News 135 17a 2014

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VOLUME XXXI No 17 13th November, 2014


NOVEMBER Years 3-6 Camp

13th – 14th 18th

Divine Liturgy K-12


Orientation Day Year 7, 2015 K-4 & 6 Interviews


K-4 & 5 Interviews Year 5 visit to Senior School


Vaccinations Year 7


DECEMBER Year 6 Graduation


Christmas Carols Afternoon JS, 2.00pm Year 6 to Botany Pool


K-12 Presentation Ceremony 11.30am, SPACe


Term ends for students Staff Development Day


St Spyridon Vespers


St Spyridon Day


HSC Results




Christmas Day


Boxing Day


JANUARY New Year’s Day Australia Day Staff Development Day

1st 26th 27th & 28th

Years 1-7, 11 & 12 return


Kindergarten and Years 8-10 return



Thank you Mrs Anna Stamoulis P & F President 2008-2014

Preparing for the Preliminaries – HSC Foundation Course beings


Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag 1





2008. She will officially resign from her role at the next AGM in February 2015.


On behalf of all the P&F members from 2008 – 2014, I sincerely thank her for her great leadership, guidance, generosity, warmth and support over the years. We continue to welcome her input and efforts in 2015 and beyond.

Imagine being President of a P&F College committee for six, solid, special years. Imagine the energy, drive, strength and initiative you would need to muster up to march us through the countless fun filled fundraisers over the years through events such as 25th March celebrations, Mothers Day, Fathers Day and Lambatha stalls, Open Day lunches, Spring Fairs, Mothers Day dinners, Walkathon, Taverna Nights, Trivia Nights and many more.

Mrs M Pascalis P & F Committee

SCHOLARSHIPS Year 7 and Year 11, 2016

It is a voluntary role, but a mammoth one, which is why College and Parish executive members came to the most recent P&F meeting to acknowledge, to praise and to express their appreciation and sincere thanks to P&F President, Anna Stamoulis.

Applications are now invited from new and continuing students to sit for the following ACER Examination Scholarships:

Year 6 (Year 7, 2016)

Anna has served and successfully filled this position and has done that together with the huge commitment, support and dynamic team over the last few years. Her gift of the gab, her entertaining sense of humour and her marvelous manner to magnetise and motivate us all into membership and management of P&F, are all attributes we value and admire in her which have led her and the committees over the years to reach impressive levels of success in our fundraiser achievements. In her final year, she did say “I will go out with a bang” as P&F profit levels reached an all-time high total amount of $80,000 in 2014.

A Year 6 Scholarship for the top Year 6 student applying for St Spyridon College will receive their tuition fees paid for four years from Year 7 to Year 10.

Year 10 (Year 11, 2016) Two scholarships for the two top Year 10 students will receive their tuition fees paid for two years. Closing date for applications is Monday 9th February, 2015, ACER scholarship examinations will be held on Saturday, 28th February, 2015. You may register now online: follow the links to Online Registration.

Through her role as P&F leader and as a parent of three – Alexander, Steven and Lisa, she has been a key and proud ambassador of the College since her entry into St Spyridon College in 2004. It is pleasing and impressive to see that her hard work ethics and commitment to the College and Parish community have been inherited by her children as they too work loud and proud to support all College events. Her family’s commitment to the College extends further as her parents, Mr & Mrs Micos have made countless generous donations of homemade traditional Greek food from tsourekia to tzatziki to cater for many College events.

UNIFORM SHOP The uniform shop will be open on the following days in January. Tuesday, 20th January 2015 9.00 am to 4.00 pm Wednesday, 21st January 2015 9.00 am to 4.00 pm

Anna loved to be organized, worked with passion, loved a chat and a good laugh with those around her during preparation times. She fondly reminisces about memorable moments of the Wet & Wild Spring Fair of 2010, the “Effie” Trivia Night, the showering of carnations of George Kapiniaris at Taverna Night and her favourite Jams (“tzams”) stall at Spring Fair

Wednesday, 28th January 2015 8.30 am to 10 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm


JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT The countdown is on to the end of Term. Exams have been completed, reports written and camps well underway. Please look at the dates to remember as there will be dates for your diary, such as the Annual Presentation Ceremony and our Christmas Carols.

WELCOME We warmly welcome Nia Vardakis (KJ) and her parents to our St Spyridon family. Nia joined us only a couple of weeks ago and has transitioned smoothly into Kindergarten.



A reminder that parking in driveways or in staff parking is unacceptable, as is double parking or stopping across the pedestrian crossing or in the lane to drop children off. You jeopardise the safety of your own child and of other children. With a little courtesy and consideration we can avoid needless arguments and ensure the safety and security of our School community.

Kindergarten students for 2015 have had two orientation mornings to familiarise them with the school and introduce them to their peers and the staff. The children enjoyed the activities prepared by Miss Sotiras and Miss Papathomas.

UNIFORM In readiness for the Presentation Ceremony, to be held on the 4th December, 2014, I would ask all parents to look at their child’s uniform and replace items that are faded or worn. Ensure that shoes are polished and tunics are at knee length.

CHRISTMAS CAROLS AFTERNOON You are all invited to join us for our traditional Christmas Carol afternoon to be held in the Primary Playground from 2 – 3pm on the 3rd of December.

