News 180 11a 2017

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VOLUME XXXIV No. 11 20th July, 2017




Parent/Teacher Conferences Yr7 3.30-7pm


Parent Teacher Conferences Yr8 3.30-7pm


HSC Drama Showcase


Parent Teacher Conferences Yr11 3.30-7pm


Trial HSC begins


AUGUST State Futsal JS


IPSHA Performing Arts Festival rehearsal JS Parent Teacher Conferences Yrs 9 & 10


3.30 – 7.30pm Divine Liturgy K-6


Divine Liturgy SS


Speciality Photos JS


Athletics Carnival JS


The Dormition of the Theotokos


School closed Appreciating Culture Event and Arts Exhibition SPACe IPSHA PAF Technical Rehearsal and

17th 22nd

Performance JS ASISSA Athletics Carnival JS


SEPTEMBER Father’s Day


Father’s Day Doxology and Breakfast ISA Athletics Carnival


GO Athletics Carnival JS


CIS Athletics Carnival JS


Year 12 Farewell Assembly


Years 5 – 12 Doxology


Year 12 Farewell Dinner


Showcase SS


Term 3 ends for Staff and Students



PREFECT PAGE From the College Captain Welcome back everyone to another eventful school Term. I think we should all take time to thank God that we can return to school and everything is like we haven’t left it; a routine that keeps us learning, our teachers are still there and above all, our friends are back too. The Year 12’s are feeling the pressure already with the Trials commencing in under two weeks. Καλή Δύναμη – good strength to everyone! Global Greetings/International Canteen Food After a much anticipated break, the Prefects are preparing to continue the Global Greetings and International Canteen Food, thanks to the full support of the canteen. The next Global Greeting will be announced at the next assembly, as well as Term 3’s catch cry to guide students through another Term of hard work. On this Day On this day (20th June) in 1969 the first moon landing took place, astronauts buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong set foot on the lunar surface while a total of approximately 530 million people watched, at the time 1 in 7 people out of the entire population of the world had witnessed the moon landing on television.

PREFECT PROFILE Name: Joel Dean I joined St Spyridon College in: Year 8 Previous Leadership Roles: Peer Support Leader Subjects I am currently studying: Mathematics, Maths Ext 1, English Advanced, English Ext 1, Chemistry and Legal Studies. Hobbies: Reading, Gaming, Swimming, Bike Riding and going to the Beach My future aspirations: To be able to do what I feel should be done. My role models: If you must walk in someone's shadow make sure it's your own. Favourite quote: “Every man is a creature of the age in which he lives and few are able to raise themselves above the ideas of the time.” ― Voltaire My proudest moment: I sincerely hope I have not yet experienced my proudest moment. One piece of advice I would give to younger students: Enjoy the time while you still have a stress-free lifestyle and don’t worry about inconsequential events. Student Principle: Principle 9: We respond to the difficulties of life with patience, dignity and faith, never fearing to start again. I have chosen this particular principle over others as it is unique and holds special meaning in my life. I believe that the definition of this principle is referring to the way people respond to challenges in their life and how they continue to live a life which they believe as right. I take this principle as being important since the way people respond to situations determines who they are and how people see them. During my schooling year’s students face many academic and social challenges of which they overcome. This principle also encompasses other aspects such as characteristics, studies and moral values which are all ways people respond to difficult situations. When I respond to difficult situations I tend to calm myself and try to think logically of the best course of action. In this I believe I have the qualities mentioned in the principle above of patience as I can stop and calm myself, dignity as I accept criticism and faith as I trust myself to make the right decision and in my family and friends to support me in my difficulties. In school I respond to difficulties by keeping myself organised and spending time to accomplish tasks to a high degree. During sport and other activities I believe that one of my good qualities is the ability to not give up and use my determination to ‘keep at it’. Recently I have applied this principle in my life in my response to, beginning Year 12 where I have tried to do the best that I can when facing the pressure and increase in workload. I also see this particular principle in my


