News 124 6a 2014

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VOLUME XXXI No 6 2nd May, 2014


MAY Uniform change K-12


National Schools Event

7th – 9th

P & F Mother’s Day Stalls

5 –9 th


Mother’s Day


NAPLAN Years 3 and 5 Years 7and 9

13th – 15th

Parent Teacher Conferences




CIS Netball


This will be our last paper Newsletter.

Year 12 K2015 Information Morning


School Photos SS Greek Attainment Certificate JS


School Photos JS Class and Sibling


Half Yearly Exams Yr 11 begin


Half Yearly Exams conclude JS


ASISSA Cross Country JS


Careers Expo Years 11 and 12


Please note as from 16th May, 2014 our Newsletter will be emailed out to all parents. If you have recently changed your email address could you please send to:


Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday School closed


Parish Trip to Greece departs


P & T Interviews K – 4 & 6


P & T Interviews K – 4 & 5


Term ends for staff and students


Χριστός Ανέστη


Christ is Risen

JULY Students return


Parent Teacher Conferences







The scholarships are based on the results of ACER Scholarship exams held on 1st March and 28th February, 2014. There was a strong field of candidates from other primary schools, our Year 6 and Year 10 students.

EASTER HYMN Χριστός ανέστη εκ νεκρών, θανάτω θάνατον πατήσας και τοις εν τοις μνήμασι ζωήν χαρισάμενος.

We commend all students who attempted this challenging exam.

Christ is risen from the dead, by death trampling on death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life.


SCHOLARSHIPS ACER Scholarship Winners Years 11 and 12 2015 – 2016

In May 2014 the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be completed by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. NAPLAN has the support of all State and Territory Education Ministers and will assess the literacy and numeracy skills of students across Australian schools.

Congratulations to Nicole Adam and Demitra Nikas who have each been granted a two year Scholarship for continued study in Years 11 and 12 on the basis of the ACER Examinations.

The results of the tests will provide important information to schools about what each student can do, and will be used to support teaching and learning programs. Parents will receive a report indicating their child’s level of achievement. Each student’s level of achievement will be reported against the national minimum standard. Background information (student name, gender, date of birth, language background and Aboriginality) will be collected as part of the National Assessment Program. This information is treated confidentially and held securely to ensure that every student’s right to privacy is maintained.

Nicole Adam

The NAPLAN tests will be conducted from 13 – 15th May, 2014. Tuesday 13th May Language Conventions (Spelling, Punctuation and grammar) Writing Wednesday 14th May Reading

Demitra Nikas

ACER Scholarship Winner Year 7, 2015 – Year 10, 2018

Thursday 15th May Numeracy (Number, Algebra, function and pattern; Chance and data; Measurement and Space)

Congratulations to Chloe Drougas of Bronte Public School, who has been granted the 2015 four year scholarship to St Spyridon College.

In the Numeracy tests students do not require any measuring tools such as rulers or protractors. In Yeas 7 and 9 there will be two Numeracy tests:


who helped with and attended the Palm Sunday Lunch.

one where a calculator is allowed and one where calculators are not to be used. For the calculator test, the student should use the calculator that they currently use at school.

To date the P&F has raised: Taverna Night Lambatha Stalls Palm Sunday Lunch Running Total

Students may be considered for exemption from the tests if:  they are newly arrived in Australia (less than one year before the test) and with a language background other than English, or  they have significant intellectual disability and/or significant co-existing conditions which severely limit their capacity to participate in the tests.

$10,000 $ 5,000 $ 6,000 $21,000

MOTHER’S DAY DINNER Save the Date: Thursday 15th May 2014 The P&F Mother’s Day Dinner is coming up in two weeks. It is a popular night out for all the Mums and we look forward to seeing you all. This year’s dinner focuses on fashion and accessories including an in-house shopping night! Contact Erenie 0410318053 or email us. Details to follow in our Flyer.

All other students are expected to participate in the tests. Disability adjustments which reflect the student’s normal level of support in the classroom may be provided. Additional information about NAPLAN can be found at /index.html.

TERM TWO – SCHOOL FEES Term 2 fees are due Friday, 9th May 2014. A $50 admin fee will be added to every account if fees are not paid by the due date.


