News 171 2a 2017

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VOLUME XXXIV No 2 17th February, 2017





Divine Liturgy K-6




Swimming Carnival SS Swimming Carnival JS Yrs 3 - 6


ACER Scholarship Exam


Lent begins


MARCH Twilight Tours SS


Open Information Morning JS


9.15am – 11.00am Year 7 2017 Entrance Exams


25th March Celebrations


ISA Swimming


APRIL Term ends


PALM Sunday


Holy Monday


Holy Tuesday


Holy Wednesday


Holy Thursday


Good Friday


Holy Saturday




Staff Development Day


Anzac Day School Closed


Students return


“The one who loves God cannot help but love also every man as himself”. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag







The children have settled quickly into routine and have begun their studies in earnest. As part of the collaborative process, not only will the children be working with each other on tasks, but the teachers will also work with small groups during the school day. It is not unusual to find two or three teachers in class at the same time. If your child requires extension or support, you may find Mr Dookie, Mrs Kipriotis, Mrs Mulligan, Mrs Bennett, Mrs Mantsis or Mrs Nikitopoulos in class also.

8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

P & F NEWS We invite you to come along and join us at our forthcoming Annual General Meeting which will take place next Tuesday 21st February from 6.30pm for refreshments, with the meeting beginning at 7pm. It will be held in Doran House (entry from Doran St).

Children learn best when engaged with curriculum which is pitched just above their current level and as such, we provide this not only through the differentiation of the curriculum but through the allocation of staff to support this learning. The children and their needs are at the heart of our collaborative planning.

A call out to new and current parents to come along and join us this year! You don’t need to have lots of time on your hands, whatever you can spare is always welcomed!

Speak to your child about their learning and feel free to speak with their class teacher if you have any queries. Please remember that the learning journey of each child is individual and the groupings in any classroom fluid so as to allow movement though the ebbs and flows of the academic year.

Becoming a part of this committee allows you to become involved and contribute to our College at many fun events that not only raise funds for our children’s educational resources, but also help bring the school community together!


The first fundraising event for the year for the new committee will be a TRIVIA NIGHT – please save the date for Saturday 18th March. More details to follow in a flyer that will come home with your children.

Some items for your attention:  Each child to have a raincoat in their bag every day.  No rings or bracelets to be worn to school.  Nail polish not permitted.  Extreme hairstyles not permitted. Boy’s hairstyles to be short, neat and an even length all around. Shaving one part of the head not permitted.

If there are parents at the school who would like to donate any prizes or know of any willing contacts who can, please contact our President, Erenie Bourdaniotis on 0410 318 053. Please refer to the Newsletter and the College Facebook page for regular announcements about future events.

It’s Head Lice Season! The following facts may assist when considering treatment options;  Head Lice have been causing havoc for millennia. Archaeologists have uncovered evidence of infestations found on 5000 year old Egyptian mummies.

Angela Kasmas (Secretary)


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Angelique for sharing the joy of Christmas through the singing of the Kalanta.

Eggs are referred to as nits and the baby offspring nymphs. A single louse can lay up to 150 eggs within a month. Head lice are a parasitic bug, they cannot fly or jump they can only crawl. People get head lice from direct hair to hair contact with another person. Lice do not live long off their hosts. Cook researchers checked the carpets of 188 primary school classrooms and found no evidence of lice yet they discovered 14,033 lice on the heads of the students. Many head lice do not cause itchiness, so you will often be required to look closely to find them. No single treatment will kill all eggs. James Cook University researchers recommend the conditioner-and-comb method for maintenance or dealing with resistant lice. This method involves coating dry hair thickly with cheap conditioner, to first stun the offenders, and then using a lice comb on every part of the hair strand by strand and scraping it on a tissue to see if there are any lice or nits. You’ll need to re-treat or comb in seven days after the newest eggs start to hatch. Combining the conditioner and comb treatment every second day until no lice have been found live for 10 days is recommended. Lice may develop a resistance to the insecticides in some commercial treatments, so they may not always be beneficial as the conditioner and comb approach.

