News 138 2a 2015

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VOLUME XXXII No 2 19th February, 2015



FEBRUARY Swimming Carnival SS


Lent begins


ACER Scholarship exam Year 7 2016


Let us fast an acceptable and very pleasing fast to the Lord. True fasting is the estrangement from evil, temperance of tongue, abstinence from anger, separation from desires, slander, falsehood and perjury. Privation of these is true fasting.

Καλή Σαρακοστή

ACER Scholarship Exam Year 11 2016


Swimming Carnival JS (Years 3 – 6)


Independent Schools Expo 7th & 8th

ISA Swimming Carnival


25 March Celebrations


Annunciation School closed


Year 12 Half Yearly Exams begin




St Basil the Great


University of Sydney



We wish our students and their families peace and strength in their spiritual preparations for Easter as we enter the period of Great Lent. It is tradition that the Prayer of St Ephraim is recited every morning by our students and staff. We share this prayer with our parents as it embodies the essence of Greek Orthodox Great Lent.

Twilight Tours SS Information Morning JS


APRIL Term ends


Public Holiday – Western Good Friday


Western Easter Palm Sunday


Orthodox Easter


Staff Development Day


Students return Term 2


Anzac Day


Lord and Master of my life, give me not a spirit of idleness, meddling, love of power and idle talk. But grant me, your servant, a spirit of soberness, humility, patience and love. Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults , and not condemn my brother; for blessed are you to the ages of ages. Amen.

MAY National Schools Event NAPLAN

6th – 8th 12th – 14th

School Photos SS


Appreciating Culture Lecture






Committee Members: Afro Barmakellis, Mary Baroutis, Poppy Kostantakis, Kathy Mastroperos, Margaret Nicholson, Harris Stamos, George Tsoukalas, Ana Winnel, Eleni Roumanous, Krystal Papadopoulos.


Term 1 fees and Sport Curriculum fees are due on or before 20th February, 2015.

TRIVIA NIGHT: 21st February, 2015 Put your thinking caps on! Countless prizes and surprises! 7:00pm St Spyridon Church Hall

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.


Tickets contact: Erenie Bourdaniotis: 0410-318053 Anna Stamoulis: 0405 683320 Maria Karedis: 0403 346942

Our Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, 17th February. In attendance were, The Very Rev. Father Steven Scoutas, Parish President Mr Phillips, Head of College Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag, Principals Mrs Katsogiannis and Mrs Synesios. We were pleased to see previous parents and new parents, attending the AGM and we welcome you all! As per the P&F Constitution, the outgoing President, Mrs Stamoulis, automatically takes the position of Vice President.

Mrs Angela Vergotis Asst. Secretary

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT Whilst we have been at school for only four short weeks, so much has already happened in this time to build relationships and foster learning. As we do every year, we commenced with Divine Liturgy and Agiasmos (Blessing) where we prayed for the health, safety and wisdom of the Reverend Father, teachers, students, parents, the Greek Orthodox family and our Australian community. The support of you, our parents, working alongside teachers, is critical to the success of each student and it was an absolute joy to see you all at the recent Parent Information Evenings. If you were unable to attend, please see your classroom teacher for the handout.

Parish President Mr Phillips addresses the P & F AGM It is with pleasure, that we announce our P&F Committee for 2015:

I share the following photos with you.

President: Erenie Bourdaniotis Vice President: Anna Stamoulis Secretary: Angela Kasmas Assistant Secretary: Angela Vergotis Treasurer: Kim Georgas Assistant Treasurer: Joanna Coutts Executive Committee Members: Rita Georges, Angela Giaras, Maria Karedis, Christine O’Reilly, Georgina Panselinos, Maria Pascalis, Diana Valmas,


CORRECTION The house captains of Olympians are Valandi Michael and Dimitra Katsidis.

SAFETY FIRST It only takes a split second for an accident to occur. I remind all parents and grandparents to exercise EXTREME caution as they approach and leave the school. Legally park your car and walk your child into school. Please follow rules regarding the flow of traffic and be mindful of our neighbours by not blocking driveways. Supervision commences at 8:15am. Any child that is left unattended before this time will be taken to Before School Care and parents will be billed. The safety and wellbeing of our students is of utmost importance.

PARENT CONDUCT Our School takes pride in providing children with a safe, family environment, in which everyone models respect for others. Parents and all adults have a responsibility to model this in their conduct towards each other. Please ensure that you treat everyone with the courtesy and respect you expect from others. We do not like to be approached about incidents where good manners and tolerance have been forgotten.

