News 179 10a 2017

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VOLUME XXXIV No. 10 22nd June, 2017


‘MINEFIELDS AND MINISKIRTS’ Year 11 Drama Production

JUNE Half Yearly Reports to Parents JS


Term 2 ends for staff & students

JULY Staff Development Day


Students return


Parent/Teacher Interviews JS K-4 & 6


Parent/Teacher Interviews JS K-3 & 5


Athletics Carnival SS


Parent/Teacher Conferences Yr7 3.30-7pm


Parent Teacher Conferences Yr8 3.30-7pm


HSC Drama Showcase


Parent Teacher Conferences Yr11 3.30-7pm


Trial HSC begins


AUGUST State Futsal JS Parent Teacher Conferences Yrs 9 & 10

1st 2nd

3.30 – 7.30pm Divine Liturgy K-6


Divine Liturgy SS


Athletics Carnival JS


The Dormition of the Theotokos


School closed ASISSA Athletics JS


SEPTEMBER Father’s Day


Father’s Day Breakfast ISA Athletics Carnival


GO Athletics JS


CIS Athletics JS


Year 12 Farewell Assembly


Years 5 – 12 Doxology




PREFECT PAGE Name: Michael Constantopedos I joined St Spyridon College in: Kindergarten. Previous Leadership Roles: I have been given the opportunity to be a Peer Support leader and the Nemeans House Captain. Subjects I am currently studying: Advanced English, 2 Unit Mathematics, Business Studies, Legal Studies and Music. Hobbies: I play guitar, DJ, and love going to the gym. My future aspirations: When I leave school, I want to study Construction Project Management and if all goes well, get a job in the industry. My role models: My parents, who have set a good example to become the best I can in life. Favourite quote: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”. My proudest moment: After my last swimming carnival, I was very proud of my efforts in competing in swimming carnivals and representing the school ever since young. I have never been the fastest but I swam for the school and that means a lot to me. One piece of advice I would give to younger students: Respect your elders, including older students and teachers. One day you will also be in Year 12 and then, if you have been respectful, you will be given the same respect. Student Principle: 8) We accept the value of hierarchy and the need to conform to rules. We see these as fundamental to the proper functioning of our College. Many may say that conformity is the barrier to freewill and creativity. However, at such a young age, the need to conform is necessary in order to be taught, shaped and prepared for the near future, where decision-making is crucial. I believe this school implements certain rules for a reason and we as students must respect them.

From the College Captain Wishing all students and their families a safe and blessed holiday and a good rest. May we all return next Term with a recharged mind, body and soul, to continue our learning experience – which is definitely one of the most exciting and important experiences of our lives!

Global Greetings/International Canteen Food Global Greetings and International Canteen Food is an initiative by the Prefects of St Spyridon College and strongly supported by the canteen ladies in order to acknowledge the different cultures of students at the school. A different greeting is mentioned every Friday Assembly and used in the following week, and the canteen has been serving food from that country on the Thursday of that week. In week 5 the Global Greeting was Namaste, hello in Indian. On the canteen menu was butter chicken and Indian rice pudding. The Global Greeting for week 6 was ‘Inta Pou Kamnis’, Cypriot for ‘how are you?’. In week 6 the canteen also offered traditional Cypriot food such as ‘Koupes’: essentially a meat roll, and ‘Boureklia’: ricotta cinnamon pastries. The Global Greeting for week 7 was our very own ‘G’day’! Of course the canteen had to offer a variety of Meat Pies, Fairy Bread, Trifle, Pavlova, and Lamingtons with cream. The Global Greeting for week 8 was ‘Bula’. The word is heard everywhere in Fiji. Bula originates from the Fijian culture and means anything from hello, goodbye, welcome, love and more. It means life! A blessing of health and happiness. The canteen offered traditional Fijian Honey Cakes to the students.