REMINDER - KISS AND GO Cars are not to turn right into Mary Hamer Lane from Borrodale Road. Left turn only permitted so as not to block oncoming traffic. If you are approaching the school from Eastlakes or Mascot, please turn left into Bruce St, left into Borrodale Rd and left into Mary Hamer Lane.

REMINDER – KEEP YCHILD AT HOME WHEN SICK If your child has been ill overnight, has a temperature, gastro or vomiting, they are to stay home the following day. Please do not send to school where they might infect others. Remind your child about the importance of hand hygiene. Mrs A. Synesios Principal

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT OPENING OF LAW TERM 2017 Students of the Year 12 Legal Studies class attended the Annual Pan-Orthodox Church Service to mark the opening of the Law Term for 2017. The service was held at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation on the 7th of February 2017.

References NSW Dept of Health James Cook University Queensland

The procession to the Cathedral was led by the Chief Justice of New South Wales, the Hon. Tom Bathurst and commenced from the Rectory of the Archdiocese. Year 12 Legal Studies students had the opportunity to speak with prominent legal professionals such as the Hon. Tom Bathurst, who wished them well for their HSC examinations. Overall, the students felt privileged to have been invited to this event which solidified the connection between Orthodox faith and the Legal System.

Other methods which have seem to detract lice infestations include, using hairspray each morning, having hair plaited and tied up or dabbing tea tree oil behind the ears.

CORRECTION Apologies to Angelique Drakakis whose name was left off the Kalanta volunteers. Thank you


LIBRARY NEWS Library Hours for 2017 Monday & Wednesday 8:00am – 4:30pm Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8:00am – 3:30pm Ms R. Bishop Librarian Mrs D. Pavlakis Legal Studies Teacher

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

THANK YOU to all who supported Yr12 2017 on their first fundraiser!



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή δημοσιεύουμε το γραπτό μαθήτριας σχετικά με την ενότητα <<Ὁ Εαυτός μου>>. Η ενότητα αυτή αποτελεί θέμα του ενιαίου αναλυτικού προγράμματος για τους μαθητές της Β΄ και Γ΄ Λυκείου. Στην προσπάθεια μιας καλής προετοιμασίας στα προφορικά , για ερωτήσεις σχετικά με αυτό το θέμα η μαθήτρια της Α΄ Λυκείου η οποία για τα Ελληνικά βρίσκεται ένα χρόνο πιο μπροστά μας λέει τα παρακάτω. Καλή ανάγνωση Κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

Over $1400 was raised today! A great start to Y12 2017’s fundraising. Special thank you to: Mr Kaldis: great job on the BBQ, supplies, helping in canteen, coordinating the BBQ/Canteen Mr Zafiropoulos: great job on the BBQ Mrs Mio: supplies Mrs Dalakiaris: supplies Mr Kollias: supplies Miss Flokis: supplies Miss Kilias: supplies Mrs Laskas: supplies and helping in canteen Ms Kalithrakas: supplies Mr Georgoulopoulos: helping in canteen Mrs Pavlakis: helping in canteen and taking my class Mr Meintanis: helping in canteen Mrs Grillakis: helping with preparation Mrs Paraskevas: helping with Preparation

Ο Εαυτός μου Γεια σας! Με λένε Φερενίκη Γκέλη και είμαι δεκαπέντε χρονών. Πηγαίνω στην Α΄ Λυκείου και θα έλεγα πως μάλλον είμαι μέτρια στο ύψος. Έχω υπέροχα μαλλιά, πολύ μακριά και πολύ πλούσια και είμαι περήφανη γιατί τα κληρονόμησα από την αγαπημένη μου γιαγιά Φερενίκη, που λατρεύω!



