News 158 7a 2016

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VOLUME XXXIII No 7 20th May, 2016



The Resurrection of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ is the greatest event in the course of history. Each year, Easter teaches us that Christ's love for us could not be destroyed. The message which our Lord shared could not be silenced on the Cross. The large stone could not contain Him, the author of life, in the darkness of the tomb. Christ surrenders His body to crucifixion in order to destroy the laws of death and corruption, offering us all eternal life. In contemplating this Paschal mystery, St. John Chrysostom with great joy proclaims: “Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice, Christ is risen and life reigns, Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave…” (Paschal Sermon) Jesus Christ rose from the dead and together with Him, there arose every hope that we have for everlasting life. In contemplating the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection, St Nicholas Cabasilas teaches us that Christ had to eliminate three key obstacles that separated humankind from God: the barrier of nature by His birth, the barrier of sin by His death, and the barrier of death by His Resurrection. Firstly, in His birth, Christ became a human in order to make human beings holy. Secondly, Christ offers Himself upon the Cross as a ransom for the sins of the world, and by doing so, has released humanity from the eternal consequences of sin. Thirdly, Christ surrenders His human body to crucifixion in order to destroy the laws of death and corruption offering us all eternal life. In light of this, the recitation of the triumphal Paschal hymn or the “Christos Anesti” serves not as a mere reminder of events that have occurred in the past, but events that we, as Orthodox Christians live daily – as a Church, as a College Community and as a family.

MAY Senior School Photos


Divine Liturgy Years 7-12


Junior School Photos


Year 11 Half Yearly Exams begin


JUNE K-6 Divine Liturgy


Junior School Athletics Carnival


Careers Expo Years 11 and 12 Parish Trip to Greece departs


Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday


School closed CIS Xcountry JS


Half Yearly Reports to Parents JS


Term ends for staff and students


Half Yearly reports posted

JULY Parish Trip to Greece returns


Staff Development Day


Students return


Athletics Carnival SS


Australia Mathematic Comp JS


Easter is a sacred time during which the events of Christ’s passion and resurrection become present in the services and the sacraments of our Church, and in the practices of our College community and our families, passed down to us by the apostles, our forefathers and mothers, our parents and teachers in the faith. Holy Week, with Pascha at its peak, is a period in which the life-giving events in the saving ministry of Jesus Christ become real for each and every one of us. It is during this period that Christ invites us to dedicate our own individual struggle in faith, obedience and humility to God, and to share with Him in the great victory over death which He has won for us all. Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti!

AUGUST HSC Trials begin Dormition of the Theotokos

1st 15th

School closed Trial HSC ends



Mr A. Picardi



GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AUSTRALIA NATIONAL SCHOOLS EVENT The National Schools Event was held from Tuesday, 3rd May – Thursday, 5th May, 2016 in Perth. It was hosted by St Andrews Grammar, Perth. Congratulations to all of the students who attended along with Mr Meintanis, Ms O’Shea, Mr Kaldis, Mr Zafiropoulos, Mrs McCoy, Ms Flokis, Mr Georgoulopoulos and Mr Koulouriotis. For the Spoken Arts thank you to Mrs Faletas and Ms Savva. We are pleased to report that St Spyridon College came first in: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball Boys Football, Girls Netball All Saints Grammar, Sydney will be hosting the 2017 Event.








Χριστός ανέστη εκ νεκρών, θανάτω θάνατον πατήσας και τοις εν τοις μνήμασι ζωήν χαρισάμενος.

The Mother's night out was once again a huge success. Mums, grandmothers and mother figures all gathered at Stack's Taverna for an entertaining night. There were many tickets sold, tiara's worn and the mums definitely loved the deck of cards! We thank all the mum's for helping us celebrate and for raising $14,000 for the school.

Christ is risen from the dead, by death trampling on death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life.

CONDOLENCES In this Newsletter we extend our sincere condolences to the families of three dearly departed of our community.

The evening would not have been such a success without the generous donations. We would like to give a huge thank you to all those that donated, it was much appreciated.

Christos Gianouris Beloved father of Presvitera Scoutas and Father in Law of Father Steven Scoutas.

George Tsakonas Beloved brother in law of our Bursar Christina Tsaconas and brother of Nick Tsaconas.

Gina Satouris Beloved wife of Nick Satouris and mother of Paul and Stephanie (HSC Class 2012)


JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT Community spirit and stewardship was demonstrated through the many appeals that the students have been involved in this year. Food and clothing was collected for our brothers and sisters in Greece and more recently, $11 915 was raised by our students for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation though IPSHA. We thank Mrs Bourdaniotis and the P & F Committee who demonstrate service through their work in the College and by banding all parents together as one family. The Mother’s Day dinner just a small example of the power of our St. Spyridon family. We thank all the sponsors for the P& F Mother’s Day Dinner who contribute generously each year. Congratulations to Miss Bletsogiannis for organising the walkathon and we thank Nick Nikas of the Good Guys Caringbah for donating the prize for the most money collected.

CONGRATULATIONS Our warm congratulations are extended to Mr & Mrs Tsakirios & Adony (KJ) and Mr & Mrs Hatzitoulousis & Erene (2A) on the birth of their daughters and sisters, Thea Patricia and Anastasia. We wish them much health and happiness.

HALF YEARLY EXAMINATIONS Formal examinations for the Primary have commenced. Please ensure your child arrives to school on time. Please note there will be no co curricular between the 16th – 26th May.

REMINDER Class Photos will be taken on Friday 27th May. Please ensure all items of Uniform are clean and pressed. Please consult the study planner regarding uniform code.

SPORTS CARNIVAL CANTEEN The Junior School sports carnival is fast approaching. Please note that the P and F will run a mini canteen on the day, with fresh sandwiches, drinks and snacks.

