News 157 6a 2016

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VOLUME XXXIII No 6 6th May, 2016


MAY Staff and Students return from Perth


National Schools Event Mother’s Day


Year 7 Vaccination


NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9


NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9


NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 P & F Mother’s Day Dinner Primary Half Yearly Examinations

12th 16th – 26th

Futsal Primary Regionals


K2017 Parent Information Morning


ICAS Digital Technologies Years 3-6 ASISSA Cross Country


Senior School Photos


Junior School Photos


Year 11 Half Yearly Exams begin


JUNE Junior School Athletics Carnival


Careers Expo Years 11 and 12 Parish Trip to Greece departs


Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday


School closed CIS Xcountry JS


Year 6 visit to SS


Year 5 visit to SS


Term ends for staff and students


Half Yearly reports posted

JULY Parish Trip to Greece returns


Staff Development Day


Students return

















AFTER SCHOOL CARE At the end of Term 1 we invited Mrs Synesios to judge our first After School Care Colouring Competition. All of our After School Care children participated in 3 age categories and did a very impressive job. Mrs Synesios joined us on Thursday 7th April for afternoon tea and awarded the following children their awards: First place - Katia Douis-Smith, Lara Stathis and Ellie Liaskos Second place – Eva Diamadis, Christos Paraschos and Nicolas Kalligiannis Special Mentions to Evan Marinakis, Thalia Billiris, Christian Liaskos and Holly Durrant

VACATION CARE We had such a fun filled holiday period in April. We had an Easter egg hunt, wheels day, Zumba class, Marathon Obstacle course Day, laser tag, koulourakia making, go karts and jumping castles.




Congratulations to Mrs Bourdaniotis and the P & F committee for the amazing Palm Sunday lunch, Easter Stalls and raffles. Your generosity and love for our College is appreciated. Thank you to you, our dear parents who generously support the work of the P & F.

Xristos Anesti and welcome back to Term 2! We hope you had a great Easter and enjoyed the school holiday break. We wish to thank you for your support of our Lambatha/Easter stall, Easter raffle and Palm Sunday lunch, and are pleased with the results. Funds raised amounted to: Easter stalls and raffle: $7,350 profit Palm Sunday Lunch: $6,000 profit Mothers Night Out *** Thursday, 12 May 2016 *** We have had a great response to the Mother’s Night Out and it is shaping up to be a memorable night. If you would still like to attend please call or SMS Erenie 0410 318 053 or Angela 0407 061 940 ASAP for a booking. See you on Thursday night! Mrs O. Gouveros Â

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT CHRIST IS RISEN! With the commencement of the new term our school family has grown with the arrival of Alster Dhamari, Irini & Anastasia Tsakirios, Jaclyn Kourtesis and their families. We look forward to a long and happy journey with you into Senior School and beyond. My congratulations are extended to the students who participated in the many services during Holy Week and to those who served as altar boys and flower girls and, assisted with the Easter preparations in Church. Your love for our Lord and His Church was evident.

EASTER PREPARATIONS We are privileged to be in an environment where generations come together to share and pass on traditions around the Holy days in our Church. Staff and students prepared a most moving Easter assembly which we were able to share with our Very Reverend Father Steven, Rev Father Sotiri, our Parish President Mr Philips and a hall packed with our extended family. The traditional baking of lambropites, koulourakia and kouloures along with the candles, palm crosses, red eggs and Engomia Chanting heightened the Holy Week experience for all.


ANZAC DAY On the 23rd of April we came together for a very moving Anzac Day commemoration at St Spyridon Church. The presence of the Hellenic Presidential Guard, an especially proud moment for Greek Australians. THE HELLENIC PRESIDENTIAL GUARD The College was honoured by the presence of the Hellenic Presidential Guard at our morning assembly on the 26th of April. We thank Lieutenant Kalantzis for sharing with the children in English, the short history of the Evzones and for the beautiful gifts presented to the College. They are displayed at the Junior School Office.



UNIFORM REMINDERS The blazer is to be worn to and from school every day in Winter.

Once again this year we were honoured to have Matt Thistlethwaite with us to present his awards to our student leaders. We thank Matt for encouraging young people to take on leadership roles in their communities.