KALANTA Children from Yrs 2 – 12 are invited to join us to spread some Christmas Cheer to our Parishioners in their homes. Parents are also required to assist with the driving. The Kalanta will run from the 8th - 10th of December from 5:30 – 8:30pm. If we all could give just one night, we will be able to reach more people. For many of the elderly we are the few visitors they receive each year. Please register at the office.

ICAS – MATHEMATICS Our students participated in and achieved outstanding results in the International Competitions and


Jorge Cooney Nicole Frangoulis James Bletsas Alexander Papaioannou Valentina Spyridopoulos James Hristeff Katherine Tsingos Thomas Mouratidis Panagiotis Pavlogiannis

Assessments for Schools. Students who exceeded a predetermined benchmark were awarded Certificates of Merit, Credit, Distinction and High Distinction. Below is a list of our pupils who have achieved these awards and have done us proud. High Distinction Zachary Marinos Distinctions Nicholas Notaras Nicholas Papas Patricia Hardas Adriana Drakoulis Paul Giavis Anastasi Poulos Mary Diamond Franklin Pyliotis

Mr A. Dookie Deputy Principal Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School


Credits Alexander Kumar Katerina Alexandratos Sophia Karatasos Alexander Marinos Crystal Coulits Talia Diamond Stavros Haralambides Christian Lynch Leon Kalyvas Jennifer Pyliotis Sienna Tsoukalas Alex Stamoulis Stathis Gatsis Vasili Giaras Sia Manos Stefan Gemisis Nicolas Kalligiannis Lucas Leondaris Billy Bourdaniotis Mihalis Dovellos Danae Margaronis-Lopez Peter Petrides James Valmas Nicholas Drakoulis Roza Papas George Stavrou Jordan Frazis

PREPARING FOR THE PRELIMINARY and HSC 2015/2016 FOUNDATION COURSE Tuesday, 18th November – Thursday, 4th December, 2014 The program is designed for the Year 10 students who will be continuing their studies at St Spyridon College for Years 11 and 12. Students will attend workshops on managing the BOSTES paperwork, study skills, the literacy demands of the HSC, spiritual enlightenment and good works in the community, first aid and global connections. They will be introduced to their subjects for Year 11 and receive guidelines about their Year 11 Assessment.

PARENT FORUM YEAR 12, 2015 On Wednesday, 29th October, Year 11 students and their parents attended a Parent Forum. Students were presented with their Year 12 badges by Mrs Stefanou. Mrs Michalski (Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) Liaison Officer, spoke about the Higher School Certificate. Ms Hakos, Careers Adviser, spoke about Post School Pathways. The College HSC 2015 Assessment Handbook was distributed along with important dates 2015.

Merit Jasmin Moros Amelia Raptis Adam Stamos Jamyson Gouveros Marlon Rallis George Grillakis Tiana Natsikas

Year 12 2015 are reminded that they must attend school for the normal school hours i.e. 8.23 a.m. – 3.05 p.m. even if they have study periods at the start


or end of the day. The only exception is every Thursday – students not involved in ISA or other lessons may sign out through the Administration office at 1.20 p.m. We wish the Year 12 Class of 2015 all the best as they begin their HSC Assessment tasks.

CONGRATULATIONS Earlier this year, Juliet Manolias and Allyssa Stemstitiotis were accepted into and participated in the National Art School Intensive Studio Practice. Although the marks do not contribute to the student’s ATAR, it does appear on their HSC. We are happy to report that both girls did extremely well. Juliet was awarded 47/50 for Life Drawing and Allyssa was awarded 46/50 for Sculpture. Congratulations to both.

REMEMBRANCE DAY On Tuesday four Year 11 students Calioppe Kefalas, Christos Kollias, Ann Marie Xenos and Christos Raptis attended a Remembrance Day Commemoration Service held outside the Juniors at Maroubra. We were the only school represented, even though a number of other local schools were invited. Our school was honoured to be a part of this local community event and especially pleased to be asked to have one of our Year 11‘s (Christos Kollias) read the poem ‘In Flanders Field’ and lay a wreath. Thank you to Ms Kalithrakas (Year 11 Adviser) for accompanying the students. “Just a short note to say thank you for the participation at our Remembrance Day Service yesterday. Your students were well turned out in their uniforms, conducted themselves in a dignified manner and the College can be proud of their representatives. Please pass on our congratulations to them all and to Christos for his excellent presentation of “In Flanders Fields”. Kind Regards Colin Flatters President Maroubra RSL Sub-Branch” Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




the big envelope found in the ‘Information pack’, is returned on this day. Students are to wear their current school sports uniform, bring a bag containing their pencil case as well as food and drink for recess and lunch. On arrival all students must assemble on the lawn at the side of the Administration building by 8.45am so that we may begin the program by 9am. Pick up will be at 2.30pm -2.45pm from the school oval area.

YEARLY EXAMS END All Middle School students have now completed their Yearly Examinations and I am sure this is a great relief to them. Over the next week or so students will have the opportunity to reflect on their performance as they begin to receive results. Positives and negatives need to be considered so that new goals can be set for future development. Parents can assist their children by taking time at home to discuss exams and results.

