News 188 18aa 2017

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VOLUME XXXIV No. 18 16th November, 2017




Yrs 3 & 4 return from Camp Sports Presentation Evening 6.30pm


Preparing for the Preliminaries begins


Yr 5 depart for Camp to Hill End 7.15am Yr 6 depart for Camp to Canberra 6.15am Divine Liturgy Yrs 7 – 11


Yr 5 returns from Camp 5.00pm


Yr 6 return from Camp 5.30pm Parent Teacher Interviews K-3A & 5


Holy Cross Monastery Yr 10


Parent Teacher Interviews K-4 & 6 Year 4 visit to Senior School




Yr 6 Graduation Dinner 6.00pm Church Hall Yr 6 Botany Pool excursion


Term ends for students


Academic Excellence and Student Leadership Assembly Years 3 – 12, 9.30am K – 2 at Junior School Staff Development Day


St Spyridon Vespers


St Spyridon Day


HSC results




Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag






Thank you for your generous support with our final events for 2017 that took place this week! *** JUNIOR SCHOOL P&F Walkathon – please send in funds raised by November 30, 2017*** Thank you to all the children who participated enthusiastically on the day. The sun was shining and it was a great day for the children. We thank you for your support. It is now time to collect your funds raised for your children, and to send them in by November 30 to qualify for the great prizes. Prizes are as follows:MAJOR PRIZE: - a deduction of $3000 from Tuition Fees for 2018 at St Spyridon College plus an Apple Watch Series 3! This major prize is for the child who raises the most money. Consolation Prizes include 2 x Apple Watches Series 3 and 3 x $100 iTunes cards. There are also some smaller prizes per student for (a) the class who raises the largest total and (b) the class that submits all their funds in first. All money raised at this event will be used to purchase equipment at the Junior School. An update will be provided in the final newsletter of the year. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NIGHT – A warm “thank you” to all who attended this event. An update will be provided in the next newsletter!

THE P&F NEEDS YOU FOR 2018! Following on from the previous newsletter, we are reaching out to ALL parents, both new and existing to come along and join us for 2018! We would like to take this opportunity to share with you the “WHY” some parents join our Parents & Friends Committee, and hope that you can join us too in 2018. Please take the time to read our members views. Thank you for your time! Erenie Bourdaniotis (P&F President – Billy Year 8, Krissy Year 6) I joined the P&F in 2009 when my son Billy was in Kindy. I joined to obviously help fundraise for the school and after I joined, I made new parent friends in different years. The organising of events was fun as it brought the whole school together as one community. Our events such as Spring Fair, Taverna and Trivia Nights are some of the events which the entire school, including students could get involved in. New ideas were brought in by different members and the events became not only more fun, but we would then try and better it the following year. To date as President, along with my committee, I try and continue the success of these events and always open to new ideas. Over all being on the P&F is not only fun, but rewarding, and my friendships with the committee members will last a lifetime. Kim Georgas (P&F Vice President – William Year 10, Charlie Year 6) My eldest daughter started school in 1999 and at the beginning of the year there was the AGM for the P&F. So being at a school, where I didn’t know any parents and always having the want to help out, I went along. I thought I’ll meet parents and help the school community as well. Fast forward 18 years and I’m still meeting new parents and helping the school community. I must say I do love it. I’ve met so many great parents over all grades, which I wouldn’t have met if I hadn’t been on the P&F. I’ve seen the P&F grow in many aspects. Over the years, we have fine-tuned events and made them very successful.


