News 126 8a 2014

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VOLUME XXXI No 8 29th May, 2014


JUNE ICAS Science Competition Years 3-6


Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday School closed


Parish Trip to Greece departs


Australian Futsal NSW School Championship – Marrickville JS


P & T Interviews K – 4 & 6


P & T Interviews K – 4 & 5


Divine Liturgy K – 12


Term ends for staff and students



JULY Students return


Parent Teacher Conferences Year 7


Parish Trip to Greece returns




CONGRATULATIONS We are proud to announce that Allyssa Stemsitsiotis and Juliet Manolias, have been accepted into the National Art School (NAS) HSC Intensive Studio Practice. Allyssa has been accepted into the sculpture studio and Juliet into life drawing. From the 1000’s of art students across the State who apply 50 participants are selected. Allyssa and Juliet were required to submit a portfolio and on this basis were selected into their preferred studios. This will no doubt be a fantastic experience. All of their work made at NAS will be exhibited in the Cell Block Gallery, Forbes Street, Sydney later this year.

Parent Teacher Conferences Years 8 & 9


Athletics Carnival SS


Parent Teacher Conferences Year 10 & 11




HSC Trials begin


AUGUST Athletics Carnival JS K2015 Interviews Specialty Photos JS

1st 4th – 7th 8th

The Dormition of the Theotokos School closed

We congratulate the girls and commend their teacher Ms M. Pringle for creating this opportunity for them.


K2015 Interviews

19th – 21st

K2015 Interviews

26th – 28th

ASISSA Athletics Carnival JS

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag







MOTHERS DAY DINNER We wish to congratulate and thank Ms Stamoulis and her fabulous P&F committee for organising a most enjoyable Mothers’ Day Dinner at the Graphic Arts Club Mascot on 15th of May. We would also like to thank the very generous donors and all those present who ensured the success of the evening. We look forward to next year and remind all mums to get in early as it is a sell-out event.

BATTLE OF CRETE COMMEMORATION Every year the Cretan Association of NSW commemorates the anniversary of the Battle of Crete and the Greek Campaign which occurred during the Second World War, by holding a special service at the Cenotaph in Martin Place, Sydney. As always, our College was proudly represented by our College Captain Eleni Mavrolefterou, Junior School Leaders, SRC’s and students of Cretan backgrounds. Student Leaders from our College along with our Head of College Mrs Stefanou and Mrs Sue Mayson, Parish President, laid a wreath in honour of the fallen.

Thank you to the students who attended this day: Eleni Mavrolefterou, Chris Vlahos, Nicole Adam, Katie Thimakis, Theoni Thimakis, Georgina Mandadakis, Paul Mandadakis, Michael Vlahakis, James Valmas, George Signakis, George Kalergis, Emmanuel Constantopedos, Francs-Lee Pascalis and Nicholas Drakoulis.



PASCHAL HOMILY 2014 The Resurrection of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ is the greatest event in the course of history. We call this Feast “Pascha” which means “Passover” in the Hebrew language; for this is the day on which God originally brought the world into existence from non-being. It was on this day that He conveyed the people of Israel across the Red Sea and grasped them out of the hands of Pharaoh; on this day also, descending from Heaven, God came to dwell in the Ever-Virgin Mary’s womb. Now, after seizing the whole of humanity from the depths of Hades, Jesus Christ has raised it up to Heaven and has restored to it the ancient dignity of incorruption and immortality.




MAMA MIΑ! Mother’s Day this year was another resounding success. Students shopped enthusiastically at the P&F stalls from our wide selection of stylish gifts for their mothers, grandmothers and Godmothers! Mothers’ Night Out

The Fathers of the Church teach us that, prior to the Fall in the Garden of Eden, the bodies of Adam and Eve were not subject to death and corruption. Humans were made potentially immortal, that is, had they not sinned, they would have lived forever in Paradise. Prior to the Fall, human beings knew no pain, no sickness, nor age as we know and experience them today. Many of the problems that plague our society today did not exist! After the Fall, Adam and Eve’s spiritual corruption made their human nature totally material making their soul unable to experience eternal life with God. When Christ came into the world as the New Adam - not only did He restore humankind to what it was before the Fall, but granted us eternal life in His Kingdom.

A great evening was had by all the Mums who came along! Our guests included Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Katsogiannis, Mrs Synesios, Ms Kokinelis, Mrs Kipriotis, Mrs Zafiropoulos, Mrs Economou and Mrs Tsaconas.

In order to do this St Nicholas Cabasilas teaches us that Christ had to eliminate three key obstacles that separated humankind from God: the barrier of nature by His birth, the barrier of sin by His death, and the barrier of death by His Resurrection. Firstly, in His birth, Christ became a human in order to make human beings holy. Secondly, Christ freely offers Himself upon the Cross as a ransom for the sins of the world, and by doing so, has released humanity from the eternal consequences of sin. Thirdly, Christ surrenders His human body to crucifixion in order to destroy the laws of death and corruption offering us all eternal life. In light of this, the recitation of the triumphal Paschal hymn or the “Χριστός Ανέστη” serves not as a mere reminder of events that have occurred in the past, but events that we live daily – as a Church, as a School community and ultimately as children of the Crucified and Risen Lord.

On arrival every lady received a glass of champagne and the evening was underway! Dinner was a delicious 3 course meal accompanied by drinks and much banter and chatter at every table.

