St Spyridon News 121 3a 2014

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VOLUME XXXI No 3 7th March, 2014


MARCH ISA Cross Country SS


25th March Celebrations


G.O. Swimming Carnival JS CIS Football JS


Annunciation School closed



JS Open Morning & Tour 9am – 11am SS Twilight Tours 5 pm CIS Swimming


ISA Swimming Carnival SS


Vaccinations SS


As we enter the period of Great Lent, we wish our students and their families peace and strength in their spiritual preparations for Easter. You will no doubt be aware that our School Canteens have special menus for this time. It is tradition at our Senior School that the Prayer of St Ephraim is recited every morning by our students and staff. We share this prayer with our parents as it embodies the essence of Greek Orthodox Great Lent.

Lord and Master of my life, give me not a spirit of idleness, meddling, love of power and idle talk. But grant me, your servant, a spirit of soberness, humility, patience and love. Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults , and not condemn my brother; for blessed are you to the ages of ages. Amen.

4 April th

APRIL 1.30pm Easter Focus Assembly JS Term ends for Students and Staff


P & F Palm Sunday lunch


Good Friday




Staff Development Day


Term 2 begins Students return


MAY National Schools Event

7th – 9th

P & F Mother’s Day Stalls

5th – 9th

CIS Netball


NAPLAN Years 3 and 5 Years 7and 9

13th – 15th

K2015 Information Morning 9.30am – 11am JS Parent Teacher Conferences Year 12


School Photos JS



Καλή Σαρακοστή

31st – P & F Lambatha Stalls






Lent is also a time for greater works of mercy and charity for those less fortunate than us. All people, even those who do not have much wealth (like children) can share what they have with those in need: like their time, their patience, their wisdom and their talent. It is a time for visitation of the sick and assistance to the poor, and generally a more joyful relationship with those who are close to us – our family and friends. Most of all, Lent is a time of joy and a new beginning. This Great Lent, we are called to cleanse ourselves –in mind, body and soul– through the physical and spiritual fast, keeping a Christian attitude in all that we do. All this is done to prepare us for the Great Feast of Pascha – the Resurrection of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

NEWSLETTER IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Please note as from next Term our Newsletter will be emailed out to all parents. If you have recently changed your email address could you please send to:

DEEPEST SYMPATHY Sincere condolences are extended to Mr and Mrs Katsogiannis on the recent passing of their mother, Dimitra, at the age of 90.

Mr A. Picardi


May her memory be eternal.





HOMILY FOR GREAT LENT 2014 Asking for and granting forgiveness for all sins, large and small, are two of the most difficult things in life, yet it is the entry point for our journey through Great Lent. Before we commence our journey through Great Lent, Christ calls us to clear up our differences, working earnestly to be in a right relationship with one another. Christ tells us that if we want to be with Him in His heavenly kingdom, we must forgive others. At the heart of the matter, even though we must forgive other people, this is ultimately about our relationship with God. This is highlighted in the Lord’s prayer that we recite both individually and as a School community, in which we ask God to: “forgive us our trespasses [to the same extent] as we forgive those who trespass against us…”

Congratulations to the new P & F committee members of 2014! The committee includes enthusiastic volunteers:



President – Anna Stamoulis Vice President – Diana Valmas Treasurer – Erenie Bourdaniotis Assistant Treasurer – Kim Georgas Secretary - Angela Kasmas Assistant Secretary – Angela Vergotis Members Mary Baroutis Christine O’Reilly Rita Georges Maria Frazis Georgina Panselinos Joanna Coutts Kathy Mastroperos Ching Chih Huang Matthew Dimaris Maria Pascalis Angela Giaras Mike Stavridis Lucy Karagiorgou Ana Winnel Poppy Konstantakis Maria Karedis Reggina Vlahos Aphrodite Barmakellis Margaret Nicholson

Great Lent is a time for self-examination and selfdenial – a time for taking control of our lives and our bodies. The purpose of the fast is to give us a greater awareness of our dependence on God. It is a time to improve ourselves and our relationship with God and with those around us. It is a time to reassess our identity as Christians. It is a period of purification through prayer, fasting, confession and Holy Communion at its pinnacle. It is for this reason that St John Chrysostom teaches us that: “The holy fathers have appointed this period of Great Lent so that the people, having been carefully cleansed through prayer, fasting and the confession of sins, will approach Holy Communion with a pure conscience.”



The meeting attracted an energized group of parents who were inspired by the warm and wise words of both our Head of College, Mrs E. Stefanou and our Parish President, Mrs S. Mayson. All our events have been marked on the calendar and we look forward to their arrival in order to entertain you and raise the cultural awareness of our community with various religious and social celebrations.

ADVICE TO PARENTS WHAT IS RESILIENCE? David Morris a 29 year old school teacher from Melbourne soared to great heights recently after taking silver at the Sochi winter Olympic Games. Morris faced years of rejection and humiliation having been told that he would never succeed in an ariels program let alone be selected for an Olympics event. Morris recently claimed Australia’s third medal of the Games and first in men’s aerials, when he won silver at the Sochi games. Morris has also been chosen to carry the Australian flag at this year’s closing ceremony. His example demonstrates that resilience is a skill that when practiced may lead to great achievements.

