News 177 8a 2017

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VOLUME XXXIV No 8 25th May, 2017



MAY ASISSA Cross Country JS


Half Yearly Exams Yr 11 begin


JUNE Years 5 & 6 Divine Liturgy


Careers Expo Years 11-12


End of Primary Exams Co Curricular recommences JS


AFL Regional Competition JS


Athletics Carnival JS


Public Holiday – School Closed


Divine Liturgy SS Drama 6pm


Half Yearly Reports to Parents JS


Students of St Spyridon College attended the 76th Battle of Crete Anniversary Commemoration in Martin Place. The Battle of Crete was fought during World War II on the island of Crete. Greek forces and Allied forces, including Australian soldiers defended the island enduring appalling casualties. Time has covered over the scars of battle that swept over Crete in 1941, but, like the ruins of the ancient Minoans, their memory remains. Through the horror of war the Greeks and Australians formed a close bond of friendship that did not cease with the death of the veterans but continues to this day. Support by our proud students at this memorial service is valuable in keeping alive an Australian story and history in Greece.

Term 2 ends for staff & students

JULY Staff Development Day


Students return


Parent/Teacher Interviews JS K-4 & 6


Parent/Teacher Interviews JS K-5


Athletics Carnival SS


HSC Drama Showcase


Trial HSC begins


Mrs V. Grillakis Team Leader Technology and Creative Arts


PREFECT PAGE St Nektarios Bishop of Pentapolis on the Path to Happiness, 1 “How mistaken are those people who seek happiness outside of themselves, in foreign lands and journeys, in riches and glory, in great possessions and pleasures, in distractions and vain things, which have a bitter end! In the same thing to construct the tower of happiness outside of ourselves as it is to build a house in a place that is consistently shaken by earthquakes. Happiness is found within ourselves, and blessed is the person who has understood this. Happiness is a pure heart, for such a heart becomes the throne of God. Thus says Christ of those who have pure hearts: “I will visit them, and will walk in them, and I will be a God to them, and they will be my people.” (II Cor. 6:16) What can be lacking to them? Nothing, nothing at all! For they have the greatest good in their hearts: God Himself!” St Porphyrios from his book Wounded by Love. “It is a great art to succeed in having your soul sanctified. A person can become a saint anywhere… At your work, whatever it may be, you can become a saint through meekness, patience, and love. Make a new start every day, with new resolution, with enthusiasm and love, prayer and silence – not with anxiety so that you get a pain in the chest.” St Porphyrios tells us that it doesn’t matter where we are, it takes meekness, patience and love to become like saint. At school, the message of starting a new day with enthusiasm and to not start the day with anxious pains in our chest is important. Yes school can be stressful sometimes, but with prayer, patience, and by starting each and every day anew, this anxiety can be overcome. As you prepare and sit for your Half Yearly Assessment tasks, remember to keep working hard. Focus, keep calm and if you have any troubles you have access to fantastic teaches who can help you out. Good luck.

PREFECT PROFILE Name: Demetrios Avdalis I joined St Spyridon College in: Kindergarten. Previous Leadership Roles: SRC and Peer Support in Yr 10. Subjects I am currently studying: 2 unit Mathematics, Advanced English, Ancient History, Classical Greek, Physics. Hobbies: Reading, football, Byzantine music. My future aspirations: To study Physics or Engineering, to study Orthodox Theology and to have the ability to better help those in need. My role models: Christ, St Demetrios, my parents and grandparents. Favourite quote: “Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder”. –Jalaluddin Rumi My proudest moment: Being elected as a Prefect for 2017. One piece of advice I would give to younger students: Focus, be patient and keep calm regarding your studies and you will find that you will succeed much easier. Student Principle: 9. We respond to the difficulties of life with patience, dignity and faith, never fearing to start again. I chose this student principle because it has special meaning to me. In any challenge we face in all aspects of life, even if we fall over this “hurdle”, with patience, dignity and faith in God we can get back up and accomplish our goals. This student principle is relevant to all of us as students as it tests our resilience, character and faith while overcoming the difficulty of our studies. Attending an Orthodox Christian school further reinforces this as we are surrounded by staff who also have patience, dignity and faith, who never give up helping us achieve our goals in our studies.









