News 136 18a 2014

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VOLUME XXXI No 18 28th November, 2014





NOVEMBER Vaccinations Year 7


DECEMBER Year 6 Graduation


Christmas Carols Afternoon JS, 2.00pm Year 6 to Botany Pool


K-12 Academic Excellence and Student Leadership Assembly 11.30am, SPACe Term ends for students


Staff Development Day


St Spyridon Vespers


St Spyridon Day


HSC Results


ATAR released by UAC


Christmas Day


Boxing Day


JANUARY New Year’s Day Australia Day Staff Development Day

1st 26th 27th & 28th

Years 1-7, 11 & 12 return


Kindergarten and Years 8-10 return


In this last Newsletter for 2014: We wish all students, teachers and their families a Merry Christmas, a safe holiday and a Happy New Year.

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag







ACADEMIC AWARDS K-6 2014 My congratulations are extended to all students K – 6 for their application to their studies and gains made this year. You should feel a sense of accomplishment for your hard work. We certainly are proud of you! For the first time this year, we have introduced some new awards. We will be acknowledging those students in the Primary, in Group 1 Greek who have placed 2nd and 3rd. For Year Six, a second «Αριστεύειν» Scholarship ($1000 towards School Fees) will be awarded for outstanding achievement to a Year Six student who is continuing on to our Senior School. We wish to thank Mr & Mrs Tournas for sponsoring this award in memory of their late father William Tournas. Congratulations to the following students who have excelled as well as our Student Leaders for 2015 who will be presented with their awards at the Academic Assembly on the 4th of December. Kindergarten Cerise Louis Degabriele Bianca Soumilas Michael Boutsalis Panayiota Kranidiotis

Academic Excellence Academic Excellence Academic Excellence

Kindergarten Jade Mitchell Coutts Michaela Deftereos Zac Boutsalis Costa Laktaridis

Academic Excellence Academic Excellence Academic Excellence

1 Topaz Chrissy Drakakis Andriana George Spyridoula Karagiorgou Peter Mangafas Ryan Lynch Peter Winnel 1 Violet Peter Baroutis Vaia Grivas Amali Roumanous Aston Roumanous 2 Aqua Alexandra Bizannes Andrew Dalessis Gabriella Gouveros Victoria Stathos Tara Zinopoulos 2 Crimson Dimitra Kasmas Chrysa Kirkis Dean Foundis-Borrett Isabella Koutoulogenis

Achievement in Greek Achievement in Greek Achievement in Greek Achievement in Greek Achievement in Greek Achievement in Greek

Academic Excellence Academic Excellence

Achievement in Greek Achievement in Greek Achievement in Greek

Academic Excellence Academic Excellence Academic Excellence Academic Excellence Academic Excellence

Achievement in Greek Achievement in Greek Achievement in Greek

Academic Excellence Academic Excellence Academic Excellence Achievement in Greek Academic Excellence

Achievement in Greek Achievement in Greek

Academic Excellence Academic Excellence Academic Excellence

Achievement in Greek Achievement in Greek Achievement in Greek


3 Amethyst Sophia Karatasos Christian Lynch Sienna Tsoukalas Nicholas Notaras Mia Paras Crystal Coulits Evana Haramis James Karagiannis 3 Sapphire Nektarios Kollias

1st 1st = 2nd = 2nd = 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st = 1st

English Greek Grp 1 English English Mathematics Science HSIE Greek Grp 2 Greek Grp 3

1st Mathematics



1st Science



= 2nd Mathematics 3rd Science

3rd HSIE 2nd Greek Grp 1

2nd English

2nd Science = 2nd HSIE

3rd Greek Grp 1

Jennifer Pyliotis Katerina Alexandratos Zachary Marinos Anne-Marie Aroney Adam Stamos Fiona Neroutsos

1st 2nd = 2nd 3rd 1st = 1st

English Mathematics HSIE Science HSIE Greek Grp 3

1st Science 3rd English 3rd Mathematics

4 Coral Jamyson Gouveros Patricia Hardas Paul Giavis Jorge Cooney Sophia Economou Kosta Kalantzis

1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 1st

English HSIE Greek Grp 1 Science HSIE Greek Grp 3

1st Mathematics = 2nd Mathematics 2nd English

1st Science 3rd English = 2nd Mathematics

3rd HSIE 3rd Science

4 Turquoise Adriana Drakoulis



1st Science

2nd English

2nd Greek Grp 1

Nicholas Papas Tiana Natsikas Lucas Leondaris Nicolas Kalligiannis Sia Manos Leanna Papaleonidas Nick Nicholas Stephen Koutoulogenis Natasha Bebonis

1st 1st 3rd 3rd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 1st

HSIE English English Mathematics Science Science HSIE HSIE Greek Grp 2

2nd Mathematics

3rd Greek Grp 1

5 Amber Mary Diamond Mihalis Dovellos Teoni Antonopoulos

1st 1st 1st

Mathematics Greek Grp 1 English

2nd = 1st = 1st

Billy Bourdaniotis Franklin Pyliotis Anastasi Poulos Gianni Keramitzis

1st 1st 3rd 2nd

HSIE Greek Grp 2 HSIE Greek Grp 1

3rd 3rd

5 Iris Juval Mikhail James Bletsas Danae Margaronis-Lopez Peter Petrides Jordan Kougias

1st 1st 2nd 1st 1st

English Mathematics Mathematics HSIE Science

2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd


English Science Science

3rd Science 2nd Mathematics 2nd HSIE 3rd Greek Grp 1

Mathematics English

HSIE English Science English

3rd 3rd

Mathematics HSIE

John Leondios Ekaterini Hatzidimitrou

3rd 1st

Science Greek Grp 3

6 Magenta Nicholas Drakoulis Roza Papas Anastasia Reeve George Stavrou Panagiota Kappatos Marissa Diakoumis James Pavlogiannis Georgia Varvaritis

1st 2nd 2nd 3rd 1st = 3rd 1st 1st

English Mathematics English English Science HSIE Greek Grp 1 Greek Grp 2

1st Mathematics = 2nd Science = 2nd Science 3rd Mathematics 2nd HSIE

1st HSIE 2nd Greek Grp1 = 3rd HSIE

6 Pearl Katherine Tsingos Thomas Mouratidis Nicola Skouteris Nicki Kondou Anna Papas James Hristeff Jordan Frazis Nicoletta Tsimboukis Sasha Douglas

1st 2nd 1st 2nd = 3rd = 3rd 1st = 3rd 1st

English HSIE HSIE Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Science HSIE Greek Grp 3

1st = 2nd 2nd = 3rd

= 2nd Science 3rd English 3rd Greek Grp 1

Mathematics Science English HSIE

Athena Pallas Award for Reading Natalia Constantinidis Anne-Marie Aroney Penny Kezalas Evangeline O’Reilly Alexander Papaioannou Evan Hatgis James Zouroudis Nicola Skouteris

3A 3S 4C 4T 5A 5I 6M 6P

Primary Awards for Diligence and Sustained effort in English Nicholas Giallafos 3A Nicholas Bastas 3S Taylysse Knight 4C Lucia Zois 4T Katherine Fragias 5A Costantino Hadjiparaskeva 5I Steven Mangafas 6M Samantha Economou 6M Angelique Giokas 6P






These P&F funds will be put towards: 30 computers (Junior School) Outfitting the Gymnasium in the SPACe Robotics equipment (Junior School) Sports Program (Senior School) Outdoor furniture (Senior School) New toys for the Infants (Junior School) Orthodox Studies Bibles

SCHOLARSHIPS Year 7 and Year 11, 2016 Applications are now invited from new and continuing students to sit for the following ACER Examination Scholarships:

The P&F Committee wishes to thank the whole of our school community for the wonderful and continued support throughout 2014, at our fundraising events. Many thanks as well to our Head of College Mrs Stefanou-Haag, to our school Principals, Mrs Katsogiannis and Mrs Synesios, to Mrs Tsaconas and to all the members of the Parish, for their constant support and encouragement.

