing our potential. So the next time pressure tries to cause you to want to surrender, turn it in on itself, use the pressure, stand up to it, take CONROL of the situation and fire back with steely determination!.

Parents and future Year 7 students are once again reminded that on Tuesday 12th November, the Senior School along with Year 9 Peer Support Leaders (in training) will be hosting a BBQ which will then be followed by a Parent Forum. A invitation letter for this event as well as some details about Orientation Day should have arrived by mail this week. The BBQ will begin at 6.00pm and the Parent Forum at 7.00pm. We are all very much looking forward to meeting all our new students and their parents on this occasion. If anyone is unable to attend this event please contact the School Enrollment Officer Mrs Angela Kringas on 93113340 as soon as possible.

Keep all this in mind as Examination week for Years 7-10 approaches

YEARLY EXAMINATIONS The Yearly Examination timetable for Years 7 -10 was issued this week. All students must review it carefully each day to insure they come prepared with all the necessary equipment, writing materials, and study notes. Further instructions and recommendations are listed on the back of the exam timetable.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School




Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα ήθελα πρώτ’ απ’ ‘ολα να ευχαριστήσω τους μαθητές μας που απήγγειλαν ποιήματα για την εθνική μας επέτειο 28η Οκτωβρίου 1940.

Congratulations to all Middle School students for attending the OXI day celebrations and Spring Fair, those who recited poems at last Sunday at the end of the church service at St Spyridon, the Year 8 – Year 11 representatives who attended the Archdiocese service, and students from Year 7 -10 who read poems at the Greek Welfare Centre and at the special Assembly held on Monday at the Senior School. You make us feel very proud.

Οι μαθητές της Β΄Γυμνασίου, Χαράλαμπος Γαβαλάς και Κωνσταντίνος Κόλλιας απήγγειλαν το ποίημα του Χάρη Αναγνωστάκη «Χάρης 1940» στην γιορτή που οργανώθηκε στην Ιερά μας Αρχιεπισκοπή, στην συγκέντρωση του Γυμνασίου την Δευτέρα το πρωί και στην παρουσία του καινούριου προξένου στο Σύδνεϋ καθώς και στη γιορτή του Ελληνικού Κέντρου Προνοίας.


την εισβολή των Γερμανών το 1941 και μετά στην αντίσταση , αγωνίστηκε κι ένας μεγάλος αριθμός Ελληνίδων. Ολόκληρη στρατιά γυναικών πρόσφερε τις σωματικές, πνευματικές και ηθικές δυνάμεις της, με όποιο τρόπο μπορούσε στον αγώνα για ελευθερία.

Οι μαθήτριες της Α΄Γυμνασίου Ιωάννα Σκουτέρη και Ζαφειρία Τσιμπούκη, απήγγειλαν το ποίημα «Το Μεγάλο Όχι» της Μαρίας Γιακουμέλλου, στη γιορτή της ενορίας μας, στην εκκλησία του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα και στις υπόλοιπες εκδηλώσεις όπως τα αγόρια μας παραπάνω.

Σήμερα, ζούμε, στην εποχή των ίσων δικαιωμάτων και ίσων ευκαιριών, τουλάχιστον στις ανεπτυγμένες χώρες του Δυτικού κόσμου. Όμως, η θέση της γυναίκας, ακόμη και σ’ αυτές τις χώρες, δεν ήταν κάποτε αυτή που είναι σήμερα.

Οι μαθήτριες της Α΄Γυμνασίου, Ελένη Μαστροπέρου και Μαρία Κρασσά απήγγειλαν το ποίημα «Πίνδος» και ο μαθητής του ιδίου έτους το ποίημα/τραγούδι «Γράμμα από το Μέτωπο» στη συγκέντρωση του σχολείου και στο Ελληνικό Κέντρο Προνοίας όπου και κατασυγκίνησαν τους ηλικιωμένους της παροικίας μας.

Την εποχή που ξέσπασε ο ελληνοϊταλικός πόλεμος, το 1940, το να είσαι γυναίκα ήταν σχεδόν μια έννοια ταυτόσημη με τις έννοιες νοικοκυριό και ανατροφή των παιδιών. Αυτά ήταν τα στενά όρια μέσα στα οποία είχε μάθει να κινείται η γυναίκα μέχρι τότε, η γυναίκα που δεν είχε ακόμη δικαίωμα ψήφου. Αυτό ήταν προνόμιο μόνο των ανδρών.

