News 145 9a 2015

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VOLUME XXXII No. 9 12th June, 2015



JUNE Peer Support J.S in SPACe

15th - 16th

VET Work Placement Year 11

15th – 19th

NSW Netball Cup JS


TIGS Soccer Cup JS


Term ends for staff and students


Half Yearly reports JS Half Yearly reports posted SS

JULY Staff Development Day


Students return


P & T Interviews K-4 & 5


P & T Interviews K-4 & 6


Parent Teacher Conferences Years 9 & 10


Athletics Carnival SS


Divine Liturgy


NSW State Futsal JS


HSC Trials begin Year 6 visit to SS


Over the Rainbow 7.00pm SPACe


Over the Rainbow 7.00pm SPACe


AUGUST Specialty Photographs JS


Trial HSC ends


ASISSA Athletics Carnival JS


The bread which you hold back belongs to the hungry; the coat, which you guard in your locked storage-chests, belongs to the naked; the footwear mouldering in your closet belongs to those without shoes. The silver that you keep hidden in a safe place belongs to the one in need. Thus, however many are those whom you could have provided for, so many are those whom you wrong. St Basil the Great



2015 YEAR 11 PRODUCTION: A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM On Wednesday 10th June at 5.30pm, the Year 11 Drama class performed their version of William Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’ As part of the preliminary Drama course, students must study the Elements of Production in Performance. This means they learn not only about what happens on stage during a performance, but also what goes on behind the scenes. For this production, the Year 11 students explored and took on the roles of costume designer, set designer, lighting and sound designer and publicity designer, as well as rehearsing and staging the script. The Year 11 students also worked together to come up with their own Directorial Concept for this production. They looked at the idea of manipulation present in the play, and decided to set their production in child’s bedroom, highlighting the ways in which children manipulate their toys through imaginative play. The performance was a great success, with the students performing Shakespeare’s original dialogue effortlessly to over 30 audience members in the Drama Studio. The performance was also followed by an engaging Q&A session with the cast, allowing the students to provide more insight into their concept and the development of their production. Congratulations to the Year 11 Drama students on their hard work and outstanding performance. A very special thank you to all the parents, teachers and friends who came along to support the students. Mrs L McCoy Drama Teacher


Wednesday 29th July, 2015 Thursday 30th July, 2015

Be a Sponsor


2015 Musical Production

$20 Adults

“Over The Rainbow”

$15 Students/Seniors Tickets available at St Spyridon College Office Tel (02) 9311 3340

Over 100 students are taking part in this musical, which is inspired by the much-loved story of The Wizard of Oz. We need your help for this major production! We would welcome any form of sponsorship or assistance with: Costume purchase and/or construction Purchase of a theatre backdrop for the stage Set construction and/or painting The hiring of/or trained theatrical make-up artists Cast T-shirts displaying our “Over The Rainbow’ logo If you are able to help in any way, please contact Mrs Laura McCoy at


LIFE MEMBERSHIP - RECOGNITION OF SERVICES TO ST SPYRIDON PARISH We congratulate MRS CHRISTINA TSACONAS who was recognized for her outstanding commitment to the Parish and College for over 30 years, by the Parish Board of Directors. Christina commenced as a volunteer secretary to the pioneer Principal of St Spyridon College, the late Mary Hamer, in 1983 and soon after was employed full-time as administrator of the Parish and College. In 1987, together with the Parish President and Committee, she established the Parish Administration Office. She was appointed as Parish Executive Officer (PEO) and Bursar to the College in 1990. In this capacity she has ensured that State and Federal government grants for the College are maximised. She has maintained the Parish budget securely and assisted every member of staff. During her years of service Christina has contributed significantly to the planning and completion of all College building programs, including the Junior School building in 2001, the Technology Wing in 2004, and most recently the Sports and Performing Arts centre (SPACe) in 2010. Known affectionately as “Christina� by the students and parents, her warmth and loving disposition make a favourite leader of the Parish Trip to Greece, which she also coordinates with all stakeholders. She was recognised by His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, at the Clergy-Laity Conference hosted by our Parish in 2003, and by the Rotary Club of Burwood with the Pride of Workmanship Award in 2013. In 2008, His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos presented Christina with a commemorative plaque for her services, on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Parish and the 25th Anniversary of the College. She is a respected member of the Bursars' Association of the Association of Independent Schools (AISNSW). We also congratulate MR SAVVAS SCOUTAS, father of our Parish Priest and chanter of St Spyridon Church for 38 years. The gold medallion of St Spyridon was accepted by his grandson, Mr Sam Savva Scoutas (son of our Parish Priest and St Spyridon student HSC Class of 2000), who movingly thanked the Parish for the honour bestowed on his grandfather. MRS EMILY GINIS and MRS MARITSA KELLY were recognized for over 30 years dedicated service on the Philoptochos Ladies' Auxiliary. We congratulate them all.

Mrs Christina Tsaconas presented with Lifetime Membership by Parish President Mr James Phillips


HOMILY FOR PENTECOST SUNDAY Early on in His public teaching and healing ministry, our Lord and Master Jesus Christ promised to His Church the great gift of the all-Holy and Life-giving Spirit. In yesterday’s Gospel, we heard our Lord say: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink, He who believes in Me, as the scripture has said; out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit” (John 7: 3739). After His resurrection, Christ breathed on His disciples and said to them: “Receive ye the Holy Spirit” (John 20:22) giving them a foretaste of what would be poured abundantly onto the Church on the day of Pentecost. The final words of Christ prior to His ascension include a firm promise: “John truly baptised with water, but you shall be baptised with the Holy Spirit not many days from now” (Acts 1: 5). This promise was fulfilled yesterday on Pentecost Sunday. The historical account of Pentecost is found in the New Testament, in the Acts of the Apostles. In its second chapter, the sacred evangelist Luke tells us that the apostles of our Lord were gathered together in one place and then suddenly, a sound came from heaven like a rushing wind that filled the entire house where the apostles had gathered. Then tongues, like fire, appeared and one sat upon each one of the apostles. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as directed to them by the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 1-4). In interpreting this passage of scripture, St Gregory Palamas (14th Century) teaches us that, the Holy Spirit, Who spoke through the prophets of the Old Testament and worked miracles through the apostles in the New Testament, revealed Himself through tongues of fire. By sitting enthroned as Lord upon each of the disciples, the Holy Spirit was entirely present and active, making each of them instruments of His power. The Holy Spirit appeared as tongues of fire to demonstrate that He shared the same nature as Jesus Christ, the Word of God, because there is no relationship closer than that between the spoken word and the human tongue. Furthermore, to preach Christ’s Gospel to the ends of the earth, the disciples needed a new tongue, one that was full of grace (St Gregory Palamas, Homily 24 On How the Holy Spirit was manifested and shared out on Pentecost). As members of the Orthodox Church we each continue to experience the events of Pentecost in a very personal manner. St Nicholas Cavasilas (14th Century) teaches us that: “the Holy Spirit is given to the faithful so that they may be able to benefit others…by speaking of the future or by teaching mysteries or by freeing men from diseases…To others, however, He is given in order that they themselves may become more virtuous and shine with godliness…moderation, love or humility…” (St Nicholas Cavasilas, The Life in Christ, Chapter 3). In the sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation, Orthodox Christians receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit but due to human weakness, these gifts are often neglected. It is for this reason that St Seraphim of Sarov (19th Century) taught that in life, the goal of the Orthodox Christian is to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit can only be granted to us through prayer, fasting, participating in the life-saving sacraments of the Church, and by putting our faith into praxis or action, through a love for God and neighbour. Mr A. Picardi (Pentecost, 2015)





Congratulations to all the students who challenged themselves and participated in our recent Athletics Carnival. I was impressed with the enthusiasm and ‘can do’ attitude of the students who wanted to do it not only to beat their personal best but to support their House. Seven records were broken. Well done to the Delphians who won the carnival this year!