Year 6 (Year 7, 2016) A Year 6 Scholarship for the top Year 6 student applying for St Spyridon College will receive their tuition fees paid for four years from Year 7 to Year 10.

Year 10 (Year 11, 2016) Two scholarships for the two top Year 10 students will receive their tuition fees paid for two years.

P&F Annual General Meeting : 17 February 2015 Our AGM will be held in February and we invite and encourage parents and friends of the College, to consider joining the Committee. Please come along! It is a great opportunity to meet other members of our school community and to share your ideas for fundraising events.

Closing date for applications is Monday 9th February, 2015, ACER scholarship examinations will be held on Saturday, 28th February, 2015. You may register now online: follow the links to Online Registration.

Trivia Night: 21 February 2015 To kick start the academic year in 2015, we will be putting our thinking caps on and hosting a Trivia evening. (Details to follow)

UNIFORM SHOP The uniform shop will be open on the following days in January. Tuesday, 20th January 2015 9.00 am to 4.00 pm Wednesday, 21st January 2015 9.00 am to 4.00 pm Wednesday, 28th January 2015 8.30 am to 10 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm





Another school year comes to an end. We will have Christmas celebrations upon us soon and the eagerly awaited summer school holidays!

We wish you all a safe and happy time with your families over the end of year school break.

The P&F is pleased to report that, together with the whole school community, we raised the amount of $79,000.00 in 2014. This is an outstanding result in aid of our College and students. A cheque will be presented to our Head of College at the Academic Leadership Assembly on the 4th December 2014.

Mrs Angela Vergotis P&F Committee, Asst. Secretary



Carolyn Makridopolus Juval Mikhail Alexia Costa Franklin Pyliotis Teoni Antonopoulos Valentina Spyridopoulos

THANK YOU To the wonderful parent body and the P & F representatives, my heartfelt thanks for your support of all that we do at the Junior School. Our children have thrived because we work as one team for the common good. Your example, a shining light for our children to follow.

HOUSE CAPTAINS CORINTHIANS Anthony Hatzigiakoumis and Anneta Maroulis DELPHIANS Valandi Michael and Dimitra Katsidis

Καλή Ελευθερία Our thanks are extended to Mrs Giokas for all the love and care she has shown the children of our College and for her steadfast resolve to ensure that each child achieves their personal best. Our best wishes go with her and her husband George as they await the arrival of their first child early next year. Καλή Ελευθερία.

NEMEANS Gregory Tsoukalas and Danae Margaronis – Lopez OLYMPIANS Anaston Baltazis and Athena Demetriou Wishing you all a blessed Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.



The Year Six Graduation and Dinner Dance will be held on Tuesday 2nd of December in the Church Hall.

On Thursday 6th of November, 2014, Year 4 attended a class liturgy. The students were greeted by Father Sotiri, who gave them an insight of what to expect throughout the morning service.

KALANTA It’s not too late to join us for Kalanta. We need many volunteers to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you can give even one night, it would make a huge difference. Please leave your details at the Office.

Father Sotiri spoke beautifully, he took the time to stop and clearly explain to students the symbolic meaning behind key moments of the service. Many students happily volunteered to read verses from the hymns, alongside Mr Psilacos. This was an amazing opportunity for students as it gave them a more intimate experience and a greater sense of involvement in the service. All students enthusiastically chanted the hymns they have been learning throughout the year during the service.

CONGRATULATIONS 2015 JUNIOR SCHOOL STUDENT LEADERSHIP TEAM Congratulations to the following students who have been elected to the Junior School Leadership Team. 2015 STUDENT LEADERSHIP TEAM

The Teachers and students felt it was a great blessing to be able to participate, and share this unique experience with Father in our Church. We look forward to the upcoming K-6 liturgy this Thursday, 20th of November.

CAPTAINS Billy Bourdaniotis & Vicki Synesios VICE CAPTAINS James Bletsas and Mary Diamond PREFECTS Gianni Keramitzis Maria – Angela Patsalis James Valmas Madelyn Perdikakis Kosta Ioannou


Their first stop was Echo point, to stretch their aching limbs, They ate a snack, looked at the view and filled their tummies to their brims. Back on the bus they hopped wanting the drive to be over, Some were straggling along like a homeless rover. Mount Piper Power station looked like a cartoon city, We half expected Homer to bust out and say something witty. Yet another bite to eat before we started off again, Questioning and guessing… Will we ever arrive? When?? ‘Hill End or Bust!’ The children yelled as all the roads became windy, Some felt sick, the bus slowed down as the tyres got all grindy. Hill End Ranch was up ahead and anticipation filled the air, They quickly bounced off to drop their bags, complain they wouldn’t dare! Kerrie took them hand by hand to discover the old town, They scavenged and looked and searched about, but everything looked brown. Free Time was next; they played about and kicked around a ball, Soon it was time for dinner, the servings were not small! The first night was always rough, especially for the teachers, The tears and giggles filled the air, those silly little creatures. Little sleep there was for all alike with homesick little hearts, The grumpiness the next morning was clearly off the charts! Day two arrived with a bang; the smell of breakfast filled the air, They primped and prepped for the day ahead without a single care. Bald Hill mine was first, a climb ahead all decked in protective gear, Ten ladders met them at the end; the sight of daylight brought a tear!

Miss Nicolaou 4T

YEAR 5 CAMP Year 5 woke up bright and early, one warm November day With excitement in their eyes they slowly made their way. They sang and cheered and messed about while Walter drove us there, The mini bus had Gavin drive – he had very little hair.

The cemetery tour and golden gully were next on their grand tour, The heat and bugs were not their friends, with that they were secure!


Gold panning gave them prospector’s joy, those few who got lucky, The others didn’t like the mud, they thought that it was yucky! Too soon their camp was over, time to say their goodbyes Not before a visit to Jenolan caves, they were finally free of flies! Sydney bound once again, the bus became their home, Though bushfires and traffic didn’t want to let us roam. All in all, their time was fun, besides the yucky water, Mums and Dads couldn’t wait to see what became of their son and daughter! Hill End taught them a thing or two about the way life was, Back in the day when gold was a plenty, in the land called Oz. Mrs N. Economou Year 5 Teacher


Wonderland’ in the Drama Studio for an audience of Year 3 students from the Junior School. The Year 9 class have been studying a unit on Children’s Theatre this term, and they used their knowledge of this performance style to present the well-loved children’s classic, in which curious young Alice is bored with her ordinary world, and so follows a peculiar White Rabbit down a rabbit hole to Wonderland. Here she meets exciting characters such as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter and the March Hare, the Card, and, of course, the Queen of Hearts. The Year 9 students loved performing for Year 3, especially seeing their excitement and enthusiasm as each character came out on stage. They were a terrific audience, and we thank their teachers for bringing them along to support our Drama students.

Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AND STUDENT LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY K-12 On Thursday, 4th December, 2014 we will be rewarding students for their academic achievements as well as announcing the Student Leaders for 2015. This special assembly will take place in the Sports and Performing Arts Centre and will start promptly at 11.30 a.m. Senior School students will be awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place Years 7 – 10 and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Years 11 and 12. Students are to arrive at School and assemble in the courtyard no later than 10.30 a.m. Students are to wear summer uniform and blazer. The reports for Years 7 – 10 will be distributed at the end of the afternoon. All parents and family are encouraged to attend. Please be seated by 11.15 a.m.

