News 153 2a 2016

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VOLUME XXXIII No 2 19th February, 2016







ACER Scholarship Exam




ISA Swimming Carnival


ASISSA Swimming Carnival




Lent begins G.O. Swimming Carnival JS


ISA Cross Country



Twilight Tours SS Information Morning JS CIS Swimming Carnival


Tuesday 23rd February 2016

Annunciation School Closed Western Good Friday


Public Holiday School Closed


6.30PM - Refreshments 7PM - Meeting Commences

APRIL 25th March Celebrations Church, Martin Place, Opera House


Term ends for Staff and students


Palm Sunday




Staff and Students Return




Holy Wednesday Easter Focus Assembly JS


Holy Thursday


Good Friday – School closed


Holy Saturday



MAY Orthodox Easter

What is the wealth of his goodness? What is this mystery concerning me? I participated in the (divine) image, and I did not keep it; he participates in my flesh both to save the image and to make the flesh immortal.


Easter Monday – school closed Staff and students depart for Perth


St Gregory the Theologian





UNIFORM SHOP TIMES 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to our Head of College, Mrs Stefanou and her husband Kevin, on the birth of their first granddaughter Efrosyni.



Efrosyni is the first child to Emmanuel and Rena Hatzi (HSC 2001). We wish them many blessings, long life and good health.

Tuesday, 23rd February, 2016 Doran House



6: 30pm at

Our AGM will be held in a few weeks, and we invite parents, current and new, to attend and consider joining the Committee. It is a great opportunity to: - Meet and interact with other members of our school community. - Contribute and share your ideas. - Build a positive and vibrant school life at our College. - Your child will love that you got involved!

New Library and Senior Study Centre-New Teacher Prep Areas Today new works commence on creating a current, technology-rich library and resource centre. The cranes have arrived and construction of sheds is under way. This new development will incorporate shared study areas for teachers and their Senior students, modelling methodologies of teacher as mentor - thus strengthening of students’ capacities to drive their own learning goals.

So, please consider, and we look forward to seeing you at the AGM. 6:30pm – Refreshments served 7:00pm - Meeting commences

During the building works, every care has been taken to ensure safety, welfare and minimum changes to learning routines.

UPCOMING EVENT ~ Taverna Night On the Beach ~ Saturday, 5th March, 2016 at 6:30pm Yarra Bay Sailing Club

We ask for the support of every student, teacher and parent, in managing this exciting Project as smoothly as we have done for all previous Building projects.

We are launching into 2016, with song, dance and good food for all the family, with the return of our popular Taverna Night, and this year it’s on the beach… Opa! Flyer has been circulated to students, with full details. Please also refer to school fb page. **Please note bookings essential before the event ** For tickets please contact: Erenie0410318053 Maria – 0403346942 Anna0405683320

SSC BUSINESS DIRECTORY Term 1, 2016 will be the last call for registrations for our SSC Business Directory. It is a worthwhile opportunity to support and network with other members of our college community. We urge you to take advantage of Mrs Christina Tsaconas PEO/Bursar


this offer at the cost of only a $50 fee to have your business/service listed for two years. Completed registration forms can be dropped off at the front school office of both the junior and senior school campuses. Registration Forms will be circulated for the last time during Term 1. Angela Vergotis (Asst. Secretary)

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT Last Friday, the Junior School enjoyed a relaxing day at Botany Pool for our annual Swimming Carnival. I commend all the students on their exemplary behaviour and their willingness to have a go, including the many Year 2 students who were in attendance. Mrs Diavatiotis is thanked for your organisation and meticulous attention to detail which ensured the smooth running of the day. Thank you to all the staff, including Mr Kaldis from the Senior School for their supervision of students and assisting with the running of the carnival. To all our parent volunteers and Year 9 helpers, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Your contribution was evident in the smiling faces of the children. Congratulations to the Corinthians who are the Junior School Swimming champions this year.