On this Day At Friday assembly, the Prefects also read a quote or something that happened on the day of assembly; something that we students can reflect on: On June 2nd, 2015 volunteers in Bhutan planted trees as part of a charity world record attempt and broke the previous record by planting almost 50,000 trees in one day. On the 11th of June, our Church celebrated the feast day of the first Orthodox Saints of China known as the 227 Chinese New Martyrs that were martyred during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900. Among them was Hieromartyr Metrophanes, the first Chinese Eastern Orthodox priest. On the 11 June it is also the feast day of St Luke the Surgeon who died in 1961. St Luke is a Russian Orthodox Saint who was an Archbishop as well as doctor who wrote not only books about our Faith but he also wrote a textbook titled “Essays on Purulent Surgery”. We are reminded that the Saints of our Church were real people, with real jobs who are an example and reveal God’s love for us by their life, miracles and writings. For week 8, there were two On This Days…On the 16th of June, 1880, the Salvation Army was formed, who provide over 100,000 people with meals every single week in Australia. The second happened this week this year in 2017. News from Russia. A group of dolphins came up to the shore of a beach in Sotsi Russia bringing with them an object covered in mud. Once the mud was washed away, the object that was revealed was an ancient Orthodox icon of Panagia, the Virgin Mary.

Student of the Week In week 5, the student of the week was Steven Mangafas from Year 9. As a reliable and trustworthy person, he has really taken on board our catch cry for this Term which is to ‘Respect yourself, Respect others.’ He has showed a willingness to assist teachers and his peers in a polite manner. We can all learn from Steven by being proactive in both our learning and daily life, and showing some initiative whenever possible. The Student of the week in week 6 was Michael Constantopedos from Year 12, a student whose actions reflected this Term’s catch cry, to ‘Respect yourself. Respect others’. Michael was at a local library working and noticed an elderly man struggling with the computer, so he left what he was doing and went to help him and spent a bit of time explaining and showing the man what to do. He didn’t have to do this but took it upon himself to show care when he saw a need.

The Student of the week in week 8 was Anthony Mouferrage from Year 12, a student always willing to assist others in a selfless manner, and does so with no hesitation. Anthony helped another student carry her books when she herself was on crutches, and the selflessness he has shown is something we should all take on in both our schooling and home life.





I wish you all a well-deserved break and look forward to your safe return in Term Three.

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

Please note in your diaries that the Uniform Shop will be closed the first two weeks of Term 3: Wednesday, 19th July, 2017 and Wednesday, 26th July, 2017. P&F PARENT AND TEACHER INTERVIEWS

On behalf of the P&F we would like to wish everyone happy holidays and for those travelling abroad to Greece Καλό Καλοκαίρι και Καλό Ταξίδι.

K – 6 Parent Teacher Interviews will be held the first week back next term. Please note that dismissal for all students will be at 3pm on 19th and 20th of July.

We will have many more exciting new fundraisers and events in Terms 3 and 4, so watch this space.

Greek and support staff will be available for interview in the Library. Ka Anna and Ka Stella will be unavailable on these days but are happy to meet with you at a convenient time. Please make your appointments directly with them.

Thank you and Safe Holidays to all. Erenie Bourdaniotis President P&F



The end of Term Two signals report time. Please take the time to read over the report and especially the comments and speak to your child about the progress made in this first half of the year.


Cocurricular will recommence on 24th July and conclude for the year on the 15th of September.

We congratulate Mrs Mantsis, her husband Angelo and daughter Kiara on the birth of their son and brother Dean last week. May Our Lord grant them many blessings.

How did they feel, what did they enjoy, what was a challenge? Commend them on something you noticed they did well. Set some goals for the new term by identifying one or two things that they would like to work on and develop some strategies about how you will be able to support them.

We are pleased to announce that Mrs Karpouzos will be replacing Mrs Mantsis for the rest of the year.

Children take their lead from us, so we need to encourage every step taken towards selfimprovement. To be driven, resilient, curious and creative thinkers we need to reflect on what we have achieved and set goals for future learning that is positive and affirming.


YEAR 6 LEADERSHIP PROGRAM UPDATE Honourable Leader of the Week As part of the Year 6 Leadership Program in 2017, each week, one student is allocated the title of Honourable Leader of the Week; where students are observed and honoured for specific behaviours for effective leadership. Generally, it focuses on the Leadership Tool we have been learning about, or tools we have covered. They get to take home Cheshire Cat for a week. Cheshire Cat’s Leadership Honour Roll- Term 2


Notable Leadership (Reason)

Notable runners up:

Week 2: Kosta Micos

Displaying the values that make a good leader in lesson 1: active, respectful, enthusiastic. Also for sharing what he thinks a leader is and isn’t in a confident way.