ALICE IN WONDERLAND On Wednesday 19th November, the Year 9 Drama students staged a production of ‘Alice in


Mrs L. McCoy Drama Teacher

HICES MATHEMATICS TOURNAMENT 2015 On Thursday 20th November, four very enthusiastic Mathematics students headed off at 7.15am to Kellyville where William Clarke College was hosting the ‘HICES MATHEMATICS TOURNAMENT.’ The St Spyridon College team was: Adam Geortsis (Year 7), Peter Nikas ( Year 7), Florence Georges (Year 8), Stephen Bletsas (Year 8). It was very fitting that the day happened to be a very ‘hot’ day, because the competition sure did heat up! It was a tournament involving 22 schools, who also had very strong mathematicians. Each school had to bring their BEST; Two Year 7’s and two Year 8’s.Our four budding mathematicians were up against some tough opposition, but they were very confident and ready to take on the day! The tournament consisted of three main rounds (no calculators allowed); *The group contest: each school had 25 problem solving questions to solve in 45 minutes. Each school worked on these questions as a group. *The Swiss contest: a battle between two schools. Each student sits next to another school’s student, in a line. The students are shown a table of values, for all of x and only four of y. The rest of the y values must be calculated by the students, by mental computation. They first need to find the rule for x and y. Each round was played with a different school. *The relay: in this contest, each school is given 20 questions for Year 7 and 20 different questions for


Year 8. Both Year 7 and Year 8 are given their first question, but Year 7 need to answer first in order to receive question 2, only then can Year 8 receive their question 2 and so on...all the way up to question 20. They had an hour for this contest. At the end of a very HOT, challenging and very fun day, our four students ranked 6th out of 22 schools!! A fantastic result and a brilliant effort by the whole team!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO ADAM, PETER, FLORENCE and STEPHEN! Examples of the types of questions in the HICES tournament: (give them a go...) Ms Kalithrakas Mathematics Department

1. A bag contains some red balls and black balls. If a red ball is removed, the number of red balls in the bag is ⅓ of the remaining number of balls. If two black balls are removed instead, the number of red balls is 2 of the remaining number of balls. 5 How many red balls are there?

CANTEEN Wow … 2014 has come and gone before our very eyes. I would like to say a huge thank you to our volunteers who have been wonderfully generous with their time throughout the year and continue to help and support on a regular basis: Diane Siagos, Elizabeth Alsop, Stacey Christofa and Elenie Coroneos who is now an ex-parent and still helps on a weekly basis.

2. Tanya saved x dollars in the first month and y dollars in the second month. The money she saved in the third month was the sum of the money she saved in the first and second months. The money she saved in the fourth month was the sum of the money she saved in the second and third months, and so on. If Tanya saved $280 in the ninth month, what were the values of x and y given that they were whole numbers?

Thank you to our teaching staff who help when we are stranded and the queues are long: Mr Kaldis, Mr Georgoulopoulos, Ms Gambrielle and Mr Giles. Also Christina Tsousta in Maria’s absence. A big thank you to Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students for their help during recess and lunchtimes. If any parent is interested in volunteering in our Canteen for 2015, please contact me at the Senior Campus. We are happy for volunteers to come and help at recess or lunch, once a week, once a month or even once a Term for as many hours as you can. On behalf of Maria and myself, we wish all our students, staff, families and friends a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. Mrs I. Paraskevas Canteen Supervisor



YEAR 7 2015 BBQ AND PARENT FORUM Mr Sobolevski will be on leave in 2015 to pursue further study. We wish him well and look forward to his return in 2016. Ms Siafrakas will be leaving at the end of the year. We thank her for her contribution to our students and wish her well in the future. Ms Gonzalez will return in 2015. Ms Gikas will be leaving at the end of the year to complete her Masters Degree and return to Greece. We thank her for her contribution to our students and wish her well for the future.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



"I have had dreams and I have had nightmares, but I have conquered my nightmares because of my dreams." Dr Jonas Salk These past weeks have been filled with the many ups and downs that accompany the challenge of being a student … pressures of study and examinations, feeling pride in receiving affirmations of good work, being accountable and ‘facing the music’ for the not so good marks, taking on the responsibilities of leadership of self and others, moving forward, stepping up to new experiences and challenges, new beginnings and of course new dreams. Next week marks the ending of the school year and the celebration of all the positives. Middle School students who have achieved 150 or more MAPLE stamps will be rewarded on Tuesday with a special excursion to Jamberoo, on Wednesday the final Middle School Assembly and Kris Kringle gift exchange will take place while on Thursday our K-12 Speech and Prize Giving Assembly will be held to acknowledge the students who have demonstrated Academic Excellence in each subject. We look forward to sharing these successes with family members who are able to attend.


YEAR 7 2015 ORIENTATION DAY A very exciting day was experienced by all our 59 new students as they enthusiastically acquainted themselves with the Senior School campus and engaged in informative lessons. Even though at first there were signs of apprehension and even a few tears, by the end of the day new friendship foundations were set. Students began the day with a guided tour of the school, followed by “Getting to Know You” group work led by Year 9 Peer Support Leaders. After a recess break students cycled through three taster lessons; English, with Mrs Kiejda, Greek with Mrs Faletas and Cricket with Ms O’Shea and Mr Kaldis. Following lunch, students evaluated their day and received their ‘Passport to Senior School’ before being farewelled by Mrs Stefanou (Head of College), Mrs Katsogiannis (Principal), Year 9 Peer Support Leaders and myself.

YEAR 5 VISIT This week we had the pleasure of Year 5 come to the Senior School for their second Transition Program visit. On this occasion students baked cookies in Food Technology, experienced the thrills of conducting experiments in Science, and got in touch with their creative side through Theatre Sports. Thank you Mrs Vicky Grillakis & Mrs Olga Lambi (Food Technology), Ms Katherine Gikas (Science) and Mrs Elaine Mulligan (English & Drama) for your efforts in delivering interesting lessons for students to enjoy, and the Year 8 Peer Leaders (Harris Pappas, Nicholas Kollias, Dean Albanakis, Carissa Frazis, Dayna Kostantakis, Bianca Frazis) who assisted Year 5 during the day.


YOUNG LEADERS DAY On Friday 21st November students from Year 11 were among the emerging generation of leaders who attended The National Young Leaders Day at Sydney Olympic Park Sports Centre. The event, which attracted 2,500 students along with their teachers from schools across the State, was hosted by the Halogen Foundation whose mission is to inspire and influence young people to lead themselves and others well.



Keynote speakers who shared their story and leadership insights included CEO of CPA Australia Alex Malley and anti-bullying advocate Lucy Thomas. Students also engaged in conversation with a panel of social entrepreneurs who shared practical tips.


Each speaker and panellist brought their unique life experience to the platform as they shared encouraging lessons, instilling the message that despite circumstances, anyone can be a good leader and make a difference in the world around them.

Recently two representatives from “Galmatic� presented a Car Maintenance Workshop to our Year 11 students. This was an interactive practical workshop aimed at teaching students the basics in car maintenance & safety. Students not only enjoyed the experience but also received a work book that provided guiding notes about all that was covered and a certificate acknowledging their participation.

A mix of universities and local volunteer organisations, charities and career advisers were also on hand as part of The Expo which took place alongside the program on the day providing students with a variety of ideas and insights to help their future development as leaders.


The National Young Leaders day event series for secondary students takes place annually across Australia, with more than 6,000 students participating.

SHOWCASE 2014 Over the past few terms Senior School students have been preparing acts that SHOWCASE their talents in the performing arts. This week we were all privileged to finally be able to watch, admire and be impressed by the variety of performances involving over 140 students from across all year groups. These included dramatic monologues, Greek songs with instrumental accompaniments, renditions from Aladdin the musical, cello and grand piano solo performances and of course Greek comic drama. Junior school students from Years 4 - 6 attended the matinee while family and friends enjoyed the evening performances. Bravo to all the students who performed and the teachers who worked tirelessly to prepare students for this Showcase…applause to Mrs Faletas, Ms Savva, Mrs McCoy, Mrs Coyne. Special thanks must also be extended to all other staff who assisted behind the scenes: Mr Zafiropoulos, Mr Sobolevski, Ms Gikas, Mrs Petzler, Mrs Mulligan, Ms Alexandropoulos, Mrs Belajcic, Mr Croft and Mr Condous.

