News 155 4a 2016

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Asking for and granting the forgiveness of sins are two of the most difficult things in life, yet it is the entry point for our journey through Great Lent. In yesterday’s Gospel reading, our Lord Jesus reminded us that: “If you forgive men their sins, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you…” (Matthew 6: 14-15). Before we enter the Lenten fast, Christ reminds us that there can be no true fast, no genuine repentance and no reconciliation with God unless we are at the same time reconciled with one another. In other words, our Lord reminds us on mutual forgiveness between people as a requirement of God’s forgiveness and our entry into this period of Great Lent. St John Chrysostom teaches us that:

Information Morning JS Twilight Tours SS CIS Swimming Carnival


Annunciation School Closed Western Good Friday


Public Holiday School Closed


APRIL 25th March Celebrations Church, Martin Place, Opera House


Term ends for Staff and students


Palm Sunday




Staff and Students Return


“Jesus introduced this rule…by reminding us of our sins, he teaches us to be humble; by commanding us to forgive others, He sets us free from revenge; while by promising in return that He too will forgive us also, He holds out good hopes, and instructs us to have high views concerning the unspeakable mercy and love of God towards humankind.” (Saint John Chrysostom, Homily on the Lord's Prayer)

Holy Wednesday Easter Focus Assembly JS


Holy Thursday – School closed


Good Friday – School closed


Holy Saturday


Christ also teaches us that Great Lent is a time for fasting. Fasting however is not only a decision to avoid eating certain foods. It is the refusal to accept sin as a normal part of our lives. It is a process of self-examination and self-discipline by which we are called to control ourselves: our thoughts, our words and our actions. It is for this reason that St. Basil the Great teaches us that: “The benefit of fasting is not limited to avoiding certain foods, because true fasting is eliminating evil deeds…forgive your neighbour their offences…do not fast in judgement and quarrels…” To be effective however, Christ reminds us that our fast must be grounded in humility, we must “appear not to men to fast but to our Father who is in secret” (Matthew 6: 16-18). Only then will we enjoy Christ’s “heavenly treasures” (Matthew 6: 19-21).

MAY Orthodox Easter


Easter Monday – school closed Staff and students depart for Perth


Uniform change – Winter Uniform


National Schools Event

3rd – 4th

Staff and Students return from Perth


Mother’s Day


Year 7 Vaccination


NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9


NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9


May Christ our God, through the prayers of His allpure Mother, our patron saint St Spyridon and all the saints, grant us a blessed and fruitful Great Lent 2016. Mr A. Picardi Orthodox Studies Teacher

NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 P & F Mother’s Day Dinner


VOLUME XXXIII No 4 18th March, 2016

MARCH ISA Cross Country




VISIT OF HIS HOLINESS PATRIARACH IRINEJ OF SERBIA Address by Anja Djukic, Year 12, 2015 Your Beatitude, Your Eminence, Your Eminences, Your Graces, It is with profound love and great honour that we welcome you today on the official visit of Your Holiness to this Fifth Continent and in particular to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. I consider myself both blessed and honoured today, having been chosen as a proud past student of St Spyridon College to address Your Holiness on behalf of the staff and students of the three Greek Orthodox Colleges of this sacred Archdiocese. Your holiness, we welcome you today to this hospitable country which has become our ‘home away from home’ over the course of the last century. As Orthodox Christians of Serbian descent, we feel blessed that the Patriarchate of Serbia thinks of us, her children in the antipodes, and has continued to provide us with spiritual nourishment as evident today, in Your Holiness first official visit to Australia. We, the young people of Australia of Serbian Orthodox decent, feel moved to have the privilege to receive the blessing of Your Holiness. We want you to know that we are proud of our heritage. We promise you that we will pass on the faith and values entrusted to us by past generations. We are fortunate enough to have Colleges that have been established by the Church, where the teaching of Language and Orthodoxy is an integral part of our schooling and ultimately, our identity and we consider this to be our sacred duty. We humbly ask that you share this message with the young people of Serbia on your return. Here in Australia the heart of Serbia beats strong. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people back home who are facing many challenges and complexities that beset the Balkans and indeed all Europe. Your Holiness, we ask that you impart your hierarchical blessing upon us and upon this blessed country and in return, we pray that God keeps your Holiness in peace, health and in long life, so that you may continue to serve God and His sacred Church. Ваша Светости, Патријарху Српски, господине Иринеју Ваше Високопреосвештенство, Ваша Високопреосвештенства, Ваше Преосвештенство Свјатјејши Патријарху Српски добродошли у ову званичну посету Петом континенту, а данас у Грчку Православну Архиепископију Аустралије. Част ми је и задовољство да сам изабрана као бивши студент Колеџа Свети Спиридон да Вас поздравим у име наставног особља и студената три грчка колеџа ове Архиепископије. Ваша Светости добродошли у ову далеку земљу која је стицајем околности постала наша друга домовина. Као Православни српског порекла, осећамо се благословени да наша Српска Патријаршија мисли о нама, својој деци у туђини, да нас подржава и храни духовном храном. Ми, млади српског порекла осећамо неизмерну срећу и привилегију да примимо Ваш благослов. Желимо да знате да се поносимо нашом вером, црквом, традицијом, културом. Обећајемо да ћемо чувати нашу православну веру и наше вредности које су нам поверене од наших предака. Ми смо неизмерно захвални да имамо Колеџе настале под окриљем цркве, где је учење језика, ћириловског писма и православне веронауке интегрални део нашег образовања, а самим тим и нашег идентитета, а то је за нас света дужност. Ваша Светости, молимо Вас да пренесете поруку младима у Србији.


Овде у Аустралији срце Србије куца снажно. Наше мисли и наше молитве су са народом у Србији који пролази кроз многе недаће које су притиснуле Балкан и на жалост целу Европу. Још једном ми, Ваша Светости, дозволите да Вас најтоплије поздравим и зажелим да дуго времена у миру служите Богу на добра СРПСКЕ ПРАВОСЛАВНЕ ЦРКВЕ и народа и да живите на многаја љета.





Students are to remain seated in their grade groups in the care of their teachers until the conclusion of the formalities which will be at approximately 4.00pm. No student may leave before this time.

25th MARCH CELEBRATIONS On Sunday, 3rd April we will commemorate Greek Independence Day and The Annunciation of The Virgin Mary.

