News 152 1a 2016

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VOLUME XXXIII No 1 5th February, 2016



FEBRUARY ACER Registrations Close


P & T Information Evening - Infants Year 7 Friendship Day Year 8 Outdoor Ed Day


Year 7 Outdoor Ed Day P & T Information Evening - Primary


Swimming Carnival JS


SRC Training Day


Swimming Carnival SS Year 7 Vaccinations Awards









ACER Scholarship Exam




ISA Swimming Carnival


ASISSA Swimming Carnival


Lent begins G.O. Swimming Carnival JS


ISA Cross Country




Welcome to the 2016 School year. We extend a warm welcome to the 107 new students and their parents on joining the St Spyridon College family. We have started the Term on a high note, with the Year 7 students showing a refreshing enthusiasm for Senior School. The new Kindergarten class has won our hearts, settling in with their teachers and forming new bonds with their Year 6 buddies. The HSC Class of 2015 made us proud of their achievements, with over 90% of them already having received University placements. We commend our Distinguished Achievers, whose results placed St Spyridon College 62nd in N.S.W. and placed in the top 10% in the State. We congratulate Anja Djukic who achieved First in the State for Serbian Continuers. The first Divine Liturgy and the Blessing of our College was held in our Church on the 4th February. We thank Father Steven Scoutas and Father Sotiri Drapaniotis for their prayers and blessing of our students and school community. This year’s Archdiocese Diary highlights the wisdom of St Gregory the Theologian, one of the greatest teachers of the Greek Orthodox Church. We will use some quotes from the Diary throughout the year.

Twilight Tours SS Information Morning JS CIS Swimming Carnival


Annunciation School Closed Western Good Friday


Public Holiday School Closed


“Let the talent be cultivated, not buried in the ground.” St Gregory the Theologian


Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

25th March Celebrations Church, Martin Place, Opera House


Term ends for Staff and students





COLLEGE STUDENT LEADERS 2015 We congratulate the following students who have been selected to lead the Student Body K-12 in 2016. Chrystal Christie Mariah Stavrou Aaron Paul Kostantakis Lia Albanakis Christina Balayannis Themis Giaras Elias Hatzon Erin Hennessey

Chrystal Christie College Captain


College Captain Vice Captain Senior Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect

Mariah Stavrou Vice Captain

Student Leaders 2016


Keira Kipriotis Kiri Kondou Archie Lambrinos Manuel Margelis Kristen Mournehis Anastasia Mylonas Demitra Nikas James Stathis Sebastian Zois


Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect

Aaron Paul Kostantakis Senior Prefect



JUNIOR SCHOOL STAFF 2016 Head of College Principal Deputy Principal Infants Coordinator Curriculum Coordinator Primary Coordinator Sports Coordinator Greek Coordinator

Mrs Stefanou-Haag Mrs Synesios Mr Dookie Mrs Kipriotis Miss Bletsogiannis Miss McCarthy Mrs Diavatiotis Mrs Gambierakis

Science Yr 5/6 & Computer I.T. Yr K-6 Mr Arnott

K Cerise Mrs Papadimatos K Jade Miss Nicolaou

Librarian Mrs Bartlett

1 Topaz Miss Docos 1 Violet Mrs Zafiropoulos 1 Emerald Mrs Scarcella

Music Choir Mrs Coyne Learning Support Mrs Kipriotis Mrs Bennett Mrs Liakatos Mrs Mulligan

2 Aqua Ms Tsokas 2 Crimson Mrs Economou

Greek Language Mrs Gambierakis Mrs Diavatiotis Mr Amditis Mr Volas

3 Amethyst Miss Besir 3 Sapphire Miss Brocklehurst

Orthodox Studies Mrs Giokas

4 Coral Miss Sirmanoglou 4 Turquoise Miss Galanis

Byzantine Chanting Mr Psilacos Administration Mrs Kerameas Miss Giannakopoulos Mrs Doyle Miss Tsousta

5 Amber Miss Bletsogiannis 5 Iris Mrs Gambierakis 6 Magenta Miss McCarthy 6 Pearl Mr Davies




Dean of Middle School Ms G. Kokinelis – Yr 6-7 Transition Adviser Dean of Senior Programs Mr P. Meintanis

Mr G. Georgoulopoulos Mrs V. Grillakis Mrs E. Hatzopoulos Mrs L. McCoy Ms M. Pringle Ms C. Savva Mrs O. Lambi – Assistant

ORTHODOX STUDIES TEAM Father S. Scoutas Father S. Drapaniotis Mr A. Picardi



Dr V. Hickie – Curriculum Leader Mrs D. Kefalouros (Year 9 Adviser) Mrs R. Kiedja Ms G. Kokinelis Mrs I. Koutsoukis Ms E. Gambriell Mrs V. Laskas Mrs L. McCoy (Year 8 Adviser) Mr S. Mouhtaris Mr A. Vassiliadis

Mr A. Kollias – Curriculum Leader Mr A. Condous (Year 11 Adviser) Mrs H. Dalakiaris (Year 10 Adviser) Ms M. Kalithrakas Ms F. Kilias

P.D. HEALTH P.E. TEAM Mr P. Meintanis – Curriculum Leader Mrs V. Belajcic Mr A. Condous Ms A. Flokis Mr F. Kaldis – Boys Sport Ms K. O’Shea – Girls Sport Mr V. Zafiropoulos

LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH TEAM Mrs M. Faletas – Curriculum Leader Mrs V. Belajcic Ms E. Gambriell (Year 12 Adviser) Mr G. Georgoulopoulos Mr S. Mouhtaris Mrs V. Alexandropoulou Mr A. Vassiliadis

CAREERS & STUDENT WELFARE Mrs R. Fatouros – Student Welfare Adviser Ms G. Hakos – Careers Adviser


SCIENCE TEAM Mr J. Croft – Curriculum Leader Mr D. Giles Mr A. Karras Dr L. Srinivasan Mrs E. Dubossarsky – Assistant

LIBRARIAN Ms R. Bishop Mrs C. Papadakis – Assistant



Mrs A. Kringas – PA to Head of College Mrs D. Cross Mrs M. Diakanastasis Mrs M. Doyle Mrs I. Klazoglou

Mrs C. Mio – Curriculum Leader Ms A. Flokis Ms N. Gonzalez Mrs D. Pavlakis Mr V. Zafiropoulos

CANTEEN Mrs I. Paraskevas Mrs M. Makridopolus







Welcome back to school for 2016, and a special welcome to all our new parents and students this year. We hope you all enjoyed the summer holidays!