PEER SUPPORT LEADERS 2015 Congratulations to the following students on their selection as Peer Support Leaders of Year 7, 2015. They have already began their duties by welcoming students and parents to the Senior School at the recent BBQ and Parent Forum, as well played an important role on Orientation Day facilitating ‘Getting to Know You’ activities and accompanying students to their Taster lessons

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι,

Keti Bull Michael Constantopedos Giorge Gemesis Con Gouskos Constantinos Kollias George Raptis Christiana Killias Joel Richardson Antonia Katerinas Jessica Mazis Jakob Krasadakis Dimi Frougas Tina Ventoura Stanley Condous Deyarna Xenos Mersina Hrsiteff Irene Roussis Kerryanne Syros Demetrios Avdalis Joel Dean Harry Gavalas Anthony Moufarrege Larissa Andrianakos Jordan Makridopolus Kristen Phillips Steffie Papadopoulos

Στην έκδοση αυτή δημοσιεύουμε τις προφορικές παρουσιάσεις δύο μαθητών της Α΄Γυμνασίου. Οι παρουσιάσεις αυτές αποτελούν μέρος των διαγωνισμών του Β΄Εξαμήνου. Είναι βασισμένες στα θέματα με τα οποία εργαστήκαμε τα δύο τελευταία τρίμηνα, «Το σπίτι μου» και «Το σχολείο μου» Επίσης δημοσιεύουμε φωτογραφίες από την επίσκεψη της ΣΤ΄ Τάξης Δημοτικού στο Γυμνάσιο του Κολλεγίου και τη χαρούμενη συμμετοχή των παιδιών στα Ελληνικά. Με την έκδοση αυτή σας αποχαιρετούμε για φέτος. Καλές και ασφαλείς γιορτές και καλά αποτελέσματα στους μαθητές του HSC. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα


Το ιδανικό μου σχολείο Το κάθε παιδί περνάει ένα μεγάλο μέρος από τη ζωή του στο σχολείο. Γι αυτό οι γονείς έχουν μεγάλη ευθύνη να διαλέξουν το ιδανικό σχολείο για το δικό τους παιδί. Για μένα, το ιδανικό σχολείο αποτελείται από πολλά πράγματα. Πρώτα – πρώτα, πρέπει να έχει εξαιρετικό πρόγραμμα μαθημάτων για όλους και να προσφέρει ποικιλία μαθημάτων για μελέτη. Μαθήματα όπως τα Αγγλικά, Μαθηματικά, Γεωγραφία και Ιστορία, Επιστήμη, Μουσική, Φυσική Αγωγή, Πληροφορική, Γλώσσα και Εικαστικές Τέχνες, είναι απαραίτητα για την εκπαιδευτική μας ανάπτυξη.

Το σπίτι μου είναι «μια φωλιά αγάπης Υπάρχει μια γνωστή έκφραση «σπίτι είναι εκεί που βρίσκεται η καρδιά μας.» Με άλλα λόγια, η έκφραση αυτή υπονοεί ότι όλοι μας έχουμε έναν ειδικό χώρο, έναν χώρο στον οποίο καταφεύγουμε και ηρεμούμε.

Όταν το σχολείο έχει επίσης καλές αίθουσες, κατάλληλα κτίρια, μεγάλη αυλή και τα αναγκαία εφόδια για κάθε μάθημα, το παιδί χαίρεται να είναι στο σχολείο και να μαθαίνει.

Αυτός ο χώρος για μένα είναι το σπίτι μου στο Ρόζμπερυ. Ίσως αυτό ακούγεται κάπως συνηθισμένο, αλλά αυτή είναι η αλήθεια. Εκεί βρίσκεται η καρδιά μου. Δεν έχω ζήσει κάπου αλλού, εκεί γεννήθηκα, εκεί έκανα τα πρώτα μου βήματα, εκεί έχω όλες τις αναμνήσεις μου!

Επίσης, το ιδανικό μου σχολείο πρέπει να έχει εξαιρετικούς καθηγητές, που όχι μόνο να είναι ενεργητικοί και άριστοι στο μάθημα που διδάσκουν, αλλά να αγαπούν το σχολείο και τους μαθητές και να κάνουν ό,τι μπορούν να βοηθούν τα παιδιά με ό,τι πρόβλημα ή ανάγκη έχουν.

Το σπίτι μου ήταν πάντα το καταφύγιό μου. Μου προσφέρει ασφάλεια, είναι ο δικός μου μικρός, προσωπικός κόσμος. Οι παλιοί λένε: «Σπίτι μου, σπιτάκι μου και φτωχοκαλυβάκι μου.» Έτσι, ο λαός μας. έχει εκφράσει την αγάπη του για το σπίτι του.

Είναι ακόμη πιο ευχάριστο, εάν το σχολείο έχει να προσφέρει μερικές άλλες δραστηριότητες όπως τον αθλητισμό, θεατρικές παραστάσεις και μουσικές βραδιές και άλλες διάφορες τέτοιες δραστηριότητες. Προσωπικά, λατρεύω το κολύμπι και γι’ αυτό το ιδανικό μου σχολείο θα πρέπει να παίρνει μέρος σε κολυμβητικούς αγώνες με άλλα σχολεία.

Δεν είναι τα μεγαλεία που κάνουν το σπίτι. Είναι η αγάπη, που υπάρχει σε αυτό, η ομορφιά στο περιβάλλον, η ηρεμία που προσφέρει... Η γαλήνη που αισθάνεσαι όταν βάζεις το κλειδί στην πόρτα, τα αγαπημένα σου πρόσωπα... Το σπίτι μου είναι σαν φωλιά αγάπης.

Το σχολείο όπου μπορεί το κάθε παιδί να ανακαλύψει ότι έχει κάποιο ταλέντο και βρίσκει στο σχολείο του τις κατάλληλες ευκαιρίες να αναπτύξει το ταλέντο του αυτό, είναι το ιδανικό σχολείο για μένα. Πέρα απ’ την εκπαίδευση, το ιδανικό σχολείο για μένα πρέπει να με κάνει να αισθάνομαι άνετα, χαρούμενη και ασφαλής με την φροντίδα του για μένα. Να μην υπάρχει εκφοβισμός όμως να υπάρχει σεβασμός και αγάπη ανάμεσα στις φιλίες των συμμαθητών, αλλά και μεταξύ μαθητών και καθηγητών.

Austin Papadopoulos Year7GK Honours

Εγώ είμαι τυχερή και υπερήφανη που μπορώ να πω ότι είμαι γραμμένη στο Ελληνορθόδοξο Κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα. Είναι ιδιωτικό, μικτό Γυμνάσιο και προσφέρει όλα όσα χρειάζομαι. Είναι το ΙΔΑΝΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ για μένα! Desi Kapodistrias Year 7GK Honours




December 2014. This means that School TFN forms will no longer be processed beyond this date. Students can now apply for a TFN online and have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. Applying online is the fastest and most convenient way for students to get a TFN. More information on applying online can be found at : If you require any further information you can phone 1300 130 282 between 8:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday.

FINDING EMPLOYMENT Over the past weeks, as part of the Preparing for the Preliminaries program, year 10 students have participated in careers sessions, including some provided by the ‘Elevate’ team, informing them about the working world, and learning more about applying for jobs and the interview process. The importance of a good résumé and cover letter was explained and examples and templates for these were distributed .The importance of developing interview skills was also discussed with the students. If any student needs assistance with any aspect of this, I am available to help. Below is some further information which may prove helpful.

SCHOOL HOLIDAY COURSES Sydney TAFE is again offering a range of short courses in photography over the summer holidays, for Year 10 and Year 11 students who have a passion for photography and the arts.

Improving the Employment Prospects of Young Australians

Courses run for 6 weeks, starting in December and throughout January, with flexible class times weekdays, evenings and weekends. Centrally located in Ultimo, only a 10minute walk from Central railway station Places are limited, Contact 02 9217 5431 or Email: Web: Facebook: graphy

Employers across Australia, when asked this question by the Department of Employment, outlined what they think is important. The report of the survey findings provides a resource with practical and valuable insights for career advisors and young people looking for work.