UP COMING YEAR 5 VISIT On Monday 24th November all Year 5 students will be visiting the Senior School for their second Transition Day. An invitation letter from Mrs Katsogiannis and myself about this event will have been given to all Year 5 by their teachers. Please check with your child. All students should be dropped off at the Senior School by 8.50am at the latest and picked up from the front gates of the Senior School between 2.30pm-2.45pm. Students are to wear their sports uniform and bring their school bag packed with their pencil case. They should also bring something to eat and drink for recess and lunch.

YEAR 7, 2015 BBQ AND PARENT FORUM On Tuesday 11fh November our annual BBQ and Parent Forum for Year 7, 2015 and their parents was held at the Senior School. It was wonderful to see the group meet for the first time and the efforts made by everyone to get to know one another. Parents who attended are reminded that the documentation included in the specially marked envelope found in the ‘Information Pack’ needs to be filled and returned to the school on Orientation Day (21st November). A special ‘Thank You’ must be given Mr Zafiropoulos and Mr Condous for all their efforts and to the Year 9 Peer Support Leaders who assisted with setting up, welcoming guests, serving, cleaning up and making Year 7 welcome. Well done everyone!

NSW CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION On Monday 10th November, Year 11 student, Ann Marie Xenos represented the school at the 2014 NSW Constitutional Convention, held at NSW Parliament House. It is an event that occurs annually and offers opportunity to student leaders from across the state to gather and discuss various important issues. This year the focus and resulting discussions were based on an aspect of our Constitution that historically excludes, in fact does not recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as being part of our nation. And Section 25 that surprisingly allows the States to ban people from voting based on their race. Obviously all this is discriminatory and unacceptable and must change. If you would like to register your support of changes to the Australian constitution and find out more about the ‘Recognise’ campaign please go to



Recently in Pastoral Care Year 7 were asked to reflect upon their year. Below is a summary of some their responses:

Next Friday, 21st November we look forward to welcoming Year 7, 2015 back for their Orientation Day. Parents please ensure that all forms included in

Overview of being YEAR 7: My first year was really fun and great. Teachers are not evil monsters.


Balancing my homework with my gymnastics. The workload can be a bit overwhelming. Getting good marks…you have to work for it. Having to study hard, especially during exam time and not be able to use technology. Adjusting to added responsibilities. Homework management and trying to fit in external activities. Concentrating for long periods of time can be stressful.

It’s been an amazing experience and I have met awesome people. I feel proud of all that I have done and achieved. It’s very family-like and welcoming here. Something you can’t really find at other schools. I think I have matured and become more independent. Opened my eyes to what hard work really is. I was shocked by the amount of homework and assignments, but I got through it. Teachers all really nice. It’s been an amazing experience. Have met many new people that are extremely kind and well spoken The teachers are kind and understanding, and funny sometimes as well. They are always there for us. It’s been like a great adventure. Teachers are stricter than the ones I had before, but they make up for it by cracking jokes. It’s been way better than I ever thought. It has been a big step up from Primary School.

ADVICE TO THE NEW YEAR 7’S Be organised and study. Do your homework the night you get it if possible. Don’t leave work to the last days or it will pile up. Familiarize yourself with the concept of homework fast. Don’t get teachers angry or you will get notes and arvo’s. Get rid of your Primary school ways. Avoid notes, they affect your maple count. Be good in class. The year will go very fast so savour it. Talk and be friendly. Lend your equipment to others and the will help you out when you need it. Get a locker and keep track of your work. Get prepared for a really heavy bag. Have fun and enjoy your time. Revise everyday as it will maximize your marks. Start studying at least four weeks before exams.

The best thing about being at the Senior School: Moving to different classes. Bigger playground, new teachers, new subjects, new friends. Everyone is friendly, you can go up to any random kid and ask for a high five and they won’t ask why. The canteen and sports. Your more trusted, more grown up. Love English… love the creativity, even though we write so much that I have wasted 20 pens already. Having a bit more freedom. I like getting a good amount of homework because in primary we didn’t get enough. Hanging with my friends in the courts. Playing Saturday sports. Having burger days. More intriguing work. It fun because of how we set out our homework, which helps me do it.

IS PLAYING MUSIC A FORM OF BRAIN TRAINING? Could it be that musicians get regular brain fitness workouts when they practice or perform? Research shows playing music engages practically every area of the brain, especially the visual, auditory and motor areas. Learning to play a musical instrument seems to be great for your brain.

The most difficult part about being at the Senior School: Rarely had homework at Primary and because of that it’s taken me a while to get use to the whole thing. Exams have been the hardest part, as I’ve never studied until this year, so it was a big challenge. Adjusting to the timetable and knowing what’s expected. Trying not to get into trouble. Examination week as I get really anxious. Getting use to programs, teachers and their different ways of teaching. Having to set out your planner perfectly. Annoying times when I would behave bad and get notes.

Compared to people who do not play music, musicians have: Larger brain volume and more activity in their corpus callosum, the part of the brain that acts as a bridge between the two brain hemispheres. Enhanced ability to solve problems in both academic and social settings. Higher level executive function skills (working memory, planning and organisation). Better long term memory.


