News 164 13a 2016

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9th September, 2016


SEPTEMBER Year 7 Vaccinations


Years 5 – 12 Doxology


Year 12 Formal Dinner


Junior School Olympic Games


K-6 Divine Liturgy


FATHERS’ DAY BREAKFAST On the 6th September the P & F organised the Fathers’ Day Breakfast which was attended by 370 people.

Junior School Open Day 10.30am – 1.00pm Term ends for students

We were grateful to His Grace Bishop Iakovos who gave all fathers and father figures His Blessing.


OCTOBER Staff Development Day


Students return


HSC Begins


Thank you P & F for a wonderful Fathers’ Day Breakfast. Mrs E. Stefanou- Haag

OHI Day Celebrations Church Years 7 – 9 P & F Spring Fair



300 SPARTANS APPEAL An Outstanding Success On Saturday, 3rd September, $60,000 was raised for the building fund at the 300 Spartans Cocktail Party. We gratefully acknowledge the following Spartan Sponsors: “LEONIDAS” “SHIELD” ”SWORD” “SPEAR” “CLOAK”


George Milios Bill and Kathleen Drakopoulos Nick and Georgina Anastasopoulos John and Alexia Drakoulis Philip and Julia Eliopoulos

The $2000 travel vouchers were won by the following: Mrs Karedis, Mrs Tsaconas, Mr Missos, Mrs Stratiotis-Kasmas, and Mr Tsougranis We thank Mr Peter Souleles, MC and Coordinator of the event. We also appreciate the hard work of Mrs Christina Tsaconas and Parish Staff, Mrs Helen Simicos and the Parents & Friends for this wonderful event.






UNIFORM SHOP Reminder The uniform shop is open every Wednesday during term between 8.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.

P&F NEWS The Parents & Friends Committee would like to warmly THANK YOU for your generosity and support for our Father’s Day festivities – the stalls, raffle and breakfast. Funds raised will be confirmed in the next newsletter. We also hoped you enjoyed a lovely Father’s Day with your family and loved ones.

SAVE THE DATE IN YOUR CALENDAR - Sunday October 30 from 11am WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you would like to take up a stall, donate food or know of any generous contacts that may assist our fundraising for the Fair, we would like to hear from you! A stall contract can be found at the end of this newsletter. Please contact the following members: Angela 0407 061 940 Erenie 0410 318 053 Joanna 0419 992 027

Our Breakfast on Tuesday was buzzing and at capacity and the feedback has been positive so far. Thank you to His Grace Bishop Iakovos, Fathers Steven and Sotiris for attending and offering a special blessing to our fathers, Grandfathers and father figures. Thank you to all our wonderful donors who donated food, raffle prizes and also their time. These events cannot be a fundraising success without each of you!

A note will follow home soon regarding some new opportunities on how you can support this event. Lots of fun is planned for a great day out for the children and to bring our school community together once more! Please don’t hesitate to email or call the P&F for further information. Angela Kasmas (Secretary)


Our next fundraiser is for JUNIOR SCHOOL OPEN DAY - FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 23 The P & F will have available for purchase tiropites, spanakopites and assorted sweets on the day. We look forward to seeing all our family, friends and visitors visit the school.

On behalf of the Junior School staff and students, we wish Year 12, 2016 every blessing for the HSC and beyond. We have enjoyed watching you grow into young ladies and gentlemen. May our Lord watch over and protect you always.

FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST We were privileged to have His Grace, Bishop Iakovos, Very Reverend Father Steven and Fr Sotiri officiate at our Father’s Day Doxology this week. His Grace spoke about the


importance of fathers and, the debt that we owe them. He spoke of the abundant love fathers have for their families and the many selfless acts so that their children have the best. Over 370 people came together to give thanks for the fathers and father figures in our lives. After the blessing, we were treated to a sumptuous breakfast prepared by the P & F Committee in the hall of the Church. Â Â Â




I am sure you will join me in congratulating Mrs Bourdaniotis and the P &F Committee on the work they have done to show their love and support for the children in our school and the love and respect they have for us, the parents. At each recent event, Spartan Cocktail Party, Fathers’ Day Stalls, Fathers’ Day Breakfast an example of service and community spirit. Not only do these parents prepare, set up and pack up, but they willingly and cheerfully wait on us hand and foot. They are encouraged and feel supported by the rest of the parent body who pitch in and help in ways that they can such as through the donation of goods, prizes or by buying raffle tickets and gifts. Look out for the Spring Fair flyer which will be coming home to you in the coming week.

We thank Mrs Bartlett for organising a Book Parade for Book Week and to all the students who came dressed as their favourite character. Book Week is celebrated nationally each year to encourage children to read. At St Spyridon College, we encourage our children to read quality literature and timeless classics which enrich their vocabulary and imagination so they can become good writers.

Thank you P & F, you are an amazing group of people and shining role models for your children.

