News 159 8a 2016

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VOLUME XXXIII No 8 2nd June, 2016





JUNE K-6 Divine Liturgy


Junior School Athletics Carnival


I am happy to announce that the BOSTES inspection of our Junior School and CRICOS were successful and we have been granted the maximum 5 years of registration.


Careers Expo Years 11 and 12 Parish Trip to Greece departs


Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday


Dr Jennifer Lawless and Mrs Natali Fry wished to share the following observations with us:

School closed CIS Xcountry JS


Half Yearly Reports to Parents JS


Term ends for staff and students


Outstanding curriculum documentation and strong alignment of content to assessment tasks. Exemplary organisation, preparation and planning. Meticulous attention to detail.

Half Yearly reports posted

The inspectors complimented us on a ‘job well done’ with the new Governance and the Teacher Accreditation Authority regulations. They said that our policy documents were of an exceptional quality.

JULY Parish Trip to Greece returns


Staff Development Day


Students return


Athletics Carnival SS


Australia Mathematic Comp JS


The final compliment from Natali Fry was that she would be happy to trust her own children to our school. The Principal of the Junior School, Mrs Synesios is to be commended for her leadership and her outstanding professionalism in inspiring a strong and dedicated group of teachers, completely committed to their chosen vocation. I commend Angela Kringas for her hard work with CRICOS registration.

AUGUST HSC Trials begin Dormition of the Theotokos

1st 15th

School closed Trial HSC ends

We thank the outgoing Chairman of the Board, Mr James Phillips and every Board member. Thank you to Christina Tsaconas, who as Bursar undertakes all relevant aspects of the Inspection. We also appreciate the work of Mr Con Livissianis, our new Chairman of the Board, who chaired the Governance sub-committee in the lead up to the Inspection.


Peer Support Year 9 ASISSA Athletics JS


Peer Support Year 9


HSC Success Program begins Year 11 Preliminary Course Final Assess begins


The results of this Inspection give us the strength and the confidence to continue to take our School forward as a dynamic and future focussed school. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag








Χριστός ανέστη εκ νεκρών, θανάτω θάνατον πατήσας και τοις εν τοις μνήμασι ζωήν χαρισάμενος.

Father's Day Breakfast to be held on Thursday 1st September. Spring Fair on Sunday 30th October.

Christ is risen from the dead, by death trampling on death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life.

Please note that the School Business Directory is currently being formatted and printing will commence for distribution in mid Term 3.


Thank you for all your support over the first half of the year.

Subsequent to this week Board of Parish Director’s Meeting, the following Parish Directors were elected for the following positions: Con Livissianis James Phillips Elia Economou Anthony Kanaris Dr Thomas Savoulis Sue Mayson Chris Karkoulas Nicholas Papas George Vlahakis Peter Kepreotes

Thank You The P and F

President Vice President Hon. Secretary Treasurer Member Member Member Member Member Member


May his memory be eternal.

In a couple of weeks you will be receiving your child’s half yearly report. I encourage you to share it with your child and acknowledge the growth they have made. When compiling the report, your child’s teacher/s, look at the many and varied learning opportunities provided to the child in order to gain a clear picture of what knowledge and skills they have gained and the areas that are still developing. Reports are not based on a single mark or test result. Teachers talk to students and observe them daily at work in the classroom. They will look for the child’s ability to demonstrate what they have learnt. Do they know when to use what they have learnt (critical thinking) to solve problems? We are aiming to provide our students with a robust and rewarding learning journey where they will develop those skills necessary for workers in the knowledge economy.



Congratulations to the new Board. Mrs C. Tsaconas Parish Executive Officer

SYMPATHY We pray for the soul of Stefan Petrovski who passed away on Easter Sunday this year. Stefan was a student of St Spyridon College from January, 2010 until June 2012.


It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of Reggina Vlahos, mother of George 4C after a long and brave battle with illness. We pray for the repose of her soul and for strength for her family at this difficult time. May her memory be eternal.

The uniform shop is open every Wednesday during term between 8.30a.m. to 10.00a.m. and 2.30p.m. to 4.00p.m.



CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to the boys and girls who participated in the recent Regional Futsal championships. Their behaviour and sportsmanship was exemplary and they worked well as teams. I thank Mr Volas, Mr Amditis, Miss Galanis, Miss Sirmanoglou and Mr Knight for giving of their time and training the students. We are happy to report that the girl’s team were the runners up and will be participating in the State Championships later in the year. Well done girls!