And who is Gatsby? Where does he get his wealth from? Pink suit? Marble statues? Fountain featured gardens? The piles upon piles, upon piles of shirts… Even though the first chapter or so was difficult to get through, The Great Gatsby was an interesting read, with unpredictable twists and turns; all for our enjoyment. We all agreed that it was an amazingly well written book, with elaborate, delicious description and loads of symbolism. This proved to be hard to follow at times, vague and confusing, especially towards the end, and the long chapters didn’t help. This influenced our overall rating of 7.25/10 which caused a bit of a dispute between us. Our age recommendation is 14+. We believe that knowing the context of the book, the 1920’s era, would also make this endless classic more understandable and enjoyable to read.

So yes, it appears that playing music is a type of brain training. Watch this short animation from about music and the brain: Reference: Peter Barnes (Learn Fast) Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

The Great Gatsby uÉÉ~ Üxä|xã Uç F. SCOTT FITZGERALD Âg{x Ä|z{àá zÜÉã uÜ|z{àxÜ tá à{x xtÜà{ ÄâÜv{xá tãtç yÜÉÅ à{x áâÇ? tÇw ÇÉã à{x ÉÜv{xáàÜt |á ÑÄtç|Çz çxÄÄÉã vÉv~àt|Ä Åâá|v? tÇw à{x ÉÑxÜt Éy äÉ|vxá Ñ|àv{xá t ~xç {|z{xÜA _tâz{àxÜ |á xtá|xÜ Å|Çâàx uç Å|Çâàx? áÑ|ÄÄxw ã|à{

Constantinos Kollias Year 9

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Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό δημοσιεύουμε δύο γραπτές εργασίες μαθητών της Α΄ Γυμνασίου, που και οι δύο γράφτηκαν μέσα στα πλαίσια των διαγωνισμών του Β΄ Εξαμήνου. Τα δύο θέματα από τα οποία είχαν την ευκαιρία να επιλέξουν το ένα, τους δόθηκαν στην Αγγλική και θα τα δείτε παρακάτω με τις εργασίες. Καλή σας ανάγνωση.

g{x ÑtÜàç {tá uxzâÇAÊ Nick Carraway has moved to West Egg Long Island Sound, New York, to learn about the bond business on Wall Street. He moves into a humble home jammed between two massive estates, one of the mansions belonging to the mysterious Jay Gatsby, who throws huge, well attended parties every weekend. Nick gets side tracked from his study, by the enjoyment which the summer brings, and enters the life and affairs of his neighbour, Mr. Gatsby.

κ. Μ. Φαλέτα (α ) Imagine that you are responding to a pen-pal in Greece who wants to know how houses are in Australia. In your letter, describe your home, your room and garden.

The novel takes us to East Egg over the other side of the Sound, the more fashionable of the two, where we dwell into the excessively rich lives of Tom Buchanan and his wife Daisy, Nick’s cousin, as well as Jordan Baker, whose image as a flapper cannot be better portrayed. And also further towards New York under the stare of Doctor T.J Eckleburg, we pass the run down garage owned by Mr. Wilson and his wife Myrtle. We drive back to Gatsby’s mansion in his gorgeous cream coloured automobile, just in time for the party and get swept through the front door by the colours of people in the grand hallway as the first sweet melody sings its way up to the yellow drenched clouds as the sun begins to set…

Αγαπημένη μου Μαρία, Πώς πας; Το σχολείο σου πώς πάει; Η μαμά σου είναι καλά; Εμείς εχθές αλλάξαμε σπίτι…. Τώρα, το σπίτι μας είναι πολύ ευρύχωρο με πέντε μεγάλα και φωτεινά υπνοδωμάτια, τρεις άνετες κουζίνες και δύο μπάνια. Το δωμάτιό μου είναι βαμμένο ροζ, έχω ένα μονό κρεβάτι και οι κουρτίνες μου είναι άσπρες. Το μπαλκόνι, από το δωμάτιό μου, έχει ωραία θέα το γαλάζιο του ωκεανού με τα μεγάλα κύματα.

We find out how all these characters are linked and paired through long lost love and long lasting hatred which all crumbles to pieces in the last pages of the book.

Η μαμά και ο μπαμπάς μου έχουν ένα από τα πιο όμορφα δωμάτια που έχω δει στη ζωή μου. Δεν πιστεύω να ζηλεύεις Μαρία… Λοιπόν, το δωμάτιό


Με αγάπη. Ο φίλος σου Παναγιώτης

τους είναι πάρα, πάρα πολύ μεγάλο, με κάτι έπιπλα, που δεν ξέρω πώς δεν έχει αδειάσει η τσέπη του πατέρα μου με την αγορά τους! Το κρεβάτι τους είναι σαν να κοιμάσαι στα πούπουλα!

Peter Nikas Year 7 Greek Honours

Ο κήπος μας όμως είναι μικρός. Έχει λίγα λουλουδάκια, ξέρεις τώρα… βασιλικά, γαρδένιες, τρανταφυλλιές… αυτά και ο μπαμπάς έχει και το μικρό του λαχανόκηπο σε μια γωνιά της πίσω αυλής, με τις ντομάτες, τα μαρούλια και τα αγγουράκια του…



YEAR 10 NEWS Recently, four students in Year 10 – Archie Lambrinos, Paul Langlands, Manuel Margelis and Sebastian Zois - attended the UNSW Engineering Day for high school students. All four boys found the day very informative as well as enjoyable.