To Him may there be glory forever! Mr A. Picardi


The evening’s MC was Erenie Bourdaniotis, our “hostess with the mostest”, keeping us entertained and taking us through the raffle of many beautiful prizes. At the end of the night, every lady went home feeling like a winner, with a gift bag full of treats! Our deepest gratitude to our extensive list of wonderful supporters for the prizes you generously donated. Your contribution(s) guaranteed the success of our evening.

The shopping experience for various beautiful items on display was enjoyed by all the ladies! There were prizes awarded for mums and grandmothers on the night! Much fun was had as each category winner came to collect her prize!

To date the P&F have raised:

Taverna Night


Lambatha Stalls

$ 5,000.00

Palm Sunday Lunch

$ 6,000.00

Mother’s Day Stalls

$ 5,506.25

Mothers’ Night Out

$ 5,668.90

Running Total

$32, 175.15

Upcoming events, in the next issue of the newsletter!


Mrs A. Vergotis P&F, Assistant Secretary



K2015 PARENT INFORMATION MORNING The parents of students enrolled for Kindergarten 2015 attended an information morning on the 19th of May where they had the opportunity to learn a little more about the Junior School’s policies, procedures and learning culture. Over the delicious morning tea that was provided by the P & F they were able to mingle and be introduced to each other. The highlight of the morning was touring the grounds and observing the students at work.

Sunday School is a wonderful place for your children and grandchildren to learn more about our faith. It is provided for free and does not require registration. Children are not obligated to attend every week but it is highly recommended that they do so in order to gain the full benefit of Sunday School, as well as, develop wonderful friendships. Furthermore children visiting our Parish are welcome to attend our Sunday School at any time.

If you have forgotten to enrol your child for 2015, please see Mrs Kerameas at the Junior School Office.


There are 3 groups: Νήπια (Pre-school /Kindergarten to Year Two) Κατώτερο (Year Three to Year Six) Μέσο (Year Seven and over) Program 9:00am

10:45am 10:50am



Class and Sibling photos were taken on the 21st May. If you forgot to order your sibling photos or if your child was absent, please see the secretaries from the Junior School Office for a ‘sibling photo’ form, this must be completed by Wednesday 3rd June at the latest. The photographers will return to take these photos in the next two weeks. You will be notified of the date and time.

Teachers meet children upstairs in the Church at their designated area to partake in main body of the Divine Liturgy together. Teachers then lead children downstairs for Holy Communion (if they are prepared). Teachers and children proceed to the Infants Courtyard of St Spyridon College and play games. Teachers and children then proceed to their respective classrooms where the lesson commences followed by an activity. Children are collected by parents from the courtyard.

CONGRATULATIONS KATHERINE Write4Fun FINALIST 2014 Congratulations to Katherine Tsingos in 6P who has been named a finalist in the 'Write as Rain 2014' writing competition. Katherine is one of only 15 Finalists in this Australian writing competition, in which over 11,500 entries nationwide were received. Katherine submitted her poem ‘Gleaming Sunset.’ Her work is being published in a book and is available to view online at As part of her success, Katherine has been awarded a special prize pack. Congratulations on your wonderful success, Katherine! We are very proud of you!

Please note: Children are under teacher supervision until parents come to collect them at the end of the Sunday School.

Gleaming Sunset The blue wave clothed me with its white frothy milk, sinking my feet into the miniscule grains of sand. The sand scrunched between my fingernails as I felt the breeze brush pass me. The sun tucked under the shoulders of the horizon, reflecting off the water, glittering and gazing at the sea life swimming before it.

Requirements: A4 display folder (for song sheets and activity sheets) A Divine Liturgy Book (optional)


created by primary school students, to decorate and brighten the walls of our local police stations.

Droplets of the ocean dripped from the trees' bare leaves. Brown like feathers left the branch, with misery followed behind by the ferocious wind. The rays touched our faces across the cement stairway. Dusk had now begun devouring bit by bit. Moon emerged slowly Gobbling the Sun It gleamed no more.

ACRYLIC PAINT ON CANVAS The red, white and blue chequered background represents the colours of the Australian Police Force siren. It also represents the colours of the Australian flag. The blue and white stripes are symbolic of the stripes on the Greek flag, a representation of St Spyridon College’s Greek ethos. The heart in the centre, represents the safety, security, love and care which we receive from the Australian Police Force. The handprints are a personal touch from each artist, leaving their mark on their artwork, and also a cheeky representation of ‘evidence’ of their presence.

PARENTING IDEAS The College has recently subscribed to “Parenting Ideas” written by Michael Grose, Australia’s no.1 Parenting educator. His popular parenting columns appear in newspapers and magazines across Australia. He appears regularly on television including Channel 10’s The Circle, and is a popular & entertaining speaker as well as a frequent columnist for a variety of written media. He also has a regular fortnightly half hour parenting segment on ABC radio Victoria.

With our ‘Hands On Our Hearts’ we pledge to respect all people.

Michael has an education background, and holds a Master of Educational Studies with research into what makes healthy families tick. His program aims to successfully raise confident, happy and resilient kids. Parenting ideas has the experience, expertise and resources to help all of us remove the trial and error from raising children. I hope you find this resource useful. We will include these articles in our newsletters. Enjoy the first: “Healthy Ways for Kids to Manage their Emotions”.

Miss T. Bletsogiannis Stage 2 Coordinator


Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School

For the third year, St Spyridon College Junior School are participating in the IPSHA Debating competition. Throughout the year Mrs Gambierakis and Mrs Economou will be coaching their team of Year 5 and 6 students in 8 rounds of debating.

