News 122 4a 2014

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VOLUME XXXI No 4 21st March, 2014


MARCH ISA Cross Country SS


25th March Celebrations


G.O. Swimming Carnival JS CIS Football JS


Annunciation School closed


JS Open Morning & Tour 9am – 11am SS Twilight Tours 5 pm – 7 pm CIS Swimming


ISA Swimming Carnival SS


Vaccinations SS

28th 31st –

P & F Lambatha Stalls

4th April

APRIL 1.30pm Easter Focus Assembly JS Term ends for Students and Staff


P & F Palm Sunday lunch


Good Friday




Staff Development Day


Term 2 begins Students return


MAY National Schools Event

7th – 9th

P & F Mother’s Day Stalls

5th – 9th

CIS Netball


NAPLAN Years 3 and 5 Years 7and 9

13th – 15th

K2015 Information Morning 9.30am – 11am JS Parent Teacher Conferences Year 12


School Photos









We ask parents to reinforce what we are saying at school regarding appearance, behaviour and courtesy, so that we as a school community can be proud of our students.

25th MARCH GREEK CELEBRATIONS All students of St Spyridon College are expected to attend Church with their teachers on Sunday 23rd March and Martin Place.

The P&F will provide water and a snack to the students on their arrival at the Domain. Students are to remain seated in their grade groups in the care of their teachers until the conclusion of the formalities. At the conclusion parents are to collect their child from their Roll Teacher. Please inform the teacher so that your child can be crossed off the roll.

On this day we will commemorate Greek Independence Day as well as The Annunciation of the Theotokos. This is a compulsory event for all students Year 1 to Year 12. The march is optional for Kindergarten. All students are expected to be present until the conclusion of the program.

It is not appropriate for parents to pick up their children in the middle of the speeches or the dancing at which our School will be represented again this year.

The program for the day is as follows: 10.00am: Junior School children to gather in class groups with their teacher in the Primary Playground. Parents are to collect their children at the end of the service from the Primary playground. Senior School students to gather in the Infants playground.

Staff supervision will conclude at approximately 3.30pm. Uniform Check Students are to wear their summer uniform with blazer to St Spyridon Church in the morning and the Cenotaph, Martin Place in the afternoon.

Then children and staff enter the Church and proceed to the front. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Father Steven will speak on the significance of the day. Poems will be recited by students from St Spyridon College and Afternoon School.

Parents are to ensure that students’ shoes are polished, that buttons on blazers, shirts and dress are replaced and that hems are sewn. A reminder that hems of dresses should be knee length. Girls’ socks should turn over at the ankle. Anklet socks are not permitted.

At the conclusion: Children are dismissed to go home and have lunch and freshen up.

The combined Choir of students from the three Greek Orthodox Day schools will be performing at the 25th March celebrations.

1.00pm: Staff and students are to assemble behind our school banner in the assigned area at Martin Place. They are to first go to their roll class teacher to be marked present. Teachers will organise the students in their positions ready for the march. Parents are asked to move away from the line up area allowing teachers the space to assemble the students appropriately. Staff will walk on either side of their Year group.

PLEASE NOTE: SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED ON TUESDAY 25th MARCH All children are encouraged to attend Church with their parents on this day.


We ask that parents please stay at a distance from the children and leave them in the care of their teachers while marching. Marching will then proceed from Martin Place, along Pitt Street, onto King Street and gather at The Domain for the afternoon celebrations.

Please note as from next Term our Newsletter will be emailed out to all parents. If you have recently changed your email address could you please send to:

The day is a special occasion for all and in particular for our Orthodox Colleges as we are very much in the public eye for most of the day.


To conclude we would like to share with you the Lenten recipe below. If any parent or friend would like to share their favourite Nistisimo recipe, email your recipe to so we may publish it in the next Newsletter.

UNIFORM CHANGE Students are to wear their Winter Uniform from Week 2 Term 2 (Monday, 5th May). The Uniform Shop now has 70 Denier navy blue microfibre tights on sale for $10.




Parents and friends, if you are interested in reviving the parents’ “St Spyridon College Cookbook” during 2014 as a fun project within our school community, please let us know!


The P & F Committee had its first meeting for the year on the 11th March, 2014. Mrs Stefanou, the Head of our College, attended and conveyed to the Committee that parents have been Ambassadors for our College, and with 66 students currently enrolled in Year 7, it is testimony to the good words of parents helping to sustain our school’s good reputation in the community.

Orange You Glad It’s Fasting Cake (

Mrs Stefanou also thanked the P&F for its fundraising efforts last year, raising $30,000 for our students and the school. The P & F in turn, would like to thank all of the parents, students and friends of the College who helped the Committee raise this money through their attendance at our fundraisers. Your assistance at our functions and the many generous donations throughout the year toward our activities, helped keep our costs down and profits up! It is only with everyone's continued support that we can all succeed. A huge thank you to all of you.

1 1/2 cups plain flour 1 cup sugar 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1 cup orange juice 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1 Tbsp orange zest 1 Tbsp vinegar 1 tsp vanilla Step 1. Lord, bless my work. Step 2. In a bowl, whisk together dry ingredients. Step 3. In a bowl stir wet ingredients together. Step 4. Stir wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, stirring until combined. Pour into baking pan.Work quickly as the baking soda and vinegar give the cake height. Step 5. Bake at 170o C for 30‐35 minutes. Let cake cool completely before frosting. You can frost this cake using 1/2 cup thawed orange juice concentrate and 1/2 cup icing sugar. Drizzle the cake and make it look beautiful, you can place orange slices on top. Καλή Σαρακοστή!

