St Spyridon News 133 15a 2014

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VOLUME XXXI No 15 17th October, 2014



OCTOBER Year 4 visit to Senior School


Divine Liturgy of St James


Parent Forum Year 12 2015


OHI Day Celebrations St Spyridon Church Years 7 – 9, K-2 26th

Spring Fair at JS

NOVEMBER Final Assessment period Years 7-9


K2015 Orientation


Final Assessments Year 10


Parent Forum Year 7 2015 K2015 Orientation


Years 4, 5 &6 Camp


Years 3-6 Camp Preparing


13th – 14th the



Foundation Course begins


Divine Liturgy


Orientation Day Year 7, 2015 K-4 & 6 Interviews


K-4 & 5 Interviews Year 5 visit to Senior School




DECEMBER Year 6 Graduation


Christmas Carols Afternoon JS Year 6 to Botany Pool


K-12 Academic Assembly 11.30am

We encourage everyone to support the P & F Spring Fair, which is a major fundraiser for the College. Come and join in the fun.

Term ends for students


Staff Development Day


St Spyridon Vespers


St Spyridon Day


HSC Results




Christmas Day



Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag









SCHOLARSHIPS Year 7 and Year 11, 2016 Applications are now invited from new and continuing students to sit for the following ACER Examination Scholarships:

Year 6 (Year 7, 2016) A Year 6 Scholarship for the top Year 6 student applying for St Spyridon College will receive their tuition fees paid for four years from Year 7 to Year 10.

Year 10 (Year 11, 2016) Two scholarships for the two top Year 10 students will receive their tuition fees paid for two years. Closing date for applications is Monday 9th February, 2015, ACER scholarship examinations will be held on Saturday, 28th February, 2015. You may register now online: follow the links to Online Registration.

SEPT/OCT VACATION CARE The Kingsford Sept/Oct Vacation Care period was a really fun time! Not only were we blessed with beautiful weather, but we had a ball with our programed activities. In two short weeks we brought our wheels in for a ride, participated in an Amazing Race, went Rock Climbing, cooked pizzas, had a BBQ and jumping castle on fete day, water fights, went to the movies, played on the gym bus and finished up with a fun pizza party! Vacation Care will be back on Monday 8th to Friday 19th December 2014 and then back on Monday 5th January 2015.



AFTER SCHOOL CARE I hope the first week of term has gone well for all. Our After School Care sports program is back for its final term.

The P & F always looks forward to our annual Spring Fair and this year is no exception. The participation and support of this year’s stall holders, businesses, and the many generous donations supporting Spring Fair 2014, is truly appreciated.

On Tuesdays (starting 21st October) we have BMX/skateboarding. The coach's name is Jason and he will be bringing all bikes, skateboards and protection equipment with him. On Thursdays (starting 16th October) we will have a soccer program with a coach named James. We like to encourage all children at after care to participate and encourage active play during after care.

There will be delicious food and drinks, fun rides and activities, raffle prizes, dancing and music, all amongst a great community atmosphere! We look forward to seeing you all - students, families and friends, on: Sunday, 26th October 2014, starting at 11am.

When you require after school care, please call or text 0410 505 524.

Mrs A. Vergotis P&F Assistant Secretary

Ms P. Doyle Children’s Services Coordinator 0410 505 524 or 9516 2188



Over the coming weeks, the students of the Primary will be sitting their end of year exams, visiting the Senior School as part of the Transition to Senior School program and will be attending class liturgies and camp. The Infants will be completing their own yearly exams. The whole school will come together for Spring Fair, Year 6 Graduation, Carols evening and for the Academic Assembly. Attendance is compulsory for all students.

The uniform shop will be open on the following days in January. Tuesday, 20th January 2015 9.00 am to 4.00 pm Wednesday, 21st January 2015 9.00 am to 4.00 pm

We ask parents to ensure that their children are present for all compulsory events. Children look to us to be their role models for responsible and correct conduct. Remember - life is about learning to take responsibility and to accept challenge and direction. We do what is required of us as this is where great achievement resides.

Wednesday, 28th January 2015 8.30 am to 10 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm





WALKATHON We would like to remind all students to collect and hand in their Walkathon sponsorship money. Once this is completed, we can announce the total amount raised from this event!

We hope that tomorrow we will be braver, more capable and more confident than we were today.


During the holidays, all the Primary classrooms had new carpet laid. We thank Mrs Tsaconas, our bursar, for arranging this for us.


Sunday, 9th November 2014 By now you would have received the Flyer and cover letter regarding our final fundraising activity for the year. We encourage you all to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity for a Family Portrait. Please contact Rita – 0414639947 or Desma -0408553755 to secure your booking.

SAFETY PROCEDURES Under no circumstances is a parent or community member permitted to approach another’s child to question, reprimand or discipline in any form.


the subject and what many found to be most difficult, mixing skin tone. The results are as varied as the students.

Several times during the year we run emergency drills for the safety of our school. Please be aware that access to the premises may be denied to parents and visitors when such a drills are in progress. If this occurs it is suggested that your take your child back to your car and wait. It is also of paramount importance that you walk your child into school when arriving late, as you need to sign your child in at the Office. When collecting your child early or coming to the school for an appointment, you need to check in at the Office first.

ACCESS TO CLASSROOMS Classrooms may not be accessed after hours if the classroom teacher is not present. Please do not ask the secretaries for keys.