Τέλος πάντων, αρκετά για μένα και το καινούριο μας σπίτι! Ελπίζω να βρεθούμε μια μέρα από κοντά! Περιμένω την απάντησή σου με τα δικά σου νέα. Να μου φιλήσεις τη γατούλα σου!! Με αγάπη. Ελένη Eleni Preketes (Year 7 Greek Honours) ( β )Imagine that you are responding to a pen-pal in Greece. In your letter, describe your school and your school life. Αγαπημένε μου Κώστα, Τι κάνεις και πώς τα περνάς στην Ελλάδα; Πώς είναι το καινούριο σας σπίτι; Ελπίζω να είσαι χαρούμενος και πιο ήρεμος σ’ αυτό. Τώρα, θα σου μιλήσω σχετικά με τη ζωή μου στο σχολείο εδώ στο Σύδνεϋ. Πηγαίνω στο Ελληνορθόδοξο Κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα και τα πάω πολύ καλά στα Μαθηματικά, στην Επιστήμη και στα Αγγλικά, όμως δεν τα πάω πολύ καλά στα Ελληνικά και στην Ιστορία. Μαθαίνουμε για την αρχαία Ελλάδα στην Ιστορία και μου είναι δύσκολο να θυμάμαι όλες τις λεπτομέρειες και γενικά στα Ελληνικά δεν είμαι πολύ καλός γιατί νομίζω ότι δεν είμαι για γλώσσες… Στον αθλητισμό πηγαίνω επίσης καλά και στο ποδόσφαιρο η ομάδα μας έφτασε μέχρι τον τελικό αγώνα, αλλά εκεί δυστυχώς χάσαμε…

Below is a summary of the day:

Στο σχολείο έχω και πολλούς φίλους με τους οποίους παίζω μπάλα στα διαλείμματα. Εσύ τι κάνεις και πώς τα πας στο σχολείο σου; Φαντάζομαι πόσο ωραία θα διασκεδάζετε στην Ελλάδα!

On Thursday, 30th October, three other Year 10 students and I were given a great opportunity to attend the Engineering Day at UNSW. This day provided great insight into all fields of engineering available at the university and was useful for students interested in pursuing a career path in any of these fields. At the start of the day, over 200 senior high school students from all over NSW gathered in a

Εύχομαι σε σένα και την οικογένειά σου τα καλύτερα! Περιμένω γράμμα σου σύντομα με τα δικά σου νέα.


theatrette where they were spoken to by students from the different areas of engineering. They informed us about how the day was going to operate and thoroughly explained the varied branches of engineering - what they are like and what types of job opportunities there are. We then broke off into smaller groups to participate in workshops in the different labs, where we gained firsthand experience with professors and students in our chosen fields. Overall, the entire experience I gained from the day was amazing. Being a student unsure about my career path, I found it was a great way to assess the future choices available to me and also gain key experiences in the many fields of engineering.




New students (commencing their studies at Macquarie in 2015) who have been admitted to a non-law degree at Macquarie University can apply for admission to the Pre-Law Pathway prior to their first session of studies if they meet the following criteria: completed their HSC in 2014 accepted an approved single degree at Macquarie attained an ATAR of 93+ (Minimum ATAR to be established each year). Bonus points can contribute towards this ATAR requirement. For more information and application details see: n/entry_schemes_and_pathways/pre-law_pathway/

Sebastian Zois Year 10


‘Year 13’ is a useful website aimed at helping school leavers. It contains many helpful hints and links to further information about post-school options. See The St Spyridon College website also has a Careers section which contains a wealth of information. See is a government funded site which is very useful for high school students. They can log in, do interest and ability quizzes, research careers and build a career profile. Students in years 10 to 12 have had some sessions using this site and it is recommended that they revisit it on a regular basis.

A recent chief scientist's report stated that 75 per cent of the fastest growing occupations required science, technology, engineering or mathematics skills and knowledge. Go to:

BUSINESS CAREERS UNSW: Australian School of Business Pulse Videos ASB Pulse is the weekly video news segment that covers what life is like studying at the Australian School of Business. ASB Pulse will give students study tips, career tips from CEOs and industry leaders, business etiquette tips, even highlights & opportunities, clubs and societies, and networking opportunities. E17C48C2

CAREER INFORMATION The Australian Financial Review: The Degrees of Unemployment This article outlines the employment outcomes of graduates from different degrees and universities four months after graduation. The article includes a research tool in which you can search a university or discipline and view the average salary and employment rate for graduates of the searched discipline. _of_unemployment_universities_e3nDZ8x89ziuXsE dNMOz9J

TEACHING Raising University Entry Standards for Future Teachers From 2016, prospective students will need to meet increased academic standards to be offered a place in a NSW accredited undergraduate teaching degree. From 2016, entrants to an accredited undergraduate teaching degree will need: a minimum of three Band 5 HSC results, including one in English or


to complete bridging units equivalent to a minimum of three Band 5 HSC results, including English, as approved by BOSTES before entry or to enter via an alternative pathway as advised by their university and approved by BOSTES.

Electrotechnology, Electrical Trades, Electrical Engineering and Electronics. Get Into VET courses are free short courses to assist students in Year 10 & 11 evaluate their future options including TVET, TAFE studies, apprenticeships and employment possibilities. Students will attend for one week – Monday to Friday 1st- 5th December. Interested students should see me as soon as possible to complete an application form.