Χριστός Ανέστη Christ is Risen SCIENCE This week in Science students of Year 7 have been learning all about Cells – building blocks of life. Some students made 3D models of cells using jelly and lollies whilst others created colourful 2D representations.

BLAZER REMINDER All students are to wear their blazer to and from school with their Winter uniform.

COCURRICULAR Cocurricular will end on the 16th of June and recommence on the 25th of July.

PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS Interviews will be held on the 20th and 22nd of June. Please note the school day will end for K – 6 at 3pm to facilitate the interviews. Each parent has been assigned 10 minutes. If you require extra time please arrange another meeting with the teacher. The Greek and support teachers will be available to meet with you in the Library. Mrs Kipriotis will be in her office on the Infants side.

CANTEEN It has been observed that many students are forgetting to order their lunch before school. Your consideration is appreciated by the canteen supervisors who like to be organised and prepared. If there are any parents or grandparents who can volunteer even an hour a week, the canteen would welcome your assistance. Please leave your details at the office. Mrs A. Synesios Principal


consider engineering as a career option for the future.

Dr Alex Bannigan speaking to Year 9 and 10 girls

PARKING Please note that students will no longer be able to park on school grounds due to building works. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



BEANIE FOR BRAIN CANCER So far lots of Beanies have been sold, and some colours are in very short supply. All students are reminded that Beanies can be purchased from either the school office or the Courtyard area first half of Lunch each day. The beanies can be worn throughout winter.

Dr L. Srinivasan Science Teacher



Last Wednesday, Dr Alex Bannigan from UNSW spoke to the girls in Years 9 and 10 about Women in Engineering. She highlighted all the different career paths available to engineering graduates and discussed the interesting projects that some women engineers are involved in. Dr Bannigan also explained that people with ability and interest in maths or science, problem solving and creativity are well suited to engineering. The girls found the presentation fascinating as well as very informative and hopefully some will



GIRLS NIGHT IN Year 12 girls hosted a sleep in last Friday night. It was a great event filled with laughter, movies, dancing to the Macarena, College


Captain Chrystal’s Ukulele, the Zorba and even some Serbian folk pieces. Everyone witnessed feats of endurance using a hover board with accompanying screams of panic from certain staff, and an attack by a scary monster from the Star Wars movie. Additionally, we all had the pleasure of filling our plates and bellies (several times) with tasty pizzas generously supplied by Crust and Mr & Mrs Albanakis (parents of Lia - Year 12 Prefect) not to mention the two tables full of chips, chocolates and sweets of varying descriptions supplied by everyone who took part. Our ‘Girls Night In’ resulted in a very respectable $2,300 being donated by the students and staff who attended. Thank You to all who took part especially Mrs Gambriell and Mrs Kalithrakas who spent the night with the girls (along with myself) and all others who donated and or dropped in for a visit: Mrs Katsogiannis, Mrs Keidja, Mrs Belajcic, Mrs Mio, Dr Srinivasan, Ms Hakos, Miss Kilias, Mrs Grillakis, Mrs Kefalouros, Ms Savva, Mrs Dalakiaris, Miss Flokis and Mrs Pavlakis.

SENIOR SCHOOL STAFF BIG MORNING TEA & BIG LUNCHEON On Thursday the staff of the Senior School banded together for a special Morning Tea and luncheon in aid of Brain Cancer Research. Lots of savoury foods and sweet delights were brought in and shared, along with happy spirits and camaraderie. Thank you to everyone for your food contribution and generosity which has resulted in another $710.00 being added to the schools fundraising effort.

DoSOMETHING DAY ……Volunteering and Random Acts of Kindness The first ever ‘DoSomething Day’ will be held on June 15 to both celebrate and encourage community volunteering and random acts of kindness. Across a 24hour period organizers are asking people to do something positive in their community. It might be a small act of kindness to a stranger or neighbour, or an ongoing act of volunteering. All students will be encouraged to participate, so don’t be surprised when good things happen!

Every year when students enter Year 9, we turn the Pastoral Care focus onto Community Awareness and Responsibility. This involves an examination of topics such as Poverty, Homelessness, Charity and Volunteering. Students also get hands on experience by going out into the community, and often out of their comfort zones to engage with the elderly at nursing homes, serve food at the Soup Kitchen in Newtown and often empty their pockets of cash and even raid cupboards at home whenever the call for help is given. Even though ‘DoSomething Day’ is a one off day aimed at drawing focus to noble acts, as a school we aspire to instil particular Orthodox


cameras and view the young kids using this site.

values in our students through their day to day interactions and activities. These remind us all that we are PEOPLE OF FAITH, PEOPLE OF CONSCIOUS and PEOPLE OF TRADITION.

