News 143 7a 2015

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VOLUME XXXII No. 7 15th May, 2015


MAY Battle of Crete Commemoration


Year 12 Parent Teacher Conferences




3.30-6.30pm School Photos SS ICAS Digital Technologies JS


Year 11 Half Yearly Exams begin


Appreciating Culture Lecture and


Art Exhibition ASISSA Cross Country J/S


Careers Expo Years 11 and 12


JUNE Athletics Carnival J/S


Queen’s Birthday


Public Holiday – School closed Peer Support J/S in SPACe Term ends for staff and students

15th - 16th 19th

Half Yearly reports posted S/S

JULY Staff Development Day


Students return


P & T Interviews K-4 & 5


Parent Teacher Conferences


Years 7 – 8 P & T Interviews K-4 & 6


Parent Teacher Conferences Years 9 & 10


Athletics Carnival SS


Parent Teacher Interviews Year 11


Divine Liturgy


HSC Trials begin Year 6 visit


What is the mark of love for your neighbour? Not to seek what is for your own benefit, But what is for the benefit of the one loved, Both in body and in soul. St Basil the Great

VISIT BY HIS EMINENCE METROPOLITAN AMBROSE OF KOREA On Friday, 15th May, 2015 the Senior School had a visit from His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrose (Dr Aristotle Ambrose Zographos). His Eminence walked around the College greeting and Blessing our staff and students.


Calling every parent and friend to:

Be a Sponsor 2015 Musical Production

“Over The Rainbow”

Over 100 students are taking part in this musical, which is inspired by the much-loved story of The Wizard of Oz. We need your help for this major production! We would welcome any form of sponsorship or assistance with: Costume purchase and/or construction Purchase of a theatre backdrop for the stage Set construction and/or painting The hiring of/or trained theatrical make-up artists Cast T-shirts displaying our “Over The Rainbow’ logo If you are able to help in any way, please contact Mrs Laura McCoy at All sponsors will be acknowledged in our Production program and Newsletter.


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AUSTRALIA NATIONAL SCHOOLS EVENT On Wednesday, 6th May, 2015 to Friday, 8th May, 2015, the Annual National Schools Event took place and was held in Sydney and hosted by St Euphemia College. Congratulations to all of the students who attended along with Mr P. Meintanis, Mr F. Kaldis, Ms K. O’Shea, Mr V. Zafiropoulos, Mrs L. McCoy, Ms N. Gonzalez, Ms D. Flokis, Ms A. Flokis, Ms N. Koukounaris and Mr T. Koulouriotis (external Basketball coach). For the Spoken Arts, thank you also to Mrs M. Faletas. We are pleased to report that St Spyridon College came first in Girls Basketball and Girls Futsal. St Andrews Grammar, Perth will be hosting the 2016 Event.

Even though most of the competitors were from the Upper School eight students from the Middle School were also selected. From Year 8: Sonya Paradisis, Year 9: Rhea Tsimboukis, Alexandros Gousetis, Christopher Kumar, Maria Krassas, Yovanna Stosic, and Victoria Zois all distinguished themselves by not only playing exceptionally well, but also demonstrating great sportsmanship and spirit. Well done!


The students attended a Church service together with students from St Johns College and Oakleigh College, Melbourne, All Saints College and St Euphemia, Sydney, St Andrews College, Perth and St George College, Adelaide - there they would reflect on the aim of the three day competition which emphasised sportsmanship and fair play. Day One of the tournament started with netball for the girls. After many years of dominating, we knew it would be a difficult task this time round, as our entire Opens side from last year was made up of Year 12 students. As a result, this year our Opens side has incorporated students from as young as Year 9. It is difficult to understand the level of mental and physical stamina that is needed for this tournament, as the competition is comprised of three long days of playing. The game times of each match are shortened due to the number of games that need to be played each day. This makes it more difficult to come away with a victory if you are behind at any stage of the game. Our girls, this year, played their best in a competition that they have not yet experienced and had only heard about from previous year groups. After many years of dominating the netball, we knew it was only time before we would need to start our own rebuilding phase as a playing group, and that came this year. The team from St Euphemia were strong and their determination to win was inspiring. They have not won the netball in over 10 years, and their desperation to finally be victorious was shown from the start. Our girls learnt a lot about the spirit of this event that day and are looking forward to working hard in the next 12 months to be able to claim the title back. In saying this, the girls came third in the netball, behind St Euphemia and All Saints as they managed to seal four victories against the Interstate schools. Their commitment to each other and their passion for their school was evident yet again that day and they were valiant in defeat.

Most Valuable Player - Netball - Tina Ventoura Ms Flokis The table tennis leg of the tournament was held on Thursday and our students were very competitive against some tough opposition. The students from each school competed in the first set individually before joining with their partner for the doubles set. Our students did their best and while they were competitive, they showed great signs of sportsmanship throughout the day and had lots of fun. Ms Flokis Most Valuable Players - Table Tennis - Alexia Rizzo


Girls Basketball was also held on the Thursday - many of the same girls who played in the Netball were also part of the Basketball team. After a disappointing result in the Netball, the girls were determined to keep the Championship Shield. The history shows that St Spyridon College has only lost this title once in 2000 since the inception of the National Schools Event. The girls started well against St Andrews Grammar winning, but their most challenging game was against All Saints Grammar where the girls were tested both physically and mentally. The girls played with passion and pride for their College, placing their bodies on the line and maintaining dignity when faced with difficult decisions, ultimately leading to victory. Their last match against St Euphemia College would determine their overall result in the competition which ended in the final seconds. The girls must be congratulated for not only their exceptional skill but also their patience and smart approach throughout the day, this eventually lead to the girls becoming overall winners for the 15th year consecutively.

