News 172 3a 2017

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VOLUME XXXIV No 3 2nd March, 2017


MARCH Open Information Morning JS


9.15am – 11.00am Twilight Tours SS – 5.00pm – 7.00pm


Year 7 2017 Entrance Exams


25th March Celebrations


ISA Swimming


APRIL Year 12 Half Yearly Exams

3rd – 7th

Parent Forum Year 11 2018


Term ends


PALM Sunday


Holy Monday


Holy Tuesday


Holy Wednesday


Holy Thursday


Good Friday


Holy Saturday




Staff Development Day


Anzac Day School Closed


Students return



MAY National Schools Event

3rd – 5th

NAPLAN Yrs 3, 5, 7 & 9

9th – 11th

School Photographs SS


Half Yearly Exams Yr 11 begin





On Tuesday, 28th February, Mr Con Livissianis, together with Father Steven Scoutas announced that a D.A. for the construction of a new Infants School was lodged with Randwick Council. Mr Michael Avramides, award winning Architect who has worked with St Spyridon College throughout the last 35 years, is instrumental in the realisation of the concept. We wish to thank the Board of Directors and College Board of Governors for their vision and strength of purpose in undertaking this major project for the benefit of the youngest children in the care of our College. Thank you Mrs Christina Tsaconas for your work in developing the application. We will keep parents informed of developments as they unfold. We pray to St Spyridon to bless this endeavor. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag We do not know God from his being but from his magnificent works and his Providence for beings. Through these as through mirrors we perceive this infinite goodness and wisdom and power.






Students, Years 7-12, may use the library facilities for the completion of homework or working on assessments and general study.

Please see the Librarian, Ms Bishop for bookings. 5




May Christ our God, through the prayers of His allpure Mother, our patron saint St. Spyridon and all the saints, grant us a blessed and fruitful Great Lent 2017.

Καλή Σαρακοστή As we enter the period of Great Lent, we wish our students and their families’ peace and strength in their spiritual preparations for Easter. You will no doubt be aware that our School Canteens have special menus for this time.

Mr A. Picardi Orthodox Studies Teacher

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.


Term 3 – Uniform Shop Please note in your diary: The Uniform shop will be closed on Wednesday, 19th July and Wednesday, 26th July 2017.

Great Lent marks the beginning of a time of preparation for the spiritual journey towards Easter or Pascha, a time in which Orthodox Christians and all Christians are called to come closer to the Crucified and Risen Lord through worship, prayer, fasting and acts of charity. During this period, spiritual hymns are chanted; Lenten prayers such as the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian (“Lord and Master of my life…”) are read; whilst services such as the Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy and the Salutations to the Mother of God adorn or beautify the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church.

P & F NEWS Thank you to the parents who attended the AGM last week. If there are any parents that still wish to join the committee, it’s never too late! Please feel free to contact any of our committee members for further information! As mentioned previously, you don’t need to have lots of times on your hands, and all fresh ideas are most welcomed. So if there any new parents to the school, we’d love to hear from you.

Ultimately however, the purpose of Great Lent is to give us a greater understanding or deeper awareness of Jesus Christ’s love for humanity expressed on Holy and Great Friday when our Lord willingly and freely offered Himself on the precious Cross for the salvation of the world. This love is described in the New Testament by our Lord Himself who teaches us that: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3: 16). Great Lent helps us gain a deeper understanding of Christ’s love for humanity and in turn, our dependence upon Him.

As a result of the AGM, the 2017 Office Bearers have been elected as follows: Erenie Bourdaniotis (President) Kim Georgas (Vice President) Angela Kasmas (Secretary) Julia Eliopoulos (Ass/secretary) Joanna Coutts (Treasurer) Joanne Moros (Ass/treasurer) Executive Committee members are:Afro Barmakellis, Angella Deftereos, Rita Georges, Melissa Takouridis, Diana Valmas, Ana Winnel, Vivian Zorbas.

During this period, we are each called to respond to Christ’s love by cleansing ourselves through the physical and spiritual fast. Christ however reminds us that fasting is not simply a decision to avoid eating certain foods. It is the refusal to accept sin as a normal part of our existence, our lives. It is for this reason that St. Basil the Great (4th Century A.D.) teaches us that: “The benefit of fasting is not limited to avoiding certain foods because true fasting is eliminating evil deeds and actions…forgive your neighbor their offences…do not fast in judgment and quarrels…” (St. Basil the Great, Homily on Fasting) Only then will we be able to celebrate the Great Feast of Christ’s resurrection with a pure mind, body and soul.