As a Greek Orthodox School we encourage our children to read books which speak of our values and ethos. Children are impressionable and what we allow is what is they see as acceptable and the norm. If you require a list of age appropriate literature, please see Mrs Bartlett.

Good books are those that teach us about people, places and about how things work. They teach us what it means to be a good person and how to make good decisions, they teach us about life. Good books teach us about universal themes that have stood the test of time such as friendship, perseverance, love, trust, faith, forgiveness.

VISIT BY THE MAYOR OF RANDWICK Last week we were honoured to have Cr Noel D’Souza, Mayor of Randwick City Council with us at assembly along with the Deputy Mayor, Cr Andrews. The Mayor is a respected member of our local community and a wonderful community leader who has worked tirelessly in our local area for over 30 years.


MATHS CUP On Thursday, 1st September six Year 6 students participated in the annual Maths Cup at Amity College. These students were Adriana Drakoulis, Jamyson Gouveros, Paul Giavis, Nicholas Papas, Athanasia Manos and Nicolas Kalligiannis With 101 teams and 303 students participating, the competition allows Year 6 students from across NSW to test themselves against the best the state has to offer. Students competed in teams of three and rotated through the three qualifying rounds called MatChoice, MatOperator and MatRace. Each round required the students to showcase different mathematical skills and knowledge, including mental computation (MatOperator), general mathematical knowledge of the Stage 3 Curriculum (MatChoice), and problem solving (MatRace). Our students shone particularly during the MatRace round with one team scoring 90 points out of a possible 100. It was wonderful to see the excitement and passion our students exhibited towards all sections of the competition and the encouragement and team work they displayed! “I particularly enjoyed the MatRace as the various challenges baffled my brain and it was a great experience racing against time with other schools”, Jamyson Gouveros Year 6. Mr Davis Year 6 Teacher - Mathematics

SPECIALTY PHOTOS Specialty photos are now available for parents to order. You can view these photos in the undercroft on the Primary side or go to These photos include sporting teams, leadership, musical instruments, choir, debating and chess at a cost of $17 per photo. Order forms are available from the school office. Please complete your orders by Friday, 23rd September, 2016.


KINDERGARTEN AND YEAR ONE DO UP THEIR SHOE-LACES On Tuesday 30th August, Ms Susan Elliott from The Athlete’s Foot Eastgardens came to visit our classrooms. Susan shared with us a fun and easy way to tie shoe laces. Students watched a video and then worked through each step of tying laces as a class. Everyone had a shoe each to practise on! The students were very excited and happy to participate. Susan was kind enough to organise a show bag for each student to take home with more tips regarding shoe lace tying. It was an enjoyable lesson and we thank Susan for visiting our school!

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT EVENTS TO FAREWELL YEAR 12, 2016 A number of events have been organised to farewell our Year 12 students: 

Wednesday, 14th September: Years 7-12 Farewell Assembly 12.15 p.m. SPACe. Thursday, 15th September: Years 5-12 Doxology in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos or His delegate, St Spyridon Church – parents and family are welcome and encouraged to attend – 8.45 a.m. Thursday, 15th September: Year 12 Formal Dinner for Year 12 students, teachers, parents and family at Doltone House, Sylvania Waters.

The HSC examination period begins on Thursday, 13th October, 2016. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School


FAREWELL to Year 12 and PREFECTS of 2016

It is with sadness that next week we will formally say goodbye to Year 12, 2016 who have been instrumental in providing great leadership to all their younger peers. We especially thank the Prefects who carried out their assigned duties responsibly and efficiency. It has been a pleasure to have worked with all of you, especially Chrystal Christie (College Captain), Mariah Stavrou (Vice Captain) and Aaron-Paul Kostantakis (Senior Prefect). You have been a great team that served your school and year group well. We hope that future groups can follow your lead in bringing some original touches such as your addition of weird facts to entertain us at the Friday Assemblies and the well-received STUDENT OF THE WEEK AWARD. Good luck everyone in the Higher School Certificate and in all future endeavours.

Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School




MEMORIAL PLAQUES IN HONOUR OF STUDENTS WHO HAVE PASSED As a result of the fundraising efforts of our current Year 12’s and the generous donation of marble pieces by Mr Magoulias (father of Peter Yr 12), three remembrance plaques dedicated to students who have passed away and a garden name plaque will be set up in the front school garden. This garden was originally created by the peers of the late Peita Petrides (Yr 10, 2003). Unfortunately since then another two students have left us: Stephen Firulovic Yr 11, 2005 (due to an accident), and Gera Tantsyura Yr 8, 2010 (due to illness). Thank you to everyone who assisted in turning the dream of creating remembrance plaques into a reality.

SOUP KITCHEN and FLAG DUTY Our Year 9 students have continued their Community Service activities at the SOUP Kitchen and at school through their FLAG Duty throughout Term 3. Well done everyone!

WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Recently we had the pleasure of yet another visit to the Senior School by a past student. Catching up with these students is always a pleasure, especially as we watched and guided their development from little people in Year 7 into the young adults they are today. This week’s visitor, Katerina Arvanitakis, Year 12, 2014 is currently in her second year of university. Even though she is still at the beginning of her studies Katerina has already gained the attention of key individuals in the Science field, resulting in an Internship with the Neuroscience research facility investigating Parkinson’s Disease and more recently she was offered a position at the Brain and Mind Institute at RPAH. All this has led Katerina towards writing scientific journal articles that are about to be published and an invitation to present her research findings at a conference.

Last week’s Soup Kitchen Duty group did a wonderful job and felt great for having had the opportunity to help out. One of these students also made the volunteers and myself smile, showing their youth. One of the Year 9’s came back with a request from someone who asked for another plate… STUDENT: One of the people asked for a plate. TEACHER: Just take a plate of food from the counter. STUDENT: No they didn’t ask for food. They just asked for a plate. TEACHER: Gives the student an empty plate then asks “Why would they just want an empty plate?” STUDENT: (After some deliberation student sheepishly answers)…”Yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense…they probably would like another plate with food on it cause they must be hungry.”

Given all this I thought it may be interesting to conduct a little comparison exercise where some of Katerina’s Year 7 Passport to Senior School responses were compared with those of a short questionnaire given to her during her recent visit.

It is these kind of light bulb moments we look forward to... priceless!




Favourite Past times: Reading, tennis, music painting Favourite Books: Matilda, The Lady Grace, and the Key to Rondo Favourite Subjects: Maths, English, Science, Greek What I am looking forward to at Senior School: Using the facilities the school has to offer What I want to be when I grow up: Something in the Science area

Favourite Past times: Spending time relaxing with friends and family. Favourite Books: The Angel’s Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafón Favourite Subjects: At university, Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Studies into Personalised Medicine and Biology. What I am looking forward to in the future: Having the research I have already been a part of published and undertaking other research, as well as graduating. I also look forward to travelling and providing medical aid overseas. What I will be when I complete University Unsure as I have not set on a specialisation yet.

PAST STUDENT CATCH UP – Katerina Arvanitakis After completing school at St Spyridon College in 2014, I enrolled in a Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) majoring in Neuroscience at the University of New South Wales. The past one and a half years have been full of change and amazing experiences. In my first month of university, I was offered an internship with Neuroscience Research Australia in the area of neuroanatomy. It was an incredible experience which gave me the opportunity to explore the anatomy of the brain and spinal cord and taught me so much, readying me for my second year studies. Later on in the year, I was offered my second position researching in the Anatomy Department at the University of Sydney. With this, I began research into Parkinson’s Disease treatment throughout my summer holidays. This has now eventuated into a paper called the ‘Effects of photobiomodulation by near infra-red light in a mouse genetic model of Parkinson’s Disease’ which is awaiting publication in a scientific journal. In addition, the research has been submitted as a conference presentation to the Society for Neuroscience, which I am extremely excited about! Last month, I was fortunate enough to be offered a position at the Brain and Mind Research Institute at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital - a position I had my sights set on from the start! I am currently undertaking research in Multiple Sclerosis and working with the most skilled, amazing and inspiring team of neurologists, neuropsychologists and researchers. I am enjoying every moment and so thankful for every opportunity I have been given. My time in university so far has been so incredible and immensely fulfilling. I have made amazing friends who share in my interests and aspirations as well as challenge, motivate and inspire me. I have been fortunate enough to meet, work with and learn from some of my role models. However, I would not be who I am or have the mindset that I do without the efforts of my teachers at St Spyridon College. I will carry their teachings in my heart, wherever life takes me.



Ελληνική εκδρομή

Recently our Police Liaison Officer, Senior Constable Rachael Martin who is known to many of us, visited the school to give a talk. Before leaving she spoke very highly of a Year 10 student who had recently participated in a Police Work Experience Program.

Πριν από μια εβδομάδα, η τάξη μου κι εγώ πήγαμε εκδρομή σε μια ελληνική ταβέρνα που λέγεται «Γεια μας». Όταν λέω ότι περάσαμε πολύ ωραία, είμαι σίγουρη ότι μιλάω για όλους τους συμμαθητές μου. Φάγαμε, τραγουδήσαμε και χορέψαμε.

She and the other officers involved in the program were extremely impressed by this student’s enthusiasm, application, politeness, and presentation. In fact she said that he was the best work experience student that they had ever had through the program and was a credit to the school.

Για μεζεδάκια ορεκτικά είχαμε ταραμά και τζατζίκι, παραδοσιακή ελληνική σαλάτα με φέτα, ζεστά ψωμάκια πιτούλες, τυροπιτάκια και σπανακοπιτάκια καθώς και χαλούμι. Για κύριο πιάτο είχαμε αρνίσια σουβλάκια, κοτόπουλο ψητό στη σούβλα και τηγανιτές πατάτες. Το καλύτερο φαγώσιμο της ημέρας ήταν το επιδόρπιο, που ήταν ένας πεντανόστιμος μπακλαβάς.

