News 131 13a 2014 St Spyridon

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VOLUME XXXI No 13 4th September, 2014


SEPTEMBER Father’s Day


Greek Orthodox Athletics Carnival JS


ISA Athletics SS


CIS Athletics JS


Year 12 Farewell Assembly


K-12 Doxology Debating Gala Day JS


Year 12 Formal Dinner


JS Walkathon


Sports Presentation Evening 6.45pm


Invites you to the



Term ends for students OPEN DAY JS – FESTIVAL OF LEARNING


OCTOBER Public Holiday


to honour our students for their sporting achievements

No School Staff Development Day


Students return


HSC begins

Wednesday 17th September 2014



OHI Day Celebrations


Church Years 7 – 9

Sports & Performing Arts Centre St Spyridon College Senior School Campus 1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra


Spring Fair at JS

NOVEMBER K2015 Orientation


Parent Forum Year 7 2015 K2015 Orientation


Years 4, 5 &6 Camp


Years 3-6 Camp

Time 6.45pm for 7.00 pm


13 – 14th th

Preparing for the Preliminaries course begins SS


Orientation Day Year 7, 2016

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag 1





Cybersmart Contact Centre, for information and advice. Telephone 1800 880 176.


Email for information, printed materials and advice about online safety.

On Tuesday evening St Spyridon hosted a special Cyber-Safety presentation for students and parents of Years 7 and 8, and parents of Year 5 and 6. The aim of this event was to arm parents and students with the knowledge of ‘what’s trending’ in the ‘cyber-world’ and how to navigating safety online. Earlier that day, students of Years 4-6 were spoken to about this important issue and their respect for good practice. The presenter Lesley Harrison from The Australian Communications Media Authority (ACMA) has almost 30 years experience as a teacher and has worked in primary, secondary and tertiary settings. As a Head of Middle School over the last decade she saw the emergence of cyber issues at the forefront of pastoral care in schools and a major concern for parents. Recently she worked for three years on a government initiative in the promotion of mental health in education of which cyberbullying was a key area. As such she was able to impart very valuable information to our audience. Some points that made an impact on us:  Hash tagging can actually disclose your location. How do you label your instagram photos?  Posting online has the potential to resurface at any time.  The average age of an online gamer is 32. Your child may possibly playing against them.  Most social media sites are aged for people 13+.  Parents MUST supervise their children online.

I thank the many parents who came to the presentation. If you were unable to, I recommend that you speak with your child about Cybersafety regularly. The Cybersmart website is an excellent and easy to use resource that has many handy resources for parents as well as short clips for you to view with your child. I encourage you to have a look. The link is

For further information: Cybersmart website, a web portal giving all Australian primary and secondary schools easy access to the full range of the ACMA’s Cybersmart education resources. The website hosts current ACMA resources, links to existing national and international resources and offers new materials as they are developed. The website includes strategic tools for cybersafety education planning.

I wish to thank the Dean of our Middle School, Ms Kokinelis for arranging this valuable opportunity for our students.

UNIFORM SHOP The Uniform Shop will be stocking Reversible Raincoats as from October. Size 4-14, cost $39.00.








Kindergarten 2015 interviews are almost complete. We have met truly genuine and warm parents and a delightful group of children who will enrich our Junior School family next year. If you have forgotten to enrol your child, please see Mrs Kerameas at the office as soon as possible.

The P&F Walkathon Fundraiser will be a school day event at Jellicoe Park, Park Parade and Banks Avenue, Pagewood.

You should all have received a bulletin with dates to remember for the remainder of the term. I hope you are able to join us.

We encourage students and parents to walk for fun, fundraising, friendship and fitness! The P&F will be offering a complimentary BBQ sausage sizzle lunch and drink with a sweet treat to all students!

My thanks are extended to Ms McCarthy, Miss Sirmanoglou, Year 6 parents and Year 6 children for all their enthusiasm with fundraising. Chocolate Fountain, Jeans for Genes Day and Shoes for Planet Earth would not have been possible without the support and generosity of the K - 6 families. A BIG THANK YOU to you all from us and, on behalf of the charities involved.

A Flyer and sponsorship card has been distributed to all students.

OPEN DAY: - FESTIVAL OF LEARNING 19th September 2014, 10:30am - 1:00pm


The P&F will be offering a selection of food and drink for purchase, as part of our fundraising, at the school canteen on the day. We look forward to meeting and greeting new and current parents and friends of the school.

The AMC is an annual event that attracts participants from across Australia and overseas. The competition tests mathematical knowledge from all the different strands and has a strong focus on problem-solving.


Sunday, 26th October 2014 at 11am.

This year seventy students from Years 3 to 6 were selected to enter this competition.

Spring is here and our Spring Fair is fast approaching once again!

We are extremely proud to report 4 Distinction and 35 Credit awards.

We look forward to seeing parents and friends, students and staff at our Fair. There will be food, drink, music and dancing along with a variety of stalls for your enjoyment on the day.

Mr A. Dookie Deputy Principal

More details to follow in the next Newsletter.

DISTINCTION Christian Lynch Nektarios Kollias


TRIVIA NIGHT Please note this event has been postponed. tuned‌!

CREDIT Zachary Marinos Jasmin Moros Nicholas Notaras Katerina Alexandratos Amelia Raptis Jennifer Pyliotis Alexander Kumar Anna Kakakios


Mrs Angela Vergotis Assistant Secretary, P&F Committee


Alexander Marinos Natalia Constantinidis

CHILDREN’S BOOK WEEK What a wonderful week we celebrated during Children’s Book Week 2014. All classes took part in a Library quiz during their Library lessons. It was amazing the knowledge our children have when it comes to literature. Well done to each group in each class.

YEAR 4 DISTINCTION Nicholas Papas Paul Giavis CREDIT Adriana Drakoulis Sia Manos Lucas Leondaris Lucia Zois William Iliopoulos Patricia Rose Hardas Vasili Giaras Alex Stamoulis Nicolas Kalligiannis

Thank you to those children who entered our colouring competition – most of these were done in class, so thank you to the teachers who allowed this to happen. A big thank you to the children in Years 3-6 who made and decorated their Treasure boxes. They look sensational. You are all invited to come and view them in the Library.