Girls to wear regulation blue tights. Shirts need to have the standard collar. No Peter Pan collars. Tracksuit to be worn with polo top for sport. No shorts.

SCHOOL PHOTOS Class, sibling and individual photos will be taken on Friday 27th May. Please ensure your child is dressed in Full School Uniform. Envelopes for sibling photos can be found at the Office. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School


Χριστός Ανέστη Christ is Risen GOOD FRIDAY Congratulations to the students of Year 10 who chanted the Engomia at St Spyridon Church on Good Friday evening. Thank you to Mr Picardi for preparing, Mrs Dalakiaris and Ms Kokinelis for supporting the students. Mrs Lucas led the Choir on the night.



Congratulations to the Year 11 boys for carrying the Epitaphios. Spiro Aravanis Demetrios Avdalis Panos Bounos Stanley Condous Michael Constantopedos George Contominas George Dimas Peter Giokas Constantinos Kollias Vasileios Kourliaftis Billy Retsas Steven Soulakellis Dimitri Stamios Nicholas Xeras


MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Congratulations to all the students who received ‘MAPLE’ Awards, ‘No Negative Comments’ and Perfect Attendance Certificates in Term 1, PLUS all the talented students who entertained us at the Middle School Assembly. The key to Maintaining A Positive Learning Environment is Responsibility, Respect and Reflection. If these principles are kept in mind along with Dr Seus’ advice, a successful Term 2 awaits ….

SENIOR SCHOOL CANTEEN Volunteers are required for our Canteen. Please ring Irene on 9311 3340 if you are able to help. Any day, any hours, anything helps. Mrs I. Paraskevas Canteen Supervisor Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School


YEAR 11 PASTORAL CARE TALK BY OUR HEAD OF COLLEGE Our Senior students face many challenges in their last years of schooling. To help manoeuvre through these times, Mrs Stefanou through her Pastoral Care presentations, provides students with powerfully grounding messages about our values and their origin; how they impact us as Greek Orthodox people; and how we should aspire to live by them while at school and beyond. Building a clear identity strengthens character development. This in turn enables students to steer themselves into calmer waters whenever turbulence arises.

DONATE A TIN CAN APPEAL and EASTER RAFFLE PRIZE WINNERS Well done to Year 9 students and their Year Adviser Mrs Kefalouros, who not only organised the promotion of these annual Easter focus activities, but also collated hundreds of raffle tickets and encouraged Year 9 to donate many many Easter Eggs for the 10 Huge baskets of chocolate goodies that were raffled off on the last day of term. A round of applause needs to be extended to all who generously donated food items for the Greek Welfare Centres Easter Appeal. Over 30 boxes of non-perishable foods were collected! Additionally, a BIG congratulations to all who purchased tickets in the annual Easter Raffle. As a result of everyone’s efforts a total of $1575 was raised. This will be put towards purchasing appliances for the SOUP KITCHEN in Newtown. Year 9 representatives will take this wonderful donation to Father when they begin their duty this term. This involves the serving of lunch once a week to those less fortunate.


This year students from across year groups represented our College at various commemorative events, paying tribute to those who fought bravely and made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. As a school we consider these events to be very important and our students take great pride in attending and representing their community.

Easter Raffle Prize Winners 1st Prize - $200 Red Balloon Gift Voucher – Danae Kyriakakis 10 Chocolate Easter Hamper winners: James Valmas Year 7 (won TWO!!), Greg Hatzon Year 7, Billy Bourdaniotis Year 7, Mariah Zouroudis Year 11, Mr John Mangafas (father of Steven Year 8), Nikyle Konstantin Year 9, Adam Massa Year 9, Lia Albanakis Year 12, Hara Lavdioti Year 12.

The events included:Year 11 Modern History students on 5th April went with their teacher Mrs Koutsoukis to Hyde Park, for the Combined NSW Schools Anzac Day Commemoration.

ANZAC DAY 2016 Anzac Day 2016 has particular significance as we acknowledge the centenary of the battles on the Western Front during World War One. Last year we remembered the Gallipoli campaign. This year we consider the Western Front, where Gallipoli veterans were joined by recruits in the battlefields of France and Belgium.

On Saturday 16th April students of Cretan background attended the Battle of Crete Service at Martin Place.