The P & F Association is an integral part in the life of our College. It is entrusted with four critical roles and responsibilities. These are as follows: ·To raise funds for the development of our College, buildings, facilities and resources; ·To be positive role models to our students by its active community service; ·To provide a forum for social interaction of our parent body; ·To support and promote the good name of our College and its values and beliefs. We encourage all parents to be involved and support the P&F Committee. We invite you to attend our next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 16th June, 2015 at 7pm, Doran House.



The P&F is pleased to report we raised the amount of $1280 from our canteen, on the day. UPCOMING EVENTS Father’s Day Breakfast - Thursday, 3rd September, 2015 – Save the Date! We will be hosting a Fathers’ Day breakfast (following Liturgy) for all father figures for the first time this year! Students to accompany as well. My thanks are extended to all the parents who assisted on the day and those who cheered from the stands. Mrs Bourdaniotis and her amazing P & F once again kept us well fed and hydrated. Thank you also to Mr Volas and Mr Dookie, your planning, meticulous attention to detail and efficient record keeping ensured the day ran smoothly. Thank you to the staff for looking after the children and for providing wonderful outdoor activities for them to enjoy. A wonderful day was had by all!

Retro - Disco Night Flashback to retro and disco classics we all used to love. Music, nibbles and drinks. Over 18yrs. The P&F would like to wish all the students and all the parents, and all the teaching faculty, an enjoyable mid-year break! Angela Vergotis (Asst. Secretary)


1st Delphians 2nd Olympians 3rd Corinthians 4th Nemeans


198.5 Points 167.5 Points 148 Points 120 Points

AGE CHAMPIONS Girls 8 Years Nicola Lisgaris Gabriella Gouveros Boys 8 Years Myles O’Reilly Zane Rallis Girls 9 Years Stella Tsoukleris Boys 9 Years Stephen Varvaritis Girls 10 Years Sia Manos Boys 10 Years Hudson Rallis Girls 11 Years Adriana Drakoulis Boys 11 Years Paul Giavis Girls 12 Years Vicki Synesios Boys 12 Years Juval Mikhail NEW RECORDS Event 3 Boys 11 Yrs 800m 2:50.30 Paul Giavis Event 15 Boys 9 Yrs 100m 14.87 Stephen Varvaritis Event 21 Boys 12 Yrs 100m 13.31 Juval Mikhail Event 43 Boys 8 Yrs Long Jump 3.15m Myles O’Reilly Event 54 Girls 8-10 Yrs High Jump 1.08m Anna Kakakios Event 65 Boys 8-10 Yrs Discus 24.05m Leon Kalyvas Event 69 Boys 12 Yrs Discus 25.28m Michael Vlahos



Reading your child’s report By Michael Grose Reports can mean anxious times for children. Will my parents be disappointed or proud? This is the main concern of most children. Could try harder . . . always does her best . . . lacks concentration . . . easily distracted . . . a pleasure to teach . . . Do these comments, taken from a batch of student reports sound familiar? Student reports bring mixed feelings for parents. Pleasure and pride if they are performing well but considerable angst when children are not progressing as you hoped. Reports can mean anxious times for children too. Will my parents be disappointed or proud? This is the main concern of most children. Kids of all ages take their cues from their parents, so your reaction to their school report can affect the way they see themselves as learners and as people. Before you rip open the sealed envelope containing the report do a little self-check to see if you are in the right frame of mind:

TERM 3 LEAVE Ka Ieroklis will be on leave in Term 3. Mrs Karpouzos will be taking Years 5 & 6 Orthodox Studies.

1. Are your expectations for your son or daughter realistic and in line with their ability? Expectations are tricky. If they are too high then kids can be turned off learning. Too low and there is nothing to strive for. Pitch your expectations in line with your child’s abilities. A quick check of your child’s last report cards may provide you with a good yardstick.

Mr Volas after 10 years of dedicated service to our College will be taking Long Service Leave during Term 3. We thank him for all that he has contributed and wish him a well-deserved break. Mrs Diavatiotis will be taking his classes during his absence.

2. Do you believe that children learn at different rates? There are slow bloomers, late developers and steadyas-you-go kids in every classroom, so avoid comparing your child to siblings, your friends’ children and even yourself when you were a child. Instead look for individual progress.

CO CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Please note: There will be no co curricular activities the last week of Term 2. Activities will recommence in Term 3 on Monday 20th July and conclude on Wednesday 9th September. There will be no co curricular the week of 27th 31st August.

3. Are you willing to safeguard your child’s selfesteem rather than deflate it? Self-confidence is a pre-requisite for learning, so be prepared to be as positive and encouraging as possible.

PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS A reminder that Parents Teacher Interviews will be held on Wednesday 15th July K-4 & Year 5 and Friday 17th July K-4 & Year 6. All appointments should be finalised by end of this term.

School reports come in different formats. Some are prescriptive while some use grading systems such as A, B, C, etc. with room for teacher comments. Regardless of the format school reports should provide you with an idea of your child’s progress in all subject areas, their attitude and social development. Here are some ideas to consider when you open your child’s report:


Focus on strengths. Do you look for strengths or weaknesses first? The challenge is to focus on strengths even if they are not in the traditional 3Rs or core subjects.


Take into account your child’s effort and attitude to learning. If the report indicates that effort is below standard, then you have something to work on. If your child is putting in the required effort, then you cannot ask any more than that, regardless of the grading.

Years 7 – 11

HALF YEARLY REPORTS Years 7 – 11 Half Yearly Reports will be posted during the school holidays.


Broaden your focus away from academic performance to form a picture of your child’s progress as a member of a social setting. How your child gets along with his or her peers will influence his happiness and well-being, as well as give an indicator to his future. The skills of independence and co-operation are highly valued by employers so don’t dismiss these as unimportant.




Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on the following dates in the SPACe. Year 7 Thursday, 16th July, 2015 3.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. Year 8 Monday, 20th July, 2015 3.30 p.m. – 7.00 p.m.

Take note of student self- assessment. Kids are generally very honest and will give a realistic assessment of their progress. They are generally very perceptive so take note of their opinions.

Year 9 Monday, 27th July, 2015 3.30 p.m. – 7.00 p.m.(To be held in Technology Wing)

Discuss the report with your son or daughter talking about strengths first before looking at areas that need improvement. Ask for their opinion about how they performed and discuss their concerns.

Appointments are to be made directly with Teachers by the students.

After reports are read and discussed celebrate your child’s efforts with a special activity or treat. In this way you will recognise progress and remind them that the holidays are just around the corner when they can forget about assessment, tests and reports for a while.


Years 10 & 11 Wednesday, 22nd July, 2015 3.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.

Parents are asked to attend the Parent Teacher Conference with their child.



We are pleased to announce that three Year 11 students have been accepted into the National Art School’s Intensive Studio Practice 2015.

Chrystal Christie Ceramics

Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School


Danae Kyriakaki Life Drawing

SOUP KITCHEN Another group of Year 9 students went to St Constantine and Helen’s Church Hall at Newtown to do their community service duty. Father Nectarios and the wonderful team of volunteers who cook, set up and clean every day are always very welcoming and pleased whenever our students go to lend them a hand. Needless to say students always come away feeling satisfied and pleased that they too have been able to assist. Well done Rhea Tsimboukis, Christina Hatgis Felicity Ginis, Victoria Tzavaras, Elaine Andrew and Victoria Zois.

Anastasia Vorgias Painting This will no doubt be a fantastic experience. We congratulate the girls and commend their teacher Ms Pringle for creating this opportunity for them. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



Success Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. Dale Carnegie

STUDENTS TRAVELLING OVERSEAS A number of Middle School students are taking advantage of the opportunity afforded by the upcoming three week break, to travel overseas with their families. This experience should not be taken lightly. It needs to be both valued and appreciated as it is not something that happens to all young people or even adults. Some spend years saving the funds for their ‘once in a life time trip’, while others never manage to leave Australia’s shores. As such, those who have the means to travel, need to be grateful for how LUCKY they are. For those who will miss more than a week of school, arrangements have been made by Year Advisers for catch up work to be completed. Students need to ensure they have picked up what is needed from class teachers and or their Year Advisers before departing. Enjoy the half year break and safe travels to all!!


