News 160 9a 2016

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VOLUME XXXIII No 9 17th June, 2016



JUNE Half Yearly Reports to Parents JS


Term ends for staff and students


Parish Trip to Greece 2016

JULY Parish Trip to Greece Group A returns


Parish Trip to Greece Group B returns


Staff Development Day


Students return


Athletics Carnival SS


Australian Mathematics Comp JS


AUGUST HSC Trials begin Dormition of the Theotokos

1st 15th

School closed Trial HSC ends


Peer Support Year 9 ASISSA Athletics JS


Peer Support Year 9


HSC Success Program begins Year 11 Preliminary Course Final Assess begins


SEPTEMBER P & F Father’s Day Breakfast


ASISSAS Athletics JS


Father’s Day


ISA Athletics SS


Year 7 Vaccinations


Years 3 – 12 Doxology


Year 12 Formal Dinner


Festival of Learning JS Term ends for students









The uniform shop is open every Wednesday during term between 8.30 am to 10.00 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.

This year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours list recognised the contribution of Mr Peter Hamer (husband of the late Mrs Mary Hamer, Principal of our Junior School 1983 - 2013).


Mr Hamer was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for his service to the Dutch community of NSW and to Rotary.

SAVE THE DATE Father's Day Breakfast to be held on Thursday 1st September. Spring Fair on Sunday 30th October.

He said he was honoured to give back to a country that has supported his family and to assist the less fortunate overseas.

Please note that the School Business Directory is currently being formatted and printing will commence for distribution in mid Term 3.

Through Rotary Mr Hamer has worked on 60 projects to assist in the alleviation of poverty overseas, including in China, India, Philippines, Kenya and Timor.

Thank you for all your support over the first half of the year. Thank You

He will travel to Sri Lanka this month to build four classrooms for the refugee children as part of rotary.

The P and F

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT COCURRICULAR REMINDER Please note: Cocurricular will end on the 16th of June and recommence on the 25th of July.

PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS Interviews will be held on Monday 20th June for K - 4 & Yr 6 and Wednesday 22nd June for K - 4 & Yr 5.

Congratulations Mr Hamer on this great achievement.

Please note the school day will end for K – 6 at 3pm to facilitate the interviews. Each parent has been assigned 10 minutes. If you require extra time please arrange another meeting with the teacher. The Greek and support teachers will be available to meet with you in the Library. Mrs Kipriotis will be in her office on the Infants side.

CONDOLENCES We extend our sincere condolences to the family of Mr Nicholas Sakaris.

Lettuce, Carrots, Brussel Sprouts

May God rest his soul.

Down in the yard, where we play catch, Lies our herb and veggie patch. Randwick Council gave us the grant, To help us buy seedlings to plant!


Thyme and basil, beans and peas, And some oregano please! Lettuce, carrots, Brussel sprouts, Spreading all the seeds about. Spinach, coriander, chives, Healthy food for healthy lives. Rosemary and broccoli, And a bed of strawberries. Each grade, from 6 to Kindergarten, Planted seedlings in our garden. With soiled fingers and green thumb, We’ve blossomed our Curriculum.

Miss Bletsogiannis Curriculum Coordinator

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT HALF YEARLY REPORTS Years 7 – 11 Years 7 – 11 Half Yearly Reports will be posted during the School holidays.

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on the following dates in the SPACe. Monday, 25th July, 2016 3.30pm-7.00pm Years 8 and 9: Wednesday, 27th July, 2016 3.30pm-7.30pm Year 10: Monday, 1st August, 2016 3.30pm-7.00pm Year 11: Wednesday, 3rd August, 2016 3.30pm-7.00pm Year 7:


DIVINE LITURGY Last Thursday, 9th June, 2016 we celebrated our first Years 7-12 Divine Liturgy. A blessing for all Senor School staff and students.

YEAR 11 PHYSICS INCURSION On 6th June, Year 9 students attended an incursion to learn about Energy Transformations and Sound Energy. They got to learn about wave nature of sound and light. Following this, the Year 11 Physics students observed the properties of mechanical waves and learnt about wave superposition. They saw how sound waves of different pitch correspond to different frequencies and identified the wave amplitude with loudness of sound. Overall a fun day learning Science!

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




‘Winter Whites’ during Mufti Day and gave a gold coin donation; everyone who purchased BBQ sausage rolls at the ‘Sausage Sizzle’; and all others who purchased SNOG Beanies. Without the combined effort and team work required none of these events or resulting donations would have been possible. This is testament to what it means to be a member of an amazing school that not only cares but also does whatever is needed whenever the call for help is given. Well done everyone!


future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams….. “

Eleanor Roosevelt Wishing safe and happy travels to all students and families who will be spending time overseas in upcoming weeks. We know you will have many wonderful memories to share on your return!