life when I have problems with stress, pressure and arguments. Where I respond with the qualities outlined in the principle as these are important qualities to hold. I believe that this quality is important for a leader as it demonstrates the resolve to accept ideas and stay calm when faced with difficult decisions which are integral to a leader’s role. Handball Competition Senior School 2017 During the last week of last Term the Year 12 Prefects and Sports Captains held a Handball Competition and Bake Sale, with all profits going towards their Year 12 funds. The handball competition ran over the whole week and consisted of 19 teams. Overall it was an incredible event that brought the whole school community together, and was played with great spirit and enthusiasm. All teams were placed into three pools, and played a round robin tournament. Following this, the top two teams on point differential from each pool made up the 1st – 6th seeds, with the next best two teams making up the 7th and 8th seeds. Quarter Finals, Semi’s and the Grand Final followed, with the Semi and Grand finals played as a ‘best of three’ game. The grand final was a play off between two very strong teams: ‘Team Kaldis’ (Year 12) v ‘Better Than U’ (Year 7), with Better Than U victorious in two sets. Best and Fairest was awarded to ‘Anonymous’ (Year 7) who tried their hardest each game and played with great moral and spirit. They were awarded the four game handballs and certificates for their efforts. Runners up, ‘Team Kaldis’ received a box of Maltesers chocolates and were awarded their certificates along with the winners, ‘Better Than U’, who also received a $100 JB-HIFI voucher. Congrats boys! On behalf of everyone who was involved in organising the event, I’d like to thank everyone for watching and supporting the event, as well as buying from the cake stall. A big thank you to all Year 12 Prefects who brought in sweets and who helped to set up and referee the games, as well as the Year 11 House Captains who helped to score the games. We are happy to say that we raised a profit of $574! Without everyone’s help the event would not have run as smoothly as it did, so thank you very much. Looking forward to next year’s challenge! Tina Ventoura & Peter Giokas Sports Captains








8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on the following dates in the SPACe. Students need to make appointments directly with their teachers.

Please note in your diaries that the Uniform Shop will be closed the first two weeks of Term 3: Wednesday, 19th July, 2017 and Wednesday, 26th July, 2017.

Monday, 24th July, 2017 3.30pm – 7.00pm Year 8: Wednesday, 26th July, 2017 3.30pm – 7.00pm Year 11: Monday, 31st July, 2017 3.30pm – 7.00pm Years 9 & 10: Wednesday, 2nd August, 2017 3.30pm – 7.30pm Year 7:

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT Welcome back to all our children and families. I hope you have had a chance to rest, recharge and rejuvenate ready for the exciting opportunities of Term Three. We warmly welcome to our St Spyridon family, Charlie (KC) & Sophia (3A) Kondos and their parents.

SPECIALITY PHOTOS Prefects, Peer Support Leaders, Senior Leaders, and SRC photographs taken on the 16th May, 2017 are now on line for parents to view and order if they wish to do so.

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations are extended to Mr & Mrs Canlis, Paul (2C) and family, on the birth of their son and brother Harrison. May our Lord shower them with His blessings.

To access photos, please visit: and go to "Products for Parents" "Order Online". Please enter the following 8 digit shoot key: DW6H9HTB

STAFF CHANGES We are pleased to announce that Mrs Karpouzos will be replacing Mrs Mantsis as Infants Support Teacher for the rest of the year.

Photographs are $20 each and will be available online for six months, alternatively you may call Academy School Photography on 1300 766 472 to place your order by phone.

Ka. Stella will be on leave till the 11th August. She will be replaced by Mrs Pavlidis who is an experienced Greek language teacher and is familiar with our programs.

YEAR 7 TECHNOLOGY Year 7 Technology students were introduced to the importance and pervasiveness of bridges for connecting people to resources and places, with references to historical and current day examples. In learning about bridge types – arch, beam, truss and suspension – students explored the effects of tensile and compressive forces, along with investigating the calculations that go into designing bridges and testing their strength.