Please read the newsletter regularly to keep up to date with upcoming events, fundraising achievements and our request for your invaluable help for various activities. Please also remember there is only so much a handful of 25 parents can achieve, who represent a student population of around 700. Your input is welcome and crucial to the success of our efforts. EVENT LAMBATHA STALLS PALM SUNDAY LUNCH MOTHER’S DAY STALLS

Resilience is a 21st Century parenting concept that every parent needs to understand and practice so that they can equip their children with the skills to manage and come through frustrations and disappointments that will inevitably come their way.


Research has shown that parents can actively foster resilient skills in their children by modelling the behaviour themselves. Dr Michael Grose psychologist and author of positive parenting books, advises the following to assist parents with this difficult task;

On behalf of the P&F committee 2013 Mrs M. Pascalis


Thought-stopping: Help children avoid being overwhelmed by parking their thoughts or worries for a while. “That’s enough of those thoughts for now. Think about it after lunch, but leave them for now.”

With our entry into the period of Great Lent, I wish you all Καλή Σαρακοστή! May the next forty days bring us time for reflection, prayer and repentance so that we may be closer to Christ and His kingdom. Fasting from food is the easiest thing we can do. Our challenge is to forgive and to love unconditionally.

Mental distraction: Read, run, write or roam. Anything they can do to distract themselves. Move away from a situation: Physically removing themselves from a situation temporarily relieves stress and worry. A break from the study room, a walk outside or visit to shops gives children the change-up they need.

CORRECTION Apologies are extended to Talia (3A), Cara (1T) Diamond and their mother Mrs Diamond for accidentally omitting their names from the Kalanta list during the editing process. Your contribution is appreciated and valued.

A special place: Help children find their special place or thing where they can take solace and draw strength.

Mrs A. Synesios Principal

Offering hope: “This too shall pass” is a powerful lesson to learn at any age. From a resilience perspective, Dr Grose advises us to coach children through some of their more challenging moments and reviewing what they


may have learned for next time but cautions against solving all their problems for them.

Congratulations to Anastasia Mylonas and Nicholas Frazis winners of this year’s Champion of Champion race.

Dr Grose (2014) notes the following points for parents to consider; Have a positive attitude yourself. Your attitude as a parent impacts on your child’s ability to bounce back from some of the difficulties they face. Make sure you model a ‘you can do it’ attitude for your child when he meets some of life’s curve balls. Look for teachable moments. Many learning opportunities are disguised as problems. Make the most of these opportunities so that children can grow and learn from some of the challenges they face. Make your children active participants in the family. Active participation in a family develops the self-help, problem-solving and independence skills of children that are necessary for resilience.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

As Grose (2014) states promoting resilience in children is a not a single event but a continuous process that requires adults to be supportive and empathetic when things don’t go their way. It also requires you as a parent to have an understanding of resilience, so you have faith in yourself, and your child’s ability to cope.



Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. Jack Welch

References: Extracts were taken from Dr Grose’s Blog ‘Positive parenting’ (2014) Retrieved February 19, 2014, from

THE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL (SRC) The above quote could not be demonstrated anymore clearly than last week’s SRC speeches. Students across Years 7-11 gave presentations aimed at winning their peers votes on why they should be elected on the SRC. Clearly, nominees put thought and enthusiasm into this task and it is unfortunate that we are limited to having only three SRC’s elected to represent each class.

Mrs Kipriotis Infants’ Coordinator


The 2014 SRC will be announced at an upcoming assembly and the first SRC meeting for this Year will be held on Monday 17th March (week 8).

Congratulations to Nemeans who won this year’s Senior School Swimming Carnival.


HOME STUDY ... it is NOT just about the Homework In order to assist students become more selfdirected and to work effectively in order to maximize learning, Middle School Pastoral Care lessons, in recent weeks, have been dedicated to setting goals for the year, creating a study timetable, setting up a good learning environment, and following a solid 1.5-2hr HOME STUDY routine each night. Home Study is made up of:1. HOMEWORK completion 2. Working on assessment tasks and/or preparing for upcoming tests 3. Revision of the days lessons/topics, creating study notes (summaries) **if point 3 cannot be done because points 2 & 3 took up all the home study time, then perhaps set aside a slot over the to do this **Also before sleeping, students should READ for half an HOUR. Parents can assist their children by reinforcing the importance of these practices, having regular conversations about the school day and what is being learnt, being aware of when assignments are given and due for submission, as well as checking all home study is being completed. Regular review of the Student Planner will assist with monitoring.

WHAT HAPPENS WITH WORK THAT IS MISSED DUE TO ABSENCE? All students are expected to catch up on all work missed when absent, so that they do not fall behind and are able to perform at their peak at all times. The process for this may include calling a peer to find out what was missed from each class, and consulting the teachers during break times on the first day of return to get any handouts and notes. If absence is prolonged, parents may ring the school and ask the Year Adviser to collect and forward missed work.

CLEAN UP SCHOOLS DAY Last Friday our Senior School students and teachers once again banded together for the 2014 Schools Clean Up Day. The organizers of this national campaign have said that this was the best yet with more than 460,768 students from over 2464 schools Australia wide taking part. Our school's results are counted along with the 572,400 volunteers who removed 15,700 tonnes


of rubbish at 7,140 sites right across the country over last weekend - what an amazing effort!