Most importantly my four children have seen what it is like to be an integral part of a school community. They have seen the amount of work that goes into producing an event by the P&F parents, and by doing this they are more than happy to jump in and help when needed. I feel this is one of life’s greatest lessons. Lastly I have been blessed to see so many children grow up over the last 18 years, not only just mine. I’ve watched their little faces burst with excitement when they get to buy gifts from our stalls for Mother’s & Father’s Day. They are so grateful that the P&F has given them many opportunities to have fun from Spring Fairs to Taverna nights. Priceless memories for me and they continue. Do yourself a favour come and join us you have so much to gain. Desma Spyridopoulos (Valentina Year 8, Sophia Year 6) I joined the P&F initially because I was curious and I loved that the P&F had helped purchase the smart boards in the classrooms (something that was mentioned during Kindy orientation). It turned out more rewarding than I expected. Firstly, my kids loved seeing me volunteer and felt special helping behind the scenes. Secondly the P&F is separate, but involved enough to make a difference at the school. But key to my continued involvement, is the connections with the members and those I make with other parents from other years at the events. I am always running in and out of the school, life is so rushed. The P&F has given me a reason to stop and be part of our school community more consciously. Leslie Paparsenos (Dimitri Year 6, Sophia Year 4) Moving to Australia was a big adjustment to my family and we are grateful that we found St Spyridon. The school and the community made us feel welcome and made our transition a lot easier. Originally, I joined the P&F to better understand the culture, and to have the opportunity to be part of my children’s life. What I didn’t expect was to find a place where I could do my part to make a broader difference to the lives of everyone in the St Spyridon community. Through the P&F I have made some strong friendships that will carry me through the rest of my life. On a final note, we hope we have provided some of you with some food for thought and welcome you to jump on board with us. Come along and join us in 2018, step away from a hectic life on occasion, and help our school community grow through our fundraising efforts for many years to come. The school is celebrating its 35th Anniversary next year, so it’s a wonderful milestone to be a part of! Every dollar raised by the P&F from our generous parents, YOU, goes back into our school and ultimately our children benefit, and generations to come. This is what a school community is all about. `For 2018, we place a call out to anybody who wishes to join to please come along! As mentioned before, you don’t have to help at every single function, and most cannot, so we all contribute where we can. Fresh ideas are always explored and welcomed so if you have some time, and many ideas, approach a current member for more information as the P&F will take shape for 2018!

Angela Kasmas (Secretary)







children really enjoyed the activities planned but more importantly the time to play and nurture their friendships across the year groups.

SCHOLARSHIPS Year 7 Applications are now invited from new and continuing students to sit for the following ACER Examination Scholarship:

The children demonstrated all those values that we speak about every day: decency, compassion, friendship and respect for God’s creation.

Year 6 (Year 7, 2019) A Year 6 Scholarship for the top Year 6 student applying for St Spyridon College will receive their tuition fees paid for four years from Year 7 to Year 10.

I remind all children to return their sponsorship forms and money by the 30th November to be in the running for the prizes. Please note the class prize will be awarded to the class who brings their money in first.

Year 10 (Year 11, 2019) Two scholarships for the two top Year 10 students will receive their tuition fees paid for two years.


Closing date for application is Monday, 5th February, 2018. ACER scholarship examinations will be held on Saturday, 24th February, 2018.

In readiness for the Sports Presentation Evening and the Academic Assembly, I ask all parents of students in Years 3 – 6 to check your child’s uniform and to replace any worn or old items.

You may register now online: follow the links to ACER Online Scholarship Application.



After much anticipation, the Infants are enjoying the new grassed playing area near the equipment. We thank Mrs Tsaconas, the Parish Executive Officer who oversaw the building works and for insisting on the highest possible safety.


Tuesday, 23rd January 2018 9 am to 4 pm Wednesday, 24th January 2018 9am to 4 pm

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Year 6 and their parents for hosting a most enjoyable School Dance last week. We thank Mr Papadakis for giving of his time to DJ for us.

Back to normal hours every Wednesday (not including school holidays) from Wednesday, 31st January 2018, hours 8.30 am to 10 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm.



Just a reminder that when you are travelling down Mary Hamer Lane, that you keep to the left to allow for any emergencies or residents to travel up or down the right.

Once again this year we were blessed with wonderful weather and we were able to enjoy the P& F Walkathon. I thank Mrs Bourdaniotis, her wonderful committee, the staff and all the parents who joined us to make this an enjoyable day.

