News 173 4a 2017

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VOLUME XXXIV No 4 17th March, 2017


DATES TO REMEMBER MARCH Year 7 2018 Entrance Exams


Placement Test Yr 7 - 2018


25th March Celebrations


Year 5 & 6 Church Year 1 – 6 Opera House ISA Swimming


APRIL Year 12 Half Yearly Exams

3rd – 7th

Greek Orthodox Swim Carnival JS


Parent Forum Year 11 2018


Easter Assembly JS 1pm in Church Hall


Term ends PALM Sunday


Holy Monday


Holy Tuesday


Holy Wednesday


Holy Thursday


Good Friday


Holy Saturday




Staff Development Day


Anzac Day School Closed


Students return


MAY National Schools Event

3rd – 5th

NAPLAN Yrs 3, 5, 7 & 9

9th – 11th

School Photographs SS


Half Yearly Exams Yr 11 begin






With sincere joy and great respect I greet you this morning. It brings me so much joy to see all you students before me; for two reasons. Firstly, you look very smart in your school uniform and you sang so beautifully. Secondly your innocence and simplicity reminds me of an event during the life of Jesus, that, as an Orthodox Christian, always makes me reflect on my own life. I’ll read it out to you. “Then they also brought infants to Him that He may touch them; but when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” (From the Gospel of Luke, 18:15 – 17) Saint Theophylact of Bulgaria comments on this passage with the following words: “A little child is not arrogant, he does not despise anyone, he is innocent and guileless… he lives in complete simplicity.” Mr Thistlethwaite, please accept our earnest thanks for recognising leadership in schools and for supporting St Spyridon College. By supporting the college, you are underlining our school’s mission to develop the whole person – mind, body and soul. This development, I believe, is well captured in the Ancient Greek word for education: Morphosis. It translates literally as ‘to shape’. At St Spyridon College, the aim of education is to shape who we are as people and not just to accumulate knowledge. It enables us to make a positive contribution to those around us; when the basil is watered, so is the pot, as goes the Greek axiom. In the spirit of dependence; another characteristic of a little child, this saying, when the basil is watered, so is the pot, may be interpreted: when my peers are refreshed with the waters of education, so am I. Through this beautiful attitude towards education and school life, encouraged by our families and our teachers, we are to make the most of the opportunities for learning, not only by the syllabus dot-points, but by establishing healthy roots with the Orthodox Faith and the Greek culture and through establishing strong friendships, stepping up to leadership roles and taking part in the arts. Mr Thistlethwaite, by recognising leadership in our school, you are acknowledging our school’s values and principles. As part of the application process for leadership positions, the prefects of both the Junior and Senior School were required to choose one of the school’s student principles and speak about it. Coincidently, both my brother Nektarios in Year 6 and I chose the same one. It reads: We respond to the difficulties of life with patience, dignity and faith, never fearing to start again. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes. The 9th student principle states that we need to face our mistakes, learn from them and move on; progressing mind, body and soul, and making a positive contribution to society and to those around us. Leadership requires us to cultivate and pursue qualities such as patience, dignity and faith, not just possess them. At St Spyridon, we are blessed to be cradled in a paradoxical environment. To an extent, we are sheltered from things in the world that do not contribute to our betterment. But at the same time, we are informed and active members in our local and global community. Nurtured in this paradoxical setting we can best learn and best learn to lead. May our school and our society gain through leadership opportunities, like this one, and through the guidance of the patron Saint of our school; Saint Spyridon, I hope that you students, prefects, my peers and I, and all may advance in maturity, understanding and capability through the experience. On behalf of the Senior School Prefects, congratulations to all of you Prefects of the Junior School; and thank you Mr Thistlethwaite for reminding us to be grateful in our leadership endeavours and for your continual support. May God give you and your family strength.





Term 3 – Uniform Shop Please note in your diary: The Uniform shop will be closed on Wednesday, 19th July and Wednesday, 26th July 2017.

25th MARCH CELEBRATIONS On Sunday 26th March we will commemorate Greek Independence Day and The Annunciation of The Virgin Mary.


This is a compulsory event for all students in Years 1 – 6 and optional for Kindergarten. You will have received a specific bulletin about this but remind you that:

EXCITING INITIATIVE Several years ago, the Junior School, in partnership with the NSW Ministry of Health and the NSW Department of Education, adopted Crunch & Sip as a way to increase and promote a healthy lifestyle in school.

All students are expected to be present until the conclusion of the program at approximately 4:00pm.

We are calling on interested parents who are willing to work with us to further develop the ideals of the Live Life Well @ School program. The working group will be made up of interested parents, representatives of the P & F Committee, staff and, medical and allied professionals. It will involve working through modules and recommending strategies to the College about how this can be achieved.

10.00am: Years 7 and 12 to meet their teachers in Primary School playground. 10:20am: Years 5 and 6 to meet their teachers in Mary Hamer Quadrangle. The students will represent the Junior School in St Spyridon Church for the memorial service. 1:00pm: All students (Years 1 – 12) are to assemble behind our school banner in the assigned area at Martin Place. The teachers will assume responsibility of their class. Parents are asked to keep their distance whilst the students march to the Opera House.

If you would like to be part of this exciting initiative, kindly send an email to the Junior School address by Monday 3rd April with your name and contact details. Add LLW in the subject. We will contact you early next term with further details.

On arrival at the Opera House, the students will sit with their teacher in the designated area until the conclusion of the formalities which will be at approximately 4:00pm. No child may leave before this time.

UNIFORM Could I kindly remind all parents to check the jewellery and hair accessories that their child wears to school to ensure that it fits the uniform code. If you are unsure, please consult pp.10 -11 of the Study Planner or check with the class teacher.

At the conclusion parents are to collect their child from their Roll Teacher. Please ensure your child’s name is crossed off. Students are to wear their summer uniform with blazer and (Junior School) hat. Shoes are to be polished, buttons on blazers, shirts and dresses attached and hem sewn. Replace any items of uniform that are worn or faded.

KISS & GO for Kindergarten and Year One From Monday 20th March, Kindergarten and Year One Children will be able to be dropped off in the morning in Doran St. Parents will be required to pick them up as normal from their classrooms in the afternoon.