Fromelles In the battle of Fromelles (19-20 July, 1916) in northern France, the Australian and British tried to capture German trenches, preventing the enemy from reinforcing troops at the Somme. Parts of the trenches were occupied for up to eleven hours before the German counterattack drove them back. Five and a half thousand Australians were killed or injured in brutal combat, making the 24 hours following the commencement of the battle the worst in Australian military history.


Saturday 23rd April, our Senior Prefects and Year 11 representatives joined community members at an Anzac Day service held at St Spyridon Church.

Less than 100km south of Fromelles, the village of Pozières was the site of another attack on German lines. On 23 July, members of Australian forces began a successful campaign to take ground from German forces until 3 September, when extreme losses halted their advance. Nearly 23 thousand Australians were killed or wounded in the campaign

Monday 25th April all the Prefects, along with Ms Gambriell and Ms Kokinelis attended a Dawn Service that began at 4.30am. Chrystal Christie, College Captain was invited to recite the war poem ‘In


Flanders Fields’ at this gathering where many hundreds of people from the wider community were present.

Year 8 *Catch-up HPV for those who have an incomplete HPV course.


Tuesday 10th May Language Conventions & Writing Wednesday 11th May Reading Thursday 12th May Numeracy List of what to bring to the Naplan Tests  Clear pencil case  2B pencils ONLY  Eraser  Sharpener

STUDENT OF THE WEEK Calculator for the Numeracy Test only to be brought on THURSDAY

Congratulations to Brendon Borandyansky Year 9, also known as Mr Smiley!! Brendon has distinguished himself through his ever present bright smile, happy demeanour and willingness to lend a helping hand.

The following cannot be brought into the examination  No coloured pencils  No rulers  No felt tip pens  No correction tape or fluid  No glue  No mobile phones  No calculators (other than for Calculator Numeracy Test) Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School


Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι,

SCHOOL VACCINATIONS - VISIT 2 On Monday 9th May vaccinations will take place.





Να που ξεκίνησε και το δεύτερο σχολικό τρίμηνο. Πρώτα απ’ όλα θα ήθελα να πω ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στο μαθητή της Γ΄ Γυμνασίου Αυγουστή Παπαδόπουλο την άψογη απαγγελία του στο ποίημα «25η Μαρτίου». Στη συνέχεια να ευχαριστήσω όλα τα παιδιά και τους γονείς τους που συμμετείχαν στη μεγάλη παρέλαση και το εορταστικό πρόγραμμα για την Εθνική μας αυτή Επέτειο. Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό της

Year 7 Human Papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) Dose 2 Varicella- Chicken Pox – 1 dose only *Catch-up Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis – 1 Dose. *Catch-up HPV – Dose 1 for students who missed it at the first visit.



μαθήτριας Μαρίνας Διονυσίου. Μια και ασχοληθήκαμε μεταξύ άλλων και με το ποίημα «Η Πόλις» του Κ. Καβάφη, πάνω στο ποίημα αυτό στηρίζεται η παρακάτω εργασία. Καλή ανάγνωση. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα


2016 HSC EXAMINATION TIMETABLE The 2016 HSC written examination timetable is now available.

Topic: Your friend wants to leave home, leave the city she is born and raised in and go to start somewhere else from the beginning. You try to change her mind, advising her to stay and try here.

Students can view their personal timetable via their Students Online account. HSC students are encouraged to log in to check personal details and timetables. Students are advised to speak to the principal if there are any errors, omissions or clashes in their timetable. The full timetable will be published on the BOSTES website.

Αγαπημένη μου φίλη Άννα, Έλαβα το γράμμα σου προ ολίγου και αμέσως έσπευσα να σου απαντήσω. Το πρόβλημά σου φαντάζει στ’ αλήθεια σοβαρό και δεν θα ‘θελα να είμαι στη θέση σου. Θα μου επιτρέψεις όμως να είμαι ειλικρινής και να πω πως η αντιμετώπιση που προτείνεις είναι μάλλον λανθασμένη.


Όλοι γνωρίζουν ότι το να αποφεύγει κανείς συνεχώς τα προβλήματά του, μακροπρόθεσμα δεν τον ωφελεί καθώς αυτά τον ακολουθούν όπου κι αν στραφεί, «Η πόλις θα σε ακολουθεί», που λέει και ο Καβάφης αναφερόμενος στα προβλήματα και τις δυσκολίες που προσπαθούμε να ξεπεράσουμε με την «φυγή» Η «φυγή» όμως δεν είναι λύση.