Please note that Mary Hamer Lane and Doran St are one way for school traffic but two way for local residents. Your courtesy and consideration is appreciated. Please give residents the right of way.

It was an opportunity to stop and nurture our emotional, social and physical selves. The


KALANTA Last call for carol singers. If you are in Years 1 – 11 and are able to assist on the 12th, 13th or 14th of December, please contact the Junior School Office. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School


Wednesday, 22nd – Thursday, 7th December, 2017

The program is designed for the Year 10 students who be continuing their studies at St Spyridon College for Years 11 and 12. Students will attend workshops on managing the NESA paperwork, study skills, the literacy demands of the HSC, spiritual enlightenment and good works in the community, first aid and global connections. They will be introduced to their subjects for Year 11 and receive guidelines about their Year 11 Assessment.

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AND STUDENT LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY Years 3-12 On Thursday, 7th December, 2017 we will be rewarding students for their academic achievements as well as announcing the Student Leaders for 2017. This special assembly will take place in the Sports and Performing Arts Centre and will start promptly at 9.30a.m. and end at approx. 11.30a.m. Students receiving awards will be notified beforehand.

All parents and family are encouraged to attend. Please be seated by 9.15a.m. Students will be dismissed at the end of Assembly for the year.

HICES MATHEMATICS TOURNAMENT On Tuesday 14th November, four very enthusiastic Mathematics students attended the ‘HICES MATHEMATICS TOURNAMENT’, hosted by William Clark College in Kellyville. The day involved 24 schools who had to bring two Year 7’s and two Year 8’s. The tournament consisted of three main rounds of challenging questions – no calculators allowed;  Round 1 (The Group Contest): each school had 25 problem solving questions to solve in 45 minutes.  Round 2 (The Swiss Contest): a battle between two schools where students are shown a table of values for all values of x and only four values for y. Students needed to calculate the rest of the values of y by finding the rule.  Round 3 (The Relay): each school is given 20 questions for Year 7 and 20 different questions for Year 8. Year 7 and 8 are given their first question at the same time, however Year 7 need to answer first in order to receive their question 2. Only then, can Year 8 receive their question 2 and so on… It was a challenging and exciting day for our four students who were placed 14th out of the 24 schools. Congratulations to Alex Stamoulis, Haoyu Chen, Anastasia Gikas and Mihali Dovellos on their effort preparing for this tournament and their outstanding performance on the day. Thank you to Mr Mouhtaris for driving the students to and from the venue.

Students are to arrive at School and assemble in the courtyard no later than 8.45a.m. Students are to wear summer uniform and blazer.

Ms F. Kilias

6 Mathematics Department



On Sunday, 12th November at St Joseph’s College Hunters Hill, two groups from St Spyridon College competed in the Battle of the Bands.

…is extended to Ms R. Bishop, Librarian, on the recent death of her mother.

The calibre of music was very high this year with over 30 schools competing. Although we did not take a place in any of the categories, Damascus Economou in Year 7 received the Award for Most Promising Drummer.


May God rest her soul.

….to Mr S. Magoulias and his wife on the birth of their first child, a daughter Talia.

Congratulations to all students who competed on the day.

…and to Mrs D. Pavlakis and her husband on the birth of their first child, Elle.

May God shower them with His blessings. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School Ms C. Savva Music Department




μικρός και είναι πολύ πιθανόν να μου συμβεί κάτι κακό αν είμαι μόνος μου έξω.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με τα γραπτά δυο μαθητριών μας. Και οι δυο γράφτηκαν κάτω από συνθήκες διαγωνισμού (Year 11 Yearly Examination) και η μία είναι σχετική με την αυστηρότητα των γονιών ενώ η άλλη απαντάει σε κάποιο γράμμα που έχει πάρει από τη γιαγιά της στην Ελλάδα.

