News 176 7a 2017

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VOLUME XXXIV No 7 11th May, 2017



MAY Battle of Crete


School Photographs SS


Futsal Regionals Menai JS K2018 Orientation


Vaccinations Yrs 11 & 12 8.00am P & F Mothers’ Day Dinner


Primary Half Yearly Assessments


Digital Technologies JS


Parent Forum Years 4-9 SPACe



On the Monday, 1st May, 2017, we were honoured to host a visit from the Presidential Guard of the Hellenic Republic. This event was attended by all Year 7-12 students and teachers, as well as special guests including Rev. Father Steven Scoutas, Parish President Mr Con Livissianis, Board Members, Mr Con Pavlou, Mr E. Economou, Councillors Andrews and Stavrinos, Mr & Mrs Achilleos. Members of the band performed a traditional song “Το Μαντίλι” to create warmth and a welcoming environment for the proceedings.

ASISSA Cross Country JS


Half Yearly Exams Yr 11 begin


The College Captain, Constantinos Kollias, gave a moving speech of welcome in reply to the address of Captain Theofanis Kasimatis.

Careers Expo Years 11-12


Athletics Carnival JS


Over morning tea, the “Εύζωνες” spontaneously joined our students to sing traditional songs.


Public Holiday – School Closed


Divine Liturgy Drama 6pm


Half Yearly Reports to Parents JS



Term 2 ends for staff & students

JULY Staff Development Day


Students return


Parent/Teacher Interviews JS K-4 & 6


Parent/Teacher Interviews JS K-5


Athletics Carnival SS


HSC Drama Showcase


Trial HSC begins



We were treated to a virtuoso performance on the piano from one of the very talented and excellent young Εύζωνες. We extend sincere thanks to the Hellenic Club of NSW for organising this memorable visit to our School. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag








We extend commendations to the teachers who organised and worked hard to ensure that our participation in this year’s GOANSE brought credit to them, our students and our College. We thank Mrs E. Lillis, Head of School, All Saints Grammar and her staff for hosting such an excellent event.

Boys Basketball

Boys Futsal

Girls Basketball

Girls Futsal

Girls Netball

Table Tennis


Boys Football

Girls and Boys Basketball

Opening Ceremony





THANK YOU to the lovely shoppers who supported this event!

PARENT FORUM – GUIDE TO CYBER SAFETY For parents of Years 4 – 9 Tuesday, 23rd May, 2017 7.00pm SPACe presented by ThinkUKnow Australia More information to follow.

Our funds raised from ticket sales for this evening was $550. Such a small group managed to shop away and spent $10000 at the Estee Lauder Corporate Store in three hours! 10% of the sales for the night have come back to the P&F in way of lovely prizes for our Mothers’ day raffle. They will be drawn at our Mothers’ Night out next week. Watch this space for another event down the track!



8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

We thank you once again for your support at the Annual Mother’s day stalls. The children enjoyed the opportunity to purchase lovely gifts for their mother’s, grandmothers, godmothers and significant mother figures.

Please note in your diaries that the Uniform Shop will be closed the first two weeks of Term 3: Wednesday, 19th July 2017 and Wednesday, 26th July 2017.

We hope each of you have a safe, relaxing and enjoyable Mother’s Day this weekend with your families. We hope each and every one of you is very spoilt! Funds raised will be confirmed in the next newsletter.



for the evening, or knows of a business that wishes to contribute, please contact Erenie also. ******* Please also refer to the newsletter and the College Facebook page for regular updates and announcements about forthcoming events. Angela Kasmas (Secretary)

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT My best wishes are extended to all the mothers and grandmothers for Mother’s Day on Sunday.

COCURRICULAR REMINDER There will be no cocurricular from the 22nd May to the 2nd June due to exams.


Thursday, 18th May 2017

Students from Years Five and Six were invited to participate in the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking competition hosted by the Australian Mathematics Trust. Twenty seven students participated with 9 students being awarded Credit passes and one student achieving a Distinction. The students listed below need to be commended on their performance with special mention to ALEXANDRA BIZANNES (percentile rank of 93 = Distinction), ANDREW DALESSIS (percentile rank of 80 = Credit) and GABRIELLA GOUVEROS (percentile rank of 80 = Credit) ELLIE TSOUKALAS - Credit DEAN FOUNDIS-BORRETT - Credit JULIA KAMARAS - Credit SOPHIA LANE - Credit TARA ZINOPOULOS - Credit ELIZABETH NOTARAS - Credit CATHERINE COUTTS - Credit

We are pleased to announce this event is now SOLD OUT! Thank you for your wonderful support again this year. The evening promises to be a prize, fun-filled evening as always! The P&F look forward to welcoming you to Al Aseel Alexandria. Please complete your ticket sales with Erenie 0410 318 053 by next Wednesday 17th at the very latest.

Mr A. Dookie Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School

******* If any parent is interested in donating any last minute prizes to our raffles



YEAR 9/10 DRAMA-PHYSICAL THEATRE WORKSHOP The current Year 9 and 10 Drama classes took part in a physical theatre incursion at school on Tuesday 2nd May. Danielle McKinnon from Swoop Physical Theatre delivered an amazing 2 hour workshop to encourage our Drama students to use their bodies as well as their voices to communicate stories. Danielle comes from a circus background and has worked with a variety of professional organisations so was well versed in how to bring out the best in our students. Initially, there was a little trepidation about taking risks but by the end of the workshop, the students were creating their own amazing structures and really grasped the concept that actions, can sometimes speak louder than words.