YEAR 7 and THEIR YEAR 10 PEER SUPPORT LEADERS The first of a series of Peer Support lessons facilitated by Year 10 leaders began this week. Before Year 7 began their session they were divided into 8 groups, each of which was led by 3 or 4 Year 10’s. They then engaged in some fun ‘ice breakers’ that had everyone laughing. After this students participated in team building activities, including the development of a group agreement. By the end of this first lesson, participants had opportunity to mix with a range of peers, gain greater understanding of the word ‘resilience’ and the knowledge that friends and peer support leader can help get through difficult times. Furthermore, it was great to see Year 10 Peer Support Leaders step up to the challenges that come with trying to manage and engage younger students, along with the pride shown in successfully delivering good sessions. Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School




και καστανά μάτια. Είμαι επίσης μελαχρινή και λεπτή.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Καλή Σαρακοστή! Στην έκδοση αυτή, θα ήθελα πρώτα απ’ όλα, να ευχαριστήσω τις συναδέλφους από τα Ελληνικά, κυρία Βάνα Αλεξανδροπούλου και κυρία Παρασκευή Γαμβρέλλη. Την πρώτη, που δέχτηκε να είναι συμπαρουσιάστρια μαζί μου στο σεμινάριο που διοργάνωσε η Ιερά μας Αρχιεπισκοπή για τους δάσκαλους των απογευματινών και Σαββατιανών της σχολείων και τη δεύτερη για το ρόλο της στο σεμινάριο αυτό πίσω από τον ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή, την Τρίτη 25/2/14.

Σαν χαρακτήρας θα έλεγα ότι είμαι φιλική, εργατική, δραστήρια και έξυπνη. Μου αρέσει ο χορός, η γυμναστική, η μόδα και να πηγαίνω στον κινηματογράφο. Δεν μου αρέσει το ποδόσφαιρο. Πώς είναι το σπίτι σου;

Επίσης στην έκδοση αυτή δημοσιεύουμε δύο γραπτά. Το ένα ανήκει στη Δανάη Κυριακάκη και το δεύτερο στην Αναστασία Χατζίδη. Καλή σας ανάγνωση. κ.Μ. Φαλέτα

Μένω σε μια μονοκατοικία με την οικογένειά μου. Το σπίτι μας είναι διώροφο, ευρύχωρο και παλιό. Το σπίτι μας έχει πέντε τεράστια υπνοδωμάτια, τρία μπάνια, μια τουαλέτα, μια καινούρια κουζίνα και δύο ευήλια σαλόνια. Έχει επίσης μια μεγάλη τραπεζαρία, δύο γραφεία, ένα πλυσταριό και μια τεράστια αυλή με πολλά λουλούδια, ένα λαχανόκηπο και μια πισίνα.

Ο Τύπος μου

Πώς είναι η γειτονιά σου;

Ο τύπος μου, ως χαρακτήρας είναι κουλτουρέ. Βέβαια υπάρχουν και μερικές εξαιρέσεις όπως, δεν κάνω την έξυπνη μέσα στην τάξη. Το ντύσιμό μου είναι λιτό και απλό, όμως μου αρέσει να συνδυάζω τα ρούχα μου με σκισμένα τζιν και πάνινα αθλητικά παπούτσια.

Η γειτονιά μου βρίσκεται στα νότια προάστια του Σύδνεϋ. Η γειτονιά μου είναι ήσυχη, καταπράσινη και γραφική. Βρίσκεται σ’ ένα ήσυχο δρόμο όπου γύρω-γύρω υπάρχουν σπίτια, το σχολείο της περιοχής, ένα πάρκο με θέα στη θάλασσα, μια βιβλιοθήκη και μερικά καταστήματα όπως παντοπωλείο, τράπεζα, ταχυδρομείο, εστιατόρια, κομμωτήριο, παιδικός σταθμός και γυμναστήριο.

Είμαι ένα στυλ κουλτουρέ με μια δόση σπόρτσγουμαν. Η μουσική που ακούω είναι κυρίως ποπ, ροκ, χιπ χοπ και μπαλάντες. Στον ελεύθερο χρόνο μου, μου αρέσει να ζωγραφίζω, να ακούω μουσική, να διαβάζω εξωσχολικά βιβλία και να βλέπω ταινίες. Τέλος, όταν βρίσκομαι με φίλους, συνήθως πάμε σινεμά, στο πάρκο της γειτονιάς ή επισκεπτόμαστε ο ένας το σπίτι του άλλου. Αυτά για τον τύπο μου.

Ποια μαθήματα κάνεις στο σχολείο; Τα μαθήματα που κάνω στο σχολείο είναι τα Ελληνικά, τα Αγγλικά, τα Μαθηματικά, τα Θρησκευτικά, η Επιστήμη, η Γεωγραφία, οι Εικαστικές Τέχνες, η Ιστορία, η Τεχνολογία και η Φυσική Αγωγή. Ποιο μάθημα σ’ αρέσει και ποιο δεν σ’ αρέσει;

Danae Kyriakaki Year 10 (Year 11 for Greek)

Το μάθημα που μου αρέσει είναι τα Αγγλικά γιατί η καθηγήτριά μας είναι καλόκαρδη. Το μάθημα που δεν μου αρέσει είναι η Γεωγραφία γιατί είναι βαρετό μάθημα.