Most Valuable Player - Basketball – Georgia Koukounaris Ms O’Shea On the final day of the competition the girls played Futsal and after years of disappointment finishing second, the girls were determined not to let this happen again. This team consisted of girls ranging from Year 8 through to Year 12 with the younger girls learning from their more experienced team members - this assisted in grooming them for future years. The girls started against a tough opposition, All Saints College, securing 2-2 draw which meant all other games had to be won with conviction and that they accomplished. The girls went on to defeat all other schools and achieving the highest goal scoring total. For Theoni Thimakis and Anja Djukic winning this competition was something that they were determined to achieve in their final year. The girls responded to this quest and worked together to ensure they would not be disappointed. Every girl contributed to the success of this team and showed exceptional team camaraderie.

Most Valuable Player - Futsal - Theoni Thimakis Ms O’Shea


On Friday the Girls Volleyball Team headed to Olympic Park to face their challengers on the final day of the National Schools Event. The girls were very excited and had been practising their skills in the lead up to these games. Captained by Aphroditi Zafiropoulos, the team consisting of Sophia Rizzo, Larissa Andrianakos, Georgia Koukounaris, Tina Ventoura, Christiana Kilias, Anastasia Mylonas, Erin Hennessey, Rhea Tsimboukis and Maria Krassas competed in six games, displaying determination and solidarity in every play. The girls were very excited to win their last game of the day in two sets, ending their 2015 volleyball experience on a high. All girls are to be congratulated on their positive attitude and approach to the day and we look forward to improving on our skills for next year.

Most Valuable Players -Volleyball - Aphroditi Zafiropoulos and Christos Kollias Mrs L. McCoy

Boys Football

On Wednesday 6th May the boys First XI football team played in the annual Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Gala day. The boys performed admirably in all games. Results on the day included: 5-0 win against St Andrews Grammar from Perth. Draw against All Saints Grammar. Loss to St George College from Adelaide. Loss to Oakleigh from Melbourne. Draw to St Euphemia College. The boys played to the best of their ability throughout the day and deserve to be commended for their effort and enthusiasm. They finished 4th overall and now have the ISA competition to look forward to. I would like to congratulate all the Year 12 boys in this their last tournament in boys’ football and thank them for their efforts and contribution over the years. Congratulations to Adonis Tsoustas school Sports Captain for receiving the best and fairest award for the event at the end of the day. Mr Kaldis


Boys Basketball Congratulations to all boys who competed in the National Schools Event 2015. I would also like to thank their coach Mr Koulouriotis in endless hours of coaching and guiding this team all day, a true professional. The boys begun with solid wins against St Johns College, Melbourne, St Andrews Perth, St George Adelaide and Oakleigh Grammar from Melbourne. However the next two games, All Saints College, Sydney and St Euphemia College, the eventual winners, were two very competitive games of basketball. In all they won 5 games and lost 1 by two points - well done. The last game against winners St Euphemia College went point for point and in the last seconds of the game, which could have gone either way, St Euphemia scored a two pointer to seal the match. Thank you to all staff and parents that supported this team on the day and see you all next year. Mr Zafiropoulos

Boys Volleyball

On Friday 8th May the boys competed in the volleyball component of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event, held at Olympic Park Sports Hall. The boys played competitively and with great spirit, winning against St Andrews from Perth and St George College from Adelaide. Best and fairest was awarded to Christos Kollias. Congratulations to all boys for their effort and great sportsmanship. Ms Gonzalez

Boys Table Tennis and Futsal Table tennis was also held on Thursday and our students were very competitive against some tough opposition. The students from each school competed in the first set individually before joining with their partner for the doubles set. Our students did their best and while they were competitive, they showed great signs of sportsmanship throughout the day and had lots of fun. The final day of competition saw the boys compete in the volleyball and indoor soccer. After already having two long days of competing, the exhaustion was evident throughout all the students from every school, but every single player at indoor soccer was ready to compete for the last title. Our boys were competitive the whole day, with victories to St Johns, St Euphemia, Oakleigh and All Saints. The tournament came down to the game against St George who were also undefeated up until that point.


The game was extremely close and the boys stayed composed during the entire game. It was a physical contest, as both teams were giving their all, each desperately wanting to claim the title. However, a couple of late goals from the Interstate team sealed the win for St George, as St Spyridon went down 43. The boys played exceptionally well, with so much passion and were unlucky not to come away with the win. But unfortunately, that’s the ball game in competitions like these. The most humbling experience of the day was when our boys played St Andrews at the end of the draw. The team from Perth are a young side and had not won a game all day, in fact losing to some very large score lines. Our boys played their final game, respectfully towards this young side, allowing the team opportunities to score goals. This shows the amazing character our students have, not fazed by the score line, just to see the smiles on the faces of the St Andrews boys as they finally were able to get some points on the board. I was extremely proud of this attitude the boys showed, especially after they were devastated by the loss in the previous game. While winning is always important, this is what the competition is about, uniting as one and enjoying a week of playing sports that we enjoy so much. Ms Flokis

Boys Futsal The Open boy’s Futsal team was represented on the day by eight very competitive boys, however, I must mention some in particular. Steven Antoniou was perhaps the major difference in the team. His goalkeeping was exceptional and without him we may not have advanced to the final game against St George in which both sides had to win for the title of National Schools Champions. The game went one for one losing in the dying seconds of the game 4-3. Every other College in the National event was no match for us as we systematically defeated all 6 of them. I must also mention our youngest member, Lewis Athanasopoulos, his size was certainly not a hindrance as he took on players much bigger than himself. Adonis Tsoustas was also inspirational and collected the Best and Fairest for the event. Congratulations to all students and a special thank you to Ms Flokis and Dane Ivanovic for your support on the day.

Mr Zafiropoulos

Finally, it gave us much pleasure to watch over our students for the three days of competition. Their dedication and pride for their school is clearly evident and is to be commended. Thank you also to our ex-students and parents for their support on the sidelines.