Every year the College has a Wishlist of items needed, and with this in mind, the P&F strives to make it come true! Some of these items include: 30 ultralight books for the Infants, 20 data projectors, outdoor furniture, a dishwasher for the Senior School. The P&F also proudly sponsors the prize for the Dux of the College, gifts for the departing Year 12 and Year 6 students and the Year 6 Graduation cakes. This year we will be adding the Year 12 Graduation cake to our list. Lambatha Stalls - Infants and Primary School Campus 31st March – 4th April 2014 at 2:30-3:30pm 7th April – 14th April 2014 at 2:30-3:30pm If any parent wishes to help out by manning the stalls while waiting for the bell to ring, please contact any one of the P&F members.

Angela Vergotis Assistant Secretary P&F Committee

Palm Sunday Lunch Sunday, 13th April 2014 Pencil this in your diary! More information on this annual event to follow in the next Newsletter.


JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT AFTER SCHOOL CARE – REMINDER If your child is not collected by 3:45pm on a normal school day or by 4:30pm after cocurricular, they will be taken to After School Care. Parents will be billed for this service. Upon your arrival, you are to see the carers and sign your child out when you collect them. No child will be sent to a parent waiting in a car.

The General Consulate of Greece in Sydney would like to inform parents of children of Greek origin in Sydney/NSW who are between 9-13 years old of an opportunity to travel to Greece and be part of a camp. Two will be running, one from the 5th – 29th of July and the other from the 7th 21st of August. Applications should be submitted to the Education office in the Consulate General of Greece in Sydney and the deadline for the camps are the 11th April 2014, and 15th April 2014. If you are interested or seek further details, please contact, Maria Mouratidou at

KINDERGARTEN Kindergarten have been very busy bees this Term. In Mathematics students have enjoyed participating in hands on activities. In patterns and algebra, students have been making patterns using various materials such as counters, paddle pop sticks, teddies, animal counters, coloured pasta and other objects. Kindergarten thoroughly enjoyed creating their own pattern cards. Take a look at the fabulous pattern they created.


We extend to Ka. Ieroklis our heartfelt thanks for sharing these traditions with our children.

SATURDAY OF SOULS (Ψυχοσάββατο) On Tuesday 11th March, Ka. Ieroklis shared with Year Six the most sacred tradition of Saturday of Souls.

On Saturday of Souls, Ka. Ieroklis explained, we remember those members of our family and community who now live in the Kingdom of Heaven. The lesson commenced with prayer, the lighting of the Oil Lamp and the Censor. Ka. Ieroklis explained how to write a ψυχοχάρτι.

She then explained the significance of Κόλυβα and made some with the children during their Orthodox Studies lesson. She remembered in her preparation Mrs Hamer and the children of our College who have gone before us to Heaven, and told the students that they now have the responsibility to pass on this tradition to future generations. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School

This prayer connects our world with the Kingdom of Heaven where we are all joined as God’s family.


power point presentations from participating schools about their school & backgrounds, short film clips and cultural performances by selected representatives from each school. This year St. Spyridon Junior School will celebrate Harmony Day on Friday 28th March, 2014. Harmony Day aims to engage all Australians, particularly young people, in celebrating our cultural diversity. The colour chosen to represent Harmony Day is orange, so on the day all students are asked to wear an orange top with their school sport shorts and sport shoes.

 

Year 6 are preparing some activities to celebrate as follows: Colouring Competition for every class. Year 6 storytelling (book share) Please ensure you get involved and participate on the day!!!


CONGRATULATIONS SRC 2014 Congratulations to all the students who will form the 2014 SRC. Meetings will be held every Monday Week B in the Lecture Theatre with Ms Kokinelis.


On Wednesday 19th March sixteen Year 9 representatives participated in a program called ‘Respect, Understanding and Acceptance’, which aims to address the issue of cultural and religious ignorance associated with intolerance. Students from a variety of cultural backgrounds and schools from the Public and Independent schools’ sector were involved. The Day-long program included peer group discussions and activities,

7G Chris Vlahos Marie Vassilakis Tiffany Tsoukalas


7K Anthea Condous Desi Kapodistrias Eleni Preketas 7P Yana Vergotis Mark Grillakis Katherine Raptis 8G Dean Albanakis Harris Christofa Dayna Kostantakis 8K Bianca Frazis Nicholas Kollias Chris Kumar 8P Carissa Frazis Andrew Karedis 9K Jessica Mazis Larissa Andrianakos Constantinos Kollias 9D Nicholas Xeras Shivan Raj Jakob Krasadakis 9G Deyarna Xenos Con Gouskos Mark Mikhailov 10S Yianni Baratsas Alexia Rizzo George Mandilis 10Z Nicole Adam Tiana Milisaljevic James Stathis 10H Chrystal Christie Archie Lambrinos Mariah Stavrou 11 G Matthew Chiam Yvette Stemitsiotis 11K Christos Raptis Ann Marie Xenos Year 12 Eleni Mavrolefteros Yianna Criticos Panayioti Kapodistrias


YEAR 10 This week during Pastoral Care students received their Year 10 Assessment Handbook. They were given information about the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standard NSW (BOSTES) and the Progression Policy. The Expression of Interest forms to progress to Years 11 and 12 at St Spyridon College are due to me at the end of Term 1. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



“Leadership is practised not so much in words as in attitudes and actions” Harold Geneen


Last week the Year 10 Peer Support Leader sessions with Year 7 focussed on understanding the difference between limiting thoughts and open thoughts and how these can influence outcomes and well-being. As a result students became more aware of their thought patterns, especially when faced with challenges, and how their responses can have positive or negative consequences. Additionally, students also examined how achievements, strengths and aspirations can motivate us and improve self-confidence. Well done Year 10 and Year 7 for the enthusiasm and energy shown in the activities.