‘HANDS ON MY HEART’ By students of St Spyridon College, Class 3A 2014 On Wednesday 21st May, our class 3A, presented our artwork ‘Hands On My Heart’, to the Eastern Beaches Local Area Command of the NSW Police Force. Constable Karin Parr-Jaeger, Youth Liaison Officer, accepted our artwork on behalf of Maroubra Police. The artwork, created by 3A students, will be among other artworks

The students will have had to tackle interesting and challenging topics such as ‘All Children Should Learn to Cook at School’ and ‘A Good Book is Better than a Good Movie’. These debaters independently research the topic and


come together with their teams compelling and persuasive arguments.


Championship: Jordan Frazis Gianni Keramitsis, Christo Keramitsis, and James Pavlogiannis Intermediate: James Cardamis, Nixon Kounnas, Vasili Giaras and Marcel Darwish Rookies 1: Alexander Marinos, Zachary Marinos, Christian Lynch and George Mitropoulos Rookies 2: Paul Giavis, Lucas Leondaris, Lucia Zois and Michael Antoniou


Our team will be competing against schools such as Cranbrook, Kambala, St Catherine’s and Ascham to name a few. We are so proud of our team – some of whom are first time debaters! A big thank you has to go out to our amazing and supportive parents, who not only help their children by rehearsing and helping with the preparation at home, but who will also double as our chauffers when having to compete at other schools.

Mrs C. Bartlett Chess Co-ordinator


The teams have completed one round of debating to date and have done very well.

Year 5 are working on the theme ‘Growing as a Group’ in P.D. this term. This unit helps children build on and strengthen the interpersonal skills necessary to work and communicate effectively with others.

Versus St Catherine’s

To kick off this topic, students were given a group challenge. Here are a few recounts of how this interesting task turned out…

Topic ‘All children should learn to cook at school’ Outcome Both teams won! The upcoming round for Term Two is: 13th June – Away game

In class today Year 5A were placed into six groups and were given the task of creating a tower using only newspaper and masking tape. The groups were also given a 15 minute timeframe to work in and had to keep within the following rules:

Topic ‘We Live in a Better World than Our Grandparents’:- versus the Emmanuel School.

Parents of our debaters are welcome to watch all debates be they at ‘home’ or ‘away’!

This year we also have a Junior Debating Team for Year 3 and 4 students who are interested in acquiring the skills needed to form a persuasive argument and the confidence to get up in front of an audience to present their case. Mrs Karpouzos has been working with these students during Cocurricular and everyone is excited to get involved in future debates!

The tower must stand without being attached to anything else Everyone in the group must help make it

When the time was up, we presented our tower to the class explaining how we constructed it and how we worked together as a group. The members of my team were: Valandi, Mary & Dimitri & I (Billy). We constructed the tower by: scrunching up the bottom of the newspaper and then sticking up as many sheets of newspaper as possible while sticking everything together to keep it up.

Good luck to all our Junior School debating teams for all future debates!


Some challenges we faced were: Keeping the tower up straight!

Once again the Junior Chess Competition is up and running for 2014. This Υear 4 teams have been entered and so far all teams have had mixed results. They can only improve by playing and practising whenever possible. The following children have made the teams:

Were you happy with how your group worked together? Why / Why not?? I liked working with my group because they had creative ideas and it was fun. Billy Bourdaniotis


The members of my team were: Nio, Katherine & I (Anastasi).


We constructed the tower by: building a barrier (like a dam) and scrunching up balls of newspaper and stacking them inside. At the end of our time Nio and Carolyn thought it was a good idea to start sticking the rolled up newspaper upright to make our tower taller.

HALF YEARLY REPORTS Years 7 – 11 Years 7 – 11 Half Yearly Reports will be posted at the end of Term 2.


Some challenges we faced were: Building the barrier and keeping the tower upright!

Year 7 Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, 16th July, 2014

Were you happy with how your group worked together? Why / Why not?? I was really happy with my group because we worked together really well. There weren’t any mishaps, except when the tower kept on falling down!

Years 8 and 9 Parent Teacher conferences will be held on Monday, 21st July, 2014.

Anastasi Poulos

Years 10 and 11 Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, 23rd July, 2014. Appointments are to be made directly with Teachers by the students. Parents are asked to attend the Parent Teacher Conference with their child.

YEAR 10 – Transition to Year 11, 2015 Students in Year 10 are preparing to make choices about the subjects they wish to study in Years 11 and 12. During Pastoral Care I spoke to them about: the Preliminary and Higher School Certificate requirements, and issued them with the Upper School Handbook. Curriculum Leaders and specialist Teachers have spoken further about subjects offered. Ms Hakos, our Careers Adviser, has spoken to the students about career options, Universities and TAFE and students have been issued with the 2014 University Entry Requirements 2017 for Year 10 Students. Ms Gambriell, Year 10 Adviser, continues to support students with this process. Decisions need to be made by Friday, 6th June, 2014. If parents require further information, please speak to any of the Teachers mentioned above. I also refer all parents and students to the Careers Section of this Newsletter.

Mrs N. Economou Year 5A Class Teacher



CONGRATULATIONS ELENI During the second week of the Easter Break, Eleni Mavrolefteros of Year 12 competed in the Kurrunulla Dance Festival, presenting the dances she has been studying to prepare for HSC Dance Assessments.


A large number of students are taking advantage of the opportunity afforded by the upcoming three week break, to travel overseas with their families. There will also be 55 students from Years 9 to 11 also joining the pilgrimage trip to Greece. This experience should be both valued and appreciated and not taken for granted. Especially as these wonderful opportunities to see and experience the world and the birthplace of our cultural and spiritual roots first hand, are not open to all. Students who will be travelling need to remember to follow up any work that will be missed with their teachers and return the catch up form to Ms Kokinelis by the end of week 6.