Week 3: Andrea Kakakios

Andrea is acknowledged for leading with both skills and heart; at soccer as a team player, compassionate towards the opposition, in class when concentrating on learning, and when in church for liturgy with her buddy For being a good role model for work habits, work completion, and using his Leadership Smarts to contribute to lessons and group tasks.

Theoni Asproukos, Raphael Messiou, Jasmin Moros, AnneMarie Aroney. Nicholas Notaras, Sienna Tsoukalas, Krissy Bourdaniotis, Nicholas Bastas. Katerina Alexandratos, Michael Miller, Crystal Coulits, Jasmin Moros, Antonios Kourliaftis.

Week 4: Nicholas Notaras Week 5: Theoni Asproukos

For being active and aware of sports jobs that need attention, and for using newly acquired leadership tools in class time.

Week 6: Katerina Alexandratos

For being a good role model and mentor for younger students and for her peers. Also Katerina has been active and aware and showed initiative to assist staff during exam weeks.

Week 7: Nektarios Kollias

For being a good role model for work habits, work completion, and taking on teacher advice to be more successful in exams and group tasks.

Week 8: Leon Kalyvas

For persisting with tasks to their completion, and assisting peers to finalise group work. Leon has showed determination to succeed in his own work output, too! For effective and independent task completion, being a mentor to younger students in the school, and learning new skills through dedication and persistence.

Week 9: Fiona Neroutsos

Mrs A. Synesios Principal


Amelia Raptis, Anne-Marie Aroney, Anastasia Tsakirios, Nektarios Kollias, Natalia Constantinidis. Antonios Kourliaftis, Sophia Karatasos, Jennifer Pyliotis, Hudson Rallis, Marco Vukoman, George Siganakis. Stavros Haralambides, Alexander Kumar, Nektarios Kollias, Nicholas Bastas, Fiona Neroutsos, Anthea Preketes. Nicholas Giallafos, Anna Kakakios, Angelina Costa, Leon Kalyvas, Hudson Rallis, Willem Chellos, Nicola Chrystostomou. Irini Tsakirios, Demetrios Paparsenos, Anne-Marie Aroney, Andrea Kakakios, Katerina De Pasquale. Katerina De Pasquale, Marco Vukoman, Angelina Costa, Victor Bellos, Hudson Rallis, Raphael Messiou.

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on the following dates in the SPACe. Students need to make appointments directly with their teachers. Monday, 24th July, 2017 3.30pm – 7.00pm Year 8: Wednesday, 26th July, 2017 3.30pm – 7.00pm Year 11: Monday, 31st July, 2017 3.30pm – 7.00pm Years 9 & 10: Wednesday, 2nd August, 2017 3.30pm – 7.30pm Year 7:

Back row- Senior team: Nicholas Drakoulis, Chloe Drougas, Georgia Bull, Jade Capitanelis, Eleni Preketes and Mrs Mulligan (George Stavrou not present) Front row- Junior Team: Mrs Laskas, Teoni Antonopoulos, Elena Kaldis, Christina Pascalis, Maria-Angela Patsalis, Giannis Keramitzis and Billy Bourdaniotis


Mrs E Mulligan English/Drama Teacher


On Tuesday, 13 June, the junior and senior debating team visited Thomas Hassall High School to compete in the last round of debates before the final rounds.

YEAR 10 DRAMA MONOLOGUES The Year 10 Drama students were given the task of preparing and presenting a short monologue to an audience, using Stanislavski’s techniques. The class spent most of Term 2 learning about realism and how the famous practitioner Konstantin Stanislavski used a variety of acting techniques to encourage his actors to present a believable and naturalistic performance to an audience. The class rose to the challenge to present a really wide variety of pieces ranging from comedic to serious but all completely believable. They enjoyed the process of learning lines, developing movements and selecting appropriate elements of production to create genuine performances.

The junior team had to argue against the motion that ‘all new suburbs in Australia should be given indigenous names.’ It was an incredibly challenging debate and the team presented well formulated arguments in an incredibly competent manner. Unfortunately, they just missed out to the opposing team Emmanuel High School in a ‘very close debate.’ It was a delight to see how much the students have grown in confidence in both forming their rebuttals and speeches, and presenting their arguments.