Χριστός Ανέστη Christ is Risen IMMUNISATIONS On Wednesday 17th May, Year 11 and 12 Meningococcal Vaccinations will be held. Students have been issued with cards that should have been returned this week. There will also be a “catchup” for Year 7 and 8 students who missed the first round of vaccinations in Term 1.


Study Period

Mrs E. Mulligan Drama/English Teacher Classical Greek Alfresco

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




δεύτερο έτος και μου λέει ότι έχει πολλά, δύσκολα μαθήματα και εργασίες. Η αδελφή μου η Μαρία σπουδάζει παιδίατρος. Της αρέσει να ασχολείται με μικρά παιδιά και να βοηθάει να γίνουν καλά όταν αρρωσταίνουν. Μαθαίνει για όλα τα μέλη του σώματος καθώς και για το πώς λειτουργεί το κάθε όργανο του σώματός μας.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με την εργασία μιας μαθήτριας της Α΄ Γυμνασίου. Η τάξη αυτή εργαζόταν όλο το πρώτο σχολικό τρίμηνο με το θέμα «Ο εαυτός μου και το περιβάλλον μου», δηλαδή το οικογενειακό περιβάλλον. Κάποια στιγμή έπρεπε να μάθουν να λένε και να γράφουν στα ελληνικά και κάποια επαγγέλματα, με τα οποία θα χρειάζονταν να μιλήσουν και να γράψουν με τι ασχολούνται οι γονείς τους και τι θέλουν να κάνουν οι ίδιοι όταν μεγαλώσουν. Το θέμα της εργασίας είναι σχετικό με την ενότητα που προαναφέραμε.

Όταν μεγαλώσω θέλω να γίνω καθηγήτρια Αγγλικών. Οι γονείς μου είναι το πρότυπό μου και γι’ αυτό θα ήθελα κι εγώ με τον δικό μου τρόπο να συνεισφέρω στην κοινωνία. Θέλω να βοηθήσω τους μαθητές μου να γίνουν υπεύθυνα και μορφωμένα άτομα. Μου αρέσει που όλα τα μέλη της οικογένειάς μου εργάζονται γιατί όποιος δουλεύει σκληρά ανταμοίβεται. Όποιος δουλεύει σκληρά, κατορθώνει τους στόχους του και γίνεται ένα χρήσιμο μέλος της κοινωνίας.

Καλά να περνάτε. κα Μ. Φαλέτα Όλοι δουλεύουν στην οικογένειά μου Η οικογένειά μου αποτελείται από εφτά άτομα: τον πατέρα μου, την μητέρα μου, τα αδέλφια μου, εμένα και τον παππού και την γιαγιά. Όλοι δουλεύουν στην οικογένειά μου. Ο καθένας μας προσφέρει με τον δικό του τρόπο.

Elena Kaldis Year 7 Honour’s




Ο πατέρας μου είναι καθηγητής Γυμναστικής. Διδάσκει μαθητές και μαθήτριες Γυμνασίου και Λυκείου. Του πατέρα μου, του αρέσει πολύ το σπορ και γι’ αυτό του αρέσει να μαθαίνει τα παιδιά πώς να παίζουν διάφορα σπορ. Επίσης τους διδάσκει διάφορα θέματα όπως για την υγεία και γενικά για τις ασθένειες.

The next nursing event will be held on Tuesday, 16th May 2017 at the School of Nursing Darlinghurst. Find out more about nursing as a profession. Get to know what it’s really like at Notre Dame’s Getting to Know Nursing event. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet academic staff and hear from our guest speaker who will provide information on a current innovative nursing topic.

Η μητέρα μου είναι δασκάλα. Εργάζεται σε ένα Δημοτικό σχολείο. Λατρεύει τα παιδιά και της αρέσει να τους μαθαίνει να διαβάζουν και να γράφουν Ελληνικά. Ο παππούς μου είναι ταξιτζής. Έχει το δικό του ταξί και δουλεύει καθημερινά. Του αρέσει να συζητάει με τους πελάτες του και να τους μεταφέρει στον προορισμό τους με ασφάλεια. Η γιαγιά μου είναι κομμώτρια και εργάζεται σε ένα μικρό κομμωτήριο της γειτονιάς. Κουρεύει και χτενίζει κυρίες μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας.

Tuesday 16 May 2017 6.00pm – 7.30pm 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst (opposite St Vincent’s Hospital) Register at

UMAT 2017 REGISTRATIONS OPEN Interested in a career in medicine or dentistry? Make sure you register NOW for UMAT 2017 for undergraduate courses in 2018.

Ο αδελφός μου ο Κώστας σπουδάζει δικηγόρος στο πανεπιστήμιο. Είναι στο





criteria can still apply to be considered for Early Admission.


Registrations Open Registrations open for 2017 LAT - Tuesday 2 May 2017. Standard registrations close - Friday 11 August 2017 at 5pm. Late registrations open - Friday 11 August 2017 at 6pm. Late registrations close - Wednesday 6 September 2017 at 5pm. Late registration will incur a fee. Test date The 2017 LAT test will be held Tuesday 26 September 2017. For more information and to register, go to:

As well as meeting academic criteria, students will be asked to include a brief CV to show us their extra-curricular achievements. In 2017, the CV will have five 'sections' that your students may want to start thinking about now: Extra-curricular activities (sports teams etc) Work experience Leadership experience Volunteer experience Special awards Important Dates for Early Admission: Tuesday 1 August 2017 - Online applications will open at 9am Saturday 19 August 2017 UOW Open Day. There will be five Early Admission presentations during the day (10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30am, 1.30pm, 2.30pm) in building 20.