Εγώ και το περιβάλλον μου Πες μου λίγα λόγια για τον εαυτό σου:

Anastasia Hatzidis Year 8GKA

Με λένε Αναστασία και είμαι δεκατριών χρονών. Έχω γεννηθεί στο Σύδνεϋ, αλλά οι γονείς μου κατάγονται από την Ελλάδα. Ο πατέρας μου είναι από την Λάρισα και η μητέρα μου είναι από το Καστελλόριζο. Πηγαίνω στο κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα και είμαι στη Β΄ τάξη του Γυμνασίου. Από εμφάνιση θα έλεγα ότι είμαι μετρίου αναστήματος, με σγουρά, πυκνά, καστανά μαλλιά




University of Sydney Camperdown Campus.

As usual, there is a large amount of interesting information about upcoming events, courses, Universities and Careers to tell you about. I have recently been attending the Career Advisers days at several Universities and the wide variety of courses and opportunities on offer is amazing.

Antipoedeans Abroad Gap year information: Wednesday 12th March, 6.30pm , 303A / 282 Victoria Ave, Chatswood. Register at: University of New South Wales: Year 12 Medicine Information Evening for Network Schools Thu 13th March, 6:30pm to 7:30pm nts.splash

HIGHLIGHTS FROM UNSW AND USYD:UNSW: We heard about the Bonus Points scheme (called HSC Plus), mid-year intakes, the University Prep Program (UPP),the elite athlete program, scholarships availableincluding the Co-op program, overseas study programs, as well as updates from the different faculties.

CPA Australia Career Expo 2014: Sydney: Tue 18th March, 5:30pm to 8pm at Sofitel Wentworth, 61-101 Phillip Street, Sydney. Careers in Business. Contact:

Some interesting courses offered include the B. Science in Environmental Management, B. Media (Journalism and Communication), B. Media (screen and sound production - 2015), B. Computation and Spatial Design (2015). The 6year undergraduate medicine course is now changing from MBBS to MD, and there is increased flexibility in the Engineering courses.

Engineering Careers Expo: Tue 18th March, 2:30pm to 6pm – Sydney Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney

SYDNEY UNIVERSITY: Information was provided about Flexible Entry (by bonus points and portfolio), scholarships, the elite athlete program and overseas study opportunities. New courses for 2015 include: B. Architecture and Environments, B. Arts/B. Economics, B. Pharmacy and Management and the Diploma of Languages.

Study in the USA: An Information Evening: Monday 24 March 2014 from 5.30-7.30pm in the Packer Theatre and Foyer at Ascham. See Ms Hakos if you wish to attend. UNSW Science Parent and Student Information Evening, Wednesday 26 March, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, The John Niland Scientia Building, UNSW Kensington. Register online from February through

The Faculty Scholars program for outstanding first year students in Arts and Social Sciences and the ‘Incubate’ program for budding entrepreneurs are two other exciting new developments. See the University websites or ask me, if you require further information.

Metro Screen: Screen & Media Careers Info Night Wed 26 March, 6pm to 7pm Corner of Oxford Street & Oakley Road, Paddington.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Defence Jobs Australia: Army Officer Facebook Chat: Thursday 6th March, 6:30pm – 8pm (AEDT). Speak to a current Army Officer and find out what happens day to day, what training you will receive and see how you could become a leader in the Australian Army. 205/




Sydney Dance Company: April School Holiday Workshops Juniors: Mon 14th & Tue 15th April; Seniors: Wed 16th & Thu 17th April. These workshops are run by Sydney’s leading choreographers & dance teachers, including Jason

The School for Excellence: Mid-Year Exam Revision Lectures: Sat 8th to Sun 16th March,


Winters (So You Think You Can Dance), Loredo Malcolm (The Lion King), Manuel Oliveira (The Voice USA), Amy Campbell (King Kong The Musical) and more.

CREATIVE WRITING BY TWO AQUA LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD You need to pretend you are the wolf in the story and create a new plan to catch Little Red Riding Hood.

Intensive Journalism Workshop: April School Holidays 22nd-24th April; For students in Years 10, 11 and 12. At SCEGGS, Darlinghurst. Contact

I am going to catch Little Red Riding Hood, but how? Can I bake a cake and dress up as a fairy? No. Can I set up a trapdoor? Yes! So I will dig up a hole and put sticks on the side to lift it up like a shelter. Oh, here she comes now!!! La di da di da….. Ggggrrrr!!! She did not fall in the trap!!! I am going to get her. Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!! I fell in my own trap! I will get her someday!

I have been meeting with many Year 10 students for lunchtime interviews over the past few weeks. Some Year 11 students have had interviews with me as well, which is very heartening.

Ciana Foti 2A

Year 12 students are strongly encouraged to make an appointment with me as soon as possible to discuss their options and choices and to find out the latest information. Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser




Μιλάω για τον εαυτό μου GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS

Με λένε Δέσποινα Τσουκαλά. Είμαι μαθήτρια. Πηγαίνω στο Κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα. Είμαι στην τρίτη τάξη. Είμαι οχτώ χρονών. Τη δασκάλα μου τη λένε κυρία Μπλετσογιάννη. Έχω έναν αδερφό, το Γρηγόρη. Ο Γρηγόρης είναι στην πέμπτη τάξη. Τη μαμά μου τη λένε Στεργία. Τον μπαμπά μου τον λένε Γιώργο. Έχω ένα σκύλο και μία γάτα. Τον σκύλο μου τον λένε Zac και τη γάτα μου Shelby. Δέσποινα Τσουκαλά Year 3

You need to pretend you are Goldilocks. Explain why you entered the Three Bears house and justify your actions. I went in the forest but I took the wrong path and then I got lost. I saw a house and went inside but there was no one inside. Inside the house was a bowl of porridge and I tasted it because I was hungry. I sat on a chair because I was tired. I also had a nap in a bed. Then the three bears came and chased me. I learnt I shouldn’t go into other people’s houses when they are not home.

