News 123 5a 2014

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VOLUME XXXI No 5 7th April, 2014





1.30pm Easter Focus Assembly JS Term ends for Students and Staff


P & F Palm Sunday lunch


Good Friday




Staff Development Day


Term 2 begins Students return


MAY Divine Liturgy


National Schools Event

7th – 9th

P & F Mother’s Day Stalls

5th – 9th

CIS Netball


Mother’s Day


NAPLAN Years 3 and 5 Years 7and 9

13th – 15th

Parent Teacher Conferences Year 12 K2015 Information Morning


School Photos


Half Yearly Exams Yr 11 begin


Half Yearly Exams conclude JS


ASISSA Cross Country JS


Careers Expo Years 11 and 12



Καλό Πάσχα σε όλους

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday School closed


Parish Trip to Greece departs


P & T Interviews K – 4 & 6


P & T Interviews K – 4 & 5


Term ends for staff and students


Happy Easter











Term Two will begin for all students K-12 on Tuesday, 29th April.

All students are congratulated for their exemplary behaviour in Church, Martin Place and the Domain. I also congratulate Efthimia Kollias and Steven Mangafas for the way they recited their poem, Η Ανάσταση του Γένους. Well done to the Choir who sang with gusto and to all of Year Six and their Greek teachers for the very moving Assembly on the significance of the 25th March last Friday.

CONDOLENCES Our deepest condolences are extended to the Junior School secretary Mrs Kerameas and family on the sudden passing of their mother and grandmother. May God give rest to her soul and strength to her children (Peter and Jenny, Estelle and John, Dimitri and Eleni) and her grandchildren Katerina, Anastasia and Simeon (11K) at this difficult time.

COMMUNITY NEWS – PANTANASSA MONASTERY The Pantanassa stall will be at Pacific Square, Maroubra from Monday 7th April – Saturday, 12th April, 2014. The stall will have a variety of religious items for sale such as icons and religious Books, as well as Easter Lambathes made from pure bee’s wax.

My congratulations are extended to the Principal of our Senior School, Mrs Katsogiannis for once again representing our school and our Archdiocese as one of the MC’s for this event.

Pantanassa online shop is located at

NEWSLETTER IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Please note as from next Term our Newsletter will be emailed out to all parents. If you have recently changed your email address could you please send to:

UNIFORM CHANGE – WINTER UNIFORM All students are to come dressed in Winter School Uniform on Monday, 5th May. The Uniform Shop will be open on Wednesday, 30th April from 8.30am – 10.00am and 2.30pm – 4.00pm. The Uniform Shop now has 70 Denier navy blue microfibre tights on sale for $10.


JUNIOR SCHOOL INFORMATION MORNING AND TOUR On Wednesday 26th March an Open Morning and Tour was held for prospective parents of the Junior School. Many parents attended and were thoroughly impressed with our programs and facilities. One commented on how much we do for such a relatively young school. Many, by walking from class to class around the school, commented on how happy our children looked.


If you missed out on the tour but would like to enquire about a place at the Junior School, please contact Mrs Kerameas at the Junior School Office and we would be happy to show you around and answer any questions.


On Wednesday 26 March we were honoured to have with us the Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic - Mr Gerontopoulos, the Ambassador of Greece in Australia - Mr Dafaranos and the Consul General of Greece in NSW - Dr Kirimis. Along with our guests we were pleased to have with us Very Reverend Fr Steven, Mrs Stefanou and Mrs Tscaonas. The children of our Junior School welcomed our guests warmly and proudly responded in Greek to the questions they were asked. Year Six presented a song and a short play to our guests. Mr Gerontopoulos stated how proud he was of our students, school and Church for maintaining our Greek traditions, religion and language and would, on returning to Greece, share this with Greek students.

KINDERGARTEN 2015 INFORMATION MORNING Kindergarten 2015 Information Morning will be held on Monday 19th May, commencing 9.30am. This meeting will focus on the parents of the children who will be commencing Kindergarten in 2015 and will conclude by 11am. A reminder to all parents to please ensure that you have enrolled siblings commencing Kindergarten in 2015, as we are currently working on numbers and classes for next year. We are preparing packages with paperwork to be completed and returned to office. A letter will be sent out in the next fortnight to all parents with more details.

CONGRATULATIONS My congratulations are extended to all students who have worked hard this term to better personal bests. I also congratulate the teaching staff for providing a rich, creative and engaging learning environment for all students, hence the pleasing results in academic, social and sporting domains.



CO-CURRICULAR Co-curricular for this term ends on Thursday 3rd April. Those students who are completing the Greek Certificate of Attainment will have their morning lesson as normal next week, as will the Futsal teams.

GOOD FRIDAY EVENING Friday, 18th April 

Co-curricular for Term Two will recommence on 6th May and conclude on the 12th June 2014.

CHANGE OF DATES Please note changes to the following events 19th May – K2015 Parent Information Morning 19th May – ICAS Computers 20th May – Greek Certificate of Attainment 21st May – Class and Sibling Photographs

At 6.00pm Year 10 students are to meet in the St Spyridon Church Hall to prepare for the Lamentation Hymns. All other students across all years are welcome. Students to be dressed in Summer School uniform including blazer. At 7.00 pm Year 11 boys, who will carry the Epitaphio, to meet in the Church Hall for instructions. Students to be dressed in School Uniform including Blazer.



Just a reminder that students, are to wear Winter Uniform from Monday 5th May. The blazer is to be worn to and from school each day. The Winter Sports Uniform is the tracksuit.