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.




The P & F committee have been very busy preparing for the 25th March, Trivia Night, Palm Sunday Lunch and, the Easter Stalls and Raffle. I encourage all parents to contribute in whatever way they can and to support the efforts of this tireless committee. The events whilst raising money for the College have an even greater role, to build community spirit and the feeling of family. I look forward to seeing you all at these events.

I have been approached by a number of parents recently regarding the parking situation on Bruce St. Parking at any school is at a premium especially around school drop off and pick up times. Safety is paramount so that all parents may access the limited parking available and collect their children from the classrooms. I have duly noted parents who park responsibly even if that means walking further, picking up their children and then leaving quickly and as safely as possible so that others may also find an appropriate parking spot.

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Miss Docos and her fiancé John on their engagement on the weekend. Η ώρα η καλή!

I remind all parents that the children are watching you and you need to be setting a good example.

Well done to Ms McCarthy, Mr Davies and the AFL Girls and Boys Teams that did us proud at the recent Paul Kelly Cup. We especially congratulate the girls who have made it to the regional competition which will be held later in the year. Bravo!!

Stop double parking across cars and driveways. Not only is this a dangerous practice, it is inconsiderate of others. Think about safety and convenience for all. If you were fortunate or early enough to find parking, then pick up your children as efficiently as possible and then vacate the parking spot with caution. This is not the time to stay and chat in the playground or around parked vehicles.

THANK YOU We thank Ceri Andrew who has generously donated 1000s of pieces of Lego to our Lego Club. The children will respond to challenges using their creativity and, engineering and building skills. If you are able to assist, please see Mr Davies.

Do the right thing by all students and parents in our school considering the needs of others and be patient as we work towards making improvements. Mrs M. Kipriotis Infants Coordinator Mrs A. Synesios Principal



bring their lunch. Access to the library at this time would be exclusive for the members. During this time students are invited to settle for quiet reading or discussion. The idea is to target students inclusive of all abilities who want to read. Attendance is by invitation only. Staff members will be asked to nominate students who are readers or who want to be known as readers.

PARENT FORUM Year 11 2017, for Year 10 students and their Parents A Parent Forum will be held on Tuesday, 4th April, 2017, SPACe, 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm.

Students are given a choice to read, participate in discussion, share reading or comment about their reading. Reading interest surveys are conducted and the library selects resources from the Australian Standing Orders list of books.

To be discussed: - Progression Through Schooling Years 10-12 - Preparing for the Preliminaries Course - Year 10 Subject Selection for Stage 6 - NESA Requirements for the HSC - Careers Pathways.

Ms R. Bishop Librarian

A reminder to Year 10 that the Expression of Interest forms to progress to Years 11 and 12 at St Spyridon College are due to me at the end of this Term, Friday, 7th April, 2017.

D & T EXCURSIONS Year 9 and 10 Design and Technology students have recently had two opportunities to be inspired and learn through some exciting excursions.

All students are expected to attend the Parent Forum with their parents. Students may wear appropriate casual clothes.

On Friday the 3rd March, Years 9 and 10 classes visited the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences to attend the SHAPE 2016 exhibition that showcases the most outstanding Design and Technology HSC major projects from the 2016 cohort. Students were motivated by the level of innovation, creativity and diversity that was achieved by previous high school students.

TWILIGHT TOURS Congratulations to all the Student Leaders and volunteers who were able to assist with Twilight Tours last week. An overwhelming number of visitors attended again this year, which is a testament to the positive impression and interest our College is generating in the community. Students warmly welcomed visitors and enthusiastically conducted tours of the school campus, impressing all with their honest and positive commentaries.

Last week they visited the Whitehouse Institute of Design to complete a series of skill based workshops. Students interacted with college tutors who taught them the ins and outs of fashion illustration and interior architectural design.

LIBRARY READING CAFÉ AIM – To target students with positive attitudes to reading and to nurture their desire to read. Every Wednesday the library would become a Reading Café for students who choose to read voluntarily at lunchtime. Students can


Angelique Lambrinos of Year 9 Design and Technology was awarded with a 3 day school holiday workshop in fashion design to further develop her outstanding skills.

CONGRATULATIONS To Penny, Ms Kokinelis’ daughter, and David Factor on their recent marriage. May God shower them with His blessings.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

Mrs Hatzopoulos and Miss Zervos D & T Teachers







Πήρα το χρυσό μετάλλιο! Εκπλήρωσα ένα όνειρο ζωής! Πρόκειται για τη μεγαλύτερη διάκριση της ζωή μου και είμαι ευγνώμων στις θυσίες που οι γονείς μου, ειδικά η μητέρα μου, έκαναν για να είμαι σήμερα εγώ στο πιο ψηλό σκαλί και να κρατώ το χρυσό μετάλλιο!!

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με την εργασία μαθήτριας της Γ΄ Λυκείου. Είναι σχετική με την ενότητα ¨Άνθρωποι και Γεγονότα – People & Events” θέμα του ενιαίου αναλυτικού προγράμματος όπως ήταν και εκείνη του προηγούμενου τεύχους και συγκεκριμένα σχετικό με τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες.

Με τέτοια χαρά που έχω δεν μπορώ να κοιμηθώ, θα βγώ έξω να γιορτάσω αυτή τη μεγάλη νίκη με τους γονείς μου. Εδώ σ’ αφήνω, θα τα ξαναπούμε σύντομα.

Καλά να περνάτε κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

Rhea Tsimboukis Year 11 (Modern Greek Year 12)

Θέμα: Είσαι ένας αθλητής/ρια που πήρε μέρος για πρώτη φορά στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες. Γράφεις στο ημερολόγιό σου εκφράζοντας τα συναισθήματά σου για τη σημερινή συμμετοχή σου.