Students in Year 12 are encouraged to apply for cadetships and co-op scholarships. Successful applicants receive generous payments while at university as well as workplace employment and training with leading firms while they are studying, ensuring a head start to their careers. These opportunities are very competitive, but worthwhile applying for. Cadetships and co-op scholarships are available in business, accounting, science, IT and engineering. See some relevant information below:

Έτσι λοιπόν, αν μου επιτρέπεις να σου δώσω μια συμβουλή, αυτή είναι: όσο κι αν δύσκολο και ακατόρθωτο μπορεί να μοιάζει το πρόβλημά σου, να σταθείς και να το αντιμετωπίσεις και να πάψεις να θέλεις να «τρέξεις», να το αποφύγεις επειδή «δεν έχει πλοίο για σε, δεν έχει οδό.» Είμαι σίγουρη εξάλλου ότι είσαι πολύ πιο ικανή απ’ ό, τι νομίζεις και θα τα καταφέρεις μια χαρά αν μείνεις κοντά μας και αγωνιστείς να αλλάξεις τα πράγματα…

Meet the Business Leader: Cadetships and Information Evening This evening will give students the opportunity to discover the pathways to a career in business, meet top employers offering cadetship opportunities, speak to university representatives offering scholarship programs and also engage with leaders in their field of business.

Ό, τι και να αποφασίσεις να κάνεις πάντως, να ξέρεις ότι εγώ θα σε στηρίξω!

Date: Wednesday, 11 May 2016 Time: 4:30pm arrival; 5-7.30pm event start time Location: Crystal Ball Room, Luna Park, 1 Olympic Drive, Milsons Point Cost: Free to attend, however students will need to register through the website,

Με αγάπη η φίλη σου Μαρίνα Marina Dionysiou Year 11 (Mod. Greek Year 12)


UNSW Co-op Program scholars receive a taxfree scholarship of $16,750 per annum*. $72,800 scholarship total* This is paid in fortnightly instalments and can be used at the student's discretion.

UTS Bachelor of Accounting (Co-Op Scholarship) Information Evening 17 May 2016 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Teachers & parents also welcome to come along and meet the Bachelor of Accounting family: current students, sponsors & staff. At UTS Business School - Dr Chau Chak Wing Building 14-28 Ultimo Road, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia - View Map for Year 11 & 12 students. Parents and teachers welcome. All students in the course receive a tax free scholarship worth up to $46,500. The closing dates for applications to the 2017 intake of the Bachelor of Accounting course are as follows: Round 1 - Friday 3 June 2016 RSVP

On graduation, sponsors are always looking to recruit UNSW Co-op Program Scholars. Applications are now open, please see their website for further details, and see Ms Hakos if interested in applying: /faqs/index.html key_dates/index.html


UTS Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) Co-op Scholarship Students must apply through both the Universities Admissions Centre and directly through the UTS online application. Successful applicants are selected on a combination of interview + ATAR. It is expected that students will achieve an ATAR around 90 or higher. Round 1 applications close on 19th June. See


Tuesday 14 June 2016, 5pm-7pm. A free event for Year 10, 11 and 12 high school students, parents and careers advisers. Meet recruiters from employers including: Accenture, Arup, Australian Government, Cisco, Deloitte, Honeywell, IMC, Macquarie Bank, Westpac. At the Hilton Hotel, 488 George Street, Sydney. Register via: https://highschoolexposydney2016.eventbrite.c Contact 2016 Engineering and Technology Cadetships (ETCAD) Program


Students in Year 12 who are interested in a career in Engineering or Technology (IT, computer science or information systems) are encouraged to apply for these cadetships. Applications opened for this program on 26th April and close on 17th June. Visit the website for more information and to apply online.

The UNSW Co-op Program offers industry linked scholarships to high achieving students in the fields of Business (Commerce), Science, Engineering and the Built Environment. Programs of study are all based on existing undergraduate programs at UNSW but also include the following benefits:


Senior managers from industry and government have worked with UNSW academics to plan all Co-op Programs. UNSW Co-op Program structured industry training months) and gain highly work experience with up sponsor companies.