Congratulations to the following children for their outstanding work during Book Week. Well done.

CREDIT Mary Diamond James Bletsas Teoni Antonopoulos Billy Bourdaniotis Peter Petrides Gianni Keramitzis Danae Margaronis Lopez Anastasi Poulos James Valmas Mihalis Dovellos

Talia Diamond Joshua Tsoukalas Helena Tsoukleris Alexandra Bizannes Panayiota Kranidiotis Constandinos Hadjiparaskeva Mrs C. Bartlett Librarian Mrs A. Synesios Principal

YEAR 6 CREDIT Anna Papas George Stavrou Nicola Skouteris Nicholas Drakoulis Peter Ganis James Zouroudis

SHOES FOR PLANET EARTH Last Term, Year 6 held a fundraiser for a great cause, Shoes for Planet Earth. This is a charity working together with local & international communities to provide recycled running shoes to those in need around the world. These include homeless shelters, youth and female crisis centres, indigenous community sporting groups, orphanages, churches and many, many more.

CO CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Please note: Most co curricular activities have now concluded for this year. In fact, the only activities still running are Basketball and Debating. Please see the teachers in charge for changes to practice. We hope that your child has enjoyed their after school activity and that they have developed many new skills. We look forward to bringing you many new activities in 2015. If you have any ideas, please let Mr Dookie know.

We would like to thank everyone who supported this great cause. More than 150 pairs of shoes were donated. A special thank you to Mrs Petratos, who donated boxes of brand new shoes!!! The shoes were collected last week by the charity, and they were so surprised and happy with the amount of shoes donated. Below is an extract of the email they sent:


“... Thank you so much for your wonderful supply of shoes!! We cannot believe that you received so many to donate and we are very happy to have every one of them. More and more people are asking for shoes at the moment so at least we can now say YES to them all. Please thank all your students for their very generous support of our charity.”


Miss A. Sirmanoglou Year 6P Class Teacher

Thank you to all students and their parents who donated on the day. Many were rewarded with prize packs for giving what they could for the cause. Thank you to staff, parents and administration for all of your support this year.

The Junior Campus raised $1031 for Genetic Research at the recent Jeans for Genes Day Fundraiser on August 29th. Students and staff were colourfully dressed with a focus on jeans and denim.

Miss D. McCarthy Stage 3 Coordinator

CITY MAKER PROJECT Year 5 were busy last week designing futuristic cities. It wasn’t a Visual Arts project though, it was done during Maths! Students learned hands-on about 3D shapes, their properties and their nets. They used nets to create the 3D shapes and arranged them on a base. That sounds easy, right? But it wasn’t! Year 5 had to come up with a city design first using an architectural program called Google Sketch up or visualise their idea in hand-drawn plans showing front and bird’s eye view of their city designs. Their futuristic cities are all built according to their design plans and they look fantastic. Well done Year 5! Mrs A. Bennett


This experience has broadened our knowledge of how to take care of your pet and how to act around known and unknown dogs. We thank you Ann and Frosty for coming to our school and for your wonderful and informative presentation!

On Tuesday 19th August, Infants were fortunate enough to have Ann Lindley from the “Responsible Pet Education Program” come and visit our school. “Responsible Pet Education” is a free program run by the NSW government and its aim is to educate primary school children and their families about the responsibilities of pet ownership. Ann came to our school with her dog Frosty, a black and white Sheep Dog. Frosty remained in his kennel for most of the presentation. Ann began by referred to the rules that a pet owner must abide in order to keep a pet. This included:  having a microchip in your pet with its owner’s details  having a collar around the neck of your pet with its owners details  having a high fence in your yard to stop your pet from jumping over the fence Ann also informed us that by just looking and observing a dog, we can see how the dog is feeling. The children were encouraged to role play different scenarios, which they thoroughly enjoyed doing!

Mrs Giokas Year Two Aqua Class Teacher


Most importantly Ann educated the children on how to act around an unknown or angry dog and the children were asked to follow four simple steps: 1. Stand Still 2. Hands facing down by your side 3. Be as quiet as a mouse 4. Look down at the ground

THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICS COMPETITION 2014 Hundreds of thousands of students from all over the world enter this prestigious mathematics competition also known as the AMC. The AMC has three aims:  To highlight the importance of mathematics as a curriculum subject  To give students an opportunity to discover talent in mathematics  To provide resources for the classroom and general discussion

We finished off our morning with a ‘meet and greet Frosty’ session where the children were asked to wait patiently while they had a gentle pat of Frosty. Infants are very honoured to have been given the opportunity to have Ann come to our school to speak to us about Pet Responsibility and Ownership.

It is with pleasure that I list below, in alphabetical order within their year and by achievement, the students at St Spyridon College that received an award of Distinction, Credit or Proficiency, in this


year’s AMC. Certificates will be presented to these students at a forthcoming School assembly. Please note that individual performance reports will be given to every student that took part. Well done to the students listed here. Congratulations to all the students who took on the challenge.

COMMEDIA DELL’ARTE “Fools in Progress” Theatre Company On Tuesday 5th August, the year 10 Drama students participated in Commedia Dell’Arte Workshop conducted by Bianca Bonino from the company ‘Fools In Progress.’ Commedia Dell’Arte, which originated in Italy in the 16th Century, is a theatrical form in which actors improvise comedic scenarios based on stock characters who wear half masks. Ms Bonino gave the students an insight into the history of this theatrical form and conducted several practical exercises to help them explore the various characters, such as the greedy master, Pantalone, the bumbling doctor, Il Dottore, the proud soldier, Il Capitano and the cheeky servant, Arlecchino. She also brought along her beautiful, hand-crafted masks for the students to experiment with. It was a very fulfilling and enjoyable workshop that enabled the students to gain more confidence in performing this type of theatre.