Mrs. A. Synesios Principal

Mrs O. Gouveros


Walk Around the World for JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) St Spyridon College, in conjunction with IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads of Australia Ltd), held a Walkathon on Friday 8th April, 2016 to raise funds for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and also to increase awareness of Juvenile Diabetes amongst our school community. As a school, we walked on the path along the beach from Ramsgate towards San Souci, and back. It was a fun and pleasant walk, followed by a picnic by the sea-side. We thank the Year 6 students who guided their Kindergarten buddies, and also thank the P&F Committee for providing water bottles and fruit as refreshment at the event. The students asked their family and friends to each sponsor them for the 5 kilometre walk. We are proud to announce that St Spyridon College raised $11,915 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. The money raised will go towards helping to discover a cure for Juvenile Diabetes, and supporting those families who are affected by the disease. We applaud George Mitropoulos in 6M, for his outstanding fundraising efforts. Solely, he raised $1090; the highest amount raised. The total amount of kilometres collectively walked by all IPSHA schools will be displayed on this website Here we will be able to track just how far around the world we, as an organisation, have trekked. We thank everyone involved in this fundraising event. Your great efforts and generosity are a true reflection of the College’s dynamic community spirit. Miss Bletsogiannis Curriculum Coordinator


need to be in Full School uniform for this event. Students will have received envelopes this week in Roll Call. Those with siblings at the Senior School should have picked up an alternative siblings envelope from the school office. Parents are reminded to place the correct money inside. Students must return this envelope with money to the photographers on the day or order online using the Online Code which is situated in the top right hand corner of the envelope.

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to two of our Year 11 students who have been accepted into the National Art School HSC Intensive Studio Practice. Both students submitted a portfolio for consideration. Constantinos Kollias has been accepted into the Printmaking Studio and Irene Roussis has been accepted into the Painting Studio.


Χριστός Ανέστη Christ is Risen ASSESSMENT PERIOD Year 11 students will be sitting examinations beginning Monday, 30th May, 2016, over seven days. Timetables have been distributed to students. The examination rules are printed on the reverse side of the timetable. Students need to be aware of these requirements.

Constantinos Kollias

Students in Years 7 – 10 have assessments at various times but mainly in weeks 5 – 7. Semester 1 reports will be issued at the end of Term 2.

SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS School photographs will be conducted next week on Tuesday 24th May. Everyone will


WINTER UNIFORM A reminder that blazers are compulsory and must be worn to and from School. On days students are allowed to come wearing sports uniform e.g. Thursday ISA training, students must wear their full tracksuit. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School


Ms M. Pringle Art Teacher



Irene Roussis


During the month of May, as part of our Pastoral Care “Community Awareness and Responsibility” focus, we will be engaged in a range of Brain Tumour awareness and fundraising activities for the Sydney NeuroOncology Group, or SNOG for short.

Marko Gacevic in Year 8 recently competed in the National Waterpolo Championships in Queensland. Marko’s team, the UNSW Magpies, placed 18th out of all the teams in Australia. Marko was also awarded ‘Best Player’. Congratulations Marko!

This worthy cause is especially close to the heart of our College because, through our involvement we also honour the memory of a beloved past student, Gera Tantsyura who passed away from this disease on 13th January 2010. On Monday, 9th May a guest speaker from SNOG Mrs Suzanne Brisimis visited the school and gave a presentation to the SRC’s. Students learned about Brain Cancer and the work of SNOG in order to gain a greater understanding of the disease and need for assistance. The SRC’s role will be to raise awareness by speaking to their classes and encouraging support for the fundraising activities that will be held during May. You will hear more about these in Roll Call and at assemblies

Mrs L. McCoy Year 8 Adviser


Lorin is Australia’s pre-eminent youth motivational speaker and one of the nation’s leading guitarists. Despite being legally blind since birth, he is one of the country’s most successful independent recording artists and has been a finalist in the Australian Country Music Awards, being runner-up to the legendary Tommy Emmanuel.

Some FACTS about Brain Cancer Many people are still unaware that brain cancer is one of the most lethal yet understudied of all cancers. And that … It is the leading cancer killer for young people under age 39 and children under 10, yet receives very little research funding.

In 2009, Lorin was nominated for Australian of the Year and later went on to win a Queensland community service award for his outstanding contribution to the community.

This is why it is important that we do as much as we can over the coming weeks to support this worthy cause.

Lorin has also just recently achieved the seemingly impossible, as he along with brother Dean, created Australian history by becoming the first blind persons to ride push bikes over 4000km across Australia from Perth to Sydney.

Wear a Beanie for Brain Cancer Research From this week SRC’s will be promoting and selling specially marked beanies in the COURYARD AREA. Beanies can also be purchased from the school office. They will cost $15 each and can be worn to school during May and the winter months. SRC’s will have samples of beanies to show their classes in Roll Call. A note for home about this fundraising initiative has also been given to everyone.

Lorin has received outstanding feedback in over 1400 schools, and performed for more than a million students throughout Australia and the globe. We are looking forward to Lorin sharing his simple but powerful messages of perseverance, resilience, respect, inclusion and leadership that will greatly inspire every student to succeed in all areas of school and personal life.

YEAR 7 & 8 PASTORAL CARE GUEST PRESENTER Lorin Nicholson, the internationally acclaimed, blind guitarist and youth motivational speaker is coming to perform at St Spyridon on Friday 10 June during Pastoral Care (P4) in the SPACe. Students have been provided with an information note.

STUDENTS OF THE WEEK Since our last newsletter we have commended TWO students for their achievements. The first was Chloe Drougas from Year 8. Chloe distinguished herself by pursuing the passion she has for writing beyond the classroom by seeking opportunities to build her skills further. This resulted in being selected to be part of a mentor writing program called Next Gen on a website called ‘The Big Smoke’. Her first article, an expressive commentary on Donald Trumps’ quest towards the White House was published recently. We wish Chloe every success in her endeavours!