This day is being run by Tractor for creative year 12 students interested in design. Follow the link to register to attend.

The new Year 12 cohort should sign up to the Future Students Newsletter for UNSW. Go to the following : 66f9&id=461df25b24 Antipodeans Abroad Information Session GapBreak Information Night: Wed 26th November, 6.30pm – 7.30pm, SYDNEY: 303a / 282 Victoria Ave Chatswood Get specific information and learn about projects that you may be interested in.

DIGITAL DESIGN INFORMATION NIGHT JMC Academy is holding an information night for digital design courses on Wednesday 3rd December, from 6-7pm. Rahul Nath Head of Design – JMC Academy and Andrew Barnum Chief Creative Officer of Peopleness - Barnum Group will be speaking. Register to attend at: AIE Open Day Sat 15th November, 10.00am – 3.00pm, Sydney and Canberra campuses Discover the courses designed to get you started in game development, 3D animation and visual effects.

SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMS Gifted And Talented School Holiday Program at UNSW The Scientia Challenge Program is designed for gifted and talented high school students in Years 7-10. The program features a range of workshops taught over three days. The program also provides the opportunity for gifted students to meet like-minded peers of similar interests. The next Scientia Challenge Program will be held 20-22 January, 2015.For further information see:

COMMERCIAL COOKERY Sydney TAFE Ultimo is promoting the Commercial Cookery courses for 2015.

HSC Summer School ‘Head Start’ Lectures: The School for Excellence offers lectures and comprehensive notes for several HSC subjects as well as for Year 11 Preliminary subjects. These are held at Sydney University during January 2015.See for details and application forms. The University of Sydney Science Experience Wed 14th January – Fri 16th January For students about to begin year 10 or 11 Contact Jessica Morris: (02) 9114 0825 or ex.shtml

If students are interested in career opportunities within hotels, restaurants, cafes and catering, Ultimo teachers are currently available to assist with questions you may have. For more detailed information on 12161- Hospitality Commercial Cookery Certificate III please contact: Head Teacher Fiona McLean 9217 5544

ELECTRICAL TRADES Sydney TAFE - Get Into VET has announced the release of five new courses on offer for Term 4 in


UTS Discover Architecture Summer School Applications close Mon 5th January Summer school runs from Mon 12th January – Thu 22nd January, UTS School of Architecture, 702-730 Harris Street, Ultimo Contact: Joanne Kinniburgh on 02 9514 884 or

We arrived and played our first games. The boys lost 10-4 and were winning 4-0 at half time. The girls played against a very challenging team but, in the end, lost by 4 points. For the second round of games; all St Spyridon teams played on the bigger, full length courts. The boys got their first victory but the girls lost their match in the dying minutes by only a few points.

NCSS Summer School 2015 The National Computer Science School (NCSS) is a ten day summer school taking place at the University of Sydney from Sunday 4th to Tuesday 13th January. Cost per student is $400. Applications Close Friday 14th November. E:

In the third and final pool games, the boys needed to win to qualify for the finals. Unfortunately they lost 14-6. The girls won their last match 5-3 which was good, however, neither team qualified for the semifinals this year. Even though we did not qualify for the finals, we must keep in mind this was our first ever experience in a Basketball Competition and we represented the College with pride all day long. We all had a wonderful time!

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY There is an excellent opportunity in the financial services industry for an undergraduate or recent graduate of accounting. Paid study and exam leave and financial support for uni, CPA/CA studies Half a day of paid leave a week to attend uni classes if still an undergraduate Opportunity for direct client contact and the ability to obtain a great understanding of the Financial services / Funds management sector In the heart of Sydney’s CBD

Thank you to the staff and parents who supported us on the day by cheering and managing the score table. Thank you to Roza Papas for assistant managing the Girls Team. Greg Hatzon 5I & Franklin Pyliotis 5A

KINDERGARTEN EXCURSION TO WILD LIFE SYDNEY ZOO This term Kindergarten have been learning about ‘Mini-Beasts’. On Friday 7th November, Kindergarten visited WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo at Darling Harbour. Students were able to experience animals and ecosystems of a range of Australian habitats. Students also participated in a Discovery Class, which was a hands-on component. The children had the opportunity to get up close, and have an interactive experience with Australian wildlife. We would also like to thank the wonderful parents who helped us out on our excursion.

If you are interested in this role, please submit your CV, a covering letter and academic transcripts via email to Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser




NSW BASKETBALL COMPETITION On the 20th October, the St Spyridon boys and girls basketball teams entered into the NSW Combined Schools Basketball Competition; representing our school at Bankstown Bruins Basketball Association. We travelled by bus together to Bankstown Basketball Stadium near Condell Park. On the bus, everybody was having a fun time listening to music, playing on their devices and chatting.