In Year 7 Distinction Adam Geortsis, Peter Nikas Credit Bill Avdalis, Ephemia Damianos, William Georgas, Connor Giavis, Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis, Desi Kapodistrias, Nikyle Konstantin , Stella Ktenas, Tiffany Tsoukalas, Emmanuel Tzanakes , Georgia Veryinis, Proficiency Brendan Borodyansky, Georgia Bull, Sophie Ioannidis, Roula Nicholos, Eleni Preketes, Christina Vlahos In Year 8 Distinction Stephen Bletsas Credit Dean Albanakis , Jennifer-Eve Contominas, Ben Dean, Florence Georges, Anastasia Hatzidis, Harris Papas, Rhea Tsimboukis, Deanna Tzivakis, Briannon Walker Proficiency Nathan Adam, Harris Christofa, Felicity Ginis, Nicholas Kollias, Dayna Kostantakis, Christopher Kumar

In Year 9 Credit Tristan Hollink, Constantinos Kollias, Jordan Stojkovic Proficiency Joel Dean, Mersina Hristeff, Constantinos Gouskos, Jordan Makridopolus, Tina Ventoura In Year 10 Credit Milos Arsenic, Erin Hennessey, Paul Langlands, Manuel Margelis, Mariah Stavrou, Sebastian Zois Proficiency Nicole Adam, Kiri Kondou, Paul Mandadakis, Demitra Nikas

In Year 11 Credit Christos Kollias , Theoni Thimakis Mr A. Kollias Curriculum Leader - Mathematics


Mrs L. McCoy Drama Teacher

FROM THE ART ROOM It has been that time of year when the Year 12 Bodies of Work are finalised for submission. This year there has been quite a variety of forms developed, although sculpture continues to dominate. We wish our students every success in the weeks to come.

Sophia Georgas

Georgia Giatsios

Alexander Vij

Nicolette Gregory

Stephanie Mio

Rena Lambos

Michael Vlachos Ms M. Pringle Visual Arts Teacher


EVENTS TO FAREWELL YEAR 12, 2014 A number of events have been organized to farewell our Year 12 students:  

Thursday, 11th September: Year 7-12 Farewell Assembly Friday, 12th September: K-12 Doxology in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos or His delegate, St Spyridon Church – parents and family are welcome and encouraged to attend. Monday 15th September: Year 12 Formal Dinner for Year 12 students, teachers, parents and family.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink…” Matt 25:36




Last Sunday evening a dinner was held at St Spyridon Church Hall to raise funds and awareness of the dire situation affecting a number of African nations, not only as a result of food shortages but also the serious threats to health brought on by the Ebola virus. Many from our St Spyridon Parish community as well as other Church communities came together for this worthy cause and raised over $51,000. Our SRC is to be congratulated for contributing $500 towards this total.

SOUP KITCHEN It was busy at the Soup Kitchen last week and our able bodied Year 9 girls, Stavroulla Mavrolefteros, Phoebe Dalakiaris and Mariah Zouroudis, worked very well in carrying out their assigned duties. Father Nectarios and the other volunteers as usual warmly greeted the students and this time also gave them gifts of Komboskini. Being a cold and wet day, the hearty meal of a beef stew with rice and salad worked a treat and impressed the girls, especially as they assumed the homeless were to be fed soup!

Our Archdiocese support of the Missions in Madagascar, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sierra Leone is seen as one of the greatest expressions of acts of mercy and love for our fellow human beings.

While at the Soup Kitchen Father received a delivery of an exercise bike which needed to be assembled. It was great to see one of the volunteers and one of the homeless working together to do this. Father Nectarios took great delight in telling us that during the old days and probably even now, village Priests generally got their exercise by cycling their way around to different location, since he was unable to do this, he used an old exercise bike every morning for at least 20 minutes until it recently broke.


first round of voting by Year 11 took place last week and the teachers voted took on Monday. Other important dates for applicants to keep in mind:Round 1 short listed students beginning preparations for the presentation of speeches to peers on Friday during Pastoral Care ‘Portfolio of Achievement’ readied during the school holidays Applicants present a short 2 minute speech to teachers during the after school staff meeting Monday, Week 2 Term 4. This will be followed by the second round of voting by teachers. Week 3, Term 4. All students who have succeeded in proceeding to the panel interview will be informed and need to finalize their Portfolio of Achievement. Interviews will occur at a date TBA later in the Term.

LEGACY 2014 Today SRC’s from Year 9 went to Pacific Square Shopping Centre, Maroubra, to sell merchandise for LEGACY as part of our Pastoral Care Programs Community Service focus. Thank you to Constantinos Kollias, Larissa Andrianakos, Jessica Mazis, Nicholas Xeras, Jakob Krasadakis, Deyarna Xenos, Con Gouskos and Shivan Raj for the leadership you have shown by your efforts and Ms Barbouttis and Mr Condous for supervising students. LEGACY is dedicated to looking after the children & wives/husbands of defence force personnel killed in war and other hazardous service, in peacekeeping operations, or in accidents while training for war. Today, throughout Australia, Legacy assists more than 120,000 widows, 1,800 children and dependants with a disability. The help given from money raised through the sale of merchandise provides the families left behind with pensions, dental care, financial and social support to ensure they are not disadvantaged.



We have once again come to that time of year when one Leadership group prepares to leave us while another prepares to take up the reigns. Recently Year 11 listened to a presentation about various aspects of leadership, the responsibilities of being a Prefect and the process involved in selection. All those interested were invited to submit a letter of application. The

Interviews with parents and students from our Junior School and along with external applicants for Year 7, 2015 commenced last week. All concerned should have received a letter of invitation asking that appointments be made for some time before the end of this term or during set dates in the upcoming


school holidays. All who attend are reminded to fill and bring with them their “Passport To Senior School”. Please contact the Senior School Enrolment Officer, Mrs Angela Kringas with any queries.