Interior Design Taster for High School Students 19 -23 January 2015: This interactive workshop is perfect for a budding Interior Designer or Decorator to learn practical skills and discover what it is like to work in the exciting world of interior design and decoration. Spots are limited, so to avoid disappointment, register at: or call 02 9437 1902

Casual & Part Time Jobs As mentioned to the students, visiting different businesses in their local area to personally distribute their résumé is recommended, however, some potential employers only recruit online. Below are some retailers and fast food chains which accept online applications and expressions of interest. KFC: Coles: McDonalds: Woolworths: rths/home/ As mentioned previously, is another site useful for finding jobs in any area.

The School for Excellence: HSC Summer School Mon 5th to Thu 22nd January, University of Sydney Camperdown Campus This summer school for Year 11 & 12 students is designed to provide students with a head start to Year 11 and Year 12. Students will take part in working through Term 1 materials in advance of school, receive expert notes, learn strategies, and more.

CHANGES TO THE SECONDARY SCHOOLS TAX FILE NUMBER PROGRAM IN 2015 Until now, students have been able to apply for a Tax File Number through the Secondary School TFN Program, which is administered through the school. Unfortunately, the Secondary Schools Tax File Number (TFN) Program will not continue beyond 31

University of Sydney January HSC Preparation Courses University of Sydney offers HSC Preparation Courses throughout the year for a range of subjects,


including Biology, Mathematics, Economics, Physics, and more. A number of courses will be held in January 2015.



DEFENCE FORCES Women In Defence Force talks: Level 4, 9 George Street, Parramatta, 6pm Wednesday 3rd December. To attend the information session email or call 13 19 01.


Women in the Air Force Q&A Recording Corporal Samantha Bartlett and Flight Lieutenant Natalie Pietrobon answered questions about working in the Air Force. Watch to discover the experiences and benefits of working in the Air Force.

School Work Experience at Taronga Zoo Applications for work experience in 2015 close Fri 20th February Taronga Zoo's Work Experience program is for school students who are interested in pursuing a career in zoo keeping, animal care, tourism/education, or zoo horticulture. In the interests of fairness, only one successful applicant per school will be considered and possibly assigned to a Zoo animal division for one week. The program is suitable for school students in years 10, 11 and 12. Contact: 02 9978 4624 or

Defence Jobs: The Mentor – Experience Life as an Engineer in the ADF Follow an engineer and experience what it's like to work in the Australian Defence Force. This online adventure takes you inside the Navy, Army and Air Force, where your duty will be to support missions from your mobile and computer.

Sydney Aquarium: Marine Biologist for a Day Sydney Aquarium, 8.00am – 3.00pm, Wednesdays and Saturdays,


The Marine Biologist for a Day program provides the unique opportunity to experience a day in the life of an expert at SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium. Wednesdays: $250 Saturdays: $280 ine-biologist-for-a-day/

Australian Training Company at 30-32 Pomeroy St, Homebush, ( is holding information sessions where young people can find out about future traineeship and apprenticeship opportunities in a variety of industries. The session will conclude with one-on-one interviews. Apprenticeships: Tuesday 2nd December 2014 and Tuesday 20th January 2015 (9.30 am-12.00pm) Traineeships: Wednesday 3rd December 2014 and Tuesday 20th January 2015 (9.30am- 12.00pm). For more information and to register - Call Kenita on 9704 1500 or

IEP Working Adventures Worldwide Online Information Sessions Taking place on Wednesday 10th December (AEST) Work USA: 5pm – 5:30pm; Work Canada: 5:30pm – 6pm.; Summer Camp USA: 6pm - 6:30pm; Work Britain and Work Britain Visa Kick Start: 6:30pm 7pm. To register for the information session/s visit:

MEGT is currently accepting applications for Apprenticeships and Traineeships for immediate start as well as in 2015. Interested students are encouraged to submit an application. If they do not find the job they are looking for, they can register their interest to be considered for an appropriate position when it becomes available. Or for more information about Apprenticeships and Traineeships, visit

National Institute of Fitness Career Profiles Ideal for anyone interested in a career in the fitness industry, this webpage contains a number of profiles on how to become a fitness professional and what attributes fitness and health organisations are looking for in potential employees.

UNIVERSITY NEWS Most universities are holding an Information Day on 6th January, when prospective students can meet with staff and students and ask questions about courses.


University of Sydney Launch New Scholarships to Find the Next John Bradfield Lend Lease and the University of Sydney have announced a $700,000 scholarship fund to support Sydney's next John Bradfield, designer of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The $700,000 Lend Lease John Bradfield Scholarship Fund will support undergraduate students studying the development of cities, with a special emphasis on encouraging women to study in these fields. The first scholarship will be awarded in 2015, and will be worth a minimum of $10,000 a year for the duration of a student's degree. 98

This is the day before university preferences for 2015 must be finalised through UAC. It is also a great opportunity for students in years 10 to 12 to discover more about university campuses and courses. Macquarie University School Leaver Information Evening Wed 10th December, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Macquarie University, Balaclava Road The School leaver information evening is designed specifically for future students who are going to university directly from high school. The evening is an opportunity to learn more about Macquarie’s outstanding degrees, scholarships, flexibility, support and world-class facilities.


Macquarie University Bridging Courses Macquarie University has a number of bridging courses for students who need prior knowledge in a certain discipline before beginning their undergraduate degree. Mathematics Bridging Course Mon 9th February – Sat 21st February, 10.00am – 9.00pm s-bridging-course/ Chemistry Bridging Course Mon 16th February – Fri 20th February, 9.30am – 3.30pm Physics Bridging Course Mon 16th February – Fri 20th February, 9.30am – 4.30pm

Sydney TAFE Information Sessions Information Technology: Mon 1st December, 2.00pm – 6.00pm, Sydney TAFE, Thomas Street, Ultimo, Building G, Level 1, Room 26 (G1.26) Industrial Design: Wed 3rd December, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Design Centre Enmore, Building C, Level 1 Room 07 (C1.07), 110 Edgeware Rd, Enmore 3D Art and Animation plus concept Art: Wed 3rd December, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Design Centre Enmore, 3D Art and Animation Studio, 110 Edgeware Rd, Enmore Electrical Trades Information and Enrolment Day: Wed 21st January, 10.00am – 6.30pm, St George College, corner of President Avenue and Princes Highway, Kogarah Associate Degree Applied Engineering: Wed 21st January, 6.00pm – 7.30pm, Ultimo College, Building N, Ground Floor, Room 16 (NG.16), Jones Street Mall, off Maryann St, Ultimo

UTS: New Diploma of Design and Architecture Students who miss out on direct entry into design at UTS can study the new Diploma of Design & Architecture at UTS:INSEARCH. Students will receive 36 credit points towards their design degree.

PRIVATE COLLEGES NEWS Academy of Interactive Entertainment: Meet the Experts – Becoming a Film Maker The session goes behind the scenes of a current student project in order to provide participants with a greater understanding of the tools used in the industry and at AIE. The session is available to view at any time.

UNSW Campus Tours UNSW Campus Tours are conducted by highly trained and experienced Student Ambassadors who can provide information about the ins and outs of studying at UNSW. Tours are conducted nearly every Friday throughout the year with tours in 2015 also being conducted at 10am on the first Saturday of each month.

Australian National College of Beauty Open Day Sat 17th January, 235 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont Have fun and learn about the study options available. Contact: 1300 885 385


I can be contacted by phone through the school office or by email:

Macleay College Open Day Sat 17th January, 28 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills Speak to current and past students about course work, internships, job outcomes and life at Macleay College.