Applications are now invited from new and continuing students to sit for the following ACER Examination Scholarships:


Year 6 (Year 7, 2017) A Year 6 Scholarship for the top Year 6 student applying for St Spyridon College will receive their tuition fees paid for four years, from Year 7 to Year 10.

Tuesday, 23rd February, 2016: - 6.30pm refreshments - 7pm meeting commences at Doran House Our AGM will be held in a few weeks, and we invite parents, current and new, to attend and consider joining the Committee. It is a great opportunity to: -



Year 10 (Year 11, 2017) Two scholarships for the two top Year 10 students will receive their tuition fees paid for two years.

Meet and interact with other members of our school community to support and promote the good name of our College and its values and beliefs. Contribute and share your ideas to raise funds for the development of our College, buildings, facilities and resources. Build a positive and vibrant school life at our College.

Closing date for applications is Monday, 8th February, 2016. ACER scholarship examination will be held on Saturday, 27th February, 2016. Your may register now online: follow the links Scholarships and Awards the Online Scholarships.


Your child will love that you got involved! So, please consider, and we look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.



Save the date: Saturday, 5th March, 2016

The Year 12 class of 2015 set themselves a mission in 2014, to support each other so that they all achieve their personal best. Their sheer hard work and determination, coupled with the encouragement and tireless work of their teachers earned the College the rank of 62nd in the state overall and 28th in Mathematics. We extend our congratulations to Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Katsogiannis, staff and students on this excellent result and we wish Year 12, 2016 every success.

We will launch into 2016, with song, dance and good food for all the family, with the return of our popular Taverna Night……. Opa! Flyer with full details to be circulated to students soon! Mrs A. Vergotis Asst. Secretary – P&F


please do not talk during these proceedings. During this assembly Merit certificates will be awarded.

STUDENT LEADERSHIP TEAM 2016 Congratulations to the following students who were voted in as the Leadership Team for 2016. CAPTAIN Jamyson Gouveros VICE CAPTAIN James Cardamis PREFECTS Lucas Leondaris Nicholas Papas Paul Giavis Vasili Giaras HOUSE CAPTAINS CORINTHIANS Jameson Darras Samaras DELPHIANS Thomas Zahos NEMEANS Foti Konitsas OLYMPIANS Jorge Cooney


CAPTAIN Adriana Drakoulis VICE CAPTAIN Sia Manos PREFECTS Christina Pascalis Evangeline O’Reilly Heleena Ginis Natasha Bebonis




Before School Care is available between 7:15 – 8:15am each morning in the Library. It is available on a casual or permanent basis. The cost is $5 per child and you will be invoiced through the College. You may book your child in by contacting the Junior School Office or, directly with the supervisor, Mrs Pavlidis when you drop your child off in the morning. We thank the Parish for subsidising this service and making it available to parents.

CORINTHIANS Sophia Economou

After School Care will be held in the Cottage on the Infants side. Infants children will remain in the Infants playground and Primary children will be crossed over. If you require this service, please book your child in with Patricia at The Greek Welfare Centre on 0410 505 524.

DELPHIANS Natalia Fountoulis NEMEANS Lucia Zois OLYMPIANS Anastasia Lambrou



Office hours for the Junior School are 8.15am to 4.15pm. For security reasons no one is permitted to enter the administration building before 8.15am and after 4.15pm unless they have a registered appointment. The Office Staff commence their tasks at 8.15am and end the day at 4.15pm, at which time the answer machine is activated. Please note that messages left after this time may not be heard until the next morning.

Supervision Morning supervision commences at 8.15am. Parents are requested to leave the school grounds once supervision commences unless they have a scheduled meeting. Afternoon supervision concludes at 3:45pm after this time children will be placed in After School Care and parents billed accordingly. Infants children need to be collected from their classroom in the afternoon or from the Infants playground – shelter after 3.15pm. Primary children to be picked up from the Primary quadrangle. Parents and children are asked to leave immediately so that teachers know which children are still under their supervision.

Parents are requested NOT to enter the Teachers’ Staffroom to speak to a teacher, please refer to the secretaries who will call the teacher out to see you, if available. Parents are also not to go to classrooms at any time without signing in and getting a visitors badge at the front office. SMOKING IS NOT PERMITTED within the School’s boundaries. This includes outside the gates.

Parents are requested not to assemble in front of classrooms in the afternoon prior to pick up as this disrupts students learning.

Foyer (Gardeners Rd) entry is ONLY to be used if attending to business at the Office. Parents and students are to use the Playground

K-6 will assemble every Wednesday morning in the Primary quadrangle. Parents are invited to join with us in prayer and anthems but


Gates as their entry and exit points. Please note gates will be locked at 9am and will reopen at 2:50pm.

ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION POLICY You may be aware that a number of children at our college are at risk of having a severe allergic reaction to nut products. This condition is known as Anaphylaxis and is a severe and sudden allergic reaction, which usually occurs after exposure to a particular food. Anaphylaxis is potentially life threatening and always requires an emergency response.

TRAFFIC PROCEDURES Observance of the following school procedures will greatly assist in the safety of the students, and will foster better relationships with our neighbours. I urge you to be mindful of the messages you send your children about parking, being courteous etc.

In order to minimise the risk to those children in the school who have allergies, the school community has implemented a number of measures. Please do not send foods with nut products in your child’s lunches. We also have children with a Sesame intolerance. We ask that you refrain from including these items.