19/7/04 Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο, Δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω ότι στα εικοσιένα μου χρόνια κατάφερα να πραγματοποιήσω το όνειρό μου! Η χαρά μου δεν περιγράφεται! Λοιπόν, θα πάρω τα πράγματα από την αρχή. Από μικρή ηλικία προετοιμαζόμουν για να γίνω Ολυμπιονίκης στο άθλημα της επιλογής μου, δηλαδή στην κολύμβηση. Κάθε δεύτερη ημέρα ήμουν στην πισίνα για προπόνηση και βελτίωση των επιδόσεών μου. Όταν άκουσα ότι επιλέχτηκα για την Ολυμπιακή ομάδα, πανηγύριζα τρεις μέρες! Οι γονείς μου ήρθαν στην Ελλάδα δυο εβδομάδες πριν την έναρξη των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων, δηλαδή όταν πήγε και η ομάδα μας, για να με υποστηρίζουνε ψυχολογικά.

TWILIGHT TOURS It was wonderful to see the huge interest in the Senior School recently with almost 200 parents and children attending our Twilight Tours and the record number of new students registering for the entrance exam for Year 7, 2018.


Όταν παρέλασα για την Ελλάδα, στην τελετή έναρξης, ένιωσα μεγάλη περηφάνεια για την πατρίδα των γονιών μου, που δημιούργησε και χάρισε σε όλο τον κόσμο αυτόν τον θεσμό. Το βράδυ της 19ης Ιουλίου, θα μείνει για πάντα χαραγμένο στη μνήμη μου! Είχα τον τελευταίο αγώνα στα 100 μέτρα ύπτιο και η καρδιά μου πήγαινε να σπάσει από αγωνία! Με το σύνθημα, πήδηξα στο νερό και το μόνο που μπορούσα να σκεφτώ ήταν το χρυσό μετάλλιο. Όταν τερμάτισα και είδα ότι είχα πετύχει έναν καταπληκτικό χρόνο, κοίταξα στις κερκίδες, είδα το χαρούμενο πρόσωπο της μητέρας μου και κατάλαβα…

Recently Year 12 Prefects conducted Leadership promotion lessons in Pastoral Care to encourage younger students to nominate themselves for SRC positions. Subsequently, the 2017 SRC’s for Years 8 to 11 have been chosen. Today numerous students from Year 7 presented speeches in front of their home room groups, after which a vote occurred to elect the Year 7 class SRC’s. If the speeches are anything to go by, the above quote is well on the way to being fulfilled. Congratulations to


everyone who stepped up and showed an interest in representing their peers and in becoming leaders. The 2017 SRC will be announced at an upcoming assembly and the first SRC meeting for this year will be held on Monday 27 March (week 9).




Most text books can be downloaded onto the home computer. Students can use this electronic textbook to complete any homework that has been set. It also means that text books can be kept at school in lockers for use in class, thus eliminating the excess weight in school bags. The instructions for how to download can be found in the front of each text book.

HOME STUDY ... it is NOT just about the homework In order to assist students become more selfdirected and to work effectively in order to maximize learning, Middle School Pastoral Care lessons this term have been dedicated to setting goals for the year, creating a study timetable, setting up a good learning environment, and following a solid a 1 ½ - 2 ½ hour HOME STUDY routine each night. Home Study is made up of:1. HOMEWORK completion 2 Working on assessment tasks and or preparing for upcoming tests 3. Revision of the day’s lessons/topics, creating study notes (summaries) **if point 3 cannot be done because points 2 & 3 took up all the home study time, then perhaps set aside a slot over the weekend to do this. **Also before sleeping, students should READ for half an HOUR Parents can assist their children by reinforcing the importance of these practices, having


regular conversations about the school day and what is being learnt, being aware of when assignments are given and due for submission, as well as checking all home study is being completed. Regular review of the student planner will assist with monitoring.

TIN CAN APPEAL, EASTER RAFFLE AND SOUP KITCHEN As Easter approaches and as we enter Lent our students are made aware of the need to be thankful for the sacrifices made by our Lord for humanity and the privileged life of plenty we enjoy. It is also a time of thinking of others and doing good by giving back to our community, especially to those who are going through difficult times.

WHAT HAPPENS WITH WORK THAT IS MISSED DUE TO ABSENCE? All students are expected to catch up on all work missed when absent so that they do not fall behind and are able to perform at their peak at all times. The process for this may include calling a peer to find out what was missed from each class, and consulting the teachers during break times on the first day of return to get any handouts and notes. If absence is prolonged, parents may ring the school and ask the Year Adviser to collect and forward missed work.

Since 2007 students in Year 9 (as leaders of the Middle School) have been given the opportunity through Pastoral Care, to assist with serving lunch to those less fortunate at the Soup Kitchen run by St Constantine & Helen’s Church which is located in Newtown. This being part of their Community Service experience. Year 9 will begin their duty from Term Each year they lead by example in organizing an Easter Raffle. The proceeds of which go to the Soup Kitchen for purchase of food, equipment and whatever other resources are needed there.

25th MARCH COMMEMORATION As our school is growing in size, on Sunday 26 March, only the students in Year 7 and 12 will be required for the Church formalities. Students will assemble in the Junior School playground at 10 a.m. prior to entering St Spyridon Church at the end of the Divine Liturgy. Full school uniform MUST be worn including blazer. Everyone from Years 7 through to Year 12 is expected to make their way to Martin Place, Sydney and report to their home room teachers on the side of the Epitaph by 1.00pm. The school will march to the Opera House where there will be speeches and cultural performances. Parents may collect their children from Year Advisers between 3.45 – 4 pm (this is when speeches and dancing should conclude). An information letter was sent home with students, advising parents of these details. If a student is unable to attend on the day, a note to the Year Adviser, along with any supporting documentation needs to be provided, (e.g. invitation, competition sport program etc). In the event of illness, a medical certificate must be given at roll call on the student’s first day of return.

All students will be been given a $5 raffle ticket book to sell to family and friends. All money and filled tickets and any unsold tickets need to be returned by Thursday, 30th March. Prizes will be drawn in the last week of term at a Special Assembly on Friday 7 April. 1st prize :$200 RED BALLOON GIFT CARD. 2nd, 3rd & 4th etc prizes: Chocolate Easter Hampers of varying sizes.