Από αυτή την γιαγιά, όπως καταλαβαίνετε, εκτός από το όνομά της πήρα και τα μαλλιά και ευτυχώς και το χρώμα των ματιών της. Από την μητέρα μου πήρα τον καταπληκτικό μου μεταβολισμό, που ενώ είμαι λαίμαργη και λατρεύω τις μακαρονάδες και τις σάλτσες, δεν παίρνω βάρος. Από τον πατέρα μου όμως έχω πάρει το πείσμα και την επιμονή να μην παρατάω με τίποτα τους στόχους μου. Στ’αλήθεια κατάλαβα ποια είμαι όταν πέρυσι, στα μέσα της χρονιάς, πήγα σε ένα καινούριο για μένα σχολείο, το Κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα. Παρόλο που το να πάω σ’αυτό το σχολείο ήταν όνειρο ζωής, όπως καταλαβαίνετε δεν ήταν κάτι εύκολο. Θα έλεγα μάλλον πως ήταν δύσκολο. Δεν τα παράτησα όμως και μέσα σε όλα έβαλα και τα Αρχαία Ελληνικά, που φυσικά ήταν καινούριο μάθημα για μένα.


Congratulations are in order to all our new Year 7 students for the commendable effort made both in and out of the classroom. Everyone is clearly trying very hard to do their best by listening well, being active participants in their learning during class and completing set homework. Furthermore, if happy faces are anything to go by, then all are doing well with many new friendships established.

Μπήκα πολλές φορές στον πειρασμό να τα παρατήσω όμως κάτι με έσπρωχνε να κάνω υπομονή και φυσικά στο τέλος ανταμείφθηκα. Όλο αυτό με έκανε να καταλάβω πως όταν η ψυχή μου ζητάει κάτι πρέπει να το κυνηγώ όσο και αν στην αρχή μου φαίνεται ακατόρθωτο!

YEAR 7 GETTING TO KNOW YOU ACTIVITY DAYS Friendship Day in the SPACe Last week Year 7 spent three days engaged in a variety of activities that were aimed at developing new relationships with peers and enabling students to get to know some of their teachers. On the first day, facilitators from ‘Burn Bright’ provided an action packed program that created a positive atmosphere and left all students feeling valued and more prepared for the future. Students also very much enjoyed and appreciated the culinary feast that was provided. Thank you to Mrs Gambriell and Mrs Kefalouros for your assistance in helping prepare the food and other staff members who efficiently directed Year 7 and their Peer Support leaders, so that all 127 of them were served quickly.

Για να πάμε όμως και στα πιο χαρούμενα! Όπως καταλαβαίνετε ως θηλυκό που είμαι, λατρεύω τα ψώνια και φυσικά τα ψώνια στην Ελλάδα. Στον ελεύθερό μου χρόνο μου αρέσει να συναντώ φίλους και να πηγαίνουμε για καφέ ή για φαγητό. Τα χειμωνιάτικα βράδια απολαμβάνω να ακούω ελληνική μουσική ή να βλέπω ελληνικές σειρές στην τηλεόραση. Βλέπετε, από τους γονείς μου κληρονόμησα την αγάπη για την Ελλάδα. Όλοι μας, ως οικογένεια, λατρεύουμε να πηγαίνουμε στην Ελλάδα και να απολαμβάνουμε τον ελληνικό ήλιο και την θάλασσα. Αυτή η αγάπη για την Ελλάδα ενισχύεται και από το σχολείο μου και περιμένω πώς και πώς το ταξίδι που θα πάμε του χρόνου με το σχολείο.

SKY ZONE & DISCO BOWLING AT MANHATTAN The second day of the ‘Getting to Know You’ program involved a morning excursion to Sky Zone where Year 7 and their Peer Support Leaders bounced, flipped, and played dodge ball. In the afternoon the fun continued with disco bowling. Needless to say it was a joy filled, if exhausting day with many new friendships forged.

Αν με ρώταγαν για ποιο πράγμα είμαι περήφανη, θα έλεγα χωρίς να το σκεφτώ για το ότι είμαι Ελληνίδα και μιλώ την πιο αρχαία και πλούσια γλώσσα του κόσμου. Fereniki Ghelis Year 10 (Modern Greek Year 11)


Challenge. This event requires students to read as many books as they can from now until the end of September. If 20 books or more are read (15 from the PRC list and 5 of a students’ own choosing), students qualify for a PRC Certificate. Reading should be part of every student’s after school routine as it helps improve overall literacy. Words are the foundation stones of every course and subject. By improving literacy through consistent reading, students will have greater opportunity to strengthen their engagement with lesson content. To encourage and remind everyone, 15 minutes of most Pastoral Care lessons is set aside for silent reading. PRC books can be borrowed from the school and other local community libraries.