Just some reminders, 1. Parents are to approach the College via Doran St. which is a “One Way” for College traffic in the morning from Doncaster Ave. Mary Hamer Lane is also a “one way”, feeding from the College to Borrodale Rd or to Gardeners Rd. PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE DOWN MARY HAMER LANE FROM BORRODALE RD. Please consult the Parent Handbook for a diagram if you are unsure.

FOOD SHARING We discourage the sharing of food to try and eliminate possible reactions. For this reason, do not send cakes, lollies or any food to school to be given to other children. As the health, well-being and safety of the children in our school is of paramount concern to us all, we know that we can depend on your support and assistance with this matter.

2. Parents MUST NOT park in any driveway either the neighbours or of that of the College at any time. 3. The practice of parking or stopping in the middle of the road is illegal. 4. Attention is drawn to the extreme danger of leaving motors running while leaving the car to drop off or pick up students from the college, particularly when smaller children are left in the car.


5. Please drop your child/children off in the morning and leave as soon as possible. Similarly in the afternoon after picking up your child please leave so that other parents have room to park.

Reminders:  Sport shoes can be any colour.  Primary School Shoes and Sport shoes must have laces. Buckles and Velcro not permitted.  Infants may have Velcro.  Broad rimmed hat to be worn when outdoors by all students K-6.

It is requested that all students have the correct items of uniform. If you are unsure, p.17 of the Study Planner has the requirements listed.

6. The angled parking behind the Church is for Staff Parking only. Please do not park there. NB: The area between the Church and the Infants School in Mary Hamer Lane is now restricted parking. Please ensure you follow the rules to avoid being booked.

MEDICAL UPDATES If your child is under the care of a medical specialist, you need to make this known to the school. Students with specific medical conditions such as Asthma, Diabetes,


Anaphylaxis etc need to provide the school with an action plan.


Medication kept at school needs to be current and clearly labelled with child’s name and instructions for use. Parents are requested to check this regularly and replace as needed.

In order to streamline procedures and ensure a smoother delivery of Canteen services, it is necessary that the following procedures are observed.

At the commencement of each school year, a general Parent Teacher Information evening is held. The purpose of the meeting is for the Class teacher/s and Greek Language teacher/s to explain class procedures and expectations, outline the academic program and respond to parental queries. This is an opportune time for you to familiarise yourself with the daily program of your child and we encourage your attendance. Please note that these meetings are not to discuss individual children. If you wish to discuss your child, please arrange an interview with your class teacher at a mutually convenient time.

1. All lunch orders to be clearly written on a lunch bag. Parents need to provide this bag.

The meetings for K-6 will be held on the Primary Side.

2. Orders need to be written at home and must include child’s name, class, order and correct money.

Monday 8th February 2016 ( Primary Yrs 36) Year 6 - to be held in Year 6 Classrooms Year 5 - to be held in Year 5 Classrooms Time: 6.00pm – 7.00pm

Contact details of parents need to be updated also in case of emergency.


3. Infants’ milk orders must be put into a separate bag and must include: child’s name, class, order and correct money. Please label this bag with INFANTS RECESS.

Year 4 - to be held in Year 4 Classrooms Year 3 - to be held in Year 3 Classrooms Time: 7.00pm – 8.00pm

4. All orders to be handed in during roll call by the children and put in a lunch bucket which will be located in the classroom. 5. NO Child or Parent is to approach the Canteen Supervisor in the morning.

Wednesday 10th February 2016 ( Infants K2) Year 2 - to be held in Year 6 Classrooms Year 1 - to be held in Year 5 Classrooms Time: 6.00pm – 7.00pm

If your child is late, they are to place their order in the late box at the Front Office when they collect their late slip.

Kindergarten - to be held in Year 4 Classrooms Time: 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Your cooperation and assistance will be appreciated.

KALANTA With much love and enthusiasm, the students of our College once again came together to spread the Good News of Jesus’s birth. My thanks are extended to each and every one of you and I look forward to many more participating this year.

Thank you to all the volunteers who assisted in the canteen in 2015. If there are parents or grandparents who can assist even for a few hours each week, we would be most grateful. Please contact our canteen supervisor Mrs Angela Giaras.

Parent helpers Mrs Rallis Mrs Lisgaris Mrs Roumanos


Myles O'Reilly Dimitra Kasmas Christos Paraschos Ellie Tsoukalas Peter Bebonis Chrysa Kirkis Angelique Drakakis Christian Lynch Talia Diamond Krissy Bourdaniotis Mia Paras Jasmin Moros Christie Kallis Petar Jovanovic Evageline O'Reilly Natasha Bebonis James Cardamis Stathis Gatsis Lucia Zois Heleena Ginis Christina Pascalis Christopher Vougioukas James Valmas Maria Angela Patsalis Billy Bourdaniotis Mihalis Dovellos Vicki Synesios Teoni Antonopoulos Mary Diamond Sophia Gatsis Christos Kamaras Nikolaos Dovellos

Mrs O'Reilly Mrs Paras Mrs Bebonis Mrs Cardamis Mrs Gatsis Mrs Bourdaniotis Dr Rigas Mrs Jovanovic Constance Synesios Mrs Stamoulis Mrs Gouveros Mrs Constantopedos Mrs Patsalis Mrs Zois Mrs Dovellos Mrs Makridopolus Mrs Fatouros Mrs Moros Mrs Pascalis Mrs Valmas Mrs Kamaras Mrs Georgas Students Emmanuel Constantopedos Andreja Jovanovic Kostan Papadopoulos Jonathon Gouveros Gabriella Gouveros Jamyson Gouveros Antonia Pizanis Julia Kamaras Amelia Raptis Frances - Lee Pascalis Peter Synesios Steven Stamoulis Lefteris Valmas John Pascalis Nicola Lisgaris Steven Paras Chrissy Drakakis Zane Rallis Amali Roumanos Aston Roumanos Cara Diamond Paris Patsalis

MUSIC TUITION Private music tuition is available with the following people. Parents wishing to have their child tutored in 2015 need to contact the individual tutor. Mr Koumadas will not be with us in 2016. We thank him for his contribution to the instrumental program. Mr Sam Podjarski for Violin. Contact Number: 0411 366 058 Ms Janet Silverton for Piano. Contact Number: 0417 657 178


Year 6 will continue with the Buddies Leadership Program with activities such as sharing lunch with Kindergarten on Tuesdays in the Infants playground, organising K-1 lunchtime games and sitting alongside their buddies for Liturgies in Semester 1.