Congratulations and thank you to all staff and students who attended this year’s celebrations. Congratulations to Eleni Preketes Year 7, for reciting her poem with such confidence in St Spyridon Church on Sunday, 23rd March, 2014.

HOLY WEEK During Holy Week we are invited to follow the Church through each of the stages of the Passion of Christ to His joyful Resurrection. The services are rich and engage us. It is a wonderful opportunity to bring the children to not only see what is done and how, but to experience it first hand. If you have not been before, I encourage you to attend the Unction Service on Holy Wednesday afternoon; Holy Thursday Evening where our Crucified Lord is taken around a darkened Church in procession; Friday afternoon service where Jesus is removed from the Cross; Good Friday Night for the Epitaphios and Holy Saturday night for the Resurrection service. The children may also like to attend on Lazarus Saturday to make Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday or come early on Good Friday morning to see how the flowers are prepared for the Epitaphios.

Congratulations also to the students who danced at the Domain under the instruction of Mrs Haskas. Wonderful as always.

I take this opportunity to wish you all a blessed Easter (Καλό Πάσχα) and look forward to a happy and health Term Two.

In this report we share what is going well and in particular highlight issues of concern.

Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School

Parents will be able to make time to discuss their child’s progress at the future Parent Teacher Conferences.

INTERIM REPORTS By the end of Term 1 all students Years 7-11 will receive an Interim Report on their progress so far.



PROGRESSION A reminder to Year 10 students that the Expression of Interest forms to progress to Years 11 and 12 at St Spyridon College are due to me at the end of this Term.


‘There aren’t nearly enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses’ Marcus Stroup


Excuses are great. If we can come up with an excuse as to why we can’t do something it helps us live with ourselves. Even better, if we can blame someone else for why we are in the situation we are in, because it then absolves us of all personal responsibility. We can blame our genes, our parents, other people, the government, our environment, anything at all really for putting us in a bad situation.

Congratulations to all the Student Leaders and volunteers who were able to assist with Twilight tours this week. An overwhelming number of visitors attended this year, which is testament to the positive impression and interest our College is generating in the community. Students warmly welcomed visitors and enthusiastically conducted tours of the school campus, impressing all with their honest and positive commentaries.

The truth is, we are not a product of all these factors, we are the product of the choices we made when faced with a challenge. We may not choose the challenges that life throws at us, but we can choose how we respond to them. If you really want to do something you will find a way, otherwise you will find an excuse.

Thank you to Ms Kokinelis for coordinating the students.

FOOD DONATION for the Greek Welfare Centre’s Easter Appeal Thank you to all the students who have already brought in donations. These will be packed up and transferred to the collection point at Marrickville Town Hall mid next week. Any student who is yet to donate please keep this in mind.

Location: Marrickville Town Hall Cnr Marrickville and Petersham Rds, Marrickville Date: Wednesday, 9th April, 2014 Time: 9.00am – 4.30pm

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School


Year 10 have been practising the Engomia that they will chant at the Good Friday Service. Year 11 will prepare for their role as bearers of the Epitaphios on Good Friday.

EASTER RAFFLE Last week all students received their $5 Easter Raffle booklets. These need to be returned to the office by Wednesday, 9th April. The Prizes will be drawn at our Friday Assembly next week. First Prize is a showlink ticket (2 adults, 2 children: entry & travel costs) to the Royal Easter Show at Homebush, with meals for 4 and 110 Ride coupons. Second & Third Prizes are chocolate Easter hampers donated by Year 9.

WAYS TO DEAL WITH HEAVY BAGS There is no doubt that the bags of Middle School students, especially Year 7 & 8 are very heavy, but there are ways to reduce the strain and potential hazards. Before these are explained, we would like to inform parents and students that more lockers have been ordered and will be located in the ‘A Block’ near my office (Dean of Middle School). Students will be informed about how to purchase these when they arrive. Students will then be able to readily store heavy text books here at school. Parents and students should be aware that electronic versions of textbooks for most subjects can be downloaded onto home computers, enabling students to complete homework, even if hard copies of books remain at school.

All Year Groups have been generously donating food items for the Greek Welfare Centres Easter Appeal, and bringing Raffle ticket money, the proceeds of which will go to the Soup Kitchen where Year 9 will do their community service from Term 2 onwards.

WHY DO WE HAVE HOMEWORK? Homework in secondary school serves many purposes. It could be to consolidate or check or extend the learning from the day or prepare for the learning to come in subsequent days. It could be to do with longer term work such as assignments or preparing for tests and examinations. Ultimately it comes back to what school is all about – learning. Learning not just content, but learning and developing skills. At times students feel that the work they are doing at school is not relevant to their lives, however, sometimes we need to look beyond the content to the purpose of the learning exercise. At times the content will be a vehicle to teach particular skills. Much of what students learn in Mathematics develops the problem solving circuits in their brain. When they are analysing Shakespeare they are learning not just about Shakespeare but to think critically and expand their point of view and broaden their experience of the world through examination of different lives, emotions and experiences. The message is that everything learnt at school has purpose and value, even if students can’t quite see it at the time.

It is also important to note that school bags are available in two styles, roller bags and regular bags. Parents and students are able to make the choice that suits. Regardless of the type of bag used, the weight can be reduced by making sure that what packed is only absolutely necessary. Students should check with their teachers when text books are required and only bring them on those occasions. Additionally, students can make a book sharing arrangement with a peer who is in the same class. For example, the responsibility of bringing half the text books can be the job of one student, and the other half of the text books can be the responsibility of the other, thus halving the text book weight for each student. Pastoral Care EASTER FOCUS ACTIVITIES Year 7 will be making Easter cards for the residents of St Basils Nursing Home. Year 7 & 8 will decorate Pascal Candles. Year 9 Food Technology class will make Koulourakia for St Basils Nursing Home. Year 9 will visit St Basils and deliver Year 7’s cards and the Koulourakia made by the Food Technology students.