Συγχαρητήρια και πάλι σε όλους τους μαθητές μας παραπάνω που τίμησαν την επέτειο, το σχολείο τους και τους γονείς τους με την άψογη απαγγελία τους. Θα ήταν επίσης παράλειψη αν δεν ευχαριστούσα τρεις μαθητές της Α΄Λυκείου και συγκεκριμένα την Καλλιόπη Κεφαλά, το Μιχάλη Καρανικόλα και τον Χρήστο Κόλλια που ανέλαβαν το ρόλο του «τελετάρχη» κατά την επίσκεψη του Γενικού Προξένου στο σχολείο μας με μια υποδειγματική παρουσία και αψεγάδιαστο ελληνικό λόγο.

Εμείς, λοιπόν, σήμερα θα επιχειρήσουμε, με απέραντο σεβασμό κι αναγνώριση στη μνήμη τους, να αποτίσουμε φόρο τιμής, σε όλες εκείνες τις ανώνυμες Ελληνίδες που αγωνίστηκαν πλάι στον άντρα, για Ελευθερία, Εθνική Ανεξαρτησία, Δημοκρατία. Που ανταποκρίθηκαν αξιοθαύμαστα στο κάλεσμα της πατρίδας, παρόλο που μέχρι τότε δεν είχαν την ψυχολογία της αντίστασης , αλλά της υποταγής στην εξουσία.

Τέλος ευχαριστώ τις μαθήτριες της Γ΄Γυμνασίου Λία Αλμπανάκη, Χριστίνα Μπαλαγιάννη, Χαρά Λαβδιώτη και Δανάη Κυριακάκη που παρουσίασαν εργασίες τους σχετικά με τον Β΄παγκόσμιο πόλεμο σε άψογα Ελληνικά. Οι εργασίες αυτές θα δημοσιευθούν στις επόμενες εκδόσεις μας. Παρακάτω, παραθέτουμε την ομιλία της κυρίας Φαλέτα στο Ελληνικό Κέντρο Προνοίας. Καλή ανάγνωση.

Το Αλβανικό έπος δεν έχει να παρουσιάσει μια Μπουμπουλίνα ή μια Τζαβέλαινα, αλλά όλες τις γυναίκες της Ηπείρου, που κουβαλούσαν πυρομαχικά σε απάτητες βουνοκορφές της Πίνδου και δεν έχουν τίποτε να ζηλέψουν από τις αρχαίες Σπαρτιάτισσες και τις Σουλιώτισσες του 1821. Η συμβολή ήταν μεγάλη και πολύτιμη. Ένας στρατός απροετοίμαστος για πόλεμο, χωρίς κατάλληλο οπλισμό, βρήκε την Ελληνίδα της υπαίθρου, αλλά και την γυναίκα της πόλης, θερμό υποστηριχτή, που ανταποκρίθηκε με πάθος για την ελευθερία. Μαζί με τους άντρες δόθηκαν στον αγώνα με μια ψυχή, πιστοί στο χρέος να κρατήσουν τη γη που τους παρέδωσαν οι πρόγονοι με τόσους αγώνες.

κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Ο ρόλος της Ελληνίδας στον πόλεμο του 1940, στην Κατοχή και την Αντίσταση. Κάθε Εθνική επέτειος φέρνει στο νου μας μνήμες και γίνεται αφορμή να αποδώσουμε τιμή σε φανερούς και αφανείς ήρωες, που πρόσφεραν τις δυνάμεις και το αίμα τους για την επιβίωση του Ελληνικού ΄Εθνους. Σήμερα τιμούμε την 28η Οκτωβρίου 1940. Στον πόλεμο του 40, στην κατοχή που ακολούθησε

Γυναίκες των πόλεων και των χωριών σήκωσαν στους ώμους τους τη φροντίδα και την προφύλαξη των αντρών από τα


που να μη μετέχουν οι γυναίκες την περίοδο εκείνη. Ο αγώνας αυτός τους είχε δώσει αυτοπεποίθηση, αξιοπρέπεια και αναγνώριση. Όμως, ο εμφύλιος που έπεται της απελευθέρωσης, καθυστερεί την πολυπόθητη ισότητα. Οι περισσότερες γυναίκες μετά τον πόλεμο επιστρέφουν στα «γυναικεία» τους έργα. Παντρεύονται, κάνουν παιδιά, φτιάχνουν σπίτια, αγωνίζονται να μορφώσουν τα παιδιά τους. Τα κοινωνικά οράματα εγκαταλείπονται.