Mrs Helen Ferguson-Coyne for Singing. Contact Number: 0404 027 702 The commencement of the new school year is an opportunity to give thanks for the many blessings in our lives and especially for our safe and loving home and school environments. I give thanks for the support of you, the parents of our College who work with us for the benefit of your child. I wish each and every child a rewarding journey filled with many wonderful new experiences which will engage, challenge and inspire them.

Miss D. McCarthy Primary Coordinator

Welcome to the 52 new Kindergarten students and their parents, which include 16 exstudents. We so look forward to seeing the students grow into happy and successful Orthodox adults. Welcome to the 9 new students across Years 1 – 6 and, their families: Elysia Lane, Adriana Poulos, Ella Angelopoulos, Nicholas Zahos, Kiara Zabetakis, Akis Dimitrakopoulos, Sophia Lane, Denny Poulos and Katerina Dimitrakopoulos. In terms of staff, we welcome back Mrs Mulligan and Ms Liakatos who will work in the Learning Support Team, and Mrs Giokas who will be taking Orthodox Studies in Years 5 & 6. Year 6 Leadership: Buddies On Wednesday 3rd February, Year 6 students welcomed their Kindergarten peers to St Spyridon College school life. In a celebration of leadership and community, Year 6 warmly greeted their buddies in the Year 6 rooms, completed a shared task and read a picture book before walking hand in hand to the Infants campus; returning Kindergarten students to their home classrooms. Year 6 showed enthusiasm and were very responsible leaders, assisting Kinder at every step in their new school environment, and listening actively to what they had to say. The smiles on the Kindergarten students’ faces are proof that peer support is highly beneficial at transitions, and rewarding for staff, students and parents alike.


Children with healthy self-esteem and selfconfidence learn more, achieve more and are generally happier than those with low confidence levels. Building children’s and young people’s confidence is complex. It’s more than being a praise robot and heaping positive comments on a child at the first sign of them doing something well. Confidence building requires a number of approaches that impact on how they think, how they feel and what they can do. Here are ten practical strategies that you can use to build real self-confidence in kids of all ages: 1. Model confident thinking Kids soak up the language, thinking and behaviour of those closest to them in their environment. Parents and teachers, play a part in modelling confident thinking and behaviour particularly when it comes to tackling new activities. In particular, let kids hear positive self-talk when you tackle something new. They should hear something like, “I’ll have a go at this. If I don’t do so well then I can try again tomorrow.” This is far more effective than “I’m no good at this. I’ll probably stuff it up.” 2. Focus on effort & improvement Current thinking shows that people who believe that they can increase their intelligence through effort and challenge actually get smarter and do better in school, work, and life over time. One way to develop a growth mindset is to focus your language on effort and improvement rather than on the results of what they do. By linking success with effort you are teaching them success comes from something other than purely their ability, talents or smarts.

10 confidence-building strategies parent and teacher should know

3. Praise strategy While effort is key for achievement, it's not the only thing. Kids need to try new strategies and seek input from others when they're stuck. They need this repertoire of approaches – not just sheer effort – to learn and improve. It helps too to focus language on better and smarter ways on improving. Comments such as “That was a smart idea to tackle the hardest task while you were fresh!”(strategy) and “You recognised the first few steps were the most important but then after that you were


By Michael Grose Instilling confidence takes more than heaping praise on kids. Here are 10 practical confidence-building strategies for parents and teachers of children and young people.


right” are descriptive statements that have significant instructional value for kids.

9. Put the training wheels on to support learning Putting training wheels on a bike is a great way to teach a young child to ride. They keep them upright and mobile while get they are getting the knack of balancing. We can use the same principle to support kids learning while they develop independence in many areas of life. For instance, we can accompany anxious kids to birthday parties and stay for a short time so they become comfortable before leaving.

4. Develop self-help skills from an early age A child’s self-esteem comes as a result of his or her successes and accomplishments. The most important competencies to build confidence are basic self-help skills. These form the building blocks upon which other competencies such as organisational skills and many social skills are formed. 5. Give them real responsibility From a young age start giving children responsibility for some aspects of their lives. By giving kids responsibility for many aspects of their lives we are sending a powerful message that we think they are capable. Also they are learning the skills necessary to care for themselves.

10. Build teaching and training into your day Teaching and training needs to be part of the everyday repertoire of a parent. This means we need to add a little extra time to many of our interactions so we can help children acquire many of the basic skills of living, whether it is a young child learning to do up his or her shoelaces or a teenager learning how to fill out his or her tax form for a part-time job. When adults are busy it is often easier to do things ourselves.

6. Practise unconditional acceptance Your ability to accept children and young people’s best efforts in any area of endeavour, irrespective of the results, will go a long way toward to determining their self-esteem and confidence. If a child makes their bed to the very best of their ability, resist fixing it, even though it may fall short of your adult standards. Instead remind them next time of how to do it well.

Doing things together is a great way to build competency and build the confidence that mastery brings. A simple way to initiate joint activity is to ask your child or young person to give you hand with something. Better still, get them to teach you or show you how to do something you are unfamiliar with. Being a teacher rather than the learner is a great confidence-builder particularly for those kids who struggle with activities that others find easy.

7. Expand their horizons Some kids are confident and capable at home but are fearful and nervous when it comes to new social situations and unfamiliar environments. Children today, have less opportunity than those in the past to negotiate and explore unpredictable situations. Wherever possible look for opportunities to expand children’s horizons to include unfamiliar places and unfamiliar locations including catching public transport and walking to friends’ places unattended when capable.