The government also offers an advisory service from 18-23 December. - The Careers Advisory Service operates to meet the educational and career counselling needs of students, school leavers and their parents and carers in the period immediately following the release of the HSC results and up to Christmas. In 2014 there will be: Phone-in service this free state-wide service operates from a call centre in Senior Pathways –Secondary Education between 18-19 December and 22-23 December 2014. Telephone 1300 300 687 . E-mail service - this free state-wide service operates from a centre in Senior Pathways –Secondary Education between 18 December and 23 December 2014. Access to the service is through the website

Sydney Aviators Open Day Sun 28th December, 8.30am Half hour trial flights will be available at a cost of $120, as well as an opportunity to learn more about obtaining a Private Pilot Licence. Contact: (02) 9793 8900 21 JMC Academy Open Day Thu 22nd January, Harris Street, Ultimo Speak to staff and students, get an overview of courses and take a campus tour.

IS YOUR CHILD READING THE NEWSLETTER? The newsletter is emailed to the school email address of all students in years 10, 11 and 12. They can access their school email account from home, by going to the school website , click on ‘Contacts’ , ‘senior school address’ and then click on the ‘College webmail’ link: px?replaceCurrent=1&url=https%3a%2f%2fmail.stsp

Actors College of Theatre and Television Auditions Advanced Diploma of Acting for Stage and Screen Auditions: Fri 12th December, Thu 15th January, Fri 16th January Advanced Diploma of Music Theatre Auditions: Wed 10th December, Wed 14th January

Students then enter their username and password to access their emails. It is important that the senior students read the information in the careers column, in order to avoid missing out on news and opportunities related to their futures. Parents’ assistance in this is most welcome!

Myfuture ‘The Adventures of You’ Executive Function Guide The Adventures of You is a new myfuture resource that lets you explore the mental skills that underpin decision making. Known by scientists as executive functions, these skills will have a big impact on your ability to plan, prioritise and make informed decisions. They will remain important because you will use those skills to determine the journey you take to reach your life and career goals.

Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser






On Wednesday the 12th of November, Year 4 left school to go to Deer Park for camp. Year 4 were lucky enough to stay there for 3 DAYS!

The Board of Studies releases the HSC results on Wednesday 17th December at 6am and the ATAR results are released by UAC on Thursday 18th December at 9am. If any student or parent needs assistance at this time, I will be available at school or

We arrived at about 9:30 am. Everyone was so excited for all of the fun activities. The first activity we did when we arrived was the Waterslide. I went on with my best friend Leanna for my first go. Some of my favourite activities were, Rock Climbing, Sand


Bar, constructing and driving Billy Carts and many more.

When it was time for Rock Climbing, my group was chosen to demonstrate to the rest of the class. I was the climber and the other girls were the Safety Crew, helping me climb. We had to communicate in special ways to tell each other what to do. We were also taught how to put a harness on and how to clip the ropes onto a Carabiner, which is a very strong clip that can actually hold the weight of an ELEPHANT! The next activity was the Billy Carts, a strong, metal cart that you had to steer with your feet! We worked in groups of 3 or 4. My group had four people, they were, Leanna, Heleena, Anastasia and ME! Our instructor Zara helped us understand how to put it together. Later on, after we built the carts, we got to ride them. I was the first in my group to ride the cart, and it was REALLY FUN!

MY YEAR 3 SCHOOL CAMP On Thursday the 13th of November, Year 3 went to Deer Park, which is in the Royal National Park, for camp. The teachers we went with were Miss Bletsogiannis, Miss Hogan, Miss Galanis, Mrs Coyne and Mr Dookie.

Another activity we did there was, Wilderness Adventures. Zara, our instructor, gave us a map and a card with a plant on it. It had some facts on the back. The whole activity took about 3 hours. As we were walking, we were discussing the different plants that we saw and what they were used for. We learnt that some could be eaten, some were used for making fires and some were poisonous! Soon after, we stopped and cooked damper around a fire. The damper was delicious!

Firstly, we got on the bus. I sat in the front three seats with my friends Krissy and Sienna. When we got there, we had our welcome. Next, we found out our cabin numbers. I was in cabin 6 with my friends Mia, Amelia, Nicoletta, Sienna, Sophia and Krissy. When we finished putting everything in our cabin, we moved on to the first activity which was fishing. Our bait was squid.

Overall, I really had great time with my friends and can’t wait for our next camp adventure as a class.

Then, we got dressed for the waterslide. At first I was scared, but when I went on it was fun. When we got off the waterslide, we got ready for lunch. For lunch we had sandwiches.

Tiana Natsikas 4T


Nikolas Dimaris, Nicholas Giallafos, Siganakis and Nicholas Notaras.


Secondly, we went to the waterslide for an hour. To get to the top of the waterslide, you have to climb about 500 steps, over and over, and over again! On my twentieth turn, while I was sliding, I started spinning side to side, and then I felt dizzy. Then, we went back to our cabins again to have showers. The next activity, was to study plants called mangroves. We also studied clams, licked salty mangrove leaves, and looked at aboriginal sites. To get there we went on a speed boat. After that, we went pool rafting. Pool rafting is when you build a raft, and then you race with it. In the end, we ended up with a tie. The next and final activity was night walking. During the night walk, we wore insect repellent. Five minutes later, I felt so tired, so I used a walking stick. Soon, it became late, and it was lights out. The very next morning, we ate pancakes for breakfast. Soon came lunch, and we went hiking. It was very steep. When we reached the bush cooking area, we started a very hot fire. Then we put sausages on a stick and cooked them. After we ate, we found a shortcut and went back to the camp site. Overall, I had an awesome time, and I am looking forward to next year’s camp. After that, we went to the mangroves. We got to lick the leaves on a mangrove tree.

Leon Kalyvas 3A

Finally, our last four activities, including Friday’s activities, were pool rafting, night hiking, Christian Discovery and morning hike/cookout. Overall, everybody enjoyed camp, and was sad to leave, but happy to go again next year. Talia Diamond 3A

CAMPING AT DEER PARK – ROYAL NATIONAL PARK On Thursday the 13th of November at 8:15am, Year 3 went on a bus to Deer Park, to go camping for one night. Firstly, we went fishing, and we saw jellyfish and puffer fish. After we finished, we went back to our cabins to get ready for the next activity. In my cabin (cabin 10), my five roommates were Christian Lynch,


I liked Questacon for its fun and the Australian War Memorial because I enjoyed seeing all of the poppies; many were placed on Remembrance Day. I enjoyed the Parliament House Tour and the AIS’s Sportex Zone.

FALLING DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE On the 19th of November, Years 3 and 9 fell down the rabbit hole. The talented Year 9 drama class, put on an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ play just for Year 3. No other grades were there. Luckily, we were chosen as the grade who would become the audience.

Victor Kezalas I thought it was a good experience because I had never been to Canberra before! I was inspired by the Australian Institute of Sport!

In the morning, once I arrived at the Senior School, everyone was playing handball. I started playing gymnastics with Nicoletta and Talia. It was getting hot, so I took off my blazer. Then it was time to go into the theatre. It was a little space. The set was colourful and decorative. The room was dark, and only the stage was lit. I was excited, and wondered what the play would be like.

Efthimia Kollias

During the play, one of the students who was standing on the side of the seats, kept on taking photos of me, because I was laughing extremely hard. The characters in the play were Alice, the Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter and a few more. They were all dressed in funny and interesting costumes. I liked the mad Hatter’s costume the best, because it was colourful like the rainbow. After the play, the students of the Year 9 drama class handed out yummy lollies. I received a strawberry lollypop. I ate it straight away. Then we went outside and walked to the bus. I was sitting next to Jasmin on the way back to school.

Camp was lots of fun especially when we visited iplay. At Parliament House we put into action the work learned in class. I enjoyed Questacon and iplay the most!

Overall, the play was awesome, and I hope they invite us again.

At camp I really enjoyed Questacon; but most of all I enjoyed iplay. At iplay we all had the freedom to choose what games to play and it was an awesome night out!

Dominique Koukos

Amelia Raptis 3A

Angelique Giokas


At camp I loved spending time with my friends in the motel and sharing stories. iplay was also a great experience, along with Questacon which taught me ‘magic.’ I thoroughly enjoyed Questacon-Robotics and the AIS.