Δεν το καταλαβαίνω αυτό. Ό, τι και να τους πω και όσο και να διαμαρτύρομαι, πάντα με αγνοούν οι γονείς μου. Γιατί άραγε να μην μπορώ να είμαι κι εγώ σαν τα άλλα παιδιά, που πάνε όπου θέλουν και όποτε θέλουν; Ζητώ πολλά, λίγη ενθάρρυνση και ελευθερία ζητώ. Αισθάνομαι πως ποτέ δεν θα μπορέσω να είμαι ένας καλός γιος για τους γονείς μου… Πάντα κάτι αρνητικό έχουν να πουν για μένα… Είτε πως δεν έχω κάνει αρκετή δουλειά, είτε δεν είμαι αρκετά καλός στο μπάσκετ, είτε μιλάω πολύ, είτε δεν μιλάω αρκετά… και πάντα υπάρχει και μια τιμωρία!

Καλή ανάγνωση Κα Μ. Φαλέτα 13/11/17 Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο,

Μια μέρα όμως θα τους αποδείξω πως είμαι άξιος να έχω ελευθερία και θέλουν δεν θέλουν θα μου επιτρέπουν να βγαίνω με τους φίλους μου και να διασκεδάζω μαζί τους.

Έχω να σου γράψω για δυο μέρες τώρα γιατί ήμουν πολύ στενοχωρημένη με όλα αυτά που έχω περάσει με τους γονείς μου και ήθελα λίγο χρόνο να μαζέψω τις σκέψεις μου και να αποφασίσω τι θα κάνω…

Τέλος πάντων, θα τα ξαναπούμε αύριο, αγαπημένο μου ημερολόγιο γιατί πάω να κάνω μπάνιο πριν πάω για ύπνο. Καλά που έχω και σένα για να ανοίγω την καρδιά μου…

Όπως ξέρεις, οι γονείς μου είναι πάρα πολύ αυστηροί… και τώρα που χωρίζουν είναι και οι δυο ακόμα πιο «στριμμένοι» Εγώ πάντα προσπαθώ να τους κάνω χαρούμενους, αλλά, το χιούμορ μου ποτέ δεν με βγάζει σε κανένα καλό! Χθες, για παράδειγμα, έφαγα το ξύλο της ζωής μου! Εγώ απλά ήθελα να πάω στο Λούνα Παρκ με τον καλό μου φίλο τον Μάρκο, αλλά, η μαμά νευρίασε και με έβαλε τιμωρία να διαβάσω… εγώ πάλι δεν είχα καμία όρεξη κι έτσι έκανα ό, τι άλλο υπήρχε στον κόσμο εκτός απ’ το διάβασμα. Λοιπόν, σε κάποια φάση ήρθε η μαμά στο γραφείο μου να ελέγξει τι διάβαζα. «Τι κάνεις Νίκο μου;» «Μαμά, μελετώ πολύ σκληρά… για να μπορώ να βρω μια καλή εργασία αργότερα, που θα με πληρώνει πολύ καλά!» απάντησα. «Ναι, το βλέπω, με τα πόδια πάνω στο γραφείο, μην σκοτώνεσαι έτσι! Και για να έχουμε καλό ερώτημα τι διαβάζεις;» «Μμμμ… εεε… κάνω μια επανάληψη στα κάλαντα» της αστειεύτηκα. Εκεί λοιπόν, που πήγα να την κάνω να γελάσει λίγο, έφαγα πέντε ανάποδες κι έχει μπλαβίσει ο πισινός μου, δεν ξέρω πια αν είμαι για γέλια ή για κλάματα…