Miss Sotiras Kindergarten Jade Classroom Teacher

STUDENT RECOUNTS On Friday Kindy went to the Wild Life Zoo at Darling Harbour. First, we had our recess and I had all of it. Then I saw the butterflies and I saw a black one. Next, we saw a snake and it was around Mrs Gouveros. Finally, we had our discovery class. I had fun at the zoo. Costa Laktaridis KJ On Friday Kindy went to the Wild Life Zoo at Darling Harbour. First, I saw the butterflies and they were colourful. Then, I saw the crocodile and it was green and very big. Next, I watched the animal show. Finally, I saw the frogs. I had fun at the zoo. Athina Hardas KJ On Friday Kindy went to the Wild Life Zoo at Darling Harbour. First, we went on the bus and had recess when we got off. Then, we saw a blue and black butterfly. Next we saw a show and Jonathan’s mum HAS A python wrapped around her. After, we saw a crocodile and it opened its jaw very wide. Finally we had big lunch. I had fun at the Wild Life Zoo. Michaela Deftereos KJ On Friday Kindy went to the Wild Life Zoo at Darling Harbour. First, we went on a bus. Then, we got to eat our little lunch. Next, we went into the zoo and we saw snakes, butterflies and crocodiles. After


that we had a talk with a lady. Finally we had big lunch. I had fun at the zoo. George Antonas KJ BUG FACTS Bees A bee has wings and it also has yellow and black stripes. Bees collect nectar and they take it back to their home. Tianna Cooney KJ Ladybugs Ladybugs have black spots. They can be red and yellow also with black spots. Ladybugs have six legs and they have wings to fly. They like to eat aphids. Mitchell Coutts KJ PRAYING MANTIS A praying mantis has two big legs at the front. It has two small legs at the back. A praying mantis is green and it can camouflage itself so it doesn’t get eaten by predators. They have red eyes.

TEAM WORK This Term 4C has been busy working collaboratively together in groups. We were asked to design a board game relating to our HSIE topic ‘Australia Your Standing in It’. We were asked to design a game which had to include the following: Australian fauna and flora, natural and man-made Australian landmarks as well as researching information about the above.

Jonathan Gouveros KJ Butterflies A butterfly has four wings and 2 antennae. A butterfly lays eggs and hatches into a caterpillar. Butterflies have a lot of colours on their wings and people like them a lot.

Each group worked co-operatively and every group member had a job to do. Some worked on the computer, others were brainstorming ideas and designing and illustrating the actual board for the game. Each job kept everyone very busy. We would look forward to each lesson when we had to work in our groups. We enjoyed every minute of this activity and the best part was when we completed the activity we were allowed to play each other’s games. We had a fun time playing and all our hard work paid off!

Steve Petratos KJ

Year 4C


ROBOCUP 2014 Recently, and for the first time ever Mr Georgoulopoulos and some of his Year 10 and four of his Year 9 Information Software and Technology class had gone and competed in this year's Robotics Competition which was held at the University of New South Wales. The teams worked really hard over the two day period and what was really surprising was that we worked really well together as if we knew each other for many years. To our surprise the team did really well as we had participated in the Rescue competition where the team had to program the robot to rescue a victim from the end of the course. For the first time the school had gone and competed in that sort of event. Our Robot was named Spirit On and we came 10th out of all the 26 schools that were there. All in all the competitors really enjoyed the event and the complexity of programming a robot to achieve the necessary things that needed to be done to complete the track and make the rescue. Mr Georgoulopoulos was especially happy with the competitors as it was the first year ever participated in the completion and to come 10th in the first year just blew him away. We have included some photographs including our Spirit On Robot.


wish to acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Straight Island people. My experience was thoroughly enjoyed and my hope is that next year, another student will get the opportunity to participate. Anne-Marie Xenos Year 11



BOYS BASKETBALL The boys basketball teams continue to impress, not because of the many victories after 4 rounds of the competition, but rather because of their relentless attitude and passion for not only the game but also for their College and for their class mates. This comradery and desire to not let your friends down is a real positive trait of all the teams competing for the College in this season of Basketball.

George Gemisis Year 9



On Monday November 10th, I was fortunate enough to attend the “New South Wales Schools State Constitutional Convention” at New South Wales Parliament House. The Convention aimed to encourage the hundred students selected, to discuss Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians. We heard keynote addresses from Professor Larissa Behrendt, an Australian academic and writer, currently a Professor of Indigenous Research and Director of Research at the University of Technology Sydney, and Professor Anne Twomey, who has worked with the High Court of Australia as a Senior Research Officer, practiced as a solicitor and is currently the Director of the Constitutional Reform Unit at Sydney University.

The U17 boys were exceptional winning their first game of the year against a very good Oxley College. The boys were yet to record a win for the season and yet their positive attitude and enjoyment for the game was not affected and this was evident in their great performance over the weekend. Congratulations to all the boys and their coach Kosta Baratsas. The U14 White boys team have had a very easy run to date with their round 4 clash the closest so far. This team were very impressive last season winning the competition comfortably, this year the challenge of going back to back seemed inevitable until the contest with Oxley. The boys won the contest in overtime with Alexandros Gousetis stepping up to high score for the team with 30 points. Congratulations to the boys and their coach Mr Karagiannis. Mr Karagiannis has been training the boys every Wednesday morning in the school SPACe dedicating much of his time in order to help the boys succeed as a unit. Thank you Mr Karagiannis.

These addresses assisted us in our discussion of the complexity of changes to the Constitution. Such changes included, recognition in the preamble, the removal of section 25 and 51 (xxvi) and insertion of section 51A, which would recognize Aboriginal and Torres Straight Island people and to preserve the Government’s ability to pass laws regarding Aboriginal people, the addition of section 116A, prohibiting racial discrimination and the addition of section 127A to recognize the language spoken by Aboriginal and Torres Straight Island people.