SNOG THANKS ST SPYRIDON STUDENTS, TEACHERS and COMMUNITY On behalf of SNOG I would like to express my sincere thanks to the wonderful and generous St Spyridon School community for your support of the Sydney Neuro-Oncology Group (SNOG)’s brain tumour research programme. The Board of SNOG have been informed of all the fundraisers held and are truly appreciative.


It is very timely that in a few weeks, a concert is being held at Sydney University’s Seymour Centre in support of SNOG and featuring the phenomenal talents of Penny Pavlakis and the Sopranos, together with Aria Award winner Damien Leith. Demand for this concert has come from within our own Greek community after Penny and the Sopranos performed at the inaugural White Pearl Ball in 2015 and together with Damien Leith, this promises to be a truly magical music event in support of a very worthy cause.

As you would all be aware over the past month or so there has been a hive of activity within our school community, led by the SRC who organised various events to raise awareness and much needed funds for Brain Cancer research and to honour the memory of a past student, Gera Tansyura who unfortunately lost his battle with this disease. The result of everyones’ very generous efforts has enabled us to raise an amazing $6,400.

As this concert is being filmed for worldwide DVD and television release, hopefully the word will spread about the need to get behind the SNOG researchers and our own worldclass home-grown musical talent. Tickets are a very reasonable $68 each and $55 for students/concessions, available through the Seymour Centre website or 93517940.

Thank you: to Year 12 girls, their families and teachers who donated towards the ‘Girls Night In’ event; Staff who contributed food and money for the ‘Teachers Morning Tea and Luncheon’; the SRC’s for their fabulous cakes and the school community who purchased yummy treats at the ‘SRC Bake Sale Stall’; students and staff who wore their

Mrs Suzane Peponis-Brisimis




Yesterday our Year 9 students attended the Soup Kitchen at Newtown to help the less fortunate.

In the last Newsletter it was mentioned that the first ever ‘DoSomething Day’ would be held on June 15 to both celebrate and encourage community volunteering and random acts of kindness. On this day all students and staff were encouraged to participate by carrying out small positive gestures towards each other, a stranger or neighbour, or taking steps towards volunteering. This does not mean that such things do not happen anyway. Instead it is simply a reminder to give a moment in our time to consciously think and do good deeds for someone else, without the motivation or expectation of a reward. Recently the school received a second phone call from a member of the general public who has been on the receiving end of one of our student’s daily selfless acts. Below is what this elderly lady said. This once again serves as a living example of everything that DoSOMETHING Day organisers are hoping to achieve and we can feel proud that we have students such as Giorge Gemisis from Year 11, among us. Earlier in the term when the school was first aware of his actions, Giorge was acknowledged at an assembly and became our first ‘Student of the Week’ recipient.

PAST STUDENT HITS THE BIG LEAGUE WITH HIS SOCCER ACHIEVEMENTS Recently Panos Armenakis came in to speak to Year 7 & 8 students about his journey in the world of international football. Panos attended St Spyridon College from K-Year 8 and would have been in Year 12 this year had he continued on with us instead of going overseas to take up an opportunity to train and play soccer with an international club in Italy. During his visit, Panos outlined some of the difficulties he faced as a young boy living in a foreign country, without his family or the ability to communicate effectively as he was unable to speak Italian. As a result, many days and nights were understandably filled with tears and doubts as he pondered the huge steps he had taken in order to fulfil his dreams. It was heartening to hear that one of the first things he asked for from his parents (who moved to England to be closer), was a bible that would help console him during the difficult times.

“She said she rang about one month ago but wanted to let us know again that he is still helping her get on the bus and seated safely. Furthermore she mentioned that he is the only one that offers and does not know how she would manage without him (as she has a disability). Furthermore, the lady wanted us to let his parents know what a good boy he is”. Needless to say, her request was relayed to Giorge’s parents.

Panos’ inspiring talk not only enthralled the students, but also demonstrated the power of focus and determination, the importance of having belief in God and self, and necessity of building resilience when faced with challenges. Some of Panos’ achievements to date include being the youngest Australian to receive a contract with an international club,


playing in the U17 World Cup for Australia, being regarded in the top 50 U17 year old boys in the world for football and his recent signing with Nike. Well done Panos, we look forward to following your exciting journey.