She entered four sections of competition and was awarded second place in the Lyrical Dance section, first place in the Contemporary Dance section, first place in the Student Choreography section and in the Stars of the Future Finale was awarded the trophy for “Most Promising Contemporary Dancer”. This was a wonderful and enjoyable opportunity for Eleni to test run her material under assessment conditions and also meet other young dancers with the same commitment and love of dance.

SYDNEY WRITER’S FESTIVAL Last week 50 students from Year 7 & 8 Honours English classes and selected student from Year 9 travelled to the ‘The Concourse’ at Chatswood for an enrichment day part, which was part of the Sydney Writers Festival 2014, School Days Program. Students listened to interesting presentations from a variety of author’s and had opportunity to ask questions. Well done to Dayna Kostantakis of Year 8 whose intelligent question drew the attention of one of the authors and resulted in a wonderful photo opportunity and special book signing for her.

AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST MORNING TEA Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

On Thursday, 5th June both the SRC and staff members will be holding separate fundraising events to raise money for the Cancer Council in support of the annual Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Event. Teachers will be holding a


universities across the country. “They sit in cars getting to school. They sit at school. They sit getting home from school. And then they sit in front of screens and while doing homework,” says Shilton. “If you send a child outside, they play. They will find a stick or a snail or a pet or a friend.” Parents should understand that what they say and do matters. “Be active with your children. Have some rules about it too.”

lunch, while SRC’s will be selling cupcakes, delicious slices and rocky road treats at recess. All students are encouraged to bring in some extra money for purchases in support of this worthy event.

AUSSIE KIDS GET BAD REPORT FOR EXERCISE While many of our students are very active at recess and lunch at school (especially boys) and overall are keen participants in PE classes and ISA sports, according to a recent report Australian children are near the bottom of the class for overall physical activity.

Australia’s Scores: D minus – overall physical activity B minus – organised activity D – active transportation (riding or walking to school) D minus – sedentary behaviour A minus – community and built environment B minus – government strategies and investment

Top marks go to children in New Zealand and Mozambique, who score a B. Scottish children fail with an F and Australian children are second last with a D minus. But they could do better with a little help from the government, their parents and teachers.

Overall physical activity rankings: B – Mozambique, New Zealand C plus – Mexico C – Kenya, Nigeria C minus – England D - Colombia, Ghana, Finland, South Africa D minus – Australia, Canada, Ireland, US F - Scotland.

“It will take a co-ordinated effort. Changes are needed throughout children’s everyday life to make this grade jump up,” says Dr Natasha Schranz, who managed the Australian leg of the rankings to be announced in Canada. It’s not enough that Australia does well for organised sport and comes top of the class for its facilities and environment, she says. Fewer than 20 per cent of five to 17 year olds accumulate the minimum 60 minutes of moderate exercise they need every day. “If most children did that, we would have an A plus.”

Source: Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth AAP Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι,

It’s achievable, she says. The 60 minutes does not have to be all at once. But the average 2014 Australian child comes stone last in a race against their 1975 peers. Children need more than sport two or three times a week, Dr Schranz says.

Φτάσαμε κιόλας στη μέση του δεύτερου τριμήνου και οι διαγωνισμοί ξεκίνησαν σχεδόν σε όλες τις τάξεις. Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό ενός μαθητή, το οποίο γράφηκε κάτω από συνθήκες διαγωνισμού και είναι σχετικό με την ενότητα «Υγιεινή Ζωή» με την οποία εργαζόμασταν αυτή τη σχολική περίοδο.

“It’s no good if there is a well-designed playground down the road if a parent does not think it is safe for a child to walk there and use it. “The underdeveloped countries are racing ahead because children have to walk and do chores around the house.” The results are worrying, says associate professor Trevor Shilton of the Heart Foundation. “Australian children are getting too much screen time”. “We are raising a generation of couch potatoes.

Καλή ανάγνωση. Μ. Φαλέτα Θέμα: Write a diary entry about a day you spent at home sick. Refer to your symptoms, treatment, pain or suffering you experienced foods and how did you overcome it. Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο,

A small minority of Australian children walk or ride to school, according to the data compiled by 24 academics at nine research institutes and



Αχ, τι να πω;; Σήμερα ήμουνα χάλια! ΧΑΛΙΑ σου λέω! Ήταν αυτή η μέρα που ξυπνάς και ξέρεις ότι κάτι δεν θα πάει καλά. Και βεβαίως, ξύπνησα με την πιο μεγάλη ταραχή της ζωής μου: Μια αράχνη είχε βρει την κακόμοιρη τη μύτη μου… Φώναζα … και φωνάζω πολύ δυνατά…! Φοβάμαι τις αράχνες και είναι ένα πράγμα να βρεις μια αράχνη κάτω από το κρεβάτι σου και εντελώς άλλο να την βρεις στο πρόσωπό σου! Και πάνω απ’όλα αυτά … με τσίμπησε!


CAREERS EXPO Students in Years 11 and 12 will be attending the HSC and Careers Expo at Moore Park on Friday 30th May to gain information about future courses of study as well as other post-school pathways. Seminar sessions on various relevant topics will also be held during this day, which is always regarded as helpful and worthwhile by the students. As the Expo runs until Sunday 1st June, these students’ tickets provide free entry over the weekend if they wish to revisit the event.