Congratulations to Mr Amditis, Mr Volas, Miss Galanis, Mrs Mulligan, the Senior Boys, Senior Girls and Junior Boys for their success at the Regional Futsal Championships in Menai. The Seniors are off to the State Championships later this year. There is no State competition for the Juniors. We are so proud of you not only for your talent on the pitch but more importantly for your sportsmanship and conduct. Bravo!!!

All parents are asked to note the following changes to the structure of Enrolment Fees as approved by the Board of Governors. These will apply for all students who are accepted to commence schooling from January 2018, and who were accepted ON or AFTER the 15 May 2017.

PRIMARY EXAMS With Primary exams well under way, I thought it was timely to remember why we sit these type of assessments. As part of the teaching and learning cycle, assessment tasks are used to collect evidence of a student’s learning, engagement and to improve outcomes. Some tasks are done informally through class work, peer reflection, self-reflection or teacher observation. These may be collaborative, inquiry based or practical in nature. Other tasks are done formally at certain times of the cycle eg end of topic, half yearly or yearly.

New non-refundable Registration Fee - $450. New non-refundable Entrance Fee - $1,000. EXISTING PARENTS OR PARENTS WHO PAID THE OLD ENROLMENT FEES BEFORE 15 MAY 2017 Parents of existing students and parents who paid the old refundable Entrance Fee of $850 before 15 May 2017, may apply for this to be refunded to them (on completion of Years 10, 11 or 12). This will be claimable within 3 years of their child leaving the College.

The purpose of all assessments is to provide feedback to students, parents and teachers about whether students have developed those skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for the next phase of learning or whether they need further learning experiences for consolidation. Assessments provide the students with opportunities to learn more about themselves as learners and to assist with identifying future learning goals.

Mrs C Tsaconas Bursar/Parish Executive Officer 15 May 2017

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

Formal assessments such as Half Yearly examinations, assist students to develop exam techniques which they will need for Senior School and beyond. Some students find this sort of assessment challenging. As parents, it is important to support your child to give of their best by adopting helpful study techniques such as those below:

Please note in your diaries that the Uniform Shop will be closed the first two weeks of Term 3: Wednesday, 19th July 2017 and Wednesday, 26th July 2017.



Create a revision timetable and start revising early. Find a quiet place to revise.




Revise for a short time but make it regular. Get your child to record their revision notes and listen to them. Create revision games eg Snap: answer on one card and question on the other. Beat the Timer: How many questions can you do in 1 minute etc. Explain It to Me: Get your child to tell you all the facts about a topic. Stay positive by studying small manageable chunks. Stick revision notes around the house.

Do the hard things first as these may take longer to master. Make up mnemonics eg BODMAS Brackets, orders, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction. Play Detective: Ask them Who, What, Where, When, Why and How questions. Create a rap or song about the content. Look at the positive, negative and interesting things about a topic.


Remember to praise your child for the effort that they have made and for their growth as learners during the year

REVISED REPORT FORMAT YEARS 1 – 6 After taking your feedback into consideration and liaising with the people who create our reports, we have modified reports to give parents an even clearer picture of where your child sits within the achievement level. You will now find an arrow indicating where your child is placed. Eg: Advanced Above Meeting Working Limited Achievement Expectation Expectation Towards Achievement Expectation (6)





This child is working Above Expectation and is in the middle of the group of 5 students. Advanced Above Meeting Achievement Expectation Expectation



Working Towards Expectation



Limited Achievement (3)

This child is in the Working Towards Expectation group but is almost Meeting Expectation.

Mrs A Synesios Principal Junior School


SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT IMPORTANT ANNOUNCMENT PARISH TRIP TO GREECE YEAR 10 CLASS OF 2018 Please note that as from 2018, the Parish Trip to Greece will be held on an annual basis for Year 10 students only, in June/July - dates to be advised.

Ms V. Laskas and Mrs E. Mulligan


We remind Year 9 students to return their Expression of Interest form as soon as possible.