SPECIALTY PHOTOS Specialty photos that were taken on Friday 8th August are now available to order. Please collect order form from the school office. Payment options are on the back of the order form. All orders with payment must be placed by Friday 24th October. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT PARENT FORUM YEAR 12, 2015 On Wednesday, 29th October, 2014, at 7.00 p.m., a meeting will be held for all students of Year 11 and their parents. A Board of Studies Liaison Officer (BOSLO) will be present to talk about the Higher School Certificate. The School HSC Assessment Booklet will be distributed on the night. It is expected that all students of Year 11 will attend with their parents. Students are to wear their full school uniform as they will be presented with their Year 12 badges.

FROM THE ART ROOM Recently, Year 8 finished painting their self-portraits. For many students it was the first time that they had painted on canvas and the task presented many challenges – using paint to create a likeness, using the correct proportions, developing a painting style, creating a twinkle in the eye to give a lively feel to

Ms M. Pringle Art Teacher Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



SCHOOL “OXI” DAY & SPRING FAIR On Sunday 26th October all Middle School students from Years 7-9 are expected to attend the Church service at St Spyridon, which also includes the commemoration of “OXI” Day. There are only two Sundays each year we ask that parents set aside in support of school and community events and this is one of those. Students will need to assemble in the infants’ playground by 10.00am. Following the service, students and parents are encouraged to attend the annual Spring Fair to be held in the grounds of our Junior School, which is next door.

“Creativity consists largely of rearranging what we know in order to find out what we do not know. Hence, to think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted” George Kneller STUDY PREPARATIONS and YEARLY EXAMS With two weeks of term already passed, our Middle School Students have begun their academic skills development lessons in Pastoral Care to help prepare them for the Yearly Examinations that will be held in Week 5. Over the coming weeks students will receive notifications about each examination as well as an examination timetable. From now, time should to be set aside each day, including weekends, for the specific purpose of preparing effectively. Parents are encouraged to closely monitor their children’s activities in this regard.

Do you like to read? Well, a group of year 9 students created a Book Club for Co-Curricular and have introduced a Little Library. St. Spyridon’s own Little Library is different from the

others. The Little Library works by switching a book for a book. You may have some unread books which are just

The term ahead will be full of new and old challenges for everyone. It is important to start making some plans …remember ….. YOU MISS 100% of the shots you don’t TAKE!

sitting on your shelf gathering dust. If so, the Little Library is perfect for you.

You can trade your old book in and exchange it for a


more interesting book on the Little Library shelf. Every

This week all Year 9 listened to a presentation about Peer Support and what is involved. They were also invited to take up the challenge of becoming a Peer Support Leader to Year 7 2015 by writing a letter of application. Next week Year 9 will undergo a leadership training day as they prepare to step up as members of the Upper School in 2015. The skills covered will assist all Year 9 to take on greater responsibility of themselves and their learning, as well as be good mentors of younger students.

Wednesday at recess in Mrs. Kokinelis’ Office, starting Week 3, one of the Book Club members will be there when you’re trading to help out. And remember it’s a book for a book!

YEAR 4 VISIT THE SENIOR SCHOOL Next week students from Years 4 will make their first visit the Senior School as part of the transition program. The visits that occur in Years 4, 5 and 6 enable students to gain a sense of what Senior School is like, through ‘Taster’ lessons in Geography, Visual Art, Physical Education, to name just a few subject areas. They also are introduced to some of our routines, specialist learning areas, and get to meet senior school staff and older students who act as their Peer Support Leaders during the visits. Year 7 SRC’s will act as guides to Year 4 on this day


The author gives us these thoughts through provoking imagery and ideals which cannot be described but only read. He writes magnificently in this book with unending description and really l o n g sentences. Fahrenheit 451 is a treasure and a must read. Its context can be quite confusing, especially towards the last few pages, as well as confronting and so suits a reader of age 15+ to be properly understood and enjoyed. The reader must also be open to new ideas and appreciate loads of description and its significance. Fahrenheit 451 deserves the following rating 8.75/10.

book review

Fahrenheit 451 By “And there on the floor, their covers torn off and spilled out like swan feathers, the incredible books that looked so silly and really not worth bothering with, for these were nothing but black type and yellowed paper and ravelled binding.”

“The books leapt and danced like roasted birds, their wings ablaze with red and yellow feathers. Forget them. Burn them all, burn everything. Fire is bright and fire is clean.”

Fahrenheit 451: the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burns. Guy Montag is a fireman. His job? To burn books, which are forbidden, being the only source of discord and unhappiness. But when Guy Montag meets an odd seventeen year old girl on his walk home at night from the fire station, he realises that in all his years, he has taken no notice of the world around him. Through the girl’s actions and words, he realises that society has hidden something so vital in the world: truth.

Constantinos Kollias Year 9

SOUP KITCHEN Well done to Irene Roussis , Danielle Petrakis, and Antonia Katerinis for Soup Kitchen duty last week.