Νίκος: Ήταν φανταστικά, ρε φίλε, όλα, όλα, φανταστικά, το φαγητό, η μουσική, ο χορός και τέλος το παγωτό! Σοφία: Ναι, όπως τα λέει ο Νίκος, ήταν μια πανέμορφη βραδιά μαζί σας παιδιά! Καλά, η ατμόσφαιρα της ταβέρνας ήταν καταπληκτική και η κουζίνα το κάτι άλλο…! Μαρία: Αλλά, φύγαμε νωρίς βρε παιδιά… εγώ ήθελα να μείνουμε λίγο ακόμα… δεν μου έκανε καρδιά να φύγω! Γιάννης: Έλα τώρα κι εσύ γκρινιάρα. Καλά περάσαμε, καλά φάγαμε και πάνω απ’ όλα απολαύσαμε την τέλεια γεύση του παγωτού! Μην ξεχνάς ότι ήπιαμε και το καλύτερο ποτό του κόσμου, το ούζο και τι ούζο!

Our second student of the week was Year 12 Senior Prefect Aaron Paul Kostantakis. Aaron actively demonstrated great citizenship last month. He not only witnessed vandals interfering with a vehicle (which happened to belong to Botany Bay Deputy Mayor, Stan Kondilios), but he also had the foresight to capture the situation on video. This was passed on to the Deputy Mayor and the authorities. Well done Aaron!

Νίκος: Καλά λες Γιάννη. Και το φαγητό; Τι σουτζουκάκια φάγαμε, τι αθερίνα φρέσκια και τραγανή, χταποδάκι θεϊκό… Με άλλα λόγια, ζήσαμε για δυο –τρεις ώρες σαν άρχοντες! Μαρία: Ναι, δίκιο έχετε. Περάσαμε φανταστικά, αλλά αυτό οφείλεται και στην παρέα, έτσι παιδιά; Μμμ, ακόμα γλείφομαι, αυτή η γεύση του παγωτού που είχαμε, γεύση κανταΐφι είναι η αγαπημένη μου. Σοφία: Κρίμα που η Τζούλια δεν ήρθε μαζί μας. Τέλος πάντων, τι λέτε να κάνουμε αύριο; Γιώργος: Προτείνω να πάμε σινεμά για να δούμε την καινούρια ταινία του «Μπάτμαν». Εγώ ο κακομοίρης περίμενα χρόνια να δω μια ταινία τέτοια με τον αγαπημένο μου ηθοποιό και σκηνοθέτη.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School


Νίκος: Συμφωνώ με την ιδέα σου επειδή κι εγώ θέλω να δω έναν από τους καλύτερους ήρωες της CD.


Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μαθητή της Β΄ Λυκείου σχετικά με την ενότητα «Διασκέδαση» την οποία μόλις καλύψαμε. Πρόκειται για την περιγραφή μιας βραδιάς έξω, σε ένα ταβερνάκι ελληνικό με την παρέα.

Σοφία: Εεε… εγώ λέω ναι, αλλά, όχι πριν τις τέσσερις. Έχω ραντεβού αύριο στις δύο η ώρα με τον οδοντίατρο και θα χρειαστώ και λίγη ώρα να συνέλθω από τον τροχό του… Μαρία: Εντάξει τότε, θα πάμε σινεμά να κάνουμε το χατίρι του Γιάννη. Αλλά πρέπει να γυρίσω σπίτι κατά τις εφτά.

Καλή ανάγνωση. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Γιάννης: Λοιπόν, παιδιά, πώς τα περάσαμε; Ωραία ή χάλια;;

Γιάννης: Τότε, όλοι σύμφωνοι. Θα αγοράσω τα εισιτήρια λοιπόν για να προλάβουμε να πάρουμε τις καλύτερες θέσεις. Θα σας


directed at year 12 students or those in the first year of university. Register at ening 334499/

περιμένω στο σινεμά στις τέσσερις παρά τέταρτο. Μην με στήσει κανείς! Γεια! Όλοι: Καληνύχτα και όνειρα γλυκά! Harry Gavalas Year 11 (Modern Greek Year 12)



Chartered Accountants: Cadetships The Chartered Accountants Employment Guide 2016 contains information on firms offering cadetships to year 12 leavers. If students are interested, they ought to be applying for cadetships as soon as possible. Download the guide:

Year 10 students are now in the process of choosing subjects for Years 11 and 12. Most have had an interview with me or have booked an appointment, to discuss their interests, abilities, future career areas and relevant subjects before finalising their choices. Year 11 and 12 students will be attending the HSC and Careers expo at Moore Park on Friday 3rd June to gain further information about different tertiary pathways and courses from the many universities and colleges present. Year 10 students can also attend the expo over the weekend of 4th and 5th June if they wish.

High School Business Careers Expo Sydney 14th June 2016, 5pm to 7pm, Hilton Hotel, 488 George St, Sydney The expo is aimed at students in years 10 to 12 as well as parents and careers advisors, who are interested in speaking with employers about career paths after high school. Employers at the event will include the Australian Tax Office, Deloitte, PwC and more.

This week, Year 12 students will be informed about the timeline for applying for university for 2017.Applications for university are done through the University Admission Centre (UAC) website, and these open in August – after the HSC trial examinations. Students will have the process explained to them in detail in August.

UNIVERSITY NEWS AND EVENTS UNSW Co-op Scholarship: Information Evening 31st May 2016, 6pm to 8pm, UNSW Kensington Campus The Co-op program is a career development scholarship. It is available in accounting and business management, actuarial studies, maths, finance and banking, marketing, engineering and technology and information systems.

CADETSHIPS Ernst and Young Cadetship Information Evening 1st June 2016, 5:30pm, EY Office, 680 George St, Sydney EY have opened their applications for the cadet program commencing 2017. As an EY Assurance or Tax cadet, you’ll combine fulltime work with part-time university studies. You will gain valuable experience working with clients and will be exposed to senior managers early so that you can learn from some of the best. Hear from some cadets Attend the EY in-house cadetship info session on 1 June.The evening will provide information on the Cadet Program offered, with the chance to talk to current cadets and other people in the business. The event is

UNSW Elite Athletes and Performers Bonus Point Guide default/files/uploads/EAP%20Web%20Guide %202016.pdf UNSW Career Paths in Music, Theatre and Performance 31st May 2016, 6pm to 7:30pm, Io Myers Studio, UNSW Kensington


The evening includes a panel discussion, followed by a Q and A for any high school students interested in pursuing a career in music or theatre. Register by following the link below. -paths-music-theatre-and-performance

UNSW Engineering High School Information Day (Oct) 27 Oct 2016 - 9:00am to 3:00pm Students in Year 10 who are interested in engineering and wish to attend this information day need to see Ms Hakos in the careers office to organise registration for the day.

UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evening (25 May) 25 May 2016 - 6:15pm to 7:30pm. Register to attend at:

University of Sydney: Scholarships Information Evening 22nd June 2016, Camperdown Campus, University of Sydney. The evening will include tips on completing scholarship applications; hear about current students’ scholarship experience, and learn more about residential college scholarships.

UNSW Scholarships Information Evening 2016 22 Jun 2016 - 6:15pm to 8:00pm This evening is designed for Year 11 & 12 students interested in applying for a scholarship or the Co-op Program. Register at arships-information-evening-2016

University of Tasmania: Sydney Campus Open Days B. Nursing and Midwifery, B. Paramedic Practice Darlinghurst – 27th August, 10am to 3pm Rozelle – 28th August, 10am to 3pm Open day provides the opportunity to speak to current students and find out about courses and career options.

UNSW Art & Design : Student Parent Information Evening Thursday, 23 June 2016 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, UNSW Art & Design - Greens Road, Paddington, NSW 2021 Student Parent Information Evening at UNSW Art & Design is a chance for students and parents to hear about what it means to be a practicing artist, designer, animator, filmmaker or curator. Have your questions answered by our knowledgeable students and staff. Register now at

The University of Sydney: HSC Science Exam Preparation 4th July – 6th July, The University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus Highly qualified science teachers will deliver workshops providing students with hints and strategies that will enable them to improve their HSC performance. Full-day sessions will be held on each HSC Science subject. Contact: +61 2 9763 2751 or

UNSW Interior Architecture Workshop 14 Jul 2016 - 9:00am to 12:00pm Learn about interior environments and all aspects of their structural, spatial, social and material assembly. Register at or-architecture-workshop

Teach.NSW This website is a very useful resource for current HSC students interested in becoming a teacher in the NSW public school system. As well as containing information about teaching as a career, the website provides details of a number of scholarships relevant to current year 12 students.

UNSW Taste of Electrical Engineering School Holiday Workshop 26 Sep 2016 - 9:00am - 28 Sep 2016 - 5:00pm UNSW are offering students in years 10 and 11, who are studying, or intend to study 3 -unit mathematics, the opportunity to attend a three day workshop to sample electrical engineering. - See more information and register at:



STEM Careers: What do you want to do? Video In the past 10 years Science Technology Engineering & Maths (STEM) jobs have grown three times faster than other fields. Find out more about STEM jobs by watching this video: 0LnU

Royal Australian Chemical Institute Career Profiles The career profiles provide an insight into the jobs available for students interested in a career working within the chemistry field.

Australian Government ICT Apprenticeship Program Applications open July 2016 for the 2017 program Applicants must have completed year 12 and there will be the opportunity to be placed in the Australian Federal Police, Australian Taxation Office, Bureau of Meteorology, Department of Defence, Department of Finance, Department of Human Services, Department of Immigration and Border Protection or Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser




YEAR 9 VISIT TO ST BASIL’S NURSING HOME On Tuesday, 26th April, during Holy Week, Year 9 students visited St Basil’s Nursing home to handout Easter cards made by Year 7, in the spirit of Easter. This school tradition is much appreciated by the residents of the nursing home, who at times can feel lonely and isolated with many having no family. Despite the initial confrontation, we allowed ourselves to enjoy the company of the senior community and talk with them which brought a smile to their face. This experience also benefited us students in many ways. The smile which a simple conversation puts onto the faces of the residents brings a heart-warming feeling to all of us. After all, there is no greater feeling than to bring happiness to someone else. Along with this, many of our students engaged in conversations with the elderly and many things were learnt about them such as where they were from in Greece and who they supported in soccer. This was also a great opportunity for some students to visit their relatives who reside in this nursing home.

Australian Apprenticeship Pathways: Career Interest Explorer A new resource which aims to help job seekers identify the strength of their career interests. The resource requires people to respond to statements illustrating characteristics of seven broad work types resulting in a list of work types according to relative strength of interest. -Interest-Explorer ACADEMY OF INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT (AIE) AIE Open Day on Saturday 21st May Our Open Day allows you to find out more about mid-year courses and courses starting in 2017. Online Experience Evening 26th May If you have ever wanted to study 3D animation, game design or VFX for film online with AIE then the Online Experience Evening is an ideal opportunity to find out more. Information Evening - 23rd June 2016 Launch your career into games and film by attending the Information Evening on 23rd June 2016 from 5pm to 8pm.


of a great combination with Lewis Athanasopoulos. Unfortunately, Jordan could not capitalise on these opportunities and the boys continued to absorb the relentless St Pius X attack. 15 minutes from full time the boys began to enjoy more possession of the ball and with that came more opportunities to score goals. However, with the team committing more numbers forward in an effort to get the equaliser, the team conceded an unfortunate goal in what looked to be an offside player scoring a goal.

Connor Giavis and Emmanuel Tzanakes Year 9


Despite going down 2-0 Steven Antoniou’s performance in goal and his captaincy were a highlight of the game. The boys really need to lift in next week’s home game against another very strong football school in Oakhill College. At training this week the boys will need to focus more on maintaining possession of the ball as well as improve their passing accuracy.



Round 2 Saturday 7th May 2016

The ISA football season started on Saturday 7th May for most of the boys teams. The schools teams this year are again in Division 1 and looking at trying to not only remain in the competition but go one better in the overall school championship position. First XI Saturday, 7th May the Open boys played their first ISA game against St Pius X College. Despite the fatigue from their week of sport in Western Australia the boys started positive. From the outset the plan was to play attacking football. Despite our best efforts to try and use width to draw out their defenders our passing game let us down. All too often the Pius team easily cut off our passing channels and quickly made the transition into attack.