MUSIC TUITION We are pleased to introduce two new Music Tutors available for private tuition. If you are interested, please contact the tutors directly. Guitar: Anatoli Torjinski (0414 928 132) Anatoli has completed postgraduate studies at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. He is a member of triple ARIA Award winning group Monsieur Camember


get head lice from direct hair to hair contact with another person.  Lice do not live long off their hosts. Cook researchers checked the carpets of 188 primary school classrooms and found no evidence of lice yet they discovered 14,033 lice on the heads of the students.  Many head lice do not cause itchiness, so you will often be required to look closely to find them.  No single treatment will kill all eggs. James Cook University researchers recommend the conditioner-and- comb method for maintenance or dealing with resistant lice. This method involves coating dry hair thickly with cheap conditioner, to first stun the offenders, and then using a lice comb on every part of the hair strand by strand and scraping it on a tissue to see if there are any lice or nits.  You’ll need to re-treat or comb in seven days after the newest eggs start to hatch. Combining the conditioner and comb treatment every second day until no lice have been found live for 10 days is recommended.  Lice may develop a resistance to the insecticides in some commercial treatments, so they may not always be beneficial as the conditioner and comb approach.

and has worked with Musica Viva. He is a highly versatile teacher – performer, who has a wealth of experience playing and teaching in many music genres and in schools, including St Spyridon College Senior School. Piano: Argy Giantsis (0403 502 098) Argy is a highly qualified and experienced piano tutor, having been awarded with a Harmony of Music degree, Piano degree (Performance) and Piano Diploma (Performance) from the Prakteon Conservatorium, Greece. He believes music broadens a child’s horizons and helps them realise the beauty around them. He believes that it affords them an avenue through which they can express their true selves.

COURTESY Parents are requested to demonstrate courtesy to our neighbours by giving them way, allowing them to pull out of their driveways and by not parking in their driveways at any time. We can only be responsible for our own actions and we show our maturity by taking the lead in these situations. Afternoon and Morning Pick up are the most stressful times of the day but a little restraint and respect for each other goes a long way. May I also remind you to abide by new parking restrictions in Mary Hamer Lane, and that the angled parking near the Primary playground is for STAFF ONLY. Remember that your children are watching you at all times and learning by your example.

References NSW Dept of Health James Cook University Queensland

Other methods which have seem to detract lice infestations include, using hairspray each morning, having hair plaited and tied up or dabbing tea tree oil behind the ears. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School


It’s Head Lice Season! Here are some Head Lice Facts The following facts may assist when considering treatment options;  Head Lice have been causing havoc for millennia. Archaeologists have uncovered evidence of infestations found on 5000 year old Egyptian mummies.  Eggs are referred to as nits and the baby offspring nymphs. A single louse can lay up to 150 eggs within a month.  Head lice are a parasitic bug, they cannot fly or jump they can only crawl. People

PREFECT VOICE On behalf of the Prefect Body I would like to say welcome to all new and ‘old’ students and wish you a productive and happy year ahead. As College Captain, I along with my fellow Prefects will be providing a short review of some reminders, information, occasional humorous fact or thought provoking quotes, given to the school at the Friday Prefect run assemblies.


Last week some reminders about being responsible on the buses were given. Today we would like to draw attention to the good behaviour and actions of two students who get the 394 in the mornings.

MATHEMATICS AND UNIVERSITY University of Sydney: Introduction of Mathematics Prerequisite The University of Sydney will introduce a mathematics prerequisite for some courses in 2019. It states that there will be: “…a requirement that candidates achieve at least a Band 4 in HSC Mathematics (2 UNIT) in order to be potentially eligible for admission to a number of our programs…”

It was reported that they assisted an elderly lady travelling with a walking frame. These students helped by asking if she needed assistance getting on and off the bus and also helped her manoeuvre and secure the walking frame during the bus ride.

Sydney University emphasizes “…the importance of mathematics as an element of the curriculum and of the value inherent in keeping options for future study open rather than closing them at the point of entry into Year 11.”

It’s simple actions like these that can make a positive difference to someone’s life. In light of this, we would like to challenge everyone to do something positive, whether it be helping someone on a bus like these students did, or even as simple as saying hello to someone here at school you haven't before.

The courses that will have the prerequisite will be listed in UAC’s 2016 Year 10 guide. For further information and a list of the affected courses, see this link:

Now for an interesting fact.. ‘Positive people live up to an average of 10 years longer’ Chrystal Christie College Captain


ONSTAGE EXCURSION On Thursday 11th February, the Year 11 and 12 Drama students attended ‘OnStage’ at the Seymour Centre. ‘OnStage’ showcases exemplary Drama performances and projects from last year’s Higher School Certificate. The students were able to see some incredible projects on display in the foyer, including Costume Designs, Set Designs and Theatre Reviews, before viewing some powerful Individual Performances and inspired Group Devised Performances. It was a great opportunity for the Senior Drama students to see such outstanding works and they left the venue feeling inspired and motivated to aim for the same high quality in Mrs McCoy their own HSC pieces. Drama Teacher

Congratulations to all students from across all year groups who nominated and were successfully voted in by their peers as the 2016 Student Council Representatives. Badges were awarded at last Friday’s Prefect Assembly.