LORIN NICHOLSON’S INSPIRING STORY AND PERFORMANCE In Pastoral Care last week blind guitarist and inspirational speaker Lorin Nicholson came to perform and share his life story with Year 7 and 8. Students listened to how he overcame ridicule and negative talk from others through his solid resolve to succeed at anything and everything he set his mind to. Lorin was declared legally blind at the age of four. However, he was determined not to let his disability exclude him from living a full and meaningful life. With unrelenting grit and determination he successfully completed mainstream schooling and then went on to receive a College diploma with high distinctions. He was also an accomplished cyclist, swimmer and springboard diver in his youth. As an accomplished self-taught guitarist (who has attracted the genuine acclaim of critical experts) and public speaker, Lorin has presented more than 2000 inspiring seminars, conferences, workshops, concerts and keynote addresses across Australia, New Zealand and America. Lorin's presentations have a strong focus on success in education, careers, relationships, character, talent development, team building and self-perception. We feel privileged for having had the opportunity to hear from Lorin and look forward to future visits.




Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Με τη βοήθεια του Θεού φτάσαμε αισίως στο τέλος του Α΄ Εξαμήνου. Στην τελευταία αυτή έκδοση γι’ αυτή τη σχολική περίοδο, θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με δύο γραπτά της ίδιας μαθήτριας που είναι σχετικά με το τηλέφωνο στη ζωή μας κι ένα τηλεφωνικό διάλογο ανάμεσα σε φίλες. Καλή ανάγνωση και καλές διακοπές! Κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Το τηλέφωνο στη ζωή μας Το τηλέφωνο οπωσδήποτε είναι ένα απαραίτητο εργαλείο στη σύγχρονη ζωή. Δίχως το τηλέφωνο θα είχαμε πολές περισσότερες δυσκολίες, φασαρίες και ενοχλήσεις. Επιπλέον θα ζούσαμε μια πιο μοναχική ζωή.

STUDENT OF THEWEEK The most recent ‘Student of the Week’ awards were given to a group of Year 7’s girls who have shown a keen sense of responsibility (Katherine Fragias, Carolyn Makridopolus, Maria-Angela Patsalis, Alexia Costa, Elleni Mouskos) by volunteering to look after the daily lighting of the Kandili in the school prayer room. Well done!

Με το τηλέφωνο μπορούμε να έχουμε επαφή με όποιον θέλουμε και όποτε θέλουμε. Αν είμαστε σπίτι μόνοι μας και θέλουμε να μιλήσουμε με ένα φίλο, να ακούσουμε τη φωνή ενός συγγενή από το εξωτερικό ή αν θέλουμε κάποιον να ακούσει τα προβλήματά μας, όλα αυτά είναι δυνατόν με ένα τηλεφώνημα.

We also congratulate Dean Albanakis from Year 10 for all his efforts in assisting teachers at Saturday sports.

Το τηλέφωνο μας επιτρέπει να έχουμε πιο πολλή πρόσβαση και γνώση σε διάφορα πράγματα. Μπορούμε να κάνουμε ένα τηλεφώνημα για να μάθουμε για ένα κατάστημα, π.χ. τις ώρες λειτουργίας του ή για μια διαφήμιση που είδαμε στην εφημερίδα. Αυτό επιπρόσθετα δημιουργεί ευκολία για μας αφού δεν είναι ανάγκη να τα κάνουμε όλα προσωπικά, γίνονται με το τηλέφωνο. Επιπλέον το τηλέφωνο είναι χρήσιμο για έκτακτη ανάγκη και εξοικονομεί πολύτιμο χρόνο. Το μόνο που πρέπει να κάνουμε είναι να πληκτρολογήσουμε τρία μηδενικά στο τηλέφωνό μας και η κατάλληλη βοήθεια θα είναι στο δρόμο για μας. Από αυτά τα παραδείγματα είναι προφανές ότι το τηλέφωνο σίγουρα είναι ένα απαραίτητο εργαλείο. Rodopi Nicolaou (Year 11 – Modern Greek Year 12)