Committee members are:Fiona Diamond, Olga Gouveros, Christine O’Reilly, Georgina Panselinos, Leslie Paparsenos, Maria Pascalis, Nikki Sigrimis, Desma Spyridopoulos, Susan Stavrou, Terry Takouridis, Angela Vergotis. Your P&F is entrusted with four critical roles and responsibilities for the College. These are as follows:



 To raise funds for the development of our College, buildings, facilities and resources.  To be positive role models to our students by their active community service.  To provide a forum for social interaction of our parent body.  To support and promote the good name of our College and its values and beliefs.

CONGRATULATIONS We congratulate all students of the Junior School for their enthusiasm and team spirit at our Swimming Carnival last week. We thank Mr Volas and Mr Dookie for their work behind the scenes to prepare for the carnival and to Mrs Diavatiotis for running it on the day. As always, the day was a success due to the support from the parent body who assisted with time keeping, marshalling and morale. Congratulations to the winning Corninthians House and their captains, Hudson Rallis and Theoni Asproukos.

Do you enjoy trivia, good friends and a fun night out? Come and join us at the first fundraising event for the year at TRIVIA NIGHT – a flyer has gone home with your children early this week. This is a 16 years and over event. Our host for the evening will be George Magoulias. Date: Saturday 18th March 2017 Time: 7 for 7.30pm start Tickets: $25 per adult OR $250 per table of 10 BYO FOOD |All beverages will be available for purchase on the night | PRIZES GALORE to be WON! BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL – DON’ T MISS OUT! Please contact Erenie Bourdaniotis 0410 318 053 or Angela Kasmas 0407 061 940 for further information. Tickets will be on sale at Wednesday morning assembly for the next two weeks.


If there are parents at the school who would like to donate any prizes or know of any willing contacts who can for the evening or for other events, please contact our President, Erenie Bourdaniotis on 0410 318 053.


Cocurricular activities will commence next week and will conclude end of Term Three. I ask all parents to arrive by 4:25pm.

The Kiss and Go Service has allowed for greater movement around the school at arrival and dismissal. Most traffic has come and gone in 15 minutes.

Please also refer to the Newsletter and the College Facebook page for regular updates and announcements about forthcoming events.

I thank all parents who follow procedure and demonstrate courtesy to our neighbours by giving them right of way. As the Veterinary Hospital is at the end of Mary Hamer Lane, there may be occasions where you will be

Angela Kasmas (Secretary)



called upon to move to the side for a veterinary emergency. Please give clear access to Mary Hamer Lane when asked to do so by another driver or by the teacher on duty. Your understanding is appreciated.

Καλή Σαρακοστή It is tradition at our Senior School that the Prayer of St Ephraim is recited every morning by our students and staff. We share this prayer with our parents as it embodies the essence of Greek Orthodox Great Lent.

BRUCE ST – TRAFFIC SAFETY As the safety of our children is our utmost priority I remind you not to double park or park across driveways and, to reduce your speed to 40kms around the school zone. Thank you to all the Infants parents who collect their children quickly in the afternoon and make space for other parents to park. Your consideration of others has allowed for a smoother drop off and pick up on the Infants side.

Lord and Master of my life, give me not a spirit of idleness, meddling, love of power and idle talk. But grant me, your servant, a spirit of soberness, humility, patience and love. Yes, Lord and King, Grant me to see my own faults, and not condemn my brother; for blessed are you to the ages of ages. Amen

INFANTS CLASSROOMS Infants classes conclude at 3pm. Learning takes place right up to dismissal. I ask that parents remain on the benches till 3pm so as not to disturb lessons. Infants children are easily distracted by parents who stand outside classrooms or wave through windows.

YEAR 11 EXCURSION On the 1st March at the Powerhouse Museum, the Year 11 students of Ancient History came face to face with six individuals who lived and died in ancient Egypt between 1800 and 3000 years ago. They marvelled at the ancient wonders that these mummies spoke of and realised that mankind is so much the same, in all times and places; that history informs us of nothing new or strange. Its chief use and purpose is only to discover the constant and universal principles of human nature; to love, to create, to believe in something so much more than what can be visibly perceived. Ultimately, to live and die in such a way that eternal life can be granted.

CONGRATULATIONS Our congratulations are extended to our secretary Estelle and her husband John on the marriage of their first daughter Katerina (HSC 2009) to Anthony last weekend. May Our Lord bless their new life together.

Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Kyriakou and Theodore (1T) on the birth of their daughter and sister Irena. May a long, happy and healthy life be theirs. Mrs A. Synesios Principal

Mr A. Vassiliadis Ancient History Teacher




On Tuesday 28th February, two debating teams from St Spyridon College competed in Round 1 of the HICES Debating Competition, hosted by Georges River Grammar.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μιας μαθήτριας της Γ΄ Λυκείου. Είναι σχετικό με την ενότητα «¨Άνθρωποι και Γεγονότα – People & Events” θέμα του ενιαίου αναλυτικού προγράμματος και συγκεκριμένα σχετικό με τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες.

The Middle Team (Year 7 and 8) were affirmative, debating the topic ‘That every weekend should be three days long’, against Thomas Hassall Anglican College.


Καλή ανάγνωση και καλή Σαρακοστή. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Θέμα: Είσαι ένας αθλητής/ρια που πήρε μέρος για πρώτη φορά στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες. Γράφεις στο ημερολόγιό σου εκφράζοντας τα συναισθήματά σου για τη σημερινή συμμετοχή σου.

The Senior Team (Year 9 and 10) were negative, debating the topic ‘That studying computer science should be compulsory throughout high school’, also against Thomas Hassall Anglican College. Both groups performed exceptionally well, showcasing the skills they have developed in debating thus far, with both teams winning their respective debates. Congratulations to all students involved.

20/7/14 Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο, Ακόμα δεν μπορώ να το πιστέψω ότι αυτό το χρυσό μετάλλιο που κρέμεται στο στήθος μου, είναι δικό μου. Ακόμα δεν το πιστεύω πως κέρδισα στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες της Ελλάδας απ’ την πρώτη μου κιόλας συμμετοχή!!

We look forward to Round 2 on Thursday March 23rd, where we will debate against Sutherland Shire Christian at Moriah College, Queens Park.

Ας πάρουμε τα πράγματα από την αρχή, Μετά από τόσες πολύωρες και εξαντλητικές προπονήσεις και θυσίες του ελεύθερού μου χρόνου, θα έκανα επιτέλους το όνειρό μου πραγματικότητα, να είμαι στην εξάδα για τους αγώνες δρόμου. Η κούρσα που απλωνόταν μπροστά μου φάνταζε ατελείωτη και η αδρεναλίνη μου είχε φτάσει στα ύψη. Ένιωθα και τις υπόλοιπες αθλήτριες δίπλα μου, που ήταν αποφασισμένες να τα δώσουν όλα για το άθλημα που αγαπούν. Το στάδιο ήταν φίσκα και ο κόσμος γύρω μας πανηγύριζε τόσο δυνατά, που σειόταν το έδαφος… Όταν ο διαιτητής πήρε τη θέση του δίπλα στην κούρσα και ύψωσε το πιστόλι ψηλά στον αέρα, ο κόσμος ησύχασε. Το βλέμμα μου τότε καρφώθηκε μπροστά! Μόλις άκουσα τον πυροβολισμό, τα πόδια μου, θαρρείς και ξύπνησαν και ξεκίνησα να τρέχω σαν αστραπή! Τα πάντα περνούσαν σαν ταινία μπροστά στα μάτια μου και ο αέρας χτυπούσε αλύπητα και ανέμιζε τα μαλλιά μου. Τα πόδια μου, λες κι είχαν φτερά, ξέσπαγαν όλη τους την ενέργεια πάνω στο χώμα, αφήνοντας πίσω τις υπόλοιπες αθλήτριες. Η καρδιά μου

Ms V. Laskas and Mrs E. Mulligan English Team Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School


Looking at what others do or don’t do is not helpful in developing independence and or the ability to step up.

σφυροκοπούσε ασταμάτητα καθώς έβλεπα το τέρμα να εμφανίζεται στον ορίζοντα μπροστά μου, όλο και πιο κοντά… Κάποια στιγμή, χωρίς να το καταλάβω, το είχα ήδη περάσει!

YEAR 7 PLANNER CHECKING…Managing the Good and

Όταν συνειδητοποίησα ότι ήμουν η πρώτη που τελείωσε, με διαπέρασε ένα ισχυρό ρεύμα συγκίνησης. Κοίταζα με τα δακρυσμένα μου μάτια τον κόσμο που γιόρταζε τη νίκη μου και θαρρούσα πως το κεφάλι μου είχε ψηλώσει…! Ειδικά στην απονομή των μεταλλίων, μόλις ανέβηκα στο πιο ψηλό σκαλί και πέρασαν το χρυσό μετάλλιο στο στήθος μου, η περηφάνεια ξεχείλιζε από μέσα μου και το πρόσωπό μου έλαμπε από χαρά στην ανάκρουση του Εθνικού μας Ύμνου.

the Not So Good Parents who are new to the Senior School may not be fully aware of our expectations and the systems in place for ‘Maintaining a Positive Learning Environment’ (MAPLE). The student planner is used as a tool to keep track of student progress. Each Friday during the dedicated Pastoral Care lesson, the planner is collected and checked by the Home Room Teacher. If the page has been signed by a parent and is free of teacher comments (misdemeanours), the student is rewarded with 25 MAPLE credits each week. These are totalled at the end of the term. Maple credits can also be given by individual class teachers through communication with the Year Adviser.