YEAR 10 ELEVATE CHALLENGE SPEECH PRESENTATIONS Recently in Pastoral Care Year 10 began presenting research topics they had investigated as part of the Academic Skills Development program. The ELEVATE Challenge involved researching a topic in groups, writing a speech based on the topic, then presenting it before the entire Year Group, Home Room Teachers, Year Adviser and myself. Prior to each stage, students attended a seminar where they were given specific skills to learn and practise before applying them to their specific project. The presentations so far have been very impressive. Well done Year 10. Samples of two presentations can be found in the Listening to our Students section of the Newsletter.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Την περασμένη Πέμπτη, 28 Αυγούστου, όλοι οι μαθητές της Β΄Γυμνασίου πήραν μέρος στην εκδρομή που έγινε στο εστιατόριο «Ταξίδι» στο προάστιο του Bexley. Η εκδρομή διοργανώθηκε στα πλαίσια της ενότητας «Ας φάμε», μιας ενότητας μέσω της οποίας τα παιδιά μαθαίνουν τα διάφορα τρόφιμα με την ελληνική τους ονομασία, μαθαίνουν πώς να ζητούν να αγοράσουν ένα προϊόν, αλλά και πώς να παραγγείλουν το φαγητό τους σε ένα εστιατόριο. Οι ιδιοκτήτες της ταβέρνας, ο κύριος Κώστας Γιαννάκαρος και η κυρία Κατερίνα Γιαννάκαρου, μας περιποιήθηκαν πάρα πολύ και τα φαγητά τους ήταν και πλούσια και πεντανόστιμα. Τους ευχαριστούμε πολύ! Τα παιδιά μας δήλωναν στην επιστροφή πως «…αυτή ήταν η καλύτερή τους εκδρομή.» Παρακάτω θα δείτε διάφορα στιγμιότυπα από την εκδρομή αυτή. Στο τεύχος αυτό, δημοσιεύουμε επίσης μία ακόμη εργασία μαθητή της Γ΄Λυκείου. Η εργασία γράφηκε κάτω από συνθήκες διαγωνίσματος και συγκεκριμένα των διαγωνισμών του Β΄εξαμήνου, που είναι γνωστά ως “Trial Exams”. Το θέμα δίνεται στους μαθητές μόνο στα Αγγλικά και απαντούν Ελληνικά. Καλή ανάγνωση. Μ. Φαλέτα


Θέμα: «You are the school captain addressing your fellow students, teachers and principal at your formal. Write your speech.» Αξιότιμοι/ες διευθυντές/ύντριες, καθηγητές και μαθητές του σχολείου του Πειραιά, Βρεθήκαμε σήμερα εδώ για τον τελευταίο, τον αποχαιρετιστήριο χορό μας σαν σχολείο. Δώδεκα χρόνια περίμενα και είμαι σίγουρος ότι όλοι περιμέναμε αυτή τη στιγμή! Τη στιγμή που θα βγούμε από τα σχολικά σύνορα και θα βρεθούμε ελεύθεροι στον έξω κόσμο, έτοιμοι να «παλέψουμε»για το δικό μας αύριο. Είναι μια συγκινητική στιγμή θα έλεγα, αφού μετά από τόσο καιρό πίεσης αλλά και σχετικής ξεγνοιασιάς, μα και ατελείωτων σχολικών υποχρεώσεων ήρθε η ώρα που θα πούμε αντίο στους καθηγητές και διευθυντές του σχολείου που με τον τρόπο τους μας πρόσεχαν όλα αυτά τα χρόνια. Ένα τεράστιο ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ λοιπόν ανήκει στην κοινότητα του σχολείου αυτού που μας έκανε σκεπτόμενους και κατά τι πιο έξυπνους ανθρώπους. Το αντίο στην συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση είναι σχετικό αφού όλοι κάποια στιγμή θα πεθυμήσουμε τα μαθητικά μας χρόνια και νοερά θα


«επισκεπτόμαστε» τούτο τον χώρο με αγάπη και συγκίνηση. Χωρίς βέβαια να αναφέρουμε και τις κατά καιρούς αληθινές επισκέψεις μας στο χώρο όπου ζήσαμε τα πιο όμορφα χρόνια της ζωής μας.

aLife Careers Website The aLife Careers website has a range of career profiles on offer and video interviews with people in those careers.

Μοιάζει σαν ένα πολύ όμορφο παραμύθι, που δυστυχώς, όπως όλα τα παραμύθια, έφτασε στο τέλος του και πολλοί θα αναρωτιούνται πώς έγινε αυτό! Προσωπικά, μου φαίνεται αδιανόητο το ότι μετά από όλα αυτά τα χρόνια δεν θα πρέπει να ξυπνάω στις εφτά, να ετοιμάζω την τσάντα μου και να πηγαίνω στο σχολείο. Θα μου λείψουν τα πάντα από τα μαθητικά μου χρόνια και το σίγουρο είναι ότι θα τα κουβαλάω για πάντα μαζί μου, μαζί με τις αναμνήσεις μου από όλους εσάς.

Student Edge Career Profiles Ever wanted to know what it’s really like to be a Police Officer? Engineer? Hairdresser? Check out a day in the life of a whole range of careers at Student Edge. These are real people with real stories. Australian Defence Jobs: ‘A Typical Day’ – Air Force App Experience what it’s like to work in the Air Force like never before. This online program gives you exclusive access to Air Force people for one extraordinary week. Sign up and you’ll receive updates from real Air Force personnel throughout the day. A Typical Day gives you an insight into the everyday life of an Australian Air Force member, from a Pilot to Airfield Defence Guard. You’ll receive messages from your preferred Air Force member via SMS, MMS, email, video and even Facebook.

Καλή συνέχεια στη ζωή σας και πού ξέρετε, μπορεί να τα ξαναπούμε στο σύντομο μέλλον. Με μεγάλο σεβασμό προς τους διευθυντές και τους καθηγητές μας και μεγάλη αγάπη σε όλους εσάς τους συμμαθητές μου. Ο αρχηγός του σχολείου Adonis Tsioustas Year 11 (Accelerated Year 12 for M. Greek)



Become a Psychologist Pathway The Australian Psychological Society has outlined the pathway to become a registered Psychologist.