The senior team were asked to argue against the statement ‘English should be an optional subject in the senior years of high school.’ Nicholas Drakoulis, Jade Capitanelis, Stella Ktenas and Eleni Preketes presented a passionate case including many sophisticated arguments which resulted in a final win for this very competent team. I would like to congratulate our senior team on winning 4 out of 4 debates. They will now go on to compete in the final rounds in Term 3. We wish them the best of luck.


Τα λέμε… Ο γιος σας Γιώργος Υγ. Ελπίζω φυσικά να κρατήσετε το πιάτο μου για όταν έρθω. George Svolos Year 12 2/5/17 Αγαπητοί μου γονείς, Σας γράφω αυτό το σημείωμα για να σας ενημερώσω ότι δεν θα επιστρέψω στο σπίτι για βραδινό. Ξέρετε ότι στεναχωρέθηκα πολύ όταν άκουσα για το χωρισμό της φιλενάδας μου της Γεωργίας. Μετά από εφτά χρόνια γάμου, είναι ελεύθερη ξανά και αισθήματα αποτυχίας και κατάθλιψης την κατακλύζουν. Τώρα, έχει στραφεί στο αλκοόλ και κάθε βράδυ μου τηλεφωνεί στενοχωρημένη αλλά και μεθυσμένη!

Mrs E. Mulligan Drama/English Teacher



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με τις εργασίες δύο παιδιών της Γ΄ Λυκείου και μία της Β΄Λυκείου. Το θέμα των δύο πρώτων είναι: « Γράφετε ένα σημείωμα στους γονείς σας εξηγώντας τους ότι δεν θα είστε σπίτι για το βραδινό μια και ο/η φίλος/η σας χρειάζεται τη βοήθειά σας» Το θέμα είναι σχετικό με την ενότητα με την οποία εργάστηκαν και η οποία είναι σχετική με τους κινδύνους που αντιμετωπίζει η νεολαία όπως το κάπνισμα, το αλκοόλ και τα ναρκωτικά. Το θέμα της Β΄Λυκείου έχει να κάνει με ένα ταξίδι στην Αθήνα του τότε…

Θέλω να πάω στο σπίτι της το βράδυ για να είμαι εκεί γι’ αυτή επειδή χρειάζεται βοήθεια. Θα προσπαθήσω να την κάνω να μου ανοιχτεί, να μιλήσουμε για τις δυσκολίες που αντιμετωπίζει και ίσως καταφέρω να την επηρεάσω προς το καλό. Μετά, ίσως δούμε καμιά ταινία ή ακούσουμε μουσική. Σκέφτομαι να της προτείνω να δει την ψυχολόγο που είδα εγώ πέρυσι. Νομίζω ότι είναι πολύ καλή και σίγουρα θα μπορεί να την βοηθήσει όπως βοήθησε κάποτε και μένα. Θα γυρίσω ανησυχείτε. Πολλά φιλιά η κόρη σας Ζαφειρία

Καλά να περνάτε κα Μ. Φαλέτα 2/5/17 Αγαπητοί γονείς, Δυστυχώς, απόψε δεν θα παρουσιαστώ στο σπίτι για το βραδινό μας. Ένας φίλος μου έχει κάποιο μεγάλο πρόβλημα. Ίσως τον ξέρετε, αλλά δεν λέω το όνομά του επειδή γνωριζω ότι θα το πείτε στους γονείς του και αυτοί με τη σειρά τους θα τον «χορέψουν στο ταψί» μετά. Μεταξύ μας, μου μαρτύρησε ότι είναι ναρκομανής. Σαν φίλος, πιστεύω ότι πρέπει να σταθώ δίπλα του και να τον βοηθήσω γι’ αυτό δεν θα είμαι σπίτι για το οικογενειακό μας βραδινό όπως προανέφερα.