Applications for early offers through the High Achievers Early Offer program are now open. Application forms can be downloaded from their website Alternatively, I have a small number of copies in the careers office.

scholars receive (between 9 and 18 valuable, relevant to three different


as business, economics and law. Attendees may attend as many sessions as they like. nts/north_sydney/hsc_enrichment_day

UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings 10th, 18th and 25th May These are very popular and due to high demand, an extra Information evening has been scheduled for 25th May. For further details and to register to attend, use this link:

UOW INFORMATION EVENINGS FOR STUDENTS & PARENTS In 2016, the University of Wollongong will be holding Information Evenings for students in Years 10 - 12 students and their parents throughout NSW! Sutherland – 5 May; St George – 9 May Go to ml for more information and to book a seat! At keys dates throughout 2016, The University of Wollongong will be communicating with year 12 students about University admission, important dates, their Early Admission Program etc. All students who would like to be included in UOW’s mailing list should log onto and click the ‘Register for Updates’ tab in the top right of this page. This will be a very quick form to fill in with mailing details etc.

University of Sydney: Year 10 Information Evenings The evenings are designed to help Year 10 students (and their parents) choose subjects for the HSC and navigate through the process of applying to university. The 2016 Year 10 Information Evenings will be held on Monday 16 May, Wednesday 18 May and Monday 23 May. Topics include: ATAR, scaling, prerequisites and assumed knowledge subject selections career pathways the student journey to university. Dates: 16, 18 and 23 May Time: 6-8pm Venue: The University of Sydney. Venue information will be provided to registered attendees.

If you are the parent of a Year 12 student and would like to receive information each month about UOW programs and upcoming events, please join ‘UOW Parents UniAdvice’ by registering at Click the blue ‘Sign up Parents E-News’ tab to complete your details.


UTS EVENTS Discover Nursing Thursday 16 June 5.30 Wednesday 20 July 5.30 Wednesday 16 November - 5.30 pm

North Sydney: 8th July 2016 Strathfield: 6th July 2016 An opportunity for Year 10, 11 or 12 students to experience university life by living a day as a student studying arts, business education, health or theology. pplying_to_acu/experience_uni_before_you_st art/university_experience

pm pm

UTS: Law Undergraduate Information Evening 22nd June 2016, 6pm to 8pm, UTS Building 5, Block B, Cnr Quay St and Ultimo Rd, Haymarket The event is directed at students in years 11 and 12, who are interested in studying law. The evening will include information on various degree options, practice-oriented


8th July 2016, North Sydney Campus Listen to lectures from university academics and get practical HSC advice on subjects such


ANZ Scholarship, Hostplus Scholarship, Hostplus Hospitality Scholarship, Michael Hill Scholarship, NSW Rugby League Scholarship, PGA IGI Scholarship and ICMS Sports Management Scholarship.

learning, entry pathways, student life and oneon-one consultations with staff and students.

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY Macquarie University is holding an information evening on Wednesday 18 May from 6.30pm to 8.30pm and invites your Year 11 and Year 12 students and their parents to join us. Students and parents will have the opportunity to chat with staff, current students and representatives from the Universities Admissions Centre and have all their questions answered. If you have any questions, contact the Future Students Team at (02) 9850 7250 or

OTHER NEWS REINSW- Certificate of Registration course If you are looking for a career in real estate, the first step is to complete the Getting Started Essentials – Certificate of Registration Course with REINSW. This course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to be confident and capable in listing, selling, renting and managing property. For more information and to enrol visit Automotive Apprenticeship Career Pathways AGT Auto Group Training recruit and employ for a range of Automotive Industry roles that include Mechanical, Motorcycle, Spare Parts and Panel + Paint. For career path information please contact 029796 3655.