WORLD VISION YOUTH CONFERENCE Last week Year 11 SRC’s attended a Youth Conference with their Year Adviser Mrs Gambriell at Luna Park. This event was attended by thousands of student leaders and was aimed at preparing them for leading their schools’ World Vision 40 HOUR FAMINE events in August. Next week a representative from World Vision will also come to give a talk to all the SRC’s about the inequalities that exist in our world, the importance of using their leadership roles to make others aware of important global issues, and how we can all help make a difference by taking part in the 40 HOUR FAMINE appeal

HALF YEARLY REPORTS & PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS All Half-Yearly reports are currently being prepared and will be posted out in the first week of the holidays. The marks shown on the report reflect the results of completed assessment tasks in each subject. The number of tasks completed will vary. In some subjects only one formal task may have been completed and as such it is important to read the subject comment in conjunction with the mark. This week, Middle School students along with Years 10 and 11 were given forms on which to record parent interview times with teachers. Interviews will occur on Thursday 16th July (Year 7) between 3.30 pm- 6.30 pm, 20th July (Years 8) between 3.30 pm-7.30 pm, Wednesday 22nd July (Years 10 & 11) and Monday 27th July (Year 9) between 3.30 pm7pm. Please be aware that while we try to keep to our appointment times, this sometimes is not possible and delays result. We appreciate your patience and understanding. If any parent cannot attend interviews, please call administration to arrange an alternative in person or phone interview at a later date. Parents of Year 10 will also have opportunity to listen to a presentation by our Careers Adviser, Ms Gail Hakos. It will be held in the Lecture Theatre on Wednesday 22nd July (Parent Teacher Interview Day) between 5.30 p.m. 6.00 p.m. and again repeated at 6.30 p.m. – 7.00pm. Please ensure teacher appointments are not made during the presentation time you would like to attend.


and business representatives in cities throughout the country.


European Union Ambassador to Australia Sem Fabrizi said the documentary would also be shown in GreekAustralian Colleges throughout Australia. "The European Union and its Member States will jointly hold events in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart and Perth," Ambassador Fabrizi said. Recently in Pastoral Care as part of our Global Connections focus, Year 11 and 12 students had the privilege of watching a specially made documentary about Climate Change and the dangers facing our world. This was a Greek Embassy initiative that pre-empts UN discussions on the climate change issue and acts as an expression of our environmental awareness. Our school is the first (of all the Australian based Greek Orthodox Colleges) who are taking part, to view this documentary. Below is a more detailed explanation from the Greek Embassy.

The European Union Climate Diplomacy Day initiative is led worldwide by the European Union in cooperation with the French, German and United Kingdom foreign offices. "In Australia we will also draw on the specific participation of the ambassadors of Belgium, Greece, Ireland and Italy and the missions of all our Member States will help promote the events" Ambassador Fabrizi said. Norway is also associated to the events. British High Commissioner Menna Rawlings said global action was required.

“These simultaneous events in seven Australian cities are a great chance to highlight the crucial importance of the Paris negotiations in tackling a problem that affects the whole world,” she said. Ambassador for France Christophe Lecourtier joined the push for a firm response. CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION

"We call upon all countries to set ambitious carbon targets in the months before this crucial meeting in Paris." Ambassador Lecourtier said.

The European Union and its Member States will put on a simultaneous "climate" event in seven major cities throughout Australia.

EU Ambassador Sem Fabrizi said the European Union had committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.

These events are part of the "European Climate Diplomacy Day" taking place worldwide on the 17th of June 2015 to promote informed debate about climate change in the lead up to this year's decisive meeting at Paris in December.

Ambassador for Germany, Christoph Mueller, said the Member State's actions sent a clear message. This cooperation underlines how serious the European Union is in tackling the problem of climate change," Ambassador Mueller said.

The French capital will host the United Nations 2015 Conference of Parties which is aiming to limit global temperature rises to below 2 degrees Celsius.

"The Climate Blueprint" documentary was directed by Fran X Rodriguez and Ruth Chao and details the history of past negotiations as well as the main players and, of course, the effects of climate change.

The European Climate Diplomacy Day in Australia will include the screening of "The Climate Blueprint" documentary followed by a panel discussion featuring scientists, politicians

The European Climate Diplomacy Day will also see the launch of the photography exhibition “35 Wonders of the World” on display at the French-Australian School of Canberra / Telopea Park School until 17 June 2015.


This exhibition will be launched at 10:00am by Ambassador Lecourtier and Ambassador Fabrizi, joined by other heads of EU Member States’ missions.

Your next door neighbours have just moved in. You visited them in order to welcome them in your neighbourhood and to inform them about the other neighbours and the facilities in your neighbourhood. Write a diary entry reflecting on your visit to them.

To learn more about this event in your city, head to

27/5/15 Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο,

EU Ambassadors recently issued a call for climate action:

Και πάλι μαζί. Χτες μια οικογένεια μετακόμισε στο σπίτι δίπλα από το δικό μας. Τους επισκεφτήκαμε και τους φέραμε ένα πιάτο μπισκότα και τους καλέσαμε σπίτι μας για δείπνο το επόμενο Σάββατο το βράδυ.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Είναι ένα ζευγάρι με δύο παιδιά στην ίδια ηλικία με μένα. Ονομάζονται Αντρέας και Μαριάνθη. Θα γραφτούν στο σχολείο μου και πιστεύω ότι θα γίνουμε καλοί φίλοι.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Να που φτάσαμε αισίως στο τελευταίο μας τεύχος αυτής της σχολικής περιόδου. Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με τα γραπτά μαθητών της Β΄ Λυκείου . Τα θέματα θα τα δείτε παρακάτω γραμμένα στα Αγγλικά όπως δόθηκαν στα παιδιά.

Η μαμά συζητούσε με την κυρία Ουρανία και ο μπαμπάς έπαιζε τάβλι με τον κύριο Μιχάλη. Εγώ έπαιζα με την Μαριάνθη και τον Αντρέα στον κήπο τους αλλά ύστερα πήγαμε δίπλα στο σπίτι μου να τους πάρω πάνω στην κρεβατοκάμαρά μου επειδή αυτοί δεν είχαν τηλεόραση ή αρκετά έπιπλα στις κρεβατοκάμαρές τους ακόμη.

Καλό ταξίδι και καλές διακοπές σε όσους θα ταξιδέψουν και καλή ανάγνωση. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

Ρώτησαν τι κάνω και πού πηγαίνω τα Σαββατοκύριακα. Ήρθαν από τη Μελβούρνη και έτσι δεν ξέρουν την πόλη του Σύδνεϋ ακόμη. Τους είπα ότι έχουμε σινεμά κοντά μας και έχουμε ωραία καφέ και εστιατόρια. Επίσης τους πληροφόρησα ότι μένουμε κοντά σε δυο τρεις παραλίες και έχουμε τραίνο και λεωφορείο για να πάμε στο εμπορικό κέντρο.

Write a diary entry about an argument you had with your best friend and explain how you plan to rectify your relationship. 9/10/14 Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο, Σήμερα δεν ήταν και η καλύτερή μου μέρα γιατί είχα τσακωθεί με τον φίλο μου το Γιάννη για το θέμα του ποδοσφαίρου. Είχα πει ότι ο Ολυμπιακός θα κερδίσει το πρωτάθλημα ποδοσφαίρου της Ελλάδας. Αλλά επειδή είναι φανατικός Παναθηναϊκός μου είχε πει ότι η ομάδα του είναι η καλύτερη και θα τους «σκοτώσουν» τους Ολυμπιακούς. Εγώ του είπα ότι οι «γάβροι» θα φάνε τα «βαζέλια». Έτσι από εκείνη τη στιγμή θύμωσε και δε μου μίλαγε.