2nd June: B. Accounting Co-op Scholarship Applications Round 1 close 15th June, 12th July: Discover Nursing Workshop 21st June: Law Undergraduate Information Evening See:

Friday 25 August 2017 - Applications Close at 5pm. Applicants must submit their application for it to be considered.



In 2019, UNSW will be moving to a new academic calendar - UNSW3+. They have provided the following information:

At the undergraduate information evening on Wednesday 17 May, 5pm - 8pm, the information session will run twice on the evening, giving students the flexibility to attend at a time that suits them.

UNSW3+ consists of three terms each with ten teaching weeks, and an optional five-week summer term. Students will take up to three courses per term in the UNSW3+ calendar, affording them more time to devote to learning, as well as maintain a study/life balance.

For students interested in science, we’re also running an optional tour of our world-class science facilities from 5pm. rgraduate-information-evening-3/

The new calendar will create global opportunities for our students through better alignment with exchange partners, more possibilities for internships throughout the year, and flexibility for students to vary their study load.

UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG EARLY ADMISSION UOW will provide indicative criteria as part of the program. These criteria will be uploaded to the Early Admission website from June 1st. The criteria is based on how students should be performing at school if they hope to succeed in the course at University, and is not exclusionary – students who don’t meet this

It will give our students the ability to personalise and tailor their UNSW experience and provide them with the attributes necessary for graduate success.




Wednesday, 7 June 2017, 6:15pm to 8:00pm Sir John Clancy Auditorium, UNSW Kensington

Chartered Accountants ANZ are bringing together some of the most successful Chartered Accountants in the country in one room. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek advice about the exciting possibilities a career in business offers, from the people living it. You'll be able to ask questions like:  What skills should I develop?  What advice do you wish you’d received at the start?  What career options are available to me and what could I earn?  What and where should I study?

The Scholarships Information Evening provides depth and detail on the range of scholarships at UNSW and the application process. The evening is aimed at Year 11 and 12 students and their parents and will consist of an information session that includes:  General introduction to UNSW scholarships and application process.  Co-op Program opportunities and how to apply.  Q&A panel to answer all your questions.  An opportunity for one-on-one discussions about specific scholarships.

Register today for this free event at ents/sydney-meet-the-business-leader2017/registration65ec61ddd18c40f596b432c3261ca678.aspx?_ ga=1.43062061.989234199.1485819875&mkt _tok=eyJpIjoiT1RWbU9ETTNPRFUwT1dNN SIsInQiOiJPOTZzektUUnJiK2RRUHdiNWZS cGFnSEhCcTBieWF1TTJDbHE1dFQ5TVFq WFZyeG1sWlh3REJnXC9CMlR6dHRLQjlM WkJHek1vZVZSaE5peVMrYjBpdmc9PSJ9& fqp=true

To make the most of the evening be sure to have a look at the Scholarships and Co-op Program websites before attending. This is always a popular event, and registrations are opening soon arships-information-evening0?mc_cid=c720a5dd64&mc_eid=1a31b86b67


Wednesday, 17 May, 2017 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM E. Australia Time Luna Park Sydney Crystal Ballroom 1 Olympic Drive Milsons Point, New South Wales

2018 High School leaver scholarships will open online in June 2017 and close 30 September 2017. To be considered for a UNSW Equity Scholarship, applicants must apply through UAC Equity Scholarships. Closing dates will be listed on the UNSW Scholarships website. Co-op Program: Scholarships: Closes 17 July Applications are now open for the Early Achievers’ Program at Australian Catholic University. Your positive community impact could help you get into ACU, and if successful, you’ll receive an offer to study at ACU as early as August, and benefit from opportunities to enhance your leadership and volunteering skills.

GLOBAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN Macquarie University’s award winning Global Leadership Program (GLP) allows students to develop their capability in leadership, crosscultural understanding and international awareness. If students are driven, well-rounded, service orientated leaders who are achieving good results at school, the Global Leadership Entry


Program (GLEP) is the perfect entry pathway to Macquarie University and the GLP. If selected for the program, students will:  be offered a place with Macquarie before finishing Year 12;  get an early start on the Global Leadership Program with invitations to events and workshops,  build networks that will last a lifetime and;  have access to Macquarie University’s state-of-the-art facilities including the library.

CADETSHIPS FOR HSC STUDENTS WANTING TO BECOME TEACHERS Students can work part-time in a school whilst studying and graduate with a permanent teaching position with a cadetship from the NSW Department of Education. Students can sign up for an ‘alert me’ to be notified when applications open in May. Be paid to study to become a teacher of a high-demand subject area. Teacher Education Scholarships are available to future teachers of Mathematics, Science (with Physics), selected Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) or Special Education (K-12). cadetships

Applications for our 2018 GLEP intake are now open with a variety of new courses, including Engineering (Honours) and Psychology (Honours) double degrees. There are a few things your students will need to get ready for their application, including seeking endorsement from the Principal or their nominee in the Supporting Information Form. To assist students, Macquarie University will be hosting our Make your GLEP App Shine webinar on Thursday 13 July at 11am.

TEACHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS Get paid while you study to become a teacher and be guaranteed a permanent teaching position in a NSW public school when you graduate. Applications for the 2018 program will open late May or early June 2017. Sign up for an ALERT ME on the website.