As usual, there is a large array of information to pass on to both parents and students. Information and reminders specifically for Year 12 students can be found at the end of this column.

In short it takes a minimum of six years in education and training broken into undergraduate study, postgraduate study, internship and a registrar program. udy-pathways/

Speech Pathology Australia This website provides information about a career in Speech Pathology as well as a list of University courses that will get you into the field.

Careers in Sport This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.

A multimedia presentation also provides more information about career opportunities. n-and-careers/career-opportunities Occupational Therapy Australia This website offers a list of Universities around Australia that offer entry level courses into Occupational Therapy.

Skills One TV Skills one is a video platform with over 1500 short video stories about getting a trade or skill. Videos are intended for career counsellors, parents and students. Check it out by visiting the website:


Animal Logic: Work Experience Program Monday 1st December – Friday 5th December, Applications close Fri 3rd October Animal Logic is a leading design, visual effects and animation company which has worked on films including Happy Feet, The Matrix, 300 and more. Students in Years 10 & 11 are invited to apply for the Animal Logic Work Experience program. The week will include a tour of the Animal Logic studio, meeting artists and technicians from throughout the company, and having hands on experience with the tools and processes used in the VFX and animation industry.

OPEN DAYS A reminder to students in Years 10, 11 and 12 that Universities and other tertiary institutions are holding their Open Days on Saturdays in August and September. UNSW has their Open Day this coming Saturday, 6th September. The schedule of all dates can be found in the previous two newsletters. These are great opportunities to explore the different campuses and their courses.

HOLIDAY EVENTS Museum of Human Disease: October School Holiday Dissection Workshop Multiple dates between, Tuesday 23rd September – Friday 3rd October, Samuels Building (F25), Via Gate 11 - Botany St, University Of New South Wales Students can participate in an expert led dissection of an animal organ. All equipment is provided. Children under 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Graduate Careers Australia Salary Report 2013 Graduate Careers Australia has completed their 2013 annual report of recent higher education graduates salaries. The report reveals the median start up salary for a number of bachelor degrees and disciplines. To view the report visit: chReports/GraduateSalaries

Women in Engineering Student Conference Wednesday 24th September, 8.45am – 3.00pm, Scientia Conference Centre UNSW Australia, Kensington

NEW DEGREES FOR 2015 New Degrees at UNSW for 2015: UNSW have a number of new degrees available that have been added after the publication of the 2015 Experience UNSW guide and the 2015 UAC guide.

Aimed at secondary students in Years 9 – 12, the conference will provide students with information on engineering as a career and allow students to attend workshops based on their area of interest. ce-it-student-conference-2014

Bachelor of Music (Honours) / Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry/Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Design (Honours) Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor of Science (Advanced Science) / Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) / Bachelor Science (Computer Science) Bachelor of Science (Advanced Science) / Bachelor Science (Computer Science) Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science (Advanced Science)

Women in Engineering Summit (WIES) 2015 at Wollongong. The Summit runs over five days from Monday, 12th January to Friday 16th January 2015. The Summit fee is $165 (inc GST). This covers your meals, accommodation and activities. Girls performing well in Mathematics and Science or with an interest in Engineering are encouraged to attend this event. Preference will be given to students commencing Year 11 in 2015. Any and all interested students should head to the UOW Women in Engineering Summit website to register their interest.

New Bachelor of Health Science at UTAS Sydney The Bachelor of Health is a new course in 2014, designed for students interested in working in an area of health care or health service delivery.

Multicultural Young Women’s Leadership Program 2014 Monday 22nd September – Thursday 25th September, 9.30am – 2.30pm, Sport and Recreation, 6 Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park (22nd and 23rd


September) and The Hub, Mt Druitt (24th and 25th September)

September, however it is recommended they are done before leaving school at the end of this term. All Year 12 students should have had a recent discussion with me to clarify their options and for any assistance required. The following articles may be of interest also:

The Multicultural Young Women’s Leadership Program aims to develop and extend the skills, knowledge and networks of women in leadership and decision-making roles. The program provides comprehensive training for women who would like to become more involved in local sporting clubs or community organisations which focus on sport and physical activity

Hobsons Course Finder: A Practical Guide to University Preferences This article explores some of the questions you may have when choosing university preferences.

Young women of a multicultural background, aged 16 – 24, and who have an interest in their community to encourage and promote sport, recreation and physical activity are eligible to apply. Contact: Rose Powell on (02) 9006 3711 or Sydney Dance Holiday Workshops Bookings are open for spring school holidays. Each School Holidays, Sydney Dance offer classes in a variety of dance styles to students aged from 8–18 years, taught by leading industry professionals.

Hobsons Course Finder: Are You Choosing a Course for the Right Reasons Choosing a course can be difficult, with so many options & so many different things to consider.

INFORMATION EVENINGS Year 12 Information Evening –The University of Wollongong will be holding an Information Evening for Year 12 Students and their parents on Tuesday 9th September, at St George Leagues Club Kogarah NSW 6.30pm - 8.30pm. Bookings can be made online or by calling UniAdvice on 1300 367 869

CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EMPLOYMENT Dick Smith a leading retailer of consumer electronics will shortly be advertising for Casual Sales Consultants for the Christmas period who love technology and the lifestyle benefits it would bring to their customers. This is an opportunity to earn an income, gain experience & training and may be the start of a fantastic career. See or for additional information email Super Retail Group are also offering Christmas holiday employment. email

Australian College of Applied Psychology: Information Session Tuesday 16th September, 6.00pm, Level 5, 11 York Street, Sydney Discover the courses on offer at the ACAP, take a tour of the campus, speak to staff, and learn about student life at ACAP.