Νίκος Eleni Preketes Year 10 (Modern Greek Year 11) 13/11/17 Αγαπημένη μου γιαγιά, Χάρηκα τόσο πολύ που μου έστειλες γράμμα γιατί μου έχεις λείψει πάρα πολύ! Όμως, δεν θέλω να λες ότι στενοχωριέσαι που δεν σου γράφω. Θέλω να ξέρεις ότι δεν σε έχω ξεχάσει, αλλά, έχει πέσει πολλή δουλειά με το σχολείο και δεν έχω καθόλου ελεύθερο χρόνο. Ξέρεις πόσο πολύ μου αρέσει να βγαίνω έξω για καφέ, αλλά, τώρα τελευταία δεν έχω βγει επειδή συγκεντρώνομαι στα μαθήματά μου. Γιαγιά μου, σε σκέφτομαι πολλές φορές και θυμάμαι τα ωραία καλοκαίρια που τα περνούσα μαζί σου στο χωριό παίζοντας μέσα στην φιλόξενη αυλή σου. Πόσο μου λείπουν τα ζεστά καλοκαίρια της Ελλάδας, αχ να ήξερες πόσο!

Προχθές, ήθελα να πάω σε ένα πάρτυ και βέβαια ο μπαμπάς μου το απαγόρεψε! Πάντα μου λένε και οι δυο γονείς μου πως είμαι πολύ

Ένας άλλος λόγος που δεν σου έχω γράψει, είναι γιατί είχαμε στενοχωρεθεί όλοι μας επειδή έπρεπε να μπει ο πατέρας στο


νοσοκομείο για μια επέμβαση. Αυτό με έκανε να καταλάβω πόσο σημαντικός και σπουδαίος άνθρωπος είναι για μένα. Μην ανησυχείς όμως έγινε καλά ο μπαμπάς! Γιαγιά, είμαι πολύ ευτυχισμένη στην Αυστραλία γιατί μένουμε στο Σύδνεϋ που είναι μια πανέμορφη πόλη! Έχουμε αγοράσει κι ένα καινούριο σπίτι που είναι το σπίτι των ονείρων μας! Τι άλλο να ζητήσω από τη ζωή μου αφού το καινούριο μας σπίτι, μας τα έδωσε όλα, πολυτελές μπάνιο, ευρύχωρη κουζίνα, τεράστιες ντουλάπες και πισίνα!

για να σε δω και φυσικά να πάμε και για ψάρεμα με την βάρκα του παππού!Δώσε, σε παρακαλώ, άπειρα φιλάκια στους φίλους μου και στους γείτονες και φυσικά στον παππού! Περιμένω το επόμενο γράμμα σου.

Μένουμε στην περιοχή Μπράιτον, που είναι μόνο 15 λεπτά μακριά από το κέντρο του Σύδνεϋ και μόνο 5 λεπτά μακριά με τα πόδια, από τις καφετέριες της παραλίας. Γιαγιά, τον ξέρεις τον γιο σου, ξετρελάθηκε ακόμα περισσότερο που μπορεί να βρεθεί με τους φίλους του για έναν γρήγορο καφέ. Όμως έχουμε ένα μικρό πρόβλημα… Δεν χωνεύουμε με τίποτα τους γείτονές μας! Συνέχεια μας κάνουν παρατήρηση ότι γαυγίζει ο Κρίτων και ούτε μια καλησπέρα δεν μας λένε. Πολύ κρύοι και περίεργοι άνθρωποι είναι. Μας λείπουν πάρα πολύ οι γείτονες στο χωριό…


Με πολλή αγάπη Η εγγονή σου Δήμητρα Fereniki Ghelis Year 10 (Modern Greek Year 11)



REMEMBRANCE DAY The 11th November marks the armistice which ended the First World War (1914-1918). Each year on this day, Australians celebrate and commemorate all the soldiers who fought, suffered and died in conflict. Representatives from Year 11 and Year 10 attended the Maroubra RSL Remembrance Day celebrations at the memorial monument opposite The Juniors. Tiffany Tsoukalas, Leo Gouskos, Jennifer Contominas and Zac Prelec attended the memorial service and laid a wreath on behalf of our College during the proceedings. I had the honour of reciting the poem In Flander’s Fields, which was one of many poems and prayers recited during the service. Thank you to Mrs Dalakiaris and the students for their involvement in this important service. Lest we forget.