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Με συγχωρείς Μαρία: Εμπρός! Ροδόπη: Μαρία, γεια σου! Η Ροδόπη είμαι. Μαρία: Πώς είσαι Ροδόπη; Ροδόπη: Όχι και τόσο καλά… Μαρία: Γιατί; Τι συμβαίνει; Ροδόπη: Είχα μια διαφωνία με τη μαμά μου. Μαρία: Μα, πάλι; Ποιος ήταν ο λόγος αυτή τη φορά; Ροδόπη: Θύμωσε επειδή γύρισα σπίτι αργά χτες το βράδυ. Και όταν λέω «αργά» εννοώ ούτε καν μεσάνυχτα! Ήμουν με την Αλίκη και τον Κώστα και έφυγα πριν απ’ αυτούς για να μην αργήσω. Όμως, ακόμα ήταν θυμωμένη η μαμά. Της ζήτησα συγνώμη και ακόμα δεν με συγχωρούσε. Μα, τι θέλει να κάνω; Να πέσω στα πόδια της και να είμαι το σκλαβάκι της και να υπακούω κάθε εντολή της;! Μαρία: Ηρέμησε Ροδόπη, ηρέμησε. Το ίδιο συμβαίνει με μένα και τον πατέρα μου. Το χειρότερο πράγμα είναι ότι ο αδελφός μου μπορεί να είναι έξω όλη τη νύχτα και δεν τον νοιάζει καθόλου! Ροδόπη: Το ίδιο ακριβώς συμβαίνει και με τον δικό μου αδελφό… Μαρία: Λοιπόν, έχω μια στρατηγική για να λύσουμε το πρόβλημά μας. Πρώτα –πρώτα πρέπει να είμαστε υπάκουες στις μητέρες μας για να μας έχουν εμπιστοσύνη. Να γυρνάμε στο σπίτι κατά τις έντεκα και σιγά –σιγά θα μας αφήνουν να μένουμε έξω και πιο αργά. Ροδόπη: Χμμ.. καλή ιδέα. Θα την δοκιμάσω. Ευχαριστώ για την συμβουλή σου. Μαρία: Τίποτα, τίποτα… Ροδόπη: Τώρα πες μου, πώς είσαι; Μαρία: Καλά, χαλαρώνω στο δωμάτιό μου. Τίποτα σπουδαίο. Κι εσύ; Πώς ήταν η βραδιά σου με την Αλίκη και τον Κώστα; Ροδόπη: Περάσαμε ωραία! Πήγαμε στον κινηματογράφο και μετά σε ένα ζαχαροπλαστείο. Μαρία: Αχ, τι ωραία… ζηλεύω! Μελετώ για τις εξετάσεις μου αυτή την εβδομάδα και δεν έχω πάει πουθενά. Τι λες, να βρεθούμε το επόμενο Σαββατοκύριακο; Ροδόπη: Σίγουρα. Μαρία: Ωραία, θα τα πούμε τότε. Γεια σου. Ροδόπη: Γεια και σ’ ευχαριστώ.


Once again, there are many upcoming events for students, including information evenings, holiday workshops and experience days at universities and colleges. HSC revision lectures are also being held. Interested students should register to attend to secure a place in these popular events:

UNIVERSITIES UNSW: ATAR cutoffs for 2016 courses UNSW has released some very useful data showing the range of ATARs (minimum, median and maximum) of students offered places in different courses this year, when combined with bonus points and other criteria. The number of places offered for each course is also shown. Students and parents should find this data very interesting and helpful. See the link below to search for courses and ATARs. sion-unsw UNSW Art and Design Information Evening On Thursday 23 June, UNSW Art & Design will be hosting a Student Parent Information Evening, from 6-8pm. During this evening, staff, industry graduates and current students will provide insight into the experience of being a UNSW Art & Design student, and respond to questions about high school subject selection, the admissions process and portfolio entry. Registrations are essential, and can be made via the below link. Register now at UNSW Art & Design Corner of Oxford St & Greens Rd Paddington NSW 2021 UNSW Industrial Design Workshop 12th July 2016, 9:30am to 3pm, UNSW Kensington Campus The interactive workshop will provide interested students with an insight into the challenges facing industrial designers. To register follow the link below.

Rodopi Nicolaou (Year 11 – Modern Greek Year 12)

10 rial-design-workshop

UNSW Blog: How to prepare for the UMAT 678297692/how-to-prepare-for-the-umat

UNSW Interior Architecture Workshop 14th July 2016, 9:30am to 3pm, UNSW Kensington Campus The interactive workshop will provide interested students with an insight into the work of an interior architect, with a focus on understanding the use of space. To register follow the link below. or-architecture-workshop

UWS Advantage Schemes The UWS Advantage is designed to provide prospective students with more opportunities to study at UWS. Students may receive up to 10 Bonus ATAR points qualifying for a range of UWS schemes including regional bonus points, subject bonus points, the early offer program, educational access scheme and the elite athlete and performer bonus scheme. age

UNSW Architecture Workshop 15th July 2016, 9:30am to 3pm, UNSW Kensington Campus The interactive workshop will provide interested students with an insight into the work of an architect, looking at how buildings are designed. To register follow the link below. ecture-workshop-1

University of Sydney: Sydney College of the Arts Student Profiles University of Sydney: Scholarships Information Evening for Year 12 Wed 22nd June, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, The University of Sydney, Camperdown Attend the Scholarships Information Evening to get tips on completing scholarship applications, and hear from students about their scholarship experience and the support provided to them. Students will also have the opportunity to learn about on-campus accommodation options and the scholarships available. Register at i?id=20651&s=_3IO0U8L4K&_ga=1.119786 12.1302344665.1455670727