Open B Our team played against Redlands on Saturday 7th May. The final score was 1 - 1. The first half of the game ended in 0 – 1. Although the boys played really well, unfortunately the other team managed to score a goal first. In the second half, the team played much better than the opposing team. The defence was incredible and as a result the other team did not intimidate us. Nicholas Xeras, Vasileios Kourliaftis, Leon Kouzoukas, and Johnathan Lim defended our goal with great success. The relief came at the 50th minute from Stanley Condous. He produced an incredible solo effort and managed to score a goal, resulting in a one all draw.

The first half our boys had to absorb a lot of the Pius attack and defensively we proved to be up to the challenge, relying on quick counter attacking opportunities to try and score a goal. Steven Antoniou saved the boys on numerous occasions pulling off remarkable saves as he has done in our CIS cup games and at the GOAANSE. The boys were unlucky to find themselves down 1-0 at the break after the Pius boys capitalised on an error in our defensive line leading to a very easy goal.

Mr A. Karras U13 A On Saturday, 7th May, 2016, the under 13A's versed St Pius X College at Chifley Reserve. It was a tough game with both teams putting in a tremendous effort. However, the St Spyridon

In the second half the boys looked more positive with the ball and Jordan Makridopolus had a couple of early opportunities on the back


team were able to come up with a 4-2 victory. Congratulations to Kosta Ioannou on scoring a hat-trick in the second half, after swapping from left-wing to right-wing and sealing the win. Although the team came up with the victory, more emphasis must be placed on ensuring adequate focus is upheld throughout the entire match.

U14 Blue Game Review – Saturday, 7th May, 2016 (Two-All Draw) We faced a very determined 14C St Pius X College team they were eager to prove they would not be defeated like the previous year. They showed good ball skills and speed. Our boys showed determination in the first 20 minutes before Dylan Kelesis landed the first goal of the game. Both James Zouroudis and Chad Bteddini defended well in the backs. Unfortunately the game changed for the worst. St Pius returned with two goals shortly after the break and for the remainder of the game St Spyridon was trailing behind and needed to defend to avoid any further goals.

Mr Kontakos U14 A The 14A boys football team played their first game of the season against St Pius X. The boys had previously prepared with a trial against St Andrews some weeks ago and had been looking forward to this game. St Pius is a strong footballing school and the boys knew they were in for a very hard match. The boys started the game with composure and took a little while before they found their feet in the first half and matched their opponents in every facet of the game with the match scoreless at the break.

Thomas Mouratidis and Amin Shokri tried numerous times to break the St Pius defence. Reece Malanos came off the bench late in the second half and scored a great goal. This helped the team achieve a 2-2 draw. Mr Zouroudis

The second half was very close and competitive with all boys playing as a team and defending quite well and holding their shape with the occasional shot on goal. The score was still 0-0 until we conceded a late goal from a free kick that did not do justice to the boys’ efforts as a draw would have been a fair result. The boys eventually lost 1-0.

U15 Boys U15s - Our u15/As got their season off to a wonderful start with a 5-2 win against St Pius. Breaking through the opposition midfield, Hesan Soufi was able to convert from the edge of the box into the bottom corner to give our boys a deserved 1-0 lead. Possession and opportunities were heavily in St Spyridon's favour but two mistakes in our defence that will be worked on lead to St Pius quickly turning the game around and leading 2-1. Going into the second half at 2-2 after Nicholas Tsintominas, scored at the back-post late in the first half, the boys put in a resounding performance with 3 unanswered goals to complete the win. Hesan Soufi completed his hat-trick from the penalty spot to make it 4-2 before Steven Stamoulis converted calmly from in-front to end the game at 5-2. Great result for the boys and hope these positive results continue throughout the season.

The boys love playing together and continue to improve each week and we are confident this will eventually pay off with more favourable results in the near future.

Mr Hristeff

Dane Ivanovic U15 Blue It was a wonderful Saturday morning weather wise and up against a resolute St Pius X College team, the St Spyridon U15 Blue


boys to break on the counter and try to create chances up the other end, but the Pius squad were strong in defence and put a hold to any of our plays. A special mention must go to Alex Gousetis and Steven Soulakellis who were placed in many positions throughout the game and held strong throughout. The game ended in a 0-0 draw for the boys and we will aim to work on transitioning the ball into the attacking third and getting numbers in attack. Good luck to the boys this weekend.

football team turned in a great performance built from a solid defence and counter attacking football. While the St Spyridon defence were almost impenetrable led by Leo Gouskos and Christian Jenkins, in our first competitive game of the year we already have a contender for goal of the season - courtesy of Bill Avdalis. A great passing movement through the midfield saw the ball at the feet of Johnny Dalakiaris who looked up and lofted the ball over the defence into the path of Bill making an unmarked run down the left hand side. Without breaking stride, from just inside the corner of the 18 yard box, Bill strikes the ball first time into the far top corner of the goal and in – off the underside of the cross bar. Although a number of other opportunities were created, the score remained 1–0 at halftime. St Pius X College started the second half strong and had an excellent opportunity to level the scores when their attackers got in behind the St Spyridon defence to shoot passed the advancing Brendan Borodyansky in goals only to be denied a goal by the fast cover defence of Peter Nikas – a great save to keep the score at 1-0. On the continued strength of the defence, St Spyridon were able to break quickly through the centre of the ground with Michael Hatzon providing a defence splitting pass into the path of Reece Kalergis who calmly dribbled the ball into the penalty box shaking off a defender and calmly slotting it passed the goalkeeper to make the score 2-0. The score remained 2-0 at full time.

Dane Ivanovic

Mr Jenkins

Round 3 Saturday 14th May 2016, the schools soccer teams were again in action at Chifley Reserve. The boy’s teams were up against Oakhill College. All the St Spyridon teams were competitive and many of the teams were unlucky not to come away with wins. Despite this there were a number of standout performances from the schools teams namely the U15 Blue team and U15 White team who both remain undefeated. The Year 7 boys U13A team also remains undefeated and were particularly impressive winning 2-1 after being down 1-0 at the half time break. The team rallied in the second half and Jordan Kougias scored a beautiful volley to level the scores after the break. The boys continue to pressure the Oakhill defence and it was not long before the boys got their reward with a second goal which proved to be the winner.