When he reaches his home he finds his wife, Mildred, lying half dead with an empty glass bottle of sleeping tablets discarded on the floor. Doctors manage quite easily to save her with the technology of the dystopian world they live in, and what appeared to be Montag’s biggest problem becomes one of many issues which cause discord and unhappiness in his life, and which ultimately turn his life around. From being the fireman—burning down homes that house books which the Mechanical Hound of the Fire Department sniffs out—Guy Montag becomes the book keeper, reading books to discover their true meaning and importance. But the Mechanical Hound is not far from sniffing out his door step… Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, set in the future, addresses many issues important to human beings which have occurred since the introduction of the novel in 1956, or might occur in the future. It prefigures advances in technology, the effects of drugs, advances in medical research, the reaching of decadence in society, new beginnings, egoism and the consequences of a future world conflict or war. But most importantly it shows the corruptiveness of humanity when completely controlled by the media. The minority in this new, futuristic society are those who think, observe and are not sucked into “normality”. They don’t live lives of “fun” and fake happiness, but witness living in all its dimensions:







Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School







Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι,

As our Year 12 students are sitting for their HSC examinations, the Year 11 cohort begins their HSC studies. This is an ideal time for them to have a consultation with me to discuss their progress and set goals for the coming twelve months. Year 10 students have been exploring different courses and careers also. Some students from Year 11 and Year 10 will be attending University days for Engineering (at UNSW) and Law (at UTS) in the coming weeks.

Στο τεύχος αυτό πρώτα απ’όλα θέλω να ευχηθώ καλή επιτυχία στους μαθητές της Γ΄Λυκείου στα εξωτερικά διαγωνίσματά τους, το λεγόμενο HSC. Επίσης να δημοσιεύσω την εργασία μαθήτριας της Β΄Λυκείου, η οποία γράφηκε κάτω από τις συνθήκες των διαγωνισμών του Β΄εξαμήνου. Καλή ανάγνωση. Μ. Φαλέτα


Θέμα: Two of your best friends had a fight and now are not speaking to each other anymore. You speak to them to rectify their friendship. Write your speech. (100 – 150 words in Greek)

Useful website: I have had several enquiries from students seeking part-time jobs and Christmas Holiday jobs. A great website for finding potential employment is: Enter your suburb, the distance away (km radius) you are interested in searching, and you can also filter results for different types of jobs. This site currently shows several opportunities in the local area (e.g. Eastgardens).

Κορίτσια, ξέρετε και οι δυο πόσο σας αγαπώ! Είστε οι καλύτερές μου φίλες και δεν ξέρω πού και πώς θα ήμουν σήμερα χωρίς εσάς και τη φιλία σας! Θέλω να ξέρετε ότι στενοχωρέθηκα πολύ όταν άκουσα ότι τσακωθήκατε και δεν αντέχω άλλο να σας βλέπω να μην μιλάτε η μια στην άλλη! Πώς μπορείτε να αφήνετε μια καταπληκτική φιλία χρόνων να γίνει ένα ΤΙΠΟΤΑ; Θέλω να πιστεύω ότι θα το σκεφτείτε καλά και θα τα ξαναφτιάξετε γιατί ένα δεσμό φιλίας που ξεπερνά τα δέκα χρόνια ζωής, εγώ δεν πρόκειται να τον αφήσω να πεθάνει!

Other sources: Kmart: If you’re interested in working @ Kmart over the Christmas period, then fill out the 'Kmart Team Member application form below and drop it off along with your resume to the customer service desk at any Kmart store(s). Click here for the Kmart Team Member Employment Application Form. To find out what it’s like to work @ Kmart then visit our Kmart Jobs page

Από όσο κατάλαβα, τσακωθήκατε επειδή η Ελένη από ‘δω, μίλησε στον Πέτρο άσχημα. Καταλαβαίνω, Γιώτα μου, γιατί νευρίασες, αλλά αυτό που προσπάθησε η Ελένη ήταν μόνο να σε στηρίξει και αυτό επειδή είδε ότι ο Πέτρος σου φέρθηκε άσχημα στο πάρτυ της Ναταλίας. Δηλαδή, τι περίμενες, να τον βλέπει να σε αγνοεί και να σε προσβάλει και να μην της «καίγεται καρφί» για τη φίλη της;

Bonds are looking for people with an absolute passion for the latest trends and retail. Interested? Prepare a cover letter and resume/CV outlining who you are and what you had done Decide what store location suits you Submit your application… Go to Or pop into the local bonds store and hand in your CV

Γιώτα, σου ζητώ να ξανασκεφτείς τι έχει συμβεί και να παραδεχτείς ότι αυτό που έγινε δεν είναι κάτι πολύ σοβαρό, το αντίθετο είναι εντελώς ασήμαντο ως γεγονός. Κατάλαβέ το! Η Ελένη σ’αγαπάει και γνωρίζω πολύ καλά ότι θέλει μόνο το καλύτερο για σένα. Έτσι δεν είναι Ελένη;


Λοιπόν, αυτά είχα να σας πω κορίτσια και σας παρακαλώ να ξαναμιλήσετε και να τα ξαναβρείτε για να είμαστε πάλι οι τρεις μας παρέα και να περάσουμε τέλεια, όπως πάντα τις διακοπές που έρχονται. Εμπρός, δώστε τα χέρια, αφήστε το συμβάν αυτό πίσω μας και κάνουμε ένα καινούριο βήμα μπροστά! Christina Balayannis Year 10 (Accelerated Year 11 in Modern Greek)

A full time position for an Office Junior has become available in the CBD, with an immediate start. The position involves Fund and office administration and registry services and provides an entry point into the financial services industry. Office administration experience is required. The company is White Outsourcing, (see Anyone interested can get further details from me via


email:, or by phone through the Senior School.

A Day @ UNSW - 21 November, 2014 All of UNSW's outstanding Faculties, including Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Art & Design, Engineering, Law, Medicine and Science will offer activities and lectures on the day to help students determine what university program is right for them. Also participating are UNSW's Museum of Human Disease and the Careers & Employment Office. Click on the link below to register for this day.