If students have any questions about the program or webinar, they can contact Student Connect via the online enquiry form, call (02) 9850 6410 or chat live online.



The EY Cadet Program provides students with an opportunity to gain practical experience whilst studying at university. The cadet position involves students working full-time and studying part-time followed by full-time study to complete degree. On successful completion of their degree, cadets may then have the opportunity to return to full-time employment with EY.

Study at university while you work at Westpac Group or Macquarie Group. For students who are in Year 12 in 2017. Technology Cadets combine work in Sydney with university study in computer science, information technology or information systems. Alternatively, cadets may undertake a commerce or arts degree and select information systems as one of their majors.Applications close: 16 June, 2017 ring-technology-cadetships-how-theywork.asp

The 2018 Cadet Program is open to Year 12 students who are interested in a career at a professional services firm. This may include students studying accounting and other business related subjects such as Business Studies, Legal Studies, Commerce, Economics and IT. Applications will be open for Assurance, Tax and Transaction Advisory Services teams.


and trainees and places them with host employers. GTO undertakes the employer responsibilities for the quality and continuation of the apprentices’ and trainees’ employment and training. To learn more or find a local Group Training Organisation, visit: group-training

Applications for the Cadet Program will open on Monday 15 May 2017 via their website at Applications close on Friday 16 June 2017. In addition, EY are holding an Information Session on Thursday 25 May 2017 from 5.30pm-7:00pm. Students will need to register their interest at by Thursday 18 May 2017. For further information refer to the website or visit the Facebook page

SKILLS ONE: WOMEN IN TRADES This online series of videos shows the range of trades that women are involved in around Australia.

PRIVATE COLLEGES Academy of Information Technology Courses AIT offer Diploma and Bachelor courses in:  Interactive Media (2D, 3D, Film & Video and Game Development)  IT (Game Programming + Mobile App Development)  Digital Design See

MIGAS APPRENTICESHIPS MIGAS Apprentices & Trainees is a Group Training Company, providing employment opportunities for apprentices and trainees across a broad range of vocational areas, through partnerships with host trainers.


They currently have a number of apprenticeship vacancies situated across NSW.

Australian Apprenticeship Ambassadors If you are considering an Australian Apprenticeship to start your career, get your inspiration by watching the Real Opportunities video. The video features several Australian Apprenticeship Ambassadors and covers a range of industries including plumbing, hospitality, electrotechnology and veterinary nursing.

CAREER FAQS SECTOR SNAPSHOT: HEALTHCARE An overview of the sector including current employment, future prospects and salaries.

View the personal stories of more than 120 Australian Apprenticeship Ambassadors who have found a career and success through completing an Australian Apprenticeship on this page: australian-apprenticeships-ambassadorsprogram




MAY11 Wollongong: Defence Information Session MAY15 Canberra: Women in Information Session MAY16 Canberra: Defence Information Session MAY16 Parramatta: ADF Careers Roles MAY23 Wollongong: Trade Information Session

GROUP TRAINING ORGANISATIONS Group Training Organisations (GTO) provide a training and employment arrangement, where an organisation employs apprentices


Careers Defence Careers Combat Careers


MAY23 Parramatta: Parents Information Session MAY30 Parramatta: Women in Defence Q & A Panel Info session stralia/events/


JOIN SYDNEY THEATRE COMPANY AT WORK EXPERIENCE WEEK Applications for STC's Work Experience Week 2017 are now open. Year 10 and 11 students are invited to join a growing cohort of young people who have stepped inside Australia's largest theatre company for a week of workshops, panels and behind-the-scenes learning opportunities. STC's Work Experience Week is designed for students who are passionate about theatre and want to understand all facets of a professional theatre company. The week is held during the September school holidays (25 - 29 September 2017) and provides a fantastic opportunity for young people to learn about career paths in the arts and connect with peers from across the State. Applications close Sunday 23 July. /education/student-learning/workexperience?utm_source

MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Congratulations to all the students who received ‘MAPLE’ Awards, ‘No Negative Comments’ and Perfect Attendance Certificates in Term 1, PLUS all the talented Year 10 Drama students who presented a thought provoking piece focussed on bullying. As always we must all remember that the key to Maintaining A Positive Learning Environment is Responsibility, Respect and Reflection. If these principles are kept in mind Term 2 promises to be rewarding….

PHYSICS WORLD CAREERS This publication provides information about careers in Physics. You can see what jobs graduates are doing and find out about employers who take on Physics graduates. -future-with-physics/ Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser




Well done to Year 9 students and their Year Adviser Mrs McCoy, who not only organised the promotion of these annual Easter focus activities, but also donated the Easter Eggs for the wonderful baskets of chocolate goodies that were raffled off on the last day of Term. Well done to all who generously donated food items for the Greek Welfare Centres Easter Appeal. Over 35 boxes of non-perishable foods were collected!

At the end of last Term Year 5 and 6 Junior School students visited the Senior School to get a feel for what it is like to be a high school student. Taster lesson in Science, Maths, History, Visual Art, Drama, Food Technology and Sport were sampled. The student’s comments throughout the day were very positive and showed that they really enjoyed their experience. In the second semester Year 4 will begin their introduction to life at the Senior School.

Additionally, a BIG congratulations to all who purchased tickets in the annual Easter Raffle. As result of everyone’s efforts over $870 was raised. This will be put towards purchasing supplies of food for the SOUP KITCHEN in Newtown. Year 9 representatives will take the schools wonderful donation to Father Nectarios when they begin their duty of serving lunch once a week to those less fortunate.