There is much debate in the media as to the value of homework. In Primary School it has been shown that only a small amount of students actually benefit from doing homework in terms of academic achievement. The exception to this is


reading at home – every student benefits from this. However, the other benefits can’t be discounted: developing independent working skills, establishing study routines necessary for learning in later years, helping students master things they are struggling with and allowing parental involvement. In secondary school homework has been proven to be an essential component of academic success in the senior years. The reality of Year 11 and 12 is that a large component of independent learning needs to be undertaken at home. One of the biggest problems for students transitioning to the senior years is that they have not learnt to work effectively and efficiently in the home environment. This is why developing good habits and learning to do at least a solid hour and an half a day of home study is essential in Years 7-10. It is also about developing the qualities of discipline and perseverance, both essential for senior studies.

θα θέλατε να μάθετε πώς γιορτάζεται το Πάσχα στη Σαντορίνη. Οι προετοιμασίες ξεκινούν από την Παρασκευή, πριν το Σάββατο του Λαζάρου. Σε πολλά χωριά της Σαντορίνης, οι μεγάλοι κατασκευάζουν από ένα μεγάλο, συνήθως ξύλινο σταυρό, τον Λάζαρο, και τον στολίζουν με δεντρολίβανο και λουλούδια που έχουν μαζέψει τα παιδιά κάθε ενορίας. Ο στολισμένος σταυρός στήνεται στις πλατείες του νησιού για να δείξουν την ανάσταση του Λαζάρου. Παράλληλα τα παιδιά φτιάχνουν μικρότερους σταυρούς και τους πηγαίνουν από πόρτα σε πόρτα λέγοντας τα κάλαντα του Λαζάρου και χτυπώντας τις καμπάνες των εκκλησιών που βρίσκονται στο δρόμο τους. Κατά τη διάρκεια της Μεγάλης Εβδομάδας οι γυναίκες φτιάχνουν μελιτίνια, ένα παραδοσιακό γλυκό με μέλι, βανίλια, μαστίχα και μυζήθρα.

Students will not like every subject equally, but students need to learn how to make themselves do the work even for their least favourite subject Reference: P Salter Enhanced Learning Services

Την Μεγάλη Παρασκευή το μεσημέρι, αναβιώνουν το έθιμο των σημάντρων. Οι άντρες του χωριού μαζεύονται και χτυπάνε ο,τιδήποτε μεταλλικό στο πέρασμά τους, μπαίνουν μέσα στις εκκλησίες του χωριού όπου και προσκυνούν τις εικόνες ενώ στο δρόμο απ’ έξω, οι γυναίκες τους κερνούν ρακί και καραμέλες, πιστεύοντας ότι έτσι διώχνουν τα κακά πνεύματα και προετοιμάζονται για την Ανάσταση του Χριστού.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με τις εργασίες δύο παιδιών του Λυκείου. Η μία είναι ένα κείμενο σχετικά με τα έθιμα του Πάσχα στην Σαντορίνη. Η άλλη είναι ένα ημερολόγιο που γράφει ένας πατέρας πολιτικός και σχετίζεται με την ταινία, που υποχρεωτικά μελετάμε φέτος στην Γ΄Λυκείου «Πρώτη φορά νονός».

Το βράδυ της Μεγάλης Παρασκευής, στον Πύργο, στην Έξω Γωνιά, στο Ακρωτήρι, στον Καρτεράδο, αλλά και σε άλλες ενορίες του νησιού, γεμίζουν τενεκεδάκια με στουπί και πετρέλαιο, τους βάζουν φωτιά όταν κάνουν την περιφορά του επιταφίου καθώς ψάλλον τα εγκώμια.

Καλή ανάγνωση κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

Την Κυριακή του Πάσχα αναβιώνει το έθιμο του καψίματος του Ιούδα

ΠΑΣΧΑ ΣΤΗ ΣΑΝΤΟΡΙΝΗ Η Σαντορίνη είναι ένα μαγευτικό νησί που βρίσκεται στο νότιο Αιγαίο, στο νησιωτικό σύμπλεγμα των Κυκλάδων, νότια της Ίου και δυτικά από την Ανάφη. Απέχει από τον Πειραιά 128 ναυτικά μίλια και 63 ναυτικά μίλια από την Κρήτη.

Hara Lavdiotis Year 10 (Mod. Greek Year 11)

Θέμα: «Είσαι ο πατέρας (πολιτικός) του Άλεξ και αφού έστειλες τον γιο σου στην Κρήτη να βαφτίσει ένα παιδάκι αντί για σένα, τώρα νιώθεις άσχημα και εκμυστηρεύεσαι τα συναισθήματά σου στο ημερολόγιό σου.»

Σήμερα η Σαντορίνη είναι ένα από τα διασημότερα τουριστικά κέντρα του κόσμου. Μιας κι έρχεται το Πάσχα, είμαστε σίγουροι πως


Αθήνα 13/6/1964 Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο, Σήμερα ήταν μια πολύ κουραστική ημέρα. Έκανα κάτι που δεν έπρεπε να είχα κάνει. Έστειλα τον γιο μου στην Κρήτη για να κάνει μια βάφτιση, αλλά ο απώτερος σκοπός μου ήταν να «ψαρέψει» κάποιες ψήφους για μένα και το κόμμα μου, όσο εγώ θα ήμουν στην Πάτρα για τον ίδιο σκοπό.