Most importantly, great parents and teachers have a knack of communicating confidence in kids. They find ways to let kids know that they believe in them – that they know their kids will perform and succeed, that they have faith that they can deal with life’s challenges and know that they can become more independent. Mrs A. Synesios Principal

8. Recognise improvement Focus your comments on children’s effort and improvement rather than on winning the game or getting top marks. Help kids set realistic goals in line with their capabilities and interests. Learning five new spelling words a week maybe more realistic than 20 words that his school may require.




A warm welcome to Miss Kilias - Mathematics Mrs Laskas - English/History Dr Srinivasan - Science/Physics Welcome back to Mr Vassiliadis - Eng/Hist/Mod Greek Ms Flokis - HSIE/PDHPE Congratulations to Miss Mazis on her wedding to James.

Year 8 Anthea Condous

Year 9 Joanna Skouteris Miss Mazis will now be known as Mrs Hatzopoulos.

«ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΕΙΝ» Awards Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding academic achievements in 2015.

FIRST PLACINGS 2015 Years 7 – 11 Year 10 Constantinos Kollias

Year 7 Nicola Skouteris

Year 11 Demitra Nikas


Second Placings 2015 Years 7 – 11


Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Καλή χρονιά! Να ‘μαστε και πάλι στα θρανία. Στην πρώτη μας έκδοση θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μαθήτριας της Γ΄ Λυκείου. Το κείμενο αυτό παρουσιάστηκε προφορικά, ως ομιλία και αποτελεί το πρώτο διαγώνισμα της Γ΄ Λυκείου.

Chad Bteddini Connor Giavis Rhea Tsimboukis Mersina Hristeff Mariah Stavrou



Επίσης θέλω να συγχαρώ με τη σειρά μου όλους τους μαθητές της περυσινής τάξης του HSC για τα θαυμάσια αποτελέσματά τους, π.χ. όλα τα παιδιά που έκαναν Mod. Greek Extension, βρέθηκαν in Band 4, the highest Band for this course. Συγχαρητήρια και σε ανώτερα!

 Anzac Parade outside the Senior School Grounds is a no parking zone on school days between 2.30 - 3.30pm. This is to assist vehicles joining the pick-up line so that they can pull out of the traffic flow on Anzac Parade. Vehicles are not to be parked there or left unattended during that time.  After 3.05pm, 2 minute waiting in drivethrough – after that, please drive around the block and re-join queue.  Please move to end of drive-through zone towards gate 3.  Drivers please do not get out of your vehicle.  Please follow directions from school staff who are ensuring safety for all.  Students are supervised until 3.20pm so please consider picking up after 3.10pm.  Please do not park on the opposite side of Anzac Parade so as to prevent students from crossing Anzac Parade during this peak traffic period. DO NOT PARK ON THE GRASS AREA OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL. This is a No Standing zone and Council Rangers will book you.  Please be patient, courteous and considerate of other drivers at all times.  We ask parents to consider parking at the carpark near Beauchamp Road and walk down to school as a safe alternative during busy and peak times.

κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Αξιότιμε κύριε Δήμαρχε, Είμαι η Σταυρούλα Παπαδοπούλου, μαθήτρια της Α΄ Λυκείου του Κολλεγίου του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα. Αφορμή για την επικοινωνία αυτή αποτέλεσαν τα πρόσφατα σχέδια της Δημαρχίας για την καταστροφή του πάρκου της περιοχής και την ανέγερση κέντρου αγοράς με τέσσερα σινεμά. Επισκέφτηκα τη Δημαρχία τις προάλλες και είδα τα νέα σχέδια. Καταπληκτικά μπορώ να πω, σύγχρονα με πολυτελείς χώρους. Τελευταία λέξη της τεχνολογίας! Επισκέφθηκα όμως χθες για άλλη μια φορά το πάρκο, αυτή τη μικρή πράσινη όαση που πρόκειται να θυσιάσετε και προσπάθησα να φανταστώ το χώρο χωρίς την ύπαρξή του. Κοιτάζοντας αριστερά και δεξιά δεν είδα τίποτα άλλο από την κυριαρχία του μπετόν και των αυτοκινήτων. Στο μυαλό μου ήρθαν τα λόγια του Μαχάτμα Γκάντι. Η γη παράγει αρκετά για να ικανοποιήσει τις ανάγκες κάθε ανθρώπου, όχι όμως την απληστία του.

Mr P. Meintanis Dean of Senior Programs

Είμαστε δυστυχώς άπληστοι κύριε Δήμαρχε. Η πολυτέλεια έχει εξαγοράσει τη συνείδησή μας….

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

Ένα μεγάλο «γιατί» έχει φωλιάσει στο μυαλό μου. Γιατί κύριε Δήμαρχε; Γιατί δεχτήκατε να συμβιβαστείτε καταστρέφοντας ένα μικρό παράδεισο που είναι σίγουρο ότι δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να αντικατασταθεί; Η γνωστή


Αυστραλέζα περιβαλλοντολόγος και ποιήτρια Judith Wright σε ένα από τα ποιήματά της για το περιβάλλον μεταξύ άλλων αναφέρει: “That we are ruined by the thing we kill” σε ελεύθερη μετάφραση, μας καταστρέφει αυτό που σκοτώνουμε.

Δήμαρχε κατασκευάζουν πάρκα τσέπης (pocket parks) και εσείς έχετε την όαση στα πόδια σας και πάτε να την καταστρέψετε; Κύριε Δήμαρχε, να θυμάστε ότι αντιλαμβανόμαστε την αξία ενός πράγματος μόνον όταν το χάσουμε.

Αν κύριε Δήμαρχε…

Εκπροσωπώ τη νέα γενιά η οποία σας διαβεβαιώνω ανησυχεί για τις μελλοντικές εξελίξεις που έχουν προταθεί. Οι νέοι οραματιζόμαστε ένα καλύτερο αύριο αλλά χρειαζόμαστε τη βοήθειά σας πριν ο Μολώχ του κέρδους καταβροχθίσει με βουλιμία τα δέντρα, τη λίμνη, την ομορφιά της φύσης. Όταν πέφτει ένα δέντρο κύριε Δήμαρχε, δεν υπάρχει πια σκιά!