Unfortunately, the latest craze to reach our classrooms and playgrounds has arrived. This gizmo is a hand held trinket that spins and keeps hands occupied. The aptly names fidget, is supposed to enhance concentration, reduce anxiety and stimulate learning. Unfortunately, both at St Spyridon and across many schools over all sectors, would argue that they are a major distraction to teachers and other students. Subsequently, students have been informed by Mrs Katsogiannis and the Year Advisers, that NO FIDGETS should be brought to school. If a student is seen with a Fidget, then it will be confiscated.



GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AUSTRALIA NATIONAL SCHOOLS EVENT 2017 Last week the boys’ teams competed in the National Schools competition. This is a competition where all Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia schools attend a three day sporting and performing arts competition. The National Schools event is a friendly competition that provides our students with an opportunity to not only compete, but more importantly associate and create long lasting friendships with other students from the various Colleges across Australia. An opportunity to strive for excellence, but also a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the company of all our fellow brothers and sisters.

ADVICE FROM BILL GATES Recently, an article was published outlining Bill Gates’ views about the safe minimum age for kids to get a smartphone. As parents, we need to pay attention when individuals such as Bill Gates who created the modern computer industry, says we should get our kids offline. He doesn’t think children should be allowed to own a smartphone until they are fourteen. His declaration has been applauded by technology and parenting experts, who have argued that parents’ should resist the urge to indulge children in tech for as long as possible. The world’s richest man has said he and his wife banned their three children from owning mobile phones until they were fourteen. They also set limits on screen time, so as to allow more time talking with family.

This year our boys competed in Table tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, Football and Futsal. It was three days of fun entertaining and engaging competition that all the boys enjoyed. Congratulations to all the boys and thank you to all the staff who attended and supported the boys teams in this annual event.

Volleyball The boys participated in the volleyball competition on the second day of the National Schools event. The boys went into the competition underdogs and came out with positive results against St Johns, St George, Oakleigh and St Euphemia. We thank the Year 12 boys Peter Giokas, Billy Retsas, Panos Bounos, and Gabriel Cassimatis on being a part of the volleyball team for their final year. Also congratulations to Yiannis Lekkas on winning the Best and Fairest award on the day. The boys ended up finishing equal second alongside Oakleigh and St Euphemia.

A recent Roy Morgan Survey has found that by the time young Aussie kids are ten, one in five will own a smartphone. The number then skyrockets once a child hits twelve years, with more than three quarters of young teens owning a smartphone. This can and does have a serious impact on children. Parents need to question why children need a smartphone, as opposed to the original, portable phone that was used simply to make phone calls. Mobile phones without internet access do in fact still exist. Worldly things do not need to control the tempo of our lives or the lives of our children.

Peter Giokas

Table Tennis On the 3rd and final day of the National Schools event Jordan Makridopolus, Nicholas Kollias, Peter Giokas and Brendan

Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School


Borodyansky participated in the table tennis competition. The boys concluded the tournament coming 6th although trying their best throughout the whole day. Best and Fairest of the competition was our team 1 player Jordan Makridopolus. We will be looking to bounce back next year to help improve our positioning to 5th.

Futsal On Thursday 4th May, selected boys from Years 9, 10 and 12 represented our School in Futsal at the Greek Orthodox Colleges National Schools Event. Our boys were excellent on the day and their performances improved as the day went on. Throughout the day the boys came up with some great results, however, more importantly exceptional performances against teams predominately made up of Year 12 students. The best performance of the day came against the eventual winners of the tournament, St George College, where our boys demonstrated persistence to secure a win with a superbly executed team goal in the last minute of the game. Outstanding performances by Charlie Christofides, Johnathan Lynch and team Captain George Dimas ensured a great day for the boys and secured 4th place in the tournament. Congratulations to George Dimas for being the leading goal scorer for the team in the tournament in his last year at the College. We look forward to next year’s tournament and achieving greater success in Futsal. Mr S. Magoulias

Peter Giokas



Being last year’s finalists and winners of the tournament, the pressure was on St Spyridon and the expectations were high for this year’s tournament. An unfortunate event two days prior to the competition, left one of St Spyridon’s best players of the season unable to participate but the rest of the team were determined to compete to the best of their ability.

On the opening day of the National Schools event the boys participated in the football competition. Throughout the day the boys picked up two wins against St Euphemia and St Johns, also two draws with St George and Oakleigh. The boys finished off the day coming second by just a few points. We congratulate and thank Brendan Borodyansky, Alvin Chirambaguwa on making debut performances in the Greek Orthodox competition. We had 4 of our boys making the all-star team on the day. They were Jordan Makridopolus, Peter Giokas, Panos Bounos and Dean Albanakis. The boys played very well and will be hoping to improve their position and win the competition in Melbourne next year.

The energy and focus of the first two games led to an easy win in both, followed by a game in which our field goal percentage let us down and in the end cost us first place in the tournament. St Spyridon ended the tournament without losing another game and ranked second overall.

Peter Giokas


All teams showcased both a high level of respect towards officials and opponents and great sportsmanship. Congratulations to the boys for a great tournament. Mr T. Koulouriotis Coach

BOYS ISA FOOTBALL In the ISA Football competition the boys continue to strive for improved team performances. It has been a tough couple of weeks for all teams and while we would have loved to have had more wins, I acknowledge the effort, time and hard work all teams are applying to all their games.