Τα σχολεία στην Αυστραλία είναι πολύ διαφορικά από τα σχολεία στην Ελλάδα. Λόγω του διαφορετικού ημισφαιρίου, τα σχολεία μας αρχίζουν το καλοκαίρι, δηλαδή, τον Φεβρουάριο και τελειώνουν τον Δεκέμβρη, που είναι κατακαλόκαιρο. Όλα τα μαθήματα γίνονται στα Αγγλικά, ακόμα και τα Ελληνικά και τα Αρχαία Ελληνικά τα διδασκόμαστε στα Αγγλικά. Επίσης είναι υποχρεωτική η στολή για αγόρια και κορίτσια στην πρωτοβάθμια και δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση, κάτι που δεν μου αρέσει καθόλου. Θα σε παραξενέψει ακόμα ότι τα παιδιά εδώ δεν δείχνουν καθόλου σεβασμό στους καθηγητές! Το καλό είναι ότι κάνουμε διακοπές κάθε τρείς μήνες για δυο – τρεις εβδομάδες και οι εισαγωγικές εξετάσεις είναι ευκολότερες από τις Πανελλήνιες εξετάσεις της Ελλάδας. Δεν το πιστεύω ότι έχασα τον γάμο της αδερφής του Ανδρέα! Θα ήθελα να ήμουν εκεί πάρα πολύ! Γιαγιά, δώσε σε παρακαλώ στους νεόνυμφους τις ευχές μου και πες τα περαστικά μου στον Σωτήρη. Είμαι σίγουρη ότι θα γίνει γρήγορα καλά. Ανυπομονώ να έρθω του χρόνου το καλοκαίρι στην Ελλάδα


room with courtesy and efficiency and helped raise a great deal of money for brain cancer research. St Spyridon College should be incredibly proud, as should their families.” Students involved include Florence Georges, Bianca Frazis, Christina Hatgis, Anastasia Hatzidis, Margarita Psaras, Joanna Skouteris, Victoria Tzavaras, Lefteri Valmas, Victoria Zois, Nathan Adam, Dean Albanakis, Harris Christofa, Felicity Ginis, Dayna Kostantakis, Chris Kumar, Eleni Mastroperos, Kalliopi Mentis and Rhea Tsimboukis. In addition, a special thank you to Ms Kokinelis who coordinated the students’ involvement and helped throughout the day.

Rhea Tsimboukis Year 11

THE WHITE PEARL BALL The Sydney Neuro-Oncology Groups (SNOG) White Pearl Ball took place last Saturday, 11th November. As our school regularly raises funds for the foundation, which is involved in brain tumor research, education and support, we sent our Year 11 Prefect Candidates to help out. Volunteering both during the day and at night, our support in setting up the ballroom and selling raffle tickets was much appreciated. During the day, students were required to help organize prizes, table settings and decorations. During the night, students were involved in the finishing touches, selling raffle tickets, and handing out both raffle prizes and silent auction purchases. As well as receiving many thanks from guests on the night, Suzane Peponis-Brisimis, the organizer and founder of the White Pearl Ball Fundraiser, also stated “My sincerest thanks to this fantastic group of young people working under a lot of pressure in a room of over 600 people. They moved around the


made positive comments about our volunteering effort and said they thought we were a very polite and charming group of students! After a quick dinner, provided generously by SNOG, the Prefects prepared the prizes for the silent auction, where guests would come and claim their prizes. This definitely kept us on our toes, but it was very rewarding knowing that the money raised was going to such an important cause. All the organisers were extremely thankful for our hard work on the night. Thank you to Anastasia Hatzidis, Christina Hatgis, Bianca Frazis, Margarita Psaras, Joanna Skourteris, Lefteri Valmas, Victoria Tzavaras, Florence Georges, Kalliopi Mentis, Dean Albanakis, Harris Christofa, Eleni Mastroperos, Christopher Kumar, Nathan Adam, Felicity Ginis and Dayna Kostantakis for their contribution on the night. A big thank you to Mrs Kokinelis for organising this opportunity and attending on the night!