UNSW Landscape Architecture Workshop 15th July 2016, 9:30am to 3pm, Gallery, Ground Floor, West Wing, Red Centre Building, UNSW The interactive workshop will provide interested students with an insight into the work of a landscape architect, with a focus on how both the built and natural environment is managed. To register follow the link below. cape-architecture-workshop University of Sydney: Explore Engineering 11 – 13 July, The University of Sydney, Camperdown

UTS: UPCOMING EVENTS Discover Nursing Information Evening Wednesday 20 July - 5.30 pm, Wednesday 16 November - 5.30 pm, Register at:

The University of Sydney is delivering a workshop in the July school holidays for Year 9 and 10 students interested in finding out more about engineering. Students will participate in hands-on activities and meet current engineers and engineering students. They will also be tasked with solving a reallife engineering problem and will get the opportunity to present their findings at the end of the workshop. Applications close 10 June. For more information and to apply:

Law Undergraduate Info Evening This event is open to Year 11 and 12 students and their parents. 22 June 2016 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Register at:


Experience UTS Day 9am - 4pm, Thursday 7 July Experience uni in just one day. Open to Years 11 and 12 students, attendees register online to build a timetable of workshops, choosing from over 30 workshops from all UTS faculties. Place are limited and registration is essential.


UTS: Handbook 2016 – Scholarships Links are provided to a wide range of scholarships offered at UTS. Some of these include faculty scholarships, ViceChancellor’s scholarships, equity scholarships, diversity access, indigenous scholarships and more. arships.html UTS: Bachelor of Information Technology Co-operative Scholarship Program The Bachelor of Information Technology Cooperative Scholarship Program provides students with $15, 500 per year of study, and two six month full-time industry placements with sponsor organisations. There are two rounds of applications in 2016 for the 2017 intake. Round 1 Applications Open: 24th April, Close: 19th June Round 2 Applications Open: 15th July, Close: 30th September


5th July 2016, This program will allow prospective students to get a taste of different degrees offered at university. There will be the chance to meet academic staff and current students. To register follow the link. Engineering & Technology Cadetships A reminder that applications for the Engineering & Technology Cadetships (ETCAD) Program close on the 17th of June. The 2016 program provides Year 12 students with the opportunity to apply for a Technology Cadetship at Westpac. On completion of their cadetship, Technology Cadets are well-placed to pursue a career in IT and in business. Applications close: Fri 17th June Information on the ETCAD Program may be found at

ST ANDREW’S COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS The St Andrew’s Scholars program is a meritbased scholarship and is awarded to five new students each year. They are looking for the ‘best and brightest’ senior students in the country, who wish to study at a university in the Sydney metro area. The Scholars will be exceptional young men and women who thrive academically, are engaged in life and have the potential to make a significant positive contribution to College and, in the future, the wider community. Applications are now open for the 2017 St Andrew’s Scholars intake and will close on 22 July 2016. More information is available at:

NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY A Day in the Life of a Nursing Student Wednesday 6 July 2016 10:30am – 2:00pm, 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst (map) Thinking of a career in Nursing? Students attending the day will have the opportunity to meet academic staff, engage in clinical activities, experience a Nursing lecture and tour the campus. Lunch is provided. Places are limited. Register at or contact 02 8204 4404 or for further information.




Applications are now open for 2017 Diploma courses in Business and Business Administration. Information sessions are on Sunday, 11 September and 13 November. For further information, contact:


forms are available from the website and can be sent to: ital-filmmaking-distinction-course.aspx

SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS: PRIVATE COLLEGES Day in the Life of a Designer Workshop 25 June. 9.30am to 2.30pm. High school students can experience what studying at a tertiary level would be like as well as a typical day as a designer with a diverse program of activities including: Tour of the studios, Inspiring talks by special design guests/ alumni, hands on workshops typical of designers, info on pathways, scholarships & early entry. RSVP:

Australian College of Physical Education Open Day 9th July 2016, 10am to 12:30pm, 10 Parkview Drive, Sydney Olympic Park Open day will provide prospective students with the chance to speak to academic and support staff about where qualifications may lead and the opportunity to tour the facilities. To register follow the link.

Day in the Life of a Health Therapist 25 June. 9.30am to 2.30pm. High school students can experience studying at a tertiary level and a typical day as a Nutritionist, Naturopath or Massage Therapist. Activities include: Tour of the clinic, inspiring talks by special health guests/ alumni, hands on activities typical a health professional and info on scholarships, pathways & Early Entry. RSVP:

Sydney City School of Business Course Guide Sydney City School of Law Course Guide

Day in the Life of a Beauty Therapist 25 June. 9.30am to 2.30pm. High school students can experience studying at a tertiary level as well as a typical day as a Beauty Therapist. Activities include: Behindthe-scenes tour of the clinic and campus, inspiring talks by special guests/ alumni, hands on activities typical of working in a beauty spa, info on scholarships & Early Entry. RSVP:

Schindler Australia Information Night Electrotechnology Apprenticeship 1 August Head Office in Botany The Schindler Group is one of the world’s leading providers of elevators, escalators and moving walks. They will be hosting an information night regarding their 2017 Electrotechnology Apprenticeship Program. For more information on the apprenticeship program, see:

Day in the Life of a Hospitality Professional 6 July, 9.30am to 2.30pm. High school students can experience studying at a tertiary level and what it’s like to work in a 5 star hotel, restaurant, events or travel business. Activities include: Tour of the restaurant, campus and a hotel, inspiring talks by special guests/ alumni, workshops and info on scholarships, pathways & Early Entry. RSVP:

Skills young people need for the New Work Order In a time of significant change, employers are looking for what are known as enterprise skills. This includes skills such as problem solving, creativity, digital literacy and more. Find out more about the study in FYA’s report.

Sydney Film School: Digital Filmmaking Distinction Course 11th to 15th July 2016 The course is for high school students in years 10 to 12 interested in filmmaking. The course includes film grammar, script writing, art of editing, camera skills and more. Application

National Student Volunteer Week 8th – 14th August 2016, National Student Volunteer Week encourages young people to volunteer with events being held around the country. To find your local event and more


best ways to prepare for exams, planning, addressing panic attacks and more. m_content=/

about the week follow the link. Australian Defence Force Information Sessions Officer Careers – 15th June 2016, Newcastle Defence Careers – 16th June 2016, Wollongong Army Reserve – 21st June 2016, Wollongong Defence Careers – 21st June 2016, Parramatta Defence Force Academy – 22nd June 2016, Parramatta Fitness – 29th June 2016, Newcastle lia/events

TSFX Exam Tip: HSC Exam Advice Chemistry TSFX Exam Tip: HSC Exam Advice Modern History

Australian Air Force: Anytime, Anywhere, Interactive Film This interactive film created by the Royal Australian Air Force allows students to see the air force in action and find out what a typical day in the Air Force is like. ere/

TSFX: How to memorise things quickly and easily Year 13 Year 13 is an online resource which provides advice and information on life after high school. The website provides information on a number of topics including apprenticeships, gap year programs, job vacancies, studying, and internships.

HOLIDAY REVISION LECTURES AND TIPS HSC in the Holidays There are numerous resources available that are subject specific and also general study tips. Seminars for students and parents in years 10 to 12 also run at various times throughout the year to assist students with their study.

2016 HSC Study Guide The guide will be available in the Sydney Morning Herald on the 20th of June. It contains study advice, exam advice, videos and more.

TSFX Trial Exam Revision Lectures 4th – 17th July 2016, The University of Sydney Each lecture will cover the examinable materials for the course in detail. The subjects offered include Ancient History, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English Advanced, English Standard, General Mathematics, Legal Studies, Mathematics (2 Unit), Mathematics Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 2, Modern History, PDHPE, Physics. ail&utm_content=/

Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser




YEAR 6 NARRATIVES The Small Orphan (excerpt) Up and up she went until... CRASH! She hit the floor. She had made it! She tooted happily, and, after a couple of seconds, she knew she had made a big mistake. Guards started coming from every direction. Ellie knew she had to run, run faster than ever before (let’s get real, she had never run in her life!). She managed to get onto the street. She kept on running and didn’t stop. As she was sprinting,

Mastering the Exams Lecture 19th June 2016, University of Sydney This program is relevant to students in years 11 and 12. It aims to provide students with the


wealthy country called Australia. Ali knew that his friends could see him on the news, as there were news reporters and video cameras EVERYWHERE. Heleena Ginis 6P

she realised she had kicked something, and it was crying. She slowed down her pace and went back to what she had kicked. It was an abandoned baby in a box. Anika Vlahakis 6P I just want to go to the carnival! (excerpt) A couple of hours later, they were in a dark hollow room with no one to hear their screams. Then a TV popped up with a prerecorded message, saying: This is a prerecorded message... “Dah!” thought both Cal and Lew, but the message went on anyway; ...I am Doctor Mayo. I have brought you two here as hostages. The message finished. Nick Nicholas 6P The Creepy Garden (excerpt) BOOM! Suddenly the ground started to move. “Aaahh!!” the girls screamed. “Everyone inside, quickly,” warned Eleni. Everyone ran inside, but when they were inside, a GIGANTIC monster made of cobblestones rose from beneath the earth. “What is that thing?” asked Joanna. “I don’t know,” replied Gabriela, “But whatever it is, we need it gone ASAP!” Evangeline O’Reilly 6P