The site has many bad reviews and as a result Police are advising schools to warn parents about this app. In spite of this the app has been around for a while and is still available.

SRC CAKE STALL Gather your coins together and bring them in! The SRC’s will be holding cake stall at recess in the canteen area on Tuesday, 7th June. Lots of delicious treats will be on sale with proceeds going to SNOG.

Another recent concern, more for older students, is that Child Sex Offenders are posing as Photographers on sites such as Facebook & Instagram and asking to photograph young girls and boys. Many of these offenders claim to be "casting agents" which entices the young kids into thinking they are going to be the next big model. As we all know many students are looking for that attention and acknowledgement and could easily fall into this trap. Again, can you please advise your children to be aware of this. Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



All students are reminded that we will be having a Wear Your Winter Whites Mufti Day on Wednesday 8th June to mark the start of winter and the end of our fundraising for Brain Cancer Research. Students will need to wear as much white as possible and bring in a $2 gold coin donation that will be collected by SRC’s at roll call by SRC’s

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μαθήτριας της Β΄ Λυκείου σχετικά με την ταινία «Πρώτη φορά νονός» που αποτελεί την διδακταία ύλη για το “extension course”. Ο κύριος χαρακτήρας του έργου είναι Αμερικανάκι και δεν μιλά καλά τα Ελληνικά. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

Sensible WARM clothing is to be worn. The grand finale will be a sausage sizzle held at lunch. Students will be able to purchase a combo for $5 and or just a sausage in a roll for $4.


Θέμα: «Φαντάσου ότι είσαι ο Άλεξ. Τελείωσες την υποχρέωσή σου στην Κρήτη και επέστρεψες στην Αθήνα. Γράφεις στο ημερολόγιό σου και εξομολογείσαι τους λόγους για τους οποίους προσπάθησες να το σκάσεις από το σπίτι του Παναγάκη και γιατί αποφάσισες τελικά να παραδοθείς.»


Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο, Επέστρεψα σήμερα από την Κρήτη. Το ταξίδι ήταν μεγάλο και κουραστικό. Αλλά, διόλου δεν με πείραξε μιας και I was looking forward για τη μεγάλη βόλτα με τον μπαμπά μου, την βόλτα που μου υποσχέθηκε μόλις γυρίσω.

Currently there is an app many younger children are using called "Talking Angela". It was designed by a company called "Outfit 7 Limited". The app was designed to get children to dress up their cat "Angela", take a video of the cat and themselves then upload it for their "friends" to view. It has come to the Police’s attention that this app is being used by Child Sex Offenders to access accounts and

Το μόνο που με ανησυχεί πολύ είναι να μην πει ο Παναγάκης στον πατέρα μου ότι έφυγα από το σπίτι του, ότι προσπάθησα να το


σκάσω. Κι αυτό γιατί ξέρω ότι ο μπαμπάς μου δεν θα ευχαριστηθεί καθόλου με την πράξη μου και δεν θα ξέρω τι να πω αν με ρωτήσει, που σίγουρα θα με ρωτήσει γιατί το έκανα. Τι να πω, ο πατέρας μου βασιζόταν πάνω μου και παραλίγο με τη στάση μου να τον απογοητεύσω. Αν και βέβαια, ξέρω πολύ καλά γιατί το έσκασα τελικά. Βλέπεις, αγαπημένο μου ημερολόγιο, όλο αυτό το φαϊ και ειδικά τα σαλιγκάρια, αλλά και οι μαντινάδες, οι πάνω και οι κάτω δρόμοι, it was too much for me και όλοι να με κοιτάζουν επιφυλακτικά! So many expectations! Και από την άλλη όλα αυτά που έπρεπε να κάνω και να υπόσχομαι… so hard and bizarre!