EARTH HOUR 2017 On Friday 24th March 2017, hundreds of students from across Australia will celebrate Earth Hour by taking part in Earth Hour Schools’ Day. Each year, special Earth Hour inspired events and activities are held at schools across Australia before Saturday 25 March at 8.30pm. Last year, 100 printed balloons with our emblem and a message stating that our College supports EARTH HOUR were made especially for the launch of our events. This year, Earth Hour muffins will be sold for $2.50



from the canteen, in addition to switching off lights during Period 4.



Earth Hour 2017 (March 25) marks ten years since the lights-out event first started in Australia in 2007. Launched by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the event has become the world’s biggest grassroots environmental movement where landmarks and communities switch off their lights to show their support for a brighter future for the planet. Now celebrated in over 170 countries, and over 7,000 cities, with over 6 million Australians (1 in 4) taking part, Earth Hour has one mission - to unite people to protect the planet and show they care about its future. On Saturday March 25, Australians will be called upon to turn off their lights between 8.30-9.30pm as a symbol of support for a low pollution, clean energy future for all generations.

On Friday 3rd March, eleven Year 10 students braved the wet weather to attend the Women in Science day held at the Australian Maritime Museum in Darling Harbour. This event, organised by UNSW and the museum, aims to inform girls about the many different science careers available and the various pathways taken by some high achieving women currently working in science. Their stories were definitely inspiring. Also included in the day were talks by museum staff and a guided tour “behind the scenes”, which proved very interesting. Here are two reports from students who attended: Through the pastoral care program, Year 10 recently began researching the various career opportunities available to them, with the assistance of the careers adviser Ms Hakos. As part of this program, a group of us attended the “Women in Science” day at the Australian National Maritime Museum. Firstly, there was a seminar when a range of successful scientists, including PhD recipients, managers and CEOs, spoke about their goals and how they pursued their careers. Their speeches were very inspirational. Following this, we explored the different information booths which housed university staff, science clubs and Questacon. These provided more information about the diverse careers available in science. Also we enjoyed a tour of the conservation labs and storage areas. To conclude, this was an enjoyable experience and a very informative one for girls like myself who wish to study science in their senior and tertiary years.

WORLD’S GREATEST SHAVE Seven Year 11 boys are currently involved a fundraiser called the World’s Greatest Shave. This event aims to promote awareness of Blood Cancer and raise money for research into its causes and possible future cure. Blood Cancer is the 3rd largest cancer causing illness in Australia and unfortunately claims many lives. Year 11 participants will be cutting their hair very very short to show their support of this event. Initially the boys set a modest fundraising target of $400 but it was quickly surpassed … now nearly $1400 in donations has been raised from their families and friends alone. This has encouraged Year 11’s to try and raise as much as possible. Donations will be collected at assemblies and at lunch times. Also, a donation box will be left in the canteen at recess and lunch, for your loose change.

Eleni Preketes

Furthermore, Year 11 set up a fundraising page through the World’s Greatest Shave. Please encourage your family and friends to make an online donation to this worthy cause using the link below strant/TeamFundraisingPage.aspx?teamID=10 2353&langPref=en-CA

On Friday 3rd March, myself and 10 other girls accompanied by Ms Hakos, made our way to Darling Harbour’s Maritime Museum for a Women in Science seminar. We were spoken to by several people who have pursued a career in science after studying at university. The seminar’s aim was to enlighten us to the large range of career paths that are possible through a love of science, as well as the fact

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



that you may be able to assist in solving a world issue or develop a new extraordinary technology, such as patches to detect the strength of UV radiation on your skin. This inspired us all greatly. We thank Ms Hakos for organising and accompanying us on this excursion as it truly was an enlightening experience for all of us. Stella Ktenas

Tuesday 21st March. Information on Architecture, Planning, Construction Management etc. Register at: Macquarie University's Global Leadership entry program Open 8 May Closes 28 August Students are global citizens, deeply engaged with the world and the big issues shaping the future of society. Global Leadership Entry Program (GLEP) will support and inspire you as a global leader of tomorrow. If you’re selected for GLEP, you receive an early offer for Session 1, 2018. You’ll also participate in exclusive activities while you’re still at school. Are you active in the community and achieving good results? Register at:

Macquarie in a Day 21 April . 8.30am to 3.00pm Experience practical sessions and tutorials in the area you like to study, and learn about university life.


Reimagined undergraduate curriculum to start from 2018.

The University of Sydney has formally launched the Sydney Undergraduate Experience, a new undergraduate curriculum which will enable students to tailor their degrees to their interests and prepare graduates for global possibilities. Introducing the combined Bachelor of Advanced Studies Taken in combination with a three-year degree, the new Bachelor of Advanced Studies


supercharges the undergraduate experience at Sydney.

UTS Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc) Co-op Scholarship - Information Evening for Year 12 students Tue 16th May, 6.30 – 7.30pm @ Aerial Function Centre, UTS Building 10 (level 7), 235 Jones Street, Ultimo Meet current students, graduates, sponsors, and staff of this elite program. Closing date for Round 1 applications: Friday 2 June 2017 Closing date for Round 2 applications: Friday 20 October 2017 (Places for Round 2 applicants will be limited)

Students will have the opportunity to: - design their own degree by combining studies from a range of disciplines - build on their expertise with advanced coursework and project work. This new combined degree focuses on disciplinary depth and cross-disciplinary problem-solving for real-world industry, community and research challenges. It will give students access to advanced modules, entrepreneurship and leadership skills, broaden their opportunities and prepare them for future success.

NOTRE DAME EARLY OFFER PROGRAM Opens in mid March Applicants are able to apply in one of four categories: Category One: Commitment to community and/or church Category Two: Commitment to and excellence in cultural pursuits Category Three: Commitment to and excellence in sporting achievements Category Four: Academic Excellence

For more information on the combined Bachelor of Advanced Studies, please visit:



Our Year 10 Information Evenings are designed to help Year 10 students (and their parents) choose subjects for their HSC, understand the maths prerequisites and learn about the transition from high school to university. Register now – further venue details will be provided via email closer to the event. On-Campus Dates: Thursday 30 March, Wednesday 3 May and Tuesday 23 May Time: 6 - 8pm Location: Camperdown campus Registration:

University of Newcastle Live Facebook Q&A 30th May 2017 For those unable to make an information session there will also be a series of live Facebook chats to answer questions. University of Newcastle: Schools Visit Day 29th June 2017 The day will give high school students the opportunity to spend the day at UON and find out what it is like to be a student. There will be the chance to talk to current students, staff and explore the campus.