New late to school procedures have been introduced for all students Years 7-12, effective from Monday Week 8. Parents please be aware that there will be consequences if the following processes are not followed. All students (Years 7-12) arriving after Roll Call are to sign in with their YEAR ADVISER up until end of P1. ANY student who is late, arriving after P1 is to sign in at the office. ANY student who needs an early leave pass must go to the office BEFORE SCHOOL or at RECESS. A note of explanation from a parent and copy of doctor’s appointment card (if applicable) will be needed. Students MUST show their pass to the class teacher before leaving AND then go to the OFFICE to SIGN OUT. Failing to SIGN IN if late, will result in a Friday after school detention

PASTORAL CARE GUEST PRESENTER Lorin Nicholson Last week Middle School students had the privilege of listening to a presentation by Lorin Nicholson. Despite being legally blind since birth, he is one of the country’s most successful independent recording artists and has been a finalist in the Australian Country Music Awards,


being runner-up to the legendary Tommy Emmanuel. In 2009, Lorin was also a nominee for Australian of the Year and later went on to win a Queensland community service award for his outstanding contribution to the community. Lorin also recently achieved the seemingly impossible, as he along with brother Dean, created Australian history by becoming the first blind persons to ride push bikes over 4000 km across Australia from Perth to Sydney.

EARTH HOUR 2014 … Calling all residents of Planet Earth…It’s Lights Out for the Reef Earth Hour was founded by WWF in Sydney in 2007 and has now been embraced by 7001 cities and 152 nations across the globe. In 2014, Earth Hour will focus attention on one of the world’s most iconic and threatened places: Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. On Saturday 29th March, a special Earth Hour television documentary will be screened on Channel Ten to reveal the true story of what’s happening to the Great Barrier Reef due to climate change and more. Then it is hoped as many people as possible across the globe will turn out their lights to make a stand for our reef.

Lorin’s message of respect, inclusion, resilience, perseverance, problem solving and striving for excellence were outstanding, not to mention his amazing virtuoso guitar playing. Everyone who was present was captivated, educated, entertained & inspired by this amazing individual.

What the Senior School is Doing… St Spyridon students will once again dedicate Period 4 of each day to Earth Hour. Reminders will be placed in all rooms, plus the library corridor will be decorated with signs and globes. This is to remind us about the need to conserve our resources by switching off non-essential lighting across the school, especially during period 4, and reducing our carbon footprint by recycling paper and mobile phones, to name just a few simple measures we can all take. It will be the responsibility of all Student Council Representatives to remind peers and teachers that every Period 4 is St Spyridon’s Earth Hour. In addition to all this, Year 7 and 8 will also have special lessons in Geography and Pastoral Care that focus on Earth Hour.

DONATE A TIN CAN & OTHER NON PERISHABLE FOODS All students are encouraged to support the annual Easter Appeal organized by the Greek Welfare Centre by donating at least one non-perishable food item before the end of Term. This includes rice, various tinned foods like baked beans, tomatoes, tuna, soups, vegetables, fruits PLUS foods that come in jars…… like honey, vegemite,


Under the advice, a two-hour limit should be imposed on using the internet for entertainment, including Facebook, Twitter, television and films.

coffee and nutella. Also, dry goods such as sugar, pasta, rice can be brought in. Please be generous, the more we give the more we can help those who are not as fortunate as we are.

The recommendation came as a poll suggested almost two in five children have used a mobile phone or tablet computer before they can even string a sentence together. Some 38% in that age bracket were found to have used devices such as iPhones or Kindles for playing games or watching films, up from 10% in 2011.

EASTER RAFFLE Since 2007 students in Year 9 have been given the opportunity through Pastoral Care, to assist in serving lunch to those in need at the Soup Kitchen run by St Constantine & Helen’s Church which is located in Newtown. This being part of their Community Service experience. Year 9, 2014 will begin their duty from Term 2. Each year they also organize an Easter Raffle with proceeds going the Soup Kitchen for purchase of food, equipment and whatever other resources are needed there. . This week each student will been given a $5 raffle ticket book to sell to family and friends. All money and ticket butts must be returned by Thursday 3rd April (end of week 10). Prizes will be drawn in the last week of Term at a special assembly.

They typically spend an hour a day in front of screens, including television and computers, according to the survey of 1,463 parents for the report Zero to Eight: Children’s Media Use in America, 2013. Vicky Rideout, the report’s author, said: “I was blown away by the rapidity of the change. iPhones and tablets are game changers, because they are so easy to use”. “While there was a floor on how young you could go with computers and video games, a young child can touch a picture, can open an app, or swipe the screen.” Source

1st Prize: Family Pass to Royal Easter Show. This includes entry for 2 adults & 2 children, show link travel tickets, 4 meal vouchers, 4 reserved seats in the Commonwealth Arena, and 50 ride coupons. 2nd & 3rd Prizes: Large Chocolate Easter Hampers

SHOULD A TWO HOUR LIMIT A DAY BE PLACED ON TEENS’ WEB ACCESS? Teenagers should spend no more than two hours on the internet each day, Doctors warned as they advised parents to remove laptops and gadgets from their children’s bedrooms. Many mothers and fathers remain in the dark about the impact excessive media exposure can have on their children and need to “get with it”, it was suggested.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School


Dr Victor Strasburger the lead author of a new policy document from the American Academy of Pediatrics, claimed that all 14-year-old boys with an internet connection in their bedroom would be accessing inappropriate content online.


Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με τις εργασίες δύο παιδιών του Λυκείου. Η μία είναι ένα πολύ σύντομο σημείωμα για να συγχαρούν έναν Έλληνα αθλητή των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων του Σύδνεϋ, 2000, μια και ολοκληρώνεται σε λίγο η ενότητα σχετικά με τους


Σας στέλνω αυτό το γράμμα για να σας πω το πώς πέρασα τις φετινές γιορτές στο όμορφο Σύδνεϋ. Κατ’ αρχάς, τις γιορτινές μέρες των Χριστουγέννων όπως όλοι, έτσι κι εγώ, βγήκα να κάνω τα ψώνια μου και να αγοράσω δώρα για όλους τους αγαπημένους μου. Εδώ πάντως πρέπει να αναφέρω τη μεγάλη απορία μου σχετικά με το πόσες σακκούλες δώρων μπορεί να κρατήσει μια γυναίκα!! Το λέω αυτό επειδή τις προάλλες είδα μια να κουβαλάει γύρω στις οκτώ με δέκα σακκούλες δώρα και απόρησα!

Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες. Η δεύτερη εργασία είναι σχετική με την ενότητα «Ελληνικά Ήθη κι Έθιμα» και αναφέρεται στον εορτασμό της Πρωτοχρονιάς και των Θεοφανείων. Καλή ανάγνωση. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Αγαπητέ συμπατριώτη αθλητή, Κώστα Κεντέρη, Ήμουν στο γήπεδο τις προάλλες και είδα τον καταπληκτικό αγώνα των 100 μέτρων σου και οφείλω να πω ότι εντυπωσιάστηκα με την επίδοσή σου στην κούρσα αυτή. Θα ήθελα να σου πω τα συγχαρητήριά μου κι εύχομαι να σε αξιώσει ο Θεός να συνεχίσεις να είσαι τόσο καλός και να μας κάνεις πάντα περήφανους με τις νίκες σου.

Καλά περάσαμε τα Χριστούγεννα, εντελώς οικογενειακά και μετά, όταν ήρθε η Πρωτοχρονιά και αφού ανταλλάξαμε όλοι δώρα μεταξύ μας, κόψαμε την βασιλόπιτα και ως γνωστόν, το φλουρί έπεσε στην αδελφή μου για ακόμα μια φορά, αλλά αφού ήταν γραφτό να γίνει έτσι, τότε εμένα δεν με πειράζει. Έτσι η πρώτη του χρόνου μας βρήκε όλους χαρούμενους και γενικά, όλους μαζί και μονιασμένους.

Ένας φίλος του αθλήματος. Αντώνης Adonis Tsoustas Year 11 (Mod. Greek Year 12) Ήρωά μου,

Επίσης χάρηκα που είδα τα ξαδέλφια μου χαρούμενα και γελαστά αφού το βράδυ της πρωτοχρονιάς ο Άγιος Βασίλης τους είχε αφήσει κάτω από το δέντρο τους τα δώρα που είχαν ζητήσει…

Σαν σήμερα καθόμουν στο Ολυμπιακό στάδιο του Σύδνεϋ παρακολουθώντας σε να τρέχεις στα διακόσια μέτρα, καταρρίπτοντας το ρεκόρ σου των 20 δευτερολέπτων και εικοσιπέντε χιλιοδευτέρων με το νέο ρεκόρ των είκοσι δευτερολέπτων και εννέα χιλιοδεύτερων. Εκείνη τη στιγμή όλο το κοινό έμεινε άναυδο! Το πόσο υπερήφανο με έκανες εκείνη τη στιγμή, δεν μπορώ να σου το περιγράψω! Για μένα προσωπικά, είσαι ένας ήρωας διότι θύμισες σε όλο τον κόσμο το πόσο σημαντικό είναι να είσαι Έλληνας και ότι ο ελληνικός πολιτισμός έδωσε το φως στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες. Κλείνοντας, θα ήθελα να σε ευχαριστήσω που έκανες όλο τον κόσμο περήφανο με την επίδοσή σου, αλλά ιδιαίτερα τους Έλληνες!

Τέλος, την ημέρα των Θεοφανείων, η ελληνική παροικία του Σύδνεϋ μαζεύτηκε στην παραλία «Γιάρα μπέι» για να δει ποιος θα έπιανε φέτος τον σταυρό. Πάντως φέτος, αποφάσισα να μην βουτήξω λόγω ενός τραυματισμού μου από το μπάσκετ. Τελικά, αυτό που κατάλαβα είναι ότι αν έχεις τους κατάλληλους ανθρώπους γύρω σου, περνάς καλά όπου κι αν είσαι. Μου λείπει όμως πολύ η Ελλάδα και σύντομα προγραμματίζω να έρθω να σας δω. Να περνάτε καλά και περιμένω νέα σας. Με αγάπη ο εγγονός σας Αντώνης

Ο συμπατριώτης και θαυμαστής σου Μιχάλης Michael Karanikolas Year 11 (Mod. Greek Year 12)

Adonis Tsoustas Year 11 (Mod. Greek Year 12) Θέμα: «Γράμμα στον παππού και την γιαγιά στην Ελλάδα σχετικά με το πώς γιορτάσατε την Πρωτοχρονιά και τα Θεοφάνεια στην Αυστραλία.»