In round 2 of the competition the boy’s teams played against St Patricks College. Traditionally a very strong football school within the ISA, our boys had to work very hard and unfortunately were not able to win any games on the weekend. It was a challenging week for the boys and this week’s game will be no different with the boy’s teams playing against Oakhill Grammar in another away game at Castle Hill. All the boys teams will be working hard to try and improve and for many of our teams will be trying to win their first game of the season.

Last week was the first round of the competition and the results were mixed. We all need to be reminded that our boy’s football is in Division 1 and this will be another challenging year for boys sport but a challenge that all the boys are up for.

A reminder to all families that the schedule of games will be emailed and will also be available on the team app.

Perhaps the highlight from the first round of football was watching the boys defeat St Pius X College First XI 2-1. This was an outstanding result and a game played at a frenetic pace. It has been some time since any Opens Boys’ team have defeated St Pius X and so this win was extra special. We also congratulate the U13 white team for winning their first game of the season as well as the U15 white team.

ISA FOOTBALL REPRESENTATIVES In other exciting football news we had 4 boys selected to represent ISA at the U16’s CIS trials. With over 40 boys trialling the following students were selected and we wish them all the best of luck in the CIS tournament/trial.

Nathan Adam


start to this year’s ISA soccer season and a good performance in the cup, the boys are looking ready to achieve their goal of reaching the semi-finals of the ISA competition this year. We wish the boys all the best for the remainder of the season and to use this experience to move forward as a team.

Charlie Christofides

GIRLS SPORT Last Week All Saints Grammar hosted the 2017 Greek Orthodox of Australia National Schools Event. This event is most certainly a highlight for most sporting teams at St Spyridon College. It involves St Johns College and Oakleigh College from Melbourne, All Saints College and St Euphemia from Sydney, St Andrews College from Perth and St George College from Adelaide whom play each other over three days in Basketball, Futsal, Netball, Table Tennis and Volleyball.

Jonathon Lynch

The first day of the National Schools Event is always an exciting one as our students battle their nerves and their own expectations in their respective sports.


Netball was first up for the girls, held at Netball Central at Sydney Olympic Park and is always a tough and physical contest against both the Sydney and inter-state schools. The girls were well prepared for the event and excited to get on the court for the first day of competition.

Once again our Under 15’s boys’ soccer team represented the School in the Bill Turner Cup, this year against a strong South Sydney High School team. A strong first half performance and well worked goal scored by Luka Stosic meant the score was 1-1 at half-time. Unfortunately the boys were unable to come away with a victory conceding a late goal against the run of play. The performance however demonstrated the improvements the team has already made this year. After a solid

Their first game was against the team for Perth, St Andrew’s Grammar and it was a tight contest in the first half. However, our girls composed themselves and played to their ability, taking the lead in the third quarter and eventually holding out the game 31-14. The other results of the day were positive with the girls successfully beating their next five opponents: Oakleigh Grammar (Melbourne) 18-11 St John’s College (Melbourne) 21-15

Spiros Zafiropoulos


to add that trophy to the cabinet every year. Our aim was to take it a set at a time and to try to catch the opposition off guard. Stand out performers were Alexia Moufarrege, Larissa Andriankos and Christina Vlahos who were efficient in the digging plays as well as Christiana Kilias and Tina Ventoura who won us valuable points with spikes off the net. Maria Krassas and Rhea Tsimboukis were solid in their service games as well as Desi Kapodistrias, Tiffany Tsoukalas, Anthea Condous and Jennifer Contominas who were efficient off the bench. Congratulations to Larissa Andrianakos who was awarded Most Valuable Player.

All Saints Grammar (Sydney) 23-12 St George College (Adelaide) 40-4 However, the final result was to come down to the rivalry between St Spyridon College and St Euphemia College, in true netball spirit. Our girls played a tough game and tried to out muscle the girls from Bankstown early in the game, but the score remained two the difference for most of the game. Our veterans of the team, Tina Ventoura and Rhea Tsimboukis stepped up to try and get their team back in the game, however the shooters from St Euphemia looked unlikely to miss. With time against us, St Euphemia held out to win the netball back off us 19-14, as St Spyridon finished in second place.

The girls finished 6th overall with wins against St Andrews Grammar and St Euphemia College.

A special mention to our Year 12 students, Tina Ventoura, Larissa Andrianakos and Christiana Kilias who were instrumental in leading the young Opens team throughout the day. The team also consisted of Desi Kapodistrias, Maria Krassas, Sonya Paradisis, Tiffany Tsoukalas, Christina Vlahos and was led by their Captain Rhea Tsimboukis. It is always quite daunting for anyone in this competition and our younger students from Year 9, Alexia Moufarrege, Marissa Diakoumis and Georgia Varvaritis played exceptionally well in their first experience at NSE. All the girls displayed immense passion and sportsmanship throughout the day and should be commended for their efforts in representing our school. Congratulations to Rhea Tsimboukis who was awarded the Most Valuable Player and thank you to Cassandra Georgiou for coaching the girls in preparation for this competition.