APPS Two new APPS are available. Year 11 students, who are now beginning their Year 12 subjects, should find these very useful. ‘HSC Test Yourself’ App released by Minister Minister for Education Adrian Piccoli recently released a Higher School Certificate (HSC) Test Yourself App using multiple choice questions from HSC exams. The App’s content comes direct from BOSTES and is based on the most current HSC syllabus for each course.

share the link

University of Technology Sydney: Summer School Program The Summer School Program runs every January school holidays and offers Year 11 students from UTS partner schools the chance to attend intensive two-week summer schools. These summer schools cover subject areas like short filmmaking, engineering and information technology, design, nursing and midwifery, and science.

There is no cost to download the App from either Google Play or Apple’s App store and once downloaded students can test themselves with a free set of questions, then decide which subjects they want to download. The download will indicate how many questions are available for that subject and the price for the subject pack. The cost ranges between $1.99 to $3.99 a course.

University of New South Wales: Minerals Summer School Mon 19th January – Thu 22nd January Applications close Fri 17th October. Students in Year 10 or 11 who are interested in science or engineering can take part in this 4 day residential summer school. Students will learn about study, careers, lifestyles and opportunities in the Australian minerals industry. Contact:

The HSC Test Yourself App will also be of value to teachers so they can test student understanding of what has been taught. The App contains 2010 - 2013 exam questions from popular HSC courses The HSC Test Yourself App can be downloaded from Google Play or iTunes

University Courses App Updated iPhone and iPad editions of the directoryundergraduate 20.15 have been released. They include every undergraduate course and associated entry score at Australian universities by detailed field of study. The apps work really well. Click on undergraduate 20.15 This will take you to the App Store listing for the directory. Otherwise, if you go to the App Store on your iPhone or iPad, the keyword 'undergraduate' is all you would need to locate the directory and find examples of its main screens. Price is $4.99.

ACU Current Student Interview : ACU YouTube videos interviewing Georgia Black & Lachlan Wilmot who are studying the Bachelor of Exercise & Health Science. These videos provide prospective students with insights into the course from students currently studying it. t=PL5BEAFBA04DB49CCF For other interviews from a range of other ACU courses visit the ACU YouTube Channel

UNIVERSITY NEWS AND EVENTS Information days: Many universities will be holding Information Days on or around 6th January, 2015. These days are designed to give prospective students an opportunity to visit the campuses and obtain more information about courses before the change of preferences cut-off date.

NEW COURSES UTS Course Update for 2015 Arts and Social Sciences Master of Teaching in Secondary Education: This degree will replace the existing Bachelor of Teaching


in Secondary Education. After completing an undergraduate course of their choosing, students can apply for the Master of Teaching in Secondary Education. Diploma of Languages: New sub-bachelor diploma program that allows students to study languages in addition to their undergraduate or postgraduate program. Macquarie University Information Day Tue 6th January, 9.30am – 4.00pm Speak with academic advisers, gain a better understanding of how a Macquarie degree builds towards a rewarding career, and come away being able to make a fully informed decision about future study.

Science The following new courses will be available in 2015: Bachelor Advanced Science (Advanced Materials) Bachelor Advanced Science (Environmental Biotechnology) Bachelor Advanced Science (Infection and Immunity) Bachelor Advanced Science (Pre-Medicine) Bachelor Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor Biomedical Physics

Macquarie University Bachelor of Archaeology Online Video Break old ground and gain new insights into the past through the study of ancient artefacts with the Bachelor of Archaeology from Macquarie University. &


University of Wollongong Sydney Campus New Business Degrees Consultation with industry executives, professionals and alumni has revealed that a strong industry demand exists for undergraduate business degrees focusing on banking, financial services and accounting.

Great Teaching, Inspired Learning Cadetship Applications close Fri 17th October High achieving students completing their HSC in 2014 and who are enrolling in an initial teacher education program in 2015 are invited to apply for this cadetship. Successful applicants will undertake paid work experience at a NSW public school and will be guaranteed a permanent teaching position on completion of their teacher education program.

To meet this demand, the University of Wollongong’s Faculty of Business has designed two new specialised degrees in close collaboration with these stakeholders; the Bachelor of Accounting and Financial Services and the Bachelor of Banking and Financial Services. ml

Brown Consulting: Engineering Scholarship Program for Year 12 Girls Brown Consulting is offering paid work experience, financial assistance ($1,500 to $3,000 per year), a graduation bonus ($3,500 per year for two years) and mentoring and training to women who are considering studying engineering at university. Positions are available in Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Rockhampton, Sydney & the Sunshine Coast. Contact: (07) 3895 3444

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY Macquarie University Online Chats HSC Mathematics 2 Unit exam tips – Chat with the experts: Mon 13th October, 6.00pm HSC Legal Studies exam tips – Live chat with the experts: Mon 20th October, 6.00pm Access online chats at: events Faculty of Business and Economics Admissions and Programs online chat: Wed 19th November. 6.00pm – 7.00pm Access online chats at:

CAREER INFORMATION Australian Defense Force Online Information Session Online: Thu 23rd October, 6.00pm – 8.00pm (AEST) Chat live with midshipmen and officer cadets to learn


about their experiences, life at ADFA, and how they find balancing military training with their university study. nts

Myfuture: Case Studies The Myfuture Case Studies page highlights the career paths and achievements of a number of people in different stages of their career. Myfuture has recently added several new case studies focusing on women in a range of traditionally male-dominated industries.