Θέμα: «Γράμμα στον παππού και την γιαγιά στην Ελλάδα σχετικά με το πώς γιορτάσατε την Πρωτοχρονιά και τα Θεοφάνεια στην Αυστραλία.» Αγαπημένε μου παππού Μηνά και αγαπημένη μου γιαγιά Κούλα,

Αγαπημένοι μου, γιαγιά και παππού,



Εύχομαι να είστε καλά εκεί στην Αθήνα. Έχω ακούσει ότι ο αέρας έχει μολυνθεί λόγω των καυσαερίων και της πυράς των καυσόξυλων και πολλοί έχουν δηλητηριαστεί από αναθυμιάσεις. Εσείς πώς τα βγάζετε πέρα και πώς περάσατε τις γιορτές εκεί;


INFORMATION FOR PARENTS Exploring Career paths: Parents may be interested in the following website, where you can find out about how to help your child to explore career options: Go to the link titled ‘ASSIST YOUR CHILD’ and choose the different options.

Εμείς εδώ περάσαμε πολύ ήσυχα και οικογενειακά τα Χριστούγεννα και την παραμονή της Πρωτοχρονιάς πήγα στην πόλη, στο λιμάνι, εκεί δίπλα από την περίφημη Όπερα του Σύδνεϋ. Δεν μπορείτε να φανταστείτε το πόσο πολύ κόσμο είχε και πόση ώρα πήρε εμένα και του φίλου μου να φύγουμε από εκεί μετά τα πυροτεχνήματα.

This site is a Federal Government initiative, and is very worthwhile, containing a wealth of information, quizzes and useful links. Year 10 students will be having some sessions with me to explore this site in future career lessons this year.

Πηγαίνοντας, πήραμε και μερικά πράγματα μαζί μας όπως νερό, σνακς και χρήματα έτσι ώστε να μην χρειαστεί να μετακινηθούμε καθόλου από τη θέση μας και να την χάσουμε. Εκεί που στεκόμασταν είχε την καλύτερη θέα, δηλαδή τη μεγαλύτερη και γνωστότερη γέφυρα του Σύδνεϋ, το μεγάλο Λούνα παρκ και τη θάλασσα που χωρίζει το Βόρειο από το Νότιο Σύδνεϋ.

Parents of Year 10 students may wish to find out about short introductory courses run by Sydney TAFE during Term 2, called ‘Get into VET’. These courses are aimed at students who may be considering TAFE or TVET courses as part of their year 11 and 12 studies. Courses include building, sport and recreation, beauty, and working with children. See me for application forms or for further information if your child is interested. University of Sydney Year 10 Information Evening will be held on 4th and 12th June this year. See Further information will be available closer to the date

Δέκα λεπτά πριν την Πρωτοχρονιά η αντίστροφη μέτρηση του χρόνου είχε ξεκινήσει και όλοι όσοι βρίσκονταν εκεί άρχιζαν να μετράνε και στις δώδεκα ακριβώς τα μεσάνυχτα, η νύχτα έγινε μέρα από τα βεγγαλικά που έπεσαν! Ήταν κάτι μαγευτικό, όταν άρχισαν τα πυροτεχνήματα να πυροδοτούνται, ο πεντακάθαρος ουρανός γέμισε με χρώματα και σχήματα… Το μόνο αρνητικό ήταν ότι όταν φεύγαμε, βούιζαν ακόμα τα αυτιά μου και ο αέρας μύριζε καμμένος.

Notre Dame Parent Information Evening Tuesday 24 June: Broadway site The Parent Information Evening is an event held for the parents of prospective university students. Future students are also welcome to attend. For further information or to register, please visit

Για πρώτη φορά, λοιπόν, με βρήκε ο καινούριος χρόνος έξω από το σπίτι με φίλους κι όχι με την οικογένεια… Μεγαλώνω, το πήρατε χαμπάρι; Τα Θεοφάνεια, πήγα με την άλλη μου γιαγιά και τον Θανάση στο «Γιάρα μπέι». Εκεί, έριξαν το σταυρό στη θάλασσα και βούτηξαν τριάντα περίπου νεαροί για να τον πιάσουν, αλλά να μην ξεχνάμε πως εδώ είναι καλοκαίρι, ε; Επίσης ήρθε και η πρώην πρωθυπουργός της Αυστραλίας, η κυρία Τζούλια Γκίλαρντ και έβγαλε λόγο στην ελληνική παροικία που ήταν εκεί. Έτσι λοιπόν πέρασα και τα Θεοφάνεια. Εύχομαι να είστε και οι δύο καλά και να μου απαντήσετε σύντομα.

National Institute of Dramatic Art Short Courses for Young People NIDA has a range of short courses for people aged between 12 and 18. c/Young+People AND FOR STUDENTS… A very helpful website for Year 11 and 12 students is NSW HSC Online, which has information related to most subjects. See:

Με πολλή αγάπη! ο εγγονός σας Μιχάλης

University of Sydney Scholarships Information Evening An opportunity for current year 11 and 12 students to learn about the many scholarships

Michael Karanikolas Year 11 (Mod. Greek Year 12)


find this very useful. See me urgently if you and your parents wish to attend.

available at the University of Sydney. This is on 26th June

Sydney College of Event Management Information Evening Fri 14th March and Fri 11th April, 6.30pm, Level 9, 28 Foveaux Street Surry Hills information-sessions

Notre Dame University Careers in Law and Business Evening Wed 21st May, 6.00pm, 140 Broadway, Broadway Join academic staff from Notre Dame's School of Business and School of Law and explore potential study options and future careers in the legal and business spheres. All academic staff have realworld experience in their professions; find out about the doors that are opened by a Notre Dame Business or Law degree. Contact: 02 8204 4404 or