Florence Georges Year 11





Last Saturday, the Prefect candidates from Year 11 had a wonderful opportunity to volunteer their time at the Sydney NeuroOncology Group’s (SNOG) White Pearl Ball to raise funds for brain cancer. The theme this year was ‘A Touch of Orange’, and the grand ballroom at the Westin Hotel in the city was beautifully and tastefully decorated with posies of orange roses and scented candles on every table. Preparations begun from 12pm. A group of 7 students set up the 60 tables and organised the raffles and the prizes for the silent auction, which included 150 prizes. It was chaotic and involved many trips to the loading dock, but the end result was spectacular! The next group of Prefects arrived at 5pm to finalise any lastminute touches and prepare to sell raffles on the night. Prefects were paired off and assigned a section of the room to sell raffle tickets to the guests. All Prefects did a fantastic job with the guests. Many of them

Rhea Tsimboukis Year 11





SCORE Loss 16-30 Loss 16-20 Loss 30-34 Loss 22-27 Won 30-14

ROUND 4 Basketball TEAM OPPONENT Open A Oxley Open B Chevalier Intermediate A Chevalier Oxley Junior B Oxley Junior C Oxley

SCORE Loss 20-22 Loss 16-20 Won 33-32 Won 25-18 Won 28-9 Won 42-4

BOYS SPORT ISA BASKETBALL – Round 3 Saturday 4th November Our Boys basketball teams enjoyed a good round of basketball with the U14, U15, U17 and Open Boys all enjoying wins against St Pius X College. The U13 team were not at their best, and their first home game for the school was one that they definitely will be working hard to improve the next time they play in front of their families and friends. After three rounds of the competition our U14, and Opens remain undefeated; this in itself is a wonderful achievement. Saturday 4th November was a memorable day with all the boys’ basketball teams attending to support the Opens. Thank you to all the parents and guardians for their support of our endeavours to create a pleasant atmosphere for our Open team and for their support in assisting the school in taking team photos. I will be endeavouring to pass on a team photo to each student from each team for their keepsake in the coming weeks. Results from Saturday 4th November U13 – Lost 17-23 U14 – Won 28-15 U15 –Won 28-18 U17- Won 35- 28 First V- Won 53 -23


concerns that the second competitive game of the season may well be a wash out. Yet despite the uncertainty the game went ahead and a memorable day it was for our First XI Cricket team. The team won the coin toss and elected to bat first. Christian Jenkins opened the batting for the school together with Brendan Borodyansky. Last week’s opening partnership between the pair did not replicate itself against this week’s opponents St Patricks College of Strathfield. Brendan was bowled out early, however, Christian remained focused and poised to post another very tidy innings with the bat. Spiros Zafiropoulos came in at 3 and batted well before falling at 29. Christian fell at 39 but perhaps the highlight in the batting came in the partnership between Nicholas Kollias and Charlie Christofides who put on a 60 run partnership to help steer the school’s total past 200 for the first time this season. An individual standout and first official half century goes to the in-form and passionate Steven Stamoulis who played some beautiful strokes to help him accrue a total of 54. Congratulations to Steven Stamoulis.

ISA BASKETBALL – Round 4 Saturday 11th November The boys’ basketball teams competed against St Patricks College in what were arguably difficult contests against formidable opponents. That said, all the teams were competitive with all contests decided by only a small number of points. Congratulations to the U14 and U17 boys who were both winners on the day. The 17s game was intriguing with the boys competing against a St Pats team that had yet to face defeat. Ultimately their defensive effort and resounding resilience resulted in a very valuable win away from home. The U14 boys continue to impress and their work ethic both at training and on game day has been very commendable.

With the ball all the boys pitched with excellent line and length, the fielding also improved from last week albeit some dropped catches. The St Patricks batting line up did not trouble our bowlers and the standout bowlers this week were easily Manny Giokas and Nicholas Kollias who both bagged 4 wickets each.