Αυτά για τώρα, θα σου ξαναγράψω όταν επιστρέψει ο γιος μου από την Κρήτη. Καλά που έχω και σένα ν’ ανοίγω την καρδιά μου, ήδη νιώθω καλύτερα που στα είπα… Αντρέας

Τώρα που το ξανασκέφτομαι, πιστεύω πως θα έπρεπε να είμαι πιο υπεύθυνος και δεν θα έπρεπε να αφήσω τον δωδεκάχρονο γιο μου, Άλεξ, να ταξιδέψει μόνος του σε ένα μέρος όπου όλοι του είναι άγνωστοι.


Michael Karanikolas Year 11 (Mod. Greek Year 12)

Οι παρακάτω εργασίες ανήκουν σε παιδιά της τρίτης και τετάρτης τάξης του δημοτικού. Το περιεχόμενό τους είναι σχετικό με τις ενότητες «Ποιος είμαι;» και «Ποιος είναι;».

Έπρεπε επίσης να σκεφτώ ότι το επίπεδο των Ελληνικών του δεν είναι και τόσο καλό και ότι θα είναι πάρα πολύ δύσκολο γι’ αυτόν να διαβάσει την ομιλία που του ζήτησα να διαβάσει με σκοπό πάντα την ψηφοθηρία. Τώρα δεν νιώθω καλά με τον εαυτό μου…

Με λένε Ελένη και είμαι 8 χρονών. Είμαι στην τρίτη τάξη. Έχω καστανά μαλλιά και καστανά μάτια. Τον μπαμπά μου τον λένε Αδαμάντιο και τη μαμά μου τη λένε Σάρα. Έχω έναν αδερφό που τον λένε Χρίστο και μια αδερφή που την λένε Ανθή. Ελένη Πολιοπούλου 3.2

Θυμάμαι, ήμουν στο πολιτικό μου γραφείο και μιλούσα με τους συμβούλους μου όταν μπήκε ο Άλεξ έτοιμος για την βόλτα που τόσες φορές του έχω υποσχεθεί και που ποτέ δεν τήρησα την υπόσχεσή μου… Ντρέπομαι να κοιτάξω το παιδί μου τώρα που τα ξανασκέφτομαι όλα… Δυστυχώς, καταλαβαίνω απόλυτα πώς νιώθει επειδή έτσι ένιωθα κι εγώ όταν ήμουν στην ηλικία του, παραμελημένος από τον πατέρα μου εξαιτίας της πολιτικής και τώρα κάνω κι εγώ τα ίδια! Θεέ μου, πληγώνω το παιδί μου για χάρη της πολιτικής…

Με λένε Κατερίνα Ντε Πασκουάλε. Είμαι 8 χρονών και είμαι στην τρίτη τάξη. Έχω καστανά μαλλιά και καστανά μάτια. Τον μπαμπά μου τον λένε Glen και τη μαμά μου τη λένε Μαρία. Έχω δύο αδερφές:την Ισαβέλα και την Ξανθή. Κατερίνα Ντε Πασκουάλε 3.2 Η αγαπημένη μου ηθοποιός Η αγαπημένη μου ηθοποιός είναι η Emma Watson. Γεννήθηκε στη Γαλλία το 1990 και είναι είκοσι τεσσάρων χρονών. Τα μάτια της και τα μαλλιά της είναι καστανά. Έχει παίξει σε εφτά ταινίες. Έπαιξε και στις ταινίες του Χάρη Πότερ. Η Emma είναι όμορφη, πολύ αδύνατη και πολύ έξυπνη. Μου αρέσει πάρα πολύ! Την λατρεύω! Παναγιώτα Χάρδα 4.1

Ο Άλεξ προσφέρθηκε να πάει και να κάνει όλα όσα του ζητούσα σ’ αυτό το ταξίδι, μου τόνισε μάλιστα ότι είναι μικρός αλλά δυνατός, αλλά εγώ διάβαζα στα μάτια του ότι το μόνο που ήθελε ήταν μια βόλτα, δηλαδή, ποιοτικό χρόνο με μένα, με τον πατέρα του… Τα δέχτηκε όλα για να με ευχαριστήσει ώστε να κρατήσω κι εγώ επιτέλους την υπόσχεσή μου σ’ αυτόν. Το καημένο μου το αγόρι… Πόσο λυπάμαι τώρα και νιώθω ενοχές για την συμπεριφορά μου!

Ο αγαπημένος μου αθλητής Ο αγαπημένος μου ποδοσφαιριστής είναι ο Stephen Gerard. Έχει καστανά μάτια και καστανά μαλλιά. Είναι από την Αγγλία και είναι 36 χρονών.

Με τα λόγια του ο Άλεξ με έκανε να νιώσω περήφανος, που έχει τόσο δυνατό χαρακτήρα, άλλα παιδιά θα μισούσαν τους γονείς τους για κάτι τέτοιο.

Παίζει για την ομάδα Liverpool FC. Φοράει το νούμερο 8. Είναι ο αρχηγός της ομάδας. Φέτος θα παίξει με την εθνική ομάδα της Αγγλίας στο Παγκόσμιο Κύπελο που θα γίνει στη Βραζιλία. Γιώργος Γρυλλάκης 4.1

Το μόνο παρήγορο είναι ότι του υποσχέθηκα μια μεγάλη βόλτα τελικά, όταν επιστρέψει από την Κρήτη και αυτή τη φορά δεν θα αφήσω τίποτα να μπει στη μέση, θα τηρήσω την υπόσχεσή μου σ’ αυτόν και η βόλτα θα του μείνει αξέχαστη, θα είναι η αποζημίωσή μου στο μικρό μου Άλεξ.


work placement and mentoring ensuring students have the best opportunities and experiences. Notre Dame University offers scholarships and early offers for courses are also available.