COCURRICULAR Cocurricular commences next Tuesday 24th February for all activities except Robotics which will commence 30th February. Lists and rooms are available in the undercroft area.


Annunciation on the 10th of February 2015. The students noted that one of the highlights of the evening was when the legal practitioners entered the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation dressed in their robes. The procession to the Cathedral was led by the Chief Justice of New South Wales, the Hon. Tom Bathurst AC, and commenced from the Rectory of the Archdiocese. Year 12 Legal Studies students also had the opportunity to speak with prominent legal professionals who wished them well for their Higher School Certificate examinations.

Please ensure you arrive by 4:25pm to collect your child.

UNIFORM All students will be required to wear the new broad-brimmed hat to the 25th of March commemoration. Years 3–6 will be required to have the coloured cap and t–shirt for the swimming carnival. These will need to be purchased no later than the 4th of March.

MINDQUEST (Gifted and Talented Program) St George Girls HS Victoria St Kogarah On Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 March 2015 the 74th NSW Talent Enrichment Weekend MindQuest will be held for primary students from Years 1-6 at St George Girls HS. These include gifted and talented students, gifted underachievers and students with above average ability with a special interest. Students will have an opportunity to participate in over 38 exciting, fast paced courses in the two day program. They include courses in chemistry, earth sciences, drama, lego robotics, art and much, much more. Many of these highly successful courses have been run in the past and student’s evaluations suggest that they have been challenged and enriched by the experience. The cost of the weekend is $180 (including GST).

Mrs D. Pavlakis Legal Studies Teacher

REMINDER A reminder to all parents and guardians that the Senior School does not hand out Panadol to students. They may bring their own if required.

Contact your school for a brochure or Shelagh Poray 02 4232 2494 Closing Date: Friday 6 March 2015


Mrs A. Synesios Principal

Mr Meintanis and Mr Zafiropoulos attended a function in honour of the Socceroos coach Ange Postecoglou.

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT OPENING OF LAW TERM GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE Students of the Year 12 Legal Studies class together with Mr P. Meintanis and myself attended the 32nd Annual Pan-Orthodox Church Service to mark the opening of the Law Term for 2015. The service was held at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the


aside for silent reading. PRC books can be borrowed from the school and other local community libraries.

MOBILE PHONES - REMINDER At the Senior School mobile phones are not essential and are not to be used during the school day. If parents need to contact their child they are to ring the Office. No responsibility will be taken by the College for mobiles that are damaged, lost or stolen.



On Monday, 23rd February, 2015, a special whole day event ‘Year 7 Friendship Program’ will be held to assist Year 7 students with their transition to the Senior School. The program will be facilitated by ‘Burn Bright’ - an organization that prides itself on providing leadership and characterbased programs that create a positive atmosphere where all students feel valued and prepared for the future.

Students are not to use phones to take photographs, videos or to record any person or persons without their express permission. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




The Year 7 Friendship Program will be fun, interactive and skill-based with the content made relevant through activities, multimedia, video-clips and an engaging facilitation team. Students will be required to wear their sports uniform on this day. There will be no formal lesson.

Efforts will release Its Reward Only After You Refuse To Quit

Year 7 Friendship Day will be held in the SPACe from 8.30 a.m. – 3.05 p.m. Students should bring/supply their own recess and lunch. The cost: $30 per student, should by now have been paid to the office. If not please ensure this is done as soon as possible.

During the past weeks a number of our younger Middle School students would have faced a number of challenges. These may have been in the classroom, on the sporting field, or even with friends. Irrespective of the setting or circumstance, invaluable lessons are always there to be learnt, the trick is to acknowledge, reflect, learn and then move on accordingly.

YEAR 12 SURVIVAL DAY On Wednesday Year 12 had a wonderful day working together under the guidance of the Burn Bright Organization to strengthen their relationships, work on strategies to be resilient and consider their personal effectiveness. Some Key messages included: Think We not Me; Strong Relationships = Strong Performance, Celebrate Diversity, Support Each Other.

PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE (PRC) All Middle School students are encouraged to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. This event requires students to read as many books as they can from now until the end of September. If 20 books or more are read (15 from the PRC list and 5 of a students’ own choosing), students qualify for a PRC Certificate. Reading should be part of every student’s after school routine as it helps improve overall literacy. Words are the foundation stones of every course and subject. By improving literacy through consistent reading, students will have greater opportunity to strengthen their engagement with lesson content. To encourage and remind everyone, 15 minutes of most Pastoral Care lessons is set


PREPARING FOR THE NEW SRC In the coming weeks students will begin to explore leadership concepts in the lead up to speech giving and voting for the Student Representative Council at the end of week 6. Next week Prefects will speak to Year 7 Pastoral Care groups about Leadership and SRC nominations will occur. All nominees across the Middle School and Year 10 will be required to write a speech which they will present before their Home Room class in week 6. The 2015 elected SRC members will officially be announced soon after and then presented with their badges at a special assembly later this term.

PAST STUDENTS SHARE THEIR HSC EXPERIENCES with YEAR 12, 2015 Last week Year 12 were privileged to hear the reflections and advice of some of our recent HSC graduates about their HSC year. This peer to peer exchange is a valuable part of our Pastoral Care Program as it provides honest and practical commentary and tips about the road ahead. Thank you to Eleni Mavrolefteros and Anthony Vasili (2014 HSC) for your valuable contributions and Ms O’Shea and Ms Kalithrakas for arranging this.

ELEVATE SEMINARS BEGIN The first of a series of ‘Academic Skills’ seminars were given last week. This year most year groups will have three or more of these delivered by the acclaimed Elevate Education Group during Pastoral Care lessons. Seminars will focus on such topics as Time Management, Memory and Mnemonics, Exam Preparation and Techniques, Research and Presentation Skills, and Careers to name just a few.

PANTENE BEAUTIFUL LENGTHS PROGRAM My name is Florence Georges. For women fighting cancer, losing their hair is a traumatising ordeal to go through. As one breast cancer survivor put it, “It was very hard when my hair started falling out. It really takes away who you are when you look in the mirror." After reading this, it motivated me to


biggest and most important fundraiser held in March every year. The money raised through volunteers and sponsors enables the foundation to provide free services to support Australian families battling blood cancer, for example, cover the costs associated with the transportation between chemotherapy sessions, the renting of houses close to the city hospitals, counselling. Money is also invested in research to improve treatments and find cures for blood cancer.

help people battling hair loss as a side effect of chemotherapy. I thought donating my hair to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths Program was a great initiative and a wonderful way to help women going through cancer feel confident again. After growing my hair out, I cut 30cm off while it was tied in a ponytail. I then sent it to Beautiful Lengths through the mail so it could be part of the wig making process. It takes 6-8 ponytails to create one wig.

People who volunteer for ‘The World’s Greatest Shave’ can either shave, cut or colour their hair. Currently I have a month left to raise as much money as I can for the Leukaemia Foundation to help those with blood cancer. I am proud to say that so far over $500 has been donated by family, friends, and peers and school.

Many women with cancer say that putting on a wig helps them feel like themselves again. All of the wigs created by the Beautiful Lengths Program are provided to women undergoing cancer treatment, free of charge. I encourage anyone who is cutting more than 20cm of their hair to consider donating it to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths Program.

Once my hair has been cut and the money has been handed in I will then donate my actual hair to Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths Program which takes donated long hair and makes it into wigs. The wigs are then made available to women who have cancer and lost their hair due to chemotherapy. The reason I have decided to do all this is because these are both worthy causes. I wanted to make a difference and help spread awareness. To find out more about these organisations and fundraising yourself, or if you would like to sponsor me for the World’s Greatest Shave please click the link below. mentis

Florence Georges Year 9

MY CONTRIBUTION TO WORLD’S GREATEST SHAVE AND BEAUTIFUL LENGTHS My name is Kalliopi Mentis from Year 9 and would like to tell you about two organizations and activities I am involved with. Firstly, I am being sponsored to cut 30cm from my hair, which I have been growing for the past three years, in order to participate in ‘The World’s Greatest Shave’. My hair is currently a metre long, so cutting it is a kind of a big deal. For those of you who may not know, ‘The World’s Greatest Shave’ is the Leukaemia foundation’s

Kalliopi Mentis Year 9 Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School




μετά, το βράδυ συνήθως βγαίνω έξω, είτε σε πάρτι ή σε καμιά καφετερία. Την Κυριακή μαζεύεται όλη η οικογένειά μου στο σπίτι της γιαγιάς και του παππού μου και τρώμε, μιλάμε και περνάμε πάρα πολύ ωραία! Μετά γυρίζω πίσω σπίτι και τελειώνω τα μαθήματά μου.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θέλουμε πρώτ’ απ’ όλα να σας κάνουμε γνωστό ότι οι αιτήσεις για το «Πιστοποιητικό Ελληνομάθειας» έχουν ανοίξει κι έχουμε διορία μέχρι τις 10 / 3 /2015 για να τις συμπληρώσουμε και να τις υποβάλουμε. Για όσους ενδιαφέρονται οι αιτήσεις μπορούν να καταβληθούν και ηλεκτρονικά.