Mother’s Day Stalls : 5th-9th May 2014 Stalls will be set up for students to purchase gifts, for Mothers, Godmothers, and even Grandmothers on these days. Gift prices: $5-$10-$15-$20 More details to follow in our Flyer

All students are to come dressed in Winter School Uniform on Monday, 5th May. The Uniform Shop now has 70 Denier navy blue microfibre tights on sale for $10.




Mrs A. Vergotis (Assistant Secretary, P&F Committee)


Christ Is Risen! Χριστος Ανεστη! Воскресе!




As we commence Term 2, to the Year 7 parents we hope your children have now settled into Senior School! To the parents looking forward to their children’s pilgrimage trip to Greece this Term, only 6 weeks to go!

Welcome back to all our children and families. I trust you had an enjoyable Easter break and that you are ready for a busy Term Two. Well done to all students who participated in the many services during Holy Week and to those who served as altar boys and flower girls and, assisted with the Easter preparations in Church.

Thank you everyone for contributing to the success of our Lambatha stalls, by making, manning and purchasing our beautiful Resurrection candles this Easter, and to all those


EASTER FOCUS ASSEMBLY At our Easter Focus Assembly on the 11th of April our children from K – 6 demonstrated their understanding of the Easter story through drama and art. Through the traditional Greek Orthodox flaounes, koulourakia, lazarakia, candles, palm crosses and eggs, they shared with us the traditions of the Greek Orthodox Faith and Culture. The staff are commended for the marvellous job they do each year making this event real so that it may be passed on to future generations. For this I am most grateful and proud. Thank you to Mrs Spyridopoulos for donating the First Prize for the Easter Raffle won by Mrs Susan Tsoukalas, and to the P & F for supplying the other prizes.


P& F THANKS The tireless and hard-working P & F are congratulated for all their efforts with the Easter stall and Lambatha making but especially for the wonderful food and service at the Palm Sunday lunch. You give freely and your goodness is evident in all that you do. Thank you.

ANZAC DAY COMMEMORATION Students from the Leadership Team represented the College at the very moving Anzac Day Commemoration service held at St Spyridon Church on Saturday 26th April. The students, through their presence honoured the sacrifice of the brave men, women and children who gave their lives in defence of Australia during world conflicts.

CONDOLENCES Our deepest condolences are extended to James Pavlogiannis (6P) and family on the passing of his beloved mother Chantal after a brave battle with Cancer. May God give rest to her soul and strength to her son at this most difficult time.

COCURRICULAR Cocurricular for Term Two will recommence on 6th May and conclude on the 12th of June.

UNIFORM CHANGE Just a reminder that students, are to wear Winter Uniform from the 5th of May. The blazer is to be worn to and from school each day. The Winter Sports Uniform is the tracksuit.

TERM 2 SPORT K-5 will be participating in Athletics training this term. Kindergarten and Year 1 on Tuesdays Yr2-6 on Thursdays Year 6 will be playing interschool Netball and Rugby. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School


At Maroubra on Friday, 25th April, 2014 Ms Kokinelis and Prefects attended the Dawn Service at Maroubra.

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT Χριστός Ανέστη Christ is Risen GOOD FRIDAY Congratulations to the students of Year 10 who chanted the Engomia at St Spyridon Church on Good Friday evening. Thank you to Mr Picardi for preparing, Ms Gambriell and Ms Kokinelis for supporting the students. Congratulations to the Year 11 boys for carrying the Epitaphios. A wonderful moving experience and blessing for all: Dion Alexander, Matthew Chiam, Nicholas Georgou, Simeon Kerameas, Christos Kollias, Kristian Kontakos, Nicholas Makridopolus, Christos Raptis and Adonis Tsoustas.

ANZAC DAY COMMEMORATION SERVICES At Hyde Park, on Wednesday 9th April, Mrs Koutsoukis, Year 11 Modern History students attended the RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration Service at the ANZAC Memorial in Hyde Park.

At St Spyridon Church on Saturday, 26th April, 2014 student leaders gathered with our wider community to attend the moving Anzac Day Service at St Spyridon Church.


CONGRATULATIONS… …to Ms Davis on her marriage to Mark McCoy. May God shower them with His blessings. Ms Davis will now be called Mrs McCoy.

WINTER UNIFORM A reminder that blazers are compulsory and must be worn to and from School.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

On days students are allowed to come wearing sports uniform e.g. Wednesday ISA training, students must wear their full tracksuit.




Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Χριστός Ανέστη! Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με την εργασία μιας μαθήτριας του Λυκείου. Είναι ένα κείμενο σχετικά με τα θέματα των προφορικών διαγωνισμών της Γ΄Λυκείου, το λεγόμενο HSC. Η εργασία περιστρέφεται γύρω από τον «προσωπικό κόσμο των παιδιών» όπως και οι ερωτήσεις που θα ερωτηθούν τότε.

On Thursday 3rd April, 2014 Year 9 attended an exhibition of Hellenic Traditional dress and jewellery organised by the Hellenic Lyceum.

Καλή ανάγνωση. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα


συχνά και παίζουμε μπάλα ή κρίκετ οικογενειακώς και ύστερα ταϊζουμε τις πάπιες ψωμάκια και απολαμβάνουμε τη φύση. Δεν μπορεί κανείς να φανταστεί πόσο όμορφα και ήρεμα είναι εκεί. Είναι σαν να βρίσκεσαι σε ένα μικρό δασάκι.

Ο εαυτός μου Με λένε Δήμητρα και είμαι δεκαπέντε χρονών. Πηγαίνω στην Α΄Λυκείου στο κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα, στο προάστειο της Μαρούμπρα. Είναι ελληνικό, ορθόδοξο σχολείο και γι’ αυτό μ’αρέσει επειδή μαθαίνουμε την ελληνική γλώσσα και προπαντός τα ήθη και τα έθιμά μας.

Το δωμάτιό μου για μένα είναι μια μικρή όμως σημαντική φωλίτσα…το καταφύγιό μου! Εκεί μ’ αρέσει να απολαμβάνω τα χρώματά του που είναι ροζ με εξωτικές νεράιδες και πεταλούδες να κρέμονται απ’ το ταβάνι. Σε μια γωνιά βρίσκεται το ξύλινο γραφείο μου με την βιβλιοθήκη του και τον υπολογιστή μου. Απέναντι είναι το μεγάλο κρεβάτι μου με τα πολύχρωμα, μεγάλα μαξιλάρια, όπου ξαπλώνω και αγναντεύω έξω τις φοινικές και την πράσινη φύση. Εδώ, στο δωμάτιό μου είναι που χάνομαι σ’ έναν άλλο κόσμο και ονειροπολώ…

Όσο για τα ενδιαφέροντά μου, που δεν είναι και πολλά, μ’ αρέσει να παίζω ποδόσφαιρο και να αντιπροσωπεύω το σχολείο μου σε αγώνες. Ειδικά λατρεύω να διαβάζω διάφορα μυθιστορήματα επειδή μου εξάπτουν τη φαντασία και με ξεκουράζουν. Όταν τελειώνω τη σχολική εργασία μου, απολαμβάνω τον ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή μου αφού ανταλλάσσω με τις φίλες μου τα νέα της ημέρας μας.

Αυτά για μένα.

Η οικογένειά μου αποτελείται από τέσσερα μέλη. Αυτά είναι: Ο πατέρας μου, η μητέρα μου, ο αδελφός μου κι εγώ. Ο πατέρας μου, ο Γιώργος, είναι οικονομολόγος και δουλεύει σε μια οικονομική εταιρεία στην πόλη. Η μητέρα μου, η Ιουλία, είναι νοσοκόμα και δούλευε στο Νοσοκομείο Παίδων του Prince of Wales, όμως τώρα δεν δουλεύει πια επειδή προσέχει εμάς, τα παιδιά της. Τέλος, λίγα για τον αδελφό μου τον Παναγιώτη που είναι μαθητής της Α΄Γυμνασίου στο ίδιο κολλέγιο με μένα. Ο Παναγιώτης είναι έξυπνο και καλό παιδί, αλλά κάποτε διαφωνούμε…

Demi Nikas Year 10 (Year 11 for Greek)

Αυτό που μ’ αρέσει να κάνω πιο πολύ με την οικογένειά μου είναι να πηγαίνουμε κάθε Παρασκευή στο Ιαπωνικό εστιατόριο της περιοχής μας και να τρώμε γευστικά φαγητά με τα ξυλαράκια. Επίσης να συζητάμε και μετά να πηγαίνουμε για επιδόρπιο στις γύρω καφετερίες του Μπράιτον. Άλλα Σαββατοκύριακα πηγαίνουμε στο Bondi Junction στο σινεμά και για σοκολατένιες γκοφρέτες στο Max Brenner.