PRIVATE COLLEGES Day in the Life - Save the Date Think Education Group Our Day in the Life events give high school students an idea of what it is like to study and work in a particular field. Each faculty runs the Day in the Life slightly differently, the days activities may include: Workshops, offsite visits to businesses, guest speakers and excursions. The dates are listed below: Day in the life of a Designer Ultimo Campus, Sat 25th June. Details will be live on Billy Blue and CATCwebsites 20 April. Day in the life of a Beauty Therapist Pyrmont Campus, Sat 25th June. Details will be live on ANCB website 20 April. Day in the life of a Health Therapist (Nutritionist, Counsellor, Naturopath) Pyrmont Campus, Sat 25th June. Details will be live on the ACNT and JNI websites 20 April. Day in the life of a Business Professional (Event Manager, Digital Marketer, Social Media Coordinator) The Rocks Campus, Tues 5th July . Details will be live on APM website 20 April. Day in the Life of a Hospitality Professional (Chef, Event Manager, Hotel Manager) The Rocks Campus, Wed 6th July. Details will be live on William Blue website 20 April. ICMS Professional Scholarship Program

Defence Jobs Australia Information Sessions The next information session in Sydney is on Monday 30th May at 6.30pm at Defence Force Recruiting Parramatta - Level 4, 9 George Street, Parramatta To book your spot, email your details to lia/events

LATTITUDE GLOBAL VOLUNTEERING Open Day 1-5pm Sydney Saturday, June 11, Erskineville Hall, 104 Erskineville Rd, Erskineville. Visit the website for more information:



St John Ambulance Australia (NSW) (St John) offers a youth program for people aged between 8 and 18 years, focused on selfdevelopment. St John juniors are aged between 8– 10 years and cadets are aged between 11 – 18 years. After joining St John, all cadets will


where students had the opportunity to contribute their ideas to the NSW Parliament. Students met with parliament members from each of the three major parties including Matthew Kean, the NSW Liberal Member for Hornsby, Linda Burney, the Labor Member for Canterbury and Greens Member David Shoebridge, where we were give a Keynote address and had the opportunity to directly question and raise issues important to ourselves.

have the opportunity to obtain a nationally recognised first aid qualification, which will enable cadets to provide event health services to the public at community, local and major events. Major events include the Sydney Royal Easter Show, City2Surf, and concerts of international artists. They will also be able to compete in statewide St John first aid competitions. Eastern Suburbs Cadet Division meets weekly during the school term (Every Wednesday from 7pm – 9pm) at Randwick Girls High School. Should you have any queries, email the division at For more information regarding the cadet programme please visit

Issues that students considered important included youth homelessness, innovation for the future of Australia, the environment, young people’s mental health and the gap in funding between public and private schools. Although students came from a variety of public, private and independent schools, it was good to see we all shared the same enthusiasm to promote our ideas and views to the policy makers of our government. It was a fascinating and productive day that motivated us to contribute and make a difference.

SOME USEFUL LINKS STEM (Science, technology, engineering, maths) CAREERS VIDEO RFIQ 5 Steps to Becoming an Electrician

Joanna Skouteris and Rhea Tsimboukis Year 10

STUDENT QUIZ AND PRIZE 1. When is the next information session for Defence Forces Jobs? 2. When is the UTS Bachelor of Accounting information evening? 3. What is the total scholarship money received through the UNSW Co-op scholarship?


The 2016 ISA winter season commenced last Saturday 30th April. This year the girls have 6 netball teams and 2 football teams in the competition.

The first student in Years 10, 11 or 12 to submit the correct answers to me (via email or on a piece of paper with name, date and time) will receive a prize!

Open Netball ST Spyridon 38 defeated BMGS 36 Despite a slow start down 7-2 in the first Quarter the girls showed great tenacity to keep the game competitive against a tough BMGS squad. The girls showed great composure and their efforts in the pre-season proved favourable for the intense match.

Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser





Intermediate C Redlands 18 Defeated St Spyridon 15 A very close match for the girls who have been training hard each week to have the best season possible. They were unlucky to lose and no doubt will be stronger next round.

MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY On Monday, 4th April, the NSW Parliament held “Make a Difference Day” where we, along with Year 10 students from a number of schools across Sydney met to discuss and promote issues important to young people. It was a very productive and interesting day


Junior Girls Football Oxley 1 defeated St Spyridon 0 The score line does not reflect the game. The girls were dominant most the game but were unfortunate not to score a goal. With many near chances to score the girls were a little apprehensive and their nerves got the better. Nevertheless many positive highlights to take away from the game which will no doubt increase their confidence.