At the conclusion parents are to collect their child from their Roll Teacher. We ask parents not to approach the teacher until the close of the ceremony; so that your child can be marked off the roll.

We remind parents that due to the significant growth in our school population, the following arrangements have been made:

Uniform Students are to wear their summer uniform with blazer. Please note that if an item of your child’s uniform eg: hat, socks tunics are worn or faded, they need to be replaced prior to Sunday. Parents are to ensure that students’ shoes are polished, that buttons on blazers, shirts and dresses are replaced and that hems are sewn. A reminder that hems of dresses should be knee length. Girls’ socks should turn over at the ankle. Anklet socks are not permitted. Junior School students are to bring their new broad brimmed school hat with them. Hair ribbons are also available from the Uniform Shop.

10.00am: Years 5 and 6 to meet their teachers in Mary Hamer Quadrangle and Years 7 and 12 in the Primary School playground. The students will represent the School in St Spyridon Church for the memorial service. At the conclusion of the service, Father Steven will speak on the significance of the day. Proems will be recited by students from St Spyridon College Junior and Senior School and the Afternoon School. At the conclusion: Children are dismissed to go home, have lunch and freshen up. 12.45pm: All K-12 students are to assemble behind our school banner in the assigned area at Martin Place Cenotaph. The teachers will assume responsibility of their class and mark the students present. Parents are asked to move away from the line up area allowing teachers the space to assemble the students appropriately. When the march commences, we ask that parents please keep their distance. Teachers will be walking alongside their class. The students will proceed along Pitt Street to Sydney Opera House for the afternoon celebrations.

The combined Choir of students from the three Greek Orthodox Day schools will be performing at the 25th March celebrations.

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.



The day is a special occasion for all, but particularly for our Orthodox Colleges and we will be very much in the public eye for most of the day. We ask you, as parents, to reinforce what we are saying at school regarding appearance, behaviour and courtesy, so that we as a school community can be proud of our students.

Taverna night was once again a successful and enjoyable evening. The event quickly sold out and both parents and children had a great night at the Yarra Bay Sailing Club. It was lovely to see the children dancing and enjoying themselves. There were many fabulous prizes for the night. Congratulations to all those that won. Thank you who supported the P&F with attending the night, and also to all who donated the prizes for the evening. The evening raised approximately $5000 which is a wonderful start for the fundraising year!

The P & F will provide water and a snack to the students on their arrival at the Opera House.




grandmothers, mother figures, godmothers etc.

It is nearly that time again for our wonderful Easter and Lambatha Stalls. We have been busy purchasing Easter gifts and using our creative talents to create some lovely handmade lambathes. With Greek Orthodox Easter being different to Western Easter this year, the stalls will be running across two terms. Please note the dates. A flyer will be heading home soon with your children. The stalls will be held under the mango tree in the JS playground from 2.30pm-3:30pm on the following dates:  Thursday 31st March  Friday 1st April  Monday 4th April  Tuesday 5th April  Wednesday 6th April  Thursday 7th April  Monday 26th April  Wednesday 27th April

Thursday, 12 May 2016- *SAVE THE DATE*


The Mothers Night Out is an enjoyable and successful fundraising evening. It’s a night when all the mothers, grandmothers and all females of our school community and their extended friends, can sit back and relax and enjoy great food and good company. This year we have a new venue for the evening. Stacks Taverna at Darling Quarter. It promises to be a prize, fun-filled evening. Tickets are $75 and are available for purchase, so get in early to avoid disappointment. Pre bookings are essential. Please call or SMS Erenie 0410 318 053 or Angela 0407 061 940 for a booking. All welcome!

SSC BUSINESS DIRECTORY And finally, a reminder that end of Term 1, 2016 (ONLY 3 WEEKS LEFT!) will be the FINAL call for registrations for our SSC Business Directory. It is a worthwhile opportunity to support and network with other members of our College community. Please refer to the end of the newsletter to print off a copy, or approach any P&F committee member for further assistance.

Attached to the flyer you that will receive at home with your children will be some raffle tickets. These will be $1 each. Please return the attached tickets with your full name, contact number and payment directly to the JS office by Wednesday 27th April. The prizes will be drawn at the Easter focus Assembly on this day.


Olga Gouveros Assistant Secretary

Palm Sunday lunch will be held in the St Spyridon Church Hall on Sunday 24th April at 11:30am. We will be serving a delicious Lenten menu of entrees, main, including whole fish, and desserts. We invite you to join us with your family and friends. Bookings must be made in advance to help with catering. For bookings, please call Erenie:– 0410 318 053 or Anna: 0405 683 320 Adults (13 yrs +): - $45 donation & Children (4-12 yrs): - $20 donation



On Friday 11th March 2016, St Spyridon College Junior School was visited by Mr Kokkinos - the Head of the General Secretariat of Greeks Abroad under the Hellenic Ministry of External Affairs, and Dr Kirimis - Consul General of Greece in Sydney. Mr Kokkinos was delighted to experience warm Greek hospitality by the Year 5 & 6 students of St Spyridon who welcomed him in Greek, sang Βόσπορος in Greek, danced traditional dances from the Dodecanese and impressed him with

MOTHER’S DAY STALLS Once again the ever popular mother’s day stalls will be back early Term 2. The dates will be confirmed in the next newsletter. The children will have an opportunity to purchase beautiful gifts for their mother’s,


their genuine love for the Greek culture. Mr Kokkinos admitted that St Spyridon students danced … better than him and were learning all about traditions like Κυρα Σαρακοστή that he had not heard of for years. He expressed his appreciation and gratitude for everything the Greek Orthodox Schools in Australia are doing to preserve the Greek language and culture. He also promised to take back with him to Greece all the wishes of St Spyridon students addressed to the young people of Greece for all the best. Mrs A. Gambierakis Coordinator of Modern Greek

My contribution this week is devoted to a heroic and brave act demonstrated by one of our students. Such was the greatness of this act, that it is the only feature of my report. Marcel Darwish you are a credit to your family and your school and, we are so proud of you. May our Lord’s blessings be bountiful for your selfless act. A wonderful example as we enter Lent. Please read below, Dear Mrs Synesios I’d like to share with you an incident that occurred on Friday night with my son Stefan and the quick thinking response of his friend Marcel that prevented this escalating into a diabetic medical emergency. I am writing this as I feel it’s important to recognise a child that


AFL GALA DAY at Queens Park March 9th

has done something extraordinary and to highlight something positive for this student. On Friday night approx. 9.15 pm Stefan went to bed, he checked his glucose levels, they were pretty good for just before bed.