We farewell Ms Janet Silverton, our piano tutor who has resigned after 15 years of service to the students of the College and thank her for her dedication and commitment to developing a love of music and playing. Our best wishes go with her for her continued health and happiness.

COCURRICULAR REMINDER Cocurricular will recommence on 24th July and conclude for the year on the 15th September. Mrs A. Synesios Principal


HALF-YEARLY REPORTS & Parent Teacher Conferences At the end of last Term students were issued with their Half-Yearly Reports. Next week, parents of Years 7 & 8 will have the opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss their child’s progress and listen to any concerns. If for any reason interviews are missed and you would still like to speak with your child’s teachers, please contact the school office.



Shortly, Year 6 students and parents who will be joining us in 2018 will begin their interviews with the Senior School Principal, Mrs Katsogiannis and myself, the Dean of Middle School. At this interview all students must bring the documentation listed in the invitation letter, along with the page titled “Passport to Senior School” (which was sent home with the letter of invitation). This page will need to be filled out neatly prior to the interview by the student and a recent passport – like photo attached.

Mrs V. Grillakis Team Leader Technology and Creative Arts




BEANIE FOR BRAIN CANCER Welcome back to Term 3, especially those who travelled overseas with their families. I hope everyone is well rested and ready to meet the demands of the busy Term that lies ahead. All who may have missed a number of school days and class work during their time away need to ensure they take whatever steps are needed to quickly get themselves up to speed. Parents can assist their children by checking that all catch up work has been completed within the first two weeks of the students’ return to school.

A reminder to all students that special navy coloured Beanies are available from the office at a cost of $15. The beanies can be worn:- to and from school throughout winter.

MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Our Term 2 Middle School assembly was postponed until Friday 28th July owing to the fact that we had many students and staff from Middle School travelling overseas. More information and photos will be available in the next newsletter.


Do you think your friends would be mad at you or understanding?

TECH TALK WITH YOUR TEENS Talking about technology once a week during regular time that is set aside each week, perhaps during dinner every Tuesday… “Tech Talk Tuesday”?, is something that cyber-safety experts recommend. Having discussions helps build trust and confidence, as well as encourage learning on both sides.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School




Recently one cyber safety expert prior to going on a three week family holiday, had a discussion about technology with her 13 year old “highly social” daughter Mele. After this Mele decided to leave her iphone at home (have a break from the connected world) ….to see what would happen, could she survive??

Students in Year 12 will have some sessions with me after the HSC Trial exams, to go through the process of applying for university through the University Admissions Centre (UAC) website. Although applications open on 2nd August, students are advised to wait until after these sessions so they are fully informed of the procedure to follow and to avoid any mistakes. The 2018 UAC guides, with information about all the universities and their courses, will be arriving soon and these will be distributed to the Year 12 students in the coming weeks. Students and parents are also reminded about the upcoming Open Days, see the information below for details.

This is what resulted: She made one phone call. She read five books in 3 weeks. She listened to music and podcasts daily (used an iPod nano) (no screen, just a music clip-on) She took photos on her digital camera (of course), but no selfies! She was present, fun and inquisitive daily. She was NOT looking forward to returning home and had a dream the night before she returned that her friends were mad at her for not communicating. The opposite was true. She returned to people texting and Snapping her about how much they missed her, which made her feel appreciated as a friend.

OPEN DAYS AT UNIVERSITIES, TAFE AND COLLEGES- SAVE THE DATE Open Days will be held after the HSC Trial examinations have finished, with most being on either Saturday 19th or 26th August or 2nd September. The dates for each institution’s open day can be found through the following site: ons/

When Mele started up her iPhone, she had 500 texts, 15 Snapchat threads (which means that was about 100 actual Snaps - remember she wasn’t engaging, so had she been home this number would have been 20 times higher), and an untold number of Instagrams.