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)



associated cost which parents will need to cover.


With half the term gone, the children have already achieved so much not only in the learning that has taken place in the classroom but as ambassadors of the College in the sporting and cultural arenas.

The 2015 Touch World Cup at Coffs Harbour featured 25 nations competing in over 800 games of Touch Football across 9 divisions. Running over a duration of 10 days, the 8th running of the Touch Football World Cup, and 3rd on Australian soil, was the biggest and best yet.

I thank the teachers who work so hard to give our children a broad and rich experience. We congratulate Mr Volas, Mr Amditis, Miss Sirmanoglou and Miss Galanis for the amazing results at the Futsal regionals competition. We are off to the State Finals and are so excited!

Mr Davies – selected to play for the Wales Over 40s team.

Congratulations to Mr Davies, who represented Wales at the Touch Rugby World Cup, Ka. Stella who presented to over 400 people at The Cyprus Community Club last week for Mother’s Day and to our English Coordinator Miss McCarthy who has been selected to be a marker of NAPLAN this year.

“It was a great honour to represent my country at this year’s World Cup. After finishing fourth at the last World Cup and winning the European Championship 2 years ago, our aim was to come away with at least a bronze medal. Unfortunately we lost to England at the final stages and finished 4th in the world. It was a great experience playing against the best teams in the world”.

There is still so much to do and so much to enjoy; the Athletics Carnival, Peer Support Training, Chess and Debating competitions and, Primary Exams just to name a few. We look forward to seeing you all at the Appreciating Culture Lecture and Art Show. It will be held next Tuesday, 26th May, at our Senior Campus. Our students from Years 5 & 6 will be exhibiting their work alongside that of Senior Students.

Congratulations to Australia who won eight of the nine divisions on offer.


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All children K–6 need to have a raincoat in their bag every day. Umbrellas are not permitted due to safety issues. Velcro and shoes with buckles are only for the Infants. Primary must have laces. Infants have the tie on the elastic. Primary boys need the proper tie. Mr I. Davies Year 6P Class Teacher

BEFORE SCHOOL REMINDER We take the safety of our children very seriously and as a result, any child that is left unsupervised in the playground before 8:15am will be sent to Before School Care. This has an

COCURRICULAR Due to the exams, there will be no cocurricular during the 18th May and 29th May. Cocurricular will recommence on the 1st June.


Congratulations to both teams, your efforts were sensational!

CHESS COMPETITION This Year’s competition has started very well indeed, with six teams competing in the Junior Chess League Competition. It is wonderful to see so many children taking part, both boys and girls. Welcome to our Year Three students who have entered the competition for the first time in their own division. This means that they will play against other Year Three children only. We have had mixed results in the first two rounds, but with this experience the children can only improve.

Many thanks also to Mr Antonopoulos, Mrs Mikhail and Mrs Valmas for assisting us with driving to our venue.

Mrs C. Bartlett

FOUND A mobile phone has been found on school premises that can be claimed from the Junior School Office.

DEBATING NEWS Time has come around once again, where eight courageous Junior School students hop into the cars of our very generous parent chauffeurs and scoot off to schools all around Sydney to debate some tricky and controversial topics. On Friday 8th May, eight Year 6 students, drove to The Kings School to debate the topic 'That television is the enemy of family life'. The affirmative team (consisting of Juval Mikhail, James Valmas, Teoni Antonopoulos and James Bletsas) argued that television is destroying family life as it anti-social, addictive, can cause long term damage to the brain activity of children and is often used as a babysitting tool by neglectful parents. The negative team (including Katherine Fragias, Anneta Maroulis, Gianni Keramtizis and Madelyn Perdikakis) worked very hard to persuade their audience and adjudicator that television is an ally, not an enemy. They discussed the idea that television doesn't have to be a brain-numbing pass time, yet can be a tool for educational research, a means for physical exercise and a way to inform the masses about crucial events and information. Their opposition, argued convincingly, yet were no match for our negative team!


Mrs N. Economou & Mrs A. Gambierakis

Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School




students were taught a number of acrobalance positions, in which they had to develop their focus, strength and trust in one another. The students also collaborated in groups to create physical movements to accompany words, which then led them to develop emotive and engaging performances using only their bodies.

Year 11 students will be sitting examinations beginning Monday 25th May, 2015, over seven days. Timetables have been distributed to students. The examination rules are printed on the reverse side of the timetable. Students need to be aware of these requirements.

The skills learnt by the students will help enhance future playbuilding and characterisation in Drama, and have certainly emphasised the importance of teamwork. We look forward to many more visits from Swoop and other theatre companies in the future.

Χριστός Ανέστη

Students in Years 7 – 10 have assessments at various times but mainly in weeks 5 – 7. Semester 1 reports will be issued at the end of Term 2.

PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCESREMINDER Year 12 will be held on Monday, 18th May 3.30pm-6.30pm. Half Yearly Reports have been issued directly to the students.

SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS School photographs will be conducted next week on Tuesday 19th May. Everyone will need to be in Full School uniform for this event. Students will have received envelopes this week in Roll Call. Those with siblings at the Senior School should have picked up an alternative siblings envelope from the school office. Parents are reminded to place the correct money inside. Students must return this envelope with money to the photography personal on the nominated day.



On Tuesday 5th May, the Year 9 and 10 Elective Drama classes took part in a workshop in the SPACe directed by Danielle McKinnon, the school facilitator at Swoop Physical Theatre. The workshop was filled with many fun and challenging exercises, prompting the students to use their bodies and collaborate in a variety of new and exciting ways. The

Mrs Laura McCoy

Drama Teacher 13


NATIONAL LAW WEEK On Monday the 11th May, the Year 12 Legal Studies class together with their teacher, were given the opportunity to participate in the Supreme Court’s initiative for Law Week. As part of Law Week the Court hosted its first interactive Legal Studies Students and Teachers Seminar to provide an opportunity for Legal Studies students to hear from, and ask questions of, Supreme Court judges.