iFLY AND AQUA GOLF Our last activity day was without a doubt both challenging and a highlight. Seeing the students’ delighted faces as they flew like superman in the sky diving chamber was as many stated … “AWESOME”. Even though many students were a little apprehensive at first, once they had their flight training and put on their jump-suits, goggles and helmets, any fear that existed quickly disappeared. A number of Year 7 and Year 10 students showed great free flying ability and with their instructor’s guidance, even managing to perform a few tricks! In between the flying sessions students went to the nearby Aqua Golf centre, where they tested their skills at hitting golf balls into a lake while also attempting to win prizes for reaching particular targets.


The first of a series of Academic Skills seminars by the acclaimed Elevate Education Group was given to Year 11 during Pastoral Care last week. Students were divided into two groups for the focus topic on “Time Management”. Feedback from students was 100% positive.

STUDENT LEADERSHIP PEER SUPPORT LEADERS 2017 Congratulations to all Year 10 students listed below for your commendable efforts in assisting Year 7 in their first 3 weeks at the Senior School and during the activity days. Anthea Condous Katherine Raptis Ephemia Damianos Sophie Ioannidis Emmanuel Tzanakes Desi Kapodistrias Mary-Anna Koufi Chris Vlachos Tiffany Tsoukallas Stella Ktenas Chris Matsoukas Georgia Bull Adam Geortsis Jade Capitanelis John Lynch Yana Vergotis Steven Stamoulis Georgia Aravanis

Cleo Mihail Bill Avdalis Sophia Katerinis Christine Frangoulis William Georgas Mark Grillakis James Kourtis Sonya Paradisis Vivienne Hatzigikoumis Marie Vassilakis Dimitrios Dimas Georgia Veryinis Christina Vlahos Brendan Borodynasky Alexandra Stamoulis Peter Nikas Spiros Zafiropoulos Charlie Christofidis Gerry Hugh

Key Points / Advice included: - How to find time to get the work done. - Creating a flexible study timetable that students can manage and stick to. - How to get the most important work done by learning to prioritise and to incorporate important, (but nonrequired) tasks such as past HSC question in-between homework for 15 - 30 min per subject per week. Strategies to avoid periods of stress work throughout the year at an even pace (no cramming). Students are more likely to enjoy the year by maintaining consistency as it means they don’t have to make sacrifices as they can still fit in the fun stuff. The importance of balance - do the things you love and fit the study around it is key. If students are balanced, they will be happy and productive and they won’t feel like they are missing out.


Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

All Middle school students are encouraged to participate in the Premier’s Reading


YEAR 7 ACTIVITY DAYS Day 1 - Friendship Day


Day 2 - Sky Zone and Manhattan Bowl


Day 3 - iFly




future. QILT provides students with a broad range of information about Australian universities including graduate job prospects and student satisfaction and retention rates.

YEAR 10 Thank you to those parents who have returned the reply slip to indicate that you wish your child to undertake the Morrisby Online careers test. We are currently organising the time for this test, so you will be contacted in the coming weeks with details of the test and how to make payment. In the meantime, there is no need to send the payment in until we notify you.

UTS: Insearch Information Session Tuesday 28th February, 2017, 5pm – 7pm, Level 5, 187 Thomas Street, Haymarket. The Insearch pathway offers Diplomas for prospective students, if they did not meet the ATAR requirement for their desired course. The Diplomas are offered as 8, 12 or 16 month courses, and successful students may be able to enter 2nd year of their desired degree at UTS upon completion. number

UNIVERSITY NEWS UNSW Science and Engineering Information Evening Tuesday 21 March, 5.30pm- 8.30 pm John Niland Scientia Building, UNSW Kensington campus

HSC Showcases and Exhibitions ARTEXPRESS. Art Gallery of NSW from 1February Callback. Seymour Centre 9 to 10 February Encore. Sydney Opera House 20 March On Stage. Seymour Centre 4 to 10 February Shape. 2016 Powerhouse Museum /2016-hsc-showcase-information For more information, contact: Maureen Stevens, Events Coordinator (02) 9367 830