Η οικογένειά μου και εγώ πάντα γιορτάζουμε το Πάσχα στο σπίτι μας. Δεν λείπουμε ποτέ αυτές τις μέρες. Τη Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα έχουμε πολλές ετοιμασίες: πλάθουμε κουλουράκια, πλέκουμε τσουρέκια που τα μοιράζουμε στους συγγενείς και φίλους, βάφουμε αυγά και πηγαίνουμε στην εκκλησία. Την Κυριακή του Πάσχα σουβλίζουμε αρνί, τσουγκρίζουμε κόκκινα αυγά και ψάλλουμε το «Χριστός Ανέστη». Με τα ξαδέλφια μας ανταλλάσουμε σοκολατένια αυγά. Περισσότερο, όμως, χαίρομαι που έρχεται η νονά μου και μου φέρνει την πιο ωραία λαμπάδα για την Ανάσταση. Ευφροσύνη Πασχάλη 6.1

JUNIOR SCHOOL Αγαπητοί γονείς και παιδιά, Πριν τις διακοπές του Πάσχα, στα παιδιά της έκτης τάξης ανατέθηκε να γράψουν για τα πασχαλινά έθιμα που έχουν και ακολουθούν οι οικογένειές τους εδώ στην Αυστραλία. Απολαύστε, λοιπόν, αυτά που έγραψαν πέντε παιδιά.... κ.Άννα Γαμπιεράκη

Όπως καταλάβατε, μένω με την οικογένειά μου, στο προάστειο του Μόντερέι, στην οδό Χόλλυγουντ δίπλα από το Μπράιτον. Το σπίτι μας είναι διώροφο και βρίσκεται κοντά στη θάλασσα. Από το μπαλκόνι βλέπεις την καταπληκτική θέα του νερού με τα μεγαλόπρεπα πράσινα πεύκα που χαρακτηρίζουν τον παραλιακό δρόμο Grand Parade.

Η οικογένειά μου ακολουθεί πολλά πασχαλινά. Τη Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα φτιάχνουμε τα κουλούρια μας. Συνήθως, τη Μεγάλη Πέμπτη βάφουμε κόκκινα αυγά. Τη Μεγάλη Παρασκευή πάμε στην εκκλησία του Αγίου Γεωργίου στα Blue Mountains και συμμετέχουμε στην περιφορά του

Από την άλλη πλευρά της οδού μας βρίσκεται ένα μεγάλο πάρκο με ποτάμι δίπλα και πηγαίνουμε


Επιταφίου. Το Μεγάλο Σάββατο κάνουμε Ανάσταση στην εκκλησία του νεκροταφείου. Παίρνουμε το Άγιο Φως με τις λαμπάδες μας και μετά τρώμε μαγειρίτσα και αυγολέμονο. Το ίδιο βράδυ τσουγκρίζουμε κόκκινα αυγά. Τέλος, την Κυριακή του Πάσχα πάμε στο σπίτι της γιαγιάς και τρώμε αρνί. Και του χρόνου..... Νικόλαος Δρακούλης 6.1

Το Μεγάλο Σάββατο ετοιμαζόμαστε για τη μεγάλη γιορτή. Εμείς γιορτάζουμε στο σπίτι μας. Η μαμά μου αρχίζει να μαγειρεύει για το Πάσχα. Μετά, καθαρίζουμε το σπίτι. Τη νύχτα πηγαίνουμε στην εκκλησία με τις λαμπάδες μας για την Ανάσταση. Μετά ο πάτερ Στυλιανός ψάλλει το Χριστός Ανέστη τρεις φορές. Πριν φύγουμε κοινωνάμε.