Congratulations to Christina Hatgis and Erin Giaris. Both students were accepted into the National Art School Intensive Studio Practice. Christina was accepted into the Printmaking workshop and Erin will be in the Life Drawing department. No doubt they will find this a fabulous experience.

HICES DEBATERS TRIUMPH On Wednesday 17th May, the two debating teams from St Spyridon College competed in Round 3 of the HICES Debating Competition, hosted by Inaburra School in Bangor. The Middle Team (Teoni Antonopoulos, Gianni Keramitzis, Christina Pascalis and Elena Kaldis Years 7 & 8) were affirmative, debating the topic ‘That physical activity should be compulsory for all students throughout high school’, against Moriah College. The Senior Team (Chloe Drougas, Nicholas Drakoulis, Stella Ktenas and George Stavrou, Years 9 and 10) were negative, debating the topic ‘That senior students should be involved in policing schools’, against St Mark’s College.

Ms M. Pringle Visual Arts Teacher Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

Both groups performed exceptionally well, with both teams winning in their respective debates. Congratulations to all students involved.




We look forward to Round 4 on Tuesday 13 June hosted by Thomas Hassall Anglican School, when our Middle Team will debate against Emanuel School, and our Senior team will debate against Georges River Grammar.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με την εργασία μαθήτριας της Γ΄ Λυκείου. Στο επίπεδο των « Προχωρημένων Ελληννικών – Extension Course» οι μαθητές παρακολουθούν την ταινία: Πρώτη Φορά Νονός και πέρα από το λογοτεχνικό μέρος της ταινίας, έχουν προφορικά και γραπτά (θέματα εκθέσεων) βασισμένα στα θέματα που απορρέουν από το φιλμ που προαναφέραμε


και παίρνοντας το ρόλο κάποιου εκ των χαρακτήρων. Στη συγκεκριμένη εργασία, τα παιδιά έπρεπε να «μπουν» στο ρόλο του πρωταγωνιστή της ταινίας, του Άλεξ.

έκανα, ξεπροβάλλοντας πίσω από τους βράχους. Ήμουν πιο έτοιμος από ποτέ να αντιμετωπίσω τα καθήκοντά μου, αλλά και να υποστηρίξω τον καινούριο μου φίλο.

Καλά να περνάτε. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

Έπρεπε να ξεσπάσω κάπου και ήδη αισθάνομαι καλύτερα και ανακουφισμένος που σου εκμυστηρεύτηκα την αλήθεια. Εδώ σ’ αφήνω, θα τα ξαναπούμε σύντομα.

3/4/17 Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο, Χαίρομαι που επιτέλους γύρισα στην Αθήνα αφού έχω τελειώσει πια τις υποχρεώσεις μου στην Κρήτη. Ωστόσο, οφείλω να ομολογήσω πως έχω τύψεις για το πώς συμπεριφέρθηκα όταν ήμουν εκεί και συγκεκριμένα, για το πώς αναστάτωσα τον Παναγάκη και όλο το υπόλοιπο χωριό.

Margarita Psaras Year 11 (Modern Greek Year 12)

Ο Καραγκιόζης στο Κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα Το Θέατρο Σκιών με πρωταγωνιστή τον Καραγκιόζη και όλη την παρέα του ήρθαν στο Κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα.

Βέβαια, δεν αμφιβάλλω καθόλου για την φιλοξενία των Κρητικών, με είχανε στα όπα – όπα! Όμως, για να είμαι ειλικρινής, δεν άντεχα άλλο την πίεση, ειδικά απ’ τον Παναγάκη για το πώς να κερδίσω τις 150 ψήφους που χρειαζόταν για να εκλεγεί βουλευτής. Δεν ένιωθα πως είχα την δύναμη πλέον να τους κάνω όλους χαρούμενους. Δεν μου έμεινε άλλο κουράγιο για να προσποιούμαι πως μου αρέσουν τα αμέτρητα φαγητά που μου προσέφεραν, πως θα ανταποκριθώ σε όλες τις απαιτήσεις των χωριανών, των Φουντεδάκηδων και των Μανεδάκηδων… Έτσι το έβαλα στα πόδια.