It is for this reason that we award the student of the week to Jordan Bond.

Μετά το φαγητό άρχισε το γλέντι. Σηκωθήκαμε και χορέψαμε ελληνικούς χορούς, τα παιδιά και οι καθηγητές μας, η κυρία Μ. Φαλέτα, η κυρία L. McCoy και ο κύριος Γ. Γεωργουλόπουλος. Κανείς δεν ήθελε να τελειώσει η εκδρομή αυτή και όλοι φύγαμε από την ταβέρνα ενθουσιασμένοι από την εκδρομή αυτή. Ευχαριστούμε την κυρία Μ. Φαλέτα που την οργάνωσε. Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με ένα γραπτό μαθήτριας της Β Λυκείου, το οποίο είναι σχετικό με τα μέσα επικοινωνίας. Επίσης την περασμένη Τρίτη, 30 Αυγούστου, όλοι οι μαθητές της Β Γυμνασίου συμμετείχαν σε μια εκδρομή στο ελληνικό εστιατόρια «Γεια μας». Η εκδρομή αυτή οργανώνεται κάθε χρόνο με την λήξη των μαθημάτων της ενότητας για «τα φαγητά μας» = ”Let’s Eat…” Παρακάτω παραθέτουμε τα λόγια μιας μαθητρίας για την εκδρομή αυτή. Καλή σας ανάγνωση. Κ. Μ. Φαλέτα


Ειρήνη Κουρλιάφτη Year 8


Το τηλέφωνο είναι ένα μέσο επικοινωνίας. Συζήτησε τα άλλα μέσα επικοινωνίας. Η επικοινωνία έχει υπάρξει καθοριστικός άξονας της εξέλιξης και διαμόρφωσης της κοινωνίας του ανθρώπου από τη δημιουργία του ακόμα. Οι άνθρωποι δημιούργησαν και χρησιμοποίησαν διάφορα μέσα επικοινωνίας, αντίστοιχα με την εξέλιξή τους και τις ανάγκες τους. Σήματα καπνού, περιστέρια, γράμματα και ηλεκτρονικά μηνύματα, έχουν όλα εξυπηρετήσει αυτή τη βασική ανάγκη του ανθρώπου για επικοινωνία.


Year 12 students are reminded to apply for university through the UAC website before the end of this term. Application fees rise steeply after 30th September. If any student would like some assistance with this, or with any other applications, please see me to make an appointment before graduation. There are details below about several open days and information sessions still scheduled for the coming weeks and some school holiday workshops which are available for younger students.

Ένας από τους πιο θεμελιώδεις τρόπους επικοινωνίας είναι σίγουρα το γράμμα. Αν και σταδιακά επισκιάζεται από το τηλέφωνο, το γράμμα είχε για χρόνια υπάρξει ο κύριος τρόπος επικοινωνίας μετά φυσικά από τον προφορικό λόγο.

NEW SCIENCE CAREERS GUIDE UTS Science has developed an updated Science Careers Guide to inspire students to pursue careers in science and maths. It is filled with up-to-date information on courses at UTS Science and stories of graduates. View online or email to order a hard copy.

Κατά την άποψή μου, ο γραπτός λόγος αποτελεί μια αναντικατάστατη μορφή επικοινωνίας καθώς κανείς βρίσκει την ευκαιρία όχι μόνο να χρησιμοποιήσει ένα πιο περιεκτικό λόγο, αλλά και να «αδειάσει» όλο του το είναι μέσα σε μερικές γραμμές. Η χειροπιαστή και σχεδόν αναλλοίωτη στο χρόνο υπόσταση του γράμματος, υπερισχύει του μειονεκτήματος της έλλειψης άμεσης επικοινωνίας που προσφέρει ο προφορικός λόγος.

HOTEL SCHOOL SYDNEY OPEN DAY - SATURDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 2016 Take the first step in securing your career in Hotel Management and Tourism at The Hotel School Sydney. Pre-registered students have the chance to win a MacBook Pro OPEN DAY will be held on Saturday, 10 September 2016 from 9am to 1pm.

Παρόμοιο με το γράμμα είναι βέβαια και το ηλεκτρονικό e-mail, το οποίο βρίσκεται σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή και απαιτεί σύνδεση στο διαδίκτυο. Φυσικά, δεσπόζουσα είναι η προσωπική επαφή και η ομιλία ή στην περίπτωση έλλειψης της ικανότητας αυτής, η νοηματική γλώσσα, σχεδιασμένη να εξυπηρετεί τους κωφάλαλους, τόσο στην επικοινωνία μεταξύ τους όσο και με τους υπόλοιπους ανθρώπους. Η αμεσότητα, ζωντάνια και αποτελεσματικότητα καθιστά την ομιλία, μέσω προφορικής επαφής, το πλέον αναντικατάστατο μέσον επικοινωνίας.