The True Story of Cinderella (excerpt) Cinderella was trying to run as silent as possible. She started thinking and daydreaming about her time at the ball. She remembered how she entered the ball; hiding from her step mother and stepsisters who she disobeyed and hated. Here is music to your ears, Cinderella’s stepmother was the kindest woman in the world; Cinderella told the authors of the Cinderella books that her mother (stepmother) kept her locked in the attic, only gave her meals once a day, and that she had a fairy godmother give her the dress, shoes and crown, when, in reality, Cinderella locked herself in her room, refused to eat, and she stole her stepmother’s dress and magic wand. The only reason why her stepmother didn’t want her to go to the ball was because she had heard that the Prince tends to dance with a woman, then leave her. Let’s get back to the story. Lucia Zois 6M The Magical Forest (excerpt) Pete... loved going on adventures. Every Sunday he would pack his backpack with food, water and a little notebook so he could write down what he saw. Sometimes he went to the park and other times he would go to the city to get lost in all the people. But today he went to the Magical Forest, his mum and dad told him, ‘Never go there; strange things happen!’ But do you think he listened? Of course not, so when his parents were watching TV he ran out the door. He ran as fast as he could until he couldn’t see his house. Kosta Kalantzis 6M

Monster (excerpt) The Monster had taken the lives of many people, and, to counter that, he had released all vicious animals to fight alongside him. The reporter said that Monster is heading to Liverpool, which was very bad for the Scientist and Sava, because their laboratory was there. Luckily Sava had made this pill, that if shot into the monster’s mouth, will fill the inside of the monster’s body with toxins and the monster to die. Efstathios Gatsis 6P Refugee (excerpt) Ali had no choice except to stay in his country of Afghanistan, where all the wars had occurred. The boy always followed the government’s laws and was sixteen now. Ali expected more out of life, and didn’t want to die so young. His friends didn’t care that he was alone here as they were selfish and in a

Never Give Up! (excerpt) That night, before Sep got ready for bed, he sneakily and hastily checked his laptop to see how his video was catching on. Were people watching Sep’s video? You bet they were! 1000 views! And it had only been six hours! Sep ran around the house



in his underwear, but he didn’t care, he was filled with joy!



‘I finally did it!’ he said to himself, ‘I’ve been recognised!’ Sep’s mother saw what he was doing, however, and sent him to bed early. Whilst Sep was sleeping, he dreamt. He dreamed of playing for his dream club, Man. United, and playing side by side with legends such as Schmeichel and Giggs. He wished this dream would come true. Stephen Koutoulogenis 6M

Round Six reports Opens defeated by Oxley, 52-22 After their Bye in Round 5, the Opens were looking forward to getting back on the court in their Round 6 clash against Oxley College. We knew it was going to be another difficult game, especially since Oxley had just been dropped from Division 1 into our Division 2. The girls continue to show great efforts in these difficult games, and were even able to win the third quarter which gave the side a much needed confidence booster. However, the final quarter proved too much for the girls as they were unable to make up the ground lost from the first half.

Alessandra in Imaginationland! (excerpt) One day when Alessandra went on a camping trip with her grade, she left the campsite, and walked into the forest, because something had caught her eye. As she was walking forward, she pushed some leaves out of her way, and then she approached the French Fry Forest. Alessandra was amazed, since she had never seen anything like it, so she ran and ate a lot of French Fries that tasted so delicious!

Intermediate B’s defeated St Andrews Cathedral, 33-29 The Intermediate B’s have been concentrating on winning their first game in over a year, after continually having to play in strong divisions. The girls have been working hard at training and have been focusing on playing with intensity for a complete sixty minute performance. The girls played with determination and unity which ultimately kept them composed to take out the game. Well done girls!

But twenty minutes later, she was moaning because she was so full. Then she had a little rest by the tree. Nicole Frangoulis 6M Elephant Boy (excerpt) Sometime later... The elephant raised the boy and took him on all his adventures; up mountains, across the desert, through the snow, but never ever, ever into the forest. The boy sometimes asked to go into the forest, but the elephant always said, ‘Grunt! Grunty, grunty grunt!’ which obviously meant,‘No! No, no never!’ Any human being would know that! Shall we get on with the story now? Okay, good.

Mid Week game: Intermediate C’s defeated by Chevalier College, 43-28 Due to the Greece Trip departure and many students travelling overseas the last weekend of sport, the Intermediate B’s and C’s travelled to Bowral during last Thursday afternoon, to play out their Round 7 clashes with their complete teams. After having lost by a large margin to Chevalier in their previous battle, the girls have been aiming to close the margin in their next meetings. The girls should be commended on their efforts as they were able to keep the score close and were able to win two of the quarters.

One night the boy snuck into the forest alone! He went searching and exploring. He found an old gate, and, just as he was about to open it, BANG! He passed out. Jorge Cooney 6M

Intermediate C’s defeated by Barker, 40-13 The Intermediate C’s were faced with a difficult task of facing Barker at home. After having defeated them by 1 point early this season, the Intermediate C’s knew it was going to be tough to hold them off for a second time.