This evening is for students in Years 11 and 12 and their parents. Register at: Contact: or 93857788 or or 93856437

QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKINGS The QS World University Rankings for 2016/2017 have the Australian National University, ranked 22nd globally, being first in Australia. The top 10 universities in Australia according to these rankings are: 1. Australian National University (22) 2. The University of Melbourne (42) 3. The University of Sydney (=46) 4. The University of New South Wales (=49) 5. The University of Queensland (=51) 6. Monash University (65) 7. The University of Western Australia (=102) 8. The University of Adelaide (125) 9. University of Technology, Sydney (193) 10. University of Wollongong (218)

Diploma of Screen Media and Advanced Diploma of Screen Media Sydney Film School applications and course information at: Email: Phone: 02 9698 2244,-butclosing-soon!.aspx Consider a career in games, 3D Animation, film or VFX at AIE 27 May. 11.00am to 4.00pm Online Experience Day at Academy of Interactive Entertainment allows you to try these careers.


APM College of Business and Communication Course Guide APM’s course guide is available online for prospective students. It details the courses on

This website helps prospective university students make informed choices about their


offer, with requirements and an overview of what to expect.

National Institute of Fitness Career Profiles Professionals telling how to enter the fitness industry and what employers look for.

Meet a Keeper Days at Taronga 10th March 22nd March 5th April 20th October The program is for those aged 14 years and over interested in becoming a Zoo Keeper. Students will learn about the required qualifications for becoming a keeper, responsibilities and career opportunities.

Meet an Early Childhood Teacher A great interview with an early childhood teacher. Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser


AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE: TAX FILE NUMBER A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Students need a TFN before they can start any type of paid work. Applications are no longer done through schools.



YEAR 6 CHARACTER POETRY Year 6 has been critically analysing varied imaginative texts to identify how authors create interesting characters through language choices and imagery. Through studying character poetry by the Australian poet C. J. Dennis, students had the opportunity to adapt his 8-line Australiana character poems into their own innovative compositions. Here is just a sample of the writing by Year 6!

For information on how to apply visit the Australian Tax Office website:

The Game Designer I’d like to be a game designer, being on computer all day, Calling out, “Which game, which game next?” in a very enthusiastic way, With computers full of data which I use to make designs of Segways, But on the hottest days I go and look at an object, and think of ideas by the bay. But I wouldn’t be a game designer if… I didn’t have the brains. Would you? Adam Stamos

SOME USEFUL WEBSITES Careers in Maths Visit the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute’s website to view a range of career profiles from apprentice chefs to Electricians to Nurses where mathematics is a necessary part of their everyday jobs. Videos: Study smarter this year How to organise your study sessions: Marty Lobdells “Study Less Study Smart” video. Xlfs Studying advice for high school or uni subscribe to Thomas Frank(College Info Geek).

The Unicorn I’d like to a unicorn, swishing my tail all day, Calling out, “I’m a unicorn!” That’s what I would say. Swish, flick, flying around, everyone out of my way, Oh look, I’m spreading rainbows all the way through May.


They’d ask me to make rainbows and I’d say, “Okay!” But I wouldn’t be a unicorn if… I was made of clay. Would you? Anna Kakakios

There will be burping and hurling, but I won’t really care. But I wouldn’t be a manager if… The kids gave me a snare. Would you? Leon Kalyvas

The Dog Owner I’d like to be a dog owner, my dog will be Snoopy, Calling out during our walk, “Come on Snoopy, do your poopy!” Now to pick up poopy with my scoopy, so my neighbours won’t get loopy, I’d really love my Snoopy because his eyes would be a little droopy. He’d make me feel safe at night, because it gets a little spooky! But I wouldn’t be a dog owner if… He stole all of my fruities! Would you? Anastasia Tsakirios



Congratulations to the following students who were selected by their House Group to become House Captains for 2017. Corinthians

The Pilot I’d like to be a pilot, and learn how to fly, Calling out, “Get ready for take-off!” as we fly into the sky, Screaming on the microphone to put your seatbelts on today, But on the hottest days I’d take my plane to the bay, And I’d make the passengers pay. But I wouldn’t be a pilot if… My plane crashed one day. Would you? Hudson Rallis