This year there will be representatives from some fabulous 5 star hotels including InterContinental Sydney, The Star and ‘One&Only’ Hayman Island! There will be plenty of opportunity to hear and speak to industry leaders and successful alumni. mhaVFJrTVRFMiIsInQiOiJ6YlRBTTVWOF VVS1Q4UkMwWXhcL0s0ZlJOQUZrTkZye XRRQlwvcXpxbnRZNTNoYVplcWJUVHltZ FhsUXJiYlpnd3NVZTYxSmVjWnR4UWRiej dZYXVIbzYwXC9SK2loWFwvXC9EbXJzZ EJrZFVIVFlrPSJ9

Αυτά, κατά τη γνώμη μου, ήταν και είναι σήμερα τα μέσα επικοινωνίας. Marina Dionysiou Year 11 (Modern Greek Year 12)



Learn about careers and study options in film production, 3D animation, digital media and game design, mobile apps & IT Take a campus tour Learn about AIT’s $8,000 Scholarship for domestic students Upcoming Sessions SYDNEY & MELBOURNE: Tuesday 20 September 6pm-8pm Tuesday 18 October 6pm-8pm Tuesday 15 November 6pm-8pm Tuesday 6 December 6pm-8pm


Lectures, practicals and tutorials will be run in the following exciting areas:  chemistry and bimolecular sciences  chiropractic  cognitive and brain sciences  engineering  mathematics  medical sciences  psychology  public health  speech and hearing.


The new purpose-built ACAP Sydney campus will host its first Information Session on Wednesday, 23 November at 6.00pm. The address is 255 Elizabeth Street, opposite Hyde Park. Find out about courses in Psychology, Case Management, Counselling, Social Science, Youth Work and Social Work at sessions given by ACAP teachers and alumni. Register at


experience practicals and tutorials choose their own subjects and plan their day ask lecturers and students all their burning questions about uni life at Macquarie.

Lunch and some freebies are included. More information and to register: If you have any questions, contact or call (02) 9850 7250.


NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY For current year 11 students: Getting the Most Out of Year 12 Friday 30 September 2016 9:00am – 12:30pm 104 Broadway, Chippendale ( map) The University’s Academic Enabling and Support Centre will host this session for Year 11 students to develop useful skills to unlock the secrets to HSC success. With Year 11 students preparing to move into Year 12, it’s a great time for them to develop effective skills for their final year at school. This engaging and interactive session will provide great tips and advice on:  Study and time management approaches  Managing workload, multiple and often competing priorities  Recognising and managing the signs of stress and anxiety, and

11am – 1pm, 18 September @ Level 1, 65 York Street. Applications for enrolment into our full-time Diploma courses are now open, with classes commencing in February 2017. Register to attend: ?ID=51684

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE DAY FOR YEAR 11 AND 12 STUDENTS On Tuesday 27 September, the day is all about getting a taste of what it’s really like to be a Macquarie science, medical science or human sciences student. Students will be able to:  get a feel for the campus  sit in on lectures



Maintaining a balanced lifestyle. *Morning tea included Please register at or contact us on 02 8204 4404 or for further information


Applications close: 14 October 2016 Students will take part in an annual structured professional experience placement with a leading firm. Scholars will also receive leadership insights through working with the University of Sydney’s John Grill Centre for Project Leadership and by having direct access to an industry mentor. Contact: undergraduate/future/leadership.shtml


As part of UAC's usability study, they are aiming to survey each of the key stakeholder groups, including Year 12 students and parents of Year 12 students. Year 12 students: udents Parents of Year 12 Students: Year_12_students

ENTRY PATHWAYS TO UTS Almost half of UTS’s current students came through a pathway option, rather than directly from high school. These pathways included an external TAFE or VET course, as well as the university’s own pathway program courses such as Foundation Studies or those that area offered by Insearch. To learn more about these entry options, visit:

The surveys will stay open until Friday 30 September and should take less than 10 minutes to complete.

HSC SEPTEMBER WORKSHOPS HSC September Workshops at UTS, Macquarie, UOW and UON. In the September holidays, a series of HSC Workshops across 17 different subjects are being held. Students can spend a day with experienced HSC teachers/markers to review, practice and receive expert advice prior to the exams. Hundreds of free resources can be downloaded from our site. or call 1300 677 336

UTS: Info Day 5th January 2017, 10am to 3pm Info day is the last opportunity prospective students will have to obtain advice from UTS about academic study options before main round offers for 2017 close. UTS VIDEO



22nd, 23rd, 24th November 2016, 5pm to 7pm, 140 Broadway, Chippendale. The night is aimed at those unable to attend tours during the day and will include a campus tour, information on admission and tertiary education options.