Mr Condous and the U15 Blue team, like the U14 White team, are the only boys teams that remain undefeated. The boys have been performing with enthusiasm and their desire to succeed has helped them achieve excellent results. Steven Soulakelis and George Andrianakos have been particularly impressive this season, scoring points and providing much needed support for all the other boys.

This newly gained knowledge was presented back in the Legislative Assembly Chamber, followed by a mock referendum in support of recognition, where the outcome was a unanimous ‘YES’. Perhaps the most valuable part of my experience was the chance to understand the depth of the issue and the opportunity to participate in such a debate. The Constitution shows that the current laws are outdated and no longer meet the needs of the society, who


This week the majority of the boys’ teams are playing against Blue Mountains Grammar at the College SPACe. With this week marking the half way mark of the competition, strong performances from all teams will certainly help in their standings on the points ladder. After this game the boys only have one game left this term that being on Saturday the 22nd November with most teams playing against ST Pius X College. It will be a difficult run home for the boys, but their strong preparation and willingness to be the best they can will invariably steer them in the right direction.

The U15 White team and Open boys teams lost their first games of the season 27 - 22 against very tough opposition in Oxley College. By all accounts the Opens had a off day, playing their first away game proved a difficult hurdle to overcome, the same could also be said of the U15 white team. The challenge for both teams now is to bounce back against a very strong Blue Mountains Grammar team that have yet to loose a game in the Opens and are also very strong in the U15 competition. Our Open boys have been busy at training not only in the allocated school period but also after school on Wednesday staying back to complete a rigorous 1 ½ hours of extra training. The Opens will now need to go back and reflect on what went wrong before having to bounce back to help improve their position on the points table.

Thank you to all the parents for their ongoing support and encouragement in managing the canteen and scoring for the games. Without your strong support the hospitality and positive atmosphere the College generates on Saturdays would not have been possible.

As for the U14 Blue team they have had the one loss this season, losing to last year’s grand final winners St Patricks College. This has only motivated the team to perform better in the coming weeks to make up for lost ground. On Saturday the boys defeated CCGS comfortably with Phillip Protos staring for the team together with a really strong performance from George Gemisis.

GIRLS BASKETBALL Our Open Girls have continued well in Round 3 with a convincing win against CCGS 51-19, however were faced with a tough match against St Andrews Cathedral School in Round 4 and were unfortunately defeated. With half the round games it seems that St Andrews Cathedral and Oxley will be the top competition. Hopefully we can secure a win against Oxley this Saturday.

Both Year 7 teams have also been making steady progress with the U13 Blue team managing a close win against a very resilient CCGS team on Saturday narrowly winning 12- 11. This in contrast to the U13 white who easily managed to win their away game to Oxley 21- 7. Congratulations to all the boys on their positive involvement in the basketball season to date.

Our Open C’s have continued well in Round 3 with a win against Barker College 17-5, however were defeated by Chevalier in Round 4. The girls are working hard with Ms Kalithrakas to improve their fitness and game approach each week and are to be commended for their effort. Intermediate B’s were successful winning against Redlands in Round 3 24-6 however they suffered their first defeat against St Andrews Cathedral School which look like the team to beat. The girls continue


Junior D’s are yet to win a game, however, they have improved each week under the guidance of Nansia Koukounaris their coach. Her feedback states that the girls are improving their skills and understanding of the game and most of all having fun.

to train hard with their coach Elly and continue to improve each week. Junior B’s were defeated by St Andrews Cathedral School 27-21 in round 3 a tough and challenging match where the teams were evenly matched, unfortunately the baskets could not be executed. Round 4 the girls were back with a comfortable win against Blue Mountains Grammar School.

Good luck to all teams with the final two rounds of this term all teams have represented the school with pride and 100% effort and showed excellent sportsmanship. Please see the link below for all ISA Girls Basketball result,

Junior C’s travelled to Chevalier where they lost 2110. Round 4 they travelled to Narrabeen to play Redlands and were once again defeated by 1 point. Hopefully the girls can secure victory next time these schools meet.

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)


VENUE: St Spyridon College, Sports and Performing Arts Centre 1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra


Adults - $20

Children/Pensioners - $15


Thursday, 27th November 2014


7:00pm 19







2015 DATES

Monday 26th January 2015

Australia Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 27 January 2015 Wednesday 28th January 2015 Thursday 29th January 2015 Friday 30th January 2015

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Wednesday 25th March 2015

Annunciation. School Closed


Thursday 2nd April 2015

Term ends

Friday 3rd April 2015 Monday 6th April 2015

Western Good Friday - Public Holiday Western Easter - Public Holiday

Friday 10th April 2015 Sunday 12th April 2015

Orthodox Good Friday Orthodox Easter


Monday 20th April 2015 Tuesday 21st April 2015

Staff Development Day Students return

Monday 8th June 2015

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 19th June 2015

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 13th July 2015 Tuesday 14th July 2015

Staff Development Day Students return

Friday 18th September 2015

Term ends for Staff and students

TERM 4 Monday 5th October 2015

Public Holiday

Tuesday 6 October 2015 Wednesday 7th October 2015

Staff Development day Students return

Thursday 3rd December 2015 Friday 4th December 2015

Term ends for students Staff Development day



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