Επιπλέον, μ’ αρέσουν πολύ τα ταξίδια και έχω πάει σε πολλές χώρες όπως Ελλάδα, Κύπρο, Ιταλία, Γαλλία, Αγγλία, Κροατία, Αίγυπτο και άλλες. Σε όσες χώρες και να πάω όμως ποτέ δεν θα βρω άλλη πόλη που θα την αγαπώ όσο αγαπώ το Σύδνεϋ! Έχει απεριόριστα πράγματα να κάνεις εδώ. Έχει τα καλύτερα εστικατόρια να πας να φας, όμορφες και καθαρές θάλασσες, ωραία καταστήματα για να αγοράσεις ρούχα, παπούτσια ή ό,τι θέλεις. Επίσης, αν σου αρέσει να βγαίνεις έξω, το Σύδνεϋ είναι tο κατάλληλο μέρος για σένα! Έχει χίλιους τόπους να πας ό,τι ώρα και να είναι!

Αυτή τη φορά θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μιας μαθήτριας της Β΄ Λυκείου. Απαντάει σε γράμμα που έχει λάβει από μια νέα – ηλεκτρονική – φίλη της, την Αλεξάνδρα. Καλά να περνάτε! Κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Σύδνεϋ, 6 Φεβρουαρίου, 2015 Αλεξάνδρα γεια σου, Χάρηκα πάρα πολύ όταν ήρθε το γράμμα σου και χαίρομαι ακόμη παραπάνω που σε έχω γνωρίσει. Μου φαίνεσαι αρκετά καλή κοπέλα και θα ήθελα να συνεχίσουμε να μιλούμε.

Τώρα, όσον αφορά τους ανθρώπους, αναμφίβολα είναι οι πιο φιλόξενοι που έχω συναντήσει στα ταξίδια μου μέχρι τώρα. Είναι πάντα πρόθυμοι να σε βοηθήσουν σε ό,τι χρειαστείς και δεν είναι καθόλου ρατσιστές. Έχω πολλά ακόμη να σου γράψω, αλλά με περιμένει η μητέρα μου να φύγουμε για ψώνια. Απάντησέ μου σύντομα σε παρακαλώ και πες μου για τους φίλους σου και τα νέα σου γενικά.

Όπως ξέρεις, με λένε Χριστίνα, θα κλείσω τα δεκαέξι μου στις 25 Μαϊου και μένω στο Σύδνεϋ εδώ και δεκαπέντε χρόνια. Είμαι κοντή, μικροκαμωμένη και έχω καστανά μαλλιά και καστανά μάτια.

Τα φιλιά μου Χριστίνα

Το σπίτι μου βρίσκεται κοντά στο κέντρο της πόλης και μένω μαζί με τους γονείς μου, την μικρότερη αδερφή μου και τον μεγαλύτερό μου αδερφό. Ο αδερφός μου έχει ήδη τελειώσει το σχολείο και μπήκε σ’ ένα από τα καλύτερα πανεπιστήμια της Αυστραλίας.

Christy Kyriakides Year 11


Μπορώ να πω ότι είμαι αρκετά καλή στα μαθήματά μου και προετοιμάζομαι να πάω στο πανεπιστήμιο UTS και να σπουδάσω Οικονομικά. Είμαι επίσης κοινωνικός και έμπιστος άνθρωπος. Όλες οι φίλες μου, μου έχουν εμπιστοσύνη και θέλω να ξέρεις ότι μπορείς και εσύ να μου έχεις εμπιστοσύνη και να είσαι σίγουρη ότι δεν θα τα πω κανενός, αυτά που μου λες εσύ.


I receive many enquiries about applying for Tax File Numbers, which are needed for parttime employment as well as for University. Up until the end of 2014, applications could be processed through the schools, however this has now changed. Please read the information below: TAX FILE NUMBER: APPLICATION PROCESS HAS CHANGED

Τα Σαββατοκύριακα τα περνώ κάνοντας διάφορα πράγματα. Αφού αγαπώ πάρα πολύ το χορό, πηγαίνω μαθήματα χορού κάθε Σάββατο, από το πρωί μέχρι το μεσημέρι και

A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems.