Η αγαπημένη μου τραγουδίστρια/ηθοποιός H Laura Marano είναι τραγουδίστρια και ηθοποιός. Έχει καστανά μαλλιά και μάτια. Παίζει σε ένα πρόγραμμα στην τηλεόραση που το λένε ‘Austin and Alley’. H Laura Marano παίζει την Alley. H Alley είναι μια έξυπη, καλή και πολύ όμορφη κοπέλα. Την αγαπάω γιατί ντύνεται ωραία! Ανδρονίκη Βλαχάκη 4΄1

THE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY also has two campuses in Sydney. The main one is situated close to Central station and is spread over several blocks in the area. It is undergoing major rebuilding to create state of the art spaces and facilities. There is another campus ( Kuring-gai) on the North Shore. UTS is renowned for its industry connections and work placements, which help to provide skills and experience invaluable for future employment. There is 24 hour access to libraries, study rooms and computing labs, and interactive learning is a major theme. Nursing facilities include mock hospital wards, complete with programmable ‘dummy’ patients. There are many other different courses offered in all areas such as Law, Business, Arts(Communication), Science, Engineering and IT to name a few.

Ο αγαπημένος μου αθλητής Ο αγαπημένος μου ποδοσφαιριστής είναι ο Lionel Messi. Έχει καστανά μαλλια και καστανά μάτια. Είναι 26 χρονών και είναι πολύ πλούσιος. O Messi είναι από την Αργεντινή. Είναι παντρεμένος και έχει ένα παιδί. Παίζει για την ομάδα Barcelona FC. Βάζει πάρα πολλά γκολ και είναι ο καλύτερος ποδοσφαιριστής του κόσμου! Νικόλας Παπαχαραλάμπους 4.1 κ. Διαβατιώτη



THE AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY has University Experience days at its two Sydney campuses in the July school holidays - on Wednesday 9th July at Strathfield and Friday 11th July at North Sydney. These days give students in Year 10, 11 and 12 the opportunity to sample their degree of choice. Free HSC Enrichment courses are also provided in the July school holidays, in subjects including English, Business Studies, Economics and Legal Studies. ACU offered Law for the first time this year and also have courses in a wide variety of areas including Education, Arts, Media, Health, Business and Science. They offer early entry to the university via the Early Achievers Program, for which applications open in August. One attractive piece of information the students found interesting is the 5 Bonus Points given to all St Spyridon students applying to study at ACU!

GUEST SPEAKERS Over the past two weeks, Year 11 and 12 students have had guest speakers at lunchtime from Macquarie University and the Australian Catholic University. These were very informative and interesting sessions where students heard about their facilities, courses and opportunities. Further sessions by other universities will be held throughout the year and these students will also be attending the Careers Expo at Moore Park in May, where all the tertiary institutions and post - HSC pathways will be represented.

UNIVERSITY UPDATES NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY has two Sydney campuses - at Broadway (near Central station) and also at Darlinghurst (near St Vincent’s Hospital). This is a smaller university, which offers a personalised education, with strong pastoral care and support. Students apply directly to Notre Dame and they apply a holistic approach, involving application, interview and general academic performance (ATAR) in assessing prospective students. This university has received a 5 star rating in student surveys and it has established links with industry groups to increase graduate opportunities and employment. Its nursing school is very highly regarded, with 96% graduate employment this year, (way above the state average of 50%). Its law school is also very impressive, with strong industry connections,

APRIL SCHOOL HOLIDAY EVENTS US Sport Scholarship Information Session + US Undergraduate Information Session Date: Monday, April 14 and Wednesday, April 16, 2014 1:30 for 2:00-4:00pm Location: Education USA, US Consulate General, Level 10, MLC Centre, 19-29 Martin Place, Sydney Intended Audience: High school students + parents. Other Information: A free general information session. To see which sports are sponsored by the NCAA please check the listings under the sports tab at:


trial to equip students with expert communication skills. You need to see Ms Hakos if you wish to register to attend. Matrix Education Upcoming Programs HSC Success Day: Sat 12th April, 12.00am – 11.50pm, Sydney City Campus Year 11 Holiday Course: Mon 14th April, 12.00am – 11.50pm, Sydney City Campus rd Year 10 Holiday Program: Wed 23 April, 10.00am – 3.0pm, Strathfield & Chatswood Matrix Campus Year 9 Holiday Program, Wed 23rd April, 10.00am – 3.00pm, Strathfield & Chatswood Matrix Campus Matrix Education provides educational support for students to help them get their desired ATARs.

OTHER NEWS Construct My Career This resource provides news and information on the construction and property services industry. The website aims to showcase the breadth of careers available in the construction and property industry, while highlighting education and participation opportunities such as scholarships and mentor programs. AFTRS Production Volunteers Information Session Wed 9th April, 4.30pm, AFTRS Foyer, Building 130, The Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park AFTRS student productions requires a range of volunteers including individuals for positions in the art department, sound, lighting, production and makeup. Learn more at the information night. Contact: (02) 9805 6556 or

ACPE (Australian College of Physical Education)Academy Open Day Sunday 13th April, 9.45am – 12.00pm, ACPE Campus, Olympic Park Listen to fitness industry speakers, participate in a range of activities and learn about a potential career in fitness, sports massage and management. AIE Industry Experience Day: 16th Apr 2014, Ultimo Contact: Simon Freeman:, 02 8514 8800 Industry Experience Days are a great opportunity to learn about the local and international game development, 3D animation and visual effects industries. Registration is free for high school students in Years 11 and 12. The day runs from 10am to 3pm and lunch is included. Bookings are essential