Έχουμε πολλά πασχαλινά έθιμα στην οικογένειά μου. Τη Μεγάλη Πέμπτη βάφουμε κόκκινα αυγά, πράσινα και μπλε και κάνουμε σχέδια με λουλούδια πάνω τους. Επίσης, τότε φτιάχνουμε κουλουράκια και τσουρέκια. Τη Μεγάλη Παρασκευή πάμε στον Επιτάφιο που βγαίνει από την εκκλησία στις 9 το βράδυ. Όλοι κρατούμε κεριά και περπατούμε γύρω από τον ναό. Μας δίνουν ένα λουλούδι από τον Επιτάφιο και γυρίζουμε σπίτι. Την Κυριακή του Πάσχα γιορτάζουμε όλοι μαζί την Ανάσταση τρώγοντας αρνί και τα γλυκά που φτιάξαμε. Βασίλειος Κεζάλας 6.1

‘Οταν ξημερώσει, φτιάχνουμε κι άλλα φαγητά. Οι συγγενείς μας έρχονται στις μία η ώρα, αλλά η γιαγιά μου έρχεται πολύ πιο νωρίς. Ο μπαμπάς μου φτιάχνει λουκάνικα και αρνί για να φάμε όλοι μαζί στις δύο η ώρα. Όταν φάμε, τσουγκρίζουμε κόκκινα αυγά και λέμε «Χριστός Ανέστη» και «Αληθώς Ανέστη». Η οικογένειά μου περνάει παραδοσιακά το Πάσχα. Νίκη Κόντου 6.1



Welcome back to what promises to be a very busy Term. In the coming weeks, Year 10 students will be guided through the process of selecting their subjects for Years 11 and 12 and this of course is related to their future studies and careers. Consequently, these students will be spending time exploring their interests, abilities and personality styles to help them identify different career areas which they may find satisfying and enjoyable.

Το Πάσχα γιορτάζουμε την Ανάσταση του Χριστού. Εμείς οι Χριστιανοί Ορθόδοξοι έχουμε πολλά έθιμα που γιορτάζουμε το Πάσχα. Τη Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα αρχίζουν οι ετοιμασίες για το Πάσχα. Κάθε βράδυ πηγαίνουμε στην εκκλησία. Τη Μεγάλη Πέμπτη ξυπνάμε πρωί και πηγαίνουμε και κοινωνάμε. Όταν γυρίσουμε, βράζουμε και βάφουμε κόκκινα αυγά. Μαζί με τη μαμά φτιάχνουμε κουλουράκια, κουραμπιέδες και τσουρέκια. Τη Μεγάλη Παρασκευή το πρωί πηγαίνουμε στην εκκλησία και βοηθάμε στο στολισμό του Επιταφίου. Γυρίζουμε το βράδυ στην εκκλησία για να προσκυνήσουμε τον Επιτάφιο. Το Μεγάλο Σάββατο τα μεσάνυχτα πηγαίνουμε στην εκκλησία με την οικογένειά μου και τότε ανάβω την λαμπάδα που μου έχει φέρει η νονά μου και ακούμε από τον Πατέρα Στυλιανό το « Το Χριστός Ανέστη». Την Κυριακή του Πάσχα μαζευόμαστε όλοι στο σπίτι του παππού και της γιαγιάς μου και τρώμε αρνί στη σούβλα. Τσουγκρίζουμε κόκκινα αβγά και με χαρά γιορτάζουμε τη μεγάλη γιορτή του Πάσχα. Νικολέττα Σκουτέρη 6.1

Later this Term, Year 11 and 12 students will be attending the HSC and Careers Expo at Moore Park to gain further information about their future pathways and tertiary studies. Additionally, some Year 12 students will be exploring the application processes for scholarships and cadetships as well as for early entry to University. There are several information evenings and opportunities coming up in May which should be of interest: CADETSHIPS: OPEN



Business Cadetship Program Student Application and School Assessment Due: Wed 14th May Engineering and Technology Cadetships Student Application and School Assessment Due: Fri 13th June

Τη Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα η οικογένεια μου νηστεύει. Τη Μεγάλη Πέμπτη η αδελφή μου και εγώ πάμε στο σπίτι της γιαγιάς μου και βάφουμε κόκκινα αυγά. Τη Μεγάλη Παρασκευή πάμε στην εκκλησία του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα και συμμετέχουμε στην περιφορά του Επιταφίου γύρω από την εκκλησία.

The 2014 program provides Year 12 students with the opportunity to launch their career in ICT and


business through a Technology Cadetship at Westpac.