Ναι, σήμερα ήμουνα χάλια και έμεινα στο σπίτι. Ήρθε ο παιδίατρος γύρω στις 8.30 π.μ. να εξετάσει το τσίμπημα της αράχνης γιατί άρχισα να έχω άσχημα συμπτώματα. Πρώτα ανέβασα πυρετό, που ξεπέρασε τη θερμοκρασία του ήλιου! Εγώ όμως κρύωνα πολύ, τόσο πολύ, που ήθελα να φορέσω τη χειμωνιάτικη ζακέτα μου στο κρεβάτι. Ύστερα άρχισε ο πονοκέφαλος και μόλις και ξεχώρισα τη φωνή του γιατρού να μιλάει με τη μητέρα μου και να της λέει να μου δίνει παυσίπονα κάθε τέσσερις ώρες μέχρι να φύγει ο πόνος.

Permission notes for Friday are due in to the school as soon as possible. I encourage Year 10 students and their parents to also attend the Expo over the weekend if interested.

CONGRATULATIONS to Paul Mandadakis in Year 10 who has been accepted into the UNSW Engineering Holiday Work Experience Program, being held from 23rd to 27th June. This is a wonderful opportunity for Paul, who did well to secure a place in this popular program.

Για μεσημεριανό, η μητέρα μου έφτιαξε σούπα αυγολέμονο και μου την έφερε με φρυγανιές στο κρεβάτι, μετά βέβαια από την κουβεντούλα της στο τηλέφωνο με την γιαγιά μου που της είπε τι να μου φτιάξει. Και ασφαλώς, όπως συνήθως, η γιαγιά άρχισε τα κλάματα, «είναι το παιδί της καλά; Θα ζήσει; Θα μπορεί ακόμη να γίνει δικηγόρος;»

MY CAREERMATCH Year 10 students have been completing an online questionnaire at to identify their unique personality style. They then receive a report which is to be used in the coming weeks as another aid to help them explore potential career paths suited to their interests and personality. A copy of each student’s report is also emailed to me. Students have been provided with the instructions and password necessary to complete the questionnaire, the cost of which has been covered by the school. Year 10 parents are requested to encourage their child to complete the questionnaire as soon as possible. If there are any problems or questions, please contact me by phone through the school office, or by email:

Μόλις έβαλα το κουτάλι μέσα στη σούπα μου, άκουσα ανθρώπους σαν θηρία να τρέχουν μέσα στο δωμάτιό μου. Ήταν οι άνθρωποι που ήρθαν να ραντίσουν το σπίτι μας για έντομα! Μπήκαν τρέχοντας στο δωμάτιό μου χωρίς να το ξέρω και έτσι πήρα την δεύτερη μεγάλη ταραχή της ζωής μου τη μέρα αυτή. Η σούπα όλη χύθηκε πάνω μου και μια στριγγλιά δραπέτευσε από το στόμα μου. Λοιπόν, ήρθε πάλι ο γιατρός, αυτή τη φορά να εξετάσει το καμμένο μου στήθος. Έπρεπε να βάζω πάγο, που μ’έκανε να κρυώνω πάλι πολύ. Όπως είπα και πριν, ήμουνα χάλια! Να σου πω την αλήθεια, μετά από αυτό κοιμήθηκα όλο το απόγευμα και αυτό με βοήθησε πάρα πολύ. Ξύπνησα ήρεμος και ξεκούραστος. Με άφησε και ο πονοκέφαλος και το κρύωμα που ένιωθα και ο πυρετός. Ήμουν επιτέλους καλά!


Σε αφήνω τώρα και θα τα ξαναπούμε.

These are being held for Year10 students and parents on the following dates: UNSW: 3rd June. Register at:

Constantinos Kollias Year 9


Sydney Uni: 4th June and 12th June. Register at:



(AFTRS) Pixar and Open July School

AFTRS Trop Jr Filmmaking Week: Mon 30th June – Fri 4th July Teens Radio: Get Started Here: Mon 30th June – Tue 1st July TV Presenting, The Secret of Success: Wed 2nd July – Fri 4th July Writing a Short Film: Wed 9th July – Fri 11th July

‘A TASTE OF TAFE’ workshops will be running during the holidays on 24th and 25th June, from 9.30 am until 2pm at Enmore and Petersham TAFE colleges (see table below). These consist of a practical activity in each vocational area and run for about 3 hours, with a barbeque lunch included. Students from Years 10 to 12 are welcome. Please contact me as soon as possible if you would like your child to attend a workshop, as spaces are very limited. Enmore – Tuesday, 24 June o Digital/Graphic Design

Petersham – Wednesday, 25 June

o Jewellery Making

o Hairdressing & Beauty

o Interior Design

o Radio & News Media

o 3D Animation Using Maya o Film Prosthetics/ Special Effects Make-up Concept Art – Illustration for Film & Games

AFTRS New Degree in 2014: Bachelor of Arts (Screen) Bachelor of Arts (Screen) Information Session: Sat 28th June, 10.00am – 2.00pm, AFTRS, Building 130 The Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park

o Electrical Trades

AFTRS new Bachelor of Arts (Screen), combines scholarly engagement with the art of storytelling to provide an education on the full spectrum of screen production. Two academically rigorous core subjects, ‘Story’ and ‘The History of Film’ underpin the entire degree and are taught by some of the best practitioners, in the best facilities in Australia.