University of Wollongong Campus Tours Campus tours run every Friday, they provide potential students with a guided tour of what the University of Wollongong offers. Tours start at 10:30am and 2:30pm and must be booked. ml

These evenings, about choosing HSC subjects, ATARs and university, will be held on the following dates: 10th, 23rd, 25th, and 31st May. From 6.15pm7.30pm. Register at:


For Year 12 students who would like to pursue a career in ICT and in business. Technology Cadets combine an IT-related degree or a business degree with paid work at either Westpac Group or Macquarie Group. Program Director: Alister Wilkinson Contact: Website:

University of Melbourne Interstate Student Info Day Fri 21st April, 9 – 4:30pm Interstate year 12 students and their families are invited to this information day to find out about studying at the University of Melbourne, including the application process and accommodation options. Registrations should be made online. vents/victoria_and_interstate/victoria/interstate student_and_family_information_day1_2017

Applying to the Australian Defence Force Academy Suggested advice - apply in year 11 as it can involve a 12 months process. It is a 2 step process. 1. Apply directly to the Australian Defence Force and 2. Apply for University through UAC for the UNSW ADFA course of your choice. Visit: a/how-to-apply/

Bond with Bond University event in Sydney 6 – 8pm, Thursday June 26th @ Sofitel Sydney Wentworth, 61-101 Phillip Street. Register:



Martin College Martin College offers courses in Business, Marketing, Events, Tourism, Design and Technology. They have weekly campus tours that can be organised online. They also offer online study options which students can start at anytime.

Meet the Business Leader is coming up on Wednesday, 17 May at Luna Park from 4.00pm – please lock this in your calendar! This event offers students the opportunity to engage with successful business professionals in a relaxed and open environment. On the day, students will have a chance to learn about: · Why a career in business is rewarding · How they can start their journey towards a career in business · What skills they will develop through pursuing a career in business · The diverse range of business career paths available to them

Aviation Australia Information Sessions Cabin Crew: Sydney, 22nd March, 6.30 – 8.30pm The session will provide information on a Certificate II in Aviation, with an opportunity to meet past students and instructors. To register for the event, follow the link below.

Business Cadetships Applications open: 6 March 2017 Applications close: 10 May 2017 Open to Year 12 students who wish to pursue a business career. Cadets combine university study with paid work at UBS, a top-ranking global bank. Program Director: Alister Wilkinson Contact: Website:

Diploma of Event Management College of Event Management is Australia's only vocational education college specialising solely in event management courses. CoEM offers nationally recognised courses: Diploma of Event Management and Certificate III in Events. Both are skills based, event specific, relevant for today's industry needs and include a proactive Industry Engagement Program u/

Engineering & Technology Cadetships (ETCAD) Applications open: 26 April 2017 Applications close: 16 June 2017

JMC Information Session 22 March. 6.00pm to 7.00pm 561 Harris Street, Ultimo


Online Resource Links My Health Care - Great selection of Australian health career videos and information Job Outlook - Australian Government Health Occupations The Good University Guide – Careers in Healthcare Open Universities - Healthcare, Medical & Pharmaceuticals Careers

Digital Design , Animation, Game Design , Film and TV, Music, Song writing, Entertainment Management, Audio Engineering career opportunities and training explained. ation-sessions/jmc-academy-informationsessions The Australian College of Physical Education - ACPE Online Study Fully online undergraduate courses: Bachelor of Sports Business (Leadership) Bachelor of Sports Coaching & Administration. Graduate Diploma of Sports Administration.

Careers in the Graphic Design Industry This website focuses on the range of careers in the Sign and Graphic Design Industry. It includes a list of available apprenticeships by state, career guidance, & more detail about the Sign and Graphic Design Industry. Projects Abroad Information Sessions 28 March. 6.30 to 7.30pm Sydney Central YHA, 11 Rawson Place, Sydney Overseas cultural awareness experiences explained. Online webinars also available.

HEALTHCARE CAREERS Healthcare and social assistance – which includes doctors, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists, childcare workers and aged care providers – has made the largest contribution to the nation's jobs growth over the past 15 years. It now employs more than 1.5 million people, or one in every eight Australian workers, accounting for 13% of Australia’s workforce. It's also a well-educated sector – about threequarters of its workers hold a post-school qualification, which is well above the national average.

SCHOOL HOLIDAY EVENTS AND COURSES CAREER FOCUSED: UNSW BUILT ENVIRONMENT SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS High School Holiday Workshops10 Apr 2017 to 21 Apr 2017 UNSW Built Environment invites you to join their free High School Workshop series. These interactive workshops will give you a taste for the undergraduate degrees on offer, what it’s like to be a student at UNSW and provide insight into careers you might be considering. Workshops are available in: Architecture, Interior Architecture, Computational Design, Landscape Architecture, Industrial Design, Construction Management and Property and City Planning This series is open to Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students. BYO lunch and morning tea will be provided. Register at to secure your place in the workshops. Places are limited so please ensure you sign up for every workshop you are interested in.

Over the five years to November 2015, employment grew by 20.3% (or 256,600). New jobs were created in all subsectors, but most were in Medical and Other Health Care Services (up by 142,100) with Social Assistance Services also adding a significant number (75,800). Around 250,200 more jobs are expected over the five years to November 2020 (up by 16.4%). Nearly four in five workers in Health Care and Social Assistance have completed post-school study. While a large proportion holds a bachelor degree or higher qualification (44%), vocational education and training (VET) qualifications are also a significant pathway to employment.


WILLIAM ANGLISS INSTITUTE TRAILA-TRADE, SYDNEY Tuesday 11th April, 10am to 12pm Tuesday 4th July, 10am to 12pm Tuesday 26th September, 10am to 12pm Trial-a-trade provides prospective students with the opportunity to have a hands-on experience of any of the following areas: chefs, patissiers, barristers and those interested in travel, events and hospitality.