8 503983827/key-dates-for-2015

The Australian Tax Office has changed the process for students applying for a Tax File Number (TFN). Schools are no longer able to process TFN application forms!

UNSW ENGINEERING WORK EXPERIENCE: JUNE 15-19 For Year 10 students: Students in Year 10 who are interested in Engineering as a possible future career are encouraged to register for this opportunity, which is being run in the last week of Term 2. Places are limited. Students should see me as soon as possible if they wish to attend.

The new process involves students completing an online application form and then visiting an Australia Post Office outlet to have their identity verified. To apply for a TFN students need to visit After they have completed this form students will need to print their application summary and take this together with proof of identity documents to an Australia Post outlet. This must be done within 30 days of completing the online form.

Engineers Australia: Career Expos Sydney: Wed 4th March, 2.30pm – 5.00pm, Sydney Masonic Centre (Conference & Function Centre) Level 1, 66 Goulburn Street. The Careers Expo aims to guide, educate and develop future engineers. Attendees can expect to get information from over 25 exhibitors, speak to individuals about resumes and interview skills, and also connect with industry leaders.

Information on the type of Proof of Identity documents that can be used can be found at ntity


Engineers Australia: 2015 Autumn School of Engineering Mon 13th – Fri 17th April (during school holidays) Sydney Metropolitan high school students will meet and interact with professional engineers employed by government, private companies, researchers and academics in a wide range of engineering disciplines. Students will attend lectures at NSW universities and participate in industrial visits, enabling them to see the different engineering disciplines at work. Contact: Katrina Meggitt on 02 9410 5613 or

There are many upcoming events which should be of interest to students and parents: UNSW Future Students: Key Dates 2015 Medicine Information Evening: Thu 12th March Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evening: Mon 4th May Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evening: Tue 12th May Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evening: Thu 14th May Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evening: Thu 21st May Engineering and Science Information Evening: Thu 11th June A Day @UNSW: Thu 25th June Scholarships Information Evening: Wed 15th July

TSFX: Succeeding in the HSC – Free Program Sat 21st February, University of Sydney (Camperdown) Learn proven systems that can improve results and discover the most effective, time-saving learning techniques that will reduce procrastination, boost confidence and motivate students to excel in the HSC. Available for students in Years 11 and 12.

UNSW Open Day: Sat 5th September A Day @ UNSW: Thu 24th November (all Year 10 students are booked for this date) A Day @ UNSW: Thu 10th December A Day @ UNSW: Fri 11th December

9 TSFX: Year 12 Mid-Year Exam Revision Lectures Sat 7th March – Sun 15th March, University of Sydney (Camperdown) Presented by some of best teachers across the state, students will learn about simple and time efficient revision methods, extend their knowledge taught at school, study vital examination strategies and be highlighted to classical errors made by students. Lectures are offered in Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English, English Advanced, English Standard, General Mathematics, Mathematics and Physics.

Administration (Brisbane, Melbourne, North Sydney) Bachelor of Biomedical Science/Bachelor of Applied Public Health (Brisbane, Melbourne, North Sydney and Strathfield)

These degrees are still subject to final approval.,_in stitutes_and_centres/health_sciences/course_u pdates/new_undergrad_double_degrees_for_2 016 Applying to the Australian Defence Force Academy It is advised that students wishing to study at ADFA apply in Year 11 as it is a competitive selection process which may take up to 12 months to complete. Gaining entry to ADFA is a dual process which requires students to apply directly to the Australian Defence Force while also applying concurrently to UNSW ADFA through UAC.

Free MedStart Seminar – ‘Secrets of Getting into Medicine’ Chatswood: Sat 21st February, 4.15pm – 6.30pm Epping: Sun 1st March, 4.15pm – 6.30pm Hurstville: Sat 14th March, 4.15pm – 6.30pm Chatswood: Sat 21st March, 4.15pm – 6.30pm Epping: Sun 29th March, 4.15pm – 6.30pm Staff from MedStart will explain and demonstrate what UMAT is, how it’s structured and what to expect when sitting the exam.