UTS and HSC in the Holidays Charity HSC Seminars 20th May 2014 6pm-8:30pm UTS Broadway Campus Guthrie Theatre (CB06.03) Cost: $10 Seminar topics include: - HSC English Strategies and Advice - "Stress-Free HSC" How to minimise anxiety and improve engagement - Examination/study strategies from Senior HSC teachers/markers and 97+ students Contact: Shane Hardcastle: For more information visit

INFORMATION EVENINGS Your Path to Sydney Uni Wed 21st May: Get information about the University’s faculties, scholarships, alternative pathway options and university life. Register at: Macquarie University Business and Economics Information Evening Wed 14th May, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Campus Hub (C10A), Level 3 function rooms, Macquarie University Hear directly from academics, current students, graduates and industry experts on what business, economics and Macquarie University can offer. ate/coming_events/business_and_economics_info rmation_evening/

Australian College of Applied Psychology Information Evening 7th May 2014 6pm Level 5, 11 York Street, Sydney Contact: Carolyn Chandler: RSVP at Email or call 1800 061 199 for more information.

Macquarie Law School Information Evening Wed 21st May, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Campus Hub (C10A), Level 3 function rooms, Macquarie University Find out about our degrees, industry connections and internships, exchange opportunities and extracurricular activities. ming_events/macquarie_law_school_information _evening Macquarie University Facebook Online Chat Session with Current Students Thu 22nd May, 6.00pm – 8.30pm ts/events

Academy of Information Technology Information Night 6th May, 3rd June, 6pm-8pm at Ultimo AIT Info Night is perfect for students and parents who want to explore the endless opportunities available in the growing creative industry. This interactive seminar is a great way to get further information on curriculum, course requirements, study pathways, and talk to staff and students. Read more: OPEN DAYS AND EXPOS Australian College of Nursing: NSW Expo 2014 10th May , Sydney Town Hall, 483 George Street, Sydney

The University of Notre Dame - Careers in Law and Business Evening 21st May 2014, 6:00pm, 140 Broadway, Broadway

NIDA Open Day 2014 17th May 2014, 10am to 4pm at NIDA, Kensington. Contact: 02 9697 7600 Register at

The University of Notre Dame - MBBS Course Information Session 20th May 2014 5.30 pm, Darlinghurst Contact: Damien Nedeljkovic: / 02 8204 4404

Hilton Hotels: Careers @Hilton Expo: Sunday, 4th May, 10am – 2pm, Level 4, Hilton Sydney, George St, Sydney. Hear success stories or gain career advice from all hotel departments

UTS Bachelor of Accounting Cooperative Scholarship program Information Evening 20th May 2014, 6.30 - 7.30 pm Room CB02.04.29, Broadway NSW Contact: Carin Alberts :


Australian Apprenticeships Pathways Job Pathways Charts View the potential career pathways within an industry that begin with an apprenticeship.

Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) Open Day 17th May 2014 10am to 3pm, Ultimo. Contact: Simon Freeman:, 02 8514 8800 Discover courses in game development, 3D animation and visual effects . All campuses will be opening their doors . For more information head to or call 02 8514 8800

ABE Education School Online White Card Course (for construction industry) ABE education offers an online white card course allowing participants to stop and start at any time. l

HOLIDAY ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE: APPLY NOW! UNSW Year 10 Engineering Holiday Work Experience (Note: applications close Friday 9th May) The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW is running their annual Year 10 engineering work experience program from 23rd – 27th June, 2014. Students will experience hands-on civil and environmental engineering in a variety of fields and locations. Note this is a very popular event and places are limited due to construction site and transport restrictions. Selection is based on answers provided on the application form .A maximum of two students per school will be chosen. For further information including a video and application forms see: Contact: Tricia Tesoriero:

DEFENCE FORCE GAP YEAR Australian Defence Force One Year Roles Experience what it's like to work in the Army for a year during your Gap Year. Contact: 13 19 01 / A reminder to both parents and students that I am available for interviews or to answer questions, in the careers office from Tuesdays to Fridays. Please make an appointment or I can be contacted by phone through the school office or by email: Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser



 St Spyridon College vs All Saints Grammar Gala Day

Sydney University Engineering: winter camp for Year 10/11 students: A 2-day camp on 10-11 July - Hands-on activities, industry site-visit, meet professionals - See :

Tuesday 22nd April, St Spyridon College hosted a gala day of football with All Saints Grammar Greek Orthodox College at Heffron Park. It was a wonderful opportunity for all students and families to enjoy a wonderful day of sport and a good opportunity for our teams to get a trial game before the season starts.