Portfolio entry for UNSW Art and Design closes 30th September 2016 for Semester 1 2017. Students should submit a portfolio if they believe they will fall within 10 points of the ATAR cut off for their desired course. Further information on where a portfolio is not accepted and what to include can be found by following the link below.


Applications for Semester 1, 2017 are due 30 September.



Sydney Dance Company School Holiday Workshops

9.30am – 3.00pm, 29 & 30 September @ Chemical Sciences Mezzanine, UNSW. Aimed at secondary students interested in a car eer in the aviation industry. Cost: $20. Apply by 15 September. gEventSummary.aspx?eid=213624


For young dancers. s-and-courses/holiday-workshops/


Newcastle – Air Force Careers, 6th September 6pm Wollongong – Defence Careers, 8th September, 6pm Online – Careers in the ADF Q&A, 8th September, 6:30pm Wollongong – Women in Defence, 13th September, 6pm Canberra – Defence Careers, 13th September, 6pm Newcastle – Defence Careers, 13th September, 6pm Parramatta – Army Reserve, 13th September, 6:30pm Newcastle – Women in Defence, 19th September, 6pm Parramatta – Engineering Careers, 19th September, 6:30pm Canberra – Engineering Careers, 20th September, 6pm Newcastle – Army Officer, 27th September, 6pm Canberra – Army Reserve, 27th September, 6pm Parramatta – Women in Defence Q&A panel, 27th September 6:30pm lia/events


15th to 18th January 2017 Year 9 &10 STEM workshop: 10th to 15th January 2017 The Women in Engineering Summit allows women who are entering Years 10 and 11 in 2015, to participate in a series of lectures and workshops to learn more about the various fields of engineering. Participants will be able to visit engineering sites, meet industry leaders, academics, and other women with similar interests from NSW and the ACT. For further information, email




September 26 2016 - Intro to Game Design for ages 13-17 September 26 2016 - TV Presenting for Kids for ages 9-12 September 26 2016 AFTRS Film Club for ages 9-12 September 27 2016 Music for Film & TV for ages 14-17 September 28 2016 Teens Radio for ages 1317 September 29 2016 Kids Digi Animation for ages 9-12 October 05 2016 Teens Digi Animation for ages 13-17 October 05 2016 Make a Stop Motion Movie for ages 9-12 October 05 2016 HSC Video Intensive for ages 15-17 October 06 2016 Screen Acting for Kids for ages 9-12

APPRENTICESHIPS PLUS Apprenticeships Plus match prospective mechanic apprentices with the best mechanic career options in NSW. They regularly have apprenticeships/traineeships available in the following areas: Light Vehicle Heavy Vehicle Motor Cycle Paint & Panel Marine Auto Electrical Car Detailing


Australian Apprenticeships: My Gain Videos

SAE Institute Scholarship Program

Applications close 19th December SAE Creative Media Institute offers scholarships to outstanding creative media applicants. SAE Scholarships are awarded to recognise creative talent coupled with academic excellence and outstanding leadership.

The next series of Australian Apprenticeship My Gain videos have been published on YouTube. These videos ask apprentices and trainees to respond briefly to set questions about their job and job hunting experiences. They are directed at young people contemplating career pathways and show where to look for job opportunities.

OTHER NEWS Careers in Nuclear Medicine

APM HSC Business Revision Day

Nuclear Medicine is an exciting branch of medical radiations that uses radioactive materials in the form of radiopharmaceuticals to generate images that are used to diagnose diseases and in the form of radioisotopes to treat disease or relieve pain.

29th September, 9am to 3pm, 1 Hickson Road, The Rocks, Sydney The revision day is for the upcoming HSC Business exam and will aim to help examine individual strengths and talents and how to utilise these for exams and life. To register follow the link below.

Brown Consulting: Engineering Scholarship Program for Year 12 Girls Applications open October. Brown Consulting is offering paid work experience, financial assistance ($1,500 to $3,000 per year), a graduation bonus ($3,500 per year for two years) and mentoring and training to women who are considering studying engineering at university. Positions are available in Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Rockhampton, Sydney, and the Sunshine Coast. Contact: (07) 3895 3444 start-your-career/dream-big

Top Education Institute: Law Bonus Points Scheme Top Education Institute recognizes and rewards outstanding performance in the HSC by awarding up to 20 subject bonus points. Bonus points are awarded automatically to qualified students. To view the points available, visit:

Sydney Film School University Pathway

National Summer Art Scholarships 2016

Sydney Film School (SFS) has relationships with several universities and can offer pathways to higher degrees for students who complete the Diploma and Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media with SFS. versity-pathways.aspx

Applications close 31st October Scholarships allow students in Year 11 to spend a week over summer (14th – 21st January 2017) at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. This provides an opportunity to engage with staff at the National Gallery as well as other arts professionals, artists and peers from around the nation. Two students from each state and territory will be selected to participate in the program. Contact: (02) 6240 6632 or x.cfm

Whitehouse Institute of Design: 2017 Summer Holiday Workshops Whitehouse will be offering a series of 5 day workshops for those looking to build technique and skills in Fashion Illustration, Interiors Illustration or Image Styling.


and anxious about what we were about to experience. At the first meeting we were introduced to Senior Constable Rachael Martin, and Senior Constable Rebecca Leo, who had the responsibility of looking after us (the 8 Year 10 students from various schools who were going to be involved in the program). Rachael and Rebecca have both been in the Police Force for a very long time and were able to share with us some very interesting and eye opening stories. They taught us the importance of team work and how important it is to always have your partners back.