Πάντως, αν με ρωτήσει ο μπαμπάς, γιατί αποφάσισα να γυρίσω, να παραδοθώ, η αλήθεια είναι ότι δε θα μπορούσα να του πω αυτό που θέλει να ακούσει, ότι δηλαδή, το ξανασκέφτηκα και κατάλαβα πόσο σημαντικός είναι ο ρόλος μου και ότι έπρεπε να φέρω εις πέρας τις υποχρεώσεις και ευθύνες που ανέλαβα. Ο αληθινός λόγος για τον οποίο πράγματι παραδόθηκα ήταν ο Πάνος και οι hedgehogs του. Για να μην τους βρει ο δικός του πατέρας, ο Παναγάκης και τους ξεκάμει όλους και μαλώσει και τον Πάνο without a reason. Εδώ σ’ αφήνω και θα τα ξαναπούμε σύντομα. Καλά που έχω και σένα να ανοίγω πότε –πότε την καρδιά μου… Άλεξ Marina Dionysiou Year 11 (Mod. Greek Year 12 Extension course)


Keira Kipriotis, Alexander Cardamis, Kiri Kondou, Alexia Rizzo and Harry Gavalas at Sydney Children’s Hospital Health Careers Day UNSW CO-OP SCHOLARSHIP GUEST SPEAKER




Last Thursday, five senior students attended the Health Careers Day at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick. The day involved a realistic simulation of a child being treated in ICU by a large team of staff, a Q and A session with a panel of varied professionals, tours of hospital departments and wards and various stalls and demonstrations operated by different health and medical areas.

Last Friday, a representative came to speak to the Year 12 students about the UNSW Co-op Scholarship program. The students heard about the training opportunities and career benefits of being in the program, the range of courses included (from engineering through to business, science and maths) and the generous financial benefits as well. The application process was also explained and high achieving


students were encouraged to begin their applications as soon as possible. Students are reminded that I am available if they wish to discuss their application with me. UNSW ENGINEERING EVENTS FOR SCHOOL STUDENTS

also how the cadetship program works, with a combination of university study and workplace experience. Students who are interested were encouraged to apply. Further information and online applications can be accessed by the following sites: our-role-here/Students---Programs#fragment4-na

ENGINEERING HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION DAY, 27TH OCTOBER, 2016. Interested students in Year 10 should see Ms Hakos for more information and to register.

OTHER UNIVERSITY NEWS University of Notre Dame Australia Course Info Evening 1st June Learn more about course/s of interest and the student experience at Notre Dame. Applications can be submitted on the night and if eligible, students will have the chance to interview for a place with a member of the academic staff. For more info call 02 8204 4404 or email

“WOMENGINEER” SCHOOL HOLIDAY 3- DAY WORKSHOP 4th-6th July. For information and registration see the following link: POWER OF ENGINEERING DAY: SEPTEMBER HOLIDAYS 28 September 2016 - 8:45am to 4:00pm UNSW Colombo Building Engineering day for girls in Years 9 and 10 with hands-on activities, inspiring speakers, and the chance to meet and talk to engineering students. - See more at:

Notre Dame Twilight Hours and Course Information 8th and 9th June , 5pm to 7pm 140 Broadway, Chippendale Includes campus tour and admission and study options. Notre Dame Getting to Know Nursing 7 June . 6pm 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst Current students and staff tell about nursing study.

WOMEN IN ENGINEERING CAMP: JANUARY 2017 Girls in Year 10 and 11 who are interested in attending this camp, in the school holidays from 9th to 13th January 2017 can find more information at: GUEST SPEAKER: YOUNG CADETSHIPS


UNSW Scholarship Information Evening 22 June 6.15pm to 8.00pm Sir John Clancy Auditorium, UNSW Kensington For Year 11 and 12 students and their parents. Register below at: arships-information-evening-2016


On Tuesday, ex- student Pamela Prineas (HSC class of 2014) spoke to the Year 12 students about business cadetships at Ernst and Young (EY). Pamela obtained a cadetship in accounting with this prestigious company earlier this year and she outlined all the opportunities and benefits a cadetship offers. Pamela explained the application process and

University of Sydney Scholarships Information Evening for Year 12 - 22 June Tips on completing scholarship applications, and hear from our students about their scholarship experience. Students will also have the opportunity to learn more about our on-


campus accommodation options and the scholarships available. To register

UNSW Change to Admission to Law 2017 Entry UNSW has introduced a Law Admission Test for all students wishing to study Law there in 2017.See the following link for further information and to register:

The University of Notre Dame: Young Achievers Early Offer Program Applications close 29th July 2016, 4pm. The early offer program enables students to face their HSC examinations with the benefit of reduced stress and added confidence knowing they have already gained entry into their chosen course at The University of Notre Dame. Prospective students are able to apply under one of four categories: Commitment to community and/or Church Commitment and excellence in cultural pursuits Commitment and excellence in sporting achievements Academic excellence