Με λένε Σοφία Καρατάσου. Είμαι οχτώ χρονών. Είμαι μαθήτρια. Πηγαίνω στο Κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα. Είμαι στην Τρίτη τάξη. Τη δασκάλα μου τη λένε κυρία Μπλετσογιάννη. Είμαι από την Αυστραλία. Έχω καστανά μαλλιά και καστανά μάτια. Έχω μία αδερφή, τη Γεωργία, και έναν αδερφό, το Βασίλη. Η Γεωργία είναι στην πρώτη τάξη και ο Βασίλης δεν πηγαίνει σχολείο. Σοφία Καρατάσου Year 3

Alexandra Bizannes 2A





You need write a letter to Goldilocks expressing you thoughts and feelings about her behaviour.


Dear Goldilocks, Goldilocks you cheeky little girl! You should not have done that in the first place! You broke their chairs; you broke their beds and ate all their porridge. You should be ashamed of yourself!

In Week 2, 3 and 4 we had our Junior School Team trials at the SPACe. The teachers who selected the teams were Ms McCarthy, Miss Sotiras, Mr Volas, Mr Kaldis, Mr Zafiropoulos, Mr Meintanis, Ms O’Shea and I. Congratulations to the students who were selected.

James Kefalouros 2A

U10 Boys FUTSAL Team Jameson Darras-Samaras George Grillakis Paul Giavis Nicholas Michos Angus Chellos Zachary Marinos Marlon Rallis Nicholas Papas U12 Boys FUTSAL Team George Stavrou Kosta Ioannou James Hristeff Peter Petrides Juval Mikhail Marcos Hanna Emmanuel Constantopedos Jordan Frazis

Dear Goldilocks, I know you were tired, hungry and your legs were sore but did you really have to eat, sleep and sit down? Did you have to break everything? Next time knock before going into people’s houses. Jordan Haramis 2A

U12 Girls FUTSAL Team A & B Side Katerina Darras-Samaras Anna Papas Georgia Athanasopoulos Roza Papas Efthimia Kollias Lisa Stamoulis Angelique Giokas Dominique Koukos Vivika Lynch Alexi Kounnas Nicoletta Tsimboukis Frances Lee Pascalis Taylyse Knight Natalia Fountoulis Alexia Costa

Dear Goldilocks, Your behaviour was a little bit bad. You should maybe go and say a kind sorry to the three bears. You are a lovely girl but I do not like what you did. Next time you should knock and if they are not there you should go to another house.

Year 5&6 Girls BASKETBALL Team Teresa Sevastopoulos Vivika Lynch Nicoletta Tsimboukis Angelique Giokas Nicola Skouteris

Georgia Miller 2A


Carolyn Makridopolus Nicoletta Fatouros Katerina Darras-Samaras Efthimia Kollias Anna Papas Roza Papas

DATES FOR THE DIARY Greek Orthodox Swimming Carnival Monday 24th March, Canterbury Aquatic and Fitness Centre. Hosts: All Saints Grammar.

Year 5&6 Boys BASKETBALL Team Emmanuel Constantopedos Michael Vlahos Nicholas Drakoulis Marcos Hanna Mihalis Dovellos Kosta Ioannou James Bletsas Costa Hatziparaskeva Thomas Mouratides Peter Trovas Christo Keramitzis Gianni Keramitzis Franklin Pyliotis Jonathon Mournehis Anthony Hatzigiakoumis

Cross Country Trials Friday 4th April, Astrolabe Park Futsal Regionals Tournament Thursday 12th June 2014 State Futsal Tournament Tuesday 29th August 2014 NSW Netball Tournament Tuesday 17th June 2014 NSW State Championships Tuesday 16th September 2014 Bankstown Bruins Basketball Tournament Monday 20th Oct

Year 5&6 NETBALL Team Vivika Lynch Fotoulla Hatziparaskeva Nicoletta Tsimboukis Alyssa Alas Georgia Varvaritis Marissa Diakoumis Nicola Skouteris Nicki Kondou Stephanie Andreou Dominique Koukos Alexi Kounnas

JUNIOR SCHOOL SWIMMING CARNIVAL It was a beautiful day for a swimming carnival! A big thank you to all the parents and teachers who assisted on the day. This year we invited all the 8 year olds to attend including those in Year Two. Congratulations to the winning team, the Corinthians and all the Age Champions! 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place

AFL Mixed Team Stefan Gemisis James Bletsas Antonio Pateras Nicholas Drakoulis Marcos Hanna George Kalergis Vivika Lynch George Stavrou Michael Vlahakis Emmanuel Constantopedos Katerina Darras-Samaras Jordan Frazis James Hristeff Andrew Karaniki Anna Papas Thomas Mouratidis Anastasi Poulos


Corinthians Olympians Delphians Nemeans

FEMALE AGE CHAMPIONS Age Name 8 Phoebe Economou & Sienna Tsoukalas 9 Sia Manos 10 Eleni Haralambides 11 Nicola Skouteris 12 Frances Lee Pascalis

Students receive 3 points for 1st place, 2 points for 2nd place and 1 point for 3rd place in each Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country events they compete in, in their age group. (There are 11 and 12 year olds in Year 6). Those points are added together. The student who was the age champion in swimming for example will receive 3 points; the student who came 2nd overall will get 2 points and 3rd 1 point. The same applies for Athletics and Cross Country.