Museum of Contemporary Art Events for Young Creatives The Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) in Sydney is holding a series of events for young creatives over the coming months. These events include drawing workshops and other art-making exercises.

CAREER VIDEOS See Student Edge’s Career Videos page, which currently houses 55 videos featuring interviews with young professionals who’ve been there and done that. 30 more videos are slated to be produced between now and the end of the year, so do tap into this terrific resource today!

Australian Institute of Architects NSW The Australian Institute of Architects NSW Chapter provides a range of resources for students interested in the industry. Information about events, studying architecture at university and more can be found at the website.

Myfuture YouTube Channel Myfuture has launched its YouTube Channel ‘myfutureAustralia’ which features popular occupation videos from the Myfuture website and previously unpublished videos.

Sydney Architecture Festival 2014 Sat 1st November – Mon 10th November This festival offers more than 60 events, many free of charge, including guided architectural tours, talks, open houses, workshops, exhibitions and panel discussions.

PRIVATE COLLEGES: OPEN DAYS AND INFORMATION SESSIONS Nature Care College Health Careers Day Sat 8th November, 12.30pm – 4.30pm The healthy careers day will include a college presentation, informative talks with a course advisor and an opportunity to tour the campus. Contact: 02 8423 8333 or ?id=4

Hobsons Course Finder Tips for using higher education pathway: Australian Universities Excel in QS World University Rankings: What’s been happening in the education sector?

Whitehouse Institute of Design Summer School Holiday Workshops 5 day program to be held in January 2015 With courses in Fashion Illustration, Interior Design and Creative Direction & Styling, Whitehouse industry experienced staff will guide students in developing a portfolio of creative work displaying a range of skills. Contact: 1300 551 433 or

Veterinary Nursing Training Pathways This site provides a good overview of the training required to become a Veterinary Nurse.

Macleay College Industry Workshops in October Industry Workshops for Year 10 and 11 students will be held on Saturday October 25 & Saturday November 1, 2014. These workshops will give students a chance to experience what it is like to

In addition, details about what it is like to work as a Vet Nurse are available, as well as information about how to extend your career possibilities in the future.


work in the field of their choice and covers Journalism, Travel and Tourism, Event Management, and Sports Management. The days are hosted by industry professionals and recent graduates. For more information please visit:

Sydney Design School Information Sessions Thu 6th November, 1.00pm Thu 20th November, 6.00pm Level 2, 40 Oxley Street, St Leonards Information sessions will run for approximately 40 minutes, and will cover the courses available at the design school and the career opportunities available to graduates.

A day to help senior students get an idea of what working in their chosen career would really be like and the skills they need to get there. Places are strictly limited to 20 people per session.

College of Event Management Information Session Fri 24th October, 6.30pm, Level 9, 28 Foveaux Street Surry Hills Speak to lecturers and staff to learn about the course and exciting career opportunities available after graduation. Contact: 1300 725 846 or ormation-sessions

Sports Management Industry Day What happens when two teams play each other - do they just show up on the day or is there more to it than that? This session will help you understand how the sporting world operates and the specific business and personal skills required to ensure everything comes together. Date: Sat Oct 25, Time: 10am - 1pm RSVP Here:

JMC Academy Launches Digital Design Course From February 2015, JMC Academy Sydney will be offering a new course in Digital Design. The new course will be centred around design for the future, designing for apps and devices, as well and spaces and experiences.

Journalism Industry Day What skills are needed to be a journalist in the Digital Age? In this session you will work in our live Newsroom where you'll be briefed on a story, given a deadline to deliver it and then see it uploaded live. You will also record a live piece to camera that will be hosted on our website. Date: Sat Oct 25, Time: 10am - 1pm RSVP Here:

International College of Management Sydney Domestic Student Professional Scholarships Program Applications close Fri 31st October The International College of Management Sydney (ISMD) offers a number of scholarships covering tuition fees for study and/or accommodation regardless of which stream is chosen. ICMS matches the candidates to the most appropriate scholarship from their application. Scholarships are available to Australian citizens/permanent residents completing Year 12 studies or who took a gap year in 2014.

Event Management Industry Day Music festivals are big business, but how do you go from being a paying spectator to actually running your favourite event? This exercise engages the group in the process of taking an idea from 'What if?', to the final event. By the end of the session you'll have a clear picture of what's involved in the events industry. Date: Sat Nov 1, Time: 10am 1pm RSVP Here: Travel and Tourism Industry Day Destination Manager, Tour Coordinator, Country Manager - great job titles, great jobs - but how can you become one of these people? This fantastic interactive session takes you through what is involved in travel industry jobs and how you can become part of it. Date: Sat Nov 1, Time: 10am 1pm RSVP Here:

Australian College of Applied Psychology: Information Session Tue 11th November, 6.00pm, Level 5, 11 York Street, Sydney Discover the courses on offer at the ACAP, take a tour of the campus, speak to staff, and learn about student life at ACAP.


Sydney Film School: High School Distinction Course Mon 19th January – Fri 23rd January Main round applications close Fri 28th November Students in Years 10, 11 & 12 can get a taste for Sydney Film School before they enrol with their Digital Filmmaking Distinction Course. The course scope includes film grammar, script writing, the production process, crewing, camera skills, studio production, the art of editing and distribution. Students will create a short film and the course will be completed with a review of the work. Contact: high-school-distinction-course.aspx

Academy of Information Technology Information Night Tue 4th November, 6.00pm – 8.00pm An interactive seminar providing an opportunity to learn more about the curriculum, course requirements and study pathways at AIT. Ella Baché College of Skin and Beauty Therapy Open Day Sat 15th November, 11.30am – 1.00pm, Level 2/77 Berry Street, North Sydney Staff and former students will be available to speak about courses and post-graduation career options.