APPRENTICESHIPS INFORMATION Australian Apprenticeships Pathways Practice Aptitude Quizzes These quizzes show the expected level of literacy, numeracy and comprehension that people attempting an apprenticeship in a particular field should have.

Our U15 boys played first and were very positive in attack, despite many boys not having played for some time they performed exceptionally well losing narrowly 2-1.

Telstra Traineeships Telstra, in partnership with Skilled Group, offers a number of traineeships across Australia. spx


Zafiropoulos, Mr Meintanis and Ms Gambriell). Thank you also to the All Saints Grammar Head of Sport Mr Stamp and Mr Theodoropoulos for their help in arranging these games over the holiday break.

NSW CIS CUP 2014 On Monday 28th April, our boys played in the 3rd round of the NSW CIS Cup against a very strong St Pius X College. Our boys had learnt some very valuable lessons against All Saints the previous week and the strong defence and teamwork really showed throughout the game. Although we did not have too many scoring opportunities our boys were relentless in defence and the 0-0 score line at half time was a real boost.

Our Open Girls football team also played very well and were unlucky not to come away with a draw. Like our boys they too lost 2-1.

In the second half St Pius was able to capitalise on a couple of opportunities and were the final victors defeating our boys 2-0. Our Open boys now have the ISA and Greek Orthodox Colleges National Schools event to look forward to and despite losing their last two games the boys know that a victory is not far off. This Saturday will be an important test to see if our boys can put together a complete performance - that is both in defence and in attack.

Our Open Boys started well leading 1-0, but possession fell All Saints Grammar’s way; under extreme pressure the boys conceded two late goals. The half time score was 2-1. After the break we improved sharing much of the possession and enjoyed many more scoring opportunities through the great work of Michael Hatzon. With the weight of possession our boys were not able to consolidate and as a result All Saints scored taking the score line to 3-1. Not long after our boys showed resilience and determination scoring to make the score 3-2. Unfortunately with minutes left the boys conceded a final goal in what was a 4-2 loss. Despite the loss there were many lessons learnt from the game and all the boys got a good opportunity to prepare for the season.

OPEN BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM Our Open Boys basketball team have had a number of training sessions including one over the holiday break in preparation for the National Schools event. I would like to commend all the boys for their intensity, their passion and drive for success. Thank you also to their coach Mr Koulouriotis who has been working very hard with the boys in order to prepare many of them for their last basketball tournament for St Spyridon College.

ISA BOYS FOOTBALL Boy’s football starts this week with games against St Pauls Grammar and Blue Mountains Grammar. All students are reminded that they must collect a time sheet from Mr Kaldis and be prepared for game day. This includes: - Packing lunch and water as well as all necessary medication if applicable. - Ensuring their playing attire is packed including boots, shin pads and playing attire.

Thank you to all the parents and friends who helped on the day and in particular all the St Spyridon staff who helped to make the day a resounding success (Ms O’ Shea, Mr



The event involves: Sporting competition in a round robin format in Table Tennis, Boys and Girls Futsal, Basketball, Boys outdoor soccer, Girls Netball and Boys and Girls Volleyball, Spoken Arts Festival and Championship dinner for all competing students.

All students must pack their full school sports uniform.

There will only be one pick up and drop off point that being St Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church in Kingsford. All students must be at the Church at least 15 minutes prior to leaving as buses will not wait for late students.

St Spyridon College will be represented by the Open Boys and Girls teams that represent the school in ISA sport on a Saturday with many of our younger students involved in helping on the various days.

Good luck to all the boys and girls football teams for the season.


All students involved in the event received permission notes as well as other important documents at the end of last Term. It is expected that all participating students will receive a programme prior to the event with meetings with all students involved to be announced to students at school. Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)

St Spyridon College will this year be hosting the annual Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event. This event involves all Greek Orthodox Colleges from across Australia beginning on Wednesday 7th May and concluding on Friday 9th May. The participating schools include: St Spyridon College - Sydney St George College - Adelaide Oakleigh Grammar - Melbourne St Johns College - Melbourne St Andrews Grammar - Perth All Saints Grammar - Sydney St Euphemia College - Sydney



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