o Accounting o Child Care o Information Technology – Build a PC


Participate Film Academy: Certificate III in Media School Holiday Course Participate Film Academy runs a Board of Studies endorsed course during school holidays for high school students who want to learn about the film industry. The course can be accredited for up to 4 units of the HSC.

information about a variety of opportunities for interested students: Enrol in a holiday short course: Why not try Film editing Intro to Game Design Intro to 3d modelling Illustration and more


2015 Scholarships are now open for applications. Win $7500 worth of study at AIT in any bachelor or diploma course.

Several universities are offering the opportunity to experience life as a university student for a day during the school holidays. If interested, students need to register through the selected university website: UNSW: 9th July, 30th September, 21st November, 11th December. UTS: 2nd July Macquarie University: 2nd October ACU: 9th July (Strathfield) 11th July (North Sydney)

Get a taste for digital in film, animation or game design. Dates: Saturday Saturday

1st 5th

Animation Course Holiday Courses

June July




ACU is holding FREE HSC Enrichment courses in the upcoming holidays, on 8th and 10th July. Students must register to participate in the events. New courses being offered in 2015 include: Bachelor of Biomedical Science Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five) Bachelor of Paramedicine

B. Accounting Co-op Scholarship closing date is 6th June; B. Information Technology Co-op scholarship closing date is 20th June.

SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION EVENINGS: Year 11 and 12 students are invited to learn more about the many scholarship schemes on offer. Attendees will also receive hints and tips on how to complete the scholarships application form, in order to maximise your chances of receiving a scholarship

SYDNEY UNIVERSITY NEWS: The University of Sydney Project Management, Engineering and IT Year 11 and 12 Parent Information Night - Thu 5th June Get an overview of undergraduate degrees, an explanation of the application process and learn about HSC preparation and bridging courses.

SYDNEY UNIVERSITY: Thu 26th June. Register at:

Girls’ Programming Network (IT) Term 2: Sun 1st June, The School of IT, University of Sydney Term 3: Sat 9th August, The School of IT, University of Sydney

UNSW: Tuesday 24th June. For information and to register, go to: nts.splash

Term 4: Sun 2nd November, The School of IT, University of Sydney

Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser

The Girls programming Network is a program run by female IT students targeted at high school girls interested in IT. One day each term Girls Programming Network hosts a workshop where you can learn about an exciting topic in computer science. work/about




RECOUNT ON NIDA EXCURSION On Friday 23rd of May 2014, Year 4 and Year 3 went on an excursion to NIDA, to view a performance: ‘Too Many Elephants in this house’ based on a popular children’s book. We all walked there, as the theatre was in Kensington. Year 4 were very lucky because we got excellent seats with a great view!

SCHOLARSHIPS BOND UNIVERSITY The 2015 Bond University Scholarship Program is now open for applications. The program offers a large number of full fee and part fee scholarships as well as cash bursaries to Australia’s best and brightest students. Most scholarships can be used for any single or combined program (with the exception of a Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery). Complete an online application form at More information about the scholarships available this year can be found at Alternatively, please contact the Excellence Program Coordinator on 07 5595 1067 or email

The performance was entertaining and exciting, as the 4 actors played many different roles and the show included many special effects! It was amazing how they managed to change scenes so quickly! The actors sang a song and everyone started clapping along excitedly. At the end, those in the audience were able to ask questions. One student asked a really interesting question: “How long did it take you to learn your script?” The actors responded with “two weeks”. I was shocked, because there were so many lines and roles to play at different times. As we exited


the theatre our class went outside and sat nearby on the grass area to eat our recess.


Finally, we walked back to school and continued our day. I had a fantastic time and I would definitely go back to NIDA to see another performance.

It was a nice sunny day on the 23rd May and Year 3 walked to NIDA to see the play "Too Many Elephants in This House". When we arrived everyone was so excited. I found it funny when a sign said "St Spyridon College stop here". As we walked into the room everything around us was amazing. The entire Grade 3 had to sit in the middle rows, however, Zachary, Kosta, Stavros and I got V.I.P seats up the front, we were thrilled because we could see everything.

Adriana Drakoulis 4T


The play was about a boy named Eric who loved elephants but his mum said there are "too many elephants in this house" and not enough room. They ended up with a herd of elephants because one day Eric's mother went to the old wise lady and she complained that their house was too small. So the wise lady said "you must have 2 elephants in your house". Eric's mother obeyed and did as she said but nothing happened. She went back to the old lady and was told "you must have 4 elephants in your house." She obeyed the old lady but nothing happened. Again she went back to the old lady and was instructed "you must invite a herd of elephants". So she organised a herd and this is how they got too many elephants in their house. One day Eric's mum lost her patience with the situation and was outraged. "ERIC YOU HAVE TILL TOMMOROW TO GET RID OF THESE ELEPHANTS! THIS IS BECOMING AN ELEPHANT FREE ZONE! Eric didn't know what to do, when suddenly out of no-where a mouse appeared. The mouse was sitting on a box trying to get in and this gave Eric a great idea. He said "Mum do you still have more boxes?" "Lots" she replied 'Why?" Eric's mum responded. "Can you please give me the biggest box?" Eric shouted. So he made an elephant's house. Finally Eric's mum said "There are not too many elephants in this house."