St Spyridon entered 3 teams into the recent AFL Gala Day, in the hope to qualify for NSW Paul Kelly Cup. All teams and members played with real sportsmanship and skill, proving that students from all backgrounds and sports can play AFL and compete with confidence.

At about 9.50pm my phone rang, I wondered who was calling me at this time as the number appearing was unknown. When I answered I heard a child’s voice, he asked is this Stefan I said no it’s his mum. Without hesitating he just blurted out clearly, “it’s Marcel, STEFAN IS HAVING A HYPO AND CANNOT MOVE.” I knew this was not a prank, as no one would think of such a thing. We ran into his room to find Stefan in distress, shaking and crying. He was having a severe hypo, we have never experienced anything like this. This can potentially lead to a diabetic coma or worse. Luckily we managed to treat him without the need to call 000, transportation to hospital and possible complications.

Congratulations to all players, and thank you to Mr Volas, Mr Davies and all parent spectators for their support; both at trainings and on the Gala Day. St Spyridon continues to be a real competitive force at the AFL Gala Days; boys and girls missing out on State Cup by 1 or 2 Placings in 2016. Final Placings at Queens Park Gala Day: St Spyridon Boys - 5th place overall (Top 4 go through to State Cup)

After all the dramas were over, Stefan explained that he could not move and could not yell loud enough to be heard. He had his iPod in bed and sent a message to Marcel, as he was chatting to him not long before. He merely sent the words “help” Marcel responded. Stefan advised he was having a hypo and to call my mum as he cannot move or be heard.

St Spyridon Girls - 4th place overall (Top 2 go through to State Cup) Boys Team A Paul Giavis, Angus Chellos, Hudson Rallis, Stefan Gemisis, James Cardamis, Lucas Leondaris, Jameson Darras-Samaras, Nicholas Michos, Marlon Rallis, Dyllon Polyzos, George Grillakis, Michael Antoniou, Kosta Kalantzis, Jorge Cooney

Marcel did not ignore Stefan’s call for help, understood this was critical and bravely called a parent without a second thought just to help out a mate.

Boys Team B Nikolas Dimaris, Thomas Pambris, Stephen Varvaritis, Willem Chellos, Charlie Georgas, Peter Asproukos, Thomas Zahos, Jamyson Gouveros, Nixon Kounnas, George Mitropoulos, Alexander Nikitopoulos, Alexandros Pambris, Ari Kougias, Gabriel Leondaris, George Siganakis

Please share this with the rest of Year Six or the school as I feel it’s important to let everyone know that Marcel’s actions pretty much saved Stefan’s life. In addition I would also like to raise awareness of type 1 diabetes and how critical and unpredictable this disease can be and for all to be on alert. Marcel may feel that what he did was nothing but, but if he actually did do nothing, I could not begin to think what could have happened, as it would have been hours before I would check up on him again.

Girls Team A Victoria Stathos, Gabriella Gouveros, Theoni Asproukos, Sienna Tsoukalas, Jennifer Pyliotis, Katerina De Pasquale, Chrystal Coulits, Amelia Raptis, Anastasia Lambrou, Taylysse Knight, Sarah Constantinidis, Natalia Constantinidis, Angelina Costa

Regards Vicki Gemisis



CIS AFL TRIALS Congratulations to Marlon Rallis, Stefan Gemesis, Paul Giavis, Lucas Leondaris, Taylysse Knight and Anastasia Lambrou who were selected to trial for the CIS AFL Team on Friday 11th March in Canberra. They represented the College with skill and fair play at the trials.

GIRLS AFL PROGRAM Congratulations to Taylysse Knight, Anastasia Lambrou, Natalia Constantinidis, Sarah Constantinidis and Gabriella Gouveros who have been nominated for extra trialling sessions with NSW/ACT AFL Girls Development Program in 2016. Ms D. McCarthy AFL Coordinator

KOLYVA (Κόλυβα) Each year, before the beginning of Lent, the Pascha is prepared. Our church sets aside three Saturdays called Ψυχοσάββατο; ‘Saturdays of Souls’. The priest offers a special memorial service for members of God’s family who have died and are now in Heaven. A Divine Liturgy is held on the Saturday of Souls. In this Liturgy, the names of the souls to remember are given to the priest to include in prayers. At this time we also prepare Kolyva. Kolyva is a plate (or tray) of boiled wheat that we bring to church for the memorial service. Wheat is an analogy to explain life everlasting. Wheat is a seed from a plant. It is planted in the ground. Even though it does not look alive, with nourishment, it sprouts and becomes a green living plant. In the same way a person who does not live with us (family) on earth any longer, they are now living with God in Heaven. Last Tuesday 8th March, Kiria Ierokli (together with Year 6) prepared a tray of Kolyva in the tradition of Saturday of Souls. Mrs E. Giokas Orthodox Studies Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School


SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT Καλή Σαρακοστή As we enter the period of Great Lent, we wish our students and their families’ peace and strength in their spiritual preparations for Easter. You will no doubt be aware that our School Canteens have special menus for this time. It is tradition at our Senior School that the Prayer of St Ephraim is recited every morning by our students and staff. We share this prayer with our parents as it embodies the essence of Greek Orthodox Great Lent.

Larissa Andrianakos However, with the aid of a phone app, some have been able to swap faces with their drawings. The results were a lot of fun.

Lord and Master of my life, give me not a spirit of idleness, meddling, love of power and idle talk. But grant me, your servant, a spirit of soberness, humility, patience and love. Yes, Lord and King, Grant me to see my own faults, and not condemn my brother; for blessed are you to the ages of ages. Amen

FROM THE ART ROOM Christiana Kilias

Recently Year 11 students have been drawing self-portraits. Here are a couple of examples;

Danielle Petrakis Constantinos Kollias

Ms M. Pringle Visual Arts Teacher

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




“Leadership is practised not so much in words as in attitudes and actions”

BALLOONS FLY FOR EARTH HOUR SCHOOLS DAY In 2016, Earth Hour in Australia will celebrate the places we love that make our outdoor lifestyle and the Aussie way of life so great: our breathtaking beaches, forests, reefs, national parks, snow-capped mountains, rivers and farmland which uniquely distinguish Australia as the “lucky country”. Yet these iconic places are under threat from rising temperatures and more extreme weather. Small changes to our climate as a result of increased carbon pollution are messing up the delicate balance of nature that we enjoy so much. Rising temperatures will drive coral bleaching on our beloved Great Barrier Reef and a decline in snow season length and coverage in the Australian Alps, while rising sea levels are expected to erode our beaches and coastlines.