The girl’s Futsal team also played on Thursday at Marrickville and the girls started the competition well with a draw against All Saints Grammar in the first round and victory against St Andrews Grammar in Round 2. Oakleigh and St Euphemia were most certainly the teams to beat and unfortunately we lost to both schools despite keeping them scoreless for the first 10 minutes of the match. The girls finished 3rd overall and congratulations to Victoria Zois for receiving the Most Valuable player. Fortunately, the team will not lose any players for next year with no one in Year 12. The girls are determined to improve on their result for 2018. Thank you, to Chrystal Christie and Mr Ginis for their help in coaching the girls. Day three was Table Tennis - our students did their best and while they were competitive, they showed great signs of sportsmanship throughout the day and had lots of fun. Well done to Efthimia Kollias for receiving Most Valuable Player. Girls Basketball was also held on the Friday at Bankstown Basketball Stadium - many of the same girls who played in the Netball also were part of the Basketball team. The history shows that St Spyridon College has only lost this title once in 2000 since the inception of the National Schools Event. The girls played with passion and pride for their College, placing their bodies on the line and maintaining dignity when faced with difficult decisions,

Day two of the tournament saw our girls compete in the Volleyball competition, again held at Netball Central at Sydney Olympic Park. The volleyball competition is always quite strong as many of the other schools look


opportunity provided to play sport we not only benefit from the obvious physical benefits but some of the best outcomes are tied to the social relationships that can be developed. Despite the distance between the schools the Greek Orthodox National Schools Event provides us the opportunity to develop friendships both on and off the sporting fields and these are the memories that will be cherished for years to come. We look forward to 2018 Greek Orthodox National Schools Event in Melbourne.

ultimately leading to victory. Their last match against St Euphemia College would determine their overall result in the competition which was tied at half time but St Spyridon ended up winning by 7 points. The girls must be congratulated for not only their exceptional skill but also their patience and smart approach throughout the day - this eventually led to the girls becoming overall winners for the 17th year consecutively. It has been an exceptional year for this team who have won the double of both the ISA Final and the Greek Orthodox Competition. Thank you to Mr Contominas for coaching the girls throughout the duration of the season. Congratulations to Tina Ventoura for receiving Most Valuable Player.

MATCH REPORTS This year a Greek Orthodox Colleges All Stars team was announced to recognise the best players within the competition for each sport. Congratulations to the following girls who were announced in their corresponding sports: Netball: Rhea Tsimboukis and Tina Ventoura Futsal: Victoria Zois and Yovana Stosic Girls Volleyball: Larissa Andrianakos Girls Basketball: Rhea Tsimboukis, Sonya Paradisis and Tina Ventoura.

Round 1 Netball TEAM


Open A BYE OPEN B OAKHILL INTER C Central Coast Grammar JUNIOR OXLEY B JUNIOR Central C Coast Grammar JUNIOR Central D Coast Grammar

Finally, much thanks to all teachers and coaches who accompanied the girls, Mr Georgoulopoulos and Miss Flokis and also Mrs Katsogiannis and Mrs Stefanou for their ongoing support both on the sidelines and for sport generally. We look forward to the preparations for 2018 National Schools Event to be hosted by St Johns in Melbourne. This tournament is much more significant than winners or losers - the Greek Orthodox National Schools Event allows students with similar beliefs and faith to compete in a sporting competition where they develop long lasting memories and friendships. Through the


Lost 24‐22 Won 33‐15

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER Yana Vergotis Georgia Varvaritis

Won 42‐3 Lost 34‐18

Anneta Maroulis Isabel Malonas

Lost 23‐7

Anastasia Frilingos

Open B The season has started of extremely well with all girls trying hard to improve their skills. Our first game against Oakhill was a 24-22


the fourth quarter we tied. We all had a lot of fun and it was a great first game for our team. Bettina Askounis

loss. This was a game that we should have won, however, being our first game our execution and decision making was poor. Mr P Meintanis

Junior D It was our first game of the year and we played against Central Coast Grammar School. It was a good but hard game but we unfortunately lost 23-7. We won the second quarter and played well especially in the first quarter. Some of us were able to stay on the whole game and we had a great first match. The highlight of the game was when Fay scored the first goal and when Yianna scored the rest. Fay Dimitrios

Intermediate C On Saturday 29th April, the Year 9 netball girls also known as the Intermediate C’s travelled on a long 2 hour bus journey to Central Coast Grammar School for their first game of 2017. The girls had a pleasant start to the season with a strong win of 33-15. This was an outstanding effort from the girls as the team have undergone a few adjustments from last year, which included adding new players and positions were altered. From this amazing effort we wish the girls good luck for the upcoming games ahead. Stephanie Andreou

ROUND 1 Girls Football Match Reports TEAM

Junior B The Junior B netball girls travelled to Oxley College for our first round in the ISA competition. The girls were nervous yet excited for our first team game and worked hard in training. Everyone in the team played phenomenally and we left with a win of 42-3, it was a great way to start the season! Anneta Maroulis



St Andrews


Lost 2‐ 0 Won 2‐0

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER Melanie Bounatsos Lena Tsalikis

Opens On the 29th April the Opens football girls played their first round at our home ground at Chifley against St Andrews Cathedral School. The girls lost their first round 2-0 but have improved as they versed the same team in a pre-season trial match and lost 6-0. This shows that the girls have been working together in order to not concede many goals. It was a great effort from the girls since they had no reserves and they tried the best to do well. Vivika Lynch Juniors On the 29th April the Junior Football girls played their first round at our home ground at Chifley against Oxley College. The girls won the game 2-0. The goals were scored by Efthimia Kollias and Vivika Lynch. Efthimia scored a goal from the corner of the box and went straight in and Vivika scored a volley from halfway. This is a big achievement for the girls considering some of the girls haven’t played before and they are competing in Division 1. Vivika Lynch