Με την καθοδήγηση του εκπαιδευτικού κ. Γαβριελάτου Σωκράτη, πτυχιούχου του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, οι μαθητές του Κολλεγίου μας μαθαίνουν για την ιστορία του Θεάτρου Σκιών, κατασκευάζουν φιγούρες με την τεχνική της ζελατίνας, επεξεργάζονται το σενάριο και ετοιμάζονται να σας παρουσιάσουν τις δημιουργίες τους σε μία διασκεδαστική παράσταση εμπλουτισμένη με μύθους του Αισώπου 18. Με αυτή τη δραστηριότητα οι μαθητές μας έρχονται σε άμεση επαφή με ένα ζωντανό κομμάτι της παλαιότερης και σύγχρονης πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς των Ελλήνων. O κ. Γαβριελάτος μαζί με τον κ. Βόλα, δάσκαλο του κολλεγίου, δουλεύουν μαζί με το δεύτερο γκρουπ της ΣΤ’ τάξης, για την παράσταση του Οκτώβρη.

Έτρεξα μακριά από το σπίτι του Παναγάκη, μακριά από τις ευθύνες μου ως «ο γιος». Το βάρος αυτών είχε καταντήσει ασήκωτο και ήθελα να το αποβάλλω. Ευτυχώς που βρήκα και τον Πάνο, έξω στην κρητική ύπαιθρο. Μαζί κρυφτήκαμε όταν με έψαχνε όλο το χωριό. Νομίζαμε πως δεν θα μας βρίσκανε εφόσον ήμασταν στο μέρος όπου ο Πάνος φυλάει τους σκαντζόχοιρούς του. Στην «φωλιά του διαβόλου» όπως την αποκαλεί ο πατέρας του, ο Παναγάκης.

Σας χαιρετούμε Η παρέα του Καραγκιόζη στην ΣΤ’ τάξη Κύριος Βόλας

Να, που όμως ήρθανε και οι πυροβολισμοί τους έφταναν όλο και πιο κοντά. Τότε κατάλαβα πως δεν υπήρχε τρόπος διαφυγής και πως έπρεπε να αναλάβω επιτέλους τις ευθύνες μου. Ήταν ανώφελο να κρύβομαι. Επίσης, σε καμιά περίπτωση δεν ήθελα να εκθέσω τον Πάνο. Γίναμε φίλοι και χωρίς την κουβέντα μας δεν θα ανακάλυπτα την αληθινή μου ταυτότητα ούτε θα εύρισκα το θάρρος να παραδοθώ, κάτι που στο τέλος




Last week Year 7 visited the Entertainment Quarter to learn about the ‘unsinkable’ Titanic as part of the Investigating History Topic. Upon entering the exhibition, all students received a boarding pass in the name of an actual passenger who had secured a passage on this ship’s maiden voyage. The boarding pass identified some information about the passenger e.g., their background, class, and reason for their voyage. Armed with this information, students then aimed to learn as much as they could about what the trip may have been like for their person.

On Tuesday evening, a Parent Forum about building greater understanding and awareness of how children spend their time online, as well as steps parents can take to ensure their children are safe when using social media minimising dangers and steps to encourage moral and ethical behaviour, was held. Thank you to all parents and teachers who attended.

There were lots of Primary and Secondary sources on display and recreations on the ship corridors, the main staircase, First and Third class cabins, the ship’s deck and even an iceberg. All of this added to the authenticity of the students’ experience. At the end of their journey, students learnt the fate of their passenger … were they ‘lost’ or ‘saved’?

Below are some links to helpful websites. Esafety =

Students were very engaged during their voyage and received glowing compliments about the way they conducted themselves from the guides assigned to take them through the exhibition. Even though the group was large, everyone was very cooperative and keen to extract as much information as possible. Well done Year 7!


SCHOOL Cyberbullying & Harassment

= Cybercrime = Counselling and support = / /


PREFECTS – GLOBAL CONNECTION Since the start of the Term, the Prefects have been very busy executing some of their new initiatives. So far, they have created and placed signs highlighting “the Catch Cry for the Term” in the courtyard. All students are encouraged to remember the catch cry at all times. In addition to this, weekly Global Greetings have been introduced to complement our Global focus and International foods, the canteen prepare each Thursday. This week the Global Greeting is “NAMASTE” from India. Next week our focus country will be Cyprus.