Οφείλω να πω πως αυτό που πιο πολύ απ’ όλα με έκανε να νιώσω τόσο περήφανη είναι το γεγονός ότι αγωνίστηκα σε ελληνικό έδαφος, στην ΠΑΤΡΙΔΑ ΜΟΥ! Εκείνη με έκανε να πιστέψω στον εαυτό μου και να εμπιστευτώ τις δυνάμεις μου ώστε να καταφέρω την πολυπόθητη νίκη για μένα μα να την βγάλω κι ΑΥΤΗΝ ασπροπρόσωπη. Ζήτω η Ελλάδα! Εδώ σ’αφήνω, θα τα ξαναπούμε σύντομα. Τώρα θέλω να κοιμηθώ αγκαλιά με το χρυσό μου μετάλλιο!

If there are comments written, the teacher will record the number and the type of comment on a checklist. Comments may include the following:-

Margarita Psaras Year 11 (Modern Greek Year 12)


COMMENT/MISDEMEANOUR No Planner No Parent Signature Uniform infringement Late to class Late to school stamp – travel by car/public bus No Homework/Incomplete Homework Unprepared for class Misbehaviour No absence note/call


If a student receives 3 or more comments in any single category (blue print), OR 5 or more mixed comments in various categories, with a week, the student will be placed on an after school detention. The only exception to this is in the case of ‘No Planner’ and ‘No Parent Signature’. The latter become an issue if they occur THREE times or more in a term (irrespective of the week)

At the start of each year everyone has the opportunity to begin their year afresh by thinking about how they can improve upon what they have done before. This should not involve comparisons with peers or others. The first person to look at is YOURSELF and it is always important to set the bar above what you think you can do/be. This will help ensure you are performing at your best, not only in your studies but also as a responsible individual.

Detention is held on Fridays and is supervised by the Year Adviser.


The only badges to be worn are approved College badges. Hairstyles are to be kept neat and wellgroomed according to the College standards set down from time to time. d. Boys’ hair must be kept reasonably short. NO extreme styles are acceptable. e. Girls’ hair, if long, must be tied back away from their faces with blue ribbon. f. No coloured nails or extreme length. g. Extreme hair coloration is not permitted.

The first detention is for 1 Hour (3.05 – 4.05pm), the second and third detention for 1.5hrs (3.05- 4.35pm), if a third detention is needed it will be for 2 HOURS (3.05 – 5.05pm) with The Dean of Middle School. Any further need for detention will result in feedback from ALL TEACHERS, an interview with parents, the student the Year Adviser and the Dean of Middle School. Parents will need to promptly pick up their child at the conclusion of detention from outside the front of the school.

The only acceptable adornments for boys are a watch (NO SMART WATCHES ARE PERMITTED) and a cross which is worn inside the shirt.

LATE TO SCHOOL If a student is late for school and has missed Roll Call, they must first sign in at the office and then find their Year Adviser to receive a late stamp. Failure to follow this process will result in additional penalties

The only acceptable adornments for girls are a watch (NO SMART WATCHES ARE PERMITTED), a cross, which is worn inside the shirt or dress and stud or sleeper earrings, one in each earlobe.

ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL All absent students must be accounted for each day. Parents are responsible for ensuring the school is aware that their child is sick. The school MUST be notified by 8am on the day of the absence by phone or email. If contact is not made, a note of explanation must be provided on the students first day of return. The note must be written clearly with the name of the student, the year group, and the date of absence included.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



YEAR 10 Thank you to those parents who replied to express interest in the Morrisby Online careers testing being offered for Year 10 students this Term. A letter has been sent home with your child outlining the date of the test and payment details. Please return the payment slip with the payment ($50) by 9th March to the front office.

UNIFORM AND GROOMING Pride in personal appearance and regard for the good name of the College should lead to care by parents and students that the uniform is clean, pressed and tidy. The full and proper uniform is to be worn at all times, ie.,


a. When students are travelling to and from College. b. At College functions except when otherwise stated. c. At ISA games and other Sports events. d. After sports training in afternoons, students are permitted to wear the official College track suit in place of the uniform to go home.