Chrystal Christie – Chairperson Mariah Stavrou – Secretary Aaron Paul Kostantakis Treasurer 1. James Bletsas 2. Alexia Costa 3. James Valmas 4. Anneta Maroulis 5. Costa Hadjiparaskeva 6. Katherine Fragias 7. Elleni Mouskos 8. Demi Micos 9. Marissa Diakoumis 10. Alexia Moufarrege 11. Jordan Frazis 12. Nicola Skouteris

YR 12 Senior Leaders 7G 7G 7H 7H 7K 7K 7V 7V 8F 8F 8M 8M

13. Marissa Kouzoukas 14 Michael Xeras 15. Georgia Aravanis 16. Peter Vassilis 17. Sophie Ioannidis 18. Dimitrios Dimas 19. Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis 20. Eleni Preketes 21. Charlie Christofides 22. Mark Grillakis 23. Bianca Frazis 24. Nicholas Kollias 25. Dean Albanakis 26. Alex Gousetis 27 Nikki Cardamis 28. Natalia Amezquita 29. Kristen Phillips 30 Constantinos Goukos 31. Jakob Krasadakis 32. Giorge Gemisis 33. Harry Gavalas 34. Tina Ventoura

Support Leaders who have been busy helping Year 7. All came in a day ahead of their year group to welcome and assist Year 7 on their first day. Furthermore, they have shown great leadership in organizing and escorting Year 7 to each of their classes over the past 2 weeks and by assisting at the recent ‘Getting To Know You’ activity day.

8O 8O 9F 9F 9K 9K 9L 9L 9P 9P 10A 10A 10G 10G 10N 10N 11G 11G 11L 11L 11P 11P

We also need to acknowledge the efforts of all students who have taken on the responsibility of assisting those who are new to the College in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11. I am sure that your efforts in befriending and showing them around have made their transition happy and less stressful. Year 7 Getting to Know You Activity Days FRIENDSHIP DAY in THE SPACe Last week Year 7 spent two days engaged in activities aimed at building friendships and giving teachers opportunity to get to know them better. On the first day, facilitators from an organization called ‘Burn Bright’ provided an action packed program that created a positive atmosphere and aimed at helping all students feel valued and more prepared for the future.

MOBILE PHONES At the Senior School mobile phones are not essential and are not to be used during the school day. If parents need to contact their child they are to ring the Office. No responsibility will be taken by the College for mobiles that are damaged, lost or stolen.

There were three sessions on this day: Session 1 – focussed on assisting students to build healthy friendships and connections as well as learning the importance of supporting others. Session 2 – aimed at empowering students with skills to further understand how they can create a positive group culture. Session 3 – pulled the key ideas from the first two sessions together to help students identify ways they can make a difference at Senior School. A key theme also explored was resilience and how students can bounce back from challenges.

Students are not to use phones to take photographs, videos or to record any person or persons without their express permission. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



Welcome to all, especially our new students and families who have joined us this year. Congratulations to all 76 Year 7 students for the great effort so far in making new friends and settling into your new environment. It can be very challenging in the first few weeks with so much to remember and negotiate. A big “Thank You” and well done must be extended to the Year 10 Peer


SKY ZONE & STRIKE The second and no doubt the most exciting ‘Getting to Know You’ activity day involved a morning excursion to Sky Zone where Year 7 and their Peer Support Leaders bounced, flipped, played dodge ball and climbed till their hearts content. In the afternoon the fun continued with more action packed activities at Strike. There, everyone had the opportunity to bowl, play laser tag, air hockey, pool as well as show off their singing abilities in the karaoke room. Needless to say it was a joy filled, if exhausting day with many new friendships being forged.