Αύριο θα πάμε στην τοπική βιβλιοθήκη μαζί, ενώ η μαμά θα πάει για ψώνια με την κυρία Ουρανία και ο μπαμπάς θα παίξει γκολφ με τον κύριο Μιχάλη. Πάντως, ως το μόνο παιδί της οικογένειάς μου, είμαι πολύ χαρούμενη και ευχαριστημένη που θα έχω δύο φίλους που μένουν δίπλα μου ως παρέα. Θα τα ξαναπούμε, Rothopi Nicolaou Year 10 (Modern Greek Year 11)

Εγώ τώρα αύριο θα πάω να του μιλήσω και να του πω ότι είναι ένα παιχνίδι που λατρεύουμε και οι δυο, αλλά δεν πρέπει να γίνεται το ποδόσφαιρο αιτία να τσακωνόμαστε και να χαλάμε τις καρδιές μας! Θα του πω και ένα συγνώμη γιατί νομίζω ότι τον πείραξε και είναι ένας συναισθηματικός τύπος.



CAREERS EXPO Students in Years 11 and 12 visited the HSC and Careers Expo at Moore Park on Friday 29th May.

Αυτά για σήμερα. Θα σου ξαναγράψω αύριο πάλι για να σου πω τι έγινε. Γεια σου

This proved to be a worthwhile day, as the students were able to gain a wealth of information about the different tertiary providers, speak to representatives

Harry Gavalas Year 10 (Modern Greek Year 11)


from UAC and the Board of Studies, as well as attending informative seminars on a variety of topics.

The University of Sydney HSC Science Exam Preparation: Thursday 16th July – Sat 18th July, The University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus. Highly qualified science teachers will deliver workshops providing students with hints and strategies that will enable them to improve their HSC performance. Fullday sessions will be held on each HSC Science subject. Cost: $40 per day Contact: +61 2 9763 2751 or Project Management Winter Camp Sydney Uni 9 and 10 July Years 10, 11, 12. Two day workshop will give students an understanding of what project management is and teach them how to tackle complex projects. Do real life case studies, learn from industry leaders and visit a leading global IT company to see projects in action. Register

Year 11 students Yiani Baratsas, Alexia Rizzo and Elias Hatzon performing at the Australian Institute of Music display at the Careers Expo.

PARENT FORUM: CAREERS AND HSC SUBJECTS On Wednesday 22nd July, during parent-teacher interviews, I will be speaking to parents of Year 10 students about the HSC (subjects, ATARs, units, bonus points), tertiary courses, alternate entry pathways and the career development program. The proposed times for the talk are: 5.30 - 6.00pm and a repeat from 6.30 -7.00 pm. If you are interested in attending, please ensure you schedule your teacher interviews around your preferred session.

UNSW Change to Admission to Law 2017 Entry In 2017 undergraduate entry into law will include a reasoning and rational assessment in conjunction with ATAR. Published ATAR will likely move down to 95.00, therefore allowing aptitude as well as ATAR to be used as part of the criteria for entry into law. UNSW Interior Architecture Workshop: 23 July, 9.00am to 12.00pm Built Environment Gallery, UNSW Kensington. Fun activities workshop on interior architecture. vents_search

UNIVERSITY NEWS UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME Parent Information Evening: Parents, carers, friends and prospective students are welcome. Find out about the transition to tertiary study. Talk to current students, meet academic staff and hear about courses and pathway options available. 6:00pm, Tuesday 23 June 2015 at 104 Broadway, Chippendale NSW (map) Register here.

UNSW Power of Engineering 6 July, 9.00am to 4.00pm UNSW Kensington Campus. For female Year 9 and 10 students. Specialist speakers, project tours, workshops. Contact: (02) 9385 7458 or vents_search

‘Exploring Careers’ Week: Explore future career options in arts, nursing, philosophy and theology, business and law at our ‘Exploring Careers’ Week. Monday 29 June to Thursday 2 July 2015. Broadway, Chippendale NSW (map) Register here.

UNSW New Website: Find a Degree UNSW’s Find a Degree tool, enables prospective students to search by Faculty and see all undergraduate degrees on offer. The tool provides all the information about each degree including the previous year’s ATAR cut-off, this year’s Guaranteed Selection Rank, the study areas, and majors.

OPEN DAY: Experience life at Notre Dame: Speak with academic staff and students: Join info sessions and workshops; Experience the campus 9am-3pm, Saturday 29 August 2015 104 Broadway, Chippendale NSW (map) Register here.

University of Wollongong: Early Admission Applications open Mon 3rd August. University of Wollongong early admission enables students to gain


entry into university before receiving their ATAR. For more information visit: To view a video on interview tips for early admission, visit kY UTS: Bachelor of Information Technology Cooperative Scholarship Program Round 1 Applications Close: Fri 19th June Round 2 Applications Open: Mon 3rd August Round 2 Applications Close: Wed 30th September The Bachelor of Information Technology Co-operative Scholarship Program provides students with $15, 500 per year of study, and two six month full-time industry placements with sponsor organisations. There are two rounds of applications in 2015 for the 2016 intake.

University of Wollongong Open Day at Sydney CBD campus on 29th August 2015. Guests will hear all about our specialised degrees in accounting, banking and financial services, meet the lecturers and current students, tour the campus and more. Date Saturday 29 August 2015 Time 10:00am – 2:00pm Place UOW CBD Campus Gateway Building, Level 8, 1 Macquarie Place, Circular Quay (opposite train station) RSVP

UTS: New Digital Course Guides New interactive course guides are designed to help students explore their UTS course and career options in new and engaging ways.

UTS Experience UTS Day 7th July (school holidays). Register now! UTS IT Undergraduate Courses & Scholarships Info Eve, 10 June UTS Engineering Undergraduate Courses & Scholarships Info Eve, 10 June Law Undergraduate Info Eve, 24 June Opportunity for student to work with practicing engineers, 1-2 October

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY Macquarie University Global Leadership Entry Program for Year 12 Students Applications close: Sat 15th August The Global Leadership program provides students with the opportunity to gain practical skills through volunteering and participating in leadership activities in Australian and overseas. As part of the program students will gain early entry into a limited number of Macquarie degrees and will also receive invitations to special events and pre-study programs. The program is open to Year 12 students who are not only doing academically well but are also leaders in their community. Contact: 1800 351 117 _schemes_and_pathways/global_leadership_entry_pro gram/ Campus tours 23rd June, 3rd July Register at: Macquarie University: New Pathways into Law Students who have been admitted to a non-law degree at Macquarie University in 2016 will be able to apply for admission to the Pre-Law Pathway prior to their first session of studies. To gain entry into the Pre-Law Pathway prospective students are required to have completed the HSC in 2015, achieved an ATAR above 93, and be accepted into an approved degree at Macquarie. w_programs/new_pathways_into_law/

Course and Scholarship Info B Information Technology Co-op Scholarship Applications, Closes 19 June Engineering Industry Sponsored Merit Scholarships, Opens 2 July UTS: Engineering Industry Merit Based Scholarships Applications Open: Mon 6th July. Applications Close: Mon 5th October A number of Industry Sponsored scholarships are available to provide financial support for the first year of the Bachelor of Engineering Diploma in Engineering Practice degree. Scholars will have direct access to industry sponsors and many undertake an internship with their sponsor company. Applicants will be chosen based on their academic performance, skills evidence in leadership, commitment to an understanding of the engineering profession, and demonstrated initiative in extra-curricular activities. Contact: +61 2 9514 2666 or

ACU Graduate Videos The ACU website has a number of graduate videos where former students discuss their experiences at


ACU, what they are doing now, and how their degree helped them get a foot in the door. plying_to_acu/useful_links/?a=144479

DANCE WORKSHOP Sydney Dance Company Two Day July School Holiday 2 Day Workshop 9 to 10 July. Pier 4, 15 Hickson Road, The Rocks. Leading dance teachers, choreographers in contemporary, lyrical, JFH, and Theatre Jazz

TEACHING Scholarship Opportunities for Teaching. The timing couldn’t be better as the Department launches the 2016 suite of scholarships and cadetships assisting students financially and ensuring a permanent teaching position to begin their successful career in teaching. Register here

ACPE Open Day 13 June, 11.00am to 2.00pm. 8 Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park

SCHOOL HOLIDAY EVENTS/ WORKSHOPS Macleay College: Career Taster Workshops Mon 29th June – Tue 30th June, 28 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills Get hands-on experience through interactive activities, engage with industry professionals and enjoy a taste of a career in Event Management, Marketing, Advertising, Journalism, Public Relations, or Travel and Tourism.