TORRENS UNIVERSITY OPEN DAY 12 August, 10.00am to 2.00pm

So, the next time you have a “Tech Talk” discussion with your teen…perhaps during a dedicated “Tech Talk Tuesday” dinner time slot…consider asking how they would feel about leaving their smartphones behind when you next go on holidays. Some questions to get the discussion going could be… How do you think you would feel about leaving your Smartphone at home? How would you feel about being unreachable and out of touch? What would you miss the most?

Students interested in the fields of design, hospitality, health or business should be encouraged to attend Torrens University’s Open Day. With specialised campuses visit Ultimo Campus (design), The Rocks and William Blue Dining (business & hospitality) or Pyrmont Campus (Health). RSVP | 1300 575 803




2 September 9.30am to 2.00pm 1 Chambers Rd, Leura Students with a passion for hospitality, people and travel are invited to the BMIHMS Leura Campus Open Day. Visit for personalised tours of the campus and to see the world class facilities. Interactive workshops will be run, where students and their parents are invited to talk to lecturers & students. Free lunch. RSVP 02 9307 4600.


“During the last week of Term 2, we attended a week-long Engineering Work Experience Workshop run by UNSW. Throughout the week we were exposed to various fields of engineering including geotechnical, civil and water & waste engineering.


Each year, the Engineering faculty at UNSW offers a week of interesting activities and field excursions to Year 10 students who are interested in engineering as a future career. This year, two students, Connor Giavis and Adam Geortsis, were chosen from a large number of applicants to attend the work experience week and it seems they thoroughly enjoyed this great opportunity. Below is a short report from the students and some pictures from the week.

Each day we ventured out on field trips to actual sites so we could have a first-hand experience in the field of engineering. A highlight was a visit to Barangaroo, in the heart of the city. This multi-billion dollar project is world leading in sustainability, a hot topic in todays society especially considering all the talk around global warming. An interesting fact that was new to most of us was that 50% of the Barangaroo precinct was going to be dedicated to parkland and openspace for the public. Overall, this once-in-a-lifetime experience was an informative eye-opener into the various fields of engineering and will surely have an impact on our future career choices.” Connor Giavis & Adam Geortsis Year 10




During the July holiday break, Constantinos Gouskos of Year 12 undertook a week of work experience behind the scenes at the Australian Museum in the city. Constantinos found this to be very interesting as well as helpful in finding out more about future career prospects related to his interests. Below is his report: “During my work experience week at the Australian Museum I got to experience what it


website cadetships

is like to work in the Australian Museum and how the museum operates to bring out the exhibits which bring thousands of people to its doors. During my stay I was involved in the museum’s science research facility, digital volumes volunteer team and the cultural collections office, where I was involved in DNA analysis, archiving the museum’s artefacts and going behind the scenes to witness the museum’s extensive collection.”

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY GIFTED AND TALENTED ENTRY PROGRAM For Year 10 students, thinking ahead to Year 11 and 12 As a Gifted and Talented Program student you'll tackle Macquarie's first year Critical Thinking unit in Year 11. You will gain analytical and reasoning skills that will benefit you in your HSC study. Then pursue your passion with another Macquarie first year study unit to undertake in Year 11 or Year 12. If you successfully complete your units with the necessary GPA, we'll open the door to an early offer for a Macquarie University degree.

Constantinos Gouskos Year 12

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with the degree of Bachelor of Professional Practice - combine study with relevant industry experience and be supported with a scholarship.


This highly competitive course will see you alternate between classroom studies and workplace experience in the form of three vocational placements of three to six months each throughout your degree. You will develop professional skills and networks across different workplace settings, and use your practical experiences in the classroom, while also receiving a scholarship for the duration of the course.