MALE AGE CHAMPIONS Age Name 8 Leon Kalyvas 9 Hudson Rallis 10 Paul Giavis 11 Juval Mikhail & Anthony Hatzgiakoumis 12 Jordan Frazis

Two points are awarded to students who attend ASISSA trials of any sport and are selected for the ASISSA team. An additional 2 points are awarded to students who attend the CIS trials and are selected to represent CIS at the PSSA carnivals. Any questions please see Mrs Diavatiotis. Good luck to all our Year 6 athletes!

EATING HEALTHY Students are expected to bring healthy nutritional food to school for recess and lunch. On days where students take part in sport, it is even more important that they are consuming healthy foods that will give them energy. The canteen at carnivals is not permitted. Hot chips, ice-creams and foods high in fats and sugars are strictly prohibited. Student lunches should consist of sandwiches, fruit and water. Parents can buy food for their child from the canteens after the carnival has finished and their child has been dismissed.

Congratulations to the students who qualified for the Swim Squad who represented the School at the ASISSA Swimming Carnival on the 6th March. We would like to thank the Senior School for inviting our Year 5 and 6 students to their carnival last Friday. The students thoroughly enjoyed being a part of it. The Junior School Swim Squad was also invited to attend the Senior School Swimming training sessions over the past two weeks. Our students were given the opportunity to train leading up to the ASISSA Carnival.


Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sports Coordinator

The Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year awards are given to the two students in Year 6, a male and a female. They are the two children who achieve the most points overall from their sporting events throughout the year.





Last week St Spyridon College held its annual school swimming carnival at Des Renford Leisure Centre. This year we had more participants than any other year, and the inclusion of the Year 6 and Year 5 students added to the healthy competition that was achieved on the day.

It has been some time since we had three age relays in the boys and girls in House Colours (4x 50m freestyle relay).

There were some very close heats and the close contest between students also helped to create a very competitive carnival.

As a result of returning to this event all the boys relay records were broken. They included the following:

Results: Upper School Champion House: Nemeans

12/13 Years boys 4 x 50m relay Olympians broke record that was set in 1998 14/15 Years boys 4 x 50m relay Olympians broke record that was set in 1995 Open boys 4 x 50m relay Olympians broke record that was set in 1998.

Middle School Champion House: Olympians

After the carnival our swimming representative team was selected. They have been preparing for the ISA Swimming carnival on the 27th March. Our swim team has been training twice a week at All Sorts Aquatic Centre together with our Primary School swimming squad. We wish all the students the best of luck in their endeavours. We thank Angelina Flokis and Demi Flokis for coaching our swim squad for 2014. Having former students of the College return to coach our students is always inspiring for all our students.

Overall swimming House Champions for 2014: Nemeans Perhaps one of the greatest highlights of the meet was the efforts of Nicholas Frazis of Year 8 who broke 8 school records. These included:

BASKETBALL SEMI FINALS After a highly successful boys’ basketball season, 5 boys teams from the schools 7 teams qualified for the semi-finals at Penrith Sports Stadium and St Pauls Grammar.

25 and 50 m freestyle 25 and 50m butterfly 100 freestyle 50m backstroke 100m Medley and the 50m Breastroke breaking the school record that was set in 2001.

Despite the early travel time our U13 boys Blue team were prepared and faced St Patricks College with confidence. In the regular season our boys had lost their first encounter to this team but only the week before the semi-finals they managed to defeat this team in their second game. This game was sure to be close and at stake was a finals birth.


Our boys started slowly and despite being down for the entire first half they managed to keep the scores close. After the second period resumed our boys slowly gained the ascendancy and with minutes remaining our boys took the lead. A nail bitting finish earned the team their spot in the finals next week. I am particularly proud of their efforts and their significant improvement in skill.

Although the boys started slowly they gained momentum and were comfortable winners. This team is perhaps one of our most individually talented teams in recent memory. Next week will be a true test of character as the boys will play in their first Final in basketball; finals are often won on the back of strong team work and this will be their toughest challenge finding the courage to believe in each other.

Congratulations to both the team and their coach Mr Georgoulopoulos and good luck in next week’s final.

Congratulations also to their Koulouriotis and Ms Kladakis.

Our U13 white team have been strong all year and their opponents, Blue Mountains Grammar in the semi-final, did not threaten them. Our boys were clinical and aggressive in offence, knowing that their real challenge would be in the final against a very strong St Pius or St Pats College. Our boys quickly made light work of their semi-final but their focus now lies in trying to win their final game.



Our U15 boys were also semi-finalists this year after a disappointing 2012-2013. Unfortunately our boys were beaten easily and were no match for St Patricks College. Despite this, our boys must be commended for their efforts throughout season 2013-2014. Mr Kosta Baratsas must be commended for his effort in guiding and supporting all the boys. Congratulations and best of luck in season 2014-2015.

Congratulations to their Coach Mr Karagiannis and all the boys.