ACU Graduate Experience The ACU website has a number of graduate videos where former students discuss their experiences at ACU, what they are doing now, and how their degree helped them get a foot in the door. pplying_to_acu/useful_links/?a=144479 SCHOOL HOLIDAY EVENTS NIDA Holiday Workshops NIDA Drama School 4th – 8th July 2016, 10am to 4pm, Chatswood 11th – 15th July 2016, 10am to 5pm, Canberra Acting for Stage and Screen 12th – 14th July 2016, 10am to 4pm, Wollongong 13th – 14th July 2016, 10am to 4pm, Campbelltown NIDA Actors Project 4th – 8th July 2016, 10am to 5pm, NIDA Kensington Acting Bootcamp 9th – 10th July 2016, 10am to 5pm, NIDA Kensington NIDA Screen Acting Bootcamp 16th – 17th July and 2nd - 3rd July 2016, 10am to 5pm, NIDA Kensington 11th – 13th July 2016, 10am to 5pm, Chatswood Musical Theatre Bootcamp 2nd – 3rd July 2016, 10am to 5pm, NIDA Kensington Directing 101 11th – 12th July 2016, 10am to 5pm, NIDA Kensington NIDA Bites 2nd July 2016, 10am to 5pm, NIDA Kensington chool+Holidays

University of Wollongong: Early Admission Applications open: 1st August 2016. University of Wollongong early admission enables students to gain entry into university before receiving their ATAR. For more information visit: The University of Sydney: Project Management Winter Camp 7th – 8th July 2016, Darlington Campus, The University of Sydney A two-day intensive workshop for year 10, 11 and 12 students which aims to provide a head start in project management and demonstrate the opportunities available in this field. Contact: 02 9036 7517 or UWS HSC Study Sessions 4th – 8th July 2016, Parramatta, Bankstown and Campbelltown Campuses Free study sessions facilitated by HSC teachers where students can review mandatory syllabus content, participate in discussions, and learn exam techniques. c_study_sessions

Australian Theatre for Young People: School Holiday Workshops Short Film Course: 4th – 8th July 2016 Screen Acting: 4th – 8th July 2016


Skitting Around: 4th – 8th July 2016 What happened to Alex Barton?: 11th – 15th July 2016 Voice and Accents: 13th – 15th July 2016 Young Women’s Theatre Lab: 11th – 15th July 2016 Investigative Scene Work: 11th – 15th July 2016 Contact: workshop_master



JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTS REPORT ASISSA SWIMMING CARNIVAL Took place on the 10th March at Warringah Aquatic Centre. We had a team of 30 swimmers on the day and 8 of our students from our College went on to represent our school with the ASISSA team at the CIS (Combined Independent Schools Championships).

SOME USEFUL SITES Defence Jobs: Job Finder This website will help people interested in entering the defence force find a possible role or career suited to them.

Congratulations to the students below: James Cardamis, Catherine Coutts, Angelique Drakakis, Phoebe Economou, Natalia Fountoulis, Lucas Leondaris, Anthea Preketes, Hudson Rallis.

What Makes a Great Engineer? Engineering Link Group Volunteer with the Smith Family The Smith Family offers a range of volunteer opportunities for young people throughout Australia. These include tutoring English skills with refugees, administration and more. unteer-with-the-smith-family/

COMBINED ORTHODOX JUNIOR SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS Took place on Monday 14th March at Birrong Aquatic Centre. It was a beautiful day, friendly environment and great competition. I would like to congratulate all the students from all the College for their excellent behaviour on the day. A big thank you to St Euphemia for hosting a great carnival and congratulations once again to St Spyridon College for winning the Championship.

UN Youth Membership Anyone over the age of 16 is eligible to apply for a UN Youth Membership. By becoming a member young people are able to volunteer and become involved with their local branch. Four Steps to Picking the Right Course

ASISSA & CIS SOCCER On Thursday 17th March at Queens Park our College sent 11 talented students to the ASISSA trials and 2 of our boys Angus Chellos and Paul Giavis made this great team. Last month both boys went on representing ASISSA at the CIS Soccer Tournament. After a day of intense matches, ASISSA ended up winning the competition. More than 200 boys from all over Sydney played in this tournament and at the conclusion, the best 14 players were selected to represent CIS at the NSW PSSA State Soccer Titles to be held in June.

Choosing a Campus This article covers important things to keep in mind when choosing a university campus. ort-Centre/Types-of-institutions/Choosing-acampus Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser

Only a handful of players from St Spyridon have ever been selected, including Mitchell Knight in 2011 and Panos Armenakas in 2010


who also played in the U17s Youth Football World Cup last year, representing Australia.

team also played extraordinarily well and were fortunate enough to progress to the Final.