An offer to study at ADFA is conditional to meeting the academic requirements of UNSW as well as the mental and physical requirements of the Australian Defence Force. /howToApply/admissionProcess.aspx Defence Jobs Australia Information Sessions Canberra – Gap Year: Tue 10th February, 6.00pm, 64 Northbourne Avenue Parramatta – Army Reserve: Tue 10th February, 6.30pm, 9 George Street Parramatta – ADF Fitness: Wed 11th February, 6.30pm, 9 George Street Newcastle – Trade Careers: Thu 12th February, 6.00pm, 528 Hunter Street Parramatta – Health Careers: Thu 12th February, 6.30pm, 9 George Street Parramatta – Officer: Mon 16th February, 6.30pm, 9 George Street Canberra – Australian Defence Force Academy: Tue 17th February, 6.00pm, 64 Northbourne Avenue Nowra – Trade Careers: Wed 18th February, 6.00pm, 157 Junction Street Canberra – Officer: Tue 24th February, 6.00pm, 64 Northbourne Avenue Wollongong – Australian Defence Force Academy: Tue 24th February, 25 Atchison St

CPA Australia Career Expos 2015 Canberra: Tue 17th March, 5.30pm – 8.00pm Sydney: Tue 24th March, 5.30pm – 8.00pm Gain access to information about careers within the accounting and finance industry from industry experts and potential employers. ACU New Undergraduate Double Degrees 2016 ACU Health Sciences is introducing a number of new double degrees in 2016: - Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Exercise Science (Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Strathfield) - Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Melbourne, North Sydney) - Bachelor of Biomedical Science/Bachelor of Business

10 lia/events

Shillington College Information Session Fri 27th March, 6.00pm, Level 3, 50 Margaret Street, Sydney Learn about studying a course in graphic design at Shillington College.

PRIVATE COLLEGES Australian College of Applied Psychology: Information Session Wed 18th March, 6.00pm, Level 5, 11 York Street, Sydney Find out about the courses on offer at the ACAP, take a tour of the campus, and speak to staff and students about student life and studying at ACAP.

Academy of Information Technology: Free Digital Workshops Sat 21st February, Fri 6th March, Sat 14th March, 10.00am – 4.00pm AIT offers free day-workshops designed to boost participant skills and help prospective students make decisions about future study. Students can attend either an Intro to 3D Animation, Intro to Film Editing or Intro to Game Design workshop at the listed time and dates.

JMC Academy Open Day Sat 2nd May, 10.30am, Harris Street, Ultimo Speak to staff and students, get an overview of courses and take a campus tour.

Academy of Information Technology Information Day Thu 26th February, 9.30am – 3.30pm, Level 2, Kelly St, Ultimo Learn about career and study options in Film Production, 3D Animation, Game Design, Digital Design, Mobile Apps and IT.

Sydney Aviators Open Day Sun 8th March, 8.30am – 11.00am, Bankstown Airport Half hour trial flights will be available at a cost of $120 and short presentations on how to obtain a Private Pilot Licence will be held throughout the day. Contact: (02) 9793 8900 ?pid=121

Ella Baché College of Skin and Beauty Therapy Open Day Sat 18th April, 11.00am – 1.00pm, Level 2/77 Berry Street, North Sydney Staff and former students will be available to speak about courses and post-graduation career options.

Martin College New Courses Diploma of Human Resources Management: Learn how to plan workforce activities, use performance management systems, and recruit new employees. Diploma of Project Management: Learn how to create, guide and monitor the progress of a task or project, even after its completion.

SCHOOL HOLIDAY EVENTS AFTRS April School Holiday Filmmaking Tue 7th April – Sat 18th April, Australian Film Television and Radio School, Building 130, The Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park, Surry Hills The AFTRS Open School Holiday program, at the Australian Film Television and Radio School in Sydney, offers short courses for kids and teens from 9 – 17 years in Filmmaking, Digital Animation, TV Presenting, Game design, Screen Acting, Screen Music and more.

Bridging Program for Graphic Design Online: New foundation program that prepares students for diploma level studies with courses in Adobe Creative Suite: Illustrator, Photoshop InDesign and Pre-press.


developing and first world destinations. Find out about their 30+ destinations on offer for 2016. 6.30pm - 7.30pm Wednesday 25 February 2015 Level 3 / 182 Blues Point Road, McMahons Point Registration essential – students need to register online at

OTHER NEWS Architecture on Show: Architecture as a Practice of Seeing Sat 28th February, 2.00pm – 3.00pm, Surry Hills Library Amelia Holliday and Isabelle Toland of Aileen Sage Architects, will present a range of projects, including an alternative proposal for the resurgent William Street East Sydney/Darlinghurst precinct. Their common theme challenges our perception of the traditional built intervention as an architectural project.