On Friday, 18th March 2016, hundreds of thousands of school kids across Australia will celebrate Earth Hour by taking part in Earth Hour Schools Day. Students and teachers are some of Earth Hour’s most passionate and valued supporters and will again organise Earth Hour inspired events and activities at school the day before Earth Hour officially takes place on Saturday, March 19 at 8:30pm.

EASTER RAFFLE & DONATE A TIN CAN APPEAL All students were given Easter Raffle tickets last week as well as information about the annual Donate Tin Can Appeal. Students and families are reminded that the success of these initiatives is dependent on everyone working together. The filled raffle ticket booklets …to the value of $5.00, need to be brought back to the office before the 24th March. Students have until Friday 1st April to bring in their nonperishable food items. These can be passed on to class SRC’s. Middle School students will be rewarded with Maples for each individual item donated.

At the Senior School, 100 printed balloons with our emblem and a message stating that our College supports EARTH HOUR were made especially for the launch of our events. These include switching off all non-essential lights all day today; dedicating every Period 4 for the rest of the year as our School Earth Hour; and decorating the library corridor with Earth Hour Promotional items. At Friday’s assembly SRC’s from each home room class symbolically held some of these balloons while the remaining balloons were attached to the front fence line. The point of this was to let the community know we are an EARTH HOUR SCHOOL that is trying to go further, go beyond the hour!

CLEAN UP SCHOOLS DAY Recently students across Years 7-10 helped clean up the school environment as part of the


‘Clean Up Australia’ campaign. Organizers have reported that this year was our best yet with more than 24,298 young Australian's from over 1,119 High Schools, Colleges, universities and youth groups Australia wide taking part in the event - what an amazing effort!

WHEN IS TOO MUCH PRAISE A BAD THING? Some food for thought… Thanks to the “every child gets a medal” approach to raising children, many researchers argue we are now dealing with a generation of entitled, fragile “teacup” kids.

Thanks to everyone’s efforts, the cleanup results were counted among the estimated 15,657 tonnes of rubbish removed from our local streets, parks, beaches, and bushland across the weekend of Clean up.

It seems the self-esteem movement of the late 1960s, which encouraged parents to boost their child’s self-confidence regardless of any real merit, has had some undesirable and unexpected outcomes. Professor Helen McGrath cautions that “a lot of the people who gloated about how to develop self-esteem are now writing about how this is actually a dangerous thing to do because what we are really doing is producing kids who are narcissistic… we focus too much on telling them how good they are, how wonderful they are, how everything they do is fantastic”. American Ethan Couch may well serve as the poster boy to warn of the dangers in overindulging our offspring. At 16 years old, he killed four pedestrians while drink driving then claimed in court that he suffered from “affluenza” — that he no longer knew right from wrong as his parents had never held him accountable. When the judge seemed to accept this defence and sentenced him to 10 years’ probation rather than prison, his mother then helped him flee (after first holding a going away party for him). Both mother and son were arrested by authorities in Mexico. But what’s less clear is where the line between supporting your child, and enabling your child, is drawn. Real self-esteem is about appreciating the skills and abilities you do have, learning how to upskill, and also respecting the gifts others have (in order to value yourself, you must first value the person next to you). It is about competence and connectedness. And praise is the food that helps children thrive — if it is evidence based and spooned out judiciously.


παρακαλούν τους συμμάχους μας να τους σώσουν απ’ το λεπίδι των Τούρκων.

Your child blitzed their exams? Three cheers! They coped well with a loss at soccer and helped rally their teammates? Do tell. They’ve just started their own car washing business to earn extra pocket money? I’m sharing the news.

Όμως οι ξένοι έχουν διαταγές να μην επεμβαίνουν και τους βλέπω που κάθονται στα καράβια τους με σταυρωμένα χέρια ή καπνίζουν και παρακολουθούν τον ξεριζωμό των Ελλήνων ως θεατές.

And when praise is genuine, children are all ears too. Kids have a finely-tuned radar for falsities and can see that the ribbon they scored just for participating is really fairly worthless. When achievements are truly noteworthy, be proud and sing their praises!

Όσοι έχουν λεφτά, δίνουν μια ολόκληρη περιουσία για να τους πάρουν οι βάρκες. Όμως, τους εκτοπίζουν άλλοι, πιο χεροδύναμοι και σβέλτοι, τους σπρώχνουν και αρπάζουν τη θέση τους. Κι οι βάρκες αναποδογυρίζουν κι οι άνθρωποι πνίγονται μέσα στον πανικό τους σαν τις μύγες.

This post was first published in the Daily Telegraph and shared online at RendezView 4/1/16.

Τι να σας λέω, αγαπητοί μου ακροατές, δεν μπορώ να περιγράψω το μέγεθος της καταστροφής που βλέπω. Η Σμύρνη καίγεται, οι Χριστιανοί τρέχουν σαν τρελοί προς το λιμάνι νομίζοντας ότι θα βρουν τρόπο να ξεφύγουν, αλλά δυστυχώς τους περιμένει το λεπίδι ή τους καταπίνει η θάλασσα. Λίγοι καταφέρνουν να περάσουν απέναντι στα ελληνικά νησιά. Εδώ σας αφήνω επειδή τα μάτια μου δεν αντέχουν άλλο στον καπνό που μας πνίγει, αλλά ούτε και στις εικόνες φρίκης….

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Και πάλι μαζί. Αυτή τη φορά θα σας κρατήσουμε παρέα με γραπτές εργασίες μαθητών της Β΄ Λυκείου, οι οποίοι όμως παρακολουθούν την ύλη της Γ΄ Λυκείου στο μάθημα των Ελληνικών. Και οι δύο εργασίες είναι σχετικές με την Μικρασιατική καταστροφή του 1922, ενότητα που μόλις τελειώσαμε να μελετούμε.

Rothopi Nicolaou Year 11 (M. Greek Year 12) Topic: You are a reporter who broadcasts live from the port of Smyrna the Asia Minor Catastrophe. Είσαι δημοσιογράφος, που μεταδίδει ζωντανά μέσω ραδιοφώνου και από την παραλία της Σμύρνης, τη Μικρασιατική καταστροφή.