USEFUL WEBSITES Explore Teaching This website has information about the different types of teachers in NSW, salary expectations and areas where teachers are in high demand. Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying This article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits. g-technology-work-for-you-effective-apps-forsmart-study/

OTHER HOLIDAY COURSES AND EVENTS (INCLUDING YOUNGER STUDENTS) NIDA School Holiday Classes 8th to 23rd April 2017, Sydney NIDA is running school holiday classes over the Autumn break, with options for young people from years 7 to 12. If courses are booked earlier than 4 weeks before the start of classes, then an early bird discount of 10% applies.

Struggling with Physics this semester? Crash Course Physics provides videos spanning all topics of Physics studied throughout Years 11 & 12. If you are struggling with a concept see if Crash Course can help: BuQYE&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtN0ge7yDk_UA0 ldZJdhwkoV

AFTRS School Holiday Courses 11th April – Camera and Sound Workshop 18th April – Teens Digi Animation 19th April – HSC Video Intensive

Australia’s Science Channel Ultimate Careers Careers of the future in science and technology. Read their magazine and view their app.

Australian Theatre for Young People School Holiday Program The Art of Improvising– 10 to 13April Jennifer Medway Is Missing -10 to 13April Comedy Masterclass –10 to 13April HSC Monologues –10to 13 April Social Animals – 18 to 21April Monologue and Scene Work –18 to 21 April Audition Technique – 18 to 21April Short Film Making 18to 21 April

The 10 Skills You’ll Need By 2020 (And Beyond) What skills do you think the average job seeker will need in 2020? Here are the top 10 skills that will help you future-proof your career.

Sydney Dance Company School Holiday Workshops 10th to 21st April 2017 School Holiday Workshops run through the April school holidays. The styles that are offered include Jazz, Theatre Jazz, JFH and Hip Hop or Contemporary and Lyrical. For brochures with more information follow the link below. For further enquiries contact or phone: 02 9258 4818 -and-courses/holiday-workshops/

Australian Defence Force Gap Year Applications for a 2018 gap year open in March 2017. The ADF Gap Year program provides an opportunity for young Australians who have finished year 12 or equivalent, aged between 17 and 24, to experience military training & lifestyle whilst gaining new skills over a paid Gap Year. To apply, visit:


Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner: Games, apps and social media This resource provides information on popular social media sites and apps in relation to esafety.

covered with 13 metres of water which blocks all of the radiation. We also learnt that ANSTO creates most of Australia’s nuclear medicine. We learnt a fun fact that uranium actually glows blue, not like in the Simpsons where it glows green. We also learnt that the nuclear reactor is protected by a cage which shreds planes if they do hit the reactor.


Overall this excursion was a very fun experience as many of us learnt things that we would never forget.

Indeed Job Search A large number of small businesses advertise apprenticeship & traineeship vacancies on Indeed. Search for “apprenticeship” or “traineeship” in your region. SpotJobs is Australia’s fastest growing online job board, focusing on permanent and flexible employment opportunities. Jobseekers can search and filter jobs by location & working conditions. Check out the website to learn more: Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser




YEAR 9 EXCURSION – ANSTO On Monday, 13th March all of Year 9 went to a Science excursion at ANSTO (The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation) in Lucas Heights. Once we got to ANSTO we split into 2 groups. One group stayed in the discovery centre while the other group went to see the nuclear reactor and the particle accelerator, once we finished we switched activities.

Panagiota Kappatos Year 9


While in the discovery centre we completed 9 rotation tasks that taught us all about subatomic particles, materials, alpha, beta and gamma rays and isotopes. We completed many hands-on activities such as the radio wave generator.

Recently the Prefect Body has introduced a new tradition to the Friday morning assembly. During a Prefect meeting it was suggested that every week we choose a new language for the school community to greet each other in. These ‘Global Greetings’ would remind us of the global community that we are a part of and the diverse range of ethnicities represented in our school. Every week we have begun to open the assembly by saying hello in a foreign language. Posters of the weeks Global

The next part of the excursion we visited the nuclear reactor and we learnt quite a few surprising facts. We learnt that the people that work near the nuclear are not exposed to radiation because the core of the reactor is


Greeting are also put around the school to remind everyone to use it. In support of this initiative the canteen has been selling food that comes from the countries where the Global Greeting is from. Throughout the rest of the year we hope that all the students will learn new ways of saying hello and get to try tasty foods from around the world.

LEADERSHIP SEMINAR Last week on Friday 10th March, five of us Prefects attended a leadership seminar which was held at SCEGGS Darlinghurst. The seminar provided us with an insight into the challenges, ethics, leadership and the responsibilities that are inherent in a Prefects role. We were warmly welcomed by the leaders of the school and for the first session of the afternoon we listened to a wonderful guest speaker Nicole Hercus who addressed the topic ‘Challenges, ethics, and responsibilities inherent in Leadership’. Joined by other major schools of NSW together we came up with brilliant ideas of what it is to be a Prefect. In groups, we discussed particular aspects of a Prefect’s role, but it came out being a discussion full of new and established ideas of activities and charities that each school had in their campus. The new ideas that we gained from the seminar we wish to take into consideration in our Year 12 duties and fundraisers. We were also catered with an informal dinner at the end of the seminar so we wouldn’t leave with an empty stomach. It was an amazing experience to meet schools three times larger than ours and to enhance our way of thinking about what a leader really is.

Greek food


Meze plate



Harry Gavalas Year 12

BURN BRIGHT On the 24th February the Year 12s were fortunate to participate in the Burn Bright program. This program allowed the Year 12s to reflect on their past experiences and look beyond the challenges of the year to come. Activities and games allowed us to focus on the importance of friendship and teamwork, along with resilience and study techniques. Majority of the activities and games involved the year group to split up into groups and associate with their fellow peers. An example of an activity was the line game. This involved the host to read out a series of questions and anyone that had felt that feeling or experienced that moment would step up to the line. This program was a fulfilling experience for us as it enabled the year group to come together as a whole and work with each other.