Lattitude 2016 Applications Now Open Applications are now open for volunteer placements in the UK, Europe, Canada, Africa and Asia/Pacific. Funding is available for placements in China, Vietnam, India and Vanuatu. IEP Working Adventures Worldwide Information Sessions Sydney – Thu 26th February Work Canada: 6.30pm – 7.00pm Work USA: 6.30pm – 7.00pm Work Britain and Work Britain Visa Kick Start: 7.30pm – 8.00pm Summer Camp USA: Tue 26th February, 7.00pm – 7.30pm Location: 81 George Street

100 Years of Women in Policing Mon 16th March, 11.30am – 2.00pm, King Georges Park, Rozelle View demonstrations from specialist units including Mountain Bike, Highway Patrol and Mounted Police, as well as educational and historical displays, giveaways and the official baton relay. All primary and high school students are invited to attend. RSVP by 28th February Contact Constable Nina Blundell by email at:

Camp Counsellors USA Sydney Information Session Tue 17th February, 5.30pm – 6.30pm, Level 8, Suite 811, 301 George St, Sydney Learn about the changes to the Camp USA program for 2015 and hear from people who have actually worked at a USA Summer Camp with Camp Counsellors USA. 9720679/?ref=5

Fire & Rescue NSW: 2015 Firefighter Recruitment The NSW Fire & Rescue website has a large amount of information on how to join Fire and Rescue NSW as either a permanent firefighter, part-time firefighter, in a non-firefighting role, or as a Community Fire Unit volunteer. Contact:

USEFUL WEBSITES Myfuture: My Career Profile The new look My Career Profile, from Myfuture, is a personalised career exploration service that builds the users career profile, explores career ideas, considers the users career options and develops a career plan. To create a Career Profile on Myfuture, visit:

GAP BREAK INFORMATION Antipodeans Abroad GapBreak Program Info Night Students and Parents - find out about Antipodeans Abroad 2016 Gap Year Volunteering and Paid Work programs at their upcoming Info Night. Antipodeans has a 20+ year track record in youth travel programs to


luck to all teams in the upcoming Swimming Carnival this Friday 20th February.

Careers in Maths Visit the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute’s website to view a range of career profiles from apprentice chefs to Electricians to Nurses where mathematics is a necessary part of their everyday jobs. One Shift Jobs Website containing a job search specialising in casual or part-time jobs.

SWIMMING INVITATIONAL On Friday evening a number of St Spyridon students were invited to compete at the St Andrews Cathedral swimming invitational carnival at Drummoyne Swimming Pool. It has been 8 years since the College last attended, with this carnival now in the sporting calendar our swimmers get an invaluable opportunity to compete competitively against a number of schools across various associations in preparation for our school carnival but also the ISA Swimming Carnival.

Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser



Congratulations to the following students who were selected by their house group to become House Captains for 2015.

All students competed gallantly, with the girls doing particularly well considering the heats were all mixed. Nicholas Frazis deserves a special mention because of his very strong performance in the pool across all events.

Corinthians: Isidora Stevanovic and Manuel Margelis Olympians: Georgia Koukounaris and Alexander Stamoulis Nemeans: Lia Albanakis and Archie Lambrinos Delphians: Chrystal Christie and Michael Hatzon

Both our boys and girls relay teams were also exceptional in both the medley relay and freestyle relay. Upcoming swimming carnivals include: St Spyridon School Carnival Friday 20th February ISA Swimming Carnival 11th March 2015

Last week during Pastoral Care a number of nominated students within each house presented a speech to their house group outlining their contribution to School Sport at St Spyridon College. Each team then voted for their respective House Captain. The role of the house captains are to increase house spirit within their teams and to encourage and support students to participate in school carnivals. The Sport Captains Adonis Tsoutsas and Sophia Rizzo held a sports meeting where they discussed upcoming events and formulated ideas on how house spirit can be improved here at St Spyridon College. Good

In order to qualify for the ISA team students must be in the top two quickest times at our school carnival. All students have been made aware that all heats are timed finals.

ISA BOYS BASKETBALL On Saturday the boys’ basketball teams played against very strong opponents in Oxley College. All the teams tried their best and no doubt there were many valuable lessons learnt.


and exciting to watch only losing by 1 point the week before. The Intermediate Girls have had a two week rest with a Bye and a forfeit so hopefully they are ready to play this Saturday. All Junior teams continue to develop and play with enthusiasm each week.