Becoming an Architect Architects are professionally trained designers who work on buildings and the built environment. They combine creative design with a wide range of technical knowledge to provide integrated solutions for built and natural environments. Find out more: ational/becoming-an-architect

My Health Career: ATARS for Exercise Science and Dentistry Courses Throughout September My Health Career will be publishing the ATARs for every undergraduate health course in Australia. ATARs for every Exercise Science course in Australia: science/exercise+science-atar ATARs for every Dentistry course in Australia: ATAR-for-dentistry Â

Our first assignment involved going to Homebush to visits the Public Order and Riot Squad (or PORS of short). PORS is a specialist unit of the NSW Police Force, they are used to manage and control large amounts of people during events e.g. football games or concerts and riots, which thankfully don’t occur often in Sydney. PORS are also used for search warrants and conducting raids. We were shown the vehicles and equipment they use and I was lucky enough to put on full riot gear! The riot gear made me feel like a fully armored Spartan ready for battle. The next day we were given access to the POLAIR base in Bankstown, (POLAIR stands for Police Air). There we met the crews and pilots who help keep Sydney safe from a birds eye view up above the clouds. We learnt about the various jobs they conduct e.g. surveillance, highway pursuits and even searching for missing people. I was very surprised to learn that most of the pilots in POLAIR are normal civilian pilots hired by the NSW Police to fly their aircraft. We were given a tour around the POLAIR helicopters and were even able to get inside to have a look. The interior and cockpit of the helicopters were very detailed and complex.

Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser





On the third day we drove down to Goulburn to visit the NSW Police Academy. First up was a tour of the different facilities used in the training process as well as seeing where the students eat, sleep and study. We also learnt about the process of becoming a Police Officer and the hard work that is involved with the job. A major highlight of our trip to the academy was learning the long and rich history of the NSW Police Force and the true


On the 8 of August, I was lucky enough to participate in the Botany Bay Local Area Command Work Experience Program. As a result, I got to experience many different areas of the NSW Police Force and a taste for what it means to be a Police Officer. The program ran for four days. Upon arrival at Mascot Police Station, everyone was very shy


pride that the academy instills in each and every one of their students. On our last day, we did the NSW Police fitness test. The fitness test involved doing push-ups, a vertical jump test, an agility course and a multi stage fitness test (beep test). The minimum requirement for the NSW Police Force is a 7.1 in the beep test, which everyone achieved with ease. By the end of the work experience course everyone had become close friends and we still keep in touch. Those 4 days were the my most enjoyable days in my life; I would definitely recommend this program to others who are interested in a career in the NSW Police Force. And I urge others when given an opportunity such as this to defiantly give it a go and not be scared of trying out different things.

Jordan Bond Year 10



SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT BOYS BASKETBALL TRIALS Boys Basketball trials have now been finalised and all teams have been posted on the school sports notice board. Congratulations to all the successful students and good luck to all the teams for the 2016-2017 Basketball season.

ST ALOYSIUS INVITATIONAL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL SATURDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER Congratulations to all the students who participated in this year’s annual invitational carnival. This carnival was an opportunity for the students to receive much needed competitive practise in order to help them with their performance in the ISA carnival. Some of the highlights included Nicholas Kollias who placed 1st in the U15 High Jump with a winning height of 1.76m, Spiros Zafiropoulos U14 boys shot put with a distance of 12.34m

ISA ATHLETICS CARNIVAL 2016 Our athletics squad competed at this year’s annual ISA Athletics carnival on Tuesday 6th September 2016. Our students have been preparing at school with training sessions conducted after school from 3.30pm - 5pm twice a week; they were also involved in a half day training day and took part in an invitational carnival. The elaborate preparation


Congratulations to all the students and many thanks to the teachers who assisted on the day. I must also thank Mr Zafiropoulos whose keen eye in the field events and his training has helped to mould our field team. Thank you also to Ms Flokis who is helping all the students exceed their own expectations. Ms Flokis managed the team from the stands and as always her encouragement and enthusiasm and her ongoing support at training in all areas has lifted all the students.

and effort of the students invariably helped them achieve very impressive results at this year’s ISA carnival. At this year’s carnival we urged all students to set themselves realistic goals to achieve. For many of our students it meant trying to break records, qualify for the ISA team or even achieve a personal best. No matter what the case the team achieved one of the schools most impressive results. Collectively the school accumulated point’s accrued from the completion of each field and track event which was tallied and the wining school from each division announced at the completion of the carnival. The boys this year managed to achieve first place in the Intermediate Boys in Division 2. This was a remarkable result for the college and the second trophy for the school. Our girl’s collective result was also very impressive with our girls achieving a very impressive 2nd place in the Intermediate Girls.