22 July. 9.00am to 12.00pm For more details, go to this site: me/recruitment_information_sessions#301561

FLIGHT ATTENDANT INFORMATION SESSION Discover how to get airline ready in 25 days at Aviation Australia's Flight Attendant Info Session Attend the Aviation Australia Flight Attendant Career Session on 27 July, 6.30pm at Qantas Centre of Service Excellence. Register now

TEACHING SCHOLARSHIPS For students who are interested in becoming teachers, or current teachers looking to retrain. They can get paid to study a subject area in demand. Students are guaranteed a permanent job, $5000 per year of full time study and $3000 appointment allowance. Applications are now open. Head to the website

SURVEYING The NSW Surveying Taskforce has a new website. Students can watch videos about work experience, tertiary studies and working in surveying. Plus find out about the reasons why people have chosen surveying as their career, and the work they do on a day to day basis. Students can register for a work experience placement, and find out pathways into Surveying:

CADETSHIPS Students can work part-time in a school and get paid whilst studying and graduate with a permanent teaching position with a cadetship from the NSW Department of Education. Applications are now open. Head to our






The FRNSW Work Experience Program provides participating students with an overview of the roles of Fire & Rescue NSW and its firefighters. It is delivered through both practical and theory sessions in a disciplined and safe working environment. Through this program, school students gain insight into the FRNSW and develop employment related skills to enhance their vocational education. Interested students should see Ms Hakos to discuss this before applying. For more information, go to the following link:

This scholarship includes work experience in leading kitchens, uniforms and a knife kit, and $1,000 for your training, as well as a full culinary apprenticeship. Applications close in August 2017

DEFENCE ENGINEERING CAREERS INFO SESSION – Parramatta Monday July 31st 6:30pm @ Defence Force Recruiting Parramatta, Level 4, 9 George Street No matter which service you join, as an Engineer in the Australian Defence Force you'll work with some of the world's most advanced technology. Register to attend at: E/

SOME USEFUL WEBSITES Becoming a psychologist Visit the Psychology Board of Australia site to find out about the different pathways to becoming a registered psychologist. on/Provisional.aspx What does a travel agent do?

SCHINDLER APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Applications are open now for the 2018 Apprenticeships Intake. Info Night – Monday 24 July – 6pm @ Building D, 36-38 Lord St Botany For details, go to: ers/your-career/apprenticeship-program.html

A Career as a Vet This website gives an overview of the career of the veterinarian and the salary range that a new graduate might expect. The site also provides a list of Australian universities that facilitate the Bachelor of Veterinary Science.

TARONGA ZOO WORK EXPERIENCE Taronga Zoo's Work Experience program is for school students who are interested in pursuing a career in zoo keeping, animal care, tourism/education or zoo horticulture. The program is suitable for school students in Years 10, 11 and 12.

Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Και πάλι μαζί. Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με τις εργασίες δύο παιδιών της Β΄ και Γ΄ Λυκείου. Η μία είναι σχετική με ένα παλιό ταξίδι στην Αθήνα στα πλαίσια της ενότητας «Η Γειτονιά μου» και η δεύτερη με το τηλέφωνο στη ζωή μας στα πλαίσια του ρόλου της «Τεχνολογίας στη ζωή μας και στη διασκέδασή μας».

In the interests of fairness, only one successful applicant per school will be considered and possibly assigned to a Zoo animal division for one week (Monday to Friday), excluding school and public holidays. Applications open 9 October 2017 for places in 2018. Interested students should see Ms Hakos to discuss this before applying. For more information, go to:

Καλή νέα σχολική περίοδο. κα Μ. Φαλέτα


παγκοσμιοποιημένη κοινωνία, όπου δεν υπάρχουν πλέον σύνορα, ταξιδεύουμε όπου θέλουμε, συναναστρεφόμαστε με όποιον θέλουμε, το τηλέφωνο είναι απαραίτητο για να είμαστε ενήμεροι και προσιτοί.