Rhea Tsimboukis Year 11 Modern Greek Year 12 7/7/1817 Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο, Ήταν Αύγουστος του 1816 όταν επισκέφτηκα την Αθήνα για πρώτη φορά. Αφού τακτοποιήθηκα στο ξενοδοχείο μου και ξεκουράστηκα για λίγες ώρες, ξεκίνησα να πάω στο παζάρι, το γνωστό Μοναστηράκι. Όταν έφτασα, μπήκα σε ένα καφενείο, που δεν είχε παράθυρα. Δεν κάθισα μέσα, αποφάσισα να γίνω κι εγώ ένα με τους πελάτες, που

Λοιπόν, να με περιμένετε πιο αργά, κατά τις οχτώ με εννιά να φτάσω σπίτι.


Year 2 students have transformed into jet setters this term. Using Stanley as our inspiration in exploring places domestically and internationally, students have reconnoitred their place in the world and where we, here in Australia, sit within the world stage.

κάθονταν απ’ έξω και δροσίζονταν κάτω από τα καταπράσινα δέντρα και τις κληματαριές. Ένα θαυμάσιο αεράκι κατέβαινε από τα γύρω βουνά και μοσχοβολούσε ρετσίνι. Η πρώτη μου Αθηναϊκή νύχτα ήταν γοητευτική! Με παρέσυρε και μένα στη μαγεία της και εκείνο το βράδυ κατάλαβα γιατί οι Αθηναίοι είναι οι μεγαλύτεροι ξενύχτηδες του κόσμου.

Students have taken our new friend Stanley on some adventures of their own, below are some accounts of Stanley’s adventures with Year 2.

Η πόλη της Αθήνας ήταν υπέροχη! Καταπράσινη, με δροσερά και καθαρά νερά. Το ξημέρωμα με βρήκε να σεριανίζω τις γειτονιές της και είδα ότι κάθε γειτονιά είχε το δικό της υδραγωγείο. Πολλά δέντρα, ελιές, συκιές, μουριές και πεύκα υπήρχαν τριγύρω. Βρύσες, πηγάδια και πολλά τρεχούμενα νερά. Δεν υπήρχαν τεράστια κτήρια ώστε να εμποδίζουν το αεράκι από την Πάρνηθα και την Πεντέλη να φτάνει το κέντρο της πόλης ούτε αυτοκίνητα κι εργοστάσια.

AROUND THE WORLD IN TERM 2 Stanley and I had a fantastic weekend together. Over the weekend my family, Stanley and I went to see live soccer. My brother and I got to go on the field. Sydney won 3-0 against Perth. Stanley and I took lots of photos and Stanley did photobombs and it was hilarious. When the game finished we started walking back to our car and we saw two police officers with their horses. By the time we got to our car there was so much traffic but we managed to get out of it. My family and I had an amazing weekend together and it was also fun taking Stanley along!

Με μια έντονη νοσταλγία, αναπολώ εκείνες τις ολόδροσες νύχτες, ακούω τις καντάδες στα σοκάκια, βλέπω τους Αθηναίους να κάθονται κάτω από τις κληματαριές και να εισπνέουν τη μυρωδιά από το θυμάρι και το ρετσίνι. Εδώ σ’ αφήνω και θα τα ξαναπούμε. Αυγουστής Austin Papadopoulos Year 10 Modern Greek Year 11




JUNIOR SCHOOL YEAR TWO AROUND THE WORLD Stanley Lambchop was just like any regular boy, until one night, he was flattened by a bulletin board above his bed. His life was altered; he was as flat as a pancake! He could slide under doors, fit through storm water grates and even be flown as a kite.

Marcus Kalyvas 2I My weekend with Flat Stanley was a lot of fun. I had lots of adventures with my new friend.

In amongst his adventures, Stanley was able to visit California. Although his means of travel were slightly unusual; he was sent in an envelope!

Firstly, on Friday, we watched a movie called ‘RV’. It was very funny, Stanley thought so too.


We went to the restaurant 1821. I pretended to feed Flat Stanley delicious chips and took a photo with him next to the awesome Greek flag painted on the wall.

On Saturday Morning, I took Stanley with me to singing and dancing lessons. Unfortunately, he didn’t want to sing or dance with me! In the afternoon, we went for a walk to the beach with my brother and my mum. Stanley enjoyed the view.

Flat Stanley and I had a great adventure on Saturday!!!

On Sunday, I went to tennis with Stanley. He watched my brother and I play tennis, I think he wanted to join in, but he was too shy to ask. It was a nice, sunny day, so I think he enjoyed it anyway.