STUDENT LEADERSHIP BAKE DAY CAKE DAY – AFRICA APPEAL On Wednesday the Prefect Body and Student Representative Council combined efforts to host a Bake Day Cake Day sale. Students set up two stations, one in the canteen (Prefects) and the other in the Courtyard (SRC’s) to sell the tasty treats they had made and donated.

The “catch cry” for this Term is “Respect Yourself, Respect Others”.

This activity provided all who were involved the opportunity to work as a team. All proceeds will be donated to the Africa Appeal, that assists Father Themis Orthodox Mission in Sierra Lione.


and re-assuring to know the work we were conducting in class was being performed at PhD level physics. This excursion was an experience that we would recommend for other physics students in preparation for the trials and HSC. Steffie Papadopoulos, Constantinos Gouskos and Vasileios Kourliaftis Year 12 Physics

Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School




YEAR 12 PHYSICS EXCURSION The Year 12 Physics class on the 18th of May visited the University of Sydney for a tour of the School of Physics including visiting some of the most advanced technology workshops in the southern hemisphere. Groups were shown the inner workings of superconductors and allowed to conduct experiments with an interesting combination; magnets and superconductors which proved extremely interesting and vital to our current work. Sequentially, the instructor performed experiments – some of which we had not done in class – and we moreover revised part of the content for the current topic that we are covering in class, “Cathode Rays”. After the series of experiments we were given a lecture by a PhD student about our “space’’ module of work. The lecture related heavily with our previous topic and it was promising


DEBATING On the 17th of May, our Middle Team debated against Moriah College, at Inaburra School. The topic we debated was ‘That Physical Education should be compulsory for all students throughout high school’. We managed a great win against Moriah College! We enjoyed this debate thoroughly, as we worked together as a team to accomplish this win. Elena Kaldis Year7

Stella Ktenas & Sophie Ioannidis Year 10 English Honours

SYDNEY WRITERS’ FESTIVAL On Monday 22nd May, the Year 10 English Honours class attended the ‘Sydney Writers Festival’, where we had the opportunity to listen to four prominent writers. Anita Heiss and Witi Ihimaera, discussed the lack of portrayal of Indigenous cultures in the media in which they were using their voice through writing to alter people’s perceptions of indigenous peoples.

EXCURSION TO VAUCLUSE HOUSE On Thursday 11th May, Year One travelled by bus to Vaucluse House for an excursion. We went to learn about families, past and present! First, we got on the bus and the bus driver drove us there. Next, we got off the bus and the leaders directed us to Vaucluse House. Then we all had Crunch n Sip and waited for Year one to finish so we could start our tour.

English writer and comedian Natalie Haynes engaged her audience by exploring ancient worlds and myths and its relevance in our modern society. Allowing young audiences to view mythological and real worlds from the perspective of women, and in addition, the processes needed in writing a thrilling dramatic narrative.

After that, 1E went into the house and I think we started off in the kitchen. One of the servants slept in the kitchen upstairs and worked there all day! Following that, we went into the activity room and got into groups. The first thing my group did was sweep the floor. Then, Amy the leader led us to all these different rooms.

The final speakers, Professor of English and Comparative Literature James Shapiro, alongside Bell Shakespeare’s Artistic Director James Evans delved into the world of William Shakespeare. They explained the importance of studying Shakespeare at our age and how we can identify key societal issues such as politics and personal conflicts that are relevant in today’s era.

Next, we went up some stairs and went to the nursery room. The Wentworth family had 30 servants! Then we played some games made out of wood and rope. Finally, we went to the veggie patch and saw some animals. Then we went back on the bus and back to school.

Overall this was an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for us as aspiring writers!