NAPLAN Over the past three days Year 7 and 9 students sat the NAPLAN tests. Almost full attendance in both year groups was achieved on those days. Students who were absent on test days were caught up on Friday. Parents can expect to receive results in September. The States’ overall results will be published on the ‘My School’ web site later in the year.

The seminar was chaired by the Honourable T. F. Bathurst AC, Chief Justice of New South Wales and comprised of two presentations on the following topics:  Judging: How the law is responding to social media.  Sentencing: How to accommodate competing objectives.

YEAR 7 SRC’s VISIT THE JUNIOR SCHOOL Last week three Year 7 SRC’s: Michael Vlahakis, Marissa Diakoumis and Emanuel Constantopedos were given the opportunity to share some of their Senior School experiences and practise public speaking skills at the Wednesday Junior School Assembly. The students spoke well and enjoyed the experience of presenting the ‘Year 7 Term 1 in Review Report’.

The Year 12 students were thrilled to be given the opportunity to interact with the judiciary and look forward to discussing the topics raised in the context of their classroom.

Mrs D. Pavlakis Legal Studies Teacher Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School





Recently we received an email from a member of the public who attended the Maroubra RSL Anzac Day Dawn service and felt compelled to congratulate our school on the way our Prefects conducted themselves.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Πριν το καταλάβουμε καλά καλά, φτάσαμε σχεδόν στη μέση του δεύτερου σχολικού τριμήνου. Οι πρόβες για τη σχολική μας θεατρική παράσταση είναι στο φόρτε τους με το έργο «Τα Κίτρινα Γάντια». Την Παρασκευή 8 Μαϊου, στην αίθουσα της Αγίας Ευφημίας ανεβάσαμε και κάποιες σκηνές από το περυσινό μας έργο το «Ξενοδοχείο η Γαλήνη» συμμετέχοντας στο Spoken Arts Festival, που διοργανώνεται ετησίως στα πλαίσια της Εθνικής Εβδομάδας Αθλητισμού (National Sports Week). Παίρνω λοιπόν την ευκαιρία αυτή για να ευχαριστήσω τους παρακάτω μαθητές που έδωσαν πάλι το παρόν και τις οικογένειές τους για την υποστήριξη.

I am a 79 year old retiree and I live at Maroubra. I attended the Anzac Day Memorial Service at Maroubra Junction and was very impressed with the conduct of your students. The two that placed the Wreath and the school Captain that read the poem were splendid. I was standing just near the group (near the Field Gun) and they were quiet and reverent the whole time. They all brought credit to your School and to those that teach and train them, well done.

Δανάη Κυριακάκη, Λεοντή Κουζούκα, Λευτέρη Βαλμά, Κωνσταντίνο Κόλλια, Αντώνη Τσούστα, Χαρά Λαβδιώτη, Αλέξανδρο Σταμούλη, Χριστίνα Μπαλαγιάννη και Δημήτρη Αβδάλη, καθώς και την οικογένεια Αδάμ για τα κοστούμια των νοσοκόμων.

Regards, Warren Buchanan.

Στην έκδοση αυτή δημοσιεύουμε εργασία μαθήτριας της Γ΄Λυκείου σχετικά με την καταστροφή της Σμύρνης το 1922 μια και αυτή ήταν η πρόσφατη θεματική μας ενότητα. Η ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΟΦΗ ΤΗΣ ΣΜΥΡΝΗΣ Δυστυχώς η Σμύρνη έχει παραδοθεί στις φλόγες και στο αίμα! Μεταδίδουμε ζωντανά, από το λιμάνι της Σμύρνης, αγαπητοί μας ακροατές, και η κατάσταση είναι απερίγραπτη! Ο κόσμος στριμώχνεται γύρω μας ζητώντας προστασία από τον αγγλογαλλικό στόλο που είναι στο λιμάνι. Όλοι πανικόβλητοι, παρακαλούν τους συμμάχους τους να τους σώσουν από το λεπίδι.

WORLD VISION At the back of this Newsletter is a Certificate of Appreciation from World Vision presented to us for raising over $23,000 for the 40 Hour Famine over the last few years.

Οι ξένοι όμως λένε πως έχουν διαταγές να μην επέμβουν κι έτσι τα πληρώματα των καραβιών κάθονται με σταυρωμένα τα χέρια, καπνίζοντας και χαζεύοντας έναν ολόκληρο λαό να χάνεται… Βλέπουν την καταστροφή, τη φωτιά και τη σφαγή κι αυτοί λέει έχουν διαταγές… Μερικοί Έλληνες Μικρασιάτες, που έχουν χρήματα, δίνουν μια ολόκληρη περιουσία για να τους πάρουν κάποιες βάρκες απέναντι σε κάποιο ελληνικό νησί. Μα τις πιο

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



πολλές φορές τους εκτοπίζουν άλλοι, πιο χεροδύναμοι και σβέλτοι, που σπρώχνοντας τους πρώτους, παίρνουν τη θέση τους. Όμως δεν προσέχουν και υπερφορώνουν τις βάρκες που αναποδογυρίζουν, έχει και αέρα, κι οι άνθρωποι πνίγονται μέσα στον πανικό σαν τις μύγες!


Our school has subscribed to a website called ‘Jobjump’. This website is now available for all in our school community- students, parents and staff. It provides a vast array of information on courses, careers and the HSC amongst many other areas, so it should be very useful to all. To access this website, simply register by providing the school name and the password ‘spyridon’.You then register your own details and if you provide your email address, you will be sent updates and information related to your interest areas. Go to Year 10 students will have a session with the founder of this website in a few weeks’ time, when they will be shown how to navigate the site and access a wide range of helpful information.