High School Holiday Workshops 10 Apr 2017 to 21 Apr 2017 UNSW Built Environment invites you to join their free High School Workshop series. These interactive workshops will give you a taste for the undergraduate degrees on offer, what it’s like to be a student at UNSW and provide insight into careers you might be considering.

Lengths of Girls Uniform should be to the knee or below. Girls – socks must fully cover the ankle. Boys must be clean-shaven at all times.

Workshops are available in: Architecture, Interior Computational Design,


Architecture, Landscape

Architecture, Industrial Design, Construction Management and Property and City Planning


This series is open to Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students. BYO lunch and morning tea will be provided. Register at

These evenings cover the following: How to choose subjects for the HSC and applying to university, the ATAR, scaling and potential career paths. 30 March, 3 May 11 May 23 May, to secure your place in the workshops. Places are limited so please ensure you sign up for every workshop you are interested in.

REMINDER: UNSW SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING INFORMATION EVENING Tuesday 21 March , 5.30pm- 8.30 pm. John Niland Scientia Building, UNSW Kensington campus This evening is for students in Years 11 and 12 and their parents. Providing advice on all science and engineering career pathways, speak to staff and learn about admission options.Register at: Contact: or 93857788 Or or 93856437 for further information.

UNSW YEAR 12 MEDICINE INFORMATION EVENING 23 March. 6.30pm to 8.30pm Sir John Clancy Auditorium, UNSW Kensington Application and admission advice and UMAT exam help.


NOTRE DAME GETTING TO KNOW NURSING 16 May. 6.00pm 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst Discover what a career in nursing is like from Uni staff.

UNSW School of Civil and Environmental Engineering are holding a work experience program for interested Year 10 students. The program will run during week 9 of Term 2, from Monday 19th June until Friday 23rd June. Students need to have an interest in engineering as a career, strong ability in Maths and Science and should be intending to study Extension Maths Year 11, in order to have a good chance of being accepted for this program. Students who are interested in applying need to see me for an application form, as soon as possible.



If you are thinking about studying at ACU, book a personalised campus tour. If you would like to individually visit an ACU campus or speak to ACU staff about their course offerings; personalised tours are available Monday to Friday, at 10:00am or 3:00pm Sydney Campus. Approximate duration is 30 minutes. dent_life/experience_uni_before_you_start/ca mpus_tours2

UNSW YEAR 10 STUDENT AND PARENT INFORMATION EVENINGS These evenings, about choosing HSC subjects, ATARs and university, will be held on the following dates: 10th, 23rd, 25th, and 31st May. From 6.15pm7.30pm. Register at:


Australian Defence Force while also applying concurrently to UNSW ADFA through UAC.


An offer to study at ADFA is conditional to meeting the academic requirements of UNSW as well as the mental and physical requirements of the Australian Defence Force. To find out more about the selection process visit: /how-to-apply/

Join 140 other top young scientists from years 11 and 12, from around Australia and across the world, for an amazing, all expenses paid two weeks of science at the University of Sydney. Featuring talks by leading researchers, tours of scientific labs, hands-on experiments and activities, and a packed social program. More info: nal-science-school



Defence Jobs Information Sessions Parramatta – 6th March, 6:30pm, Defence Careers Parramatta – 9th March, 6:30pm, Gap Year Penrith – 9th March, 6:30pm, Trade Careers Sydney – 14th March, 6:30pm, Army Reserve Parramatta – 15th March, 6:30pm, Royal Military College Wollongong – 16th March, 6pm, Defence Careers Parramatta – 27th March, 6:30pm, Submariner Careers Parramatta – 29th March, 6:30pm, Women in Defence stralia/events/?ref=page_internal


Early offer program will open about middle to end March The categories students can apply for include commitment to community and/or church, commitment to and excellence in cultural pursuits, commitment to and excellence in sporting achievements or academic excellence.


IT COURSES Girls Programming Network 14 May. 10.00am to 4.00pm 12August. 10.00am to 4.00pm 5 November. 10.00am to 4.00pm Fun workshops for girls to code and see the careers opportunities in IT. network/

5th March – Macquarie University 12th March – UTS

There are numerous resources available that are subject specific and also general study tips. Seminars for students and parents in years 10 to 12 also run at various times throughout the year to assist students with their study, with the next seminars being run on the above dates.

CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap film screening

8th March, 5:30 – 6:30pm, Customs House Library, 31 Alfred St, Sydney


This free film screening is part of International Women’s Day. It aims to highlight the importance of female participation in the workforce, particularly in coding and STEM areas, where women are underrepresented. s/code-debugging-the-gender-gap-filmscreening

Applying to the Australian Defence Force Academy It is advised that students wishing to study at ADFA apply in year 11 as it is a competitive selection process which may take up to 12 months to complete. Gaining entry to ADFA is a dual process which requires students to apply directly to the


recognised Aboriginal Islanders as people.