Yanni Varvaressos 2A

Diana Bastas (2C) On Saturday, my family, Flat Stanley and I went to Martin Place in the city, to see the Hellenic Presidential Guards (the Evzones). I put Flat Stanley in my mum’s bag and off we went!


When we got to the city Flat Stanley and I decided to be funny. We hid from my parents. My parents thought they had lost us. Once my dad called me, we jumped out from behind him. When the Evzones came out, we watched them march up to the statue of the unknown soldier.

Year 5 went to see the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. It was an amazing experience. First, we all walked into the theatre and sat down. We ate our recess and followed the teachers inside. It was a very big room and there were lots of other schools there.

As Flat Stanley and I were standing, amongst the crowd, we saw Elysia and her Flat Stanley standing close by. We took a photo altogether next to the Evzones.

Then, the conductor introduced himself and spoke to us about the different instrument families. They then played the first piece which was very loud and fast. I enjoyed listening to all the pieces but I liked the last

Afterwards, I put my Flat Stanley away because my cousin Anasta wanted to eat him.


one most because it had a very happy and uplifting tune. My favourite instrument that they played was definitely the harp. The harp was played throughout the pieces but especially at the beginning. Another instrument that I liked was the celesta. The celesta is a big instrument that looks like a piano. It made a very loud noise when it was played. There were also many violinists and they played really well. The violin was the main instrument and it was used in all of the pieces. All of the people in the orchestra were very friendly and got us to join in and clap our hands to the beat.

On Wednesday 31st May, we visited the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. There were a variety range of instruments and some of the instruments I didn’t even know about which was good because I got to learn more about them.

Overall, I had a great time and I learnt a lot about instruments and music. I would recommend everyone to go and experience this one day too!

One of the instruments I didn’t know was called the celesta. The celesta was an instrument that I thought was a piano because it looked very similar. I thought the people that were playing the instruments were very talented too. They played very well and it looked effortless. I was thinking that it must have taken them a long time to practice and become wonderful musicians. I thought it was very interesting to listen to all the different instruments and how they sounded.

Isabella Koutoulogenis (5A)

Overall, I thought that it was a wonderful experience. My favourite person was Timothy (he was the conductor). It was amazing watching him play the typewriter as a musical instrument. Sotiri Demetriou (5A)

SENIOR SCHOOL GROWING CRYSTALS Every lunch in Term 2, I spend my time in B5 Science Lab growing crystals with Doctor Lakshmi and fellow peers. We grow crystals to compete in a competition to find the best crystals based on clarity, size and smoothness. For growing a crystal, we required a beaker, Bunsen burner, a tripod, a gauze mat, a heatproof mat, a stirring rod, a spatula, matches, clear string or thread and any material with a crystal lattice such as alum or


copper sulphate. What we do first is fill a beaker with water to about 150-200mL. We then use the spatula to scoop the solute (in my case it was potassium alum) and stir it until it has dissolved. To grow crystals, we have to super saturate the solution. How we do that is we heat the water so the molecules can spread and the solute’s particles can fit in between. We leave the solution over night or nights depending on which solution we are using and there should be some seed crystals at the bottom of the beaker. We pick out the clearest and sleekest seed crystals to grow. We then tie the crystal on a string and place it in the beaker. We then dissolve the rest of the seed crystals and place the one we chose in the beaker. Over a week or so of checking in and re-dissolving crystals, we should have a fully grown crystal. We then submit it to the competition to rank our crystals from ones in other schools and win certificates at the end of the term. I find this very enjoyable as sometimes the crystals can grow very large in the span of a few days and you never know what is going to happen with the crystal. Doctor Lakshmi has also helped me and my peers tremendously through Term 2 by helping us tie our crystals to teaching us the basic mechanics.

Billy Bourdaniotis Year 8 This Term the Science Club has been making crystals out of potassium aluminium and copper sulphate. We would grow big and clear crystals of a different colour (blue and clear). We then submitted the crystals into a competition between schools. The students that have participated in the group this Term have learnt lots of new things. We have all had lots of fun using the Lab tools and equipment. In the end we hope to go to the next level of the competition.