Winning trophies is a great feeling, however creating amazing memories is the greatest reward. At this carnival the memories created are wonderful and I look forward to the many more memories the students of St Spyridon always manage to design.

ISA REPRESENTATIVES 2016 Eleni Haralambides - Girls 12 yrs 1500m Vivika Lynch - girls 13 yrs Discuss Alexia Moufarrege - 13 girls years 100m, 200 Michael Vlahos - 13 boys discuss Franklin Pyliotis - 13 boys long jump and 400m Spiros Zafiropoulos - 14 boys Shot put Nicholas Kollias - Boys 15 yrs High Jump, Long Jump and triple jump Christina Vlahos - 15 girls shot put

There were many outstanding individual performances both on the track and on the field; these are listed below, but what was most striking about this year’s team was the closeness of the squad, the commitment to encourage each other, passion and joy for each other’s success. This was evident during the relays and every time students returned to the stand to the rapture and applause of their peers.

Mr F. Kaldis Boys Sport

Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

PREFECT PROFILE Name: Keira Kipriotis Age: 16 Number of years at St Spyridon College: 13 years Previous Leadership roles: SRC for two years, Peer support leader, House Captain in Year 6 and now Prefect Subjects I am currently studying: English Advanced, General Mathematics, Food Technology, PDH, Modern History and Extension History Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, Swimming and going to the beach My Future Aspirations: Furthering my studies at University My role models: Grandmother, Amal Clooney-Alamuddin Favourite quote: “It always seems impossible until it’s done” – Nelson Mandela My proudest moment: Winning champions of champions in year 9 and becoming a part of the prefect body One piece of advice I would give younger students: Stay focused and stay happy, be nice to everyone and don’t stress too much because before you know you’ll be in your last year of school doing the HSC.





For further details, please contact our P&F members: Angela Kasmas 0407 061 940 Joanna Coutts 0419 992 027 21

ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE PARENTS & FRIENDS ASSOCIATION SPRING FAIR 2016 CONTRACT OF STALL HIRE PACKAGE Dear Sir/Madam, We welcome your participation in the St Spyridon College Spring Fair 2016 which will take place on the grounds of the Junior College Campus on 80 Gardeners Road Kingsford, located behind the St Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church. The Fair will officially operate from 11am until 5pm on Sunday 30th October 2016. We wish to inform you of the details and conditions of the stall hire. The fee required for one stall hire is $250. The hiring fee covers you for 6 hours of hire - from 11am until 5pm. The stall hire package also offers you the following items: - 1 sheltered stall structure - 3 long trestle tables covered with single coloured plastic tablecloths - 2 chairs - 1 laminated sign of your business positioned at the shelter top. Full payment of the stall must be made at a minimum of 2 working weeks prior to the Fair in order to secure the stall. Therefore, payment is required by Friday 14th October 2016 in the form of cash or cheque to the Front Office of the St Spyridon College Junior School (address above) or via Direct Deposit to our account, St Spyridon Parents & Friends Junior School BSB: 062 303 Account number: 2800 7218. Once this has occurred, a receipt will be provided. The full amount will be refunded to the stallholder only if the Fair is officially cancelled by the St Spyridon College Parents & Friends Association committee. Please sign below and fax to front office on 9663 5365 once you have carefully read the above conditions of the stall hire contract. If you have any further queries or concerns please contact P&F committee members Angela Kasmas 0407061940 or Joanna Coutts 0419992027. I, ___________________________ agree with all the conditions stated above with regards to the Stall hire Package for Spring Fair 2016.

Stall Holder’s Full Name printed

Stall Holder’s Signature _______________________ Date





ADMISSION: $20 adults $15 students/pensioners 25


TERM 1 Thursday 26th January 2017 th

2017 DATES

Australia Day, Public Holiday

Friday 27 January 2017

Staff Development Day

Monday 30th January 2017

Staff Development Day

Tuesday 31st January 2017

Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence

Wednesday 1st February 2017

Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Friday 7th April 2017

Term ends

Sunday 16th April2017



Monday 24th April 2017

Staff Development Day

Tuesday 25th April 2017

Anzac Day, Public Holiday

Wednesday 26th April 2017

Students return

Monday 12th June 2017

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday


Friday 23 June 2017

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 17th July 2017

Staff Development Day

Tuesday 18th July 2017

Students return

Tuesday 15th August 2017

The Dormition of the Theotokos – School Closed

Friday 22nd September 2017

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 9th October 2017

Staff Development Day

Tuesday 10th October 2017

Students return

Thursday 7th December 2017

Term ends for students

Friday 8th December 2017

Staff Development Day


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