Καλή ανάγνωση. Κ. Μ. Topic: You are a reporter who broadcasts live from the port of Smyrna the Asia Minor Catastrophe. Είσαι δημοσιογράφος, που μεταδίδει ζωντανά μέσω ραδιοφώνου και από την παραλία της Σμύρνης, τη Μικρασιατική καταστροφή.

Αγαπητοί ακροατές και ακροάτριες, είστε συντονισμένοι στο «Ράδιο Σμύρνη» και ακούτε την εκπομπή «Ραδιοφωνική περιπολία» με την Σταυρούλα Παπαδοπούλου στο μικρόφωνο.

Αγαπητοί ακροατές, Το σημερινό μας πρόγραμμα μεταδίδεται ζωντανά από την παραλία της Σμύρνης όπου βρίσκομαι αυτή τη στιγμή, της Σμύρνης που έχει παραδοθεί στις φλόγες και στο αίμα.

Μαύρη ξημέρωσε η 13η Αυγούστου 1922 για την όμορφη Σμύρνη μας. Η πόλη –στολίδι δεν υπάρχει πια. Έχουν περάσει επτά ημέρες από την αποχώρηση του τελευταίου ελληνικού στρατιωτικού τμήματος και την είσοδο του κεμαλικού στρατού στην πόλη μας. Η Αρμενική συνοικία καταστράφηκε ολοσχερώς. Η φωτιά που ξεκίνησε πριν λίγες μέρες έχει εξαπλωθεί πλέον και σε όλη την πόλη. Χάος

Είμαστε εδώ, στριμωγμένοι στην παραλία και ο κόσμος ζητάει προστασία από τον αγγλογαλλικό στόλο, που είναι αγκυροβολημένος στο λιμάνι. Οι άνθρωποι


Η Σμύρνη κόσμε κάηκε….

επικρατεί παντού. Ουρές ο κόσμος περιμένουν να μπουν στα τελευταία ελληνικά πλοία. Η θάλασσα ήδη έχει αρχίσει να γεμίζει πτώματα. Όσοι προσπαθούν να κολυμπήσουν προς τα ξένα καράβια βρίσκουν φρικτό θάνατο. Η ατμόσφαιρα είναι αποπνικτική! Ένα μεθύσι αίματος και σκληρότητας κυριαρχεί. Ο τρόμος ζωγραφισμένος στα πρόσωπα των Ελλήνων. Δεν υπάρχουν λόγια να περιγράψει κανείς τις βιαιότητες, τις δολοφονίες, τις σφαγές, τους βιασμούς, τις αιχμαλωσίες… Όλα αυτά, υπό το βλέμμα των «ουδετέρων συμμάχων» μας. Ό, τι αφήνει η φωτιά, το αποτελειώνει η μάχαιρα και η σφαίρα…

Steffie Papadopoulos Year 11 (M. Greek Year 12)



GUEST SPEAKERS There are a number of guest speakers coming to St Spyridon College this year. This Wednesday, a representative from Notre Dame University spoke to students in Years 11 and 12 at lunchtime, to discuss courses, early offers, ATARs and to answer students’ questions. Other universities have been booked for future talks. Please check for dates and times which will be advertised closer to the events.

Έχουν καταστραφεί τα τρία πέμπτα της Σμύρνης. Έχει μείνει ανέπαφη μόνον η τούρκικη συνοικία. Το μεγαλείο της Σμύρνης χάθηκε για πάντα. Μέσα σε λίγα εικοσιτετράωρα ισοπεδώθηκαν τα πάντα.


Όσοι γλύτωσαν την οργή του νικητή θα πρέπει να ξεκινήσουν μια νέα ζωή, ένα νέο κεφάλαιο, του οποίου δυστυχώς η πρώτη σελίδα είναι καταματωμένη. Αγαπητοί ακροατές, ο πόλεμος έχει παντού και πάντα ένα και το αυτό πρόσωπο. Χρέος μας από εδώ και πέρα είναι να θυμόμαστε… Ακούσατε την τελευταία εκπομπή της «Ραδιοφωνικής περιπολίας» με την Σταυρούλα Παπαδοπούλου. Η εκπομπή μας ήταν συνδεδεμένη με μια πόλη υπέροχη, κοσμοπολίτικη όπου επικρατούσε η ηρεμία και ευημερία. Δυστυχώς, όλα αυτά χάθηκαν και μαζί με αυτή χάνεται και η φωνή που την εκπροσωπούσε. Επιτρέψτε μου την επιφώνηση της εκπομπής με τα λόγια μιας ηλικιωμένης Ελληνίδας πρόσφυγα.

Year 12 Medicine Information Evening, 24 Mar 2016 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm A must- attend event for all Year 12 students (and their parents) interested in applying for the UNSW Medicine program. UNSW Science and Engineering Student Parent Evening 23rd March 2016, 5:30pm to 8pm, UNSW Kensington Campus. The evening will provide information on the degrees offered in Science and Engineering. It is directed at prospective students and their parents. Attendees will be able to speak oneon-one to academic staff about the degrees and also life on campus.

Τετάρτη μέρα ήταν πριν από το μεσημέρι Που ήρθε ο Νουρεντίν πασάς με το σπαθί στο χέρι


Και αμέσως διέταξε θάνατο να σκορπίσει

Thursday 21 April: Year 11 and Year 12 students will have the chance to taste what a day in the life of a Macquarie student is really like. They will be able to: - get a feel for the campus - sit in on lectures and demos - experience practicals and tutorials

Κι Αρμένιους κι Έλληνες να τους συντρίψει. Καλή τύχη σε όσους κατάφεραν να ξεφύγουν από την οργή του κατακτητή. Αιωνία η μνήμη σε αυτούς που χάθηκαν τόσο βάναυσα και άδικα.



choose their own subjects and plan their own day - ask lecturers and students all their questions about uni life at Macquarie. Lunch is included. Get all the details and register If you have any questions, contact (02) 9850 7250 or


22nd June Students interested in studying Law at UTS are encouraged to attend this event. For more information and to register, go to

UTS COURSE GUIDES- ONLINE Students and parents can access online the new UTS course guides for 2017 by following this link. Hard copies of these will be also available from my office by next week.

AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY STUDENT STORIES Check out some of the stories of current ACU students to better understand what university has in store.