Overall, I loved doing everything on the excursion! Anthony Magafa 1E


On Thursday 11th May, Year One travelled by bus to Vaucluse House for an excursion. We went to learn about families, past and present! First, I went to school and Mrs Synesios spoke to us about the excursion. Halfway through it my mum came to school and I changed into my sports uniform. Next, we went on the bus and I was at the back of the bus sitting next to Allegra and Annie. Then, we arrived at Vaucluse House and we walked up the hill to get there. Furthermore, Amy (the leader) took 1E to the bottom rooms and then we swapped people. The other tour leader took us upstairs. Then, we played skipping, then I played quoits and I got three over the hook. Then I played croquet, cup and ball and bowling. All of the activities were fun. Finally we went to the garden and I saw 2 pumpkins and a watermelon. We went to the farm and saw chickens and goats! Overall I am very happy I went! Kiara Hatzis 1E






BOYS FOOTBALL Round 3 and Round 4 After a tough week in Round 2 our boys football teams needed to bounce back against Oakhill College. Despite the difficult opposition the boys were very positive in their approach and they came up with positive performances across all grades.

On Tuesday 16th May, our College participated at the FUTSAL SUTHERLAND REGION at Menai. Our Senior Girls, Senior Boys and Junior Boys Teams competed against a variety of different schools. Unfortunately our Junior Girls were unable to participate due to a lack of teams.

Perhaps the highlight of the week was the U13 Blue team’s first victory of the season. By all accounts it was a wonderful game of football and the team deserves to be commended - well done. Below is a report from two of the schools U13 teams from Round 3.

The Senior Boys Team performed extraordinarily well, successful in making the Finals undefeated and becoming Champions of 2017. The Senior Girls Team played very well, improving at every game and being Runners Up of the competition for 2017.

Other teams that also stood out on the day were the U13 Green team who played an excellent first half of football but could not maintain the pressure and the Open boys who were resilient against the table topping Oakhill first XI losing 4-1.

Our Junior Boys Team started slowly and improved dramatically as the day went on. Great experience for next year! Congratulations to all the teams on a successful day and especially the Senior Girls Team and the Senior Boys Team for progressing on to the State Championships to compete for the Title which will be held in August at Penrith.

Results for all teams can be found on the ISA website Round 3 Saturday 14th May 2017 U13 Blue On Saturday 14th May 2017, Year 7 ISA soccer teams competed at Oakhill College in Castle Hill. The ‘B’ team won their first game for the season! The final result was 2-0.

A huge thank you to Mr Amditis and Mrs Galanis and Mrs Mulligan for coaching the teams and teaching them very important skills that have managed to position us into the Finals.

St Spyridon played an amazing match! The two scorers were: Christian James and Damascus Economou. Christian’s goal was great. He managed to get around their goalkeeper and score cleanly. Damascus’ goal was also a great goal. He shot from the corner of the box and it deflected off an Oakhill player, into the goal.

Keep up the hard work! We are very proud of all our students and their dedication towards training and self- improvement.

At training, however, we have been practicing positions, shooting and also defending. I, personally have had a great start to the ISA soccer season and I am sure all other boys in the ISA have too. Mr J. Volas Sports Co-Ordinator


Damascus Economou

U13 White After a disappointing effort last week against St Patricks, this week the boys (U13 White) started off with confidence putting a lot of pressure on the Oakhill’s defence. From the beginning we had most of the possession and were rewarded with a mistake from the Oakhill defensive line which was capitalised when the ball fell to George Grillakis’ feet and he put it away beautifully. Roughly 10 minutes before half time Oakhill broke our defence when the winger chipped it over our keepers head and we went in half time 1-1. We had ample opportunities to go ahead but we just couldn’t put it away with roughly 70% of possession. Great effort from all the boys especially the defence.

CROSS COUNTRY The Cross Country team have been preparing for the annual ISA Cross Country carnival with morning training sessions every Tuesday and Thursday. The team will be competing at Sydney International Equestrian Centre at Horsley Park Wednesday 31st May. We wish all the team the best of luck and extend a big thank you to Mr Magoulias for taking on the task of preparing the students for this year’s carnival.

Dyllon Polyzos The boys 13s teams have been training at Pioneer Park during the school allocated period and have been working hard to improve their skills and overall team performance. I congratulate the boys for their positive attitude and strong desire to improve and thank the coaches for their well prepared and meaningful football drills and games.