U16 U16s - Facing a strong St Pius squad, the boys were able to put a resounding shift in defence. An outstanding performance from goalkeeper Harris Fotopoulos providing save after save consistently throughout the game allowed our

Results: U13 A Won 2-1 U13 B Lost 2-0 U14 A Lost 1-0 U14 B Draw 0-0 U15 A Won 4-1

It was a positive performance from the U/15 Blue boys, with many encouraging performances which included the likes of Adam Massa, Mark Grillakis and Christopher Matsoukas. As there were only a handful of training sessions leading into the game, there are a few areas of improvement that will be worked on during the Thursday morning training sessions to ensure the team continually improves as the season progresses.


U15 B Won 4-0 U16 Lost 1-0 Open B Lost 3-1 Open A lost 2-0

tournament and this year it was held at Saints Constantine and Helen in Northbridge. Football On Tuesday the boys competed in the Football with games against the host school St Andrews College, Oakleigh Grammar, St George College, St Euphemia and All Saints Grammar. This tournament is played as a gala day with the winner announced as the school that places first at the end of the day based on points accumulated from the number of games won, drawn and lost. Traditionally this tournament is always won by the school that is undefeated in the tournament and this would be no different this year with the St Spyridon boys winning all their respective games to claim this year’s football trophy.

This week all boys’ teams are playing against St Andrews Cathedral School. All games are away and all families are asked to kindly ensure that their child/children are at the venue at least 30 minutes prior to kick off.

FUTSAL The school this year will be fielding a number of boys’ teams to represent the school in the annual schools futsal regional tournament. Dates will be provided to all students and training has begun for all teams in preparation for the tournament. Students have been advised of training dates and times.

Results: SSC 1 def St Andrews College 0 SSC 2 def Oakleigh Grammar 0 SSC 2 def St George College 0 SSC 3 def St Euphemia 1 SSC 4 def All Saints Grammar 1

NATIONAL SCHOOLS EVENT Boys Highlights The Greek Orthodox Colleges of Australia National Schools Event is an annual event that brings together all the Colleges of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia to compete in various sporting events. This event on the school calendar is very popular among the students and seeks to reinforce the family bond that all the Greek Orthodox Schools across Australia share. Although thousands of kilometres away from each other, the students experiences in their respective States and their passion and love for their schools, faith as well as underlying values and attitudes resonate among all students and this event provides the ideal opportunity for all involved to network with all the schools of the Archdiocese. This year for the first time all schools travelled to Perth, with St Andrews College hosting this year’s event with participating schools from Melbourne (St Johns College, Oakleigh Grammar), Adelaide (St George College), NSW (St Euphemia College, All Saints Grammar). The week-long event started on Tuesday, 3rd May and culminated on Thursday, 5th May. As always the blessing ceremony is the first event that marks the beginning of the


only were the boys victorious but because of their strong presence this young team are now looking forward to defending the title in next year’s event which will be hosted by All Saints Grammar. Congratulations to the team and my sincere thanks to all the families who made the trip to Perth and supported the students. Your support throughout the tournament helped to strengthen our students resolve for success Thank you also to all the staff that supported boys sport and a special thank you to Mr Meintanis for coordinating our schools efforts in 2016. Mr F. Kaldis Basketball After suffering a final game loss to St Euphemia by two points and ranked second overall last year, St Spyridon knew that they would have to be ready and determined for all three games of this year’s tournament to bring back the tittle. The team focused on solid man to man defence, controlling the rebounds and running the floor for some easy baskets and the fast break worked really well for St Spyridon winning the first two games 41-27, 50-20 against St Andrews & All Saints Grammar. Going into the Final against St Euphemia, the first three quarters had no winner, seeing both teams taking the lead from each other. A strong effort in the first 3 minutes of the last quarter built a comfortable lead for St Spyridon which was retained until the final whistle, with a final score of 45-35 placing them Champions of 2016 GOAANSE.

The team were convincing winners this year with strong performances from all the boys. No doubt the hard work at training and the lead up games of football all helped to strengthen the team dynamics. While there were many standout performances a special mention must go to our younger students: Nathan Adam, Hessan Soufi as well as Nicholas Kollias of Year 10. The younger students were relentless and their enthusiasm and passion was a driving force for the team’s success. That said the Year 12 boys played their last Greek Orthodox tournament and for these students a very sweet moment. Success in this tournament is hard to come by, and for the Year 12 students this will be a moment that they will savour. Throughout the day the Year 11 boys also grew in stature to claim a psychological edge over the other schools. Not

Congratulations to all the boys and coaches for a wonderful tournament.


Boys Futsal The boys are to be congratulated and commended for their efforts in indoor soccer. With many of the boys backing up from basketball and outdoor soccer fatigue played a role in this event. Despite the tired legs, the team managed to win some games and had a number of close losses. Hessan Soufi was named our most valuable player. He was by far a stand out performer not only for our school but easily the tournaments best. Well done to the boys that participated in indoor soccer and congratulations for your effort.

Boys Table Tennis On Wednesday, 4th of May eight students went to St Andrew’s Grammar School for table tennis. When we arrived at the School we played our first game against St John’s College. Unfortunately we lost both the singles and the doubles. Our next game was against All Saints Grammar. All Saints Grammar being the champions last year proved to a tough opposition as the boys lost all the games. The next school we played was against Oakleigh

Mr T. Koulouriotis


Our third game was against last year’s champions All Saints Grammar. We played great in the first set winning convincingly. But in the second set we lost our concentration and in turn lost the second set. All Saints now had a psychological advantage. In the deciding set All Saints came out fighting carried by their cheer squad. They led by 13-8 (it was first to 15) when our coach Mr Georgoulopoulos called a time out and gave us a pep talk. He told us that it was a psychological battle and told us to block out all noise and focus on our game. After his inspiring words what was possibly the best comeback. The score was 148 and we won five consecutive points to be one point away from winning the game but after a long rally we were unfortunately beaten.