A special mention to Ms Gonzalez and Jennifer Contominas (Year 10) who accompanied the girls on the day, showed the girls great encouragement as well as giving their time to umpire each of the games.

The task proved to be too difficult as Barker were determined to be the victors of this second meeting. Mid Week game: Intermediate C’s defeated by Chevalier College, 27-12 In their mid-week clash, the Intermediate C’s also struggled against Chevalier College. The girls struggled to make the most of their opportunities and the task to close the gap proved to be too difficult. Their efforts and commitment towards their team in making a mid-week game should however be commended. The Intermediate C’s are still in a good position for semis as they are currently sitting in fourth place on the ladder. Junior A’s drew with St Andrews Cathedral, 19-19 Junior B’s defeated St Andrews Cathedral, 26-19 Junior C’s defeated by St Andrews Cathedral, 16-15

The Junior A’s with Sydney Swifts Goal Shooter Caitlin Thwaites


As with all our Junior teams, the purpose of their initial couple of years is to establish themselves in their chosen sport and become more familiar with the game itself. All our Junior netball teams should be recognised for their willingness to learn more about netball and the way in which the game is played. The Junior A’s had an exciting draw against St Andrews Cathedral as they continue to push themselves in the first division for the Juniors. The Junior B’s and C’s were narrowly defeated but their eagerness to learn and to get stronger as a team is very pleasing to watch.



For the past three months, the Opens Girls Netball team have been competing in a Wednesday night competition at Tempe under the City of Sydney Netball Association. The purpose of their participation in this tournament has been to use it as a second training session for the team as well as building match fitness in order to be more competitive in their Saturday ISA games. The girls made it to the grand final which was held at Tempe on Wednesday night. The girls were competitive and determined to play to the best of their ability even though four members of the team were missing as they are on tour with the Greece Trip. I would like to thank all the girls who were involved with the season, especially the Seniors, for taking time out of their busy study periods to continue building our schools netball program.


On Tuesday, 14th of June, our three Junior teams took to the court against other neighbouring schools as a part of Netball NSW’s Schools Cup at Heffron Park. Each team played five games of 2, 12 minute halves against schools that included Matraville Sports High, Newtown and Rose Bay. The girls had a great day as many of them are still trying to familiarise themselves with the game. This day provided the girls with an opportunity to get ample game time as well as some much needed game practice as a team.


Round 7 ISA Round 7 of the ISA competition continues tomorrow with all netball games being played at home in the SPACe and the Junior Girls Football team playing at Chevalier. It is the final round of ISA for the term with Round 8 commencing again on the 23rd July. For game and bus times for this week please refer to your emails. The times are also available on the schools’ sports notice board. For any other information please see me. Miss A. Flokis Girls Sport Opens Netballers – Christiana Kilias (Year 11), Tina Ventoura (Year 11), Lia Albanakis (Year 12), Georgia Koukounaris (Year 12) and Larissa Andrianakos (Year 11)


PREFECT PROFILE Name: Themis Giaras Age: 16 Number of years at St Spyridon College: 13 Subjects I am currently studying: Mathematics (2 unit), English (Standard), IPT, Physics, Chemistry and Business Studies. Hobbies: Soccer and Dancing My Future Aspirations: Become an electrical engineer My role models: Mum, Dad and my Teachers Favourite quote: Nothing worth having comes easy My proudest moment: Representing the school in The Australian Titration Competition and receiving an excellent score. One piece of advice I would give younger students: Listen to your teachers and do more work on top of what you have been given.

VICE CAPTAINS REPORT This week’s focus point from the Code of Conduct is one that is particularly important both in and outside of school. It states that demeaning or intimidating behaviour towards others, whether verbal, physical or electronic, is most unacceptable in the context of a Greek Orthodox College. In short, we must not bully others and make people feel upset by saying nasty and hurtful things. But sometimes this is overlooked when we are online and on social media. When we hide behind screens we often feel that there are no consequences to our actions, and as a result, cyber-bullying has become a pressing issue amongst teens. Please remember that the things you say and type can be taken to heart, so always be respectful and cautious of the way that you communicate with people. If this isn’t enough to convince you, maybe the following fact of the week will: A study at the University of California found that giving a genuine compliment to someone everyday, and receiving a positive response from the person you just complimented, releases the same amount of endorphins as activities like eating chocolate or receiving a large sum of money, and, stay with me here, as a long term affect, it has lowered people’s levels of cellular inflammation which is associated with many diseases, including cancer. Basically, giving someone a compliment is actually a really healthy thing, so why not do it more often! Mariah Stavrou










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