Felicity Ginis

Alexandros Gousetis


The Lawyer I’d like to be a lawyer and talk all day, Calling out, “He’s innocent!” in a determined way, I would work really hard to get my pay, Even though my work would be stressful, I like to play, I‘d have my own clients saying, “Hooray!” But I wouldn’t be a lawyer if… I didn’t get the last say. Would you? Anne-Marie Aroney

Jennifer Contominas

Zac Prelec


The Manager I’d like to be a manager, and run a pizza place, Calling out, “Pizza! Pizza on a plate!” There will be children, children here and there, They will eat a lot of pizza, pizza everywhere!

Nathan Adam


Kaity Bounos

ability despite the score. Travelling together with 6 teams can allow for a long day but I feel it has greatly benefited the girls. The basketball squad have a strong comradery and display a strong sense of school spirit. These are often the best moments and qualities that can be obtained from participating in school sport.



Dayna Kostantakos

Points table can be located on the ISA website please find the link below and find the link to your corresponding team.

Last week during Pastoral Care a number of nominated students within each house presented a speech to their house group outlining their contribution to School Sport at St Spyridon College. Each team then voted for their respective House Captain. This year we had the most nominations than any other year group which demonstrates the passion and spirit this group has for sport. The role of the House Captains are to increase house spirit within their teams and to encourage and support students to participate in school carnivals. Good luck to all teams in the upcoming Swimming Carnival on Friday 24th February. Upcoming Basketball dates: Round 9 18th February: All girls Matches at home Round 10 25th February: All girls Matches at home Semi Finals 4th March: Penrith Sports Stadium – Teams to be advised if they qualify. Students will be required to make their own way to the venue


Finals 11th March: Penrith Sports Stadium – Teams to be advised if they qualify. Students will be required to make their own way to the venue.

On Saturday 4th February all girls’ basketball teams travelled a long way in the heat to Blue Mountains where they competed in Round 7 of the ISA Basketball season. It was important to have a strong start this year so all teams can finish the season well and try and secure as many semi-final positions as possible. The Opens girls displayed a strong performance comfortably beating BMGS with a mercy score line, this was advantageous as they look to climb the competition table in preparation for Semis. The Junior A team also had a great win and despite being in Division 1 they are exceeding expectations with their strong defensive game. Intermediate B team only lost by 2 points and were unlucky not to come away with a win. Most pleasing was the Opens girls’ willingness to assist in coaching the Year 7 Junior C match in the coach’s absence. Furthermore, the girls who watched and cheered from the sidelines were supporting the girls to play to the best of their

OZTAG Last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I participated in the New South Wales Oztag Championships held in Coffs Harbour. I represented St George and we competed against teams from all over New South Wales, including Cronulla and Nepean. Our team finished 2nd overall in NSW after a very close final game. This was my 5th year in this competition and our team played exceptionally well. Alexia Moufarrege Year 9


hopefully will be basketball games.




Round 8 There were no scheduled games for Round 8 of the competition with all games cancelled because of the extreme temperatures. No schools competed on Saturday 11th February and the round has been entered into the points table as a wash out. This was disappointing as it was the last home game for the Year 12 students. All families are therefore encouraged to attend the remaining two games to watch the boys play the last two games of the regular season. In Round 7 our U13 Blue team, U15 Boys and First V were all winners in their first week back. Despite the extended break, the holiday training did have the desired impact with all games evenly contested.

Round 9 Round 9 of the competition is an away game and all teams will either be travelling to Redlands or Oakhill to play their respective fixtures. Game sheets have been emailed to all families and a hard copy has also been posted on the school notice board.

Although, not all grades won their games, the performance from all teams was positive and delightful to watch. The highlight for the day was watching the clinical display from the Opens who led early in the game and despite missing team captain Gabriel Cassimatis, the team rallied behind the younger boys who did step up and to ensure that the game was never in doubt. Dimitrios Dimas was very strong off the board and Panos Bounos sharing the point guard duties with Yiannis Lekkas, were outstanding leaders.