κρυοπαγήματα πλέκοντας ασταμάτητα μάλλινα για τις ανάγκες του στρατού. Οι Ελληνίδες νοσοκόμες δούλεψαν με ηρωισμό και αφοσίωση, πολλές μάλιστα από αυτές βρήκαν το θάνατο από βομβαρδισμούς νοσοκομείων και πλοίων που μετέφεραν τραυματίες. Γυναίκες πλούσιες, έδωσαν χρήματα και κοσμήματα σε ενίσχυση του αγώνα. Γυναίκες μορφωμένες έγραφαν επιστολές-εκκλήσεις προς τις γυναίκες της Ευρώπης και της Αμερικής, στις οποίες διεκτραγωδούσαν τα δεινά των αγωνιζόμενων και ζητούσαν βοήθεια. Οι εκκλήσεις αυτές είχαν βαθιά απήχηση στο εξωτερικό.

Μόλις το 1952 οι γυναίκες αποκτούν το δικαίωμα ψήφου, αλλά ψηφίζουν για πρώτη φορά το 1956. Τότε ξεκινά και η νομική ισότητα που αφορούσε θέματα εργασίας των γυναικών.

Η κατάρρευση του Μετώπου και η συνθηκολόγηση βρήκαν τις γυναίκες να ‘χουν συνειδητοποιήσει πως μπορούν να τα καταφέρουν και έχουν χρέος να προσφέρουν τις υπηρεσίες τους στο κοινωνικό σύνολο. Συνειδητοποίησαν ότι πολεμούσαν για μια μεγάλη και αναλλοίωτη ιδέα, την ιδέα της ελευθερίας. Έπαιρναν δύναμη από το δίκαιο αγώνα τους. Πολεμούσαν για έναν καλύτερο κόσμο. Συνειδητοποίησαν ότι δεν είχαν μοναδικό προορισμό στη ζωή την κουζίνα, τα παιδιά και γενικά το σπίτι.

Κοιτώντας πίσω οφείλουμε να πούμε ότι η Ελληνίδα αν και αγωνίστηκε στην πρώτη γραμμή του αγώνα μαζί με τον άντρα για τη ζωή και την εθνική ανεξαρτησία, για τη δημοκρατία και τη δουλειά, δε δικαιώθηκε σε σχέση με την προσφορά και τις ικανότητές της. Χρειάστηκαν νέοι αγώνες για να αλλάξει τη θέση της προς το καλύτερο και να κατακτήσει την ισότητα θεσμικά. Ακόμη αγωνίζεται να κατακτήσει την ισότητα στην πράξη.

Μα εκεί που η Ελληνίδα πολέμησε με πάθος που θυμίζει και ξαναζωντανεύει τις πιο θαυμαστές σελίδες της επανάστασης του 21 είναι η Κατοχή. Στην διάρκειά της οι άνθρωποι πεθαίνουν στους δρόμους από την πείνα. Ο αγώνας για επιβίωση θα συνδεθεί και ως ένα βαθμό θα ταυτιστεί με την αντίσταση. Ακόμα και τότε οι γυναίκες ξεχύθηκαν στους δρόμους της πρωτεύουσας και των επαρχιακών πόλεων και με το σύνθημα «ψωμί για τα παιδιά μας», «θέλουμε γάλα και συσσίτια», κατάκλυσαν τα υπουργεία, τις πρεσβείες, τη Μητρόπολη, τον Ερυθρό Σταυρό και διεκδίκησαν και πέτυχαν παιδικά συσσίτια, αλλά και λαϊκά για τα θύματα πολέμου και τους φυλακισμένους. Ακολουθούν τα ιατρεία, πρόχειρα νοσοκομεία, παιδικοί σταθμοί. Στα κοινωνικά αυτά ιδρύματα εργάζονται αδερφωμένες οι Ελληνίδες όλων των τάξεων.