Metro Screen: Screen & Media Careers Info Night Thu 6th November, 6.00pm – 7.30pm, Corner of Oxford Street & Oakley Road, Paddington Hear from industry professionals about how they started and what has helped them achieve careers in the screen and media industries.

FILM AND MEDIA COURSES AFTRS Summer School Mon 5th January – Fri 6th February In January, AFTRS Open is running a number of five-day intensive, hands-on workshops in AFTRS' state-of-the-art facilities. Participants will be taught by industry professionals currently working in the film, television and radio industries and have access to the latest equipment.

TAFE & Apprenticeships AFTRS: New Diploma in Factual Television AFTRS is rolling out all new accessible Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses for 2015 including the new, Diploma in Factual Television Fundamentals delivered as a combination of online and on-campus sessions. With a focus on the fundamental skills and techniques required to research, develop, and capture stories, this course will provide the tools to deliver the practical requirements of factual television.

Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Information Service Career Resources This website includes a range of career resources for people interested in a variety of industries. Included are charts which can give students an indication of pathways they can take in a selected industry, practice aptitude quizzes for a range of jobs, occupational videos, and much more.

AFTRS 2015 Applications The new three-year undergraduate Bachelor of Arts (Screen) closes for applications on November 1. Specialist Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas close on November 10.

New Initiative to Support Apprenticeships The new Australian Apprenticeship Support Network will assist apprentices to find an employer to begin their apprenticeship and receive mentoring through to the successful completion of their apprenticeship. Apprentices will be able to access career advice with dedicated support outside their workplace throughout their apprenticeship.

Sydney Film School Tour Night Wed 22nd October, 6.00pm, 82 Cope St, Waterloo Learn more about the school; get details of the courses and subjects. Attendees will hear from key teaching staff and get an opportunity to have their questions answered in a small informal gathering. P: (02) 9698 2244

Smart and Skilled Information for School Leavers From 1 January 2015, Smart and Skilled will give you the chance to gain the skills you need to get a job and advance your career. Under Smart and Skilled you can choose the training qualification and


Thu 6th November at the STA Travel Shop, 841 George Street, Sydney Work USA Info Session: 6.00pm – 6.30pm Work Canada Info Session: 6.30pm – 7.00pm Summer Camp USA Info Session: 7.00pm – 7.30pm

approved training provider that best suits your needs. To learn more, visit:


Student Exchange Australia New Zealand Online Information Sessions Wednesday 22nd October, 7:30pm - 8:30pm Wednesday 19th November, 5:30pm -6:30pm Find out about the programs offered and get any questions answered from the comfort of your own home. Online information sessions are conducted by a staff member over a video internet connection.

CCUSA Camp Counselors Information Sessions Central Coast: Tue 7th October, 6.30pm – 7.00pm, Erina Fair Library – Erina Centre Meeting Room 3, Erina Fair Wollongong: Tue 7th October, 6.30pm – 7.00pm, Wollongong Library, Tom Thumb Room, 41 Burelli St Newcastle: Wed 8th October, 6.30 – 7.30pm, Newcastle City Hall Function Centre, Newcastle Room, 290 King St Sydney: Tue 21st October, 6.30pm – 7.30pm, CCUSA Head Office, Level 8, Suite 811, 301 George St Learn about the opportunities and application process for Camp Counselors USA 2015. Any questions call 1300 859 040 or email

Students are reminded to come in for an interview with me to discuss courses and careers, or to find out further information about any of the above. Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser


Camp America Information Sessions Online Information Session: Wed 8th October, 6.30pm – 7.30pm (AEDT) Albury-Wodonga: Wed 14th October, 6.30pm – 7.30pm, Tafe Space, Room 1, 158 Lawrence Street



FAREWELL SPEECHES TO YEAR 12 Good afternoon Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Katsogiannis, Deans, Teachers, students, and especially Year 12. Tiffany and I, as Year 7 SRC’s, would like to congratulate and farewell the Year 12 class of 2014 who are now at the end of their formal schooling. Although we have only known you for a short period of time, you have been great role models and leaders to all of us. Your friendliness and welcoming smiles in the first few weeks of school were especially appreciated.

Projects Abroad Information Session Mon 27th October, 6.30pm – 7.30pm, Sydney Central YHA, 11 Rawson Place This general information session will provide an overview of Projects Abroad, profiles of volunteers, safety concerns, and information on all their different destinations and projects.

We also have fond memories of your participation in various events such as the swimming and athletics carnivals, fundraising BBQ’s and running the Friday assemblies.

IEP Working Adventures Worldwide Information Sessions Online Information Sessions Work Britain and Work Britain Visa Kick Start: Wed 8th October, 7.30pm – 8.00pm Work USA: Wed 8th October, 6.00pm – 6.30pm Work Canada: Wed 8th October, 6.30pm – 7.30pm Summer Camp USA: Wed 8th October, 7.00pm – 7.30pm Sydney Information Sessions

Over the past 6 years at the Senior School you would have developed greater independence, accepted more responsibility, learnt how to juggle and balance work & leisure time more effectively, as well as graduated from catching buses to driving cars, grown at least 15cm, and increased both your shoe and clothing sizes many times! Boys have become young men, and girls, young women, who are now ready to meet


senior school journey, Year 12 have been wonderful role models and have supported and helped us from the time we were in Year 7 and have taught us the valuable lesson of what it means to be leaders in our St Spyridon school community. As role models they have carried themselves with pride and shown us the wisdom of their experiences, especially when it comes to studying and being focused in their preparations for the HSC.

all the joys and challenges that go with the world of further study and work. Six years ago you were probably standing where we are today…giving out cards and saying similar things to Year 12 of 2009. This is part of the natural progression that happens to all of us as we move through our senior school years. It’s great to see you have survived the hundreds of assessment tasks, major exams and are still smiling…because it means we have nothing to fear….it’s all ‘do able’

We really admire the calm way you all have handled yourselves in the pressured times you have had this year and the hard work you have put into trying to achieve your goals.