I though camp was very enjoyable, a little bit busy but all of the venues were very interesting. I learnt about war and history. At the Robotics Workshop, I learnt that testing was crucial for task success!

Peter Trovas

Sasha Douglas iplay was really lots of fun- I recommend Year 6 go there next year! And Questacon was amazing. The Australian War Memorial was a bit sad and I was reminded, through the Discovery Zone activities, of the role of citizens in wars. Fotoulla Hadjiparaskeva


QUOTES ABOUT CANBERRA CAMP YEAR 6M 2014 On camp I really enjoyed iplay because we played Laser Skirmish, Dodgems and Arcade Games for 2 hours. Vivika Lynch On camp I loved iplay, especially Laser Tag! The accommodation was awesome. Parliament House was also good; the role play of the House of Representatives was enjoyable. George Kalergis Camp was excellent; the robotics workshop, hosted by Questacon, showed me how persistent a scientist must be in his work. The motel was good as a chillout zone too. Peter Ganis iplay was very exciting and a good first night out! The Australian War Memorial was a very moving experience because the number of people who have fought for our freedom is astonishing. For my first visit to Canberra I have been inspired to go there again because it was such great fun! Steven Mangafas I like visiting Parliament House and touring the chambers of the cabinet. I enjoyed participating in the HOR role-play. At Questacon I went on the Freefall and it wasn’t really that scary. Also, the light tunnel that tested my balance was so awesome! Lisa Stamoulis


The experience of the rotating cinema at the entry of the National Museum of Australia was something new! We like the Australian Institute of Sport activity zone called Sportex. The diorama at the Exhibition Centre was neat and informative. But most of all we loved, iplay and Questacon! Roza Papas and Samantha Economou Since I have visited Canberra before, I had been to many venues in the past. However, it was very different visiting the same places with my friends. I got to experience role-playing a minister of the government. I loved touring the AIS training facilities as it was new and exciting! I found the details in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier interesting. Panagiota Kappatos



MILO T20 Cricket Competition On Monday 10th November, the Year 3 and Year 4 students went to Coral Sea Park to take part in the ‘NSW Cricket MILO T20 Blast Cup Championships.’ The other schools which took part in the event were St Therese and Emanuel School.


GIRLS ISA BASKETBALL 2014 At the completion on Round 6 the girls Basketball teams have had mixed results with many close results and most importantly plenty of development in their skills. Congratulations to all girls who are participating in school sport as often these are the most cherished and enjoyable moments of school life. Their dedication to training and attendance at games is to be commended and hopefully the girls can continue this positive approach in 2015 with the back end of the season.

We were put into groups of boys and girls. Each group had about six or seven players. After the groups were formed, we played four rounds of cricket. The different teams from the three schools versed each other. After our rounds of cricket, we had a high catching competition. One person from each team was chosen to try and catch the ball. Natalia Constantinidis from 3A was the winner out of all the girls. The boy winner was from St Therese. As their prize, they received one hundred packets of MILO!

Placings after Round 6 are as follows: Open B’s- Currently in 3rd Position Open C’s- Currently in 4th Position Inter B’s – Currently in 3rd Position Junior B’s- Currently in 3rd Position Junior C’s- Currently in 4th Position Junior D’s- Currently in 6th Position

Towards the end of the day, three players from the Australian Women’s Cricket team signed autographs for the students, and posed for photos. They were, Jessica Cameron, Erin Osborne and Julie Hunter.

Members of the Junior teams have included a recount of their last two games.

It was a fun and exciting day. The students learnt new cricket skills, how to play fairly, and how to show good sportsmanship. Overall, it was a successful day.

Year 8 Junior B’s On the 15th November, the Year 8 Junior B team headed to Bowral where we played Oxley College. After a long and tiring bus trip we arrived at Oxley College ready and excited for the game. Our teamwork was sensational and as a result we were successful, winning 22-20. Our passionate coach, Mr Contominas agreed that it was the best he had seen us play and he expects us to preform like that continuously. We kept up our winning streak against Redlands College. After a nail biting start, we stepped up and won 39-15. Our team work played a big part in our win. Our determination and concentration was important in our success this year and we can’t wait to do the same as the competition continues next year. Carissa Frazis

29 Thomas Pambris 3A

of us had played basketball before. Hopefully next year we can have better luck!!

Year 7 Junior C’s The first 6 rounds of ISA basketball has been a valuable learning experience for the Junior C’s basketball team. For the majority of the team, it is the first time we have played competitive basketball. We are playing well and with the help of our experienced coach, Mr Vergotis, we are learning the rules and skills of basketball quickly. Unfortunately we have only won two games so far, but most of the games have been very close. As we get better at executing baskets and playing as a team, our results should improve. In round 5, we played St Andrews. We were behind for most of the game but well in the 2nd half to catch up and unfortunately, we lost by only 2 points. Last week in round 6, we won by a forfeit against Chevalier. Thank you to our coach Mr Vergotis and Mrs Kefalouros for all of their hard work and their time, especially on Saturdays. With their help and extra practice, we should improve and win more games next year. Anthea Condous

Kalioppe Mentis

GIRLS FUTSAL As mentioned previously, selected girls were participating in a Girls Futsal competition held at Indoor Central each Friday night. The aim was to develop their futsal skills to become more competitive. The girls were previously entered in the School Futsal Regional competition earlier this year and were unable to score a goal, however, with hard work and perseverance the girls have not only managed to score many goals but they have finished in first position. They will be playing in the Semifinals this Friday at Indoor Central and if successful will qualify for the Grand Final. Many thanks must go to Mr Kaldis for taking his time out each lunch time and each Friday night to help in the development of girls’ soccer.

Year 7/ 8 Junior D’s On the 15th November the Junior D’s caught the bus to Bowral to verse Oxley College. We started off the game really well as our defence was great. Unfortunately Oxley got the better of us and the final score was 46-6. The next week we versed Redland in the SPACe. Our game play was fantastic. Both defence and offence was great and we were continually winning the ball. The other team were taller, faster and more aggressive than us and they won 26-10. Even though we lost our team has come a long way seeing as none


good results in the New Year, we will be in a position to contest a semi-final. For most of the boys it has been a new experience playing competitive basketball for the first time. That said we are all very proud to be committed to the schools sporting programme and in representing the College.

BOYS ISA BASKETBALL 2014 -2015 The completed Round 6 fixtures for basketball mark the end of the basketball Saturday sport programme for 2014. All games will be resuming in 2015 on Saturday 31st January 2015.

Connor Giavis Year 7

All boys teams have been playing very well throughout the year, not only have they applied themselves in training but they have also been very impressive on game day applying themselves and the skills they are learning to help improve their performance. The standings on the points table indicate that all the competitions are very close, and with 4 regular games remaining the boys will need to put together polished performances if they are to feature in the semi-finals and finals. A reminder to all the St Spyridon community that points tables can be found on the ISA website For this final newsletter article the students have arranged to include a short review of last week’s game as well as a review of the season to date. On a personal note I would like to commend all the boys on their excellent sportsmanship and determination throughout the year. I would also like to thank all the parents/guardians support in managing the duties on Saturdays when we host other schools. This years Boys basketball programme continues to grow and the ultimate team goal is to try and seek progression into Division 2 of the ISA competition, a difficult challenge that collectively all the teams need to contribute to. Winning finals is only one measure of success. The most important one is the team effort in trying to seek promotion as a school. U 13 White Last Saturday 22nd November 2014, the U13 boys White team played against St Pius X College in the last game of the year. It was a close encounter and we were behind on the score board for nearly all the game. That said, we managed to stay close on the score board and with 30 seconds remaining in the game Spiros Zafiropoulos was fouled after driving into the basket. Spiros went to the free throw line and scored one of his two shots helping the team to a one point victory in the last game of the year. So far throughout the season we have played 6 games, with 4 wins and 2 losses placing the team in a very good position in the overall ladder. With more


Overall in 2014 the U14 Blue team has played to their best of the abilities. The U14 Blue team have achieved 3 wins and 2 losses, giving the team hope that we can make the semi-finals second year running. Mark Mikhailov

U13 Blue On Saturday 22nd November 2014, the U13 Blue team played against St Pius X College. This was our best game this year, winning 38-0. The team’s defensive effort was most impressive. All the boys were very happy as our hard work at training was paying off.