Οι γυναίκες δεν αποτελούν μόνο το άλλο μισό του ουρανού, όπως πολύ ποιητικά έχει ειπωθεί. Αποτελούν και το μισό, τουλάχιστον, του πληθυσμού της γης. Αποτελούν το μισό της δύναμης, των ικανοτήτων, της δημιουργικότητας που απαιτούνται για την πρόοδο των κοινωνιών. Αρκεί να τους παρέχουμε ίσες ευκαιρίες για να ανατυχθούν και να προσφέρουν στην κοινωνία το καλύτερο των δυνάμεών τους σε καθημερινή βάση και όχι μόνο σε ακραίες καταστάσεις όπως ο πόλεμος του 40. Κλείνοντας την φετινή μας γιορτή ας αναφωνήσουμε: Ζήτω το Σαράντα και η Ελληνίδα αγωνίστρια! Μαίρη Φαλέτα

Οι γυναίκες, με τον αγώνα τους για εθνική απελευθέρωση συνειδητοποίησαν το δικαίωμα για τη δική τους απελευθέρωση. Μέρα με τη μέρα γίνονται ίσες όχι μόνο στις θυσίες και στον ηρωισμό αλλά και στις διαπροσωπικές τους σχέσεις. Δεν υπάρχει τομέας δουλειάς


JUNIOR SCHOOL 28th October

Την Παρασκευή 25 Οκτωβρίου το σχολείο μας τίμησε την εθνική επέτειο της 28ης Οκτωβρίου 1940. Με υπερηφάνεια και ενθουσιασμό τα παιδιά της έκτης τάξης – τα οποία είχαν αναλάβει την παρουσίαση αναφέρθηκαν στο ιστορικό της ημέρας, απήγγειλαν ένα ποίημα, τραγούδησαν ένα τραγούδι, μίλησαν για τη Μάχη της Κρήτης που σηματοδοτεί τη συνέχεια των ιστορικών δεσμών Αυστραλίας και Ελλάδας που ξεκίνησαν με την εκστρατεία της Καλλίπολης. Ιδιαίτερη απήχηση είχε η προέκταση του ιστορικού μηνύματος του ΟΧΙ σε καταστάσεις σημερινές που απαιτούν απαντήσεις, όπως: ΟΧΙ στον πόλεμο, ΟΧΙ στα όπλα, ΟΧΙ στο ρατσισμό, ΟΧΙ στη βία, ΟΧΙ στην γκρίνια, ΟΧΙ στην πείνα! Τελειώνοντας, τα παιδιά της έκτης τάξης προέτρεψαν όλα τα άλλα παιδιά να αναφωνήσουν μαζί: ΖΗΤΩ Η 28η ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ 1940, ΖΗΤΩ Η ΕΛΛΑΔΑ, ΖΗΤΩ Η ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ, ΖΗΤΩ Η ΑΓΑΠΗ ΚΑΙ Η ΦΙΛΙΑ!



As Term 4 proceeds and Year 12 2013 students are busy sitting their HSC examinations, the students in other years are preparing for approaching assessments. Some events which may be of interest in future weeks are outlined below: FOR YEAR 10 AND 11 2013 UNSW Architecture- Creating Spaces workshop: For students in years 10 -12 who are interested in architecture, 19th November. Go to : udents.splash for more information and to register.

A DAY@UNSW: 12th December, 2013. A great opportunity to spend a day at UNSW and try out three study areas. This day, during the school holidays, is free of charge, lunch and campus tour included. Register to attend at: udents.splash


hungry so I ate. After that, I went on another ride and it was fun. Finally I went home. I had fun at the Spring fair.

UTS Discover Architecture Summer school: For Year 11 high school students interested in architecture, Monday 13th to Thursday 23rd January,2014. For registration details, go to : Traineeship Information Session : For those interested in apprenticeships and traineeships in a variety of industries. Wednesday, 13th November. For more information, contact

Aston Roumanous Yesterday we went to school for our Spring Fair. First I went to the hall and found our class. Then we did Greek Dancing. After that we went to have a souvlaki for lunch. Finally we went on the rides and then went home. I had a really really fun time at the Spring Fair.

FOR YEAR 12 2013: UNSW Year 12 Parent and Student Information Evening: Wednesday, 13th November 5.30pm for 6.30 pm start. Register to attend at: udents.schedules_search?p_event_id=28&p_hi gh_school_id=742&p_session=###

Amali Roumanous Yesterday we came to school for our Spring Fair. I went with my mum. First I went to Church with my class. Then I did Greek Dancing. Next I had food. After that I went home because my little brother needed to go to sleep. I had a fun day.

UTS Year 12 Parent and Student Information Evenings: Wednesday, 13th November (Kuring-gai campus), Thursday 14th November (City campus) and Wednesday 4th December (City campus). See registration information at :

George Alexandratos Yesterday we came to school for our Spring Fair. First I went to meet my grandparents. Then we went to the presentation for Mrs Hamer. Next I went into the hall and lined up with my class and then went outside. After that we did our Greek dance and then I got a tattoo. Finally Helena spiked my hair up. I had fantastic fun.