Shining lights, microphones surrounding everywhere and soft jazz music. A tall frog steps in with green, shimmy skin wearing a fancy suit. “Hello my name is Bill and welcome to ISS where we investigate the most top secret cases. Today we have an orge named Kersh and another orge named Shrek.” Both ogres were tied up with rope with several guards by their side. Bill sat down looking at the ogres in a friendly way. “So let’s find out the real meaning of this story, so Shrek tell us what’s been happening?” questioned Bill. “Well, he keeps pretending to be like me and he’s always copying me with everything I do. I hate it!” answered Shrek in an angry tone. “Ok let’s go to Kersh’s story” replied Bill. “Well I think he’s lying!” said Kersh in a strong voice. As Kersh told his story, Shrek kept on interrupting him, but Kersh kept on ignoring him. Shrek got so mad that he grabbed Kersh out of his chair and threw him to the ground. “Now this is how ogres handle problems.” Feeling highly satisfied, Shrek happily strode out of the stage door.

Alexander Marinos 3S


Frances-Lee Pascalis 6M

What do Fiona Wood, William Kostakis, Lisa Forrest and David Stavanger have in common? They are Australian authors of popular books being read by many teenagers today. On Thursday, May 22, 2014, Year 7 and 8 English Honours students along with a few Year 9 English students attended the Sydney Writers’ Festival at Chatswood to listen to these authors discuss their


students, and back on to the stage. Then everyone was told to stand up and get our blood flowing with a few moves taught by Ghostboy. He asked the audience to write down what we consider “love” to be, and again, ran around asking people to read out their line.

books and give us an insight into why and how they were inspired to write stories. The auditorium was buzzing with school students who had travelled to Chatswood to hear authors talk about their books. The first speaker Fiona Wood, spoke about her novel Wildlife. She spoke about various dispositions involved in writing the novel. These were being: - fearful - imaginative - curious - empathetic - hardworking.

Year 7, 8 and 9 students enjoyed themselves on this excursion to The Sydney Writers Festival and thank all the teachers who organized it and supervised on the day. With performances from such great speakers, we were able to learn how to improve our writing skills, and where to find inspiration.

Fiona told us that all these dispositions help us to make our writing relate to the characters. The most important message she left us with was to BE A READER! Reading helps to develop your imagination, empathy, vocabulary and language skills. All of these aspects are important when writing a novel. The second speaker was William Kostakis, who spoke about his inspirations for writing his novel, The First Third. His book highlights his journey growing up with his extended Greek family and how his upbringing influenced his novel. From his speech we learnt about the importance of editing our writing and how constructive criticism leads to improved writing skills.

William Kostakis(author of The First Third) and his Grandmother (his inspiration) with Eleni Preketes

Lisa Forrest, an Australian Commonwealth Games dual gold medalist in swimming, spoke to us about her swimming and writing careers. Lisa was in the Commonwealth games during a very tough period, when there was a great deal of controversy surrounding Australians in the 1980 Moscow games. This began her inspiration to write. She became homesick and started to write long letters to her parents through aerogrammes. Lisa taught us to be persistent, and how to apply that to writing. She is an inspiring figure through both her swimming and writing achievements. Lisa’s book Boycott, 2008, which uses her past experiences of swimming during the scandalous time, has been a popular seller Australia-wide.

Rhea Tsimboukis and Florence Georges Year 8



JUNIOR SCHOOL INTERSCHOOL SPORT 2014 Year 6 has commenced interschool sport competitions in Soccer (boys) and Rugby Sevens (girls) for 2014. Thank you to Anna Papas, Georgia Varvaritis and Dominique Koukos who assisted the Rugby Sevens instructors in demonstrating various offensive and defensive skills to the large group of Stage 3 girls. You represented the school with pride.

We were also lucky enough to hear from a performance poet, who went by the name of Ghostboy. He performed a few of his own works, with great actions to match the storyline, and music to add drama. Ghostboy’s main theme was making every sentence into a poem, using techniques such as imagery and personification. Ghostboy’s performance began with a humorous run around the audience, through a row of

The boys have had a win and some close games in the Soccer Super 6 competition at Queens Park. Congratulations to James Hristeff (6P) who has worked hard to organise the team on his day as Captain and to Jordan Frazis (6P), George Stavrou (6M) and Nicholas Drakoulis (6M) for


playing against BMG. The boys took a 2-0 lead at the break, but in the second half the possession turned around and the great decision making the boys had made in the first half was not as evident in the second. Despite this, the boys rallied and eventually won the game 2-1. That said losing the second half 1-0 was disappointing and the team must now look to correct that performance with a strong showing against CCGS on Saturday at Heffron.

their excellent teamwork and sportsmanship at interschool sport thus far. The female rugby team members have been quick to adapt their OzTag skills to suit the attacking game of Rugby Sevens; all three teams scoring fantastic wins in the last few weeks at Bat and Ball Oval! Congratulations to Lisa Stamoulis (6M), Anastasia Reeve (6M), Nicki Kondou (6P), Nicola Skouteris (6P) and Katerina DarrasSamaras (6P) who have all shown great leadership and skilled play in their respective teams at Rugby Sevens games over the past few weeks.

The U14 team have been improving every week, particularly in regards to their shape and structure. The boys won comfortably this week and George Anicic together with Christopher Kumar and Dean Albanakis have forged a very strong understanding and awareness helping the team structure some very impressive attacking plays. The U13 boys White team this week played against the competition leaders BMG and their hard work and planning at training paid off securing a 0-0 draw. It has been a difficult start to the season for the team which has had 1 win, 1 draw and two loses. Despite this, the boys are starting to put together some combinations and are learning to retain the ball and work hard for each other particularly when they don’t have the ball at their feet. The boys this week are set to meet the U13 Blue team. The U13 Blue team has been trying very hard and while yet to win a game the boys must be commended for trying and applying themselves with enthusiasm and determination. The Open Boys team have also had a difficult start to the season, losing key players to injury and to representative teams. The drop in player availability has resulted in two consecutive loses to Redfield College and BMG. Despite this the boys have an opportunity to bounce back this week against CCGS in an all-important game that could have a bearing on the final placing’s at the end of the regular season.