19th April 2016, 10am to 11:30am, 140 Broadway, Chippendale The session will provide information on pathways into university, including Foundation Year and the Tertiary Enabling Program. These programs act as a transition from high school to university with study assistance provided throughout them.

US COLLEGE INFORMATION SESSION This is for students wishing to study in the USA. Wednesday March 23, 2016, 4pm and 7pm, @ Mansfield Room (located in the Cranbrook Building), Cranbrook School, 5 Victoria Road, Bellevue Hill. Please enter via the Victoria Road main gates. Contact: RSVP:

CQU: UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE Tuesday 5th April, 9:30am – 1:45pm @ CQUniversity Sydney University Experience is a free, one day oncampus event allowing Year 12 students to explore their post-high school options at CQUniversity Sydney.


UNSW Engineering High School Information Day for Year 11 and 12 Students 18th May 2016, 8:45am to 3pm, UNSW Kensington Campus There will be the opportunity to sample different fields of engineering in hands on activities. There will also be the chance to speak to academic staff and current students to obtain a further understanding of the engineering courses offered. Registrations close on the 11th of May or once filled.

US University Standardized Test Requirements- new SAT and ACT explained Students interested in studying uni in the US are encouraged to read the article outlining the new SAT and the ACT standardized tests which are used for admission purposes to most US universities.!l earn/cfpx Contact for assistance if you are considering studying in the US. 02 8006 9737

Students interested in studying in the USA after Year 12 should also contact EducationUSA (at the US Consulate in Sydney CBD) for information and individual advice. Their website contains a wide variety of useful information.


Management, and the Bachelor of Property Valuation. Please call (02) 9217 4811 for more information.

BOND UNIVERSITY: GOLD COAST Saturday, 9th of April 2016 Time: Depart Sydney at 07:10am, Return 18:35 pm Bond University Experience offers the opportunity for students to come and join us on the beautiful Gold Coast to experience what makes our university so unique. Students who secure an invitation will have the opportunity to explore our beautiful campus and surroundings, put our state-of-the-art facilities to the test, talk to staff and students and discover what life is really like at Bond University. The cost for BU-X is $99 to secure a place and includes: - Return airfare from Sydney to Gold Coast - Pick-up and return to the Gold Coast airport - Lunch and light refreshments - Campus tour - Presentations from our faculties and staff - Places for this event are limited, students who are genuinely interested can register by contacting Kayla Warner, Manager, Schools and Community (NSW/ACT) Bond University Phone: 0418 556 880 Email:

Actors College of Theatre and Television: Open Day 14th May 2016 Open day is an opportunity to obtain further information on careers in acting, music, theatre or stage management. If unable to attend the open day private tours can be booked by calling 02 9213 4500. JMC Upcoming Performances 24th March 2016, 30th March 2016, & 1st April 2016, 6:30pm, Underground 195 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction These performances showcase current students. They may be of interest to prospective students interested in gaining an idea of what is involved with performance at JMC. International Film School Sydney Open Day 23rd May 2016, International Film School Sydney, Surry Hills There will be the chance to find out about student productions, view a live scene and speak to current students, lecturers and recruitment advisors.


16th April 2016, 10am to 12:30pm, Sydney Open day will provide an opportunity to find out about careers in natural health.

Australian Defence Force Gap Year Applications for a 2017 gap year open in March 2016. The ADF Gap Year program provides an opportunity for young Australians who have finished Year 12 or equivalent, aged between 17 and 24, to experience military training & lifestyle whilst gaining new skills over a paid Gap Year. Year/

MARTIN COLLEGE Martin College offers courses in Business, Marketing, Events, Tourism, Design and Technology. They have year-round intakes, with one beginning on 14th March. They also offer online study options which students can start anytime.

SYDNEY TAFE now offers Degrees Sydney TAFE Degrees are different. More practical, smaller class sizes, and focused support. We have great Degree options for your students in the Associate Degree of Accounting, the Bachelor of Applied Finance (Financial Planning), the Bachelor of Applied

SCHOOL HOLIDAY EVENTS Free School Holiday Workshops UNSW Art & Design has constructed specialised workshops for interested students during the April school holidays. Find out about creative coding, enhance your Illustrator skills, make a touch-


NIDA Bites – 9th April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington Stand-up Comedy Masterclass for Young People – 11th to 15th April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington Drama School – 11th to 15th April or 18th to 22nd April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington The NIDA Games – 11th to 15th April 2016, 10am to 4pm, Carriageworks Writing for the Stage – 11th to 13th April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington TV Presenting 101 – 14th to 15th April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington Auditions and Screen Tests – 16th to 17th April 2016, 10am to 4pm, Kensington Designer Boot Camp – 16th to 17th April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington Film Editing 101 – 16th to 17th April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington NIDA’s Amazing Race – 18th to 22nd April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington Live on Stage – 18th to 22nd April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington On Pitch: Musical Theatre – 18th to 22nd April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington All Things Screen – 18th to 22nd April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington Costume Design 101 – 21st to 22nd April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington

responsive banana or work on your portfolio. Limited places available, so register today. Atyp April School Holiday Workshops Survival Instinct – 11th to 15th April 2016 Musical Theatre – 11th to 15th April 2016 HSC 2016 Workshop – 11th to 15th April 2016 Stand Up and Improvisation – 18th to 22nd April 2016 Stage and Screen – 18th to 22nd April 2016 Stage Acting Essentials – 18th to 22nd April 3016 Shakespeare 400 Years On – 18th to 22nd April Sydney Dance Company School Holiday Workshops School Holiday Workshops run through the April school holidays. The styles that are offered include Jazz, Theatre Jazz, JFH and Hip Hop or Contemporary and Lyrical. For brochures with more information follow the link below. For further enquiries contact Tamara Wheeler email: phone: 02 9258 4818 -and-courses/holiday-workshops/

School of Protocol: Teenage School Holiday Bootcamp 14th April 2016, 10am to 4pm, Boronia Tea Room, 624 Military Rd, Mosman School of Protocol offers etiquette lessons which will help individuals grow and also develop self-confidence. The lessons are directed at young people 10 to 17 years old. ootcamp/

IT School Holiday Workshop One day workshops in information technology, innovation, design and games development that will leave you hungry for more! Choose from Games Design workshop, 3D Printing workshop or Networking workshops. Date: 9 April 2016, 9am-5pm ST LEONARDS CAMPUS $22 lunch included. To request a pamphlet or register contact

Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying This article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits. g-technology-work-for-you-effective-apps-forsmart-study/


Musical Theatre Boot Camp - 9th to 10th April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington NIDA Drama School – 11th to 15th April 2016, 10am to 4pm, Chatswood NIDA Acting 101 – 11th to 15th April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington Wounds, Bruises and Special Effects – 9th to 10th April 2016, 10am to 5pm, Kensington Make-up Design 101 – 9th to 10th April 2016, 10am to 5pm Kensington







Overall it was a great day, and we recommend that future years attend. Keti Bull and Tina Ventoura Year 11



On Thursday, 10th March, two Year 11 students, Keti Bull and Tina Ventoura (SRC), went to the NSW Parliament House to commemorate International Women’s Day, where concepts and definitions of leadership were discussed, as well as issues that might affect women in leadership roles, and to meet inspiring women leaders from our Parliament and community.