YEAR 8 OUTDOOR EDUCATION EXCURSION On Tuesday 9th February, Year 8 attended an Outdoor Education excursion at the Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation in Narrabeen. The activities for the day included rock-climbing, archery and, everyone’s favourite, the high ropes challenge course. The students had a fantastic day, approaching each activity with enthusiasm and trying to expand their ‘comfort circle.’ The staff at the venue said how impressed they were with the supportive nature of the students, who encouraged each other through every activity. “What I enjoyed most about the Outdoor Education excursion was the ropes. These rope challenges were quite scary when I was up high, but I managed to overcome my fear. It was a very memorable experience.” Nicholas Drakoulis “I really enjoyed participating in the rockclimbing activity at the Outdoor Education excursion. It was fun to challenge ourselves to see what we were capable of. Everyone was supporting each other and giving each other the courage to do our best.” Chad Bteddini “I enjoyed the high ropes and obstacles the most. I overcame my fears and challenged myself to complete the course. It was worth giving everything a go. I had an amazing time and hope to go back there again!” FrancesLee Pascalis


Overall, it was a great bonding opportunity for Year 8 and really helped to develop both their self-confidence and their ability to work as a team. Special thanks to the teachers who attended this excursion (and even participated in some of the challenges).

Mrs McCoy Year 8 Advisor

NSW SCHOOL VACCINATION PROGRAM NSW Ministry of Health offers all school students free vaccinations recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). These vaccines are important and protect students through to adulthood. This year all Year 7 Students and any Year 8 who did not complete their course last year will be offered the following vaccines on the following dates: - Visit 1: Monday 15th February - Visit 2: Monday 9th May - Visit 3: Monday 12th September



Note: Any student who is absent on a vaccination day will be able catch up at a later visit.


Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine - 1 booster dose This dose was previously recommended at 15 years of age. Children will only be offered this vaccine in Year 7. Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine - 1 dose If your child has already had chickenpox disease or been vaccinated, they do not need this vaccine Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine - a 3 dose course offered to boys and girls



PASTORAL CARE PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE (PRC) All Middle School students are encouraged to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. This event requires students to read as many books as they can from now until the end of September. If 20 books or more are read (15 from the PRC list and 5 of a students’ own choosing), students qualify for a PRC Certificate.

Creating a flexible study timetable that students can manage and stick to. How to get the most important work done by learning to prioritise and to incorporate important, (but nonrequired) tasks such as past HSC question in-between homework for 15 -30 min per subject per week. Strategies to avoid periods of stress work throughout the year at an even pace (no cramming). Students are more likely to enjoy the year by maintaining consistency as it means they don’t have to make sacrifices as they can still fit in the fun stuff. The importance of balance - do the things you love and fit the study around it is key. If students are balanced, they will be happy and productive and they won’t feel like they are missing out.

Mr A Condous Year 11 Adviser

PAST STUDENTS SHARE THEIR HSC EXPERIENCES with YEAR 12 Last week Year 12 were privileged to hear the reflections and advice of some of our recent HSC graduates about their HSC year. This peer to peer exchange is a valuable part of our Pastoral Care Program as it provides honest and practical commentary and tips about the road ahead. Thank you to Christos Raptis, Christos Kollias, Anastasia Maloukis, Peter Contominas and Theoni Thimakis (2015 HSC year) for your valuable contributions and Mrs Gambriell and Ms Kalithrakas for arranging this.

Reading should be part of every student’s after school routine as it helps improve overall literacy. Words are the foundation stones of every course and subject. By improving literacy through consistent reading, students will have greater opportunity to strengthen their engagement with lesson content. To encourage and remind everyone, 15 minutes of most Pastoral Care lessons is set aside for silent reading. PRC books can be borrowed from the school and other local community libraries.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



The first of a series of Academic Skills seminars by the acclaimed Elevate Education Group were given to Year 11 during Pastoral Care last week. Students were divided into two groups for the focus topic on “Time Management”


Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μαθητή της Γ΄ Λυκείου. Πρόκειται για ένα γράμμα που έπρεπε να στείλει ο κάθε μαθητής της Γ΄ Λυκείου, σε έναν Ολυμπιονίκη του στίβου, τον Τζέσι Όουενς, ο οποίος στους Ολυμπιακούς του 1936, στο Βερολίνο,

Key Points / Advice included: - How to find time to get the work done.


εξόργισε τον Χίτλερ, που η προπαγάνδα του ήταν πως η Άρια φυλή, δηλαδή, όσοι με λευκό δέρμα, ξανθά μαλλιά και γαλάζια μάτια, ήταν ανώτερη από τις άλλες. Αν και ο Όουενς κέρδισε 4 χρυσά μετάλλια στους ίδιους Αγώνες, ούτε ο Χίτλερ παραβρέθηκε στην απονομή των βραβείων ούτε ο Ρούσβελτ τον καλωσόρισε στην Αμερική, όπου οι μαύροι τότε δεν είχαν κανένα δικαίωμα.