The Open boys were matched to play against St Patricks College and our boys were easily the winners in this game. The disappointment of loosing in the semi-final last year was quickly forgotten and now the challenge of playing and winning one last game against a very tough Blue

Our U14 Boys white team were matched to play St Stanislaus College. The U14 Boys like the U13 teams were fortunate enough to finish at the top of the table resulting in the boys playing the 4th placed team.


Representative team. Their success has earned not only the admiration from their own College but also respect from the whole ISA community. These girls are to be commended for not only their success on the court but also the way that they represented St Spyridon College with pride.

Mountains Grammar will be a difficult challenge to overcome. The boys have one week to prepare and thankfully all the boys should be fit and ready to play. It was a wonderful day on Saturday and to the parents and friends who supported our students thank you very much. To Mrs Albanakis thank you for your support in scoring and to Mr Chris Chiam thank you also for your help in scoring in the semi-final.

The Junior B team consisting of girls from Year 9 also qualified for the semi-finals in 4th position which meant they had to play 1st place CCGS. Unfortunately, they were defeated but congratulations for qualifying and competing with spirit throughout the season.


Two teams did qualify for the Grand Final Intermediate B’s and Junior C’s.

Congratulations to all Girls basketball teams and their respective coaches and managers for a successful season. We had 4 out of 6 Girls teams qualify for the semi-finals which was an outstanding effort.

Intermediate B team were unsure till the final moments whether they would qualify for the semi-finals with a last round Bye and a combination of 3 variables needed in order to qualify. It seems luck was on their side and not only did they qualify but in 3rd position which allowed them to play 2nd place Redlands whom they had only marginally been defeated by throughout the season. Supported by their coach Mr Meintanis the girls were able to secure the win by 2 points in the dying minutes of the game which will take them to the Grand Final against St Andrews Cathedral this Saturday 8th March.

Open A’s finishing in 4th place were matched against the extremely strong first place Redlands with much of the team consisting of Representative players, it was going to be difficult and unfortunately they were unable to secure a place in the Grand Final. Nevertheless, the fact that the girls were able to qualify for a Division 1 semi-final was an achievement alone. Watching these girls over the years has been a privilege. As a team they have achieved exceptional accomplishments during their time at the College. Qualifying for the Junior A Grand Final in Year 7 and winning the Junior A Grand Final in Year 8. Most members have been an integral member of the Opens Squad since Year 9 where they have won all Greek Orthodox titles and an Open Division 2 title in Year 10. Lastly, their greatest accomplishment was their most recent and that was being a competitive team within the Division 1 ISA competition. Members of the team have experienced individual success with Nansia Koukounaris and Andriane Efstratiou both members of the ISA Basketball


Junior C girls were fortunate enough to have the secure position of first which resulted in them playing 4th Position Redlands. This team has developed exceptionally well throughout the season and the improvement in their skills has been clearly evident. They are very competitive and eager to learn which has led to their success. Fingers crossed they can go all the way to winning their first premiership.

BOYS 12 yrs Christian Jenkins Emmanuel Tzanakes Adam Massa Spiro Zafiropoulos 13yrs Nathan Adam Billy Malomitis Charlie Christofides Connor Giavis Manny Giokas Nicholas Kollias John Trovas Luke Richardson Hessan Soufi Daniel Xeras

Good luck to all teams and their coaches.

14yrs Christopher Kumar Kyriakos Kladakis Michael Constantopedos Harris Papas Nicholas Frazis Alex Gousetis Luka Stevanovic (Reserve) Dean Albanakis (Reserve)

NSWCIS FOOTBALL CUP Monday 24th February a selected number of girls participated in the NSWCIS Football cup a competition that the girls have not been a part of for quite some time. St Spyridon hosted the game at David Phillips Field against St Vincent’s College. Unfortunately we were defeated 5-0, however, a worthwhile opportunity to experience the level of competition in Girls Football.

15yrs Gabriel Cassamatis George Contominas Jordan Makridopoulos Alexander Stamoulis Panos Bounos Billy Retsis Constantinos Kollias

Thank you to Mr Meintanis and Ms Gambriell for coaching the team.

16yrs James Stathis Alexander Michos Milos Arsnic Michael Hatzon Patrick Langlands Paul Langlands Aaron Konstantakis Elias Hatzon GIRLS 12yrs Georgia Aravanis Anthea Condous Desi Kapodistrias Katherine Raptis Melanie Bounatsos

ISA CROSS COUNTRY The following students have qualified to compete at the ISA Cross Country Carnival on March 22nd 2014 at Chevalier College Bowral. Students are to confirm their commitment with Ms O’Shea.


13 yrs Rhea Tsimboukis Jennifer Contominas Bianca Frazis Carissa Frazis Christina Vlahos Sonya Paradisis Eleni Preketas Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis Chrissy Liganaris Caitlin Liganaris 14yrs Mersina Hristeff Rothopi Nicolaou Josephine Dean Natalia Amaqui Felicity Ginis Victoria Zois 15yrs Ivana Bogojevic Georgia Koukounaris Anastasia Mylanos Tiana Milisavljevic Christina Balayiannis Nicole Adam 16yrs Chrystal Christie Anastasia Gousetis Anastasia Vorgias Lia Albanakis Anita Vergotis Ms K. O’Shea and Mr F. Kaldis



Eleni Mavrolefteros





Number of years at St Spyridon College: 13 Subjects currently studying: Advanced English, Extension 2 Mathematics, Drama, Dance, Physics Hobbies:

Ballet, Greek dancing, playing piano, going to the theatre, cooking.