University Course Information Days: These will be held in early January (3rd January for most universities) before final changes to preferences close for 2014.See university websites for more information.

Peter Baroutis Yesterday we went to school for our Spring fair. First I went into the Church with my class. Then I ate a souvlaki. Next we sang and danced. After that I ate a hot dog with my mum. Finally I went in the bubble ride. It was fun. I had a fun day.

Please contact me if you have any queries, With best wishes, Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser

Evelina Karedis




Yesterday we came to school for the Spring Fair. First we did Greek Dancing. Next I went on the rides. Then I went on the jumping castle. Finally I went home. I had fun.

Kindergarten thoroughly enjoyed their first Spring Fair. Read some of the recounts KC students wrote….

Zane Rallis

Yesterday we went to the Spring Fair. I went with my family. First I went to do Greek Dancing and it was really good. Then I went on the rides and it was a lot of fun. Next I was

KC can’t wait until next year’s Spring Fair!! Mrs A. Karpouzos




Intermediate B’s This team consists of Year 9 students coached by Mr Meintanis and his assistant Mr Koutsoukis. These girls struggled to win a game last year, however, their determination and effort to improve has allowed them to already secure a win for the season defeating Barker College in Round 2 30-20. Most pleasing is the level of enjoyment displayed by all players as they take the court for training and games. Outstanding performance displayed from both Eve Barton and Anastasia Gousetis.

SENIOR SCHOOL SPORT NEWS ISA GIRLS BASKETBALL Open A’s On Saturday the 19th, the girls Opens Basketball team had their first round of basketball. After being in the lead throughout the game the girls were unfortunately defeated during extra time by Chevalier with a score of 36-39 after a challenging game. Cassandra Georgiou had an outstanding performance leading to man of the match with her consistent effort and perseverance on the court.

Junior B’s Team consisting of Year 8 students coached by Miss Savva also secured their first win against St Pauls in round 2 winning 28-3 with outstanding performances from Christiana Kilias and Tina Ventoura. Thanks must also be extended to Luka Kasalovic of Year 11 who has assisted in training this team each Thursday.

Round 2 the girls travelled to Barker College where they were up against a strong Barker team. Fortunately the girls were able to maintain their early lead throughout the match but only defeated Barker narrowly 42-39. Outstanding performance from Rena Lambos leading to man of the match due to her strong rebounding and crucial baskets. Open C’s This team consists of Year 10 students with their coach Miss Kalithrakas and are yet to secure a win - being defeated by a strong Oxley team in round 1 but most certainly showed improvement round 2, only narrowly being defeated 18-14 by Barker College. The girls are determined to secure their first win and with continued perseverance this will no doubt be possible.

Junior C’s Usually our most underdeveloped team, however, this year this current group of girls have proven to be different. Possessing a sound level of fundamental skills needed in Basketball leading them to be the only undefeated team this season. This great start can be attributed to their coach Erin Criticos who has not only refined their skills but developed an excellent rapport with the team. Round 1 – defeated Oxley 22-8 and Round 2 defeated St Pauls – 36-6. Team photos for the girls will be taken this Saturday, 2nd November. Please be dressed in correct uniform.

Intermediate A’s Strong focus in the development of this team is an important goal this season as they will no doubt be the future Opens team. A combination of Year 9 and Year 10 students they are placed in Division 1 against much larger and stronger schools, but the girls have had a positive start. A narrow defeat against Chevalier 23-20 and a super strong victory against St Pauls defeating them 57-10. With further improvement in their team cohesion and becoming familiar with their new coach this team will no doubt achieve further success. I look forward to watching their growth throughout the season.


Round 2 Saturday, 26th October The boys’ basketball season got under way last Saturday 26th October. This being the first game of the season the boys performed very well and played their best. There were some very difficult contests and it was obvious that our opposition having played one more game than our boys helped in their final execution.


This season the students will be asked to write short summaries of the games played on Saturdays to include in the school newsletter as a way of reflecting on their team performance.

Results First V defeated St Patricks College 41-21 U17 Blue defeated St Pius 29-22 U15 White lost to St Patricks College 62-12 U14 White lost to St Patricks College 28-25 U14 Blue lost to St Pius X College 43-5 U13 White defeated St Patricks College 17-11 U13 Blue defeated St Pius X College 28-20

13 White On Saturday 26th October all boys had their first basketball game of the season. The 13 whites couldn’t wait to play this game after being told that last week our game was cancelled due to the bushfires. Every Thursday we have been training very hard and when the game finally came against St Patricks College we were very excited.