Grammar School. Unfortunately we lost all the games. We then had a break for lunch and time to speak to our newly made friends from other schools. We also entertained ourselves by watching the St Andrew’s table tennis coach play against other students. After lunch we had a tough game against what ended up being the champion school – St Andrew’s Grammar. We were beaten but we tried our best and challenged the students. Our last game was against St Euphemia. We won one game and lost the rest. Overall we came last but we had improved and at the end of the day we had a lot of fun and tried our best. A big “thank you” to Mr Georgoulopoulos who provided us with encouragement throughout the day.

After a well-deserved lunch break we played our fourth game against St Euphemia where we unfortunately were beaten in straight sets. Our last game of the tournament was a farewell to our Year 12s. All Year 12 boys played a mixed game of soccer and volleyball. After losing that game we were happy that we had a great day and felt as if it was a great day for our Year 12s. MVP went to Peter Giokas for his determination and fighting spirit in the face of adversity. We take this opportunity to also thank the Year 12 boys for being good role models and also to our coach Mr Georgoulopoulos for his constant support.

Nicholas Kollias 10A Boys’ Volleyball On Thursday, 5th May students went to the WA Basketball Stadium. Our Captain Christian Ishak gave us words of advice and we started. We won our games convincingly in straight sets. Many of the boys were surprised but our coach Mr Georgoulopoulos knew we had it in us but reminded us it was only our first game. Our second game was against the runners up from last year – Oakleigh Grammar. They proved to be tough competitors but our persistence paid off and we won in straight sets. This was an upset win and made us even more excited.


competition enabled the girls to not only further improve their skills and team cohesion but more importantly the bond they developed with each other. It is often difficult to develop this given that the team has individuals across many year groups. This closeness was vital to their success and definitely showed in their performances on the day. They played not only for their school but for each other and they were not going to let anyone down. The girls finished first overall, undefeated throughout the day. Well done to Georgia Koukounaris for receiving most valuable player.

Nicholas Kollias 10A Congratulations to all the Most Valuable Players announced at the event for 2016 MVP Soccer - Nathan Adam Basketball - Christian Ishak Futsal - Hessan Soufi Volleyball - Peter Giokas Table tennis - Nicholas Kollias

Day two was table tennis; our students did their best and while they were competitive, they showed great signs of sportsmanship throughout the day and had lots of fun. Well done to Christina Vlahos for receiving most valuable player. Girls Basketball was also held on the Wednesday, many of the same girls who played in the Netball also were part of the Basketball team. The history shows that St Spyridon College has only lost this title once in 2000 since the inception of the National Schools Event. The girls played with passion and pride for their College, placing their bodies on the line and maintaining dignity when faced with difficult decisions, ultimately leading to victory. Their last match against St Euphemia College would determine their overall result in the competition. Similarly the boys also found themselves in the same

Mr F. Kaldis Boys Sport

NATIONAL SCHOOLS EVENT Girls Highlights Day One of the tournament started with netball for the girls. After losing the championship to St Euphemia in 2015 the girls were determined to regain the trophy. Pleasing to see was how the level of competition had improved from previous years with all schools striving for success. The past years efforts demonstrated by the netball girls are proof that losing can be an important lesson. Each and every member of this team was determined not to feel that same sense of loss they experienced in 2015. Extra training sessions and the involvement in an additional mid-week


situation fortunately the girls were able to support the boys before their final match which helped to inspire them to succeed in their final match. The girls must be congratulated for not only their exceptional skill but also their patience and smart approach throughout the day, this eventually led to the girls becoming overall undefeated winners for the 16th year consecutively. Congratulations to Tiana Milisavljevic for receiving Most Valuable player. On Thursday, the girls Volleyball team competed at the Western Australia State Basketball Centre. The girls had a great start to the day, winning their first game against St John’s College. The remaining games were close, but unfortunately the girls were unable to secure another win. All girls displayed great teamwork, determination and improved their skills immensely throughout the course of the day. Congratulations to all students involved, and particularly to Tina Ventoura who was awarded Most Valuable Player.

The girl’s Futsal team also played on Thursday and after last year’s excitement of finishing first and the pressure of all teams winning so far in the competition the girls were hoping to secure another championship. The girls secured wins against At Andrews Grammar and All Saints Grammar and were unlucky to only draw against Oakleigh Grammar which meant yet again that their final match against St Euphemia would decide the championship. Unfortunately the girls were defeated 1-0 but under difficult circumstances with many injuries and sore bodies from the previous 2 days of play. The girls finished 2nd overall - still a positive outcome that they should be proud of. Well done to Tiana Milisavljevic for receiving Most Valuable player.


Yovana Stosic 10G

Finally, much thanks to all teachers and coaches who accompanied the girls: Mrs McCoy, Ms Flokis, Mr Meintanis, Mr Zafiropoulos, Mr Georgoulopoulos and also Mrs Katsogiannis and Mrs Stefanou for their ongoing support both on the sidelines and for sport generally. Furthermore, thank you to all the parents who travelled over to support the girls providing food, drinks and encouragement over three days of competition. Girl’s Table Tennis During the Greek Orthodox National School’s Sports Competition, St Spyridon College took part in one of the many events known as Table Tennis. Eight SSC athletes competed in this sport. Although each team placed second last overall, we displayed great sportsmanship with our competitors. Through making friends with the other schools and even winning a few single and double teamed games here and there. Christina Vlahos achieved MVP for the girl’s team and Nicholas Kollias was MVP for the boy’s team for not only displaying excellent table tennis skills but brilliant righteousness, positive team encouragement and an ongoing respectful attitude to every game they approached.

Congratulations and thank you to all the Year 12 students who have competed over the years in the National Schools Event. Most indeed feelings of sadness that this experience has come to an end but never the less many fantastic memories to cherish for life. Well done to Chrystal Christie, Georgia Koukounaris, Tiana Milisavljevic and Lia Albanakis who led by example and were exceptional role models both on and off the sporting courts.


result of our lack of depth in comparison to these bigger schools, they were unable to sustain the pressure they built up so well to start the game. The effort and commitment to the team was there and the girls should be commended on their ability to keep striving to improve every game.