Results from Saturday 11th November U13 – Lost 32-15 U14 –Won 28-17 U15- lost 26-16 U17- Won 40 -36 First V – BYE

Match Highlights Batting S. Stamoulis 54 C. Jenkins 39 N. Kollias 31no C. Christofides 30no S. Zafiropoulos 29

ISA CRICKET – Round 3 Saturday 4th November An unpredictable weather forecast and consistent light early morning rain followed by extended periods of light rain heightened


Bowling C. Kollias 4/11 off 10 M. Giokas 4/21 off 10 G. Hatzidis 1/9 W. Georgas 0/17 off 8 overs

ISA CRICKET – Round 4 Saturday 11th November Saturday 11th November the Cricket team faced Chevalier College in a game the boys needed to win to give themselves a chance of making the semi-finals. After winning the toss, the boys elected to bat first. Having opened the batting last week Christian Jenkins and Brendan Borodyansky opened again. Chevalier opened their bowling with a medium pace bowler and spinner and opted to bring their pace attack much later in the innings. This worked a treat as Brendan was beaten and bowled by the flight of a beautiful bowled delivery. George Hatzidis entered the game earlier than expected and was elevated in the batting line up. George played a wonderful innings scoring a personal best high of 21. It is encouraging watching the growth of all the boys and George is definitely making the most of his training and time in the middle to strengthen his game.

Match Highlights Batting Bowling N. Kollias 40 C. Jenkins 3 for 38 off 7 C. Jenkins 28 N. Filacouridis 2 for 22 off 3 G. Hatzidis 21 C. Christofides 2 for 11 off 2 YEAR 10 PASS Class – Squash Term 3 and Rock Climbing Students of the Year 10 PASS class attended Sydney Rock Climbing Centre at St Peters to test their rock climbing skills and enjoy a sport/recreational pursuit that many of the students had not tried before. The day was a great success with all the students trying their luck at various rock climbing exercises with varying difficulty.

Unfortunately, the boys experienced a middle order batting collapse and with the boys at 680, Nicholas Kollias together with the tail end of the batting line up, managed to add another 60 vital runs to the total with Nicholas scoring 40 of these runs. Although a tough day for the boys, they rallied to post a total that they could defend and even win (140). The boys took to the field after lunch and from the outset it became obvious as the Chevalier boys did not have any intention of playing a tactical game, instead the Chevalier boys chose to pursue a quick finish to the game irrespective of the outcome. The Chevalier boys lashed out at anything short and even slightly wide. Our bowlers did very well to contain and stifle the onslaught with 6 for 93. It seemed possible that the boys might well take advantage of their lack of discipline with the bat, however the Chevalier boys batted intently until the very end, winning the game in the 28th over and in the process losing 8 wickets. It was a calculated risk that paid off for the Chevalier team.



The after school futsal tournament continues in week 6 and 7 of this Term with finals to be played in early week 8. Students are reminded to ensure that they check fixture times on the notice board as well as updated points table.

For the St Spyridon boys valuable lessons to be learnt with the bat yet in the field more positives with what was arguably the highlight of the day George Hatzidis one handed catch in the outfield while still back peddling in order to take the catch.


ISA Boys Basketball Round 5 Saturday 18th November@School SPACe v Blue Mountains Grammar ISA Boys Cricket Round 5 Saturday 18th November @ Coral Sea v Oxley College ISA Boys Basketball Round 6 Saturday 25th November @school Space v Oxley College (LAST ROUND FOR THE YEAR) ISA Boys Cricket Round 6 Saturday 25th November@Bathurst v The Scots College (LAST ROUND FOR THE YEAR) School Futsal Tournament Finals week 8 Monday and Tuesday Lunch in the SPACe Upcoming Sporting Events

Ms K. O’Shea – Girls Sport

Mr F. Kaldis – Boys Sport





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