Intermediate B BMGS 42 Defeated ST Spyridon 21 The girls had a very slow start which cost them the game as they conceded too many early goals. Their second half was much better and showed promising signs. Junior A Redlands 60 defeated St Spyridon 9 Unfortunately not the start the team was hoping for. However, they are competing in Division 1 against an incredibly strong and skillful Redlands. Hopefully the girls are not deterred by this result and can show resilience to improve their performance for the remainder of the season.

I greatly appreciate all families ensuring that their girls attended sport during the Holy Easter period and hope you all had a nice Easter with your families. Good luck to all teams for the remainder of the season.

Junior B BMGS 24 defeated St Spyridon 3 The first official match for the young Year 7 girls. Although not a favourable result the girls will continue to practice their skills and enhance their team cohesion.

Ms A. Flokis and Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

Junior C St Spyridon 14 defeated BMGS 10 The girls probably surprised themselves winning their first game of the season. This team consists of Year 8 and 7 girls and the majority of them playing netball for the first time as they played football for the school last year. Their ability to transfer their skills and understand the rules so quickly have been impressive and we look forward to watching them each week.


PREFECT PROFILE Name: Christina Balayannis Age: 17 years Number of years at St Spyridon College: 13 years Previous Leadership Roles:  Prefect in Year 6  Peer Support Leader in Year 10 Subjects I am studying:  English Advanced  Modern History  Legal Studies  Hospitality (VET)  Drama  Modern Greek Continuers (completed HSC in Year 11)  Modern Greek Extension (completed HSC in Year 11) Hobbies:  Travelling  Walking (beach walks are the best)  Listening to music  Dancing  Cooking My Future Aspirations:  To study at university  To travel around the world to learn about various cultures  To volunteer and help in third world countries My role models:  My mum  Ellen Degeneres Favourite quote: ‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all’ – Aristotle & ‘Be kind to one another’ – Ellen Degeneres My proudest moment: Receiving the Kristina Keneally award for leadership in Year 6 One piece of advice I would give to the younger students: To take each day as a new opportunity and enjoy your senior school years


NATIONAL ASSESSMENT PROGRAM – LITERACY AND NUMERACY 2016 Letter to Parents In May 2016 the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be completed by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. NAPLAN has the support of all State and Territory Education Ministers and will assess the literacy and numeracy skills of students across Australian schools. The results of the tests will provide important information to schools about what each student can do, and will be used to support teaching and learning programs. Parents will receive a report indicating their child’s level of achievement. Each student’s level of achievement will be reported against the national minimum standard. Background information (student name, gender, date of birth, language background and Aboriginality) will be collected as part of the National Assessment Program. This information is treated confidentially and held securely to ensure that every student’s right to privacy is maintained. The NAPLAN tests will be conducted from 10th – 12th May, 2016. Tuesday 10th May Language Conventions (Spelling, Punctuation and grammar) Writing Wednesday 11th May Reading Thursday 12th May Numeracy (Numeracy) In the Numeracy tests students do not require any measuring tools such as rulers or protractors. In Years 7 and 9 there will be two Numeracy tests: one where a calculator is allowed and one where calculators are not to be used. For the calculator test, the student should use the calculator that they currently use at school. Students may be considered for exemption from the tests if:  they are newly arrived in Australia (less than one year before the test) and with a language background other than English, or  they have significant intellectual disability and/or significant co-existing conditions which severely limit their capacity to participate in the tests. All other students are expected to participate in the tests. Disability adjustments which reflect the student’s normal level of support in the classroom may be provided. Additional information about NAPLAN can be found at



INFORMATION ON SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School is a wonderful place for your children and grandchildren to learn more about our faith. It is provided for free and does not require registration. Children are not obligated to attend every week but are encouraged to attend as often as possible. Sunday School groups: Nipia (Pre‐school /Kindergarten to Year Two) Katoteron (Year Three to Year Six) Meson (Year Seven to Year 12) Procedure 9:00 am Teachers meet children upstairs in the Church in order to celebrate the Divine Liturgy together. 10:45am Teachers lead children downstairs for Holy Communion. 10:50am Teachers and children proceed to the Infants Courtyard of St. Spyridon College and play games. 11:00am Lessons commence in the respective classrooms. 11:30am Students are collected by parents from the courtyard. Children are under teacher supervision until parents come to collect them at the end of Sunday School. 24



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