U15 White On the 22nd of November, St Spyridon College 15’s White played St Pius X College, it was a close game throughout the match. Both teams were working hard until the end. Unfortunately we missed too many easy baskets in the dying moments of the game resulting in our second loss of the year. The team will now need to work on our accuracy in shooting in order to rectify this weakness.

This year we have made great progress as a team. All the boys are having fun, thanks to the supportive teachers, excellent coaches and great team spirit. Christopher Matsoukis U14 White On Saturday the U14 White team defeated the St Pius X College 58-43. In the first half we struggled defensively with too many team fouls. During the final stages of the game Alexandros Gousetis with quick dribble moves and unstoppable drives to the baskets helped to sway the outcome of the game our way. He was by far the MVP of the game scoring 24 points.

Despite losing all the boys need to be happy with their performance considering we were 2 boys down for this game. Panos Bounos U 15 Blue It has been a great season for the U15 Blues team. We have been undefeated this year which is a major improvement from last season considering we only won one game. We have improved as a team and our team work has definitely paid off. We are extremely proud of our performances and the effort we have all put in week after week. Our coach Mr Condous has helped all the boys reach their potential and we would not be having as much fun as we do without Mr Condous leading the team. Michael Constantopedos

As a team we will look back at the game and know that we need to improve our team defence and fast break transition. Although we have won all our games this season we know that we need to continue to improve in order to achieve back to back titles. Yiannis Lekkas

U17 Last week the U17 boys played against St Pius X College, they were a very strong team defeating us in the final score. Everyone in the team played well but unfortunately we lost. The team wanted to thank Kosta Baratsas for helping us in trying to work better as a team. Whilst not successful on the weekend we all enjoyed the game. To date we have had a very enjoyable season winning 1 out of the 6 games played to date. Our team is slowly making gains in improving our performance, the boys have developed strong bonds and are enjoying the opportunity that allows all the Year 10 boys to play as a team. Yianni Baratsas, Peter Magoulias and Manuel Margelis

U14 Blue The U14 Blue team struggled on Saturday against St Pius X College due to our new defensive approach. We played a man on man defence structure. In the end we lost the game 23-22, our defence was not what it should have been, but our attack was also lacking in comparison with other weeks.


Open Boys This year’s ISA Opens basketball team has had a great number of successful games. Most of the boys in this team have played for the school since Year 7, being a part of the Opens team last year winning both the Greek Orthodox games and the ISA competition. Last week we travelled to St Pius X College, where we continued our good form with another win, ending the Term in success after losing by one point the game before against Blue Mountains Grammar, who we defeated last year in the finals after a great comeback. Kyriakos Kladakis, from Year 9 has proved he deserves his spot in the Opens after his countless consistent performances. The Captain, Adonis Tsoustas has been able to lead the team to second place for this term winning 4 of the 6 games. A special thank you to our coach Theodore Koulouriotis, who has contributed to the great success achieved by the Open teams over the past two seasons. Michael Savic On a final note I would like to commend all the Coaches and staff for their support, help and encouragement in making the 2014 Basketball year a great success. To all families an email has been forwarded in regards to the first game back next season. Wishing all families a healthy, joyous, peaceful festive Christmas and Happy New Year. Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)




Saturday 31st January Saturday7th February Friday 13th February Saturday 14th February Monday 16th February Friday 20th February Saturday 21st February Saturday 28th February Saturday 7th March Wednesday 11th March Monday 16th March Thursday 19th March Saturday 21st March Thursday 2nd April Friday 3rd April Monday 6th April Friday 10th April Sunday 12th April

Round 7 Basketball Round 8 Basketball SACS Swimming Invitational- Drummoyne Pool Round 9 Basketball ISA Boys and Girls Basketball Trials U16-U18 Nominations to Coordinators of Sport for Consideration St Spyridon College Swimming Carnival – Des Renford Aquatic Centre, Maroubra Round 10 Basketball Basketball Semi Finals Penrith Sports Stadium Basketball Finals Penrith Sports Stadium ISA Swimming Carnival – Homebush Aquatic Centre Proposed Sports Meeting 6pm-7pm SPACe Open Boys and Girls dinner ISA Cross Country Carnival – Bowral Term ends Western Good Friday - Public Holiday Western Easter - Public Holiday Orthodox Good Friday Orthodox Easter


Wednesday 29th April Boys and Girls ISA Representative Football Trials for U16-U18 boys and girls Saturday 2nd May Round 1 Boys and Girls Football/ Netball th th th Wed 6 , Thur 7 and Fri 8 May Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event Friday 8th May ISA Girls Netball Trials – OPENS Saturday 9th May Round 2 Boys and Girls Football/ Netball Saturday 16th May Round 3 Boys and Girls Football/ Netball Saturday 23rd May Round 4 Boys and Girls Football/ Netball Monday 30th May Round 5 Boys and Girls Football/ Netball Saturday 13th June Round 6 Boys and Girls Football/ Netball Friday 19th June Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 13th July Saturday 18th July Tuesday 21st July Saturday 25th July Saturday 1st August Saturday 8th August Saturday 15th August Saturday 22nd August Thursday 27th August Saturday 29th August Wednesday 2nd September Saturday 5th September Saturday 8th September Thursday 17th September Friday 18th September

Staff Development Day Round 7 Boys and Girls Football/ Netball St Spyridon College School Athletics carnival – Hensley Athletics Field Round 8 Boys and Girls Football/ Netball Round 9 Boys and Girls Football/ Netball Round 10 Boys and Girls Football/ Netball ISA Boys and Girls Football/ Netball Semi Finals ISA Boys and Girls Football/ Netball Finals Open Boys and Girls Football/ Netball Dinner Invitational Athletics – ES Marks Half day Athletics Squad training – Hensley Athletics track and Field Proposed Alumni Sports day 2015- Men and Women ISA Athletics Carnival – Sydney Olympic Park Sports Presentation Evening- SPACe Term ends for Staff and students

TERM 4 Monday 5th October Saturday 17th October Saturday 24th October Saturday 31st October Saturday 7th November Saturday 14th November Saturday 21st November Thursday 3rd December Friday 4th December

Public Holiday Round 1 Boys and Girls Basketball for season 2015- 2016 Round 2 Boys and Girls Basketball for season 2015- 2016 Round 3 Boys and Girls Basketball for season 2015- 2016 Round 4 Boys and Girls Basketball for season 2015- 2016 Round 5 Boys and Girls Basketball for season 2015- 2016 Round 6 Boys and Girls Basketball for season 2015- 2016 Term ends for students Staff Development day









2015 DATES

Monday 26th January 2015

Australia Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 27 January 2015 Wednesday 28th January 2015 Thursday 29th January 2015 Friday 30th January 2015

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Wednesday 25th March 2015

Annunciation. School Closed


Thursday 2nd April 2015

Term ends

Friday 3rd April 2015 Monday 6th April 2015

Western Good Friday - Public Holiday Western Easter - Public Holiday

Friday 10th April 2015 Sunday 12th April 2015

Orthodox Good Friday Orthodox Easter


Monday 20th April 2015 Tuesday 21st April 2015

Staff Development Day Students return

Monday 8th June 2015

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 19th June 2015

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 13th July 2015 Tuesday 14th July 2015

Staff Development Day Students return

Friday 18th September 2015

Term ends for Staff and students

TERM 4 Monday 5th October 2015

Public Holiday

Tuesday 6 October 2015 Wednesday 7th October 2015

Staff Development day Students return

Thursday 3rd December 2015 Friday 4th December 2015

Term ends for students Staff Development day



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