Both Sussan & Sportsgirl are now commencing their intake of Christmas Casual employment with opportunities for students to join a leading Australian retailer. Students can now apply online .Click on their websites below to find out more and apply:

AIE Information Evening Wed 17th September, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Sydney and Canberra campuses Teachers will be conducting seminars covering the range of courses on offer, as well as taking applications in 3D animation, game programming and game design. YEAR 12 INFORMATION


Year 12 students should be finalising their list of preferences for university courses and completing their online applications to University through the UAC website. On-time applications close on 30th

As mentioned previously, there is a variety of scholarships available for university studies.


The HSC Exam Blaster Workshops have been designed to help students complete their exam preparations in an effective, time efficient manner and to decrease study commitments in the lead up to the HSC examinations.

UNSW has faculty-specific scholarships as well as general ones, including the Sir Arthur and Lady Renee George Scholarship for St Spyridon students. See The University of Sydney: Sydney Scholars Program Applications close Friday 3rd October Offering more than just financial support, the program is designed to provide high achieving undergraduate students with access to: leadership programs, mentoring, internships, priority accommodation, alumni and employer engagement. A full suite of Sydney Scholar benefits will be implemented over the next two years. _scholars_program.shtml

TSFX HSC Subject Exam Advice TSFX has released HSC exam tips for a range of specific subjects. Randwick City Library HSC Preparation Exam Tuesday 2nd September and Wednesday 10th September, 4.45pm – 8.00pm, Bowen Library, 669 Anzac Parade, Maroubra HSC students are encouraged to attend this three hour session to practice time management in exam conditions. Attendees will need to bring their own exam paper and authorised materials.

My Future: New Scholarships Listing During August, myfuture has added 117 new scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate study at university. To view scholarships, visit:

Eastside Learning Centre HSC “Last Minute” Workshops Monday 29th September – Thursday 2nd October, 10.00am – 2.00pm, 470 Bunnerong Road Workshops are available to assist with English, Maths, Physics and Chemistry.

APM College of Business and Communication Scholarships Applications close Friday 29th August Scholarships are available in Marketing, Business, Event Management and Public Relations. Applicants will be required to respond to an industry brief by completing a small project associated with their area of interest. Applicants will then present their response to the industry brief during the one day workshop held at APM.

Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser


William Blue College of Hospitality Management Scholarships Scholarships are available in Hospitality Management, Event Management, Tourism Management and Commercial Cookery. A William Blue Industry Partner from each of these industries will assist in the awarding of the industry scholarships.



YEAR 10 ELEVATE CHALLENGE SPEECH PRESENTATIONS Should Magazines be forced to use models of all sizes? The debate over the size of catwalk models is one that continues to divide the world of fashion. Now, one of Britain’s leading designers has criticised the industry’s continued obsession with skinny models, accusing it of being both ageist and sexist in its attitudes to women.

HSC REVISION LECTURES TSFX HSC Exam Blaster Workshops Sunday 21st September – Wednesday 1st October, University of Sydney, Camperdown.

The use of underweight models on both the catwalk and in fashion magazines has had a detrimental effect on Australian society. Young girls are the main consumers of fashion magazines and many girls feel


such as the famous “Dogs go for bones, real men go for curves” is offensive to those who cannot help their natural form.

pressured to fit the “norm” of society. That is, to look like the fashion models that are presented in these magazines. As a result, many young girls, especially adolescents, resort to extreme diets in attempt to look like a size zero model. Recent studies indicate that between 1995 and 2005, the prevalence of disordered eating behaviours doubled among both males and females. At the end of 2012, it was estimated that eating disorders affected nearly 1 million Australians. The prevalence of eating disorders is increasing amongst boys and men. 90% of cases of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa occur in females and approximately 15% of women experience an eating disorder at some point during their life. Eating disorders have now become the 3rd most common chronic illness in young females.

In conclusion, to reiterate the former statement, we should not stay strictly to plus sized models, but a wonderful idea would be to introduce models of all sizes, so that all women can relate to and agree that their body type is beautiful. Lia Albakakis, Demi Nikas, Daniella Bogojevic and Anita Vergotis Is the Carbon Tax Essential in Combating Climate Change? It has come to Australia’s attention that climate change is a national and worldwide issue. As a result, the former Labor Government introduced a breakthrough tax which was the first of its kind in the world. Today, our group will outline how essential the carbon tax is to combating climate change. Firstly we will examine how climate change has been validated by most scientists. Secondly, we will outline how the carbon tax puts a realistic price on carbon. Thirdly, we will talk about the alternative strategies that may be more effective.

The use of underweight models and the effect they have had came to light in 2006 when a Uruguayan model, Luisel Ramos, 22, died of heart failure after starving herself for a show. In November 2006, another model, 21-year-old Brazilian Ana Carolina Reston, died from anorexia. Additionally, in 1998, 38 months after television first came to Nadroga, Fiji, 15% of girls, aged 17 on average, admitted to vomiting to control weight, 74% of girls reported feeling “too big and fat” at least sometimes. It is interesting to note that Fiji has only one TV channel, which broadcasts mostly American, Australian and British programs.

The Australian Labor Party established the Carbon Tax, to make people think more wisely about their decision to use large amounts of carbon. The Carbon Tax encourages people to emit less carbon emissions, as people are now charged by how much carbon they produce. It was ultimately established for the greater good of protecting the world for future generations.