Οι εικόνες είναι φριχτές όπου κι αν κοιτάξεις. Ένα μικρό διάλειμμα, αγαπητοί ακροατές και πάλι μαζί σε λίγα λεπτά… Συνεχίζουμε το πρόγραμμά μας έχοντας μπει σε ένα καϊκι και ταξιδεύοντας προς Χίο μαζί με άλλους πρόσφυγες. Μαζί μας και ο καπτάν Μαθιός με τα νταουλιασμένα του δάχτυλα. Ο κακομοίρης κλαίει σαν μωρό παιδί και σου ραγίζει την καρδιά να τον βλέπεις να ρωτάει και να ξαναρωτάει, «πώς θα δουλέψω καλοί μου άνθρωποι, πώς θα δουλέψω πια;» γιατί μάλλον θα του τα κόψουν στη Χίο τα δάχτυλα που φαίνονται γεμάτα έμπυο. Ο καπτάν Μαθιός λέει πως βούτηξε στη θάλασσα του Τσεσμέ και κολυμπώντας έφτασε σ’ ένα εγγλέζικο αντιτορπιλικό και γαντζώθηκε στις λαμαρίνες της πλώρης μαζί με δέκα άλλους νοματαίους. Οι Εγγλέζοι όμως έσπρωχναν τον κόσμο πάλι στη θάλασσα κι έλεγαν τη δικαιολογία πως δεν μπορούν να επέμβουν γιατί ήταν ουδέτεροι! Ένας Εγγλέζος χτύπησε τον καπτάν Μαθιό με ένα σιδερένιο λοστό και του έσπασε τις κλειδώσεις. Ο γέροντας έπεσε αναίσθητος από τον πόνο στο νερό αλλά ευτυχώς τον είδε ένας παλιός του συνάδερφος και τον μάζεψε από τη θάλασσα στο καϊκι του και τώρα ταξιδεύει μαζί μας για Χίο. Αλλά δεν είναι ο μόνος που κλαίει και θρηνεί, μαζί μας είναι μανούλες που χάσαν τα παιδιά τους και παιδάκια χωρίς τις μάνες τους… Άραγε τι θ’ απογίνουν αυτά τα παιδιά, αυτοί οι ξεριζωμένοι άνθρωποι, που μέχρι χτες τα είχαν όλα και τώρα δεν έχουν τίποτα;;;;


UNSW: Girls Power of Engineering Day 6th July - for girls in years 9 and 10 See : Register at : 965 UNSW Youtube: UNSW Experience UNSW has a number of online videos where current students and staff speak about topics of common concern to prospective students. Topics covered in the online videos include picking subjects, deciding on a degree, student life, and HSC bonus points. w6kubDED3pNn9Yg

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY Macquarie University Student and Parent Information Evening 20 May . 5.30pm to 8.30pm Years 10s. Hear from UAC on application procedures, as well as the opportunity to speak to current students to get your questions answered. Register now at

Αγαπητοί ακροατές, θα τα ξαναπούμε πάλι σε λίγο. Hara Lavdioti Year 11 (Greek Year 12)

Macquarie University Campus Tours 23 June, 3 July , 25 September , 19 November . 10.30am to 12.00pm Tours begin at the Macquarie University library.


Macquarie University: Study Without Stress Workshops Mon 6th July or Tue 7th July, 10.00am – 12.00pm The workshops aim to help give students the skills they need to study and perform in exams more effectively by exploring how the body reacts to stress and looking at the importance of social and physical pursuits when maintaining balance. The workshops will also give students the tools to change the way they view exam and school stress as well as tips for dealing with work avoidance and unrealistic expectations. ges/swoshsc.aspx

UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME The University of Notre Dame Australia: Young Achievers Early Offer Program – Sydney Campus You can apply under one of the following four categories: Commitment to community and/or Church; Commitment and excellence in cultural pursuits; Commitment and excellence in sporting achievements; or Academic excellence Applications must be submitted by Friday 31 July 2015. Candidates who are not successful in the Early Offer Program will automatically be considered for the Main Round offers, so there is no need to submit another application form. Direct any enquiries to the Prospective Students Office on 02 8204 4404 or at

Macquarie University: Double Degrees This article explores the benefits of studying a double degree at Macquarie University and lists some of the double degrees that the university offers. ents_and_teachers/connect_with_macquarie_ne wsletter/all_connect_articles/focus_on_double_ degrees/

Upcoming events in the June/July holidays include a Parent Information Evening on 23rd June, Teaching Information Monday 29th June, A Day in Nursing 1st July, Careers in Business 2nd July. See:



Information Evenings: UTS IT Undergraduate Courses & Scholarships, 10 June UTS Engineering Undergraduate Courses & Scholarships, 10 June Law Undergraduate, 24 June B Information Technology Co-op Scholarship Applications Close 19 June See:

Bond with Bond 11 June, 6.30pm to 8.30pm. State Library of NSW, Macquarie Street, Sydney Contact: Kayla Warner on 0418 556 880 or

HSC REVISION LECTURES TSFX Mastering the Exams 2015 Sun 31st May or Sat 13th June, 10.00am – 2.00pm, The University of Sydney, Camperdown Mastering the Exams is a free unique lecture designed to provide students with the best opportunities to maximise examination scores. During the course of this program, students will learn vital skills that will help optimise examination performance as well as strategies that will maximise learning and cut down on study time. Students attending this program are required to make a minimum $10 donation to The Fred Hollows Foundation representatives on the day.