GAP YEAR/ VOLUNTEERING International Volunteer HQ Every year thousands of Australian students choose to volunteer overseas with International Volunteer HQ (IVHQ) - the affordable and trusted volunteer travel organisation. IVHQ has volunteer programs in 30+ countries, including Bali, Fiji, Italy, Tanzania and Costa Rica and offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities, including Teaching, Childcare, Community Development, Medical, Construction and Renovation, Turtle Conservation and Wildlife Conservation. Learn more about IVHQ's affordable volunteer programs and apply here: Student Exchange Australia New Zealand Online Information Sessions Online information sessions run for about an hour and provide an overview of the exchange program. Thursday 25th June, 7:30pm 8:30pm

Australian Theatre for Young People: School Holiday Workshops Short Film Course: Mon 29th June – Fri 3rd July Stage and Screen: Mon 6th July – Fri 10th July Sketch Comedy: Mon 29th June – Fri 3rd July The Outsider: Mon 6th July – Fri 10th July Pier 4/5 Hickson Road, Walsh Bay Contact: (02) 9270 2400 or

STUDY IN THE USA: JULY HOLIDAY INFORMATION SESSIONS Following are the details on the information sessions EducationUSA will be holding during the June-July 2015 school holidays. RSVP is essential at\ Location: EducationUSA, US Consulate General, Level 10, MLC Center, 19-29 Martin Place, Sydney 1. US Undergraduate Information Session + Sport Scholarship Information Session Monday, June 29, 2015 Time: 1:30 for 2:00-4:00pm Other Information: A free general information session on the US undergraduate application process and NCAA eligibility process. RSVP is essential by Wednesday, June 24 (places may be filled before the RSVP deadline). 2. US Undergraduate Information Session + Sport Scholarship Information Session Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Time: 1:30 for 2:00-4:00pm Other Information: A free general information session on the US undergraduate application process and NCAA eligibility process.

MUSIC WORKSHOPS REMINDER: There are two music workshops which are being held in the July holidays: Wed 1st July: JMC Academy Attend a day of FREE hands-on music workshops and masterclass, delivered by JMC Academy and Berklee Professors. -events/jmc-academy-music-masterclassesfeaturing-berklee 30 June to 2 July: Australian Institute of Music HSC Music Workshop 1-55 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills. Three halfday music workshops offering study tips and advice from HSC markers and industry professionals covering Performance, Composition and Musicology. Contact:


RSVP is essential by Monday, July 6 (places may be filled before the RSVP deadline). 3. US Undergraduate Information Session Friday, July 10, 2015 Time: 1:30 for 2:00-3:00pm Other Information: A free general information session on the US undergraduate application process. RSVP is essential by Wednesday, July 8 (places may be filled before the RSVP deadline). RSVP: Original photo ID is required for entry to the Consulate.

Regional Express Pilot Cadet Program The REX Cadet program provides pilot training over 32 weeks as well as guaranteed employment within the REX group upon satisfactory completion of the program. The pilot cadet program has three intakes throughout the year. Applications for their next intake are now open. USEFUL WEBSITES TO EXPLORE How Much Money do Occupational Therapists Earn? The article provides information on the earning capacity of occupational therapists and contains links to videos providing more information about this profession. Hobsons Course Finder: What the Federal Budget Means for You Hobsons Course Finder: University Pathways – The Facts Open Training Institute The Open Training Institute is similar to a TAFE, except all the courses offered are only available to study online. The diplomas and certificates are nationally accredited and recognised by Australian employers, registered training organisations and Australian universities.

USA UNIVERSITIES VISITING SYDNEY The next visit is by Georgetown, Columbia, Princeton, Duke and Northwestern universities. They will be at Cranbrook on Wednesday, 2 September, from 5.30pm for a 6pm start. Contact to register or to answer any questions. Finalised details will be sent the week before for the presentation. Canberra Academy of Dramatic Art: Scholarships Prospective students must register for the drama workshop on Sat 20th June to apply. Canberra Academy of Dramatic Art has announced 6 new scholarships for students planning to commence full-time study in semester 2 2015. These scholarships are: One tuition scholarship (valued at $2 500) Five $500 cash scholarships To be eligible, applicants must be aged 13 – 45, have approval to study in Australia, and can demonstrate an interest in acting. Applicants can apply for one or both of the scholarships, however only one scholarship can be awarded per applicant.

Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser


Australian Defence Force Information Sessions Sydney – Army Reserve: Tue 9th June, 6.30pm, Defence Force Recruiting, Parramatta Sydney – ADF Fitness: Wed 10th June, 6.30pm, Defence Force Recruiting Parramatta ia/events



A Short Review of Humpback Whales 3D Humpback Whales is a 3D movie at IMAX. Humpback Whales are majestic and worth saving because they are interesting. These whales are really big. They are still being hunted today. The movie is entertaining.

Regional Aviation Association of Australia Applications close Tue 21st July The Regional Aviation Association of Australia has a number of scholarships available for Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, Apprenticeships, and scholarships designated to current or future pilots training or working in the Australian aviation industry for an RAAA member.

Humpback Whales is about how whales live, hunt, swim and even more information. The movie is good because it shows you many unknown facts about whales and their behaviour.


thought of saving whales in this film, they were successful and showed us that whales are indeed worth saving. The soundtrack was happy and it gets stuck in your head. The whales are wonderful and they’re as big as school buses!

The movie was produced by Shaun MacGillivray. The producer has used music to suit the whales and has made us care a lot more about whales. It is a very strong movie with its ‘Whale Saving Crew’ and shows how they save WHALES.

I think the movie was really good. Well, it wasn’t a movie it was a documentary. I think it was a documentary because it was a fun journey for me with the whales.

Antonio Pateras 6P

Andreja Jovanovic 6P Humpback Whales in 3D Shaun MacGillivray made Humpback Whales in 3D. The movie is about whales living their lives in freedom and sharing their story with us. Shaun MacGillivray wants us to think that whales are worth saving and that they deserve to live their lives and not become endangered or be slaughtered. The producer has made the film to make us think that whales are majestic and both learn about and better understand different whale species.

Humpback Whales in 3D Review The producer of Humpback Whales 3D is Shaun MacGillivray. It is a 3D movie that takes us on an adventure that will answer all of our questions on whales. This 40-minute film fills us with wonder and fascination.

I think that Shaun MacGillivray has made a really good movie using real images of real whales. The song choices are really uplifting and create a sense of hope. The songs persuade people to go and learn more about whales.

Initially, this 50-foot whale appears life-sized on the screen. It makes us believe that whales are majestic creatures and deserve to live by using reliable resources, real images and uplifting songs with soundtrack tunes like ‘Best Day of my Life.’

Mia Spyridopoulos 6P

The film also answers questions and queries that we are passionate to know, by using devices like the quadcopter and a ‘whale cam.’

Wonderland: It’s fantastic! Hello people! My name is Greg and I am going to be presenting you a description of Alice in Wonderland. Okay, let’s get onto the image!

This movie for me has been a great experience and it fulfilled many of my queries. I also hope Shaun MacGillivray and Pacific Life work together again and produce another great documentary in the future.

When you first appear in front of this magical land you will witness perfectly-cut green grass with fresh little purple and red roses; you get that really strong but nice smell. You think you’re dreaming but really you’re not. There is also an extremely large palace that appears in front of your amazed eyes. Keep listening because I’m telling you that you will never hear this at home or anywhere else unless it’s a made up story which people fall for- but I’m just warning you. The palace is filled with colours such as pink, purple, red, white, yellow- you name it!

Mihalis Dovellos 6P Humpback Whales in 3D at IMAX The producer Shaun MacGillivray persuades us to think that whales are majestic. Scientists have found lots of information about the whales and the documentary is about these whales and how they live. It is an awesome adventure! The movie is interesting because when the audience see’s it they will stop killing whales.