SCHOLARSHIPS NEWS Defence Force University Sponsorship The Defence University Sponsorship allows students to study an accredited degree at any Australian university and graduate with a career in the Navy, Army or Air Force. tysponsorship/ Australian Veteran’s Children Assistance Trust Scholarships Applications open Mon 18th August. The Australian Veteran’s Children Assistance Trust, provides scholarships based on need and merit to children and grandchildren of exserviceman or women to study at TAFE, university, or a private college. s.aspx

School holiday Trial-a-trade: 15th Apr 2014, 10am at 26-32 Waterloo Street, Surry Hills Contact Anna Klingberg :, (02) 9125 5179 William Angliss Institute Sydney will be providing a unique, hands-on look at what a career in the exciting fields of coffee, cookery and patisserie would entail. Individual sessions for coffee, cookery and patisserie each run at 10am on Tuesday 15th April REGISTER on

Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are reminded to come to my office to make an appointment with me for an interview or for further information. Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser

Speak Out Education Short Courses Speak out provides 2 and 3 day holiday workshops in public speaking, debating and mock





poems. Next I went home with my family to eat. After that my dad took me to the city. We sang the National Anthems. Then we started to walk on the road and I was getting pulled around but I didn’t say a word. It was very long and hot. Finally I was very tired and went home. Overall it was a great day.

SCEGGS LEADERSHIP DAY Last week we the three Senior Leaders: Eleni Mavrolefteros College Captain, Yianna Criticos, College Vice Captain and Panayoti Kapodistrias, Senior Prefect were given the opportunity to attend a leadership day held at SCEGGS Darlinghurst. It began at 4pm and finished at 8.30 pm. There we met about fifty other leaders from schools all over NSW, including students from the Central Coast and Tamworth. It was great for us to meet the leaders from others schools, and share our ideas about leadership, including going through the processes of how we become leaders and what we do as leaders in our schools. We were also able to hear what other prefects do in their schools in general. This led us to brainstorm new ideas and possible activities and events, which we can organise for us here at St Spyridon. Through these events we hope to get all students involved and motivated in school activities, creating an even more enthusiastic and family like environment between year groups.

Franklin Skouteris 1V

On Sunday we celebrated Greek Independence Day. First we went to Church and listened to Father Steven speak. Next our parents picked us up so we could eat. Then we went to the city and sang the National Anthems. After that we marched to the Domain and it was far. Finally it was time to go and we went home. Overall I had a fun time and can’t wait to go again next year.

We also had two speakers talk to us, one being the CEO of Rising Generations, a non-profit organisation aimed at developing young leaders by giving them a different perspective on what leadership is. From these talks we learnt many things about being a leader, the qualities which makes a good leader and also that everyone is a leader whether they realise it or not. Throughout the course of the night we met all the students who attended and were given activities and time to create strong friendships. The night was definitely enjoyable and memorable with our speed dating circles and chicken dancing being the highlights. The evening ended with a lovely dinner hosted by SCEGGS, where we were able to socialize some more and share opinions and insights into the experiences we had in our discussion groups. We hope to use our new insights on leadership for the benefit of our school and fellow students.

Vaia Grivas 1V

Eleni Mavrolefterou College Captain First I woke up and put my uniform and shoes on. Next when we got to Martin Place I had to find my teacher and then we started to march and it was fun. We marched from Martin Place. When we got to the Domain we had some chips and water. Later my daddy came to pick me up. After

RECOUNTS OF 25th MARCH CELEBRATIONS BY YEAR ONE On Sunday we went to school to celebrate the 25th of March. First we had Church and listened to


fresh basil and cheese. Although there were so many tasty ingredients, I preferred a cheese pizza only called a Margarita. I smoothly spread the freshly squeezed tomato, enough to cover the whole base. Next, I sprinkled bits of cheese onto the pizza. It was complete!

that we got to the car and drove back home. Overall it was fun and I want to go there again. Georgia Karatasos 1T First I went to St. Spyridon Church. The children went to the front. I listened to the priest and I was in a Greek National costume. After that we went home. The weather was sunny and hot. We marched from Martin Place to the Domain. Finally I went home. I had fun.

Next, the instructor gave us number. I was B11. My hands were full of tomato and flour. I went to the sink and washed my hands. They were filthy. After the baking, we followed Jo out of the kitchen to explore the bakery further. We learnt a lot. Jo told us that the bread they made had no additives or preservatives and the bread was made from wheat and yeast.

Joshua Tsoukalas 1T

Soon enough, our class was hungry. So the instructor told us we would have something special to eat. We went down to the front of the factory and found ourselves facing a table full of tasty chocolate croissants. I ate mine in one mouthful! The rest of the group, including the teachers, came and ate their chocolate croissants too. The instructors Jo and Matt came and gave us our pizzas and some recipes in a bag. Our class excursion was soon ending.


We said ‘goodbye’ and went back on the bus to school. We arrived at lunchtime and ate our pizzas, which had finally cooled down.

On the 20th March our class 4C went on an excursion to Brassiere Bread.

I had a great time!

When we arrived there, we took a look at the bakery/factory. We all wanted to explore the kitchen straight away. We met our instructors Matt and Jo. Surprisingly, both classes wanted to start the Artisan baking class first! So to settle this matter, both Year 4 classes had a competition to see who could scream the loudest. In the end our class, 4C won, so we got dibs at the kitchen first.