A highlight of the week was no doubt the strong performance of the Open boys who defeated St Patricks College, but also the positive start by both the 13 White team and the 13 Blue team. The strong collegial spirit of the College was no more evident this week as the parents organised the smooth running of the canteen and the barbeque and catered for the afternoon tea for our Open boys in the SPACE. I personally would like to extend a big thank you to all our parents for their help on the weekend including Mrs Paraskevas who helped out in the canteen in preparing the hot food for the afternoon tea.

The game started off very slow and we were behind. With some bad passes and our shots just not going in we didn’t know what to do. But we kept our heads high. In the second half we played with more hunger and wanted to win. Alexandros Gousetis helped to bring the team to victory by scoring lots of great baskets. But we worked together and were very glad to have won 17-11. We were happy with this result but still knew that we could have played a lot better, then again it was only our first game.

I look forward to the continued support and generosity of all our parents in the pursuit of a coordinated effort to continually improve not only the hospitality provided to other schools, but more importantly promoting strong working relationships between our staff and parents for our students to benefit and learn from.

Next week we hope to receive a similar result. Good job to all the boys!! Chris Kumar

Thank you to all the staff/Parent and external coaches who have helped to prepare the boys for the Basketball Season. Training on Thursdays coupled with lunch, morning and after school training sessions will invariably pay off as students also get valuable game time. A reminder to all, that coaches will be awarding best and fairest points throughout the season with the winning student awarded the Best and Fairest Trophy at the school Sports Presentation Evening in 2014. Next Week the boys will be travelling to St Pius X College and St Patricks College for their 3rd round clash. All details will be emailed to parents/guardians and students will receive their hard copy of game times on Thursday. Parents not receiving emails are urged to please contact the Boys Coordinator of sport in order to do so.

13 Blue On Saturday October 26th, the under 13 blues played St Pius X College in an exciting game of Basketball. All the boys showed enthusiasm and skill resulting in a 28-20 come from behind win. All the boys were happy with their first game of the season. Congratulations to all the boys and we hope we can maintain this good form next week. John Trovas


all learned how we played as a team and began to build some strategies together. We all know that next week will be a much better performance from all of us as the only way from here is up.

U14 White On Saturday 26th October, the 14 whites ISA basketball team were playing a semi- finals rematch against St Patricks. It was very close all game with an intense finish to the match. The stand out player in the match was Kyriakos Kladakis with his amazing performance throughout the whole game. We were very unlucky to lose the match, but we will be ready next game.

Sebastian Zois U17Blue 17B’s v St Pius X College won 29-22 What an exciting game this was for the opening season. Some of the players have never played basketball before, but they managed to defeat St Pius X College. Dressed in Green, the 17’s had a rusty first half, but with the help of Nicholas Georgiou in the second half, they ran away with a win. Credit to all the boys who came out this Saturday:

Panos Bounos U14Blue 14B’s v St Pius X College lost 43 - 5 This was the first game of the season and the team did well. It was good to see the team support each other and never to give up regardless of the score. The Team missed a lot of shots and training this week will be shooting practice, especially layups. The team that came along and did their best included:

Kristian Kontakos, Simeon Keremeas, Andrew Toras, Christos Toras and Christos Raptis

Michael Constantinides, Stanley Condous, Nicholas Xeras, Joel Richardson, Joel Dean, George Andrianakos, Dimitri Stamios, Dimitrios Avdalis, George Raptis and George Dimas

First V On Saturday the 26th of October, the Opens ISA boys’ basketball team played their first game of the season against St Patrick’s College. The first 15 minutes were tight but the boys pulled through with a great result of 41-21. The whole team played with good sportsmanship to start off the season with a good result. Special mentions to the year 11s as this would be their last season, in particular Luka with a standout performance. Also a special mention to the year 10s who stepped up and rose to the occasion. Overall a solid performance by all the boys and we hope to continue the season with great enthusiasm and more great results.

U15 White Over the weekend, the under 15 boys played host to St Patricks College for their first game of the season, due to the fires north of Sydney leaving the roads too hazardous for travel. Unfortunately, we went down 62-12 in a disappointing effort. It was the beginning 1015 minutes of the first half where the opponents gained the momentum of the match. After that, our squad began to have some signs of beginning to play as a team but the ultimate deciding factor of the game was our team’s inexperience in playing together. Despite the score, this match was good for the team as we

Nikolas Baratsas & Panayioti Kapodistrias Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)



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