SYDNEY UNIVERSITY Year 10 Information Evenings. Limited places are still available but are filling quickly. Wednesday 3 June and Monday 22 June 2015 Time: 6 - 7.45pm REGISTER ONLINE NOW at The Scholarships Information Evening will be held in June for Year 12 students. Tuesday 16 June 2015 Time: 6 - 7.45pm REGISTER ONLINE NOW at

17 nts/Whats-on/Event-listing/NSW/NSW-Meetthe-Business-Leader-2015.aspx

AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY: Free HSC Enrichment Days Listen to lectures from University academics who have set and marked the HSC. Subjects include Business Studies, Economics, English and Legal Studies. Strathfield Campus. 2 July – Economics and English; North Sydney Campus. 9 July – Business Studies and Legal Studies. See: plying_to_acu/experience_uni_before_you_star t/hsc_enrichment_day

PRIVATE COLLEGES Academy of Information Technology: Creative Careers Expo Tue 23rd June, 7 Kelly Street Level 2, Ultimo Join industry experts for a fun and interactive careers expo showcasing opportunities within the creative and digital fields. This is an opportunity for teachers to expose their students to the career opportunities within the creative world.

University of Notre Dame: HSC Study Week Mon 6th July – Fri 10th July, University of Notre Dame, Sydney Campus, Broadway Cost: $345 A week-long program delivered by well qualified and highly experienced HSC teachers and markers. Attendees will be able to select the subjects they would like to focus on and attend dedicated lectures and skills workshops on these subject areas. Contact: 02 8204 4228 or

Academy of Information Technology: New Bachelor of Digital Design The new Bachelor of Digital Design is a threeyear (or two-year accelerated) degree with a hands-on focus, supplementing theory with practical experience in a wide range of design principles. Students will learn key design elements while also having the flexibility to broaden their study by choosing electives that are of interest to them.


Australasian College of Natural Therapies: Open House Thu 21st May, 5.00pm – 7.00pm, Level 5, 235 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont. View the campus and speak with a course and career adviser about the courses and study modes available. Contact: 1300 017 267

Ernst and Young Sydney Cadetship Program Applications open Mon 25th May and close Mon 22nd June. The Ernst and Young Cadetship program provides high school graduates the opportunity to combine full-time work with part-time study. Cadets will gain valuable experience working within the organization and with clients, ensuring they graduate from university a step ahead of their peers. ur-role-here/Students---Programs#fragment-4na Chartered Accountants: Meet the Business Leader Wed 20th May, 5.00pm – 8.00pm, 1 Olympics Drive Milsons Point . Meet the business leader, formerly known as Cadetship Evening, provides the chance for Year 12 students to connect with employers who offer a structured cadetship opportunity. Get practical and specific advice about where a career in business can take you and learn about the benefits a cadetship can provide. Contact: 1300 137 322 or

JMC Academy Workshops 17 September, 10.00am to 3.30pm Cost $20. Entertainment Business Workshop Animation and Game Design Workshop Music and Audio Workshop Film and Television Production Workshop Digital Design Workshop Motion Capture Workshop ops/sydney-high-school-workshops International Film School Sydney Workshop 9 July, 10.00am to 3.00pm 41 Holt Street, Surry Hills Learn fundamentals of filmmaking, crew roles on set, and performing the best direction.


Projects Abroad | Australia & New Zealand AU: 1300 132831 NZ: 09 889 0587

Basair Aviation College Career Information Seminar 26 May, 29 June , 23 July, 7.00pm to 8.30pm Bankstown Airport, 628/23-25 Airport Avenue, Bankstown Largest flying school in Australia.

DEFENCE FORCES Australian Defence Force: Information Sessions Sydney – Navy Careers: Mon May 18th, 6.30pm, 9 George Street Parramatta – ADF Fitness: Wed 20th May, 6.30pm, 9 George St, Parramatta Online Session – Army Reserve: Thu 21st May, 6.30pm – 8.00pm ia/events

AFTRS Information Day 30 May Building 130, The Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park Cultural Care Au Pair Information Sessions Sydney 16 May, 10.00am, Level 2, 9-13 Young Street, Circular Quay Work placements as au pairs/nannies in the US. Event Management/Travel &Tourism/Sports Business Career Taster Days at Macleay College in July Find out more here

USEFUL WEBSITES Girls Can Do Anything This website highlights some of the many women working in ‘non-traditional’ jobs, revealing why they enjoy their jobs and the pathways that lead them to their current position. TSFX Exam/Study Tip 5 – Keeping Learned Knowledge Alive

Information Session Sydney Design School 28 May. 6pm Find out more about career opportunities to become an Interior Designer or Decorator. Learn more about our courses, walk around our state of the art campus and see our amazing students work. Register now or call us for more information (02) 9437 1902 or

Career FAQs Sector Snapshot. Healthcare An overview of the sector including current employment, future prospects and salaries.

GAP YEAR / VOLUNTEERING Antipodeans Abroad Information Sessions Language Immersion Night 19 May, 7.30pm to 8.30pm GapBreak Information Night 20 May, 7.00pm to 8.00pm Unibreak Online Information Night 26 May, 6.00pm to 7.00pm Level 3, 182 Blues Point Road, McMahons Point

Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser




FUTSAL REGIONALS On Friday the 1st of May 2015, our school competed in the NSW Futsal Regional Competition which took place at the Menai Sports Centre.

Projects Abroad Online Information Sessions We will be running an online information session on Tuesday 2nd June. This is an interactive overview of the options, with previous gap year students talking about their experiences and answering questions. Reservations can be made via the website.

I played for the Junior Boys team. It was such a good experience! It was my first time playing for St Spyridon College.


at our goal keeper, Alexia Costa, which helped us to practice shooting and helped Alexia practise saving goals.

We won our first game 2-0. My teammate Willem and I scored a goal each. In the second game, our team won 4-0. I scored 3 goals and they were all from free kicks. Alexander scored the fourth.

Then, we played the team Inaburra Blue. Each half was 9 minutes and each game was 18 minutes. We were nervous at the start but after the first game we realised we should not be so nervous! The score was 2-0. We Won! After our game we watched the Boys junior team play their game. We had about 45 minutes between each game. Inunaburra had another team called Inaburra Gold.