Graduate Careers Australia – Career Profiles For Secondary School Students, Careers Advisors, Parents, Teachers and University Graduates - the website offers an insight into a range of careers in a multitude of different industries. gandResources/careerprofiles/index.htm


UNSW Science Parent and Student Information Evening, Wednesday 26 March, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, The John Niland Scientia Building, UNSW Kensington campus. UNSW Science invites Year 11 and Year 12 students and their parents to attend an information evening with guest speaker Professor Fred Watson AM, astronomer and popular scientist. This evening will include talks and a career market, giving students and parents the opportunity to talk directly to current students and academics. Register online

A Day in the Life of a Nursing Student at Notre Dame Wednesday 2 July: Darlinghurst site Gain hands-on nursing experience working with current students, hear from our experienced academic staff and take a campus tour. For further information or to register, please visit Discover Nursing and Midwifery at UTS Midwifery City Campus, 5.30pm – 7.00pm: Tue 8th April Nursing City Campus, 5.30pm – 7.00pm: Thu 12th June, Tue 1st July, Thu 10th July Nursing Kuring-gai Campus, 5.30pm – 7.00pm: Wed 2nd July Prospective students, friends and parents are invited to one of the interactive workshops to discover Nursing or Midwifery.

BiG Day In @ UTS 26th Mar 2014, 9:00am 2:30pm. IT Careers Day at Great Hall, University of Technology Cost : $10 Contact : Kerrie Bisaro : Academy of Information Technology Information Sessions st Tue 1 April, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Ultimo NSW Tue 6th May, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Ultimo NSW

Macleay College Industry Days - April 14th to 17th - Macleay College is hosting a series of reallife work experience days for high school students in the holidays. This will help them gain a better understanding of future career paths and have some fun along the way.. Further information here or call 1300 939 8881300 939 888. Limited to 20 places per course.

Academy of Information Technology Free Day Course AIT offers a number of free one day courses to improve your skills and determine your future study direction. Choose to attend either an Intro to 3D Animation, Intro to Film Editing or Intro to Game Design course.

The Hotel School Sydney is offering students the opportunity to participate in their ‘Live the Life’ program . This is a 2 day residential program, held on 22nd and 23rd April, during the school holidays, for students interested in careers in Hotel Management. Email with your details if you wish to attend .

Study in the USA is holding an information evening from 5.30 -7.30pm on Monday 24th March at Ascham School, Edgecliff. Anyone interested in going to college in the USA would


They are also holding an INFORMATION EVENING in the city on Thursday 3rd April, from 6-8pm. This will provide details about their Bachelor of Business in Hotel Management. Visit and register your attendance at




AFL PAUL KELLY CUP 2014 On the 4th March the St Spyridon AFL team went to play in a competition called the Paul Kelly Cup at Heffron Park. This Gala Day of games was the first time most players had been involved in a proper game of AFL as a team.

Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School Discovery Days nd th Tue 22 April – Thu 24 April Tue 15th July – Thu 17th July Tue 7th October – Thu 9th October Tue 25th November – Thu 27th November -days/

We met at 9:30 and had practice; did a few drills and we revised the gala day rules. In the first game we played was against South Coogee; it was a rough and hard game because we were just getting used to playing a real game. We did lose the game because the other team had obviously been practicing for long and had more experience.

FOR YEAR 12 ONLY Professional Cadetships Australia - Applications for the Business Cadetships Program run by Professional Cadetships Australia opened on Monday 10 March. Year 12 students apply online at Under the Program, UBS will continue to offer cadetship opportunities across the firm. Information on the Program is provided on the website. Applications for the Engineering & Technology Cadetships (ETCAD) Program will open on 28 April. The 2014 Program provides Year 12 students with the opportunity to launch their career in ICT and business through a Technology Cadetship at Westpac. Information on the ETCAD Program may be found at Applications open on 28 April.

In our second game we competed against Maroubra Junction Public School. This was also a fun game. We did a lot better competing than in the first game; but we did lose again. We were happy with our results and our fair play. In our third game we played against Bronte Public School; it was a very fair and well-played game and, within the first few minutes, we scored a goal worth 6 points and we were leading! Unfortunately in the end we did lose but we were proud of our effort.

HSC Study Intensive Mon 7th – Fri 11th July, Notre Dame University ,104 Broadway, Broadway Maximise your HSC results by attending a four-day workshop where senior HSC teachers and markers provide intensive training in 16 major courses. In a personal environment, learn the study techniques of highly effective people, clarify course content, work through potential HSC questions and develop problemsolving strategies invaluable to academic success. Contact: 02 8204 4404 or If you require any further information, or have any questions about courses and careers, I can be contacted by phoning the college on 93113340 or by email:

Then we had a lunch break and talked about our great play and effort. We were very sad not to hear our names called for the semi-finals. Luckily we convinced the people in charge to get another game which officially didn’t count but was a nice, fun, friendly game which we ended up winning under the golden point rule 25-24! Nicholas Drakoulis, George Stavrou and Marcos Hanna in 6M Thank you to the parents who supported the team on the day and the AFL NSW/ACT for allowing us to enter into the state competition. Ms McCarthy - AFL Team Manager

Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser


“Jasmine good you’re up. Come sit down here,” said mum. “Is everything okay?” asked Jasmine. Dad added, “Yes, your mother and I just want to speak with you about what has happened.” Anna Papas 6P Text 2: Her world was mud and pain. **** A few hours ago I stood there and now my life is ruined. My family, my friends are all gone. I’m in pain and there seems to be no water anywhere. Ah! I’ve found just enough water to clear my throat; but it doesn’t help me. I have to run he’s catching up jay martin jay martin. **** I have been running for days but still he is close by. I think of my family and of my younger years spent in the country; it was quiet then and now it’s misery. As I run, I keep remembering the good life of the past. But now it’s gone. Soon I will stop to have a rest.