Four Year 10 girls attended Women in Science education seminar on Tuesday. The seminar included lectures from people who have studied science at a high level, and are now applying it in their various careers. The day opened our minds up to a wide range of options for career paths. Considering we are interested in science, the day further enhanced our interests and knowledge regarding science. As we have to choose our subjects for next year, and then our university courses, the day gave us an insight into which branch of science we are interested in, and the programs to support and encourage females in the science industry.

The event began with a keynote presentation by Pia Waugh, a community leader for open government, who outlined the key aspects of leadership. She emphasised that a person must implement the concepts of control, tools, networks and inspiration, to be an effective and influential leader. She also discussed how future generations will have access to new technologies that will improve and shape the world in new ways.

We would like to thank Ms Hakos for organising our involvement in this day and Dr L. Srinivasan for supervising and accompanying us on the day. We definitely enjoyed the day and gained knowledge that we can practice in our everyday lives.

After the speech, we were to have a tour of parliament but unfortunately an unexpected fire drill interrupted the program and prevented the tour from going ahead, which was disappointing. The day concluded with a panel discussion involving women members of Parliament. They elaborated on issues they had faced in their Parliamentary leadership roles and the importance of challenging stereotypes of women, especially those in governmental roles. They also discussed the need for diversity in all career types, to allow for balance and equality. The seminar provided insight into the reality of leadership roles, particularly in Parliament. The keys to success seems to lie in finding what inspires you and being willing to use your own abilities and available tools to create networks that will help future generations make a difference. Furthermore, if diversity and equality are kept in mind, people from all backgrounds, ethnicities and genders will be represented and that is always a good thing.


Florence Georges, Jennifer Contominas, Anastasia Hatzidis and Rhea Tsimboukis Year 10




The ISA Swimming Carnival was held on Wednesday, 9th March at SOPAC, Homebush. It was one of the biggest girls’ squad we have taken to the event in some years, and all girls should be commended on their efforts and participation on the day and throughout the month attending the early morning squad training.

ISA GIRLS BASKETBALL Saturday, 5th March was when the ISA Finals were held for basketball at Penrith Sports Centre. The Intermediate girls were the only team from the girls to qualify after being undefeated all season. However, as we have learnt in the past, anything is possible at finals level, and the girls knew they had to be at their best to take out the title.

Some of the highlights of the day included our 12 year old swimmer Eleni Haralambides from Year 7 who placed first in all of her races. Eleni has now qualified for the CIS Carnival for freestyle and breaststroke as part of the ISA Squad. Congratulations Eleni! Along with Eleni, our junior girls had some great results in the pool, finishing second overall behind Redlands who had dropped from Division 1 last year. This is a fantastic achievement and we congratulate all the girls involved.

The Intermediates played Oxley in what was a very close game for its entirety. The girls from Bowral did not go down without a fight as it came down right to the wire. Jennifer Contominas stayed composed as she was able to draw fouls and add the extras at the free throw line. Yovana Stosic was solid in defence, frustrating the opposition. Carissa Frazis had impact when she joined the game, coming off the bench and dodging traffic on the court. Overall it was a great team performance and summed up the Intermediate’s season as they defeated Oxley 15-11. A big thank you must go to their coach Mr Contominas for his patience and dedication to the team.

Some highlights included: Eleni Haralambides 12yrs – 1st 50m Freestyle, Breaststroke, Backstroke, Butterfly, 100m freestyle Lena Tsalikis 14yrs – 2nd 50m Freestyle, 1st Breaststroke Desi Kapodistrias 14yrs – 3rd 50m Freestyle, 3rd Breaststroke, 100m Freestyle, 1st Backstroke, 2nd Butterfly Nicoletta Tsimboukis 13yrs- 3rd Breaststroke Nicola Skouteris 13yrs- 2nd Breaststroke, 3rd Butterfly


NETBALL AND FOOTBALL TRIALS Netball and Football trials continue this week as we get closer to selecting teams for the winter season. Teams will be finalised this week; registration forms will need to be submitted to Ms O’Shea. Miss A. Flokis Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport


Another thank you and congratulations must go to the Year 12 girls who participated on the day in their final ISA Swimming Carnival. The girls involved were Lia Albanakis, Keira Kipriotis, Chrystal Christie, Anna Mylonas and Ivana Bogojevic.

The U14A basketball team competed against Central Coast Grammar on Saturday, 5th March in the Boys Division 2 Grand Final. The boys were excited and at the same time anxious about the outcome knowing that their opponents had easily won in their previous two encounters. Despite the obvious height difference, and knowing that nearly all the Central Coast players were also competing in a representative team, the team performed admirably with strong performances from all the boys. Season 2015 – 2016 was a wonderful year for the boys who made a Division 2 Grand final on the back of their hard work and effort throughout the year with their coach Mr Ishak. Basketball continues to grow in the College among the boys with limited places available in teams. This has created a very competitive environment that is helping our teams achieve success in the ISA.

The girls finished 3rd overall which was our best achievement in quite some time. It is important to acknowledge all team members in the Girls swimming Squad as all their individual achievements and placings contributed to the overall successful result.

Congratulations to the U14 boys and their coach Mr Ishak. Thank you to all the parent supporters as well as to Mr Zafiropoulos for his continued support and dedication in assisting in managing the boys’ squads.

On behalf of the girls we would like to acknowledge Ms Flokis for her passion and dedication as the Swim coach. Her knowledge and coaching techniques coupled with her ability to enhance team unity were instrumental in the girl’s successful swim meet.