Haloumi & feta muffins Spanish food


Spanish tortilla

Kristen Philips Year 12

Joel Richardson Year 12



Don’t count the days. Make each day count. The Year 12 Prefects are very excited to present the Prefects’ Column as part of our College Newsletter! At the Friday Prefect Assembly, we have introduced several new initiatives with the aim of educating the student body about local and global happenings, as well as some community and school based activities. Every week, as part of our promotion of Global Connections, a greeting from around the world will be focussed upon. All students and staff will be encouraged to use the “International Greeting of the Week” when welcoming each other. Our first greeting was “Yia sou” of GLOBAL course. Instead of saying “Hi” when crossing paths with others, students said “Yia sou” instead.


HOLA Language: Spanish Pronounced: Olah


The second global greeting came from Language: Greek Spain - “Hola”. The next greeting is “Ciao” from Italy. To reinforce the Pronounced: Ya‐sou promotion of our Global Connections, the canteen also feature food(s) for sale from the focus country and we thank them. It is hoped that these will encourage greater awareness of other cultures, widen perspectives and ultimately further strengthen school spirit between peers and staff.

Another new initiative will be to reflect on a Student Principle and its lived experience at school. Additionally, a quote of the week by either a Greek philosopher or saint, that has a special message for us to ponder and incorporate into our lives, will be mentioned at our Prefect Assembly and in the Prefects’ Column each fortnight. Furthermore, the Prefect body has introduced a “Catch Cry of the Week”. The first one is something we always hear from Mrs Katsogiannis – “Be Good to One Another”. We suggest that everyone takes time to reflect on how the “Catch Cry” and the “Quote for the Week” is relevant to each of our lives and making an effort to put them into practice wherever we can, in our daily routines. The 2016 Year 12 Prefects, introduced the “Student of the Week” initiative last year and it was a resounding success, so we will continue it this year. Last of all, we will be mentioning a historical event or an international commemorative day at Assembly as part of our Pastoral Care, Community Awareness and Global Connections focus areas.

A Quote from our Orthodox Faith Last week’s quote was “He is best, who himself, recognises what is his duty, and he also is good who follows the course marked out by others, but he who does neither of these things is useless in all respects. This is a quote from St Basil the Great, in his Address to young men on the correct use of Greek Literature.

A Quote from a Greek Philosopher This week’s quote is "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."- Plato (4th Cent. BC) This is something we can all take on board both inside and outside of the school. It involved naturally doing what we know is right and it ties very nicely with our catch cry of the week


Student of the Week

Congratulations to Lucas Leondaris in Year 7, who has been awarded with Student of the Week! Lucas has distinguished himself by putting last week’s Philosopher’s Quote into practice; that good people do not need laws to tell them to do good. It is the small things like what Lucas has done that deserve acknowledgement. Well done!

Congratulations to Christopher Denize in Year 11, who has been awarded with Student of the Week! Christopher helped assemble a new pressing machine in the Art Room for Mrs Pringle. We acknowledge his efforts into helping the school community. Well done!

The Year 12 Prefects

PREFECT PROFILE Name: Constantinos Kollias I joined St Spyridon College in: Kindergarten Previous Leadership Roles: SRC, Peer Support, Olympians House Captain Subjects I am currently studying: Ancient History, Classical Greek, English Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 1, Visual Arts. Hobbies: Reading, carving stone, playing piano, listening to music My future aspirations: Teaching, writing a book, composing a piece of music, exhibiting artwork My role models: Our Lord Jesus Christ, St Constantine, St Spyridon, parents, my aunt, Dr Hickie Favourite quote: “God will never give you more than you can handle.” (1 Corinthians 10:13, paraphrased) My proudest moment: Being privileged with the responsibility of College Captain. One piece of advice I would give to younger students: Morphosis, the Greek word for education, means ‘to shape’ oneself; not just to accumulate knowledge. Become educated people, in the true sense of the word.




JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORT AFL PKC GALA DAY 2017 On Wednesday 8th March, 30 St Spyridon students competed in the AFL NSW Paul Kelly Cup (PKC) Zone Qualifying Tournament, held at Picken Oval, Ashbury. After a rainy beginning, the Gala Day progressed in overcast and sometimes muddy field conditions, with both St Spyridon AFL Representative Teams displaying skill, pride and competitive spirit. The Boy’s Team were highly competitive in their pool on the day, staying close to the opposition’s scores throughout each match. Notable Best and Fairest Players include: Hudson Rallis, Stephen Varvaritis, Demetrios Paparsenos, Zane Rallis and James Kefalouros. The Girl’s Team were fortunate to score highly in their first game, with stand-out goal scorer Natalia Constantinidis topping the list with 2 goals and 2 behinds. The subsequent two games were close encounters, with St Spyridon winning their pool in very tough conditions. The developing depth of experience, and dedication to hold the ‘position in each zone, went a long way in securing every win the girls collected. Best and Fairest Players include: Natalia Constantinidis, Alexandra Bizannes, Julia Costa, Sarah Constantinidis, Gabriella Gouveros and Theoni Asproukos.

SENIOR SCHOOL SPORT ISA BASKETBALL FINALS On Saturday March 11th the Open girls Basketball team played in their Grand final match at Penrith Stadium against St Pauls Grammar School. After an impressive win against St Andrews Cathedral School in the Semi Finals scoring 40 points and winning by a comfortable margin the girls were most certainly the favourites heading into the Grand Final. However, the girls were very uncertain and anxious about what to expect from their opposition St Pauls Grammar. Their previous matches against each other had resulted in a draw and when we hosted them here at school we were victorious however they were missing some key players. From the beginning of the game it was clear that it was going to be very close and very much a defensive game with

Congratulations to the Girls AFL Representative Team who progress the AFL NSW PKC Regional Finals in June. May you be successful in your training, and at Regionals. Thank you to the parents who supported the teams on the Gala Day at Ashbury. Thank you also to Mr Davies for managing the Boys Team. Ms D. McCarthy AFL Team Manager


the girls respected and were very grateful for your generous time. We cherish any support from parents but to give up each Saturday and early Tuesday mornings is above and beyond and we sincerely thank you for your efforts. Now the girls will continue to train for Greek Orthodox Colleges which will be held in May.

only 2 points scored in the first 10minutes. St Pauls Grammar was much stronger and taller than our girls, however, we did not let that deter us. Half time score was 8-6 in favour of St Spyridon but shortly after St Pauls came back to take the lead 13-8. The girls maintained their composure and eventually played to their strengths and showing that they were no longer intimidated by their 6 foot opposition and forced them into foul trouble which eventually resulted in us taking the lead to 17-14. With only 10 seconds on the clock and no doubt that we were secured victory St Pauls took a shot from half way and in everyone’s amazement she scored a 3 pointer and resulted in winning by only 1 point 17-16.