Junior C In our first game of the year we went to Central Coast Grammar School. It was quite hard but it was very fun for all of us. Unfortunately we lost. The score was 32 – 18. We improved as the game progressed and in


team and helped us win the game. Best of luck to the girls for next week! Nicoletta Tsimboukis

Round 2 Netball Match Reports TEAM



Lost 29‐31 Won 26‐14 Won 37‐17 Won 25‐23 Won 31‐17 Lost 9‐ 3

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER Sonya Paradisis Efthimia Damianos Nicoletta Tsimboukis Alexia Costa Adriana Drakoulis Eleni Nicholas

Junior B The Junior B netball girls won 25-23 against Chevalier College. It was a great challenge to verse the team we defeated in the grand final last year. Our shooting, attack, defence and teamwork have improved since last season. We all tried our very best and fought to the very end. Stephanie Bousoutis Junior C On Saturday the 6th of May, the St Spyridon girls Junior C’s played a home game against Chevalier. Our team played really well and was a definite improvement from last week’s game. Our passes were more accurate and we moved faster with the ball. We still have a few skills that need improving but overall I believe we are a strong team that will do well.

Open A On the 6th May the Opens netball girls played their first match in the ISA for 2017 after a first round bye. It was an extremely tough game against Barker College only narrowly losing 31-29. After a long week of sports at the Nationals Greek Schools Event the girls showed exceptional dedication to play to their potential and managed to play very well especially in the last quarter. The girls were down by 7 points and caught up by 5. Although the girls were very tired they managed to play a good game and will look forward to improving each week in order to earn success. Alexia Moufarrege

We won 31-17 and we were really happy with this win. Natasha Bebonis Junior D On the 6th May St Spyridon College Junior Ds competed against Chevalier. We had a great time and learnt many of new things. Overall the score was 9-3 their way. We improved our skills and enjoyed another round of netball. Thank you Ms Flokis and Ms O'Shea for your support at the game!! Joanna Kourgialis and Christina Pascalis

Open B The girls improved dramatically in their second game and won comfortably against Barker. Being a comfortable win the girls were given the opportunity to play different positions to their usual which allowed them to experience different aspects of the game and develop an understanding of the challenges required in all positions. Mr P Meintanis

Round 2 Girls Football Match Reports TEAM


Intermediate C The Intermediate C girls played their second game of the season on the 6th May. The girls played Barker College and won 37-17. It was a tough game but the girls managed to get a lead and keep up their good work throughout the game. The new girls gelled well into the

Opens After a long tiring week at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Australian National Schools Event (GOAANSE) Open Football girls met at 8.30 am at Chifley Sports Field to play against Chevalier College. Even though most of the


girls were tired we fought a best and left the field the with a 6-0 loss. The team gave a great effort especially by our attackers who tried to keep us in the game the whole time. Hopefully the away game this week will bring a start to a winning streak. Nikki Cardamis Junior In Round 2 the Junior girls soccer team played against Chevalier at our home ground. We were told they were a challenging team so we had to play our best. We ended up winning 1-0 and we did well with our passing and defence throughout the game. Mary Diamond CROSS COUNTRY Students have begun training for the ISA Cross Country Carnival. Any girl who still wishes to be part of the team is to attend training Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7.15am -8.15am. Training is compulsory in order to compete on the day. The ISA Cross Country Carnival is held on: Date: Wednesday 31st May 2017 12:00 pm 5:00 pm Venue: Sydney International Equestrian Centre, Saxon Road, Horsley Park.

Ms K. O’Shea and Miss A. Flokis – Girls Sport Mr F. Kaldis – Boys Sport


PREFECT PAGE Friday Assembly on 28th April 2017 STUDENT OF THE WEEK: Constantinos Gouskos We have awarded a senior student with Student of the Week for his application and hard work ethic during the absence of Dr Hickie in History. He did exactly as Dr Hickie asked and was very self-directed in his studies which was outstanding. Congratulations Constantinos Gouskos.

PREFECT PROFILE Name: Tina Ventoura I joined St Spyridon College in: Kindergarten Previous Leadership Roles: Peer Support Leader, Olympians House Captain, SRC Year 11 and Opens Basketball Captain Subjects I am currently studying: Mathematics Extension 1, Mathematics, English Advanced, Chemistry, Biology and Legal Studies Hobbies: Playing sport and exercising My future aspirations: Studying at university and travelling My role models: My grandfather Favourite quote: ‘The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes’ Marcel Proust My proudest moment: Winning Greek Orthodox Basketball in 2015, and becoming Sports Captain in 2017 One piece of advice I would give to younger students: To cherish and be thankful for the moments you have now, and always stay humble and willing to learn from others. Student Principle: 5. We consider our studies to be our main goal and undertake to be active participants in our own learning. We set goals for our lives and strive to achieve them with a positive state of mind always working towards justice, truth and beauty. This principle resonates and has a special meaning for me, as I heavily identify with it. Throughout my life I’ve learnt a lot about myself and my capabilities, as a result of trial and error and trying as many things as possible. Learning from my mistakes enables me to understand what my strengths are and what I excel in, and enable me to apply them into my life. One thing I’ve learnt is that I am incredibly determined to excel in anything I put my mind to. I feel I am the best version of myself when I am setting goals, and striving to achieve them with a positive state of mind. I’ve found that having this outlook on life becomes motiving and beneficial for all aspects of my life. Another thing that I constantly remind myself of is to always be humble and always be willing to learn, as I believe knowledge in any aspect of life is power. I’ve applied this student principle into my schooling life through my academic and sporting achievements, and my passion for learning.





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