We would like to thank you for all your contribution over the past 3 fantastic terms. We think you have been great individuals and a great Year 12.

Larissa Andrianakos Year 9

On behalf of Year 7, we wish you all the best in the HSC and for the future.

Today even though we are here to farewell Year 12 of 2014, and while there are always mixed emotions in saying goodbye, we are happy and looking forward to emulating your attitude, (well sometimes) application to your studies, and the devotion you have shown to each other and the school. We believe this is especially significant for us as we are now moving closer towards being part of the Upper School, realizing that younger students will begin to see us as senior members of the student body, with all the responsibilities that come with that.

Mark Grillakis & Tiffany Tsoukalas Year 7 Year 12’s, when we came to this school last year, we were originally intimidated by you. Now you have grown on us and impacted us more than you could imagine. As cheesy as it sounds we looked up to you. We thank you for the influence you have had on us and the good role models that you have been.

We are sad to be saying goodbye to our role models, especially as many of you were also our peer support leaders, a role that some of us will also be given the opportunity to step into with the new Year 7’s who are coming next year. Most of us still can’t get over the fact that you are already finishing. I guess it makes us all realize how fast we read through chapter to chapter of our lives and how quickly our schooling years pass.

Whether it has been on the sporting field, in the playground, your academic achievements, your leadership or just your general friendly, fun and at times strange behaviour, we have shared some great experiences and for this we are grateful. You have been a bit like older brothers and sisters to us. The boys as our brothers, playfully tormenting us but also looking out for us, and the girls, our sisters, always smiling at us and making sure we are going okay. Thanks for being there for us.

So, on behalf of Year 9, we wish you all great success in your HSC and most importantly your life long good health and happiness in all your future endeavors. Goodbye Year 12 and thank you

On behalf of Year 8, congratulations on the completion of your schooling and we wish you all the best in your future endeavours and studies. We will miss you.

Constantinos Kollias Year 9 Good afternoon Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Katsogiannis, Mrs Synesios, Deans, teachers, fellow students and Year 12. We are here today to say farewell to Year 12 of 2014. It was only 6 years ago that they commenced their senior school journey as a cohort at St Spyridon College. It was an initiation into their senior years of school not only in academics but

Nicholas Kollias and Dayna Kostantakis Year 8 Good afternoon, Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Katsogiannis, Ms Kokinelis, Mr Meintanis, Ms O’Shea, teachers and students and of course, Year 12. Throughout our


Mio, Rena Lambos and Nicola Demetri got locked out of their room. So, to solve the problem Yianna tried to squeeze through a small side hatch, eventually getting stuck. She eventually got out, and the girls then kicked Ms Gambriell out of her room….

independence, resilience and learning skills to cope in society. I would like to reflect back on some good times and many memorable experiences that I have had the pleasure of sharing with Year 12. Firstly, I have felt honoured to be a part of the Opens Netball team and to have the opportunity to play alongside these strong individuals and outstanding role models. Seeing Cassie lead the team with passion and pride transferred seamlessly into the team cohesion and strength on and off the court. Being part of this team allowed me to gain invaluable experience, which will hopefully transpire in years to come.

Thank you Year 12 for training with us in Netball, Basketball and Soccer, motivating us to reach your level. The collection of these memories and our ISA bus trips have resonated to many unforgettable memories. It is these types of recollections that enrich our experiences and bonds with the Year 12s that makes them a memorable year. We wish you all the best in your HSC and your future efforts. Good luck and you will always be remembered. Thank you for everything!

Furthermore, as being part of the Opens Basketball and Indoor Soccer teams at Orthodox Colleges, I constantly admired the commitment, determination and respect for each other. This was clearly evident through Nansia’s and Natalie’s leadership and guidance, which always made us feel welcome and valuable member of the team.

Nicole Adam and Tiana Milisavljevic Year 10


In my view, Year 12 2014 are leaving behind a legacy of high achievements unparalleled to anything the school has previously experienced. This void sets a high standard for the rest of us to follow in their footsteps but we will try our best.


REPRESENTATIVE NEWS….. ISA Girls Football In the holidays over the weekend of 20-21 September, 2014 Chrystal Christie represented ISA in the Tri State Series for Girls Football and had a great time in Mittagong.

I truly believe this is not a sad occasion, as they will always continue to be part of the St Spyridon family but a joyful event as they enter the “real world” and face new challenges.

Chrystal's ISA team managed to beat Melbourne's GSV team 1-0 in the first match, with Chrystal scoring the only goal. The second game was against the very strong IGGSA team. ISA managed to keep IGGSA from scoring any goals until the last ten minutes. You could tell the girls were getting tired from playing two games in a row and were eventually beaten 3-0. IGGSA also beat GSV allowing ISA to go through to the finals match on Sunday. ISA had a few girls injured and a few who weren't playing at all on Sunday. It was a tough game and IGGSA eventually won and were awarded first place medals at the presentation held in the host school, Frensham School's gymnasium.