We look forward to the preparations for 2017 National Schools Event to be hosted by All Saints Grammar Sydney.

The Intermediate B’s and Junior A, B and C’s were unable to play their Round 2 games due to an evacuation at Sydney University for their games against St Andrews Cathedral. The games have been ruled as a whitewash. Intermediate B’s defeated by Barker, 49-19 After their slow start to the game in Round 1, the Intermediate B’s were asked to focus on starting their games stronger. The girls did this and gave lots of effort and commitment to one another. However, another strong Barker side made it difficult for the girls to be free in attack and they struggled to minimize the points scored by the opposition. While it wasn’t a win, the girls are to be commended on the effort they put in as they look to hopefully win their first game of the season this week against Chevalier.

ISA SPORT Netball The Netball season continues this week as we reach Round 4. All teams are away this week at Oakhill and Chevalier. For further bus and game times, please refer to the email sent this week. We wish all teams the best of luck. Round 2 and 3 reports: Opens defeated by Oakhill 2, 62-32 After a successful week in Perth, all students had to back up and play ISA on Saturday morning, which is always a difficult task. The Opens were up against a quality opposition in Oakhill 2. As we mention every year, our students do so well against schools that have much larger numbers than we do. It was a very difficult game as the Oakhill girls were swift in attack and rock solid in defence. The effort and unity from the girls was admirable, even as the score starting to escape them. A tough game, however, we emphasise how important these games are for our own development as we gain experience from playing against strong opposition.

Intermediate C’s defeated Barker, 36-35 The Intermediate C’s have had a great start to their season, winning two of first three games of the competition. The girls managed to hold a strong lead against the Barker side and were ahead by six points at the half time break. However, you should never underestimate your opposition, as the Barker side quickly made up goals for the game to be tied with minutes remaining. Composure is what got our girls over the line as they finished the game one point ahead. Intermediate C’s defeated St Pauls Grammar, 18-10 The success of Round 2 proved to keep the girls motivated for their following clash against St Pauls Grammar. Another close game, this time low scoring as both sides struggled to convert their possession into points. However, the girls managed to hold on for an 18-10 win, putting them second on the ladder.

Opens defeated by Barker 2, 50-20. Round 3 saw the girls with another difficult opponent in Barker 2. The Opens were playing the two strongest teams in the division back to back, so they knew they had to put in a strong effort to be able to stay competitive. A strong first quarter from the team had them trailing only by 4 at the break, an incredible effort against this Barker side. The girls gave the first quarter everything they had and as a

Junior A’s defeated Oxley, 34-32 After their first round lost, the Junior A’s were determined to play their best netball as to put


their first points on the board. The game was a difficult one, as the girls are in the highest junior division. The girls showed plenty of grit and determination as well as composure from the mid court, to lead the team to a two point win.

Junior Girls Football Round 2 CCGS-5 defeated St Spyridon 0 Unfortunately, the girls were beaten by a much more experienced CCGS team who looked very skilful and impressive on the field. However, the girls were not deterred and in fact they continued to smile, laugh and enjoy each moment of the game. Their approach and enthusiasm is to be commended and demonstrates the true nature of sport.

Junior B’s defeated by St Pauls Grammar 38-8 It was only the second game for our Year 7 team, who are still in the process of learning the rules and structure of the game as well as learning to play well together. The girls tried their best and the effort from everyone was well noticed.

Round 3 St Spyridon 2 defeated Chevalier 0 Perhaps the most rewarding win in the Round 3 for the Girls sports fixtures. The girls not only scored their first goals of the season but were able to secure their first win. Many improvements were seen after their first morning training session together. No doubt the girls will continue to improve and success will follow.

Junior C’s defeated Oxley 14-2 After their narrow victory in Round 1, the Junior C’s were looking to secure a second win against Oxley. The girls, a mix of Year 7 and 8 students, worked very well together as they managed to put some points on their opposition. With strong defence, the C’s were able to minimise points scored against them, with Oxley managing to only score two goals. It was a well-deserved win for the team.

ISA REPRESENTATIVE NEWS Congratulations to Eleni Haralambides who competed for ISA at the NSWCIS Swimming Championships. Eleni finished 10th overall in the 12yrs Breaststroke and 12th Overall in 12yrs Freestyle an excellent effort given the calibre of students involved.

Girls Football Both the Junior and Open Teams are away for Round 4 - please refer to the weekly email for bus times.

Congratulations to Rhea Tsimboukis (Yr10) who was selected in the Under 15’s ISA Netball Team. Rhea had a difficult selection process with over 30 students attending the trials from all other ISA member schools. Amongst the 30 students a large portion were competing for the same position of Goal Attack making selection into the team much more difficult. Rhea now will compete at the NSWCIS championships in August. We wish her the best of luck.

Open Girls Football Round 2 SPGS-5 defeated St Spyridon 2 With an early 1-0 lead the girls tend to become complacent in defence and allow their opposition to score a goal immediately after we secured our first. Then again we scored taking the lead only to lose the lead immediately again. Unfortunately, after a tiring week in Perth the girls could not maintain the stamina or focus to remain defensive and conceded 3 easy goals which resulted in St Pauls Grammar victory. Round 3 St Spyridon 4 defeated Chevalier 0 An incredible effort displayed by all team members with the defensive effort improved and Chrystal Christie leading the younger team members in attack. Some excellent goals scored from Yovana Stosic and Elaine Andrew coupled with some great goal saves from Katie Thimakis resulted in the team’s first victory.

Ms A. Flokis and Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport


PREFECT PROFILE Name: Anastasia Mylonas Age: 17 Number of years at SSC: Currently my 4th year Previous leadership roles: Prefect 2016 Subjects I am currently studying: - Business Studies - Food Technology - Hospitality - PDHPE - General Maths - Standard English Hobbies: Sport, spending time with friends and going to the beach My future aspirations: Furthering my studies at Uni and travelling My role models: My mum and dad Favourite Quote: “Just keep swimming� - Dory My proudest moment: Going on the Greece Trip in 2014 for the first time, observing amazing sights and experiencing new things One piece of advice I would give to younger students: Read, be honest and always listen!


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