STUDENT PROFILE: Maksim Kasalovic Maksim attended 1 of 4 Australian Youth Football Institute (AYFI) 2017 Identification Clinics organised by George Lazarou and Damian Mathew. They took place all around Sydney during the school holidays. The clinic was for keen football players who wanted to be identified by English scouts from professional clubs. Everton scout Damian Mathew watched Maksim play and train, and after the conclusion of the clinic, he selected Maksim as the winner of the 2017 Identification Clinic.

Round 4/5 Saturday 20th May/27th May 2017 Unfortunately the Round 4 scheduled games were cancelled because of the weather and the boys teams are now looking forward to the Round 5 clash on Saturday 27th May against St Andrews Cathedral school/St Pius X College and St Patricks College. This week’s game will no doubt have a profound impact on the final placing on the points table and all teams will need to play their best to achieve success.


Congratulations to Maksim and good luck in his trials. It is also fitting to mention that Maksim is also involved in school Saturday sport and has in recent times adopted a greater role in leadership.

GIRLS SPORT Round 3 – Student Match Reports Open A Round 3 of ISA netball saw the Open A girls take on Oakhill College at Oakhill. Being 2 players short and with injuries occurring during the game, the girls stepped up and played very well in positions that they don’t usually play a full game in. The defence worked hard to create opportunities for the girls to get ahead, but unfortunately mistakes in the midcourt were costly. Although the girls pushed at the end to close the gap, the tight game ended with a 31-26 loss. The girls look to improve their communication and eliminate their errors throughout the season in order to secure a semi-final position. Rhea Tsimboukis

U16 BOYS FUTSAL On the 18th May the U16 boys futsal team competed at one of the regional futsal titles at Minto indoor sports centre. The team performed well on the day and while they were unlucky not to progress to the quarter finals they had 3 wins and 2 losses on the day. Wins against Cronulla High School, Sylvania High School and Belmore Boys HS, standout performers on the day included Charlie Christofides and Jonathon Lynch both in Year 10.

Open B This week saw our girls travelling to the Northern Beaches to compete against Redlands. The team gave it their all from the very start, reaching an 11 point lead heading into the second half. Our girls were able to focus on their defence and practise their communication. The girls showed amazing drive as they continued to work as a team in scoring. The girls maintained their lead in the second half, showing great team work and improvement. The final score of Round 3 was 39-12. Thank you to the entire team for showing such motivation during the game and thank you to our coach Mr Meintanis for leading us towards our second win of the season. Jennifer Eve Contominas

We would like to thank Mr Zafiropoulos who attended and supported the team throughout the day. Jordan Polyzos

U16 BOYS CIS REPRESENTATIVES 2017 Congratulations to both Charlie Christofides and Nathan Adam for their selection in the U16 boys CIS representative team. The last time we had a student represent CIS at football was 2013. We wish the boys the best of luck at the All Schools tournament in June.

Intermediate C This week, the Intermediate C’s travelled to the Northern Beaches to play against Redlands. It was a very competitive and exciting game. Unfortunately, although we were catching up in the last quarter, we lost 39-30. It was a great effort and I’m sure we will improve with our next game. Nicola Skouteris Junior B On the 13th of May the Junior B’s played Redlands at the Northern Beaches for Round 3 of ISA Netball. It was a very tough game at the start, but in the second quarter one of the girls from the opposing team injured


themselves leaving them with one player missing which gave us an advantage to pull through with a win of 30-8. Katherine Fragias

Junior B On Saturday we versed St Andrews cathedral for Round 4 of the competition. This game was extremely tough and competitive as they were also equal first in the competition. All the girls played really well and we managed to pull through and win by one point 27-26. In the last few quarters they played extremely well but we were still able to win as our team work, shooting and defence were excellent. Lexine Turner

ROUND 4 – Student Match reports Open A Last Saturday the Opens girls played against St Andrew’s College at the Sydney Uni Sports & Aquatic Centre and finished the game off with a win. At one point in the game our girls had a lead of 15 points and managed to keep on top of their opponents with an end result of 33-24. This was achieved through their determined efforts to maintain a strong defence and attack throughout the process of the game. With the support of Ms O’Shea and Miss Flokis, it motivated the girls to work even harder on the court to the best of their abilities. During the quarter breaks, our coach Cassandra used this time wisely to give constructive feedback on how they could still attain a higher point ratio until the end. Larissa Andrianakos