‘MINEFIELDS AND MINISKIRTS’ Year 11 Drama production 2017 On the 20th of June 2017, the Year 11 Drama students performed the play by Terence O’Connell, ‘Minefields and Miniskirts’, which was derived from the novel by Siobhan McHugh. The production is brought to life by Bianca Frazis, Maria Krassas, Eleni Mastroperos and Erin Giaras, who play four

Eitan Kalfa Year 7


Vasileios Kourliaftis and I) achieved a merit result and finished in fourth place out of all the other teams that competed at UNSW. Again, well done to everyone who competed and I’m sure we will see more high results once final scores are released.

women who served in the Vietnam War, sharing their real-life experiences and the terrors that occurred. It helps give a voice to all the women that suffered in the war, and let them share what they went through. The production demonstrated all of the fear and empathy that these women experienced, giving a sense of actually being in the exact situation. It has been a great experience for me to work on the production team with Frances-Lee Pascalis. The lights and sound effects enhance the play and bring a sense of the mood and atmosphere of the Vietnam War. Special thanks to the director of the play, Drama teacher Ms Lindley who helped make the production effective and worked hard day and night for it to be an enjoyable and heart wrenching experience for the audience. All thanks to the whole cast for taking us through the roller-coaster of emotions that this play portrays. Sasha Douglas Year 9

RACI TITRATION COMPETITION Last Friday, ten Chemistry students from Year 12 along with two Year 11 students, competed against other schools in Sydney in the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) Titration Competition. For those who don’t know, titration is a procedure used to find the concentration of a solution, by adding a certain volume of it to a known volume of another solution whose concentration is given. A formula is then used to find the unknown concentration. In the competition, teams that found a final concentration closest to the actual concentration of the solution were awarded the most points. Four teams (each with three members) represented St Spyridon College at UNSW where the competition took place. All of us were very nervous and excited on the day, but we put this aside and did our very best and enjoyed the experience. I would like to congratulate everyone who participated for managing to complete all their titrations, and do all the necessary calculations within the time allowed for the competition. Since this competition is State wide, and every venue uses the same concentrations, final results are yet to be released. However, on the day it was revealed that one St Spyridon team (Joel Dean,

Joel Richardson Year 12 Chemistry




where they were successful in defeat and overall winners of their division.



Open A









Congratulations to all the girls for their commitment beyond the normal ISA training hours and to their parents for supporting the girls each week with travel to and from Tempe. This competition has offered extreme benefits to the development of their team cohesion and skill levels. Thank you also, to Ms Flokis for her support and attendance each week.

Anneta Maroulis Natalie Mihail

Unfortunately, we had to washout the Intermediate C and Junior C matches. These matches will most likely be replayed mid week early next Term once the arrangements have been confirmed the students will be advised of details. When we return next Term we have 3 rounds of ISA remaining with the ISA Semi Finals to be held Saturday 12th August and the Finals to be held 19th August at Netball Central Homebush. At this stage it is very important to finish the remainder of the season strong so that we can secure Semi Final positions. The current placings are as follows:


Open A’s – 3rd position Open B’s- 2nd position Intermediate C’s - 2nd position Junior B’s- 2nd position Junior C’s- 5th position (however there were some draw adjustments so the final placing is not accurate until after round 10) Junior D’s- 5th position








LOST 1‐ 5 LOST 1‐ 2

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER Melanie Bounatsos Mary Diamond

Saturday 17th June was Round 7 of the ISA competition. Both girls’ football teams had an early 8am start in very wet conditions. Opens girls were up against a strong Barker College who are currently in first position. It was always going to be a tough game, however, Felicity Ginis not only scored their first goal of the season but St Spyridon girls were the first team to score against Barker so far in the ISA competition. Most pleasing was the girl’s positive attitude at the conclusion of the game, despite being soaking wet and defeated 5-1 the girls walked off with a positive demeanour and very proud of their achievements.


The Open Netball team has been competing in an external Netball competition each Wednesday night since April as part of their ISA training which has allowed them to further enhance their game play opportunities and learn to play against older opponents. This Wednesday the girls played in the Grand final

Junior girls also played first place Blue Mountains Grammar which was also going to be a tough match. Unfortunately, the girls lost


2-1, however, they battled through the rain to produce an excellent performance. Chloe Drougas was exceptional in goals and Talysse Knight is to be commended for her excellent goal.