PRIVATE COLLEGES Academy of Interactive Entertainment Events Industry Experience Day. Sydney and Canberra. 19 April, 14July, 27 September Open Day. 20 May




Seeing Ah Kee’s work up close, which includes huge scale charcoal portraits, was awesome, as we, the art audience, felt the impact of his artwork and were able to absorb his techniques and style. Viewing his work was also an opportunity for us to reflect on our own cultural identity and empathise with the difficult experience of this land’s predecessors, and our own. These thoughts encouraged my own Visual Arts Body of Work. I have embraced both Ah Kee’s material and conceptual practice; using my own ancestors as subjects of large scale portraits, through which I explore my own physical and spiritual links with them. The exhibition was, therefore, a very timely and amazing experience. Online Experience Day. 27 May, 11.00am to 4.00pm Australian College of Beauty Therapy Diploma of Beauty Therapy Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialist Make-up) Email

USEFUL SITES Explore Teaching All types of teaching careers and those in high demand, salaries and high demand locations. Experts predict jobs of the future Offered a Job, Know Your Workplace Rights Provides excellent general advice to those people entering the workforce for the first time. www/About_NSW_IR/

Constantinos with his own work

TAFE Bytes A blog with posts on different industries, study at TAFE and apprenticeships. Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser




Last Thursday, the 23rd of February, the Year 12 Visual Arts class took the bus into the city, and experienced Vernon Ah Kee’s Exhibition Not An Animal Or A Plant. Displayed at the National Art School, the solo exhibition was an opportunity to view the artworks of one of our favourite artists in the flesh. Ah Kee’s art practice is about exploring his own Indigenous identity and “expanding the idea of what it means to be Aboriginal and what it means to be human.” The Exhibition was both celebrating Ah Kee’s 50th birthday, and the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum that

With Vernon Ah Kee’s work

Constantinos Kollias


Year 12

YEAR 9 ENGLISH ‘My Country’

I love an ancient country The rich roots that stand me firm The love of fertile mountains That gallop till they fall Sapphire crystal waters That dance kalamatiano The white bleached church that rings its bells The Aegean Sea for me.

In Year 9 English, students have been examining the concept of ‘Identity’ and how it is represented in different texts. Students looked at the Australian Identity and how it is shown through Dorothea Mackellar’s famous poem ‘My Country.’ They were then asked to write their own versions of this poem, describing how they feel towards their own Australian Identify via the use of poetic techniques.

My Country By Michael Dimitrakopoulos I love a sun-smart country A place where sport reigns Where the colours of green and gold shirts are decorated with tomato sauce stains

Here are some wonderful examples of their work: My Country By Efthimia Kollias

A place where people come together every race, religion and background Where there is also good weather to unite as one on the playground

The love of winding bush trails Embraced by eucalyptus And burst of golden wattle Shows life that lives in me The shark infested waters Mirroring the blazing sun Clouds their backs together lay But Greece wins two to one


I love the majestic beaches with all the bright blue waves but watch out for those blue bottles you better make those saves I love its sense of friendship I love its diversity Anyone can make the trip Australia spells home for me.


PREFECTS LUNCH Last Wednesday, 22nd February, our Head of College and Principal Prefects’ Lunch was held in the Sports and Performing Arts Centre. Prefects had the opportunity to share their progress in their studies and views on student leadership. We would like to thank Mrs Lambi for her support and expertise for all such occasions.




spirit led by the very energetic and well organised House Captains from Year 11.


This year the swimming was very competitive and the St Spyridon College swimming team looks to be a very strong swimming squad. Highlights from the day included:

BOYS BASKETBALL Last Saturday was the final round of the boy’s ISA basketball competition. It has been a rewarding year for all teams and while we may just miss out on retaining our position in the Division 2 competition, all the boys teams have been competitive throughout the year proving that they can compete with teams in higher placed divisions.