CAREERS IN MATHS Visit the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute’s website to view a range of career profiles from apprentice chefs to Electricians to Nurses where mathematics is a necessary part of their everyday jobs.

Καλή ανάγνωση κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

UPCOMING EVENTS- REMINDER UNSW Science and Engineering Student and Parent Evening: 23rd March. Register at

Αγαπητέ κύριε Όουενς Σας στέλνω αυτό το γράμμα για να σας εκφράσω το θαυμασμό μου προς το πρόσωπό σας, που είχα κι έχω όλα αυτά τα χρόνια. Θέλω να σας πω ότι αλλάξατε τον κόσμο με την ταχύτητα και την χάρη σας. Η παρουσία σας έγινε αισθητή σε μια εποχή που κυριαρχούσαν πολύ μερικοί μικρόμυαλοι άνθρωποι. Η κληρονομιά που μας αφήσατε δεν ήταν μόνο τα τέσσερα χρυσά μετάλλια που κατακτήσατε στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες του 1936. Ήταν το πνεύμα του νικητή!

UNSW Engineering Link Holiday workshop (Year 11 and 12), 18-19 April. For more information and to register, see UNSW Year 12 Medicine Information Evening: 24th March. Register at

Ήσασταν ο πιο γρήγορος άνθρωπος του πλανήτη! Η επιτυχία σας κατατρόπωσε την προπαγάνδα των Ναζί, αλλά και του ίδιου του Χίτλερ.

TSFX Half Yearly Exam Revision Lecture Enrolments Open 27th and 28th February 2016, 5th and 6th March 2016 The Revision Lectures are for year 12 students and subjects offered include Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English Advanced, English Standard, Mathematics, Mathematics General 2 and Physics. ail&utm_content=/?hsc-program=mid-yearexam-revisionlectures&utm_term=12&utm_campaign=4855: %20NSW%20%20February%20Program%20Email%203%2 0to%20Students,%20Parents%20and%20Teac hers

Μετά λύπης μου, θέλω να σας πω ότι και η ίδια η Αμερική δεν σας φέρθηκε σωστά γιατί βρεθήκατε σε μια εποχή που επικρατούσε ο ρατσισμός. Ήσασταν μαύρος και δεν μπορούσατε να χαρείτε την επιτυχία σας όπως θα μπορούσατε να κάνετε σήμερα. Ζήσατε στο πετσί σας το ρατσισμό, αλλά καταφέρατε να επιβιώσετε και να αφήσετε πίσω αυτή τη βαριά κληρονομιά και να γίνετε παράδειγμα προς μίμηση όχι μόνο για τους αθλητές, αλλά για όλους τους ανθρώπους, ότι όλοι είμαστε ίσοι, έχουμε τα ίδια δικαιώματα, άσχετα από το χρώμα του δέρματός μας. Εύχομαι να μας βλέπετε και να χαίρεστε για τη μεγάλη πρόοδο που έχουμε κάνει προς την ΙΣΟΤΗΤΑ και είθε τα επιτεύγματά σας να γίνουν παράδειγμα προς μίμηση.

National Youth Science Forum 2017 The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is a 12 day residential program for students entering year 12 in 2017, who are passionate

Μ’εκτίμηση Χαράλμπος Γαβαλάς Harry Gavalas – Year 11 (Modern Greek Yr12)


about science, technology, engineering and maths. 2017 Session Dates Session A Canberra Monday 2 – Saturday 14 January 2017 Session C Canberra Monday 16 – Saturday 28 January 2017 Expressions of interest open 1 March 2016.

Administration offers a great transition from school to career.


“Higher education is not for everyone, and in some cases it is better to become equipped with vocational business skills that employers are looking for and step straight into a job. No ATAR is required to study with St Patrick’s, and we find that the 40-week study period for our full-time Diploma courses allows our students to mature as individuals and develop their skills in a safe and encouraging environment.

Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm This is an information event for students interested in finding out about studying in the US after completing the HSC. Location: Redlands Hall, Redlands School 272 Military Road Cremorne NSW 2090 Local Contact: Simone Salier Email: Register at


Our first Information Session for the 2017 Diploma courses at our City Campus will be held on Sunday, 12 June, and interested students and their parents are welcome to attend. Students who have completed year 10, 11 or 12 can enrol. No ATAR is required, VET FEE-HELP is available, and after just 40 weeks of study over 95% of our graduates step straight into their first jobs - many of them on starting salaries of between $40 and $45k per annum.” For further information, see

2016 GO4IT WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM Sydney Key Dates: 7th to 11th March 2016 20th to 24th June 2016 5th to 9th September 2016 7th to 11th November 2016 The program is for girls interested in IT, as it aims to address the shortage of women in the industry. The program is run over five days and is an interactive learning experience. See Ms Hakos if interested. corporate-social-responsibility/Pages/TCSGo4IT-work-experience-program-girlsIT.aspx

SYDNEY AVIATORS OPEN DAYS 13 March. Begins 8.30am Introductory flights, private pilot licence info, meet instructors. x?pid=129



Sydney. 16 February and 23 March Newcastle. 15 March Central Coast. 16 March Brisbane.22 February and 30 March. Leading commercial pilot training college.


16th May 2016, 10am to 6pm, Intercontinental Sydney Hotel, 117 Macquarie Street, Sydney This provides information about the various careers available in the hotel industry. The day will include exhibitions, seminar sessions and panel discussions. Careers in the hotel industry include IT, marketing, commerce, finance and more.



On-line courses available from Health Information Management Association of Australia. (HIMAA Education Services) Wide range of careers available in public and private health industry to students and graduates in NSW/ACT. Phone: 02 9887 5898

ST PATRICK’S INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION INFORMATION SESSION 12th June, 2016 A St Patrick's Institute of Education full-time BSB50215 Diplomaof Business or BSB50415 Diploma of Business


Our team came to the game with a positive attitude, wanting to win. We started very strong with a solid lead at half time leading by 12. By the end of the game we had a great lead and won by 32-12. We all played great but Adam Geortsis played amazing by assisting many points and scoring 10 points. Steven Stamoulis

REAL ESTATE CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION COURSE Getting Started Essentials - Certificate of Registration Course in listing, selling, renting and managing property. Visit:


St Spyridon U14 B, were defeated by St Patricks College 11-30

This website helps prospective university students make informed choices about their future. QILT provides students with a broad range of information about Australian universities including graduate job prospects and student satisfaction and retention rates.

On the 6th February the Under 14 Blues faced St Patricks College at Auburn Basketball Centre. At the start of the game we were down by 7 points and we were performing poorly. By the second half we came back and scored some points but were unable to come away with the win. We could definitely improve on our dribbling and passing. Billy Malomitis played exceptionally well throughout the game. Nikolas Krasadakis

HEALTH GRADSTATS Find out which profession had the biggest increase in the employment of graduates in 2015, and which median graduate income has doubled in the last 16 years.

St Spyridon U15 defeated St Andrews Cathedral 24-15

Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser


On the 6th February the 15 year old boys played St Andrews Cathedral. It was a tough game and we managed to pull away with a win. We all played very well and the man of the match was Nathan Adam as he was a great team player and scored many points. Good luck to the boys in their future games. Dimitrios Dimas


ISA BOYS BASKETBALL Round 8: St Spyridon U13, were defeated by St Andrews Cathedral 5-28

St Spyridon U17, were defeated by St Andrews Cathedral 16-21

On the 6th February the 13A’s faced St Andrews Cathedral in the SPACe. The 13A’s were unsuccessful in defeated St Andrews. We have made significant improvements in all areas but there is still room for improvement. We need to improve on our attacking performance including shooting, dribbling and passing, although our defence has improved significantly. Christian Jenkins played the best in our team as he has scored 6 points and defended exceptionally. John Dalakiaris

On the 6th February, St Spyridon Under 17s played against St Andrews Cathedral. The boys had an outstanding game and lifted in the last 10 minutes to nearly clench the win. The boys were unlucky but every player had an outstanding game. Steven Soulakellis St Spyridon Opens defeated St Andrews Cathedral 60-55

St Spyridon U14 A defeated St Andrews Cathedral 32 -11

The open boys’ basketball team have been exceptional in the last two weeks of the ISA competition. The boys defeated both St Andrews Cathedral School and Redlands

On the 6th February St Spyridon College Under 14’As played St Andrews Under 14’s.


discouraged by the second half but we worked together and pressured Pius. We managed to break their defence therefore making it easier for us to score. In the end we won and performed very well. Nikolas Krasadakis

College to secure a spot in this year’s semifinal in the Division 2 competition. Despite not being at their best against St Andrews Cathedral the boys rallied in the last quarter to seize their opportunity to win the crucial game against 5th placed St Andrews. The boys really need to work on their defence throughout the week before their clash against Redlands.