ISA CROSS COUNTRY The ISA Cross Country meet will be held this Saturday, 19th March at Bowral. The squad has been training twice a week for the event and we wish all competing on the day the best of luck.


U13 boys – Marco Gacevic- 50m Backstroke – 6th overall U13 boys – Marco Gacevic- 50m Breaststroke – 5th overall U13 boys – Marco Gacevic- 50m Butterfly – 5th overall U14 Boys – Spiros Zafiropoulos- 100m Freestyle – 6th overall U14 Boys – Spiros Zafiropoulos- 50m Butterfly – 6th overall U16 Boys – Nicholas Frazis – 100m Freestyle – 4th overall U16 Boys – Nicholas Frazis – 50m Backstroke – 5th overall U16 Boys – Nicholas Frazis – 50m Breaststroke – 6th overall U16 Boys – Nicholas Frazis – 50m Butterfly – 6th overall

ISA SWIMMING RESULTS On Wednesday, 9th March the St Spyridon boys swimming team competed at the ISA swimming carnival. This year the boys had a very ambitious goal of trying to win the overall Division 2 trophy and seek admission into the Division 1 competition for 2017. The new format adopted by the ISA was certainly challenging with the boys having to contend with shorter rest breaks between events. Despite this, there were many exceptional individual performances in the pool: U12 – 50m Backstroke- Vasilis Bounos46.16- 1st in Heat U13 -50 m Freestyle - Marko Gacevic – 29.61- 2nd in Heat- NEW SCHOOL RECORD U13 – 50m Backstroke- Marko Gacevic37.07 - 1st in Heat U14 Boys – 50 M Freestyle – Spiros Zafiropoulos – 28.87 – 1st in Heat U14 Boys – 50m Butterfly – Spiros Zafiropoulos – 32.70 – 1st in Heat U16 Boys - 50m Freestyle – Nicholas Frazis – 27.41 3rd in Heat U16 Boys – 50m Breaststroke- Nicholas Frazis- 37.83- 1st in Heat U14 Boys- 50m Breaststroke- Christian Jenkins – 40.35- 1st in Heat

In overall team standings the Junior Boys were overall winners by 3 points, securing the overall junior trophy for the fourth consecutive year. This achievement speaks volumes for the effort of all the boys and their families in assisting in their preparation. In the Intermediate Division the boys placed 4th overall out of 9 schools and in the Seniors the boys placed a very good 3rd place.


One of the highlights on the day was watching the Junior boys 4 x 50m freestyle relay team and medley relay team win their respective events comfortably. Another pleasing and gratifying accomplishment was watching a number of boys compete in an older age group in order to either add value to overall school performance or qualified as younger swimmers who were faster than their older peers in the school carnival. Unfortunately, this year there were no boys who qualified for the ISA team to compete at the ISA, however we did have some very close calls with some boys just missing out (results below are indicative of Division 1 and 2 overall standings):

At the end of the day the boys team placed 2nd overall, an outstanding result considering the strength of the competition in Division 2. The boys now have next year to look forward to. With such strong all round positive results the team will need to strive for continued success in the pool.

U12 boys - Vasilis Bounos – 50m Butterfly – 6th overall U13 boys – Marco Gacevic- 50m Freestyle – 4th overall


YEAR 7 BOYS BASKETBALL TRIALS Year 7 Boys basketball trials have begun with all boys trialling during designated PE periods. At this stage two teams will be selected to represent the College in the ISA Basketball competition with competitive games beginning in Term 4 2016 and training beginning in Term 3 2016.

FUTSAL TRIALS FOR ALL AGES Futsal Trials for all boys’ teams have been conducted during the week either during lunch or before school. All teams will be posted on the school notice board once finalised.

Mr F. Kaldis Boys Sport

GOOD LUCK Good luck to Marko Gacevic in Year 8 who will be competing as part of the UNSW Magpies in the National Water polo Championships on the Gold Coast next week.

PREFECT PROFILE Name: Aaron Kostantakis Age:

17 years

Years at College: 6 Previous leadership roles: SRC, Prefect, Peer Support Leader Subjects I’m studying: English Advanced and Extension 1, Math General, Business Studies, Legal Studies, Modern History and Extension History Hobbies: Skiing, motorsport Future aspirations: To complete a Bachelor of Business at UTS Role Models: My parents Favourite quote: “The good old days are now” –Tom Clancy Proudest moment: Becoming Senior Prefect One piece of advice I would give to younger students: Make the most of your younger years and enjoy them while you can, because they really do fly by. In saying that however, take your studies seriously, no matter what stage of high school you are in - everything you do will count towards your success, so it’s never too early to start taking a serious approach to learning.


PREFECT VOICE This week in assembly we focused on Student Principle number 5 (which can be found in our planners). It says that we must consider our studies to be our main goal and do our best to fulfil this goal. So what does this mean for us? As we are approaching the end of Term 1, many of us have upcoming assessment tasks and assignments. Our focus must therefore be on putting all of our effort into doing the best we possibly can so we can get the marks we deserve. At Friday’s SCEGGS Leadership seminar, the 3 Senior Prefects had an opportunity to converse with other leaders from independent schools across NSW. This was an incredibly riveting experience for each of us. Not only were we addressed by a number of key note speakers, each with inspirational messages regarding the modesty and solicitude that comes with being a leader, but we were also able to discuss various avenues of leadership that other students are employing in their schools. For example, students at Newington have recently introduced a gender equality campaign to expose students to issues that are globally relevant yet somewhat ignored by boys within the school. We similarly shared information regarding our school’s current ‘Donate a Tin Can Appeal’, where we bring in non-perishable food items to send to the Greek Welfare Centre, a campaign that was widely praised by the staff and students at SCEGGS. Similarly, we spoke about introducing the ‘Student of the Week’ to praise those who show exemplary leadership qualities within the school. Quite a few schools were fond of this idea and have made plans to implement this within their own schools - a response that made us very proud! Last week we had two students who stood out as a result of the courage and compassion they showed recently during extremely stressful and scary circumstances. These two students were the first responders to last week’s car accident on Anzac Parade. They did everything they possibly could to help the victims involved. The Student(s) of the Week are… Anastasia Vorgias and Dimitri Stamios! Congratulations! Thank you for doing what’s right and representing the school in a positive way.

This week’s fact… “It takes 3 times the amount of energy to bash your head against a wall than to sit down and study.” Let’s all put our heads down and study, exams are on their way! Chrystal Christie College Captain



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