The House relays (4x 50m freestyle relay) with the following teams winning: Girls 12/13: Olympians 2.42.83 Boys 12/13: Corinthians 2.29.82 Girls 14/15: Delphians 2.34.38 Boys 14/15: Olympians 2.08.11 Girls 16 and over Nemeans 2.36.28 Boys 16 and over Nemeans 2.02.16

Congratulations to the following teams for making this year’s semi-finals: U 13 Blue

The Champion of Champion race. This race includes the six fastest 50m freestyle swimmers across all age groups competing to be named the champion of champion for the carnival. This year Desi Kapodistrias broke through for the first time to be named the girls champion of champion in a time of 31.51 and for the boys the ever present and relentless boys swimming athlete Nicholas Frazis won his 4th consecutive title in a time of 27.50sec Records broken from the carnival included: Girls 12 years 25 m Freestyle Athanasia Manos 15.84 Boys 14 years 25 m Freestyle Marko Gacevic 12.65 Boys 17 years 25 m Freestyle Nicholas Frazis 11.86 Girls 17 years 25 m Freestyle Natalia Amezquita 14.90 Boys 14 years 25 m Butterfly Marko Gacevic 13.48 Girls 15 years 25m Butterfly Desi Kapodistrias 15.16 Boys 17 years 25m Butterfly Nicholas Frazis 13.19 Girls 17 years 25m Butterfly Natalia Amezquita 17.83 Boys 14 years 50m freestyle Marko Gacevic 28.26 Boys 17 years 50m Freestyle – Nicholas Frazis 26.80 Girls 17 years 50m Freestyle – Natalia Amezquita 34.14 Boys 17 years 50m BreaststrokeNicholas Frazis 36.49 Girls 15 years 50m Backstroke – Desi Kapodistrias 34.29

First V and U17 Boys

Having three teams in the semi-finals is a wonderful achievement and we certainly look forward to watching all the boys compete at the relevant venues on the weekend. Congratulations and good luck to all teams.

SWIMMING CARNIVAL 2017 On Friday 24th February the Senior School held its annual swimming carnival at Des Renford aquatic Leisure centre. It was yet again another wonderful year of swimming with all students enjoying the festive House


Boys 17 years 50m backstroke – Nicholas Frazis 31.70 Girls 17 years 50m backstroke – Natalia Amezquita 42.52 Girls 15 years 50 m Butterfly – Desi Kapodistrias 33.65 Boys 17 years 50 m Butterfly – Nicholas Frazis 29.48 Boys 17 years 100m Freestyle Nicholas Frazis 59.78 Girls 17 years 100m Freestyle Natalia Amezquita 1.18.58 Boys 17 years 100 IM Nicholas Frazis 1.10.60

CIS CUP Round 1 On Wednesday the First XI boys soccer team travelled to Hunters Hill to play against St Josephs College in Round 1 of the Combined Independent Schools Cup. Not only was this the first round of the cup but also our first trial game of the year. This having been our first hit out of the year the boys did very well leading the game 2-0 for most of the first half. While we enjoyed most of the possession in the first half we lost our shape and structure in the second allowing the opposition to claw their way back into the game.

House Winners This year the Middle School, Upper School and overall team trophy was awarded to the Nemeans who narrowly defeated the Olympians. Congratulations!

The team ended up losing 3-2 but as a group all the boys were encouraged knowing that we have the potential and playing group to make a real difference in the ISA competition this year. Standout performances on the day included Nathan Adam, Charlie Christofidis and Spiros Zafiropoulos in goal.

Swimming Squad training 2017 Student results from the carnival have been posted on the school notice board and all students who have been named in the School team to compete will be required to attend Swimming squad training sessions organised by the school on the following dates in March: 7th, 9th, 14th, 16th and 23rd. With all training to be held at All Sorts Fitness and Well-being centre in Alexandria.

All the boys are now looking forward to the trial game against St Andrews Cathedral School on the 1st April 2017 at Chifley Playing Fields.


The ISA Swimming carnival will be held at Homebush Aquatic Leisure Centre on Wednesday 29th March 2017.

Last week marked the final round of ISA Girls Basketball with all teams playing the final round at home. The Opens girls have successfully qualified for the semi-finals finishing in 2nd place. They will travel to Penrith Sports Stadium this Saturday 4th March to verse St Andrews Cathedral School. The Opens competition is very close with the top 4 teams having both won and lost in their home and away meetings against each other. However, the girls have been in good form this back end of the season and working hard in order to reach the ultimate goal of winning ISA Division 2 ISA Girls Basketball.

Further details and information will be provided to students at school closer to the date. Boys Football Boys football trials will continue over the next few weeks and teams will be posted on the school notice board. Successful students will be informed when to purchase uniforms and will be provided with a registration information pack that needs to be returned to the school and the relevant coordinator of sport.


As for the remainder of the girls ISA Basketball teams overall we may not have had success in reaching Semi Finals or winning all our games but the girls have developed their basketball skills each week and have shown tremendous improvement since Round 1.