First XI The First XI team suffered a disappointing 0-2 loss to St Patricks College last time these two teams met. Our boys were looking forward to this contest with great enthusiasm and determination. We felt that we were unlucky in our last encounter and were determined to reverse the result.

Thank you to all the girls who remained behind to support the Boys Open Football match your support and encouragement was appreciated.

From the outset our boys quickly moved to spread the ball wide and play to our strengths. Charlie Christofides exposed their defensive line on several occasions making decisive runs around their fullback, with the weight of possession it would not be long before we would score the first goal. Our first goal came after Charlies corner was not dealt with and the ball deflected off a number of players before going in the goal. With the ascendancy the team looked for their second goal and with Nicholas Kollias winning every ball in the air Nathan Adam pushed forward into the middle and combined with the midfield on many occasions looking very threatening. Our second goal came from his excellent combination play with his team mates resulting in Nathan scoring an absolutely beautiful goal. Unfortunately we conceded late in the first half with the score line 2-1.

Training will resume Thursday mornings in Term 3 from 7.15am-8.15am. It is important that all girls attend so we can adequately prepare for the remainder of the season. The junior girls are currently in 4th position and if we are able to finish the final rounds strong we can secure a Semi Final position.

ISA BOYS FOOTBALL Last Saturday was the last round of competitive football for the Term. The majority of the teams competed against St Patricks College at Chifley Sports Reserve. The last time we played this school the majority of our teams suffered heavy defeats. This time we were looking at trying to improve our overall performances and we did exactly that on the weekend.

In the second half St Patricks really came out very strong and Spiros had to make a number of crucial saves including one that came off the goal post. Our boys had their opportunities with Harris Pappas shooting well outside the box hitting the cross bar in what would have been goal of the season. Panos Bounos also had a wonderful opportunity but was unable to control the ball in the 18 yard box before taking the right strike.

All the teams were competitive proving to themselves that with the right approach and willingness to work hard at training team performances can be improved. This week also presented all the boys an opportunity to take team photos and to watch the Open boys football team compete against St Patricks College. The atmosphere created and the collegial support from all the students did make a difference with our First XI football team winning 2-1 reversing the result from a month ago. It was a special occasion shared by not only our current students, parents but also a number of our past students and families who attended the game.

The game finished at 2-1 and the Open boys team are now in the running to feature in the semi-finals of the competition after missing out last season.

I am hopeful that we can continue to host such days for at least one home game for each of our competitive sports. Supporting your school as a spectator has its benefits and furthermore teaches our students the invaluable lesson of what constitutes good behaviour.


U13 White On the 17th of June, our St Spyridon College U13 team played St Patricks College, Strathfield. The boys knew going into this game that it would not be easy due to the experience of our previous game against them. Both teams fought hard for that all important first goal unlucky for St Spyridon, it wasn’t our goal. As the game went on St Spyridon fought hard trying to get level with the other team. Not giving up after another goal against them, St Spyridon made amazing tackles, awesome passes but just couldn’t get the goal in the back of the net. Then 3-0 down, St Spyridon gave away a penalty. Fortunately, our keeper Marlon Rallis made an outstanding save, blocking the ball going into the top right corner of the goal. The whistle blew the game was over 3-0.

Michael Christofides U16 Boys Last week the 16 year old boys’ soccer team played St Patricks at home. It was a great effort from the entire team, we played till the last whistle no matter what the result was. Unfortunately we lost 2-0 - congratulations to St Patricks for a well-played game. The man of the match was Steven Stamoulis for his constant positive attitude, his determination to win the game and his great skill on the pitch. Good luck to both teams for the rest of the season. Dimitrios Dimas In preparation for round 8 of the competition all the teams will be having a scheduled training session at the College on Thursday 13th July (school holidays) Please see teams/ times below. 8:30am–10:00am- U13 A and U13 Blue, U13 Green 10am-11:30am- U14 A and U14 Blue 11:30am-1pm –U15 A and U15 Blue 1pm-2pm – U16 and Seconds 2pm- 3:30pm – Opens


Ms K. O’Shea – Girls Sport Mr F. Kaldis – Boys Sport




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