Junior C On Saturday 20th May the Junior C’s played Saint Andrews Cathedral School at Sydney Uni for Round 4 of the ISA Netball competition. It was a tough but fun game. I think we had very good attack and we did some great passes. Although throughout the game we got tired we still tried our very best and the scores were tight throughout the match however we lost 33-26. I think the girls and I had a very good time playing St Andrews Cathedral School! Gabriella Skettos

Open B Last Saturday our girls travelled to Sydney Uni to compete against St Andrews in the 4th round of the netball season. Our girls had a great start showing a lot of team work, keeping the score very close. Unfortunately with a few girls being ill, most girls were forced to play all 4 quarters, making us very tired, whilst still attempting to remain competitive against the opposing team. Even though our girls didn’t come out victorious, the drive and motivation shown by our girls was remarkable. Thank you to all the girls on Saturday and thank you to all the parents and siblings who supported us. Jennifer Eve Contominas

Junior D On the 20th May, the SSC Year 7 Junior D's played against St Andrews. It was a successful day for us as we won our first game which was 11-8. We all had a great time at the University of Sydney. We all worked hard and have improved since the season started. We look forward to playing the rest of the season Evangeline O'Reilly

COMPETING IN THE 2017 AUSTRALIAN GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS My name is Anastasia Gikas. I am currently in Year 8 and a member of the NSW Trampoline Gymnastics State Team. On the 30th May 2017 I will be travelling to Melbourne to compete in the 2017 Australian Gymnastics Championships (Nationals).

Intermediate C This week, the Intermediate C’s played St Andrews at Sydney Uni. It was a very enjoyable game that allowed us to develop our skills in different positions. We all worked together in new positions to win the game 4619 with us overall playing well. We still have a few things to improve on which hopefully will improve with our following game. Anna Papas

Trampoline Gymnastics is the perfect sport for daring high-flyers who want to jump, sault, twist and enjoy being airborne. Whether you bounce on the trampoline, the double mini tramp or flip down the tumble track, the fundamental skills are the same and lead on to


an amazing awareness of where your body is in space.

These are a few of the awards that I have won during my time in Sydney (June 2016 – Present).

Trampoline Gymnastics (TRP): • Develops confident body movement, both on and off the ground • Builds strength and prepares the body for challenges in life • Challenges the mind and body to reach new goals • Develops posture and agility, including the ability to land safely • Is a fun way to develop incredible spatial awareness.

Anastasia Gikas Year 8 ROUND 3 NETBALL TEAM

Open A

I first started Trampolining when I was 6½ years old at ASTERAS PEFKIS (Α.Ο. ΑΣΤΕΡΑΣ ΠΕΥΚΗΣ) in Athens, Greece. I attended my first competition at the age of 7 and have competed every year ever since that time.



LOST 31‐26 WON 39‐12 LOST 39‐30 WON 30‐8

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER Christina Vlahos Alexandra Stamios Frances Lee Pascalis Stephanie Bousoutis




When I moved to Sydney in June 2016, I joined the Miranda RSL Youth Club. I attended two competitions in Gosford, NSW before my coaches recommended that I trial for the NSW State Team. I trialled in February 2017 and made it in the team. At Nationals, I will be representing NSW in Trampoline and Double Mini Trampoline.




Open A







WON 33‐24 LOST 41‐24 WON 41‐19 WON 27‐26 LOST 33‐26 WON 11‐8

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER Tina Ventoura Anthea Condous Nicoletta Tsimboukis Dimitra Katsidis Adriana Drakoulis Eleni Nicholas






Lost 3‐ 0 Lost 3‐ 2

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER Yovana Stosic Talysse Knight



Ms K. O’Shea – Girls Sport Mr F. Kaldis – Boys Sport


Any donation, small or large would be greatly appreciated. If you are unable to attend the dinner, but would like to contribute donations can be directly made to the following account: GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AUSTRALIA – AFRICA CHARITY FUND BSB: 942‐201 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 000463760







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