Favourite quote:

“God gives talent. Work transforms talent into genius.” –Anna Pavlova


Awarded several places in ballet competition over the past 6 years, completed up to Advanced 1 RAD international ballet examinations, completed up to Grade 6 AMEB piano examinations. I have also performed and choreographed in our school’s musicals and showcases. In these performances I was given the opportunity to develop my choreographing skills, while also learning the importance or organisation and motivation while being in charge of a group of dancers and balancing my school work at the same time.

Role models:

Parents, Vicki Attard

PREFECTS LUNCH Last Tuesday, 25th February, our Head of College and Principal Prefects’ Lunch was held in the Sports and Performing Arts Centre. Prefects had the opportunity to share their progress in their studies and views on student leadership. We would like to thank Mrs Lambi for her support and expertise for all such occasions.


Senior School Fasting Menu Daily Lunch Specials Monday


Hot Chips Fish Burger



Week A Pasta -

Wednesday -

Cheese Tomato

$3.80 $4.00

Jacket Potatoes Cheese Guacamole, Sour Cream & Cheese Tomato side salad – extra

$3.50 $5.50 $2.00


Thai Green Curried Prawns and Rice Fried Rice

$6.00 $4.00


Potato Wedges Sour Cream Sweet Chilli Sauce

$4.00 .50 .30

Thursday -


$4.00 $5.00

GARLIC PITA (available lunch time)


Sandwiches, salad boxes, hot food and fruit will be available every day during fasting. Place orders before or during recess for lunch specials.


JUNIOR SCHOOL FASTING CANTEEN MENU Monday 3rd March 2014 until the end of Term 1 Monday Fish Burgers ‐ $5.00 (Lettuce & Mayo) Sandwiches: Cheese $2.80 Cheese & Tomato $2.90 Salad $3.00 Tarama $2.20 Vegemite $2.00 Haloumi $3.20 Avocado $3.00 Tuna $2.70

Additional fillings: Tomato, Lettuce, Cucumber, Mayo 30c Salad $1.00 Cheese 50c Hot Foods: Spring Rolls 70c Tiropita $1.00 Hash Browns 70c Wedges $3.50

Tuesday PIZZA Cheese Pizza ‐ $3.50 Greek Pizza ‐ $4.00 Sandwiches: Cheese $2.80 Cheese & Tomato $2.90 Salad $3.00 Tarama $2.20 Vegemite $2.00 Haloumi $3.20 Avocado $3.00 Tuna $2.70 Additional fillings: Tomato, Lettuce, Cucumber, Mayo 30c Salad $1.00 Cheese 50c Hot Foods: Spring Rolls 70c Tiropita $1.00 Hash Browns 70c Wedges $3.50

Thursday Cheese Croissant $3.00 Fried Rice ‐ $3.50

Wednesday Tuna Sushi ‐ $3.50 Vegetable Sushi‐ $3.50 Jacket Potato ‐$3.00 (with sour cream)

Sandwiches: Cheese $2.80 Sandwiches: Cheese & Tomato $2.90 Cheese $2.80 Salad $3.00 Cheese & Tomato $2.90 Tarama $2.20 Salad $3.00 Vegemite $2.00 Tarama $2.20 Haloumi $3.20 Vegemite $2.00 Avocado $3.00 Haloumi $3.20 Tuna $2.70 Avocado $3.00 Tuna $2.70 Additional fillings: Additional fillings: Tomato, Lettuce, Tomato, Lettuce, Cucumber, Mayo 30c Cucumber, Mayo 30c Salad $1.00 Salad $1.00 Cheese 50c Cheese 50c Hot Foods: Hot Foods: Spring Rolls 70c Spring Rolls 70c Tiropita $1.00 Tiropita $1.00 Hash Browns 70c Hash Browns 70c Wedges $3.50 Wedges $3.50


Friday Pasta and Cheese ‐ $3.50 Pasta Napolitana ‐ $3.80

EVERYDAY SALADS: Tuna – Sml $3.50 Lrg $4.50 Greek – Sml $3.50 Lrg $4.50 SNACKS: Snack Attack $1.00 Ovalteenies $1.00 Sandwiches: Panda Bears $1.00 Cheese $2.80 Jelly Cups 60c Cheese & Tomato $2.90 Chocolate Cake $1.50 Salad $3.00 Banana Bread $1.50 Tarama $2.20 Grain Waves $1.50 Vegemite $2.00 Real McCoy Chips Haloumi $3.20 Plain/S&V $1.00 Avocado $3.00 Popcorn $1.50 Tuna $2.70 Jumpies S/V Pretzels $1.00 Additional fillings: DRINKS: Tomato, Lettuce, Cucumber, Water Sml $1.00 Mayo 30c Water Lrg $1.50 Salad $1.00 Orange Cup $1.00 Cheese 50c Just Juice (pine/orange/apple) $1.20 Hot Foods: Berri Juice (variety) $2.50 Spring Rolls 70c Play Water $1.80 Tiropita $1.00 Chocolate Up&Go $2.00 Hash Browns 70c Flavoured milk Wedges $3.50 (Choc/Strawberry) $2.00 Plain milk $1.40

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