We now wish Paul Giavis all the best for the upcoming tournament. Congratulations and good luck.

Congratulations to both teams on a successful day and especially the Senior Girls team for receiving runners up of the competition. The Senior team will now compete in Penrith at the State level competition. Keep up the hard work girls! We are very proud of both the teams and their continued dedication towards training and selfimprovement. A huge thank you to Mr Knight for assisting with coaching the girls teams and teaching them very important Futsal skills that have managed to position us in the Finals.

ASISSA CROSS COUNTRY Took place on Thursday 19th May at Queens Park Bondi Junction. We had 44 athletes compete on the day. Every race had over 140 students running. It is a very difficult race and I would like to congratulate the 3 students from St Spyridon College who made it to the next level. Paul Giavis, Theoni Asproukos and Phoebe Economou. We wish them all the best on Thursday 16th June at the Combined Independent School Cross Country Championships at Eastern Creek Raceway. Mr J. Volas Sport Coordinator

MENAI FUTSAL COMPETITION On Tuesday 17th May, the Junior and Senior Futsal teams went to Menai Indoor Sports Centre to compete against a variety of different schools.

Miss Galanis and Miss Sirmanoglou

The Junior Girls team performed using their maximum effort and were successful in winning 2 of their 4 games. The Senior Girls


their first game. The boys now have three draws and the one loss. Finding goals has also been a challenge for the U14A team who have lost three games 1-0 and on Saturday scored for the first time this season with a 1-1 draw against Redlands.

SENIOR SCHOOL SPORT BOYS ISA FOOTBALL Round 4 and Round 5 At the midway point of the competition all 9 boys football teams are performing very well. The results from round 5 are listed below. Also a reminder to all families, points tables can be found online on the ISA website. Round 5: U13 A 3-1 loss to Redlands U14 A 1-1 draw to Redlands U14 Blue won 2-0 to Redlands U15 Blue 1-0 win against Chevalier U16 A 1-1 draw to Redlands Open Blue 2-1 loss to Redlands Open A 1-0 loss to Redlands

Our A grade teams continue to be competitive in the A grade competition and while goals have been difficult to come by, the boys are looking forward to the remaining 5 competition games and the prospect of trying to secure semi-final positions. At the midway point of the season I wanted to congratulate and commend all the teams for their effort and intensity throughout the year. I want to also congratulate and thank all our parent coaches, Mr Hristeff coach of the U14A team, Mr Zouroudis coach of the U14 Blue team as well as Mr Jenkins coach of the U15 Blue team.

The U15 Blue team and the U14 Blue team have both been outstanding this season with the U15 Blue team securing a very impressive 1-0 against an opposing A grade team from Chevalier College on Saturday 28th May. The support and coaching from both our parent volunteers and additional coaching sessions have helped to shape both teams positive season to date. Mr Jenkins U15 Blue team have set the benchmark in their competition and Mr Zouroudis and the U14 Blue team are improving every week.

The help from our ex-students Kristian Kontakos and Michael Savic with the U13s has also helped immensely, as has the help from Dane Ivanovic who for the second year, continues to support the development of boys Football at the College. I also wanted to thank all the parent support on the weekend at the BBQ and the help from all my colleagues, and in particular Mr Zafiropoulos, who helps weekly in supporting boys’ football by managing game day. Together with the boys Sports Captain Alexander Stamoulis who also spends all day supporting the boys’ teams - our home games this year have once again been a resounding success and ensures that the hospitality that the College provides to the visiting schools is only the best.

In the A grade competition it has been a mixed start for our teams. Our open boys although competitive have been unable to secure a win this season. The boys have worked hard over the last couple of weeks to try and secure their first win and have been somewhat unlucky with a narrow 1-0 defeat to Redlands last week. In the other A grade teams the U15A team suffered their first loss of the season last week against St Andrews 1-0, while the U13A team suffered two losses over the last two weeks.

REGIONAL FUTSAL TOURNAMENT OPENS AND U16 BOYS Last week the Open Boys and U16 boys Futsal teams competed at the NSW Regional Futsal titles in Minto. The Open boys’ futsal team were not successful in progressing to the quarter finals. They did however, enjoy the day and for the Year 12 students this was their final school futsal tournament.