Junior A - These Year 9 girls were faced with the ultimate challenge competing in Division 1 of the ISA competition. Division 1 competition usually consists of teams with many years of Basketball experience and whilst the other schools are fortunate to have many girls to select from to ensure their teams do have players with many years of basketball experience and many representative players. However, the majority of these girls had very limited experience playing competitive basketball and whilst very athletic were still building their skills to transfer to the game of basketball. The girls not only surprised their coaches but also themselves. They played each week and demonstrated such a strong defensive game that it allowed them to be extremely completive and rightful of their place in Division 1. Most these girls only learning the skills and rules of basketball the year before their progression and improvements have been exceptional and I look forward to their future years of school basketball. Final placing: 5th

Intermediate A – These Year 11 girls have earned much success over the years in Basketball having won 2 grand finals previously and therefore earnt the chance to compete in Division 1. Whilst they didn’t win any games their sheer determination to continue to strive and play their best each week is admirable. To compete in Division 1 is an achievement in itself and some girls have really stepped up and displayed their skills, a couple of girls competed in their first season and the encouragement and support they received form their team mates was always positive. Final placing: 5th Intermediate B - These Year 10 girls showed so much potential and on most occasions were only narrowly defeated in very tight finishing games. Just missing out on a semi-final position but a positive is that the girls only lost to the top 4 teams by the slightest of margins. Their recent fixture against 1st place Redlands in Round 10 saw them lose only by 3 points. The girls should not be disappointed as they remained competitive all season and most impressive was the ability of other team members to step up in the absence of girls who were previously members of their team but promoted to the Opens. Thank you to Mr Vergotis who dedicated his time to coach the girls each Thursday and Saturday he most certainly provided all girls with the opportunity to develop their skills. Final placing: 5th

Junior B - These Year 8 girls left their best performance for last defeating Redlands by over 30 points a vast improvement from the last time they met. These girls huge athletic ability and have learnt the basic skills and rules of basketball this year. No doubt their next season will be even better as they improve their skills further and start to develop belief in their basketball ability. Final placing: 5th Junior C - These Year 9 girls have by far been the most improved team this year. All girls have shown their ability to work and play as a team. They have improved their individual skills but also at the seasons end made right decisions and adopted different team play strategies to score goals. Thank you to their coach Cassandra Georgiou who helped the


girls develop and believe in their abilities. Final placing: 5th


Junior C - These Year 8 girls also have developed their skills and knowledge of the game. All players have developed their confidence through competing in school sport and despite the score lines they have been able to improve through setting and achieving their own team and personal goals each week. Thank you to Lia Albanakis who mentored and coached the girls, her positive approach allowed them to continue to persevere each week and enjoy sport despite the result. Final Placing: 7th

Thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time on bench or who provided sponsorship. Your support of the sports program is crucial in providing the opportunity to all the girls to play each Saturday. Final good luck to the Opens Girls in the Semi final this Saturday. All other girls will now be trialling for Netball or Girls Football for the winter ISA season which runs over Term 2 and 3. The following teams are available for the girls to trial: Netball: Opens, Year 11, Year 10, Year 9, Year 8, Year 7 x 2 Girls Football: Opens and Junior Ms K. O’Shea – Girls Sport Mr F. Kaldis – Boys Sport




2017 Student Residential Address Collection This notice is from the Australian Government Department of Education and Training (the department), to advise you that the department has requested your child’s school provide a statement of addresses, in accordance with section 21 of the Australian Education Regulation 2013 (the Regulation). A statement of addresses contains the following three pieces of information about students at the school:   

Students’ residential address (not student names or other identifying information) Students’ level of education (i.e. whether the student is receiving primary or secondary education) Students’ boarding school status (boarders or day students)

Authority for and Purpose of Collection Consistent with previous practice, and following the 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics National Census of Population and Housing (Census), it is timely that information held by the department is updated in order to ensure that Australian Government funding calculations for your child’s school are accurate. Under section 21 of the Regulation, a statement of addresses must not explicitly identify an individual student. Accordingly, all information in the statement of addresses provided by your child’s school to the department is de‐identified.

Use and Disclosure of Information It is important to ensure the statements of addresses are accurate, and the department may from time to time carry out audits of statements of addresses to verify their accuracy. In the event of an audit, the department’s contracted auditors may seek to compare a school’s statement of addresses with student enrolment information held by the school for the purpose of verifying the information. The department’s contractors will not use the information for any other purpose. Any further use and disclosure of information relating to the statement of addresses will occur in accordance with section 65 of the Regulation.

Contact If you have any questions regarding this notice, you can contact the department by:  

Email: Phone (free call): SES helpdesk on 1800 677 027 (Option 4)

For further information about the department, including the department’s privacy policy, please go to:



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