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE K-10 ENGLISH CURRICULUM As composers, Year 6 have been writing predictions of the next part of a shared story titled Red; by Libby Gleeson. As active learners, they have kept in mind the following learning intentions:

 The author, through purposeful ideas, grammar and vocabulary, encourages a response from the reader. Literature is made and adapted.

I am on a cliff watching over water and some very unusual buildings. I don’t remember falling asleep but I had a dream about my birthday, just a few days ago. How I was 12 years old. Where are my parents? What’s my name? So many questions unanswered. I thought for a moment, jay martin jay martin.

As the reader, what is your response to their texts?

I got up and felt myself falling. Briefly, I could see something in the distance, jay martin jay martin. ….. I can’t swim am I? I hear a voice. My left leg hurts and I am in pain. Why? What would I do now?! Then I remembered jay martin jay martin. I need to get out of here quickly. ….. I struggled out of the water. I’m safe, but I’m also lost. The pain is so bad now; I fall back. It is getting darker and darker. Then I breathe the last words; jay martin jay martin.

Text 1: Her world was mud and pain. **** She heard a sound. Where did it come from? She saw a light; then heard a voice saying ‘over there.’ She stood up in pain and ran as quick as possible, hearing her name being called in a worried voice; Rhiannon where are you? She slowly crept forward to glance around. She saw nothing but a dark shadow. “Jay Martin, Jay Martin, is it you?” There was no response. She tried again, “Jay Martin, Jay Martin, is that you?” The voice replied, “Yes it’s me. I finally found you, Rhiannon.” Quivering, she slowly crept forward. “Daddy I missed you.” “Me too.” Relief. ***** Mum I miss you. *****

Efthimia Kollias 6P Text 3: Her world was mud and pain, nothing would stop “HER”. ****


School and despite having an early lead were narrowly defeated in the last minutes of the game.

She opened her eyes again; one eye opened, then the other. Her hands came to her face, ‘JaymartinJaymartin’. There it was- a ticket to the show. She got up and slid into the water to wash the mud off. As she stood there a pool of brown water circled her, as they went by. Still she stood motionless until she had had enough. Then she got out, dripping wet with brown water. JaymartinJaymartin.’

Successfully led by their coach Mr Meintanis, the girls demonstrated exceptional determination and although finishing second, a fantastic result.

She had to get there, nothing would stop her. **** Her feet slushed against the pathway as they stared at her. Yet still, nothing would stop her. There was something beautiful staring at her from within the green grass. She picked at it; it’s beautiful, silky petals lay in her hands. On she went ’til finally she got there. ‘JaymartinJaymartin.’ **** Mama is it time to go to school yet? Mama will you do my hair now? Mama, where’s daddy? Darling it’s time to go to school! **** How was your day at school darling? Did you like your lunch? Yes mummy, my lunch was the best lunch in the world thanks to you, mummy! **** Nothing would stop her and nothing did. There in front of her was it, the place that was calling for her. A large spike-like thing was standing menacingly in front of her, she crept inside from the vent and sat down, again near a known ‘thing.’ Only this time the thing was lush and red.

The Junior C’s girls consisting of Year 8 finished as both Premiers and Champions defeating St Andrews Cathedral School in a convincing win. The development of this team has been particularly impressive as they showed a willingness to learn and win each game. Much credit must go to their coach Erin Criticos exstudent and 2012 Sports Captain who dedicated her time to give back to the College.

Suddenly a burst of light came through onto the stage and there in front of her was Jay Martin. Nothing would stop her and nothing did. Each week would not have been possible without the help and assistance of parents, students and teachers in particular Mrs Kefalouros, Miss Kalithrakas, Mrs Koutsoukis, Miss Savva, Mr Meintanis and Mr Zafiropoulos, thankyou for your support and dedication to the sporting program.

Anastasia Reeve 6M




Winter Sport The school offers each student the opportunity to trial for both Girls Netball and Soccer for the Winter ISA season. Netball trials have been taking place during ISA periods and the teams are finalised. Students are advised to check the Sports Notice Board for their names. This year we are fielding the following teams:

On Saturday 8th March we had two girls’ teams travel to Penrith Sports Stadium to compete in the ISA Basketball Grand Finals. Congratulations to both the Intermediate B’s and Junior C’s Basketball teams. The Intermediate B team consisting of Year 10 girls faced first position St Andrews Cathedral


U13 Blue - this team enjoyed their fair share of wins throughout the season, but what best characterised this teams’ success was the vast improvement that they had made from Round 1 to the Grand Final. Our boys were very competitive in the final and were in a dominant position. Unfortunately St Patricks College made strong gains in the second period and defeated our boys in a very close contest. The team must be commended and congratulated for their efforts and improvement throughout the season. Congratulations also to Mr Georgoulopoulos their coach.

Open A’s Year 10/ 11 Intermediate Year 9 Intermediate 2 x Year 7/8 Junior Girls Football Open A’s Junior Congratulations to all girls that trialled as it is pleasing to witness a large number of students willing to be a part of the sporting program. Unfortunately, we are unable to include all girls and selections are necessary. For the students who were successful in making a team, you will be required to complete a registration form which outlines your commitment to the ISA Winter Season.