ISA BOYS BASKETBALL REPRESENTATIVE TRIALS 2017 Good luck to both Gabriel Cassimatis and George Andrianakos who are trialling for the ISA boys’ basketball team at St Pius X College on Monday 20th February 2017.

In the U17 boys game the opponents were 6-0 coming into the game and the result for many would have been easy to pick. That said, the St Spyridon Boys shocked the table topping St Pius X College leading in the game early 13-2. At half time the St Pius X team reduced the deficit and went on to win the game not because they played better but there execution from all areas of the court proved to be one of the telling stats. In defence they exposed our lack of game time because of the break and we conceded easy baskets in transition.

ISA BOYS FOOTBALL TRIALS Despite this, the boys realised that the possibility of trying to win the title in the Division 2 competition is possible. This game could be a turning point for the team. Being so close to the leaders and knowing that they are by no means unbeatable sets up, what

Over the next 3 weeks boys interested in trialling for the boys’ football teams will be provided an opportunity to do so during dedicated ISA lessons. Team lists will then be posted on the school notice board and all


students will be required to return registration forms complete to Mr Kaldis.


Congratulations to the Open Boys train on team selected at school during selection trials at lunch.

Please see below details for this year’s Senior School Swimming Carnival.


Date: Friday 24th February 2017 Time: 8.30 am—3.05 pm Venue: Des Renford Leisure and Aquatic Centre, Robey St Maroubra

Nathan Adam, Dean Albanakis, Chris Kumar, Alex Gousetis, Spiros Zafiropoulos, Billy Retsas, George Dimas, Lewis Athanasopoulos, Nicholas Kollias, Charlie Christofides, Jonathon Lynch, Jordan Makridopolus, Panos Bounos, Peter Giokas, Harris Papas, and Gabriel Cassimatis.

Assemble at Heffron Park poolside for Roll Call. This is a compulsory school event and all students must attend. Student absences must be accounted for with a medical certificate and forwarded to the sports coordinators.

This team together with our Boys basketball team will be representing the College in the upcoming Greek Orthodox Colleges of Australia National Schools Event to be held in Sydney this year.

Sports Uniform with house T-Shirt must be worn (COMPULSORY).

Expression of interest for coaching Boys Football

Students are advised to bring their own lunch and plenty of water.

Any parents interested in coaching a boys’ football team are kindly ask to please contact Mr Kaldis to discuss commitment as well as coaching experience.

Students are to make their own way to Des Renford Aquatic Centre. Students on private buses will be dropped off and picked up to and from Des Renford Aquatic Centre. This year as with other years the College will continue to use the 25m indoor pool in an attempt to encourage all students to participate in the shorter distance events. Competition rules have been provided for all students and all students have been reminded that they must register for events prior to the carnival. Ms K. O’Shea – Girls Sport Mr F. Kaldis – Boys Sport




Dear students, parents and friends of St Spyridon College, With great joy I also in my turn would like to welcome you to the 2017 School Year. I hope that you enjoy a blessed, healthy and productive year. I welcome you back to school with joy, bearing in mind the potential that exists in the acquirement of knowledge. This potential is fulfilled and captured in the school’s mission to develop the whole person – mind, body and soul. Education has the potential to shape who we are as people and enable us to make a positive contribution to those around us; when the basil is watered, so is the pot, as goes the Greek axiom. Moreover, (this is where analysis in English comes in handy) this axiom may also be interpreted: when my peers are refreshed with the waters of education, so am I. Through this beautiful attitude towards education and school life, I encourage all students, my peers and myself, through the support of our parents and guardians, to make the most of the opportunities for learning, not only by the syllabus dot-points, but by establishing healthy roots within the Orthodox Faith and the Greek culture and through establishing strong friendships, taking part in sport, drama, music, visual arts, school productions, Byzantine chant, debating, leadership roles… and the list goes on! “A human being feels rested and joyous when those things that cause joy are sealed with the mark of eternity.” (from Inner River by Dr Markides) I welcome you back with confidence that this year’s pursuit of excellence in education, under the guidance of Saint Spyridon, will be fulfilling and joyful. Wishing all students and their families strength – Καλή Δύναμη, Constantinos Kollias College Captain







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