Αν είχαμε όλοι κατανοήσει τη σημασία της ύπαρξης του πράσινου για τη γειτονιά και την πόλη μας, Αν κατανοούσαμε την επίδραση του πράσινου στη ζωή των ανθρώπων και των ζώων, Αν είχαμε μεγαλύτερη οικολογική συνείδηση για τη διατήρηση των βιοτόπων,

Έχετε καθήκον να προστατέψτε το δικαίωμά μας για ένα περιβάλλον ποιότητας που επιτρέπει μια ζωή αξιοπρέπειας και υγείας.

ΔΕΝ θα ξεπουλούσαμε ένα κομμάτι της φύσης για την ανέγερση ενός πολυτελέστατου μεν, αλλά άψυχου συγκροτήματος.

Επιτρέψτε μου να σας θυμίσω αυτό που πολύ σοφά διατύπωσε ο Χένρι Τόρο: ένα σπουργίτι κάθισε στον ώμο μου για μια στιγμή, την ώρα που έσκαβα κάποιου χωριού έναν κήπο, κι αισθάνθηκα απ’ αυτό πιο τιμημένος κι από το μεγαλύτερο παράσημο.»

Εσείς κύριε Δήμαρχε έπρεπε πρώτος να γνωρίζετε ότι ποτέ δε θα βρέξει ροδοπέταλα. Αν θέλουμε περισσότερα τριαντάφυλλα, πρέπει να φυτέψουμε περισσότερες τριανταφυλλιές.

Δώστε τη δική σας μάχη κύριε Δήμαρχε για την προστασία της φύσης και να είστε σίγουρος ότι οι μελλοντικές γενιές θα σας ευγνωμονούν. Άλλωστε η συμπεριφορά των ανθρώπων απέναντι στο πράσινο, είναι δείκτης πολιτισμού για μια κοινωνία. Αποδείξτε έμπρακτα το ενδιαφέρον σας για τη διαφύλαξη του περιβάλλοντος. Το πράσινο στις μέρες μας δυστυχώς δεν περισσεύει. Μην επιτρέψτε να ευδοκιμήσει η τσιμεντόπλακα.

Κύριε Δήμαρχε, γνωρίζετε πολύ καλά τις ωφέλειες της ύπαρξης του πράσινου. Εσείς άλλωστε μιλούσατε με πάθος γι’ αυτό κατά τη διάρκεια της προεκλογικής σας εκστρατείας. Εσείς μας είχατε πει ότι η ύπαρξη του πρασίνου: - Δεσμεύει το διοξείδιο του άνθρακα που παράγεται από τις καύσεις. - Συντελεί στη διάλυση του νέφους -Τα δέντρα μειώνουν την ταχύτητα του ανέμου. Μειώνουν την ορμή του νερού της βροχής. Βοηθούν στην απορρόφηση του νερού από το έδαφος. Προστατεύονται οι πόλεις από τις πλημμύρες. Παράγουν οξυγόνο και μειώνουν την ακτινοβολία. -Το πάρκο προσφέρει άθληση, ψυχαγωγία, κοινωνική συναναστροφή. Είναι χώρος για πολλά φυτά και ζώα.

Με εκτίμηση Σταυρούλα Παπαδοπούλου Steffie Papadopoulos Year 11 (Modern Greek Year 12)



As always, the school year has had a busy start. We have been in the process of tracking the destinations of the HSC class of 2015, with approximately 90% of students receiving offers to university after gaining their wonderful results. Congratulations to all. The new Year 12 students recently participated in a

Επιμένετε κύριε Δήμαρχε να καταστρέψετε την όαση στην έρημο του τσιμέντου, γνωρίζοντας ότι οι κάτοικοι της περιοχής σας, οι κάτοικοι που κάποτε σας εμπιστεύτηκαν και σας ψήφισαν, απολαμβάνουν λίγες στιγμές ηρεμίας και χαλάρωσης από την καθημερινή ρουτίνα; Στο Μανχάταν και στο Μπρονξ κύριε


session on ’Getting serious- achieving your potential in the HSC’, when they were reminded of the importance and benefits of setting goals and using a study timetable, in order to manage their time efficiently and to reduce stress. Each student is encouraged to plan a study timetable each week. I plan on interviewing each Year 12 student as soon as possible this term to discuss their goals for the year and for the future.

Year 12 Medicine Information Evening UNSW, 24th March Priority registration opening soon for Network Schools. John Niland Scientia Blg, UNSW Kensington UMAT 2016 UMAT is a test that is used specifically to assist with the selection of students into the medicine, dentistry and health science degree programs at undergraduate level at the universities listed on the website. Registrations for UMAT 2016 are now open and close 5:00pm (AEST) 3rd June 2016. The test takes place nationally on Wed 27th July 2016.

The Year 11 students are adjusting to the demands of their new stage 6 subjects and they are encouraged to make an appointment with me to discuss any courses or careers they are interested in exploring. Year 10 students will be having several sessions with me throughout the year to learn about careers and courses and they also are encouraged to see me if they have any queries about courses and careers. Year 10 will also be able to register for the ‘Jobjump’ website which is a great careers resource.

YEAR 11 AND 12 STUDENTS Free Exam Techniques and Strategies course Saturday 13th February. During the course of our “Exam Techniques & Strategies” lectures, students will learn vital skills that will help optimise performance in school-based assessments, as well as strategies that will maximise learning and cut down on study time. This course valued at $300 is FREE with a $10 donation to the Fred Hollows Foundation. Book at

It is important that all students in Years 10 to 12 read the careers column, which is emailed to them each fortnight, so that they keep up to date with all the information and opportunities which are available. The assistance of parents in encouraging this would be appreciated. UNSW Events Campus Tour 6th February 2016. Campus tours run on the first Saturday of each month providing potential students with a guided tour of what UNSW has to offer. All tours start with a presentation prior to the tour. Tours are from 10 to 11:15am.

NSW HSC Online HSC Online provides helpful resources for year 12 students, with notes sorted by subject and then by syllabus to help students understand where the resources fit within their courses.