Moving on… There are lots of exciting adventures to go on that you will never forget more than anything else, ever! Even your 9th birthday where you generally get anything you want! Even going for a walk is filled with joy and everything else I mentioned because you

People still have unanswered questions about whales to add to known facts. When scientists


Angelina Flokis- 2015 Opens Netball Coach St Spyridon College Class of 2010 Senior Prefect: 2010 Opens Netball: 2008-2010 Completed study: 2011-2013: Bachelor of Media (PR and Advertising) - University of New South Wales 2014: Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary)Australian Catholic University Currently casual teaching at St Spyridon College also employed at Parramatta Eels Rugby League Club.

get to see the whole of Wonderland and I’m sure you will bump into a crazy or weird creature or two! Next, the characters in Wonderland have all different personalities and characteristics unseen to the world on Earth. Most of the animals aren’t shown in the book often, but they did have this caucus race and in this race some of them were so dumb they stopped well before the finish line then complained about not winning! The caucus race itself is a dumb race anyway. Some are very lame such as Bill the Lizard. The humans are different too; like the Mad Hatter, he always has to fix his own hangover! Alice is also very dumb and added to that she is stupid, slow and dull but very girly too. The spookiest of all characters has to be Cheshire Cat. He appears and disappears when you don’t expect it! Sometimes you don’t even know it! Who does he think he is? Well, I guess that’s it for now, hopefully you had a good time listening and don’t forget to pinch yourself because when you visit Wonderland you might think it’s just a dream!

Demi Flokis- 2015 Junior A’s Netball Coach St Spyridon College Class of 2012 Prefect: 2012 Opens Netball: 2011-2012 Currently studying: Bachelor Arts Psychology at Australian Catholic University, Strathfield (ACU).

Greg Hatzon 6M




With girls’ sport growing each year and over 100 girls participating in ISA sport, we have been unable to provide enough staff to cater for the growing number of teams. Gradually over the years we have been trying to build the profile of sport through providing coaching courses to our staff members or hiring external coaches. In this current winter ISA season we have been incredibly fortunate enough to have a number of ex-students, providing their time each Wednesday and Saturday to coach the girls. This has been very successful and beneficial for the girls playing Netball or Girls Football within the school and is proving to be a rewarding experience for the ex-students coaching. These ex-students have extensive experience within their sport so they possess the ability to further develop each team to their potential. Furthermore, the girls participating in ISA sport are developing connections with their coaches as they can sense that they really do have invested interest in their team’s success.

Deanne Constantinou- 2015 Intermediate B Netball Coach St Spyridon College Class of 2011 College Sports Captain: 2011 Opens Netball: 2008-2011 Opens Basketball: 2010-2011 Currently studying: Bachelor of Management Majoring in Event Management, University of Technology Sydney.


Nansia Koukounaris- 2015 Junior C Netball Coach St Spyridon College Class of 2014 Prefect: 2014 St Spyridon Opens Netball: 2012-2014 St Spyridon Opens Basketball: 2011-2014, Opens Basketball Captain: 2013, 2014 ISA Basketball Representative: 2011 Currently studying: University of Notre Dame in Bachelor of Primary Education (Religious Education).

Natalie Michos- 2015 Junior Girls Football Coach St Spyridon College Class of 2014 Opens Netball: 2013 Opens Basketball: 2013-2014 Opens Futsal: 2011-2014 ISA Girls Football Representative: 2013 Accepted into: Bachelor of Exercise Physiology University of New South Wales.

Hopefully the ex-students wish to continue in the following years and also in Summer ISA sport. It is wonderful to have them return and help develop the sports program.

Cassandra Georgiou- 2015 Junior B Netball Coach St Spyridon College Class of 2014 College Sports Captain: 2014 Opens Netball: 2009-2014, Opens Netball Captain 2013, 2014 Opens Basketball: 2011-2014 ISA Netball Representative: 2010-2014 Received ISA Outstanding Achievement Award 2014. Currently Studying: Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science, Australian Catholic University.

Round 5 ISA Match Reports Intermediate C St Andrews 32 defeated St Spyridon 20 Round 5 saw the Intermediate C’s facing a competitive St Andrew’s team at home. Throughout the season the team have made improvements on their footwork, communication and coordination. This was clear throughout the game as girls worked really hard to stay with the St Andrew’s team. Despite a strong start and an early lead, the St Andrew’s team pulled away. There were strong individual performances during play, particularly from the girls who played out of position to rotate and assist. The girls are to be


congratulated on their positive attitudes and continued efforts to develop and improve their own game. Fitness and endurance during the third and fourth quarters will be important to staying strong within games and will be the focus of future training sessions. MVP: Jennifer Contominas

Junior B BMGS 19 defeated St Spyridon 13 Round 5 saw the girls play against their hardest opponents this year - BMGS. With a strong line-up this match was a good test to assess where the girls are at and how far they need to come to secure a Semi Final position. The girls played to their potential and with further training and less travel they will no doubt produce a favourable result next time we play BMGS at St Spyridon home court.

Ms N. Gonzalez Intermediate B St Andrews 23 defeated St Spyridon 11 The Intermediate B girls this weekend stepped up their game and showed that the more you work on things the better you become. The girls started off slow but by the 3rd and 4th quarter showed massive improvements. Regardless of the score, the girls kept on playing to the best of their abilities and did not stop trying. This is what I commend them on. The best and fairest for the game was Keti Bull. Keti continually showed leadership qualities and did not stop trying her best till the last whistle was blown as well as showing major improvement. Good Luck this weekend!

Opens BMGS 47 defeated St Spyridon 23 Round 5 of the competition saw the Opens play their final away game for the season. We headed up to the Blue Mountains to take on BMG’s firsts. With the absence of our shooter and only Year 12 player, Sophia Rizzo, the girls from Years 9-11 were yet again up against a quality Year 12 Opens opposition. However, as each week passes, the girls keep finding great form and continue to improve as a team. Our defensive effort was outstanding with many great intercepts throughout the game, but it was not enough to hold on for the entire 60 minutes. As a result of this defensive performance, the difference in the score was only 23 points, a drastic improvement from the previous weeks. Three points towards MVP went to Tina Ventoura for leading the defensive effort, 2 to Rhea Tsimboukis for incredible accuracy in her shooting and 1 point to Georgia Koukounaris for controlling the mid court. The girls are looking forward to playing their final game for Term 2 at home against what will be a closer game against St Andrews.

Deanne Constantinou Junior C Chevalier 20 defeated St Spyridon 6 It was a tough game in Round 5 for the girls, making it their second loss this season. They started off strong and determined winning the first quarter however, Chevalier were just too strong and much fitter then we were defeating us 20-6. MVP for this week goes to Melanie Bounatsos for her constant hustle on the court.

Girls Football Junior Girls St Spyridon 6 defeated St Andrews 1 The girls had their first match at home which was fantastic to see the parent support on the sidelines. Fortunately both teams won their games. Junior Girls secured their first win against St Andrews Cathedral School with Katerina Darras-Samaras scoring 3 goals and earning herself MVP.

Nansia Koukounaris Junior A CCGS 41 defeated St Spyridon 22 This week the girls all stepped up and performed to the best of their ability. Everything we went over and learnt at training that week they successfully brought to the court on game day. We had some impressive foot work and movement along the court most of the game, and exceptional work from the shooters; Georgia and Yana both communicating well with each other and with the other girls around them. The whole 60 minutes showed 110% effort from each and every player which was rewarding to see. Even though we lost I am very proud of the way they played as it was definitely an outstanding performance, probably one of the best games I've seen them play. Demi Flokis


The U14 Blue team and U13 Blue team were also victorious on Saturday not only winning but also showcasing their excellent improvement. Congratulations to both teams and their respective coaches.

Open Girls St Spyridon 5 defeated St Pauls Grammar 0 Open girls remain undefeated and currently placed first on the competition table. Three goals to Chyrstal Christie earned her the Most Valuable player but much credit to the younger players who also assisted and played. Tiana Milisavljevic’s exceptional goal keeping skills kept SPGS with no score and this enabled her to play on the field in the second half. Hopefully the girls can maintain their fitness over the school holidays and continue their unbeaten run for the second half of the ISA season.