Eleni Nicholas 4C

BRASSERIE BREAD On Thursday 20th March 2014, Year 4 went to the Brasserie Bread Factory. Once we arrived we were introduced to the manager Matt and crew member Jo.

When we got to the kitchen with our instructor Matt, we washed our hands and we learnt that the bread made by the bakers is all hand crafted by using the freshest ingredients. Matt our instructor taught us how to plait the dough in order to make a bread roll. We made pizza with our choice of toppings as well. He put us into two groups. Group 1A and Group 2B. Then gave us our dough.

Brasserie Bread is an Artisan Bakery. The bread is made by hand from the very best ingredients. They add no additives or preservatives and the bread is handcrafted. Before we went anywhere we had a screaming contest to see who goes into the kitchen first. Jo picked us, as the loudest and we went into the kitchen first.

Our first task was to flatten the dough to make pizza. The next step was to put on the ingredients. That was my favourite part. There were olives,

Once we got to the kitchen we washed our hands, then we got to work. We made our bread plaits first. Matt gave us three pieces of dough and then


showed us what to do. We copied what he did then Matt came around to collect our bread and gave us a number. I was A4. We made a pizza with fresh tomato puree, olives, fresh basil leaves and cheese. I put everything on. Then Matt came around again to collect our pizza. We washed our hands and lined up at the door. The other class (4T) was still on their tour. After we had finished we swapped around. Jo took us to all different places such as, the store room and the ovens. Jo also told us that they don’t use dry yeast. Jo told us that they have a machine called a divider. It cuts dough into 7 pieces. It was awesome! I had really good time and I can’t wait to go to a Saturday class. Damascus Economou 4C




JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTS REPORT ASISSA SWIMMING CARNIVAL The following students were selected to represent ASISSA at the CIS Carnival on Wednesday 26th March. Jordan Frazis: 12yrs 50m Freestyle, Backstroke, Butterfly, Breaststroke and 100m Freestyle. Adriana Drakoulis: Junior Girls Relay Jasmine Moros: Junior Girls Relay Eleni Haralambides: Junior Girls Relay Sia Manos: Junior Girls Relay and 9yrs 50m Freestyle Leon Kalyvas: 8yrs 50m Freestyle Juval Mikhail: 11yrs 50m Butterfly Congratulations and well done!



On Monday 24th March we had our Greek Orthodox Swimming carnival at Canterbury Pool. All Saints were hosting this year. Although rain was predicted for the day, it managed to hold off until the very end!

The ASISSA Netball Gala Day took place on Thursday 27th February. It was rained out half way through the day and a group of students were invited to attend a second Gala Day in order to select the ASISSA Netball team.

Congratulations to all the students who participated. Mrs Synesios asked us to bring the trophy back with us again, and that’s exactly what we did!

Well done to our netball team who performed well on the day and a big thank you to their coach Miss Sotiras. Congratulations to Georgia Varvaritis from Year 6, who was selected for the ASISSA Netball Team and will be attending the CIS Netball Gala Day on the 9th May. Good luck Georgia!

Well done! St Spyridon won the carnival with a huge lead! 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place

St Spyridon All Saints St Euphemia

370 269 179

Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sports Coordinator


Christian Jenkins: 1st 50m Breastroke, 2nd 50m Butterfly Nicholas Kollias: 3rd 50m Breastroke


4x 50m Junior boys Medley relay 2nd 4 x 50m Junior boys Freestyle relay 1st

On Thursday, 27th March the St Spyridon College Swimming Squad attended the annual ISA Swimming Carnival. After last year’s performances and success in the pool our students were looking forward to another great year. Our girls were competitive throughout the day, with strong performances from all our age groups. Highlights for the girls included: Anthea Condous: 2nd 50m Breastroke Desi Kapodistrias: 3rd 50m Breastroke, 2nd 50m Backstroke, 2nd in 50m Butterfly Vivian Hatzigiakoumis: 3rd in 50m Breastroke Natalie Michos: 3rd 50m Freestyle Anastasia Mylonas: 3rd in 50m Breastroke, 3rd 50m Butterfly Christina Vlahos: 3rd in 100m Freestyle

The highlight of the meet was the final race of the day the 4 x 50m freestyle relay where Shaye Ramdutt, Michael Constantopedos, Spiros Zafiropoulos and Nicholas Frazis won one of the finest races our school has seen.

The boys were this year trying to repeat the great success achieved in the pool in 2013. While achieving success last year in the junior boys was a highlight; this year the boys had to make the leap and back up to win the Junior Shield again, an achievement that the College has not achieved.

All our students competed with determination and passion and a real sense of purpose. Peter Contominas, Alex Vij, Alexander Cardamis, Nicholas Baratsas, Yianni Criticos, Keira Kipriotis, Cassandra Georgiou and Lia Albanakis to name a few in the older age group really pushed hard and achieved success for the team.

The junior boys did not disappoint with strong performances from Nicholas Frazis and Michael Constantopedos, all our boys followed in their footsteps and were successful in the pool.

This year our boys were again successful in winning the overall junior boys shied. Winning back to back is never easy. The success achieved creates a new chapter in the sporting history of the College.