9/9/1816 Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο, Ήταν Αύγουστος του 1816 όταν επισκέφτηκα την Αθήνα για πρώτη φορά. Αφού τακτοποιήθηκα στο ξενοδοχείο μου και ξεκουράστηκα για λίγες ώρες, ξεκίνησα να πάω στο παζάρι, το γνωστό Μοναστηράκι. Όταν έφτασα, μπήκα σε ένα καφενείο, που δεν είχε παράθυρα. Δεν κάθισα μέσα, αποφάσισα να γίνω κι εγώ ένα με τους πελάτες, που κάθονταν απ’ έξω και δροσίζονταν κάτω από τα καταπράσινα δέντρα και τις κληματαριές. Ένα θαυμάσιο αεράκι κατέβαινε από τα γύρω βουνά και μοσχοβολούσε ρετσίνι. Η πρώτη μου Αθηναϊκή νύχτα ήταν γοητευτική! Με παρέσυρε και μένα στη μαγεία της και εκείνο το βράδυ κατάλαβα γιατί οι Αθηναίοι είναι οι μεγαλύτεροι ξενύχτηδες του κόσμου.

Επιπλέον, με το τηλέφωνο μπορούμε να κρατάμε επαφή με φίλους και αγαπητά μας πρόσωπα. Στο παρελθόν, ήταν μεγάλη δυσκολία να κρατάει κανείς επαφή γιατί τα γράμματα που χρησιμοποιούσαν τότε ως μέσο επικοινωνίας, πολλές φορές αργούσαν να φτάσουν στον αποδέκτη τους ή «χάνονταν» στον δρόμο και δεν έφταναν ποτέ στον παραλήπτη τους. Ήταν όμως και αρκετά ακριβή μέθοδος επικοινωνίας και πολλοί δεν είχαν τα χρήματα για το ταχυδρομείο. Τώρα, ο περισσότερος κόσμος έχει πρόσβαση στο τηλέφωνο και δεν έχει πλέον τέτοια προβλήματα.

Η πόλη της Αθήνας ήταν υπέροχη! Καταπράσινη, με δροσερά και καθαρά νερά. Το ξημέρωμα με βρήκε να σεριανίζω τις γειτονιές της και είδα ότι κάθε γειτονιά είχε το δικό της υδραγωγείο. Πολλά δέντρα, ελιές, συκιές, μουριές και πεύκα υπήρχαν τριγύρω. Βρύσες, πηγάδια και πολλά τρεχούμενα νερά. Δεν υπήρχαν τεράστια κτήρια, ώστε να εμποδίζουν το αεράκι από την Πάρνηθα και την Πεντέλη να φτάνει το κέντρο της πόλης, ούτε αυτοκίνητα κι εργοστάσια.

Παράλληλα, το τηλέφωνο είναι αναγκαίο, όταν συμβεί κάποιο επείγον περιστατικό και δεν έχουμε κάποιον μαζί μας. Μπορούμε τότε να τηλεφωνήσουμε σε κάποιο κοντινό μας πρόσωπο και να του ζητήσουμε να μας πάει στο νοσοκομείο ή ακόμα να καλέσουμε απευθείας ασθενοφόρο. Αυτή η άμεση επικοινωνία μπορεί να σώσει τη ζωή οποιουδήποτε βρίσκεται σε κίνδυνο.

Με μια έντονη νοσταλγία, αναπολώ εκείνες τις ολόδροσες νύχτες, ακούω τις καντάδες στα σοκάκια, βλέπω τους Αθηναίους να κάθονται κάτω από τις κληματαριές και να εισπνέουν τη μυρωδιά από το θυμάρι και το ρετσίνι. Εδώ σ’ αφήνω και θα τα ξαναπούμε. Αυγουστής