Thankyou for demonstrating that you can truly achieve what you want in life if you persevere and have fun along the way. It has finally come to an end, 13 years of schooling with only the HSC left/ On behalf of us year 10s we wish you all the best in your studies and future endeavours. Many of us have siblings in Year 12 who have always been there to lend a helping hand and give advice, this made things a bit easier, especially during transition. We will miss you! You have been good examples to us academically, you have always shown passion and motivation whilst you proudly played and represented our school. As Nicole mentioned, the most memorable experiences have been travelling with you to the Greek Orthodox Archdioceses of Australia National Schools Events in Adelaide and Melbourne. A particular memory that will stay with me was in 2012 when we travelled to Adelaide. On the second night, after the school dinner, Yianna Criticos, Stephanie

Well done to Chrystal for her dedication to ISA Football and representing St Spyridon proudly.


Spiros Zafiropoulos - 12 yr Shot Put who finished overall 2nd and Discus overall 8th

NSW CIS Athletics Last Term we had a number of students represent ISA at the NSWCIS Athletics Championships. This meet involves all independent sporting associations in NSW to compete against each other such as GPS and IGSSA. This year we had the most number of representatives in history which is pleasing as we have dedicated much time into the Athletics program and tried to establish a dedicated Athletics season. The following students were selected for ISA: Nicholas Kollias - 13yrs High Jump who finished 3rd Cassandra Georgiou- 18yrs Shot put Nikolija Jovanovic - 12yrs Shot Put Alex Vij - 18yrs Javelin Spiros Zafiropoulos - 12yrs Discus 2nd and Shot put 1st Victoria Zois – 14yrs 1500m Desi Kapodistrias- 12yrs 1500m Chyrstal Christie- 16yrs Triple Jump who finished 3rd

Christina Vlahos also competed in the 100m, 200m and 400m sprints 6/7th in her events

Congratulations to all students, this is a fantastic achievement. We are incredibly proud of your efforts and success. This is the first time in the school’s history in which a student has placed at NSW ALL SCHOOLS.

Following this Carnival the following students qualified to compete for NSWCIS at the NSW ALLSCHOOLS championships. This meet involves all school in NSW. Those students included:

BASKETBALL SEASON This Saturday 18th October the ISA Summer season of Basketball. All parents should have received an email with the season draw and this week’s fixture. We have entered many teams for this season and have tried to include all students where possible in teams, in order to support this parent help is vital for the season to be successful. Thank you to all parents who have volunteered their time to assist with Bench or canteen duty, coaching roles and sponsorship your support to the sporting program is much appreciated. Good luck to all teams for the season and any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact Mr Kaldis (Boys Sport) and Ms O’Shea (Girls Sport).

Nicholas Kollias – 13yr High jump who finished overall 7th


existing soccer skills and develop a competitive Junior Girls Futsal team. The girls defeated S.C.E.G.G.S Darlinghurst in their first match 6-2. We wish them good luck for the remainder of the term.

GIRLS FUTSAL This term we have entered a Girls Junior Futsal team to participate in the School girls competition held each Friday night at Indoor Central Mascot. Girls from Year 7 and 8 were selected and have been training with Mr Kaldis each Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at lunch time with the aim to improve their

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)



Name: Sandra Milisavljevic Age: 17 Year 12 Number of Years at St Spyridon College: 4 years Subjects currently studying: Advanced English, 2 Unit Maths, Legal studies, Economics, Modern History, Food Technology Hobbies: reading novels, playing sports, spending time with my friends and family Favourite Quote: “Don’t ever, ever believe anyone who tells you that you can just get by, by doing the easiest thing possible, because there’s always somebody behind you who really wants to do what you’re doing, and they’re going to work harder than you, if you’re not working hard” ‐ Maria Bartimo Achievements: Peer Support, Year 10 SRC, Corinthians Sports Captain, Prefect, NSR Overseas Soccer Scholarship Aspirations: To become a Financial Planner, and live a happy and healthy life alongside my loved ones Role Models: My Mother and Grandmother




You are invited to hire a stall with us * Promote your own business! * Help build educational resources to enhance our students learning! * Interact with our rich community spirit! .… And have FUN!

For further details, please contact our P&F members: Angela Kasmas 0407061940 Joanna Coutts 0419992027 20






TERM 1 Monday 26th January 2015

2015 DATES

Australia Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 27th January 2015 Wednesday 28th January 2015 Thursday 29th January 2015 Friday 30th January 2015

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Wednesday 25th March 2015

Annunciation. School Closed

Thursday 2nd April 2015

Term ends

Friday 3rd April 2015 Monday 6th April 2015

Western Good Friday - Public Holiday Western Easter - Public Holiday

Friday 10th April 2015 Sunday 12th April 2015

Orthodox Good Friday Orthodox Easter


Monday 20th April 2015 Tuesday 21st April 2015

Staff Development Day Students return

Monday 8th June 2015

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 19th June 2015

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 13th July 2015 Tuesday 14th July 2015

Staff Development Day Students return

Friday 18th September 2015

Term ends for Staff and students

TERM 4 Monday 5th October 2015

Public Holiday

Tuesday 6 October 2015 Wednesday 7th October 2015

Staff Development day Students return

Thursday 3rd December 2015 Friday 4th December 2015

Term ends for students Staff Development day



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