The U16 boys, U15 Boys and U13 White teams were defeated on the day; the boys, although disappointed, have the opportunity to make amends this week in their respective encounters with St Andrews Cathedral School. Our 3rd XI football team managed a hard fought draw against a very determined Oakhill team after going down 1-0 early in the game. The boys did well to counter and score the equaliser through Michael Constantopedos midway through the second half. Congratulations to the boys for their positive performance and to Mr Condous their coach.


Last Wednesday we took 16 girls to compete in the Regional Futsal Championships which were held at Minto Sports Stadium. This proved to be a difficult region to compete in with many schools present and many talented players. The girls did not have the best tournament but the experience was worthwhile for them to challenge themselves to be better and further improving their skills for future competitions. Thank you to Mr Meintanis for coaching and to the parents who supported on the day.

After 5 rounds of the competition many of our teams are finding Division 1 a challenge, but as with all challenges the boys always manage to rise to the occasion. I look forward to the second part of the season and the home run to the semi-finals where I hope we can get as many teams as possible through to the knockout stages of the Division 1 football competition. On a personal note I would like to thank Mrs Mio who managed the Opens morning tea on Saturday, her support of sport has helped to make Saturday sport more enjoyable and certainly improved our image to our visiting schools in the ISA. Also many thanks to all the families who supported the BBQ on Saturday 13th June, without your ongoing support we would have difficulty maintaining this initiative that the College has maintained over the last few years.

ISA BOYS FOOTBALL On Saturday 30th May 2015, all the boys’ teams competed against Redlands/Oakhill/Chevalier. The boys were exceptional throughout the whole day performing at their best. Highlights on the day included the Open boys winning 4-0. This was the first win for the Open Boys team with Michael Hatzon creating many opportunities up front and Adonis Tsoustas and Alexander P Cardamis encouraging all the boys and helping them keep shape. Congratulations to the boys on their win. This team has been training once a week after school and their efforts have paid off. A big thank you to all the Year 12 boys for their continued valued contribution to sport and to the U16 boys for backing up as reserves for this team. It has been some time since I have witnessed the boys playing as a collective rather than relying on individuals.

This week all the boys are playing at home and although it is a fasting week we will still be selling food and raising not only funds for sport but also maintaining a level of hospitality that is needed when hosting in the ISA competition. A reminder to all families to please ensure that their child/children are at Chifley Reserve at least 30 minutes prior to kick off ensuring that they bring along with them water, and all necessary medications.

BOYS FUTSAL The U14 White team also performed very strongly winning 8-0. Unfortunately the boys were not tested, and are sitting comfortably in 1st position on the table. Our U14 white team have gone from strength to strength and with more game time together they will no doubt continue to improve.

On Tuesday 2nd June the U16 Blue team travelled to Campbelltown to compete in the Regional Futsal tournament. This was the 2nd team registered by the College to attend regional titles and the boys had a great time winning two games and losing the other two. Despite this the boys enjoyed a wonderful day and their experience was positive. I would like to


bad defence and this was the difference at the end. Not making the final was disappointing, sometimes the better teams don’t win and this was certainly true of the semi-final.

thank Mr Mouhtaris for his support in accompanying the students on the day. On Wednesday 3rd June the College sent two U14 boys teams to the Campbelltown regional futsal titles. Our two teams were adequately prepared for the tournament which is hosted every year by Futsal NSW. Both teams performed admirably in their pools showcasing excellent skills on the ball as well as outstanding sportsmanship throughout the day. Despite the U14 Blue team not progressing past the pool stages, the boys had a wonderful day playing in 4 games winning two losing the one and had a draw in their final game. There were many outstanding performers on the day including Steven Stamoulis who was top goal scorer for the boys as well as the goalkeeper Jordan Polyzos who was excellent in all games.

ANNUAL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL The Athletics Carnival will this year be held at Hensley Athletics Track Eastgardens on Tuesday 21st July 2015. Students will be provided with all necessary details during Pastoral care this Friday.

Thank you to Mr Zafiropoulos for taking the boys, many of whom were playing their first tournament for the school and will invariably be better off for having had the experience.

BOYS SPORTS PROFILE Zac Prelec Zac was selected in the South Sydney Junior Bunnies Squad. The squad is a representative rugby league team which consists of 20 - U14 year old boys, all from different rugby league clubs that have been selected to play together.

The U14 White team were excellent in their pool games winning all games comfortably and convincingly. In the quarter final they played against a very well prepared and determined opponent in Cecil Hills Grammar and the boys managed to outplay them in most parts of the game ensuring they were the eventual winners 3-2. In the semi-finals the boys played against All Saints Grammar, Belmore. Our boys were certainly up for the challenge, hitting the goal bar on at least 4 occasions, not scoring was going to have an impact in the final score and the outcome of the game. All Saints went on to score the first goal and the boys continued to work hard for each other but were unable to score in the first half. In the second half, the game continued the way it ended in the first with our boys dominating. Midway through the second half Emmanuel Tzanakes scored the equaliser and it seemed we could wrestle and win the game. However, after the goal the All Saints boys scored from the kick off because of

Zac plays both centre and winger, playing against teams as far as Forster as well as other representative teams linked to NRL clubs such as St George, Wests and Balmain. Last weekend the boys travelled to Forster to play 2 games, the boys won their first game and Zac scored two tries with the second ending in a draw. We congratulate Zac Prelec from Year 9 and wish him all the success in the season and beyond.

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)




AnnMarie Xenos


17 years

Number of years at St Spyridon College: From Kindergarten to Year 12 (13 years) Previous Leadership positions: Peer support leader (2013) and SRC (2014) Subjects Currently Studying: Economics, English Advanced, English Extension 1, Legal Studies, Mathematics, Modern History and Extension History Hobbies:

Reading, sport and spending time with family and friends

My Future Aspirations: To continue my studies in economics at university My Role Models: My mum and family Favourite Quote: “Success in life is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable” – Coco Chanel One Thing I am most proud to have achieved: Being selected to represent the school at Parliament House and participating in debates to change the Australian referendum and my role as prefect. One piece of advice I would give younger students: “To always try your best and partake in activities you enjoy” – as they will strive to do better in what brings them joy.



WEEK 1 Mario Kart Challenge Join us for a Mario Kart Challenge on the Wii. Lots of fun and prizes to win.

Mon 22nd Tues 23rd COST: $25

The Play Cave Excursion (please arrive by 9am) We will be travelling by private bus to the Play Cave Indoor Play Centre in Miranda.

Weds 24th

Wheels Day Bring your favourite wheels and join us for a day of fun. No helmet, no ride!

Thurs 25th COST:$ 15

Want to be a Zookeeper (1.30pm‐3.00pm) Want to learn more about caring for Reptiles, Frogs and Invertebrates? We will learn about reptile behaviours, feed lizards and handle a variety of animals.

Fri 26th Cost: $5

Science Day Calling all scientists: Join us today for some science fun! WEEK 2 Canvas Creations Everyone will receive their own canvas to create their own unique masterpiece.

Mon 29th COST:$5 Tues 30th COST:$10

Soccer Kickstart (11am‐1pm) Sports Kickstart will join us for a two hour soccer program – focus on ball control, technique, sportsmanship and respect for others.

Weds 1st

Electronics Day Bring your electronic games, iPods, iPads, for some fun with your friends!

Thurs 2nd Cost: $20

Movies Excursion (please arrive by 9am) We will travel by private bus to the Entertainment Quarter to see ‘Minions’ popcorn & water combo included

Fri 3rd COST:$5

Cooking Day Today we will bake some yummy treats to keep us warm.

WEEK 3 Mon 6th

Minute to Win it Today we will have 60 seconds to complete a variety of fun (but tricky) challenges.

Tues 7th Cost:$25

Stardust Circus (please arrive by 9am) We will travel to Tempe to see performing animals of all shapes and sizes, awesome performers from all over the world and some of Australia’s best acts.