Losing both to St Andrews Cathedral School and Redlands College. Despite the great start to the season, the boys will now need to try and find their feet and try to bounce back. The U16 boys have had very competitive games, however are yet to succeed in winning


put the ball behind the net. The 1-1 score resulted in 3 minutes extra time and golden goal. Our boys secured a win from a corner set play with Nathan Adam scoring the winning goal.

Like the Open boys, the U16 Blue team were also outplayed throughout the day, that said the boys had a great day of fun. The boys attitude and enjoyment gained, serves as a strong reminder why we register multiple teams in competitions such as these. Congratulations to the boys for their positive attitude and excellent sportsmanship throughout the day.

Congratulations to all the boys on their success in this tournament and good luck in the State Finals which will be held in early August.

The U16A Boys performed better on the day. After winning their pool games comfortably they were rewarded with a quarter final game against Soule College. The boys started slowly and conceded the first goal from a corner, a lapse in concentration resulted in a less than desirable start. After conceding the goal the Soule team chose to sit back and defend in their half. This frustrated the boys, but Christopher Kumar of Year 10 found a way to score the equalising goal before the break, from a very tight angle. This goal opened up the game and Christopher Kumar went on to score again to help the boys to a comfortable 4-1 win.

U14BOYS REGIONAL FUTSAL On Tuesday 31st May the College had three U14 Boys teams attend the NSW Regional Futsal titles in Bankstown. The teams included students from Year 8 and a large number of Year 7 boys. For the Year 7 boys this was their first tournament, an exciting and challenging day.

In the semi-finals the boys opponent was Belmore Boys High School. The game was a very tight affair with Belmore Boys capitalising early then scoring from a corner with our boys again lacking in concentration. This was by far the most competitive game of the day and somehow the boys kept their composure with Christopher Kumar again coming to the rescue, scoring to level the game. After golden goal extra time the teams could not be split and penalties decided the game. Spiros Zafiropoulos in Goals would be the difference between the two teams. Spiros calmly saved the second penalty from Belmore Boys and their attempt failed to hit the target, on the contrary Hessan Soufi calmly scored from the spot as did Nathan Adam helping the boys win the tight game.

The boys participated with enthusiasm throughout the day and enjoyed their involvement in the games they played. Both our U14B and U14C teams will no doubt benefit from the experience. Many of the boys will still be eligible to compete in this tournament again next year. Dylan Kelesis was excellent for his team throughout the day. Emmanuel Constantopedos was also excellent in his attitude and effort; he was easily one of the most passionate and determined students of the day. For the Year 7 boys there were excellent performances from Jordan Kougias. He showcased excellent ball skills as well as Dean Tsalikis and Samuel Tzanakes (leading goal scorer) - both were outstanding throughout the day making valuable contributions to their teams.

In the Final the boys played against a very strong Emmanuel school team. Although evenly matched our boys had the better of the game with more opportunities and the better passing game. Despite this, the boys conceded a goal early and had to wait until the second half when Christopher Kumar again made a very significant contribution when he won the team a penalty spot kick after being felled by the keeper in the circle. Hessan Soufi calmly

The U14 A team managed to progress to the final after being undefeated all day to play


against Blue Mountains Grammar School. Well done to Yovana Stosic who scored 3 goals and is having a spectacular season.

against a strong Homebush Boys HS team. Although the boys lost 2-0 they were not too far off the standard, with Nicholas Tsintominas asserting himself in attack and Maksim Kasalovic a pillar of strength as the pivot of the team. The future for this team looks bright and it will not be long before they can secure a finals win. Despite losing, this team now goes on to play in the State titles in early August. Congratulations to the boys and good luck in their next tournament.

JUNIOR GIRLS Round 4: St Spyridon 2 defeated Redlands 1 A fantastic effort to achieve a win over Redlands - a school known for their depth in Girls football. The girls have commenced morning training once a week and the benefits have translated onto the pitch. The girls have begun to understand their positions better and improved their team cohesion.

Mr F. Kaldis Boys Sport


Round 5: SACS 2 defeated St Spyridon 0 The score line does not reflect the closeness of the game. With a 0-0 draw at half time the girls seem to lose focus and concentration in their defensive effort in the second half. The girls are beginning to develop their skills and their improvement has been evident in each game. With further practice each week I have no doubt the girls will secure some more wins this season.