Ωστόσο, η υπερβολική χρήση του τηλέφωνου μπορεί να μας κάνει αντικοινωνικούς επειδή προτιμάμε να μιλάμε μέσω μιας συσκευής παρά πρόσωπο με πρόσωπο. Μπορεί επίσης να μας απομακρύνει από την οικογένεια, δηλαδή, αν είμαστε σπίτι και αντί να συζητάμε μαζί τους, κατά τη διάρκεια του φαγητού για παράδειγμα, δεν συμμετέχουμε, αλλά τρώμε βιαστικά και πάμε στο δωμάτιό μας να μιλήσουμε με άλλους στο τηλέφωνο. Αυτό δείχνει όχι μόνο την αδιαφορία προς την οικογένειά μας, αλλά και την απόρριψη της ευκαιρίας για ποιοτικό χρόνο και την «κατάληψη» που έχει επιτελέσει στη ζωή μας η σύγχρονη τεχνολογία. Η τεχνολογία μας ενθαρρύνει έμμεσα να ξεχάσουμε «την ουσία» και να εξαρτώμεθα από αυτήν. Άλλο ένα μειονέκτημα του τηλέφωνου, ιδιαίτερα του κινητού, είναι η ραδιενέργεια που εκπέμπει. Η πολύωρη έκθεση στην ακτινοβολία του τηλεφώνου, έχει αρνητική επίδραση στην υγεία μας, χωρίς να το καταλαβαίνουμε. Έτσι, μπορεί να βλάψει τον εγκέφαλο και να οδηγήσει σε συχνούς

Austin Papadopoulos – Year 10 Modern Greek Year 11 Το τηλέφωνο στη ζωή μας Ο άνθρωπος συνεχώς ψάχνει τρόπους για να βελτιώσει την καθημερινότητά του, συνήθως με το να εφευρίσκει καινούρια πράγματα που διευκολύνουν τη ζωή του. Μια από αυτές τις εφεύρεσεις είναι και το τηλέφωνο, ένα μέσο που μεταμόρφωσε για πάντα τον κόσμο της τηλεπικοινωνίας και έχει αντικαταστήσει το γράμμα σχεδόν πλήρως. Ευτυχώς, το τηλέφωνο δίνει την δυνατότητα να μιλάμε με όποιον θέλουμε, όποτε θέλουμε και όπου θέλουμε. Επειδή ζούμε σε μια


πονοκεφάλους ή ακόμη και σε παραβατική συμπεριφορά. Επομένως, προκειμένου να αποφύγουμε τέτοιες σοβαρές επιπτώσεις, οφείλουμε να χρησιμοποιούμε το τηλέφωνο με μέτρο, ακριβώς όπως λέει και το αρχαίο ελληνικό ρητό «παν μέτρον άριστον». Margarita Psaras - Year 11 Modern Greek Year 12



OUR Adriana Drakoulis Year 7

During Technology with Mrs Hatzopoulos, we have been designing, building, and breaking bridges that we created in class.




First of all, we designed a truss bridge and learnt about the key features of it; this part was fun as we could come up with our own designs and combine them with our group’s ideas.

NETBALL NSW SCHOOLS CUP On Wednesday 21st June, 2017, ten girls were selected to represent our school at the Netball NSW Schools Cup. The Netball NSW Schools Cup is an initiative by Netball NSW to provide New South Wales Primary School students with the opportunity to enjoy netball in a fun and safe environment.

We then built the bridges using balsa wood. After finishing and completing this stage we then placed our bridges in-between two tables and applied weights hooked onto the bridges to see how many kilograms they could hold. My group along with Paul and Mikayla got to see our bridge hold 41kg. Ours was the winning design as it withheld the most pressure.

The event was held at Heffron Park where over 90 schools were enrolled and competed on the day. Throughout the day the girls competed against five different schools, Connells Point Public School, St Mary’s North Sydney School, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, The Emanuel School (Green & Yellow) and won all five games, winning their last game 15-2!

This whole experience was extremely enjoyable and we all gained a better understanding that design concepts incorporate many techniques and skills.

The girls all showed great sportsmanship, teamwork and their eagerness to win throughout the whole day. We are very proud of their efforts, Well done girls! I would also like to thank Mrs Tsakirios and Mrs Kakakios for their support and assistance throughout the day. Mrs Papadimatos Netball Coach


SENIOR SCHOOL SPORT GIRLS SPORT ISA NETBALL We have 3 rounds of ISA remaining with the ISA Semi Finals to be held Saturday, 12th August and the Finals to be held 19th August at Netball Central Homebush. At this stage it is very important to finish the remainder of the season strong so that we can secure Semi Final positions. The current placings are as follows: Open A’s – 3rd position Open B’s - 2nd position Intermediate C’s - 2nd position Junior B’s - 2nd position Junior C’s - 5th position (however there were some draw adjustments so the final placing is not accurate until after round 10) Junior D’s- 5th position The schedule for Term 3: Term 2017