Miss D. McCarthy Stage 3 Coordinator


Our U17 boys’ team played some very entertaining football this week defeating BMG 4-1 in a very attacking brand of soccer. With the strong leadership of the midfield (Alexander Michos and Jacob Mavrolefterou) the boys enjoyed a large percentage of possession and even after losing a player to a red card managed to win the game comfortably.

The St Spyridon Football teams are near the midway point of the competition. The teams have been working hard at training and are improving on a weekly basis. Approaching round 5, impressive results to date have been the U14 and U15 White team who remain undefeated. Last Saturday the U15 white team faced one of their most difficult games

The U15 boys Blue team had a 3-0 loss to Oxley College and have been making steady progress


over the last few weeks with the help of Mr Condous. We wish the boys the best of luck in this week’s game against Redfield College, a real opportunity to secure their first win for the season.

were both 6 foot 2, defeating them was always going to be a difficult challenge. Both defenders Rena Lambos and Stephanie Mio persevered and most certainly didn’t disappoint with their efforts. Intermediate A’s struggled to begin with but after firm direction from their coach, Angelina Flokis, they demonstrated a more disciplined and consistent performance, coming from 7 points behind to win by 3 points. Intermediate B’s lost an early lead to result in a draw 34-34. This team has made remarkable improvements in their performances and have started the season exceptionally well. All girls seem to be enjoying themselves and as a consequence their skills and development in Netball has improved.

This week all our boys and girls teams are playing at Heffron Fields. We look forward to hosting and ask that any parent willing to help at the BBQ to please let Mr Kaldis know on the day.

Junior A’s and Junior B’s secured their first wins for the season. This has now given them much confidence to continue to improve each week. The bus trip was most definitely the highlight given it was Year 7s first travel game.

BOYS FUTSAL U14 boys and U16 Boys Futsal trials are underway during lunch in the SPACe. Boys’ trialling will be selected to participate in a one day regional tournament. The finalists will progress to the State finals in August.

Round 4 we had all teams at home. Opens had a convincing win against a usually strong Oakhill College winning 58-25. Fantastic effort displayed from all girls in particular Yianna Criticos who was shooting well.

Students not selected in the teams will have the opportunity to be involved in a planned gala day of Futsal in Term 3 and through their PE lessons.

Intermediate A’s suffered their first loss in 2 years which will only make them more determined in future games. Up against Chevalier A line teams was always going to be difficult given they are in Division 1. These girls continued to persevere despite some key players out with injury. Although losing, not something they are familiar with, it can be more valuable and motivating than winning. Being competitive in Division 1 is much more valuable than defeating opponents easily in lower divisions. All girls should be proud of their efforts.

ATHELTICS CARNIVAL With the annual athletics carnival to be held early next Term, students will need to nominate which events they wish to compete in, in order to be placed in heats - this will be done during school time this Term. There will be no additional entries on the day of the carnival and students aged 12-16 will need to trial to compete in the following field events (Shot Put, High Jump and Discus) during PE lessons at school.

GIRLS SPORT ISA NETBALL In Round 3 all teams travelled to Blue Mountains and we had some mixed results. Opens narrowly lost although they had many opportunities to win the game, however, simple errors prevented this. Their opposition shooters



Intermediate B’s remain the only team undefeated. Outstanding performances from Tina Ventoura and Christiana Killas with their exceptional defence in the circle.


Panayioti Kapodistrias



Year Group:



Number of Years at St Spyridon:


Opens Girls had a convincing Round 3 result against Redlands 7-1 with Chyrstal Christie usually the team striker, playing goals to relieve and allow Tiana Milisavljevic to play on field. A positive performance displayed by all with the girls enjoying themselves.

Subjects currently Studying: English Advanced, Mathematics Ext 1, Mathematics Ext 2, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Junior A’s and Junior B’s need not be disappointed with their performances as Chevalier are always tough competition, but yet need to continue to focus on developing their skills, team cohesions and most of all have fun.

Hobbies: and socialising

Round 4 they found themselves in tougher circumstances against a stronger Chevalier opposition resulting in a 1-1 draw.

Favourite Sports Team:

Junior Girls unfortunately lost against Redlands 2-1 but were able to bounce back in Round 4 with a 2-0 win against Chevalier. The girls are determined to improve with each performance and willing to train with an extra session on Thursday afternoons 3.15-4.30pm. Their enthusiasm is to be commended.

Playing piano, all sports

Oklahoma City Thunder

Favourite Quote: “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein Achievements: Dux from Years 7-11; Academic Scholarships from Year 7 – 12; Grade 8 Piano completion; ISA Basketball Championships, being selected the NSW Ambassador and representing Australia at the World Education Games (where I placed 6th in the World in Maths); being elected Senior Prefect of the College.

CONGRATULATIONS….. …Chrystal Christie, Year 10 who competed for ISA at the NSWCIS Football Championships on Tuesday 27th May. ISA team remained undefeated winning one game and drawing against all other teams finishing overall second.

Aspirations: Study Aerospace Engineering/Physics at UNSW

Well done to Chrystal achieving such a great achievement at a young age. This is her second year in the team and hopefully a beneficial experience for her future pathway in girls’ football.

Role Models:

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)

Parents, Jesus Christ







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