Engineering & Science Parent/Student Info Evening UNSW 23rd March This event will give insight to students interested in STEM. John Niland Scientia Blg, UNSW Kensington.

Projects Abroad - Volunteer Overseas Projects Abroad Information Evening - come and find out about volunteering overseas with 30 countries and lots of projects to choose from. Tuesday 9th February 6.30pm-7.30pm at Sydney Central YHA 11 Rawson Place, Sydney 2000. Register your free place and find out more here:


submit an application on the night. Have an interview with an academic & receive your offer*, enrol and leave as a Notre Dame student! *eligible applicants who meet entry criteria To register visit or call 8204 4404

Find out about the exciting career pathways available at the Hotel Career Expo: 16 May 2016 The 2016 Hotel Career Expo is a weeklong focus on the professional careers available in this exciting industry. Featuring a one-day Expo on 16 May, and a “Hotel Live Experience” program offering behind the scenes experiences, the Expo is for students, graduates and young professionals, seeking to learn more a career in hotels – the world awaits! Find out more at US COLLEGE FAIR This event will be held on Thursday 10th March, from 5.00- 7,00pm at SCEGGS Redlands. If you are interested in finding out about studying in the United States, contact Simone Salier for more information.

Enrolling now for 2016 Bedford College's February intake is fast approaching! Offering courses in Business, Leadership & Management, Early Childhood Education and School Age Education with guaranteed entry (with credit) into a number of leading universities around NSW. For more information visit our website or give us a call on 1300 174 174 PROPERTY AND REAL ESTATE CAREERS NIGHT AT SYDNEY TAFE. 6.30pm to 8.00pm , Wednesday 10 February 2016. Sydney TAFE Ultimo Campus, 827-837 George Street Haymarket (opposite Railway Square bus terminal) Light finger foods and refreshments will be served Please RSVP for the information evening by any of the following methods: RSVP online Phone: Phil Constantin 02 9217 4811 or email:

DEFENCE JOBS AUSTRALIA INFORMATION SESSIONS Women in Defence Info Session - Monday 8th February 2016 Women in Defence Info Session Date: Monday 8th February 2016 Time:6.30pm – 8.30pm Location: Level 4, 9 George Street Parramatta NSW 2150 This information sessions will be attended by an ADF member who will give a presentation on career paths in the Australian Defence Force. RSVP’s are essential : email: Include in RSVP: name of session and Ref: CAA

APPRENTICESHIP OPPORTUNITY A former parent of our school has notified us of an opportunity for a student or ex-student to undertake a motor mechanic apprenticeship at Landau Motors, 844 Botany Rd, Mascot. Please contact George Trikilif on 96671000 or 0419644999 for more details, or see me in the careers office.

Gap Year Roles Info Session - Tuesday 16th February 2016 Gap Year Roles Info Session Date: Tuesday 16th February 2016 Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm Location: Level 4, 9 George Street Parramatta NSW 2150 This information sessions will be attended by an ADF member who will give a presentation on Gap Year opportunities in the ADF. RSVP’s are essential : email: Include in RSVP: name of session and Ref: CAA Army Reserve Information Session th Parramatta – 9 February lia/events

Young People at Work This website, run by the NSW Government, offers a range of advice on getting a job, workers’ rights at work, how to leave jobs, and other resources to help young people learn about work. Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser

University of Notre Dame - Final Round Info Session Still considering your uni options? Come along to our Final Round Info Session to discover how you can start your uni studies in 2016. Bring your documentation &




and make his way representative team.

Congratulations Sports Captains 2016




Christian Ishak Lia Albanakis


Alexander Stamoulis

Round 7 proved to be a good way for the students to get back into the sport season with excellent attendance from most teams, considering some students had not even started the school year yet. There were some mixed results but overall it was a great first round back.

ISA BOYS BASKETBALL Welcome back to all families for the Basketball season. The boys’ season continued with Round 8 of the competition played in the first week back at school. All the boys performed admirably and while only the U14A team were the only team to win on the day, the boys proved to be very competitive. This year was always going to be a difficult year for our basketballers, a result of being promoted to the division two competition. Despite this the boys look forward to the challenge of trying to retain their spot in one of the most contested competitions in the ISA.

St Spyridon College Opens 20 defeated by Blue Mountains Grammar 50 As it was the first game back for the Opens, they played with all their ability to make the best of it, considering there was no training for eight weeks. They played exceptionally well against one of the top teams in the division, which made it extremely difficult. However their energy and commitment to one other should be commended. They are looking forward to preparing this week for their next game. Larissa Andrianakos

The Round 7 Basketball results as follows: Opens were defeated 58-45 17s were defeated 34-19 15s were defeated 29-21 14As won 38-21 13s defeated 24-12 14B team were defeated 19-14

St Spyridon College Intermediate’s 38 defeated Blue Mountains Grammar 8 The Girls Intermediate team had a fantastic first game back over the past weekend. All of the girls played exceptionally well resulting in another win. Everyone worked extra hard to ensure to keep the title of being an undefeated team and succeeded with a great score of 38-8. The Intermediate’s cannot wait to participate in the next game this weekend and to hopefully be victorious once again.

There are 3 regular games remaining this season with the last scheduled for Saturday 20th February 2016. We wish all the teams the best of luck with the remaining games.

ISA BOYS BASKETBALL TRIALS We wish Christian Ishak all the best in his trials for selection in the ISA Basketball team on Thursday 11th February. Christian is our First V basketball Captain for season 20152016 and he will certainly be looking to try

Erin Giaras St Spyridon College Junior B’s 10 defeated by Redlands 35 After a long and enjoyable holiday, the whole team was full of enthusiasm to get back on the


and Ms O’Shea will pass on further information to those students involved. *This is only for students who have been spoken to, however if you are interested please speak to either Mr Kaldis or Ms O’Shea.

court and play together as a team. We were greeted at the bus by Ms Kalithrakas and our coach Mr Vergotis and we went on an hour’s journey to the north shore to play Redlands. The game was very competitive and we managed to get a few shots in, however, Redlands’ shooting was extremely strong. We had a strong defence, however, we were unable to defeat them. We will strive for better luck in our future games. Georgia Bull



The 2016 Senior School Swimming Carnival will be held on Friday, 19th February at Des Renford Leisure and Aquatic Centre from 8:30am to 3:05pm. Students will be receiving more information about the day in the coming week. Students wanting to race on the day will need to pre enter into events during their PE lessons or ISA lessons at school. The school swimming costume must be worn on the day and can be purchased from the uniform shop, (a school swimming cap is also compulsory for the students selected in compete at the ISA). It is essential to note that the school swimming carnival is used as the pathway to the ISA representative Swimming Carnival. As a result the students who make it through MUST be available to attend and represent the school at the ISA Swimming Carnival on Wednesday, 9th March.