We played very well together for the first time as a team, and our coaches thought we were the best team in the tournament. Overall, I had a great day playing with my team and I can’t wait to play in the next tournament. George Manos 3A

Next, we played the St Spyridon Junior girls team. The junior team had to play senior teams because no other junior school entered the competition. We won 4-2. When we had 1 hour to spare we went to the canteen and bought some hot chips. We also bought a tube of colourful sherbet. When we were full we went and watched the boys play and they won 15-1!

On Friday the 1st of May, the Senior Boys Futsal team competed in the Futsal Regional Championships at Menai Indoor Sports Centre. There was a lot to play for as the top two teams progressed to the State Finals. After a slow start, our team kicked into gear, winning our second and third matches. 13-0 and 7-0 respectively. This earned us a spot in the semifinal but we unfortunately lost 3-1. Despite us not progressing to the finals, the referee wanted to acknowledge our outstanding team performance, by recommending our team for a wild card to proceed to the State Finals at Penrith Sports Stadium.

After that, we played Innaburra Gold which were a very tricky team. We drew 1-1. When we finished the game our coach, Mr Knight, spoke to us about how to improve our passing, where to stand and how to improve our playing. We had a break, had some water and got ready for our next game. We drew our next game 1-1 as well and we made it to the semi-finals!

Overall, with the assistance of Mr Amditis and Mr Volas, it was a fantastic day and a great experience for all the boys.

It was Grand Finals time and everyone was very nervous. Before we started we had a team meeting and talked about who is on and off the field first.

Paul Giavis 5I On Friday 1st May 2015 the St Spyridon Futsal Teams went to Menai Indoor Sports Centre to compete with other schools.

We won the game 3-0!!!! After our game we took team photos and our coaches told us that we will be going to Penrith which is the next level up!

Firstly, the futsal teams met at school at 7:10am and entered the bus 10 minutes after. The ride took about 45 minutes. When we reached Menai Indoor Sports Centre we started warming up. Our Senior team included Sienna Tsoukalas (striker), Krissy Bourdaniotis (striker), Sophia Karatasos (defender), Taylyse Knight (defender), Alexia Costa (goal Keeper), Theresa Sevastopoulos (defender), Chanele Bteddini (striker) and Anastasia Lambrou (striker). Our coach was Taylyse’s dad, Mr Knight and our other two coaches were Miss Sirmanoglou and Miss Galanis. We took shots

Overall we had an amazing time at the futsal regionals and we can’t wait to go to Penrith!


young age deter her, rather, she saw the opportunity as a challenge. Round 2 the girls travelled to Barker to play strong opponents on the back of a long week at the Greek Orthodox Colleges National Schools Event. In the end fatigue got the better of them and they were defeated 65-44. Tina Ventoura continued her excellent form from the National Schools Event receiving MVP for her performance against Barker. The girls are to be commended for attending and playing to their best after a long week of sport, this effort demonstrates their commitment to their College. Sienna Tsoukalas and Krissy Bourdaniotis 4C


Intermediate B This team consists of Year10 students, however, many girls have had to step up due to the absence of girls that were selected in the Opens. This creates an excellent opportunity for them to improve and refine their skills with more time on court.


ISA Winter season has commenced and this year we have over 90 girls involved in Winter Sport for Netball and Girls Football. This is extraordinary considering that Saturday sport is optional at the College. Many other schools are astonished with the team numbers filled by such a small school. 2015 winter season has 6 Netball teams and 2 Girls Football teams with all teams at maximum capacity, so there is most certainly potential to grow further in 2016. Furthermore, majority of the teams are now coached by ex- students of the College of who have extensive playing experience and knowledge of their sport, they will train and coach the girls each Saturday.

Round 1 the girls travelled to Barker against Barker 2 where unfortunately they were defeated 41-14. Kerry Anne Syros received MVP with her strong defence and determination throughout the game. Round 2 the girls played Central Coast Grammar School at home. They were unfortunately defeated 46-10, however, impressive shooting was displayed from Sophie Andreou which was entertaining the crowd but Keti Bull’s defence earned her MVP for Round 2.

NETBALL Results Round 1 and 2 Opens 2015 looks to be a rebuilding phase, with majority of the girls not having played together as a team before. This team consists of students from Year 12 right through to Year 9.

Intermediate C This team comprises of Year 9 girls who are entered in the Intermediate division for the first time. Round 1 the girls travelled to Hornsby to play Barker 2 and were very competitive only losing 19-17. Ms Gonzalez, their coach, was very impressed with their team cohesion and the team’s potential for improvement. Well done to Maria Krassas for receiving MVP for Round 1.

Round 1 they played at Sydney University against St Andrews Cathedral School. Unfortunately not the start they had hoped for trailing by 15 points at half time, however, after much needed guidance from their coach Angelina Flokis the girls crawled back into the game only losing 40-36. Outstanding performance from Rhea Tsimboukis of Year 9 who played her first game in the Opens and scored majority of the goals. She did not let her

Round 2 they played at home against a strong team, Chevalier College, final score 30-17 favouring Chevalier. Despite losing, the girls played very well narrowing the point difference


conclusion of the match with the girls winning 23-10. Alexia Moufarrage excelled on the centre court earning herself MVP.

in the second half. Congratulations Jennifer Contominas for receiving MVP for Round 2. Junior A Comprising of Year 8 girls who were selected to play in Division 1, this extremely talented group of girls have the potential to improve this season. Success will not come easy as they are in Division 1 and up against very strong opponents.

Round 2 the girls travelled to Penrith to play St Pauls Grammar School where they secured their second win of the season with the final score 29-22. Well done to Georgia Varvaritis for receiving the MVP. Junior C This team consists of Year 8 girls and they are all learning the basics and working hard to improve their skills each week.