The U13 and U14 boys were upstaged by teams that were not more organised but certainly more willing to win more rebounds and try their hand at various plays that all worked for them. Both teams must now look to bounce back after the loss against strong Blue Mountains teams in their last round.

The final round of ISA Basketball is to be played this Saturday 21st February. The girls have had a successful season and hopefully can finish well to secure a strong position for Semi Finals. Semi Finals will be played on 28th February at Penrith Sports Stadium - all students will be notified via email if they were successful in making the Semi Finals.

The Open Boys and the U15 boys were exceptional on the weekend winning tight contests in well-structured and organised games. The Opens were clinical leading from the front for the entire game and despite the injuries suffered were able to withstand a late surge from their likely semi-final opponents.

Thank you to all parents who have assisted with the home games on the bench, in the canteen or on the BBQ it has been an enormous help and I look forward to your continual assistance in the ISA Winter season.

This week is the final round of the basketball season and all boys teams will need to perform to match last year’s school effort of all teams making the Semi Finals. As it stands all teams look a real possibility of doing this.

Points table can be located on the ISA website please find the link below and find the link to your corresponding team.

Thank you to all families who assisted with scoring and organising the canteen; without your help and support in assisting, the day would not run so smoothly. On that note if you are an interested parent who would like to manage a basketball team for season 20152016 please let either myself or Ms O’Shea know.

YEAR 7 ISA NETBALL AND JUNIOR FOOTBALL The ISA Winter Season will commence Term 2 and as Year 7 students are not currently involved in ISA competition they will have the opportunity during their ISA period on Wednesdays to trial for both Netball and Football. The girls may only commit to one sport with both being played on Saturdays. Once selected they will need to purchase a uniform from the uniform shop, please wait for confirmation before doing this. Depending on the number of students and the ability, this will determine how many teams will be entered, hopefully these decisions will be finalised in the next coming weeks as we trial. Any parents who would like to assist in Football coaching are encouraged to contact Ms O’Shea at the school.

SOCCER All boys are currently trialling for the soccer teams for 2015. A decision regarding number of teams and who will be in which team will be finalised in the coming weeks. Parents willing to coach a team are asked to please contact me (Mr F. Kaldis) on the school phone 9311 3340. We wish all the boys teams the best of luck.

GIRLS BASKETBALL Last Saturday all girls team travelled away and had some mixed results. Unfortunately the Open Girls lost narrowly by 5 points to CCGS, however, are still in good stead to qualify for Semi Finals. Most impressive have been the Open C girls who won against Barker College, all their matches have been very competitive

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)




Name: Calioppe Kefalas Age: 17 years Number of years at St Spyridon College: From Year 4 to Year 12 (9 years) Previous Leadership Roles: Junior School Vice-Captain (2009), SRC (2011) and in (2013). Subjects I am currently studying: Business Studies, English Advanced, English Extension, Mathematics (2 Unit), Modern History, History Extension and PDHPE. As well as (as an accelerant) Modern Greek Continuers (2014) and Extension Greek (2014). Hobbies: Sport, spending time with family and friends and travelling. My Future Aspirations: To study at University to become either an architect or a teacher. My Role Models: Definitely my parents, my grandmother and my teachers. Favourite Quote: “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time”- Thomas A. Edison One thing I am most proud to have achieved: Becoming Senior School Vice-Captain and my placement in Modern Greek Continuers. One piece of advice I would give younger students: Always try your best, both in school and outside of it, try new things and participate in as much as you can - you never know what new talent or ability you will discover.

PREFECTS LUNCH On Thursday, 19th February, our Head of College and Principal Prefects’ Lunch was held in the Sports and Performing Arts Centre. Prefects had the opportunity to share their progress in their studies and views on student leadership. We would like to thank Mrs Lambi for her support and expertise for all such occasions.


P&F TRIVIA NIGHT IS BACK !!! tickets available and selling fast SATURDAY 21 FEBRUARY 2015

arrive 7:00PM (7:30 start)

ST SPYRIDON CHURCH HALL Prepare your team for triumph and purchase a table of 10 @ $250 (donation) (or $25 per adult)


COUNTLESS PRIZES & SURPRISES FOR TICKETS CONTACT: Anna Stamoulis 0405 683 320 Erenie Bourdaniotis 0410 318 053 Maria Karedis 0403 346 942 16


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