Nicholas Frazis: 1st 50m Freestyle, 1st 50m Breastroke, 1st 50m Backstroke, 1st 100m freestyle, 1st 50m Butterfly Michael Constantopedos: 1st 50m freestyle, 1st 50m Breastroke, 1st 50m Breastroke John Dalakiaris: 1st 50m Freestyle, 1st 50m rd Breastroke, 3 100m Freestyle, 2nd 50m Backstroke Spiros Zafiropoulos: 3rd 50m Freestyle


FUTSAL Friday 28th March the Open Boys and Girls teams lined up in the Bankstown Regional Futsal Tournament held at Bankstown Basketball Stadium. Both the boys and girls were using this tournament as an opportunity to prepare for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event. At the same time the finalists of this event would be rewarded with qualification in the State Futsal titles later in the year. Our girls started off slowly with a modest win against Casula High School before winning comfortably against St Euphemia College. Our girls played a very progressive game of futsal with accurate passing and patient build up in attack. Chrystal Christie was flawless in front of goal, and Theoni Thimakis dominant in the middle of the court dictating play.

Congratulations also to Nicholas Frazis; the standout performer of the meet for our College. Nicholas qualified to represent ISA in the 50m backstroke event in the upcoming CIS carnival. We wish Nicholas all the best in this next event.

Our girls started their final anxious and cautious and it seemed that their best games had all but been played. Natalie Michos stepped in and combined beautifully with Chrystal to make the difference in the final helping the girls to a 4-2 win against Casula High School. The boys were in a tough competition with a first up game against Homebush Boys High school (last year State Champions) and while the boys had prepared for this event, the first round loss proved to be an important learning curve. This tournament was not about winning or loosing but more about improving every game. In the second round the boys defeated Liverpool 3-2, after a very strong defensive effort in round 1 the boys attacking prowess came into action. In the third round the boys played against Fairevale High School and prevailed with in a close encounter 32. Although the results were positive the boys were yet to put together a complete performance.

Thank you to all the staff for their support and encouragement throughout the day. Thank you also to Angelina Flokis, our swimming manager, for training our students this year at squad training and for supporting and encouraging all the students at the carnival.

Although close games, the boys were growing in confidence and their performances were improving one game at a time. In the semi-final the boys played against St Euphemia College and defeated them easily 5-3 with Michael Hatzon easily the best player of the game. This was their best game and most rewarding. Our Open Boys reached yet another futsal final and were matched to play against John Edmunson High School. Our boys came together for their toughest game and although a close encounter our boys played a far superior tactical game and their patience and perseverance paid off with Adonis Tsoustas


Our goal as a squad was to finish our races and achieve our personal best and most importantly have fun and encourage others. Furthermore, given the success of some students and observing the enjoyment experienced by the students it reinforces the need to participate in such events.

starring in the final with two wonderful goals that proved the difference winning 5-3. A standout in the last two games was the strong combination forged by Nicholas Makridopolus and Alexander Cardamis. This was no doubt the best preparation for both the boys and girls for the Greek Orthodox Colleges event.

Excellent results included Ivana Bogojevic of Year 10 finishing 15th in the 15 years girls 4km run and Georgia Aravanis finishing 12th in the 12 years 3km run. John Trovas finished 34th in a large field of 78 competitors as well as Nicholas Frazis finishing 36th out of 77 competitors.

Overall a wonderful day for all the boys and girls of the College. They will now both progress to the State Futsal Championships. Also a big thank you to our coaches Mr Zafiropoulos (boys) and Mr Meintanis (girls).

We are very proud of our students and their strong commitment and willingness to try their best. We look forward in trying to match their enthusiasm and passion with a deliberate training program to enhance the students’ preparation for such an event in future years. Thank you to Mr Sobolevski and Ms Hafner for supporting the students on the day.

CROSS COUNTRY Saturday 22rd March, St Spyridon students travelled to Chevalier College for the Annual ISA Cross Country Carnival. The students were selected based on their fitness test results and their expression of interest. This year 25 students attended the day.


Ms K. O’Shea and Mr F. Kaldis


Yianna Criticos





Number of years at St Spyridon College: 11 years Subjects currently studying: PDHPE, Food Technology, Advanced Mathematics, Modern History, Advanced English and Ancient History Hobbies:

Cooking, scrapbooking, sport and spending time with family and friends.

Favourite Quote:

“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday” Winnie the Pooh “Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Winnie the Pooh


Performing in various theme parks in Los Angeles America and being able to dance in the Disneyland Parade down Main Street.


I hope to become an Advanced Nurse.

Role Models:

My two sisters, Marie and Erin.


P&F Lambatha Stalls From Monday 31 March until Friday 11 April 2014 including Easter Focus Assembly in the Hall from 2:30pm on Infants & Junior grounds A selection of unique handmade Lambathes and other Easter gift items available. Customised Lambatha – personalise yours with adding a name, colour choice etc. See over for order form.

All takings from the stalls and custom sales will contribute to the funding of important resources for the school.

The P & F sincerely thanks you for your support! Kaλό Πάσχα! 21

Adding a personal touch LAMBATHA ORDER Personalise your Lambatha by providing the name you would like written. Circle below ink colour & ribbon colour.

Cost - $25.00 (Orders must be pre-paid) Your Name_________________ Contact Number_____________________ Name to appear on candle________________________________________ (example : ΚΑΛΗ ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗ MAPIA/HAPPY EASTER MARIA)

The lambatha will be decorated with an age appropriate Easter keepsake Age of Recipient_____________

Gender of Recipient____________

Glitter Pen Colour: (Please circle choice)





Ribbon Colour: (Please circle choice)


Green Silver

Light Blue

Dark Blue



Return this form in an envelope with your money to Front Office by Monday 7 April 2014. ALL ORDERS MUST BE PICKED UP FROM THE FRONT OFFICE BY FRIDAY 11 APRIL 2014. CONTACT: MARIA PASCALIS 0414244695

All proceeds from stalls will contribute to the funding of resources for your children’s education at the college The P & F sincerely thanks you for your support – HAPPY EASTER 22



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