As a result of the backlash caused by the deaths of the models, Madrid Fashion Week banned underweight looking models. Milan followed with a code of conduct to stop anorexic-looking models being used in shows. Only last year, the editor of Health magazine promoting, “health and wellbeing”admitted that one of its cover models was so thin in real life that her image was dramatically changed before appearing on the cover. Public reaction against the use of ultra-thin models has led to designers and fashion houses adopting a more electric look in recent years, with models in their 30s, 40s and 50s appearing alongside younger women with more noticeable curves. One thing should be noted; although the acceptance of plus sized models would be a wondrous selfesteem boost for women everywhere; we do not wish to condone obesity. Just as there are issues attached to starving oneself, there would be a plethora of complexities with over-indulging. Cardio-vascular disease is an arising issue in developed nations, and as obesity is an escalating issue, so are heart-attack fatalities. Another point of consideration is some models are not necessarily starving themselves, but naturally have a small frame. Seeing harsh remarks

In true fact, singling out Australian’s only to pay for the carbon tax that they produce, is not only unfair but unreasonable. Instead, the Australian Government should work together in unity with the rest of the world, to for a worldwide decision, to either keep it a worldwide issue or to just abandon it overall. The Australian taxpayers already pay enough taxes already, and they don’t need to be smashed with more unnecessary taxes. The carbon tax will only be achievable if the entire world works together to achieve the common goal of establishing alternatives that would protect this beautiful world that God gave us, for future generations. Since the introduction of the carbon tax, many families and businesses have been affected. The Carbon Tax is a new Climate change policy introduced by the Labor Government which means that, we the polluters are taxed for every ton of carbon we release into the air. The Labor


businesses more to operate and it makes everything in our economy more expensive.

Government announced that the carbon price would be set at $23 per ton and will increase until 2015 when a Shifted Trading Scheme allows for the market place to set a new price, however, regardless of the price all Australians are affected.

The first and only alternative is to abolish the Carbon Tax. The Carbon tax causes many people to lose their jobs and not be able to pay for day to day expenses. The Carbon Tax has: Put a 100% hike in electricity bills A 90% hike in gas bills & Higher marginal taxes for low and middle class income earners.

The Carbon Tax affects both families and businesses. Since both small and big companies will also have to pay for polluting the atmosphere, the extra cost from the Carbon Tax will be most likely balanced out by having to increase the prices of their products and services. Many consumers will be charged higher rates for electricity, airfares and any other industry that will be required to pay for the carbon they release.

We have moved one step forward by voting for the Liberal Party. The Labor Party would have caused Australian’s to pay much more than they would have to. The coalition are abolishing the Carbon Tax so people do not have to waste their money paying for a new tax that does not make a difference.

It was estimated in 2012 by the treasury that the average Australian family will end up paying $9.90 more per week during the first year of the carbon tax as it has been introduced. Since the 2013 election, the Liberal Government has ceased to abolish the carbon tax. But that won’t help the people who have lost money.

While scientists and environmentalists alike have ample evidence to suggest that climate change exists and that immediate action is required to solve it, the Liberal Government under Tony Abbott is a challenge to the solution known as Carbon Tax.

Although the Carbon Tax is expensive and it affects everybody negatively, its aim for the preservation of our environment complies with our morals as active citizens of the Earth. It is effective as it forces everyone to take responsibility for their actions and to think and be aware of the effects it has on our planet. The carbon tax puts a price on the damages that we inflict and it serves to protect our environment for future generations.

During his election campaign, Tony Abbott promised that he would scrap the Carbon Tax that seemingly hurts Aussie families. Little did we know that Tony Abbott has no other strategy to deal with pollution and we will have to pay lots of tax to help ‘clean’ the environment. His antics are more trouble than it’s worth and are an obstacle to keeping the Carbon Tax. As foretold by the prior government (which first proposed the carbon tax) a Carbon Tax is essential to combating climate change. People might be sceptical about climate change, but the facts are clear, it is happening at this very moment. The consequences of not implementing a Carbon Tax are so brutal that we cannot comprehend the magnitude of failing to beat climate change.

The cost of the carbon tax will make people think twice and as a result they will stop wasting and omitting unnecessary carbon emissions into the Earth’s atmosphere. This is due to the fact that people do not like to waste money and would prefer to spend it on more enjoyable activities rather than another tax. Therefore they will try to produce less carbon and will want to pay less in regards to the Carbon Tax. This indirectly reduces the amount of carbon that is produces and minimizes the negative effects that it has on our planet.

Nicole Adam, Milos Arsenic, Steven Antoniou, Keira Kipriotis and Paul Langlands


I will be talking about the alternatives for the Carbon Tax. I personally believe the Carbon Tax is unnecessary because it does not make a difference to the climate, it should be globally accepted, monitored and registered so it can make a difference. Lower class people are forced to pay for the energy that all the large companies have coughed up. The Carbon Tax adds to the cost of living, it makes households and families pay more for electricity and gas, it costs

A sweet treat highlight for the Junior School students on Friday 22 August was the rich, red strawberries and marshmallows on skewers dipped in the chocolate fountain. 220 fruit packs sold and 11kgs of Belgian melting milk chocolate was gobbled up in a cyclonic fundraising activity that was over in 20 minutes!


Year 6 took charge of their sweet treats stall selling chocolate crackles, lamingtons, brownies, honey joys, drinks and fun, colourful fans – all kindly donated by Year 6 parents. We thank those who generously contributed to the stall with various sweet treats donated on the day. The stall raised $996 which will be allocated to preparations for Year 6 graduation celebrations and the College gift. A big thank you to the parents who assisted with the chocolate fountain process and those manning the stall. Thank you to Mrs Synesios, Mr Dookie and Ms McCarthy for their support. Many thanks to the hungry fellow students and their families who indulged in the afternoon snacks and supported this activity. Total amount raised to date is approximately $2000. We look forward to holding at least one more chocolate fountain fundraiser in Term 4. Frances-Lee Pascalis 6M

Joint Recount by 2A On Tuesday 19th August, we had an incursion at school from the “Responsible Pet Education Program”. We met a friendly lady called Ann Lindley who came in to our school with her dog Frosty. Frosty is a black and white sheep dog, who is very well trained. First Ann took Frosty out of his kennel so we could all meet him. He sat on his mat quietly, and was very, very big. Frosty just had his 8th birthday! Ann then put him back in his kennel so she could talk to us. Then Ann spoke to us about something called a ‘microchip’. A microchip goes inside the pet, and in the chip are the pet owner’s details. Every pet in NSW must be registered and have a microchip inside them. It is very important that every pet has the microchip in case you lose your dog or the dog loses its collar. Ann then showed us a collar with a tag and on the tag is the pets’ name, its address and its owner’s phone number.