Wed 8th Cost:$15

Earthbeats – Music of the World (1.30pm – 3.00pm) Today we will be joined by Susie who will bring along loads of instruments for us to play. We will learn about different music, song and dances of our multicultural Australia.

Thurs 9th

Multi‐Sports Day We will play cricket, soccer and more! We will have a skipping challenge too!

Fri 10th Cost:$5

Pyjama & Pizza Party Come in your PJ’s today. We'll order pizza, enjoy some party food and play lots of games!

WEEK 4 th $25

Mon 13

Slot Shop Excursion (please arrive by 9am) Today we will travel to the Slot shop in Sydenham to race remote control cars with controllers on a big track!




TERM 1 Tuesday 26th January 2016

2016 DATES

Australia Day Public Holiday

Wednesday 27th January 2016 Thursday 28th January 2016 Friday 29th January 2016 Monday 1st February 2016

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Friday 25th March 2016 Monday 28th March 2016

Annunciation. School Closed Western Good Friday, Public Holiday Western Easter Monday - Public Holiday

Friday 8th April 2016

Term ends

TERM 2 Monday 25th April 2016

Tuesday 26th April 2016

Anzac day, Public Holiday Holy Monday

Wednesday 27th April 2016

Staff and students return Holy Tuesday Holy Wednesday

Thursday 28th April 2016 Friday 29th April 2016 Saturday 30th April 2016 Sunday 1st May 2016 Monday 2nd May 2016

Holy Thursday – school closed Good Friday- school closed Holy Saturday Orthodox Easter Easter Monday- school closed

Monday 13th June 2016

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 24th June 2016

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 18th July 2016 Tuesday 19th July 2016

Staff Development Day Students return

Friday 23rd September 2016

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 10th October 2016 Tuesday 11th October 2015

Staff Development day Students return

Thursday 8th December 2016 Friday 9th December 2016

Term ends for students Staff Development day


Both versions of the following article are subject to copyright, and should not be altered or added to in any way, or used for purposes other than those outlined within the current commercial arrangement. Michael Grose Director Parentingideas 2014

Full article: Don’t be daft about Minecraft By Jason Fox Minecraft may be the best trend to hit boy world in years. Writer Jason Fox explains the attraction and outlines the benefits for kids. If you have a young child or teenager, chances are you’ve heard about Minecraft. It’s a video game that’s kind of like digital LEGO, except that you’re in an ever‐evolving world with seemingly limitless possibilities. It’s a game that inspires deep exploration, collaboration and creativity. It has been the subject of international conventions. Some schools and universities have even incorporated Minecraft into their curriculum, where students learn about city planning, environmental issues, getting things done, and even how to plan for the future, as well as things like maths and problem solving. The open sandbox nature of Minecraft makes it one of the most exciting games on the market – and not because of its flash graphics or blood and gore (there are none of those). The gameplay experience design just works. And on top of all that, it’s rated one of the safest video games for kids ever. But parents are worried. And rightfully so, to a degree. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. But some parents are freaking out about the amount of time their kids are investing in the game, and are imposing blanket bans of it without first understanding its magic. So, let’s have a look at what makes Minecraft so engaging, why blanket bans aren’t a good idea, and how to manage your child’s play. Minecraft is an infinite, non‐winnable game Unlike a book, a game of chess, or a football match, a Minecraft game doesn’t end. There’s always more that can be explored, and more that can be done. The projects you undertake


in Minecraft are self‐initiated: no one is telling you what to do. And the process of making progress within Minecraft is completely autonomous – no one is telling you how to execute your projects and achieve your goals. It’s self‐regulated learning at its finest. So, when a parent bans Minecraft it’s a lot different to banning other games. You’re not simply cutting your child out from a source of entertainment. You’re preventing them from accessing a world where it’s safe to fail, learn, explore, build and share. In essence: it can be pretty devastating – particularly when we put things back into the context of the future of work. Why? Because your child’s ability to participate in and contribute to unprecedented, self‐ driven, creative and collaborative work is going to be one of the key employable talents in the future. Your child could already be building a digital portfolio of project work, without you even knowing it. But being able to ‘unplug’ and manage time and energy are essential skills your child needs to learn too. So, here are three ways you can help them manage Minecraft in your house: 1. Show genuine interest (this should be your first step) If your child plays Minecraft, ask them to take you on a tour. Show an interest in their passion, and ask them questions like: what are you trying to build? What are your goals? What are the steps you need to take? What’s the coolest thing you’ve found? Set aside at least an hour for this. It’s highly likely they’d love the chance to share this with you, which will help you to open up a new level of connection with them. 2. Encourage interactivity correctly Minecraft’s multiplayer mode allows your child to play and build in the same online world as their friends. But remember: there are a lot of idiots on the internet, so do the following two things: a) Create your own server or ‘whitelist’ – it’s like having an invite‐only friend list. b) Use a family‐friendly server – you can Google these to find the right one to play in. 3. Don’t ban – bracket Banning something like Minecraft should be the very last resort, as it usually only serves to enhance the craving for it. Instead, make it part of their daily ‘free time’. Try not to have this at the end of the day or make it contingent on homework being completed, as this may only create angst, rushed homework and late nights. After school is best, especially if it’s bracketed by dinnertime, where all phones and computers are turned off. My true hope is that you give option #1 a very good go first. And if #1, #2, #3 don’t work, I’m hoping you’ve found them an even better game to play.

Check out the Minecraft review at The Parent’s Guide to Video Games: raft‐review.html


And this wonderful article from Penny Flanagan of Kidspot:‐is‐minecraft/ And finally, check out the brilliant work of Dean Groom and Massively Minecraft (a place for both kids and parents to play): Dr Jason Fox keeps savvy people up to date with the latest in motivation design. Learn more at

Short article: Don’t be daft about Minecraft By Jason Fox Minecraft may be the best trend to hit boy world in years. Writer Jason Fox explains the attraction and outlines the benefits for kids. If you have a young child or teenager, chances are you’ve heard about Minecraft. It’s a video game that’s kind of like digital LEGO, except that you’re in an ever‐evolving world with seemingly limitless possibilities. It’s a game that inspires deep exploration, collaboration and creativity. But parents are worried. And rightfully so, to a degree. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. So, let’s have a look at what makes Minecraft so engaging, why blanket bans aren’t a good idea, and how to manage your child’s play. Minecraft is an infinite, non‐winnable game Unlike a book, a game of chess, or a football match, a Minecraft game doesn’t end. There’s always more that can be explored, and more that can be done. The projects you undertake in Minecraft are self‐initiated: no one is telling you what to do. And the process of making progress within Minecraft is completely autonomous – no one is telling you how to execute your projects and achieve your goals. It’s self‐regulated learning at its finest. But being able to ‘unplug’ and manage time and energy are essential skills your child needs to learn too. So, here are three ways you can help them manage Minecraft in your house: 1. Show genuine interest (this should be your first step) If your child plays Minecraft, ask them to take you on a tour. Show an interest in their passion, and ask them questions like: what are you trying to build? What are your goals? What are the steps you need to take? What’s the coolest thing you’ve found? Set aside at least an hour for this. It’s highly likely they’d love the chance to share this with you, which


will help you to open up a new level of connection with them. 2. Encourage interactivity correctly Minecraft’s multiplayer mode allows your child to play and build in the same online world as their friends. But remember: there are a lot of idiots on the internet, so do the following two things: a) Create your own server or ‘whitelist’ – it’s like having an invite‐only friend list. b) Use a family‐friendly server – you can Google these to find the right one to play in. 3. Don’t ban – bracket Banning something like Minecraft should be the very last resort, as it usually only serves to enhance the craving for it. Instead, make it part of their daily ‘free time’. Try not to have this at the end of the day or make it contingent on homework being completed, as this may only create angst, rushed homework and late nights. After school is best, especially if it’s bracketed by dinnertime, where all phones and computers are turned off. My true hope is that you give option #1 a very good go first. And if #1, #2, #3 don’t work, I’m hoping you’ve found them an even better game to play.

Hera few resources for you:

Dr Jason Fox keeps savvy people up to date with the latest in motivation design. Learn more at


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