St Spyridon U15s were defeated by Redlands 26-32 On the 13th February the 15 year old boys played Redlands. It was a tough game and as a result we sadly lost. We played hard all the way until the end and we all tried our best. The man of the match was Yianni Lekkas as he shot many 3-pointers. Better luck next time boys! Dimitrios Dimas

Round 9: St Spyridon U 13 were defeated by Redlands 15-45 This week on the 13th February the 13A’s faced Redlands. It was a tough game and we were unable to defeat them right from the start. Although we only scored 15 points, we played great and did everything we could to try to defeat them. Maksim Kasalovic played the best during this game. He was always supporting and cheering the team on and played a big role in us scoring the 15 points. John Dalakiaris

St Spyridon U17s were defeated by Redlands 12-34 On Saturday the 13th February, St Spyridon Under 17s played Redlands in an upsetting loss. We were not up to the task and the opposition were far more structured. George Dimas and Peter Giokas were by far our best players. We are now looking forward to the last round. Steven Soulakellis

St Spyridon U14s were defeated by Redlands 28-30 On the 13th February the Under 14’As St Spyridon Basketball team faced Redlands at St Spyridon College. Our last encounter was a very close game and we knew we needed to play our best to get a good result. At the start we struggled with our shooting and our defensive structure was down. As a result of this, we were down and found it hard to come back. Near the end of the game the score was 28 all. In the dying seconds we conceded a lay up and unluckily lost 30-28. From this we will now practice harder as we are heading to the semi-finals in a couple of weeks. We would love to thank our coach Mr Ishak for taking his time to coach us this season. We will head to Central Coast next week looking to secure another win. Brendan Borodyansky

St Spyridon Opens defeated Redlands 72 -59 In the game against Redlands the boys were more clinical and rather than allow Redlands to dominate they assertively dictated the tempo of the game. Quick transition and well executed plays in offence helped the boys to impressive leads at the break of each quarter. The boys’ defensive effort improved with strong rebounding from Alexandros Gousetis and Gabriel Cassimatis.

St Spyridon U14Bs defeated St Pius X College 20-16

With only one round remaining, the end of boys basketball for our Year 12 student and team captain- Christian Ishak draws to a close. We also commend Sebastian Zois of the U17 team for his passion and determination in representing the school in sport throughout his time in the College.

On the 13th February the Under 14 Blues played against St Pius X in the SPACe. We started the first half with a very even score and were unable to score. We were very

All teams are encouraged to cheer and watch the boys in their final game against Central Coast Grammar, a fitting farewell for a wonderful athlete who is committed to the


St Spyridon College Junior C’s defeated by Central Coast Grammar 6-14: Game 1 St Spyridon College Junior C’s defeated by Central Coast Grammar 14-46: Game 2

school sporting culture and has made a real positive contribution to the growth of Boys Basketball.


The Junior C’s girls’ basketball team travelled to the Central Coast on the 13th February. We played two games against Central Coast Grammar School. The first game was a tight match. We all played really well but we could not secure a win with the final score of 26-14.

Round 9: Round 9 saw the girls travel away for the second last round of the season. Three of the four teams came away with a win, as the teams are starting to peak heading into the upcoming semi-finals.

In the second game we played, we worked together as a team and passed the ball around. Georgia rebounded exceptionally well and Anastasia’s great defence made us stronger as a team. However, Central Coast was simply too strong and in the end we lost. We would like to thank our coach Andriane for encouraging and motivating us during our games. Nicoletta Tsimboukis

St Spyridon College Opens defeated Central Coast Grammar 35-13 On Saturday the 13th February, the Open girls’ basketball team travelled to the Central Coast and came away with a win of 35 to 13. It was a tough game with strong man on man defence throughout the whole game. Our star player of the week was Chrystal Christie and we commend her for leading the team this weekend. With a good win next week, we will hopefully guarantee our position in the top three and then focus on the upcoming semifinals. Good job girls! Christiana Kilias

The final round of the Girls basketball season will be held this Saturday in the SPACe. All teams are playing at home, with the Opens to play at 9am. It would be great for all other teams to try and either come earlier or stay back after their game and support the Opens, particularly as this is a must win game for them to secure a spot in the semi-finals. A special mention to our Year 12 girls Chrystal Christie and to Lia Albanakis, Georgia Koukounaris and Tiana Milisavljevic who will all be playing their last home game of Basketball for the School after 5 years of service to the sport.