BOYS SPORT ISA BASKETBALL The Boys Basketball teams were very ambitious and their ambition for greater success than the previous season was matched by their intensity and determination on a weekly basis both in the games and at training. The U13 white team were next to play against St Patricks College. For this team success was always on their mind, particularly after falling short in the soccer season last year. When the boys are smiling and having fun, you know that something special will prevail. Our boys were emphatic victors, winning their first Grand Final. Much of the success of this team can be attributed to the efforts of Mr Karagiannis, a parent of the College who volunteered his time to help mould and shape this young group of boys to success. Congratulations to the U13 boys and to Mr Karagiannis.

This season was one to be very proud of. If we were number crunching in order to measure success then we would comfortably acknowledge that we had exceeded our own expectations: 7 teams entered 5 semi finalist 4 grand finalists 2 Premiers and champions With our Opens Division 3 ISA Champions in 2014 This season’s success was not only about the numbers and the titles, but about the team dynamics, the progressive development of a winning culture across boys sport. Starting with the Boys Football and now evident in the Boys Basketball. Our boys are proud of their College, our boys are excellent ambassadors for their school and our boys are developing a strong appetite for improvement and discipline. With the steady growth of boys sport and the strong ties forged with our ex-students and external coaches, this basketball season is one to be remembered. The hard work and passion for our sports programme was evident on finals day at Penrith and it all started with:

After last year’s disappointing end to the season in the semi finals, the U14 boys white team did one better and made the final against St Patricks College. On two previous occasions these teams


despite winning all the Grand Finals you have contested. This one was your last and the one that all Open boys from all other schools are envious of. Congratulations to you on your efforts, on your leadership and thank you for your contributions to the school’s sports programme. Good luck for your upcoming final tournament of basketball in the Greek Orthodox Colleges National Schools Event.

had met, the result was one victory each. This was always going to be a tough game and our boys were determined from start to finish. Unfortunately the boys lost narrowly by two points. While it was heart breaking and disappointing, there were valuable lessons to be learnt for one of our most exciting teams and future Opens team. This year’s disappointment will quickly be forgotten and the boys will have a chance to contest the title again beginning in Term 4 of this year.

Congratulations must also be given to our external coach Mr Theodore Koulouriotis who has made a real impact on the mentality and philosophy of how basketball should be played. Because of his genuine concern and passion for improvement, our boys were able to develop a strong sense of unity and enjoyment in learning different skills and plays. Thanks also to the many parents and friends that attended the finals and to Mr Kasalovic for kindly taking photos for the Open game as well as Mr Baratsas and Mr Chiam for scoring.


Our Open Boys were last to play on finals day and what a finish. Our Open boys led by the Year 12 students secured the Open boys Basketball shield. While the first half was very close, strong performances from Nikolas Baratsas and Christos Kollias proved the difference in the second half. Our boys were winning all the rebounds and scoring freely in transition with little opposition. Blue Mountains Grammar in foul trouble capitulated quickly and ST SPYRIDON was triumphant.

We wish the Open Boys Futsal team the best of luck in their regional titles to be held in Bankstown on Friday, 28th March.

BOYS FOOTBALL Boys Football has begun and all boys training during the ISA period are reminded that they need to pack boots and shin pads, otherwise they will be unable to train. All boys are also asked to fill in and return completed registration forms with parent/guardian signature to Mr Kaldis by next Friday at the latest. All games will be circulated by email, a notice placed on the notice board and students given a hard copy. The first trial game for most teams will be on Saturday, 5th April at Redfield College. Students must purchase the playing strip from the Uniform Shop. Any questions or concerns students are asked to speak to Mr Kaldis.

To the Year 12 boys (Panayioti Kapodistrias, Nikolas Baratsas and Luka Kasalovic) your performance in season 2013/14 has shown true leadership. Despite losing only 4 games throughout your time at the College in basketball,

Ms K. O’Shea and Mr F. Kaldis


P&F Lambatha Stalls From Monday 31 March until Friday 11 April 2014 including Easter Focus Assembly in the Hall from 2:30pm on Infants & Junior grounds A selection of unique handmade Lambathes and other Easter gift items available. Customised Lambatha – personalise yours with adding a name, colour choice etc. See over for order form.

All takings from the stalls and custom sales will contribute to the funding of important resources for the school.

The P & F sincerely thanks you for your support! Kaλό Πάσχα! 20

Adding a personal touch LAMBATHA ORDER Personalise your Lambatha by providing the name you would like written. Circle below ink colour & ribbon colour.

Cost - $25.00 (Orders must be pre-paid) Your Name_________________ Contact Number_____________________ Name to appear on candle________________________________________ (example : ΚΑΛΗ ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗ MAPIA/HAPPY EASTER MARIA)

The lambatha will be decorated with an age appropriate Easter keepsake Age of Recipient_____________

Gender of Recipient____________

Glitter Pen Colour: (Please circle choice)





Ribbon Colour: (Please circle choice)


Green Silver

Light Blue

Dark Blue



Return this form in an envelope with your money to Front Office by Monday 7 April 2014. ALL ORDERS MUST BE PICKED UP FROM THE FRONT OFFICE BY FRIDAY 11 APRIL 2014. CONTACT: MARIA PASCALIS 0414244695

All proceeds from stalls will contribute to the funding of resources for your children’s education at the college The P & F sincerely thanks you for your support – HAPPY EASTER 21


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