Round 8 Saturday nd 22 July

Round 9 Saturday th 29 July

Round 10 Saturday th 5 August

St Spyridon OPEN A



Thornleigh Indoor Stadium


St Spyridon OPEN B



Thornleigh Indoor Stadium


St Spyridon INTER C



Thornleigh Indoor Stadium


St Spyridon JUNIOR B


Chevalier College

Chevalier College School Grounds


St Spyridon JUNIOR C


Chevalier College

Chevalier College School Grounds


St Spyridon JUNIOR D


Chevalier College

Chevalier College School Grounds


St Spyridon OPEN A



Thornleigh Indoor Stadium


St Spyridon OPEN B


St Pauls Grammar School

St Pauls Grammar School Grounds


St Spyridon INTER C


Blue Mountains Grammar School

Blue Mountains Grammar School Grounds


St Spyridon JUNIOR B


Blue Mountains Grammar School

Blue Mountains Grammar School Grounds


St Spyridon JUNIOR C


St Pauls Grammar School

St Pauls Grammar School


St Spyridon JUNIOR D


Blue mountains Grammar School

Blue Mountains Grammar School Grounds


St Spyridon OPEN A



St Spyridon College SPACE


St Spyridon OPEN B



St Spyridon College School Courts


St Spyridon INTER C



St Spyridon College SPACE


St Spyridon JUNIOR B



St Spyridon College School Courts


St Spyridon JUNIOR C



St Spyridon College SPACE


St Spyridon JUNIOR D




ISA FOOTBALL We have 3 rounds of ISA remaining with the ISA Semi Finals to be held Saturday 12th August. The Junior girls are currently in 4th position and need to finish strong to maintain their position and secure a Semi Final position. The schedule for Term 3: Term 3 2017 Round 8 Saturday nd 22 July

Round 9 Saturday th 29 July

Round 10 Saturday th 5 August

St Spyridon OPENS



Chifley Playing Fields


St Spyridon JUNIOR



Chifley Playing Fields


St Spyridon OPENS


Chevalier College

Chevalier College School Grounds


St Spyridon JUNIOR


Chevalier College

Chevalier College School Grounds


St Spyridon OPENS


St Andrews Cathedral School

Wentworth Park, Glebe


St Spyridon JUNIOR


Oxley College

Chevalier College School Grounds


BOYS SPORT ISA BOYS FOOTBALL Welcome back to all families for the final term of winter sport. There are three regular season games remaining. Round 8: this Saturday 22nd July Round 9: 29th July Round 10: 5th August In preparation for the remaining regular season games the boys attended a holiday training session and I would like to thank all the boys who attended. Many of the schools 10 teams are in contention to feature in this year’s semi- finals. I extend my sincere thanks to Mr Magoulias for attending as well as Mr Ivanovic in order to give our students the best possible preparation for the remaining games. Thank you also to Mr Zafiropoulos for managing the Opens boys’ afternoon tea. Good luck to all the schools teams in the remaining rounds and for the finals.

BASKETBALL Basketball trials (if needed) for the U15, U17 and Open boys will commence in the coming weeks. Most of the trials will be held either after school or in the morning prior to the start of school in the SPACe. U13 and U14 Basketball teams have been selected and students will be receiving their registration forms at school by the end of the week. All families are asked to return these promptly in order to accelerate process of confirming commitment. Students requiring a uniform will be required to place an order with Mr Kaldis by Wednesday 26th July week 2 at the latest.

CRICKET The school’s first ever First XI cricket team will continue to train on Thursday afternoon and will this week be required to place an order for uniforms. Trial games have been scheduled and will be communicated to families as soon as registrations are returned. Ms K. O’Shea – Girls Sport Mr F. Kaldis – Boys Sport


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