Round 1 the girls played St Andrews Cathedral School - the match was very competitive with the score being tied throughout most of the game. Unfortunately the girls lost in the dying seconds by one point but I am certain that they will improve on this result next time these teams meet. Excellent performance from Sonya Paradisis earned her the MVP for Round 1.

Round 1 the girls played their first match with many nerves. Both St Andrews Cathedral School and the St Spyridon girls worked hard to achieve their first goal with the final score 6-5 in our favour. Credit to all the girls, who played with enthusiasm to the final whistle to secure a win. Well done to Georgia Veryinis who did an excellent job in defence which resulted in the MVP for Round 1.

Round 2 the girls travelled to Sceggs Redlands to play their Junior Division 1 team; this was not going to be an easy feat and despite losing 32-10 the girls showed a lot of potential, however, will need to refine their skills further in their training sessions. Well done to Katherine Raptis who displayed maximum effort throughout the whole match and secured the MVP for Round 2.

Round 2 the girls played at home against Central Coast Grammar School. Unfortunately, the girls were defeated 19-8, however, all girls are beginning to develop an understanding for the game. Well done to Roula Nicholos for receiving MVP for Round 2.

Junior B This squad comprises of 15 Year 7 girls who have been entered in Division 2 which has not happened very often. Usually Year 7 teams will begin in Division 3, however, these girls showed great potential and proved they were capable to be challenged in a higher division. These girls also form a 15 player squad which allowed all girls to be included within the team. This has shown to be effective as all girls train each week to cement a position within the team. A 10 player team is selected each week at training and all girls attend the matches to support the girls.

Good luck to all girls Netball teams as we travel away for Round 3 and 4. It is pleasing to watch your growth and development as you participate in sport and your willingness to train hard to improve each week. Girls Football This year we have entered two Girls football teams - an Opens and Junior Team consisting of students from a number of year groups. Opens Football This team has students from Year 9 through to Year 12 and have been together in the ISA Open B division for a couple of years, once losing in the Grandfinal and more recently losing in the Semi Final. This year the girls are determined to go further and finish ISA Champions which would be a fitting end for the Year 12 players.

Round 1 the girls played their first match together against St Andrews Cathedral School most certainly the highlight of my day. Each time the girls scored a goal they celebrated with loud screams, cheering and laughter and the girls supporting on the sidelines were jumping and hugging each other with excitement. This display of emotion epitomises the true benefits of sport. Of course winning helps create the excitement and this was evident at the

Round 1 was a washout round, however, Round 2 the girls travelled to play Chevalier


and the final score was 1-1. Great effort after a long week at Greek Orthodox Colleges National Schools Event even more impressive was Chyrstal Christie scoring the only goal and earning MVP for Round 2.

Round 2 In Round 2 of the competition all teams except the U13 Blue team played against St Andrews Cathedral School with the U13 Blue competing against St Pius X College.

Junior Football This team consists of players from Year 7 through to Year 9, whom show a great passion and enthusiasm for the game of Football. This team has been entered in Division 1 which is difficult but most certainly a challenge they are capable of. The girls were disappointed with the first Round being washed out, however, Round 2 they travelled to play Chevalier and despite losing 4-1 they should not be disappointed as Chevalier are a tough opposition. Well done to Chloe Drougas earning herself MVP for Round 2.

After becoming accustomed to the level of Division 1 football the boys worked hard this week and put together very strong performances in all grades. Results were as follows: U13 White 3-1 loss U13 Blue 2-0 win against St Pius X U14 White 5-0 win U14 Blue 10 -0 Win U15 White 1-0 win U16 White 7-0 win 3rd XI 2-0 win First XI 2-2 draw

Morning training will continue each Wednesday morning from 7.30-8.15am. This is very important as it give the girls the opportunity to use the full field and train as a whole squad. I look forward to watching their games later in the season.

Many teams won their first game of the year and played positive football. Highlight of the week was no doubt watching the U16 boys put together a wonderful performance after conceding that they had not played to their ability the week before.


The Open boys were also exceptional after having to back up and play after the GOAANSE. The boys were down 2-0 with 10 men in the second half. Despite this they managed to make their way back to secure a 22 draw. Much of the success of this game can be attributed to the U16 boys who backed up for the Opens and Steven Antoniou the Goal Keeper who was outstanding in goals.

Round 1 ISA boys’ football began last week on the 2nd May in difficult conditions and with a number of games cancelled because of the weather. The boys travelled to Oakhill Grammar for their first game returning to Division 1 Football. Results on the day included: U14 White won 3-1 U14 Blue won 3-1 U15 lost 3-1 U16 lost 2-0 First XI lost 2-0

The boys have no scheduled game this week and will resume again on the Saturday 23rd May against St Pius X College (away game).

The conditions were difficult to play in but the day presented a wonderful opportunity for the boys to play against one of the top schools to see if we could match it with the best. The U14 White team were very positive and dominant throughout the game playing with positive attack and a real willingness to work together. Congratulations to all the boys on a wonderful first week of Football.

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)




Name: Allyssa Stemitsiotis Age: 17 Number of years at St Spyridon College: 13 years Previous Leadership Roles: SRC in 2012, Peer Support Leader in 2013 and Co-House Captain for Olympians in 2014. Subjects I am currently studying: English (Advanced), English Extension 1, Mathematics, Business Studies, Legal Studies, Modern History and Visual Arts. Hobbies: Swimming, going for long walks, gym, reading and going to the cinema. My Future Aspirations: To further my studies at university in the field of Arts and Business. My Role Models: Mother, Father and my Sisters. Favourite quote: "Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." Walt Disney, Film Producer. One thing I am most proud to have achieved: Being accepted into the National Art School Australia. One piece of advice I would give younger students: Never give up because once you've reached your goal, there is always something next to strive for.





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