Next Ann spoke to us about how to stay safe around dogs. She showed us some videos of different dogs and how they act. A friendly dog wags its’ tail near the ground and sticks its tongue out. A scared dog licks its lips, stays near the ground and sometimes rolls over. An angry dog stands on its tiptoes, shows its clenched teeth and growls. After that Ann spoke to us about how to act around an unknown or angry dog. She told us not to be frightened of it and that we need to follow four simple steps! These steps are: 1. Stand Still 2. Hands facing down by your side 3. Be as quiet as a mouse 4. Look down at the ground Then Ann spoke to us about the four steps we need to take in order to approach a friendly dog. These steps are: 1. Walk up calmly and quietly 2. Stop three big steps away and ask the owner’s permission to pat the dog 3. Let the dog smell the back of your hand 4. Step to the side of the dog and stroke it from the collar to the tail

A Glimpse into Year 5… Year 5 are stepping back in time to uncover the adventures and tales of the Australian Gold Rush. We are currently reading the novel ‘Journey to Eureka’ by Australian author Kerry Greenwood, which tells of a young Welsh boy Llewelyn Jones, who swindles his way on board the Great Britain as it sets sail for Australia. Upon reaching this new and unusual land Llewelyn discovers obstacles, challenges and the impending rebellion that await him at his new home near the goldfields in Ballarat.

At the very end, Ann let Frosty come out of his kennel and some of us were allowed to pat Frosty. We had to wait at the Stop sign and then ask Ann politely if we could pat Frosty. Overall we had so much fun at our incursion, and are so happy that Ann and Frosty came to visit our school! Two Aqua

Sidney Nolan was inspired by such tales of the Gold Rush and especially by the escapades of infamous bushranger Ned Kelly. His expressionist style of painting motivated Year 5 to recreate some wellknown Nolan inspired artworks.

Sophia Mavrolefterou 5I


Maria Grivas 5I

Athena Demitriou 5I Looking at significant Australians of the time, Year 5 also read about Andrew Barton (Banjo) Paterson and his great talent at writing ballads and poems (examples of which include Waltzing Matilda and The Man from Snowy River). It was due to this talent and his role in Australian culture that he was immortalised on the Australian $10 note.

Peter Petrides 5I

When posed the question ‘If you could choose anyone to be on a new note (currency) who would it be and why?’ Year 5 was insightful and thoughtful in their responses: “General Peter Cosgrove. He is the current Governor General of Australia and he contributed to rebuilding Queensland after cyclone Larry.” – Anastasi Poulos 5A “Prime Minister Tony Abbott, because he has an important role in how Australia is run today.” – Dimitri Vasilakis 5A

Alexi Costa 5I

“Julia Gillard, she was the first female Prime Minister of Australia.” – Neofytos Tsakirios 5A ‘I would pick Mark Binskin because he is the leader of the Australian army and he is very committed to his job. It seems that he makes good decisions.” – Jonathon Mournehis 5A “I think the Roosters captain, Anthony Minichiello, because he is a brilliant football player and a great sportsman” – Evan Hatgis 5A “I would choose famous head and neck surgeon Dr Chris O’Brien who inspired people through his work as a cancer specialist and with his own battle with cancer.” – Teoni Antonopoulos 5A

Ekaterini Hatzidimitriou 5I

Mrs N. Economou Year 5 English/HSIE Teacher




the grand final yesterday, beating Holy Cross Rhinos 14-12 at Redfern Oval.



The Boys and Girls ISA basketball season begins in Term 4 of 2014. All students have started trialling for the St Spyridon College Basketball teams to compete in the ISA competition during school time. All students that are successful will be given a registration sheet to fill in and return to Mr Kaldis (Boys) and Ms O’Shea (Girls) by the Monday the 8th September. Once teams are finalised they will be posted on the Sports Notice Board for all students to view.

This year we have made a concerted effort to develop the Athletics season in preparation for the ISA carnival. The athletics squad have been training each Tuesday and Thursday with the help of an external athletics coach. Last Saturday, 31st August we attended an Invitational meet hosted by Cranbrook at ES Marks field. Despite the harsh weather condition students attended and were able to run in competition with others schools such as Waverly College, Knox, Redlands, St Augustine’s and Cranbrook. The highlight of the meet included Christina Vlahos of Year 7 who finished 3rd in the 400m against 5 boys an outstanding achievement and no doubt a worthwhile experience for her preparation for the ISA Athletics Carnival. Additionally students attended a half-day training session on Thursday 4th September at Hensley Athletics track and finally will compete on 9th September at Homebush Athletics Centre. Good luck to all students.

Season 2014-2015 promises to be a very exciting year in ISA Basketball. After last years successful year all teams will be looking to improve on their development. In order to prepare for this years season a parent meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 10th September in the SPACe at the College from 6pm–7pm. This information evening will be an opportunity for the College to explain to all families our involvement in the ISA and how families can be involved in the sporting programme of the College. Further details will be provided to all families via email.


Upcoming Dates Monday 8th September - ISA Basketball Registration Sheets due Tuesday 9th September - ISA Athletics Carnival Wednesday 10th September - ISA Basketball parent meeting Wednesday 17th September - Sports Presentation Evening


Congratulations to George Contominas and Gabriel Cassimatis of Year 9 who were members of the premiership winning Matraville Tigers under 15s Division 1 Junior Rugby League team. Matraville Tigers competed in the Sydney Combined Competition which is made up of teams from the South Sydney, St George, Eastern Suburbs, Canterbury and Balmain junior leagues. They won

Mr F. Kaldis, Boys Sport Ms K. O’Shea, Girls Sport







You are invited to hire a stall with us * Promote your own business! * Help build educational resources to enhance our students learning! * Interact with our rich community spirit! .… And have FUN!

For further details, please contact our P&F members: Angela Kasmas 0407061940 Joanna Coutts 0419992027 26

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