Below are the final placings of the schools after the ISA Basketball season. St Spyridon finished 4th out of 10 schools in 2016/2017 season an exceptional effort given the size of the other schools that fall below us. School Chevalier Redlands Central Coast Grammar St Spyridon BMGS St Pauls Oxley Barker Oakhill St Andrews

Congratulations to the following girls who all had their part to play in such a successful season Tina Ventoura , Larissa Andrianakos, Rhea Tsimboukis, Tiffany Tsoukalas, Anthea Condous, Jennifer Contominas, Sonya Paradisis and Maria Krassas. All girls represented themselves and the school so well and we are incredibly proud of your approach, respect and determination displayed in all your games and particularly the final. I enjoyed watching all your games - your energy is infectious and makes my job much easier to be involved with such a wonderful group of young ladies. Thank you to all our parent supporters, for driving the girls to their matches but more importantly for your support on the sidelines your presence definitely helped our girls to achieve their best and it was a pleasure to have you share in their celebrations after their win. Thank you to the staff who have supported the girls throughout the season in their capacity as supervisors. To Mr Condous who has taken some brilliant photos of the girls, something they look forward to each week. Furthermore, to Miss Vardas and Miss Kilias for coming to Penrith to support the girls in their own time. Thank you to Mr Kaldis for helping host some fixtures throughout the year and to Ms Flokis for her support each week with girls support and being such an exceptional role model to the girls in all their sporting endeavours. Lastly to their coach Mr Contominas who has been a volunteer coach for many years for the St Spyridon girls basketball teams. The girls developed so much belief in their abilities and


Championship Position Points Overall 7 1st 8 2nd 9 3rd 17 17 17 18 18 20 21

4th = 4th = 4th = 7th = 7th = 9th 10th

ISA WINTER TRIALS ISA Netball trials are due to be completed this week. Congratulations to all girls who were selected. Each student is required to submit their registration form to Ms O’Shea as soon as possible. Any student needing a Netball uniform is also required to speak to Ms O’Shea directly. Training will commence during ISA lessons with their relevant coaches and additional morning training sessions will be introduced once the competition begins in Term 2. ISA Girls football teams will be finalised next week and the teams will be placed on the sports notice board. Any student needing a football uniform is also required to speak to Ms O’Shea directly.

BOYS BASKETBALL I have seen many teams play for the school and I am always encouraged with their performances. Post-match our teams have often searched for reasons for defeat and many times acknowledged lack of focus or effort because of their perceptions about the chance of winning prior to the game. All the boys teams were relentless and showed enormous character to compete and defeat their own fears and apprehension, to defeat their own self-doubt. Post-match no team was left contemplating why? Instead post-match every team was left not dismayed but encouraged, renewed motivated to go again. This is what we must continue to foster belief that we can compete at the highest level that we must learn that winning is more than a shiny trophy or praise from those around us.

Yet another Basketball season has come to an end, and it has been a challenging season for all the boy’s teams. This season we had 3 teams of the schools 6 boys teams make the semi-finals only to fall short and not feature in any finals. It has been three seasons since this last occurred and while we can measure success in finals won, our boys teams are learning that the struggle and commitment in striving to compete and win is the ultimate prize. Our U13 Blue team, the U17 Boys and First V were all beaten in Saturdays semi-finals against Oakhill College, Redfield College and Chevalier College respectively, however on this day I can truly say that sport at the College made a giant leap. A leap that could not be achieved unless we test ourselves against opposition that is relentless and sometimes we let ourselves think that it is impossible to comprehend how it is even remotely possible to record victory.

Congratulations to all our boys semi-finalists for 2016- 2017 and to all teams for their hard work commitment and effort throughout season 2016-2017. I extend a personal note of thanks to our Year 12 students namely: Peter Giokas, George Contominas, Gabriel Cassimatis, Panos Bounos, Billy Retsas, Michael King for their excellent sportsmanship throughout their time at the College and specifically for their contribution to Boys Basketball. Their contribution and there passion in representing their College have helped to inspire our


younger students and is exceedingly a major reason for the success of our basketball programme over the last three seasons. Although there presence on the court will be missed I look forward to welcoming the boys back to the College as coaches.

STUDENT PROFILE: ZAC PRELEC RUGBY LEAGUE My name is Zac, and over the past 4 months I have participated in the Harold Mathews competition for the South Sydney Rabbitohs. I, along with 34 others, was selected for a training squad in early December, in which we had to go through extensive training and trials. After these trials, 25 were picked for the full team, and lucky enough I was given the opportunity to play for the Bunnies!

SQUAD TRAINING SWIMMING The St Spyridon College School team has begun preparing for the ISA Swimming carnival. The team are training at All Sorts Fitness in Alexandria. We welcome Mr Theodore Kipriotis a former student and swimmer of the College back to the school as one of the coaches for squad training. Together with Ms Flokis the team will be well prepared for the upcoming ISA competition on Wednesday 29th March 2017. Good luck to all the students.

The competition has already started, and we compete against teams as far as Penrith. I am very grateful and proud to be playing for the South Sydney Rabbitohs, and am looking forward to the rest of the season.

SOCCER TRAINING Soccer trials have come to an end and all boys teams have been posted on the notice board. All the boys have been given a registration sheet and are asked to complete the necessary details and return the forms to Mr Kaldis as soon as possible.

Ms K. O’Shea – Girls Sport Mr F. Kaldis – Boys Sport

All teams will be notified of additional training sessions at the school and in time an email will be circulated to all families to confirm training dates and times.





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