St Spyridon College Junior D’s 6 defeated by Blue Mountains Grammar 24 On Saturday the Junior D Year 7 team played against Blue Mountains Grammar. After the long trip to the Blue Mountains we finally got to stretch our legs and played the first game of the year. Sadly we lost but we did get to enjoy the beautiful Blue Mountains scenary and for some of us who hadn’t started the school year yet, we were able to catch up with our friends. The first half was disappointing and all of us were a bit rusty with our basketball skills, but the second half we upped our game and scored some baskets. Next week we hope to able to win! Chloe Drougas St Spyridon College Junior D’s 8 defeated by Blue Mountains Grammar 26 Last Saturday the Junior D Year 8 team travelled to the Blue Mountains for their Round 7 game. It was our first game back after the break and we played the best we could. We had a rough start but finished well with our coach saying it was one of our best second half efforts of the season. Good job girls! Georgia Aravanis

CROSS COUNTRY On the 11th February, students will be taken to Pioneer Park in Malabar during their ISA class to trial for the Cross Country team. Students successful will be asked to represent the school at the ISA Cross Country carnival which will be held in Bowral on Saturday the 19th March.


ISA continues this Saturday as we head into Round 8 of the basketball competition. Students have received sheets with times of games while emails have also been sent out. Please see them for more information.

On Monday, 15th February there will be a parent information meeting for new parents to the school and Year 7 families regarding the process for sport. Anyone else interested may also attend.

ST ANDREWS INVITATIONAL SWIMMING CARNIVAL Next Friday, 12th February, St Andrews will be hosting their annual Invitational Swimming Carnival at Drummoyne Swimming pool between 6 and 9pm. A bus will be transporting the students to and from the venue. Mr Kaldis

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)



HOT FOOD Tues&Thur-Recess only Bacon & Egg Roll

$ 3.50 MON /TUES /THURS +sauce & cheese $ 4.00 Sausage Roll

Hot Dog+sauce

SANDWICHES Cheese & Tomato $ 4.50 Egg/ Lettuce /Mayo Salad $ 3.40 Tuna/ Lettuce/ Mayo

$ 3.60 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 Ham & Cheese Melts $ 2.50 Week A Bacon I Ham&Pine Pizza $ 2.50 Chicken Schnitzel Burger $ 6.00 Tiropita $ 1.00 Noodles -Lunch- by order $ 3.00 WeekB Souvlaki- Stick $ 3.50 - Pita /Salad $ 5.50 - Pita /Salad/Tzatziki $ 6.00 HOT FOOD WeekB

Meat Pie

Pasta -Cheese Sml -Bolognese Lge TUESDAY

WEDNESDAY Week A -Pasta -Cheese -Tomato

$ 4.00 Potato Pie $ 6.00 Pizza Pie

Hash Brown

$ 3.50

Sushi Tuna I Vegetable THURSDAY Week A- Hamburger WeekB Beef Teriyaki & Noodles FRIDAY Week A - Wedges Week BPrawn Saganaki & Rice Cheese Saganaki & Rice SALAD BOXES Greek- Lettuce -small Greek- Lettuce -large Greek- Traditional -small Greek- Traditional -large Tuna Salad Caesar Chicken Caesar-large Seasonal Salads- small

$ 6.00

Margarita Pizza Roula's Cheese Pizza Roula's Pizza -Varieties Garlic Pita -lunch

$ 6.00 DRINKS Water $ 4.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


Flavoured Milk -small Dare Milk Berri Juices Daily Juice OKF Sparkling Drink Up&Go




Iced Tea


450ml Drink

Chicken/Tuna/Ham Wraps JAFFLES (recess only)

$ 3.00 $ 3.60

Cheese Cheese & Tomato CROISSANTS Cheese Toasted

$ 3.30

GREEK PASTRIES Feta/Spinach Large Tiropites $ 4.00 $ 4.00


$ 4.00 Tiropita $ 4.50 Spring Roll


Chicken Breast/Lett/Mayo Ham I Cheese/ Lettuce

$ 1.00 Bougatsa Slice $ 0.60 SNACKS & CHIPS $ 0.70 Kettle Chips $ 3.00 Smiths Chips $ 4.00 Shapes $ 5.00 Pretzels $ 0.50 Rice Crackers

Cookie - Large Recreo $ 1.50 Mammies -from $ 2.60 Assorted Bars $ 3.60 Eucalyptus/Butter Menthol $ 3.00 Anticoi/Soothers

$ 3.30 $ 1.50 $ 3.00 $ 3.50 $ 3.00 $ 3.50

Banana Bread Banana Bread Toasted Chocolate Cake Assorted Cakes






Tomato & BBQ Sauce


Sweet Chilli Sour Cream

6.00 FRUIT 4.00

$ 3.50 $ 3.50 $ 4.50 $ 4.50 $ 4.50 $ 4.50 $ 5.00

$ 2.50

Yoghurt Watermelon $ 4.00 Fruit Salad $ 5.00

* CHEESE BREAD AVAILABLE EVERYDAY $1.00 • Daily specials are only available on those days • Wednesdays & Fridays are Fasting Days • All orders are to be placed & paid for in the mornin/recess * NO CREDIT IS GIVEN


$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

2.30 2.30 2.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 0.50 1.00 2.50 0.80 2.00 3.00 3.20 2.00 2.80 3.50 1.00 0.30 0.50 0.50



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