Round 4: Barker 2 defeated St Spyridon 1 The challenge for the Open Girls soccer team has been to find a suitable Goal keeper, as no girls have the experience or confidence to play the role. After some experimentation Katie Thimakis despite being the shortest has shown some promising signs and continues each week to develop her skills in the daunting task. The Round 4 match against Barker, perhaps a game we should have won, but looking forward to a rematch when the Year 12 girls have had a full night’s sleep and not been at a school sleepover raising funds for Brain Cancer. Much appreciation to those Year 12 girls for getting on the early 7am bus to Barker and showing their commitment to the team. Round 5: St Spyridon 8 defeated BMGS 0 Not ideal conditions for Football. However, the girls braved the cold wet conditions to have their most successful win of the season. With an early lead the girls were able to forget the cold and connect some great passes and team work together to have a convincing win


Junior C Round 4: Chevalier 17 defeated St Spyridon 5 Round 5: BYE

ISA GIRLS NETBALL Opens Round 4: Oakhill 41 defeated St Spyridon 33 Round 5: BYE



Thursday 26th May we had the Open girls travel to Minto to compete in the Regional Futsal Championships. This team has experience mixed with the younger generation and the aim of the day was more about developing confidence in the younger girls who will now take over from the senior girls. Furthermore, it was about rewarding the senior girls in their last Futsal competition for their school. Lia Albanakis, Chrystal Christie and Tiana Milisavljevic have played an integral role in the success of Futsal at St Spyridon College and despite not progressing to the Semi Finals in their last competition they can look back and be very proud of their achievements.

Intermediate C Round 4: Chevalier 25 defeated St Spyridon 5 Round 5: St Spyridon 33 defeated SACS 5 Intermediate B Round 4: Chevalier 59 defeated St Spyridon 19 Round 5: CCGS 32 defeated St Spyridon 28

Junior A Round 4: Chevalier 73 Defeated St Spyridon 7 Round 5: CCGS defeated St Spyridon

Friday 27th May many of the same girls who competed in the Open Girls competition backed up to travel once again to Minto for the Under 16’s NSW Regional Futsal Competition. The girls had a successful meet with 2 draws and a loss enough for them to qualify for the semi-finals. Unfortunately they were defeated 3-0 by Emmanuel School. Thank you to Natalie Michos and Mr Mouhtaris who assisted and supported the girls on the day.

Junior B Round 4: Chevalier 39 defeated St Spyridon 3 Round 5: CCGS 41 defeated St Spyridon 8

Tuesday 31st May the Under 14 girls competed at the NSW Regional Futsal Championships in Bankstown. The girls had a very successful competition given that this was their first


play Rd 7 ISA Netball fixtures in lieu of games missed due to Greece travel. 11th June- No sport 14th June- All Junior Netball teams to play in an Interschool competition at Heffron. Details are to be communicated to all girls involved and parents soon. 26th July- St Spyridon College Athletics Carnival.

competition together. The girls were fortunate enough to qualify for the semi-finals but were defeated in a nail bitting penalty shoot-out. Thank you to Mr Meintanis who coached the girls on the day. Upcoming Sporting Events: 4th June – Round 6 ISA WINTER SPORT 9th June – Intermediate C and Intermediate B Netball teams to travel to Chevalier College to


Students are in Full School Sports Uniform and House shirt. Bring plenty of food and water. Limited Canteen facilities will be available.


PREFECT PROFILE Name: Manuel Margelis Number of years at St Spyridon: 13years Previous leadership roles: Junior School Vice-Captain, SRC member, Corinthian House Captain Subjects I am currently studding: Mathematics (4 unit), Physics, Chemistry, English Advanced, IPT Hobbies: Guitar, Greek dancing, games with friends, programing My future Aspirations: Software engineer, Personal Trainer My role models: Tomas Kalnoky (Czech singer/guitarist/songwriter) Favourite quote: “I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.” - Takeshi Shudo My proudest moment: Performing guitar at the Orthodox Colleges sporting event. One piece of advice for a younger student: Don’t leave homework for the day before it’s due

COLLEGE CAPTAINS REPORT The Code of Conduct point I would like to draw your attention to this week centres around our Reverent Fathers. We must always remember to greet them in a respectful and appropriate manner. As students, we recognise their significance as leaders of our Church. They provide us with God’s words; strength; comfort; forgiveness; and readily advise and guide us when needed. An INTERESTING fact to think about: If you had One Cent, and doubled your money every day, it would take 27 days to become a millionaire. STUDENT OF THE WEEK

The student who distinguished herself this week was Hara Lavdioti from Year 12. Hara raised approximately $500 in donations for the Girls Night In Brain Cancer fundraiser. We congratulate her efforts and know that along with all who took part in this event SNOG will be very grateful.


Chrystal Christie College Captain






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