St Spyridon College Intermediate’s defeated Barker College 30-19 Our Round 9 game was one all the girls knew we had to win to secure a first place rank heading into the semi-finals. The girls got off to a great start scoring lots of team baskets. Our solid defence resulted in holding Barker to only 7 points in the first half. After a strong second half, the girls secured the win 30-19. Jennifer Contominas

HOUSE CAPTAINS FOR 2016 During their House Meetings last week, students were asked to vote for Year 11 students to represent their House for 2016.

St Spyridon College Junior B’s defeated Oxley College 24-19 Last Saturday the Junior B’s headed off to Bowral to play Oxley College in our Round 9 match up. For most of the game we were trailing behind a few points. However, in the last few minutes of the game we pulled through and ended up winning 24-19. We were all very excited to get another win, especially since this bumped our position from fifth to third. Tiffany Tsoukalas

Congratulations to the following students: Nemeans: Michael Constantopedos and Deyarna Xenos Corinthians: George Dimas and Christiana Kilias Olympians: Tina Ventoura and Constantinos Kollias Delphians: Larissa Andrianakos and Gabriel Cassimatis



SWIMMING SQUAD TRAINING Over the course of the next three weeks, students who have made it to the representative swimming level (ISA), will be asked to attend morning training sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays at All Sorts Swim Centre in Alexandria. This will be the third year that training for the swim squad will be taking place. This allows for the swimmers to train together before their meet to practice race techniques as well as transitions for relays.

On Friday, the 12th February, St Andrews hosted their annual Invitational Swimming Carnival at Drummoyne Swimming pool. A squad of 25 was selected to compete for the school. There were some outstanding times from students as all of them competed well and with great sportsmanship. The carnival is used as a warm up event for the ISA Swimming Carnival which will be held later in March. Thank you to Mr Zafiropoulos who also attended on the night.

THANK YOU TO OUR COACHES FOR 2015-2016 BASKETBALL SEASON This Saturday marks the end of the regular season basketball draw before some teams head into the semi-finals next week. We would like to express our thanks to our coaches for all their hard work and dedication to their teams over the season.

Mr Koulouriotis Boys Firsts and U17’s

Mr Ishak – Boys U14’s

Mr Karagannis Boys U15’s

Adonis Tsoustas Boys U14B’s

Luka Kasalovic Boys U13’s


Mr Contominas – Intermediate Girls Mr Vergotis – Girls Junior B’s Ex- Students: Nansia Koukounaris – Girls Opens Cassandra Georgiou – Girls Junior D’s Andriane Efstratiou – Girls Junior C’s


CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Nicholas Kollias of Year 10, who competed in the U16 Athletics Championships for high jump, jumping a height of 1.75cm. From this meet, he has now qualified for the Australian Athletics Championships to be held in Perth! Well done Nicholas!


As our basketball season draws to a close, we are looking for any parents who would like to volunteer to be a coach for one of our soccer or netball teams. If anyone is interested or has any enquiries please email Mr Kaldis or Ms O’Shea.

SOCCER TRIALS Soccer trials have already begun this term in PE lessons and will continue into ISA Lessons. Students will be receiving registrations and will need to forward these to Mr Kaldis.

Miss A. Flokis

PREFECT PROFILE Name: Chrystal Christie Age: 17 years Number of years at St Spyridon College: 5 years (since Year 8) Previous Leadership Roles: Prefect in Year 6, SRC member in Years 8, 9, 10, 11, Peer Support Leader, Delphian’s House Captain, College Captain Subjects I am currently studying: Visual Arts, Drama, Advanced English, Extension 1 & Extension 2 English and Ancient History Hobbies: I love to draw, play sport, make videos and play the ukulele My Future Aspirations: I would like to study Graphic Design and Advertisement at University (hopefully in New York) My Role Models: I am very influenced and inspired by people I see on the internet, especially YouTube personalities such as Colleen Ballinger, Louis Cole, Casey Neistat and Lilly Singh Favourite Quote: “I’m intimidated by the fear of being average.” -Taylor Swift My Proudest moment: Fulfilling my life long goal of becoming College Captain One piece of advice I would give younger students: Be yourself at all times, because there is no other YOU in this world and always keep a positive outlook on whatever comes your way.



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